#I do like these designs tbh might make another few drawings on them!!
dailyboatboys · 21 days
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[31] dumb rushed fanart for @insomnya777’s amazing cute and silly boat boys superhero AU!! Go check it out!!
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jbbartram-illu · 1 year
Uh… hi! It’s uh… me again.
Sorry for popping into your inbox so much. It’s just that I’m a beginner ceramicist and I’m fascinated and awed by your work. (It also doesn’t help that my irl teacher doesn’t know what she’s doing). I’ve got some questions about the way that you bring your adorable creechurs to life.
What is the method of layering clay and then carving out designs in the different coloured clay? I find it really interesting, tbh
Where does the process start? Do you like, start with a sketch? Or with like an “I want to make a cute creature.” Sorta vibe?
And uh, what kinds of glaze do you use? Any tips?
Have a nice day!
Hey, @drgalacticcandy! This ask (which please, never apologize for sending an ask! I love them!! Also thank you for your kind words about my work!) came at a perfect time because your first Q is answered by another ask I just responded to in great depth!
The technique where I carve out designs is called sgraffito & I just wrote a small novella about the technique here!
In terms of the creative process, it depends on the creature! Almost all of them need some sort of photo-reference at some point, especially the ones I want to look more like an actual creature that exists (eg. my bird ladies, the pod guys).
For things like the sphinxes and the ungulates, I did peek at some photo reference at the very start (looked at some cats for sphinx anatomy & lots of musk oxen & goats for the ungulates), but am now just going off of what's goopin' around in my brain. I do sometimes still do sketches for the designs I make a lot, especially when I want to do a new body shape, eg. this flying guy.
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I did quite a few sketches for the Puffin BirdLady because I'd hardly even drawn puffins before, let alone sculpted one, but other birds I'm more familiar with (loons, ravens/crows) I just keep some photo ref up on my laptop in case I need to check a detail & go straight to sculpting.
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Some of the simpler beasts I just go ahead and sculpt without any drawings, eg. the snats/slats (snailcats/slugcats) & the owlbears (tho I did look at a bunch of owl-face photo ref to inspire their patterns!):
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I do find sketching especially useful for creatures that require some new engineering, eg. the sphinx dishes or fishbutts in new positions, as doing the drawings helps me work out how the various bits will attach together or what issues I might come up against while trying to sculpt a new pose.
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And glazes...whew! I'm still SUCH a glaze newbie & really don't know anything about them yet. My usual tendency when encountering a new art adventure is to just dive in headfirst with minimal research and GO, which is mayyyyybe not the best with glazes??
And yet I still just see a pretty glaze and go OH HI I AM BUYING U NOW (with one caveat -- I always read the description and if it's described as a runny/difficult to use glaze I drop it and run because my sculptures are wee and I don't want any glaze floods in the kiln!).
I'm also lucky to have a really great kiln tech in my friend who fires my stuff who does actually know more about the chemistry of glazes, so sometimes I pass my flights of fancy by her to make sure I'm not doing anything silly. In terms of glaze brands, I love Amaco & Coyote, both of whom make plenty of beautiful glazes that are also easy to use.
For my sgraffito work, when I'm not glazing with clear glaze I put a variety of colours of celadon glaze overtop (most of mine are Coytoe brand). Celadons are translucent, so patterns will show through them - you can also do designs in underglaze and put a celadon glaze overtop & get some neat effects - below are some examples of celadons over sgraffito...
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...and celadons over underglaze designs...
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I know the glaze portion of this answer wasn't the most helpful, but there are definitely lots of forums & websites that contain loads of great info about all the alchemical intricacies of glazes! If you can befriend some potters IRL, that can also be an amazing resource for learning.
Phew. Why do my answers always end up so long?? I hope this was helpful & please don't hesitate to ask if you have more Qs!
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thetruejerrycan · 3 months
Sniper is pretty overpowered for a few reasons, main one being that he can instantly kill any class from an indefinite distance without much counterplay, but I think huntsman Sniper is pretty damn well-balanced.
For starters, it promotes players not to camp. Camping is a perfectly valid way to play an FPS especially if you want to win but it's not fun to play against at all. Unfortunately, a lot of maps in TF2 have some really potent sniper sightlines where if you exist in that space, you are dead faster than you can say "fuck", with very little you can do besides switching to Sniper and hoping you're fast enough to headshot him before he can headshot you. With the Huntsman, this problem is significantly reduced thanks to the arrow's having an arc and limited range, and the fact that it's a fast projectile as opposed to hitscan. This means that the most effective huntsman Snipers are the ones who stick and move and overall play more aggressively, without necessarily negating the class's more defensive and calculated tactics. Sniper is a pick class after all
Coming back to the Huntsman's range, this fixes a problem with the way Sniper is designed. TF2 is a game where every classes' most effective ranges are not very far in front of them. They pretty much have to clearly see their enemies in order to score a kill. And then there's Sniper who can kill you from anywhere on the map, which creates that aforementioned imbalance where most classes' counterplay is to simply not engage with the Sniper. But the Huntsman is a weapon that's most consistent in those same ranges that everyone else has to play in but also doesn't remove Sniper's long range capabilities. The Huntsman still maintains Sniper's unique ability to headshot from any distance. And this is another point in favor of the huntsman, getting those long-ranged kills is still entirely possible but more difficult thanks to the physics of the Huntsman's arrows. This means Sniper has to get a lot more creative than simply picking a different spot to stand in where nobody can reach him, which means that everybody has fun instead of just Sniper
The Huntsman also has a unique learning curve. Now aiming is very difficult and I'm not going to downplay the ability to do so (I fucking suck at aiming). But the sniper rifles are essentially just scoping in and clicking on peoples' heads. TF2 was designed to have every class be as pick-up-and-play as possible and this had the consequence of the Sniper being very powerful for how low the skill floor to play him is. But with the Huntsman, there's a lot of ways to draw and release an arrow to your advantage depending on the situation. You might be thinking "why not just fully charge all the time since that's how you get the farthest, straightest, and most damaging arrow", and that's because full charging is slow, plus if Sniper holds this position for too long, his hands start to shake and God only knows where the arrow's going to fly from there. It can be really beneficial at close ranges to do a partial charge before releasing or even not charge at all since if you aim at their heads, they're going to die. But because I have to say this and because a lot of huntsman Sniper players only do full charges, that's not obvious at first and you have to learn and practice this mechanic to make the most out of it, which is exactly the thing that makes people like this game and other classes like Soldier and Demoman (The Demoman in general is just a pinnacle of good character and game design but that's a topic I want to learn a lot more about before discussing another day)
Lastly (and tbh, leastly), the Huntsman has WAY better synergy with the SMG than any of the rifles do. I think the intent was to give the Sniper a rifle for long-ranges and when somebody eventually did close the distance, he has an automatic weapon to defend himself without having to risk being in the enemy's face with his melee. The problem is that when you're playing Sniper most optimally, this situation just doesn't really happen since he directly counters almost every other class in the game. Once again, the Huntsman encourages the Sniper to be more involved in fights in the mid range, and this is where the SMG's high rate of fire really complements the slower and more calculated drawing and releasing of the Huntsman's arrows. The Cleaner's Carbine in particular feels a lot more consistent when you're running the Huntsman, whereas with the rifles it can feel like a hindrance since you could be doing a lot more for your team by using the jarate instead
With all that said, obviously the Huntsman is far from perfect, like most of this game. With the sniper rifles, you at least have to scope in to score headshots which can be a legitimate downside when up-close, and with the Huntsman you can just left click one time and instantly kill any class with its only real downside being the time invested to practice doing that, which at this point is not relevant. And of course we can't talk about the Huntsman without talking about this thing's uncanny ability to just magnetize to peoples' heads thanks to the characters' ginormous collision boxes. Plus unlike the sniper rifles, you can instantly kill people without ever seeing them if you just volley arrows into crowded places, i.e. a control point or the chokepoint on Dustbowl last
This weapon has rightfully earned the nickname "the lucksman", but I believe my point still holds water. The Sniper is a far more fine-tuned and nuanced class when using the Huntsman. I know it would never happen but if Valve ever ended up making a Team Fortress 3 and they carried over all of the same classes, I think the Huntsman would make for a perfect base to rebalance Sniper so that we don't end up running into the same fundamental pitfalls that we have in TF2
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thycheshirecat · 11 months
Fanmade Boneysaur concepts.
