#Frenchie rage is something else
klein-sodor-bahn · 6 months
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The aftermath of Madame Eugénie‘s „little“ beating
Scott is such an idiot. My man is literally bleeding and is bruised, but nope it’s fine. But hey he‘s Ms. Addams idiot so she patches him up and sends him to bed. And surprisingly he actually listens to her.
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toxicanonymity · 9 months
i need more raider joel more than i need air in my lungs
Night air.
3500 words, raider!Joel x f!reader | ✨gif
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Raider master list ⭐ Joel master
reader-curated playlist | sweet pea (smut songs)
“‘s’too cold out here, sweet pea. put on a shirt, would ya?" Your heart flutters at the implicit invitation and you return with a flannel over your nightie. . . He makes room for you, but doesn’t take his eyes off the fire as he lets you climb into his lap. You study his face and see something new flickering behind it. Worry.
You want to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t.  "When are you gonna come to bed?” you ask instead.
SUMMARY: Joel brutalizes a bad guy, gives it to you hard, then works on something for you and gives it to you slow. His POV is revealing. WARNINGS: I8+, POV alternates, ANGST, Joel's trauma, overkill violence, dubcon (stockholm syndrome) unsafe P in V x2 (hard then soft), dark fluff, f masturbation, somnophilia, staying inside, NO Y/N. A/N: ty @milla-frenchy for Qs & recs 🖤
—--- JOEL——
Yeah, Joel killed two of his own men, and they had it coming.  He caught them red handed on their way into your room in the stash house. It still makes his blood boil to think about. If they hadn’t walked into that room talking about you like a piece of meat, those two men would be alive. Joel would do it again in a heartbeat.  
He’s not surprised when the others are shaken, but if they’re good men, they have nothing to worry about.  When things remain tense longer than he expects, Joel rounds them up for a group meeting. He puts you in the usual room with his trusted guard Carter posted at the door.  The meeting becomes heated. 
“No one’s gonna be left at this rate,” one man barks.  “They ain’t gonna say it,” he gestures behind him to the other men, “but I will. She shouldn’t be here.” 
Joel’s voice raises with his blood pressure. He asks, “What’d you say to me, Harold?" as he stands up. 
Louder, maybe loud enough for you to hear, Harold repeats, “She shouldn’t be here.  It’s bound to happen.” Bound to happen? These low-lifes are bound to put their hands on Joel Miller’s girl? Joel can feel the beat of his rage in his veins. All his muscles tense. 
He takes a deep breath, exhales sharply, then says matter-of-factly, “I’ll show ya what else is bound to happen.” 
Joel picks up his rifle. 
"Yeah, kill me," Harold chides. "Kill us all."
Joel shakes his head no. His voice is deep and flat.  "Not until ya beg me to." Now he’s gotta make an example out of someone. 
Joel forces Harold outside, then puts his rifle behind his back and lets Harold take a swing at him, just for fun.  When Joel gets this wound up, he needs to feel something. After getting clocked square in the jaw, Joel beats him until he’s barely conscious. Then, Joel hoists Harold, who is not a light man, and impales him on a sharp, severed fence post. 
Joel puts his rifle around front again, leaving Harold alive but doomed, and heads back toward the house.  He’s almost to the door when Harold manages to groan through his gurgles.  Joel turns around, calmly raises his rifle, shoots him in the head, then keeps walking. He goes back inside, chest heaving, wiping blood splatter off his face with his wrist. The rest of them are still inside. No one came to Harold's defense or ran. Joel stares down the men, and based on the faces he sees, he’s not worried about any of them.  
“Rest of ya got nothin’ to worry ‘bout,” he reassures them. “long as ya leave her ‘lone.” 
The men nod. Joel thinks about adding, and I’m not the only one you’ve gotta worry about, tempted to warn them that you know your way around a pistol and can handle yourself. One bullet, right between the eyes of that fucker. Joel thinks about it all the time. There’s something about his little sweet pea being a badass. And thank god, because he almost lost you. 
“Now back to business.” 
They discuss the rival crew they think sent two guys to Joel’s trailer, only for Joel and you to kill them. Joel doesn't think the crew is stupid enough to cause any more trouble, but agrees someone has to keep watch Just in case. 
Joel almost reminds his men that he holds all the smuggling routes and contacts, just in case they’re concerned enough to pull something.  But he doesn't need to say it. He dismisses them and grabs a duffle bag before collecting you from Carter. Carter asks what to do with Harold, and Joel says leave him for a while.
When the two of you get back to his trailer, Joel is ready to fuck out his anger. He sees himself in the mirror, chest heaving, veins about to pop, blood splatter on his hairline. God damnit, Harold. Joel  showers because he doesn’t want any part of Harold getting close to you. Not even his blood. 
You’re in the kitchen getting a glass of water when Joel walks out of the bathroom in just a towel.  He crosses the kitchen, drops the towel, and pins you against the counter, pressing his hardness against your ass. He backs up enough to scrunch up your dress and growls, "good girl," when he finds you panty-less and wet. You knew. You were ready for it. 
He grunts as he shoves himself into you, and he gives it to you good. "No one’s," he thrusts, "gonna," he grunts "touch ya." He plunges into you twice more, breathing heavily, then adds, “but me.” The power of his hips sends you to your toes with each thrust. He wraps an arm around you to hold you steady and watches over your shoulder as your tits jiggle with each punch of his hips. It doesn’t take you long to come.  Then he curls his hands under your arms to hold your shoulders down from the front and begins to pulse with a low groan. He leans his head against yours and cradles it from the other side as he catches his breath, then asks, “you good?”
You nod, “mm-hmm,” and he pulls out, feeling better. 
In the following days, things settle down in Joel’s group and get back to normal. The rival crew doesn't show up.
One night, Joel leaves you inside the trailer while he sits out by the fire, as he often does.  What you don't know is that he's not just sitting, drinking, and thinking.  He’s working on something.  He’s been making things for you. He hasn’t given you anything because nothing’s good enough, and it’s probably not going to get any better, but he keeps doing it.  Sometimes he feels a little silly, but they’re things that will help both of you.  Practical things. 
He made a thigh holster for your gun. There was an old one without the straps in the weapons cache which is just a small room of chaos in the stash house, no telling what else is in there.  He used part of a belt for the top strap and some black ribbon on the bottom, for the time being.  It would be better than nothing, but he hasn't given it to you in case it wouldn’t work. Maybe it doesn't matter. As the weather changes, you'll probably need new clothes, anyway. Maybe even pants, he internally grumbles. Sweaters, too, so your chest won’t be exposed. 
Tonight, Joel has another strap of leather with him, one that wasn't right for the holster. He also has a pot of water and a steel nail with a makeshift handle so he doesn’t burn himself. He heats up the tool and uses the hot nail head to emboss the strap with bold letters. He’s been working on it all week, and he’s only on ‘E.’ It’ll be first name only at this rate. You might not wanna wear it anyway, but it’s for your own good.  
Joel’s almost lost you twice now. If there’s anything he can do to make someone think twice about touching or taking you, he’ll do it. Because Jackson, may he burn in hell, was right. Joel can’t have his eyes on you every single second. He's told you before: you tell’em you belong to Joel Miller. They’ll back right off when they hear it.  But it doesn’t hurt for them to see it, too. And of course Joel wouldn't mind seeing it himself. 
Joel’s fingers are too big for work this small.  He accidentally makes the vertical line of the E slanted. Ah hell, this whole thing is no good anyway. You may never see it at this rate. But it feels good working with his hands, especially on something he thinks could help keep you safe and keep you his. You're a good girl, his good girl. 
He should be thinking strategy, what’s going to happen with these warring crews, but that’s just not where his head’s at.   
—--- YOU 🌸🫛—-----
You listen to the fire crackle and pop, longing for Joel to come to bed, longing for him to hold you, and more.  He seems to stay outside longer than usual. When he adds a new log to the fire, you get impatient and decide to go out. You put on your shoes and go to the door, pushing it open just an inch. The rail to the stairs is blocking your view, but he's looking down at something. His jaw clenches in the firelight and he raises his eyebrows as he looks up.  You slowly open the door, stepping out onto the stairs in your nightie.  He puts something down on the ground, out of view.  
“‘s’too cold out here, sweet pea. put on a shirt, would ya?" Your heart flutters at the implicit invitation and you return with a flannel over your nightie.  As you approach, he takes a swig of whiskey and puts the flask down.  His eyes are dark as he watches the flames.  He makes room for you but doesn’t take his eyes off the fire as he lets you climb into his lap. You study his face and see something new flickering behind it. Worry. You want to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t. 
"When are you gonna come to bed?” you ask. 
His brows knit as he looks at you. For a few seconds, he concentrates on picking lint off the flannel and smoothing your nightgown. 
“I dunno, sweet pea. Got some stuff to figure out.”  
“Can I help?”
He shakes his head no. You put your arms around his neck and rest your cheek against his shoulder. Then you slowly roll your face against him so your lips touch his warm skin and your nose rests on top of his shoulder muscle.  You close your eyes and stay like that for a moment.  He doesn’t stop you. Then you dare to press your lips ever so slightly into his skin before pulling your face back to look at him, your lips disconnecting with a barely perceptible smack. Joel’s still looking at the fire, but he allows himself a subtle smile as he exhales a silent laugh, then cradles your head.  “Go to bed, sweet pea.” He kisses your temple. “I’ll be there in a li’l bit.” 
You take the flannel off and get in bed, still smelling like the fire. You think of getting naked, eager to feel Joel however he wants you. But maybe he likes undressing you, and it’s chillier than normal, too.  You lay under the covers getting wet and tingly thinking about what he'll do when he comes to bed.  
The fire is still blazing.  There’s no sign of him putting it out.  It doesn't seem like he's coming in soon, but you're too turned on to just go to sleep. You close your eyes, recalling the feeling of Joel’s warm skin on your lips by the fire.  The way his eyes sparkled. The way he always opens his arms for you to get in his lap–that seat is always yours whenever you want it. 
You think about how handsome he is. Even, or especially when he’s looking rough.  All dirty and beat up when he got home that one night, muscles pumped up. His sexy stitches. You play a montage in your head of all the times you’ve heard him yell, seen him stomp around ordering guys to do this or that. How fiercely he protects you. Your lip creeps under your teeth and you close your eyes. 
All the way turned on, you slide your hand down between your legs and imagine him walking in and ravaging you.  You recall how urgently he fucked you at the kitchen table after he thought you almost died.  You recall the time he fucked you naked in missionary and and marked your neck.  You try to visualize the look in his eyes.
And then, when you’re just about to come, you remember that one morning. Those few seconds you kissed, when he kissed you back. He had pulled you into him before he knew what he was doing. You still savor that fleeting moment he was grinding against you, his plush lips locked with yours. You can practically feel it.  And that’s enough to put you over the edge. You turn your head into the pillow and brace for your orgasm. 
—----- JOEL —------
You must think Joel can't hear your pretty little sounds when you touch yourself, but over the crackling of the fire he could swear he hears you moan into a pillow. His nose can't help but twitch into a little smile. He lets the fire die as he finishes the 'E',  then he comes inside and washes off the smoke in the shower. By the time he gets in bed, you're asleep on your back with your left arm on your chest. 
He carefully gets into the bed, spreading his weight out to not jostle the mattress. He's to your left, lying on his side, facing you. You’re so pretty and peaceful with your eyes closed and your sweet lips just slightly parted. An urge has been growing in his chest. He’s tried to push it away, but it's only grown, and he's afraid he can’t stop it happening. 
He can’t bring himself to do it when you’re awake. He can’t let himself see how happy it makes you. The loss feels inevitable, and it gets closer and closer.  The panic he felt when FEDRA had you on the ground.  The devastation when it sounded like you were shot outside his own trailer. It gets worse every time. And last time, there was something new. Two losses flashed before his eyes.  The loss of you (in the present and future), and the loss of what could have been–at least for a while, when he had the chance. The worst part is, he doesn't know which would hurt more.  
His eyes fall on your mouth again. 
If he does it now, it won’t mean anything. It won’t change anything. If he does it now, maybe this urge will stop pulling at him every time you’re close.  And then he can tell himself it never happened. Yeah, if he does it now, it can be like it never happened. Like he never let himself get that close, never gave you hope that he could be anything more than the terrible man he is. 
His lip twitches as he watches you sleep.  Then his breathing syncs with yours, and for a moment, everything fades away but you and him and the physical need that's tugging at him.  
Joel leans over you, careful not to wake you, and he hovers over your pretty face. It's happening. His heart races as his face drifts toward yours, drawn to you like a magnet. 
He closes his eyes, presses his lips gently into yours, and something rushes through his blood to every part of his body.  Fuck.  He's instantly soothed. With your lips still locked, he takes one breath through his nose then pulls away. He takes a deep breath, expecting the buzz to fade, expecting to hate himself. But you're so pretty and your lips were so soft. He almost chokes on his own saliva.  He's quickly gotten hard.
Still fast asleep, you sigh and your nose twitches. You hum the prettiest little "mm," and roll over on your right, facing away from him like you normally sleep. 
He pinches his eyes shut tight. He has to have you. 
Joel curls himself around you, inhales your hair, and cups your breast. He presses his cock against you, hardening to full strength by now.  He lets out a deep but quiet, "Mmm," not enough to wake you up. The exposed skin of your back and shoulder is so inviting, he's salivating. His arm slides from your breast down your nightie to your mound and you sigh. He lifts his head to see if you're awake as he aimlessly caresses you over your nightie. Your brow furrows with his light touch. Aw, sweet pea, he thinks to himself. You're just so cute. He presses a gentle kiss into your neck where it meets your shoulder, and he begins to ghost your clit through the fabric. 
You sigh again, but still don't seem to wake up yet. He presses your mound so your hips tilt for him, and he pulls up the nightgown. He tests you with a finger and finds you wet but pulls back and pauses to add saliva to his tip.  He teases your entrance with his cock, and you sigh "Mmm, Joel," as you begin to stir awake. He pushes the curve of his tip just slightly inside, then holds your breast. 
He asks, “You 'wake?” 
“Mmm,” you answer weakly. 
"wake you up?" His cock prods at your tight, wet entrance, pushing in a little further.. He's itching to be inside you, but he's taking his time, captivated by your peacefulness. 
Your spine arches and you push back on him, taking another inch of his cock in with a moan as you stir awake. "Joel,” you sigh. 
He presses his lips into your neck and lets them linger.  You ask, "are you awake?" 
"Mm-hmm," he answers, his voice deep and gravely.  He groans softly as he pushes his cock into you. He takes a deep breath as your insides make room for him. It dawns on him that he's never taken the time to savor the moment your bodies are joined, but shit, it feels good. He didn't know it could feel so good like this. He’s feeling every groove of you in slow motion. Each centimeter of you greets him with a tight, warm hug.  You push back on him with a moan, bringing your bodies together. 
Oh, sweet pea. You want it so bad, and you take it so good.
—---YOU 🌸🫛—---
Joel’s cock spreads you apart and he buries his length in you slowly at first, palming your breasts. He pauses, all the way inside you, and removes your nightie so your naked bodies are flush. It feels like a dream. The way he kissed your shoulder, the way he’s fucking you right now with his whole body cradling yours, each thrust so deliberate, you can’t help but still wonder if he’s truly awake. If you're truly awake. He grunts softly each time he bottoms out. His sighs and moans are deep and gravely. 
“Sweet pea,” he whispers against your neck, “ohhhh, you — ohh, you take it so good, baby.” His hand slides down your stomach, between your legs. He whispers in your ear,  "God DAMN, youfeelsogood,” he inhales sharply, then sighs your name.  Your nipples harden and you get goosebumps. 
“Joel,” you whimper at his fingers on your clit.  The fullness of his cock was enough, and the addition of his hand has you twitching already.  
