#I think Purple Yam with either of the two is fine
quibbs126 · 11 months
Okay, I feel like this is something I have to get off my chest, mostly because the ship has been in my head recently, but I just don’t really like darkmilk
Like, nothing against the people who do ship it, I just can’t get behind it
I think for me, part of it is the whole age difference thing, since as we know in Kingdom, they met when Milk was a child and Dark Choco at best a teenager. Now I realize that things aren’t nearly as bad as they could be, considering they haven’t met since and they both seem to be consenting adults in current day. But I don’t know, is it weird to date someone you once met when they were a kid and you much older, at least in terms of maturity? And you remember meeting them at that age?
And then there’s the whole idolization Milk has for Dark Choco. Milk grew up seeing Dark Choco as his hero, and it feels a bit weird for Dark Choco to then date someone who’s spent a long time seeing him that way. Like it seems weird to date someone who’s been a fan of you for years and saw you as their hero
Now Milk having a crush on Dark Choco, at least when he’s younger? I can absolutely see that, from what I understand it’s not that uncommon to have a crush on someone you idolize, especially when they’re older (I mean, I never had that happen, but I did know someone who did). It just gets weird to me when Dark Choco reciprocates feelings and they start having an actual relationship. Because it’s one thing to have a crush on your idol, but it’s another to actually date them and have a serious relationship
But I can concede, I don’t really know that many situations with either scenario, so I can’t really say whether or not this properly weird. And maybe I’m just not getting it. But still, I just wanted to give my own two cents on the topic
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preserving heat ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (01/05/23)
word count ; 1362
content ; threesome, stomach bulging, slim reader, double penetration
fandom ; cookie run
pairing ; milk cookie x male reader x purple yam cookie
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
You’d spent the better part of the evening huddled in your sleeping bag with your thickest blanket tucked up to your chin, too cold to do anything but fester in the pitiful “warmth” provided by your tent. Though the thin fabric barrier between yourself and the outside world did little to muffle the chattering of your teeth and your incessant shuffling about as you tried, in vain, to find a position that would provide you some minimal amount of additional heat to where you were a few seconds before.
It didn’t take long for these sounds to start grating on Purple Yam Cookie, the small amount of patience he still managed to cling onto being quickly eroded by your not-as-quiet-as-intended personal struggle against the elements. And, in order to prevent the other man from becoming either homicidal or suicidal, Milk Cookie popped his head in your tent and provided a solution that had your mouth falling agape and Purple Yam looking more startled than angry.
A threesome.
‘We,’ he gestured between himself and his barbarian partner, ‘are much, well, larger than you and give off way more body heat as a result. The close proximity and movement should warm you up and wear you out, meaning that you can get to sleep and you,’ he looked pointedly at Purple Yam Cookie, ‘don’t have to listen to him shuffling around anymore. It only makes sense,’
When he didn’t receive any response beyond silent, confused staring, he faltered and flushed. Much quieter and unsure of himself when he spoke up again.
‘Or we could find another solution, I suppose,’
‘I mean I’m fine with it,’ you managed, voice coming out in a higher pitch than intended, coughing into your fist before continuing, ‘but I don’t think we even have the right things to do it safely. Like we don’t even have lube -’
‘We do actually,’ Purple Yam interrupted, having finally found his voice, ‘bought it back in Hollyberry, thought it’d come in handy,’
‘Then we’re all up for it?’ Milk continued, smiling broadly when two confirmations followed, ‘Excellent! Now, I’ll go fetch the lubricant…’
And that’s when the most interesting fuck of your life started.
The position you found yourself in was compromising to say the very least: Milk Cookie was in front of you, large warm hands grasping at your thighs and helping you wrap them around his waist; Purple Yam Cookie was behind you, calloused and scarred hands playing with your nipples and pressing his broad chest against your back; you were sandwiched between them, one hand resting on Milk’s chest and the other reaching behind you to grasp at Purple Yam’s shoulder, steadying yourself as you adjusted to the feeling of being so filled. Of having two large, throbbing cocks stuffed into your ass, mercifully still as you gasped and whimpered and adjusted your position to help minimise the ache and strain of it all.
After a few minutes of these minor alterations, the pain had finally settled enough for you to be okay with them moving; a hum that sounded closer to a whimper and a nod that you were just about able to manage. Though, thankfully, that was all they needed.
The feeling of the two of them moving inside of you was strange to say the least. Pleasurable and enjoyable, sure, but it was far from coordinated or synchronised.
Milk Cookie was much more gentle and cautious in his movements, gradually pulling out until just the tip of his cock was inside of you before slowly pushing back in, only stopping when he was fully sheathed inside of you. Calculating enough to watch your expressions and gauge where your p-spot was in order to try and catch it with every thrust and smiling proudly every time you whimpered or moaned or dug your nails further into the pale skin of his chest.
Purple Yam Cookie, meanwhile, was much harsher in his treatment — fucking rather than loving, pounding rather than thrusting and just generally doing everything he could to make a mess of you. His calloused hands were groping at your stomach and chest, toying with your nipples as he relentlessly slammed his hips against yours — his pace shallow and quick and deliciously rough. So harsh that every collision had your body being sent crashing forwards into Milk Cookie’s chest and leaving you unable to do anything but cry out and cling to the two men you were trapped between.
Amongst all of the chaos, you found your eyes drifting between Milk Cookie’s focused expression and your stomach. Specifically, the prominent, twin bulges that moved and slid against each other in time with the thrusts of the two men inside of you — filling you so substantially that you could see them even from the outside for how big they were.
The thought made your head spin and your dick throb.
An ache that was compounded by the practically pornographic sounds that were escaping the men on either side of you: the bitten back grunts and moans that Milk Cookie was trying to muffle by biting his lips; the unrelenting, unabashed moans and grunts that were freely escaping Purple Yam Cookie; the sound of skin slapping against skin combined with the wet sloshing of the lubricant as they slid in and out of your needy asshole. It was all too much and yet, somehow, not enough.
The air was cold but by now you were boiling, inside and out. Veins heated by the white hot pleasure that was flowing through them like a rich liquor. The skin on your back on fire from the overwhelming body heat of the warrior that was pressed so tightly against you that you could feel his heartbeat thrumming against your shoulders — and trace the outline of every scar that was digging into your skin. Your lungs were burning, desperate for air as you continued to moan and whimper and groan and grunt despite yourself — overwhelmed by all of the pleasure you were experiencing.
Overwhelmed until you were given that final push in the form of a well timed brush of Milk Cookie’s pelvis against your neglected cock, and fell over the edge of climax. Falling with a mind filled with thoughts in the shapes of thick cocks and wandering hands, with their moans and grunts and groans echoing repeatedly — the erotic backdrop to your orgasm. Your heart was racing, your lungs were burning, your vision was filled with splotches and blurs of white light, and you were too far gone to do anything but moan and cry out and let out damn-near-incoherent pleas for more.
And it was your climax — and the sounds you made and the way you looked — that proved to be the undoing of the other two men.
Purple Yam came first: burying himself in you entirely and filling your ass with his cum as he finished with a startlingly loud cry of ‘fuck’. His grip, which had since moved down to your sides, became bruising and his head fell forwards to rest on top of yours — with you just about able to see his dreads falling over your shoulders in the corners of your eyes.
Then went Milk Cookie, who came with a final stuttering thrust and a whimper that sounded close to a prayed before his head fell back and his mouth fell open. Not bothering to pull out and just letting the mixture of his and Purple Yam’s seed slowly seep out of your hole — onto them and you and the floor.
The three of you stayed like that for a while, unmoving and just basking in the afterglow as you all collectively came down from your highs. Catching your breath, waiting for your trembling limbs to stabilise so you didn’t fall and revelling in the feeling of being full (or filling you) until their dicks were too soft and they were forced to pull out and help you lay back down.
