#I made Azul way more suave than I expected
coralinnii · 2 years
Azul Ashengrotto (crossroad demon!Azul x singer!Reader)
genre: horror, twisted infatuation
note: mentions of infidelity, mentions of angels and demons, manipulation, no pronouns are used
summary: He may be greedy but he knows that good things come to those who wait. And the moment the wait is over and you decided to make the deal, it would be worth it.
series index
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The voice of the century, they would call you. A once-in-a-lifetime entertainer with unchallenged charm and talent. You were someone so unbelievable that many are left in awe of your existence as though you were blessed by angels…
Though others suspect that you instead made a deal with the Devil.
Rumours were bound to appear at the height of your fame and many of them are outright laughable…but some are unsettlingly close to the truth. You didn’t turn to demons for your talents.
You were in need of something else.
“Azul” you called out in the middle of nowhere alone, tears in your eyes. To outsiders, they may call you pitiful and deranged. But the locals who knew where you were standing on, they would call you desperate for trouble.
“We meet again, my dear. Have you decided on our deal?”
In a blink of an eye, you were faced with a well-dressed man with a face to match his impeccable style. In your career, you’ve met many people with enviable looks but your eyes were more easily drawn to this man dressed to the nines, complimented by his devilish smile.
Your familiarity with this supernatural being was due to your initial indecisiveness, as this wasn’t your first meeting with this otherworldly deal-maker.
Your first meeting came from your impulsive desire to get revenge when you suspect your husband’s affair, with your own sister of all people. Your hometown spoke of legends with demons and the deals they would make with humans, from wishes of money and fame to revenge and even death upon their enemies. Your friends often joked about making such agreements and gossiped as to how to obtain the materials needed to summon such negotiable demons. Growing up, you were sure that you never attempt such a dangerous gamble.
But you cracked.
Your rage fueled you as you dug the ground at an infamous crossroads at the outskirts of an old town, but your humanity made you hesitate.
“I-I don’t know what to do. I love them both, but they lied to me!” You sobbed to which Azul handed you a handkerchief as a form of faux sympathy.
The fair-haired “man” gave an empathetic nod but he was masking his greedy desires. He had a chance to hear your natural talent and despite the toxic environment the world of entertainment is, your soul remained deliciously pure, so temptingly sweet to demons like him and his higher-ups. He found himself getting enchanted by you and how you were a complete contrast to those he had encountered in his centuries-long lifetime.
Ah, could he dare to indulge in your voice as he indulges in you in Hell? To hear your screams as he takes delight reaping the spoils for his troubles?
Azul was close to dragging you into his grasp when you battled internally as you choose between your love for your cherished ones and the hidden desire to violently right the wrong they’ve done to you.
He was so close to you now, he can’t just let you go! He had to keep you tempted.
“Why don’t you take your time, my dear? My only desire is to make your wish come true” he offered his services, his smile ever present on his handsome face “Return here and I shall appear, none of that bothersome ritual required”
He gently pulled the handkerchief away from your shaking hands, only to carefully wipe the remaining stray tears on your cheeks. He leaned close to you, bringing his lips dangerously close to your ears as he whispered a name, his.
“Call my name, and I shall appear for you, and only you”
Oh, if his colleagues could hear him now.
Others may think he lost his mind to let you walk away without payment of any sorts, but he knew best. He already knew the truth of the affair and soon you will be running back, right into his arms begging for his aid. Which you did, as he predicted.
“I can’t believe this! After everything I’ve done for them!” You cried helplessly in the arms of the demon, breaking apart from the reality of the betrayal.
Azul softly soothed you, caressing the back of your head as you took comfort on his chest. He patiently waits for you to calm yourself, grinning to himself as he already had something in mind for his deal with you.
He would rid the pain in your heart, erase the objects that stand in your way of happiness, perhaps even promise to ensure you would never enter a painful relationship again (or any, he mused). Azul Ashengrotto, the ambitious deal-maker of the underworld, can make any and all of your wishes come true.
So long as you can give him what he wants.
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calcifiedunderland · 21 days
Fireworks When I’m With You~
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Jade Leech x GN! Reader
In which Jade surprises you with an unforgettable date on an unforgettable night.
Notes: Established relationship with Jade! A MerMay fic idea I had
Warnings: open ocean/swimming, not proofread lmao
“Now now, pearl, you can’t be backing out now?”
Jade grinned, looking up at you from the little wooden lifeboat. You peered over the edge of the ship at him, hair tousling in the ocean wind. You heard laughter and music from the main banquet hall of the ship, currently sailing the waters in the Sage Island harbor.
“But… taking a boat to open sea?” You frowned, “what if we get tossed overboard?” Predictably, Jade chuckled, as if you were the one being unreasonable. “I would be fine,” through the mischief in his eyes, fondness sparkled, “although do you really think I’d let you drown?” You bit your lip, glancing at the setting sun.
Sometime earlier on, when the two of you began dating, Jade told you about the fireworks that he, Floyd, and Azul snuck to the surface to view when they were younger. Despite your boyfriend's habit of misleading others, you could tell he was fond of those memories. You’d hummed, “that sounds nice, I’d love to see it one day.” You didn’t think it’d be so soon, but who were you to deny an impromptu date night?
Jade yanked you out of your thoughts, “well?” His eyes were brighter in the orangey hue of the sunset. His golden eye slowly hypnotized you as you made up your mind. You hauled yourself over the ship railing, unceremoniously plopping into the little wooden boat. It bobbed for a bit, and Jade lost his balance and fell next to you, while you laughed at him.
Jade merely chuckled, rubbing his elbow and sitting up, setting the oars in place. You sat up, watching Jade row the two of you out and away from the ship into deeper waters. When he finally stopped, you could still see the ship a little ways away, but it was much quieter and tranquil out here.
The sunset had deepened into indigo, and a few bright stars were visible. The sea rocked the boat gently, and Jade’s golden eye glinted at you like a small sun.
You hummed, leaning an elbow on your knee. You looked at him questioningly as he smiled mysteriously at you, the same suave customer service smile he gave when he was intentionally being an elusive piece of work. “Jade, why did you go this far from the ship? I don’t suppose you’d kidnap poor, unfortunate me?”
Jade chuckled, setting the oars down. You expected a teasing remark from him, but to your surprise, he looked sentimental. “Of course not, my pearl,” a sinister gleam shone in his eye, “unless you’d like me to drag you to the depths right now?”
You snorted, leaning back, “sure, just wait ‘til I graduate, ‘shroom boy.” Jade barked out a laugh. You gazed at the sunset, now almost completely dark, save for some light over the ocean horizon. Stars twinkled overhead, and passively you spoke aloud, “I’d never be able to see this back in my world.” At Jade’s quizzical look, you elaborated unhelpfully, albeit wistfully, “light pollution.”
Jade hummed a response, before checking his watch. He smiled to himself, “you’ll be able to see more than that, soon. In three, two…” you opened your mouth, but no sound came out.
Across the ocean, in the same open-sky you’d just been staring at, a bright orange flame shot up with a loud whistle before it burst in a loud pop! and streamed into thousands of ribbons of light. Soon, more flames shot up. The sky was lit in reds, whites, oranges, pinks, purples, blues, and greens, all reflected in the ocean below.
Your thoughts fizzled away as a breathy laugh escaped you, “Jade, this is incredible,” you leaned closer to see. Jade smiled at you tenderly, “yes, it is.”
The sky became darker, and more fireworks launched into the sky, now silver against the dark blue. “It’s beautiful,” you breathed, transfixed, “it’s perfect.”
Jade’s smile turned besotted, staring at you “yes, you are.”
You turned abruptly to him, face growing hot. Jade had a smirk on your face, which made you even more flustered. A loud bang! drew both of your attentions, and a multicolored stream of fire brightened the ocean surface. “Oh, look!” You leaned an arm against the boat’s edge, pointing up. Jade's eyes widened, “(Name), don’t-!”
You yelled as the little boat tipped over, sending you both into the ocean. You clawed for the surface, gasping for air as the boat drifted farther from your grasp. For a moment you panicked at treading water in deep open ocean, when an arm wrapped around your torso.