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispers, and his voice is so soothing, you relax again. He slows down his pace, his length sliding snugly into your warmth slow enough to feel the drag of his tip inside you. He touches your clit and you whimper again. He adjusts his hand to touch it less directly, pulsing his flattened fingers.  That’s what you need. You moan. 
“Good girl.” 
You wanna ask him again if he’s really awake, but you don’t want to break the spell. You let the silence linger, peppered with moans and sighs from each of you. You’d love for this to last forever. You love every way he gives it to you, but the newness of this is something to savor. After a few minutes, sweat begins to bead and run between your bodies.  You’re both breathing heavily. He gropes at your breasts and the entire front of your body, like he can’t get you close enough. His breathing gets ragged.  You memorize the feel of his cock dragging thick and slow inside you.  Then he adds his hand again. His thrusts become more powerful.  “Come for me, I want you to– nnngh.” 
“Joel,” you whine. 
‘Ohh,” he moans. 
“Joel, I’m–”
“Go ‘head, baby—ugghh—-you can do it”
Your upper back presses into his chest.  He groans and holds you tight as you convulse against him and choke his cock with your climax. “Ohhhh, baby, mmmm.” He bottoms out and pulses inside you as you’re still coming.  He sighs "ohhh," as he fills you up with his warm release. Your body hugs him more with every pulse of his cock.  
When you’re both finished coming, your bodies are still joined. You relish the fullness of him inside you.  You expect him to pull out any minute, but his breathing regulates with yours. 
At some point, Joel's breath stutters abruptly, and you realize he's fallen asleep like this. Holding you close, body curled around you, cock gradually softening inside you. It isn't long until you drift off, too. 
Smut continues here: asleep inside
Next major chapter: hunger
Thank you so much for reading and engaging. Please consider commenting or reblogging to show raider Joel your love, even if this post is old. 💖 Love you guys. I love your passion for him. Your engagement motivates me. <333
Friendly reminder that there will be no pregnancy in this fic, Joel was snipped pre outbreak. 
@toxicfics for notifications, make sure your phone is set to enable push notifications from tumblr. Some of my fics are pretty dark!
⚠️ Since so many people are saying tags aren't working, I may discontinue the tag list soon, sorry ⚠️
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading
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High Enough
Billy Butcher Masterlist
Summary: When Billy Butcher receives a flower, he doesn’t really understand why or what to do with it. Something seems off with the plant, but when Butcher understands, it’s too late. And there’s only one person he can call for help.
Pairing: Billy Butcher x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Dubcon due to the sex pollen (even if everyone is okay with it, I'm still puting the warning), smut, p in v, unprotected sex, overstimulation, attempted murder, swearing, mention of past violent trauma, toxic plant, being high on a flower
Word Count: 2840
Square: sex pollen for @anyfandomdarkbingo​​
A/n: This fic was requested by @strife4life​ that requested Billy Butcher with the square sex pollen! Hope you like it!
Don’t forget to leave a feedback!
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It was only a flower, for fuck sake.
Since when does people need to be warry of a fucking flower?
Of course, when that lovely lady gave him the flower, at first Butcher had been confused. Then, he tried to refuse the present, but the person was gone. What could the flower do? It was a sweet gesture, and no one ever gave him a flower before. It was pretty, delicate, and it smelled so good. 
As Butcher walked back to the Boys’ headquarters, he brought the flower closer to his nose and smelled it tentatively.
It smelled like...
At first, the flower reminded him of Becca. When they were together, she kept talking about the garden she wanted where she would grow vegetables. Mostly to force him to eat them because only eating junk food and meat was bad somehow. 
“Why not flowers, heh?” He had said then, trying to make her forget about the veggies’ diet. The smile that then stretched her lips meant two things. She knew he was trying to change the subject on purpose to avoid any green food. And growing flowers was already in her plans.
The flower reminded him of her, at first. But when he smelled it, it didn’t remind him of Becca. 
It reminded him of Y/n.
Y/n that joined the Boys because of Frenchie. In one of his missions with Kimiko, they found her. Kneeling in the blood of the one that just got killed by the fucking supes, holding in her arms what was left of her husband. At first, Frenchie and Kimiko didn’t want to bring her to Butcher, telling her some shit about that life being even bloodier. That her anger would only turn her into a monster if she kept feeding it with the need of revenge. But she didn’t listen to them and joined the Boys.
Y/n was everything but Becca. So much anger and rage was boiling in her veins, her desire for revenge and payback probably as strong as Butcher. And it shouldn’t turn him on, to see someone filled with the anger caused by the loss of people she cared about. But there was something in that rage that felt just so… Familiar. Like someone finally understood all the mess he was feeling. Of course, the rest of the Boys also had their own tragic backstory and anger on their own.
But her… She was… She was just… Y/n. 
The flower smelled just like her, and it should have ring a bell. Red flag. Alarm should have gone out in his head. But it smelled good, like she was standing right in front of him, and he felt at peace, so Butcher kept on smelling the flower until he was inside the headquarters. Even inside, he kept the flower in his hand. Even when he sat down on the couch, he continued scenting it, and the more he did, the closer he seemed to get to her.
The closer he seemed… To… His head was spinning, or maybe it was the surroundings. Not like Butcher was looking anywhere else than the flower, his gaze was focused on the plant. That, or he closed his eyes and pictured her, sitting on his lap, grinding his crotch and getting off on just that… 
Butcher snapped his eyes open in a second of lucidity.
Something was wrong. 
Detaching his eyes from the flower was so hard, like his eyes would pop out of his skull if he even tried, but he managed to look around. The place… was so blurry, like he was underwater. And when Butcher tried to stop breathing in the scent of the flower, he found himself unable to.
Glancing down, he avoided the sight of the plant to look at himself. Nausea filled his senses when he saw the ground move, just like he was on a boat and the ocean was filled with big waves moving him all around. He felt sick. Sick if he stopped looking at the flower. Sick just thinking about not breathing it.
Sick if he didn’t do something about the fucking boner he now had.
“What the fuck,” Butcher managed to say, slapping himself hard on the cheek. It seemed to help, so he did it again, and again, until he was awake enough to take his phone and dial her number.
“What do you want?”
Hearing her voice was the same as heroin. His body was possessed with a surge of energy, of high, and he groaned. Butcher just couldn’t help it, he felt so… So high… High with that fucking flower… Flower he was still holding and smelling like a fucking drug addict…
“Need… Help…”
It was the only thing he could say before the phone dropped to the floor.
“Butcher? Hey, Butcher! It’s better not be a fucking prank, or I swear to god-”
The moment you received the call, you knew something was wrong.
When Butcher stopped talking, stopped answering his calls, flashbacks of what happened to your husband came back like a punch in your guts. Red filled your sight, his blood painting the walls. The blood you were scared to see when you would find Butcher.
After tracking his phone, you found where Butcher was, so you left everything behind and rushed to him.
“Butcher?” You called again, walking in the huge place, trying to find the bearded man.
A groan alerted you, and immediately, you had your gun drawn out and were walking towards the noise. Another groan followed the first and then you finally found Butcher. 
“The fuck happened?!” You rushed to the man laying on the floor, still making sure there was no one else in here. Perhaps some supes found the place and tried to kill him? “Butcher!” You put your hand on his shoulder to turn him towards you, but the moment you touched him, the world took a turn and you were on your back, pinned by a heavy, burning mass. “The fuck!” You yelled, tried to push him away, hell, fire your gun on him if you still had it in your hand, but you dropped it when he pinned you on the floor. “Fuck off!”
“Y/n…” Butcher sighed, and you stopped struggling. That wasn’t him. It couldn’t be him. He would never… “Help… Please… Flower…”
Butcher wasn’t making a fucking sense and you tried once again to push him away. Maybe it was a supe with the shapeshifting ability that took his place and now wanted to kill you. He would strangle you to death, or take his gun and put a bullet in your head and then-
Hands didn’t touch your throat, but something else did. As his beard brushed against the sensitive skin of your throat, you froze, feeling his nose and then breath on you. Harsh, hard and fast. Butcher was breathing so hard, it was like oxygen couldn’t enter his lungs properly.
If this was the shapeshifter technique to kill you, it was weird as shit.
“Let me go!” You struggled again, and by trying to avoid more touch of his body, you turned your head to the side. That was when you saw it.
Motionless on the floor, it had white petals and a very bright yellow center. And you just knew if you were an inch closer to the plant, its pollen would drive you crazy with the smell of someone you desired more than anything, slowly killing you unless you bang them. And the only reason you knew all that was because you worked on those. You basically created that shit.
Back when you were working for the enemy. Before the incident that had your husband killed, before you decided fuck Vought and that you would destroy that company and burn it to the ground.
“Please… Y/n…” Butcher sighed your name and snuggled his head into the crook of your neck to take a deep breath. Immediately, a shiver ran through his body and he moaned softly.
“Butcher,” you swallowed, knowing very well what would happen if he didn’t immediately get what he needed. And somehow, the person he desired was you. Luckily it wasn’t someone that was dead, then he would be fucked up. “It’s the flower. It has a pollen that boost your sex drive and kills you unless you fuck-”
“Fuck,” he repeated, his body growing heavier on yours. You couldn’t know for sure about his consent, not in the state he was in. At least, you had the confirmation Butcher wanted to bang you for some time now, or else, the flower wouldn’t be that effective.
This was your mess. You had to do something about it. It was to save him. It was to save him from something you created. You had to keep that in mind, he wanted you. 
And fuck did you always wanted him too.
“I’m gonna help you, okay?” You put your hands on his shoulders, trying to make him step back, at least to go somewhere more comfortable. But the situation took a whole other turn as Butcher manhandled you to put you on your stomach. Now that he had your consent, he could do whatever he wanted and let go of his inner desires. 
At least, it seemed he still had some of his consciousness.
On your stomach, you couldn’t see anything, but oh boy could you feel it. 
The material of your jeans being ripped off of your body, like it was nothing as Butcher rushed to remove your pants.
His impatient and needy grunts, his breathing fast and uneven as he destroyed your clothes until he got access to what he needed. What he craved. What would save him.
By the time Butcher freed your cunt, you were also a dripping mess. Glancing at the flower, you made sure it was still far enough from you, one of the two had to keep their head clean until it was done. 
The plant was still at the same spot. And you felt remotely in control of your body and mind.
Too focused on the cursed flower, you were surprised to feel something else than a cock on your intimacy. Rough hand pushed your cheeks apart and you gasped, feeling something wet and warm between your folds. Glancing back, you met black eyes filled with lust as Butcher was licking you up completely, moaning at the taste of your juice on his tongue. And fuck, was the sight beautiful, seeing how fast his beard started glistening with your juice and his spit…
As suddenly as he started, Butcher stopped. A simple, pathetic and needy moan slipped out of your mouth and you bit your lip, trying to at least some kind of dignity out of this.
But it was too late. Butcher heard you.
It was so fast, all you could do was fucking moan and try to remember how to breathe.
His length was already inside you completely, filling you up so much it knocked the air out of your lungs. God, you didn’t have the chance to see his cock, but just feeling how good it filled and stretched you… You knew it was big. Big and so hard and burning…
Butcher didn’t wait before he started moving, and you could understand why. You weren’t even affected by the flower and yet you felt the uncontrolable need to be fucked and to cum. Your body wanted his touch, your cunt wanted his cock. You couldn’t even imagine how bad it had to be for him.
“Fuck… Fuck…” You moaned, your nails scratching the floor every time he bottomed out. His pace was merciless, giving you no time to do anything but moan and try to breathe, and it felt so good, him fucking you into the ground, like you were just some cheap whore he would pay 40 bucks to have an hour with… 
Just him using you with no other purpose than getting his release, being no one but a hole and a body to own and use.
It felt good. Because as he fucked you hard and fast, you didn’t think about all the things that made you hate yourself. You didn’t think about anything. Your mind was blank, empty, only your body mattered as Butcher fucked your brain stupid.
You lost count of how many times Butcher made you cum.
At first, he fucked you from behind on the floor.
Then, between two orgasms, you managed to climb on the couch, where he doggy style fucked you again. 
The more you came, the more he seemed to regain control of his body, because next thing, you were riding him as he was now sitting on the couch and he was slapping your ass, groaning things about how much of a fucking slut you were.
Butcher seemed to have endless stamina. Or it was the flower. In any case, you completely didn’t fucking care. It felt so good, you were in sweats, even if you were now both completely naked. You didn’t even know when the clothes got lost, who removed what, or what got destroyed. All you knew and cared about was his cock buried inside of you, and how good it made you feel.
“Fuck, Y/n, wanted to fill your cunt since the first day…”
It was the first complete sentence he was saying.
“Wanted you to fuck me since the first time I saw you,” you answered, still jumping on his cock. You were slower, your body quickly losing its remaining amount of energy and strength.
“Still got some for a last one, luv?” Butcher groaned, his hand already between your legs, his fingers stroking your bundle of nerves at a quick pace. Breathing was already hard, but now, it stopped completely as your body got seized with overstimulation’s shivers, Butcher easily forcing another orgasm out of you. You cried out as it was almost painful by now, and finally, the roar reached your ears and you felt it.
His cock was so deep inside of you, you felt the ropes of cums shooting inside of your walls and filling your already full channel. Butcher seemed to cum for seconds and seconds, shaking under you, his arms circling your body and holding you impossibly closer.
Both of you were covered in sweat. Both of you were breathing hard. Both of you were exhausted and overstimulated.
You would have fallen asleep right there and then if it wasn’t for his hand roaming every single inch of your body, like finally, he was awake after a long, endless dream. Like he was discovering you, meeting you for the first time.
“What… Happened,” he said after a few attempts to find back his breath, and remorse started creeping all over you. Fuck. You abused him. Clearly. The flower was your fault, you tried to fix your mess, save him, but ultimately, you abused him- “What did I do to deserve you sitting on my cock, luv?”
“Don’t you…” You started, frowning at his comment. The biggest, most satisfied smirk you ever saw on his face was stretching his lips. “Remember?”
“I remember a flower alright,” he tilted his head to the side, his hands now resting on your waist. “Then, everything was… confused, and I felt high, so high, all I could think about was to sink my cock in your cunt,” he gestured to you, still on his cock.
You never felt more embarrassed in your life. Yeah, that was Butcher, straight to the point.
“Okay so,” You tried changing the subject, tell him what really happened. “The pollen in the flower drugged you and well, kinda my fault, it’s something I worked on back then…” You turned your head away, trying to find your inner strong imperturbable self, but it was too late.
“Figured,” Butcher muttered. “That shit is dangerous and strong as fuck…” He glanced at something behind you, and you didn’t need to turn your head to know it was the said flower. “I think someone tried to kill me by giving me this. Good thing you were there eh. Good thing you worked on it, so you knew how to save me.”
“Yeah,” you said, still feeling bad for what happened. Of course you saved him. But ultimately, it was still all your fault. You tried to get off his lap, but hands put you back where you were. That had the effect of a thrust and you couldn’t help but moan, feeling his cock push the cum out of your abused hole as it sank back in. “Fuck…” You closed your eyes, feeling him so deep inside.
“The pollen wore off,” Butcher muttered. “I’m alright. Now, how about we fuck for the good reason, eh? I wanna see your pretty face when I make you cum… Again.”
You tried to deny it. But fuck, you were still high from your previous orgasms, and your body reclaimed more.
The flower and the attempted murder could wait.
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245 @b3autyfuldisast3r @eevvvaa @fictional-affairs @wickedinspirations @awkward-and-indecisive @cryptichobbit​
3K notes · View notes
bensbennies · 2 years
MOTHER’S MILK the duality of me being amused by Soldier Boy looking like a dummy in that clip with Solid Gold and MM totally losing his shit looking at him
Butcher’s powers are similar to Homelander’s, and Hughie’s are similar to A-Train’s. Coincidence? I think not. “You become the thing you seek to destroy” etc
I didn’t expect Supersonic to last long... in fact, I thought he’d die this episode. But I didn’t expect him to die offscreen.
