#Fate Metal Alchemist
landoftheway · 4 months
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First time attending Katsucon this year and man were there some crazy good cosplayers.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Τα top 16 badass κορίτσια των manga και anime
Συνήθως στις δυτικές τα��νίες,σειρές και βιβλία δράσης,περιπέτεια οι άνδρες είναι οι Αρχηγοί,ανοίγουν τον δρόμο,μάχονται σαν λιοντάρια-οι γυναίκες κάθονται αβοήθητες,ζαρωμένες σε μια γωνία.
Είναι άραγε η σωστή σειρά αξιών;Επειδή στην Ιαπωνία,με αρχαίο Πολιτισμό και ιστορία,ευτυχώς δεν είναι έτσι.Τα manga(κόμικς της Ιαπωνίας),light novels,anime και videogames βρίσκεται το πρότυπο του όμορφου,μαχητικού κοριτσιού.Οτι μάχονται για την αλήθεια,δικαιοσύνη και την προστασία των αθώων από την ηθική και σωματική κακοποίηση.Δικαίως Badass.Και βεβαίως μαχητικά κορίτσια που ανήκουν στην πέρα πλευρά.
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16.Akame ga Kill
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Πως περιγράφεις επαρκώς μια μαχήτρια που παρατά την δολοπλόκα Αυτοκρατορία ,για να συμμετάσχει σε απελευθερωτική οργάνωση; Η παιδούλα Akame πουλήθηκε μαζί με την αδερφή της Kurome στην Αυτοκρατορία σε νεαρή ηλικία,γίνεται ένας από τους Elite Seven δολοφόνους υπό τον Gozuki. Παρά τη σοβαρή της στάση στη μάχη, δείχνει γνήσιο ενδιαφέρον για τους συντρόφους της.Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας αποστολής για την δολοφονία της πρώην στρατηγού Najenda, πείθεται από τον τελευταία να συμμετάσχει στο Night Raid και στην υπόθεση κατά της Αυτοκρατορίας. Αυτό ήταν το καθοριστικό Σημείο.Διότι πυροδοτεί έναν έντονο ανταγωνισμό μεταξύ του συναδέλφου δολοφόνου και της   αδερφής   Kurome, μαζί με την αμοιβαία επιθυμία να είναι ο ένας που θα βάλει τέλος στον άλλον.
Η Ακαμέ είναι επίσης πολύ Ισχυρή,είναι συγκρίσιμη με στρατηγούς στην Αυτοκρατορία. Είναι μια από τις πιο δυνατές της ομάδας Night Raid,κυρίως λόγω της εκπαίδευσής της από  παιδί. Επίσης ικανή στην μάχη σώμα με σώμα,όπως δε απίστευτα γρήγορη να αποφύγει πολλές θανατηφόρες επιθέσεις.Κατέχει το δεινό katana One-Cut Killer: Murasame γνωστός για την επικάλυψη με ένα εξαιρετικά θανατηφόρο δηλητήριο που θα μπορούσε να σκοτώσει όσους κόπηκαν από αυτό μέσα σε δευτερόλεπτα, καθώς το ίδιο το δηλητήριο δεν είχε αντίδοτο.
15.Shiki Ryugi -The Garden of Sinners(Kara no Kyoukai)
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Είναι ένα κορίτσι καταγόμενο από μια οικογένεια που επι αιώνες εξολοθρεύουν Κακοποιούς Δαίμονες. οταν παθαίνει ατύχημα τίθεται σε κόμα επί δύο χρόνια,μα όταν ξύπνησε ενεργοποιείται το Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, μια υπερφυσική ικανότητα που επιτρέπει στον χρήστη να δει την εγγενή θνησιμότητα των πάντων(τόσο ζωντανών όσο και μη) με τη μορφή γραμμών. Ταυτόχρονα εμπεριέχει 3 προσωπικότητες. Στην περίπτωσή της, όμως, αυτό που βλέπει είναι η Καταγωγή αυτού που παρατηρεί. Βοηθά την υπηρεσία Garan no Do(που διευθύνεται από τον φίλο της Mikiya Kokutou και τον μάγο Touko Aozaki)στον χειρισμό παραφυσικών υποθέσεων όταν απαιτείται μάχη.Εχει αποδείξει επίσης ότι είναι Απτόητη,Υπερεπαρκής μαχήτρια,με απίστευτη ευλυγισία και ταχύτητα εκτελώντας παρκούρ από πύργο σε πύργο. Αρχων είτε της ένοπλης μάχης είτε άοπλης!
14.Vladilena Milize-Eighty Six
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Η Vladilena είναι ένα υπέροχο κορίτσι, με ισχυρή διοικητική ικανότητα. Είναι ταπεινή και πάντα φιλική προς τους στρατιώτες της. Έχει μια μοναδική τεχνική ικανότητα να αντιμετωπίζει τις λεγεώνες. Πάντα έπαιρνε πιο σοβαρά τον ρόλο της χειριστριας . Είναι επίσης μια από τις λίγες που σηκώνονται και αγωνίζονται, τροφοδοτούμενη από τα ιδανικά της. Και βρήκε την ευκαιρία,τιμήθηκε να συνεργαστεί με τον Undertaker και την υπόλοιπη Spearhead Squadron,την ελίτ των μαχητών  εκ των 86. Η Λένα φτασς ένα τους εξοικειώσει και να τους συμπεριφερθεί με όσο το δυνατόν σεβασμό, μαθαίνοντας τα ονόματά τους, ακούγοντας τις ιστορίες τους και επικοινωνώντας μαζί τους. Έμαθε ακόμη και από το λάθος ότι αγνοούσε να ρωτούσε τα αληθινά τους ονόματα,έτσι μάζεψε την ισχύν να τους το ζητήσει. Είναι αδάμαστη, αδιάβροχη. Όταν κάποιος της λέει ότι πρέπει να αποσυρθεί, παλεύει πιο σκληρά. Όταν κάποιος της λέει να κάνει συμβιβασμούς, παλεύει πιο σκληρά. Είναι η πραγματική ενσάρκωση όλων των ιδανικών της San magnolia:Ελευθερία,Ισότητα,Αδελφότητα,Δικαιοσύνη και Ευγένεια.
 13.Erza Scarlet-fairy Tail
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Η Erza Scarlet είχε μια σκληρή παιδική ηλικία, αλλά μόλις έγινε δεκτή στη συντεχνία Fairy Tail, η πραγματική της ισχύς και τα ταλέντα της άνθισαν,τώρα είναι μια πραγματική δύναμη στη μάχη. Καυχιέται για απίστευτη δύναμη,αντοχή, τόσο σε σπαθιά όσο και σε στολές πανοπλίας, για να μην αναφέρουμε με αδάμαστη θέληση και απόλυτη πίστη σε όλους τους φίλους της. Αυτά δεν είναι τα μόνα πράγματα που την κάνουν εξαιρετική. Είναι θηλυκή, ντύνεται με πολύ θηλυκά ρούχα και της αρέσει να δείχνει χαριτωμένη. Ενδιαφέρεται επίσης πολύ για τα γλυκά και της αρέσει να τρώει κέικ φράουλας, της αρέσει να πίνει ποτό. Και η βαλίτσα της είναι γεμάτη φαγητά και υλικά μαγειρικής. Επιπλέον, ένα ζωτικό πρόσωπο είναι ο αγαπημένος της Jellal Fernandes. Ένα αγόρι(από τις ίδιες φυλακές με τους Erja και Natsu),που απαλλάχθηκε από την πλύση εγκεφάλου,έλαβε τη συμβουλή της Erza να συνεχίσει να ζει ότι μέσα από τη ζωή, μπορεί να βρει έναν τρόπο να επανορθώσει για τις προηγούμενες φρικτές πράξεις του (συζήτηση για μια σοφή συμβουλή από την μαχήτρια Erza).
12.Kikyo Inuyasha
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Η Kikyo είναι δυστυχώς η πιο παρεξηγημένη χαρακτήρας σε manga/anime ,που είναι μισητή στα μάτια δυτικών θεατών.
Ηταν μια πανίσχυρη Ιαπωνέζα  ιέρεια,άριστη τοξοβόλος και φύλακας του Κοσμήματος Shikon.Εξολόθρευε κάθε yokai που επιχειρούσε να το κλέψει. Ομως έτσι βρέθηκε πια με τέτοιο αβασταχτο καθήκον να είναι συνεχώς σε επαγρύπνηση,να μην βρεί ποτέ την Αγάπη.Ερωτεύτηκε τον hanyo Inuyasha,του μίλησε ζεστά και του πρότεινε με την χρήση επιθυμίας του Shikon να εξανθρωπιστεί.Οπότε οι δύο θα μπορούσαν να ζήσουν μαζί,να γίνουν οικογένεια. Συμφώνησαν στο σχέδιο. Ομως στην ημέρα της συνάντησης  τραυματίστηκε θανάσιμα,εξαπατήθηκε από τον Naraku, η Kikyō τoν  Inuyasha στο Ιερό Δέντρο με ένα βέλος σφράγισης και θυσίασε τη ζωή της για να εμποδίσει το κόσμημα να γίνει εργαλείο σε χέρια  κακών.