“You gave me quite the scare, my pearl.” You twisted around. Jade had shifted into his eelmer form, and in the darkness, his teal stripes were glowing with bioluminescence. “If I’d known you wanted to swim, I would’ve given this to you earlier,” Jade chuckled, holding up a small vial filled with liquid. You recognized it immediately.
You splashed him, “you had a water breathing potion this whole time?!” Jade merely laughed, holding you closer. “I do always come prepared, pearl.”
You sighed in fake-annoyance, and settled in his arms. The ocean was still, and the two of you watched the fireworks above, the light shining on your faces. You heard the band on the ship start up again, music and people laughing and stomping on board in dance. You hummed along, leaning your head on Jades. You felt him smile, holding you tighter.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Jade,” you pressed your cheeks together, hugging him. “For everything.”
You felt Jade’s chest rumble with laughter, and he softly pressed his lips to yours. The fireworks had started up again, and you could see the light flashes behind your closed eyes. At last, you both pulled away, and you saw Jade’s teeth flash in a grin. “The pleasure is all mine, my lovely pearl.”
Thanks for reading!! Comments/reblogs are always appreciated~
Take care shrimpies!! 😘
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merakiui · 2 months
MERA Your brain is magnificent
Just finished reading Angels in Tibet 😵‍💫 its so good and honestly one of my favorite fics of yours! .... Sugar daddy Azul is just so perfect, he would never spend his money on frivolous things. Its all investments and the money he spends on his love is just the way to secure the future he has in mind.
I have to ask how they met! God i need to know what made Azul 's head turn!!!! I need to know what the tweels think, AHHHHH I have so many questions!!!!!!!!!!
(つ≧▽≦)つ omg omg thank you!!!!!! I'm flattered it's good enough to become one of your favorites!! <3 hehe yes!!! Sugar daddy Azul is very smart with his money! Every purchase is intentional, and as you noted it's all an investment in what will be a wonderful future with his beloved. He is spoiling you while also thinking about what lies ahead!!!
As for how they met, I imagine it was on a sugaring site!!! :D Azul's really picky when it comes to these things and I think he'd have high standards for his ideal sugar baby (after all, as much as he wants a genuine connection to break his cycle of loneliness, he doesn't want to get into something that will risk losing money. He looks at it from a business viewpoint, as expected of our intelligent businesstako!). But the two of you match and agree to meet up, and ohhhh you're just the cutest thing! He's captivated with how awkwardly sweet you are. Calling him "sir" and being so polite, nervously fidgeting and saying "thank you" profusely when he covers the lunch bill..... insisting that you can't just let him pay for your portion, too, but he laughs and assures you it's fine. This is nothing (it's really nothing; he has lots of money). And you promise him you'll pay for the next meal! Oh, you're just so endearing!
You probably go on a few more trial dates before the both of you realize it's going to work, and from there you establish necessary rules and boundaries. Azul probably fell for your kindness and authenticity and all of the other charming bits in between. Also,, the sex is good. That's a lovely bonus. Pleasant emotional connections in and out of the bedroom!!!! >w<
And the tweels......... ojiisan eels,,,,,,, ITALIAN OJIISAN EELS!!!!!! I think they still tease Azul. >:D that time he got you a celebratory bouquet of flowers when you scored a job interview and you were so excited....... oh, they clowned on him HARD lol. Poking fun about how he's old-fashioned, about how he's like a schoolboy with his first crush..... and Azul just scoffs and rolls his eyes at them. But then the tweels completely understand why he is the way he is. You're just so adorable. They have a soft spot for you, too! Floyd told you that if anyone gives you any trouble, be it at school or work, you let him know and he'll handle it. You think he's joking, but the twins have lots of connections (some more dangerous than others). ;;;
Omg and maybe Azul takes you on a trip to his hometown (for the sake of the fic's setting we'll pretend it's like our world instead of twst world,,,, so Italy hehe). orz romantic sunset dinners, holding hands as you stroll barefoot by the shore, afternoon picnics, getting drinks in the evening, café dates in the morning......... maybe even visiting his mother's restaurant even though Azul just knows she's going to be all over you and him, asking when the wedding is, treating the both of you to your own private space for dinner, offering a complimentary lover's dessert. And you get to see the normally suave Azul being flustered AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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sherbet-shark · 2 years
Not everyone requesting Azul-
I'm everyone- 😃
A scenario where Azul's S/O started watching octopodes documentaries just to over analyze and give him god complex- I mean to let him know how amazing he is.
I don't expect you to watch a documentary just for this so I'll just list down two facts that's hopefully correct XD
1. Octopus brings portable pods when they travel so they have somewhere to hide when put in a vulnerable position (Azul's octo pot👀)
2. And octopuses used to have shells and eventually evolved into these squishy creatures for convenience and higher survival rate, but this probably made them more vulnerable to predators but they survive by adapting and evading. Not only that octopus is one- if not the Smartest non mammal animal which makes their intelligence more remarkable. (I feel like this fits Azul so much, especially the breaking out of his shell and putting himself out there despite the sense of vulnerability still lingering. He used his intelligence to catch his prey and outsmart predators.
I just imagine his s/o spouting this facts and simping for him-
~Blowing Bubbles~
Author’s note: Hon hon hon, this octopus man’s ego is going sky high-
Word Count: 2.1k
Trigger Warnings: Azul’s trust issues, Talks of scams, Azul’s bullied past, general chapter 3 spoilers, octopus documentation?
Summary: After watching some Octopuses documentaries and some digging. You bring it upon yourself to praise the already egotistical Azul Ashengrotto.
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Azul and yourself have been dating for a while now. You’ve known he wasn’t human and always been curious about his proper form. Azul’s Octopus-Merman form, you knew that much from word of mouth from the Leech twins, and from what you’ve heard, it’s either “He looked tasty when he was younger,” or “He’s a slow swimmer in the water just as he ‘well’ he is at flight classes.”
Not that you blamed his inability to fly, you didn’t even have magic, but you’d always cheer him on whether he saw you. Your boyfriend didn’t talk in-depth about what he looked like under the sea, and he would vaguely answer your question and then sway the conversation to another topic.
The way he worded his responses felt dismissive. You were offended by his attitude towards your queries but understood his concern in showing his well-hidden cards. Azul had no desire to break from his well-crafted façade to anyone.
Azul’s reputation preceded him as someone untrustworthy and sly. He was cordial, yet cold demeanor he showed with everyone Ashengrotto spoke with had the constant undertone of benefactor and beneficiary. It took you a long time to even take a few bricks from the endless walls he had guarding himself. Even now, it’s difficult for you to understand his motives for certain things.
When you peeled back the layers of his past during his Overblot, it made you realize, deep in his core. Azul’s visceral desire to improve himself and take things into his own hands so what he felt when he was a child would never rear its head again because people would be too scared to even think of opposing his word, even to those most unsuspecting.
His selfish craving for power drove him to not care for those he deemed lower than himself—no matter who would hurt, who to use, or how underhanded his intelligent plans were. Azul’s constant thirst scared you, even if you did love him with all your heart. But despite his shortcomings, the second year’s lust for power that was just a part of him, he had so much more behind his suave and cold persona. He was funny even when he didn't mean to; the white-haired man was still young and grounded by his limitations, the lack of real experience in certain areas, and well-hidden insecurities.
It made you sympathetic toward the second-year man, and as you got closer. Carefully watching the Octavinelle dorm leader made you realize that he, too, was still young, just like you, and he was clumsy at times. That sympathy turned to care, which soon turned to admiration, finally morphing into love, a two-way street that led to your current predicament.
His persistence in keeping his secrets buried was a bad habit that he needed to break on his own, but maybe, you can do something to show your boyfriend that he could trust you and be there for him. So, with a cunning plot of your own, you searched on your phone for any documentaries, clips, or articles talking about Octopuses and how underrated they are in the public eye—after researching merpeople and the Cephalopod family.