However he’s trying to hide it, TempV *is* effecting Butcher’s personality... and he knows it. His caution against Hughie taking it and his view of it as a “punishment” is clear enough. The effects of TempV are also why he finally chose to push Ryan away. He’s pushing MM to be the leader because he knows he’s going to lose his mind completely to this (and believes it’s his cross to bear), and he’s worried for Hughie’s soul already. 
Hughie didn’t seem to have the capacity to care about Kimiko in the throes of his high... I worry this will quickly transform into an addiction for him... and I understand. They did a good job establishing Hughie’s feelings of powerlessness and not being able to protect the person he loves... in fact, he’s a weakness that Homelander is exploiting against Starlight.
The dildo fight was SO entertaining but then I felt instant sadness for Kimiko because she was so upset 😭
Kimiko and Frenchie laying upside down on the couches and looking at each other my beloved
Laz Alonso’s acting in this episode was off the chain!! MM’s look of dread and rage when Soldier Boy emerged from that tank... I predict that if anyone else does take it, MM will be the next member of the group to fall victim to Temp V. He’s already told Butcher at the end of the episode that there is no more team, so what is there for him to lead? At the same time, MM is very sensible, so we’ll see if he faces temptation and whether he decides against it or goes for it. 
I think anyone who had been watching trailers knew that Soldier Boy was the weapon The Boys were going to find. That blast is new according to Butcher—not a power Soldier Boy had back in the day (Russian experimentation I gather?). It’s been described in a power card I saw somewhere as “power nullification”. Kimiko can’t heal because her powers are (at least temporarily) nullified by the blast. A power like that presents a real threat to Homelander and Soldier Boy undoubtably has the capacity to kill him. 
In separate interviews with Kripke, Starr, and Ackles, Butcher, Soldier Boy, and Homelander have been described as three apex predators. It will be interesting to see Homelander face a real threat to his power this season. Imagine your enemy who gets temporary powers from a test tube being on par with you? I bet it won’t sit will with Homelander. 
It’s been established this season that Kimiko hates her powers, but I wonder if them being taken away (even if temporarily) will actually make her happy or if it will feel like losing a limb and make her feel helpless, especially with the people she cares about on the line. Homelander is definitely going to make moves toward killing all of The Boys soon.
I absolutely thought Victoria Nueman’s daughter was going to die when she put that shit in her. 
Stan Edgar absolutely eviscerated Homelander, and Homelander didn’t kill him because it would be like letting Stan win... plus I think Homelander is shrewd enough to suspect that Edgar has something else up his sleeve and that that’s why he’s so calm and collected. Maybe it’s TempV that has Edgar this calm, and/or maybe it’s that he had a hand in the capture of Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy isn’t just a Captain America parody, but a Winter Soldier parody as well. He’s been kept heavily sedated, I imagine to keep him compliant, and Jensen Ackles has said in interviews that Soldier Boy has PTSD from being tortured. Perhaps Edgar passed Soldier Boy to the Russians in return for the development of a weapon that could kill Homelander. I think Vought is always looking for a new way to control their supes. They use threats and bribes, they find weaknesses... with Homelander, they tried raising him from birth but completely denied him all affection as a child. With Ryan, they tried to correct by raising him in a loving home. Maybe Soldier Boy represents a different avenue for control—attempts at mind control just like Winter Soldier. Or hey—maybe they just wanted his blood to create a super weapon (and that’s why our hamster) and the torture was just being poked and prodded and kept helpless and sedated for decades. 
I suspect Soldier Boy doesn’t know how to control these energy blasts... at least not yet. It’s also possible that’s why they’ve been keeping him sedated in that tank. 
A-Train (at least assumedly) betrayed Supersonic (unless Homelander simply overheard everything A-Train, Supersonic, and The Deep said). However, I do think A-Train might come around for his own purposes. We’ll see. 
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amostimprobabledream · 7 months
I have no idea if it's intentional, but does anyone else feel like there's some real potential of a huge fallout between Butcher and Kimiko?
Something that really annoyed me in The Boys Season 2 is the whole scene where Butcher tries to kill Kimiko's brother just for a shot at saving Saint Becca, and the whole scenario is used as conflict for a fight...between Butcher and Hughie. It's been a while since I've watched The Boys all the way through, but as far as I remember, I don't think there's a moment where Kimiko calls Butcher out on this and I don't even think she saw him about to shoot her brother - Hughie was the one who stopped Butcher and specifically told him who Kimiko's brother was and Butcher went for it anyway because everybody else is expendable to him.
But it was frustrating that we were robbed of Kimiko's reaction to this and instead her rage is refocused by the writers to Stormfront, since she killed her brother personally. Which is fine but it was annoying that a cool moment of character development for Kimiko was instead not explored and used as fuel for the relationship between Butcher and Hughie.
Then we have that whole thing in Season 3 where Butcher makes Kimiko go act as a honeypot to get something (I don't remember what) and she ends up saving a bunch of sex trafficked girls, but naturally she's still pissed at Butcher and tells him "I am not your gun." Then he menacingly tells her she is, they glare at each other and then it's cut off again by Frenchie. Kimiko and Frenchie even are about to leave the group at the end of Season Three because they're sick of Butcher's shit.
I have no idea if the writers are going somewhere with this, but I hope they are because it really makes Kimiko's character feel incomplete that she doesn't really have much personal conflicts or stakes in the group - she's just kind of there as the token female character and the only Supe, but I really wish that the writers would let her do more then just hang around Frenchie all the time. Season Three in general felt like it had no idea what to do with Frenchie, Kimiko and MM because they were too busy setting up Soldier Boy - in fact, a lot of plot points in Season Three felt incomplete to me, like the whole Homelander/Starlight fake dating thing was such a fantastic idea and never got utilised in an interesting way. Or Supersonic was such a boring character to me that I didn't remotely care when he died, because what did he do that whole season except simp over Starlight? I also thought Maeve's writing was awful because her motives seem to be all over the place and her sex scene with Butcher made me cringe.
Anyway yeah. I really hope there is a massive fallout between Butcher and Kimiko because honestly, the fact Butcher was perfectly fine with murdering Kimiko's only family that she just got reunited with after years of them being torn away from each other just for a shot in the dark at reuniting with his wife who ran away from him rather than simply tell him the truth was peak Butcher selfishness and it's disappointing that the only person who reacted to it was Hughie. I love Hughie but it wasn't really his moment, or at least it shouldn't have been.
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Breaking down the comics: BENDIS. PART 3. 
Part 1 HERE. 
Part 2 HERE. 
This is the final bit! The last three! You ready? I can’t stress how much you aren’t ready for this. 
Issue #10
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This cover is kinda meh. They could have done better. Maleev really likes drawing those steel beams though. He went “Man, you know what’s fun and cool? BEAMS.” I can respect that. 
Alright. Reading the title page to make sure nothing else changed when I wasn't looking... 
Looks the same. Just an added line. 
"In the ensuing battle through the streets of Los Angeles, Echo dies at the hand of Nefaria and Moon Knight falls into an uncontrollable berserker rage." 
Makes it sound cooler than it actually IS. 
So we get the same picture we left off with in the last issue only this time they've edited in a dead Echo at the forefront. I don't need to show you that. Seems like they could have given us something different and just used one of the alternate images for dramatic effect. 
We get a collage of action. We see bloody claws, glowing Count eyes attacking, blood across Marc's chest, red explosions, Marc screaming, more blood, and a dead Echo. 
It's dramatic and has a certain flow to it. It does encapsulate Marc's current state of mind pretty well. 
And then... 
We cut to a street and see a TAXI CAB. And a man in a flat cap!!!!! 
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….I swear my heart just skipped a beat and I got SOOOOOO fucking excited and then I remembered what was actually happening and now I'm just MAD again. Because… Even after ALL THAT. After everything that happened in the last issues… If somehow…SOMEHOW…Jake suddenly actually stepped in and then we saw Steven… It would have saved this. That Marc didn’t need Fake Cap and Wolverine and Spider-Man. That what he needed all this time was right there… Sure, it still would have been messy, but it could have been explained as Marc breaking down and Fictives coming in or Persecutors or SOMETHING. And I’m sitting here crying because THAT could have been good. And instead we get…THIS. 
Because...This isn't the TV show. This is real. 
"What have you been doing all night, Marlene?" 
He asks Marlene. 
"Waiting for you, Steven." 
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ALRIGHT. Let's break this down page by page. 
So Bendis is FINALLY acknowledging that Jake, Marc, and Steven all exist. 
We see Jake coming home in his cab to Marlene. 
It's very reminiscent of Moench. Jake takes them home. Jake always takes them home. There's something to that. 
And once he walks into the house with Marlene, he's no longer Jake. Jake very rarely liked interacting with Marlene, much less hanging out in any of their posh homes. 
And just like in Moench's run, she addresses him as Steven. She always waited for Steven. 
She asks who they destroyed this time. 
He says that isn't fair. 
And it isn't fair. But Marlene started to get bitter towards them in the end. She suffered her own losses and she started to blame him for them. She always hated Marc and loved Steven. And Marc destroyed so much of their life. 
We see Moon Knight asking to go in, but we see the Avenger's masks in the background. 
Notice how Wolverine is on top. 
Marc assumes that Frenchie is the one in the costume. He knows Frenchie left him a long time ago. His oldest and closest friend. The only one that knew Marc Spector as Marc Spector. 
The insistence that "SOMEONE" has to go out because they don't know what's happening implies that someone else is in control and they are all locked out. 
The costume is empty. He doesn't know who'se wearing it. He doesn't know who is inside it. Maybe no one. 
He's confused because he's lost control of his own situation and lost control of everything. 
Because it doesn't matter who he tries to be, who he loves, or what he does... Marc Spector still "Ruins everything he touches." 
He wakes up in a hospital bed, RESTRAINED to the bed with a security guard outside. 
The implication is pretty obvious. And honestly, this is something Marc has dealt with before. And probably something that brings back a lot of bad memories for him. 
He's waking up somewhere he doesn't know where he is, he can't remember how he got there, he doesn't know what happened, he doesn't know who has been out, and he's locked up. 
He's able to make a phone call. 
Detective Hall shows up! 
"Where is he?" 
"He's down the hall." 
"Has he said anything?" 
"He's in pretty bad shape." 
"When do his prints come back from the lab?" 
"You didn't fingerprint him? A costumed hero lies dead and bloody in the street and you don't print him?" 
"He's in bad shape. We thought--No one said--" 
"You have Moon Knight in custody. And you didn't think to PRINT him." 
Remember, Hall is from NY. He's familiar with who Moon Knight is. What he can do. What he's known to do. 
"We--We secured the hallway. We have all of the other patients moved to other floors. I mean, it's not like we were--" 
Hall turns the corner to find at least five guards and staff knocked out in the hall, and Moon Knight's room and bed empty. 
Slowly the other officers start to get dizzy and also fall over. The hall has been gassed! 
Hey it’s Buck! 
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I appreciate Buck. 
Buck: "Let's move along now..." 
Marc: "I'm beginning to love you, Buck." 
Buck: "Well, that takes the sting off the fact that I know I'm going to hell for this. I just sleep-gassed a hospital." 
Marc: "Seriously...Thank you." 
Buck: "The girl didn't make it." 
Marc: "I told her--I told her to run." 
Buck: "I ain't blamin' you. She's a big girl. I'm just saying." 
Marc: "This is going to...haunt me for a while." 
Buck: "Imagine how she feels." 
Marc: "What happened to...@$@@ing Count Nefaria?" 
We head to some place where we find the Count in pretty bad shape and having a tantrum. 
The...I don't know what this guy is.. Butler? We're going to go with butler. The butler tells the Count's visitor that "He's going to need a minute. It's been a very rough night." 
LOL I bet he had a rough night. Moon Knight tends to do that to people. Moon Knight beaten up and bleeding? Imagine what the other guy looks like. 
"From what I understand, this Moon Knight character got in what can only be called a lucky shot. He stabbed Lucino just as he was preparing a fatal blow. The blow backfired. The police arrived to find Lucino struggling to regain his...Composure. You see, he is not a young man. Containing this kind of power is a true effort in the best circumstances. That's why he needs you." 
We get the identity of the visitor and...Ugh. Okay. THIS Villainess I know. 
Madame Masque. 
If I know her, why don't I know the Count? These are the questions I ask myself. 
She's apparently his DAUGHTER. 
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Some of you more well read comic fans may recognize her or her name. ALRIGHT. She was created by Stan Lee and co. back in 1967. Originally named Giulietta Nefaria, but later changed to Whitney Frost. 
She's the daughter of Count Nefaria...And she's historically been the occasional love interest of Tony Stark, Iron Man. 
(Yeah... Tony gets around ALMOST as much as Matt Murdock. ....almost.) 
Originally she wore a golden mask to cover her disfigured face. Her face has since healed, but she still wears the mask. 
Apparently her mother died giving birth to her and the Count wanted her to live a respectable life so he adopted her out to Byron Frost, who worked for Nefaria. 
She's had some back and forth with being a villainess and showing compassion to the heroes (mostly Tony. She’s got a love hate going on with Tony). 
All that aside, we head back to Marc's mansion. 
Marc is listening to his voice mails. 
His assistant is calling to check up to see if he's still alive since she hasn't heard from him in a while. 
He's still healing and in pain. It was a pretty hard fight, after all. Not to mention Echo... 
Wolverine shows up and tells Marc to get up. 
"I can't. You're the reason I'm here!" 
"You're the reason you're here, Bub. You better get up because I guarantee you, Nefaria is up and looking for YOU." 
"And what would you hae me do?!" 
"Finish what you started." 
"I hate you." 
"I don't care. Finish what you started. He's got an Ultron. You're an Avenger. Echo was an Avenger. Avenge her. Save this city." 
Honestly, Marc needs time. He never gives himself time. And for once, Marc is in bed TRYING to give himself time. Trying to feel things and heal and he isn't getting to. I feel for him. 
We head over to the morgue where an autopsy is being done on Echo. I don't need to show you these pictures. 
The doctors discuss who has authority over her body. FBI or the LAPD who brought her in. 
Just as they are about to start, Madame Masque busts in and shoots everyone. 
She recognizes Echo's body, but can't place who she is. 
She finds the weapon staff that Buck outfitted with Vibranium. 
It's a lead and she calls her people to check the black market for rescent buys. She's going to trace it back to Marc. 
We head to the police HQ to find the Detective Hall interviewing Snapdragon again. 
He has a still image of Madame Masque in the morgue. He asks her to identify her. 
Snapdragon does so. Noting that "Her and her dad have what you'd call a strained relationship." 
Snapdragon urges Detective Hall to either bust the Count quickly or get her out of there because she's terrified of Madame Masque and she's a sitting duck there. 
Detective says he's doing his best, but there are stops in place above him. 
We head back to Marc's place. We see Buck parking outside and about to open the garage when he notices red dots, indicating he's in someone's sights. 
"Son of a--" He reaches for his gun. 
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"Rrr! N'me!" 
"Don't worry about me! She got the Ultron head! She has Ultron! It's out in the open!" 
Poor Buck. 
Poor Marc. It’s about to get a lot worse for him. 
END ISSUE. Two more to go. 
The hospital scene gets to me. They find Moon Knight near death in the street next to a badly injured Count and a dead Echo and they cuff him to the bed. And then Bendis BLATANTLY showing us Jake. Letting us know that he’s aware of Steven and Jake and that they DO in fact exist in this story, but he’s not going to give them to us? That they just aren’t there? Also, Did you see how wonderful that cap looked? HOW WONDERFUL THAT JAKE LOOKED?! I will forever be angry that we are denied Maleev drawing us Jake or Steven. …And giving Marc a Goatee when Jake isn’t there to enjoy it. >:(
ISSUE #11! 