Hot Take but there really wasn't enough boneysaurs in FFC, tons of animal design niches were missed out on and they didn't even make an Earth type so the type balancing was hella off with these guys. So hey, figured I'd doodle some of my own to rectify a few of the issues I had with the diversity in the group.
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First up is B-Pachy, a Mid-Range Earth attribute Vivosaur based on the original Pachy, with some extra spikiness that almost makes it a 'Dracorex' proxy (since we almost defo ain't getting a Dracorex vivosaur given its lumping into the Pachycephalosaurus genus and 'Stygimoloch/P. Spinifier' species). He gives off Dry Bones vibes with his face and I really dig that, makes them unintentionally kinda endearing tbh.
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B-Breme, a Mid-Range Fire attribute Vivosaur, is a funky little fellow, designed to looks more like an actual Alvarezsaur compared to base Breme, but with the exaggerated features some of the other Boneysaurs have (Sorry B-Rex, you're not the only Boneysaur with Dracula fangs anymore.) I imagine this dude would be fairly miniscule compared to the other Boneysaurs and therefor even less health than usual (which is saying a lot), but would have nasty FP stealing and Poison moves to compensate.
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B-Stego, a Close-Range Air attribute, is a no-brainer as far as fanmade Boneysaurs go. Gave this one lunar looking plates, which would probably look really nice alongside B-Ptera's giant moon crest, maybe in another timeline this was one of Don Boneyard's signature vivosaurs too? Oh and BTW, the neck armor on Stegosaurs is really underappreciated, had to sneak that in the design too. (I actually nearly made a B-Kentro instead cus of the extra side spikes, but ended up doing Stego since it feels more like something the FFC devs would have actually made.)
That's all for now, still got a few concepts for other Boneysaurs that I might draw eventually, as well as a ton of original vivosaur ideas that I wanna try, so I'll definitely be posting more of these soon.
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littledragondork · 11 months
TES Cat AU: Skyrim Thieves Guild
My self indulgent TES Cat art is done, at least my favorite Skyrim Thieves guild NPCs are, Probably gonna’ post the Companions next because I was drawing the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood and for the life of me I couldn’t get Cicero to look right lol, but I’ll take suggestions :3c
(I’m so down with doing the rest of the Skyrim Thieves Guild eventually)
Anyway, my art for Skyrim Cat AU Brynjolf, Karliah and Mercer Frey under the cut, with some design notes :3
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I wanted Bryn to be an orange cat, not only because I like orange cats and their low intelligence but because it just made sense. I also wanted him to be one of those massive fluffy cats, the ones that weight like 20lbs/9kg and have more fur than they know what to do with, he’d be 99% fur, go to pet him and your hand is just swallowed by the fur. I made him a mackerel tabby cuz’ I like mackerel tabbies and because they are just super common cat patterns. For a long time I wanted to give Brynjolf Sectoral Heterochromia, which is basically when one eye is 80% one color and has a little dot of another, in this case I wanted brown, but I couldn’t really get it to look right so I ultimately scrapped it.
He also has a docked tail because I liked the idea of all the known Nightingales having something fucked up with their tails.
I also did a little sketch with the thieves guild armor, I think it’ll fit like a harness with a few little pockets and bags. I imagine they’d all have dexterous enough paws where they can make stuff like furniture, buildings, tools, weapons, armor, cook food etc, makes everything a lot easier to me
I imagine all the Nords I’ll draw have ear tufts, extra fluffy paws and long fluffy fur coats, they’d probably slide on ice a lot lol, Think Maine coons, Norwegian forest cats, Siberians. I referenced Maine coons, Lynx and bobcats the most with Bryn here, but he is just a domestic cat.
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So, for Karliah (same with all elves tbh) I wanted big ol’ ears, I feel like I could have made them bigger but I decided against it because I didn’t want them to be in the way too much (might change that later though). She is also mostly back cat because I felt it was simple and cute (I have a black kitty and I love her). It’s also not shown here much but she’d have pretty short fur, and a thin and small build, think 10lbs/4.5kg.
Karliah’s tail is shortened and broken (a painless break, the kind that happened as a baby) as to go with ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ deal.
did a more meme-y sketch in this one, I was in a goofy mood and thought it funny how quick both Brynjolf and the Last Dragonborn were to just accept selling their souls.
I imagine all Dunmer would have black or dark grey base coats and those that are tabbies to have them be lighter than the base, so for example a black cat with white stipes or grey with red stripes. They, and all elves will be mostly based on the Oriental Long/short hair cats because of their big ol’ ears and narrow faces but I’ll take creative liberties of course.
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Last in this batch is Mercer Frey, I redesigned him at least 8 times, first he was solid grey+ Tuxedo pattern, then he was a dilute grey tabby, then a spotted tabby before I settled on a colorpoint because he was said to be “high born” and coming from a wealthy family, and I was like “hey, colorpoints are fancy cat coats and I can see a rich and powerful family wanting to breed that into their line” and thus Colorpoint Mercer was decided on. I knew 100% I wanted him to be grey because of the whole “grey fox” fan thing he has going on in the game
Seems like every time I would get near him in my playthough, any playthough of Skyrim actually, he’d look at me like I just spat in his drink so I tried to capture that here. Also the Knife cat meme because I thought it fit him.
he doesn’t have a tail because he doesn’t deserve one it’s with the ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ bit.
I also wanted to share my ideas for weapons (still no clue how to do bows) but swords, great swords and daggers, would be little gauntlets made of the specific type of metal that go on the paws, and they would range in size and weight depending on the weapon its based on, so great swords would be huge metal claws while daggers would just be apart of a little leather glove that wraps around the paws. Lots of good ideas cooking up in my Autistic little mind lmao /pos.
I imagine all Bretons will just look like the average street cat, standard issue cats if you will, the common domestic short/long hair, probably have the most diversity in fur patterns and the like.
So that’s what I was able to get done in about about a few hours (with frequent breaks and work in between) A lot of the time was looking at both official art, fanart and the in-game models to get a good sense on the personality (both fandom and canon) and seeing what I can convert more easily to a non-humanoid design, a lot of shape language practice because I like shapes :3
I have a Solid design down for Ulfric but I wanted to do batches with like characters, so all Thieves guild girlies with each other and so all Civil War Girlies with each other, some might be drawn in pairs as well, like Hadvar + Ralof or Vilkas + Farkas.
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solargeist · 1 year
how does one justify sootbur,,
i guess if it's arg x simpbur/jared, or a dsmp!bur x a non!dsmpbur would be different, but ships like l'manbur x pogtopiabur or whatever is . i mean? /genq /nm /npa (if you don't know the tone tags, genuine question, not mad and non-passive aggressive)
i dunno it’s kinda complicated tbh bc I know Pog n Lman is sillyyy bc they’re like …. The same person a few months apart, like story wise I KNOW this, and I didn’t ship them originally, but I kept making AUs and kept separating them from canon and changing their designs to the point where they look like different people so…. In my head they became different people..? Plus having friends that also do AUs added another layer of separation.
