#I love expanding on cannon and I love diverging from it.
axe-cution · 7 months
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foxgirl95 · 1 month
Back Into the Fray
A Bounty hunter Mandalorian, a young jedi, a talkative droid, and a former X-wing fighter pilot turned traveling mechanic. He’s willing to travel with them if it means someone out there has his back. They both have someone they would be devastated to lose. Can they all work together as a team and find the little green man's people? Or will they butt heads every step of the way? At least the baby and Droid can get along.
First couple chapters take place during season 1 of The Mandalorian, the rest will be in season 2.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Original Female Character (Anai)
Tags: Slow burn, Idiots in love, Found Family, Eventual Relationship, Fluff, Physical & Emotional hurt comfort, Creative liberties on Star Wars content both cannon and Expanded Universe, Light cannon divergence.
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Chapter 1: The Mechanic
Chapter Description: The Mandalorian meets the fabled mechanic. Little does he know that this brief meeting will lead to.
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Dank Farrik…
That was the cursing thought of one beskar-clad Mandalorian as the ramp of the hull opened to the hanger three-five on the dust ball planet of Tatooine. The heat of the two suns encompassing his body, if he wasn’t already used to the somewhat similar heat on Nevaro he’d feel like he was melting. Today though seemed to be another, in a string of many, he had just escaped a dogfight and his nerves were through the roof.
As he stepped out of the ship, he heard the unmistakable sound of pit droids rushing toward him. He pulled out his blaster, giving them a warning shot as the shrill voice of a woman called out “Hey! Hey! You damage one of my droids, you’ll pay for it!” A wild-haired woman with her eyebrows burnt off came around the corner with her hands on her hips.
“Just keep them away from my ship,” Mando replied sternly.
She leaned forward “Yeah? You think that’s a good idea, do ya?” Snapping back as she walked towards the ship exclaiming about every little bit that she saw wrong with his ship. Mando rolled his eyes under his helmet as she went on, ‘Mechanics…’ As much as he appreciated their work, he also knew a lot of them tended to over exaggerate and scam pilots out of credits.
“How did you even land?” She barked as she made her way around pointing out things, he already knew were wrong “That’s gonna set you back.”
“I have 500 imperial credits.” He replied curtly holding out the last bit of money he had.
She raised a nonexistent eyebrow at him then snatched the credits from his hand “That’s all you got? Well, what do you guys think?” She turned to her pit droids that babbled on in a language Mando had no interest in learning as the woman turned back to him “That’ll at least cover the hangar.”
“I’ll get you your money.” He was starting to get annoyed.
She scoffed, leaning towards him “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before.”
Suddenly Mando noticed movement at the edge of his visor and quickly pulled his blaster firing another warning shot at one of the pillars “Show yourself!” He ignored the continued barking of exclamations from the woman next to him as he stared into the dark shade of the hangar.
“Woah, Woah, Woah! Calm down Mister Mandalorian, we're all friendlies here!” Slowly but surely a figure appeared and stepped out into the light with its arms up. It was another woman, this one was far younger than her counterpart, her sandalwood skin glowing like amber stones under the intense light of the two suns, and her clothes were tattered and grease-covered just like any other mechanic. What caught Mando’s attention though was her eyes, they were the greenest eyes he had ever seen on anyone that reminded him of his little companion safely tucked away in his bunk that very moment. “Hey man.” He heard her voice call, snapping him out of his thoughts. She stood there with an awkward smile on her freshly tinted lips “My arms are getting tired here. Can you put that thing away?”
Mando huffed with amusement and put his blaster away. The older woman jabbed him in the arm with a boney finger “Hey watch it bucket head, I don’t take kindly to those who threaten my friends.”
“Sorry.” He said quietly to which the woman in question giggled lightly. How is me almost killing you funny?  He asked himself.
“It’s all good Mando.” She replied pulling a rag out of her pocket as she wiped the grease from her calloused hands “I should’ve known better than to try to sneak around you while you’re doing business.”
The older woman leaned out from behind Mando calling out to her companion “Hey Anai, this guy’s looking for work. Why don’t you take him down to the cantina to ask around.”
“I don’t need an escort” He interrupted.
“Have you ever been to Mos Eisley?” She asked.
“Then it can’t hurt to have someone show you around, the best part is it’s free.” She playfully shoved the younger woman, Anai, towards the door “Now go on get out of here I’ve got work to do.”
Anai laughed lightly once again “Alright, alright.” She turned to Mando with a smile, “C’mon, it’s not that far.”
The Mandalorian sighed, shaking his head, “Fine.” He then turned back to the other woman pointing a finger at her “Just remember…”
“Yeah yeah!” She shouted back “No droids. I heard you. Don’t gotta say it twice.” She turned to get to work cursing at his demands as the other two headed to the door. On the way, Anai grabbed an old leather jacket with off one of the machines pulling it onto her shoulders. Once outside the safety of the hangar she stretched her arms over her head and let out a groan “Man it feels good to take a break…”
Mando walked up beside her and looked around the street “You don’t have to help me.” He stated, “I’m sure I can find it.”
“Oh! It’s no trouble!” She replied as her arms fell back to her sides. “Besides, I've been moping around that hangar for days now. Peli’s getting sick of me.” Anai smiled as she turned in the direction they needed to go. “Don’t take anything she says to heart, she can be a good friend once you get to know her.” Something in her voice told him she wasn’t lying.