You were exhausted and covered in a mixture of cum and sweat — but, as good as their word, they had helped you warm up. But, either way, you couldn’t find it in you to complain.
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Hey guys!! Thank you sm for those who have been reading and liking the story!! I NEVER THOUGHT in a million years people would actually read my writing..
@yams-wants-that-booty there ya go bestie!
Oikawa's pov:
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Iwa said in a bad mood.
" I went to the other side how I told ya... Also, where are the others? " I questioned.
" I moved them to guard another place, and I HAD TO WAIT HERE FOR 2 HOURS. "
" SHEEZ I WAS STARTING TO THINK THEY KILLED YOU OR SOMETHING! " he sounded very serious he really was a concern for me.
" Yea DONT worry n- no one saw me. " Shoot I stuttered now he is going to know for sure I'm lying...
" SHITTYKAWA THATS BS! WHO! IN THE HELL SAW YOU! You better start talking or else we can be in some big trouble if people find out. ". he stood there tapping his foot as he has his arms crossed.
" Well maybe? The Princess of the Gods saw me.."
" HEY HEY HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE! " I  yelled at Iwaizumi
" SHE DIFFERENT.. When she found out who I was she wasn't scared nor she didn't tell anyone. " I say defensively
" How do you know she isn't going to tell everyone she just met her forbidden enemy. "
" She asks to come over here to meet you guys.. If she were to tell, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't ask to see you guys.. " I looked at Iwa and he had a surprised look.
" Hmm, and are you going to bring her? " he questioned.
" We will if we aren't careful.. So let's be careful. I can promise you that you will also like her. She has a different aura from others! "
Iwaizumi still had a concerned face.
" Fine, I trust you. Let's go now the prince will be coming soon. "
" LEAD THE WAY IWA-CHAN!! " I say happily.
When we got back to the palace, I saw Matsu and Maki.
Maki came up to me and ask
" So you see any cute chicks "
" Actually I  DID~, "  I say smirking at him
" OH OH OK I SEE YOU," Maki said
" You guys want to know something? " I say laughing
" She going to come here TOMORROW NIGHT!! "
" Wait WHAT?! " Maki and Matsu said in union.
" WELL I GOT TO GO, I have to go meet with the PRINCE~!! "
I began to walk to the conference room
I turn back to see Maki and Matsu in shock.
Hehe, can't wait for them to meet y/n!
Minutes later...
When I got to the conference room, I spot the price of Shiratorizawa sitting. Next to him was a guy with red hair as he wore purple armor.
" Ah Oikawa Toru pleasure to meet you," he says in a monotone voice.
" Hi, Wakatoshi Ushijima.. How long has it been huh? "
" Not That long," he says
There was an awkward silence in the room..
" IWA your so mean.. "
" Sorry about his attitude," IWA said as he felt sorry for the two in the room.
" Ah DONT WORRY ABOUT IT ~ and By the way, I'm  Sa-to-RI Tendō!! " the guy in red hair says in a happy tone.
" Can we discuss what we need to discuss "  I looked over at Ushijima and Tendou?
" Ok, Well Oikawa we want to invite you to a party, but it's not the type of party your thinking. " Ushijima says.
" Ok go on I'm listening. "
" This party is a sorta peace treaty with the Karasuno, Fukrodani, and Nekoma Gods kingdoms.  Fukrodani and Us made an agreement we should push our differences aside and start working with each other as we did 30 years ago," he says
Suddenly Tendou cuts off Ushijima
" We are first inviting only the kingdoms so we can gradually start, but not many think this a good idea... I personally think it's an Awful idea due to the hate we get from the angels. I don't really like them either, they seem so stuck up for no Rea-"
" Tendou stop " Ushijima interrupts Tendou.
" So this why we came here wondering if you're will put your differences aside for a night, " Ushijima says as he looks at Oikawa.
I look at Iwa and he gave me a stare.. he was probably thinking " you Idiot already met an Angel so might as well go.. "
" Fine, I accept the offer! SO WHEN IS IT? "
" Tomorrow night. " Ushijima said
Oh no that's when I'm supposed to meet Y/N?! I wonder if she part of the kingdoms he said..
As we came to a finish from our meeting Ushijima and Tendou left the place.
" So Shittykawa what are you going to do now? ARENT you supposed to meet up with y/n tomorrow night? " Iwa said confused.
" AND I WILL MEET HER.. I'll just show up late to the party it's not that important... You got my back, don't you?! " I looked at Iwa as he looked at me with a concerned face.
" FINE but don't be too late to the party or else people will start getting suspicious where you have gone to.  Also after the party, we can all meet her at the river of gold where the hidden path is.. " Iwa said
" SOUNDS FINE WITH ME ~ you will love her Iwa!! " I say happily.
Back to Y/N pov:
After I waved goodbye to Oikawa, I started to head back to the Guard station to meet up with Hinata and the others.
When I got to the guard station I saw Kageyama and Hinata debating as usual.
" HEY GUYS,"  I said
" OH y/n!! YOUR BACK " Hinata said happily
" Oh y/n? " Kageyama turned around to see me standing there.
" ITS BEEN A WHILE HUH! " I say chuckling
" Sorry I haven't had time to hang.. I have been busy with all the Guard duty. " Kageyama said as he gave me a sorry look.
" ANYWAYS DONT worry about yall want to go eat something? I only got about 45 minutes before the Prince of Nekoma comes. " I say as I looked over at the two boys standing there.
" IM DOWN," they both say in union
Later that day we had lunch soon before I knew it I had to head back to the Karasuno kingdom.
When I got back Suga was standing there waiting for me.
" YOUNG LADY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? " Suga said as he grabbed my wrist pulling me inside.
" I WAS BUSY, and anyways I got sidetracked. " I giggled
" Hmm? Well, the Prince of Nekoma is coming here anytime soon.. I forgot to mention he is here to discuss an important matter also.. " He said as he pulls me to the conference room.
" Ugh, we also need to discuss stuff.. I thought we were only going to meet him to see if he is a " suitable husband "...... "
" Well SORRY PRINCESS I FORGOT TO TELL YOU THAT PART! AND NOW SIT AS WE WAIT FOR THEM.. " Suga said as he pushes me down on a seat.
" yea whatever "
" and ALSO? Why do you seem so happy more than usual.. " Suga said lifting an eyebrow.
" What do you mean? "
" When I ask you where you been, you said " I gOt sIdE tRaCKeD. " BUT I NOTICED SOMETHING.. YOU WERE BLUSHING.. "
" SO WHO IS THE LUCKY BOY " Suga said eyeing me down.
" NO ONE " my cheeks began to heat up..
" YEA YEA if I were to believe you. Anyways shut up I think I hear the prince of Nekoma coming.. "
As we sat there we heard the door open. I see 2 boys walk in, one had blonde hair but it seems like his hair was grown out. The other had black bed hair and had a smirk on it.. The only thing they had matching was the Armor. It was black with red.
The two boys sat in front of us.
" And you must be Princess y/n! I'm Tetsurō Kuroo  "
" Oh, nice to meet you!! "
" And this right here is Prince Kenma Kozume! "
Prince? I thought Kuroo was the prince?
" Uh the pleasure is mine," I say as I gave a little bow.
" So before I and Suga leave you two alone, I need to discuss something with you. " " Ok?! So what's the matter? "
" Fukrodani has invited us and wants us to ask you if your will to go to a party tomorrow night.. BUT HERE IS THE CATCH, the party is actually to see if we can start a peace treaty with the other side.. "
" Wait a minute? Do you mean the monster/demon side? " I say in confusion.
" Yes! They want to see if we can actually fix the Pieces together and start living together.. Not many are fond of the idea. " Kuroo smirked
" But I need to ask you because we need all 3 kingdoms to say yes. "
I looked at Suga and I knew Suga was completely fine with it.
