#I couldn't stop thinking about this meme during this video
zhxngii · 1 year
ーPleasuring themselves when you're away | genshin impact
⌗; *inserts yeah we horny meme* I tried to experiment with a kink here, enjoy! 18+ only, mdni! minors WILL be blocked.
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when you're away he finds himself sitting there with his cock in hand. he couldn't seem to stop thinking such filthy thoughts of you, he couldn't just ignore the painful hard-on in his boxers. when he slowly pumps his cock, he'd often imagine that it was your hands on him instead of him. oh, just to have the warmth of your hand on him right now...
he teases himself as he doesn't want to finish so quickly but the thought of you was just enough to push him further. his mind quickly shifts from the thought of your hand to the thought of your mouth around him. he loved the sight of you struggling to take him fully in your mouth, the way tears pricked at the corners of your eyes was just so hot to him.
he couldn't help but buck up into his own hand, oh how bad he wanted you here, he wanted it so bad, but this will do for now at least.
THOMA, BAIZHU, Itto, Pantalone, Xiao, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Cyno
he usually has his phone for times like these when he's in need of some relief. his gallery is filled with mostly pictures and videos of you, they are exactly what you'd think they'd be. he fully enjoyed taking pictures of you, no matter if you were completely nude or dressed up in a sexy set just for his eyes. he had an interest in recording during the moments you two would fuck. he loved going back to see the way you shudder in pleasure, crying out his name when he moves faster, and oh... the way you'd cum on his cock was just a beautiful sight.
he just can't help himself when you look this good. he makes a mess of himself so quickly, his load spilling out on his hand and thighs. the sheer layer of sweat on his forehead as he sighs, he couldn't wait for you to get home.
KAVEH, CHILDE, Albedo, Heizou, Ayato, Kaeya, Capitano, Pierro
you usually leave your clothes around so he couldn't help but take them in his hands and take in your scent. one thing he loved about you was the way you smelled, no matter if it was your perfume that you always wore or your natural scent. this shirt'll do, for now, though it might not be exactly the same due to the lack of warmth.
as his hand speeds up in up-and-down motions on his cock he inhales the scent on your shirt. in his mind, he imagines you riding him, bouncing on his cock, so desperate for a release. he tightens his fits around himself to copy the way you usually clench around him when you're about to reach your climax. he makes such a mess of himself that he's embarrassed afterward but doesn't regret it a single bit.
ALHAITHAM, DILUC, Zhongli, Dainsleif
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
Yeah i went again on sunday and really wanted to cry after because it's over forever Q_Q i am inconsolable but for the fact that there may be a halloween party... but uhhhhhhh anyway here's what I noticed this time!!
(also here's the notes from my first time for reference [x])
Ad libs:
Final show energy & lots of ad libs! Which were apparently real unscripted ad libs!! A lot of them were just little things (so I can't recount most of them) but they were very very good. the blorbos became real people for a second there
When Rich is looking for Mountain Dew Red at the party, Jenna appears and says "I have Mountain Dew Blue?" and he explodes at her (possibly "Not now, Jenna!")
When Christine and Jeremy talk together at the party, they're sitting on beanbags; after they get scared off by the skeleton guy, they're laughing and crawling back to their seats - Christine, through laughter: "oh where's the beanbag...."
Changes (?)
VIMH: Rich: "The ladies are gonna get to know the real Richard Goranski... And the dudes." Then he stares into the distance for like 30 seconds (a very long time), making calculating gestures in the air (like the woman with math meme) before going "Oh. My god............... I am totally bi!"
Maybe wrong, but I swear there was a wind part added to the middle of Michael in the Bathroom??? I thought it might be a flute or digital flute..... but as a flautist I might be projecting.....
The Play: Multiple thin green lights flickered down on people as they got squipped, with a cute video game chime sound. But fairly certain this was always there and I just noticed it this time lmao
Smartphone Hour: Background acting on the little platform at the very back of the stage: a scooby-doo esque chase sequence where a firefighter rushes on from SR and disappears SL (implied Jake's house is SL); the fireman reappears with Jake in his arms and runs back SR to safety. Then Jake runs back across to get something from his house and the fireman is trying to stop him. Then Jake runs back out of the house holding a teddy bear he saved from the fire; the fireman is chasing him back out of the house. It was fucking hilarious 10/10 especially because I couldn't be sure if it was a new addition or if I just completely filtered it out last time like a basketball gorilla dslfjdslfk
Also on Jake: between the teddy bear and the Upgrade scene (also detailed by Dani) where he's talking about archery while holding a plush duck - unsure dramaturgically if it's supposed to be a real dead duck or a toy, but anyway.... Jake who likes stuffies??? IDK if I buy it but I don't know enough about Jake to NOT buy it and its also a very fun headcanon I think so it's going on the pile for me. he can collect plushies with jeremy as far as im concerned dsljfsdkfjs
Oh yeah Jeremy also had a big white duck plush on his bed. edit: this is actually a seagull plush! Its name is Katie and it belongs to stage crew member Anya!
More details I saw this time
Christine actor was actually amazing she has this giggly honk voice she uses when being like obnoxiously loud and silly and idk how to describe it but such intense LOUD SILLYGIRL ENERGY. A little different than the chris im used to and it was fun to see another version of her!!
Maybe I'm insane but I think Christine also pronounced Jeremy kinda like 2 syllables (Jare - me). This extremely slight difference somehow led to me perceiving her singing "Is he worth it? Germyyyyyyy!" IDK Sorry Jaclyn if you are reading this ldksfjdlsk
Lots of times when Jeremy is talking about becoming cool he does little hip gyrations (think Rich at the urinal i guess but more subtle)
Jeremy does this thing where he holds his hand bent stiff with his fingers all together and taps hard on his right temple to express some kind of frustration with the SQUIP- e.g. when he's trying to get the SQUIP to turn on after the first day; during the end of the Halloween party, etc. Actually it very much has the same conceptual energy as "C'c'c'come on....." now that I think about it
Michael blows a cloud of smoke during a few of his entrances (MTS and maybe Halloween - or that was Dustin maybe)
He also uses a vape pen I think? When he says 'we gotta get stoned in my basement'
Preshow montage
Before the show, there's a montage of screenshots from the teens' lives on the back wall --- that is, their selfies and their text convos. Pretty sure the texts were that gossip submitted by fans? I only remember two:
"i heard that guy who wears hoodies all the time only listens to weezer" <- (I only noticed this one 'cause it KILLED ME honestly I feel like Jeremy would love Weezer and Michael would hate it sdjkfljdsf ) edit: this text was submitted by @/thesquirrelqueer!
I don't remember who was on which side, but Brooke or Chloe sending Chloe or Brooke a big comforting text after her breakup and making plans to go get ice cream I think?
"Dad haven't you ever heard of privacy?" He says this while putting on his belt after the opening.
Jeremy's actually gesturing towards his locker for like the entire conversation between Brooke, Chloe, Jenna; when they notice him finally it kinda looks like he's just pointing at them and that's part of why they think he's weird I think?
M: "Humanity has stopped evolving!" Jeremy then takes like 20 seconds of looking confused before going (approximately) "is that supposed to be good...?"
"Christiiiiiine Canigula!" Each Christine section he eventually (around 3rd time) starts using this fanboy totally-losing-his-mind-over-this voice which is REALLY hard to describe but i'll try: like lower & less articulate, like how it sounds when you raise your soft palate (?), and going up at the end kind of laugh-like like he's really excited. (For a bmc reference maybe sounds a little like will roland's tone in i even got some blood flowing / with no computer screen around). Anyway i'm not gonna lie it did make him sound really lame jsdlkfjdsf
"Why can't someone just help me out?" As Jeremy sings this bridge it's all dark except for a light on him. Students line up chairs behind him and sit down. At this line, two guys walk forwards on either side and touch his shoulders (looking kind of solemn / sympathetic) , and guide him back to sit in the chair in the middle. Then the lights come up on everyone and more group choreo wheeee
Post-ILPR MTS reprise
Christine: "Sorry, Jeremy, did you say something?" -> after this scene, she runs off giggling loudly, apparently glad to not be interrupted and VERY visibly excited about Jake asking her out
Jeremy sings "I don't wanna be special / Don't even want to survive...." (Instead of usual "Don't even need to survive.") Not sure if it was intentional but it happened at both shows I saw and made me sad both times noooooo........... guy...........
Squip song
Rich actually rubs his hands all over Jeremy's face (in addition to his arms)
"Top secret can't even look it up on the internet type shit": Rich looks to the side and mimes a rectangle (computer screen) then mimes typing where the keyboard would be
"I don't want that to be my future! Sad, and alone, and ... " - The music cuts out at "sad" instead of at the beginning of this line.
On their relationship in general, I think Michael irritates Jeremy more than fanon typically has it lol. Very excitable Michael who kinda lacks volume control (in several scenes - including VIMH even after Jeremy tells him to be quieter). Constructive interference of autism etc etc
(Again fun to see this!! as a jeremy stan i am definitely guilty of making michael a godlike perfect friend to jeremy and like.. no... they don't actually mesh that well even just in the script!! Often times Jeremy doesn't understand or care about the things Michael says. So yeah absorbing this into my headcanons now thank you)
Also back wall was this like vaporwave looking low-poly 2 person first person shooter game footage (think wolfenstein but with a very different aesthetic - purple and blue, and i think with some objects depicted in mesh).
When Jeremy's spasming on the ground (last time I thought he looked mostly in pain - this time he was vibrating a bit more like he lost muscle control) - local build-a-bear employee Jared Kleinman (JARED KLEINMAN...) and some other people start filming him.