Λίγο αφότου το κόσμημα επέστρεψε στη φεουδαρχική εποχή,η Kikyō αναστήθηκε από την Ogress Urasue. Αφού έμαθε ότι ο Naraku( ο πρώην Onigumo)είναι ο ένοχος και του θανάτου της, αποφάσισε να τον καταστρέψει και να καθαρίσει το Κόσμημα Shikon.
 Στην πορεία έλαμψε ο γνωστός της χαρακτήρας:Λεπτή,κομψή και συμπονετική.Γι’αυτό παρείχε Θεραπεία στον Saint Hakushin,στον Kohaku επίσης.Επίσης θεράπευσε τον Miroku από το θανάσιμο μίασμα του Naraku,επίσης έσωσε την Rin από τα νύχια του αιμοβόρου Suikotsu. Έδωσε επίσης στην Kagome το τέλειο βέλος(από τις στάχτες του σπηλαίου του Onigumo)για να σκοτώσει τον Naraku(στην κατάλληλη ώρα). Θα περνούσε ένα «τέρας» από ιδιοτέλεια μέσα σε τόσες πολλές περιπέτειες ; Ευτυχώς η ιέρεια απέδειξε την Συμπόνοια και Ανιδιοτέλεια της:)
11.Mikasa Ackerman-Attack On Titan
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Η δολοφονία των γονιών της δεν την πτόησε ποτέ. Αναδείχθηκε μια άθραυστη γυναίκα, είναι τόσο ικανώτατη μαχήτρια,μπορεί να σκοτώσει τόσους πολλούς τιτάνες με ευκολία,επίσης είναι τόσο οικεία.Μετά την αποφοίτησή της και των συντρόφων της στο 104ο Σώμα Δόκιμων, ο Κολοσσαίος Τιτάνας εμφανίστηκε στην περιοχή Τροστ και γκρέμισε τον τοίχο. Μια ομάδα Τιτάνων άρχισε να σκοτώνει ανθρώπους και οι νεότεροι νεοσύλλεκτοι στο στρατό έπρεπε να πολεμήσουν για τη ζωή τους προτού καν αποφασίσουν σε ποιο κλάδο θα ενταχθούν.
 Όπως ανέφερε ένας στρατιώτης η Mikasa ισοδυναμεί με 100 στρατιώτες. Η ίδια ήταν ένας από τους πιο εξυπηρετικούς στρατιώτες σε αυτόν τον αγώνα, φροντίζοντας οι πολίτες να φτάσουν στην ασφάλεια και οδηγώντας τους συντρόφους της αφού κάθε ελπίδα φαινόταν χαμένη. Χωρίς τη βοήθειά της, η έκβαση αυτής της μάχης θα ήταν πολύ χειρότερη.
Υπάρχουν πολλά περισσότερα γι'αυτήν: Είναι τόσο πιστή στον Έρεν. Η ειλικρίνεια των συναισθημάτων της είναι ένα σοβαρό καλό χαρακτηριστικό της,είναι ένας από τους πρώτους ανθρώπους που θα πει στα ίσια την γνώμη της(δεν κομπλάρει να τα πεί),δεν θα κάνει πίσω.
10.Yonsa, Balsa – Seirei no Moribito (Moribito – The Guardian of the Spirit)
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H Balsa είναι μια πρόωρη γυναίκα πολεμίστρια μετατράπηκε σε σοβαρή σωματοφύλακα. Αποδέχτηκε την εργασία να προστατεύσει τον νεαρό πρίγκιπα Τσάγκουμ, ένα ευγενικό μέλος της βασιλικής οικογένειας που φέρονταν ότι «κατέχεται από ένα κακό πνεύμα νερού»,έκτοτε στοχοποιήθηκε για δολοφονία από τον ίδιο του τον πατέρα (τον Αυτοκράτορα). Αρνείται να σκοτώσει, γιατί εργάζεται αποφασιστικά για να αναπληρώσει 8 νεκρούς, έναν όρκο να σώσει τον ίδιο αριθμό ζωών που είχε αφαιρέσει ο κηδεμόνας της,Jiguro,για την προστασία της. Έξυπνη, με την ισχυρή αίσθηση ότι ένας ήρωας μπορεί να είναι οποιοσδήποτε σε ένα χώρο δράσης για να βοηθήσει αθώους χωρίς προσωπικό όφελος.
9.Victoria, Seras – Hellsing Ultimate
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Η Σέρας είναι μια γυναίκα  Hellsing με ισχυρή θέληση, και προφανώς ήταν πάντα από την παιδική της ηλικία, κάτι που επιβεβαιώνεται από τις αναδρομές της. Ο Seras θεωρείται συχνά αγοροκόριτσο.Μια πολύ γενναία, ισχυρή και ηρωική νεαρή γυναίκα που συχνά απορρίπτει τις εντολές του κυρίου της που διασταυρώνονται με τις προσωπικές της πεποιθήσεις. Σε μια απέλπιδα προσπάθεια να σώσει τον Alucard, προσπαθεί να εμποδίσει τη ξιφολόγχη του Anderson να χτυπήσει την καρδιά του Alucard, κάτι που θα σκότωνε εντελώς τον Alucard.
 8.Chane la forett- Baccano
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H Chane ήταν ό,τι πιο κοντινό σε πολεμική μηχανή. Ειδικεύεται στα μαχαίρια και είναι μια από τις πιο ικανές μαχητές της σειράς. ‘Αξια ν’αντισταθεί  σε ισχυρούς μαχητές όπως ο Ladd Russo,ο Graham Specter και η Maria Barcelito. Είναι αθλητική και ανάλαφρη στα πόδια της, όπως αποδεικνύεται όταν αγωνίζεται πάνω σε ένα τρένο με ταχύτητα. Οι ίδιες μάχες μαρτυρούν επίσης τη δύναμή της: δεν πτοείται όταν εκτρέπει κατά λάθος μια σφαίρα με τη λεπίδα της, και όταν ο Λαντ την κλωτσάει από το τρένο, είναι σε θέση να ανέβει γρήγορα μόνο με τη δύναμη του βραχίονα.Ακολούθησε τις εντολές χωρίς δισταγμό και δεν έδειχνε κανένα συναίσθημα ή αίσθημα προς τους άλλους. Ωστόσο, μετά την εξέλιξη των γεγονότων στο Flying Pussyfoot, υπέστη πολλές αλλαγές. Κάτι που φαίνεται ξεκάθαρα βλέποντας τον φίλο της τζακούζι και τη Νίκαια, αλλά και βλέποντάς την ερωτευμένη με τον Κλερ.
7.Touka Kirishima-Tokyo Ghoul
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Οι νέοι βασικοί χαρακτήρες έχουν συχνά στιγμές ενηλικίωσης, μερικές από τις οποίες είναι πιο τραυματικές από άλλες. Όταν η Ghoul Touka είναι μικρή, ο πατέρας της σκοτώνεται και η οικογένειά της διαλύεται.Γι’αυτό νοιώθει πραγματικό μίσος για τους ανθρώπους, που πιστεύει ότι ευθύνονται για τον θάνατο του πατέρα της.¨Όμως η αποφασιστικότητα και η δύναμή της, καθώς και η σκληρότητά της, πηγάζουν από τον φόβο να χάσει άλλους ανθρώπους που αγαπά,ειδικά τον Kaneki στον οποίο καιρό με τον καιρό ζεσταίνει. Έχοντας αυτή την καθοριστική στιγμή, η Touka είναι μια γερή υποψήφια μαχήτρια. Η ίδια και ο Kaneki έχουν πολύ καλή χημεία μαζί.
6.Saber – Fate/Zero
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Η μεσαιωνική βασιλιάς  της βρετανίας Artoria Pendragon έγινε Servant,ώστε να αποκτούσε το Holy Grail στην διάρκεια των Holy Grail Wars. Δεν ακολουθεί τυφλά τις εντολές, συχνά αμφισβητεί τις βιαστικές και ακραίες αποφάσεις του Kiritsugu Emiya . Επιπλέον, φροντίζει ευθέως να το λέει στον Shirou ότι οι επιλογές που κάνει δεν θα είναι το καλλίτερο για αυτούς,ή όταν πιστεύει ότι θα κινδυνέψει κάνοντας κάτι. Το να είναι ειλικρινείς μαζί του είναι ένας πολύ καλός τρόπος για να τον κρατήσει ασφαλή. Είναι επίσης ένας λαμπρή στρατηγός στη μάχη,αυτό αποκαλύπτεται όταν αναλύει τον Lancer στον πρώτο της αγώνα του Zero. Ενώ ήταν Βασιλιάς ένιωθε προσωπικά υπεύθυνη για τη μοίρα του Βασιλείου της, και μετά την πτώση του ένιωθε ότι ήταν δικό της λάθος, που την οδήγησε στο να γίνει τελικά Servant. 