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There the guys are staring again. 
But I DO like this cover. Black and white and the single pillar in the middle. It's a cover of mourning. 
And the folds in that cape? LOOK AT THAT CAPE. 
Marc's in for a bad time. It's about to get REALLY bad for him. 
Alright title page... Oh look, they're changing it just enough to make his deal with Echo even more potent. 
"He has teamed up with (and fallen in love with) another former Avenger, Echo.
Echo dies at the hand of Nefaria, driving Moon Knight off the deep end and setting him on a course for bloody vengeance. Before he can do that, however, Nefaria's daughter, the assassin Madame Masque, breaks into Spector's house and steals the head of Ultron..." 
Not to mention shooting Buck. I hope Buck survives. I like Buck. 
We open on SHIELD Helicarrier 1000 Feet over the Pacific Ocean. 
Hey, it's commander Hill! Nick Fury's right hand man and replacement after he died/ranoff/did his thing (dude does all of the above SO MANY TIMES all the time). 
Moon Knight is trying to call SHIELD. 
"They're using one of Captain America's secure lines." 
"Moon Knight." 
"It's coming from the Los Angeles Area. He's using old codes. From a discharged agent by the name of Buck Lime." 
"Okay, well, put him through. This should be annoying." 
I hate how much no one respects him and thinks of him as just that crazy guy that causes problems.
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First of all, RUDE. She knows exactly who Moon Knight is and what his problems are. He had a psych eval when he joined the Avengers the FIRST time. You know she’s read the file. 
Second of all, Captain America should have informed SHIELD of the Count’s actions and locations just in case things DID get out of control. He seems like the sort of villain that they’d want to know the location of at all times, even if he wasn’t being active! 
She berates him for losing the Head, even though the plan was approved by Captain America. 
Buck tells htem that he put a tracker in the head, but when she blew up the garage, the responder was also blown up. He needs them to pick up the signal and send it to them. 
"No. You give ME the signal and I'll send a battalion of Hulkbuster Agents down there to--" 
"All due respect, but I think a lighter touch is needed." Marc makes excellent decisions. 
"Oh, you do? Says the man who 'lost' an Ultron." 
Back with Madame Masque, we see her with the Ultron head. She calls her father to tell him she has it. 
But... "I won't be meeting you. No. Not until you tell me the plan. What do you plan on doing with a homicidal artificlal intelligence you can't possibly control?" 
He tells her the plan (We don't get to hear it) and she suddenly changes her mind. 
"I didn't know that. No. Oh. Okay. Yes sir. I'll see you soon." 
Just as she's about to pack up and head out, a shadow catches her eye. 
Moon Knight pounces from above. 
He attacks with the shield, the webbing, and the claws. 
Wolverine yells to cut her and finish it. 
Marc forces her to get up close and personal and they both take some hard hits. 
Just when it looks like she has the upper hand, she looks back and suddenly realizes the Ultron head is gone! 
Buck has snatched it and is running away. 
Moon Knight manages to distract her until Buck makes it to the car and starts to drive away, her running after him. 
Moon Knight is still recovering from his earlier injuries so he's slower to get up and give chase. 
"Agh! Okay. That really hurt-" 
Wolverine: "Shut up and get up!" 
Madame Masque manages to shoot out his tires and stall his car. When he doesn't get out of the car, she starts trying to shoot his gas tank. 
Gas is now dripping heavily from his car and there are sparks all over. 
A silver Crescent shape appears above her and she shoots it up. 
It's just a cape! 
Spiderwebbing wraps up her guns and Moon Knight attacks. 
Just as he strikes, the car explodes, sending them both flying. 
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Ah yes, the seeing the dead girlfriend telling you not to let her death be in vain and to make it mean something trope. 
Marc wakes up and forces himself to move just as Madame Masque is about to stab him. 
I'd again like to remind you that Marc Spector is specially trained in hand to hand combat. Everyone goes on about "Oh yeah this villain is a skilled fighter!" but they still don't have the training Marc has. Marc didn't just wake up one day and put on the mask with a little boxing degree under his belt. 
Boxing, street fighting, Army/Marines, Special ops, SHIELD, underground fight rings and cage fighting...And THEN his years of Mercenary training and how to get out of shit situations because he puts himself in BAD situations constantly and has to dig himself out. 
Not just that, he's a stubborn asshole who would 'rather take the punch than learn to duck' as Taskmaster once said. (My favorite depiction of Marc.) 
So a scary lady like Madame Masque means nothing to him. 
And I appreciate that Bendis and Maleev recognize this. Another point in their corner. (Unlike with Bendis and Burrow who showed him getting his ass handed to him by some no one over and over again.)
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“And that’s why you don’t steal from the craziest Avenger on the West-” 
Marc, don't encourage this. 
Marc takes off her mask and finds a beautiful perfect face. 
"She doesn't even need the mask. She's crazier than you are." Wolverine snerks. 
What's this? Echo has joined the commentary. Is she a 'voice/personality' now too? 
"Well done, Spector. Don't forget Buck. ANd the Ultron Head." But why does she speak like Captain America? 
"Oh No...Buck." 
Marc finds Buck laying next to the exploded car. 
"Oh no. Not you too, Buck. Not you too. I'm so..." 
Buck turns around with his gun at the ready. "NGYAA!" 
"It's okay. It's me." 
"Whee is--Did you--?"
"I got her." 
The police arrive via Helicopter and Marc tells them it's time to go. 
He helps Buck get up and they make a run for it. 
And I must say… The writing between Buck and Marc is top notch. I appreciate the humor they have. The banter. Even Marc poking fun at himself. He’s relaxing around Buck and you don’t see him do that often with people. He’s told Buck that he has problems and Buck still accepts him (even though he hasn’t really said the full extent of his problems). I’m going to give Bendis another point for giving us Buck. 
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Thank you Buck. 
Back with the Count! He's watching the breaking news on TV about the latest thing with Moon Knight. 
The Local police arrive at his place. They have a warrant and subpoena. 
"There's quite a few of them. They said it had something to do with Moon Knight." 
"Moon Knight..." Yeah... Count is learning what it means to get Moon Knight under your skin. 
Do you have any idea HOW MANY major marvel hitters have come up across Moon Knight and gone, "Please. Let me face ANYONE...ANYONE...but Moon Knight again." They'd rather fight the Hulk than end up in Moon Knight's sights again. 
Even if they 'won' or kicked his ass... At what cost? This man knows how to be a PROBLEM. It's what he's best at. Marc Spector: professional problem. 
ANd this is the problem. I liked that issue. It was fun, it was quirky, it had Buck, it had Moon Knight doing what he does best. But then you add in the Wolverine aspect and also the discrimination and then the potential that Echo is ALSO now joined his voices/personalities in his head? 
Issue #12! 
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I really love his use of grays and whites. And he draws a fantastic moon. The framing of this image is just spot on. 
Alright. Let's get this bread. 
On the title page! 
We got the usual false info on the start of Moon Knight (I can't believe they changed the story and how wrong they made it.) 
The usual bit about his TV show, Count Nefaria, his hidden new split personality disorder (LOL no). His love with Echo and her death... 
And lastly we have him "ruthlessly" dispatching Madame Masque to get the Ultron head back. 
Then the police catching up with Count Nefaria and making him even more pissed at Moon Knight. 
We open with the police serving the warrant and trying to get into the house to find the Count. 
Just then, the COunt takes off, flying away and destroying a Police copter in the process. Which was totally unnecessary cause they were just there for light and had no weapons. 
Back at police HQ, Snapdragon hears about the Count getting away and tells the police they had a deal to get her out of there. 
The captain goes to get her. It's time to transport her to protective custody. 
And then the Count shows up. 
"Captain Quaid. You and I had a deal. Payments were made." 
Yeah, that's what I thought. 
The Captain tells the officers to stand down. 
There's an argument and the Count laser eye blasts the Captain to death. The police open fire and Snapdragon takes cover. 
He's pretty pissed at Snapdragon, telling her that he hadn't plan to leave her there to rot after all. That he was going to get her out later and she betrayed him. 
As he's ranting, someone comes up behind him. "Hey, Nefaria..." 
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The art here. The action pose. The detail in the rubble… The SASS. The absolute frustration that someone as small time as Moon Knight is this much of a problem. 
This gives me joy. 
Also, in the last Issue, Marc's outfit was pretty torn up. And the issue before that his outfit was pretty torn up. 
He must keep on hand SO MANY outfits. Not to mention capes. 
So here we are again... Marc going up against an over powered villain up close and personal. 
You know what his only advantage is? 
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(Look at him. Sitting there on all that rubble like a trouble maker. )
The fact that he is such a problem. 
"Marc Spector: Profession Problem" really should be on his business cards. 
While the Count is distracted by Moon Knight, Snapdragon takes up hier own offense. She shoots at the Count then opens fire on Moon Knight too. 
"Nice. Real nice." He blocks her blows with his shield. 
Then we see Wolverine and the newest member to the innacurate Headmate group: Echo. 
Echo has taken up the voice of reason, since Wolverine killed off Captain America and Spider-man in a previous issue, I guess? 
"Tell him it's time to make a deal." 
Marc tries to make a deal with Nefaria. "Kill me and you'll never get the head of Ultron. And I mean NEVER." 
He then tells him that he's going to lose his empire, his daughter, and his west coast bragging rights. 
Yeah... Count isn't listening. He's pretty enraged. 
It’s kinda funny really. Like he can’t even believe he’s never considered that Moon Knight could ever be his problem.
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(Dude’s starting to sound like talking to me must sound like.) 
Moon Knight keeps his paces, but this dude is fast and strong. 
He snaps the claws apart then throws Moon Knight around a bit. 
"Here's what's going to happen according to me. You're going to give me my Ultron head. You're going to give it to me and then you are going to pay off the sizable debt you've racked up. Not with money...but with service. Do I need to explain myself again?" 
He trashes Marc around a bit, ripping up that nice new outfit. 
"And maybe I won't kill you like I killed your little Girlfriend. You have no idea what's at stake here, boy. You have no idea how important that head is." 
Marc tells him that the head is outside. in the parking lot. "No more killing...No more..." 
So the Count drags Marc out of the station to the lot. 
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"Yeah, he called the Avengers." 
Oh look! The Avengers! Who we got on the team today? Let's see... Thor, Wolverine, Spiderwoman, Captain Marvel, Beast, Iron Man and...Someone I don't recognize. And they've also apprehended Snapdragon too. 
And Marc, bless his Sass... 
Beaten to a pulp he looks up at the Count: "You see them too, right?" 
Now, according to the things I looked up so I could figure out just WHO the Count is.. He's fought Thor more than a few times and it was mostly an even match, but Thor usually got an upper hand. 
The Count goes on the attack and Thor lays him out with a good ol' Thor hammer. 
Marc takes the opprotunity to crawl over to him. "That's for Echo, you son of a bitch." 
And he punches out the Count. 
And that would be great if that was it. But it isn't. 
We head back to Marc's partially blown up house. 
Tony Stark wants to see the head. 
Marc hands it over. "Ta-Dah!" 
"It's the real damn deal." 
"Thanks for coming to take it off our hands, Stark." 
"Hey, thanks for keeping it out of that nut job's hands. Thanks for calling us when you did. Sorry we didn't get there five minutes faster." 
"What did Nefaria want with it?" 
And Tony tells him. 
Ultron is a highly advanced artificial intelligence that is far smarter than any of them and keeps getting smarter. It wants to wipe out all of humanity. 
It's also out there. They destroyed all the avatar bodies, but the program is out there hiding and waiting and planning. 
Tony speculates that Nefaria either knows 'something we don't--like where Ultron is or what the Ultron plan is...Or he's trying to get ahead start. Trying to get in on the ground floor or when the big bad robot comes to kill us. Maybe he wanted something to Bargain with." 
"I really don't want that in my house anymore." 
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Does he think that you can’t have mental health issues and still have a normal conversation or do a normal job? 
The second mental health is breeched no one trusts them to do anything. Or they look the other way then if anything goes out of the normal they go “Oh yeah I always knew he was trouble. He’s crazy, you know.” 
Pisses me off. 
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I love Buck. He gets it. He notices when Marc is having a moment and he also knows that exhaustion isn’t great for things. Despite it all, Buck is there for him and he’s willing to help him along the way. 
(And you are never going to see Buck again. He’s quickly erased thanks to the 3 year gap after Moon Knight is canceled. Moved on or like he never happened. This upsets me.) 
You know what else upsets me? 
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There's a new headmate now. He just had a frank discussion with Tony Stark. Captain America and Spider-man headmates were killed off. So now he has...
Wolverine, Echo, and Ironman. Three personalities that are NOT going to get along and have VERY different instructions and opinions. Back to square one. 
Studio Back Lot, Marc arrives and is told by his assistant that the show is canceled. 
Not making enough money or something or other. 
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(The joke here is that he’s crazy so they expect him to do crazy things.) 
Marc. Let her go. Remember how we talked about you making BAD DECISIONS? 
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Marc… MARC. 
Okay. Hold on a second. I need to look something up. 
So, as I noted in part 1... This was one of Bendis' less successful revivals. He re-wrote Moon Knight's past, gave him a new location, and then completely redid his character and D.I.D as well as getting rid of without explaining Steven and Jake. In fact, it's implied that he never HAD Steven and Jake and that they were only used as "Cover personas" and that his "Multiple Personality" issue is new and hidden as he 'imagines' the Avengers working along side him. 
It's used as a ploy to keep the crazy in Moon Knight while also trying to make him interesting when he was ALREADY interesting and Bendis just stripped what was interesting about him away without explanation or cause. 
You don't take the stripes off the Zebra and call it a fancy horse and still expect people to be interested in it like they were before. 
According to one review write up: "It never really caught fire with new fans, and longtime devotees didn't love the concept of tying him into some of Marvel's biggest heroes." 
It was a huge flop. 
During this run, Moon Knight also had a major team appearance (first in over 20 years) in "Secret Avengers". In fact, he was popping up all over the place in this time frame in small side projects and background things. 
And then.... NOTHING. But what about the promise of "He will return in Age of Ultron"? 
Age of Ultron, 2012. He appears prominently in Issues #2, 4, 5, 10, and Avengers Assemble Age of Ultron #14. But it is not considered a canon timeline for him and has no affect on the main story. He’s just kinda there. You KNOW how I feel about Marvel events that just take all the characters and mash them together with writers that don’t know how to handle these characters. They just kinda go off of cliff notes on the most recent run that’s been published. 
Let's take a peek at how Moon Knight was handled after the failed Bendis run...  
Avengers Assemble: Age of Ultron
Written by Al Ewing
Art by Butch Guice
Editor by Lauren Sankovitch 
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Dialogue here because I had to squint:
"Marc Spector. Moon Knight. I've worked with him. Unstable, but useful. So long as he can keep himself together. Right now, he's not doing well. He's breaking. It's in his voice. He needs something certain. Something he can rely on. He needs the Black Widow. The one in his head."
So this is what happens when someone mismanages a character like Moon Knight. The stigma…and it is stigma…sticks. It’s harder to make the good things stick than it is to make the mad things last. Just look at BEMIS. 
Up to this point, there had been a LOT of misrepresentation for Moon Knight. He just kept getting crazier and crazier. More and more violent. Some writers took it to the extreme and others tried to mellow it out but gave him less of Steven and Jake and more of rageful Marc. 
When Bendis redefined Marc’s mental disorder, there was only one way to go with it and it was right into crazy town. The Avengers treated him with kiddie gloves and ‘played’ to his delusions. 
This is how bad depictions of disabilities can snowball. And snowball it did. 