Jared keeps filming him through the scene until SQUIP: "All they see is you having an animated conversation... with yourself." Jeremy turns and notices him; Jared doesn't stop filming but just waves at him nonchalantly (in a mocking way like hey buddy welcome back to reality)
Jared also has a BaB apron and BaB backpack on (or a bear sticking out of his backpack i dont remember). Pretty sure he also had a bear with him in another scene, probably Halloween?
"Lookin pretty sexy, brooke" -- says it in like a low Elvisy voice (like will connolly)
"Everything about you is going to be wonderful" -- Jeremy rolls up his cardigan sleeves so they're just below the elbow. (One of them slipped back down and he put it up again but I didnt think it was intentional lol). I was surprised how much instantly cooler that made him look but maybe that's just because my older brother wears his sleeves like that ljdsfkdsfklsfdlk
......also note that MICHAEL usually wears his sleeves rolled up like that in this production.... inch resting.....
MTS reprise
When the lights first come up, Jeremy is snoring with his head hanging off the side of the bed. He stops breathing for a second, then jerks awake.
Chris: "I know you and Jake used to date...." Chloe and Brooke simultaneously go "Oh my god, no!!!" --- Chloe to Christine (mockingly), meanwhile Brooke is unrelatedly browsing her phone and says it in distress because she (implied) has just seen that Eminem died. As convo continues, Brooke sits next to another student (Leo Collins?) and shows them the article. (She still says 'yeah jake is so gross' to Chloe, just sounding upset)
I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT JEREMY AND BROOKE WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER JLKSDFLDFSJ. I decided to only watch them during this song (/ _ \) Based on their acting when they walked near the stage stairs, they had climbed to the back of the bleachers and were walking precariously on the outside of the railing - specifically, they went over the stair railings - first Brooke and she teeters a bit and jokingly pretends like she's gonna fall off; Jeremy goes under the rail, comes up on the other side and does a gesture like *tada!*. Then they sit down together and are talking and its just really cute. making me ship puppy love over here jdsifojdslkfdjsflk
Michael was at the dance in costume - during a certain point (I think right before Rich starts losing it) Michael gets lost out of the group choreo, seems to be stressed out and runs off stage (presumably to the bathroom)
One of the guys is dressed up like Guy Fieri and it's really good. Like I remember last time I even had a moment where I realized I was interpreting this actor as playing The Real Guy Fieri At Jake's Halloween Party. Also in MITB he uses his hat (which is a combo of visor and fake hair) to knock on the door.
Chloe: "...rock this baby fast asleep" then, laughing: "Goo goo ga ga!!" and she kinda topples onto him. The actress said she got this from the West End production!
When Jeremy says "I can't stand up." It was kind of implied it's because he has an erection not because his legs are frozen; right before this line he stands up then sits down and puts a pillow in his lap. Either way though ig it was still the SQUIP stopping him (S: "you're welcome.")
GTIKBI reprise
as Dani pointed out, Christine was sitting kinda numbly on the beanbag with headphones on; she takes them off when Jeremy starts talking to her.
Voices in my Head
Jeremy's wearing an X-Men shirt!
Re: expensive headphones - Michael's rubbing Rich's shoulders (???) when he says "I'm sure someone would be lucky to have you" (and then of course he still says but not meeeee while sending him flying)
"Throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice" Jake fist bumps with Jeremy (or equivalent gesture i dont remember)
Stagedorks kiss: after C says yes, they walk to the center of the stage. Jeremy rushes forwards and puts his hands on her cheeks (i think?) to pull her into a kiss. They separate, beat, then Christine goes forwards again and they have a long slow kiss while the ensemble keeps dancing and singing around them.
Not intentional i dont think but Patrick the Jeremy actor was crying a bit at the end /( T_ T \ )
OK YEAH i might add more to this if I remember and/or edit it back into the first post...... but hope that was fun to read????
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inchidentally · 6 months
I know wives and gf talk isn't for everyone so asks under a cut - and I hate the term 'wag' so I'll start tagging these 'f1partnertalk' for those who want to bl!
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right??? and the fact that in his Australia tourism type video with her he refers to her as his 'partner' which to me is both him being socially minded but also respect bc by that time they'd been together 3 and a bit years!
and exactly !! on the one hand he's not using her as a status thing of 'look I have a gf' but he's also made the very smart decision (and I think this was the Webbers influence) of not having her be a secret or a mystery. her acc going private is pretty normal for F1 gfs who aren't using their profile for business but the fact that he casually reminds people about her and that she'll like certain content posted about her or them is enough to stop anyone thinking she's 'fake' or whatever. there were some feeble attempts to claim they were broken up just bc she didn't go to many races but when folks pointed out she was in final year of uni for a very difficult degree it died down.
gotta say though - and this isn't in reply to you it's an aside about comments I see - I find the straight people thing of jumping to theories about marriage for long term relationships SO weird. it's like there's this ticking time bomb for het relationships lol. it's esp weird since they're so young and his career requires him to be so selfish (his and Lando's words) that I'm like how do ppl see that and leap to them marrying buying a house and planning kids when they not only don't live together yet they also spend most of the year apart??? sure they're super mature and stable for their age but who I am now and who I was during hs and college has been so incredibly different! I couldn't imagine making that huge a commitment esp if I had an all consuming career like Oscar does. I just hope those comments (however well meaning) don't reach them bc that feels crazy over-stepping and would be so awkward to read.
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these asks I felt like went together really well lol
(this is the post anon refers to) oh anon. idk if you've seen them but have a look through here to enjoy Oscar's 8-year little crush on Lando and I think it's safe to say that Lily will at least have had an inkling about it.
and the thing is that being physical just isn't Oscar's way even with Lily which if Lando was at all hmmmm about then he'll have seen that pretty early on. as anon listed above, Oscar shows his affection for people by including them when he talks about his life (which Lando also gets!) also acts of service and signs of respect (which Lando also gets!)
this is me projecting here but idk the way Oscar talks about the boarding school guys he's still friends with and his friends back in Oz but doesn't post about them or have them to many races just makes me think that Oscar decided very early on to just avoid the distraction of sharing himself on social media apart from memes? he's never wanted to establish any kind of online persona and he got really solid a levels as a backup in engineering if F1 didn't work out so he's never planned to be a public person anyway.
where I'm going w that is that Lando will absolutely by now have learned all of this about Oscar. Oscar will like and respond to content about Lando but most of what Lando gets from him will be the acts of service and signs of respect. which is exactly what Oscar does with Lily, his family, Mark, etc. Oscar's own content will be about generically positive stuff re McLaren and the occasional funny post (like P1,P2,P6?). but the people he considers his most inner circle will stay largely off the map. which lbr is what Lando himself does with a lot of his closest friends! especially since his fame began to grow he's stopped posting a lot of those people and we only hear them bc he mentions seeing them. Lando is Oscar's little long harbored 'crush' and Lily is his long term gf. I feel like if that's obvious to us then it def will be for Lando :)
so we can count ourselves incredibly lucky that Lando being Oscar's teammate means we get as much of a window in on them as we do <3
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cubbyyyy · 1 year
Hi! I read that post about Ohm/Nanon and the uneasiness you are feeling about the Pat/Pran episodes. Could you fill me in? What happened between them? I am also a huge bad buddy fan. I also have high hopes for the bb episodes of Our Skyy 2. Reading your post made me a tiny bit worried. Thanks!
First up; I'm sorry for making you worry! Nothing is official and it's best to just wait till the episodes come out and be happy or angry then. The worrying before is always such a pain..
But to answer your question:
Idk how much you know about Ohmnanon but they were really good friends even before bbs and also after bbs you could often see them hanging out (it was even a meme that they see each other literally everyday) and it was all nice and fun. When you had the bbs boxset or watched P'Aofs reaction videos you could hear/ see how many scenes they actually improvised since they just knew Patpran perfectly (for example the whole phone call scene, the breakfast in bed scene, the scene where Pat stood behind Pran to play the instrument, the kisses when they officially got together, Ohms tear during the Ep 5 kiss; the way Ohm played Pat in general - Pat wasn't supposed to be in love with Pran right from the start subconsciously, it was Ohm who said he couldn't play Pat NOT in love with Pran, which is why you can see Pat being so flirty and staring at Pran so much even before they got together [the best example is the bus stop scene for that.] The list could go on but I'm gonna stop it here). During the bts you could also see how comfortable Ohmnanon were with each other, they were always kissing or hugging or playing with one another; so it got clear how they managed to get their characters dynamic so good.
And now.. well. Our Skyy 2 is supposed to be filmed now. And Ohmnanon are, let's say, not well. In the beginning of this year Ohm had a scandal (which I won't explain further right now) and it changed a lot of stuff. The fandom changed, picked sides. Many didn't want to support Ohm any longer and also didn't want Nanon to still be associated with Ohm. I would say this was the time everything changed.. The fandom turned into the ones who stayed with Ohm and the ones who stayed with Nanon and somehow every 2 business days they argue. It's a lot about protection I think and everyone feeling like their bias doesn't get as much love as the other (very kpop like). An example would be during Hi-Touch: both Ohm and Nanon had a fan ignore them during a hi-touch. And both times the stans accused the other of being at fault, threw hate towards the one who didn't get ignored or said stuff like "if it were the other way around.." which was bs, since both happened and fans reacted the same way but yeah; that's kinda how the fandom got.