 5.Amira – Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut:Genesis)
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Η Āmira είναι ένα κορίτσι μισό δαίμονας/μισό άγγελος,φανερώνεται ότι κατέχει το μισό κλειδί των θεών (που μπορεί να απελευθερώσει τον φρικτό δράκο). Σκοντάφτοντας πάνω στους αντίπαλους κυνηγούς επικηρυγμένων Favaro Leone και Kaisar Lidfard, το τρίο σύντομα εμπλακεί σε μια επική σύγκρουση μεταξύ μυθολογικών φυλών. Είναι κορίτσι με εξαιρετική ευγένεια,τόσο με διάνοια όσο και αποφασιστικότητα να σώσει τον κόσμο από τις κακές δυνάμεις. 4.Riza Hawkeye- Full Metal Alchemist
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Η  Riza είναι η προσωπική βοηθός και σωματοφύλακας του συνταγματάρχη Roy Mustang. Μια ειδικός αιχμηρή σκοπευτής και πυροβόλων όπλων,η υπολοχαγός Hawkeye είναι ένα ανεκτίμητο πλεονέκτημα για τον Συνταγματάρχη τόσο στο γραφείο όσο και στο πεδίο της μάχης,λειτουργεί ως η πλησιέστερη και πιο υποστηρικτική υφιστάμενη του.
Ήταν επίσης αυτή που τράβηξε τον Ρόι από την απεχθή επιθυμία του να σφάξει έναν ανίσχυρο Envy . Χωρίς την καλή καρδιά και το επίπεδο κεφάλι της Ρίζα, ο Ρόι σχεδόν σίγουρα θα είχε πέσει σε ένα πολύ σκοτεινό μέρος! Είναι πανούργα(δεν πρέπει να προκαλεί έκπληξη) δεδομένου του πόσο ο Ρόι την εμπιστεύεται και τη σέβεται βαθιά ως Υπολοχαγό του. Και όταν ο Pride παρακολουθεί από τις σκιές,η Hawkeye χρησιμοποίησε έναν κωδικό για να στείλει στον Roy ένα ζωτικό μήνυμα: «SELIM BRADLEY IS HOMUNCULUS». Ο Ρόι κατάλαβε αμέσως. Όταν ήλθε αντιμέτωπη με τον Gluttony,απλά αρχίσε να πυροβολεί ασταμάτητα.Τι μαχητρια!
Oταν η Envy πήρε τη μορφή του Roy,η Hawkeye τον σημάδεψε με το όπλο,ευθύς τον ξεγέλασε λέγοντας πώς ο Roy την αποκαλεί "Riza" αντί "Υπολοχαγό" όταν είναι μόνοι. Αυτός ο ισχυρισμός ήταν ψευδής, αλλά η Hawkeye χρειαζόταν μόνο τον Envy το πιστέψει, έγινε. Η μεταμφίεση έπεσε!Η
3.San – Princess Mononoke
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Η San(Princess Mononoke)είναι ένα κορίτσι που οι δειλοί γονείς το πέταξαν στη θεά-λύκαινα Moro για να γλιτώσουν.Η Moro την μεγάλωσε μαζί με τα παιδιά της,γι’αυτόν τον λόγο η San έμαθε να μισεί τους ανθρώπους και να είναι ένας λύκος μαζί με τα ‘αδέρφια’ της.Μισεί ιδιαιτέρως όσους μένουν στο Iron Town και εκμεταλλεύονται εγωιστικά το δάσος της.Στη μάχη εναντίον των ανθρώπων,έδειξε αδαμάντινη αποφαστικότητα και ηγετική ικανότητα.Η San από αγρίμι ‘μαλακώνει’ απέναντι στον εξόριστο πρίγκηπα,πολεμιστή Ashitaka και τον αποδέχεται, παρ'ότι είναι άνθρωπος. Είναι έξυπνη,παρατηρητική και δυναμική.Δεν χρειάζεται κανέναν για υπερασπιστή,δεν αλλάζει τα πιστεύω της, πολεμάει για να σώσει αυτά που αγαπάει,ακόμη και αν θα πεθάνει.
2.Pandora – Saint Seiya: Lost Canvas
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Η Πανδώρα είναι μια ενδιαφέρουσα κοπέλα ,οξυδερκής,αφοσιωμένη στον αδερφό της Άδη. Τον υποστηρίζει στα σχέδιά του,θα κάνει ό,τι χρειαστεί.Τόσο δραματική προς τα πνέύματα,όσο  και στην σύγκρουση μπορεί να νικήσει χρησιμοποιώντας την τρίαινα. Ικανή να εκτοξεύει ριπές ενέργειας αρκετά ισχυρές για να σπάσει μια Χρυσή Πανοπλία και να δημιουργήσει εκρήξεις του να αποτρέψουν την επίθεση ενός θεού. Αλλά κυρίως, το κύριο όπλο της είναι η άρπα, της οποίας η μουσική είναι ικανή να βασανίσει όποιον άτυχο την ακούει, έχει επίσης ένα δαχτυλίδι που υλοποιεί τα φίδια να κρατούν τους αντιπάλους της. Όταν αναγκάζεται να δραπετεύσει, η ταχύτητά της είναι σχεδόν συγκρίσιμη με αυτή του Λέοντα, τηλεμεταφέρεται με την ταχύτητα του φωτός οπουδήποτε θέλει.
1.Revy – Black Lagoon
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Revy Two Hands. Τόσο ικανή πιστολέρο,μια πολεμική μηχανή,που πυροβολεί και με τα δύο χέρια!Έχει ενδιαφέρουσες, μοναδικές σχέσεις με πολλούς άλλους χαρακτήρες της σειράς.
Έχει ένα τραγικό (και σε σοβαρό βαθμό καλυμμένο με μυστήριο)παρελθόν, το οποίο διαμόρφωσε την σημερινή της προσωπικότητα. Ξεκίνησε στην Αμερική,η αδιαφορία,η φτώχεια και η κακοποίηση ήταν όλα όσα βρήκε.Ηταν Κινέζα Αμερικανίδα που έκλεβε για να ζήσει.Ετσι οδηγήθηκε να γίνει άθεη και να έχει πρόβλημα με την εμπιστοσύνη στους άλλους. Είναι επίσης ένα μυστήριο ποιος της δίδαξε τέτοια ποικιλία στα όπλα και άλλες δεξιότητες. Ο κ. Chang είναι περιστασιακός εργοδότης της,ουδέποτέ ήταν εκπαιδευτής της.
Η ίδια και ο Ροκ είχαν αρχικά μια δύσκολη σχέση. Ωστόσο, κατά τη διάρκεια της σειράς ζεσταίνει η μια προς τον άλλον.ως συνεργάτες και φίλοι, με τον Rock να βοηθά να εξισορροπηθεί η καυτή, παρορμητική και βίαιη προσωπικότητα της Revy. Η Revy τον βοηθά να αποκτήσει την απαραίτητη αποφασιστικότητα για να επιβιώσει στην πόλη που ζουν.Δηλαδή η Revy αποδεικνύεται και tsundere.
ΥΓ:Ολη την έμπνευση για την πλούσια ανάρτηση την οφείλω σε ένα σπάνιο,άξιο και χαρισματικό κορίτσι,την Μαρία Πατίλα.Κορίτσι από την Θεσσαλονίκη.
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warrior-of-z · 2 years
MUs for the Smith Syndicate/Killer7
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Garcian Smith vs. Twice (My Hero Academia):
Criminals from a shadowy organization (Smith Syndicate/League of Villains) with split personalities and and identity crisis who's power allows them to duplicate human consciousness.
KAEDE Smith vs. Tulip O'Hare (Preacher):
Two women who once bacame hitmen (hitwomen?) who help to fight supernatural beings and at one point were killed and then resurrected.
Mask de Smith vs. El Diablo (M*F*K*Z):
Two masked lucha libre wrestlers from secret teams (Smith Syndicate/Lucha Ultima) who's mission is to hunt down inhuman monsters who want to feed on humanity and can copy their appearance (Heaven Smiles/Machos).
Kevin Smith vs. Vamp (Metal Gear Solid):
Two assassins who are apart of specialized teams (Killer7/Dead Cell) who have supernatural abilities and wield both one combat knife and multiple throwing knives. Another specific connection is that they are both being LGBTQ+ (Vamp is bisexual and I'm Kevin's backstory it's said he had to kill the man he loved)
Harmon Smith vs. Father (Fullmetal Alchemist):
Two men who have been around for centuries who created and lead a mysterious group of seven individuals who used to be human (The Killer7/Seven Homunculi).
Coyote Smith vs. Ramiro Cruz (Total Overdose):
Two Hispanic criminals that work with the government and who have been known to be extremely violent. They also both shown to be surprisingly acrobatic (Coyote can leap extremely high to access certain points while Ram can backflip off walls for slow-mo shooting)
Con Smith vs. The Scout:
Two fast, arrogant, and immature members of a team of killers who briefly died and were resurrected by extremely old guys who are at war with each other.