THREE YEARS. No one knew what to do with him. Did they take him back to where he was, cutting faces off of people? Or into the wild and angry phase? Or did they try to carry on what Bendis did here? 
It’s any wonder that it took three years for someone to step up and say “Let me try.” and is it any wonder that their arch was so PASSIVE? 
So here I am with a question: Was this a good run? 
Pros: The art was good and consistent. The dialogue was good and believable. The action was balanced. The stillness was balanced. We had very good fighting scenes with good combat. I FELT for Marc. We got to see Marc in vulnerable situations trying to deal with his failing mental health and his grief. He broke my heart. We also got Buck! It made me legit laugh a few times. 
The hardest part is that when it was good, it was AMAZING. But when it was bad…. 
So do I forgive Bendis? Do I forgive him for taking on a project he should NOT have taken on? Is it enough for me to enjoy the run and recommend it? Is it enough for me to say “It’s great if you overlook the piss poor representation of D.I.D and Ableism.”? 
I can see why after reading this run, I set it aside and marked it as ‘the worst’ and refused to touch it again. Was it bad enough to warrant that reaction? At the time… Yes. But looking back on it… Perhaps I was a little harsh? Holding it up against Aaron, BEMIS, and even Pepose… It’s top of the line. But how sad is that? 
How sad that we have to hold up something so wrong and say “Hey, it wasn’t the worst so I give it a two thumbs up”? 
We should expect better. Because this comic deserves better. This run should have been up there with Lemire. Instead, it’s down here with “Skip this one”. And that makes me sad. 
What do you guys think? Do the pros outweigh the cons? Is this run still a skip, or is it a read ‘but don’t pay attention to these things’?
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Frenchie was slowly but surely piecing together what had happened.
When Blackbeard returned to the ship broken, devastated, and without Stede, most of the crew assumed Captain Bonnet’s luck had finally run out.
Frenchie had other suspicions.
He knew rich people, knew how they worked. Sure, Stede seemed different at first glance, but after a few days at the naval academy, surrounded by people like him, he might have found a renewed appreciation for where he came from. Leveraged his name or his closeness with Blackbeard to escape the squalor that usually awaited a captured pirate, leaving Edward to take the heat for both of them.
A few weeks after the loss of half of their crew, Frenchie had managed to sneak off the ship at port, and heard that Stede Bonnet had escaped the academy to return to his wife and children. 
There was something about a jungle cat, but Frenchie was too overcome with rage to keep listening.
From what he could piece together, Stede had cajoled Edward into risking their lives with an escape attempt, and then used it to leave him for the old life he’d professed to hate.
Leave all of them, Frenchie realized with a pang. Bonnet had taken all of them in with his promises of people positive management and talking things through, made them feel like a family, and then left when he got bored.
As he saw Izzy approaching the Captain’s cabin, Frenchie knew he would only make the situation worse, so he sprung to his feet and shoved him aside.
“Let me talk to him.”
Surprisingly, Izzy didn’t argue. 
Frenchie gave a slight knock on the door as a formality, and then crept into the cabin.
Edward was curled up in the window that used to house Stede’s bed. His eyes were bloodshot, and he clearly hadn’t slept. He look utterly wrecked.
“What now, Izzy?” he groaned.
“It’s not Izzy.”
Ed raised his kohl-covered eyes to look at Frenchie, happy, despite everything to see a hopefully friendly face.
“What do you need, kid?”
“I wanted to see if you’re okay,” Frenchie walked over and joined him on the ledge.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I think it’s shit what Bonnet did to you.”
Ed jerked upward: “Don’t talk about him! Don’t mention his name in here.”
“He manipulated all of us,” Frenchie was undeterred, “I’ve seen it before.”
The anger drained from Ed’s eyes, replaced with curiousity, “What do you mean?”
“I spent most of my life working for people like him. This is what they do. Get people to love them, give them affection, and use it until it bores them. Saw one rich fuck about my age court a peasant girl for years, wed her in private, and then bribe the officiant to lie so he wouldn’t lose his inheritance. She was ruined. And that’s not even mentioning the ones with other interests. There was truly a shocking amount of young rich guys who like to fuck their stable boys or servants and then cry ‘he came onto me’ when their wives catch them.”
“Shitheads,” Ed muttered.
“My point is, you aren’t alone here, Edward. He’s the asshole. I’ve held plenty of my friends while they cried over people just like him. Please, don’t let one man ruin your entire life.”
“I..am sorry, about your friends. About Lucius. He’s the one who convinced me Stede liked me, and I thought he was in on it. Some big plan to get one over on Blackbeard.”
“Don’t worry about Lucius,” Frenchie was thrilled to be able to give good news, “he’s hiding in the walls! Nothing happened that can’t be fixed.” “Nothing can be fixed with Izzy here,” Ed sighed, “he’s watching like a hawk, for any signs that Blackbeard is slipping away again. I already took a toe, I’m not sure how else to hold him off. I can’t bring myself to kill him.”
Frenchie put a hand on Ed’s shoulder: “You have Jim.” 
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group-oc-tournament · 7 months
Round 1 - Match 19
Cursed Crew
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Consisting of Alchemy Matheus Iritolva, Frenchie Lurette Delvado, Elanor Verna Alindis, Jack Wilfred Brevin and Callum Runar Mornicavi.
Who are They?
In a fantasy/steampunk esque world, 5 various flavors of criminals are forced to work together as a team, because they were all hired for an impossible heist. The heist goes horribly wrong, they realize the person who hired them is screwy and then they all decide to overthrow the government :) and despite being very different and untrusting of eachother, they grow very close and become best friends. They are also very messed up in one way or another. Now it's time to meet the crew ! Frenchie - 23 - she/they : A very good seamstress who works for nobles, incredibly sneaky. She is always listening in on conversation and is able to spy extremely well. She's seen way to much. A girlboss and probably the most level headed of the bunch. She used to date Alchemy, but they broke up due to the fact they had literally no romantic tension. The best thief, she can pickpocket almost anything, gathers info, tells everyone to shut up, and she makes sure they don't fall apart. Alchemy - 23 - she/he/they : A wizard, but not really, she just scammed her way into being apart of a council of magic by doing illusions and literally putting on "magic" shows. he can't actually do magic. He however can shoot guns and is also very good at working with magic and building things. They make their own guns and also bombs. Sharpshooter, demolitions expert, and professional charmer. Elanor - 22 - they/them : A very skilled fighter, especially with battleaxes. They were kicked out of their academy due to many accidental violent incidents. They don't blink much. They have a head in the clouds look to them and always sorta look like they're up to something, even if they aren't, it's just their face, I promise they're nice. The muscle, also is very good at scheming, even if their plans backfire sometimes, specifically they are good at coming up with combat plans. Jack - 19 - he/him : A student who got into a prestigious academy on a scholarship, but himself and his ideas weren't very well received and he ended up dropping out because of constant mockery. He's perceived as very timid and soft spoken. He has social anixety, but he's actually one of the most unhinged and enjoyable people to be around. He's very good at picking locks and breaking into places, aswell as disarming things. He also is very good with chemicals and poisons and has killed a room full of people with toxic gas... Callum - 24 - he/they/it : An ex agent of light, which is basically a secret service that works for the council that oversees the kingdom. He deserted because the council sucked and he disagreed with almost everything they did. Can kill you, but probably won't because it's very tired. They have an office job now, but left it to join this impossible heist. Office jobs are boring, heists are fun. The mastermind, knows how to have get each members strength to work with the others, he gets mad easily, but it's that calm terrifying rage. He's very protective of his crew, but he wont tell them that.
The Owl Gang
(@cliban, @radioactive-dragonlover, @wiz4rdtower, @citruslllad)
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Consisting of Morise, Superbia, Somnus and Illuvies.
Who are They?
Imagine a sinister alien oligarchy but they're also the most toxic gay friend group you've ever met! Morise (they/them) is a ruthless dictator more interested in evil science than overseeing their outpost. They're a closeted theatre kid dragged into the friend group by virtue of everyone else being a theatre kid - They feel severely annoyed by interacting with the Owl Gang (But secretly will Always commit to the bit). Superbia's malewife (genderneutral). Superbia (she/her) is a bombastic and egotistical woman who does whatever she pleases with little to no regards for others. The kind of woman who calls you "darling" with a tone so sweet it feels like honey dripping from her mouth, but in a bad way. She adores messing with people and manipulating them with her charm and wits. She's surprisingly a tender, kind, and passionate lover, especially when it comes to her partner Morise, who she loves very much. Somnus (she/it) is a drowsy has-been who can only be dragged out of her lair by the promise of novelty. She's motivated solely by boredom, malice, or hunger, and hangs out with her friend Illuvies because of their shared love for doing bits. Depending on the day, her energy levels generally hover somewhere between "cat taking a nap in a sunbeam" and "sloth on half a Valium" Illuvies (he/him) is gay but in a misogynistic way. Tormented a toddler, severed numerous limbs and betrayed both sides of a war multiple times. A mole, a rat and a bitch all in one.
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fic-crews · 2 years
Southern Charm:
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Just a reminder, you guys can ask for any kind of fic at any time on here. We’d be happy to write for you. You can request from either one of us or both of us! We appreciate the support. But since there are no current suggestions, this one is for Moth and me. I’m testing out my new first name/ potential nickname in this. But I hope you guys enjoy reading it anyways.
Moth sat upright in the front seat, his feet up on the dashboard and their arm lazily on the window sill. Frances had told them many times this wasn't safe, but he never wanted to listen. Frances was a worry wort, always taking care of everyone else. But this personality trait wasn't very appreciated in college groups. So they remained quiet.
The car suddenly started to slow down, the sound of the engine sputtering catching everyone's attention. The man driving pulled over to the side of the road and got out. The two vapid college girls on either side of Frances got out to, doating over the boy.
"What's wrong with it?" One of them asked.
The boy shoved her back, not in the mood for her stupid questions. Moth and Frances looked at each other and snickered under their breath. Moth spun in his seat now, turning his full attention to his younger companion.
"I know that look. Relax, everything's going to be fine."
Frances shook their head.
"It's probably just something small we can get fixed in a nearby town. Then we will be back on our way to the cabin." He attempted to assure them.
"Bad feeling" Frances signed.
Moth sighed, there was no changing Frenchie’s mind once they had it set on something. The rest of the group made fun of them for this, but Moth couldn’t help but believe they actually had a sixth sense. Frenchie jumped when the car door flew open. Mathew threw open the drivers side door in a rage.
“Fucking fan belts broken!” He shouted.
Moth sent a glare his way. He glanced up in the rearview mirror where Frances signed “bad feeling” once more.
Just as Moth pulled out his phone to call AAA, a truck came down the road and stopped next to them.
“You folks need some help?” The man asked.
The two girls, Amber and Sasha, flinched away from the dirty looking man. Mathew rolled his eyes in Moth’s direction, a silent exclamation of his disgust. Moth glared at the back of his head when he turned around.
“Do you know anywhere around here where I can get a fan belt?“
“Sure do buddy, there a little down just a few miles down the road called Ambrose. Can hook y’a up with the mechanic.”
The man in the truck sent a smile to Frances who sheepishly smiled back.
“How many miles?”
“Just ‘bout three. Straight line, town directory right up front can’t miss it. I could drive y’all.”
Mathew could feel the girls discomfort. He may have been a bonehead, but he wasn’t completely stupid.
“I think we’ll walk. Thank you.” He spoke bitterly.
His tone didn’t go unnoticed by the man.
“Actually I’ll take a ride.” Moth added.
Franchie’s eyes widened. They were sure they didn’t have to remind Moth about stranger danger. But they had to admit, there weren’t many more options. There was no way they could walk 3 miles with their health condition, and they don’t want to stay in the van out in the middle of nowhere.
Mathew grabbed Moth’s bicep, sending him a warning look.
“Relax Matt, we’ll be fine. See you there.”
When he didn’t let go, Moth pried his finger off of their arm. Moth hopped into the passenger seat of the truck.
“What about you little buddy? You gonna walk with your friends?”
Frances shook their head. They weren’t quite ready to sit next to this strange man. Nothing against him personally, but they didn’t even have his name yet. They crawled out of the back of the van, and hurdled themself into the bed of the truck. They plopped down and glanced through the window at Moth.
“Alrighty then. Anyone else? You ladies sure ya want to walk in them fancy heels ya got on?”
“They’re fine, thank you.” Mathew spat.
The truck started rolling down the road. Moth made some small talk with the man, learning his name was Lester. Frances could only hear bits and pieces as the window was open. But they weren’t paying much attention. They fidgeted with the stuff in the back of the truck, passing time until they pulled into town.
Moth hopped out of the truck, and Lester was quick to follow. Moth made his way around the back where he found Frenchie sort of spacing out.
“Earth to French, hello!“ he jeered.
Frances looked up at him.
“We’re here. Wanna come check out the auto shop with me?”
Frances shook their head no.
“Still have your bad feeling?”
They nodded.
“New people.” They sighed.
“Alright, you can stay back here. I won’t be gone long. The others should be here soon, and we’ll come get you when we’re done.”
Frances watched as Lester lead Moth into town. Their mind wandered a bit thinking back to his hands. It was they first thing they noticed about people. Force of habit from signing.
Moth felt bad for leaving them behind, but they knew it would be much worse if they had a panic attack. As they entered the auto shop they looked around.
“Yo Bo, got a customer for y’a!”
Moth watched as the man slid out from under the car he was working on. His heart fluttered when they made eye contact. The man was quite handsome, better than most of the boys back home that was sure. He was greasy and dirty just like Lester, but something about it was attractive. Meant they worked hard for what they had, unlike Mathew who got handed his daddy’s money on a silver platter. That’s the whole reason they could afford this spring break trip in the first place.
“We’ll hello there.” Bo said.
His accent was thicker than Lester’s and it made Moth’s legs weak.
“What can I do for y’a?”
“Their car broke down few miles out, others decided to walk, should be here soon.” Lester informed the mechanic.
It was like their words had a second meaning, but Moth paid no mind to their strange dynamic. It was none of their business anyway.
“You can go now Les.” Bo said.
Lester knew when he wasn’t needed anymore. He chuckled under his breath at his brother's clearly smitten look. He figured this time would be fun.
Moth stood there, arms crossed over their chest while he waited for the others to come. He couldn't help but be slightly anxious in this man's company. Bo was quite handsome, and it made Moth a little nervous. Boys back home didn't look like this, and they didn't have that accent either. Moth contemplated asking a question, just to hear him speak again. But it seems like the gods were willing to answer his silent prayers today.
"Know what's wrong with it?" Bo asked.
Moth shook their head.
"Not a clue, I don't even have my license to drive the damn thing."
Bo chuckled, smiling into the collar of his shirt as he wiped his brow with his serve.
"City folk." He jeered.
"Need any help?" Moth offered weakly.
"Thanks, City Boy, but I'd prefer this truck stay functional."
Moth raised his hands in defeat.
"Why don't ya go on and sit over there. I'll wait for y'ur little friends and go check on y'ur car."
He didn't have to be asked twice. Moth hopped up on the bed of the adjacent truck and watched Bo work. They were shamelessly gawking, and kind of glad their friends were slow walkers. He watched as Bo's arms flexed in his shirt. The care oil shining in all the right places. Those damn jeans looked so tight on his ass, it would almost be a crime not to admire it.
Bo wasn't oblivious to his staring. He was used to the ladies giving him a once over, and the men glaring at him just for existing. He sort of enjoyed the attention, it was new to him, but he didn't mind it.
"So where were ya'll headed?"
"I have no clue, you'd have to ask Mathew."
"Y'a don't know much do y'a?"
Moth took no offence to the question.
"I don't ask if it's not my business. A free vacation is a free vacation. I don't care where we go. I'd be fine staying right here actually."
