#Gonta x Ryoma
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Takaaki should drop the link ngl /hj
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“Kaito’s Gambling Problem” is by far my favorite V3 event, maybe even my favorite of all time! It’s got everything I could ever want: Kaito (of course), everyone goofing off and getting to forget the killing game for a while, and, most importantly, Ryoma being happy!!!
However, it’s still missing something… or rather, someone. Sorry Kokichi, as entertaining as you are to watch, I’m gonna have to replace you with Gonta for this scene. What, can I say, I’m a Goshi lover above all else! 💚💙
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New & improved collage!
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djzbasement · 15 days
This suits them in one way or another
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Art by ministarfruit on Tumblr
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teddybearty · 2 years
I require more gonta or even better I need some goshi please.
But I dont care if the large bug boi is with tiny depressed man or by himself I just need more of him
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I haven’t drawn this ship in so long AND THAT IS A CRIME!!!
These two are so adorable i love them sooooo much!!!
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graincracket · 1 year
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y2kkaulitz · 9 days
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Gokuhoshi / Gonta x Ryoma Sprite Edit ! <3
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macapoodle · 1 year
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Happy birthday gonta gokuhara 2023
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whiskaspopainka · 1 year
I'm love so much this art. And i love him 😭
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ibukisgtronpablog · 1 year
How about some soft vore headcanons for size shifter pred Ryoma x prey Gonta? Turn the tables, you could say.
WHAT WHAT WHAAAT?!?! SOMEONE ELSE WHO ALSO LIKES GOSHI!!! HELLO!!! Of course you can have these!! I've never thought about role reversal for them!! that seems soooo cute!!! <33 MOD IBUKI HOPES YOU ENJOY!!
Size shifter Pred Ryoma x Prey Gonta!!
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- Gonta is a very willing and sweet prey, and Ryoma is a very gentle and thoughtful predator. They're genuinely perfect for eachother!!
- Usually, unless he's hungry or feeling some sort of way, Ryoma stays at his usual height. He finds having their proper dynamic normally makes Ryoma somewhat comforted. When he's hungry or just needs a good hug he tends to grow just big enough so that Gonta is just the size of his thumb.
- Ryoma will gently pet and reassure Gonta as he eats him, making sure to avoid hurting him at all costs. Gonta lives for every second of the soft attention he gets, gushing about how happy he is that he can help Ryoma and how Gentlemanly the other makes him feel.
- Ryoma will usually nap after he eats Gonta, and Gonta will usually nap with him!! Afterwards, Ryoma shrinks back to his usual height and sometimes they'll lay down together and Gonta will hold Ryoma close.
- Having someone in his stomach is incredibly and overwhelmingly comforting for Ryoma. It makes him so so happy to know that Gonta trusts him enough for this and knowing he has someone to keep safe also helps.
- Gonta will rub his stomach from the inside to coax Ryoma to sleep! Then usually he'll curl up on his side and sleep too!! Being tucked away inside of his lover, safe and sound, is the most calming thing he could ask for.
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jungvxyy · 2 years
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yawujin · 20 days
how the v3 boys would react to being called a 'pretty boy'
type | short-read , reaction , non killing game, lighthearted, fluff , gender neutral reader.
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shuichi saihara ♡
he would be caught off guard
he would begin to smile and not be able to stop
that is, until he clears his throat to stop himself
you could still see his lips though
he looked so funny trying to hide his expression from you
"that's—" he would start, but give up and just let out an awkward laugh
'that means a lot coming from someone like you'
is what he would say but
he's still so very shy whenever you're near
poor boy bless him
rantaro amami ♡
he'd be very accepting towards your compliment
he gets it a lot after all
he's very sweet though so
he would definitely give you a compliment in return
then you become the one who's flustered
"what can i say? it's true (Y/N)." he smiles
internally you're just like '!!!"
but in the end you take the compliment
you just can't deny it
K1B0/kiibo ♡
oh, he's very flattered
believe me
he just doesn't know how to express it
human emotions are hard
"thanks! uh—really..."
how do you even return a compliment?
think, kiibo, think!
all in all, he wants to give one back buttt
he wants it to seem heartfelt and NOT robotic
he'll get back to you later, bringing you a whole thank you card
he's trying his best
korekiyo shinguji ♡
his eyes crinkle, the only visible display of how hard he's smiling under his mask
"thank you very much, dear." he would reply
he's very appreciative towards you
seeing as you can only see a little bit of him because of his bandaged body and mask
he's very happy that you perceive him as pretty
even if you can't see all of him
little by little, he'll start showing more off to you
only time will tell
kaito momota ♡
you already know he'll have the biggest smile on his face
he grabs you in an instant and pulls you in for a tight hug, patting you on the back
he kind of pats you hard but it's well-meaning
ofc he sends a compliment right back at you
"and don't let anybody EVER tell you otherwise!"
