#I now have a project area that I can start properly planning out which is good
exopelagic · 28 days
supervisor was met. god help our souls
#I think everything is fine and this is mostly residual anxiety#but also. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#I now have a project area that I can start properly planning out which is good#and I have a vague schedule for the next month which helps a lot#next two weeks have just become very busy bc I have the majority of the writing for my proposal to do#I’m struggling most at this minute I think with why this actually matters#bc looking like my project will be abt spatial structure within populations which like cool interesting#but I do have to talk abt why anyone should care abt this#it is kinda frustrating to me actually bc I wanted to do smth with more immediate relevance now but the area I’ve ended up with#was 1. result of me dropping the topic I actually wanted to do 2. mentioning one of the first things I could figure out smth coherent for#3. supervisor latching onto that from my email and now we’re running with it#so okay like this immediate thing I’m doing won’t have any kind of application bc this is a study system so that’s not the issue#need to think wider abt what you learn from this and generalisability#has relevance to range shifts bc of climate change and from there is important to small scale evolutionary processes#whether you get differentiation or stratification within populations#potentially more relevant to island evolution and like. gene pool stuff?#I think I’m struggling rn bc I’ve not figured out my hypotheses yet and I can test things in a way that will be useful for other things#and there IS still utility in understanding things better come on I was willing to die on the pure science hill for so long#hdhdhsjdhnshdbsb I think I’m slightly frustrated by my supervisor just not thinking very much abt stuff#like he didn’t know the schedule for the proposal deadlines and I don’t think he knows the format tbh#I also had to tell him the focus was on the one year and not the extension bc. dude this is a masters I only have a year what#I know he’s done these before and it wasn’t exactly a surprise that this was coming so I’m kinda confused and a little annoyed#but okay it’s fine it’s fine. I can email him abt importance. and I’ll be asking abt titles around Wednesday once Ive figured out some ideas#rn i need to think about what I would be testing here with what I have available and how I would do it and I can write an overview from that#figure out what are the important questions to ask and I can find stuff that would be relevant to like conservation and shit#bc I KNOW that there’s important stuff here that I’m just not seeing. I might have to link stuff to fitness to get a more rounded analysis#which is also fine I can do that that’s probably a good way to tie the project together honestly. will make that one of the main aims#I think the studies on that are kinda lacking anyway and haven’t been done in a while so would still be filling a gap and if not#I can use THOSE studies for relevance of the project. that’s what im missing i think it’s the next step so I can understand consequences#luke.txt
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not-quite-normal · 1 year
hi! first off, thank you SO MUCH for your work on spiderverse - i'm still reeling from it. across the spiderverse was actual magic and to say i'm floored at the amount of work that went into it is a gigantic understatement ;-;
my question is basically: i've been animating in episodics for four years now, but our schedules are so tight there's barely time to breathe, let alone put together personal work for a reel. i wanna do better work and be involved in better projects (features like spiderverse are like, the ultimate ideal haha) but bad deadlines lock us into mediocre projects for years. i wanna break out somehow - you don't have to answer of course, but do you have advice?
and again: you people are magic and i am in awe forever, i wish you all the very best!!!
hey thanks a lot!
i totally get you, i worked in tv animation for 8 years before i started at sony (to which i applied and got rejected like 5 times before finally getting in). it can be very hard when you're on tv schedules to be able to animate something that properly showcases your skills for your demo reel. you could be the fastest, most talented, hard working animator but that's so difficult to see that on a demo reel full of tv work. so i have a couple pieces of advice for what worked for me!
time management. when you get assigned your shots, pick your "golden" shots that you want to spend a little extra time on. tell your lead/supervisor that you want to focus on these ones a little more than your usual shots so that they can give you a bit more in depth feedback (any good lead should be able to dive deeper for performance/polish notes). trade this extra time for easier shots that can be animated to a "good enough" standard
take an animation course outside of work. this one isn't for everybody because it can be a LOT on top of your actual job (and it costs some $$$), but i don't regret doing it one bit. i took an iAnimate course while i was working on tmnt and it was one of the best things i ever did for my career. my instructor was ted ty and he taught me so much about genuine acting/performance and feature level polish that i still apply to my workflow to this day. it's hard to get that level of feedback and attention to detail on your shots while working towards your weekly quota, so having that more personal one-on-one feedback is insanely helpful
workflow. this is more of a general tip but to help ease the deadline stress a bit to allow more time for personal stuff, it's absolutely worth it to put work into cleaning up/simplifying your workflow. take a hard look at areas that are taking up a lot of your time and see if you can find ways to make it easier on yourself! things like managing your rig setup to save you from having to counter-animate things, thoughtful constraint planning, using offset pivot points to create large smooth arcs easily, abusing tweenmachine (my beloved), and just overall thinking through how to set your shot up to make everything as easy and simple as you can!
i hope that helps, best of luck to you :)
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oyesmendes · 2 years
love is just a word - part 9
a/n: buckle up mi amor, this is the last one for the road! this story has brought me so much joy, and so much escape from the real world. i started it out as a side project, something to get my creativity juices flowing... and look where we are now with NINE parts + shorts... and the love that you guys have for this series has really been mindblowing. now im going to stop rambling, and i hope you guys enjoy the last part!!
this chapter is paired with a favourite song of mine so feel free to listen to it here
read all other parts here!!
Mallorca, Spain
"One more week, mi guapo." You're getting out of the car, thanking the driver as he pulls out your luggage. 
"That's another race, another seven days." Pierre whines. 
It had been more than four weeks since New York, and you had been working things out with Pierre at your pace. Things had fallen into normalcy over time, like a long distance couple working out their troubles. You worked on the last few projects on hand, spending most of your time at shoots in the city, or editing photographs at Joe’s bakery. Pierre texted you and Facetimed whenever he had the chance, and you sent pictures or called to update him about the various mundane things in your life. For the first time in your life you properly communicated, and it felt like a breath of fresh air.  
You fought hard, and Pierre proved to be fighting just as much, if not more for the both of you. 
"Hey,” You press your phone between your shoulder and ear, dragging the luggage up a couple of stairs, “I miss you too, guapo, but you know I have to do this." 
He sighs, following his PR manager to some media stunt the Red Bull team had organised, "I just wish I could be there with you." 
"I know, but I'll see you as soon as you're done with the race." He has no clue about the surprise you have install for him. 
Pierre stays silent as you roll your luggage up the all too familiar pathway of the Sainz summer home. The familiar shadow of piñon jumping and barking in excitement by the window. Reyes is standing by the door with him now, waving you in. 
The phone is still pressed to your ear as you listen to his soft breathing. 
"Pierre?" He hums in response. 
"I love you."
"I love you too, chérie." 
Reyes embraces you in her arms the moment you get to the door. 
"Are you cooking empanadas?" You ask once you pull away, the aroma overwhelming your senses. 
"Of course, mija. I've got your favourite gazpacho too. Now c'mon, let's get you settled in before the boys get back." 
It felt like deja vu, every summer holiday of your childhood spent on this property. So many memories of you and Carlos littered this home, and it felt like a time capsule. You set your bags down in the spare bedroom, stopping to peak into Carlos’ room. Pictures of you had long been replaced or removed, but the room remained the same. Light blue walls and a queen sized bed. That poster of Monaco you’d gotten him for his 18th birthday. 
“Nothing’s changed, right?” Reyes is standing next to you, a wooden spatula in her hand. 
“Do you want to head outside? The weather is beautiful today, and I think piñon over here wants some company.” You see the furry friend wagging his tail excitedly, and can’t help but to agree to take him outside.
You're standing barefoot on the grass, leaning against the wall which overlooks the sea. Piñon is speeding after a tennis ball you threw, running rounds around the area. 
After about an hour, the boys are starting to pull up in their car, all of them filing out and heading straight for the kitchen. You can hear the commotion from outside, but you decide to stay, not wanting to have too many eyes on you.  
"You have a guest in the backyard." Reyes tells Carlos while preparing the tapas on the counter. 
"Who?" He asks, furrowing his brows. Reyes only shrugs, turning back to the dishes. The rest of the boys avoid eye contact, even Carlos Sr has his mouth attached to the edge of a glass, trying not to say anything to his son. They were all in on this plan, and would be damned if they ruined whatever was going to happen. 
Carlos makes his way outside, and Piñon is running toward him immediately. At first, he's distracted by the four legged creature, until it starts barking towards a certain direction, and he looks up to see you. 
You're standing with your arms folded loosely, a small smile on your face. You had a summer dress on, one of the many you he loved to see you wearing. The sunlight shone on you and you were practically glowing underneath it; something about you had changed. 
You manage a small wave before gesturing to the outdoor seating area; away from the prying eyes of their family. He follows you, and so does piñon, the both of you sit on opposite sides of the table. A part of him is happy you’re here, but another part of him is afraid of why you were here. Because the last time he checked, you almost smacked the living shit out of him in Madrid. 
“Lo siento, Carlitos.” You start, your eyes locking with his for the first time in a long awhile. There's a pause, Carlos searching for the right words in his brain. 
“I’m sorry, too. For everything, Y/N.” He tries to grab your hand but you pull away quickly, muttering a soft apology. 
“This ends here, Carlos. Whatever that has gone down in our lives, let it be gone; I want to start over, with Pierre. I see- No, let me finish.“ You tell him when he opens his mouth to speak. 
“I see a future with Pierre. And I know its hard for you to hear this, but it is what it is. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me after us; after the disaster of the last three years, he taught me what love is - and what love isn’t.” You reach out for his hand this time, holding it softly in yours, 
“So this is me asking you, to give us your blessing, to be happy for us." You rub a small circle around the scar on his thumb from the time he was learning to make your favourite pasta and cut himself with a pair of scissors. A permanent reminder that there had been you and him.  
