#comfort shows
mentally-at-home · 6 months
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godteri-takk · 4 months
Rules: Tag 10 of your comfort shows/movies, then tag peeps.
10 of them??? Bruh okay hmmmm
Adventure Time, Steve Universe, Monster High, The Aquabats Supershow!, Potter Puppet Pals, Ponyo, Treasure Island (1988), Bee and Puppycat, Nimona, Pokémon (Indigo League-Orange Islands) :)
@bi-pan-whiteout @honkiestofbonkies @drowninnoodles @freshlyfreshbuns
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only-fragments · 22 days
Netflix: Do you want to watch a new thing? We have lots of new things. Do you think maybe you want to watch a new thing this time? Yeah? Time for a new thing? Think maybe you could watch a new--
Me: *turns on S1E1 of the show I've been rewatching for half a decade*
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bluestonebliss · 5 months
Elementary is an amazing aro-spec and/or ace-spec show. Joan and Sherlock have a queer platonic relationship and I refuse to believe otherwise.
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memorymeblog · 1 month
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galactic-murmaider · 5 months
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Enjoy this context-less shitpost
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I gave my husband a list of the three comfort shows I've been wanting to rewatch and he got to pick an episode to watch together tonight before bed.
The first episode of Leverage, the first episode of Blood Ties, or the first episode of Revenge.
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No one talk to me for 10 mins AT LEAST - YES I am rewatching the Sense8 finale scene to 'Experience' by Ludovico Einaudi - NO you cannot prevent me from probably rewinding and rewatching 40-50 times if you're LUCKY. YES I AM CRYING - NEXT QUESTION lmao
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the-romcommunist · 2 years
a list of my comfort shows:
fleabag - phoebe waller bridge, i want to be you when i grow up. The writing, the acting, the comedic beats, need I say more. I could analyse this show for forever and still wouldn't get bored. The juxtaposition of fleabag and her deflection through comedy with her grief is so poignant, it always makes me feel all the Feelings™️
normal people - genuinely the most perfect book to tv show adaptation i have ever seen. usually, the book or the show is better but in this case, the book and the show add to their respective counterparts, its crazy. also, the acting by daisy edgar jones and paul mescall is so well done. I have watched normal people so many times that i literally watch the show on shuffle. my thought process: "hmm today feels like an episode 8 type of day"
leverage - everyone go watch that show rn, its so fucking good, every single season slaps. are you aware of how rare that is?? and the fact that this show aired on television while actively criticising every major organisation is insane. i genuinely believe that if i hadn't already been radicalised, just from looking at the world around me, this show would have pushed me over the edge. i love my criminal found family. the depth and nuance to all their relationships but also how campy and fun the show is makes for such a fun watching experience. i have such a good time every time i watch because, let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good heist.
teen wolf - but especially season 3. the downside of making season three such Good television is that it ruins the rest of the series. nothing else after or before season three of teen wolf can live up to the standard set by season three. also, dylan o'brien in season three? man really brought out the big guns, and I love that for him
skam - literally any version, i have watched each remake so many times. this show drives me nuts, when i fall into a skam phase, i fall deep. it happens like once every two years, and for like 2 months straight, i don't watch anything but skam. i don't know why i like skam so much, it just makes me feel so comforted.
veronica mars - does kristen bell age? I mean, she looks the same in veronica mars and the good place. anyways, veronica mars. it is everything riverdale wished it could be. it's one of the only shows i've seen that, while catering to a teenage and young adult audience, doesn't talk down to their audience. and i love that while there's the overarching narrative, it's also a procedural so every episode is different. means that you can just pick and episode and watch it. it also means that some episodes let the teenage characters actually be teenagers (ahem, unlike every other teen drama show)
anne with an e - anne with an e just makes me want to enjoy my life. especially the mundane, quiet, small moments that i otherwise don't think about. anne shirley cuthbert is such a vivid character, i almost always watch a couple episodes of awae when i'm sick. probably because i first watched it when i was sick. the show, while not all happy go lucky, makes me feel like i’m getting the media equivalent of a warm hug.