Bo's grin grew wider at that. Little did Moth know how true that statement would become. Moth looked down at their phone, getting a text from Frances.
Frances: They just passed me, sending them your way.
"Friends are almost here." Moth declared.
"Why'd they walk anyways, I'm sure they could have fit in Les' truck."
"City folk." Moth mocked Bo's earlier statement.
"Y'a know, y'ur quite funny there, what's your name?"
Bo stood there stunned for a moment, before laughing slightly.
"Now I know yu'r parents must have been the hippy type. That's some name y'a got pretty boy."
Moth blushed slightly at the statement. They squirmed under Bo's stare.
"So is Bo short for anything or..."
"Just Bo." "Just Bo. I like it."
The tension in the room was cut when the others arrived. Moth couldn't even get out a greeting before one of the vapid college girls opened her mouth.
"God it's hot out here. Everything feels all sticky. Do you have a bathroom mister?"
"In the house, the front door's unlocked. Turn to your left, right under the stairs." The annoyance could be heard loud and clear in Bo's voice. He didn't like being interrupted. Mathew took note of this and glared at the southern man.
"We need a fan belt, have any in your shop?"
"Course I got some, what kind of car you got?" Bo growled out.
"Mathew-" Moth said in a warning tone.
Moth wasn't one to speak up much, but he didn't take to kindly to disrespect. Even if it was coming from one of his 'friends'. They didn't look very big, but they knew they could best Mathew in a fight if they ever had to. But Frances usually kept things from getting to that point. They locked eyes in a silent battle for a moment, before Mathew finally broke away.
"I can fix it myself if you just give me the piece, no need to drag you away from your current project," Mathew concluded.
"S'no problem at all. Girls can stay here, there's some lemonade in the house. Take me to the car and I'll check it out, make sure y'a ain't gonna break down again when I send yall on your way."
"I like that plan Matty, I'm exhausted." The other girl whined.
"Course y'a are a doll, you're wearing the wrong shoes for walkin'" Bo joked.
Mathew's jaw tensed at Bo's compliment. But Bo flirted with everyone. This girl wasn't the object of his affection. She was just something in the way of his prize. The girl tried to drag Moth into the house, but they protested.
"I'll stay here, in case Frances comes looking for us. They won't know we're up at the house, and we don't need them having a panic attack."
"Yeah, where are they? You sure that creep didn't ya know-"
The girl drew her finger across her highly decorated neck for emphasis. Bo glared at the back of her head. Of course, she didn't know she was talking about his little brother. But he didn't take too kindly to her accusations. He'd definitely make her death slow he decided.
"Yeah, Moth why would you leave them alone?" Mathew chimed in.
"They can take care of themselves, fuck you very much. They wanted to stay back in the trick, so I let them. It's not like you three even care."
Moth crossed their arms over their chest again. Mathew scoffed.
Moth watched as everyone parted ways, waiting patiently for Bo to come back.
Frances heard foot step approaching the truck and raised their head up from their phone. They glanced out the window and saw Lester approaching. They crawled over to the driver's seat and stuck their head out the window.
"Moth?" They asked.
Lester raised his brow at them in confusion.
"Oh, y'ur friend. Took 'em down to Bo's shop. Should be able to fix up the car real quick."
They nodded.
"You shouldn't stay in my truck, gets pretty hot in there, and the bones start to smell."
They shrugged.
"Being serious, the sun gets pretty hot."
They pushed open the door and squirmed out, wriggling their way onto the dusty road. Lester caught them looking back at the truck.
"Don't worry, I ain't takin' y'a far. Y'ur friends will come find y'a. Just don't want y'a burning in the sun is all."
They started following behind Lester as they walked toward the middle of town. Lester began to whistle a tune and Frances started humming along.
"Y'a know that song?" Lester asked.
They nodded. COntinuing to hum it as they skipped behind him.
"Y'ur pretty chipper, y'a know that right?"
"Like you." They said plainly, with a small smile.
"Well shucks, Darlin' y'ur makin' me blush."
They giggled softly, not used to having this effect on people. They grabbed Lester's hand in a vote of confidence and continued walking toward town.
"Y'a see that building right there? That's the house of wax."
Lester explained. He watched as their eyes lit up, and they started pulling him towards it. He smiled after them, excited by their enthusiasm. He decide right then he wouldn't let his brothers touch them. They didn't talk much anyway, what harm could they be. He watched as their eyes widened comically larger once they were inside.
They quickly ran around the room, inspecting every piece of art thoroughly. Lester broke his eyes away from them when he had a creek in the floor.
"Oh, hey Vincent!" He greeted his brother. A way to break his attention away from the "Intruder"
Frances turned their eyes to the large man. Both men expected they to shy away in disgust like everyone always did. But they were presently surprised. Frances walked up to him and held out their hand, silently asking about his mask. Vincent just starred.
"This is my brother Vincent, he made all the art in here. Made that mask too."
Frances bounced up and down on their tippy toes, a low squeel coming out of their mouth. It was possibly the cutest thing Lester had very seen. They even did a little spin, jumping around in a circle. Vincent seemed to relax a little around them, but looked at his brother oddly.
"Their friend's car broke down, everyone's up at eh shop with Bo. They didn't want to go, so I figured y'a wouldn't mind if I showed them the house of wax."
Lester turned his attention back to them.
"Lookin' pretty happy over there." Frances frowned, thinking he was mocking them. Lester quickly regretted his words. He knew insecurities when he saw them, he lived with Vincent after all.
"Sorry." They muttered.
"No, no I like it. It's a good thing, right Vinny?" Lester asked his brother for help.
He wasn't very good at these things. Bo was always the charismatic one. But Vincent read a lot, he knew a lot in theory. Vincent nodded his head at the both of them. Frances held out their hand to Lester who gladly took it. They started jumping up and down again, coaxing him to do the same. Vincent watched with a smile under his mask as his little brother had fun, letting loose for once.
He understood his brother's intentions now. To mark this one as off-limits. He hoped he wouldn't have to do anything. Their light was too bright to stomp out. Frances turned their attention to Vincent.
"No speak?" they asked.
He shook his head no.
"Sign?" He sighed yes.
They smiled up at him.
"What's your name, Buzzy Bee?" Lester asked.
They blushed furiously at the nickname. Hiding their head behind their hands.
"Fr-Frances. Friends call me Frenchie. But you can call me Buzzy Bee if you want." The mumbled. Their voices disappeared as the sentence went on.
Vincent almost swore he could taste how sweet this moment was. He'd never seen something so adorable in his entire life. He was happy his brother was happy.
"Frances, I like it."
They shy away further, heads feeling like they would explode from the heat rushing to their cheeks. They pointed over at Vincent's face.
"Mask." They said.
Lester chuckled under his breath. Vincent's shoulder shook in a silent laugh.
"Y'a don't have to hide from us Buzzy Bee, y'ur safe here."
The three of them walked around the House of Wax, Vincent signing anytime they'd ask a question. It was nice to have someone else to talk to, especially about art.
Moth groaned in frustration as the sun went down further in the sky. They hadn't gotten a text from Frances in a while and began to worry. Come to think of it, they hadn't heard from anyone in hours. He got up from his spot and began to wander around. Until he heard a noise that never meant good things. A gunshot rang out, followed by a girlish scream.
He absentmindedly ran toward the sound. He saw one of the girls crawling away, blood all over her. They looked down at her cofnsued.
"Help me!" She begged.
She attempted to crawl up Moth's pant leg, but Moth stared down at her in disgust. She was getting him all filthy. He broke eye contact with her to see Bo approaching with a shotgun. Bo paused when he saw him.
"I can explain-" Moth held up their hand to silence him.
"No need."
Moth kicked her in the chin, a sick crack ringing through the air. The girl fell backwards onto the hard ground, clutching her bleeding mouth. Bo stared at Moth in shock.
"Been wanting her gone since the dumb slut stole my boyfriend. She and her stupid friend were never mice to Frenchie anyway. Only hung out with them for the money."
Bo smirked widely at this.
"Want to do the honours pretty boy?"
He knew it was risky, giving a victim the gun, but he couldn't help but trust him. Something about the way Moth looked at him, made him seem serious. Moth took the shotgun gladly, cocking it like it was what he was trained to do. She began to beg, but he stepped on her neck, pointing the gun at her forehead.
"This is the part where I'm supposed to say something witty? I'm not witty."
The gunshot rang through the air and the girl was silenced. Moth handed the gun off to Bo.
"The others are dead too aren't they?"
"Kinda what we do with tourists."
Moth hummed contently, lost in thought.
"What about Frenchie?"
"If your friend went to the House of Wax, they probably ain't make it. I'm sorry."
Bo felt himself actually seeming sorry for this man. Moth frowned.
"I don't know, that idiot's pretty hard to kill." They chuckled.
Bo looked at him curiously.
"Deaths tried to claim them so many times, we stopped counting. It's kind of an inside joke at this point. You could chop off their legs and they'd flat put refuse to bleed out." Moth laughed a little louder.
Bo debated if they were going crazy for a moment. But he didn't care, he liked them crazy.
"We could go check, but I wouldn't get your hopes up City Boy."
"You better hope they're alive Country Boy, cause this-" Moth gestured between them, "Ain't happening otherwise."
Moth patted his shoulder in condescension. No rolled his eyes. Bo led Moth over to the house of wax, silently praying his friend was alive. He was pleasantly surprised when he heard laughter upon approaching. He pushed open the door, and Moth followed after. A smirk grew on Moth's face at the scene before him.
Frances lay on the floor, clutching their side as they laughed historically. Lester leaned against the wall, trying to hold himself up. And Bo stared at his twin as his mask was off. He wondered for a second what was going on.
"Cute," Frances said between laughs.
Vincent frowned signing an "I am not cute." In a huff.
"Face it, Vinny, you can't take back their compliment. I mean look at that face"
Vincent sighed about to put his mask back on, but Frances quickly stood up, asking for it. Bo watched the strange encounter, never seeing his brothers so open with a stranger before. Vincent reluctantly handed it over to them, and they slipped it on their head. A soft giggle left their mouth as they spun with the mask on, showing it off. They all stopped when they noticed the others. Frances waved at Moth, and Moth waved back.
"Glad to see you're having fun," Moth said.
Frances took off the mask and handed it back to Vincent, running up to give Moth a hug. But then frowned when they noticed something wet. They stepped back.
"You're bleeding?" They asked, suddenly worried.
The three brothers watched the situation carefully, silently discussing how this would end. None of them want the newcomers to leave, and none of them wanted to pull the literal or metaphorical trigger.
"Not mine. You want to stay here?" Moth asked.
Bo watched the most carefully, waiting for the younger stranger to pull back in disgust.
"We can stay?"
Moth nodded. "Mhmm, we just have the follow the rules, but you're pretty good at that."
"But Mathew-"
"Isn't a problem anymore. It's just us and them now. So, you want to give Ambrose a try?"
Frances nodded, squealing happily.
"New home! New friends!"
Moth smiled as he watched them run back over to Lester and tackle the poor man in a hug. Everyone in the room broke out into laughter. Moth opened his arms and signed for Bo to come over. Bo hesitantly walked over into their arms.
"So what do you say Country Boy? Want to show me your room?" Moth asked with a smirk.
"I thought you'd never ask City Boy."
AN: I wanted to write some more non-verbal/semi-verbal characters. As someone with autism, sometimes we don't like to use many words when it's too hard to speak. I don't usually get the luxury of going non verbal in my life, people always think I'm mad if I'm not talking. So I wanted to express it in my writing a bit, and I really enjoyed writing this. Also, peep the teen wolf reference.
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tizzyizzy · 2 years
How Dangerous is the Kraken?: Post-Toe Violence
The Toe Scene is important in a lot of ways. It’s the most gruesome scene in the show. It’s the first time we see Ed graphically participating in violence. It’s the first time Izzy, whose suffering has been mostly funny throughout the show, is framed as a victim of violence whose fear and pain we are supposed to sympathize with. And Izzy...might have liked it?
Before this scene, the audience never really thought Ed would seriously hurt Izzy, or any ally, to that extent. After, who the fuck knows?
So people have wildly different interpretations of what this says about Ed and Izzy and what will happen between them next season.
The scene is dark and horrifying, so it could suggest a continuation of that tone in the next season. Ed has shown that he will permanently injure Izzy to keep him in line. He threatened to feed him more toes; is that a threat that will actually be followed up on?
Izzy has, through most of the season, been fairly comfortable disagreeing with Ed, yelling at him and even disobeying. Is Izzy still comfortable doing that? Does he view this act as a one time thing, a punishment for threatening Blackbeard that will not be repeated as long as he remains loyal?
Or is this an escalation of Ed’s previous methods of disciplining? Izzy seemingly had all his fingers and toes before. Is this the first time he’s been subjected to something like this?
Izzy’s reaction later in the scene with Ivan and Fang could be interpreted as fear or happiness or both. Ivan and Fang’s reactions suggest that Izzy rushing them and his injured foot are not normal occurrences.
If this is an escalation, will Izzy become more submissive to Ed, reluctant to vocally disagree? If he did change his behavior, would he have good reason?
How is Ed going to treat everyone else on the crew, especially Jim and Frenchie?
We know that Ed was on a downward slope before he fell in love with Stede. It’s not unreasonable to expect a heartbroken Blackbeard might be more dangerous than the original one.
But we've never actually seen Blackbeard in all his glory, before he began to lose his edge.
If you told me that there would be a harrowing scene next season where a drunken Ed beats Izzy bloody in a violent rage and realizes he has become his father, I’d believe you.
But if you told me that Ed will be incredibly conflicted, even disgusted and horrified by his own behavior during the toe incident, I’d buy it.
And if you told me that Izzy will provoke Ed into committing eroticized violence upon him in order to feel a semblance of closeness? I’d say, “Sounds plausible.”
Which actually goes to show how brilliant that scene is from a storytelling perspective. What the hell is going to happen now?
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Finally posting my gosh damn ofmd fic recs:
“Waltz of the Imbeciles” by unclejesse
- This fic is so friggin’ weird… which is high praise cause Ed and Stede are friggin’ weird. The premise is that they start wrestling, decide to get naked, there’s a tickle fight in there somewhere, then horniness ensues. The set up alone is hilarious, but the characterization is what really makes it. This really does match the absurdity of the show, and is incredibly sweet!
“The legendary Blackbeard (and guest)” by foxy_mulder
- Such an adorable and unique concept! Ed and Stede have a nice night out at a bar that caters to pirates, but it’s told through the eyes of the increasingly confused patrons. I’m such a sucker for “outsider perspective” fics, especially for a story in which the character’s reputations are a huge honking theme. Just the juxtaposition of everyone scrambling to figure out “what the fuck is up with Blackbeard” and Ed happily sharing drinks with his partner is great 😂
“Let Me See What Spring is Like” by MenaceAnon
- AAAH I wanna kiss this fic I love it so much! It’s just a short little thing about Ed contemplating being in love after the moonlight scene. Not even contemplating, just feeling it. The writing is beautiful, it perfectly captures the giddy ridiculousness of falling for someone. Seriously some of the loveliest few hundred words you can read.
“In So Many Words” by Parrlen
- Holy shit this is so hard cause there’s so much to love. In the first half, a slight misunderstanding leads to Stede reading Ed stories every night, sweetness and hilarity ensues. And the second half is literally the best kraken era Ed fic I’ve read in my life. Guys just- just read this, especially if you’re tired of fics that just make Ed a ball of rage that has to be emotionally saved by Stede. The literarure theme throughout is beautiful, Ed, Jim, Lucius, and Frenchie are the die hard dream team friend group I didn’t know I needed, and I haven’t read something simply this loving and thoughtful in a while. This fic has the BIGGEST chokehold on me and it deserves to be WAAAY more well known. (Although disclaimer: if you’re a hardcore Izzy fan or apologist maybe steer clear, the narrative doesn’t treat him nicely)
“You’ve Got Matelotage” by HopelessScribe
- yup, basically what it says on the tin. Ed thinks it’s finally time to propose matelotage! This fic takes such a simple premise and really does as much as it can with it, from the team effort of planning the perfect date, to misunderstandings, to aspects of queer life and hardships I don’t see often explored in fic. …Ed and company rob a homophobic jeweler and the crew goes to a ye old gay bar, what else could you want? 😂 On a more serious note Stede’s reaction to this even being an option is what really got me
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downinthehull · 2 years
Ficlet #1
this was originally part of a much longer oneshot that i was going to post on my ao3! i ended up not bein' super happy with it in the end, so here's the bit i am happy with!