When I draw or talk abt them, I’m heavily ignoring lore. They’re like…. Different universe versions put into one place. In my head they’re the same as Phantombur/Ghostbur or arg n simp? In my head Pogbur’s just a rebel he wasn’t actually president and Lmanbur is a lot more strict of a leader, things like that. (I’m still capable of ignoring bursonas and talking abt the lore correctly tho..! I just prefer sonas at this point)
But I also never cared or had a problem w/ self ships, it might b because I joined tumblr at 13, but they truly don’t surprise nor bother me akdndksk I don’t view them as inherently problematic /gen (tho I never rly shipped anything) this is why I avoid saying sootcest and encourage others not to call it that bc it is NOT incest n I don’t support that ☝️ not a pro shipper ☝️😭
I guess my reasoning is I just enjoyed their dynamic a lot, they do act OOC often due to all of this. I guess that’s what it is, I just fell in love with the little niche community, we were separate from everything, we have our own lore and designs n ideas n stuff, bc for MONTHS I did not ship it and constantly said so. I was actually actively worried when I did start to wonder abt lpog n wanted to draw them aksnsjs
Of course I don’t ship alllll sootbur pairings tho….. I just like lpog and the ghosts, anything else I draw is either for memes or requests 👍
Sorry if this answer is silly, it’s almost 4am currently for me aksjsjs
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procrastinova · 4 months
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art summary 2022 vs art summary 2023
individual 2023 artworks below (plus some thoughts on them because why not. Said thoughts will include me critiquing some of the pieces, especially the ones from earlier in the year.)
also here's a link to all the artworks from my 2022 one if anyone wants to see them
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JANUARY - Art piece i did right before For the Future aired of Luz and the rest of the hexsquad having a much-needed group hug. I didn't really look at any references for this one (apart from for the character's designs) so the poses look really awkward and stiff tbh 😭. That being said, I'm still glad I gave it a shot, and it looks a lot better than the one I did before Thanks to Them's release, since I was more used to drawing the characters.
I'm not going to go too much into some of the... questionable... anatomy choices I made, since they aren't exclusive to this artwork in particular, nor is this the worst example of them (*cough cough* my old King's Tide screenshot redraw).
Overall I think this is an okay art piece. Definitely could have been improved by actually using references for the pose though.
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FEBRUARY - This one is actually another redraw of a REALLY old piece I drew in 2021. With my finger. Not a good combination to say the least. This one is miles better especially in terms of anatomy, facial expressions and composition.
That's not to say that it's without it's flaws. I do think that lining up Betty and Amber's poses better would have improved the overall look of the piece. Another thing that I did end up changing a little while after I drew this was removing the shine from the black parts of the mirror to make it look like it was actually cracked, which I didn't do in the original version (that one's on my scratch account if you want to see it). It's a subtle difference, but I think it makes the piece look a lot better.
Again, I think this is an okay piece overall. Looks like the mona lisa compared to the 2021 version, but honestly I think anything would.
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MARCH - Yet another Owl House artwork (bet u guys cant guess what my favourite tv show is). This one I created for a zine which I was working on for my multimedia class (this artwork in particular was supposed to be an advertisement for the finale). You can kinda tell I still wasn't that confident in drawing King, since his pose is pretty stiff (I don't think I ever really got used to drawing him tbh).
I do think this piece would have benefited from some more shading and lighting that wasn't the singular multiply layer I placed over the characters then erased some parts of. (There is some other shading but there's no other lighting).
Most of the other issues I have with this pieces are just issues I have with my old art in general so I'll leave it there.
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APRIL - This is the last Owl House artwork I promise. I made this one for Zeez Vov Gee 2's watching and dreaming art contest. I actually do still quite like this one, which might partly be to do with the fact that I really like all of the character's timeskip designs, but whatever.
Some of the proportions on the hands are a bit weird, and I REALLY wish I put the shading on the lineart as well, considering how light of a colour it is.
One thing I do really like which I didn't notice while I was drawing it, is the pose Luz and Amity are in forms a sort of heart shape, which is really adorable akdjfhskhdf ;w;
Anyway, overall a pretty good piece, might remake it later. Who knows 👀
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MAY - as you may immediately be able to tell, I did not make that much art in May (I might've had a few tests on at the time. Or I was just lazy). This one is actually OC art for once (wow shocking never seen before).
It's kinda just a doodle/a more doodley art piece, but it's pretty alright. I actually really like the pose that Robyn (the OC in the drawing) is in. This is also kinda the first time I drew their design, so yeah. The background isn't great, but I can't really expect that much from a doodle -v-
overall, pretty decent doodle. (for anyone wondering if I'll ever post more about Robyn... maybe? I'm mainly using their story for writing practice, but I think I posted something from it on here)
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JUNE - June was literally the polar opposite of May. I'm not kidding, there were like 3 artworks that I was debating putting for June (this one, some deltarune fanart and a TOH screenshot redraw). I eventually went with this one because HOLY CRAP am I proud of that background.
This one was really heavily influenced by cartoon backgrounds (in particular ones from Gravity Falls and Hilda), and while I do think there are a few things that could be improved (like some of the trees), this was the first time in a while that i'd tried drawing a background that wasn't grass and a couple of trees (and i think the first time ever that i'd done something this complex).
I think another reason that this one turned out so good is that it was a birthday card for a friend. And if there is anything that I am constantly trying to do better at every time I redraw it, it's birthday cards (probably bc they're for my friends, love you guys sm /p).
anyways, overall a really good piece, 11/10 background.
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JULY - behold... the first artwork I posted on Tumblr! I drew this shortly after seeing Across the Spiderverse in cinemas (which I have to say was one of the greatest experiences of my life).
I wanted to mess around with lineless art a bit on this one, as well as sort of try to give it a watercolour feel like earth-65. And I gotta say, I think it turned out pretty good. Though I did spend a good 15 minutes looking for references because ATSV wasn't out digitally yet ;w;
overall, I like this piece, I tried something new and I made fanart for the greatest movie of all time (in my opinion)
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AUGUST - I don't think I drew nearly enough Omori fanart when I was super into the game, so I'm making up for it now. I wanted to redraw one of my favourite photos from the photo album for this one.
I probably could have put a bit more detail into the background for this one, but I really like the warm lighting, and the dappled light effect that I used for the characters. The lineart is also a bit sketchy, but I was (and sort of still am) in the process of figuring out how I actually want my lineart to look.
overall, I really like this one, nice colours, nice lighting, has the omori characters being happy in it :]
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SEPTEMBER - like in May, I didn't get as much Art Stuff TM done, so it's just a doodle of some of my OCS (except this time it's Copper, Lapis and Peg, who I have posted about before).
I kinda just wanted to draw something cozy, so I didn't put too much effort into the background and stuff. One thing I will say, is that I wish I drew them looking a bit older, since they are all 16-17 lol.
overall, this one's ok. Could be better, but it's just a doodle.
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OCTOBER - ohohohohoho we are SO back. Yet another birthday card. I love the perspective and poses on this one (because, you guessed it, I used references for them). Everything about this artwork was really fun to draw (especially the characters).
Overall, really good artwork, 11/10
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NOVEMBER - redraw of an artwork from 2021 part 2: electric boogaloo. I remember being so proud of the original artwork, so I wanted to make this one an artwork I was proud of too (which was a success).
One of the main things I wanted to do for this one was to actually draw a background, instead of getting one off google. The one I drew was simple, but I think it really works, because I wanted the focus to be on the character, not the background. I also added some slight perspective to the drawing to make it look a bit more interesting.
Overall, amazing, especially compared to the original
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DECEMBER - and finally... December's artwork! Aka my banner. I wanted to do something kinda simple for this, because I'm probably going to redraw it or make a new one later. I really like the contrast between the colours in the foreground (which is supposed to be inside a train, but it's kinda hard to tell), and the background.