" Yea Why not? It wouldn't hurt meeting them! " I  looked at Kuroo.
At that moment it just hit me. I'M SUPPOSED TO MEET UP WITH OIKAWA TOMORROW NIGHT?? I IM NOT EVEN SURE IF HE IS PART OF THOSE KINGDOMS that have been invited to this. I'm going to have to tell Suga after this meeting, the truth so he can help me out..
Then my thoughts were cut off by Kuroo.
" Ok, then I'll be going now! I'll leave you and KENMA~ alone "
Kuroo and Suga got up and left me alone with the prince.
The boy with the cat eyes looked at me.
" I'm going to be straight up to you. I don't want to be her nor I'm interested in getting married anytime soon," he said in an annoyed voice.
" DAMN! I LIKE YOUR THINKING " I said as I looked at Kenma.
" Ok, so we have an agreement..  "
" 100% Kenma "
" But hey!! That doesn't mean we can't be friends " I looked at him.
" Yea true, " the cat boy said.
" Ok tell me something about yourself. "
" I like to play card games and I'm being forced to be here "
" Already knew the second part " I rolled my eyes.
" Anyways then how do you feel about the party. "
" I really don't care for it much, I don't understand why we can't get along with one another.. It's stupid. " Kenma said
Man I like this one
" Yeah same, let's see how it turns out tho " I looked at him with a smile.
And surprisingly he smiled back too.
After 20 minutes passed by of us discussing random things. Suga and Kuroo come back in.
" Alright, the party is overtime to take you away KENMA!! " Kuroo said as he grabbed Kenma by the collar.
I waved goodbye to them.
" We will meet again tomorrow night!  " I shouted as they walked further.
Now that it was me and Suga alone... I need to tell Suga about Oikawa.
" Suga remembers when you asked about who is the lucky boy.. about that," I said as I looked at the ground.
" I KNEW IT! WHO IS THIS? " Suga shouted.
" Um well, he is... A Prince on the other side.. "
" Did I hear that CORRECTLY?! "
" Uh sorry. BUT YOU JUST SAID, " A PRINCE " FROM THE OTHER SIDE?! " Suga looked at me in shock.
" Let me EXPLAIN?! "
After I told Suga about Oikawa and the plans of meeting him tomorrow night. Suga was really supportive about it..
" WELL DAMN OK MISS JULIET "  Suga grinned
" Ok first of all I say go meet him up and see if he is also invited to the party. I'll cover your back at the party, show up a little late if you have to.  " Suga said proudly
" Omg SUGA you the best! " Jumped as I gave him a hug.
" Ok ok now calm down, you need to get to bed because you have a date to see Romeo " Suga laughed.
" HE IS NOT MY DATE... We are just friends " I say as I rolled my eyes at Suga.
" Ok whatever.. " wE aRe jUsT frIenDs.. " My ass. "
" I'm never telling you anything again. "
" Yea sure you always say that. OK BUT REALLY GO TO BED... GOODNIGHT y/n. " Suga got up and head towards the door.
" Alright... GOODNIGHT SUGA! " I waved at him as he left the room. For some odd reason, I was really excited to meet him...
Oh boy, tomorrow is going to be something...
Chapter 5
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch.8
a/n : oof, i’ve been a bad writer! i didn’t update my story for a month, sorry y’all. please stay safe during quarantine and if you go to a protest, wear long sleeves, close toed shoes, nothing with brand logos, gloves and have a MASK!! covid is still here and spreading so be safe :)
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The jet was beautiful, and you expected nothing less for the rockstar in front of you. 
Everyone had thankfully gotten through the security lines without a flash fan mob (bless sunglasses and big hoodies). Because you were taking a private jet, the group of y’all had to walk out onto the actual terminal and hop on an airport golf cart. Which sucked because it was still slightly dark out at 7am and 18 F/-10 C outside! 
As another cart loaded up your suitcases to put them into the plane, your cart started to drive off towards the plane. 
“Oh, Y/N?” Jeff turned to you has he was the one you sat next to in the flurry of events getting to the jet. 
“Hm?” You looked up from your phone, having been scanning through some of the comments on your latest posts. 
“I got a call from the intern and your extra luggage should be meeting up with us in Sweden.” You let the tension in your shoulders fall away from the good news. 
“Thank you so much, it’ll be great to have a fresh set of clothing to choose from.” He gave you a smile and the cart slowed right in front of the high class air mobile you’d soon be in.
Everyone loaded up and before you realized the wheels had left the ground and you were on your way to Stockholm. Squishing into the comfy window seat you’d claimed, happy to be warm again, you pulled your laptop out of your backpack hoping to get through some pictures from the previous show and check up on your emails.
Harry and the band had dispersed throughout the plane, Sarah and Mitch sitting next to each other with the arm rest up so they could snuggle, Clare in the window chair facing opposite them with her book resting on the shared table between them. H was chatting with Jeff and Hélène in the seats in front of yours.
1 New Email : Professor Clemet
Hello Y/N,
In regard to your recent email, I’ve spoken to the administrative board and because of your ‘certain situation’ we’ve decided to grant you impromptu abroad study. Please make sure to keep up with the assignments I post to the college online platform, as there are only a few left I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding a good source for photos.
Best of Luck,
You did a little fist pump in the air as you finished reading the email. You thanked the stars your teacher was okay with you basically missing the rest of the school year. 
A body plopped down into the chair next to you. “Whatcha so happy ‘bout?” Harry asked. 
“My Professor sorta just told me she knows I’m with The Harry Styles and that she doesn’t live under a rock so its fine that I do school online while we tour.” 
He laughed, hitting his head back on the soft headrest.
 “Well, that’s great news love.”
The rest of the flight was uneventful, basically just a bunch of tired musicians taking the couple hours they had to relax before the hustle started again. 
A perk though was that you were all served a breakfast of toast, fruit, and yogurt. It definitely helped having something on your stomach before you had to brave the cold again. 
As you all piled into the SUV Jeff had rented for time there, you turned to Harry who was sitting next to and offhandedly asked, “When do we get to the Air BnB?” 
He looked at you with a confused expression as the car drove out of the airport.
“Huh what ‘re you—“ 
“Great news everyone, I’ve got a surprise!” Jeff said from the passenger’s seat, Hélène driving and paying attention the GPS on the dock.
“I’ve booked an Air BnB for the nights we’re here! It’s a big house that everyone will get to be hang out together in.”
The band cheered and Harry just chuckled, “That’s still so cool Y/N” he said looking up into your eyes again with a grin.
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Jeff kept to his word, the house was big and very pristine.
The ceilings were high and boarded with white wood panels. When you entered the house, the living room was to your left; it had a glass doors instead of windows so you could open them all and walk out onto the wrapped around porch. The were two black couches, a large coffee table, and a fluffy cream rug. 
About 15 feet in front of the door was a staircase to the second floor and them to the left of that the entrance to the kitchen. It had a bar that separated the living room and kitchen but space flowing as you could still see anyone from both rooms. The kitchen had a white marble island, the stove was to the back of the wall, the sink was the left wall under a cute window that had small white shutters. 
To your right at the front door was a large glass dining table that had 8 glossy black chairs. 
On the right side of the staircase was a hall way with a sliding door to cut off the living room from the rest of the house. The nearest door was open to a bathroom and them a few more doors that you concluded were bedrooms.
In conclusion, your jaw may have opened when you entered the home.
“Girls call the upstairs bedrooms!” Sarah yelled out, earning a few groans from the boys and patted up the steps with her suitcase in tow.
You followed her as she turned right at the top, taking the first room to the left. You went to 2nd door and rolled your luggage in. 