–At the same time, educate yourself about the boneless creature from professional marine biologists to the environmental documentaries, scribbling down notes in a spare journal and intently listening to the voiceovers and taking in the small details of the creature. At first, you found yourself a little intrigued, then, in turn, amazement.
Some people may call you too much of a hard worker for something ludicrous, but you'd like to call this a passion project. It was tiring to juggle caring for Grim, studying, and ensuring your boyfriend had no idea what you were doing. You did want to surprise him with your newfound knowledge, but the picture of him already conscious his lover was planning something was planted when the Leech twins found you picking out some books from the library from the Marine section. They didn’t tattle after you begged them not to spill the beans to Azul, you hope anyways. Despite the fact you were dating Azul, they didn’t bend to your will either. That made things all the more anxiety-inducing and annoying but understood they were people, too, not subservient.
One afternoon the twins saw you picking out an armful of marine-themed books. After you begged them not to tell the dorm leader, the duo left with a mischievous look. Their ominous answer didn’t deter you, and it feeds into your motivation to spout facts and spoil him. Flipping through your journal full of notes, doodles, and chicken scratches, you were pretty satisfied with what you wrote. The book wasn’t full of every detail but information that drew your attention. You and Azul shared the determination to finish what you started with research and effort. This week seemed to be a light homework week that made you quite happy after gaining enough knowledge about the Cephalopods and general information about the Mer-Octopus people. Resolute in your mastery, you walk towards the wondrous underwater dorm leaving your journal on your nightstand. The sun slowly set, remembering Grim staying over at Heartslaybul for the night.
Through the Hall of Mirrors and Octavinelle, you catch students seated on the leather-bound couches, retrieving food, soft lighting, and orchestral music. Everything was elegant, and you were charmed as Jade guided you to a booth nearest the Aquarium. The tall Eel-mer held the menu. Speaking off-topic, you swallowed your nerves and asked. “Jade? Is Azul busy right now? If he’s not, can you ask him to come over?” Meeting the twin’s gaze, Jade nods with a sly smirk and bows slightly, “Why, of course. Azul’s currently finishing up accounting in the V.I.P room, but I'll tell him for you.”
‘His smile doesn’t reach his eyes, but at least he’ll tell Azul.’ Quietly thank the man as he leaves. As you sat, you patiently waited for your food as you glanced at the Aquarium and saw colorful schools of fish and kelp glide on the underwater current. Another waiter walks to your table, placing down the aromatic food and drink, thanking the tired-looking man you eat, wondering how much work Azul had leftover.
As you finished and paid, Floyd sauntered up to your table huh. You didn’t see him at all when you walked in. Maybe his mood changed, and he wanted to do something, or he wanted to tease you.
“Hey Shrimpy, have you paid yet? Azul wants to talk in the V.I.P room~.” Floyd told with a teasing smile as he picked up the dirty dishes. Then with that ominous remark, he left without another word. Floyd must’ve left quite moody earlier today from the wary looks on other staff members’ faces or something like that. Following Floyd’s advice, your legs walk toward the secluded room in the back with your puffed-out chest. Azul opens the door, his heavy outer coat propped on a chair. It was an informal look for himself, but he didn’t mind letting his hair down with his lover. He welcomed you into the room and smiled while watching you sit down on one couch, and he sat next to you. His arm lays comfortably on the plush pillows as he arches his brow.
“Jade and Floyd told me that you’ve been working on something for a while now, I’ve been waiting to see if you’d tell me when you were ready, and by how you walked in, you seem quite confident, my pearl.” Azul remarks as he glances in your direction. The twins didn’t give him much information, just that his lover had been quite busy for the past weeks. The merman didn’t mind that you had your projects or secrets. It would be hypocritical if he were nosy when Azul himself wasn’t wholly truthful with you, but that didn’t mean Azul’s curiosity wasn’t sparked entirely on the contrary.
You met his sky blue gaze with a smile that could rival the sun’s warmth, turning your body closer and asking an enthusiastic question. “Yup, and you wanna know what I learned?” In the remote, fancy room. The couple is free to drop formality and show gentleness and affection to each other as Azul’s eyes widen as he watches his lover’s eyes shine brightly with child-like glee.
“Of course, please enlighten me.” Azul muses as he feds into his lover’s confidence streak as he chuckles to himself. The second-year feels his cold heart melt like the ice caps in the face of summer. Why did you have to be so cute when overconfident?
A smirk appears as you straighten your posture and clumsily execute your appraisal plan. You didn’t think how you’d praise the dorm leader, but your passion didn’t deter in the slightest regardless of that detail.“I’ve been researching an underappreciated species. Through this, I understood things better. I found some interesting connections between something I love and thought you’d like to hear them.”
As you praise him and his shared traits with the Octopus, Azul feels his ego boost sky-high. Despite how awkward your praising was, he didn’t care because it was from the person he cared for the most, the person that, despite how Azul acted, would never try to coax them into any of his harmful schemes, the person he cherished. With your act of true devotion to making him more comfortable and admittedly more prideful than he already was, you preferred those times when he was drowning in his mind of the past and the scars he wore from them.
Continuing with your praising, he wondered if you were this stubborn and unwavering in your relationship about how you felt for him. Maybe he can show you he wanted to show his trust in you. The silver-haired man knew he had deep-seated trust issues, which would inevitably affect other relationships if he didn’t try to change. He tried to make a difference in how he was with you because Azul genuinely loves you, so he concluded after some thought. Such hard work from his pearl should be rewarded, no? Ashengrotto feels his cheeks burn under embarrassment at the mere idea of what he’ll do next. A gloved hand reached to your lap and stopped your beloved rambling. You shot up to meet his gaze in a flurry of confusion.
“Did you hate it? Was I too abrupt? Or maybe I got something wrong? I mean, I didn’t think I did, but you are from the sea and lived there for all your life, so–” In an instant, that confident resolve you once had crumbled at his touch. Maybe, you were wrong to think that the Octopuses and the people had a lot in common despite your research? Thoughts flood your mind as you ashamedly look with your hand down into your lap, shrinking under the room’s pressure.
The merman shushes you as he grasps your hand. He beckons you to meet his gaze and look up at him slowly. His cheeks burst to life in a brilliant show of reds. Azul’s back straightens as he shakes his head, dispelling the worries that plagued you. “No, I quite adored it. But I wanted to show you something as well.” Interest and concern piqued, you tilted your head, not fully understanding what he was alluding to. Azul reaches for his glasses and closes his eyes as he pulls them away from his face and places them on the coffee table. He moved his body to face yours once more and nervously opened his eyes, revealing a pair of rectangular-shaped pupils to his lover. They were precisely like an Octopus’ eyes save for the beautiful sky color.
A gasp escapes your lips as you move closer to him and gaze into his eyes. Even when he was a master of covering his emotions and wearing his poker face, he couldn’t hide how anxious Azul felt. Initially, he would’ve taken a long time to warm up, even to entertain the thought of showing a side of himself, and at that, he’d never leave things to chance, but you showed him how serious you were and the passion you had.
He desperately wanted to wear his glasses and escape to the safety of his Octopot as he heard your gasp. Azul Ashengrotto felt like what he hated the most. Vulnerable. Sitting in silence for a few moments, you gathered your thoughts as you reached out to his hands on his lap. Unwavering and caught in his spell, you could only utter one sentence, and it was unfair how much comfort it brought him.
“You’re beautiful.”
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
Hi! Can I request all the dorm leaders confessing to their male crush who is their first male crush? Maybe some panicking about reader not accepting his feelings but he does?
I hope this is good… some bits are intense
may have gotten very carried away writing this... be ready for some angst
-- -- --
Some boys get over the initial shock sooner than others
Others take a while to fully work out their internalized problems and doubts
Vil and Kalim are ones to settle with their feelings quickly (though Kalim does have one doubt cling to his mind)
Followed by Riddle and Leona, both had a realizations that made them snap out of their doubts
Malleus struggles more with understanding that what he’s feeling is love more than struggling with how he likes a guy
The two who struggle the most are Azul and Idia
Azul due to the past bullying he sustained, and how he feels he isn’t being honest to the boy he fancies because his personality isn’t exactly his true self, but one built to appear powerful and capable
Idia… Idia feels this is some sort of joke fate threw at him. His self hate and internalize prejudices make it hard for him to accept his feelings
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts 🥀
The moment Riddle realizes he looks forward to have this boy present in any future Unbirthday Parties, and how the dorm head tries to show off when tutoring him, is when it clicks
And he feels such an immense happiness, feeling like he’s floating on a cloud, while his face develops a bright red flush paired with a soft smile
But it crumbles when one thought haunts his mind: “What will mother think?”