“Noted.” He answered shortly as he followed after her. They walked in somewhat comfortable silence; he was still wary of the woman in front of him. There was no one he could trust, for all he knew she could be a guild member looking for the kid. As they came closer to the center of town Mando spotted something…ominous. There on several pikes were the discarded helmets of storm troopers, he stopped to stare at the display as a light wind blew by causing the blood-colored scraps of fabric tied to each of them to sway. After a moment he felt the presence of the young woman beside him “Kinda eerie, isn’t it?” She commented as she fiddled with something hanging from her neck. “Even though I wanted these guys dead more than anything, the first time I saw this it spooked me.”
He turned his head toward her slightly, now realizing what she had been playing with, a small silver medallion with the emblem of the former rebellion forces engraved upon it Dogtag… His inner voice spoke, “You were a soldier?" Anai turned to him, still rubbing her fingers over the small piece of metal “A pilot.” She corrected him. That surprised Mando, but it also explained her devil-may-care attitude. “Any good?” He asked, receiving a raised eyebrow and a cocky grin “I mean I’m still alive, aren’t I?”
Mando huffed out a chuckle “Guess so.” This woman had survived the war, probably a hero to her people, yet like the shock trooper Cara Dune she was out here assumably hiding from whatever duties she didn’t wish to perform.
Anai hummed playfully watching him as she nodded her head to one side “C’mon, the cantina’s this way.”
They reached their destination shortly afterward and now Mando was a little glad he had someone to show him the way. Out here most of the buildings looked the same and it was probably easy to accidentally walk into one while meaning to be in another. As they stepped down into the door Anai quickly turned around and put her hands out to stop him. He cocked his head to the side curiously looking for an explanation when the mechanic chuckled awkwardly “Uh, just to warn you this place is run by droids nowadays. So please don’t go shooting it up, they’re just doing their jobs.”
Oh. Mando thought, obviously she had seen what had occurred earlier and realized he was very uncomfortable with droids “Thanks, I’ll try not to.”
She smiled, seeming relieved, then turned to enter the cantina, the old doors sliding open to reveal the spacious area inside. It being midday it was pretty empty save for a few who were happily eating and talking amongst themselves. Anai made a b-line for the bar ordering a glass of Juma Juice from the droid wiping down the bar. Mando came up behind her and leaned against the flat surface “Hey, droid, I'm a hunter. I'm looking for some work.”
The tall droid looked towards the man as it poured Anai’s drink “Unfortunately, the Bounty Guild no longer operates from Tatooine.” Answered the mechanical voice.
“I'm not looking for Guild work.” His patience was being put to the test today.
“I am afraid that does not improve your situation…” The droid finished the drink, setting it in front of the pink-haired woman “At least by my calculation.”
“Think again, tin can!” A sudden voice called out catching the attention of everyone in the cantina. It was a kid, a boy barely out of his teens by the looks of him, sitting with his legs propped up in his booth. “If you're looking for work, have a seat, my friend.” Mando shared a look with Anai, who just spared the boy a glance before turning her full attention to her drink. He sighed before deciding to join the young man in his booth.
“Name's Toro, Toro Calican.” The boy stated. Mando wished there was anything else but looked like he was out of options here. He let Toro make his pitch though for a moment he let his gaze travel back to the woman at the bar. He knew she was listening in on the conversation, even if she was doing a good job of hiding it. “Fennec Shand, an assassin.” That was when Mando tuned back into Toro finally looking down at the puck between them. “She's been on the run ever since the New Republic put all her employers in lockdown.”
Well, this kid’s a goner… Mando immediately thought, there were a lot of people who knew that name and what came with it. Even his escort seemed to stiffen from her station at the bar. “I know the name.” He answered coldly already knowing this was not the kind of job he needed right now.
His answer though didn’t seem to phase Toro “I followed this tracking fob here.” He reached into his jacket pulling out the fob that beeped rhythmically “Now the positional data suggests she's headed out beyond the Dune Sea.” He looked back up at Mando nonchalantly “Should be an easy job.”
If Mando wasn’t so annoyed already he would laugh, he sighed as he stood from the booth “Well, good luck with that.” He turned back to the bar ready to try his chances with someone else.
“Wait, wait, wait, hey!” The boy sat up with a slight amount of panic in his voice “I thought you needed work?”
Mando snapped back to Toro “How long with the guild?”
Now the kid's attitude shifted like he was offended “Long enough.”
“Clearly not, Fennec Shand is an elite mercenary,” Mando explained, this boy had no idea what he was getting himself into. “She made her name killing for all the top crime syndicates, including the Hutts.” His voice was as calm as he could make it to push how serious this was “If you go after her, you won’t make it past sunrise.” Toro was quiet now, he seemed to get it now, so Mando turned to leave, maybe someone else in this town had something better for him.
“This is my first job.” The boy called out quietly now standing and pleading with the beskar-clad man as he turned to face him “You can keep the money, all of it. I just need this job to get into the guild.” He scoffed knowing how crazy this was “I can’t do it alone.”
The Mandalorian took a moment to weigh his options knowing how large a bounty the mercenary had on her. They could both get what they wanted out of this, Mando sighed “Meet me at hangar three-five in half an hour.” Toro immediately looked happy and relieved “Bring two speeder bikes and give me the tracking fob.”
