#I honestly...don't know how you could draw him wrong tbh
thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"I liked/loved Henry Stickmin when I was just 13/14 years old (2016 maybe), but only last for a month. In that time I always watched all the gameplays. I imagined a continuation after Fleeing the Complex. I even tried to draw him, but I was ashamed to draw him wrong and idk why. It's just a character. What was wrong with me that time." submitted by anon
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simlit · 6 months
3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24, 25, for VEN
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What is your OCs fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
In his current state? Probably his selflessness. He gives too much to people and has a hard time drawing lines if it's someone he deeply cares about. Case in point, letting Naida more or less railroad the entire family into chasing the Fountain of Youth. In his defense, Naida isn't really someone you can win fights against, but considering the dangerous nature of the voyage, one would think he should have fought against it a lot harder. I do think he's aware of it, but not in a way he can actively check, because it's a lot of him overcompensating for the way he used to be and the things he's done. So I guess a larger and probably more fatal flaw is the fact that he carries around so much guilt and does a lot in the name of reparations.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Easily, but tbh I feel this is one thing Ven shares with Kato. His morals can be bent depending on who is involved and the consequence of the situation. Ven isn't standing on moral highground in the first place, despite understanding right and wrong well enough. He certainly doesn't care enough about authority not to break rules, and as far as life or death is concerned, a life will always matter less to him if they're at odds with someone he loves. That being said, I think he's resourceful enough to find ways around making risky choices.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Also a really fun question, cuz I haven't thought about it in years LOL. Though Ven stayed mostly the same from conception, he was supposed to be a bit more "roguish" even after his Reaper years. More of the typical pirate: loose, unkempt and thieving. But he ended up being way more charitable and straightlaced than I'd initially planned, but that ironed itself out almost immediately so I don't really consider it to have been "the plan" just "what I had had in mind at some point" lmao. Now the idea of Ven sleeping around with literally anyone is goddamn baffling to me.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Every single word of his theme song, "The Balancer's Eye" by Lord Huron, but all of this: Nothing's waiting for us in the great sky Life is equal to dust in the Balancer's eye Now I know that I can't lift an old curse Tell me, how does a man change the universe? Will I ever be forgiven for the crime of my life? Will it haunt me till I die? To the end of time?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
I think Ven is one of the few characters I can genuinely answer "yes" to this question lmao. Just because Ven is hands down the least judgmental of my OCs, not to mention packing all that charisma, he can literally talk to anyone. Although I probably would just be dead on the floor so it wouldn't be a very interesting conversation.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
We so rarely see Ven angry. Honestly, a bit like Kyrie, Ven has a quiet temper. He's good at restraining himself now, because he knows intimately well just how horrible of a person he can be, so he makes a concerted effort never to let anything get him that upset. Mostly, things don't anger him as much as he may be disappointed or saddened. There is one scene in OST:O I've had planned for years that actually showcases Ven's true anger and it is very much "silent and lethal" lmao.
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Oof, I dunno, somewhere between neutral good and chaotic neutral. Hard to pinpoint lol
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone done? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Oh, this one is interesting. I think Ven could have easily continued down the path he started on when he got the sight. That is, had he not been able to pull himself back from that maniacal person he'd become as consequence, he'd be unrecognizable today. That's not to say he isn't already because he absolutely was that person for a moment in time. The Reaper King wasn't just a persona, it was his entire essence. He was ruthless, violent and he did very literally kill dozens (I won't say 100s but it's up there) of people. We like to imagine him as the loving father and perfect husband he is now, but outside of maybe Elsera he's my OC with the highest bodycount. And while in a way you could justify he killed people because "they deserved to die" he was never in the right to pass that judgement. Had he not eventually woken up from that state of trauma and derangement, he'd still be a completely unstable murderous lunatic .-.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
How hot he is. The end.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
Challengers is going to be such a stepping stone for Z. Like both Mike and Josh are unknown actors ngl so the pressure is on for her marketability international to sell seats. My production is the film is going to make 400 million. What do you think? Also, what are your opinions, especially after taraj p henson's outcry about black actresses not getting lead roles and studios' opinions that black lead films do not sell well outside a franchise. The last black actor I could thibkvof that had that universal appeal was Will Smith.
Yes! I'm excited Anon!! 😊
FINALLY!! A film led on her own on the big screen. 😁🙌🏾 I'm actually glad that Z went the more gradual route and honed her acting talent for years on TV (with Euphoria) and doing several smaller parts as a costar on the big screen in large films before tackling a huge film on her own where she's the lead.
I think that was very smart and strategic imo.
As far as box office numbers? Ooof....I honestly don't know girl lol. I'm the worst person to predict that.... Especially since it's not often that we see a woc in a role like this opposite TWO white men lol 😆
Roles like this USUALLY go to white girls, so I'm honestly not sure what the box office numbers will do tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️ But Z has a HUGE fanbase, so I def don't think it will be a "flop".
That film "Anyone But You" seems to be getting butts in the theaters (at least, around my area 👀), and Sydney and Glen are not huge box office draws on their own. I think people just like the plot premise and want a light hearted rom-com. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I can see similar audiences being interested in "Challengers" as well, especially if they market the film right.
Re: Taraji....
I def think Taraji was speaking TRUTH. Hands down. There is a lot of inequality in Hollywood.
On one hand, YES, I DO think that some black films DO have a hard time getting worldwide appeal just simply due to racism factors, and society in general. Another issue too though is that a lot of Hollywood studios just don't spend the same kind of money on Black actors and Black films when it comes time for promotion, sooo how are Black films supposed to do well overseas when you're barely sending them overseas to promote, and are barely spending money to generate hype for the films??
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Yes, Will Smith had crossover appeal, Denzel had/has crossover appeal, etc... But one of the reasons why Will has crossover appeal is because look at the types of films he's been doing in his career. For many years he was in large films that had a diverse cast that would have gotten a lot of attention and promotion anyway. Plus, he's charismatic asl! Say what you want about Will Smith, but it's undeniable that he has a charm and an energy about him that's larger than life. Def "movie star" energy. That also helped his worldwide appeal.
This is a very deep question Anon, because on the other hand, I honestly don't think that Black films CAN'T do well overseas/worldwide (look at "Black Panther" and "Get Out" for example).
But I def feel like it depends on many various factors....
The film genre
The cast
The money to back up promotion
The plot of the film
HOW the film is marketed
One of my biggest issues sometimes with HW is that they've made films with a predom. Black cast into a term called "Black Films", as if they should be a genre in their own right, when in reality, they're just FILMS that just so happen to have a predominantly Black cast, and should just be treated like any other film out here imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
There shouldn't be one way to market one film with a certain race of cast members, and a separate way to market films with another set of cast members. 🤔
Another gripe is that a lot of films that are catered to us usually focus on struggle, racism, slavery, etc.... and while there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with films like that, sometimes it's nice to see a predom. Black cast in a film in a genre like adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, light-hearted rom-com, horror, ROMANCE, thriller, action, etc. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Not all of us (even as Black people) want to see struggle in the screen all the time. Many people go to the movies to ESCAPE.... not to be reminded of how awful life is lol. 😅
I def feel like well-written, well-acted, and well-promoted films can do pretty well regardless of the cast demographics.
That's one thing I've been appreciating about A24.... They've been taking risks, and things have worked out pretty well for them. I look at films like "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once", and "Moonlight" for example. Both smaller, indie films, but both had Oscar appeal and won Academy Awards for Best Picture.
So, films with a Predominantly Black cast CAN succeed, even worldwide, I just think that there are a lot of factors that have to be in place, and one additional factor is people of other races needing to be more OPEN-minded and willing to watch more films with predom. Black actors.
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
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mud-castle · 2 years
Why yes I am continuing this, bc I have more time for this but less time to draw due to lowering the number of projects I'm focusing on but also taking only one less credit hour than the allowed max at school, thanks for asking.
Anyway, onto reading The Hidden Kingdom:
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How many dragons are in the Talons of Peace? I got the vibe that they were a super small group from the first book, due to the dragonets only knowing the three guardians and Morrowseer, but dragons being surprised that the Talons actually existed.
I know their main purpose was to raise the DoD, but that does bring to question what everyone who was not a guardian did. They didn't serve as any back up or help when the DoD was captured. Or really do anything as the DoD was running around the continent.
It would've been interesting to expand on what they actually did aside from raising the DoD. Did they run relief operations? Help those displaced or injured by the fighting? Etc.? They had some dragons under cover, what did they do?
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I've always wondered. If Nightwings are held in such a high regard of being able to perfectly predict the future and read minds, and the Talons (as well as many others) seem to have faith in the prophecy, why bother with the false dragonets at all?
I'd kinda expect Morrowseer to get offended that they're questioning him to the point of having possible replacements who didn't hatch on the brightest nights. I always thought it was Morrowseer's backup plan, but rereading this, I'm realizing it was Nautilus's plan.
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Squid knows what's up.
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Dragons canonically have tea in WoF, worldbuilding time. Some teas can be made with bone broth, and I'm choosing to assume dragon tea isn't leaf juice so much as bone juice spiced up with some leaves. Since this is only mentioned with Queen Moorhen, it's a Mudwing invention, that might've been adopted by their allies the Skywings, hence why Glory knows what it is.
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Hmmm, ya know, it would've been super interesting if the Rainwings actually were the ones behind this in some way but withheld that info from the DoD since they're total strangers.
You could make it work too, a Queendom of reclusive dragons who don't want this terrible war anywhere near their home, so they scare them away. Orr the Queens of the Queendom want to keep their pacifist dragons happy and kill these trespassers in secret to both keep the peace, their own territory, and their way of life safe.
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Damn, that's really sad tbh.
I think it says a lot that Glory has had more positive thoughts about FUCKING QUEEN SCARLET than any of the guardians.
Fuck the guardians, all my homies hate the guardians.
Also Glory is touch-averse.
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This is meant to be seen as a bad thing that Rainwings don't take prisoners considering how Tui presents them later on and the way this scene is portrayed.
But honestly, Liana has a point, what would they do with them? They're not in the war. They don't need anything from them. At most they'd probably just want them to leave.
This doesn't hint at Rainwing laziness so much as the effect of Glory's hypermilitarized upbringing.
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That is super cool.
I imagine Rainwings are world-class botanists, who are quite skilled in breeding plants for particular purposes. An example being flowers that can line your floor and not die from you walking on them everyday, or that perhaps regrow so quickly it seems like they're not dying.
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I'm continually upset with the narrative of this book for making Rainwings out to be the exact stereotype everyone thinks they are, because there were a number of directions the messaging could've gone.
Glory goes on to say that sun time probably makes you smarter and fiercer, when really it's just good for your overall physical and mental health.
I'm not saying make the Rainwings especially skilled or scary, as fun as that would be, but she could just let them be peaceful, what's so wrong with that?
This book could've been about Glory --- who was raised to think you always had to keep giving to the world to be worth something, that you should expect the worst in others, that this world with always chew you up and spit you out so you gotta be tough and always hide your vulnerabilities--- realizing that yeah, the Rainwings are genuinely just a peaceful, calm group who do mostly enjoy napping in the sun, and spending time with their friends. That's fine.
