#Duncan Quagmire art
ven10 · 1 month
A drawing of my favourite aspiring journalist! :) (Duncan Quagmire!) 🗞️
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themetallicnemesis · 1 year
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Some more asoue character doodles :]
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I wanted to draw the Quagmires slightly different than I usually do.
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cygninae · 5 months
Hi! 👋 Could you please do 20 and 23 for the Quagmire triplets for the character ask game? :)
Hi Ven ! Sure !!
20 (Weird headcanon)
i have literally SO many headcanons for Quigley but I'll try and hold back and only share a few. (I'll refer to Quigley with they pronouns because that is my headcanon !)
if they had been raised in the 2000s, would absolutely have thomas the tank engine or cars bedsheets. so embarrassing
couldn't take serious photos, always had to be pulling a face or doing bunny ears or something
tried to pierce their ears with a safety pin and lemon (did not go well.)
disastrous handwriting. Like incomprehensible.
gay awakening was Veronia Lake in I Married A Witch (dir. René Clair)
went through a goth phase (after discovering Mary Shelley and Edgar Allen Poe) where she attempted to dye all of her clothes black. They came out brown.
tried to pull a prank on Carmelita Spats by balancing a bucket of water on a doorframe and have her walk through, getting drenched. Forgot to let himself out of the room first and drenched himself.
obsessed with lava lamps
23 (Future headcanon)
felt so betrayed by Jacques leaving, that they completely turned away from VFD. Lost a lot of their love for cartography and it took a long time for it to come back. They began to prefer sketching landscapes and people they loved.
discovered David Bowie (this depends on your theory of when ASOUE is set) and he changed their life. Became obsessed with Ziggy Stardust and embraced gender fluidity through makeup, piercings, shiny clothes, etc. learnt to love themself :)
finally got that ear piercing they had botched when they were younger.
actually became really good friends with Fiona. She taught them that it was okay to view the world with more criticism. They got along and were actually really similar. Bickered a lot.
moved to a big city with Duncan and Isadora and got really into the world of music, art, freedom, self-expression. They probably joined a band at some point, no doubt.
in the big city, joined a sapphic society and made friends who loved poetry (and girls).
got her poetry published in the paper on multiple occasions, but anonymously. She wanted to spread the beauty of poetry without getting attention for it.
opened up to the idea of writing prose too, and learnt that she was really talented in that area, too, joining writing societies and book clubs and learning so much more about literature. it gave her the opportunity to express herself in more ways than one.
her and Klaus (if reunited) absolutely became an unstoppable best friend duo. They were practically unseperable, and he was in a lot of the same book clubs with her. He worked at one of their local libraries and let her sneak in the back to write in the staff room while he ate his lunch or read on his break.
aside from writing journalism, he actually got really into photojournalism. He loved the peace of the dark room and the process of developing photos. He got into the habit of photographing his friends and siblings to immortalise them and kept his favourite pictures in his shirt pocket.
got an internship at a newspaper (NOT the daily punctillio, lol) and had a niche in foreign correspondence, (with the rise in use of the telephone) and he made so many connections across the world. Learning about so many cultures gave him a sense of freedom after feeling so trapped post the death of his parents.
and a dunklaus headcanon, since I can't hold back: after he and Klaus started dating, he would very occasionally sneak coded messages into the newspaper, just sappy stuff saying he missed him and hoped he was having a great day :)
interviewed Lemony Snicket once without knowing it was him.
This was so much fun !! Thanks so much for asking :)
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croquel · 2 years
for the drawing reqs: maybe isadora duncan and quigley? those three are my favorite and violet x quigley is also my fav ship :D
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this one also took a while
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mfdunklaus · 3 years
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“klaus, how long will it take for it to cook?”
“not longer than five minutes”
“ooo! can i add an egg?”
“sure you can”
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amr102-art · 4 years
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Small journelist boy for 2020
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shit from my sketchbook
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pocketneophyte0 · 5 years
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Happy Duncan Day!
quick doodles to celebrate our lil journalist 🖊
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sketchingwithsofia · 5 years
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Little quick sketch of Duncan, feel free to write a suggestion of something to sketch, just for me to practice with!
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ven10 · 2 months
I love how unintentionally creepy the Quagmire triplets are :))
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The Quagmire-Baudelaire switch part 1 chapter 18
Why Duncan hates treehouses (and trees in general)
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badlydrawndrawnings · 2 years
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“In case anything goes wrong,” Duncan said, flipping to a page in his notebook, “like it did the last time, let me tell you—” 
Violet placed her finger on Duncan’s mouth. “Shush,” she said. “Nothing will go this time. I swear it.”