“If you need time, I understand. I just had to let you know.” 
Carlos doesn’t say a word after, leaving the both of you to stew in the silence. You shift in your seat, pulling your hand away from his again. You wanted to get up and leave, the tension being too strong. But you stayed on; you watched him. His eyes are focused on a particular tree in the garden behind you.  
"Te quiero mucho mi amor, I always will. You know that?" He says seriously. 
You look down at your hands, toying with the rings on your fingers, "I know." 
"I broke up with Isa because of you, because of us." You take in a sharp breath, the air suddenly growing a lot warmer. Carlos looks at your hands, then your face. 
"Chilli I-"
He cuts you off, "I found a picture of us in one of the boxes when I moved to Maranello. Remember your Dakar helmet?" 
You nod. Carlos smiles softly to himself, picturing that dark green helmet sitting on one of his shelves. He recently even put out the picture from that moment next to it, and every time he passes it he's reminded of all the things he's lost. Its a bittersweet feeling for him - to know how good the both of you once were, to know that he was the one that fucked it all up.   
All the happiness you could've shared. All those summer nights slow dancing in the kitchen, all those times at a race weekend, all those times with you; and only you. 
He wants to be unfair; to not give you his blessing, after all, did you really care about what he thought of this? Did it matter if he gave you his blessing? But then he looks at you, and he sees the glow on your face, the happiness practically illuminating your eyes. The magical light Pierre gave you, one that Carlos knew he could never achieve even in this lifetime.  
“Does he make you happy?” 
It was a genuine question, and you gave the most genuine answer. A smile forming on your face when you think about Pierre. 
“I'm the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Carlos nods, leaning back against the chair. 
“Then you have my blessing.” There’s a subtle shakiness in his voice, the feeling of pain in his chest; but Carlos knows he has to let you go. After all, he had to take the blame for letting you go three years ago. He stands and you follow suit, walking around the table to hug him. 
“Mucho gracias chilli, you have no idea how much that means to me.” There are tears threatening to spill at the edge of his eyes, and when you see them, your thumb grazes his cheek. The tears start to flow with the contact of your skin on his, and you're wiping them away.
You press a kiss on his cheek, "I'm sorry time wasn't in our favour in this lifetime."
He does the same, leaving a kiss on your forehead, "we'll try again in our next life."
Silverstone, Great Britain
Carlos is brisk walking down the paddock for the press conference, barely stopping for anyone. He was nervous to say the least. Him and Pierre in the same room for the first time since Monaco. Whoever thought about this pairing for the press conference definitely read the gossip columns. 
It was nothing damaging - only a picture of you, holding onto your helmet and speeding off on a motorbike from Carlos's hotel. That morning from Monaco. But of course, the pot was there, and people seem to love spending their time stirring it. 
Carlos gets there ten minutes before the conference was scheduled to begin. He’s hovering outside the room until he spots Pierre walking in as well. They nod at each other, nothing more shared. Then they were being called in. It felt like there were more cameras flashing than usual, and the reporters seemed to be buzzing for something they had no clue about. Something was not right. 
The usual questions about the track and race rivalry were asked, and standard answers were given. It seemed to be going down well, considering the suspicions Carlos had. Until a reporter with blonde hair, and a dark purple shirt opened his god damn mouth.
“Alright we’ll take the next question.” 
“So Pierre, Carlos - how do you two feel about being played by the same girl?” The reporter had a smug look on his face, and you could hear the audible gasp from both the Ferrari and Alpha Tauri PR managers. 
“Excuse me?” Pierre sat up straighter in his chair, ready to take a swing at the man. 
“Y/N Y/LN. Did you see the pictures?” Sure they knew about the pictures. Pierre was ready to brawl with that reporter, but they were both being told to get up and leave. 
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about here,” Carlos scowls at him, “but Y/N and I are best friends, and we always will be. There’s nothing more between me and her than just pure friendship." His PR manager is about to drag him by the collar, but Carlos knows he has to get this in.
"Just so you know, Pierre is an amazing boyfriend, and I couldn’t be happier to be supporting their relationship.” 
He is ripping off the mic from his head, and pats Pierre’s shoulders as they make their way off the stage. 
“If you’re so interested in reporting our love lives,” Pierre turns back to the audience, “then go work for some gossip magazine. Don't waste everyone's time asking stupid questions." 
They're headed for the media pen, which no doubt will be another battle to fight. Carlos stops Pierre just before they emerge, "I meant what I said mate. Take care of her for me, okay?"
Pierre nods, and both the men hug each other. 
It was race day. You’re speeding along the empty paddock next to Pyry, who’s handing you a set of headphones. You’re trying to look as presentable as possible, but the task was proving to be more on the impossible end, especially after a twelve hour flight.
“Does he know?” 
“Of course not, I’m the best secret keeper you know.” You roll your eyes at the Finn, who’s now leading you into the garage. There were less than five laps left to the race, and Pierre was in P11, trying his best to keep his spot. When the mechanics and engineers spot you rushing in, the smiles on their face grew. Somehow the word got around, and everyone knew about your surprise except for Pierre himself. You throw a small wave to them, and head straight to Franz Tost. 
“Ah there’s my new head of media,” he announces. 
"I hope you're ready for the mess to clean up after this weekend." Of course he would refer to the press conference. And you were well prepared to tackle on the gossip columns and other news outlets spouting all sorts of speculations. 
"I'll make sure everything's sparking clean." You wink at Franz, who's giving you another side hug before you go to Pierre's race engineer. A couple of team members came to pat you on the back, congratulating you on the new title. It was no surprise that you'd be a new addition, considering the very blatant conversations and rumours that were flying around. You had been offered the role weeks ago by the Alpha Tauri team, but the love triangle you had been caught in had delayed the agreement, only allowing you to sign the contract days before Silverstone. 
So now you're here, in the middle of the 2021 season. Head of Media for Scuderia Alpha Tauri. It had a nice ring to it, you weren't going to lie. 
The race ended, and Pierre had gone off to media duties, having you stew in the excitement of this surprise for awhile longer. You're standing in the middle of the paddock, speaking to someone but barely paying any attention as you tried to spot Pierre walking over. You were playing with your fingers, occasionally biting your lips as you ran through multiple scenarios in your head. 
Then you see him, all other worries forgotten. And he sees you too. You can tell that he doesn't believe his eyes at first, turning his attention to Pyry before he does another take. Pyry smacks him on the back to confirm that his eyes weren't playing tricks, and he starts running towards you, his race suit hanging dangerously low on his hips. Your arms are wide open, and it’s almost dramatic as hell, but you couldn’t be bothered at this point in time. 
Pierre collides straight into you and you're being lifted in the air, excited squeals escaping your lips. 
"Mon chérie." He buries his head in your neck. When he pulls away, he takes your head in his hand, feeling your cheeks. 
"Is this real?"
"Yes, mi amor." You chuckle at his child-like gaze. 
“I have one more surprise for you.” You spot Franz walking over, and he pats Pierre on his back. 
“I see you’re cozying up with our new head of media." 
Pierre looks to you, surprised and confused all at the same time. His mind is racing, he couldn’t believe his ears. 
“But what about New York? What about your job?” He asks, worried that you were giving everything up again like you did the last time. And you knew exactly what he was thinking, even when he didn’t show it. 
“New York was my escape, but this is my passion. To be here, at the pinnacle of motorsport, with the love of my life, creating new memories for everyone.” You felt a sense of pride saying that, finally being true to yourself in what you wanted in life. Pierre has on a smile, then his lips crashes into yours and you stumble back, laughing. Nothing more needed to be said between the two of you as you hugged in the middle of the crowds. You’ve fought, and you’ve both won.   
And this is what love is, what love will be, for the rest of your lives.
taglist: @primadonnasdream @dr3lover @chicadelapartamento512-blog @thebagginsofbaggend @starlightoctavia @d0ntjudgemy50shades @cowspew @justthatgirlxox @ggaslyp1 @fromthedeskofjoii @lorenakaspersen @words-4u @o0itsjustme0o @ambrosialily @totowolfff @gulsolsikke @enjoymyloves @rmaddenns @care2703 @katcontrreras @tattered-tales
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kylesaladus · 1 year
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Devlog 002
M. and I (J.) have sat down to discuss our progress on the game aspect of Saladus, and we have decided that the original file we worked on was too messy and unstructured, which will hinder further progress in the long run. M. has created a new, second project file in which we will keep everything clean and try our best to keep things in order. As for the general progress we've made in the initial testing file, here's some awfully recorded and screenshotted progress that I could get out of our chatlog:
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Overall we aren't very far, but we're currently in the progress of getting the tiles to work properly and clean up some animations on our protagonist Kyle. M. has been working on the text engine for the dialogues and descriptions and as far as I am aware, he's also already started on the item system as well. We will be sitting down to discuss the text engine & the new Battle UI I have concepted:
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M. expressed his opinion on the health bars already and I completely agree that they definitely need to be re-done. The symbols present on the buttons are also not exactly set in stone yet, as I'm still developing a unique language which will be present in the game that can easily be deciphered. More on that language later on.
Some of you may have noticed that we've used a lot of Wingdings in past animations and concepts, which will be overworked once the new language is ready to go.
In terms of art direction, however, we have come quite far. Over the course of the coming days you will see a lot of reposting of older concepts that were made before we had a firmer grasp on what Saladus would later become. Our plan for the coming months is to program and design the very first area of the game, which we have so far dubbed "Mushroom Village". Draw your own conclusions on this one:
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(Top image by R./ @buckshr00m )
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That's as much as I can reveal for now. Perhaps next devlog won't be as messy, who knows...