There seems to be this thought that you must be sacrificing or suffering in some way to be good or worth respect, but that's not a healthy mindset.
Like the book could've gone the route of Glory getting angry at them for being (in her eyes) uncaring and lazy, content with giving nothing to the world, only for it to be pointed out to her that hey, maybe we don't want to be risking our safety and happiness for petty squabbles that lead to nothing but tears and bloodshed. Maybe we want to live in a place where we can raise our families and live and work alongside friends without fear of war and destruction looming over our heads. What's so wrong with that? Why are they considered stupid for living like that?
Sure others don't live the way you would think is ideal, but who are you to come into their home that they welcomed you into and judge their livelihoods?
Like bitch, I wish I lived there. I wasn't built for the grind.
No, we will not talk about the fact that the Rainwings didn't seem to care when their friends, queen, and students disappeared for long periods of time because I am not emotionally calm enough, and we're not in that part of the book yet.
I also just noticed that, though Glory may hate Kestrel, she also thinks the most like her out of all the DoD, which is... giving me a number of thoughts and ideas.
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Moana Medley
For the second part of this series of mine, we're going with Voiceplay's most popular video on YouTube (and Facebook) ever: their Moana Medley! Released on the 19th of August, 2017 (just a few days shy of Geoff's 37th birthday), it currently has over 44 million views on Youtube, and it truly is impressive in its arrangement and vocal performance. But I'm not here to talk about vocals, I'm here to talk about the visual stuff! So let's go!
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Group shot! I love how Rachel is wearing a cute red(?) tropical dress, and the others... barely even try with their outfits 😂
Layne is wearing long pants (or three-quarters at least), but he's at least wearing a "surf Cali" shirt, so there was at least some thought in it. Earl I will allow, as he's just kinda got Beach vibes here ngl (I think it's at least partially the hair). Eli kinda looks more like he's ready to go play golf, and Geoff is wearing a hoodie! Geoff, dude... 😅
I was thinking about this video a while ago and was like "wait, who did J play again?" and then I had to remind myself "oh right, this was before he had become a full-time member (for about 3 or 4 years) (but after Tony left the group to focus more on Pattycake Productions and behind-the-scenes stuff)
Kind of a lucky coincedence that this video was the one that introduced a lot of people to Voiceplay (before Oogie Boogie's Song at least), since they actually tell you in the video who everyone is and who they're representing from the movie.
"How many pounds of sand did we use to create our fake beach?" Voiceplay asks in the description. I don't know, but i'm guessing Quite A Lot.
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Consider the COCONUT! (the WHAT?) Consider its treeeee!
(Voiceplay assured fans via video description that no coconuts were harmed in the filiming of this video 😋)
I said in another post that I was really tempted to do a thing studying the way Geoff's hair has changed over time and the various styles it has taken, and screw it, I'm doing it via this series! And this is what I mean by it:
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A quick trace over a screencap (using a drawing app I have on my laptop), plus a few colour-picks from his hair (because I swear the shade of brown changes a lot just from the lighting alone). Anyway, we continue onwards!
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Shoutout to Geoff's expression on "that's right!" from the opening song, Where You Are, love this boy
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Who did the waves? Was that Kathy? (She's done puppeteering for other videos, such as Get Back Up Again). It's very cute, love the dedication
Rachel as Moana? Yeah nah yeah you don't say! 😂
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(Okay yes a lot of this is just going to be me pointing out amusing moments, but Voiceplay really know how to be funny, and I'm having fun, so eh)
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Eli is underrated when it comes to comedic moments tbh, and also the king of Eyebrow Game (Geoff's a close second)
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Well that answers my question about Earl's upper arm tattoo from the This Is Halloween video, anyway! (I.e. it is apparently real)
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Layne was in charge of both the music arrangement and the video for this cover, so like, did he cast himself as Hei Hei? 😂 He could have been "Mini Maui", who is another nonspeaking character, but would have made more sense for his singing/rapping bit, but hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing! He makes a great Hei Hei 😁
(Also the fact that Layne's character card thing is orange, and this was before he earned the title of Carrot Lord! The foreshadowing!)
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Geoff just deadpan handing a coconut to Layne, love that (also what is it with Voiceplay and nearly every single video screencap looking like a great Draw The Squad/Tag Yourself prompt? 😂
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"Get the hook! Geddit?"
Geoff with not-yet-shoulder-length hair (i.e. Younger Geoff) is a different vibe to long-haired Geoff honestly. I very much love him as he is today, of course I do, but I still very much enjoy him here too <3
It's a freaking crime that they cut away from Geoff on the "I can't" part of the "I'll never hide, I can't, I'm too shiny!" line tbh /j
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Geoff wears a watch a lot in videos (and since the last few years at least, he usually has something on the other wrist too), but for this video he apparently decided to not wear a more regular black or brown watch, and instead went with something a lot more, well, Shiny! (low-key drama queen vibes ngl, love that for him)
The "Know Who You Are" section is absolutely beautiful in every single way, 10/10, no notes
Love Rachel's dancing, she's a brilliant performer, both on mic and in front of the camera!
This might not be one of the biggest displays of "hey check out what I/we can do!" for any of the Voiceplay members out of all their videos, when it comes to vocal ranges and stuff, but it's still a great one to watch, and I'm happy that it did so well on social media! It's got the playfulness and silliness that has always been and continues to be part of Voiceplay's overall "brand", while still being a really good production and arrangement.
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raayllum · 2 years
Rayla trying to convince Araavos and Claudia to just kill her/not to contact Callum, and them being angsty the whole season has her trying to convince them he doesn't love her anymore, he doesn't want or need her anymore, and then it parallels the episode with Pyrahh with him arriving and saying he does. Then what happens with the cube? With him using Araavos' magic? I honestly have no idea, I did not think I'd be able to put this idea into words. I just thought of this one moment. This could be in like the last or second last episode? It's honestly something I'd love to see
This has always been one of my favourite concepts of CHET tbh so thank you for leaving it in my inbox! I've had a few thoughts about this particular aspect of it that's been updated with the way Rayla's return and how this post-TTM stuff has seemingly played out, which is to say:
Although Rayla's returned, I don't think it's clicked for her that she was wrong to leave - especially not when for two years, things have 'worked out' according to what she wanted. She's been off getting into trouble and danger and Callum has, until S4 comes and shit hits the fan, been perfectly fine and safe. That was all she wanted. She told Callum not to follow her... and as far as she (and we) knows, he didn't. He listened.
It worked.
Not perfectly, if she's come back, and definitely not if she's come back because she realized she can't keep him un-involved forever, but it worked for two years. Two years he got to be safe and 'happy.' She'd kill and die for less.
Then she comes back and he's... angry, for a while, probably. Holds her at a distance, and she can't blame him, not really. Probably wishes he wasn't as angry if only because she knows it means he's still in a lot of pain over what she did.
So you have a set up, currently where
Rayla has had no reason to question any of her self-worth talk towards herself and that her life isn't worth inherently less than any of her loved ones / that she doesn't always have to pay the price
She will have varying mileage in terms of knowing / believing that Callum is still in love with her, if not very little reason to think so, in some ways
She left Callum behind to protect him and he listened and it worked. Why wouldn't it work again?
Cue the angstiest possible route they could take of Rayla being separated from her blade(s) specifically because she was leading someone away from or trying to protect Callum. Her last words to him being "I love you" or something equally heartfelt, if she had a chance to say them.
Then at Claudia and co.'s camp, Rayla is scared (she doesn't want to die like this and be spell parts, especially when it's clear they're allied with Aaravos and now doubly dangerous) but also confident that Callum won't come. Why would he, when she's broken his heart for the final time, and last time her stunt worked? Why would he suddenly change his mind and come after her again? But Aaravos is still smug and delivers his "My return to this world is inevitable line" through the Chrysalis creature. Rayla argues that no, Callum wouldn't be that stupid, that reckless - she's not worth it, she doesn't Mean anything to him anymore, not really, but Aaravos has seen Callum through the mirror, even just the drawing he has of her up his study, and knows that's not true.
Even before Callum shows up and proves it.
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ramblingaboutglee · 1 year
Should Kurt have been with Karofsky, Adam, Sam Blaine, Sebastian or Chandler? Which is the most interesting relationship? Which is the healthiest?
Ooh, interesting.
See, Sebastian interests me because the impression I get is that if you watched Glee at the time, the Warblers just have a whole subculture? Sebastian feels like such a minor character to me, the equivalent of let's say an S6 newbie or Sunshine, and yet he has a huge presence that feels more down to fandom than, like, anything in the show.
So with my usual 'I am weird and engage with Glee incorrectly' disclaimer noted, let's go! Overanalysis!
Karofsky - Romantically, no, honestly. I love the idea of them having a more solid friendship, especially with their past, but honestly I find that friendship stronger than a romance? Like, they definitely feel like they have different wants in a romantic relationship, so I don't know if they'd necessarily be compatible, but I like their dynamic.
Adam - Okay yes the rights issues with the song are gross, but also. look, guy sees a cute twink, invites him to watch his show choir, and attempts to seduce him via acoustic "I like big butts." It's a crime he's not more recognised that is just pure Glee right there. I do have a soft spot for his arc tbh, so much of S4 definitely felt rushed and like it didn't have the time it needed, but that vibe of the NYADA equivalent of Glee Club being something Rachel was paranoid of, there's some fun stuff there. Navigating adult life was always one of the interesting things to see, and I can see the draw. (Then again I also like Brody so I might just be wrong about S4 relationships)
Sam - Huh, I never really thought about them, outside of the very start? If what I heard about Sam originally being intended to be gay is right, I could see something interesting developing way back then. Maybe being more open at his last school, and needing to find new friends at McKinley. That angle I like, but I don’t necessarily know that I see Kurt with Sam after he got more fleshing out. Unless we go poly with Blam anyway. 
Blaine - Who’d ship Kurt and Blaine? Weird.  Okay, seriously. I answered an ask on Blaine a while back, but the short version is, yeah, they have great chemistry and help push one another which is kinda what you want from a relationship. Blaine presenting himself as more put-together than he is, Kurt getting to know him, and them figuring everything out. Obviously, great stuff. 
Sebastian - As above, I wouldn't have called Sebastian as, like, in the running? I could see it, but that's with the caveat that part of what I like with Sebastian is his development, the "It's funny until it's real," which is. so much of Glee in a nutshell. I think pairing Kurt with someone who's more of a cynic could make for something interesting.
Chandler - ...unironically thought they were cute that episode whoops. Like, clearly just Kurt unused to meeting other queer people, but was sweet, if. Kurt baby no.