The Ersatz Elevator, Chapter Eight, page 147
Thinking what Sunny asked in The End and re-reading this Violet and Duncan’s interaction in TEE...while I personally think Duncan never had feelings for Violet in the romantic sense, the alternate where he does and keeps it to himself is something I can see him do.
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cygninae · 2 months
I was just stalking through all of my old WIPs, and so here's a comprehensive list (that no one asked for) of all the ASOUE fanfictions I scrapped:
A character study on Quigley Quagmire, focusing on his upbringing, him being a 'problem child', him being diagnosed with ADHD and depression, etc.
A character study on Quigley experimenting with gender roles: a sort of 5 + 1 thing of them coming to terms with gender non-conformity
A Quiglet oneshot of Violet doing Quigley's makeup.
A character study/Quigley-centric fic that focused on his insomnia and how he'd already discovered the tunnel system under their house from his late-nights wandering the mansion
A dunklaus fic where Duncan was covering a story about Klaus, a reclusive artist who gifted his art rather than selling it. Duncan gets a little too involved.
A dunklaus AU fic where Duncan took a job as the Baudelaire's gardener
A dunklaus + Quiglet + Beamony AU set in WW2
A Viodora fic that was just a collection of Isadora's poetry written across the time she got to know Violet
A dunklaus au where they were both university professors
Dunklaus fake-dating AU where they pretend to date to get Violet off Klaus' back about getting over Fiona and finding love again
A Quiglet one-shot character study from Quigley's POV, him moving on from Violet
A Dunklaus AU taking inspiration from Anne of Green Gables (1800s setting, academic rivals, accidentally starting VFD)
A dumb modern Quiglet AU where they meet at a concert, Violet realises Sunny has run off, and her and Quigley have to find her. They bicker a lot because they disagree on which album is their favourite artist's best one
A Dunklaus post-canon fic where Klaus becomes a famous author under a nom de plume and Duncan stumbles across one of his books that is about him
Quiglet post-canon fic where the Baudelaires find Quigley after he failed to save his siblings
(Actually finished, just never posted it because it's rubbish) Dunklaus sorta reincarnation oneshot where Duncan works in a museum and Klaus is an immortal being who consistently is his muse in every lifetime. One of Duncan's favourite marble statues in the gallery was actually created by him, for Klaus, hundreds of years before but he doesn't remember until he sees Klaus again
Dunklaus oneshot where the whole group attended an actual boarding school. No olaf or anything. Just a wintery plot-less thing
(Also finished, also too shit to post) Modern Dunklaus one shot where Duncan runs a record store with his siblings and Klaus comes in one day. Literally just everyone teasing the two for 6k words straight. (favourite excerpt: '“So, why didn’t you ask him out?” Isadora asked, probably aiming for casual, except the way she was leaning on the wall like she was posing for an 80s boy band poster, and the way her voice was just a bit too high pitched, meant she wasn’t being very convincing.
Duncan gave her a flat look. “I have had two conversations with him,” he said, turning back to the receipt he was marking and ignoring the look she was giving him, which solidly said stop being purposefully obtuse.'
Post-canon Violet-centric Quiglet one shot. Just Violet reminiscing and moving on
Dunklaus AU where the Baudelaires are exchange students from France to Prufrock Prep. Extremely angsty and absolutely nothing happy happens. Just wanted to exercise the French Baudelaires headcanon
(Alot of this one was already written) Dunklaus AU where they're partnered up for a VFD mission
Quiglet magical AU where Quigley is a magical creature that lives in the woodland behind Monty's house where Violet and Klaus move after they're orphaned
Dunklaus and Quiglet (but not the main focus) - AU where the Baudelaires leave with Lemony after the fire at Hotel Denouement and become increasingly morally grey. When they reunite with the Quagmires a year later, they're practically unrecognisable from what fighting both against and with VFD has done to them
Violet and Klaus character study on how they deal with their grief; there was a little bit of Viodora and Duncan and some funny antics. The only WIP on this list entirely in French. Never posted it because there would be no interest and it didn't have a plot particularly
I'm pretty sure there are more that I just can't find or deleted but yeah...God there's a lot. These span over several years of being obsessed with asoue and ships in the fandom that I fell in love with that had (and still have) a painful lack of attention online, so I made my own content
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limitlessshipping · 6 years
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I just need them reunited
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casperolly · 6 years
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what would you call triplets if one of them is dead?
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