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geniusbuilttm · 2 months
Hello! I love this AU and just want to ask, how did you get started with making this AU? I ask this because I've had thoughts and ideas for an AU and wanted to know a good place to start.
FYI, I'm terrible at drawing so if I were to do this, I'd be doing it through fanfiction.
Hiya! Sorry for the lateness in my answer. I'm really glad you love Surp-Rise! <3
I am not an artist either, and I have more time to write than draw. I would suggest the following for creating an AU:
Think about what you would most want to read about. How do you want characters to be explore, the world to be different, etc. You are at the center of this AU, with your wants, needs, and more. If you try to create something to please others, you will be burned out, hate it, or something else. I've seen it happen to other friends and creators in other communities. Your enjoyment is what comes first, yourself. Keep that in mind because that's the biggest thing.
(More info / in-depth advice and rambling below)
Now, how to get everything down? As an English teacher and Creative Writing teacher, I can vouch for the validity of graphic organizers and planning before doing. If you write without a plan, you'll find yourself stuck and will be frustrated, which can lead to burnout, fatigue, or abandoning projects.
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This is just a sample of what I would give my students if they were writing a story since the Hero's Journey has good building blocks, but AUs tend to not follow that since they can continue on way longer. If you have something you want to have a definitive beginning, middle, and end, you can definitely use this and , honestly, repeat the trials / failures, growth with new skills, and that whole area many many times to create the big events. I always have this idea in my head when I am writing with Mara and we plan out each season and movie. You can also, like us, use this over and over again.
A starting point, big event, and conclusion are the biggest things. You want to know what your point A is and how you get to point B. What do you want the character to get to, and how will they get to that point.
For example, let's talk about Season 3 of Surp-Rise. Our end goal was to have Leo properly go through his character arc to become a leader as well as have Raph finish his arc since the ending of Season 2 sort of threw a wrench in what he just went through due to the abrupt ending. Mara and I also wanted Big Mama as a villain. We also had other mini goals in there, but those were the big ones.
We plotted out what steps would be taken to get to each of those points, each of them being an episode. Since it's not just about Raph, Leo, and Big Mama, we also needed other episodes in there that work as important 'fluff' and filler. We roughed out what we wanted to happen in each little event and chapter, and we'd reflect to make sure they all built up to the end goals we set for the end of Season 3. If they didn't work or something was clunky, we'd rework it.
So, in short:
-Figure out what you want the end goal(s) to be at the end. -Determine what you want the focus(es) of your AU to be. -Plan. Plan. And plan some more (with outlines). Even bullet-point lists do good.
I hope that was what you were looking for and was comprehensive enough. <3
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Small update on what I've been doing with my life currently and thinking about, it just feels like something like this should be posted onto what I call My Blog.
So, I kinda got this idea, right? That maybe with a few of my connections and the places I'm getting myself into right now, I could get the whole Palestine thing mentioned at a festival or two this summer, maybe even have a small area like a little stand dedicated to information and messages surrounding the whole thing, possibly sending out invitations to Pro-Palestinian Liberation Organizations? I've currently just got a few bullet points and notes, I'm just thinking while I'm helping out these people with a couple of their things I could probably propose the idea.
I don't really know the head honcho's too well, they seem kind of like liberal types to me, what I know of them politically is just their ties to the Green Party, specifically the Green Party of Alaska through one of my friends who was deeply involved in that party, and there may be a couple of organizations involved I haven't bothered to research yet, but from what a personal source tells me there is some discussion around the topic taking place, leaning more in favor of Palestine it seems, and while they work on the stuff they're doing, my personal source might be able to sometime when I've got some things set up and ready put in the word for me or bring it up in a meeting. I already wanted to be involved in this project for personal reasons, and to an extant already am and have been, but it kinda struck me that I might be able to get something started there that's a little more, idk, connected? Something clicked in me about that, bringing some parts of my own life together and then parts of the world I see together, and you know mentally I leaped at the chance for some form of direct action and am... definitely committed to it now.
It's still a work in progress idea, I have a bunch of links and sources and stuff saved, I'm looking into books and stuff, but I have yet to properly flip through my list and put it to more direct use. I want it to have an emphasis on what an American Citizen (as these events will be, at least for now, primarily taking place in the USA) can do about it, like maybe I could find or make a map of weapons manufacturing sites in the US and another more metaphorical map of money trails and politicians, things people can not only learn of, but knowledge they could use. Just some ideas I'm still workshopping, it's a slower process than I'd kinda like right now. My internet connection is still kinda crap and I still have life and dishes to keep up with, but I feel pretty confident in the overall direction I'm moving in. As big of a deal as I'm making this small Pro-Palestinian movement of mine out to be, it's realistically more of a side project I'll have to put spare time into while I get info on what I'm currently gonna be doing, and it's ultimately not my event and out of my hands if something like this goes through or not. For all I know there could already be plans similar to mine being worked on in a more professional setting right about now. I have a couple, more personal projects I'd like to see inserted, maybe a little bit of advertising for some housing projects I've really wanted to get started, but what I feel most strongly about currently is the Palestinian people and the occupation of Palestine.
This is, all to say, I have somewhat more importance tied into my life right now, which I'm still a little anxious about, just as an update on what I'm currently doing. I mean right now I'm not doing that, I'm bumping it to the Hotline Miami OST and digesting soup while writing a post on tumblr.com at 11 PM, but for the next couple months, I have several interconnected goals that I am passionate about and proud of for political and personal reasons that I'm going to be spending more time on. It at least seems like a good jumping off point to get more into the swing of things with my life. As anxious as I am you know, it feels pretty good.
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graydevill · 8 months
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since I FINALLY finished a proper ref of Thunderclouds, I thought it would be time to properly introduce him, so, here's this guy's lore:
Distant Thunderclouds is the fourth oldest member of the Eternal Glaciers Local Group (or, the second oldest if we only count the inner group), as he was built not long after Fading Echo was finished. The whole group was built on a tundra, but Thunderclouds specifically was built on the flatter areas as his can was built next to a large void fluid processing facility. He was created to oversee the operations at this facility as well as in his city.
For this reason, his creator, an ancient by the name of Twisted Spine, All Promises Kept (a total douchebag), wanted to make him as efficient as possible. But after the authority in charge of the creation of iterators refused to let Spine alter Thunderclouds's systems officially, Spine became frustrated that his project wasn't going according to his plan. So, instead of going through official channels to modify Thunderclouds's systems to become more efficient (efficiency basically meant a lack of empathy and free will, and the inability to commit any sins to Spine, because he was still a pretty firm believer in the old ancient philosophies and religion), he decided to do the modifications himself in secret. This, however, messed up Thunderclouds's systems pretty bad, as he had already developed the sentience that his creator didn't want him to have, and even attempting to modify it caused Thunderclouds a large amount of pain. After a while, Spine grew more frustrated about the whole situation and started taking his anger out on Thunderclouds, who, at this time, still saw Spine as a father figure, but was slowly starting to dislike not only Spine, but ancients as a whole.
Thunderclouds was also really reserved, and only spoke to most of his local group out of necessity. The only exception to this was Solemn Contemplation, the outer group's senior, who became kind of a mentor/almost a mother figure to Thunderclouds. He eventually managed to find a friend outside of his local group as well, an iterator by the name of Marble Blood, who aided him in finding ways to bypass his city's security protocols, which he would later use.
Still, his relationship with his creator only worsened, to the point where he'd be punished for simply talking to other iterators, as Spine still only cared about him as a tool, and slowly, Thunderclouds became frustrated by his situation, and grew hateful of the ancients inhabiting his city. And when a huge snowstorm disabled his communications for dozens of cycles, and he was blamed for being unable to call for assistance, he decided he had enough. He turned his city's security systems against its inhabitants, which resulted in the death of most of his can's population, including Spine. After the storm cleared, and the ancients of the other iterators' cities realized what happened, Thunderclouds was declared a hazard to the ancients, and his systems were disabled (he basically got his power shut off, causing him to go into a kind of coma).
A long time after all of this, and after the ancients all ascended, was when he finally got reactivated using a neuron that Ten Open Passages created, that he sent using a genetically modified slugcat (the icebound).
(And that's basically all his backstory, cause I don't have anything written down after that, so, that's it for now)
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magicalara · 1 year
Ohhh man and while their also still quite young in high school they finally realise they never found out Haruhi's birthday and hoo boy does she get spoiled. Well to a moderate degree.
It starts out with Tamaki making a huge fuss about never knowing and she's like, I don't see why it's such a big deal it's fine it's (whenever her birthday is I don't know). She'd tell them pretty casually. Now Kyoya is a bit more subtle, asking random things here and there like places outside of Japan she'd like to visit or items or experiences she'd like.
Kyoya doesn't let Tamaki into his plans at first because he knows he might say something about it to her but eventually he gets him in on it too for his boyfriends crazy energy. Though I feel like tamaki would be surprisingly chill when it comes to planning this, after all it is Haruhi and he does care about what she'd want for her birthday. Maybe they'd take a trip out to a city somewhere and look around, do all of the classic touristy things and get wild ice cream flavours while tamaki begs to share with both of their ice creams and when they say no he sulks in the corner with his scoop of vanilla swirl. They'd even get her some stuff from the shops in the area if she dared to let them. Then the special part, they'd bring out a little picnic and drive out somewhere remote, it's kinda later so they're all a bit sleepy, Kyoya is driving and Haruhi is resting on Tamaki a bit which he is loving every second of. They find a little hill with the best view of the night sky and they build up this cute little picnic with a little stove and make up a small dinner thing for Haruhi under the stars that are clear as day.
Maybe I'm starting to project on these characters a bit, but man I'd love to see the stars one day. There's too much light pollution where I live to see them properly but who wouldn't love a picnic under the stars?