There was a silent moment between the two as the boy looked down at the fob in his hands before tossing it to the wall, shattering it into pieces as sparks fell to the ground. Mando heard the unmistakable snort of laughter coming from behind him. “Don’t worry.” The boy in front of him spoke as he tapped the top of his skull. “Got it all memorized.” The Mandalorian sighed, turning to the door, spying a familiar shade of pink already heading outside “Half an hour.” That was all he said as he left the cantina and as he expected his guide was waiting for him with a smirk on her lips which he ignored as he pushed past her. The long strides of his legs kept him in the lead as he avoided Anai, causing her to walk a little faster following after him, eventually taking two steps for every one of his. She walked alongside him in silence until she felt the need to speak “So…” Mando steeled himself for whatever was going to come out of her mouth “I may not be a bounty hunter but, I don’t need to tell you to watch your back with that one, right?” He only sighed audibly before quickening his pace again as the sound of wheezing laughter followed him.
Once back at the hangar Mando immediately went back into his ship to gather supplies, not taking the time to see where the woman he had come in with went off to. He went to grab his bag before he noticed something was off, doing a double take he ran to his now open bunk finding it empty before racing down the ramp “HEY!” He called out as a scared pit droid walked by “Where is he?”
“Quiet!” He heard the familiar voice of Peli call out as she emerged from the office consoling the small green child in her arms “You woke it up. Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?” She complained.
Mando was still riding off the waves of protectiveness and sternly replied “Give him to me.” His hand instinctively hovered near the blaster on his hip.
“Not so fast!” The older woman scoffed, holding the baby on her hip away from him “You can’t just leave a child all alone like that.” She looked down at the little bugger adjusting him to sit more comfortably. “You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raising a young one.” The child in her arms cooed softly as Mando looked between the two of them. His little companion was alright, and she had a point, Kriff… he shouldn’t have left him alone.
“What is going on out here?” They both looked over to see Anai joining them with two canteens hanging from her shoulder. “I was in there waiting for someone to start shooting with all the commotion.” She came closer, her eyes landing on the child staring confused for a moment before a gentle smile formed on her lips “Well hello there.” She affectionately wiggled a finger in the child’s direction “Who's this cutie?”
“Anyway…” Peli cleared her throat drawing their attention back to her “I started the repair on the fuel leak.” She stepped over to a machine pressing a few of the glowing buttons and tapping the side of it to get it to start up as Mando walked back up the ramp into his ship. “I had a couple of setbacks I want to talk to you about.” She continued fiddling with the old machine in front of her “You know, I didn’t use any droids as requested, so it took me a lot longer than expected.” Anai crossed her arms in front of her chest listening to Peli ramble on to Mando as he returned with his pack in hand.
“Thank you…” That stopped both women where they stood, hearing the softly spoken gratitude come from the man that had almost come close to killing them both. They both looked at one another as Mando headed back towards the entrance. “Oh, so I guess I was right.” She handed the small bundle to the unexpecting woman next to her hot on Mando’s trail. Anai held the child awkwardly in front of her as she too followed them “Wait…” her words were lost under Peli’s continued ranting.
The small group made their way outside where Toro was now waiting for his new partner “Hey, Mando, what do you think?” Gesturing to the two speeder bikes he had brought with him “Not too shabby, huh?” Peli and Anai stood back out of the conversation as the Mandalorian inspected their transportation, visibly skeptical of their functionality “What do you expect” Toro shrugged “This ain’t Corelia.” He turned to the two women and nodded “Ladies.” Which earned him an unimpressed look from the both of them and laughter from the baby. Anai walked over to Mando holding out the canteens to him “Here, so you don’t keel over from dehydration.” He stared down at her for a moment before taking them “That going to cost me too?” He asked skeptically to which the pink-haired woman huffed “I may be an ass Mando but I’m not heartless enough to send you off into the dunes without water.” He nodded, humming to show his gratitude before his gaze went to the child in her arms “Behave, I’ll be back” with that both men jumped on their speeders heading off into the endless sea of sand.
The child cooed as he waved goodbye to his caretaker making Anai smile “Awww…” she patted him lightly “It’s alright kiddo, we’ll have some fun until Mando gets back, okay?” The little one just looked up at her with a toothy grin happily swinging his little feet through the air.
Author's Note: This is my first time posting a fic on tumblr and I'll be posting all the chapters I have up on AO3 one at a time but feel free to take a look at what I have up already!
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Mudhorn divider: @dreamland-gallery
Header & Footer: @samspenandsword
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It’s Friday and we’re back again! This week we continue with the community recs from our farm witch friends. Check out these fics and be sure to leave the writers some love!
Beneath the canopy (@streetlampsunset) “It's hot and sweet at once and so lovely.” 
Eggs and the flour, no higher power (withkissesfour) “It has kisses and cake what else do you need lol. But really its about cake tasting and pre wedding excitement, and pure unadulterated love. It's playful and sweet and full of tasty cake descriptions, but at the end of the day it’s mostly about Patrick wanting to kiss his delicious husband to be.”
Ever mine, ever thine, ever ours (@aeliagioia) “I love the universe the author created in this story. It is cannon-divergent and a bit AU. It was written early into David and Patrick’s relationship so there are a few inaccuracies, but it is still a great story. I love the family dynamic between Patrick, his siblings, and his cousins. Patrick has a wild side in this story and it’s great fun to see. David fits right in with them in such a genuine way. The author crafted many hilarious and sweet moments.  I have read it twice and after writing this review I may have to read it again!”
Firsts (@frizzlenox, HowOldAreWe, @n0connections) “I love the intimacy between friends and how respectful they're with each other.” 
I see colors when I hear your voice (@this-will-be-our-year​) “It’s a Pleasantville AU that melds the worlds of Pleasantville and Schitt's Creek together seamlessly, and with a lot of heart. If you enjoy the film you'll enjoy this adaptation too.”