arrow - but only season 1, 2 and 3. sometimes i just want to watch something that really doesn't require you to pay attention. maybe i’ve just finished exams and my mental bandwidth is like, -1, in which case i only have the energy for something like arrow. there’s nothing more to it than what’s being told to you on screen and sometimes that’s all you need (or all you can handle)
shameless - i don't know why this dysfunctional family brings me such comfort but it does. i just love watching the family dynamic. clearly. looking over this list, i am realising that found family is exactly what i look for in everything i watch. watching the effects that every character has on each other is so interesting but the shows also just so funny? i mean come on, there’s no other show that does recaps as well as shameless does. also, the best enemies to lovers arc ever executed on screen? ian gallagher and mickey milkovich, hands down. for a show that’s so coarse, they gave these two such a heart warming arc.
the OA - i am so jealous of britt marling's mind. she's a genius. the tone of the OA is so different to anything else i have watched, it’s so refreshing. the only show that i feel maybe has a similar tone is mr robot, but while mr robot has you constantly on edge and wary of everything that’s happening on screen, the OA is calming. the chinese box narrative structure is done so organically and so kindly (?? it’s the only word i can think of that fits) you can’t help but feel for the characters, no matter how much of an asshole the character is. in fact, this show might have actually changed my mind on a whole lot of things regarding how we treat others. again, the found family aspect is present, front and centre. then there's the romance between OA and Homer. it is so pure. I can't even articulate my feelings about this show, it's so mind bendingly good
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bengiyo · 7 months
Rules: list 10 of your comfort shows and then tag 10 people
Tagged by @lurkingshan. This is actually kind of a funny question because we've been busy in BL for so long that I actually haven't been able to go back and comfort watch much.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? I am always thinking about a rewatch of this show. Whenever I need to calm my brain and go to sleep I put on one of the episodes.
Star Trek. Usually either Deep Space Nine or The Original Series. I've always loved Star Trek. I will continue to love Star Trek.
Babylon 5. We wouldn't have Star Trek: Deep Space Nine or Sense8 without this show. It's a favorite.
Is it Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? I like adventuring party and dungeon crawling anime that aren't isekai. I compromise on harem anime.
Elementary. Yes, it's copaganda, but the relationships in this show are really well done. This is my favorite adaptation of Sherlock Holmes and Watson.
Midnight Diner. No one does late-night programming like Japan. This show is a fantastic slice-of-life experience about the patrons at a restaurant only open late at night.
Haikyuu!! I love this little volleyball anime.
Yu Yu Hakusho. Smile Bomb gets me going every time.
The Fosters. I still love Stef and Lena so much. I do not miss the Brallie nonsense.
Avatar: The Last Airbender. Really one of the biggest moments in my media life, honestly. I return to this show every other year it feels like.
Let's see about tagging @shortpplfedup, @ginnymoonbeam, @littleragondin, @callipigio, @twig-tea, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @dontgofarfromme, @negrowhat, @fluidsoul31, and @jjsanguine
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10 comfort shows
I was tagged by @imlivingformyselfdontmindme for this thing. Thanks! The instructions are simple: "List 10 comfort shows and then tag 10 people." But I'm not a big tagger, and a lot of folks I know have done this already. If you haven't, though, and you're interested, please do!
The instructions said "10 comfort shows" not your favorite 10 comfort shows or the ones you watch the most often. So I made a list and I picked the ten that I immediately thought of something to say about. i'm all about comfort viewing and watching things repeatedly so I had to leave quite a few things off of this list.
Future Boy Conan
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I've lost count of how many times I've seen this series. It really is one of the most life-affirming, wholesome (in the real way) pieces of media I've ever encountered. The first time I saw it, I went into it expecting to see a fairly run-of-the-mill anime series with some early glimmers of Miyazaki's aesthetic and themes. But it's a frickin' masterpiece. Themes and visual mannerisms you see throughout Miyazaki's career are already here, full-blown, but it's also distinct from his other work in a way that makes it feel really fresh even if you've gone through his whole movie oeuvre. Mostly it just always has its heart impeccably in the right place.
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
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Don't talk to me about that movie. This is the adaptation against which all others must be measured. Faithful as heck to the book in most respects (we won't talk about Wet Darcy either), with an incredible cast, not to mention the costumes, set design, and locations. Watching this miniseries as a teenager could be the reason I'm still obsessed with shows and movies where half of the story is told through meaningful glances.