There’s a mess in his mind and heart, and a heavy feeling in his chest that makes it hard to breath
“What mother thinks… what she would say…” Sudden unadulterated rage fills his body, “What mother has said and done until this day led me to Overblot, to almost lose my life…”
It’s between tears that he decides not to give a single care about what his parents think of his feelings. It’s his life, time to finally live it as he sees fit
What were those tears of, sadness or happiness? He knows not, but most probably it was a mix of both
Sadness for letting go years of strictly following his mother’s rules and fulfilling her expectations, and happiness to finally fight for what he wants
Still, Rosehears will make sure to eventually speak up to his mother about this and reach middle ground where both are happy (she’s still someone he respects and wants approval from)
You know this boy take to research in order to understand his emotions better, and learn ways to approach his crush
Understanding and considerate to the other boy’s feelings, will approach him when he thinks it’s appropriate
“[Name], I have something to confess. First off, I want to tell you that you’re a dear friend and I understand if you wish for some distance.” The redhead would take a deep breath before looking deep into his eyes, “[Name] [Surname]... I… I’m in love with you and… and I want to fight for our feelings, in case you feel the way I do.”
“Riddle..! That’s- I- Woah, you really-! I-It’s just..!” The boy babbled, brows furrowed at his own nerves.
“Ah! Uh… Don’t pressure yourself, I understand.” Rosehearts put on a strained smile, “If you need distance, I understand, as well.”
“No no, Riddle! What I mean is that-! I-...UGH! I LOVE YOU TOO, YOU LITTLE QUEEN!” The [hair color] blurted out, blushing furiously once he realized what he did.
Riddle himself blushed, too. “Oh? O-OH!” He snickered adorably, “So, uhm… How about you pass by Heartlabyul for a cup of tea? Maybe… we could schedule a date?”
🦁 Leona Kigscholar 💛
We all know Leona respects women and sees everyone for their potential, disregarding prejudice
At first, the beastman thought this was an amazing friendship. Both making each other surpass their previous accomplishments, become better
One day, when that huge dumb happy smile was directed at him, his breath hitched
“What the fuck?” (yup, this was definitely his first thought)
Leona isolated himself for a good while, and every night he would remember Fereena’s tales of how he fell in love with his wife. All those mushy feelings and tender words… it all made sense now, as much as it irritated him to admit
A single laugh tore through his throat. Man, what a life, huh?
But it’s exactly that what helped him say Fuck it and push through
They made him a second son, unworthy of the throne, even more so now that there was his brother’s brat as future heir
He was not about to let his family ruin this for him too
If there’s anything lions will always have is their pride, and Leona would proudly show his crush off to his whole dorm… in his own way
Everyone at Savanaclaw was surprised to see their dorm head share food with this one boy, even allowing him to disturb his sleep and crash with him whenever
Ruggie caught up rather quickly and got to investigate things behind Leona’s back
“Hey, Leona-san, why don’t you just come out and tell him?”  “Huh?”  “He doesn't understand your courting, go on and spit it out already.”
“Stop it.”
“W-What?” [Name] asked in confusion. He just wanted to share a tonkotsu sandwich with the lion. Seems like waking him up this time was a mistake, he had you pinned under his tall frame.
A growl rumbled through the 3rd year’s chest, “Stop… Looking so stupidly cute.”
[Color] eyes widened, “Huh? What do you-?” His inquiry was cut off by a pair of rough lips on his.
Leona smugly smiled down at the stunned boy, but the silence quickly made him roll off. “Shit… I’m sorry, just… go, leave me alone.”
“...Leona” He tried with a firmer voice this time.
With a roar, he tried to intimidate, “Just go already! I don’t want to-!” It was the beastman’s turn to be silenced by a kiss.
They looked at each other for a few seconds before [Name]’s face colored red.
Leona snorted, “Feisty little herbivore, I see… Not bad…”
It felt nice to feel his own heart beat rapidly after such a long time of feeling numb.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 💜
Oh, he knew the feeling well
He had it a couple times before when young, albeit more airy, not as serious.  Still, the fear of rejection and mockery led him to forcefully remove the emotion from his repertoire
So, once he felt the tendrils of love grace his heart, Azul panicked
Completely isolated himself from everyone, pretty much. Piling as many mountains of work as he could onto himself so he had no real reason to leave his office or room.
“How will [Name] love someone as fake as me? As pathetic as me? As-” The flashback of his compliments in the underwater museum interrupted his train of thought. Tears fell down his cheeks as he coughed up ink from the stress.
Then he realized how much he missed spending time with his crush. How the buy would occasionally visit Mostro Lounge to share a drink and catch up… How those [color] eyes remained trained on his, how close he would sit to him, how the [ x ] year would accidently sip the mermen's drink--
Wait… “Does he like me back…?”
That’s when he slowly tries to interact with the object of his affections again
When one tries to act suave and flirty with the other, an accident happens
Be it spitting a drink on the other’s face… or ink
That, or it completely flies over their head (both their heads, the nerves are too much… I’m sure they could power the whole Isle of Sages with their anxiety)
“You’re leaving already? Aww, I wanna be shellfish and keep you to myself~” Azul sighed dramatically, playing his typical theatrics.
“Oh, worry not! For you octopi my thoughts all day, Azul~!” [Name] answered back.
Azul choked on his drink (while a pair of twins snickered some ways away at the awful flirty puns). “Wha-wha-wha-wha-! What?!” This was the first time flirting was return when either party started it.
“Ahaha… Well… Haven't you been flirting with me?” He looked at Octavinelle’s dorm head with a light blush and worry on his face. Maybe he was interpreting his comments incorrectly?
If Ashengrotto doesn’t take the leap here, he will lose the chance. “Have been… for a while now, yes. Ahem, thank you for noticing.”
“So… Does that mean we can-?” “Stop with the sea life puns, yes”
The boy pouted, “I mean...sure, but that wasn’t what I wanted to say.” (No, he was definitely going to say another pun). Regardless, he threw a soft smile at the octomer, “Can we go out some time? I enjoy your company a lot, Azul. Let me see all different sides of you, yes?”
☀️ Kalim Al-Asim 🦂
This is one thing he need no help with. Once he felt that distinct fluttering in his heart and how his whole body buzzed after his crush touched him, he knew
Laughed the merriest laugh, danced around the entire room (or all of Scarabia, if they were at the dorm), and hugged everyone in his path (first victim being his crush, followed by poor Jamil)
I can see him blurt out his feelings right then and there
“Kalim, Kalim! What is wrong with you?” The [color] eyed boy snickered. Kalim could be so cute~
“[Name]!! Do you- Did you feel it too?! The sparks?! The butterflies?!” The white haired male held him by the shoulders, bringing him so close to his face.
“It feels...magical! Like I-! I-.! [Name] can I… c-can I… kiss you?” Round garnet eyes shone with intense happiness, the [ x ] year found it difficult to speak (his breath was stolen away~).
At that, Kalim gasped, letting go of his friend. “Oh, sorry! That was p-probably very, uh, sudden.” He chuckled awkwardly.
“No, you dork! Please!” Now it was [Name] who brought the 2nd year closer, “Kiss me!”
And so the Asim heir did~! The blushing boys shared their first kiss surrounded by high energy and happiness.
Otter boy would want to tell his parents as soon as possible of his fortune, but one though stopped him on his tracks
As the first son of the Asim family, his parents will surely want him to have a kid, a future heir
“I know they will be happy for me, but… Will they fully accept the relationship?”