So, all in all:
Healthiest - are people going to be made if I say Adam? Like, no slight on any of the other ships, but it was generally a pretty healthy, comforting relationship. Adam wanted Kurt to find something he liked, Kurt seemed to find him fun, and it gave Kurt something solid in New York to lean on. Compare to say, Klaine, they have way more friction because Blaine can be a bit of a hopeless romantic and sometimes sees things differently to Kurt, while Adam and Kurt seemed to generally be on the same page.  Which, Klaine is just how relationships can be, it’s something people have to work through. But as far as Kurt and Adam go, it’s... simpler, and sweet. I’d liken them to Sam and Rachel (...which feels like another controversial opinion but hey), they’re cosy, if maybe not the stuff of epic love stories. 
Most interesting - huh. I'm tempted to say Kurt/Sebastian despite barely thinking about them before making this post. They definitely seem like they'd play off each other well. Plus, realistically, non-canon ships are always going to be more interesting than canon ones because there’s so much more ‘What if?’  Kurt seems to be someone that has a paranoid streak himself, so pairing him with someone that can be as cutting as Sebastian would make for a new angle. (Plus Kurt/Warbler means you get the scene of the Warbler having abysmal fashion sense because they’re used to only ever wearing blazers) 
Should have been with - Chandler I mean, gotta say Klaine. Maybe they have friction sometimes, but that’s just what happens in good stories, and where development comes from. The fact they don’t stay the same, the fact they’re comfortable enough to be completely open with each other in order to find the points where they clash, and they have the willingness to try and grow. They complement one another so damn well, even if they never quite seem to be what the other expected.  Like, comparing to the above - Adam is cosy, but the storyline with him has nothing to do with the romance. And Sebastian, post-development sees him turn into Blaine anyway, and pre-development needs to go through a heck of a lot before I can see him and Kurt being in the same room without attempted murder.  As far as ships that feel like they have a shot of being endgame - ones where, if a show ended on them together, I wouldn’t be sat around with the feeling that it wasn’t enough of a journey, or it didn’t feel like it would last - Klaine win out. 
Thank you! I, er, hope overanalysis is what you want because if not boy did you choose the wrong blog. 
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kookieswan · 1 year
I have another scenario of Handlebar Seokjin. Picture it:
He has a penthouse with a huge window overlooking the city. His desk is parked directly in front of the window. It's raining making the lights twinkle in the drizzle. It's silent in the penthouse all but gasping moans of pleasure from the woman Seokjin has tied upside down in red shibari rope with a wand buzzing constantly on the highest setting placed on her soaked mound. He's chuckling at her because he's been edging her for the past 2 hours in different positions and she's crying.
"Awe, what's wrong, baby girl? You said you could handle whatever gave you then thank me after. Did you lie?" he asked her with dark smile in his face. She doesn't even have a voice at this point so he takes pity on her.
"I'm in a good mood so I'll let you cum ONCE. Don't disappoint me. Cum now!" he said with lazy posture but a demanding voice.
She cums so much and so long that whole body convulses, eyes rolling back in her head, & toes curled. She didn't realize she was screaming until she heard her own voice taper. Seokjin stood with a raging bulge and a satisfied smile on his face almost as of he were proud of her.
"Good girl. I'll give you a 10 minute break." he says as he's pulling a bag out of nowhere dumping the contents on his desk. There were 3 more wands of different sizes, nipple clamps, and blind folds. He turns and sees fear yet lost in her eyes.
"I want to play and you make a perfect toy...."
P.S I sincerely hope I don't step on your toes. Your character for him just pulled this from me out of nowhere. That's how amazing your writing is.
Heh. You’re not! Honestly I’m happy my characters are able to inspire people in any way possible. Do I think this is actually how he’d act? Not really tbh (perhaps to a point), but I’m happy you were able to draw something up from the little info I’ve given on him so far 🌸
I remember somone asking if Handlebars Seokjin is aromantic or asexual and no he isn’t, but he’s also no super sexual or willing to fall into romance. But (and this is going to be a bit of a shocker I think lmao) he falls somewhere on the demi scale for both. He’s a very powerful gang leader with a lot of secrets so he’s not going to just go around fucking random people, especially because he simply doesn’t care about random people. That’s an issue as well, he doesn’t take the time to get close to people so sex/romance isn’t something he indulges in often at all (that anyone really knows of). Sorry if this seems scattered, I just haven’t thought too far into what his romantic and sexual dynamics are so I’m everywhere lmao.
Sorry I turned a fun spicy scenario into a background info thing LMAO.
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moxxbox · 1 year
Hellooo!! I just read ur rules bc i don't want to send anything wrong😭😭 can i have match up with TWST? I don't mind what character im gonna get tbh
Ah here some things about me?😭 i apologize this is my first time doing this!!
I like pink, cats,playing games like, corpse party or old otome ones, i love reading and im obssesed with being a Transplant surgeon ( i want to be one when i grow up) i love learning about psychology and many more that have to do with people mind + human body ( not in a dirty way😭😭) i like hello kitty. I love drawing due being an artist. I love sleeping im also pretty lazy i have zero motivation im just pushing myself to do things,,, i hate not being clean or my room not being clean, i hate toxic people, people that bully others or just being mean and i hate stalkers and dark, loud noises, fighting.
I am a girly girl that is obssesed with pink and things like that ( i go by she/her)
I also love cooking!
Im more like a peace person ( if someone saying something bad or anything im just blocking them) im doing this mosty for my health bc i get triggered easily. Um my hobbies are: reading,drawing, learning new languages.
I cant do sports bc i cant run due always hitting knee pain so i avoid any sports.
My personality ( from my friends POV) :
funny, calm and very respectful, kinda stupid bc i say stupid things , lazy , very energetic( only in chat)😭
For my pov: i dont really know my personality or to give an example of what is like, so im gonna write how is it easier to me, im stupid im gonna believe anything others tell me i have high trust issues, mommy issues..( these arent a personality ( i think) but i think i prove how dumb i am💀 ( i also i always go by logic in things)
Uh i cant focus on things i also always lose interest in things most of the time.
My ideal partner type is: a nice person that i can communicate with bc to keep a relationship u need to understand each other, someone that understand me and have some of my interest so we can share and enjoying or time together.
My love language is: able to read a person so i can be able to understand what is wrong so i can comfort them. ( i dont like physical affection im very uncomfy with those so i just give my advice even if they dont need it)
Bro ur English is fucking amazing omg<3 ALSO ANOTHER CORPSE PARTY PLAYER!!! Im still in my playthrough but it's so 🫨🤩funky(/POS)
So Anon I match you with...
Me☺️ (/j /p)ok ok but actually,
I match you with...
Idia Shroud
HELP IDK IT JUST IF I SMASHED YOU NOTH TOGETHER YOU'D BE A GOOD COUPLE! Cat lovers unite! Also like a date night of playing horror RPGs (I think that's what corpse party is considered...) Like Corpse Party, IB, Mad Father, etc... Idia honestly could most likely help with your studying to be a Transplant Surgeon, you could test psychology stuff on him if you asked😭. Would buy you Hello Kitty stuff!!! Would definitely want to see your art if your not shy to showing it! He'll do his best to keep rooms clean, even if he also is a tad bit lazy. Nowhere is dark with him due to his hair... He'll buy random stuff off the internet thinking, 'Oh, she'd like that!'. If you were in the position of Yuu(being transported to TWST from another world.) He'd fake you a doctor's note for Physical Education. He'd do his best to communicate but if he has difficulty verbalizing some things(which he will...) His emotions are easily noticable by his hair and face!
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herd-of-ponies · 2 years
Ok see here's the thing. I haven't watched the series itself yet bc quite frankly the movie was just. Horrendous in ways I still go into a blind rage over. So full disclaimer all my complaints stem from there alone.
But like. Firstly you have a ""Good"" Cop character. Then you have a Bad Cop who receives literally zero repercussions for his actions. His fascist overbearing mother likewise is unpunished in any way, shape or form - save minor embarrassment over her son who she raised this way herself. As a funny little joke.
The one character who Consistently has the solutions to get the group places, Izzy, who In Fact is the entire reason the movie got anywhere in the first place (because Sunny never left town herself fsr??), is treated as a joke character, Pinkie but incredibly dumb or nonsensical and who needs "looked after" by the main character (see everyone's favorite 'iconic wlw song', it's never Sunny being looked out for). Wild part is a) she's Obviously smart and clever and creative and self-capable enough to wander the continent Alone with Nothing to help her, and b) she's also voiced by a non-white va which uh. Makes the narrative's treating her like a joke idiot look really dicey!! So got some ableist AND racially charged takes going on here!
Speaking of, Sunny gets to take all the credit when she has Izzy to thank for a lot of what happened. Yes, it's because of 'her' (her dad's) message in a balloon Izzy ever even looked for other ponies but. Sunny never reached out again or tried setting out herself, despite having that sureness and tenacity to do so? Izzy didn't even KNOW that other ponies were safe, she didn't have anyone in her village to tell her anything else, but she STILL took that chance to go looking, risks herself and meets Sunny. So Sunny can then take the credit and get alicorn'd or whatever.
You could say it's that alicorns need to inspire others or whatever but Sunny clearly wasn't doing that to anyone else, because her speech flopped Every Time, including when she was put at risk of bodily harm in the beginning. Inspiring One pony does not a princess make.
(And yes, somehow that same canned speech inspired everyone once her house was destroyed but. Given how people didn't care in the beginning of the movie when she was put in direct danger, I really don't think her house being destroyed should have made an impact)
I could honestly keep going, about how everyone was so bland bc they acted so 'staged', never moving or speaking independently if it wasn't Their Turn; or how there were attempts at characterization that had Zero Payoff and thus seemed weirdly shoved into the writing for no reason (Hitch's dancing didn't have any impact to the story, Izzy makes comments on auras seemingly just to paint her as weird and laughable) ; or primarily how no one has any Flaws, and you can argue they technically do, but none that they get narratively held responsible for!
Actually I will keep going on that last point - in the g4 movie, characters mess up, and get narratively 'punished' for! Either drawing attention of the villains or getting offers of help rescinded (thanks specifically to Twilight! The protagonist!) Their actions and shortsightedness lead to direct consequences, and others around them also recognize this and typically disapprove if only for a moment.
The g5 movie... really does not do this. There's no 'punishment', the rejection and loss the characters experience aren't because they messed up. It's only to show how Tragic they are or to move the plot along (like the house). In fact, there's one instance of genuine criticism - Hitch being upset that Sunny is purposefully endangering his job because his livelihood isn't as important as her ideals - and tbh, given he's a cop, that really doesn't need to be a concern - but that's retracted and used to paint him as wrong for ever doubting her, despite the fact that realistically? She was prioritizing poorly!
No one listened to her and everyone rejected her tired speeches, and that's common knowledge by that point. Her choosing One More Tired Speech over her friend's job and reputation, when she's only ever seen failure, isn't her making some 'for the greater good' choice. That's stubbornness and pride speaking, no matter how well-intended, and she put herself and her friend at risk for a pointless gesture. And she gets ultimately rewarded for this via the rest of the movie proving her right, and awarding her the role of princess.
Anyways. The movie was awful and if anything felt like pro-cop propoganda cleverly disguised as pro-activist sentiment, and while it's been a bit I watched this movie three times to break a lot of this down and I can keep going if needed.