In the eyes of the beholder (lonely_ampersand/@smblmn)  “In this absolutely lovely fic, nervous Patrick misunderstands the concept behind a research study he signs up for, and ends up befriending David and Stevie. It is sweet and hilarious, and absolutely worth a read!”
My heart was broke, my head was sore (@blueink3) “I love everything about this piece. The pacing is perfect, the character voices are spot on, and top quality writing has you feeling every emotion right along with the characters. I'm angst avoidant for the most part and there's very little true angst with a lovely happy ending. This is a favorite comfort read of mine.”
One town’s very like another (kostia) “I think I must have a kink for competent David. In this one, he's a chess grandmaster. Look, I don't know anything about chess, but this was utterly fantastic.” 
The privilege of being yours (asoftplacetoland) “This is a great soft dom/top!Patrick fic with a heaping load of fluffy fiancés in love. If you like Take Charge Patrick, you will love the addition of a little light bondage and spanking, but melt from the sweetness from the both of them by the final chapter.” 
Quarantined (unkindravens/@corvidapocalypse) “I'm not the slightest bit joking when I say that this fic is in my Top Five fics I've ever read. It happened to be one of the first I found in this fandom, and I find the characterization so spot on, and the story so adorable, that it's one of the first ones I rec to people just because. ESPECIALLY if they're not generally transformative fic loving people. It's not even dirty! And it never fails to make me laugh at the exact same places every time. You should read it.”
Somebody is digging my bones (redwineandqueer) “(Fic is rated E as a warning!). I love crossovers and this is such an original take to combine these two fandoms. It's also super hot, the plot is entertaining, all the characters get some time to shine, and it stars Alexis and David being their typical Rose sibling selves, and also being badasses (of course). Characterization even in the midst of dinosaurs is stellar and I just have a super warm soft space in my heart for this fic. (Also, dinosaurs are awesome, I don't care how old you are, still awesome.)”
Sometimes, home is a person (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning) “I think it's a very underrated fic. I love it and every characterization. From Stevie's motel expanding ambitions, Alexis being successful in NYC to David and Patrick's marriage 5 years down the line. All original characters are amazing and the author takes great care in showing Patricks conflict about having family suddenly living close and his fear of being stuck. I reread it once a month, it brings me joy and I can't thank the author enough.”
Summer is more than freedom (@ships-to-sail​, @storieswelove​) “Childhood friends David and Patrick might be my favourite trope, and this is one of the best. The characters are so clearly drawn, and even though it’s entirely David POV you know exactly what Patrick is thinking, even if David doesn’t. The summer camp atmosphere is beautifully described and immerses you. It’s perfectly paced and feels exactly the right length. The final chapter lives rent-free in my head. I’ve read this three times now and I’m sure I’ll be coming back to it many times.“ 
Sustineo (@rockinhamburger​) “This is a gorgeously written story. It has a remarkable amount of depth for being only just over 10k words. It's lusciously vivid, deeply emotional and artfully executed. This fic is a top favorite of mine.” 
The touch of the kings and the breath of the wind (foxtails/@ratchet​) “I love autumn and this captured that beginning of fall feeling while also giving us a look at how happy and ridiculously in love David and Patrick are as they settle into their married life. It was like cuddling up in a cozy blanket and having a hot cocoa. Foxtails is one of my favorite authors because their writing is so beautiful.” 
A very specific store (@startswithhope​) “Well for a start you should read everything that startswithhope writes because they are amazing, but this fic is one I always come back to. It's an AU where Christmas World didn't pull out and David meets Patrick when he applies for a job to work there. It's about Christmas in July which is both fun and appropriate for this time of year 🙂There's fluff and humour and falling in love, with a dash(-er ) of pining too. You'll feel as though all your Christmas wishes have come true in July if you read this sweet and jolly fic.” what my head overlooks the senses will show to my heart (cromarty) “Goddddddd David falling in love with Patrick over the phone and then deciding to go for it and Patrick being his usual sassy self and ALEXIS BEING HER EXCELLENT SELF.” 
You are the only, only, only (@designatedgrape​) “Athletic!David? Need I say more? Also minor angst and university AU and did I mention Sporty!David?”
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ilajue · 3 years
idk, i feel like the real test of how much people like a character is if they draw them as close to what the cc has said their character looks like. so no hair or eyelids for ranboo and pig for techno. because then it's super obvious that they're paying attention and care about the character.
I think diversion from the original skin and listening to the cc go hand in hand. A design gets more complex and personal and detailed as an artist learns more about and becomes attached to a character via the cc playing them. That's how the design evolves past just the skin.
For example, my foolish design is based on his skin obviously but my own head cannons and specific canonical details that I've picked up on have influenced it (such as the inclusion of wings because totems have wings too) that was a detail I picked up and ran with during foolish’s stream when he mentioned he might have wings then never talked about it again. To someone who is less attached to c!foolish, the design choice might make less sense but it is still clear that I've put time and thought into my design for him. If I had drawn him just as his skin presents him as, it would be clear that I don’t main him and therefore haven’t become attached enough to pick up on small character details and make up my own head canons.
