vammieposts · 2 months
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This is babushka! He is eating his tenth birthday dinner of tooth cleaning grain free treats and fish flakes! Very fancy, can i get a wahoo for the old man? He has reached double digits! (Also sibling happy borith day!!’ U can vote ynow!!!)
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i also painting a thing warlier today! I did a face ! Very excited bc i have never really gotten into painting and i would very much like to! Ppls art college vlog yt channels are morivating me to get out of my comfort zone as well as a cery extenee multi week art sketch block thats keeping all my good ideas locked away in some msyterious bit of brian i cant access!! Its very fristrating but if i cant sketch ill do somthing else. The colors are messed yo in this picture tho, its much more green and blue than yellow. Its kind of blank so i belive i will add either a hammerhead shark or a long jellyfish to the blank areas because blue people should be accompanied by fish. Yhats where the blue man group gets it wrong ykk, they need more fosh and fewer marshmallow mouth surprise sculptures. Or maybe if their marchmallow sculptures were shaped like fish theybwould be better yk i am very tired ignore typos i turn off autocorrect because i despise phone robots misinterpreting my speech, what i type is authentic and will never be influenced by ai, despite the many spelling errors due to tiny phone keyboard dand wobbly hands!! Also ignore the thing in the bottom left corner, i attached a trans oride bead charm to the top of my ohone case and jow its just in all my photos bc its in a very inconvenient location. good night to the vast interwebs! Goobye!!
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rubynyoro-n · 5 months
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Tgirl Tummy Tuesday Friday I guess
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yukipri · 6 months
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Baby boi grabbed the dangly ball and kept trying to prance off with it, but the ball is attached to the cat tree, my love...
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #29
Dannys family and friends die due to the GIW in amity, and danny in grief fueled rage, absolutely dismantles the entire organization. clockwork sees how he goes down a dark path no matter what he does in the living realm, and moves him into his haunt until he recovers emotionally.
seconds and years pass by like blinking but neither of the two ghosts change at all. danny gets drawn in to the gear windows that show alternate realities that don’t exist, but clockwork is too busy monitoring the current timeline to really look into it.
so when clockwork sees the strain on danny from not helping his human half, he doesn’t even think about what he saw on the monitors as he sends danny back down to earth to find new people to protect.
danny has seen every dark future of many justice league members, and freaks out over them all banding together to accomplish something. he needs to stop them before it’s all too late for the world. this must be why he was sent here by clockwork.
when the jl go out for defending another invasion, they hardly expected a new unknown rogue with the power to destroy universes to declare himself their enemy.
(or alternatively- danny thinks the jl are villains planning on world takeover and does his best to keep them from winning.)
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beeduoo · 7 days
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cclingyyyyy who rememberssss woooo
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ghcstcd · 1 year
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WIP // Hey, don't tell anyone but
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emperorofthedark · 8 months
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Following the boy up the road, she came upon a huge, old mansion. For some reason, this place seems familiar to the unlucky girl...
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pastafossa · 9 months
*heavy breathing* I decided to try to find a workaround for the long covid brain fog tonight.
Aka a new pot pot strain a friend recced to see if it would help me out with this.
It worked.
Do you know how well?
I just came up from a fucking five hour writing spree.
I'd planned to edit TRT's new chapter. And I did for a bit. But it wasn't enough. I had that itch, one that had been rattling around under my skin for months.
I needed to CREATE.
So I turned my eyes to the Raven fic's final chapter, where I'd been slowly working on adding the new scenes I wanted and redoing a few to match the new ones.
I didn't just enter the writing zone. I blew that fucking door off its hinges. I saw the scenes in my mind's eye, and I typed the words that came, and even when the words didn't show up, I waved it off, slapped in a placeholder, and blew past it. My hyperfocus latched on like a gator and did fifty thousand death rolls.