Idk about the series, but the g5 movie sucks and honestly is horrifying to see as accepted by the fandom, because in terms of writing and in terms of meaning it is literal shit.
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castle-dominion · 11 months
c3x24 knockout. Wasn't the last episode in this storyline knockout too? No, knockdown.
Plot heavy episode, after all, it is the finale.
RC: Hey, guys, I could use a hand. *Esposito & Ryan applaud* Ryan wearing a sweater again. Weekly is v often. their faces drop when they mention him
The ring <3 Lol the "special" & the "usual" & the excellent choice madame. I love it. An hour ago today? Why they all cheering? Oh bc he's the cop. "He" was going to get around to me Ugh he gives him a minute & lays down politely, like this is honestly so respectful of a murder. He's have more blood probably. I remember looking like that. I am now remembering that. You know, for weeks, possibly even a month or several months I could smell blood. The first day, even the first week bc i was still healing, I thought that the smell of blood was just there for real. The bathroom must have smelled like metal; iron & copper; idk how my family didn't notice anything. Maybe it was all in my head now that I think about it. Then later I realized that it was just a hallucination. Sometimes I'd get a whiff of blood & it would remind me of that night, other times I would remember it & suddenly I could smell it. Again, in the earlier days I thought that maybe the smell was real & I just didn't notice it until I thought about it. Figuring out I was getting hallucinations shocked me. Did I just give myself ptsd? I wish I had a photo. I considered it but my phone was in the other room & I wasn't going to go get it. All that blood. Looking back, even tho I'm (sort of) clean now, I want that photo. I wanted a reference for murder scenes in my writing or in drawing, I wanted to see the progress of what I had done, now that I can't remember it as well I want to know what it really looked like & how far I actually got. I used to get nauseous every time I thought about it, even though I was fine with gore. Now all I have is the scar. You know, I used to make jokes when picking raspberries or cutting beets, I said it looked like a murder scene. During this time I realized how wrong I was. Anyway I wrote a fictional story basically transcribing my experiences, just so I'd have a record of it if my memory faded, it was already getting muddy when I wrote it. Now reading it I can barely see it. I remember it though. I remember it. At least I don't get blood olfactory hallucinations anymore. Back to the episode!
Wow it's been four months? Yeah he has an employer. idek who that employer is. Wait if she was 16 & it's been 12 years then she's only 28... alexis is 17 & if he had her at minimum 18 that would be 35 minimum. Well that fits the half plus seven rule. She's 28? 21x2=42 which sounds just as accurate for castle tbh. Yeah cool. Tho tbh the half plus seven rule does fall apart the more you age since people's brains still go thru development phases even tho the most & biggest were from ages -1 to 25.
He technically isn't hal lockwood hence why they called him john doe. OH NO FLASHBANGS. Those things are not good. Even the guys breaking him out would have been affected, even if they covered their ears & closed their eyes. (You only have two hands, two would have to be for your ears & so all you can do is close ur eyes & even so it is bright & loud & there is a physical boom. She asks "where" but how does the lady know what she means? Where is it safe? Where did they go? Where are you hurt? Poor helicopter guy. was he piloting?
Just like, check ur inbox? Can't be real names, must be code. That's why espt made that face! Just like my Mumma! She has her emergency radio license or smth like that. She's the one who taught me the nato phoenetic alphabet. Having seen this. His face when the third cop is mentioned. they were just talking abt street justice cops & monty is saying they should take him out rn rn.
JE: He says he wouldn’t have even known anybody had used it if it weren’t for the bullet holes. XD Does she know or is she speculating? No ofc she is not, but she is ok enough & ok enough to work.
Jim Beckett! & This will be the scene from the deleted scenes in the previous episode. You're so right Mr Beckett. Her life is def worth more than her mom's death. I love Jim sm. Here is his quote btw: What happens when she finds him? I’ve already lost my wife over this. I’ve already lost – (he stops) No, look. It took me years, but I’ve made my peace with that. But Katie? She won’t listen to me. And she won’t back down. Not unless someone can convince her that her life is worth more than her mother’s death.
& wow both her parents are lawyers, she was even considering becoming a lawyer. No wonder she's so pretty & educated.
Didn't sleep at all or slept a little bit? No, not Ryker!
He gon be dead. Yep he dead.
That's why the wound is so bad, GSWs are so much worse in the exit wound Death fist 4 poster (btw I like how ryan takes off his tie & stuff when he wears his vest, unbuttons a bit)
See? If u treat someone with respect then they respect u too. Aw that's actually kinda sweet. Crushing on Beckett.
Ok our theory is currently that the third cop is the employer, the one holding lockwood's leash Ok that's valid you've been angry over johanna's death for twelve years but also ryan was frickin tortured by this guy I think he wants him around as much as u do, esp since he's also mad on your behalf (tho ig she could also be mad on his behalf then...)
I like ryan's elbow patches. (Suit tie & jeans) What was that little look from ryan? Keep in mind I've seen this before, when I say this: {RM is encouraging them to find the third cop, claiming that the 3c must have the money to hire dick coonan to clean up the mess} Yeah they've been here all day & between the four of them a six pack isn't too much. It's late. They deserve it. JE walking in with a case of beer behind his back: Sir. Uh, I know we're still officially on duty, but RM: Authorized KR: Sláinte (health in Gaeilge; pronounced slAn-chuh)* RC: Nice work. Ooh, those are cold. These are really cold. KR : Yeah, we keep them in evidence, refrigerated storage. (they just keep booze in refrigerated evidence storage??) RC: Isn't that where you keep the-- JE: Don't worry about it. RC: (*Irish Gaelic is pronounced (in English) 'gay-lik'. The (Scottish) Gaelic name for (Scottish) Gaelic is Gàidhlig, pronounced 'gaa-lik', not to be confused with the Irish (Gaelic) name for Irish (Gaelic), which is written Gaeilge and pronounced 'gail-gyuh'.) (clipping)
Beer: *casually reveals smth* Calls him a dirtbag SOB, {like my dude, y r u sending em out to find that info?} ((We get to see the meeting in a future season!)) Love. Everyone knows they love each other.
That rubber tree plant The kiss was for a disguise & frozen in each other's arms was for wamrth & bc friends can do that too! She's right tho, it IS her life. (just like the s8 premier) It is the end of s3 so it has been 3 years now? (maybe 2.5 bc the first season was short?) You deserve to be happy, but in that tone? Ooh How over? He is not going to abandon you.
Man's angry! Martha <3 <3 I can see how he might feel it is his fault even tho he's not the one trying to kill everyone. He drug it back up. (could clip but I won't)
I love when she calls him by his first name, it is so intense & personal, he is her second dad. He supports her so much so well. He really is good for her, helping her laugh, bringing in outside ideas... Hug her. acab lol But seriously hug her. You are her dad.
Old guys, probably retired they say. Miami! Wow ryan's cheekbones in this lighting... KR says he DOESN'T believe a "badge" is behind this. (Metonymy) {keep this detail in mind} (But then ryan is the first to crack abt you know who)
Oh no he's the third cop isn't he? {yeah he is} lol order off the menu (so roy made a deal with The Big Bad Guy to protect beckett) He would SO be found out B'y god's got nothing to do with this
What about the son? The way u hold someone intimately lets you put a thumb over their lips & kiss them That's an old timey gun. I like it. Another old timey gun.
Wow it's already been all day! Nothing eventful happened all day... At least miami dade got back to them this evening. Going out w/o telling her? I mean ok.
Big sad.
Bro's still wearing an nypd sweatshirt? Tight is a good word. Some rookie? Young enough to not be retired yet Could he have maybe misremembered the name if there were 40 others he needed to know the names of too & it's been 10 years? Montague maybe? He looks so baby *gulp* Rips up the photo, tbh that's rude
[JE is walking out into the alley] KR Hey! You know it's him. (He looks like he's about to cry.) Montgomery's our third cop. He's the one who altered those records. JE How can you even say that? How can you even think that?! Montgomery brought us on to Homicide! What do we got? A picture!?! KR (whispered/strained) Think about it. (Nromal but strained) Why else did he want us to take Lockwood out? Because Lockwood leads us to him! (Hun he told u to go after the third cop.) He's been lying to us. (Espt also looks like he might cry.) He's been lying to us the whole time. [JE shakes his head, mouthing what I think is "I'm out" & turns around to start walking away.] KR Hey! [Ryan grabs Espt's shoulder] JE Get off me! [Espt punches Ryan & turns around again. They fight. KR grabs him from the back & pushes him into the wall/truck/whatever that thing is. Espt pushes around & gets Ryan pinned to the truck with his hands on his shirt. & not in a sexy way. JE is yelling, holding KR's face & has his fist next to his head.] KR Go ahead! Go ahead! [JE throws Ryan's head to the side as he lets him go. They both lean against the wall, breathing heavily. They both look emotionally ruined.] KR Beckett.
AAAAAAGHHDSKJFSDHJ THIS IS MAKING ME INSANE & then they just don't talk about it.
Please don't let him be the one to kill her Girl set ur phone to vibrate, u'r a cop, this stuff can be dangerous. Why cock the gun? You can't put your family thru going to jail but this happens? (So babe you uh, don't they have ballistics for all nypd guns? when they pull the slug?)
A second chance <3 Who is the "he" They might have come even if Beckett didn't show up, as long as he said he got her there. Then again, they were probs watching. He is her dad so much Good on him to bring in Castle (of all people, he brought castle, even after kicking castle out) Oof this is where I stand They probs saw three figures there & probs even know he means to kill them. Castle is great he just picked her up like that! She was flailing & kicking & he just did what the captain said! Beauty!
(so lockwood has a bunch of people here too? Lockwood is not The Only One y'all) So there are four ppl there. Didn't they kill the two guys with Lockwood during the previous relevant episode? KB & RC came in to save JE & KR & they ended up shooting two of lockwood's people? Now lockwood has four more. Shoot from the hip... RM: You got that ass-backwards, boy, you can't hide from me.
love how they brought back the ass backwards line How did he shoot all of them so fast? Also with a gun like that wouldn't he have to cock it every time? Or maybe not, it was old fashioned, not old. It probably has the mechanism set so that the back thingy & the trigger are attached to pull back too. lockwood got shot, he's back up & running now? Love the music btw. Noooo not behindy! I saw to that. You're done, Lockwood, we both are. & that's why he had a sixshot & a second gun! ...Which was just up his sleeve like that & definitely dangerous
How did u know that was the last shot? What if lockwood was still alive (again) & now he's coming to kill you? At least she is wearing short heels Check his pulse maybe?
Lol acab. I'd just as well watch the Helena music video.
Is this beckett's apatment? I can't tell. Family. Doesn't include his legal family tho apparently. & you have accepted castle back? You know it's weird, Espt & Ryan are like Becket's little brothers (& big brothers) sometimes, they give Castle the cold shoulder in defense of Beckett; other times they are brothers with Castle, they have said "mom & dad [are] fighting" as if caskett is a relationship & those two are the kids, sometimes the captain is the dad. It's just so good to me. So good. Found family is lowkey cliche but I love it still. (But this means u can't tell alexis, martha, lanie, jim, or anyone, bc they are extended "family" not immediate "family" right?)