Dan Smith vs. Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate):
Two suit wearing, gun wielding anti-heroes who don't express much emotion while they fight and hunt down supernatural beings with ruthless efficiency. They also both have almost opposite ideologies with Kiritsugu wanting the violence in his world to end while Dan loves to fight and almost shows indifference to the horrors of the world.
"In the name of Harman..."
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I was going to make a joke but the more I do research for the joke, the more likely it can actually work as a serious idea.
So now I have am doing worldbuilding for an Assassin's Creed / Harry Potter crossover wip. But one specifically set during either the Third Crusade for one idea or the Renaissance for another. Might do both anyway.
I am angry about this even as I'm working on this concept.
If I want to be funny I could also dip into Full Metal Alchemist and Fate/ (Typemoon) for some stuff in the Renaissance era too.
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
First up
The A bracket (finished)
Battle 1-16
(most submissions in form 1 and most submissions in form b)
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Starts Friday the 9th of June. 5pm CET. The brackets will be posted between the 9-10th of June.
Side A, 9th of June. 5pm to 8pm cet
Raphael Hamato (rise of the TMNT) vs Totoro (my neighbor Totoro)
Heavy (team fortress 2) vs Big Friendly Giant (BFG)
King Dedede (Kirby) vs Scorpia (She-ra)
Bismuth (Steven universe) vs Susan Murphy (monsters vs aliens)
Fezzik (the princess bride) vs Dick Gumshoe (ace attorney)
Master Chief (halo) vs Bumblebee (bumblebee)
Big Macintosh (my little pony: friendship is magic) vs Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
The titan (the owl house) vs Tyson (Percy Jackson)
Side B, 10th of June, 5pm to 8pm CET
Ivan Bruel (miraculous ladybug) vs Asahi Azumane (haikyuu)
Takeo Goda (ore monogatari) vs Caduceus Clay (critical role)
Milly Thompson (tri-gun) vs Sandy (Lego monkie kid)
Jaguar D. Saul vs Jean Bart (one piece)
Komamura (bleach) vs William Ellis (identity v)
Beelzebub (obey me) vs Kazanari Genjuurou (symphogear)
Senri (plus anima) vs Murakumo (rune factory 5)
Holly (super lesbian animal rpg) vs Brutus Feels (Kane and feels)
The B bracket (finished)
Battles 17-32
Characters who have returned from the spring bracket and from fandoms I’ve personally interacted with. So the spring bracket but we blacklisted big man
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Date: Tuesday 13/6 to Wednesday 14/6, between 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A (Tuesday)
The iron giant vs Baymax (big hero 6)
Gonta gokuhara (danganronpa) vs Jonathan Joestar (JoJo’s bizarre adventure)
Dj (total drama) vs Yasutora “Chad” Sado (bleach
Muriel (the arcana) vs Jasmine (total drama)
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs aaarrrgghh (trollhunters)
Klaus Von Reinherz (kekkai sensen) vs Asterios (fate grand order)
Hunk (Voltron) vs Gooliope Jellington (monster high)
Dragonite (Pokémon) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale)
Side B (Wednesday)
Alphonse Elric vs Major Lewis Armstrong (full metal alchemist)
Urbosa (legend of Zelda) vs Glamrock Freddy (five nights at Freddy’s)
Milla Vodello vs Helmut Fullbear (psychonauts)
Dedue Molinaro vs Raphael Kirsten (fire emblem: three houses)
Winston vs B.O.B (overwatch)
Kanji Tatsumi (persona) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters)
Mordecai vs Muarim (fire emblem: gay rights path of radiance/radiant dawn)
Minsc & Boo (baldur’s gate) vs Big the cat (sonic the hedgehog)
C BRACKET (ongoing)
Battles 33-48
Those who fell in between the A and the D bracket. So this one has some pretty chaotic matchups
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Date: Sunday the 18th to Monday the 19th, 5pm to 8pm cet
A bracket: Sunday
Nicholas St North (rise of the guardians) vs Grear Danes (irl)
Falkor the good luck dragon (the never ending story) vs Susan Strong (adventure time)
Grandpa Max (Ben 10) vs Cerberus (Greek mythology)
Kiryu Kazuma (yakuza) vs Dr Joshua Strongbear Sweet (Atlantis)
Fatgum (my hero academia) vs Takashi Morinozuka (ouran highschool host club)
Will Powers (ace attorney) vs Luther (Detroit: become human)
The Tick (the tick 1994) vs Evan Buck Buckley (911 on fox)
Riki Nendou (saiki k) vs Hearts Boxcars (homestuck)
Side B (Monday)
Shirahoshi vs Tony Tony Chopper (one piece)
Jetfire/skyfire (transformers) vs Indus Tarbella (epithet erased)
Sisyphus (hades) Vs Grog Strongjaw (critical role)
Hugo the abominable snowman (looney tunes) vs Aone Takanobu (Haikyuu)
Android 16 (dragon ball) vs Tiny (ever after high)
Wrecker (Star Wars: the bad batch) vs K (virtues last reward)
Goldlewis Dickinson vs Potemkin (guilty gear)
Yasha Nydoorin (critical role) vs Lily Bowen (fall out)
Battles 49-64
Aka the one where the contestants sadly got the least amount of votes)
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Date: Thursday 22/6th to Friday 23/6th 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A: Thursday
lain chu (dragon hunters) vs Panda (tekken)
Isaroth (genshin impact) vs Bizarro (DC red hood and the outlaws)
Jienji (Inuyasha) vs Jackie Wells (cyberpunk 2077)
Looks to the moon (rain world) vs Jogu (naruto)
Bane Perez (identify V) vs Zinnia (super lesbian animal rpg)
Vulkanon (rune factory 4) vs Argus (Greek mythology)
Mountain (ark knights) vs Taiga Saejima (yakuza)
Abbi (Omori) vs Gorem (bakugan)
SIDE B: Friday
Junko (storm hawks) vs Hajin (monstress)
Gylph (super lesbian animal RPG) vs Bongchun (Bongchun bride)
Fitz Fellow (detective grimoire) vs Bubbles (questionable content)
Dubo (omega strikers) vs Bob the titan (Percy Jackson)
Otto the giant water dog (wondla) vs Kurita Ryoukan (Eyeshield 21)
Mele the Horizons Roar (ishura) vs Gentle Bear (dog island)
The Selfish Giant vs Banjo Lilywhile (the hogfather)
Livio the double fang (trigun) vs Hank McCoy (x-men)
I will make propaganda master posts and if you want to add, just use the ask box or dm me with propaganda for one of the characters who’s going to participate. But that’s all!
May the best gentle giant WIN!
27/6, apricot bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
29/2, shavedown of the apricot bracket
The battle
1/7, blueberry bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
3/7, shavedown
The battle
4/7, citron bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
5/7, shavedown
7/7, durian bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
8/7, shavedown
The (un)official GGSmod messed up someone’s name post
The crime list
Ask game
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eviltransswag · 11 months
Evil Trans Swag Competitor List
I'm not posting a bracket because I'm still making it and it's by hand, but here are the characters who are going to be in the tournament! The match-ups will be randomly generated and there are 64 characters. The polls will last a week. Alright enough of that here is the list (in alphabetical order bc yeah)
Thanks everyone for submissions and the voter fraud!!
Akaza (Demon Slayer)
Akechi Goro (Persona 5)
Alexis Meade (Ugly Betty)
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl series)
Ashiok (Magic the Gathering)
Beatrice (Umineko: When They Cry)
Bloodraven (Tales of Dunk and Egg)
Buggy the Clown (One Piece)
Cesar (Big Top Burger)
Sir Crocodile (One Piece)
Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Dr. Starline (IDW Sonic)
Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
Edward Nygma/The Riddler (DC Comics)
Elendira (Trigun)
Envy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Giselle Gewelle (Bleach)
Goblin King Jareth (Labyrinth)
Golden-Winged Peng (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Grima (Fire Emblem)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Henry Cooldown (No More Heroes)
HIM (Powerpuff Girls)
Hubert von Vestra (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Ienaga Kano (Golden Kamuy)
Infinite the Jackal (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
James (Pokemon)
Jessie (Pokemon)
Jester Karture (Fate/Strange Fake)
John Hart (Torchwood)
Joseph Bertrand III (inFAMOUS 2)
Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
Liquid Snake/Eli (Metal Gear Solid)
Loam Arnault (Entropic Float)
Merasmus (Team Fortress 2)
Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
Millions Knives (Trigun)
Moot Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Mordred Pendragon (The Mechanisms - High Noon Over Camelot)
Mutsuki Tooru (Tokyo Ghoul)
Neferpitou (Hunter x Hunter)
Orochimaru (Naruto)
Pigma Dengar (Star Fox)
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid series)
Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
Scourge the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
SCP-004-J/Stanley Nichols (SCP Foundation)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Serafine Savoy (Lackadaisy)
Shamura (Cult of the Lamb)
Shiromori (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Silver (Pokemon)
Suzuki Emiri (High-Rise Invasion)
Sweet Tooth (Moshi Monsters)
The Leading Light (HLVRV)
Turkey (Dorohedoro)
Tyki Mikk (D. Gray Man)
Uncle Wiley (Hatchetfield)
Vaati (The Legend of Zelda series)
Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
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the-babygirl-polls · 6 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week One
Hello everyone! Here we have the lineup for the first week of the Babygirl Polls! Thank you so much for all your submissions!