No one has ever seen Kalim so determined to study the Land of Hot Sand’s history
He was set on finding an example for his parents to understand that, regardless of who he chose as his future spouse, their family can have a future heir
There’s many ways to bring children into the family! Why only be tied by blood?
Whatever their answer to his relationship and example is, Kalim is fully prepared to push on and not give up on his love
They make it together or they give it up together. Kalim knows the implications of this, of probably being disowned and whatnot; while it breaks his heart, he will want to go on with it. “What’s the point of being with them if they won’t accept and love their son for being happy with who he loves?”
Kalim’s love for his boyfriend runs deep, and his for Kalim runs equally as profound
They will make it through any hurdles and obstacles in their path
👑 Vil Schoenheit ❤️
The one that takes it most calmly
Sure, he’s happy and excited there’s someone he fancies, but he’s Vil Schoenheit: Cool as a cucumber, elegant always, rising sta; a crush won’t make him lose his composure, in public
In private, though... boooyyyy you bet he’s dreamy sighs and fantasies, love songs and talks with the pillow
It doesn’t fully shock him to like a guy. Love is love, there’s nothing wrong in loving someone with your whole heart, outside opinions are irrelevant
Maybe he’s delved into what the LGBTQIA+ community is due to fellow actors and people in the industry he looks up to, one or two (or more) identities called out to him in his research
(can totally see Vil as an Ally that later on discovered his own identities the further he advocates for the community’s rights)
Still, he will take his time to fully register and unravel his feelings towards the guy. He would absolutely detest getting both their hopes up when no real feelings exist between them
Will occasionally throw coquettish comments and carefully invade his crush’s personal space with playful touches to see his reaction.
I believe he knows how to read people well, so this is a key element for him to know if the boy’s interested too or not, and Vil’s next plan of action
Don’t think Vil tells anyone about his crush, but the ever observant Rook catches on and encourages him to pursue his feelings
If they get in a relationship, it will become public only after approval is given by his partner. Privacy should always be respected
“Vil?” [Name] poked his head through the door after knocking on it. The letter said to meet him here, along with other very sweet and heartfelt words.
The blond signaled him to come closer, “Do close the door behind you. Take a sit.”
“Vil, I-” The words he practiced so many times failed to come out.
Pomefire’s dorm leader smiled into his cup, “Don’t worry about it, [Name], I understand. However,” Amethyst eyes look into deep pools of [eye color], “I hope we can remain as frien-” A folded piece of paper slid his way interrupted Vil.
Eyes shifted from the hastily made card to the student across him. Slowly, Vil took the paper and read the words inside.
A gentle smile shaped his painted lips, “Aren’t you the sweetest?” Giggling lightly, Schoenheit took the other’s hand and placed a tender kiss on his knuckles.
💀 Idia Shroud 💙
Alright, take it as you will…. but I think Idia would have some internalized homophobia problems
With how into anime, manga and games he’s into, of course he’s heard of same sex couples and the like
Doesn't react much to them, but maybe the parts involving them he passes quick in his media & games
He’s sorta indifferent to them
The typical boy that imagined his future with a nice girl that loves him as he is, but
The way this one friend of his makes him look forward to his next visit, how he interacts with Ortho and the way they play together, the gentle way he coaxes Idia out of his room to share a meal or drink in the cafeteria or Mostro Lounge
Then they accidentally brushed hands. Idia’s face flared up and his heart did a somersault
“I liked that” followed by “But [Name]’s a guy”
His brain is very much confused, and so is his heart. He believed himself straight, and very not attracted in other irl people, to have this revelation has his world made a mess
At first, he’s denying it, telling himself it was an overreaction… But that breath stealing sensation happened again once the guy smiled at him in greeting
Proceeds to isolate himself and fall into a hole of self loathing
“This can’t be happening”  “Humans are disgusting”  “Same sex couples are shunned, looked down upon”  “I knew fate wouldn’t let me be happy ever in my life”  “I have a prestigious family’s image to uphold, what will everyone say if they see me with a boy?”
“Love is disgusting”
His world is even more shaken after that thought crossed his mind… Is love disgusting? Up until few days ago, he was hoping for a future with love in it…
It then morphs to “I am disgusting, for feeling this towards a boy”
Doesn’t help when said boys actually shows up on his dorm and (quite literally) kicks down his door to know what is going on (Ortho helped with the door thing, after all, he’s also very worried about his brother)
“What are you doing here? Came over just to mock me, did you? Yeah, of course you did.” Idia immediately began his attack.
“What? Idia, what the hell is wrong with you?! I’m here because I care about you and I’m worried! It’s been more than a week! You haven’t even attended your classes through the tablet!” The [color] haired retaliated.
“I don’t want you here, I don’t want anyone here,” There was a strange glint in his eyes, “Especially you.”
“Idia, what?!” That hurt.
“I want to forget, I want to get purged from you!” His flaming hair bursted for a second. “I want you out of my life, out of my mind! Out of-! Out of my-!” Words choked in the older Shroud’s throat.
[Name] was scared, and very much hurt. “Idia… what is going on? Why are you saying such things?”
“Because I-! I-I..!” The 3rd year student felt like throwing up, this sadness, anxiety and unjustified rage did not sit well in his stomach. “Because I don’t want to feel this way! I-I don’t want to be in love, not like this!” Panic rushed through his blood, making his breathing erratic and vision blurry with tears.
The [hair color] rushed over to his friend’s side, carefully taking one of his hands and calling for his attention. “Idia, Idia, let’s do this together.” He placed the hand on his chest and took deep breaths. He kept repeating the breathing exercises until he saw the sapphire haired male repeat the motion, albeit shakily. “Now, tell me, what do you see on my jacket?”
“A-...A-A color… [fav. color]”
“Keep breathing, don’t stop.”
“I see… a white shirt… a-and [color] skin...warm…” Idia continued describing, until his eyes crossed with [color] orbs. “A-And I see…” More tears welled up, pointy teeth biting harshly on his bottom lip to muffle the sobs, “I-I see… The friend I love most… The friend…. I love… love…” He finally rested his forehead on the other’s shoulder, silently letting his tears fall.
Shroud cried until he could no more, voice hoarse and head pounding. “I… Sorry, [Name]... I fell, fell for you and… don’t know how to… what to do…”
Gentle hands lifted his head, “It’s fine, it’s fine, Idia… If you allow me, we can work it out.”
🐉 Malleus Draconia 🖤
He took it as calmly as Vil, but with some bumps in the road (by bumps I mean long periods of time for him to realize what was happening)
All this time, he thought the feelings he held for his friend were purely that, platonic
It wasn’t until he spoke out to Lilia about how his insides tickled curiously whenever he walked under the skies with the boy that Lilia made him realize what it truly was
“Young Malleus, I do believe those tender feelings are a sign of you falling for the male”   “Fall? No, We walk carefully through school grounds.”  “No, Malleus, not literally.”   “Ah, could it be the famous expression used when describing love? I’ve read it before in novels.”   “Indeed, My Lord, you’re falling in love with [Name].”
Silence…. “Hah! Oh Lilia, your jokes are ever hilarious.” He just brushed it off, and continued to do so for a while.
While novels and books described the magical feeling in many different exciting ways, love wasn’t exactly something Malleus sought in his life
What he wanted most was company, friends, to never be alone again
And he certainly never felt alone when with the boy he fancies
Many months passed by rereading romance novels and reading new books for the little seed to sprout… maybe he was indeed falling for his friend
“Lilia, I have a question.”  “Yes, My Lord?”   “Why are same sex couples so rare in human literature?”  “That, Malleus, is something not even I can fully comprehend… Humans can hold senseless hate in their hearts, and these couples are unfortunate objects of such hate.”   “...They should learn from faefolk”  “Indeed they should, indeed they should.”
He prods Lilia further to quell his curiosity and learn more, but the old bat eventually gets tired of it and leaves him with a   “Dear Malleus, just explore the emotion you’re feeling right now. That’s better than asking an old man like yours truly to answer your questions. Explore and enjoy life!”