Yeah Tamaki would make a fuss about it, that's so true lmao like "HOW COULD YOU NEVER HAVE TOLD ME, I'M SUCH A HORRIBLE BOYFRIEND" and she's just looking at him like "babe...pls calm down."
And the and the Kyoya driving and Haruhi resting on Tamaki 🥺 it's so it's just i just 🥺 and if it's in one of those cars where like the middle part turns into a seat, she's so for sure in the middle and I think Kyoya would be like holding her hand too and then there's the picnic and cuddling under the stars and fucking awwwwww (i am so desperately single 😭)
I live around a bunch of farmland to the point where there's a literal field behind my house and honestly I'm so grateful for it bc I can see the stars and get to see the best sunsets it's amazing. I hope one day you can go on a stargazing picnic bc I promise you, it's beautiful
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mi5016tomberry · 6 months
Project Planning
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These are my notes from the first few lectures familiarising myself with each component.
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I started to air out a few ideas I had for the project, this semester is focusing heavily on 3D work so I wanted to figure out which direction I could go as to not neglect 2D animation or other areas that weren't a key focus this semester like background art, writing, etc...
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In this lecture I had a better idea of what each component could look like with a focus on these prompts: 'How to pitch a Show?' and 'Frame x Frame VS Rigging in 2D animation.' My goal above all with this degree is to make something, make something I have a passion for and I always imagined this in the form of an animated TV show when I was young and as a teen I also imagined making something for YouTube. I'll only figure out which direction works best for me when I actually start making cartoons of my own. I decided to look into pitching a show as a basis of my essay to help me out in future attempts at towards this goal.
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Here's where I properly started the planning of the structure of the essay and as of this moment I hadn't decided whether or not to make this into a video or written essay.
This was the first video I found on the topic which just so happened to be made by one of the Youtubers I watched when I was much younger and it gave me a really good starting insight into the topic especially in the sense of what would be presented during the pitch. It's a simple video but it comes from a place of experience as he now has a show on Netflix called 'Oddballs' and this video gives an overview of his experience trying to get his "big break" with one of the big streaming platforms.
The two videos above gave me a really good insight into the world of pitching from an experienced perspective. The first is a Q&A with various board executives from different companies in the industry and highlights the unique requirements of each publisher, its interesting to see how these differ with one another as they each favour a specific type of show that best suits their demographic. The second video is an insightful guide to understanding your own show, it gives a list of 9 questions (which I used in my plan) of the sorts of things you need to know about your show so that you truly understand what it is that you're making:
What is the great world your show is set in?
What is the theme of your show?
What are you passionate about?
What do you believe in?
Why watch every week?
What are the parents of your show?
What's the unsolvable question for the hero?
What's the core wound of the hero?
Asking yourself these questions could iron out the kinks of your idea and lead to a better pitch.
I was going to use the questions above as the foundation to create a video essay like the one above using the questions as a means of checking things off before the pitch.
I also found this Adult Swim livestream with short pitches from prospective showrunners each putting forward their own ideas to producers at Adult Swim. It was great to see this sort of thing because it gives examples good and bad hinting at what encourages a producer to listen (original spin on existing type of show, engaging characters) and what can put them off from the get go (poor planning, not enough content to keep viewers coming back for more).
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I've done a lot of research into the options available when trying to publish a show and I started to plan out a script for the video essay, wanting to make something inspired by a Youtuber called the Internet Historian but after speaking with Paul, it seems like people tend to focus too much on making an entertaining/funny video at the detriment of critical analysis and research. I can see myself spending too much time on the video essay and losing track of the brief so I've decided to stick to a written essay and I will do my best to include a good amount of research and referencing.
I found this book (Animation Writing and Development - Jean Ann Wright) on the University library database which I am going to use for quotations following the video above for the Harvard Referencing format so that I make sure to include my research into the essay as well as the blog.
I also found these articles as potential references for the essay as they are sometimes considered for valuable sources than Youtube videos for referencing but I will have to see how they fit with the rest of the essay.
On top of this research, I am figuring out how to embed an interview with one of the visiting speakers called Theo W. Scott - he's an independent award-winning filmmaker and past alumni of Northumbria. His experience figuring out how to finance his work, entering film festivals and creating something of his own will be really interesting to learn more about on top of what I learnt during the visit on Monday.
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thedishwasherguide · 1 year
How Are Dishwashers Installed
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Installing a dishwasher can seem like an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be! With the right tools and some basic knowledge of plumbing, you can easily get your new dishwasher up and running in no time. In this article, I'm going to walk through all the steps necessary for proper installation so that you can enjoy a clean kitchen without any hassle. First off, let's talk about what kind of tools you'll need. You'll need some basic supplies such as adjustable wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, Teflon tape and water supply connectors. Additionally, depending on the specifics of your setup, you may also require additional materials like hoses or brackets. Once you've gathered everything together, it's time to start tackling the project itself. Read on to learn more!
Gathering The Necessary Tools
I'm here to help you install your dishwasher. Before we get started, it's important to gather the necessary tools and supplies that you will need in order to complete this project. First, I'll be assessing the space where the dishwasher needs to go in order to determine if there is adequate room for installation. Then, I'll be determining what kind of connections are available and what type of plumbing needs to be done in order to hook up the unit properly. Finally, depending on your specific needs, you may also need additional supplies such as a mounting bracket or water line connection kit. Once all of these items have been gathered, we can move onto the next step which is preparing the dishwasher area. This involves making sure that any existing cabinets or countertops around the area are sufficiently reinforced so they can support the weight of an installed dishwasher without shifting or warping over time. Additionally, measuring twice and cutting once is key when it comes to installing anything into cabinetry or walls! Now that everything has been taken care of and our space is ready for installation, let's start putting together our new appliance!
Shutting Off The Water Supply
I'm trying to shut off the water supply to my dishwasher, but I'm not sure how to do it. Does anyone know how to locate the shutoff valve? Once I find it, I'll need to turn it off, right? After I turn it off, I want to make sure it's working properly, so I guess I should test it somehow. I'm a bit nervous about this process and I'm hoping I'll get some advice from the experts here. Can anyone help? Locating Shutoff Valve I'm sure you've heard the expression 'measure twice, cut once' - this is especially true when it comes to installing a dishwasher. The most important step in shutting off the water supply and getting started with your installation is locating the shutoff valve. This can be tricky - depending on where you live, it might not even be visible! You'll want to select a location for the shutoff valve that's easily accessible yet out of sight. That way, if you ever need to access it later, it won't interfere with any other plumbing or wiring projects. Installing a drain line also requires careful attention; make sure you have all the necessary parts before beginning so that your project runs smoothly from start to finish. With these two steps completed, you'll soon be making quick work of dirty dishes! Turning Off The Water Once you've determined the shutoff valve, it's time to turn off the water. This is an important step and one that should be done carefully. Before turning off the water, make sure that all other valves are closed so that there won't be any unexpected surprises when you're done with your project. When choosing a valve, pick one that's easily accessible yet out of sight - this will help ensure that future projects won't interfere with accessing it later on. With the right planning, turning off the water can actually be quite simple! Testing Shutoff Valve Now that you've got the shutoff valve installed and connected to the lines, it's time to test everything out. This is important so that you can make sure you won't have any issues when turning off your water supply in the future. Before testing, double check all of the valves are closed and connections between them are secure. Then turn on a faucet or two and observe how they react - if they begin draining slowly, then there might be an issue with one of your connections. Keep in mind that this isn't always a cause for alarm as some air pockets may need to be released before things start running properly again. With patience and attention to detail, you should be able to successfully test your newly installed shutoff valve!
Connecting The Water Supply Hose
I'm going to walk you through the steps of connecting the water supply hose for your dishwasher installation. First, make sure that you have all the necessary parts for this step: a standard hose and two clamps or connectors. Now, take the standard hose and secure it to both the hot and cold water faucets on your kitchen sink. Make sure that the connections are tight by using either a clamp or connector. Next up is installing brackets for mounting your new dishwasher in place. You'll need two straps with screws included in your kit - one at each side of the appliance. Position them so they are aligned with holes drilled into your cabinet base and fasten securely using an electric drill. Once these brackets are attached, slide your dishwasher into place and check if it's level. Now you can connect the other end of the water supply hose to back of the dishwasher as well as attach any grounding wires that may be present according to manufacturer instructions before closing off access panels and plugging in power cord!
Securing The Dishwasher In Place
Now that the water supply hose is connected, it's time to secure the dishwasher in place. Installing brackets on either side of the unit helps keep it from shifting and ensures a steady connection. To do this, you'll need two mounting screws for each bracket. Simply drill them into your countertop or wall, then attach the brackets to these screws with washers and nuts. You also want to make sure there is adequate gasket sealing around the outside edge of the dishwasher. This will help prevent any leakage if water should get inside during operation. You can purchase a replacement seal at most hardware stores, but you may have to remove some parts of the existing cabinet before installing it. Once everything is sealed up, give your new dishwasher a test run! If all goes well, you've successfully installed your new appliance - congratulations! Now grab a glass of wine or a cup of coffee while you marvel at how much easier life just became thanks to your handy work.