Klarion Bleak (Young Justice)
Dante Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Ace Ukiyo (Kamen Rider: Geats)
Bro Strider (Homestuck)
Michael Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Cole Brew (Rhythm Doctor)
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
Negan (The Walking Dead)
Todd (Not Me: The Series)
Dan (Not Me: The Series)
Sound (My School President)
Nuengdiao (Never Let Me Go)
Adolin Kholin (The Stormlight Archive)
Xue Yang (The Untamed)
Aaron Warner (Shatter Me)
Jean Descole (Professor Layton)
Curt Mega (Spies are Forever)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Ghost (Call of Duty)
Emperor Belos/Phillip Wittebane (The Owl House)
Wen Kexing (Word of Honor)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Taichi Hiraga-Keaton (Master Keaton)
Akk Pipitphattana (The Eclipse)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (The Batman (2022))
Kenzo Tenma (Naoki Urasawa's Monster)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Usami Tokishige (Golden Kamuy)
Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Vegas (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Barry the Chopper (Full Metal Alchemist)
Khatha (Midnight Museum)
Ronald Lynch (Home Movies)
Ballister Boldheart (Nimona)
Rex Dangervest (The Lego Movies)
Emmett Brickowski (The Lego Movies)
Knife (Inanimate Insanity)
Nickel (Inanimate Insanity)
Balloon (Inanimate Insanity)
Nona (Locked Tomb Series)
Laudna (Critical Role)
Ryu Suyeol (Bad and Crazy)
Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield)
Gregory House (House MD)
Ingo (Pokemon)
L (Death Note)
Elijah Volkov (Camp Here and There)
Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale)
Yuma Kokohead (Master Detective Archive: Raincode)
Alex Horne (Taskmaster)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun, Trigun Maximum, and Trigun Stampede)
Greg Davies (Taskmaster)
Byron (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)
Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat 1)
Garry (IB)
Homelander (The Boys)
Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk of The Air Trilogy)
Omega (Mega Man Zero)
Clive Rosfield (Final Fantasy 16)
Cassian Andor (Star Wars)
Ted Spankoffski (Hatchetfield)
Tang (Lego Monkey Kid)
Tomura Sigaraki (My Hero Academia)
Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
Matthew Patel (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Waver Velvet/Lord El Melloi II (Fate Series)
Dave (Dave and Bambi)
Yoo Joonghyuk (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Akira Nishikiyama (Yakuza/Like A Dragon)
Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time and Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake)
Sanji (One Piece)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug
Romeo Montague (& Juliet)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Lance Dubois (& Juliet)
Francois Dubois (& Juliet)
William Shakespeare (& Juliet)
Chesed (Lobotomy Corporation)
Cesare (Bigtop Burger)
Morris (Stardew Valley)
Kinger (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Estinien Varlineau (Final Fantasy XIV)
Frederick Chilton (Hannibal)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Jaskier (The Witcher)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Radovid (The Witcher)
Trafalgar Law (One Piece)
Zagreus (Hades)
Shadow The Hedgehog (Sonic)
Sepiroth (Final Fantasy)
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Reverend Rod Putty (Moral Orel)
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can-they-beat-goku · 5 months
❗ Before asking read this ❗
ok so i decided to do this little silly project thing
inspired by @couldtheycatchkira and this poll and the general power scaling bullshit. Can your blorbo beat the sayan popstar? Probably, but it is not my place to decide. This blog is just for fun, I dont like unironic powerscalings and stuff.
I will edit this post as the list goes on (i hope it does, at least) let the great fight begin!
Also I should probably mention the fact that I have never watched, read or consumed in any way any Dragon Ball anime, manga or affiliated media.
RULES: no real people please (this includes characters heavily linked to real people and characters obviously based on real people) no characters from sketchy places, please let's keep the controversy to a minimum. Keep to 1 character per ask, no photo needed but state the source if necessary. Any image used on the polls WILL look like it was compressed 1000 times. There will be NO ties, the fight is to the DEATH. Every character is at their prime.
inbox: 30-ish
Current Ask Box Status: Open ✅
Current number of polls made: around 125
Polls per day: i dont even know anymore
List of characters who have been (or are being) judged:
Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) won
Kirby (Kirby) won
Koro Sensei (Assassination Classroom)
Light Yagami (Death Note) won but he also died lol
Edward Elric (full metal alchemist)
Goku (dragon ball)
Jigsaw (saw) won but he also died lol
Shaggy Rogers (scooby-doo) won
A billion lions (the internet) won
Bugs bunny (Looney Toons) won
Wallace and Gromit (Wallace and Gromit) won
Seto Kaiba (yu gi oh) lost
Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero) lost
Beatrice (Umineko) won
Ultimate Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) won
jar jar binks (star war) lost
Luke Skywalker (return of the jedi)
Katniss Everdeen ( the hungers games)
Saitama (one punch man) won
V1 (ultrakill) won
Twilight Sparkle ( My Little Pony: Friendship is magic) won
Vegeta (dragon ball Z) kissed Goku
solid snake (metal gear series)
lucas (mother 3)
Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) Won
Don Quixote (Limbus Company) lost
Sora (kingdom hearts) lost
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Skarbrand (Warhammer 40k)
Minimoose (Invader Zim)
Venti (Geshin Impact) we don't know (??)
Starscream (transformers)
captain Jack Sparrow (pirates of the Caribbean) lost
Monkey D. Luffy (one piece)
Sonic the hedgehog (sonic series)
Gohan (dragon ball series) won
Gyorik Rogdul (Drawtectives) won
Swarmlord (Warhammer 40k)
Leafpool (warrior cats) won
Squirrelflight (warrior cats) lost
austin powers (austin powers movies)
jotaro kujo (jjba)
jonathan sims (the magnus archives)
Philip (library of ruina)
Hades inazami (blazblue)
Kil'Jaeden (world of warcraft)
Goro Majima (Yakuza)
Kaldor Draigo ( If the emperor had a text to speech device)
Illidan Stormrage (world of warcraft)
Fushi (to your eternity)
Reigen Arataka (mob psycho 100)
Business Woman (stock images)
Dr. Gregory House (House md)
Miles Morales (spiderman)
Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Farmer Guy (Stock images)
Neuvillette (geshin Impact)
the party (honor among thieves)
the beheaded (dead cells)
Gabbro (outer wilds)
Mr. Bones
Caiphas Cain (Warhammer 40k)
Andreas Maler (Pentiment)
solanum (outer wilds)
yugi the pharaoh (yugioh)
phoenix ikki (saint seiya)
coughing baby (coughing baby meme)
sophia petrillo (golden girls)
count d (pet shop of horrors)
aeryn sun (farscape)
alexander hamilton (hamilton Broadway musical
gabriel (ultrakill)
aaron burr (hamilton Broadway musical)
john crichton (farscape)
speedy gonzales (looney toons )
this list isnt updated
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thegreat2000s · 4 months
A list of cool anime series that you should totally watch if you haven't yet!
Soul Eater
Ouran High School Host Club
Eureka Seven
Shaman King
Azumanga Daioh
The Melancholy Suzumiya Haruhi
Black Lagoon
Fullmetal Alchemist
Alien Nine
Digimon Tamers
Serial Experiments Lain
Fruits Basket
Transformers Armada
Hajime no Ippo
Code Geass
Death Note
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Eikoku Emma
Digimon Frontier
Shoujo Cosette
Ikki Tousen
Samurai Champloo
Hoshi no Kirby
Megaman NT Warrior
Full Metal Panic
Digimon Savers
Ghost in the Shell
Love Hina
Chrono Crusade
Ergo Proxy
Fate Stay Night
Devil May Cry
Heaven's Lost Property
Gundam 00
Higurashi When they Cry
Spice and Wolf
Dinosaur King
Black Butler
Zero No Tsukaima
Elfen Lied
Ghost Stories
Kiss x Sis
Highlander Search for Vengeance
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
To Aru Majutsu no Index
School Days
Lucky Star
Cardcaptor Sakura
Mirai Nikki
Yugioh GX
Jigoku Shoujo
Ore Imouto
Vampire Knight
Gunslinger Girl
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Afro Samurai
Yumekui Merry
Angel Beats
Rosario Vampire
Paranoia Agent
Kimi no Todokete
D Gray Man
To Love Ru
Lyrical Nanoha
Strike Witches
Trinity Blood
Welcome to the NHK
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Disabled Characters in the Showdown Currently
1.) This list is subject to change, so if you see it off a reblog, please check the link to this post here. At some point this will probably stop updating, as we tend to forget to. Before we kick off the showdown there will be another post. Characters are under the cut, the list is currently unorganized, but might get organized later.
2.) If you see a character on here and you want to submit propaganda for them please feel free to, there is no submission limit or character per fandom limit. Here is the link to the submission form. Characters from the prior round of this showdown are fair game except Toph, Toothless and Hiccup. Additionally, most characters from @gay-disabled-characters-showdown are also fair game.