And to top it all off; Ohmnanon stopped interacting. They grew very distant towards one another. Atp they don't even look at each other. They definitely don't interact. During lives they only talk to the interviewer or ppl behind the camera, never even towards one another. They don't whisper or hug or whatever else like they did before. You never see them together anymore, if they are at the same location they won't be with one another; instead they'll be with others or alone even. I think the biggest "official" indicator that everything DEFINITELY changed and isn't just paranoia was Nanons birthday wish to Ohm in march. The last 4 years (? I'm not quite sure if its 3 or 4 yrs) Ohm always got a feed post with hbd wishes and all that. This year Nanon was the only one from all GMMTV colleagues who just reposted the official GMMTV birthday wish in his story to congratulate Ohm. Everyone else posted a private pic from Ohm, a pic with Ohm or at least a pic Ohm himself made and posted; So Nanon really stood out with the official GMMTV wish, especially since he never did that with others either. And we all know how many pics ON have together bc of the whole cp thing.. so it was weird. Aka after that, many fans got the message that ON definitely are not like before; you could already see it but that was one of the things that officially kinda sealed the deal? Since it was such a drastic change to before.
Why everything changed; nobody knows. It just gets clearer that the ON cp is definitely breaking up. Maybe they had a fight. Maybe it has to do with the scandal. Maybe it's fake. Some people say it's gmmtvs stragegy to break up cps who don't wanna do another bl together and to do that they shouldn't interact publicly. But they're all just theories. What actually happened is between ON but it's still heartbreaking to see.
And with everything changing so drastically I get a little scared about the OurSkyy 2 Episodes haha.
PLUS; It seems like they want to do a mash up with ATOTS which is quite devastating.
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weeb-cheese · 3 months
idk if I've ever spoken about it super publically, but it's so interesting to me how much my relationship with black butler has changed over the years. Went from loving to hating and back to loving but in a different way (long musing under the cut)
When I first watched the anime back in 2010, it was just a fun little thing that was part of this cool new medium. Anime and manga in general has been a special interest of mine since I was 12/13, and Black Butler was one of the firsts that I watched. It was a drop in the bigger interest of anime. I didn't think much about it after I watched it. I had friends that watched it, and we'd talk about it sometimes, but we mostly talked about Ouran. I'd listen to the music, see memes on facebook, and occasionally would stumble across things like the 2010 musical on youtube. But it was more of a "oh cool" than the intense interest it turned into.
But in 2014, I decided it was finally time I read the manga. I don't remember what caused me to finally make that jump. I'd known for a year or two at that point that the manga was a thing and different from the anime. But I guess the time was just right during the summer of 2014. I binged the manga, started obsessing over the series with a close friend at the time, and the series quickly became my entire personality. I even started getting clothes and styling myself in ways that was reminiscent of Ciel and the style of the series. I started watching cosplayers on youtube, started obsessing over the 2010 musical and later finding out about the other musicals that were out at the time. Started cosplaying myself as a way to connect further with black butler. It stared an ERA that lasted until 2017 where I joined a legit cult around the series (long story iykyk)
But after some negative experiences, I started to feel like I wasn't allowed to enjoy the series anymore. I had a lot of complicated feelings around it, and even stopped reading the manga for an entire year. Black Butler sat in this weird space of being something that had once meant so much to me, being something that was my entire life for YEARS, but then quickly turning to something taboo and shameful. Something that I grew to resent. During that time I still cosplayed and made stuff about the series, partially because I couldn't let it go, but also because I liked the attention that came with it online, it was the only thing people seemed to respond to for a while.
It wasn't until 2022 that I started to read the manga again. It wasn't until I decided to start making black butler video essays that I started to feel comfortable in the joy this series brings again. Something that I spent years resenting, feeling like I couldn't enjoy anymore, was becoming a big interest again. But it felt less like a an interest and more like I was rekindling and old friendship. Reminiscing on all the past, reconciling my negative feelings. It's been really healing. I found myself last night rereading the manga really enjoying it, and feeling such a strong urge to rewatch the musicals. It's kind of wild how much my love for this series has rekindled.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
I keep seeing these ‘MARINETTE BAD’ posts about how she’s a crazy possessive stalker and poor innocent Adrien/Chat Noir doesn’t even understand how wrong she is. And it makes me wonder if the fandom would show this same energy to Adrien/Chat Noir if Ladybug actually had any recurring conflicting male parties after her. Because, as evidenced by how he lied to Theo in Copycat and his immediate attitude with Flairmidable, we all KNOW he wouldn’t take that well. If Chat Noir actually had a male Lila or Chloe or even Kagami to deal with for Ladybugs affections, I guarantee he would have been SO MESSY about it. There would have been more lies, more upstaging and more tantrums. Even the fact that Chat Noir asks who Ladybug is interested in when she tells him she’s interested in someone else was a little concerning to me. I was like “what is he going to do with that information?”
But just like the fandom is overall charmed by Chat Noir pushing the boundaries Ladybug set, I feel like they would also be charmed by his jealousy? Whereas Marinette…
They would straight up call for Marinette’s removal if she lied and told Lila/Kagami her and Adrien had “a thing” to get them away from him, got angry at some random girl he showed attention to or got pissy at him for rejecting her.
And this isn’t Adrien salt. I love Adrien, flaws and all. I just think it’s interesting, the split in the audience response between Marinette’s boundary pushing and Chat Noir’s boundary pushing.And more interesting that some people paint Adrien as this victim with no agency when he has been very reactive throughout.
The interesting thing is that, neither of their poor reactions and boundary pushing ever get them anywhere romantically with the other. Marinette usually ends up embarrassed in a mess of her own making and he is once again rejected. The same lesson is being taught here but somehow , Marinette ends up with most of the ire and Chat Noir is the poor kitten the mean bug hurt.
I know! I know exactly what you're talking about and I feel the same way. Double standards kill me. Adrien does have his own salters that's true but he doesn't have so much hate YouTube channels and videos, you won't see hate memes on Reddit about him, you won't see anyone calling him out on Quora as the of the worst main character ever, you won't see people saying Adrien ruined Marinette's life but you'll ALWAYS see them saying Marinette ruined his, you didn't see like ten people actually giving two f*cks about her during Ladynoir conflict, you won't see any other girl getting so many haters like Marinette, you won't see the fandom being critical of any other character so much, years from now you won't find that much hate material for other characters but you will find too many Marinette hate stuff, I can't even search her name on Google without hate content popping out, you won't see Marinette sugar being appreciated like Adrien's, you won't see more people hating Adrien than Marinette, that's true. Even the show is sometimes, like you said, really rough to Marinette and doesn't take her emotions seriously but his are always taken seriously. It's not just gender thing, I've noticed Marinette getting hate for stuff people praise other characters when they do the exact same thing. Some people even told me they went from hating on her to defending cuz even they couldn't stand these double standards. Even when Marinette does something good they hate her. Imagine when Marinette haters had enough of it 😅.
And I REALLY got sick of "if she was a guy everyone would call her out-" just stop. Y'all ALREADY call her out even for stuff that weren't her fault what do you mean no one is complaining when literally the entire YouTube and Reddit hates her with passion, and as if I didn't watch other TV shows where male character is the worst person alive and no one said a word.
Maturing is realizing Marinette is a great character and she doesn't deserve the slander. I can't believe people only watch the show with one eye. The fact that the girl is to blame for everything IS a proof that people don't stand for female lead characters. The standards are never the same. I can literally compare the same situations when Marinette received hate both times but she made different decisions and even when she did the thing they defended the other character for she got salt. I hate that. I blocked like at least 200 Marinette haters by now and I ALWAYS find more. Aren't y'all tired? Aren't y'all embarrassed by now? So many wonderful stuff about her will be forgotten and all that's going to stay are these obsessive stalker/abuser accusations which aren't even 90% true lol I can't even watch that for ten seconds without laughing from how dumb and biased it is. I don't know who started Marinette hate but I hope they actually get stalked and abused so they know what real stalkers and abusers are like. People like them would be ready to cyber bully a real person and ruin their life like they ruined this character's reputation so they don't deserve anything better than that.
Sorry if I'm too mean there is just too much anger inside me to be calm 😭😭😭😂😂😂
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happylikeasadsong · 6 months
"About the Blogger" meme
Thank u sm for tag @cruciomione!!
Star Sign(s): Cancer sun, Libra moon and Leo rising (i couldn't explain it i you asked, tho)
Favorite Holidays: Christmas and New Years i love how crazy people go about decorations and seems like there's no end to imagination. Also it's that time of the year i have the most delicious food and share quality time with my family. And New Years's so special bc i get to celebrate with friends and usually the parties are lit.
Last Meal: A strawberry delight crepe as a 'well done' gift from me to me or not dying during my exams and finishing them all, yayyy
Current Favorite Musician: i always find it hard to just mention one, so here goes my top three rn: coco jones, the maine and rbd (latin pop band).
Last Music Listened To: back to life by lawson. this one scratches my brain like no other.
Last Movie Watched: me and one of my closest friends do this list of christmas movies every year bc we love christmas movies, no matter how awful and cringe they are. last night i watched 'exmas' with leighton meester and robbie amell and i was surprised that it wasn't the worst, so it's a win in my book.
Last TV Show Watched: it was this week's episode of fellow travelers. jonathan bailey and matt bomer are breaking my heart in a million little pieces, but i think it worth it?? it's so so so sad and tragic but they do such a great job portraying hawk and skippy's story.
Last Book/Fic Finished: i wanted distract myself from my daily problems so i reread 'remember me, remebering you' by amiera_saphire on ao3 last weekend.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: i prefer the term 'hiatus'. i have a jatp fic that i never really finished and the thought of it hunts me.