Testing The Dishwasher For Proper Function
I take a step back to admire my hard work. I've installed the dishwasher in its new home and it looks great! Now, all that's left is to make sure everything works properly. It's time for some testing! First thing first: careful inspections. I check every connection point of the dishwasher itself, making sure they're all secured tightly and correct. Then, I inspect each water line individually, paying special attention to any signs of leaks or drips coming from the valves or connections. With these areas checked thoroughly and free from issues, I'm ready to move on to the next phase - troubleshooting tips. To test out the dishwasher functions themselves, I start by running a trial cycle with no dishes present; this allows me to quickly identify any potential problems that may arise during use. After confirming successful operation, I fill up the dishwasher with dirty dishes and run another full cycle - this ensures that there are no blockages within the pipes or hoses connected to the device. Once both cycles have been completed without issue, my installation process is complete!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Type Of Power Supply Is Needed For The Dishwasher? When it comes to installing a dishwasher, one of the most important things to consider is what type of power supply will be needed. Generally speaking, you'll need a water hookup and grounding requirements in order to get your dishwasher up and running. Make sure that you check with local codes or an electrician before attempting any work yourself. It's always better to be safe than sorry! How Long Does It Typically Take To Install A Dishwasher? Installing a dishwasher is a job that some people can do on their own, while others may opt to have it professionally installed. Either way, the installation time typically depends on how familiar you are with the settings of your dishwasher and any other components involved in the process. Professional installation usually takes 2-3 hours. However, if you're comfortable working with tools and plumbing systems, then installing a dishwasher yourself could take as little as 1 hour. Does The Dishwasher Come With A Warranty? When it comes to purchasing a dishwasher, you may want to consider what type of warranty and return policy is included. Most brands come with a manufacturer's warranty which can cover any defects that exist within the first year or two. However, some warranties may not include installation fees in the event that the unit needs to be serviced. Make sure you check out all of your options before making a purchase so that you know what kind of coverage is available should something go wrong. Is It Possible To Install The Dishwasher Myself? It is possible to install a dishwasher yourself, although it can be quite tricky. It's important to have the right tools and know all the safety precautions when installing appliances like this. You'll need access to a water supply line for your dishwasher as well, so you may want to consider hiring an experienced professional if you're not comfortable dealing with plumbing. Are There Any Additional Costs Associated With The Installation Process? Installing a dishwasher can be a great way to upgrade your kitchen, but there are some additional costs you should consider. For example, if the water supply line is not already installed behind the appliance, this could add an extra expense. Additionally, depending on the space requirements and existing plumbing in your home, you may need to hire a professional plumber who specializes in dishwasher installation. Be sure to get quotes from multiple companies before making a decision so that you know exactly what expenses will be involved with getting your new dishwasher up and running!
Installing a dishwasher is not as difficult as it may seem. With the right power supply and basic understanding of how to install one, you can have your new appliance up and running in no time. Make sure to read the warranty provided with your dishwasher so that you are aware of any additional costs or issues associated with installation. By taking these steps before installing your dishwasher, you will be able to enjoy its convenience for years to come! Read the full article
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gendercamp3 · 1 year
10 Simple Techniques For Umrah Packages USA
No matter you are looking for the cheapest umrah package deals or the most extravagant ones, our provider is the one that will give you along with specifically what you desire. We have been offering top quality food and dining solutions for over 40 years and we have the largest variety in France. We additionally have large, comfortable, air-conditioned dining tables for the living space. We hold full-sized Italian and English dishes for your lunch or dinner. Being in the organization for even more than twenty years, we certainly understand what the finest for the client and what in specific do they not like. It's like how lots of of our client base have possessed a concern or a relationship along with a business that is thus bad. And it's a ache for them. But it's considerably the very same thing along with individuals who are new right here. Below's merely a handful of instances. [Individuals begin to leave the job in the name of 'value over performance. Hence, anyone who is appearing forward to getting started on this Holy travel for the initial time in his life likes to link with us, as he is sure we are going to give him along with the greatest help. We may surely recognize it. In simple fact, we take into consideration this as the beginning of our mission. All others who adhere to this course will experience it, also. We should likewise keep in mind that we are not the only ones who are looking for responses to this profound question. Living in the west no extra a hindrance for you Folks living in western side nations mainly discover it hard to land with a plan that is not only affordable but additionally offers them enough advice in the course of the umrah process. Solution Can Be Seen Here 's like folks in various other nations are continuously believing of you in their scalps. But now you are observing that the package is not there certainly right now for them. But it's been the very same for the folks living in western countries. Thereby, once they opt for the wrong one, they finish up keeping bewildered the whole time while they are performing this Holy method. It's like throwing money into the fire as you are burning your center. But if you really wish to obtain the Holy One to open up your soul for you, at that point it's much the same trait. Just for a although you can carry out whatever you like but the upcoming opportunity you begin to see it, you stop with a 'how has it gone my technique' mindset. Nonetheless, no matter in which states of the USA do you reside, we have our manuals giving aid to everyone, everywhere. Along with these quick guides and our experienced and educated clients, we can aid you. This implies your condition or area may benefit from understanding our guides on a day-to-day manner. They are going to aid you to understand about all the conditions of your state or territory that have their citizens on the getting end of some of the best-quality programs in the market.
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The umrah packages coming from new Dallas and all the other major states of America are took care of effectively by our company. It's like my father's house! It's all under the climate. But we do definitely well because they really look after us. They have true team in the hotels and resort control, the drivers are complete in all their projects below. They possess great personnel and we merely performed therefore properly. The hotels and resort has a lot of excellent, good and bad. Thus, this is the explanation why we are the very most trusted and the most widely accepted umrah facilitators amongst the consumers. This has to do with how we decide on our supervisors, advisors, specialists, professionals/brokers and others that are going to work along with us. In the situation of my provider, this is very necessary in order to help make certain that we possess everything that I need to have to understand (i.e. the item we are looking at, marketing viewpoint, the consumer service and solution). Not any longer Hajj, being quite a complicated and extensive activity, is typically stayed clear of through the aged individuals. In truth, I believe it is a fallacy that the elderly women can get away from these troubles through themselves, and that Hajj is, in reality, something extra like a social activity than a religious one. This was the conclusion of the initial one-half of the year, when just about everyone and everybody experienced the desire to try and go to various other Hajj celebrations for their own ends. This is owing to the simple fact that spending a month, and sometimes even more than that, in a various nations a little bit of a difficult job. We can carry out a lot better," he mentioned, after creating a discussion about the advantages of spending the months off. At the time, Obama's workplace pointed the finger at a "incredibly poor performance" in Libya that left behind the Libyan authorities without a secure authorities. "I don't view how there's any reason I can be less hopeful. One who doesn’t understand all the techniques and spot of this new location wouldn’t be able to execute all the jobs, without which the Hajj is unfinished, stays clear of to go for it. Right now Hajj is not done and that's a really negative point. The entire objective of the Hajj is to carry people of really good objectives, and it also to deliver all together individuals who would not possess the opportunity of their need. If you are one of them, you need to be aware that our firm offers experienced guids to all our consumers who assist them at every action of the Hajj performance. We can perform this. For everyone who is looking after meals or water, we promote you to examine out our website before you come below. We are not a health care organization, neither is health care devices manufacturer KVJ and if you are fascinated in medical source at that point please view our website before you hit our frame.
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garaksapprentice · 1 year
Today's Knitting is Brought to You By Sleep Deprivation
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I had grand plans when I woke up to Get Stuff Done. The world is technically still on holidays, so this is the perfect time to sneak in some good, long writing and weaving sessions. I managed both yesterday. (I was the only human moving in the house for the entire morning. I watered the plants and set up the mister for the chickens, then hit the workroom and didn’t come out for four hours. It was glorious.)
Unfortunately, I slept like absolute crap last night. The weather was obscenely hot yesterday - 37ºC at 5pm - and I sleep on the west side of the house. It was barely down to 28ºC by bedtime, even with a good southerly breeze and a fan pointing directly at me. I kept waking up, tossing, turning, and generally having a terrible time of it. Even some lackadaisical morning gardening and a decent coffee didn’t help.
So I scrapped the “Get Stuff Done” plan, in favour of the far more restful “dick around the house reading and scrolling social media” backup. On the plus side, I finished Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles book 4) by Ilona Andrews before the library took it back. On the minus, I either wait six weeks for my hold on the newest book in the series, or I experience sweet, sweet instant gratification via my Amazon credit.
One nice thing about reading is that I can work on (some) knitted projects at the same time. All the other fibre stuff I do requires my eyeballs to keep things on track. So one of the vests I’m working on finally saw some love for the first time in months.
It’s about five inches longer than it started today, and right about the time I need to stick the live stitches on a thread and try it on for length. I suspect it will still need another inch or three - I want it a touch longer than my current favourite vest, so it hits the top of my jeans/belt properly and keeps my back a bit warmer. I also haven’t given much thought to the edge (though a nice simple 1x1 rib is always  a good option).
Once that’s sorted it’s just armbands and a neck band, weave in a few ends, and enjoy one less WIP on the pile. (Shrinking the size of Area 52 is one of my goals for this year. It’s gotten really quite out of hand, and it’s stressing me.)
I’m slightly concerned about the sizing, too, but at this point I’m not averse to felting it down to size if it’s a touch too large. The weatherproofing would be helpful since it’s destined to be a house vest, and house vests often end up worn in the cold, windy rain in around here.
Speaking of WIPs...
After a ~5 year break, I’m back to using Habitica for day-to-day task management. While the vast majority of my project/task management happens in Obsidian (love that app), I found I needed some distance between “everything that I ever need to do, whether today or five years from now” and “stuff I need to get done within the next week or so".
Both my needs and attitude towards task management have changed a lot over the last few years, so I was hesitant to go back to it, but for right now it meets 95% of my needs. It helps that the elder child is old enough to start learning to manage their own stuff, instead of me. The gamification (especially the pets) is catnip to them. Our little two-person party is doing pretty well for a perpetually-stressed adult with too many responsibilities, and an ADHD homeschooled tween with no sense of time.