3.) The amount of submissions will not affect how likely a character is to get into the showdown. If you submitted a character and they are not here, we probably just haven’t gotten to verifying your character yet. If it’s been more than 3-4 days since you submitted the character you can shoot us an ask as to why they are not on the list, it might be an error on our part.
4.) When will submissions close? We have no fucking clue. At the earliest sometime October, as we are still working on setting up over @gay-disabled-characters-showdown which is still accepting submissions here. Additionally, as we need to write image descriptions it takes us a ridiculous amount of time to get set up.
5.) If you think a character doesn’t qualify you can send us an ask or leave a comment, and we can show you the explanation we have for the character as to how they count.
7.) If there is a character or media on here you think is problematic you can send us an ask and we will evaluate. That being said it’s not about being the best most perfect representation.
Tougou Mimori- Yuuki Yunna is a Hero
Olivia- Fear and Hunger 2: Termina
Edward Elric- Fullmetal Alchemist
Takashi ‘Shiro’ Shirogane- Voltron: Legendary Defender
Narti- Voltron: Legendary Defender
Shirou Emiya- Fate Stay Night
Red Haired Shanks- One Piece
Neil Watts- To the Moon/ Finding Paradise/ Imposter Factory
Harrowhawk Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb
Wei Shi London Arelius- Cradle
Clint Barton- Marvel Comics
Barbara Gordon- DC Comics
Anna Tromedlov- Hench
Chirrut Îmwe- Star Wars: Rogue One
Imperator Furiosa- Mad Max: Fury Road
Long John Silver- Muppet Treasure Island
David- Four Weddings and a Funeral
Kaz Brekker- Six of Crows
Wu Zetian- Iron Widow
Cassandra Cain- DC Comics
Entrapta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Bran Stark- A Song of Ice and Fire
Heart- Moonlight Chicken
Wen Kexing- Faraway Wanderers
Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper- DC Comics
Wen Kexing- Word of Honor
Zhou Zishu- Word of Honor
Baiken- Guilty Gear
Draal the Deadly- Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia
Petra- 1992 Summer Paralympics/ Cobi Troupe cartoon series
Twyla Boogeyman- Monster High
Kaladin Stormblessed- The Stormlight Archive
Nath- 100% Orange Juice/Sora
John D. Cort- Baywatch
Ming-Hua- Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Takane Enomoto (Ene)- Kagerou Project
Sylvette Suede- Tegami Bachi
Sunny- Omori
Basil- Omori
Stone- ONE by Cheesyhfj on YouTube
Parker- Leverage
Eustass Kid- One Piece
Fujitora- One Piece
Nog- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Ashton Greymoore- Critical Role
Geordi La Forge- Star Trek: The Next Generation
Nicholas Benedict- The Mysterious Benedict Society
Hermann Gottlieb- Pacific Rim
Johnny Joestar- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Linh Cinder- The Lunar Chronicles
Percy Jackson- Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Genya Safin- Grishaverse
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Fire Emblem Three Houses
Wylan Van Eck- Six of Crows
Jesper Fahey- Six of Crows
Havelock Vetinari- Discworld
Stiles Stilinski- Teen Wolf
Charles Xavier- X-Men
Hitori Gotoh- Bocchi the Rock
Vash the Stampede- Trigun
Gintoki Sakata- Gintama
Big Boss- Metal Gear
Black Raisin Cookie- Cookie Run Kingdom
Daan- Fear and Hunger 2: Termina
General Amaya- The Dragon Prince
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader- Star Wars
Sir Alastair Hammerlock- Borderlands
Alinta- DC Comics
Norma Khan- Dead End: Paranormal Park
George Mullner- Stardew Valley
Rani- Disney Faries
Joey Wilson/Jericho- DC Comics
Pit- Kid Icarus
Chai- Hi-Fi Rush
Sarah Sharpe- The Sea Beast
Gregg Lee- Night in the Woods
Arthur Lester- Malevolent
Kim Kitsuragi- Disco Elysium
Zee- Total Drama Island Reboot
Ignis Scientia- Final Fantasy XV
Komugi- Hunter x Hunter
Cheza- Wolf’s Rain
Maedhros- The Silmarillion
Ballister Boldheart- Nimona
Doom- Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Ianthe Tridentarius- The Locked Tomb
Talbot- Curse Words: Spellcasting for Fun and Prophet
Aka Ashi no Zeff- One Piece
Charlotte Webber/Sun-Spider- Marvel Comics
Zolf Smith- Rusty Quill Gaming podcast
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vacantgodling · 1 year
The Chronicles of Lathsbury -> CRASH COURSE
Part 2: The Mythology and Lore of Terrae
As of writing version 2.0 of the TCOL crash course there are 7 major deities in Terrae and an ever growing list of minor deities. Instead of being speculation, deities are a proven concept in Terrae and most people are religious. Superstitions aren’t terribly common, though it varies from region to region. Those who reside in Diisai have a lot of superstitions, for instance, especially when you venture further into the countryside.
The concept of “heaven” exists… somewhat. Terraneans believe that when they die (and are properly buried) all souls, regardless of their deeds in life, go to be one with their host of deities in Cerullius. However, if you are not given a proper burial, your spirit will continue to wander Terrae until either your body or remains are buried, or unless The Lady of the Mists comes to guide you home.
Proper etiquette for referring to any deity by their name in writing is to write it in ALL CAPITALS, which is why you see me do it whenever I talk about any of the deities in passing. However, when speaking about deities in casual conversation it’s considered more polite to refer to them by an epithet (which I am still workshopping their many, many epithets so stay tuned for that eventually). When deities speak to each other (ie: when I write lore scenes about deities) I will not capitalize their names as they are not above or below each other (even minor deities to major deities). Guardians also get a pass in this regard though they are different than deities proper.
Major deities and their general jurisdictions are as follows:
IIARAN — goddess of the universe & creation ; the sky, stars, constellations and celestial bodies ; wonder & awe ; song, melody, and dance ; birth, children, life
IISIDIA — goddess of the universe & destruction ; rhythm, harmony & musical instruments ; The Labyrinth and magic ; death & aging ; black holes, supernovas, comets, asteroids ; forces beyond understanding ; loyalty
MIZDARR — god of nature, plants, forests ; docile animals and monsters ; fun, play and laughter ; hunting, survival, brutality ; duality & chaos
MUINENS — goddess of justice, law and order ; protection from strife/hardship ; peace, victory, integrity, truth ; fate, destiny, prophecies, heroes ; land exploration and travel & cities
MIRANKA — god of fertility, mating & sexual intercourse ; family, friends, comradery & relationships ; desire & romance ; marriage ; unconditional love ; beauty ; ambition
YUTARA — deity of healing, hygiene & medicine ; immunity & poison ; studiousness, language & communication ; androgyny & gender expression ; perseverance
YLENE — goddess of battle, courage & bravery ; natural instincts, recklessness, desperation ; Guilds ; teamwork & collaboration ; strife & loss ; natural disasters ; strength & fortitude
Minor deities are usually venerated mortals by the cast of deities as they are instrumental in creating certain aspects of Terrae that did not exist before them. They are as follows:
MARTH is the founder of alchemy; a trans masc (as we know it) who cast aside his veil and family’s wishes for a daughter to provide heirs to pursue science. He is the the god the city of Marthveil is named after, the creator of alchemy and it’s corresponding magic: muram, the brachum calces alchemists use, as well as blacksmithing, fire, metals and minerals.
KOST is the god of boats, seafaring, bodies of water, fish, and travel. The city of Kost is named for him, and was the site of the creation of the first rudimentary sailboat.
KIBARUM is the god of alcohol, the harvest, and relaxation. He is worshiped particularly heavily in Diisai, where he is rumored to have origins from.
EFFE is the goddess of winds, gales, gusts, and has jurisdiction over the weather and was venerated from the former prisoner of Eros Twilightsorrow Idanly, whose name and role in the discovery and application of the magic tenom have all been but scrubbed from history books. Very few know this goddess’s origins.
The Lady of the Mists (who is only referred to by her singular epithet) was originally a Aegean princess named Princess Pinella Dia and was one of the elder siblings of the first king of The Kingdom of Lathsbury, Mitică the Nomad or King Mitică Dia. She died in a land bridge collapse on their flight to what would become The City of Sorrows (or Ubwyn) and was venerated by the deity YUTARA to help guide souls who weren’t properly buried to Cerullius.
The Demon King is the only “deity” on this list with an asterisk, as it is a changing position among the beasts of The Labyrinth. For simplicity’s sake; The Demon King is the ruler of monsters, and is the most powerful beast (as beasts and monsters are different—again, to simplify the difference is that beasts can use magic while monsters cannot) in The Labyrinth. The reigning Demon King can be killed or overpowered by Terraneans or other beasts, who will then consume their flesh to gain even more power. The current reigning Demon King and main antagonist of the main storyline (part 1 anyway) is Lord Evondra—who has been asleep but growing more powerful over the past 300 years.