Currently Reading: a very boring article on managerial finance i have to write on by friday (my last assignment of the year, yay!). i hated it, so i came here to get enough endorfins to go back to it.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ships in the 1800's, also dresses of that time period so i can better my shitty description in my period fic. i only had an idea and a dream on that one.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: uhh i think it was back in the cursed years (2020, eww) and after i watched julie and the phantoms i found some really good people here and on twitter. our day consisted in checking every news outlet about the show and pics, videos about them. also the fics were so incredibly good!! those were fun times.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: arrowverse when it was good, maybe? idk but olicity had a choke on me in a concerning way. but then it went bad, so bad, and i suffered through until arrow ended and stopped watching the shows.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: felicity. it's mainly bc it's such an old show and bc of that, no one is really talking about it anymore, but it was my shit when i 'discovered' back in college.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: i'll quote @cruciomione about the multi chapter fics, i feel you! one shots are better for me bc i can just write my idea down.
i've been working on a multi chapter about a second chance/lovers-to-strangers-to-lovers. i love the angst i have panned out in my head lol maybe during the break it could revisit it.
loved doing this!!
tagging some ppl to do this too, only if you want!
@imliterallyjustablackgirl, @ethxocore, @laryssamedeirss, @vacationship, @ruethrills
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thegeminisage · 1 year
i got tagged by @runawaymarbles, tyvm i lov doing these
What book are you currently reading?
no books atm but i'm actually getting through the entire tag of a rarepair from ff13...only 41 fics :(
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year?
did i go to a theater this year...? surely at least once. OH YEAH i went to see sonic 2. since that's the only movie i saw in theaters this year that'll be my favorite one
What do you usually wear?
comfy-at-home clothes: tank top, shorts, no-show socks, hair fork, & bandana. out & about clothes: bandana & hair fork if i'm working or my hair needs washing, otherwise i keep it loose. a lot of black pants/shorts and bright glittery monochrome or tye-dye tank tops w/ black or rainbow choker, rainbow earrings, pride bracelet, smiley face ring, rainbow ring, ace ring, and sometimes my triforce necklace. if it's cold i will also wear rainbow arm warmers/socks and fingerless gloves with the pink peace symbols on them. if i'm REALLY dressing up i will wear rainbow tights under a long shirt or short dress. wow sorry this is the longest answer so far i just really love bright fashion!!! i can't believe god nerfed me by making plus sized clothes fucking suck so bad
How tall are you?
5’1 :/
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
i think i'm actually a cancer LMFAO. and stuck with this username...idk about any celebrities but my birthday IS on the summer solstice which is absolutely bitchin' in my professional opinion. i could not possibly have asked for a better date although i do wish it didn't have to fall on father's day sometimes
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
i go by liz which is not my legal first name. technically my legal middle name isn't liz either it's like elizabeth obviously but my first name is cringefail and nobody can spell it OR say it so i just don't tell most people what it is lol. i started going by liz when i was in 8th grade and sometimes my mom STILL messes it up...
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
no BUT as a kid i really really really really REALLY wanted pink hair. as an adult no one can stop me. kid me would be so jealous of adult me's look in EVERY way
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
good at: dreaming. you know how in the 40s-60s most people dreamed in black and white because that was how tv looked? apparently if you play enough video games you'll get so good at controlling a simulated environment you can simply wake up on command. i never completely mastered lucid dreaming but it's a neat trick anyway. bad at: sleeping. exhibit a: i am answering this meme at 2:30 in the fucking morning, and i have not had 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep since december 10. that's like 28 days!
Dogs or cats?
CATS!!!!!!! i like dogs too tho
What’s something you would like to create stuff for?
i would love to draw some zelda art. i just need a new tablet sadly none of the old ones work with my pc
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
UGH i can't post it, it's in the undisclosed project
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
so a very long time ago when we were teenagers my brother showed me minecraft. i played half an hour of it and then gave the controller back and told him i couldn't keep going because i would quite literally never put it down if i did. unfortunately i did NOT show that same level of foresight and self-restraint when downloading the demo of SLIME RANCHER. in my defense i was utterly unprepared for its sheer potency. i played exactly four minutes of the demo before i caved and bought it - $5 was a steal - without realizing how absolutely lethal it is to combine adhd with a farming sim especially during seasonal depression months. this thing has been churning out dopamine so fast my stupid little rat brain can't keep up. i'm frying every last pleasure receptor i ever had as thoroughly as i possibly can. i am begging one of you to physically come to my house and uninstall it from my pc.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
andor 🙏 sorry to all andor enjoyers but it fucking sucked (except for the prison break)
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
i'm freakishly good at packing things. items into boxes, boxes into vehicles, organizing drawers and closets, etc. at my house we call it "tetrising" since i guess that's a pro gamer move that translates to the real world..................
Are you religious?
no i am disqualified for being gay <3
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a completed copy of this photo album i'm supposed to be making. i got behind bc i was playing slime rancher :(
ok im tagging @slaygentford @maulthots @brownbicon @machidielontheway @paty-ofarrell @ozymandiasdirge @moogleterra @marcelgerard @elsa12tmnt @smellslikebot @youngbenkenobi and anyone else who wants to do it, do it & say i tagged you!!
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soyouareandrewdobson · 8 months
A hat full of shit
Just a very short post compared to others this time. Lets start by playing a game, shall we? Can you identify the difference between these two pics of Dobson?
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And no, just because they show the same douchebag, they are not the same. Cause in one pic, something important is missing!
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Yeah, that's right, the hat. To be more precise, the fedora Dobson would like to draw himself with, based on the fact that at least ever since college Dobson had been a fedora wearer in real life. Likely to hide his eggshaped, bald calvaria.
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Now frankly, I don't think the fedora as a hat in itself is something terrible. In fact, it is actually something of a feministic icon, originating from a headpiece a female character named "Princess Fedora Romanova" wore in a theater play called "Fedora" by the french writer Sadoun from 1882. The character even played by a highly respected actress at the time called Sarah Bernhardt. And after it got popularity via the play, it was worn mostly by women in the late half of the 19th century -particularly members of the first feministic movements- it became popular with men in the 1920s all over the world, especially in America where it was famous during the prohibition, the 40s-60s, in Hollywood movies (particularly the detetive noir ones of the time) and so on.
Nowadays however... well, we all know the memes, how the fedora is something of the first indicative piece of clothing a fake feminist or unhinged social justice warrior likes to wear.
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And even Dobson, though a bit late to the party, eventually became aware of the negative association the fedora developed online, which is actually the reason why he stopped wearing the hat altogether.
As he made known in a "humourous" fashion through this dumb SYAC strip...
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And would also confirm quite a few years later on twitter, when he ranted randomly about how internet creeps ruined the hat for him.
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And as to be expected of Dobson, utter lack of self awareness. At all.
Cause honestly, if he thinks only male douchebags wear a fedora now... well, then he should have kept it on. After all, it fit him.
There is really not much here I can say than the following: If Dobson wanted NOT to be associated with (male) douchebaggery at all, then getting rid of his hat was not the right course of action. Cause being Dobson, it did not matter if he wore a fedora, 80s leggings, nothing, a plain white shirt or started vapping: A douchebag, is a douchebag independent of his choice of clothing.
Dobson wasn't seen as a douche because of his hat or rather a lack thereof.
He was a douche because he was condescending, creepy, acted like he was a semi authority at what "decent" and "progressive" entertainment is like/should be, despite a severe lack of actually creating stories of his own and many other reasons.
Heck, Dobson couldn't even be halfway "consistent" with the fact he abandoned his hat. After all, even in the years following that comic, he would occassionally still draw himself with the hat.
No, seriously. The comic condamning fedoras, according to the base timeline I can construct on the release date of the comics, indicate it to have come out sometime before 2014.
And then when he made his patreon campaign video in 2015... well, I unfortunately only have a modified version of that video found online, but guess what sort of headwear shows up in the "unedit" parts.
I hope that whatever happened with his hat, it found a better use than resting on his skull. Who knows, perhaps it was donated to the homeless and is now catching more money on average, than Dobson earned via patreon
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Reacting With a Post Just as Long as the Last to a Trailer a Third of the Length
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So if you're ever wondering how my brain works with this hyperfixation in particular, I wanted to talk about the tarot card in Defenders Beyond that Doctor Strange uses to summon Loki. This is a thing he does both in Defenders and Defenders Beyond to create the team, but I'll get into that later, because now that's not what I'm going to talk about today, thank you, Marvel.
Now, you may be wondering, the fuck does that have to do with the above meme? I was planning this while I was scrolling through the numerous Loki merch on Box Lunch (I have a $15 off $30 coupon I can start using on the seventh so I was building my cart, but you don't need to know that). And I'm on a page with a ton of apparel featuring the lovely flaming sword that Kid Loki summons for Loki right before the battle with Alioth (which a lovely commenter on one of my posts has clarified is Laevateinn instead of Gram). So I was getting very excited about this sword for some reason today. So at the same time I was planning the post about the tarot card (which I couldn't really do until I went to get my copy of Defenders Beyond because I couldn't remember which card Strange pulled for Loki), I got sidetracked looking up the mythology of Laevateinn for funsies.
And then I get to thinking, 'Does he still have Laevateinn?' (in the show) Because I don't fully remember the fight scene between him and Sylvie, because if you recall, it ended in a way that I didn't like. And in a way that some of you may also not have liked, and some of you may have been cheering which is entirely your prerogative, but I personally was not thrilled. So I don't remember a whole lot of what happened at the last minute, but I'm thinking maybe Sylvie disarmed him at some point during that fight, so it's quite possible that he was sent back to the TVA without the sword.
(I'm sorry, we're getting to the trailer, I promise.)
So I'm thinking, well, on the show's IMDb page they have all the trailers posted, and recently I've been going onto that page a lot to look at the thumbnail for the trailer (mainly for worried reasons while I'm thinking about how season two might go down and thinking about what I think that scene is in particular). Not to watch the trailer, just to check the thumbnail to make sure the things I'm worried about are things I'm misremembering. But I'm not going to get into that because it doesn't really make sense at the moment.