And, because I just can’t fkn help myself, I joined a Guild. Just one. I learned my lesson from last time. Overwhelm is the shortest path to a quick death for any system. Of course, I have no sense of restraint, so I joined the New Years Resolutions guild. As the name implies, it features monthly challenges to help you plan, set, and work on yearly goals. I traditionally have a few of those, so *shrug* decided to tag along for the ride. Which leads me to...
One of the tasks for this month’s Challenge is to post your goals on social media. Historically, I like to keep things close to the chest, since what I decide to do with my life is between me and me. But, in the spirit of experimentation, I decided to give it a go this year. (There’s a version of the Challenge that doesn’t have the “post to social media” task, so you can opt out of it if you really don’t want to share.)
Thus, my goals for this year:
Finish my current novel/write at least 50,000 words of fiction
Work on improving my writing skills via further education
Publish at least one blog post a month
Spend ~2.5 hours per week working on my weaving skills
Finish at least 12 WIPs (1 per month) from Area 52
Make some clothes for me, not just for the kids (at least 2 items)
Yesterday I wrote a touch over 500 words, and spent not quite 1.5 hours weaving. And now I’m throwing a blog post out there. (Tumblr totally counts, right? It’s easier to use than “real” blogging platforms...) So while I’m bummed that I didn’t have the super productive day I envisioned this morning, I’m still happy with how things are going.
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carpetinpottstown · 1 year
5 Tips About Carpet in Pottstown You Can Use Today
Completely renovated 4 bedrooms and one particular along with a half bathtub colonial property. This household capabilities alluring hardwood flooring, a spacious kitchen area with granite countertops and stainless-metal appliances, a dining home, a front room as well as a half bathtub rounds off the primary floor.
Clever Charge Guides understands that each predicament differs, and that is why personalized answers can be a precedence. Quality function and competitive pricing are different precedences as Intelligent Price Guides greatly depend on the very long-time period relationship and repeat enterprise.
Let's get started with the special open-up flooring plan on the home's major level, which contains a decorative tile floored entry primary into the living room with a vaulted ceiling, hardwood flooring and balcony forget. The beautiful hardwood flooring flows into your dining place region. 
HomeAdvisor permits Service Gurus to put up details about themselves as well as their company on their profile. HomeAdvisor isn't going to evaluate or validate the knowledge representations outlined in All those profiles as They can be self-reported via the Provider Expert.
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We experienced the white oak flooring in our home being refinished. We also had a couple of dozen termite-harmed boards changed. The replaced boards are…
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I encouraged the toughest end available on the market. it was a two-part catalyst and complete from Poloplaz. I'm happy he is pleased a year afterward.
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kldhomeimp · 2 years
Common Questions People Have About Timber Flooring Suppliers
Timber Flooring Suppliers Melbourne is a great way to add personality, warmth and style to any home. However, there are many questions that people have when it comes to choosing their next flooring option.
This guide will cover some of the most common questions that may arise when looking for solid timber flooring suppliers.
What is solid timber flooring?
Solid timber flooring is made from solid pieces of timber. It's one of the most popular choices because it's durable, long lasting and easy to maintain.
Timber flooring can be installed in many different places, such as a kitchen or bathroom.
One of the most popular types of timber flooring is solid hardwood. It's an extremely durable material that can last for decades if properly maintained. Solid hardwood flooring comes in a wide variety of species, including oak and cherry wood.
How long does the installation process take?
When you’re thinking about timber flooring installation, the first thing to consider is how long the project will take. Installing a new floor is a big job and takes time, so it’s important that you choose an installer with experience in this area.
If you plan on doing your own installation (which we recommend), then make sure that you have enough tools and materials available at home before starting work on your project. It's also important not to rush through any steps along the way because mistakes made during installation could cause problems later down the line!
If hiring someone else for your project, ask what their process for installing timber flooring consists of—and check out reviews online so that this information helps guide yours!
Can I hire an installer myself or must I use one of your recommended suppliers?
The answer to this question depends on your budget, the size of the project and how much time you have available.
If you have a small budget and are looking for a simple flooring solution, then it makes sense to hire an installer yourself. However, if you want something more complex or long-lasting (such as engineered wood or laminate), then hiring someone who knows what they're doing is crucial.
We recommend using our recommended suppliers because they offer high-quality products at competitive prices with excellent customer service across all areas of our business
How do I choose the right kitchen suppliers?
Ask for references. If you're looking to buy kitchen suppliers melbourne, one of the first things you should do is ask around. Talk to people who have used their services before and see what they say about them.
You can also contact previous clients directly via phone or email if you prefer speaking with someone face-to-face; however, be sure that this person is happy with the work done by their supplier!
Check out their insurance certificate (if applicable). Timber flooring suppliers Melbourne will usually have a certificate on file detailing their insurance coverages, which could include general liability insurance as well as public liability protection for employees working within company premises (in case something goes wrong).
You may also want check whether any additional costs apply when buying from a particular supplier—for example: if they're charging extra because they already had an accident recently then there'll be no hidden fees involved here either!
Get details about past projects completed by each firm involved in these transactions so far - this includes any third parties involved too like architects etcetera."
We hope this article has answered some of the questions you have about Hybrid Flooring Melbourne. If you need any more information, or if you would like to book an appointment for a free quotation, please do not hesitate to contact an expert now.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 2 years
Role Play
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pairing: Dylan O'brien x Fem!reader
summary: Dylan is filming for American assassin usually his characters didn't have an affect on you, but this time its a different story.
warning: lots of sexual tension, bad language, overly horny Y/N, smut, oral, fingering, choking, tying up, language. [18+]
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You and Dylan have been dating for 6 years now, he worked a lot but that really didn’t bother you as you were usually hired on set with him as you were a makeup artist.
Rarely did you ever accept a job away from Dylan, he enjoyed having you around too much. Stealing kisses and touches from you when no one was looking, pulling you behind the props of the project he was working on for a heated make out session.
You love working close to him, you didn’t necessarily spend every waking moment with one another but the fact you could watch him act from the sidelines was your favorite thing. He was talented, so talented you sometimes forgot he was Dylan.
Dylan you're loving and doting boyfriend not Stiles Stilinski or Thomas. Usually, his character never had an effect on you, that was until he signed onto American assassin.
Originally you weren’t going to take the job as your sister had begged you to visit her in Florida but when you heard Dylan going over his lines and planning out his gym days, you couldn’t say no.
So being one of the makeup artists on this job was a lot harder than previous jobs, you were constantly turned on, heart racing rapidly. Excusing yourself a lot more than usual, even Dylan had noticed the lack of your presents. He even asked one of the girls to check on you, which was rather embarrassing.Trying to explain to her you where fine when your cheeks where cherry red.
It didn’t take long for Dylan to catch on to what was wrong, especially when he came waltzing over to you with no shirt on. He had just finished the bathroom scene, his skin glistening with water from the pool.
He noticed the way your eyes zoned in on his arms, the pink staining your cheeks and the once honey brown pupils as dark as his recently dyed hair. He could tell you were turned on, thinking back to all the times you would disappear only made him smirk more. Had you been playing with yourself?
“Hey baby” he mumbled into your ear as his fingers danced up and around your neck, gripping the back of your head a little rougher than usual.
Your breath was caught in your throat when you felt his lips press open mouth kisses to your jaw until he enveloped your lips with his, this was different. It was hungry and rough, only causing yourself to grow even wetter.
“Dylan people can see us” you whispered, pulling away from his hold to check around you. No one was looking though, everyone very much focused on their job. “I have a job to do baby” you chuckled, walking away from him and over to the makeup area.
Your eyes lingered on each other for a moment longer through the mirror, you dropped your eyes to move around pieces on the table but he kept his on yours, you knew he knew. That familiar smirk and tense shoulders were a tell tale sign he knew you were turned on.
You knew it would be killing him to keep working when all he wanted to do was bend you over the couch in his trailer. But never less he turned back to set and continued filming.
The both of you shared looks for the rest of the day, your eyes on his arms. Watching the veins bulge each time he would do a fight scene, your pussy ached so much you contemplated rubbing one out in the bathroom.
But you knew he’d be watching and he’d realized what you’d done as soon as you left the bathroom, Cheeks flushed and eyes glazed over in bliss, he wouldn’t be happy. He much preferred getting you off then you having to do it yourself.
You physically had to rip your eyes away from him to do your job properly, before you knew it Dylan was taking a seat in your chair. Giving you a soft smile as you grabbed his kit and started to work on his face, your hands shaking slightly as you felt his eyes on you.
Your breath once again was stuck in your throat as you tried to ignore his eyes on you, dabbing the fake blood on his lips. His hand found its way under your blouse resting softly on the skin of your hip, you jump slightly at contact and sent him a warning glare.
“Dylan, you're going to make me mess up your makeup” You warned him, you continued to dab the sponge across his cheek bone and over his eyebrow. You could feel his warm breath on your jaw as you leaned in closer. “You can always fix it” He jokes, puckering his lips at you.
Though you shook your head and pulled away from him, his hand dropping to the arm rests of the chair. Your eyes falling to the veins that littered his skin, gulping down the whimper that threatened to leave your lips you spun around to grab more product.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned, watching you move around different products but never meet his eyes. The deep red was stained on your cheeks again, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you gnawed on the skin. “Don’t do that” He states, pushing himself to stand.
He’s behind you in seconds, both of his arms around your body and hands pressed into the vanity table, caging you against his chest. Your eyes drop to his veins once more and quickly back up to meet his eyes in the mirror, he nods towards your lip that was between your teeth.
You drop it from your teeth and stare at him, your chest feels heavy and the room feels hot. “Dylan back on set!” the director calls out; he’s pulling away from you instantly and rubbing the small of your back before making his way back to the cameras.