Storytime finishes up and into the jam room walks Frenchie, closely followed by Wee John. The two friends make a beeline for the crafts table. The art station is occupied only by Fang and Ivan who seem to be having a pretty fun time anyways, telling jokes and getting more paint on each other rather than any of the paper laid out.
Wee John and Frenchie join them with quick 'hello's. Wee John doing most of the talking since Frenchie wasn't always super vocal while small.
Frenchie, in a fit of inspiration, decides he's going to draw Karl for Buttons. As a sort of kind gesture, and a way for the first mate to remember his friend.
He tries his hardest to remember what seagulls actually look like, and most importantly what Karl looked like!
In the end he draws a picture that he believes holds a striking resemblance to the late bird.
It doesn't of course..but the shape vaguely resembles some sort of bird, so Wee John does his best to guess.
"Is it a-parrot?"
Frenchie can't help but pout at the incorrect guess. He taps his finger against the picture while shaking his head.
"No, no, no. It's a diff'rent kind of bird!"
Fang chimes in with, "Yeah mate, look at the body. That ain't no parrot."
"Is it a chicken?" Ivan questions.
"No..it's not a chicken! It's-"
"A pelican?"
Frenchie sets his picture down and sighs.
"A pelican? D'you even know what a pelican looks like?"
"Well now I don't think so.." Fang admits quietly.
While his crew mates argue on and on in front of him, he begins to doodle and scribble a little more. Mostly just random shapes and squiggly lines. A few 'm' shaped birds as well.
He hums a quiet tune to himself, wishing for just a fleeting second that he had his lute.
After filling up the rest of the paper with his scribblings, he decides to try and rejoin the conversation. He lets out a quiet huff at the realization that the debate is still raging.
Jim joins the small group at what they find to be a very strange time. Everyone else around Frenchie can't help but argue over what kind of bird they think it is in the picture.
It seems like with every new incorrect guess, Frenchie seems to curl more into himself.
Honestly, Jim doesn't even understand what's going on.
They take a quick look at the picture and furrow their brow.
"Gaviota." They say, tapping on the picture a few times.
Frenchie looks at them confused and then looks up at Oluwande, who's standing right behind them.
"A seagull." He clarifies.
This makes Frenchie smile and nod excitedly. Finally.
"Ah, told you it was a seagull!"
"No you didn't!"
"I literally did, like five minutes ago."
Frenchie just rolls his eyes at the continued arguing. He knew his friends didn't mean any offense with their guesses, but still, it's nice that someone finally got it.
"I'd like to see you draw a better seagull then." Jim challenges the group, a playful smirk on their face.
There's quiet mumbles from everyone at that, most of it sounding like quick apologies and grumbles.
The rest of the group change the subject after that. Instead beginning to argue about something completely different. Seemingly just for the fun of it.
He sends one last smile over to Jim, before going back to making more small drawings on another piece of paper. The continued arguing blurring into the background.
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mymumisasquid · 1 year
For Christmas, Riley had the idea of taking a tradition from each of the resident’s culture and putting together a banquet featuring those traditions (namely food).
I’m Australian and a big tradition on Christmas Day is having prawns as an appetiser type thing. Jamie’s also Australian, and it’s one of her favourite parts or Christmas to have the prawns and dressing. This was the tradition she chose to bring to the banquet.
(I had to do some research for this and tbh it might not be accurate) The French word crevette translates to shrimp, the American way of saying prawns. Years of Americans making the “shrimp on the barbie” joke THEY’RE CALLED FUCKING PRAWNS has caused Jamie a deep distaste of the word.
At this point I don’t know if they speak French or English or something else in the mansion, but since I can only understand English I use the Eng server.
Anyways, all’s going well. Everyone is chatting in the dining hall, enjoying their drinks and snacks, finally a moment of peace. Then the prawns are brought out and one of the French guys says something like “Could you pass me a shrimp” and Jamie just fucking loses it. All tranquility is lost, all joy gone as she nearly flips the fucking table in a rage. Poor Frenchie doesn’t understand, until Arthur (the Scottish/British thot) chimes in, siding with Jamie a rare sight they don’t usually get along
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phantom-ellie · 2 years
The Art of (Smashing) Crockery Chapter 14: Guardian
Summary: Stede meets Doug and tries to fit in with the crew. Stede and Ed learn a bit about each other.
Click here for CWs/Full Chapter List
Stede is going to meet a friend. Friends? Or maybe it won’t work out at all. Maybe it isn’t professional for Stede to be friends with Lucius. He’s his boss, after all. But he has to take the chance… he only has this one life, right?
Oh, that’s selfish talk.
The doorbell rings as he’s getting ready to leave, and Stede throws his coat over his shoulder as he opens it.
“Uh, hi!” There’s a man Stede doesn’t recognize outside the door. He’s holding a stack of fliers.
“I’m sorry, are you selling something? Or is it for a neighborhood thing?” Stede puts his hand out for a flier.
“Oh! Uh, no, these aren’t for you. I mean, you must be Stede. Hi, I’m Doug!” Doug reaches out a hand and Stede shakes it.
“Doug…” The name sounds familiar.
“Yeah! Mary’s art instructor? I’m sure you’ve heard all about me.” Doug smiles a kind smile, one that clearly comes easily to him.
“Oh, uh, yes! She’s told me… so much!” Stede makes himself smile with much less ease. “What can I do for you, Doug?”
“Let me show you!” Doug whirls around to show Stede his flyers, gleefully pointing out phrases like font choice and kerning and color theme. Stede nods along until his brain processes the text.
“Mary has an… art show?”
Doug frowns. “Oh, she didn’t tell you? Her art is progressing so well, she’s amazing, really. She’s ready to show it! Aren’t you excited?” Doug looks incredibly excited. Stede wants to match it, but any excitement is crushed by the thought that she didn’t tell him. Mary is following her dreams, creating a life for herself. And Stede isn’t invited.
“Here, looks like you could probably use this!” Doug hands Stede a flier before moving past him into the house, as if he’s been there many times before, as if he’s returning home and Stede is the guest now.
Stede folds up the flier and sighs, heading for the car.
Stede pulls up to the bar asking the normal questions. How should I greet everybody? Is “hello everyone” too much? Too little? I’m usually too much but this group is a lot, aren’t they? Do I wave? Will they be happy to see me, or will they ignore me? Will I be part of the group, or just an observer? I’m not interesting enough, I know that. What would be interesting? What would make them be interested in me? I should have practiced, watched videos, spied on people, something.
Stede ends up throwing out an arm in a burst of extremely fake confidence with a, “Hi all!” before sliding into the booth.
Shit, no, absolutely not, that was a dumb move, now I have to maintain it, and there’s no way that was good enough, “Hi all?” What was that?
But it’s all smiles as Lucius greets Stede happily, the others clapping him on the back and welcoming him to their Friday night karaoke session.
He meets the crew formally this time, the employees of the catering company. There’s Lucius’s boyfriend Pete, Wande and Jim, and Roach. There’s the members of Wand Erection: Frenchie the guitarist, Wee John the bassist, a man they call “Buttons” the drummer, another man named Suede (but it’s spelled like Swede???) who had been on keyboard.
And Stede would like to recall more about them, but he’s too busy performing. He’s too busy being exactly who he thinks they want to see, who they want him to be. He hopes that maybe someday they’ll like him enough so he can take off the mask and relax, but he’s not there now. He’s on high alert, all the time, he realizes. For the side-glances, any indication that Stede is weird or too much or has overstayed his welcome. And he could drink the tension away, but he realizes that no matter how wonderful these people are, there’s somewhere else he needs to be right now.
The ninth time Stede enters the rage room, he immediately makes for one of the couches in the waiting area and lays down on it.
“Bad day?” Ed asks from the desk.
“Oh, Ed, I’m glad it’s you here, I didn’t think to check.” Stede is staring at the ceiling.
Ed chuckles and moves to the other couch perpendicular to Stede’s. He lays down as well. They can’t see each other from here, so they both stare up at the ceiling.
“So…” Ed starts the conversion. “I’m no psychiatrist, but what’s on your mind today, Stede?”
Stede is silent for a few moments. “You know, Ed, I’m always coming over here and telling you my problems. They’re nothing new. Tell me about you. What is going on in Ed’s life right now?”
Ed frowns. It’s been enough just being around Stede to make him happy, to make his life more interesting. But friends (even really good ones) share, don’t they?
Ed sighs. “Well, I’m thinking of packing it in. Selling the business.”
Stede gasps. “Ed! Why? Is something wrong with it? Do you need… do you need help?”
“Nah, mate. It’s just getting boring. Probably time to move on and try something else.”
“But… but what will you do? Will you still… be here? How will you afford rent?”
Ed shrugs. “I don’t know, not in a hurry to move, but if an opportunity comes… I’m thinking of moving to China.” That is followed by silence. Ed rolls on his side to look at Stede, who has his brows furrowed.
“That’s a… big change, Ed. China?”
Ed laughs. “Just messin’ with you, man. I’m good here. I just feel stagnant, you know?”
Stede sighs morosely. “I know.”
Ed props himself up on his arm and looks over at his friend. “Hey… can you keep a secret?”
Stede nods as if it’s nothing, as if he’s kept secrets all his life.
“I’m fucking set for life, mate.”
Stede sits up. “You’re serious?”
Ed laughs, gets up, and moves over to Stede’s couch, crossing his legs over Stede’s lap.
“Yeah man, how do you think I can afford rent in this city? And keep his business afloat? I never have any fucking customers!”
Stede blushes. “I did notice that, a little bit. But why run a rage room, then?”
Ed shrugs. “I was bored a few years ago, stuck. A friend took me to one and it seemed fun. Decided to make it happen, employ some of my mates, stay grounded.”
Stede smiles in that way that only Ed gets to see these days, and looks up at the ceiling.
“You’re living the life, aren’t you? Just doing what you want. You’re free.”
Ed shrugs and looks away. “No one’s free, Stede.” Stede rubs Ed’s ankles absentmindedly.
“Well, you want to know where the money came from, don’t you?”
Stede shrugs. “I’m glad you’re set, Ed, but from my experience, it’s best not to know where people get their money. The answer is usually depressing.”
Ed shrugs. “Mine isn’t. At least, not too much. I was a domain squatter in the late 90s. Snapped up a bunch of domain names for large corporations and fancy people, traded them for big payouts, got lucky investing.”
“Domain… squatter…” Stede looks back up at the ceiling, eyes wide. Thinking.
“Yeah, what about it?” Ed smirks.
Stede looks back at him. “What was your biggest payout?”
“I was hoping you’d ask that.” Ed wiggles his eyebrows. He’s wanted to tell this story for a long time. He mentally crosses his fingers that it will go well.
“One of the first domains I squatted was for something huge. Absolutely gigantic company, state contracts and all that. I should have known better, large companies like that generally don’t play, they get their lawyers out and sue the fuck out of you to get it turned over. Only, for some reason, this one didn’t.”
“Mmhmm?” Stede goads Ed on.
“So I’m on the phone with some guy who must have been new, totally green. An idiot, really. Or at least I thought so at the time. I ask for 200 thousand dollars. I figure he’ll talk me down or something, get a few grand out of it.”
Stede smiles. “And?”
“He offered me 800 thousand.” Ed wiggles his fingers. “Maybe he thought I sounded cute?”
“Uh… maybe…” Stede laughs and looks away. Ed takes his feet off of Stede’s lap and leans in close.
“You wanna know what the company was?”
“It was Bonnet General and Electric, I know.”
Ed frowns. “Dickfuck, how did you know?”
Stede laughs again and leans back with his hands crossed behind his head. “Dickfuck, I was that idiot.”
Ed’s mouth drops open for a good five seconds before he can lift up an imaginary hand to pop it closed. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Stede sighs happily. “One of my only good memories at that place. I wanted to go to college. I wanted to study fashion, or art history. I wanted to escape everyone and everything from my past. But my father threatened to cut me off if I didn’t join the business.” Stede brings down one hand to pick at his shirt absentmindedly. “I was too much of a coward to say no. I’m not brave, Ed, like you.”
Ed shakes his head but lets Stede continue.
“So I’m given bullshit jobs to keep me busy, things my father doesn’t think are important. We have to set up a company website. Father doesn’t give two shits about the internet, says it’s a waste of time, so it tossed on my lap. And I’m seething, just angry, all the time. So I get a call…”
Ed frowns. “... from me?”
“From some asshole sitting on the BG&E domain name, and he asks for this ridiculous amount of money for it, honestly an insanely stupid amount…”
“...and you, for some reason, gave it to him?”
Stede flashes a huge smile. “Yes, I gave the bastard 800 grand! My father’s money! Fuck him, I figured it was better off in literally anyone else’s hands. For all I knew, you were in some developing country and that money could set up an entire village for life. I didn’t know.” Stede shrugs. “The important thing is that my father had less of it and someone else had more. I did so many things like that back then. I wanted him to fire me.” Stede sighs.
“Wait… so that money was… charity money?” Ed crosses his arms.
Stede scrunches up his face. “No, Ed! I didn’t care about who got it, I just wanted my father to lose it. I’m not fucking Robin Hood, I was an immature, petty bitch.”
Now it’s Ed’s turn to look at the ceiling. “So it wasn’t my irresistible powers of seduction?”
“I’m sorry, but no. But I’m glad you got it.” Stede smiles. “It’s a small world.”
Ed shrugs. “You’d be disappointed. I invested it, gave a bit to a charity I support, haven’t done much else with my life.” He sighs. “I feel like… I always feel like I’m treading water, a bit? I’m waiting for something to happen, for someone to swoop by and rescue me, but I’ve owned the boat the entire time, you know?”
Stede nods. “I know. What’s our excuse?”
Ed shrugs. “Money doesn’t buy happiness.”
“No… but it could give us the chance to follow our dreams.”
Ed looks over at Stede. “What is your dream?”
“That’s the problem. I don’t know. I’ve never known. You?”
“Mate, you’re looking at it.” Ed waves around at the business. “Not even a dream, but the only idea I’ve had.”
Stede sighs and looks around. “It isn’t a terrible idea. But… I think you’re worth more?” He asks it like it’s a question. Ed reaches over and pats Stede on the hand.
“You’re worth more too, Stede. Don’t stop looking for whatever it is.”
Stede blushes and fiddles with his shirt again.
“I think I’m closer to finding it than I ever have been. You’re a good man, Ed.”
Ed doesn’t answer, can’t answer, because he knows he isn’t close. He isn’t close because he has found it. He thinks it’s Stede. The married father of two who has flown into Ed’s life like a fairy godfather spreading happy fairy dust.
And Ed realizes that he’s terrified that Stede will flit his way out just as quickly.
“Hey, Ed?” Stede interrupts Ed’s spiraling thoughts.
“Yeah, man?”
“I’d rescue you, if you needed help. If… you want.” Stede doesn’t look him in the eye, he eyes are on the ceiling.
“Yeah, mate. You’re my friend. You’d better.”
“And would… if I needed help…”
Ed smiles and squeeze’s Stede’s knee.
“I’ll be there, Stede. Don’t worry about it.”