It was a lovely room, the theme was a soft pastel purple but not too much that it gave you retirement home vibes. The tall ceiling had purple wood panels, the walls white. The white wooden poster bed was against the right wall, it was laid with a violet duvet and pillows with to small matching nightstand on either side.
The opposing wall had an antique dresser and a tv propped on top. To left was a small closet you guessed and to the right of it there was a sliding door to the en suite (that had a claw foot tub!!!!) and at the back wall were glass balcony doors cover with sheer white curtains. 
The last piece of furniture was a desk on the left side of the balcony doors, set with a lamp and some pens in a mason jar.
You flopped on to the bed after you moved your suitcase to the other side of the bed. You took a couple seconds to yourself before sitting up and taking your boots off and hanging your wool coat in the closet then headed downstairs. 
You heard the guys chatting to each other from their rooms, something about if Chelsea boots were superior to Doc Martins? You shook your head and went into the kitchen, you ran your hand across the sleek island counter. 
Then an idea popped into your head.
What if I cook for everyone tonight?
A smile to hold of you face as a plan started to form in your mind. You pulled your phone out and connected to the wifi at the house (thanks to a little sticky note on the fridge with the router and password) and searched up the stores around and what you could probably scrounge up for 7 hungry people. 
You raced upstairs, wrote the address and your grocery list down on a spare piece of paper with one of the mason jar pens. You changed into jeans and threw on a long sleeve undershirt and then black turtleneck, tucking them into your pants. You slipped your wool coat back on, buttoning it up and tying the belt. You tucked your gloves into the pocket with your phone and wallet. 
As you exited your room and entered the living room, you were met with Sarah, Clare and Harry propped up on the the two couches, watching…
“Is that Twilight?” You asked, a bit of a laugh in your question. 
The brown haired boy turned to you at the sound of your voice, “Yes it is, yo’ve got a problem wit’ it?” 
You shook you head, a smile on your face. “I’m going to the market up the road to pick up fixings for dinner tonight, I thought I could cook for everyone as like a big thank you.” 
Sarah cooed at your happy exclamation, “Thats so sweet Y/N, I’ll think I’ll come with you if that’s okay?” 
You nodded, “The more the merrier!” 
Clare stood up from the couch, “Me too, we’ll make it a girls outing.” 
The girls started chatting and headed up stairs to get ready. You turned to the boy in front of you, now wearing a childish frown. 
“What about me?” He whined, flopping back to starfish the couch. 
“Sorry Styles, your hair needs to pass your shoulders, but since you’ve cut yours your out of the girls squad.” 
He shot up from his seat, giving you a loud hey! as you doubled over laughing. Harry stood up and took his wallet out of his pocket, pulling out a sleek black card and tried to hand it to you. 
“If I can’t come, at least let me pay for the groceries.” 
“Harry no! I can’t let you do that, this is my treat!” 
He thrusted it into your hands, “The treat is you making it, I don’t expect you to pay for 7 peoples worth of food as a college student junebug.” 
You blew a raspberry, knowing he was right. “Fine, thank you.” 
He clasped his hands in front of him and bounced on the balls of his feet like her was a kindergartner showing his mothers the macaroni necklace he made for her, “Not a problem lov’.”
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The girls and you found the market easily.
You loaded up with zucchini, squash, some chicken breasts, lime and basil minute rice, and some yams. You grabbed a good bottle of wine as well. 
Clare brought over some croissant and chocolate cookie dough, depositing both into the shopping cart. 
Sarah grabbed cheese and crackers, as well as a tub of vanilla ice-cream. 
The three of you checked out and bags in hand, headed back to the Air BnB. It was great time shopping with them, you felt like you got a bit closer to them both which was nice since besides Hélène (who had opted out of the shopping trip in order to look at photos) you were the only girls in the main traveling group. 
Once back at the house, you unloaded the food, putting it away before slicing up the cheese Sarah had bought. You spread some crackers out onto the chopping board you had been using. 
“Where is everyone else?” 
You asked taking your coat, turtleneck, and boots off, then siting down on the couch next to Sarah and Clare. 
The drummer grabbed a piece of cheese from the board while flipping through channels, “I think everyone is catching up on sleep, taking naps or working through emails, that sort of thing.” 
You hummed and snuggled back into the cushions, watching whatever Sarah had set the tv to. The 3 of you watched a few episodes on HGTV, then stumbled upon The Golden Girls, which had you laughing till you sides hurt, and finally switched to The Prince and Me, commenting throughout the movie on the characters and situations they found themselves in. 
As the credits rolled and the girls decided to turn the tv off and head upstairs to take showers, you checked the time. It was around 5:30, so you got up to start cooking. 
As you marinated and seasoned the chicken, you looked to the stove to see where the timer was and instead saw something else that piqued your interest. 
“Surround sound speakers? Hmm.” You tapped the panel that was on the left of the stove, which lit up and read ‘connect via bluetooth’. You grabbed your phone and hooked it up. 
You scrolled through Spotify, debating what to play. 
An idea popped into your head and you nodded to yourself, then clicked play on your playlist.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You started singing to yourself, setting the timer once you found it and popping the chicken and yams into the oven. You chopped the freshly washed zucchini and squash, clicking your heels together and bopping your head to the beat. 
Sarah, accompanied by Clare and Hélène, came into the kitchen.
Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey
You put the knife down and picked up the spatula, using it as a microphone and pointing to Clare.
“You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so doooooown!”
You sang, twirling her around as she laughed. 
“Hey Y/N, can I pop this wine?” Hélène asked. 
“Go for it.” 
Sarah found some glasses as the resident photographer got the cork popper.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Grabbing a pan and cover, you turned a stove burner on and put the zucchini and squash with a glob of butter plus salt and pepper in to cook. 
The girls sat at the bar, so you came over of the kitchen section to parade around the foyer/living room area.
Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you
Before belting, you checked to see if the hallway door was slid closed, thankfully it was so you turned back to your audience and gave the performance of a lifetime.
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down
Hey! Hey, hey, hey hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
During the song, you paused your jamming to see from your peripheral vision the sliding door open. 
A just woken Harry came out in jeans and a t-shirt. 
“Ohmylord, the food smells delicious. What’re you up to?” 
He asked, watching you dance around him. 
You smiled, “We’re singing!”
“Couldn’t you at least be singing one of my songs?” He huffed.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
You checked on the food, putting your make shift microphone down. 
“Y/N can you turn the volume up for next song?” 
Sarah asked while Harry snatched a sip of her wine. 
“Sure” you said and moved the dial up, making the end of the song louder.
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
“I can’t believe you listen to this Y/N, I’d never pegged you as a boy band type of girl.” H laughed. 
You walked back over to the group as the ending notes of the song died out.
“Hopefully something better comes on.” He quipped.
You're insecure
Don't know what for
Everyone froze. 
Harry’s back was to you as he had started for the couch, you were scared he might not be to happy to hear one of his pervious band hits. 
You could see the girls at the bar waiting with baited breath.
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make-up to cover up
Being the way that you are is enough
You saw him take a big breath and you immediately started into an apology.
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
“Harry, I’m so sorry I’ll go turn it off—“
“Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oooooooh ooooh
You don't know you're beautiful!”
You gawked as Harry bursted into song, all the girls’ shoulder’s sagging in relief. He came dancing over to you, twisting his hips to the song.
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
You both sang to your hearts content, holding hands and twirling each other underneath your arms.
So co-come on, you got it wrong
To prove I'm right, I put it in a song
I don't know why, you're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
“Na na na na na na na na na na… Na na na na na na…” He sang into your face with a scrunched nose, making it sound high pitched and squeaky. 
You sang the same thing back to him, the same sort of strange sound coming out of your mouth.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
(You don't know, oh oh)
You don't know you're beautiful
Harry turned and bounded over the coffee table, hoping up onto it and belting the chorus.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Grabbing your phone, you snapped a picture of the crazy rockstar on the table top to post later.