he tells shuichi and maki about it later
and everybody else too
"guess who's a certified pretty boy? this guyyyy" he points to himself
he's seriously so happy about it
gonta gokuhara ♡
at first he misheard you
he thought you were saying the bugs were pretty
"yes! bugs very pretty!"
you agreed but also repeated yourself
he shyly looks away
a cute lil grin on his face
"(Y/N) think gonta pretty?"
yes ofc
he smiles wider and adjusts his specs
"gonta thank you...very much."
ryoma hoshi ♡
he pulls his beanie down onto his face bashfully
your compliment was sooo unexpected for him
"surely, you can't be serious." he murmured
oh but you were
and you reassured him you were
he sighs, finally getting over that initial embarrassment
he accepts it!
"but only because it's coming from you."
(his own silly little way of giving you one back and showing that he trusts your judgement)
kokichi ouma ♡
he'll think you're lying
he'll also give you this funny look like he's trying to get you to admit that you're lying
you already caught onto this
but you say nothing else and just smile back at him
it causes him to break into laughter
"you really crack me up, you know that?"
on the inside, he doesn't know what else to say or how else to express his thanks
so he just makes fun of you and leaves
and once he does
your words just replay in his head over and over
'shit, maybe they weren't lying...'
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Like or reblog if you ship Gonta/Ryoma!
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djzbasement · 1 month
Uhh.. I’m bored….. RANDOM ART- GO!!!!!!
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meiiuka · 1 year
danganronpa v3— how they’d react to you giving them flowers as your s/o:
category: short read, reaction, lighthearted
Shuichi Saihara:
• "aww, those flowers are beautiful, i'm glad you could get something nice for yourself! ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE ARE FOR ME?-" his cheeks flush a deep magenta as he lunges to embrace you, nuzzling his face into your shoulder
Kaede Akamatsu:
• "ah..! these are my favorite!! with how well you know me, you have me fully convinced that we're soulmates" (all flowers are her "favorite") but she's SO bubbly and excited, she pulls you towards her for the kind of kisses you can feel giggles between
Maki Harukawa:
• "how sweet.. uh, i actually have a gift for you.. too..." she has flowers for you too, somehow??? did she pull these from outside or did she buy them from a professional florist? who knows, but she won't take them unless you take hers
Rantaro Amami:
• "wow, where did you get these?? they're gorgeous flowers, but never as gorgeous as you darling" he looks down at the flowers, smiling coyly with closed lips, then looks up at you with the same enamored eyes
Kokichi Ouma:
• "ooh pretty things..! i mean, they smell nice, but can i eat them? pfff what do i even do with these!" he fiddles with the bouquet with a puzzled look, then hands it back to you as a "gift" from him
Kaito Momota:
• "i didn't know i'd love flowers so much until i got them from you, this is sick! i have the best s/o to exist" he bear hugs you tightly, holding you close to his chest with one arm; the other carrying the bouquet
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
• "lovely roses... why thank you, dear. i'll keep these safe and guarded." he brings them close to his chest, before planting a kiss atop your head
Angie Yonaga:
• "thank you atua, for the beautiful flowers you placed in the arms of my sweetheart!!" you tell her you just bought them from the store but she walks away, humming happily to set them down
Miu Iruma:
• "woah, wait, these are the roses i've been wanting for so long... thanks, i guess? ... don't look at me right now!" despite her annoyed tone, there's a massive smile plastered on her face as she tries to avoid eye contact with you
Kirumi Tojo:
• "i... i'm speechless. i'm thankful that you love me so much as to grace me with something so beautiful" she smiles from her eyes and immediately gets to placing it in a glass vase, ensuring its well taken care of
Ryoma Hoshi:
• "huh.. i'm not the 'flowery' type. go return these for some cash and buy yourself something nice instead. you want me to keep these? because you love me.. man. i don't deserve you..." you hold him as he melts in your arms. the expression on his face tells you that he really needs it
Gonta Gokuhara:
• "PRETTY FLOWERS.. for gonta? to keep???" he grabs them with such excitement that one falls from the bundle, plucking one out to give it a strong sniff
• "i'm not sure if i know what to do with these, but since you're giving them to me, they're special nonetheless. i... appreciate it!" he holds them out in front of him with a solid foot of distance and examines the petals with care
Tenko Chabashira:
• "no way!! this is the nicest thing that's happened to me..." she gasps in awe and holds the flowers with both hands, blushing profusely at the ground to avoid your gaze
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