But the point is, I've gone onto that page multiple times, so I can picture this trailer and specifically what the thumbnail looks like. So I don't need to waste any time watching the trailer to see if he still has the sword, I'm just gonna check the thumbnail like I normally do. So I go onto the Loki IMDb page, as one does, multiple times, and this is just supposed to be a really quick thing. This isn't going to be a post, this is just me thinking goofy shit, fooling around and procrastinating on going to get lunch and looking up the tarot card shit for an actual post. This isn't supposed to be something that happens that turns into a long ass post in itself before I even get to the point of why I'm posting in the first place.
Anyway, I pull up the Loki IMDb page, and I'm about to click on the video page, and I'm like Wait a minute. So the banner is usually the trailer, and the trailer is usually on the thumbnail I came to look at (so technically I wouldn't even need to click on the videos, but I tend to anyway because I'm moving quickly and all this is muscle memory at this point because I'm obsessed). But this banner has stopped on a different shot, and it's not a shot I remember (which really should be a red flag, honestly). But I kinda put that to the side, because sometimes the video starts automatically and maybe it just moved. So I'm about to click on the videos, and again I'm like Wait a minute, there's 45 videos. I just checked this two days ago (I'm not exaggerating), and there were 44 videos. What the fuck? And then I'm starting to put two and two together, this weird banner with the shot I don't remember, there's another video.... But at this point my thumb has been faster than my brain and I've already clicked on it, so it's loading, and I'm like starting to build up anticipation. There was excitement, there was anxiety (because I get anxiety about everything), and there was a little bit of dread. Because I'm trying to go to lunch, and the place I'm trying to go is half an hour away. I also wasn't really necessarily planning to make a post today. I already made one, and I was going to just queue the tarot card one for tomorrow if I managed to make it. And now I have to watch an entirely new trailer, which the last one was a full two and a half minutes. With more content, that I'm going to have to process through. And that's not even adding to the level and variety and whiplash of emotions that I'm going to be feeling as I watch this video. And also I have zero self-control, so I'm going to click on this video right away as soon as I see that there's a new one.
So dread and excitement are the principal emotions bouncing around my brain as this page loads for point-five seconds. And then I see that, of course, there's another teaser trailer, with a thumbnail that I have never seen before. Which means that this is not an identical video that must be a slightly different format like the last video IMDb posted, since videos 43 and 44 are exactly the same. Video 45 is different, it's brand fucking new.
So let's talk about this 46-second teaser trailer that has completely derailed my entire day (if you've managed to stick around through that entire anecdote that was longer and less funny than I wanted it to be but I'm keeping in, sorry).
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I'm sorry, I'm gonna go in order, I just couldn't keep this to myself once I added the caption. I hope they have a team name, I hope they spend more than like five minutes as a cohesive unit, I hope none of them die.
Okay, from the top now.
I can't decide who I think Loki is talking to at the beginning. It could be Mobius from the finale, and this is confirmation that that Mobius and ours are the same, just memory wiped, and Loki is about to restore his memories. Or given what he says next, he's either explaining the situation to Sylvie (but the "again" is throwing me off), or Mobius has his memories restored but then wiped again later. The "again" and then explaining the time-slipping is making the whole thing confusing. I suppose the time-slipping explanation could be happening in a different scene than the "What I have to tell you..." part. But this post is already extremely long, my head hurts, and we have a lot more to go.
So we get a lot of shots or at least similar shots to things we've seen before with Loki explaining what the time-slipping is doing to him.
B-15 looks younger to me in these shots? I don't know.
That suit is corroding around Mobius with one dinky little piece of duct tape on the helmet and I don't love it.
I love Casey, OB, and Mobius just chilling there while Loki is having the worst day of his immortal life. It's just so stuck-in-capitalist-hell of them.
Also the fact that Mobius like barely flinches as Loki is stretched into ribbons and back again directly beside him is such a fucking power move. I don't know what to do with it right now, but I might fight anyone who ever implies Mobius is weak or cowardly. He doesn't even look freaked out. Like even if you've seen that before, that is some objectively freaky shit and that is at least your friend, possibly your love interest, being turned inside out.
There is so much going on in the shot with Victorian!Kang in the background and I have so many questions. Like it happens so fast, but it answers and creates so many questions. That's Kang in the back, and he's dressed and his hair is styled in the way we see him in the World's Fair shots/Quantumania post-credit. And behind him is a screen the TVA uses to monitor the Sacred Timeline. Except it doesn't look on. Either it's the present, and the timeline is just so out of wack they decided to shut it off because the nexus events were spider webbing out of control. Or it's the past, and the monitor hasn't been set up yet. (Technically neither is accurate if they're in the TVA, since it's outside of time, but you get what I'm saying.) Then in the foreground we have a model conveyor belt-looking thing and a little figure in a space suit being walked down the belt. We just saw the conveyor belt scaled up to life size a few shots ago, outside the TVA leading to presumably the Sacred Timeline. We also just saw the figure in the space suit, Mobius. The first time I watched this, I thought Kang was moving the figure, but he's not. So I don't know who it is now. Is it Mobius? Loki? But now this begs the question, too, if this specific scene is happening in the past, perhaps as Kang is just setting up the TVA, is the previous scene with Mobius on the bridge that mirrors this model recreation also happening in the past?
What is OB looking through? Why is this part of the trailer so fucking quick? Why show it at all if it's going to be so short of a shot? Why did they stitch it between shots of Victorian-era characters/variants?
Pretty sure that's Ravonna. Is that a prototype prune stick?
On the one hand, I love Sylvie and Loki grabbing hands to do magic together. On the other hand, no matter what Sylvie says, I know what they're trying to imply with this and I! Still! Don't! Like! It! Stop making Mobius look like the awkward third wheel over there, grr!
If we play with fucking time loops in this season I'm gonna be so mad. Time travel is confusing enough for me.
But fuck y'all I'm so hyped!!!
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insomtiny · 1 year
this is me sending you all the emojis (or all the ones you want to do) for the atz ask game
i guess u could also pick like 5 random ones and go for it lol
ok it's happening
💗- who is your bias in ateez? - seonghwa! 🤗 💖- who was your very first bias? - seonghwa lol, i was in between a few at the beginning but it ended up being him and it stuck ⭐️- why is your bias your bias? - i could go on and on about how gorgeous and talented he is, but to be serious the main reason is cause he's a huge dork 💝- how long have you been a ateez stan? - late 2019! so like a little over 3 years ✨- why did you become a ateez stan? - i watched their halloween performance of wonderland and was hooked, i couldn't stop rewatching it, eventually i went on to listen to all of their other songs and haven't escaped since lol 💭- what was your favorite era? - treasure epilogue/answer era cause not only is answer still an absolute masterpiece, it will always have a special place in my heart for being my first comeback <3, also horizon and precious are still sooo good, and their styling was so pretty 🎤- rapper line or vocal line? - vocal line! 👊🏽- hyung-line or maknae-line? - hyung line! 🤙🏽- ateez or memeteez? - memeteez cause why are they so fucking funny for 🎶- what’s your favorite title track ateez song? - thanxx! 🎵- favorite non-title track song? - literally impossible to choose just one but take me home is my homie rn 🗣- share an unpopular opinion about anything related to ateez - before i say anything just know i love jongho and i think he's one of the best if not THE best 4th gen vocalist out there, but for the love of GOD people need to stop hyping him when he strains, it's not good for his vocal chords and it really doesn't sound great, he sounds perfect in his regular range 💀- share your favorite meme - i have a LOT but here's some
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🎥- favorite ateez mv? - probably eternal sunshine or wave i just think they're so fun and happy 🏆- share your favorite ateez moment - so hard to choose because they are NEVER boring to watch, but i think it was during fever road when a mysterious masked figure came in and blindfolded and kidnapped wooyoung and they all NO HESITATION went "7 makes 1 team" 😭😭😭 and then jongho was like "wait i wanna save him" and they were like "ok then 6 makes 1 team" 😭😭😭 👨‍❤️‍👨- who do you ship in ateez? - ship???
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👬- favorite brotps? - woosan and yunhwa are my 2 fave duos they are so goofy ❌- any notps? - any of them x sadness or pain or unhappiness :( 👀- name one member who isn’t your bias but… - SAN. when i tell you i came out of that concert with a whole crush on him 😫- have you ever seen ateez live? - saw them january 2022! literally life changing... 🌚-if ateez was on a deserted island, who would be the first to go and why? - wooyoung, they'd probably end up murdering him, that's if he didn't get himself killed first 💫- if you could tell one member one thing, what would it be? - i would tell seonghwa that he's the specialest boy in the whole world and that i'm proud of him 📢- say one thing you’ve been wanting to say about ateez but haven’t - they're genuinely the only kpop group i've never gotten bored with, even my other super faves have had lulls but they always entertain me in one way or another, i'd say the only other other exception is dreamcatcher 🚫- a fandom “joke” you think is overused and disagree with - ngl a lot of them get overused but like if everyone's having fun i don't really care, the only one i can think of that i'm completely over is "i cannot english" cause it's tired and just kinda... not cool... especially since mingi's obviously worked really hard to improve his english since then ❓- did you watch kq fellaz content predebut? - nope 😂- favorite variety show ateez has done? - the boatta dance bingo video is one of my favorites, them hyping each other up and trying to remember the different choreographies, and then the penalty of taking turns carrying jongho around was all just so cute 🤷🏽‍♀️- Treasure or Pirate King? - pirate king! 🤷🏽‍♂️- Say My Name or Hala Hala? - hmm, hala hala! 🙋🏽‍♂️- Desire or Promise? - promise! 🙋🏽- Stay or Twilight? - ooh... let's go with stay! 🕺🏽- fave dance mv? - wonderland, them dancing so hard the lighting goes weird still kills me lmao 💃🏽- favorite choreography? - hala hala probably, i'll never not love how absolutely manic it is 👽- favorite mv concept? - if we're talking regular mvs i'd say deja vu, but really it's black cat nero, i'd rlly love if they brought that aesthetic to one of their comebacks ♋️- do you share a sign with anyone in ateez? - no those bitches don't even have any earth signs AT ALL 😭 👫- a quality you and your bias share? - liking stuff to be clean and not liking bitter things 🤝- are you the same age as anyone in ateez? - i was born in 2000 but me and wooyoung are closest in age technically cause we're only like a little over a month apart i think
if you read all of this here's a kiss 💋
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AAAAH WAIT IT'S THE FALL FINALE?? For some reason I did not realize that XDD Makes sense though lol
Well that's gonna be crazy lol
Ooh yeah Bobby's definitely investigating that o.o not that I expected he wouldn't but aaaahh looks like it's gonna be intense >:D
Lol xD anyway that's a bunch of short clips but it looks like it'll be wild :))
And AHHHHH a 9-1-1 Lone Star promo!!! I saw one during one of the commercial breaks earlier that had some different stuff so I'll make a separate post for the few things I caught in there with one rewatch of the one I saw during commercials as I searched up this promo to see if there was anything I was missing lol since it went so quick.