Palanthia is more of a concept than a full fledged deity; but the word palanthia in old Aegean means “hope” and it is the spirit of hope and miracles. It is not a deity with a humanoid form, but takes the form of the goddess MUINENS’s giant shield, which all protector’s shields are modeled after.
QHOZION is the alter of IISIDA, meaning that he is a separated part of the goddess but they are still virtually the same being. he is the overseer of the long forgotten fallen world of Lapsundi. no deity but IISIDA and MIZDARR know he exists but his and Lapsundi’s existence are the subject of the second book in the series. he is a god of ruin and ruins, reincarnation, and negative emotions, sacrifice, and amnesia.
BRULENE is the trans fem (as we know it) sister of YLENE, cut from the goddess’s own breast to create her. she is the goddess of sculpting and statues, monuments, pottery and kilns, tactical strategy, weaving and looms, and gift giving.
Guardians are venerated Terraneans who die in an cause observed and deemed necessary by the cast of deities, and they are given immortality, wings, a weapon forged of the spirit of one they hold dear (who usually dies with or around the same time as them) and the ability to more directly interact with Terraneans than the gods — who cannot and can only communicate with Terraneans under very certain circumstances or through oracles. There is only ONE Guardian allowed per era, and their veneration usually marks the end of an era in Terranean history as it transitions into the next one.
Currently, there are 3 Guardians, as there are 3 major eras:
Lath, Guardian of Valor his weapon is forged from the spirit of his best friend, Ensio
Immordia, Guardian of Exploration her weapon is forged from the spirit of her youngest son Gawain
Arian Bloom, Guardian of Love has not received his weapon yet
Currently Terrae is in its 4th era, which is currently nameless as there has been no Guardian venerated yet.
Finally, oracles are how the deities communicate with mortals and are more commonly found among the people of Terrae. Oracles can be chosen in three ways:
Divine Visions that are verified by others who serve the same deity
Through an Oracle’s Blessing which is something most* Terraneans receive when they are born. It’s not always a prophecy (though they can be) but it usually is some sort of vision for how their life will go generally speaking—think of it as astrology.
Through an Oracle’s Feat, which is the process that one can choose to go through if you wish to be recognized by a deity to become a direct mouthpiece for them.
The deity with the most oracles on Terrae is MUINENS and they are known by the moniker OOM (which stands for Oracle of MUINENS). They most commonly deliver oracles blessings and there are many throughout all of Terrae. They can only be chosen through divine visions or through an oracle’s blessing.
The second most common oracles are those who serve the MIRANKA and act as both wedding officiants, bond forgers, and relationship counselors. They are known as OOMI (standing for Oracle of MIRANKA). They are only chosen through Oracle’s Feats, which is essentially like if you were to go for your doctorate in psychology… but more magical and with more perks!
The third most common oracles are only found in Eros, and those are of the war and strife goddess YLENE. They are called Champions of Honor (or COHs) because they are chosen through Oracle’s Feats but specifically through a battle to the death. There is only one COH at a time and they last until their death or until a challenger kills them.
Finally, the only other deity in Terrae that has oracles is IISIDIA, though they are few and far between. They do not tend to have highly respected or visible places of practice, and how to become one is a mystery. Not many are usually seen; they are rumored to roam the wilds studying Deeper Magic, creation and chaos.
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List 10 comfort shows and tag 10 people
I was tagged by @twig-tea (thank you!). This is really difficult because I don't tend to re-watch shows. When I'm obsessed I read fanfic, find FMV's on youtube, and search the tag on Tumblr for gifs and meta lol. I tend to go to books and music for comfort in preference to other media. That being said, here are a few shows that have brought me comfort, that I have re-watched at least once, and that made me cry when I needed that catharsis.
Bad Buddy. Nobody needs me to do a shout out for this show, but I knew I was going to love it from the first teaser trailer, I watched it live from episode one, and I re-watched all episodes released before each new episode dropped. It is also the first BL that I ever shared with an IRL person. It's the perfect mix of fantasy, romance, reality, and comedy.
Until We Meet Again. The heartbreak, the healing, the pain, the inevitability, the love. It gets me every time. I'm a sucker for anything that rips my heart out and then shoves it back in.
Triage. Time loops and time travel and changing ones fate because of love and friendship and light in the darkness and nobody being perfect, but also being able to change and how our lives are made of connections and past circumstances and our choices are influenced by the opportunities we have and what support we get.
It's OK to not be OK. There's a theme here, I know hahaha. Intergenerational trauma and healing, how damaged people can help each other, and the importance of family. I binged this show and there are many scenes that I go back to watch when I'm feeling a certain way. I think this show reminds me a lot of one of my all time favourite stories ever. If you love intergenerational trauma and healing and feeling like a monster and grief and love and family, then please, I beg you, go and find and read Fruits Basket.
Bromance. One of the first Taiwanese dramas I ever watched. I know it can be controversial, but I've enjoyed stories that deal with gender identity since I was a teenager. I've never felt particularly connected to societal expectations for the presentation of my own femininity and I have always felt that gender is unimportant for my personal attraction to people. Having people in stories who are unashamedly loved for themselves, no matter the gender people think they are, or the expectations placed on them because of their gender or gender presentation feel so comforting to me. I really love Coffee Prince for the same reasons. There are also several books and manga that I revisit regularly that have this theme.
Eien no kinou. Yes, it is heartbreaking, but it is so soft and gentle about it. The idea that the universe would conspire to give you time to say goodbye to someone you love is so beautiful.
Old Fashion Cupcake. The unknown influences we have on people, the romance of learning to live not merely exist after losing that for ourselves, people who aren't teenager or young adults having a beautiful love story and finding happiness with each other. It's just very comforting to me.
Leverage. The found family, and making the world a little bit better, and how evil people hurt others not because they care, but because they don't care, how grief colours everything. I think this show is a masterpiece and the way that the episodes mostly follow a heist of the week is also very comforting because I can watch just one episode and not feel like I have to keep watching.
Avatar: The Last Airbender. Oh would you look at that, more trauma! But for all the pain, there is love, and laughter, and healing, and "That's rough, buddy".
Full Metal Alchemist. Yes, Brotherhood is objectively better, but I watched the original anime with my best friends in high school and it has been on my list of forever faves since then. Nothing has ever hit the same emotional devastation as the reveal of what happens to Nina (iykyk). But the love and devotion in this story always wraps me up like a warm hug.
I did not realise I had that much to say about TV shows or how many themes my favourite media have in common XD
If you haven't been tagged and want to do this, please jump in and take this as your invite! I'm not sure who has done this, so I'm going to tag a few people, but no pressure if you don't want to or already have :) @axolola, @chalkrevelations, @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered, @vera9, @neoncoloredglasses, @theflagscene, @omarandjohnny
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dawnblazers-archived · 5 months
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Honkai StarRail:
Welt Yang @imaginednihility
Genshin Impact:
Diluc Ragnvindr Kaeya Alberich Kaveh
Fate/Grand Order:
Sir Tristan Fionn mac Cumhaill Cu Chulainn (Lancer & Caster & Berserker)
Final Fantasy VII:
Cid Highwind Reno Angeal Sephiroth
Final Fantasy VIII:
Irvine Kinnas
Final Fantasy XIV:
Shiro Amakusa Mikeal Frekiwesfv G'raha Tia Estinien Wyrmblood Emet Selch Cid Garlond Thancred Waters Zenos yae Galvus Zero Erenville
Final Fantasy XV:
Ardyn Inzunia Ravus
Final Fantasy XVI:
Ultima Clive Rosefield Dion Lesage Sir Terence Barnabas Tharmr Famiel
Xemnas Isa/Saix Lea/Axel Marluxia
Dante Sparda Nero Sparda Credo Fortuna Lucia
Jujustu Kaisen:
Satoru Gojo Suguru Geto Takuma Ino Mahito
Yu Yu Hakusho:
Kurama (Shuichi & Yoko) Kuronue Yomi
Jonouchi Katsuya Otogi Ryuji Hermos Yusei Fudo Crow Hogan Z-one Aporia Paradox Bruno/Antinomy
Usagi Tsukino
Black Butler
Baldory Prince Soma Undertaker
Full Metal Alchemist
Envy Greed
Fairy Tail
Freed Justine Mard
Original Characters
Artemis Thorn --- FF16
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squidsandthings · 14 days
I plan to watch most of these before the end of year (and ive started a few of them) but im indevisive so i am putting my fate in someone else's hands so my friends will stop yelling at me to watch shows /pos
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thedadbracket · 1 year
The winners of Round 1 and their win percentages are below the cut! Thanks for the insane amount of engagement so far - I hope the next round will be just as fun! The Lightning Round (as detailed in the pinned post) will post at 9AM tomorrow! Good night, everyone <3
Maes Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist
Won by 68%
Charlie Swan - Twilight
Won by 9.4%
Uncle Iroh - ATLA
Won by 44.2%
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey - Fantasy High
Won by 6.6%
George Joestar - JJBA
Won by 17.4%
The Joxter - The Moomins
Won by 21.8%
Geralt of Rivia - The Witcher
Won by 45.2%
Marlin - Finding Nemo
Won by 69.6%
Bobby Singer - Supernatural
Won by 11%
Aaron “Hotch” Hotchner - Criminal Minds
Won by 34.6%
Magneto - Marvel
Won by 40.8%
Stoick - How to Train Your Dragon
Won by 19.6%
Donkey - Shrek
Won by 42.4%
Bobby Nash - 9-1-1
Won by 28.4%
Darryl Wilson - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 3.2%
Eddy - Duolingo
Won by 14.4%
Dustfinger - Inkheart
Won by 5.8%
Tom Nook - Animal Crossing
Won by 69% nice
Hans Huberman - The Book Thief
Won by 5.2%
Ben Sisko - Star Trek
Won by 56.6%
Bandit Heeler - Bluey
Won by 3%
Gomez Addams - The Addams Family
Won by 87.8%
Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead
Won by 27.2%
Ethan Winters - Resident Evil
Won by 32.4%
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
Won by 80.2%
Father Nier - NieR
Won by 24.8%
Johnny Rose - Schitt’s Creek
Won by 32.8%
Ratchet - Transformers
Won by 65.2%
Gilear Feath - Fantasy High
Won by 18.6%
Optimus Prime - Transformers
Won by 24.6%
Corvo - Dishonored
Won by 11.4%
Dr. Eli Vance - Half-Life
Won by 31.6%
Nathan Ford - Leverage
Won by 7.8%
Dad - Dad Feels
Won by 19.2%
Dr. Emmett Brown - Back to the Future
Won by 28.6%
Jean Valjean - Les Miserables
Won by 4%
Gregory Edgeworth - Ace Attorney
Won by 4.6%
Jack Fenton - Danny Phantom
Won by 8%
Augustus Aquato - Psychonauts
Won by 26.2%
Gru - Despicable Me
Won by 63.2%
Poseidon - Percy Jackson
Won by 8%
Rupert Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Won by 27.2%
Bruce Wayne / Batman - DC
Won by 2.8%
Romani Archaman - Fate/Grand Order
Won by 22%
Kanan Jarrus - Star Wars
Won by 49%
Shiro Fujimoto - Blue Exorcist
Won by 8.2%
Aizawa - My Hero Academia
Won by 33%
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
Won by 69% nice
Uncle Ben Parker - Marvel
Won by 24%
Lazlo Cravensworth
Won by 49.6%
John Marston - Red Dead Redemption
Won by 21.2%
Bowser - Super Mario Bros.