Also something I've started doing for a few artworks is making a duplicate of the artwork, blurring it slightly and lowering the opacity, which makes it look a lot more visually interesting :0
overall, love this one, good artwork to end the year off with :] (i'll prolly still draw more stuff tho)
(fun fact - I was going to put the redraw I did of the 'get in loser we're going shopping' scene with the characters from TMC for December because it's the highest quality meme i've ever made but it looked weird next to the other ones bc it was in black and white 😭)
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Kaynyane (Sketches)
So I was inspired by Civilian AU!Anon’s Kayane and Sayu swap to try my hand at “Kayane as a digital idol.” (I hope you don’t mind XP)
With a few more iterations, I think this could be refined into something cool, but this was just for fun, so I might not come back to this UoU. Also, don’t expect me to do my take on all of Civil!Anon’s swaps XP. The idea for this one just really resonated with me, so I gave it a shot.
The last drawing was the first sketch I did a few days ago, and the rest is what I did today.
I’ll put some design notes under the cut for those of you that care about that kinda thing.
At first, I thought turning her into a catgirl was a little cliché, but when I realized that her final form could be a "reverse catgirl”, I was sold on trying to make it work. Plus, it suits her: she already had a cat mouth, her personality is a little catty, and the name pun basically wrote itself.
The outfit is really just a cutesier version of her original kimono. I added the blotches to represent the pattern of a calico cat so that there was a reason to reuse the brown in Kayane’s palette (more on that later). I think it’s cute, it’s just a little boring XP. But this is only her first form, so I guess it doesn’t need to be that extravagant.
While I didn’t draw any of her mid-forms, her gimmick is that every upgrade makes her a little more “furry” until we get to the final form. I thought it was thematically appropriate for her to explore another side of internet fandom the same way Sayu did for otaku, but TBH it’s a very shallow connection~.
I had a hard time really adding the “digital” elements of the “digital idol” part of the prompt because I feel like the brown in Kayane’s original color scheme “grounds” her too much. However, I didn’t want to change her palette too much, so she was still recognizably “Kayane.” Then I got the idea to make all of her accessories neon. Since her outfit is mostly black, I figured they would “pop” and they kinda do. If I were more focused and made the lines a little cleaner, then maybe the effect would look better XP.
The way they work is a little confusing though: so they do exist in a 3D space and react to gravity, but they are literally made of the lines that you see there. They’re just “shapes” that float in the air. In the original sketch, the bells were lightbulbs and only her whiskers were the floating neon, but I thought it would be cooler if there were more neon elements.
In the original sketch, she also had paw gloves, which I still think are cute, but since they’re black like her outfit, they got kinda lost if her hands ever crossed with her body, so I decided to take them off. I think one of the mid transformations would get them back though.
I feel like her final form could be more menacing, but this is the only sketch I’ve done with the idea XP. If the ears were more detailed, then I think it would elicit the level of “disgust” I’m looking for. Right now, it just looks kinda “weird”. I’d also like to play with the idea of turning her into a “big cat,” like a lynx or a jaguar or something, rather than a literal big house cat.
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Re: turkey & oven incident - what does 'yad soledes bo' mean here (the Wiki page on it was interesting but I can't connect it up with treyf food and the oven in this situation)? And do you have separate dairy, meat and pareve ovens? Or can pareve food go in a dairy/meat oven (if covered I guess)? Thanks!
(Referring to this post)
So the first thing to know is that, unless you actually mix the foods together, most meat/dairy-related kashrus issues aren't really a thing unless heat is involved (I wrote about this in another post semi-recently but of course I cannot find it to link because Tumblr). That said, there are a lot of safeguards in place to prevent you from accidentally getting to those issues, so there are a lot of instances where what you should do at the outset and what is ok after the fact if you happened to do it inadvertently are not the same thing.
For example, at the outset you should have separate dishes and utensils for all meat and dairy foods. But if you accidentally use your meat utensil for dairy, whether you can eat the food and whether the utensil needs to be kashered will depend largely (I don't have time to get into every other relevant circumstance here) on whether heat was involved. Cold cereal and milk in your meat soup bowl? You're fine, just wash off the bowl very carefully without using hot water and make sure it gets totally clean. Piping hot mac and cheese? You've got more of a problem.
"Yad soledes bo" is a term that defines the level of heat that's an actual problem. It means basically "a temperature hot enough that if you were to touch something at that temperature you would quickly draw your hand back due to the discomfort." Like many measurements in halacha that you'd think might have a somewhat simple definition, the exact temperature that this means Depends Who You Ask™️, but it would be quite difficult to argue that food in an oven that had been heated to a few hundred degrees for long enough to cook turkey legs and sweet potatoes through would not have reached that temperature, whatever its exact definition.
If my mom had realized her mistake with the dairy half and half within, say, a couple minutes of putting the sweet potatoes into the meat oven, it's probable they would not have gotten anywhere near hot enough to cause a problem for the turkey or the oven itself if she had then removed them immediately. At the outset they shouldn't have been put into the oven at all, but after the fact we probably would have been ok. Likewise, if either or both foods had been covered and so the steam from them more contained, there might have been more room for leniency for the foods or oven after the fact (these things are complicated though so it's often necessary to call a rov and ask how to proceed).
Most people I know don't have the luxury of more than 1 full-sized oven (although I do know some people who do), so typically people designate their regular oven for 1 thing and have a smaller toaster oven for the other thing. Pareve food can be cooked in either oven, but if it's cooked at the same time or in close proximity to the type of food that oven is designated for, that can either render it totally meat/dairy, or have implications for what foods it can be eaten at the same time as even though it's not full-on meat/dairy. TBH these details aren't really my strong suit because I only ever had dairy-only kitchens until I got married (and even now most of our utensils are pareve and we only tend to have meat on Shabbos/yontiff), so I often have to ask my husband to confirm things for me. Hence I'm not going to attempt to get into too many exact details here, but hopefully you get the general idea.
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dear-ol-bot · 11 months
The Dear Ol's
Hello! I've been meaning to create stories with these characters but have been pretty lazy! Didn't help that I got Covid also and then immediately got another illness after that where I got prescribed medicine that makes you sleepy as a side effect RIP
(I meant to finish this on the first day of this month and I started like a few days before that so I guess that's how things are going)
So the Dear Ol' thing is like my own take on what a title(?) for nonbinary characters in the Mr Men universe would be like! The idea was to make the title as general as possible! Honestly, I'm still wondering if it should have been "Ol'" or "Old"! I know that Mx exists though! I do like it and I honestly don't remember why I don't just use that, but I'm much too attached to "Dear Ol'" at this point tbh! Oh, maybe this Dear Ol' thing could just be my own thing now that I think about it LOL
Anyways, I actually came up with some Dear Ol' characters! Press "Read More" for some Dear Ol's that I came up with as of current! I haven't designed how they would look yet, but I have some general ideas! I will either draw them individually (like as on the covers of the books) first, or just draw them all in one picture, or reveal them along with their own story (please trust that I will actually not be lazy and create them eventually (impossible))! So far, I only have a general idea of their personality and plot!
Dear Ol' Oblivious
As if living in their own bubble, they tend to be very oblivious to what is happening around them! Not only that, but it seems that they are not able to read between the lines! You have to tell them precisely what you want or what you mean or else they just won't get it!
Dear Ol' Memory
They actually have another alternative name, which is Dear Ol Archivist! This character was truly inspired by the Internet Archive, hence the alternative name! Dear OI' Memory is the kind of people who would love to write in their diaries, take pictures, and maybe even make scrapbooks with them!
The story reveals the reason why they feel like it is important for them to keep these memories, but I think you may be able to guess what the reason may be already! Maybe it's something that you may personally relate to?
You can't stop the whimsy.
Dear Ol' Whimsy
A pretty jolly fellow, just living their own life, hopping around trees and buildings and sometimes doing a silly little dance just for the heck of it! They're pretty tiny too, probably the tiniest one on this list! Seeing them living their life would probably make witnesses feel a little bit joyful and whimsical themselves!
Just hope that you don't become their target whenever they decide to feel just a bit mischievous that day! Even if you do get targeted, please do not make too funny of a reaction that you become one of their regular targets!