You can see this in dream smp character lineups. Some characters have clearly well thought out designs and often they diverge from just the skin of the creator. Others are just their skins in the artists style and that isnt a sign of negligence but an indicator that that character isn’t the artists favorite (ie. Drawing ranboo with no horns and just a plain suit, drawing tubbo as embellished tweek, drawing ponk with all his limbs ). The standard that a more complicated, less exactly like the creators skin design is easily applicable because it shows which character an artist has taken the time to create a good design for. 
again, i agree that how close to the ccs explicit description of the character is a good indicator of an artists love for a character but the diversion from the original design is still better in most cases because it expands the standard to include affectionate, unique and well thought out head cannons. Dsmp characters all have thousands of die hard fans but the diversity of the designs shows the care that has been put into them beyond the skin and description provided by the cc. 
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the-darkdragonfly · 3 years
WIP Pic Wednesday : The Ripple Effect
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Chapter Twelve: Phantoms (coming soon)
Cannon Divergent - Season 3 finale. So many feels. Emma & Killian are trapped in the past, unable to get back to the future; will they be able to find a home with each other?
A tale of a broken wand, a far away land, and two lost souls destined to find a home with each other ❤️
Read the Tale here on A03
* * *
“I thought,” they had been quiet for a while, her heart settling into a quiet rhythm with the sound of the sea. She hummed, leaning further into him, seeking warmth both physical and moral. “Perhaps,” he pulled his flask from satchel on the ground beside him, “you may like to see the stars tonight.” Her throat closed up, tight and sudden and she turned towards him, hand finding itself latched to the collar of his woolen coat, rough and warm under her fingers.
“Why?” She knew why, but she needed to hear his voice form the words that had plagued her heart since daybreak.
He kissed her forehead, soft and reverent, lingering over the scent of honey and oats from the soap in her hair. The wind ruffled the strands, wisping them around her shoulders. Happy birthday, Swan.
“It’s not my birthday,” she whispered, voice still tight.
“Aye, I know. But it is Henry’s, and that’s worth celebrating.”
She cried and he had held her, and afterwards he had shown her the stars- something more for you to teach our lad, my darling.
They climbed the cliffside path, muscle memory carrying them through the dark, when Emma stopped, the sea at her back, wind stronger at the edge of their private world. He tossed the blanket he was carrying over the garden fence, sand shaking lightly onto the stone path; she could barely make out his face in dark and she reached for his hand.
“Thank you,” she whispered, the dark so very quiet around them. He shook his head, pulling her against his chest, chin resting against the crown of her head- you don’t need to thank me, Swan- as she tightened her arms around him and breathed in the familiar scent of his skin, warm and spiced on the back of her throat- how did you know? I never said anything.
He held her for a moment longer, his chest expanding as he took a fortifying breath of his own.
“You didn’t need to, love. Henry did.”
“He did?” she pulled herself away a fraction to look into his face, darkened against the blanket of stars above them, “why?”
“Because I asked him, Swan.”
* * *
Tagging: Let me know if you would like to be added!
@elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @sailtoafarawayland @teamhook @xarandomdreamx @wefoundloveunderthelight @caught-in-the-filter @batana54 @ultraluckycatnd @veryverynotgood @veryverynotgoodwrites @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @jrob64 @kmomof4 @artistic-writer @gingerpolyglot @xarandomdreamx @xhookswenchx @justanother-unluckysoul @zaharadessert
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echodrops · 6 years
Opinions on the new VLD S5 trailer??
This is probably not what you meant but
0:05 - I really feel like putting  Matt and Nyma in the same scene is an ill-thought out plan, like they just met each other and they probably already have a secret handshake, five in-jokes, and a plan to take over the universe.
0:09 - Where’s Shiro this time?
0:12 - Did Keith keep that crappy little Galra fighter? Like, they couldn’t at least upgrade him to a real Galra ship after taking 1/3 of the Galra Empire?
0:14 - Look at all the cannon fodder… As much as I appreciate the cryptid hunters of this fandom, I’m still not 100% sold on that being Sendak in the back. Willing to buy Sendak from Dreamworks just to put him back in myself tho, just sayin’.
0:30 - When will Shiro’s real haircut come back from the war?
0:31 - Why is Lotor so extra? Why he spinning? That twirl was entirely 110% unnecessary. Theory confirmed: Skirt is there just to look cool while he pirouettes across the battlefield.
0:36 - Lance said “devil.” I can’t believe he’s finally expanded his curse word vocabulary past “cheese” and “crow.” EDIT BECAUSE IT JUST OCCURED TO ME: I bet the trailer is pulling a fast one on us and Lance’s line about “deal with the devil” isn’t to Lotor at all–it’s about Zarkon and whatever deal they’re trying to make with him!
0:37 - Who touched my son. Who made his single bang into plural bangs. I WON’T HESITATE BITCH.
0:39 - Wow Coran, who would have guessed.
0:42 - I’ve listened to this three times now and I’m pretty sure Zarkon is saying “They’re making a one-time offer,” not “I’m/We’re making a one-time offer”? So someone is offering something to Zarkon, not the other way around? Hmmmmm…
0:44 - I feel like being stuffed in a cyropod is not what Lotor had in mind when he decided to crash on Voltron’s couch. Also, I’m not one of the people who believes Lotor is going to come out of this completely on the good guys side, but I still suspect we’re going to see a plotline in which Team Voltron’s lack of trust in Lotor is what fucks them over royally. 