Won by 71.4%
Yousuke Koiwai - Yotsuba
Won by 33.2%
Ron Stampler - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 8.4%
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4
Won by 7%
Juste Belmont - Castlevania
Won by 8%
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Won by 16.8%
Sig Curtis - Fullmetal Alchemist
Won by 4.6%
Sojiro Sakura - Persona 5
Won by 52.8%
Jefferson Davis - Into the Spider-verse
Won by 63.8%
Solid Snake / David - Metal Gear Solid
Won by 25.8%
Mr. Boonchuy - Amphibia
Won by 10.2%
Loid Forger - Spy x Family
Won by 49%
Tim Lockwood - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Won by 26.6%
Henry Stein - Bendy and the Ink Machine
Won by 7.8%
Henry Oak - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 32.2%
King Dedede - Kirby
Won by 35.4%
Pongo - 101 Dalmatians
Won by 28.4%
Teobaldo Leonharts - LiEat 
Won by 5.8%
Professor Utonium - The Powerpuff Girls
Won by 59.6%
Ray Molina - Julie and the Phantoms
Won by 22%
Pietro Polendina - RWBY
Won by 5.8%
Octodad - Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Won by 41%
Castiel - Supernatural
Won by 9.4%
Bob Belcher - Bob’s Burgers
Won by 55%
Jim Hopper - Stranger Things
Won by 22.4%
Goofy - Disney
Won by 72.2%
Dr. Alex Malto - Transformers: Earthspark
Won by 5.2%
Moominpappa - Moomin
Won by 27.8%
Waymond Wang - Everything Everywhere All At Once
Won by 56.6%
Domingo Montoya - The Princess Bride
Won by 32.6%
Tomohisa Kaname - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Won by 11.8%
David Rossi - Criminal Minds
Won by 4.2%
Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird
Won by 58%
Greg Universe - Steven Universe
Won by 21.6%
Rick Mitchell - The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Won by 29.2%
Lord Business - The LEGO Movie
Won by 45.8%
Tom Wachowski - Sonic the Hedgehog
Won by 50.8%
Thomas O'Malley - The Aristocats
Won by 58%
King Micah - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Won by 48%
Barry Allen / The Flash - DC
Won by 9.8%
Mr. Ping - Kung Fu Panda
Won by 93% - largest margin of victory
Agustín Madrigal - Encanto
Won by 40.2%
Eugene Krabs - Spongebob Squarepants
Won by 45%
Egon Spengler - Ghostbusters
Won by 30.6%
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Identity V New Seiyuu (Voice actor) for Japan ver is now out for public!
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Yuuko Kaida as Entomologist (Melly Plinius)
Best known role :
- Tsukuyo (Gintama)
- Isabella (The Promised Neverland)
- Gazelt Garack (Snow White with Red Hair)
- Claire Redfield (Biohazard)
- Unagiya Ikumi (BLEACH)
- Bachira Yu (Blue Lock)
- Sophie Randle (Code Geass)
- Sylvia Sherwood (Spy x Family)
- Juraku Sachiko (Kakegurui)
- Beast (Black Butler)
- Joubert Agnes (Tiger & Bunny)
- Angelica Varley (Ancient Magus Bride)
- Gelda (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Yomikawa Aiho (Toaru)
- Maeda Matsu (Sengoku Basara)
- Himekawa Maki (Digimon Adventure)
- Freesia (Grand Blue Fantasy)
- Tsubomi Kido (Mekakushi Actor)
- Ryomou Shimei (Ikkitousen)
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Yui Horie as Reporter (Alice Deross)
Best known role :
- Belfast (Azurlane)
- North Carolina (Azurlane)
- Satonaka Chie (Persona)
- Saren (Princess Re:connect)
- Felix Argyle (Re:zero)
- Hanekawa Tsubasa (Bakemonogatari)
- Akaza Akane (Yuru Yuri)
- Kushieda Minori (Toradora)
- Yuuki Cross (Vampire Knight)
- Shindou Mikuru (Card fight vanguard)
- Nepgear (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Shirakawa Katori (Da Capo)
- Asakura Yume (Da Capo)
- Tachibana Satomi (Dumbbell)
- Charles (Fairy Tail)
- Plumeria (Fire Emblem)
- Tooru Honda (Fruit Basket 2001)
- Kaga Kouko (Golden Time)
- Nikaido Kaho (First Love Monster)
- Hanyuu (Higurashi)
- Izayoi Lico/Cure Magical (Mahou Tsukai Precure)
- Chuubou Sonken (Ikkitousen)
- Wiz (Konosuba)
- Kushina Anna (K Project)
- Tsukimiya Ayu (Kaginado)
- Riki Naoe (Kaginado)
- Numa No Himemiko (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
- Hellscythe Eucliwood (Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka)
- Yakumo Mitama (Magia Record)
- Miss Monochrome (Miss Monochrome)
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Masuda Toshiki as Composer (Fredrick Kreibrug)
Best known role :
- Sakuma Rei (Ensemble Stars)
- Kisaragi Koi (Tsukiuta)
- Sekimura Mikado (B-project)
- Izumi Iori (Idolish 7)
- Leon (I-Chuu)
- Kashuu Kiyomitsu (Touken Ranbu)
- Okuike Midori (W'z)
- Nishina Kazuki (King Of Prism)
- Kirihara Atom (Marginal 4)
- Tokugawa Ieyasu (Ikemen Sengoku)
- Shindou Kiyoshi (Stand My Hero)
- Kirishima Eijurou (Hero Academia)
- Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu)
- Zaou Ryuu (Binam Koukou)
- Cedric Jeanne Elmir (Akuyaku Reijou)
- Sirius Dieke (Hamefura)
- Setagawa Masahiro (Hitorijime My Hero)
- Romanee Dimitri (Visual Prison)
- Miyamura Toranosuke (Yamada-Kun and 7 Witch)
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Shinichiro Miki as Novelist/Nightmare/Detective (Orpheus)
Best known role :
- Komado Tanjuurou (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Urahara Kisuke (BLEACH)
- Erich Von Leigen (Saga of Tanya The Devil)
- Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)
- Fujiwara Takumi (Initial D)
- Sakamoto Tatsuma (Gintama)
- Kagetora Aida (Kuroko No Basket)
- Sasaki Mirai (Hero Academia)
- Roman Torchwick (RWBY)
- Hijikata Toushizou (Hakuouki)
- Shimada Kai (Sangatsu no Lion)
- Assassin (Fate/Stay Night)
- Daihannya Nagamitsu (Touken Ranbu)
- Oiwake Takurou (Haikyuu)
- Fushimi Niki (K Project)
- Norizuki Jin (King Of Prism)
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