And that he does. His night walks with his crush become more frequent, he invites him to his dorm room to enjoy tea, info dumps about gargoyles, and starts his courting
Little useful (and random) gifts, Malleus even gives him some pieces of jewelry and gems from his own treasure (the biggest show of respect and affection between dragon fae)
“[Name], I have something special to give you.” Malleus broke the silence.
They had been sitting, looking at the stars for some time.
“Oh?” The boy outstretched his palm, where the taller male placed a single object.
[Color] eyes examined the smooth, dark object, awed at the hardness of it.
“It appears my previous gifts have been misinterpreted, so I will take to explain this one.” The crown prince began, “That is one of my very own scales. For us dragon fae, gifting jewels, precious metals, and scales is a great show of respect.”
“Oh! Well, thank you for thinking so highly of me! I certainly hold you in high regards, too, Malleus.” A bright smile appeared on the [ x ] year’s face.
“And they are also great displays of affection… tremendous, I would say.” Draconia added.
And then…
“Oh my! Malleus, I am…!”
Silence once more.
“I see....” The dragon exhaled, “It is fine, apologies for not explaining things earlier. You’re, of course, welcomed to keep the gifts… They are gifts, after all.”
“Malleus… I’m just… Blown away-!” Shining eyes looked into his lime ones, “All your gifts… You were courting me without my knowledge… Sorry, I-I promise to make it up to you! If you allow me, of course…”
“Oh?” Shock and excitement pierced the dorm head’s heart, “Very well. Next time, come out in your best drapes. I wish for us to dine the finest of meals.” He could feel the tips of his fangs poke his bottom lip from how wide his smile was at that moment.
-- -- --
Sorry if spelling mistakes sneak here and there 🙇‍♀️
Hope this was enjoyable! And sorry if I strayed from the original request (bc I definitely feel like I went in a tangent orz)
Thank you for the request!! This was very fun and interesting to imagine :D
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twistedmusings · 3 years
Congrats on 600+ followers! May I request fluff no. 18 with Azul with a g/n reader who works on campus catching him off guard because they're naturally suave? Love your works btw >w>
A/N: Ah thank you for the compliment! And the writer is going to be perfectly honest...I kinda went rouge with this prompt request. I didn’t expect to be so into it but I’m an Azul simp so maybe its just in my blood q wq. 
Warnings: None! Unless you count Azul embarassing himself as one. 
Azul Ashengrotto 
Azul hated everything about this.
It was just a simple question. Were you free tonight? Azul had planned out a perfect excuse to get you to drop by the Monstro Lounge as well as a brand new appetizer set that he had put on the menu that would hopefully keep you in the Monstro Lounge and in the company of Azul.
And then maybe, just maybe, Azul could believe that he had a date with you. 
The plan was flawless in his eyes
He knew you weren't doing anything tonight, had planned each appetizer based on what you usually ordered when you went over and  handpicked an array of conversational topics which were all ordered based on how interesting you would find them. 
All he had to do now was just...set it into motion. Which is good! No plan this good should be kept in the dark. 
So why did he hate every single aspect of this? 
Ever since your little 'hardworking' comment back in the Atlantica museum, Azul started drafting what ended up being a five page outline on how to get you to be his friend. After spending more time with you he extended the outline to ten pages in order to include how he would get you to visit Atlantica and his parent's restaurant. Followed that came several more hangouts as well as you offering to work for Monstro Lounge for some extra madol and Azul didn't necessarily know how a five page outline turned into a fifteen page outline complete with color coordination on events he deemed important in your relationship as well as future events he had already planned out that would get your feelings for him to change into something with a more...romantic overture. 
"Oh. Hey Azul!" 
This was it. No turning back. Every single muscle in his body was tensed despite how relaxed and poised he looked on the outside
"[Y/N]-san. Lovely seeing you here." 
"Feeling is mutual." you smile, "Need help finding a book?" 
First hurdle. Reply with a flirtatious comment or state his intentions clearly. 
"No,I am just here...to check out books..." 
Oh Great Witch, he wouldn't be able to pull this off would he? 
Azul needed to call the whole thing off, needed to go back and draft any other scenario that didn't start with him stating the blatantly obvious--! 
"Oh well good! Do you need my help?" 
Or maybe not? An excuse to stick by your side had presented itself and Azul would be damned  if he didn't take it. 
"I need a book on human's thoughts on Atlantica before the start of the 21st century. I thought it would be an interesting read for both me and Jade." 
Azul can't help the softness he feels in his heart as he watches you think to yourself before placing a finger on your lips. 
“Twisted Wonderland history...that should be over in the next couple of shelves. Wanna follow me?” 
Yes. YES! 
“If that would be alright with you.” 
Sky blue eyes take in your form, letting his mind wander as you talked about...well he wasn’t necessarily listening. With you being this distracted Azul could take all the time he wanted staring at way your lips moved and how your eyes looked when staring at him--
“Azul? Did you hear what I said?” 
He blinks when your words reach his ears, blushing when realizing that he had been staring so much he truly had no idea what you were talking about. No need to panic or get carried away, however, this was perfectly normal in conversations. 
“I apologize. I have been a little out of it.” 
You stop walking beside him, halting Azul’s step as you looked at him. 
“Are you alright?” 
Damn you. That was the sort of thing that Azul loved and hated about you. You were in a world that wasn’t your own and were almost pushed to take up odd jobs here and there to make ends meet and you were asking about his well-being? Friendship or possible romantic relationship be damned, Azul just wanted you by his side constantly. 
If he could rope you into a contract that would assure that it would be so much easier than having to plan out an entire situation to get what he wants, but you at least were worth the trouble. 
“More than alright. Even I tend to get distracted.” 
Your cheery smile comes back as you both keep walking, you speaking up after a few seconds. 
“I asked what had brought you here.” 
“Just the book I suppose...and the company that came along with it.” 
First flirtatious comment made and the small look of surprise was his prize. Catching you off guard was one of the goals he had set for himself in this conversation so he could promptly check that off. 
“And you?” he adjusted his glasses before smiling his practiced charming smile, “Do you come here often?” 
“Well considering I work here...yes.” 
Azul can almost hear a pin drop when you say that, his eyes somehow abandoning his tunnel vision and realizing what you looked like. 
A small name badge on your uniform, a lanyard with several keys that he guessed would help you open several library doors and a trolley (how did he miss a trolley!?) full of books that you were currently pushing. 
“Right...of course...I knew that…” 
A small chip cracks off from his pride, the whole thing coming tumbling down as you laugh. How did he miss such a BIG detail? 
“Did you really not notice? I was even putting books away!” 
All he can do is open and close his mouth like a fish out of water, face turning an embarrassing shade of red as he tries to excuse himself from your presence. He just wanted to hide in a pot and never come out! The moment he got to the dorm he would tear that outline in half because what was the point if he missed something so little! Why would you even want to be friends with someone like him when he didn’t even know the more basic things about you! 
Stars, he just wanted to die. 
You wipe a tear from your eye before putting a hand on a shelf, “Oh my goodness...that was really funny. You should find the book you want here, ‘zul.” 
“...thank you…” 
Azul sighs and goes to look for whatever title he had told you he wanted but stops when a hand tugs on his wrist. 
“Well don’t leave me alone just yet. I have a question for you.” 
You pull out your phone, “I get off at six today. Do you mind if I drop by the Monstro Lounge to hang out?” 
His heart does a little flip as his entire posture straightens out. 
“Yeah I know you guys close at five and don’t open until eight for weekends but I thought we could just hang out in your office. We clearly need to catch up if you didn’t know I work here now.” 
You move closer, the little flips in Azul’s heart turning into major acrobatic leaps as you smile at him. 
“Sounds like a date?” 
Azul doesn’t necessarily remember what happened after that, all he remembers is nodding far too quickly that his glasses almost flew off and then tripping on air when you finished helping him check his book out. 