To My Star (1&2)
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I really lucked out having this show as one of my first BLs, except that I nearly squandered the opportunity because I wasn't paying close attention and missed a lot of the subtle details. And this is a show that is full of really subtle details! Talk about telling a story through meaningful glances. There's a lot going on on a nonverbal level in this one. It helps that the leads have such a great, nuanced kind of chemistry together and both just seemed to show up for these roles ready to dig deep and be present. Thank goodness I went back and rewatched this one after that first attempt! I know for some folks the second season premise was really painful, but I found it to be completely worth it in the end. I'd happily watch a third season if they made one. In the meantime, I continue to rewatch both series (sometimes in movie form) regularly and I notice different things each time.
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This show was there for me at a time in my life when I needed comfort shows the most, when I was rebuilding my life after the abusive relationship that consumed most of my 20s. It's usually described in terms of the various pop culture references it uses, the movies the director and one of the co-writer/co-stars went on to make, or in some kind of generational terms as representing a demographic.
But I don't think those things are what make it interesting and rewarding. I guess the thing it boils down to at the end of the day is that it's very much a found family story. And an unconventional love story in which the two leads may or may not get together--after the series--but no matter what type of relationship theirs turns out to be, it will have changed them both for the better. In the meantime they’re facing their fears, honestly fixing their mistakes, and broadening their horizons, and they’re always lovable while being riddled with personal flaws.
Also, after having been raised on Coen Brothers movies and coming of age during the heyday of The Simpsons, I'm a sucker for a really quotable piece of media.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1979)
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When it comes to adaptations, I usually have a strong preference for one while writing off the others. In this case, there are things I appreciate about the Tomas Alfredson film that this adaptation doesn't do as well, but this version has a great deal to say for itself too. The adaptation really captures Le Carré's voice, the cast is incredible, and the whole miniseries just has this wonderful pervasive tone to it that's not like anything else. (The soundtrack is unobtrusive but very effective, and it has a lot to do with that.)
I don't know if it's the fact that this series came out when I was a toddler and has the look and feel of a lot of shows my parents would watch on PBS when I was a child (heck, I bet they watched this very show on PBS), but this suspenseful spy thriller makes me feel relaxed as hell. Having seen it a ton of times helps, too. There's never anything resembling a surprise. But even if this type of series doesn't feel like your childhood and even if you're going to be surprised right and left by the plot, I think it's an incredibly well-constructed piece of work that almost anyone could enjoy.
Emma (2009)
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I'm very picky about my Austen adaptations. Emma has been adapted quite a bit, and I've found at least something to like about every version I've seen. But this is the best one by a good margin. I always love Romola Garai in anything, and she's lovely here--assertive, vulnerable, annoying when she should be and charming the rest of the time. She does a wonderful job portraying all of the subtle gradations of self-awareness that build in Emma throughout the story.
But I think the decisive factor has to be the screenplay and direction (not to mention other behind-the-scenes aspects). The folks behind this version just seem to have prioritized capturing the subtleties of the novel more than others. There are a few points where this is particularly apparent. One example is how this adaptation treats Frank Churchill. The 2009 version of Frank shows what a capricious, moody, immature person he is, but it also shows his good nature and the ways he tries to be open (in the novel, he attempts to tell Emma about his engagement to Jane Fairfax on multiple occasions and mistakenly believes she understands him). Hewing to the novel makes for a more complex, engaging character than the two-dimensional cad most other adaptations make out of Frank. The portrayal of the Box Hill incident is another example. This version of Emma has the most uncomfortable, unsparing rendering of Emma's insulting comment to Miss Bates that I've seen, but it also tempts us to laugh along with Emma. The scene in the novel is exactly the same way--it's complicated and makes us acknowledge our ambivalence. This adaptation keeps all of these strands alive in the story and the miniseries is better for it.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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It's weird looking back now on how BtVS seemed back when it was new. Our standards were different for a reason. TV really wasn't as interesting or as progressive as it is now, and the range of both was narrower. Having a cishet white dude showrunner who would willingly utter the word "feminism" seemed like a remarkable piece of good fortune. And of course, we didn't know what was going on behind the scenes.
I imprinted on this show like a baby chick back then. It's not really possible for me to be objective about it. If I think it's good, how much of that is its actual quality and how much is the fact that it seemed like such a gift back then compared to what we were all used to? Well, some of it at least was actual quality, but I can't tell how much. So this show is special to me partly because it's grandfathered in due to circumstances and partly because it's actually good.