Sure, you can always try to stop them from playing tricks on you! Maybe even try to stop them from being so whimsical if you don't like whimsy! Try as you might, but soon enough you'll learn a very important lesson!
Dear Ol' Elusive
Ok, so this is a very strange one because I technically have finished drawing them! That's because you won't be able to see them at all or at least not that much, not even on the cover! This obviously won't be a good idea for a book just for that alone LOL
The plot for this one is also very strange! I'm actually not too sure if this story would work or end at all! The story is that some of the other characters have managed to see a glimpse of them, though not enough to confidently define some features! It's just that whenever they look even a millisecond at them, they kind of just ran away! Nobody knew who this is and why they keep escaping. Some of them had been making theories on what kind of person they may be, and some of them even tried to look for them and might even go so far as to try to trap them just so they can get some answers! However, this whole ordeal does bring up some interesting questions: just when are we going too far to know someone, and do we really need to know who they are?
Dear Ol' Villain
Dear Ol' Kind
Dressed like a villain, acts like a villain, too bad it takes more than that to be one! They really want to be a villain just because they feel like it's so much more fun than being all nice, but unfortunately for them, they're really awful at trying to do evil things!
It seems that in pretty much every evil scheme that they carry out, there's always a positive thing that comes out of it that greatly outweighs the con! Basically this one ProZD skit (they're literally based on this skit)
Of course, because of that, nobody really considers them as a threat! They're kind of a cringefail tbh, the poor thing! At least they will also have a happy ending in their story!
Probably the simplest character in here, they are simply a very kind person! They always try to give help to those who need them, and do not expect anything in return!
Their plot doesn't revolve around how kind they are though! Instead, it will be about a rather unusual but welcome chain of events one day caused by one of their kind gestures! A chain of events that they don't even realize was caused by them!
Dear Ol' Bot
Oh no this isn't a character, it's actually just me, but I do have Dear Ol' on my name after all LOL
I guess this technically doubles as a reintroduction!
Hello there!!!! I really like robots and machines and stuff! That's actually why I named myself Dear Ol' Bot! :]
Anyways hope you guys will like these characters when they're finished!!!!
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shadesofnavy · 9 months
I'm struggling to draw tonight so I'ma kick back and spam y'all with stuff 'bout my gang here because why not lol
-Keith sings in the shower. Well, who doesn't tbh lol. But I mean this guy actually hits high af notes perfectly in the shower like he's at a show. If he's in a good mood. If he's not feelin' too upbeat then he's just quiet, might just hum a little to try and light his spirits up
-Cherry has hemophobia. While not nearly as intense, it makes her skin crawl and nerves skyrocket. She won't faint at a drip drop, but an open bleeding wound uncovered might set her off a panic
-Pico likes to play solitary. He has an old deck he's had since he was a kid. He's also really good at chess and Monopoly
-Darnell has a fear of abandonment that he rarely speaks of, one of the main reasons why he's very attached to his mother even as an adult. Because of this he's somewhat become a lone wolf
-Keith knows how to play the guitar, bass, piano and drums. He comes up with random guitar solos sometimes when he's just fiddling around, often taking them and making them into songs
-He's pretty open when it comes to music genres, but his favorite ones are hip-hop, funk, grunge, alternative rock, rap and nu metal. He does a mix of original songs and covers during his performances around town, sometimes getting along and preforming together with other bands that are also there.
-While not much of a singer himself, Pico does in fact enjoy listening to Keith sing his favorite 90s hits.
-Cherry has a little spice garden on the balcony of her and Keith's apartment. She grows rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, bay leaves, marjoram, parsley, basil and even a few heads of garlics growing apart.
-Pico likes flowers but he won't admit it.
-Nene hates her job at Wal-Mart mainly because she has to deal with tons of crappy people everyday, however she tries her best to do a good job and is at least grateful she has at least some way of getting income
-One of her dreams was to become a graphic designer
-Despite being friendly and open towards people in general, Keith can become very jealous and possessive of his loved ones if he senses someone trying to get close to them in an intimate way (ol' alpha instinct kickin' in there). Because of this sometimes he can come off as obnoxious and dense especially when that someone isn't actually trying to get closer with his special one(s)
-Darnell likes to collect old vintage toy cars. He has entire wall in his bedroom with shelves full of them
-He's excellent at rapping and beatboxing, however he doesn't really show it off unless he's sure he's by himself
-Keith is actually more of a cat person and Cherry is more of a dog person. That being said, if either were to get the opposite they'd still love it to death. (Also because their personalities are the opposite. So Cherry's Keith's cat and Keith is Cherry's dog. Thats why they love each other so much. I am so funny)
-Pico literally could not care about cats or dogs and which is better. He finds them both adorable anyways. He also likes fish.
-Nene has a pet snake named Dagger. Despite his name he's just a small adorable white snek keeping her happy and alive
-Darnell used to have a Golden Retriever named Sam when he was 14 as a birthday gift and therapeutic companion. He mysteriously went missing one morning shortly after Darnell graduated high school and was never found since
-Pico will often turn down friend offers and meet-ups with people who take an interest in him by claiming he's too busy and needs to walk his dead pet fish before walking away without another word (thanking to my good ol bud for that one <3)
-This technique did not work for neither Keith nor Cherry
-Keith suffers from dermatillomania, mainly caused by his ADHD whenever he's bored
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Do you have an info or art about the other characters involved with Kalamari??? Esp Glass since you mentioned them directly!!! OwO
Okay SO I do have a few things!! Most of these are old and a lil messy/outdated, so I'm really hoping to whip out a bunch of new stuff soon, but!! I'm gonna put everything under a ReadMore link again bc boy I have things to say and none of it is organized or really coherent so good luck (and also I am still shy)
I've got my two protagonists, Iso (I-20) and Aerani--
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[These are Old outfit designs, I redesigned them sorta recently but haven't finished a drawing of them, sobs] I first drew Aerani in like, 2016 I think? and Iso followed not long after! Iso is a bunny chimera, so he's got big silly ears, wahoo. Chimeras have identification codes to keep track of like, when they were created, and Iso's is I-20: Chimera Generation I, Specimen Number 20. Aerani gave him the nickname Iso <3
Here was Iso in like. 2017? 2018? idk but it was ages ago. He's changed quite a bit, mostly bc I would Constantly misplace sketchbooks and Constantly forget exactly what things looked like lksad;f
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This era of my art was so cute,, I wanna draw hair more like that again tbh
Here's a semi-recent doodle wip of their new outfits, hoorayyy. Don't mind how unfinished it is and my silly notes all over the place. I'm gonna just redraw this at some point bc my art has improved since then aklsdjf;lskdk
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Comfy boys!! Iso's clothing is always kinda ill-fitting bc he Hates skintight stuff, and he is gonna lose those cute slouchy boots SO fast bc I'm gonna drop him in the desert. Woe, sand be upon ye
Iso used to live in a mansion w a rich guy that was Kind Of A Dick, until that guy's daughter-- Iso's childhood best friend-- snapped and killed her dad w a fireplace poker. I haven't drawn her yet and honestly How Dare I. I wanna draw her making flower crowns w Iso
I was Nervous about jumping straight into making smth about them, because I feel like I need wayyyy more practice to be able to tell the story I really wanna tell, so I ended up scooping up my dorky purple merchant Kalamari like 'you know what sure, you can be the protagonist of my practice project and it will be Silly As Hell'. I call my main Eventual Goal 'Quote Unquote Quest', so Kalamari's adventure I'm calling 'Quote Unquote Quest Negative One', since it becomes before the main thing! Aerani will be in that practice project as a side character, bc he's Glass's little brother, but Iso won't be
Also, please witness Aerani's pet, a squishy jello-like blob he calls a frog. It is absolutely not a frog. It sits on his head a lot and makes squeaky lil noises
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Here's another chimera! She's much older than Iso, from gen F! The only one left from gen F actually. She calls herself Fa, and she doesn't like to talk, she just hangs out by a pond all day to watch the fish
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This is OLD so I'm def gonna redraw it soon, but here's one of my antagonists! They by the name Scratch, and they're sort of. the opposite of Kalamari. I have So Much I wanna draw abt them omg,,
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While I do like their color palette, I'm gonnadesign one to match. everyone else. The colors I wanna use for this project (that might eventually change ofc) are brown, orange, golden yellow, magenta, a slightly more purple magenta, violet, indigo, and blueee, with Very Dark Blue and Very Light versions of the other colors for lines and junk. Basically Kalamari Colors ft. some extras to spice things up, since my silly littol practice project revolves around her and how he sees the world:
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Everything is very saturated of course bc I'm. cannot and will not use desaturated colors. It's kind of like my chunky lineart-- I can try So Hard to make it thin, but that just doesn't look right to me and as I work woopsie everything is thick and I'm dying
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Glass and Kalamari!!!!!!! I hadn't drawn Glass yet and I'm crying bc she's turning out so cute. sobs. I was working on this before I realized oh shit yeah the oc tournament is posting Kalamari tomorrow, and I had to stop to go finish up my other art + my oc sideblog bc I wanted that to all be ready to go
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scover-va · 2 years
ok i havent been able to get the idea of an dnd-styled rpg inscryption/the hex au out of my head and it's physically paining me at this point (/j). So, I'm making you fuckers deal with my ramblings bc tumblr's just become a place for my to spit out ideas so they'll stop taking up space in my brain. So! Ramble under the cut since I'll be main tagging this bitch for organization purposes
So main character would be Inscryption's Challenger, and I'm thinking maybe the entire party of em is just. Different versions of the Challenger designs in Inscryption? Either that, or the Challenger is accompanied by Luke, Kaycee, and Lionel. Not Carla tho, I got villain plans with her. Tempted to go with the several Challenger designs idea, but then I'd need to come up with names, so. Y'know.