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Harry made eye contact and pointed to you dramatically, serenading you with this specific part of the song.
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful
The song ended and applause erupted in the room, but you both held eye contact, breathing heavily from all the movement. 
It was, strange, it’s like you seeing him in a new light all of a sudden. 
A hand on your shoulder pulled you out of the trance, “That was fantastic! Oh gosh Harry you scared us for a second—“ 
Sarah went onto chat about the band and you shook your head slightly as you walked back to keep cooking.
Whatever that was, it’s over now so don’t dwell on it.
A half hour later, the food was served and the whole group was seated to dig in. You received a few mmm!s and Oh how I’ve missed home cooked meals, suffice to say: they liked it.
After plates were half empty, people started to chat a bit more, taking their time to finish. 
“So Y/N, We about your crazy powers, can you tell us a bit more about you?” 
Clare asked. You eagerly nodded and patted your mouth with the napkin before starting.
“Well, I’m in my senior year at NYU, studying Photography & Media Arts with a minor in Creative Writing.” 
“That’s so cool! NYU?” Sarah commented. 
You nodded and took a sip of water, “Ya, moved to Larchmont as a kid and got residency in New York and then worked my butt off to send a good portfolio in. But some miracle that accepted it and I got a scholarship on top of it which, not gonna lie, I bursted into tears on the subway when I read the email.” 
Jeff scoffed, “I bet the superstar across the table couldn’t get into community college now if he tried.” 
The table laughed at Jeff’s nudge to Harry and the offended expression he wore. 
“Hey, I think I’d do pretty well! Even NYU!” 
“Oh my Harry darling,” 
You leaned on the table to get a bit closer, 
“No Gucci loafers aloud.” 
The group bursted into laughter as they watched Harry’s antics of waving his arms around in an X shape and mouthing NO. 
You continued, 
“I’m afraid you’d either get eaten alive by the business majors or absorbed into the philosophy department and never talk to anyone else again.”
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The boys offered to clean up after which you were grateful for. 
You took a shower and changed into new pjs!!! As your suitcases had been delivered to the house from the flight they came over on. 
You came down the stairs in your dark navy long sleeve and legged satin ensemble (don’t forget the fuzzy socks!) to see what everyone was up to. 
The dishes were done and care was busy making the cookies she had bought.
 You flopped down next to H, it was like second nature for the both of you; while he watched Clueless he opened an arm up for you and you snuggled down into his side, propping you phone up on his stomach to post the picture you’d taken. 
“What do you think?” You held the phone up to his face.
“I look good, post it.”  You nudged him with you shoulder and smiled. 
You did have to admit, he did look good.
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The concert was amazing, of course. 
You were sad to be leaving the Air BnB, but alas you had to go. 
Jeff and Mitch loaded the last of the luggage into the SUV and you all climbed in at the early time of 5:30 to get to the tour bus that was still parked at the arena.
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“Bye Stockholm.” 
You whispered as you looked out the window of your bunk bed in the tour bus, inner curtain closed and ready to sleep again. 
You took one more glance, and then closed the window curtain.
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redstoreroom · 4 years
The King of Singapore
The young man in blue paid him two dollars reluctantly then walked away. He dropped the money into his pouch and, with weathered fingers, zipped it up. His hands were still sticky so he wiped them on his shirt. His clothes looked like he had had years of sticky hands.
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The sky was blushing mauve; he should start packing up. His ice-cream cart was parked by the suspension bridge over the river. He stretched his back with a groan. It had found an uncomfortable curve as its daily normal.
His precious cart was one of those with a large umbrella and conjoined to a bicycle. He looked too old to cycle, in my opinion. He knew it too. He also knew that one day, he wouldn’t be able to anymore. His joints were less like joints than bends lately. There weren’t much of muscles left on his bones either. And it worried him. Money, it worried him a lot. He could survive without shelter and homelessness was familiar. Food however… When that day comes, he’ll be fucked. His stomach too. Empty and fucked.
He lifted the metal lids of his cart, one after another, peeking into their freezing chambers. They usually contained many flavours of ice-cream. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cookies and cream, mango, sweet corn, red bean, raspberry ripple. He even had durian flavoured ones; they taste better than you think, trust me. They cost more too; more than they should. You can buy them scooped on cones or cups, or sliced from icy blocks and sandwiched between wafers or bread. He had them on sticks too. However, that evening as he peered into the compartments, he saw that they were empty except for cold exhalations meeting his face and a single popsicle. The tubs were all scooped clean. The blocks for the sandwiches were all gone. It had been a busy day so he hadn’t noticed. Even the corn flavoured ice-cream had sold well. One more popsicle.
His heartbeat rushed. Happiness; he hadn’t felt it for a long time. He turned to the river and the towering buildings beyond it as he tried to girdle his emotions to his wasted body. He wanted his entire nervous system to experience every droplet of the contentment. He needed it to nest in him forever. He smiled. He listened to the distant of laughter that travelled from nearby bars and restaurants; laughter of smoking and drinking people. Feasting people. Joyful people. With them, he felt a shared glee from afar. It was lonely but not lonely.
This land, my land.
He was a king of this country, centuries ago; a raja, when the gods of the sea were still awake and sending bladed hordes from their depths to the shores of this island. A young boy, still unclaimed by puberty, but with smarts and banana trees, saved the land from the piscine attackers.
When his subjects—with mouths stuffed with panggang garfish—threw adorations at the child, our king grew worried the story would end with him throne-less. The boy was the David to his Saul.
He sent five men to kill the boy when the moon turned blind and unable to bear witness. They went to his home upon the hill and entered his room through the window. His parents were asleep. Five men. Five blades. Seven stabs each. They left quicker than they came.
As his life began its migration from his body, he wept to the gods. His final breaths called to the gods of the winds. His tears called to the gods of the waters. His temperature, lowering fast, called to the gods of fire. His blood seeped through the floor and called to the gods of the earth and thus began the slow and famous red-dyeing of the hill; Bukit Merah.
Forgiveness or revenge, the gods asked the boy.
Revenge, he said. Revenge and multiplied.
And so, they commenced the punishment. Food from the earth withered black in the mouths of our king’s family while water turned to poison down their throats. When they are shrivelled and broken, air then fled their lungs in slow hisses and rattles and so much pain. One by one, members of the royal family died, leaving our monarch completely alone. You see, fire, most cruel, cursed him with a promethean spark of life, so that he will never die. He will age, slow, but no death.
For hundreds of years, he searched for Death. He found her, one day, during the second world war, and asked her to take him. She laughed. Ask someone else, she told him. Then she left. She said she was rather busy. She had a lot of work to do.
It wasn’t till the nineteen eighties, that he met that ‘someone else’; at this very bridge, in fact. She looked like an old woman, greying hair and all that. Her ill-fitting blouse was a vomit of tiny purple and grey flowers, and dark patches of sweat under her arms, on her chest and her back. Her black trousers were too loose for her legs. He approached her.
“You’re the Devil, yes?” he asked her. “I need your help.”
“Cavenagh Bridge.” She placed a hand on a railing of the bridge. He wasn’t sure if it was for emphasis or support. “Did you know, it was built in Glasgow, dismantled and reassembled here in 1969?”
“Yes. I worked on it. Forced to. I was in prison then.” He placed a hand on the railing too but found it too hot from the sun and retreated his hand. She kept hers on it.
“My, my. From king to convict. When the mighty fall, they plummet.”
“At least I had meals behind bars. Out here… Empty belly and immortality; brutal combination.”
“Tell me, did they really sacrifice children when building bridges? Or is that just an urban myth? Oh, please tell me they did! It would really make my day!”