0:45 - Matt Fucking Holt is literally the poster child for “be careful who you call ugly in middle school.” The hero we both need and deserve. Also it looks like he, Shiro, and Pidge may be in a showdown (or a “trade off”?) with Zarkon + Lotor’s generals? If this is the precursor for that long ago Matt, Shiro, Pidge fight scene leak in which Ezor is also present, we know that things are of course going to go south…
0:51 - Can I just talk about how much I hate the lion swap plotline? I hate it so much I can actually taste the salt in my mouth when I even so much as think about it. As a way of expanding on the characters’ capabilities and shaking up their dynamics, it would have been a great short subplot, maybe a few episodes worth of mixed up colors. But allowing that mix up to drag on over an entire other season and then leaving it that way for months as we waited for the fifth season has left fans entirely adrift: do we accept the swapped lions as permanent because they’ve let them sit that way for so long in our minds? Or do we not consider them permanent, because none of the characters have bothered to swap their armor to match which is probably a deliberate visual warning to viewers not to get comfortable with the swapped colors? Are we supposed to be happy for Allura getting a lion, or sad for Lance becoming a second-rate replacement for Keith again? It’s just been poorly managed all the way around.
And as much as I wanted to think an active sixth lion is completely unnecessary and would be a pretty wide divergence from the original series, at this point, adding a “White Lion” is honestly the only thing that could possibly fix the six paladins/five lions problem the series has created, because they left Allura as a paladin too long to force her out of that role now. If Allura takes on the role of flying a different lion, Lance can take back Blue, and Keith will have room to return to Red without displacing Shiro, who has become too well-loved to really remove from the team. And that just leaves Lotor (who will obviously complete Sincline at some point, but… Eh, if the plot isn’t going to cast him aside after one or two more seasons, the writers might as well slap sacred Altean powers on him and let him be the wormhole opener in Allura’s place…)
All that said, I honestly don’t have enough faith in Voltron’s writers to believe that they will tidily resolve the mess they created with the lion swap, and so I suspect this lion in the trailer will either be Allura unlocking a new power in Blue, a hallucinated White Lion ala the original series, some form of vision or flashback, or some other less hype-worthy thing than we fans actually want it to be. PROVE ME WRONG DREAMWORKS, PLEASE.
0:54 - They suddenly remembered that Keith can use the awoken form of his blade instead of just the dagger form. Good job, animation team, just seven episodes late.
1:03 - I don’t know why people are so obsessed with the idea of Black Paladin!Lance or that excited about Lance getting a “leadership arc” in the first place. It’s almost like people’s interest in and ability to empathize with this character hinges on their perception of him as a blank slate on which to project all their own personal heroic and romantic fantasies–uhhh I mean, whoooo!! >___> Leadership Lance! You get ‘em tiger!! Even though there’s a 99% chance that all these moments are coming from the same episode, in which a Robeast is also present, so it’s highly likely that the long-desired “leadership arc” is going to amount to one episode of leadership to defeat a pointless monster of the day before the writers forget Lance is a main character again. (Sorry, I’m just a bit salty, especially on Shiro’s behalf, and also exhausted of Lance being the fandom’s vehicle for self-insertion.)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Trailers lie, meng. I’m keeping my expectations low.
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Looking for a Partner in Plot
So, here’s the thing. I’ve been wanting to write fanfics since ever, but the plots I come up with are too complex and overly ambitious and I find myself unable to actually get to write anything cause I get stuck during the planning.
I’ve always been looking for collaborators to work on the plot together, but I haven’t been very successful at that either. This is why I ended up dropping one project after another, with my great displeasure since I had spent months racking my brain on certain projects.
Now I decided to give some of my fics one last chance trying to find a collaborator. In this post I’ll present an outline of the most prominent fan fiction projects I’ve been working on hoping that some of you reading this post will be interested in working with me on it.
As of now, I’m not looking for someone to actually write the fic with (although of course if you are a good writer I’ll be very happy to know that you are interested) I am looking for a partner in plotting, someone who, like me, relishes in coming up with plots, imagining narratives and seeing the connections between stories. My primary aim at the moment is to complete the planning of the plot for one of these fics. Writing will come after that.
Btw i know that some of these fandoms are long dead, but I still hold dear my fanfic projects, so I’m still very willing to work on them and give them one last shot with this post. I’m not very good at summaries, so pardon me. English is not my first language.
Now, presenting the projects (working titles):
Archie Andrews & Jughead Jones - The Great Beyond Fandom/type: Riverdale - Hogwarts AU Pairs: Jarchie (main), Beronica (side), Jughead x Jason (past) Complexity: 8/10 Progress:    5/10 Plot outline: Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica are students at Hogwarts and during their fifth year the vanishing of Jason Blossom sends the school into shock. In an attempt to solve the mystery of the boy’s disappearance they will uncover a dark secret about the Second Wizarding War and they will be faced with a conspiracy that threatens the entire wizarding world. All the while having to deal with teenage problems. In this fic we’re expanding the mythology of the wizarding world and we’ll be delving in mysteries untackled by the books. Sabrina and Salem will be prominent characters. Also the fic is set one year after the events of Cursed Child and will feature characters from it.
Life is Strange in Riverdale Fandom/type: Riverdale - Life is Strange AU - Dishonored mythology Pairs: Jarchie (main), Beronica (side) Complexity: 8/10 Progress:    5/10 Plot Outline: Jughead and Archie have grown apart the last few months, but when Jughead witnesses Archie’s death in the school bathrooms. He discovers he has time powers and uses them to save his old the best friend. However, he’ll soon realise Archie’s life is being endangered on a daily basis by some evil workings of fate and so Jughead will try to save Archie’s life time and time again. He’ll have to come to terms with the fact that his meddlings with time disrupt the reality and because of this the town of Riverdale is endangered by higher forces. Jughead’s life is soon turned upside down by Jason’s ghost, a coven of witches and goodly entities outside of time. All the while he also tries to come to terms with his feelings for his best friend and the possibility that he may have to let Archie die in order to save the town. The fic will borrow some characters and mythology from Dishonored while presenting situations similar to the ones in Life is Strange. Riverdale will provide the setting and the character. Sabrina and Salem will also be featured.