So yeah! That's the last of my last thoughts. Looks like it'll be super intense! Now time for the. . .
I LOOOVED this episode. I thought it was great! A dip back into the old commentary, some angst but also a bunch of laughs lol, and my lovelies being family :DD. Plus we got Joshhhh, always love to see my boy :D. And overall just some really cool calls and such!
First off, congrats(-ish? lol) to Buuuck, it finally happened lol xD :D. Took a while but we got here xD. Anyway, I'm happy for his friends :)). And I'm glad that he finally got some (good) sleep lol, after he started being unable to as well XD. Hilarious, love my boy lol <3.
Eddie! Not much to say for him, though that scene with Bobby after the fire was really great. But we DIDN'T GET THE SHOT XDDD. The cross shot from the promos!! Rude lol. Anyway, him playing video games was great, and I'm glad he finally got some sleep xD.
(Chris: . . . you didn't sleep did you
Eddie: eat your breakfast)
(wait wait wait it's like the babygirl meme - I'll make it in a second lol because I won't finish this before tgd since I wanna finish last week's tgd review lol)
Hen, plus Karen and Denny! Very important storyline, but clearly it doesn't end here. I'm glad they were so supportive of him wanting to know and stuff, it was really nice to see :). But I'm glad Hen admitted to her emotions about it <3. Like, just because they know it's about Denny doesn't mean they can't have feelings lol! But if Denny did go to visit his bio dad in secret, I'm curious as to how that'll continue 👀👀. Welp, we'll see! Anyway, THEY'RE ADORABLE AND THEY'RE FAMILY AND I LOVE THEM <333 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Also yeah Eddie openly saying "moms" got me okay 😭😭 I don't know why (that's a lie, I do, it's because it's amazing to see on tv :'D)
Poor Josh this episode xDD. I was wondering why they were looking shifty but I couldn't think of a reason (like thinking he was up to something or had a new relationship or something didn't make sense, them scheming to stop him sleeping or something didn't make sense, although it turns out they were scheming XD). I've gotta admit though it was a hilarious plotline lol, I loved it xD. Plus I just liked seeing my boy :D. Anyway, it was great xD.
Madney!!!! AHHHHH!!! They bought a house :DDDD. I mean sure, it's known as the murder house, but it's not ACTUALLY lol. Plus I'm sure that and eit cheaper :D xD. Besides the fact that it needs to much work. I'm sure we'll see the renovation process, and I'm looking forward to it!! I'm so excited and happy for them, ahhhhh (small aaaah scream not awhhh) :))) 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. THEM <33!
Now, onto Bobby. I feel so and for him D:. I wish his friend had survived, I was really hoping he'd be able to get through whatever he was going through, but alas :'(. And I liked that conversation Athena had with him :'). It was a nice callback, and of course I love my babeys <33. Plus I just like seeing anyone being supportive of their loved ones :)). Idk, it's just nice 🥰🥰❤️. I'm VERY interested in Bobby stopping at nothing to get answers though, it seems like it'll be super intense but I great storyline 👀👀. Not that the intensity is bad! Anyway, as long as it isn't too short or isn't drawn out too long, I think it has real potential :D. Plus, it's always wild (and a privilege lol) to just see Bobby go ham xD. Batcrap, I'll say, since I don't cuss lol. It's gonna be great >:).
Overall, I really loved this episode! I thought it was great, it had a suitably creepy atmosphere, and I thought the insomnia theme was really interesting! It left space open for moments we wouldn't normally see, which I loved :D. And the calls, plus all the family feels, and some angst? Perfect episode, in my opinion /hj <3. It was just great 🥰🥰. Between all the storylines, and the little moments, it was an awesome episode.
So yeah! I enjoyed this episode so much. It had a bunch of great parts, and I don't really have any complaints. I'm excited to see where the stories go next! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 9: Red Flag
What a great fall finale! I know we'll have to wait a while for the next episode, but I'm still interested in what's gonna happen next. I'm definitely invested! I'll be back here then for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 10: In A Flash
See you then!
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Hello, this is me again, Monica. Everyone, proceed with caution, this is high heat. Monica, as my main viewer, i hope you`ll enjoy it.
I think i was brief in my first ask so let me expand my idea a little and add heat at the end: I like when camboy aus start with one needing money and this is being the reason why he starts doing this kind of work. And this is perfect for PuenTalay. I really want to see Talay living second secret life as a camboy and it's being parallel with Puen's two lifes (as an actor and as an individual with private time?). We love parallels in Vice Versa house. But what is more important, i want Talay to start it for himself too. If he couldn't find pleasure in previous intercourses, maybe he needs to take this matter in his own hands.
When he creates page for himself, he very actively chats with a lot of people who subscribed to it, asks for their preferences, advices (Talay always approaches everything responsibly, ah, he's so cute). But to ask and to do is two different things, so he struggled a lot at the begging. After a few attempts, he collected a certain number of subscribers and even earned some money, but he didn't do very well. But he's very lucky in a sense that universe hears him and sees his struggles, so she sends Puen to him (just like in the series) <3 I think it was just usual evening for Puen, he was surfing the internet alone and since he drank a few glasses of dry red wine, he decided to make his evening even more pleasant. He just typed his request into qooqle with gs and opened the most popular website with live shows. Let everything that happens in real time be highlighted on the first page for the plot (we give everyone, even the most beginners, a chance) and when Puen saw this body, he stopped to scrolling and looked with his mouth open. Talay just started and he was in the frame almost full-length. He slowly spun around, giving his viewers a chance to look all over his body. And as we already established, Puen is obsessed with Talay and his ass. This happened in this universe too. Puen stared so intently and when Talay finally turned to face the camera, groan escaped from Puen's mouth in protest. Talay was wearing shorts, he threw away his shirt at the very beginning. He tilted the camera tripod slightly and sat down on the bed so that his body could be clearly seen and got down to business.
After Talay's live ended, Puen created an acc, subscribed to his page, tipped him and opened his dms, inundating Talay with questions. Hello, do you know that your body is gorgeous? I bet you see messages like this a hundred times a day. How long have you been doing this? It seems like not long. You were so shy, I couldn't hear you. How am i so lucky to find you? And so on and on. Talay was honestly EMBARRASSED, but he felt like he needed a help so he decided to talk with this stranger. This is how they started chatting quite often. I think it will be fun if Puen helps him in some way. He will sugges to close Talay`s live shows only for those who pay for a subscription with the ability to chat with Talay and make small videos for everyone else. And since Talay doesn't have a lot of experience in this field, he can help him to get in the mood and tell him what to do during lives and to help him brainstorming ideas for the videos. Talay didn't expect to find himself a manager (lmao) and he decided to take some time to think.
After Talay agreed, he asked for Puen's name. He teased him and referred to him as P'Dang, but Puen told him to call himself Tun. There's a lot of Puens in Thailand, but he couldn't risk even a little. And so their friendship began. They added each other in messenger because the chat on this site was not convenient for long-term communication, plus they couldn't risk to open this kind of site in public (and they both wanted their messages to be saved somewhere). Somehow imperceptibly, they began to talk about everything. Puen sent him memes and Talay always pretended that his sense of humor was so-so, but he smiled at the phone screen. They discussed movies they watched. They discussed their favourite food. Talay knew Puen is rich and travels a lot and Puen even told him that he works with celebrities (the closest thing to the truth that he could afford). Puen knew Talay's struggling with following his dream and helping his brother and mother. And, of course, they did lives.
Since the first time Puen watched his live, he asked Talay to let him help him. So they created new chat just for this. Talay opened it every time he went live and did what Puen told him to (well, when Puen had time). Sometimes he did lives alone, but he preferred to do it with Puen, he felt more confident. Once they talked and Talay turned his camera on for Puen only. He put on a mask as always and sat there, before Puen's eyes. Puen jokingly wrote in their chat 'Take off your shirt'. When Puen noticed that Talay did as he was told, he froze. 'I didn't know that you wanted to go live today?' - 'No, i... wanted to show you something. Your gift.' Talay's cheeks reddened and he looked away from camera. 'You sent me money and i brought it yesterday. You chose it and i wanted to let you know... how it fits.' - Puen bit his lip. This is not a dream. How could this boy be so perfect?