Who's the guy behind Espt there? Also why didn't Esposito shave?? I feel like Castle should be wearing a hat, just to fit in. Not a hat like theirs, but some sort of trilby maybe. Tbh I really like seeing the pigs in their blankets. Not only because I like fancy stuff (I say wearing the same dirty jeanjacket with holes in it like some crustpunk) but also bc I like seeing them in hats, speaking as a hat wearer myself. & who's the guy behind Ryan?
Crying quietly, 👌 love it You don't necessarily owe it to him, you owe it to his family, you owe it to them to get the pension & access to the widows+orphans fund & w/e.
I like how they let Castle carry the casket even tho he is not a cop. Ok my man definitely needs a hat, he really looks out of place. Aw the poor family. yk acab even tho he be dead. I mean best wishes to him & the families+friends. Like tbh big acab moments. A huge funeral for him? Ok how many ppl there actually knew him personally? How much of this is just because he was a fellow enforcer of the law? How much of it is REAL & how much of it enforces an institution where brotherhood takes priority? Btw did they teach castle how to do the proper stepping for the fancy parts of walking around & turning the way they do? I thought Royce did that. KB: You might find someone to stand with you *looks over to Rick* How did rick actually see that tho? I'm glad he didn't jump in front of a bullet, it hit her first. ALSO LANIE BEING HELP BACK BY ESPOSITO Girl that's not how you save someone. U might want to put pressure on the wound or wear gloves if u have any (like airplanes) & do NOT put your hands on the grass like that
Ok cool. Now I'm actually going to watch season one bc I never had the chance to liveblog that.
Ok now I've also gathered all my clips from s3 yay
0 notes
iamacolor · 2 years
I don't know if Forecasting Love and Weather is for me or not I watched 13-14 the other day and feels like Siwoo is getting put through a lot with everyone and the're telling him not to hurt Hakyung and care about his feelings even the trash ex but what about him? Doesn't seem like anyone actually cares about him he was also cheated on and was even hurt by Hakyung but nobody cares especially after the situation with the dad I want to actually see her pursue him for once I don't remember if she
even told him she was sorry. I get that she was afraid of being hurt which is why she didn't really show her feelings but Siwoo was basically the only one who put everything in the relationship only to feel hurt again and again the actress said that her character would grow but I honestly don't see it I wanted her to fight for him after he wanted to break up I'm disappointed well all know his family background will also make the mom not accept him too I need more people who are on his side.
hi anon! tbh i wasn't surprised that she didn't "fight for him" after the break up because i think from her point of view she just felt unworthy of him because of her fears (she had told him she was too scared of loving people and she could only do things moderately and that's not something that can be easily changed) and she kept messing up with him (drawing too many lines, not understanding what he wanted, making him feel bad etc) and so that's why she said yes to breaking up, she genuinely thought she wasn't fitted for love and for him
i'm not entirely sure hakyung's mom will reject him (especially now after seeing ep 15 she's clearly been spending a lot of time thinking about siwoo's pain and his father and his love for hakyung - more time than if she had already decided he wasn't good enoughf or her daughter) even if she propably would have rejected him if she had not spent time actually getting to know him
but also i don't think siwoo was the only one dedicated to their relationship, he was the most affectionate one yes and the one demanding more openess between them (and rightfully so) but she was the one risking another relationship at work after being scarred by a previous one, right after becoming a director, she knew her mother wouldn't support it etc and she still chose to do it (which was a huuuuge thing for her) and to keep on reassuring him that she wasn't blaming him and that his father didn't change how she felt about him and neither did the fact that he didn't want to get married and sharing his home with him etc etc they were both committed to it but it think in different ways
i do agree that siwoo needs a bit more support on his side (he literally doesn't even have a home like :((( ) but sadly the only people who've seen just how bad his situation with his father is were yoojin (who already knew and isn't going to do anything about it anymore), kijun (who has matured yes but his own marriage is falling apart because he's not doing things right yet and so he cares more about hakyung - with whom he's slowly reconciliating after treating her so badly - than his wife's ex because he's starting to realise that relationships takes two - and tbh it was kind of wrong of siwoo to say that hakyung had dumped him when they both broke up with each other like 2 times) and then there was hakyung with whom he broke up right after (i'll try not to spoil you but she ended up trying to make the situation easier in ep15 by taking care of his father so that he wouldn't have to until it got really bad and she thought he had the right to know - which i understand - but they're not together anymore and they've talked about it some more in ep15 - his father and his feelings - which i think helped because at the time of the break up they had to immediately jump into the extreme cyclone forecast instead of having time to think things through properly ) and he doesn't really have anyone else to open up to which is a shame because he kind of really needs a shoulder to lean on right now, he's really going through it (especially because to others it doesn't look like there's anything wrong)
but tbh it kind of always bothers me in dramas when there's a very clearly abusive parent and people still try to have the child reconcile with them or talk to them and the thing is that in some cases it can do some good (and i can see that from hakyung's pov who lost her father before she could talk things through with him it would look like the right thing to do even if it's not what siwoo wants from her or from anyone even if she doesn't expect them to get close or anything just to make sure he doesn't have regrets) but it mostly doesn't and kids don't always owe their parents time and affection and care - family ties need to be cut sometimes and that's all there is to it - and it's something very hard to do in a respectful and delicate way so the amount of time spent on that in the drama has kind of dampered my appreciation of the angst between them (even if it's a huge part of siwoo's trauma so of course it had to be adressed i think it could've been done in another way and i hope we at least see his father show remorse!!) but now i kind of just want to get to the end already and see if this all leads to them actually evolving and overcoming their fears or not (because as you've said we need to see an evolution in the character and also more happy times lol)
the tone of the show did kind of shift a lot since ep 1/2 i really didn't think it would go that way tbh
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starilicious · 3 years
the bad batch as colors: a headcanon
》 word count: 1010 words
》 a/n: i thought this was a cute idea and i think i may have gone slightly overboard but let's just ignore that. enjoy!
》 misc. notes:
• pls correct me on the chakra if i'm wrong! i'm indian, but i'm not hindu, so there may be some inaccuracies that i didn't catch :)
Tumblr media
echo: green 💚
calm and collected
soothing, much like how nature is
green is a survival color, and for two reasons
1) for anyone to survive out in the wilderness, you have to camouflage with your surroundings--hence why green is a common camouflage color
2) echo survived so much and has kept going, just like the soldier he is. he moved forward and regrew, so to speak. mad respect for this man
he also seems to be one of the most balanced members of tbb
not only with his skills, but with his mindset
it's really inspiring tbh
okay this just turned into an echo love letter….. moving on
tech: blue 💙
blue is THE color for technology
aka why it’s perfect for tech!
also calm and collected, like green
blue-colored stars are the hottest stars temperature-wise
and this is relevant because tech is very passionate about whatever topic he talks about, and passion is often correlated to heat!
but blue is also quite soothing and serene--a very constant color, much like what the outside of a ship looks like when you're in hyperspace
tech seems to embody the vishuddha chakra, which is coincidentally blue in color (if i remember my chakras right lol)! this chakra, when balanced, means you feel confident, are great at communicating, and are super creative (to name a few)
when unbalanced, it's difficult to express yourself well, something i think tech often struggles with because of his intelligence
he has so much knowledge he wants to impart on others, but people aren't always willing to listen to him
so he may feel like he needs to limit himself instead of expressing himself
okay that got a bit sad BUT THE POINT IS: tech has his ups and downs and he's working through them like the genius legend that he is
omega: pink 💖
pink usually reminds people of romance, but i think in omega's case, it means something more along the lines of sensitivity and innocence
as a kid, she still has that childish innocence despite growing up with a war raging around and now constantly being on the run
so basically what i'm trying to say is that pink embodies being young, which is exactly what omega is!
she's also pretty sensitive
not just emotionally, but sensitive to her environment as well
she can read the room in so many ways before you can even think to snap your fingers
such an admirable trait
the best part is that she knows that about herself and uses her skillset to her advantage like a queen
wrecker: yellow 💛
alright folks, as we all know, yellow = sunshine and sunshine = wrecker
therefore, by the the only geometric property i remember from my freshman year math class (transitive property), yellow = wrecker
thanks for coming to my TED talk
okay okay, on a much more serious level, yellow is the color for happiness and positivity and kindness, all of which wrecker is extremely attuned to
much like omega, he can read the room very well, probably better than omega can honestly
i'm convinced it's his superpower
it's such a warm color, just like his personality
slightly unrelated but wrecker is an actual heater, and therefore a soft, warm marshmallow–i don't make the rules
(wrecker is basically star wars baymax)
even though he’s the macho man of tbb and can get pretty physical, wrecker is quite mindful of himself and how what people can say/do affects others
he is so emotionally intelligent that it HURTS honestly
yellow people also give the best hugs
hunter: red ❤️
red is a power color, which is very important quality to have in a leader
going along with the theme of power, it’s quite a bold and confident color too
this definitely embodies hunter’s capabilities since he is willing to lead his squad through risky missions and come out victorious without any doubts
unrelated, but i just realized his bandana is red
(i shall let you draw your own conclusions about that)
even though red is known for being very bright and almost in your face, i feel like there’s something subdued about it, especially when it comes to deeper reds
there’s a quiet sort of familiarity, something that can ground people easily
so for example, in high stress situations, hunter can pull everyone back together and recenter them easily because it comes to him so naturally
it’s just another reason out of a bajillion as to why hunter is such a masterful leader!
crosshair: purple 💜
crosshair is a very subtle guy
he has a muted and dignified kind of confidence to him, kind of similar to hunter
i would argue that cross is not black as much as he is purple because of the fearlessly mysterious aura he carries–it’s not dark and brooding, like the way a black mystery would be
you can never tell what’s going through his head, what his next move will be–this feeds into the mystery
purple is also a very protective color
crosshair certainly gives off protective vibes, especially when it comes to tech in my opinion
(i imagine tech got bullied a lot for his intelligence/his manner of constantly speaking, so cross would make sure he could protect him because he really cares about his brother and wants him to feel safe)
regardless, he would do anything for his family...i know he’s fighting against that stupid biochip as hard as he can (there’s a reason his sharp shots are always missing his brothers by a hair and serving as “warning shots”)
he’s extremely strong in that sense–the fact that he is constantly at war with the soldier inside him goes to show that he has the strength to sacrifice anything to keep his family safe
if anything, it’s a terribly noble act
and in the west, purple is considered the color of power and nobility
i'll just let you sit with that thought
(my gosh, this really took a hard left into angst town, i did not mean for this to happen�� whoops)
please consider reblogging! it really helps me and is super encouraging ^_^
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sumire-bride · 2 years
Sumire and Elian.. Smile! Drama CD
featuring- Ayato, Laito, Kou, Azusa, Sumire, Haruna, Elian
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Admin note- Elian and Haruna do not belong to me, they belong to @death-at-eve, Please check them out they create really amazing content!