I dont know how im gonna have the world set up, but I'm thinkin the Scrybes now have land they rule over? Maybe not kingdoms for all of em, but yknow. Only issue with that is that I'd need to figure out how to fit the hex characters in, so what I'll probably do is just having them having authority in smaller areas. So like, taking inspo from Leshy's ties to Slavic mythology, he'd be king of the forest. Grimora might be an infamous necromancer, I havent fully figured these guys out yet.
But i DO have six other characters figured out so ohoHO buckle down, everyone.
Because I refuse to change Rocky's general appearance if I dont have to, Rocky was kidnapped from a young age and experimented on. By who? I'll figure that out eventually. Anyways, so in those few years, Rust was searching for him day and night, and eventually found the people that took Rocky. I have him planned to be a rogue in the rpg au, so yknow. Breaks in, kills some people, has a very heartfelt reunion with his kid, while also. Internally being very fucking angry that these assholes experimented so goddamn much on a child. He got Rocky out safe, and they're now travelling the lands for a place to call home, while Rust is. Also looking for the people who were running the operation, since they weren't there. I am. Considering making Reggie and Jeremiah full on villains for this. So. We'll see what happens. Other idea is Irving and the Gameworks/Gamefuna. I'll figure that out later. Rust and Rocky will aid the players in exchange for helping Rust find the people who hurt his kid. Rocky's completely unaware of how much his pops wants revenge, and really just wants to find somewhere safe to call home. Too bad years of separation affected Rust so poorly
Next up, ex-sorceress Chandrelle, who now claims to be a warlock. She's a lone traveller, and doesn't answer when asked what god she draws her power from. I'm still trying to work out how she got stuck with Vallamir, so that'll be a future ramble. But yeah, she's stuck with him. Her questline would probably have something to do with getting rid of Vallamir, but another idea would be her looking for Lazarus. I'll figure out the separation lore when I have the Vallamir lore figured out, but they got separated, and Chandrelle hasn't been able to find him. Actually I could probably make these work as one big questline tbh. We'll see. I'm thinking maybe Chandrelle got into a dangerous battle, and in order to ensure she'd be safe, made a deal with Vallamir for more power in exchange for being possessed and used at will? Anyways, yeah ok im running with this idea, big battle happens, but even tho Chandrelle's safe, Lazarus! Is not. He ends up getting taken, and now Chandrelle's just looking for closure, wanting to know what happened to him.
Next up, Lazarus! So yeah, he got taken, and I'm thinkin it's gonna be Gamefuna for this one (Gonna rename it tho so it doesnt have game in it. Name's a work in progress). Anyways, they forced him to train to be a ranger instead of a paladin, and im thinkin the organization thingy does have smth similar to guns? I'll work out the details for the weapon later. So, eventually, Lazarus manages to just barely escape, and is. Kinda on the run. Moving as far as he reasonably could from where he was, he finds an abandoned temple, and fixes it up a little, now teaching swordfighting to aspiring paladins, or just anyone who wants to use a sword.
And lastly for those I have figured out, Pike! An ex-cleric, Pike served under the wizard Magnificus, having been one of his pupils. Not sure if I'm keeping the torture trials or not, but Mags still treated his students like shit, and Pike's interest in magic started dying down when she saw some knights in passing. Deciding she wanted to be a swordfighter instead, she ran away from Mag's lands, and started training to be a swordfighter, residing in a somewhat nearby village. And one day, while picking up some food from the market, Lazarus saw her training in a nearby field. And. Well. She was doing horribly. He had walked over and gave some pointers, and it eventually just led to her being one of his students at the temple. Pike having Lazarus as a mentor is completely self indulgent on my part bc I think it's cool and funky. Go funky sword people go!!
So, jotting down some ideas for Sado and Carla, im thinking Carla's an artificer, and one of her experiments eventually led to creating Sado (censoring it bc tumblr's a bitch and i aint typing dark clown you-know-who every time). Dunno the specifics, but she does have a huge fucking grudge against Lionel for smth, and just kinda. Wants him fucking dead, whether she kills him or Sado does. So yeah, she created Sado, basically making a chaos incarnate. Sado's a mix of a rogue and a wizard, running purely on magic, so she's able to bend reality quite a bit. While Carla spends most of her time in her workshop, Sado is constantly causing issues. So yeah, those two are, like, the big bads.
I'll make more posts with more ideas later, and add in any doodles I make, but thats what I got rn
Edit: Sado's safe to mention, just cant tag her, so i fixed every mention of her <3
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mochisarchive · 4 months
[1] Pursuing my dream course ♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。♪
Okay…first blog! Yay! To start it all, I would like to introduce myself. Hello! I’m Mochi, I am a digital-animation student, book influencer, and art influencer. As you can see, I’m not really familiar with this set-up, but I figured out that why I don’t start making blog entries?
And my first choice of topic is pursuing my dream course, the digital animation. Okay, before we even start, a little background about this. Ever since I was a little child, I was heavily influenced by arts. Growing up, I always watch Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network. I remember watching T.V all day, and I was refusing to go to daycare because, I was too fascinated with animations.
I remembered it very clearly, that I would grab a paper and my stack of crayons and would draw the characters, and show it to my grandma. One particular memory that I wouldn’t forget was probably drawing on the walls and on my grandma’s porcelain cases. She scolded me and punished me by taking away my art collection. Since then, I would always ask my Aunts and my mom to buy me colorful stuff, and everyday I would practice drawing, till my hand gets sore. So as years goes by, I was getting good at art then college started.
Back in 2021, I went through a lot of pressure of choosing the right course program. Ever since my family (on mother’s side) knew I was good at drawing, they told me to take Architecture or Interior Design. And I choose Interior Design, because of these reasons:
As far as I remember, I was influence by my cousin, to play Sims. And it was amazing! I was really enjoying decorating and building homes, my cousin saw how good I am in that area and suggested I should take Interior Design. At first, I didn’t know what was that, and she explained it to me, till I got interested. Even then I would practice creating floor plans, doing perspective rooms, and other related to Interior Design
It’s an art course. I have many choices to be honest, My top three were Animations, Painting, and Fashion (and yes, they are really art majors). And my aunties told me that I might not be able to find a job with these courses (but their views changed when I introduced to them that I can easily make money with art commissions and my mom is really supportive and so does they).