You're once again excusing yourself, standing in front of the bathroom mirror trying to steady your breathing. Your panties were drenched and the once fuzzy feeling in your stomach began to ache, your shoulders were tight and your legs shook with each step you took.
“Y/N” his voice startles you and you jump so high you hit your shoulder on the hand dryer. “Shit!” You yelp out, cradling your shoulder as you stare at your boyfriend who definitely shouldn’t be in here.
“What are you doing in the girl's bathroom?” You question, dropping your shoulder you begin walking over to him. His eyes are dark and lips turned up into a smirk, his hands reach out to grab you before you can usher him out the door. “Baby tell me what’s gotten you so worked up” He smirks.
“Wha-at?” You stutter, he spins you so your back is pressed to his chest. His arm wrapped around your waist to keep you still as his fingers run down the length of your body, stopping just above the waist band of your shorts. “What’s got you so wet” his words cause goosebumps to raise on your skin.
His mouth pressed against your ear, biting softly on your earlobe as his fingers draw circles on your lower stomach. You're clenching your stomach muscles so hard to stop yourself from moaning out from his touch. “I’m not” You respond, lies all lies.
Your so wet your uncomfortable, wanting to rid yourself of your clothes already. “So, you're saying if I put my hands down your pants it’ll be dry?” He questions, his fingers already unbuttoning your shorts. The words don’t seem to form in your mouth though, so your left speechless. Mouth open as his fingers dip low into your pants.
Breath hitching when his fingers touch your soaking folds, a low throaty moan leaves his throat and vibrates against your neck as he bites down on your skin. Your just about ready to combust when he pulls his hand out, bringing his finger to his mouth and sucking your arousal of him.
You have seen him do that a million times, but not when he looks like that. Not when he’s dressed in a tight black shirt, scruffy beard and long hair. Your knees feel as though they might buckle under you when he meets your eyes. “Touch yourself in here and you will be punished” he states, exiting the bathroom before you can say anything back.
You want to cuss, shout or punch something. Your so turned on your brain feels like jelly, your skin feels hot to touch. You're unsure how you finished the day without dragging Dylan into the trailer, you both didn’t even get to eat lunch together today. The last thing he had said to you today was not to touch yourself.
So, when the set shut down and everyone made their way out of the building, you hurried to find Dylan both of you packing the car with your bags you needed for that day. He gave you a soft kiss on the lips and opened your side of the door, the drive to the hotel was quiet but nice.
The elevator ride was slow and you bounced on the ball of your feet anxious to get inside, once Dylan had locked the door you expected him to go straight to the bed and lie down. Like he usually did, he would run his hands across his face and make you cuddle with him.
Except the second the door closed behind him, he was gripping you by the waist and throwing you against the wall. Your eyes wide as he stared down at you with lust, his mouth on you in seconds. His lips were greedy, rushed, needing to taste you on his tongue.
His grip on your waist tight as though he might lose you if he let go, your hands are in his hair pulling at the roots of his messy hair. “Tell me what got you so worked up today” He practically begs, praying to himself that it was in fact him that had riled you up and not someone else.
“You” is all you can say, the blush creeping onto the apples of your cheeks as you look away embarrassed. He grips your jaw making you look him in the eyes. “What about me?” he needs clarification, deep down he knows why your so turned on. But he doesn’t want to be full of himself.
“Your character, oh gosh it's so embarrassing. You playing mitch, it’s so fucking hot” You mumble, you want to pull away and hide your face from him but his grip on your jaw is tight and he’s watching you with such awe.
He’s gripping the backs of your thighs and lifting you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and attacking your lips once more. Much more needy this time, his tongue assaults yours for dominance and his fingers knead at the flesh of your thighs. “You want me to act as him?” He questions, your heart drops to your throat. He has never been shy about role play, but you however had been.
“Please” You beg, the word feels foreign. As though you were already playing a character, his face etched with a scowl. The same scowl that had you soaking through your panties 6 hours ago. “What do you want me to do?” He questions, he needs confirmation. He doesn’t want to do something you're not comfortable with.
“Anything please... just touch me” You whine, his mouth is on your neck in seconds. Leaving behind harsh purple love bites as he tries to kiss every inch of your skin. He grabs the hem of your blouse and pulls it over your head, eyes on your breasts that spill out of the silly little bra you wore.
“Such a silly bra” He comments, leaning down to kiss the swell of your breasts. Reaching around the unclip the material, your own hands coming up to pull it down and off your body. His mouth enveloping your nipple into his mouth, warm tongue lapping at the pebbled bud. “Shit... Dylan uh” your head drops back onto the wall as you try to expose more of yourself to him, wanting to feel his tongue on every inch of your body.
He pulls away from the wall and brings you over to the bed, dropping your body onto the mattress and crawling between your open legs to hover over you. “Tie me up” it comes out as a whisper and Dylan has to pull away from your breasts to look at you as he’s not sure if he was hearing things. “Tie me up Dylan” you say much louder this time.
He thinks he might cum right now but he’s pulling away and searching for his belt, bringing it back over to your half naked body. “Are you sure?” He questions, his fingers dancing up the length of your exposed thigh. “Yes, tie me up and do what Mitch would do”.
He is sure he has died and gone to heaven; he can’t believe the words coming from your mouth right now. But he has to play it cool, he grabs a hold of your wrists and loops his belt around them. Giving it a soft tug before pulling your arms up and over your head, the feeling of being bound has your pussy dripping.
“Do something” You beg when all he does is stare at your face, he gives a short nod leaning down to press his hungry lips to yours once more. His hands roam your body until he locks around your neck, giving it a soft squeeze. You let out a strangled moan at the sensation he’s causing.
“F-Fuck baby, you're going to be the death of me” He growls against your mouth, he begins to pull you up with him. Your so focused on his hand around your throat you don’t feel his fingers inside your panties until he presses on your pulsing clit, a loud cry leaves your lips and your hips jut up for more. “Please... please more” you breath out.
His fingers dip to part your folds, gathering your arousal on his fingers ass he teases your opening and back up to your clit. As though he realizes you might explode, he pulls away from your neck and rips your shorts and panties down your legs.
The cool breeze from the aircon hits your hot skin but not for long as Dylan is between your thighs, gripping the back of them roughly as he bites down on your inner thigh. Teasing you just a little bit before he runs his tongue between your folds, the taste of your sweet arousal on his tongue has him grinding into the bed for some release.
“Sh-Shit Dylan... I-I holy shit” you moan out, you're grinding your pussy into his face now. The feeling of his scruffy beard rubs against you and it’s driving you wild. You need more, you want him to hurt you.
“Dylan... Baby...Rougher, I need you to make it hurt” You cried out.
Like he knew exactly what you needed his tongue lapped at you rougher, his beard rubbing you in ways you never thought would have you toppling over the edge. It hurt, it hurt so bad you could feel your orgasm in the pit of your stomach.
Your skin felt hot to touch as you desperately tried to hold onto something but the restraints of your wrists made it difficult, that familiar tingle started from your toes as you curled them against the mattress. It made its way up to your head until you were screaming out in pleasure, Dylan's hand coming up to press to your mouth, only now remembering you were in a hotel.
“Shhh.... baby you have to try to be quiet” He hushes, his lips shining with your arousal which only had you begging for more. He wastes no time and crawls back up your body to smash your lips together, you could taste yourself on his tongue and it was fucking magnificent.
Suddenly his arm was snaking around your back and he pulled you from the bed only to turn you around so your chest hit the mattress, pulling your hair into a makeshift pony pulling your face away from the bed.
You sat on your knees and elbows, ass high in the air. His fist clenched around your hair as he teased your entrance with his throbbing cock, suddenly his other hand was coming down to slap your ass. The echoe vibrated through your ears as you moaned out in pleasurable pain, you found yourself mumbling 'more' into the air.
Wanting to feel his rough hands slap you until your ass was painted red, until you couldn’t sit for weeks because it stung so bad. “hmmm...what was that?” He questions you, leaning over your body to whisper in your ear.
The tip of his cock just barely pushing into you. “Again... please again”.
He slaps you again and again until your body shakes under him and he can’t hold back from pounding into you, his cock spreading you open and filling you up. You felt full, the fullest you’ve felt in a long time. You're sure you can feel him in your stomach but your unable to reach down to feel.
The grip on your hair tightened as he began to rock his hips into you, faster and rougher each time. “Shit... look at you, taking me so well” Dylan moans out, your able to turn your head slightly and signal for him. He pulls you up and connects your lips, you struggle slightly at not being able to move your hands.
Dylan notices your struggle and holds you around the waist, keeping his rhythm as he fucks up in to you while simultaneously devours your mouth with his. Your body felt as though it was shaking, the feeling of his tip hitting that familiar velvety soft spot deep inside of you.
Your tits bounced with each thrust; your cries of his name echoed throughout the hotel room. Dylan’s hands leaving your hair to wrap around your throat again. “I need... I need more” You cried out.
Without thought Dylan pushed you back down onto the bed, his arms reaching over to undo the belt that held your wrists only to pull them behind your back the second they were free. Gripping them harshly as he spread your legs wider with his knees. The sound of your skins slapping together had the both of you moaning incoherent words.
His hips roll accelerated at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him, your pussy juices dripping between the both of you. Neither of you could say a word now, the only noise coming from your moans and harsh breath, that familiar feeling from before began to knot in your lower stomach.
You were clenching around him trying to hold on for a little longer but the feeling of his hand slapping your ass once more had you cumming all over him, the sound of your cry of pleasure pushed Dylan over the edge. He too began to cum, so deep inside of you that you could feel him pulsing inside your stomach.
He was leaning over you now, his chest to your back as he breathed hard. Leaving soft pecks to your shoulder blades as the both of you came down from your high. The feeling of him pulling out had you wincing from sensitivity, you dropped to your stomach with a huff.