“Even if they did, who am I to judge?”
She laughed, hard and with bouts of coughs. “I like you. You’re hilarious. Your entire situation is hilarious. And you’re pathetic; that’s lovely too! Like a monkey. Like a drowning monkey. And that makes me smile. So, fine. How may I help you?”
“I want to die.”
“And in this heat, I want ice-cream. Boohoo! We all want something. You were given life without expiration. You could have earned every ounce of your riches back. Your land, even! I don’t understand how you managed to waste it all. Why are you such a failure?”
“Bad choices?”
She smiled a sigh. “Well, I can’t fault you for that, can I? Even God makes choices He regrets. I’m proof of that. Fine, I’ll help. But my dear, I can’t peel the curse off you. Amend it, however—”
“I’ll take it.”
And a contract was signed on Cavenagh Bridge, with the river and sun as witnesses, and the Devil gave the ex-convict king an ice-cream cart, telling him that once it is empty and frozen goods all sold, he will die. Easy, right? Yet for some reason, the thing never seemed to empty.
He could see its contents decreasing yet there was always more left. As time went on, the cart grew and accommodated more flavours and types of ice-cream. It even added a bicycle to itself. The king—now ice-cream man—could never remember when or how these changes to his cart occurred. He could only notice that it was different from before. Like realising there were now wrinkles under your eyes but never being too sure when they first appeared.
When he started selling popsicles, he tried counting them to keep track of their number but could never finish the task. So, he gave up. No surprises there. Once, he tried to buy his own wares. That didn’t work either. Everything in the cart doubled itself in quantity.
For years, he peddled. It turned his dark skin papery and covered it with wrinkles and spots. He joined the country’s army of the aged men and women who toiled—often disregarded—right up to their deaths. And like him, a small few toiled for their deaths as well; praying they lose balance at the next foodcourt table they cleaned or the next floor tile they swept, and fall, snapping their cervical spine, killing them instantly. It was the nation’s waiting game and our king feared he would be playing it forever.
Yet that night, he found his cart finally empty save a single popsicle, more than three decades after his compact began. He called to people to buy it. No luck. I was walking by his cart when he begged me. I asked him what flavour it was. Yam. Who the hell eats yam flavoured anything? So, I said no. He fell onto his knees, crying and pleading. I heard him screaming as I walked away.
I wonder whether anyone bought it. I really hope no one ever does. Such a waste of money. Living is so expensive as it is. I mean… yam, for god’s sake.
(Note 1: This story was inspired by the Singapore folktale, Attack of the Swordfish, a tale of how Singapore was attacked by schools of swordfish and saved by a young boy, Hang Nadim (using a wall of banana stems), who was then murdered by the king. 
Note 2: An earlier version of this piece was initially posted on 12th June 2017 and has been edited and revised on 4th August 2020)
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rockofeye · 5 years
Manje Gede: Food for the Dead
Gede loves many things, and in the middle of all them is food; Gede LOVES to eat. There are a lot of jokes about Gede’s appetites, but the legion of the elevated dead have a truly insatiable hunger. They always thirst and always hunger to fill their bellies. I have never given Gede anything that he has turned away (and he has asked for odd things that made me question his state of pregnancy...pickles, chocolate cake, a sandwich), but he does have some favorite foods, and a nice treat for him is to prepare it for him. As all people taste death, either in the death of those we know or our inevitable demise, all people can speak with the legion of Gede.
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Traditional manje Gede/literally ‘Gede’s food’ is a very spicy, very potent-smelling dish so if you’re thinking of preparing it for him, maybe open a window and shoo the small children and pets away.
To prepare this sizeable snack for the Dead Man, you’ll need:
Pwason sèl/dried, salted mackerel (makwo). You can usually find this in a good Asian grocery in the frozen or pre-packaged fish section, or in a Caribbean market. If you can’t find it, Goya sells canned mackerel in a salt brine and that works. You can find mackerel in brine on Amazon, too. 
Assorted root vegetables. I used pònmdetè/regular ol’ white potato, yanm/white and purple(!!) yams, patat/Caribbean sweet potato (often sold as batata in the US...has red skin and white flesh), and a chunk of malanga.
Bannan/plantain. You want green plantains, not yellow/ripe. If you can find cooking bananas (not the sweet ones we’re used to...but savory, starchy bananas), those are great.
Piman pike/hot peppers (literally ‘stinging peppers). Traditionally scotch bonnets are used, but those can be hard to find in some places...if you can’t find them, the hottest peppers you can get your hands on, and a lot of them. I used 15 to prepare Gede’s food this time around.
Lwil/oil. Any neutral cooking oil will be fine; I used olive oil because that’s what I had on hand.
You’ll start by peeling and cutting up your root vegetables to roast in the oven. Most cooking in Haiti is done over an open fire and the root vegetables are thrown into the coals and cooked that way, to be peeled hot by hands that are used to plucking things directly out of the coals. Throw them on a sheet pan, toss with a little oil, and cook until soft.
You’ll want to peel the bannan and roast them as well; they should be left whole. If you have never peeled a plantain before, YouTube has good directions. They tend to dry on the outside and soften on the inside, so they won’t necessarily feel fork tender but will cook in about the same time period as the root vegetables, maybe a little less.
While they are cooking, it’s a good time to prepare the fish. If you have dried salted mackerel, you’ll want to rehydrate them in a bit of water...enough for them to soak it up and plump up. If you are using canned, they’ll be ready out of the can. Either way, add all your fish and all the liquid it has into a pan over medium heat. You’ll want to break it down into small chunks with a wooden spoon (or whatever) and cook it until all the water cooks out. You don’t want to scorch it, but it should be dry-ish. Mackerel is a pretty oily fish so it will stay soft, but I often add in some oil to give it more time to be heated. I season with fresh thyme, a little clove, and maybe some black pepper. 
As the root vegetables and fish finish, I assemble them. Traditionally, a kwi (halved, dry empty calabash bowl) is used to feed Gede, but a deep dish or bowl will work just fine. The root veggies go down first and the fish can be scattered over them. Hold the plaintains for now.
In the same pan you did the fish in, add lots of chopped scotch bonnets. I used a mandolin, but sometimes I’ll just blitz them in a food processor (if you do this, BE CAREFUL opening it) until they are small pieces. Cover them with oil; enough to just cover, but they don’t need to swim in the deep end. Set that to low to medium to heat and let it cook for awhile. You are making a very spicy oil, not fried scotch bonnets. And...wash your hands. WASH. YOUR. HANDS. Even if your wear gloves (and you should), wash them. Scotch bonnets are rough on mucus membranes...you don’t want your partner/kid/dog/genitals finding out exactly how rough.
Once the oil is done to the best of your knowledge (I do not recommend tasting it), pour it over the fish and root veggies with all the peppers. Then, you can place the plantains with it, on the sides.
Then, the most important part: let it cool off. We don’t give piping hot food to the lwa, so it should sit and come down to lukewarm. A hand placed on the underside of the bowl or plate should be able to stay there comfortably.
With his meal, Gede likes to drink coffee. Brew up two cups; one with sugar and one bitter, and let them cool, too. He also enjoys kleren, which is a raw moonshine-like rum and for which white rum can substitute, piman (kleren with scotch bonnet peppers), and perhaps a bottle of cola champagne/fruit soda (Goya sells it in the US, looks like orange soda...the most popular Haitian brand is Couronne, which you can sometimes find in Caribbean markets).
When everything is cooled off, you can give it to Gede. A lit black bouji (Haitian-style candle) is usually stuck in it to mark it for him, but any bouji or candle will do  We often present things to the spirits by facing four different directions (styled on making the sign of the cross) making a little dip or curtsy when we do, but don’t worry about nailing that. Gede usually takes his food on the floor or at a special spot only for him...never on the main table/altar someone has for the lwa, if they have one. My Gede have a chair in my home, so I’ll put their food on the seat of the chair or under it. 