Honestly had fun writing this as I do many other of the things I write. I really like Sumire and Elians little sister older brother type of dynamic tbh. So obvisouly I had to add it in here when I wrote this. I really want to draw Haruna and Sumire together as well tbh, but I need to heal my arm strength cuz finding time to draw this while I'm also doing visual arts for school was kinda hard haha, but I had fun none the less.
Hope everyone enjoys it including the admin for Elian and Haruna, would love to do this again!, correct me if I did anything wrong! (I wasn't sure if the two of them are in highschool with the boys but I just went with what their ages said-)
Sumire and Elian Haruna are walking in the city
SUMIRE- ..uwah... So many people... Father would be very displeased with me if he saw me here...
ELIAN- aha.. We'll be home shortly so relax a little, we're just here to run grab a couple things for Reiji.
SUMIRE- ..I did not have time to change out of my uniform... I think people are judging me...
HARUNA- lighten up a bit Sumire. If any of these guys try and hurt you I can sucker punch them for ya.
ELIAN- I don't think there's a need for that haruna.. Honestly Sumire you don't have to worry about people judging you, I doubt people are gonna give you the time of day, their probably worrying about their own lives then seeing a girl in a school uniform.
Haruna is even in her uniform, and look at me, so you don't need to worry okay..?
*he pats her head*
LAITO- Hey hey..! Ran-chan, Elian Harunaaaa..!!
AYATO- hah..! hah..!
SUMIRE- ..eh... Laito-sama... Goodness he sure went for what seems as a run...
HARUNA- wh-what is he doing here..? Sweating bullets no less, never thought I'd see Laito and Ayato run like that.
Wait a minute.. is those who I think it is behind him..?!
KOU- hey there guys..! Slow down it isn't good for me if I sweat so much like this..! I'll smell..!
AZUSA- ..ah.. all that running made my chest hurt.. aha.. it hurts... so much.. Not that I... am complain..ing.
ah.. It's Eve.. I am happy to see you
SUMIRE- ..Azusa-sama hello....
ELIAN- Azusa and kou are together with Ayato and laito.. interesting
AYATO- haah.. hah.. geeeez.. What gives..?! Is there a reason you need to walking so damn fast..?! I swear you were switching street to streets.. phew.. so tired
LAITO- fufu, hah.. I guess I can see why Reiji gave you the shopping job, you guys get the job done fast don't you..
I'm all sweaty.. eh..
HARUNA- Why are you even here, much less with two of the Mukami's,
SUMIRE- ..I would like a answer for that as well...
KOU- we were just getting there..! My modelling team has had a eye on those two for a while now
They think Sumire and Elian could pull it off. Do you guys think you'll pull it off the same as me..? Probably not. But it's worth trying is it not..?
ELIAN- mod..elling? I'm sorry but what do you mean has a eye on me and Sumire.
SUMIRE- ..modelling...? What is this strange thing Mr. Elian...? Is it a place...? A thing...?
ELIAN- You don't know what that is..? well..
Modelling is when you get someone to take pictures of you, those pictures get put on things like magazines, or something like for advertisement, Like a billboard, something along those lines.
do you understand..?
SUMIRE- ..I see... How interesting... But what about this.. 'modelling team' having interest in me and Mr. Elian mean...?
AYATO- What do you think it means..? This two-faced bastard's team wants ta take photo's of you for.. whatever their gonna use em for,
HARUNA- that still doesn't explain why you guys are here though.
KOU- They want Ayato-kun and Laito-kun and even Azusa as well, actually they had their eye on the five of you for a while.
They saw that I went to school with you guys so they asked me to talk you into it, so how about it hmm..? Come on I went through all this trouble to ran after you all.
ELIAN- modelling is a very big job.. I don't think I have the proper confidence for such a job like that, and Sumire already has so much to stress over right now, like that English exam she has to study for
which she hasn't
SUMIRE- ..ah... studying is extremely hard for me Mr. Elian...! I swear that I did a bit last night...
KOU- Oh come on, it's just a couple of pictures,
SUMIRE- ..If that is what you would like me to do then.. I will do it but... I have much other things to focus on... I do not have time for such things like that...
..I would agree with Mr. Elian... For me as well I do not have the proper confidence... I have to say no...--
HARUNA- will Elian be able to put on a dress..?!
ELIAN- Haruna..! Don't ask that
KOU- If it means it'll get them to do it then sure, we can work something out
LAITO- Elian in a dress..! How funny and cute to imagine
HARUNA- they'll do it. Come on you two like kou said, 'it's only a couple of pictures'
SUMIRE- ..uwah...
ELIAN- ahh.. Haruna don't make these type of decisions for us..!
AYATO- ahhh, who cares..! I'm tired of just standing around let's get moving..! Hurry up will ya..!?
AZUSA- more.. running...?
KOU- this actually seems kinda fun, spending time with the Sakamaki's, what. a. honor
ELIAN- well I guess it can't be helped can it..? Come on Sumire, It is only a couple of photo's right..?
SUMIRE- ..If people would like me to do this modelling then I will follow that order...
ELIAN- haha..
*scene is in a studio*
HARUNA- Is it ever huge in here,
SUMIRE- ..it is very cold and quiet in here...
AYATO- alright where is it..?!
KOU- Hm..? oh right, you and Laito-kun will get that when were taking the photo's
ELIAN- Eh..? What do you mean..?
LAITO- me and ayato were promised unlimited tokoyaki and macaroons if we did this little photo shoot.
HARUNA- I knew you both wouldn't do something such as this without something in return.
LAITO- you'd be correct.
ELIAN- you know you'd think Laito would be into the modelling thing.
LAITO- really now..? I guess I would be a good model wouldn't I..? I'd make all the girls go nuts with my beautiful looks. But I don't find the idol model thing that interesting.
AYATO- tch.. Damn someone better come and get us, I want this to be over as soon as possible..! I only came here to do this tokoyaki not for to stand around..!
Oi kou..! You know this place better then us..! When does this start huh..?!
KOU- that's what I'm wondering, normally they'd be right here leading to me to the photo room.. hmm
HARUNA- You didn't just bring us here for nothing did you..? That better not be the case Kou
KOU- It's not..! What's the point in lying to you guys if I don't much amusement or any good laughter out of it..?
AZUSA- Hey... Look at.. this... Over here..
AYATO- ahh..? What's this..?
*Ayato rips a piece of paper out of Azusa's hand*
AZUSA- ..ah...
LAITO- What does it say..?
HARUNA- he's probably struggling to read it right now fufu..
AYATO- shad up..! I know how to read.
It says.. "Sorry but we won't be in today some business we need to take care of right now. feel free to take the photo's yourself' with a smiley face at the end.. The hell is this bullshit..! Who decides to not show to something important..!
ELIAN- ...
LATIO- ...
KOU- ...
AZUSA- ...
AYATO- why are you all looking at me like that..?! I get that ore-sama is good looking but quit startin at me with that look..!
HARUNA- you act like you don't skip out on important stuff all the time. Like that time we needed to go to that guys event which I even had to admit was at least a little important.
ELIAN- or like that time we needed food after Kanato went and ate it all, we all decided to pitch in and buy some stuff which.. you also didn't show
SUMIRE- ..you try and make me skip class all the time... "hey Sumire, let's skip class and mess around somewhere ore-sama is bored"... you sound just like that...
LAITO- fufu..
HARUNA- Pfft.. great impression Sumire.. haha.
AYATO- don't you try and make a fool out of the great me, I get it alright..!
KOU- eh..?! Take the photo's on our own..? that's way too much work..! what could they possibly be doing that's soo important..? haah..
AYATO- I was promised a life time stack of tokoyaki..! I ain't leaving till I get it..!
We'll just do it ourselves..!
LAITO- determined much..? We'll I have to agree, It seems like fun to handle it on our own, I didn't come here for nothing did I..? Plus I wanna see little ran-chan in something see through
oh..! maybe some sexy lingerie..?
*Laito gets closer to sumire, resting his body with hers*
ELIAN- eh..
*Elian gently backs Sumire from Laito's arms*
ELIAN- I think she's good Laito..
SUMIRE- ..oh goodness me... laito-sama...
HARUNA- Acting like the big brother to Sumire I see
ELIAN- w-well.. I guess you could say that but that isn't the case right now, I'm merely looking out for her is all.
I don't think it's appropriate for her to let people take photo's of her in.. lingerie and have that on magazines.
HARUNA- Really..? Well I'll believe you for once.
KOU- here we are..!
AYATO- ta-ko-ya-ki, where is it..?!
KOU- E-eh..?! Over there over there..!! Now quit grabbing onto me..! you'll wrinkle my shirt Ayato-kun..!
*Ayato runs over to the stand with a full plate of takoyaki*
SUMIRE- ..so amazing... I have not seen such amazing devices... Ahh.. what is this called...
AZUSA- that's called a camera... It's the thing... you use to take.. photo's with... Eve..
SUMIRE- ..Uwahh... so cool...
AZUSA- yes.. It is very.. cool isn't it...?
HARUNA- lets get started then shall we..? I'm sure your studio has plenty of outfits for all of those guys to try on right..?
Lets see.. hmm.. ah..! how about these ones.
KOU- ohhh, who knew Haruna Sakamaki would have a eye in fashion..? Sorry but we have to follow a certain themes. in fact we have to advertise a couple companies. that's why picked these guys in hopes it'll bring people to buy them. we can of course some themes of our own later though.
HARUNA- really..? how sad, what's the themes then.
KOU- hmm.. first one is.. valentines day..? It's only January isn't it..?
AZUSA- the colour red.. would be a theme then... right..? Red is such a.. pretty colour.. the colour.. of blood... It makes me just.. crave to see the.. real thing...
HARUNA- ugh.. does that guy ever give me the creeps.. hey hey, quit acting so creepy.
Haah.. Alright then.. hmm.. aha..! these are red.
KOU- I suppose those ones can work, lets try these on.
Ayato-kun..! Hurry hurry, you can eat those later
AYATO- *chomp chomp* shut up..! Ore-sama will do as he pleases..!
AYATO- argh..!! Haruna let go..!!
HARUNA- don't be a pain Ayato, go and put on the damn thing..!
You'll look soo cute in it,
ELIAN- It's like watching a mother drag her son to a dressing room to try on clothes she picked out..
We should put these on Sumire,
ELIAN- ah.. what's the matter..? If you aren't comfortable wearing this or doing this we can always back out, though I doubt those guys would let us.
*She shakes her head*
SUMIRE- ..I will get dressed...
HARUNA- Maaan.. What is taking all you guys so damn long, it doesn't have to take a couple of guys and a girl this long to get dressed..!
Hurry up..!
ELIAN- Haruna please don't bang on my door..! I'm just.. This outfit is a bit.. well.
HARUNA- don't get shy now Elian, come on out before I go in there and dress you myself
Bet you'd like that wouldn't you hmm..?
ELIAN- E-eh..?! Haruna now isn't the time to suggest such things. Tone it down,
I'm coming out now..
HARUNA- good, I mean it to the other five of you as well..! you best come out of there..!
SUMIRE- ..Uu.. this dress is not me at all... it is too tight...