I may have forgotten to drink or eat anything so that's familiar too
This proves it. Getting TRT's new chapter written, if not edited, proved the words were still there in my head. And THIS proves I can still enter that miracle zone that makes everything worth it oh god i missed the zone. As best I can tell looking over it, this didn't fix my 'what word did I want here???' problem that I continue to struggle with. I still have a lot of placeholder words. But what it did do was remove my frustration, my anxiety, and my long pauses when I couldn't find a word I wanted. It was far easier to just continue on. It also gave me, for just a few hours, the ability to focus, enough that even as it slowly wore off I'd built enough momentum to keep going for a while.
Now I just gotta find a way to get there more regularly like I used to, without the herby nudge. Tomorrow I'll try the same thing though, only with editing instead, now that my itch has been thoroughly scratched.
And if anyone hears triumphant howling tomorrow evening, just know that it is I, Pasta, summoning the words again.
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nutcasewithaknife · 10 months
We need to talk about Fang Duobing checking Li Lianhua for wounds after the zombie attack. The whole scene actually. The way he sees the empty bed and has this moment of surety that Li Lianhua has been lying to him all along. The way he's thrown back into doubt a second later when Li Lianhua emerges from behind the door and pretends to be shook. The fact that a moment later it doesn't matter whether he is the white-robed master or not, whether he is Li Xaingyi or not, whether he is lying or not; all that matters is whether Li Lianhua was hurt. Not if it was while hiding from the attack or while wiping the zombies out, Fang Duobing is not looking for proof of anything in that moment except whether his friend is hurt or not. Things between them are so bloody convoluted but it can't stop Fang Duobing from caring. i'm in pain
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 5 months
something that i don't think gets addressed enough in regards to whatever happened behind the scenes with prism and zor is prism's factory... or, rather, the factory that zor gave prism.
though prism initially used her home as a workshop when it came to creating her initial versions of robutler- as well as, presumably, all of the other things she perused in her spare time/post leaving the agency- once she got access to the factory, everything became localized there. the only reason robutler was even in prism's house is because he was waiting to ambush the agent. i'm not even sure if prism slept in her home, when you take into consideration its distance from the factory.
initially, it seems like a pretty stupid thing for prism to accept as an act of good faith... why on earth would an agency ex-faculty member believe that she would be safe using a workshop given to her by zor, that's ON zoraxis premises?
but it makes a lot more sense when you consider the fact that the fabricator's workshop doesn't belong to her, either. it was given to her by zor as well- a fact that's made quite obvious when you consider the huge zoraxis logo stamped into the floor, as opposed to her own. and if you want to grasp for straws, you can consider that her barcelona location is a very short distance away from facility 3491- zor's madrid location.
suddenly, prism being gifted a factory to develop her tech seems less a sudden and suspicious act of charity, and more a display of cooperation. a sign of trust that zor grants to specific, high ranking engineers. considering how prism went to wanting nothing to do with zor to believing that they had any sort of investment in her robotic technology, it suddenly seems eerily obvious how palatable they must have made their little 'gift' seem to her.
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bectheturtle · 3 months
Me when. Me when In Stars and Time where the themes of the story are irreparably wrapped up in the character's deep set loneliness and self loathing
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serve-cunt · 13 days
just answered an ask with the unshakeable confidence of a 30yo white blond male in finance only to read it back and realize I answered a completely different question than the one actually sent to me... reading comprehension in my apartment at an all time low. open the schools
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no energy to write, nothing new to read, you know what that means
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traitorsinsalem · 8 months
this is a funny as fuck dialogue option for when you're playing a dead-birth-parents-rogue who just so happens to be mixed. get gathened idiot.
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aria0fgold · 2 months
My overanalysis of The Cursing of Château Castle has led me to overanalyze isat's worldbuilding, we've come full circle yall.
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roycests · 9 months
shiv is undoubtedly the most like logan with her flushed skin and judgemental eyes and her insulting bravado and that’s why her brothers are hopelessly in love with her
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