Sit and chat with Gede and tell him what’s on your heart, and tell him why you decided to cook for him. You can ask for his particular blessings in your life (though be prepared for him to follow through on that) and you can pray for all the dead that Gede moves among, or you can ask for favors in return for the tasty treat you prepared for him (which he will likely consider a down payment on your request..). Gede hears all prayers and is the last refuge of those who have no other hope, so nothing you say to him will shock him.
Food should be left out at least 24 hours, but the longer the better...Gede often enjoys his food being left until it goes bad. You can dispose of it (keep your plate/bowl) under a tree or, if that’s not possible, place it all in a plastic shopping bag and dispose of gently in your trash (avoid dumping it in your trash or throwing it around; it is Gede’s food still).
Should you decide to give the ravenous Dead Man a meal, may his blessings follow you going forward. Kwa la kwa!
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witchmums · 7 years
Can you share recipes for us lazy broke college witches? The struggle of cooking is real and like no college food is healthy. Sometimes us college students need to cook healthy and we can't go back home for a home cooked meal.
Hello love, 
Of course we can help you out! Being at the mercy of the dining hall is simultaneously wonderful (so much food at your fingertips! You don’t have to cook OR clean up!) but also can be quite difficult if you don’t want or like what is offered, and even more so if you have any kind of dietary restrictions. I’m going to go on the assumption that you don’t have any restrictions, but also share a recipe that is easily customizable to your particular palate and needs. 
Now, what you can cook will depend greatly on what kind of tools you have available. When I was living in the dorms, we had a full kitchen available to each floor - though I think perhaps this isn’t the norm? So I’ll go on the assumption that you have a microwave available for cooking and nothing else but a mini-fridge. (We’ll be posting some other recipes that make use of a full kitchen, so keep an eye out for those if that’s something you’re looking for!). 
Sweet potatoes with greens and eggs:
You’ll need: -A sweet potato or yam (Yams are the reddish or pinkish ones, sweet potatoes have white flesh but may have yellow, brownish, or even purple skins. Sweet potatoes are lower in sugar and higher in fiber, yams are higher in some micronutrients. You can cook them in pretty much exactly the same way, so get whatever you prefer!)-Some greens, such as spinach, chard, kale, or collards (Note: Salad greens are not appropriate for this recipe) -An egg-Salt and pepper, other spices or seasonings as available/desired-A microwave safe plate-A microwave safe bowl-A microwave safe mug-Water
**See note at the bottom for substitutions and other variation ideas**
Method: Start with the sweet potato or yam. Pierce the skin several times with a fork or knife, and put it in the microwave. How long it needs to cook depends on how big it is, but I usually start with 3 minutes, then turn it and cook another 2-3 and just repeat the process until it’s soft all the way through. When it’s done cooking, cut a slit down the middle of the top (baked potato style) and throw on some butter or olive oil and then set it aside while you cook the other components. If you’d like, you can add some seasonings - garlic salt or powder, chili powder, garam masala, or even a bit of powdered ginger would all be great, if you have them!
The greens can be pretty much anything you like and have access to, from spinach to kale to collard greens. Personally, I love kale (especially lacinato or “dinosaur” kale) but it’s not for everyone. Spinach is nice and tender, chard is slightly sturdier but still fairly gentle, and mustard greens are more bitter with a bit of a bite. Whatever you have is great! Greens are an amazing source of micronutrients including iron, calcium, and an array of vitamins and minerals, not to mention fiber. If you have fresh spinach you can choose to leave it raw or cook it a bit. If you use a sturdier green, you’ll want to cook it at least a little. Roughly chop your greens and place them in a microwave safe bowl with just a splash of water and a sprinkle of salt. Microwave for anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute or two, depending on the type of greens and how much you’re using. Stir them around a bit and make sure they’re at least wilted (they dont’ have to be reduced or thoroughly cooked - it’s up to your taste). These also benefit greatly from garlic or other seasonings, but even just a sprinkle of pepper at this point will be great. When they’re done to your liking, take them out and drain any excess water off. Give them a little squeeze if you’d like, to get rid of the rest, and dump them (I mean... arrange nicely) on top of your sweet potato. 
The final piece is the egg! If you’re vegan or otherwise don’t eat eggs, a piece of the seasoned baked tofu you can sometimes find in the natural foods section can be really yummy instead, or a piece of chicken or other meat if you eat that and prefer it - but there’s something about the egg that I find particularly compelling. So take a mug and fill it about 1/2 full with water and a pinch of salt. Break the egg into the mug, and make sure it’s submerged in the water. Place a saucer or small plate over the top, and microwave the whole thing for a minute. Take it out and check the egg - the white should be firm, while the yolk is really up to you. If either need more time, put it in for another 15 seconds at a time until cooked to your liking. Carefully spoon it out of the cup, drain or gently shake off excess water, and place it on top of the greens. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and, if you like, a pat of butter or drizzle of olive oil (I like a little extra fat for the decadence, but not everyone does!).
A few options to make use of what you have access to: -You can always use a regular russet potato instead of a sweet potato-Skip the greens if you want, or use frozen in place of fresh. You could also get creative with frozen broccoli, even stir fry veggies would be fine! This particular recipe is a take on a recipe I make with farmer’s market kale, but really is quite open to interpretation and budget constraints-If you don’t want to buy a whole carton of eggs, look for the packaged pre-cooked hard boiled eggs. Simply slice it up and arrange over the veggies-Pretty much any variation on this recipe is going to be amazing with bacon crumbled over the top
Enjoy! Let us know if you make it and how it turns out. 
Love and hugs, Your Witch Mums
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jenroses · 7 years
Turkey Day Menu 2017: GF and allergy friendly
From http://jenrose.com/turkey-day-menu-2017-gf-and-allergy-friendly/
Courtesy of my sister, who is willing to adapt menus for other allergy issues. Comment here if your needs are different. 
First off, we have multiple allergies and food issues. In short:
Me; Militantly gluten free and no strawberries or sulfites due to allergies. Also allergic to crustaceans (lobster, crab, possibly shrimp?), peanuts, hazelnuts, lima beans, oats, banana, and weird issues around standard commercial dairy and eggs, but I do fine with certain local products on eggs and dairy. I also randomly have issues with tomatoes, garlic, onions, some veggies,  peppers, but there are meds I can take that help reduce inflammation to tolerate those. Some forms of garlic are better than others. I avoid most soy, refined sugar and mold-type cheeses due to inflammation issues.
My eldest: Allergic to soy, egg, dairy, peanuts and wheat.
My middle: No citric acid or citrates, reacts to wheat in weird ways, same for natamycin
Hubby has texture/taste issues (goes beyond dislike, not an allergy) with visible egg, set gelatin, and most cheese (except pizza.)
Youngest is Intensely picky.
A turkey dinner is actually one of the easiest meals to adapt.
So, within those parameters, here is our menu, according to Sis, with bullet commentary by me.
  Turkey: 20 lb Shelton free-range, brined with herbs and spices, salt water, and apple juice or cider with no added citric acid
I don’t usually brine turkeys, but I trust Sis. Dad uses wine on the turkey, I cook at high heat and don’t touch it or baste it or brine it, but I might slip some kind of fat under the skin.
Stuffing: Costco gluten free bread cubes, better than bouillon based broth, herbs and spices, soy/dairy/egg/gluten free sausage, chopped apples & walnuts
I haven’t looked at Costcco’s gluten free bread cubes, but it’s really hard to get bread that everyone can have. Happy Campers is probably the best bet. Elegant Elephant has a sourdough loaf that can also be converted to cubes easily. Middle kiddo and I can both do Franz gluten free. Eldest and I can both do BFree. Bread is very regional, don’t be afraid to investigate. Other good substitutions include riced cauliflower, quinoa, and brown rice. Just substitute those for the bread in your favorite stuffing recipe, and be prepared to either cook the grains in broth and/or adjust the liquid content down.