AYATO- All of you should prepare yourselves for the ore-sama's amazing good looks in this outfit..!
AZUSA- Ah.. this really is.. a pretty colour of... red..
KOU- hmm..? You sure sound confident Ayato-kun, but what about little old me, do you think you'll beat my beauty..?
AYATO- Ore-sama is very attractive that when I come out you won't be able to contain yourselves..!
Everyone be happy I'll be so kind to let you see.. the great me..!!
AYATO- feast your eyes on me..!
HARUNA- woow, I have to say I'm impressed, you actually look kinda good for once.
AYATO- what does that mean..?!
KOU- Tada..!
HARUNA- nevermind, the idol looks better then you Ayato. Isn't that something
AYATO- you be quiet..!
HARUNA- fufu,
ELIAN- I look a little silly wearing this..
AZUSA- This shirt... is a bit big... Isn't Kou..?
KOU- hmm.. it's only the sleeves no big deal. Girls like cute boys I heard, you'll have girls fawning over you left and right Azusa, don't that sound nice..?
AZUSA- But my heart will... always belong to.. Eve.. It will not.. go to anyone... else... but it does sound.. a bit nice.. I'd be like k..ou...
SUMIRE- ..Oh goodness... I feel so exposed in this... Uwah...
HARUNA- aha..! Look how nice you look Sumire, you know you pull off red quite well I'd say.
Don't feel exposed, this look suits you, you definitely give off the model vibes. plus I'll find things that'll make you far more exposed than that for you yeah..?
I found a bikini while you guys where getting dressed if you wanna try that on after
SUMIRE- ..No thank you...!
HARUNA- joking, I guess I'm being a little perverted aren't I, almost acting like..
actually.. where is that prevented brother of mine..?
LAITO- ufu. Here I am,
How do I look, are you surprised..? Your jaws must be on the floor right now right..?
Ne ne ran-chan, how do I look..? I wanna hear it straight from your own little voice.
SUMIRE- ..Uwahh...
*Sumire claps her hands quietly*
SUMIRE- ..Very nice Laito-sama... But my jaw is not able to drop to the floor... Forgive me... But you do indeed look amazing...
ELIAN- the look does suit you for sure,
HARUNA- now that the changing is out of the way, I hope all of you are ready for some photo's now, it really didn't need to take you so long to dressed.. geez
Let's get one with Laito and Elian with Sumire, then Kou and Ayato. Then Azusa and Kou, Then I want one with Elian and Sumire..
Bet the crowd will go wild when these are out.
LAITO- fufu. If that's how it goes than I have no complaints
AYATO- that sounds damn complicated, whatever. Nothings too complicated for the great me..!
KOU- damn I should get you to be on the team, you'd make a good manager Haruna-chan
HARUNA- Shush and get to work.
Alright.. Now how to work this.. Ah, there we go, Elian, Laito and Sumire, come on..! I need to take your photo.
ELIAN- right, So.. I guess I would sit like.. here..?
SUMIRE- ..I shall stand...
LAITO- Then where do I go..? Don't tell me you're gonna make me out of the frame are you..?
ELIAN- ah. That's right, hmm..
KOU- ahh.. this is all wrong, you are doing this wrong
first of all. you don't sit like that for modelling and stand to stiffly. You have to dazzle and amaze the people looking, no one will read these magazines if you stand there like a stick..!
Come now you'd think you'd guys at least no that much about modelling.
HARUNA- yeah, I have to agree, watching this is just sad even through a camera lens. Spice the poses up..!
Laito sits on the chair, Elian and Sumire rest your faces on his thighs, the whole world would go wild for that right Kou..?
KOU- I'd say so. Yeah what she said. do that
LAITO- having two people rest themselves on my thigh feels almost like a dream, ahhh. come here now, I don't bite
SUMIRE- ..Understood...
*Elian puts his arm on top of Laito's thigh, letting it reach the to the other one as his face is on his thigh*
ELIAN- Like this..?
KOU- rest your face a bit more and look away from the camera.
ELIAN- I see.
*Elian slightly looks away*
KOU- hehe, a natural already Elian,
Ne M-neko-chan, go on and get in the picture.
*Sumire rests her body against Laito's leg, softly hugging it*
SUMIRE- ..how fun... I am modelling...!
HARUNA- Now just.. stay just like that and..
one.. two.. three..!
SUMIRE- ..Uwah...!
HARUNA- Sumire you have to stay still..! You're blurry..
SUMIRE- ..Forgive me... But the light is bright...
HARUNA- haah.. One more try and Sumire stay still.
One.. two.. three..!!
ELIAN- Achoo..!
KOU- another that's blurry.. haah.. can none of stay still
AYATO- Hah..! you look real silly looking Elian, haha..!
ELIAN- I'm sorry but.. Laito's feathers are really close to my nose..
take another one, I'm sure I'll be fine this time
HARUNA- Haah.. This better be the last one you guys.
Ready.. One.. Two.. Three..
LAITO- Ow ow..! Ran-chaaann..! You're pulling on my leg too hard..! loosen your grip a bit.
AZUSA- another one that's.. no good...
HARUNA- My god..! All of you just stay still and look at the camera..!
One last try..! If any of you mess this up I'm not doing this anymore.
Ready, One.. Two.. Three..!!
KOU- finally one that looks good. Well.. better then the rest of them, you three are terrible models..!
HARUNA- This one will do. Alright.. Next..!
Ayato and Kou.
KOU- woo..! Guessing this means I can show Ayato-kun how it's done..! You know with just me and you these magazines could definitely sell.
But don't try and steal my fame Ayato-kun. Not like you really could,
AYATO- why dontcha shut your mouth two-faced. The great me will make the world go nuts. They should be happy I'm showing the world my amazing looks.
HARUNA- haah.. Cocky idiots.. hey hey..! lets get moving..!
AYATO- Don't go and try and boss me around Haruna..! I'll move and do as I please.
And ore-sama has decided to stand like this for the camera.
KOU- oohh, not bad Ayato-kun, your posture isn't stiff at all surprisingly
Then I'll just sit like.. this, there we go.
HARUNA- phew, alright.. now just stay just like that annd..
AYATO- hey hey what's the big idea two-face..?!
HARUNA- ah.. What's the matter now..?
AYATO- who do you think you are cutting my out of the frame, you're taking up almost half while my legs are gonna be cut out..!
KOU- eh..?! So what if your legs are cut out a bit, it's not like you're gonna be cut out completely..!
plus.. I'll be the main focus of the photo's anyways so it really doesn't matter.. No one is gonna wanna focus on you anyways.. hmnp.
AYATO- why dontcha ya say that again..!
Move your fat ass out more the right so people can see more of me..!
ELIAN- did.. he just..
AZUSA- Kou doesn't like.. being called names.. at all... I can't imagine this.. will go nicely.
LAITO- uwah.. It seems none of these photo's are going good.
KOU- F-fat..?! Did you just call me fat ass..?!
AYATO- are ya deaf or something..?! I said move your fat ass out of the camera so there's more room for me..!
KOU- Ah.. No I'm not gonna move..! I'd think this picture would be much better with just me..!
*Kou scoots over, almost completely cutting Ayato out of the frame*
AYATO- Hey..!
KOU- you know I bet the whole reason my team wanted to take you in was because they saw you standing next to a trash can and thought you looked good looking next to it, that or they didn't have anymore options..!
*He completely cuts him out of frame*
AYATO- How.. how dare you insult the great me like that..! you better take that back before I beat your ass..!!
KOU- I only spoke the truth, ne M-neko-chan, don't you agree with me..? He's nothing but a piece of trash being mean to little old me.
SUMIRE- ..uh... If you would like me to say he is trash.. than I can say it... If it makes you happy... Though I do not see how this is a insult... It seems more like a compliment
ELIAN- hey Sumire lets not push this any further then it needs to be-
SUMIRE- ..Ayato-sama you are piece of good for nothing trash...
AYATO- hah..?!
LAITO- fufu..
ELIAN- S-sumire...!! Don't say that to him you're making the situation worse..!
Uwah.. Hey now Ayato-kun, she didn't mean it.. so lets not--
AYATO- who the hell do you think you're talking to ko-suika..?! Don't agree with him..!
*Ayato begins walking towards Sumire*
ELIAN- she really didn't mean bad by it Ayato..!
come on now lets not go on start make this worse than it needs to be.
*Elian makes sure Sumire isn't in view of Ayato*
AYATO- you trying to get in the way of ore-sama are ya
ELIAN- N-no no that's not--
HARUNA- Enough..!!
tsk.. Honestly why are all of you so damn hard to work with.. If you both can't sit still and take a photo together then I just won't take a photo of you guys all together. So sit still damn it..!
LAITO- it feels so strange to here Haruna yell in pure anger.. uwah, I feel sudden shivers down my spin, ufu..
KOU- it's Ayato-kun's fault for being so feisty! don't put this blame on me
AYATO- Tch..! whatever..! make it quick.
*He goes and stand back in place*
HARUNA- Okay.. one.. two.. three..
ELIAN- are you okay Sumire..? He didn't scare you at all did he..?
SUMIRE- ..*she shakes her head*..
ELIAN- good, I'm glad.
Phew.. Who knew modelling was so hard, Kou definitely has his hands full.
AZUSA- Kou is always so.. busy, with his idol... job he isn't always home.. a lot..
SUMIRE- ..this Idol job seems very hard... Although... I have never had to work before... So I do not know much...
HARUNA- alrighty..
Azusa and Kou you better not make any mistakes. I won't have ANY from here on out you got that right..?
AZUSA- would you hit me... If something went.. Wrong...?
HARUNA- Eehh... seriously man, you really gotta stop with this whole creepy thing you got on.. Can't believe and half blood gives me shivers..
okay.. One..
Azusa.. what are you doing..?!
AZUSA- I am modelling for.. you all... I would like to my knife to be in the picture.. showing what it can... do...
KOU- kya..! Azusa don't reck the clothes..!
look at how smoothly... it cuts through the sleeve.. of the fabric.. aha.. Ne Eve look, it's smooth isn't.. it..?
SUMIRE- ..Uwah... Azusa-sama you shouldn't play with knives like that... you can get hurt.. and... miss Haruna does not...
..But it does cut smoothly yes...
ELIAN- Sumire don't sound like you're encouraging it..!
HARUNA- Phew..! knives are put away.. Azusa is put away.. no more photo's with Kou or azusa.
Pleaasee, Sumire and Elian, don't mess up..! If you do I'll punish you both. And if you don't though, hmm.. I'll reward you both with something nice, okaay..?
ELIAN- mhm... Yeah..
SUMIRE- ..Azusa-sama... Kou-sama...
AYATO- Mood change much.. She looks a bit calmer now..
*Azusa and Kou seem to be put in the corner, holding ice on their heads*
ELIAN- Hey hey, Sumire lets take the picture, we don't Haruna getting more upset then she already is do we..? Normally she has more patients. Guess todays different huh
SUMIRE- ..mhm...
HARUNA- Elian you'll sit in the chair and.. Sumire you'll sit in his lap.