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yan-twst · 4 years
What would happen if the reader jokingly told yandere Leona, Azul, Idia, Malleus and the tweels they loved someone else?
leona kingscholar
he’d immediately snarl and ask his darling why they’d even think it’d be funny to say something like that
he knows it’s a joke- it better be- but that doesn’t mean it makes him any less angry. 
does his darling think it’s fun to get him on a bad mood? well, if they wanted him mad they succeeded- the grip on their wrists is sure to bruise when he pins them to the wall and warns them to never try to play games like that again, for their own sake
he’ll let them off with the bruises and a warning; however, he’ll be in a foul mood for the rest of the day. seriously, this whole thing was a terrible idea: leona acts even more protective and grumpy than usual
at the same time, he’ll act a bit colder to his darling, and that’s terrifying. leona acting that way only means he’s probably angrier than he’s showing, and god knows that any little thing could make him snap 
azul ashengrotto
now why would you do that? azul’s darling would have front-row seats to witness azul’s more miserable, desperate side; he’s made it quite clear he needs them, and that he’s willing to go to extremes to keep them
despite being quite suave, the joke might go over his head for a second, and he’d be filled with absolute despair. it’s one of his biggest fears, that his darling would find someone better; even as a joke, it crushes him
the waterworks and crying will probably be a good sign to his darling they fucked up; even if he composes himself, it’s clear he wasn’t amused at all
the crushing hug they’re enveloped in and azul’s mantra of “you were joking, right? you love me, right?” is simply the beginning. azul can take no risks; this small joke set off alarms 
even if the relationship had been... relatively ok, up to that point (with azul suppressing his more obsessive tendencies), this could easily be the turning point- azul would begin to cut away his darling’s ties with others, slowly becoming th. who knows is they could really fall in love with someone else? he has to prevent that
idia shroud
oh, really, why would his darling do that? don’t they know how insecure- how fragile his feelings are? don’t they know how much he relies on validation? he already doubted his darling loved him for real: the little “joke” just breaks him further
instead of being angry, he’d just be incredibly sad. oh, he’d be so destroyed- he doesn’t care if it was a joke, it just hurts
his pain would fuel his obsession. oh, he knew it was an unreachable goal to win his darling’s heart fairly; surely, they just stuck by him due to pity; he could never have them love him naturally! so he should just... take the other route, perhaps?
like with azul, this little “joke” is gonna cost idia’s darling their freedom. the ignihyde dorm leader simply cannot trust them not to run off now; he’ll use small cameras and microphones to keep track on them, always keeping tabs on who they are with and freaking out when someone gets too close
he’ll begin to isolate his darling, whether they want to or not: they managed to spark his fear and insecurities, and now he’s going to keep them where he’s sure they’re his
malleus draconia
listen, malleus is no good at reading people or their tones: especially with such a serious matter as his darling’s love, he won’t catch up it’s a joke until he’s tightly gripping his darling’s wrist and they desperately tell him they were just joking
malleus will be very distressed. why would they make such a joke to him? that’s not- no, that’s not normal, is it? he knows he’d never dare say something like that, so why would they say it?!
malleus’s possessiveness is something his darling would know by now; his instinct to hoard, to hold his darling close like the dragon he is. 
so that kind of joke will anger him greatly. usually he’d try not to hurt his darling; however, when he’s so mad and jealous, he might end up bruising them or accidentally burning them with his fire
his darling should consider this their warning to never try that again. malleus might be a gentle lover when he’s calm, but his anger isn’t something they should test- unless they want to be locked in the tower way sooner than they would had the relationship ran it’s expected course
floyd leech
tell me one single reason why anyone would ever think it’d be a good idea to joke about this with him
floyd’s mood is like a rollercoaster- he goes from cooing like he’s talking to a child to holding his darling by the neck when they say those words
what’s that shrimpy...? you thought that joke was funny...?
he might really make his darling pass out by cutting off their air supply. he can easily lift them up by holding them up by the neck, watching as they helplessly struggle- why make him angry, huh? 
his darling will be bruised, and there’s a chance they pass out just because of that joke. even once they wake up, floyd might still be pissed
he won’t be lowering his voice or glaring at them, but his cooing and playfulness will clearly have a violence to it; also, he’ll be much more vicious in tearing his darling away from any social interaction he dislikes
jade leech
once again, i cannot even phantom why his darling would even think it was an ok idea to say such a thing. jade’s anger is something nobody wishes to bring forth, and they might just get close to it
he’ll slam a hand to the wall next to his darling’s hand, startling them and caging them in. now, now, that wasn’t a very tasteful joke, was it? they shouldn’t go around joking about things like that...
especially not to him, whose love runs so deep. he acts as if he’s hurt by the joke, but really, he’s just angry and bitter; that’s really the last thing he wanted to hear from his darling’s lips, even as a joke
if his darling wants to be funny, then he’ll be hilarious too- he’ll tell them he’s cutting the time they’re allowed to go outside, limit the people they can see... oh, but he will go through with his words.
jade’s silent but strong anger is terrifying. he’ll be holding this anger for a long while- perhaps with small things, such as cooking meals he knows his darling dislikes, to bigger things like holding their wrist tighter than needed to bruise. small reminders, to not do that again
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glacialltz · 4 years
Lily-nee!! Congrats for 100 sis!!! Ily 💖 And for the event, may i request for Azul with the letters E, F, G, J, N, and Z? Thank you sis! Congrats again 💖💞~Mi🍰
Tumblr media
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? 
Azul seems like one to lead a relationship, however, as he is a bit of a soft boy at times, he enjoys basking in a very equal relationship. He has a way of wording certain aspects of the relationship like a deal; a deal the both of you prosper from. And while that may be how he describes it - a business transaction with romantic goals in which both parties benefit - he loves you more than he expected he would, and is happy to have an equal balance with you. You are his partner in crime in all business, after all, so he’s quite happy to share with you.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Sometimes it simply depends when it comes to Azul. He understands that fighting is normal and congruent to any healthy relationship, and can’t fault you for simple misunderstandings at times. However, if you were to say something completely insensitive or something that reminds him of his past, he will have a much harder time forgiving you. Telling you his vulnerabilities was a choice this octopus made only when he believed he could trust you with them, and you throwing them back in his face...he doesn’t know if he could forgive you for that. Please, never hurt this boy; he’s been through enough.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
As someone who makes deals for their own gain for a living, he can understand how much you have given up just to be in a relationship with him. His gratitude toward you shines through in simple ways; when he brings you a bouquet of flowers in the morning and a dainty kiss upon your wrist; when he leaves small boxes of your favorite treats outside your dorm; when he invites you to come sample something for the Mostro Lounge and asks you to sit with him. Actions done with nothing asked in return speak volumes when coming from Azul, and he does them with the hope that you understand his love for you, and his gratitude toward everything you do for him.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Azul’s jealousy tends to boarder on unhealthy at times. He finally feels like he has something amazing - something contracts didn’t get him; he earned you himself, and he doesn’t want anyone else taking you away from him. His insecurities nag in the back of his mind when he sees someone getting a little too close for comfort with you, and he wants nothing more than to sick the Leech twins on the perpetrator. His darling, his muse, his treasure, he doesn’t want to lose you. Sometimes, if he gets a little too uppity, you may have to remind him that you are with him because you love him, and you don’t plan on leaving him so easily, but he usually recovers from his sour mood if you shower him with enough attention.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Azul is almost as bad as Floyd when it comes to giving you nicknames, but his tend to be more along the lines of sugary sweet. “Angelfish” is one of the most common ones, however he is also fond of calling you “My Starfish” and “My Butterflyfish”. It’s a cute twist on the traditional pet names people have used, and you’re touched that he’d give you such sweet and special names - almost making it feel like he’s welcoming you into the under the sea lifestyle he has.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
A calculated thing, indeed, a relationship is. A set of give and takes with a chance of gaining nothing at the end - one of life’s riskiest gambles. As a  business man with his gains in mind, continually weighing everything he does, being in a relationship with you is already a massive gamble for this suave sea creature, and he’s taken quite the loan out already, despite the house having the advantage. There is a lot that Azul is willing to do and to give up for you, but his livelihood and way of living is certainly not it. While you may be able to teach him that his value does not lay in the contracts he has, too much pressuring him to do something akin to giving it up would be too much for him, and he may not want to be in the relationship anymore. He understands the give and take balance the two of you must have in order to be successful, but he will not give up too much if he does not feel like you will do the same for him.