Sausage: standard breakfast sausage is our usual–use whatever standard breakfast sausages you can tolerate. We use sausage-shaped ones, but loose sausage can also be used. Nuts are optional, sub sunflower seeds if you want the texture but can’t do tree nuts, or omit.
Apples work for us, cranberries and raisins are other options we’ve used in the past.
Better that Bouillon is something we also call “Chicken squishy” (or “beef squishy”) and is well tolerated by all of us. We use the organic low sodium version from Costco. Vegan options exist. Turkey is probably the ideal for this meal.
  Potatoes: potatoes, olive oil, salt
I mean, you can do almost anything with potatoes, ranging from just swipe a little oil on the skins and bake, to peel (or not) and boil and mash. Contrary to popular belief, mashed potatoes are fine without milk and butter, especially if they’re going to be buttered later and doused with gravy. Sub chicken broth or veg broth for flavor and texture if you want creamier potatoes, and Earth Balance for butter if you really want them “buttery”.
Pro flavor tip: While I love a peppery olive oil, if you get the “Extra light Napoleon” it tastes very buttery, a la melted butter.
Sweet potatoes*: plain, roasted whole
*actually Garnet or Jewel Yams (which are sweet potatoes, but very orange.)
The neat thing is that sweet potatoes take zero work. Stick them in the oven at whatever temp and roast until squishy.
Once roasted, the skins slip off and they can be sliced or mashed and amended as people like after. One of my favorites involves mashed sweet potatoes with coconut milk, coconut sugar, and spices like ginger and cinnamon. For dairy-and-citrate having people, slice the cooked sweet potatoes and layer with butter, maple syrup, orange and/or lemon zest, orange and/or lemon juice, ginger, nutmeg and paprika.
If you must have them with marshmallows, see my marshmallow recipe. Make the marshmallows with vanilla, not peppermint.
One year we made purple yams, garnet yams, and Japanese sweet potatoes, and mashed them separately and let people pipe them onto their own plates.
This was more work than it was worth given how picky my children are, but a lot of fun for those who both like sweet potatoes and like playing with their food.
Gravy: tapioca or rice flour, better than bouillon based broth, herbs and spices, assorted drippings and giblets
Most of the liquid should come from the turkey, plus the cooking water from any boiled potatoes if you have it, which can be boosted with Better than Bouillon if needed.
Holler if you want to know how we do gravy.
Cranberry sauce: cranberries, sugar and/or honey
I’m lobbying for maple syrup.
Homemade cranberry sauce is the absolute easiest thing. Put cranberries and sweetener in a small pan on the stove. Simmer for 10 minutes. Adjust flavor with more sweet, spices as desired. It really is that easy. It goes from whole berries to sauce sort of all-of-a-sudden. Cook for a minute or two longer to thicken.
Not middle-child safe as cranberries are inherently high in citric acid.
You can make a similar sauce with frozen blueberries.
Applesauce can fill a similar ecological niche on the dinner plate for those who can’t have citric acid.
Green beans: fresh green beans, garlic, mushrooms (I’m hoping for chanterelles), olive oil, salt
Probably using some sort of frozen garlic as I react less badly to frozen garlic than to fresh or dried.
If you can find a safe cream of mushroom soup, use that if you want a more casserole-y thing
Pacific Foods has a yes-dairy-no-gluten condensed cream of mushroom soup.
Adding coconut milk (full fat) to the above would give a similar effect.
This will taste outstanding even if it’s not creamy.
If dairy isn’t a problem, use butter
Add a little wine if you can tolerate it
And the best mushrooms you can get.
Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts, uncured bacon
*side-eyes hard*
I hate Brussels sprouts.
But they’re hypoallergenic
I guess
Raw sauerkraut
Plain, lactofermented sauerkraut is delightful and will help with digestion. It also adds a bright acid note to a heavy meal
We buy it. Sonoma Brinery is fantastic, but Trader Joe’s also has a very good version.
Oregon Brineworks Ginger Roots would be fantastic and pretty alongside a turkey dinner.
Vanilla ice cream
Sparkling cider
We watch for added citric acid but lots of brands are fine
“Well Red” from Trader Joe’s is no-sulfites-detected and passably drinkable
“Our Daily Red” is a cooking wine that is no sulfites detected but kind of awful tasting
If you can find Orleans Hill Zinfandel, it may be the best NSD wine I’ve ever had.
Gluten free pies:
We buy gluten free crusts that everyone can eat. IDK the brand
Where you can’t buy safe crusts, chop sunflower seeds or whatever nuts can be tolerated very fine (not paste) and toast them with a safe butter substitute and press them into the pan a-la crumb crust.
If they’re not staying up, just line the bottom like a cheesecake
Or do a straight up custard
It is possible to substitute gluten free flour for wheat flour 1;1 and palm oil, coconut oil or Earth Balance (we do the soy-free) for the fat, and then follow almost any pie crust recipe. Or google “gluten free pie crust” if you want.  We just buy crusts, it’s easier and the texture is more consistently what we want.
Pumpkin (eggs, pumpkin, brown sugar, vanilla, spices)
Note that this is a dairy-free recipe.
It’s basically just exactly the recipe on the Libby’s label but substituting eggs for the dairy
It’s a lot of eggs
It tastes better that way
and sets up VERY well.
Not safe for my eldest
Egg-free pumpkin (tapioca starch, pumpkin, brown sugar, vanilla, spices)
Note that this is corn-free, vegan, soy, egg, dairy and gluten free.
I would use coconut sugar
Apple (apples, brown sugar, spices, rum)
When I make apple pie, I mix the rum (or whiskey, but that’s not necessarily gluten free) with butter, sugar and a little starch to make a “hard sauce” that gets mixed in with the apples
People have gotten tipsy off of my apple pies
We have used booze to stop the apples from browning (it may not work but people think the browning is booze)
(they’re probably right.)
If citric acid is an issue, don’t use lemon in your pie
If it’s not, definitely use lemon in your pie.
Cherry (cherries, tapioca starch, sugar, almond extract)
Use almond flour for the crust if you want to really punch up the cherry almond goodness.
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theliterarywolf · 4 years
SpeedAnon here. And not only that, but they picked Sea Fairy Cookie and not Moonlight Cookie. Care to explain that CR Fandom? Because after the whole Milk Cookie over Purple Yam Cookie issue I'm really wondering where your priorities lie CR Fandom. Also the whole Roguefort Cookie vote is pure hypocrisy; you pick them but not DJ Cookie (THE OBVIOUS NONBINARY CHARACTER) GTFO CR Fandom. Oh and the fandom doesn't get to say anything about Cocoa Cookie; after the way they did treated her in the polls
Before I join you in the indignation station, I do have to play Devil’s Advocate for a moment... Even though it does lead into another minor issue with how this Year’s Cookie of the Year contest was handled. 
DJ Cookie actually won last year’s Cookie of the Year contest, so it would be somewhat unfair for them to win two years in a row. 
... That being said, they should have at least not put them in the running at all or something. 
Now, back to the other frustrations:
Yeah, you would think that the character who was the center of one of CR’s most successful events (City of Wizards) would have gotten further in the running but, nah. 
But even with all of that, I can’t -- I just can’t with everyone who got Chestnut Cookie to the finals. 
He just came out, that’s not even right, guys. 
At this point, I’d be fine with either Roquefort or Pitaya Dragon or even Birthday Cake taking it, but I just know that the fandom’s going to pull some shit and give it to Sea Fairy or Chestnut.
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