Excerpt from the blog Hear Something Weird:
Hi all! I see you there! Today’s song is for those of us who need a reminder of what is most important in life. We have to reach out and make connections, we have to put ourselves out there and be vulnerable, because that’s the only way we can find those who are most important to us. Who are worthy of seeing the man/woman/person behind the mask.
Guardian by Aether Realm.
Comments: DreadNordGreybeard: less than three, m8 HearSomethingWeird: ??? LucyFlawless: Ugh, gross, get a room HearSomethingWeird: It’s my blog!
Chapter 15
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Ok final ask from me tonight: who in the crew would be the funniest for Izzy to fake date? I think angstiest would definitely go to Ed but funniest? Idk ~ blackhannet anon
Funniest (and angstiest) if Ed has no earthly clue that this is torture for Izzy. Also very funny that his only point of reference is Stede. Ed, in his mind: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate? He puts himself into the Stede role and treats Izzy real chivalrous and gentlemanly and whatnot, but.... very badly kaslfkjls. He doesn't actually know how to do it.
Stede, in his mind: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate? Can I be the pirate? I wanna be the pirate. I'm going to be the pirate. And Izzy has to figure out how to play along with that or they fail the fucking mission and get killed or whatever.
The extent of what they do to convince their mark is hold hands, poorly. Like Stede and Mary on their wedding day. ...At First. Izzy has been saying what a terrible idea this is since it was suggested, and as soon as it seems like he was right he's gloating even though it means he's failed. And then it's a challenge to Jim, a way to win and also wipe that smirk off of Izzy's face. They start hitting him really hard in the mouth with their mouth for no god damn reason except that the mark is, like, there.
Olu treats Izzy with chivalry, but like, real genuine working class chivalry. Every time Izzy looks into the middle distance, Jim is there, threatening him with great bodily harm. No one else ever sees them.
The plan was not to fake date, but the mark made assumptions and they had to go with it. Lucius has an absolute blast. Izzy's internal rage/sexual tension is pulled so tight it's a miracle he doesn't snap right in half. Lucius is fully aware of this, and the knowledge is 80% of the fun he's having.
Black Pete
Izzy has never been called so many pet names in his life. He's never heard of so many pet names in his life. He attempts to return the favor and sounds like he is trying to speak a language he does not know. The mark falls for the ruse because Pete is very cute despite all obstacles, but they do take Pete aside after their business is done and ask if Izzy has something fundamentally wrong with him.
Somehow this is the most competent combination. Frenchie is adaptable and personable and can manage to fit with Izzy pretty well, even if he wouldn't actually choose to for real. They fall into simple, non-PDA demonstrations of intimacy like walking in sync or anticipating each other's movements. The only fuck up is that Frenchie does accidentally reprise "Jizzy" in front of the mark, and in the name of their cover Izzy has to answer to it.
Izzy thinks this is the least objectionable combination. Buttons doesn't like him, but he's a competent sailor and he hasn't yet caused Izzy any real trouble. Of course, throughout the grift, Izzy is confronted with all the ways Buttons is an absolutely bonkers person who cannot be handled, understood, or even described. Buttons has an alright time, though. He tells the crew after it's done that Izzy is "a fine lad" but not his type. Izzy has no comment, as he has not yet recovered from his experiences.
Roach seems to genuinely think he Needs to know about Izzy's kinks and fetishes to make them believable as a couple. He tells Izzy his without shame or prompting. Izzy cancels the mission.
Wee John
Wee John insists he has to be a woman for this. He's fully aware that couples do not solely consist of one man and one woman. But he insists he has to be a woman for this.
The Swede
The Swede, out loud: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate?
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Thoughts on The Boys Season 3 *SPOILERS*
I was not very happy to see Ryan again. He's so lame. "Uwu I'm so scared of Homelander! I'm scared of my powers! Be my daddy, Butcher!" Yawn. Every scene with Ryan is my cue to do something else on my laptop. Though I’ll admit I liked his role in the Season 3 finale - his dynamic with Homelander and Billy is pretty interesting when it’s not all about Becca.
Wtf is with Maeve's writing?? In Season One she was like one of the closest people who stood in equal footing with Homelander, one of the only people who could reason with him and someone he respected and she seemed to somewhat feel the same way, then in Season Two he publicly outs her girlfriend so she now decides she wants to kill him?? I don't get it - I know she ended Season 2 with her blackmailing him but it's like they've just gone, "Oh, Maeve's a good guy now" and we're expected to believe it, even though Maeve spent all of Season 1 and 2 (and most of 3 tbh) not really giving a shit about anyone but herself. (Also, why should I care about Elena? Because she's important to Maeve? I don't give a rat's ass about Maeve, why should Elena matter to us as viewers? I care about Hughie, Starlight, Frenchie and Kimiko because their relationships all get development and they function as individuals. Elena's just an object to give emotional wangst to Maeve.) Sometimes Maeve straight up just doesn’t appear in episodes and I don’t even notice. Literally when she has sex with Billy it’s so dumb. They didn’t even speak to each other for two seasons, then they go “I hate Homelander”, “I hate Homelander too!” and then they fuck. (I have a whole rant I could do about Maeve but this post is already long.) I will say she looks so much prettier when she isn’t wearing her Supe uniform.
I found it hard to find Billy's scenes with Ryan heartwarming - they just serve to highlight what a hypocrite Billy is. He'll murder Supes just for being Supes like he did with Gunpowder even though Gunpowder told him everything he wanted to know, (he even acknowledges this right before he punches him to death) but he'll make nice with the one Supe who is directly the reason his stupid wife died, all because she made him promise. Like sure, Ryan didn't MEAN to kill Becca but Billy was still about to throttle him until she gave her Dying Wish (tm). I just can't feel emotionally invested in their weird dynamic when if it wasn't for his wife, Billy would want Ryan dead too and it's hard for me to believe Billy truly cares for Ryan when he goes around slaughtering every other Supe. When Billy told Ryan he can’t even stand to look at him because of what he did to Becca, it felt like the only time Billy was being genuine with how he feels towards Ryan. (Also, okay, so Billy will freely use the word “cunt” in front of MM’s five-year-old daughter but he won’t say it in front of Ryan?Because he can’t stand to besmirch Prince Ryan’s precious ears??) I guess the Season 3 finale proves he does care about Ryan but only because of Becca. Eh.
Is it me, or do characters blame Homelander for a lot of things they are also responsible for? Like, everyone in the Seven, including Starlight, has murdered people but they always point at him to cover up for their own sins, like, "Wah, Homelander made me do it!" and absolve themselves entirely. I mean yes, Homelander is objectively The Worst but the rest of the Seven, the Boys and most other named characters have blood on their hands. They act like all their problems would go away if Homelander was dead, but he isn't the start of all of it - it's Vought itself. And people like Stan Edgar who run it.
Thanks for showing us Homelander naked, show. 👀👀
I flipflop on how much I like Grace but I cheered for her calling Soldier Boy out on his sexist bullshit. I also love that Soldier Boy is just a much of a raging douchebag as Billy and Homelander are, it'd be so unrealistic if he wasn't.
GRACE CALLING BILLY OUT HEALED MY SOUL. Honestly, the way Billy always tries to act like he's in the right by waving Becca/Ryan/Lenny around as an excuse is so annoying, so Grace telling him it's not really about them, it never was and Billy's just lashing out at Supes because they're powerful and he's a hateful, angry man, just like his father, had me cheering. TELL 👏 HIM 👏GRACE. 👏 Like the sheer bullshit Billy gets away with is insane - remember how he punched Hughie for stopping him killing Kimiko’s brother right in front of her, then said if he got in the way of him reuniting with Becca, he’d kill Hughie too??
ANTONY STARR IS SO AMAZINGGGG. I HAD TO HAVE A LITTLE BREAK AFTER THE "LET'S LIGHT THIS CANDLE" SPEECH. Homelander is so much more unhinged in this season compared to Season One and it’s so much fun to watch, every time he walks onto a scene you just never know what he’s going to do next.
I hate to say this because I loved her in S1 and S2, but Starlight was starting to annoy me a bit this season. She comes off as super condescending on occasion with this “I’m always right” attitude she occasionally has, I think both Maeve and Stormfront commented on this in Season Two. That being said, I still do really like Starlight’s character, it was just kind of unenjoyable watching her this season at times. Her forced relationship with Homelander was so interesting though and I about died when he told her “watch your fucking tone, darling”. It was SO SO...
It’s funny that both Starlight and Stan Edgar kept talking in the first two episodes about how much more unstable Homelander was getting, yet it seemed like Stan was purposefully actively antagonising Homelander by giving Starlight the Co-captain position and mocking him in general, and Starlight was kind of contributing to this with the way she kept talking down to Homelander and trying to shut down his input, even though he does have a point that he’s been Captain of the Seven since forever and he’s still Co-captain so he’s meant to have a say in the team too. Idk, I don’t know why Starlight was so shocked by the candle speech when she dangled the blackmail material over his head in the most condescending tone possible - did she think he’d tolerate being shunted off to the sidelines by a much younger colleague forever? If she did it was pretty naive of her.
A-TRAIN AND THE DEEP FIGHTING WAS SO FUNNY. I think it was one of my favourite moments in the season, and Homelander striding in and clicking his tongue at them like they’re a couple of children roughhousing? SENSATIONAL.
RIP Timothy.
RIP Supersonic I guess? I mean you only existed to hover around Starlight and make Hughie jealous sooo...mission accomplished?
You know, that scene where Kimiko tells Billy she’s not his gun and he tells her that she is and she’ll follow his orders or else, I was sitting there like, “Or you’ll fucking what?” I wish Kimiko would kick Billy’s ass, he deserves it and it would be so satisfying. Honestly I’m kind of rooting for her and Frenchie to run away to France together, not because I dislike them at all, but because they more than anyone else except maybe Hughie deserve a happy ending and I’m sick of how horrible Billy is to them both.
I don’t really have any opinion on Soldier Boy, to be honest? I felt maybe a little bad for him when it turned out Crimson Countess said she hated him when he thought they were in love, but aside from that he doesn’t feel like a character so much as a walking narrative tool - he’s just the embodiment of Toxic Masculinity and the only thing that can potentially hurt Homelander, so it’s kind of hard to feel one way of the other about him when he doesn’t have all that much depth. He’s basically just a deconstruction of 80s action stars.
I love the irony of Blue Hawk being ordered to give a faux apology to something that deeply matters to A-Train even though he’s not sorry at all, just like how A-Train wasn’t sorry at all that he killed Robin and only apologised to Hughie because Vought ordered him to. Brilliant dramatic irony there.
Why does the show act like Starlight and Maeve are close? Like yeah, Maeve’s stuck her neck out for Starlight once or twice, but there are plenty of times when she’s also refused to, insulted Starlight and Hughie and blew Starlight off after she was sexually assaulted in Season One. Maeve even helped The Deep get back into the Seven knowing what he did to Starlight. I feel like the show tries to parallel Starlight’s relationship with Maeve to Hughie and Butcher and it doesn’t work. Maeve is barely in half the episodes this season while Hughie and Billy spend so much of the show joined at the hip and they even live together with Frenchie and MM throughout Season 2 - there is no way there’s anything like that with Starlight and Maeve, we NEVER see them voluntarily hanging out together or even speaking about anything that doesn’t involve Vought or the Seven. It was nice Maeve decided to save Annie over fighting Homelander I guess, but I just didn’t think it was enough.
Has anybody noticed that the more authority Ashley gets in Vought, the more outlandish her outfits become? Girl was walking around this season looking like a candy cane. I love the symbolism, though. 
ALSO, Ashley calling out A-Train’s selfishness and how he only considers the consequences of his actions when they directly affect him was fantastic. A-Train’s had that coming for a long time and Ashley finally got to tell someone off. This season has been great at fleshing out A-Train and The Deep in particular.
YO YO YO, Billy Butcher, Soldier Boy and Hughie vs Homelander was SO HYPE. I was dreading it all season but it was legitimately so cool, I love how Homelander was so fucking strong that it took three of them to even make him consider retreating, yet it also showed that Homelander actually kind of sucks at fighting, like he kept missing when he threw punches at Billy and missed zapping Hughie a couple of seconds too late LOL. I mean it makes sense, he’s likely never gotten into a single fistfight his entire life.
(Also I love how he kinda just rolled with the fact that Billy had given himself superpowers, but when Hughie showed up buck naked he got PISSED. He really hates Hughie, doesn’t he?)
I actually LOVED the argument between Hughie and Starlight about how Hughie feels inadequate to her because Starlight always saves Hughie’s ass while he’s powerless. Like, it’s just so realistic! The Boys addresses toxic masculinity and what being “manly” means a lot, and it’s very interesting how even Hughie, he’s one of the most emotionally well-adjusted, in touch with his feminine side of the main characters, still has that urge to be strong and to be a protector. Honestly it would be pretty weird if Starlight always being the powerful one in the relationship didn’t start to chip away at him eventually - especially with Starlight and Supersonic flirting nearly the entire season and how Starlight got defensive when Hughie suggested it wasn’t a good idea for her to be Co-captain of the Seven and accused him of not liking a woman being in power, which was a tad unfair of her since she’s always been the dominant one in their relationship and up until this point Hughie’s always supported her. It makes both of them so nicely realistically flawed! Hughie’s insecurities and Starlight’s self-righteousness clash in such a big way here and it’s great! It’d be boring and unrealistic if they never argued or their differences got in the way. THIS is how you write a good couple, not Billy’s constant pining over the idea of a woman or Maeve and Elena’s incredibly underdeveloped relationship.
The scene where Mindstorm forces Billy to relive his traumatic childhood was so good! I mean we already guessed a lot of it just from context clues, dialogue, etc, but it was still really great to see it playing out in front of us, especially how it’s juxtaposed with his killing of Gunpowder and Mimic - he’s just like his daddy. Also, whoever played kid Lenny had the biggest puppy eyes, aww.
I absolutely loved the scene where Hughie apologises to Annie and talks about how he always thought of his dad as “weak” but realises that staying and taking care of his son as best he could is what made Hughie’s dad a great father all along, it was so SO good. (Also Simon Pegg plays Hughie’s dad so he deserves the world in my eyes. I love Simon Pegg.)
I’m happy we finally got to see some more of Black Noir’s backstory, even though I knew all season he was going to die because that got spoiled for me before I even watched the show.
I was yelling “YES! GET HIS ASS!” at the TV when MM and Frenchie finally told Butcher to fuck himself. And there’s Hughie going “Omg you saved me.  🥺 🥺”
All the fights in the last episode were LIT. I was waiting for Billy and Soldier Boy to butt heads all season, it seemed weird to me Soldier Boy was happy to kill Homelander just because Billy told him to. And Homelander putting out Maeve’s eye was awesome - it’s about time something of actual consequence happened to Maeve after like three seasons of never having anything bad happened to her. I’m kind of disappointed she’s still alive but oh well.
I love how once Soldier Boy blew up, everybody was hugging each other. So adorable. Also, hughie choosing to help Starlight without using the V was so good, I loved Starlight’s power-up that made her look just like an angel while she blasted Soldier Boy. I like Annie’s consistantly been the only person to see SB for exactly what he is - a threat to civilians - the entire season. 
ALSO it was great that MM got his little moment of calling out SB and Frenchie is absolutely instrumental in taking them down - I feel like the writers sometimes forget to give Frenchie and MM much to do, so this was fantastic. Also it’s funny these two were at each other’s throats in S1 and now they’re basically best friends.
HOLY FUCK. When Homelander lasers that guy’s head off and everybody cheers I freaked out. The little smile on Ryan’s face, jeez. Overall, I was a bit reluctant to finish this season because it was so twisty, but I’m so happy I’m finally all caught up! I still think Season One is overall my favourite, but yeah. Damn, what a show. <3
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