Once Upon a Time in Neverland Fandom/type: OUAT Cannon Divergence Pairs: not focus but many involving Pan, Swan Queen (background) Complexity: 10/10 Progress:      7/10 Project outline: Peter Pan is not Rumple’s father but his brother. His aim is to conquer all the realms and he needs Henry’s heart to do it. This will be an alternative story to what happened in OUAT after episode 3x08 and will see Pan as the protagonist. It will be focused on Neverland and will feature a plethora of characters and stories. It is an expansion of the OUAT universe way beyond what we saw in the show. It will follow Peter Pan in his rise to power, from his origins, when he was chosen to take over the role of Pan, the protector of Neverland, from the Pan who came before him, to when he was corrupted by darkness and started craving for more power. His search throughout the many realms for the Heart of the Truest Believer and his plans for the conquest of the universe once he got it. We will see Pan moving the island from one world to another. Then the battles for the domination of Oz, Wonderland, the Land Without Color, Atlantis and the many other realms. Pan’s fights against the Olympians and the other gods and higher powers. We will see Pan facing the eternal rivalry between magic and science in the battle against Tomorrowland. We’ll witness Pan make alliances with many villains across the lands. His plans unfolding and being defied by the Resistance of the people of Storybrooke and the other havens who stood up to his growing empire. Ultimately we’ll see Pan attempt to conquer our world, working with the power of belief. We’ll see the workings of the people trying to take him down and his eventual demise. We’ll delve in into the back stories of many characters such as Pocahontas, the Nutcracker, Pinocchio, Jim Hawkins, the Golden Fish, Dracula and lots more. We’ll expand the mythology and set clear rules to magic. We’ll discover the origins of Neverland and the first Pan, we’ll see how the forces of Light and Darkness battled for the Heart of the Truest believer since the dawn of time. We’ll also see Pan’s many love interests (he’s pansexual after all). It will be one hell of a ride, if you’ll care to bear with me.
more details here
Rise of the Nightmare King Fandom/type: ROTG sequel Pairs: Jack x Jamie Complexity: 7/10 Progress:    3/10 Plot outline: This is the story of how Jack watched Jamie grow, how Jamie grew up with the ghost of Jack but he never stopped believing in him. They eventually realized they were in love with each other and decided they wanted to be together despite all odds being against them. It’s the story of their journey seeking help from other spirits and legend (Valentine, Father Time, Mother Nature, and other characters from the Guardians of Childhood), looking for a way for a spirit and a human to be together. This is also the story of how the boogeyman played Jack and Jamie and got them apart while he restored his power and took over the world.
Descendants - A Prologue Fandom/type: Descendants prequel Pairs: not focus Complexity: 3/10 Progress:    8/10 Project outline: This is supposed to be a short narration in which I tried to come up with an explanation as to why the land of Auradon came to be. Explaining how Auradon looks the way it does today. A mix of concepts from OUAT and Kingdom Hearts in an attempt to give a shred of plausibility to the world of Descendants. Honestly what the creators should have come up with to legitimize their world in the Disney canon but didn’t.
If you are interested in any of these projects you can contact me and let me know if you want to take part to the plotting or you can ask me any info you need. If you’ll decide to work with me i’ll let you know all the details about the plot so far.
Anyway, if you like my concepts, you can show your support with a like or a reblog, this way i’ll have a better chance at finding a partner in plot!
Contacts: you can message me on tumblr, skype ([email protected]), email ([email protected]), hangouts ([email protected]),
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Science Fiction New Releases: 18 April, 2020
This week’s science fiction new releases features Robert Heinlein’s newest novel, a collection of Poul Anderson sword and planet tales, the return of one of indie science fiction’s pioneers in the Spinward Fringe, an even weirder Austin, Texas (if that’s even possible), and more.
Bastion of the Reaper (The Last Reaper #10) – J. N. Chaney and Scott Moon
Halek Cain has one chance to save everyone.
The Alon Empire has redoubled its efforts to conquer Yansden and strip the planet bare. Their massive fleet devours every star system it encounters. They demand total surrender and show no mercy. The Neverseen are rising from the forests, oceans, and desert wilderness and thirsty for blood. Cain and his allies have stopped both of these enemies once, but their backs are to the wall and they must escape or die.
Recently acquired from the ancient ruins in the planet’s interior, the Black Phoenix grows more powerful every day, draining Cain and X-37 of resources even as it gives them the tools to win battles and find Maglan.
But winning might kill them both in the end.
Will Cain master himself and his cybernetic modifications to run the blockade? Can he find Maglan and liberate one Sansein in return for an alliance that will protect the exodus fleet forever?
Culture Shock (The Gunn Files Book 1) – M. G. Herron
Aliens are among us, and Austin, Texas just got a whole lot weirder.
When smart-aleck, down-on-his-luck bounty hunter Anderson Gunn snags his next job, he’s just happy to get the gig. The target he’s chasing may be wanted for murder, but his bills aren’t going to pay themselves.
As it turns out, he probably should’ve been more selective. When he tracks down Cameron Kovak, the wanted man turns out to be no man at all.