I remember when it seemed wild to me that there were people who could talk about  a TV show and discuss episodes by title. BtVS was the first show I did that with myself. Eventually, it didn't seem that remarkable. Basically, this was the show that made me into a fan.
This is another show that was there for me after my abusive relationship ended. I remember at times when I was lonely (which happened a lot; not only was I newly single, I also had to start almost entirely from scratch when it came to friendships) I would look at my little dvd binder thingy with my pile of Buffy discs and tell myself, "If all else fails, I have all these shows to watch until things improve."
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There’s that found family theme again! How could you go wrong with a story that starts with foundlings raised by a witch and a clone soldier to fight in their evil army, then follows them as they slowly get their consciousnesses raised and find their own identities and meaningful connections? It's a remarkably subversive and deeply queer show. We were in a miniature golden age for high-quality, politically progressive, LGBTQ+ friendly American animated series for a while there, and this show was not only a part of it but a particular highlight. It's been tapering off for a while now and it's sad to see it come to an end, but at least we got shows like this one and we can keep watching them and introducing people to them.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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I don’t know why a series that’s so steeped in existential dread feels so cozy to me, but it does. Well, I guess it’s because the show is about finding your people, your coping strategies, and the unapologetically weird little hobbies that will help you to muddle through war, loss, spiritual crises, and the challenges of long-term love.
That, and it reminds me of my mom.
A lot of ink has been spilled over this series so I won't try to explain beyond that why it's so special. But I will say that it is absolutely the best Star Trek series. It's unpopular with a certain type of fan, but those philistines dislike it for exactly the same qualities that make it so great.
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
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I'm indecisive and bad at picking favorites, so I'm not sure what I'd consider my favorite tokusatsu series or even just my favorite sentai series. Zenkaiger would rank pretty high up there in both at the very least. But this is a list of comfort shows, not favorite shows or the best shows, and that's a category in which Zenkaiger is completely unbeatable. It's hopeful, funny, idealistic, and more than anything, definitely the sweetest toku show I've ever seen. It's also easy to pick a random episode and watch it out of context because of the villain-of-the-week thing (not that the larger-scale arc of the series wasn't also compelling).
This is yet another found family show. Families of origin are still very important in the series. The central characters are all trying to find, help, or learn about one or more of their family members. But it's also about blending your found family and your family of origin into a group so inclusive that it includes aliens and robots.
I'm only picking one gif for each show on this list except for this one. I couldn't pass up having one for Kaito, one for Stacy, and one for Zox.
(Edited to add: I switched out the three gifs here for a single replacement because I realized two of the ones I originally used were made by someone who requests that others not repost them.)
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ansop · 1 year
Started rewatching White Collar last night, it’s weird how much serotonin this show is giving me.
Love the humor. Love the dynamic between Neal and Peter. Love how brilliant Neal is.
Seeing Willie Garson made me a little sad, but watching his awesome performances honors his memory :)
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animationgirl89 · 25 days
(How To Get To Know Me From My Obsessions!)
{Main Things I'm Obsessed With/Into!! 🩵✨}
(PS: Also, this isn't entirely in order of what things I'm obsessed with the most, just all the things I'm into at the moment right now!)
(1) - Hazbin Hotel. 😈♥️🗝️ (Vivziepop + A24)
(I'm also a small fan of HB as well too. Though Hazbin Hotel is the main show I'm into. And just to quickly clarify, I DON'T support the creator!)
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(2) - Cuphead/TCS. (Cuphead Franchise) ❤️💙💛 (Studio Mdhr + Netflix)
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(3) - Murder Drones. 💜💀 (Liam Vickers + Glitch)
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(4) - Lackadaisy. 🧨🐾 (Tracy Butler)
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peanutbutterex · 3 months
This also serves as which mutuals are online rn
I am stuck between these. If my bf decides to visit this will be moot because we will watch one piece
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themaybewoman · 7 months
Tagged by @themaradwrites to share 10 comfort TV shows!
Parks and Rec
The Good Place
Never Have I Ever
Ted Lasso
Kid Cosmic
Legends of Tomorrow
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
i can't come up with a tenth - so close but so far :')
Tagging: @someonefantastic @lesbiankarolinanovotney @cluelessrebel1988 @bluejay-in-flight and whoever wants to do this!!
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galactic-murmaider · 2 years
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Forgot I made these back in April. Obviously though now is the perfect time to share.
Anyway, please credit if used.
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