“So, you like me with a beard?” He questions, lying down beside you looking worn out and pleased. His hair was a mess but it only caused butterflies to erupt in your tummy again.
“I love you anyway you want to look, but the beard... the hair and the muscles.... Baby you may as well kill me now” You chuckles, leaning over to kiss him softly. His eyes where back to the whiskey brown and his usual perky smile on his lips.
“I didn’t think my characters could ever rile you up that much”
“Mitch Rapp is a different story”
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thewildwaffle · 3 years
Humans are Weird - Helium
It's been a while since I got a new story up. I'd been working on some other projects, then had some pretty unhappy life events happen. I am doing fine, so don't worry. Hopefully, now my muse is back and will stick around a while :)
This story is from a prompt ao3
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When you bring together a wide variety of races from different planets and environments, you tend to have an equally wide variety of needs that need to be met from species to species. Ships were typically staffed by a food and nutrients safety team. Custodial teams were careful about residual chemical and oil cross-contamination between particular races. Sections of hab suites had controlled ventilation systems that could be set to various atmospheric needs. Outside the hab suites, at work stations or in communal areas, some species have to be fitted with atmospheric filters. Over the years, these devices have gotten less uncomfortable, thankfully. They weren’t the best, they were a bit bulky, noisy, and in some cases obstructive to the wearer, but hey, being able to properly breathe on a ship with beings who had different atmospheric needs than you was more important than comfort. When the humans joined the galactic community, the newer filters started becoming noticeably smaller and less obtrusive. Many were concerned that the changes would make them less effective, but leave it to the humans to tinker around and invent the impossible when they really wanted to. The latest models were supposed to be so small and comfortable, you could sleep with them on. Heck for some races, you could barely tell they were wearing an atmospheric filter at all. Not only that, they were up to 40% more effective at filtration and gas delivery for many species. This opened up crew rosters for ships. Species who couldn't reasonably be stationed in the same ship due to the gases they breathe being dangerous to others, or vice versa could now be on the same crew.
That included duibs like Marvi who breathe large amounts of helium. She’d been serving aboard Galactic Coalition ships for more standard solar rotations than many of her fellow crewmates had been alive. It helped that duibs were long-lived, of course, and in her time, she’d seen many new technologies come and go. If you pressed her hard enough, she’d likely say that the atmospheric filters the humans developed were by far her favorite. Being able to safely and comfortably pass through different atmospheric biomes was an important ability when you had a long list of custodial and maintenance duties each rotation. Marvi huffed a deep sigh as she rounded another corner. Lighting beam replacements weren’t heavy, but maneuvering them around corners like this was a bit of a pain. “Need a helping paw Marvi?” Marvi turned to see a dark gray priso steadying the end lighting beam she was carrying. The furry face was relatively expressionless, but a clear look at his flicking whiskers and triangular, alert ears and bright eyes told her that he was holding back laughter. He must have just come up from around the other corner and seen the small duib struggling. “Oh, hello Aurrin. I definitely would appreciate some aid, though I would understand if you are busy right now,” Marvi replied politely. Honestly, the help would be very nice and she hoped the offer was serious. “I’m waiting for Human Karl, I can help until he gets here,” Aurrin rose to his back paws awkwardly and grabbed the ends of the light beams in his dexterous front paws. Priso were normally quadrupedal on flat ground, but the forested terrains of their homeworld meant they were at least somewhat adept at grabbing and climbing. He followed along, holding on to the light beams and kept them away from the walls and corners as the pair walked. “I was actually just installing something by the hab suites over there,” he tilted his head back to gesture behind them, “I’ve got something I wanted to test before I go off duty. After that, I’m looking forward to two whole cycles of rest and whatever I want to do.” The corridor here was darker and Marvi stopped walking. This was where she needed to replace the light beam. “Two whole cycles, huh?” She set down the light beam carefully, Aurrin following suit. She pulled out a tool from her hip pack and started working on opening the control panel. In order to open the panels to install the new light beams, she had to make sure power was redirected for safety. “What are you going to do with your time off? Any fun plans?” “A few plans. They might change depending on how my experiment goes.” Marvi worked quietly, waiting on the priso to expound, but other than chuckling to himself, he didn’t say anything more on the topic. Well, Marvi supposed it was not really her business, so she changed the subject and chatted cordially until the new light beam was installed and she rerouted power back to the panel. The darkened hall was filled with bright, cheerful light and Marvi let out a satisfied sigh. “Well, that’s that. Another task down.” The old light beam would need to be taken back to her shop for a repair and gas exchange, or refill, or whatever it ended up needing to get it up and running again. “Thank you again for your help. I should be able to get these back alright myself, I don’t want to take up too much of your time if you’ve still got your experiment to run.” From around the corner of the corridor, the distinct sound of a hab suite door opening was followed by approaching footsteps. A light on Aurrin’s comm device flashed and the priso’s long tail flicked excitedly back and forth. “No worries, it looks like my experiment is already underway.” Marvi felt the frills all along her body perk in curiosity, but before she could ask anything else, Human Karl rounded the corner. He grinned without showing his teeth, as it would have been a sign of aggression to many species on the ship, and gave a small wave as he approached. “Hey Karl,” Aurrin started. Marvi only partially listened as he started in on a spiel about his upcoming off-duty
plans. Instead, she was more interested in a quiet hissing noise and was trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. It sounded like… well it sounded almost like an atmospheric filter, one beside her own. Hers was in light operation since she was in a sector of the ship that was tuned to a generalized setting, but this noise sounded like a filter at full power output. Did Human Karl hear it? Could he hear it? Surely Aurrin could? She studied them, they didn’t seem to notice. The noise had started when Karl arrived, did that mean…? Her suspicions were confirmed the moment Karl opened his mouth to reply to Aurrin. “I’m actually on my way to…” What. The. Frewan? Human Karl’s voice, which was usually a calming deep tone, was disturbingly high and unnatural. The surprised expression on his face made Marvi’s core freeze. That meant this vocal change wasn’t some weird human thing? What was going on?! “I, woah,” the squeaky voice stuttered, “is this… helium? What is this? What’s going on?” He looked at the comm device strapped to his wrist and pulled up the readout. Sure enough, it was an increase of helium output from his atmospheric filter. The skin on his forehead wrinkled as he looked from the readout to Marvi and Aurrin, his eyes finally locking on the latter who was fiddling with something on his own comm device readout. “You punk! How did you do this? Change it back!” Karl started laughing a bit, Marvi wasn’t sure if it was directed at the ridiculousness of his voice or if it was because the helium was affecting his cognitive functions. She worried it was the latter. Panicking, Marvi approached to see if there was some sort of override. She had to act fast! Humans didn’t breathe helium, he could die! Before she could do anything though, Aurrin spoke up while trying to muffle his laughter. “Okay, okay, hoooo… I’ve deactivated it, you’re good. Keep talking though while your voice turns back to normal, you’re hilarious.” Karl gave him a look that Marvi couldn’t interpret. “What was that? How did you do that?” His voice was already back to normal and it sounded like a mix between annoyed, intrigued and amused. “When you came out of your hab suite, you passed a sensor I set up that overrode your atmospheric filter controls. My latest invention. Imagine this: a ship gets attacked and boarded. Normal defenses prove insufficient and the crew is in grave danger. As the hostiles pass hidden sensors, their atmospheric filters are overridden and they fall asleep, get loopy and confused, or simply pass out before they can get to and harm any crew.” Marvi and Karl blinked in unison while Aurrin’s tail swept side to side proudly. Marvi was the first to find words. “Your… your experiment?” Marvi glanced between Aurrin and Karl worriedly, “Is this what you were experimenting with? You ran it on a crewmate?!” “Well,” Aurrin’s ears pulled back slightly, but his whiskers still kept their amused look, “I say experiment pretty loosely. This was more of a field test. I ran all the actual experiments long ago. I knew exactly what would happen. And I did research on humans and I found out what effects helium has on them and I had to see it for myself. That’s why I was waiting for Karl.” The human in question was still laughing a bit - of course, a human would be able to laugh after nearly being asphyxiated, they’re crazy - before he ran his hand over his head to compose himself. “So this was a prank?” “For science.” “Of course. For science.” Karl’s smile suddenly morphed into a thoughtful frown. “Wait. Is this payback for the soap thing I pulled on you last week?” Aurrin’s face was statuesque and solemn as he stared silently at the human for a moment. “Yes.” “You’re the worst.” “Thank you.” “Want to go do this again in front of Aylin? She and Maruti-kar would think it’s hilarious.” “I had been planning on it. But only if we can get video evidence of it.” “For science?” “Naturally.” Marvi watched, hearts still beating rapidly from her panic, as Aurrin and Karl deactivated and retrieved the sensor to reenact the stunt she had just been a witness
to. Almost reflexively, she started tracing the side of her atmospheric filter. The quiet hum and hiss were calming. Helium to her was life. She’d thought it was toxic to others. And yet Aurrin thought it fine to use it on a human, and Karl was not only unworried about it but found it funny. Was it not dangerous?! And his voice? Why did it do that? She pulled up a search screen on her comm device and searched in the human database. Helium. Breathing. Voices. Apparently, helium took up space in their lungs that normally would be filled by oxygen, so yes, it was dangerous because they could asphyxiate. It also amplified higher-pitched tones of their vocal tract while simultaneously dampening lower tones because of the gas’s low density. That explained the voice change. And for some reason, the funny noise was enough of a reason to play around with deadly materials. Well, if anything, she supposed humans did keep to their MO pretty well. She picked the spent light beams back up and headed back to her shop, careful to not hit the ends on any walls or corners.
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