'It's...with you now?' 'Mm.' 'Then... I can't wait to see. But let's take our time. First, put your hand around your throat and squeeze slightly. Pinch your nipples, make it hard, play with them a little. Yes, like that. Caress your abs. What a gorgeous body you have. Turn onto your stomach, lift your hips and lower your shorts. Show me how my toy spreads you open. Grab the base of the toy and move it inside. Move it harder. I want to know that you like it, be a little louder. Fuck yourself with it. Good boy. Now leave the toy inside and turn onto your back. Take your shorts off completely. Show me how wet you are. Good, so good. Caress the inside of your thighs. Imagine how i bite you here and leave a few marks (Talay pinches his inner thighs, he wants Tun to bite him here, he wants him to leave marks). You can't touch your cock, even if it's so pretty, you don't know how much i want to lick it. Just turn on the vibrating function and you can touch yourself anywhere you want but not your cock, okay? You look so good, laying under me, panting and leaking on your stomach. You like my toy so much, don't you. I know you are almost there. Do you feel good? Tell me. 'it feels so g-good, T-tun...' - Talay panted and caressed his neck, his chest, his sides, his hips, his buttocks. He caressed around his hole, touching the place where Tun's toy so diligently was working to bring him to the finish. 'T-tun, are you still here... Tun...' - Talay pressed on the base of the toy, trying to make it go even deeper and cried out. Puen stared at his screen intently. He touched himself and couldn't write to the chat anymore. His little chaotic Sea stole his breath away (Of course Talay's nickname was chaos-at-the-sea. I'm not sorry for this). Because of the intensity of sensations, Talay arched his back and finished all over his stomach, whimpering the name of the one that brought him to the highest height of pleasure (for the first time in his life). 'T-tun, can i turn that off, p-please, it's too much...' - Talay started to feel overstimulated but he was waiting for Puen's permission, so he layed here, shuddering and breathing heavily. He is so amazing, thought Puen. He stopped what he was doing and wrote 'Of course you can. You did so good, you were wonderful, my Sea. You made me feel so good, i couldn't take my eyes off you. I'm still looking at you'. - Talay read this and turned the toy off, but left it inside. He put his hand on his abs and started to play with his cum, smearing it all over his skin. Usually he felt a little gross if cum got on his skin, but he wanted to indulge Tun more. 'If you were here with me, would you cum all over me like this?' - Talay asked. Puen's brain short curriculed. 'I would like that. As much as i would like...' - he opened his legs wide to show Tun the toy. 'I like it. Thank you for the gift, Tun. But wouldn't it feel even better if you... put your cock inside.' - The blush had not yet left Talay's face, but now his cheeks began to burn and he squeezed his eyes shut.
Puen was still sitting on the bed. His hands was still on the laptop keyboard, his mouth was slightly open and a small string of drool flowed from the corner of his lips. He didn't blink. His whole body began to tremble. He was never harder in his entire life, he felt like the breeze from the open window would make him cum. He didn't move, he just wanted for this to never end.
Talay closed his eyes. It all started to overwhelm him, but in a good way. He felt like he really could feel Tun's eyes on himself. He felt wanted. 'Tun, i-...' - Talay took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. 'I can do it one more time, if you want.' - He opened his eyes to look at their chat. Puen started to write.
'What are you doing to me. You look so gorgeous like this, chest heaving, legs opened for me. I wish i could see how pleasure reflects on your face and the blush coloring your cheeks. Do you want to feel me? I would let you. I would let you do anything you want. Do you want me to touch you? To use my hand, tease you with light strokes, make you hard? Or do you want me to lick you? I'll use my tongue everywhere, I'll start with your beautiful neck, move lower and lick your chest and suck on your nipples, I'll lick your hard abs, your cock, god, it's so lovely, i want to taste it so much, I'll eat you out, just remove this toy, I'll put my tongue inside ('T-tun!'- heard Puen from the dynamics but he couldn't stop). Mm, you're stunning everywhere, I'll lick around your pretty hole until you'll beg me to stop. I'll lick the inside of your thighs and leave hickeys here, your calves, bite small bone on your ankle and kiss your toes. Then I'll tell you to roll over onto your stomach and start this all over again. I'll massage your calves, caress your hips, I'll squeeze your asscheeks and spread them open. I want to leave a few bites on them and then i want to bury my face between them, your ass is fucking magnificent, I'll make you so wet i would be able to insert finger without any problems. But you don't want it. You want me to keep you spread open, you want me to loom over you, to press my chest against your back and push inside. Right? You want to feel my cock stretching you. You want to know how full it'll make you feel. I'll do everything to make you lose your mind, I'll ruin you for everyone else. I'll start slowly, i want you to get used to it and when you'll ask me to go faster, I'll continue to go slow. Then I'll change pace a little, I'll wrap my arm around your stomach and thrust deeper, I'll make sure to brush your sweet spot on every push of my hips. I want to hear you begging me to go faster, to hold you closer, to kiss-...' Puen abruptly stopped. Talay wore different masks during his lives and sometimes you could see his lips really well. Puen wanted to sink his teeth into Talay's full lower lip since he first saw it. 'To kiss your neck. You told me it's pretty sensitive... I should grab your chin, lift your face to make it easier. God, i should put my fingers inside your mouth, mm? Let you suck it or just drool around it. Let you know what it feels like to be stuffed from both ends. Do it, do it right now.' - Puen finally looked at the screen. Talay was holding the base of the toy, moving it inside. He lifted another hand and put fingers in his mouth. This sight made Puen grab his cock and he managed to stroke it a few times before he was unmade to pieces. He was coming, hard, with a load moan, keeping his eyes open and looking at Talay.
When he regained his breath, still staring at the work of art that was Talay in the middle of pleasuring himself, he wrote in the chat
'If i was there with you, I would come inside you.' - the image of man, clinging tightly to his back, pressing their cheeks together, holding his chin, pushing his fingers inside his mouth and the feeling of being filled to the brim made Talay cum for the second time in the evening.
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violentivy · 1 year
Survivors guilt
My family had a bit of a rough year as far as the holidays. I mean, my family of origin.
See, my brother caught Covid and tested positive on Dec 23rd. My Mom tested positive yesterday, (Merry Christmas I guess.)
My brother was all over his socials talking about how he felt bad for anyone who couldn't spend time with their families this holiday, and that he understood how hard it was.
The gesture felt empty. I hated that he suddenly had ALL THE SUPPORT IN THE WORLD for people separated from their families the moment he can't see his kids for ONE holiday.
I get that he's autistic and empathy might be a bit of a stretch for him, but I TOO am autistic, and I have spent my life being overly empathetic to make up for my siblings complete and utter disregard for anyone but themselves. It's kinda funny, I mean, funny isn't really the world but I lack the right one. I've been unable to spend Christmas with all of my children for 9 fucking years. If you think about that in time lost, the memories I will never be able to make with my kids, how I am grateful to get to kind of be there through a twitter thread now.
When I was their full time parent, I made sure that all of them knew I would never abandon them. From the moment I first held them in my arms. Then to have them ripped away because "You can't read social queues." feels awful. I too, am autistic, and I just wish I had a chance to have a "normal", real family.
I never saw one meme, one expression of care or concern, nothing before yesterday.
As a matter of fact, the first holiday after the kids were taken, I went to my Mother's house she called my terrible mood her fault in an effort to try to guilt me into feeling better. Maybe that worked when I was a kid IDK. It doesn't work now.
I stopped going to her house for Easter after that. I usually spend the day home by myself.
I understand in a very real way that I am on my own. My family is just some people I'm related to and I've never belonged with them. I keep them, just as I keep all acquaintances, at an arm's length. I do not even permit my sister to message me. I do this for my survival.
Just as I spent yesterday. I sat at home for 18 hours just playing video games all day and it was glorious. I didn't have to share the controller, I didn't have to get off of my computer to help someone, or make a huge meal. I didn't cry too much.
My upbringing was pretty terrible. I understand my parents were doing the best they could, but their best was fucking awful. I've found since I've started reparenting myself, and encouraging myself to take off my mask more and more, I feel better.
When my boss "corrects" my behaviors, he says he wishes someone had done the same for him. I just want to shout at him "wait, because you're neurodivergent and lack the social queues?"
See, I lack the social queues, too, but believe it or not, I feel pretty ok in my being terrible at it.
Nothing in my life currently follows convention.
My husband and I had had our holiday on the 21st with his kids, and I expect to visit my daughter and granddaughter on the 28th. He worked a 12 hour shift yesterday during which he made more money in a day than I make in a pay period. That's all true. However, my husband also does a lot of the household work as well. I'm glad because I lack the spoons to do so, as well as just the ability, but he can't see mess.
So, I point out things and he deals with them. It's hard to call oneself interdependent when your partner does so much. It feels like leaning but then I have to remind myself that I am the one who sees the things and points them out, so that he can do whatever needs to be done.
And I'm not like, completely helpless either. I'm disabled. That's ok. 40 hour work week takes all the spoons I have and then some.
I am able to cook sometimes. I can sometimes remember to do a whole load of laundry. Sometimes, I even remember I could be folding the laundry while I have a streamer on the television to essentially body double with me. I try not to get annoyed at how many times a day I trip over shit and fall.
On the 21st I was running down the hallway, caught a shoe, tripped and fell hard enough that I slid when I fell. I still have carpet burn on my knees.
I brushed it off, but I just wanted to sit, cry and feel sorry for myself. But my mother taught me that you can't do that in front of your kids. They need to see you as untouchable and unphasable.
That ISN'T correct, but since also poorly regulate, it's been necessary for my survival. I try not to wail. I feel a wail in my throat often.
Because that's GRIEF that is trapped inside, and I feel like I always carry it. It also feels as though no one really gets it. Like I am some delusional woman who believes she used to have children, but doesn't in reality.
Except the one that does constantly stay in contact, who pretty much gets a hold of me daily asking for some money, or some form of heavy emotional labor. An emotional labor I HAVE to do because I parented her poorly, because I too was a child when I had her.