Gunn finds himself face to face with a tentacled creature out of Ridley Scott’s worst nightmare – a baby Cthulhu, wearing his target’s skin like a onesie. And that’s just the start of it. Aliens have their eyes on us, and Gunn finds himself swept up in their mysterious plans.
Guardian Outcast (Star Scavenger Series #1) – G. J. Ogden
Hudson Powell had always been a drifter, but after his father died he vowed to turn his life around. He quit freelancing as a starship pilot and joined the Relic Guardian Force as a 38-year-old rookie.
That was a big mistake.
The RGF police the alien wrecks that have been found on every portal world discovered in the last century. They make sure the relic hunters pay taxes on the priceless alien tech they scavenge from the hulks. The snag is that the RGF is corrupt. And Hudson’s training officer, Logan Griff, is the worst scumbag of the lot.
Pushed over the edge, Hudson stumbles upon the exhilarating world of the relic hunters and meets the equally intoxicating and deadly mercenary, Tory Bellona.
Cast out from the RGF, Hudson Powell chooses a new path. But the discovery of a unique alien crystal will set events in motion that cannot be undone.
People stopped asking where the alien hulks had come from. People stopped asking who created the portals, and why. Hudson will discover that some alien relics are best left buried.
One decision can change the course of an entire civilization. One discovery can change your life.
I, Earthling (Soldiers of Earthrise #4) – Daniel Arenson
The war roars toward its bloody crescendo.
Armies muster for the final battle.
On one side fights Earth. Mighty. Wealthy. The center of an empire. On the other side: Bahay. A humble planet. A backwater. A world whose people will never surrender.
Jon and Maria fight on opposite sides. But to end the violence, they must work together. The very fate of humanity depends on it.
Yet the fires burn so hot. The hatred runs so deep. As the climactic battle flares, as the bombs fall and the cannons boom, can Jon and Maria survive? Or will this war rip them apart?
The Pursuit of the Pankera – Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein wrote The Number of the Beast, which was published in 1980. In the book Zeb, Deety, Hilda and Jake are ambushed by the alien “Black Hats” and barely escape with their lives on a specially configured vehicle (the Gay Deceiver) which can travel along various planes of existence, allowing them to visit parallel universes.
However, unknown to most fans, Heinlein had already written a “parallel” novel about the four characters and parallel universes in 1977. He effectively wrote two parallel novels about parallel universes. The novels share the same start, but as soon as the Gay Deceiver is used to transport them to a parallel universe, each book transports them to a totally different parallel world.
From that point on the plot lines diverge completely. While The Number of the Beast morphs into something very different, more representative of later Heinlein works, The Pursuit of the Pankera remains on target with a much more traditional Heinleinesque storyline and ending, reminiscent of his earlier works.
And here it finally is: Robert A. Heinlein’s audacious experiment. A fitting farewell from one of the most inventive science fiction writers to have ever lived: a parallel novel about parallel universes as well as a great adventure pitting the forces of good versus evil only the way Heinlein could do.
Rebel (Spinward Fringe: Broadcast #14) – Randolph Lalonde
The invasion has changed everything for Haven Fleet and the citizens they protect. More than ever the Order of Eden seems to be everywhere, hanging over our heroes like a menacing cloud as they face new challenges and try to keep the fleet from falling apart.
A resistance group led by Stephanie Vega and Shamus Frost on the Tamber moon struggles to fight Wheeler and the Order of Eden as another small group of fighters led by Jacob Valent and Admiral Rice plan a daring attack that they hope will devastate their enemies and free their people. Will it pay off, or will the price they pay for resistance be too high?
The leadership of Haven Fleet must try or orchestrate all its efforts and expand before the Order of Eden or Edxi catch them. All the while, an old force in the galaxy stirs and no one knows which side they’ll turn against.
Salvation (Rise #2) – Nathan Hystad and Devon C. Ford
The peace doesn’t last long…
With the newly received schematics of the Gateway from Detroit, Tom and Alec head to the west coast to recruit more manpower, but find that not everyone is willing to rise against the Overseers.
On Tom’s orders, Cole travels to Chicago to uncover a hidden enclave of Roamers. Meanwhile, Lina must convince pockets of Freeborn to join the Reclaimer’s cause.
Dex is forced to return to the Occupation and lie about his recent whereabouts. He sets off on a covert task that’s pertinent to the Reclaimer’s success.
Swordsmen from the Stars – Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson is one of the most celebrated authors of science fiction and fantasy. He combines elements of both genres in the three novellas presented here, which have never been collected in one book before. Heroic science fantasy at its best!
WITCH OF THE DEMON SEAS—Guide a black galleon to the lost, fear-haunted citadel of the Xanthi wizards—into the very jaws of Doom? Corun, condemned pirate of Conahur, laughed. Aye, he’d do it, and gladly. It would mean a reprieve from the headman’s axe—a few more precious moments of life and love… though his lover be a witch!
THE VIRGIN OF VALKARION—Tonight, so spake the Temple Prophecy, a sword-scarred Outlander would come riding, a Queen would play the tavern bawd, and the Thirty-Ninth Dynasty should fall with the Mating of the Moons!
SWORDSMAN OF LOST TERRA—Proud Kery of Broina felt like a ghost himself; shade of a madman flitting hopelessly to the citadel of Earth’s disinherited to recapture the fierce, resonant Pipes of Killorn—weapon of the gods—before they blared out the dirge of the world!
Science Fiction New Releases: 18 April, 2020 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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