I was pressured by them…so I gave in ://
So, I choose Interior Design, got into a prestigious university in the Philippines, everything went well till pressured got me so bad. I actually didn’t failed my course, I got 1.96 as my GPA (which is like equivalent to 90+ grades here in the Philippines) but I failed one subject and they told me that I can’t take Interior Design anymore, because it’s a board-related course. I won’t go to any details now, that’s another story lol.
Anyways, after talking to my mom, and she gave me a second chance to choose this time. So I took Animations, and a few months in with my new course, I improved a lot in drawing. Not just human body, but my conceptualization broadens (thanks to my first course, it helped me a lot tbh.) And I was actually enjoying it, and I got decent grades (98-100) and I think my lowest score was 91 (?), I don’t quite remember, but I think it’s in between 90 and 91.
A lot of people in my new university, especially the seniors and my professors applaud me for doing such a good job and catching up a lot. They also mentioned how gifted I am, because I only not draw for fun or out of hobby, they pointed out that I used various brushes and tools to create a story within just one work, and it amazes me because I never realize that.
What I have in my mind was “Oh no…this is not good” “Oh I should have done better” “This isn’t right” and I still do that despite the compliments they gave me. (I belittle myself for fun and for motivation…yep…I definitely need help)
Jokes aside, I do personally think I should practice more, to improve my skills in arts and must try to learn various techniques and art styles. I wanted to have that effect that can make an impactful expression to my audience, especially in animations and concept design. I wanted to create a story that no one has been able to see it before.
Anyways, that’s it for now! till next time
xoxo, mochi
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(Note: image taken from Pinterest, poster lunaparada)
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gamedevhellhole · 1 year
okay, okay now what if I ACTUALLY make a Nitrome Must Die fan comic???
the ms paint esque medium mix about shady business and distant dreams, all achieved in the coldest ways possible???
well except some elements of mechanically produced magic... but uhhh we might wanna leave it to the still developing worldbuilding???
okay fine but what's with the hustle? well it's a little passion project of mine that will revolve around made up postcanon events of NMD because that open ending can be interpreted in so many ways
yeah that emo 100th game anniversary Nitrome game uh huh
here's de synopsis: our two (2) protags are angsty fellow kids (sorta) planning on opening up a game studio of their own. why did they decide to do this – only the true OGs know /hj???
the main characters are very stupid! unemployed mfs from cheap apartments! except their supposed net worths are definitely not cheap. A and J do have quite a dark story behind of course, but nah, nah they are not traumatised by bit, quite the opposite here they're the ones that traumatize.
and so they try to start their ways out of spite! here's the catch: their puny souls can be fueled by anger and hate only, so they have to pick up some unhealthy hobbies to keep their inspiration afloat. (spoiler: cartoonish violence. exclusively. maybe mafia ca-chings)
they have no talent, they have no sheer will and any actual goals in life, but one specific thing to do, like again, out of spite.
however eventually this will quickly shift solve into a maniacal production phase which pushes them forward in game-making industry. (idk much about further stuff tbh... it's the synopsis)
the perfect result would be achieved if we make it really REALLY really close to the original source. while the source itself really doesn't show the characters' true personality enough... well I sorta strive to make all the style the writing and everything both as canon and as adapted to modern stuff as pozbl.
and yeah the artstyle?? like emo 00s cartoons sort of? you know the ones? i'm having a crisis in this field it's either making it funky as heck or not making it at all kind of stance.
ohh the world they live in is a quite an interesting place. but actually not really. generic edgy big city that has a charm I've yet to practice my writing and drawing skills for.
08 Mar 2024 update:
making it public so any fellow tumblr nitromians get another dose of nmd fan content
(because to be honest i can't get rid of the terrible hyperfixation i got on NMD alone until i do something big for it, then i'll do awesome stuff for other nitrome masterpieces after that)
this post here is not a teaser; maybe just a prompt, and so far it's a little reminder (for me it's been a prompt for a year... argh help)
the style picking is still ongoing, the script is planned yet not properly written, like for example idk what other characters to add if they're not canon to the original universe
the designs might just might get released here in a few months or so
aaand the planned page amount?? idunnow... prob 50-55 by default it needs to have a finished plot.
with this being a FAN project i take inspos from other comics that use canon characters for one's own plot (this exact genre of resurrecting the unused characters) and honestly they drove me to this haha
along with one comment under that nmd trailer vid on youtube with the same idea that got 8 likes by now.
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oh it got 10 already!!! (i couldn't get in contact with the OP sadly)
so yep... now it's a semi public post xd. wait not or wait wait wait cause I still try. btw happy women's day <3
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
Hi, if you are still taking prompts; A magically powerful Harry not noticing that his magic does things to make Draco happy. This can be pre-relationship or established relationship. Like it starts of with his tea being exactly as he likes and always the right temperature. Then evolves to rooms changing colour or weather changing or people being unable to invade Draco’s personal space due to an invisible barrier or something ridiculous. Btw Draco doesn’t notice as well.
anon.....you really killed me w this one. i’ve been so emo over this wyugeahrwiw might end up writing smth longer tbh bc this concept is literally the only thing that matters to me!!!!!!! i hope u enjoy i had so much fun with it ❤️❤️❤️
“Harry, you do it. Please.”
“We’re fucking watching something, Draco!”
“So just pause it!”
Harry grabs the pillow on his lap and slams it onto the sofa next to him. Hermione can see dust rise in its wake. He pauses the telly. 
“Are you doing it?” Draco asks hopefully. Harry scowls at him. 
“Well you won’t shut up until I do, will you?”
“Definitely not.”
Harry disappears into the kitchen and Draco sits there looking smug.
“It’s kind of sick how you get off on bossing him around,” says Ron, his tone one of simple observation. His fingers are idly playing with Hermione’s hair, but she doesn’t think he notices he’s doing it. 
“If I’m not mean to him a few times a week I break out in a rash, Weasley,” Draco says blithely. “Besides, he makes it perfectly. I don’t know how he does it, it’s always exactly the right temperature and sweetness and all that. I s’pose his years as a house-elf for those Muggles gave him plenty of time to perfect the art.”
“You’re a twat,” says Ron. “And my mum makes tea better than him.”
“Well you’re just a pitiful little mummy’s boy, aren’t you, Weasley? We can hardly trust your opinion.”
“Hark who the hell’s talking,” Ron scoffs. “Least I’m not twenty-three and still calling my mum ‘mummy’ like the world’s biggest bloody ponce.”
Draco splutters but before he can retort Harry’s coming back into the room hovering four cups of tea that float placidly to each of them. Draco looks exactly like a satisfied cat as he takes his and Harry drops back down onto the sofa next to him. Not too close, but certainly not too far, either.
“Literally exquisite,” Draco declares after he’s taken a sip. Ron rolls his eyes.
“It’s just tea, Draco,” says Harry, and he grabs for the remote to turn the film back on. “You’re such a demanding little brat. Merlin’s fucking tits.”
But Draco looks happy and Harry looks suspiciously content as well. Ron turns to her and makes a silent gagging face. Hermione snorts and puts a finger to her lips. They’ve decided not to say anything yet.
“Wasn’t this place a lot … uglier last time?”
“What?” Harry says absently. He’s not listening — he’s got all his attention zeroed in on a stack of parchment he’s holding. They’d only barely dragged him along to lunch; earlier the captain of the English National Team had apparently owled him a great number of brand-new Quidditch plays and required Harry’s extensive thoughts and notes before their next practise, which was tomorrow morning. 