But I have to do it before her brain fully solidifies. She needs to understand she isn't a bad kid. She's always been so good, but she also has always been under her father's thumb, and that nothing was ever going to be good enough for him.
Me? I'm pretty easy to please. Just let me to my own devices and reach out when you need advice. I'm just, automatically proud. You all were little wobbly pieces of sentient meat who turned into less wobbly pieces of sentient meat. And those meatsuits you currently wear are capable of amazing things like making music, or creating art.
In my head, I laugh and say "I made that meatsuit.". The fact is, I did. But ya'll gave it life.
And THAT is why I'm proud of you. You gave yourselves lives and dared to dream bigger than I could muster as a heavily emotionally abused little girl.
I'm still that girl, yes, still the same meat mech I've always had, but through your lofty dreams, I'm able to see beyond the faulty programing, and the crappy connective tissues that just don't stay in place the way they should.
However, it is also terrifying because as you dream big, I realize I have to help create a steady foundation for you to jump off of into your adult lives. And as a kid when I asked for that kind of foundation my parents told me I was being resource intensive. They told me I asked for too much and being self made was better than being just... Made.
It's called GENERATIONAL wealth for a reason. You're supposed to spread it. You're supposed to share it.
As if by some miracle my other 2 sons find this blog post, I'm sorry. I know you think I'm evil. You can think that if you'd like. You'll make your own conclusions someday. I love and accept you no matter what. My littlest one, I want you to know that you associate food with me. That's why you over eat. I was trying this new method with you were I fed you every meal so that you'd have a healthy association with food. The thing is, we didn't get through that entire program.
And my middlest one, you have my heart. As much as you all look, think and act like me, you may be the one who does that the most. Keep being your weird self. Keep asking those macabre questions and keep making it uncomfortable for everyone. Someday, someone is going to try to stop you from asking uncomfortable questions and revealing uncomfortable truths.
Don't. Don't stop ever. You're right to question. This world ain't gonna fix itself and in order to make it better for everyone, we gotta ask those questions.
I stopped because someone beat me repeatedly for it.
And for my other 2, who likely won't see this post. I am so, incredibly proud of you. You are living your dreams and even if it makes me nervous, understand that I am still proud. I am just fighting a lot of internal programming.
We'll all be together someday. Until then, I'll keep playing video games on holidays by myself and dream of spring, where you all would run around your grandparents back yard and hunt for eggs while the rest of the family enjoyed the warm of the springtime sun.
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elyelsonfree · 6 months
A letter to the political parties of Canada concerning the genocide in Gaza
I'm pasting it here just so I can link it on twitter for people who need alt text, because it's too many characters to post. I used this site to send it, and you can do the same with a pre-written email. https://www.itsagenocide.ca/ It also has a tool to find your MP's number if you'd like to call.
Social Media is something that has been vital to our society since it's inception. Many people my age will use it to unwind, to communicate with friends, to share funny memes and to organize against injustice. I use it frequently, and like many people, the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night is glance over at twitter while I counter-intuitively wait for sleep to come.
Ever since October 7th, my social media has been flooded with the death and destruction of Gaza and the West Bank.
Today I woke up to the news that it has been confirmed that when Israeli soldiers evacuated an intensive care unit, the babies the doctors were tending to, who they had been promised would be cared for, were left to die. They were found during the ceasefire decomposing in their hospital beds. This was one of the few censored videos I've seen. I have a six week old nephew, and when I saw a picture of a 17 day old baby who had been killed in an explosion today due to the end of the temporary cease fire, I decided it was time to contact you all about how disappointed I am in my government, a country that prides itself on its reputation for peace, to be one of the few who voted AGAINST a call for a cease fire weeks ago now. I wanted to send an email at the time, but to be honest, I was so angry and disgusted with everyone who represents me that I couldn't write anything that wasn't just pure vitriol.
Part of what stopped me was the absolute disillusion in the entire government. Canadians are not generally idiots, which may come as a shock to some of you. We know 90% of politician speech is just lip service to keep the status quo. I wasn't kidding myself thinking the liberal party actually cares about marginalized communities, or that they, or any other political party in this country, care about untold deaths over-seas. You must be very big-picture to continue to refuse to stand up for a community being paved over before the world's very eyes. But I'm not sure how any of you can sleep at night knowing that innocent people-- real men, women, and children-- are being slaughtered en-mass, and you have in some way enabled it by not speaking out. I'm honestly not sure, if you're either on Israel's government's side on this one, or indifferent to it, what you're doing in politics. Because it's certainly not to better anyone's lives. I assume it's money that stays any politician from speaking out against the horrors we are seeing come out of Gaza every day, with help from our weapons and our government's support, but I hope you know it isn't worth it. I cannot describe how low my opinion of every government party has sunk through this crisis. Normally I would say the NPD are exempt from my disappointment, but you called for one of your own to step down when they spoke out early against the genocide, so unfortunately it's you I'm most disappointed in of all.
I'm sorry to anyone who actually feels very strongly about what is happening in Gaza and is reading this letter, because I'm sure you're the only one who will actually take that disappointment to heart. And on top of that, you have the worst coworkers in the world. But know that if you're speaking out against this, if you are truly fighting and doing all you can to stop our government from helping to exterminate an entire people, I am not upset at you. I marvel at your ability to continue in the face of so much opposition. Truly I feel as though I'm losing my mind watching our prime minister stumble and refuse to say 'cease fire'. You were elected as a lesser evil, Justin, and you managed to flub even that. I can't imagine what our next election will look like, but for failing your promise of restructuring how our votes work, and as a party for your failure to look at the most black-and-white situation and refuse to call a genocide a genocide, know that whatever havoc is wrought if the cons win is on you as well. Canadians overwhelmingly want positive change, and instead we have a bunch of adults acting like children and hemming and hawing over whether killing and driving out an entire population from their own land is a genocide. Is bombing hospitals a war crime? Apparently none of you know. Maybe you should leave politics and go back to school.
All this is to say: call for a ceasefire. It's the RIGHT THING to do. I know politicians aren't (generally speaking) renowned for their ability to empathize, but give it a shot in this case, while there are still Palestinians left to save.
I have very little faith in all of you after this, truthfully, and I don't say that in anger or in hate. I am truly just indescribably disappointed in you, and the choices you've made as parties. Imagine all of you standing up and applauding a nazi, your country giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're all just sort've idiots, and then not speaking out to stop a genocide. Wow. I suppose we're the fools for electing you all, but when your options are clown1, clown2, clown3, and clown4, you can't really avoid getting a pie in the face.
From the river to the sea,
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lebkels · 8 months
I Fasted from Social Media for 24 Hours
I was tasked to take a full 24 hours off social media. This meant no Instagram, TikTok, Twitter (X), Snapchat, or YouTube. I'm always online. It's constant. I knew this would be a challenge, and it certainly was. Here's a breakdown of my day.
10 AM- I woke up around this time and said to myself, "This is the day we do it!" and then instantly opened Instagram out of habit. I was feeling off this day so I decided to skip one of my classes. I went to my morning class as per usual. It was weird to not check my DMs the second I had a free moment.
11 AM- I had lunch in the dining hall. I had brought a book but my friends joined me. I was so distracted that I didn't even think of going online. However, the second I was out of the dining hall, I opened Instagram out of habit.
12 PM- I was back in my dorm resting instead of going to class. My partner woke up around this time. When they're awake, I'm on my phone more often since we're long-distance. I'll usually scroll social media while I wait for a text back. It was an odd change up to my day. The hardest part of the whole day happened here. I had learned about a new topic and couldn't scour the internet to learn more about it.
1 PM- I spent roughly an hour browsing Etsy and book giveaways on Goodreads. I got bored after a while and decided to draw some patches for my partner. I found a podcast about the previously mentioned topic and zoned out for a good while.
2 PM- I moved on from the patch designs to working on my senior art project. I wanted to use what would have been class time to keep working. I forgot about social media during this time. It was delightful.
3 PM- In my notes I wrote when doing this, there are two words under this time slot. "Radium Girls." All caps. I had stopped working around this time because I couldn't stop thinking about the Radium Girls of the 1920s. I spent a solid hour researching them.
4 PM- I bent the rules a little bit. I do social media for work. Unfortunately, no one else could post our weekly Wednesday meme, so I popped onto Instagram, uploaded it, and closed it again. Simple as that. Part of me is disappointed looking back, but I see it as something different since it's for work.
5 PM- Took a nap.
8 PM- Woke up and instantly went on Instagram out of habit. Can you guess what I do when I wake up?
9 PM- I got food with some friends and played a video game for a long while. It was a lot of fun.
10 PM- I always get a little burst of energy at night so I worked on some homework. Not much else.
11 PM- I was still working on homework but bounced between that and chatting with my roommate. I got kind of restless around this point, wanting to go scroll online. I eventually gave up on that and watched Friends with my roommate.
12 AM- I've never watched so much Friends. My roommate went to sleep and I was left alone. I wanted to go scroll Instagram so badly. It's been my nighttime regulation activity since I was about 15. It felt weird to just sit around in the dark.
1 AM- Yet again I have only written "Radium Girls." Did more research around this time.
2 AM- I got ready for bed and played games on my phone until I fell asleep. It was a weird day without social media. My 24 hours wasn't done yet, but I was.
10 AM- I woke up again and went on Instagram. I was back online again as if nothing ever happened.
Final Thoughts- Not my favorite thing I've ever done. It certainly proved a point and showed just how addicted I am to social media though. I learned that scrolling is a pacifier to me. It's the stimulation and regulation my brain craves all the time. Being distracted and having something else (e.g., drawing, crochet, TV) to stimulate me is a good alternative. It was an interesting experience, but I can't see myself doing this outside of anything for a class though.
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