SUMIRE- ..Woo... I am will pose for this... Eh..
ELIAN- Hey hey Sumire come and sit here okay..? I'll make sure you can be comfy.
ELIAN- do you feel okay..?
SUMIRE- ..W00oo...
ELIAN- Haha.. don't look so shaky, relax your face, it'll be fine. could it be you are embarrassed..? Don't worry I feel a little weird wearing this.
..goodness me...
HARUNA- ..!..
Wait a moment..! stay just like that..! Don't move at all..! Fufu.. Both of you look so cute like this. Like watching a brother comfort his little sister who's great fear.
Ready.. one.. two.. three..!
LAITO- fufu, look at that, you guys look so cute.
ELIAN- Uwah.. this is a little embarrassing.
SUMIRE- ..ep...!
HARUNA- aha..! Finally a good photo with no problems..! This one actually looks good as well, fufu. My little super hero's here to save the day.
SUMIRE- ..oh goodness... my eyes hurt... Bright lights are awful...
HARUNA- cheer up you two, hey hey sumire..! Come try this on, I wanna get another one with just you for the magazines okayy..? I think you’ll look so cute in this bathing suit I have here~
bet it'll get famous to.
Elian- w-wait a moment..! That outfit is far too revealing..! It looks like a couple of strings, I won’t let her wear that..!
SUMIRE- ..eh...!?
HARUNA- oh come on Elian, don't be a little buzz kill, don't you think she'll look sooo nice in it..? I think so.
LAITO- I would love to see ran-chan in this lovely little bathing suit here, she'll be so exposed I might not be able to contain myself.
KOU- we are supposed to be following what the paper says..!
KOU- ugh..
*Kou seemed to have passed*
AZUSA- uwah...! Kou.. That looks like.. it must have hurt... A lot.. Hey Haruna-san can you hit.. me like that as well...?!
AYATO- ya know.. putting ko-suika in a bathing suit might not be a bad idea.. it'll be a nice change from those baggy ass clothes.
oi..! Elian 'it's only one picture' isn't it..?
HARUNA- yeah, or could it be you don't want to be left out of the photo..? is that it..? Well not to worry because I have the perfect maid outfit I found for you~
HARUNA, AYATO, LAITO- come on.. why not just one picture huuh..?
SUMIRE- ..Eeee.... Mr. Elian.. They are scaring me...
ELIAN- ah..! Forgive but I really have to say no..!
*Elian runs off with Sumire following behind him hand in hand*
HARUNA- hah..?! hey come on now you can't run from us..! you know want to put on this dress Elian..! And I'm getting that photo of Sumire..!
Come on come on..! We have to get them..!
*scene is in the living room*
ELIAN- well, not a single of the photo's Haruna took of us were put on these magazines, really is a shame, she actually looked like she was generally enjoying herself.
SUMIRE- ..she did... that model thing was very fun... but.. I did not enjoy the bright and over bearing colours... if I had options I would not go for that job...
ELIAN- you definitely could pull it off though with your looks, but you're just a little shy for it. I don't think you'd enjoy being chased around by people either.
SUMIRE- ..not at all...
ELIAN- o-oh. Hey are you catching a cold..? Haah.. let me feel.
*He feels her forehead*
ELIAN- you feel warm.. Sumire you really need to take care of yourself you know..? Did you walk out in the rain again..?
SUMIRE- ..n.. well.. It was only for a few seconds Mr. Elian...
ELIAN- a few seconds or not you can still catch a cold, I get you like going out but there's times when time doesn't call for it--
ELIAN- Gah..!
SUMIRE- ..uh... Mr. Elian...! Miss Haruna...!
HARUNA- I don't enjoy lumping in on your guys conversations but.. I just couldn't wait any longer.
El-ia-n~ you didn't think I forgot did you..? No no, you are mistaken.. All I want is one photo with you in a nice dress, it is only one photo isn't it..? I'm being nice and won't be putting Sumire in that bathing suit so the least you could do is this.
ELIAN- Haruna..! please have mercy..! Ah..!
HARUNA- haha..! begging is getting you no where. Sorry Sumire I'll make sure to give him back so he can take care of that little cold you have. I just need him for a bit.
okay sweet cheeks?
SUMIRE- ..ah... I understand... I can find things to do...
ELIAN- Sumire..! help me please..! Don't let her put me in a dress..! don't you think I'd look far nicer in a suit or something..!? Sumireee..!!
SUMIRE- ..bye Mr. Elian...
ELIAN- Sum--!
SUMIRE- ..phew... the last few days have been a struggle... Goodness...
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mochaasaturn · 2 years
☾︎ Fierce Deity Link ☽︎
My headcanons are not canon btw !!
His love language: honestly I can see him being is gift giving and acts of service, he doesn't like to be touched but when he's comfortable with his s/o he'll definitely be clingy but not annoying he knows his limits, he can also get real emotional when he gets hugged or cuddled because he had to be strong for most of his life without even thinking of being with someone, he's definitely love deprived pls and I mean pls get this man some affection he deserves it
His taste in music: hmm...I think he would love rock or even heavy metal, it makes him feel even more powerful and upbeat :]]
His fav animals?: I think he'll like owls, big cats aka tigers, leopards, panthers, and lions. He would also like bunnies because they're fluffy :D
His fav foods! : he would LOVE and I mean LOVE spicy noodles anything thats spicy he could and def would handle, he would also like to eat different countries foods, he probably wouldn't like things that r way too sweet or too salty but he LOVES spicy and sour, salt and sweets are rare for him to enjoy maybe like occasionally
His fav colors would be: maroon, turquoise blue, forest green, light sliver, and neon yellow
Any allergies?: he would have tree allergies like possibly cherry tree pollen or the smell to it he would sneeze alot to the point he's all stuffy LOL
Does he make stuff?: OH ABSOLUTELY he's impressively good at crochet, for a swordsguy he has his alone time with crocheting here and there and he doesn't even have to look or focus on it, its basically his talent, he gave young link a crochet bunny hat and sword its impressively good too.
what is his style?: I don't really see him being goth or anything like that tbh maybe he would be dark academia with alot of piercings
What piercings does he have?: he has a septum, LOTS of piercings on both of his ears, he has a nose bridge and a bridge (ERL), he has snake bites :]]
What mental illness does he (maybe have): i would think he could suffer from MMD major depression disorder, thats why he's just slient most of the time he could also suffer from social anxiety since he doesn't get to socialize alot with the others only with young link.
What is his type of s/o: good question, I honestly think he would be into the strong/bold type of women/man/they he loves a woman or man or they to take care of themselves! Of course he'll still protect you and stuff but he HATES when his s/o is clingy, he doesn't mind it in romantic moments though but saving the world is important to him while he's at work.
What is his sexuality?: I headcanon him to be asexual! Look i get it he may pull people but he would politely decline if they go THAT far with him, he loves romance but has no attraction to sex, making out is probably how far he'll go but it ends there, if you force him to even try or ask he'll straight up leave and probably hide for years.
Does he make the first move or do I have to?: well...he is VERY quiet and it can be unnerving for awhile too, he stays quiet mostly because of anxiety he doesn't want to say the wrong thing or get himself embarrassed so you'll probably have to make the first move or at least try he usually gives you gestures like thumbs up! OR you can write on notes and possibly show him how to draw he would love that.
How romantic is he?: he is 50/50 basically let's say you massage his shoulders or back and of course in return he'll give you massages too, if you gave him a present he'll immediately go craft something for you! So he's pretty romantic :)
(I know they're hylians but like what type tho?? Talkin about ethnic!) What would his ethnicity be?: definitely French or Irish but I can't really see him being Irish only French HELP
Thats all the headcanons I got for now if you guys want to ask me questions I would gladly answer! This was fun to make hoped you guys will love it!
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Oohhh, pokeani if you don't mind me sending in another one?
I don't mind at all!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ALAN, MY SON, THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE. I love him so much I cannot even begin to explain how much. I still think about him all the time even though I'm not actively writing PokéAni things anymore. He's easily the most interesting human character the PokéAni has produced and had the best story and adventure, and while I miss him terribly, I'm also so nervous about him ever returning because I feel like they'll only bring him back to shit all over him. Nevertheless though, he is my valiant dragon son, my absolute most favorite best boy. ♥
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
LIZARDON (Alan's Charizard) TBH . . . because have you ever seen a sweeter charizard? He just loves getting chin scritches and pets and cuddles and snuggles and just loves his boy so much. Like don't get me wrong, he is expertly trained on all fronts, he loves battling just as much as his trainer and he can be ferocious! But also he just loves sharing snacks and getting snuggled and is just a sweet, sweet boy. I love him so much too ♥
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
I mean, considering I have still seen hate toward Alan for winning the Kalos League as recently as this fucking year, he counts. But in the interest of not picking Alan for every answer, I'm going to say Tracey! Tracey got a lot of flack as well for replacing Brock during the Orange Islands arc, especially due to the reason why that happened (because the Japanese studio was afraid that Americans would perceive Brock as a racist caricature for some reason). But I honestly love Tracey and I wish that he'd gotten to remain with the squad during Johto so that it would have been a four person group. I like the fact that he's an artist and is the only one with a sense of direction, I like how he teased Ash and Misty about their respective crushes on each other, I like how he would drop everything to draw a new pokémon. I just think he's neat.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
MY GIRL CASEY, MY BOY RITCHIE, MY GIRL DUPLICA . . . many characters that recur so they're not a Character of the Day, but that they still haven't appeared in like sixty million years so they can count here. Incidentally both Casey and Ritchie got little cameos in the new promo short that was released recently (to promote an artist's work), and that made me very happy over on twitter, haha.
OH, and as a final one, MY GIRL MOLLY HALE. And heck, while we're at it, my girls Cooltrainer Lisa and Melody, too. They're just movie characters but I loved them so much. Particularly since the Hales are family friends of the Ketchums, I wish we could have seen Molly come back at some point.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I don't know that I really have an answer for this. Maybe Lawrence III from the second movie? Because he just wanted to do what is arguably the point of the main series games (catch 'em all) but he was also ruining the world while doing so, so it was like "okay we know we say to catch them all but also don't do that" lmao. I don't really know though.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I mean, despite how much I love him, I do torment Alan an awful lot for hurt/comfort reasons. Though in my defense, so did the actual show.
Aside from him, I have a running gag in my fics where Louis thinks that Alan is his rival, that they have a very real rivalry going on, but Alan never remembers who Louis is because Louis is just . . . not important to him at all lmao. So that can count as an emotional plinko. And Malva also deserves the plinko because while she didn't actually know of Lysandre's plans of genocide in the anime and did do her part to redeem herself, she also stood idly by as he emotionally abused and used Alan and kind of laughed about it, too. (She was like, "Capturing such a pure boy . . . you're terrible" or something like that, but she was smirking the whole time.) So into the plinko she goes.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Lysandre (again), Xerosic (again), Hunter J, Paul, Damian, AJ . . . basically anyone who abuses pokémon or tries to commit mass genocide goes straight into superhell with no remorse.
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