“Uglier,” Draco says emphatically, and Ron mutters something she doesn’t catch. “Remember? The walls were that tragic egg-yolk colour.” He shivers. Hermione thinks it might have been an honest-to-god shiver of revulsion. She also thinks she knows what’s happened, even though the extent of it surprises her.
“Maybe someone heard you whingeing and changed it,” Ron apparently can’t stop himself from saying with a snigger. Hermione elbows him hard and he shoots her a glare, mouthing, he doesn’t know!
Harry would usually be the one to take the lead and get them a table when all four of them go out to eat together but today he’s too wrapped up in his Quidditch plays, so Ron steps forward and does it, which makes Hermione’s chest flutter pleasantly. He’d blush down to his bones if she ever said it aloud but he’s quite capable of being a leader in Harry’s absences. 
“Whatever happened,” says Draco pointedly as they’re led to their table, “it’s a great bloody blessing, I was genuinely unsure I’d have the mental fortitude to survive another assault like that on my delicate senses. And, I mean, this —” he gestures to the walls, which are now an admittedly pleasing dark teal above a white trim “— is stunning. It’s my favourite colour.”
“Is it? So weird they picked your favourite colour completely by coincidence,” Ron says, and Hermione elbows him again. Draco notices nothing and neither does Harry, although he does finally set the plays aside once they’re seated at the table.
“Are you complaining about the wall colour again?” he asks drily. They would both be extremely displeased to know they sound like an old married couple. Draco snatches haughtily at the paper napkin on the table and unfolds it to place over his lap. The first time he’d ever done this at a regular, decidedly not upscale restaurant Ron had taken it upon himself to spend the entire meal adopting a posh accent to match Draco’s and saying things to the waiter like “Don’t you have crystal?” while holding up a glass cup full of Pepsi and then commenting “These aren’t real silver, you know” after making a show of inspecting the titanium utensils. 
“I can complain about hideous design choices if I want to,” Draco tells Harry with his nose in the air. “Thankfully they’ve rectified it this time.”
On the other side of the restaurant, Hermione sees two employees talking, one of them gesturing at the wall with utter bewilderment. She doesn’t point it out.
“Twelve o’clock,” says Ron, nodding past Draco’s shoulder. “Some bloke staring you down hard, Malfoy.”
Draco looks excitedly behind him, but what Hermione takes more notice of is the way Harry’s face falls a little. She can’t help but wonder if he even realises it’s happened. She’s almost certain he’s aware of his feelings for Draco even though he still hasn’t said anything to her (and she’s been waiting months now, the effort of holding her tongue growing only more difficult by the day, and she knows Ron’s always seconds away from shouting at him) but she doesn’t think he knows how obvious he is. Draco doesn’t seem to know either, but she thinks that’s because Draco feels exactly the same way. She’d have called them morons, but she remembers too well how long it had taken her and Ron.
“What the fuck, Weasley,” Draco hisses, turning back around with a scowl that makes Ron laugh and Harry perk up again a little bit. “He looks like he hasn’t washed his hair in weeks.”
“Now, now,” says Ron, “mustn’t judge books by their greasy covers.”
“Then you go shag him if you think he’s so fit.”
“Maybe I will,” Ron says airily, as if he really is considering it, and Hermione can’t help chuckling and kissing his cheek. Then his expression changes to one of wicked amusement, which makes all of them look round to see the bloke coming their way. Hermione glances at Harry to find that — oh yes, he looks flustered and vaguely upset.
“Hullo,” says the greasy bloke to Draco as he comes up beside him at their table. He’s really not terrible-looking, but if she’s learned anything about Draco in the last couple years it’s that his standards amount to models and Harry Potter, so this man has almost no chance.
“Hello,” Draco drawls, reminding her fiercely of his younger self at Hogwarts. “I’m not interested.”
“Right little narcissistic bugger, aren’t you?” the man says. And now, finally, he’s begun to look as revolting to Hermione as he’d done initially to Draco — a repellent personality can do that. “Maybe I just wanted to come and have a chat.”
“Then why aren’t you looking at any of the rest of us?” Ron asks, sounding halfway between amused still and a little put off.
“Can you leave, please?” Draco interjects, cringing away from the man encroaching slowly on his personal space. And suddenly, as he looks on the verge of antagonising Draco further, he shifts his feet and slips, landing right on his bum with a yell of surprise. All four of them get to their feet to see, but there doesn’t seem to be any liquid or even slimy food for him to have tripped on.
“The fuck ...?” the man says, getting back to his feet. But when he moved towards Draco, he only slips again, on absolutely nothing at all. Something clicks and Hermione looks at Harry: he seems as confused as anyone else (if obviously pleased).
She looks at Ron then, who catches her eye and lifts his brows like he’s thinking the same thing.
Draco’s suitor gets up once more and steadies himself, looking a bit dazed. Some deep animal instinct seems to tell him to stop trying, and with a wary glance at Draco he finally leaves.
“Well that was a bit of a fucking scene,” says Harry. Draco, coming out of his own startled daze, laughs.
“Yeah,” Ron says sarcastically, “wonder what could’ve possibly happened.”
“I really thought it was going to rain,” Draco mopes where he’s standing at the window. It’s grey outside but it definitely doesn’t look like rain and Draco appears so upset about it that Hermione actually feels badly, even though she’s quite glad for the clear weather. 
“Just shut the curtains,” Ron suggests from his place on the floor. He’s sorting through Harry’s collection of VHS tapes, trying to decide on a good Halloween movie. Not that he’s ever seen any of them, and Hermione suspects he’ll end up choosing whichever cover he likes best.
“It’s not the same!” Draco wails. “The thunder and lightning is all part of it, you uncultured pillock! The atmosphere is all wrong.”
“It’ll be just as good when we shut off all the lights and draw the curtains,” she assures him, but it doesn’t remove the look of disappointment from his face. It’s a pouty sort of thing that echoes the brattiness of his youth; she imagines a five-or-six-year-old Draco giving his parents similar looks when he wasn’t getting what he wanted.
 At that moment the front door opens and Harry walks in carrying two grocery bags, one of which contains alcohol, which Hermione can tell by the way the plastic is bulging around the cans.
“The fuck are you all doing here?” he says by way of greeting.
“You said eight o’clock, fuckhead,” Ron tells him without looking up. “But it’s fine, I’ve had time to pick a film and Malfoy’s had time to moan about the weather.”
“What’s wrong with the weather?”
“I wanted a storm!”
At that exact moment, a flash of lightning lights up the sky behind Harry where he hasn’t even closed the door yet. Seconds later a downpour begins, and then there’s a rolling crash of thunder.
Hermione’s eyes widen and once more she finds Ron’s gaze, who looks about as shocked as she feels. Draco, meanwhile, has his hands over his mouth and looks like a child on Christmas morning.
For the first time since his magic had begun picking up on Draco’s wishes and granting them of seemingly its own accord, Hermione sees Harry look suspicious. He peers behind him at the storm suddenly raging outside his house before slowly closing the door. When he turns back he looks directly at Hermione, who looks away quickly.
They set up the food Harry had gotten — all kinds of Halloween-themed sweets — and once everyone has their drinks (“Make mine,” Draco tells Harry, “you do it best”) and is comfortable on the two sofas in the room (Harry and Draco are, as usual, as close to each other as they can get without actually touching) they start the movie: The Thing, which Harry swears is one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Funny thing is, an hour and a half into it she looks over and, with a jolt, realises the two of them are kissing half-covered beneath a blanket. She elbows Ron, who positively beams when he notices.
“Fucking finally, dear sweet Merlin,” he whispers, the sound muffled by the continued rain and thunder. “I nearly hit him upside the head when he made it rain, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Shh!” Hermione hisses, though she’s smiling. “They’ll hear you. We’ll rag him about it tomorrow.”
A soft sound of laughter comes from the other sofa that Hermione identifies as Draco’s, and when she risks another peek after a moment she sees that Harry has a hand on Draco’s jaw, and that he’s smiling.
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