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the-mirror-witch · 4 years
Hold My Hand
It was the quiet evening hours in the Mostro Lounge, much calmer now than it had been a few hours prior. Even back home, You knew that restaurants tended to get busy at certain times in the day when everyone and their mother decided to get something to eat. But rush hours in the Mostro Lounge were a whole different monster entirely. Unfortunately for You, You happened to witness this orchestra of madness. No wonder the Mostro Lounge was in constant need of more staff. Perhaps You should ask Azul for a job there. After all, the “allowance” the self-proclaimed kind Crowley gave You was hardly enough to keep you fed, especially given your little hellcat’s insistence that you buy him tuna cans.
Sighing, You gazed at the aquarium that decorated the Mostro Lounge, which you were happily sitting right next too. It reminded You of when you were a child and your parents would take you to the local aquarium. It never ceased to amaze You, and that same child-like wonder didn’t fail You now. There was also the bonus of seeing sea-creatures you were pretty sure didn’t exist in your world. Oh, that fish had three eyes! That’s so cool!
“I see you’ve taken an interest in the aquarium.”
You were broken out of your giddiness by none other than the dorm leader himself, Azul. You smiled warmly.
“Oh, hello Azul.”
He chuckled, “Hello, (Y/N). Fancy seeing you here again so soon.”
You squirmed, “Well...you did say I was welcome here anytime, right?”
Azul blinked, “...I did, didn’t I?” He smirked, “And I suppose it had nothing to do with the free meal I offered, did it?”
You groaned, “Busted. My hellcat keeps eating his way through my funds.”
He sighed, “And here I thought you wanted to visit me and the twins again. Oh well-”
You waved your hands frantically, “No, no! I didn’t mean it like that! Of course, I wanted to see you guys again. And I already said hi to the twins! Well, I said hi to Jade. Floyd just squeezed me to death and I’m pretty sure I have a bruised rib now-”
Azul lifted a hand to his mouth to cover his chuckle. He didn’t know it was possible to say so much in a single breath.
“I’m only teasing you, (Y/N),” He clarified.
You paused, letting your embarrassment sink in. Crap, now you looked like a babbling idiot. “...Oh, right. I knew that haha…”
Azul motioned to the seat across from you, “Do you mind if I join you?”
Double crap. “No, not at all.”
So, he sat down and just….said nothing. You hoped he wasn’t waiting on you to speak first, because you were pretty sure you’d just end up saying something stupid.
Hey, the Mostro Lounge looks much nicer since the last time I saw it. You know, because you destroyed everything in your Overblot.
Yeah, no. Not saying that. Well, it was time to do what you did best! Frantically avoid eye-contact and pretend to be preoccupied with something else. Back to staring at the aquarium it was. Oh hey, that fish kinda looked like one of those sideshow attractions where the monkey was shown onto a fish body. Isn’t that weird? Ha, ha, ha, oh dear this was awkward.
Azul watched as you grew increasingly flustered. For the life of him, he couldn’t seem to figure you out. You were a strange enigma, lost in a world not your own. You had no magic, yet the way others flocked to you for scraps of your affection made it seem as if you did. What was worse was that you never asked for anything in return for your troubles, not anything of true consequence anyway.
After his Overblot, when you visited him in the infirmary, he offered you any reward you wanted for helping him through his despair, free of charge. However, you merely shook your head as if he had said something funny and replied, “Just get better fast and we’ll call it even, ‘kay?”
You were so befuddling that it was nigh infuriating but in the most delightful way.
“You really do enjoy the aquarium, don’t you?” He said, saving you from your internal conflict.
You blinked, then smiled, “Yeah! It’s really cool getting to see all of the sea creatures. I didn’t live anywhere near the ocean when I was a kid, so aquariums were my only way to see them.”
Azul frowned, “You didn’t have pictures in your world?”
You laughed stiffly, “Ah, no, we did. But knowing something exists and seeing a photo of it is very different than actually experiencing it in real life, you know?”
Well...Azul supposed he could relate to that. As a young octopus, he hadn’t expected to see things above ground like falling snow or endless deserts or genuine kindness. He read about them and knew what they were like in theory, but never truly experienced them. Not until NRC. Not until you.
“I suppose that makes sense. Going to the Coral Sea must have been an experience for you then.”
He marveled at the way your eyes lit up.
“Oh, you have no idea! I mean, I was breathing! Underwater! How cool is that?”
Of course, it would have been nice if your friends hadn’t been suffering under Azul’s contract. It also would have been nice if the Leech twins hadn’t been chasing you, which was scary as hell. But hey, at least your last visit to the museum to return Azul’s class photo had been calm. Azul had been a great tour guide, keeping you hooked on every word he said. Guess that was thanks to his suave businessman/mafia boss persona.
Meanwhile, Azul was amused by your reaction. To be so fascinated by such a simple potion with a child-like wonder. If he had known how truly foreign everything about this world was to you before his Overblot, he might have tried to coax you into signing a contract. However, he was trying to do better now, with fairer contracts. Yet another change you elicited.
Azul allowed you to ramble on without interruption, enjoying your refreshing view on his world. Suddenly, you cut yourself off with a blush.
“Ah, I started rambling again, didn’t I?” You laughed nervously, scratching the back of your neck. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you.”
“On the contrary, I enjoyed hearing you speak.”
You coughed at that. Okay, yeah...that was something. Oh geez, you were blushing now, weren’t you? Get it together, (Y/N)!
“I’m pleased to see the Lounge is doing well,” You said.
“Really?” Azul frowned.
“I mean, yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“As I recall it, you once referred to my business as a “shady underground slave arena”.”
Shoot! He remembered that? In your defense, he did force your friends to work against their will, took your home as collateral, and was being a general pain in your ass.
“...Well, things are different now, right? We’re friends now.”
Azul blinked, blue eyes wide. “Really? We’re friends?”
You paused, “Yeah, I mean, I thought we were. Aren’t we?”
Azul considered this for a moment. Then he smiled, “Yes, we are friends.”
You beamed at that, and Azul swore he felt his heart melt at the brightness of your smile. Did you have this effect on everyone, or just him?
“Though, are you sure you wish to be friends with me?” Azul’s glasses glinted as he leaned forward, hands folded over the table. “I am a shady businessman after all. Hardly friendship material.”
You scoffed at that.
“Excuse you, mister, I will not have someone talk about my friend that way,” You reached across the table to grab his hand, much to his surprise. Your eyes were nothing but sincere as you said, “I told you before that I liked you for who you are. You may not see your positive traits, but I do and I admire you for them. What’s more, you are trying to do better. You’re putting in a real effort here, and that isn’t something to be belittled. Change is tough, and it isn’t something others can do for you. But, if you’d like,” you squeezed his hand, “I can be there to hold your hand every step of the way.”
Azul stared at you, stunned speechless for once. How was it that you continued to surprise him like this? Perhaps you weren’t as magicless as everyone thought. There was certainly something special about you, about the way you tamed wild hearts. It was no wonder his fellow dorm leaders were willing to do so much for you. It would always be worth it for a scrap of your attention. All because you had the unique magic of being able to listen to others, understand their problems, and support them in any way you could. You may not be able to solve everyone’s problems for them, but you made sure that they wouldn’t be alone.
He wondered how you would react if you knew that he desired more than just your friendship.
Meanwhile, you slowly came to the realization that Azul had probably been teasing you, and you responded by giving him a motivational speech. Oh, geez.
Your face flushed bright red as you stammered, “Ah...that is...what I mean is...uhh…”
You tried to pull your hands back, but Azul grabbed them instead. His eyes never looking away from yours, Azul lifted your hand to his lips. If possible, you blushed even harder.
“I would love nothing more,” He said, and there was something simmering in his eyes that left you speechless. “Please, continue to hold my hand.”
When he looked at you like that, what else could you do but smile and say, “Of course.”
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