#I wanted to be an author for a long time
autisticmusings · 10 months
So I sometimes lose the ability to speak. Sometimes it happens when I wake up, but usually it happens due to overstimulation, exhaustion due to meltdown/shutdown, etc. I’ve been told by nonverbal autistics to not use the term nonverbal to describe these experiences, which I understand, so I would only ask would semiverbal be a better term to describe my hard time with speech? Speech does take actual work for me, I’ve had many people describe it as a “thoughtless action” but for me it is a conscious, deliberate action that takes work and if I use it too much, I will lose it for the rest of the day. But while it’s not as easy for me, I don’t want to step on the toes of those who it is impossible for. I thank any other autistics, especially those who are nonverbal, for their time.
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senselessalchemist · 5 months
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The Beheaded makes a pitch
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
I think we should just bring back Wungo Wednesday and start a fandom collective anime rewatch
#Because otherwise I can feel I won't last much longer#Because like. The last two hyperfixations of mine ended the moment I started feeling like there wasn't any new content#And two days ago in one day I started a new manga a new book and rewatching a favourite show#Whereas I hadn't started anything new in the two years ever since I got into bsd. Which makes it NOT a good sign#But the bsd anime has now ended for one month and 25 days and that's the last time the plot actually moved forward.#And if I counted right. The manga took 4 chapters (that is chapters 110-111) to adapt 6 minutes#That means it's going to take another 12 months (18 minutes left to adapt. that's 12 more chapters) to catch up with the anime#Yeah I'm not. sticking around this long with nothing new to see I'm sorry#Best case scenario I take a one year hiatus but that doesn't make it sound likely that I'll be back#And I know it's fresh news as early as this morning that author said they were introducing a new character but like.#They also said they finished writing this arc like. One year and half ago if I remember correctly?#And we still have yet to see the end of i t so...#That is to say. I'll probably be starting an anime rewatch starting next Wednesday. I've been meaning to do it for a while anyway#I don't want to leave the fandom I like the one chapter a month format#On the positive news I still have a queue of original posts that spans over ten months#And I was meaning to start the reblogs queue too in these days. So there's that#random rambles
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blooming-gwens · 16 days
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I'm pleased to inform you that the wait is over! Here is CHAPTER TWO of For Everything
Chapters: 2/
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen Summary:
~Perhaps they were meant for each other. It was written in the stars—stars meant to burn out in their all at once powerful surge. Stars meant to fall. Bright, burning and then gone. And in its sudden demise, no one would even remember it was once there, lost in the infinity of severed constellations.
That was the way of the universe. That was the way it had to be.~
Alternatively: Gwen Stacy is doomed but Miles Morales’ love might save her.
Please feel free to reblog to support and share my work!
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wayward-sherlock · 4 months
do you have any fic recs? thank you!
HELLO ANON I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO ANSWERING THIS ASK SINCE I GOT IT (im going to assume you mean byler fics since that is my most recent specialty🫶):
a cruel summer with you by the amazing @campbyler is by FAR one of my all time favorite fics. never in my entire four year fic reading career have i read something that obviously has so much love (and lore) put into it. if you haven’t read it already (or interacted with their blog, which i highly suggest!) this would be one of my first picks! (anything by suni or thea or andi is guaranteed to strike you speechless, though, so definitely check them out as authors, too!)
take a little moment (find the right words) by my lovely friend @astrobei is definitely also in my top all time bc i am SUCH a sucker for college aus it’s not even FUNNY. anything by suni is a banger, honestly, but this one specifically nails the miscommunication/idiots in love trope AND has rotund ducks. what is not to love.
a body in motion (also by @astrobei) is one of the best and most visceral mike character studies i have ever read. i’ve read it twice and the playlist has a permanent place in my spotify library. i don’t think i need to say any more.
sleeping with the lights on by singingseok is another mike character study that tore my heart from my chest and made me watch as it picked it apart and sewed it back together. okay. it’s SO good i highly recommend it for sure!
literally anything by @parkitaco is going to be fantastic, but three of my personal faves are the gaps and the silence, the windows of this love, and you were bigger than the whole sky because apparently i love sobbing into my pillow in the middle of the night. it’s healthy sometimes.
the strawberries are dying by my favorite doopel @lighthouseas is PERFECT if you’re looking for a unique take on byler with a historical spin <3 im a SUCKER for historical aus as well so this great depression fic was so incredibly perfect hehe
landslide by chamb3rs is. it’s so good i don’t even have words. it captures the spirit of senior year of high school so well, especially now that i’m in it lol. anyway, i’ve read this one twice and will continue to read it again for the rest of forever <3
and lastly, if you’re looking for spiderman aus (which i LOVE), look before you leap by lumism, the higher i climb, the farther i fall by @andiwriteordie, and mike wheeler’s guide to falling in love with a superhero by @smoosnoom are all wonderful perfect places to start 💗
i hope this gives you a good place to start anon :3 and also that im not overwhelming you. lol. but feel free to check out my bookmark page here for a more complete list of fics i’ve read!
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
Potential March Reading:
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
Celia's House by D.E. Stevenson
Something by C.S. Lewis
Something by G.K. Chesterton
Something by Tolkien and/or Wendell Berry
Something by Rumer Godden and/or Elizabeth Goudge
Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI
Gospels of Mark, Luke and John
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unexpectedgeese · 2 years
Orv: Spoiler warning
One of the things I noticed after finishing ORV was the way Kdj treats all of the characters. To be more specific, how that treatment compares and contrasts with how he views himself. There’s SO. MUCH. IRONY THERE!
He tells Lee Jihye that she needs to keep living, no matter what. That no matter what she’s done, she HAS to survive. That she deserves to live. That she will always deserve to live. And then he becomes the oldest dream- dooming himself to an endless end akin to death itself- because he thinks he deserves it.
He tells Shin Yoosung that in a pinch, he’d choose her life over all of Seoul. That there’s always a way to survive. That a sacrifice like that is never the right play. That all the shitty stuff she’s done? She’s done it to survive. And then he sacrifices himself, again and again and again, like he thinks it’s inevitable. He calls himself a monster for trying to survive a shitty childhood.
He tells Jang Hayeon that the only way to overcome a wall is to fight it. That everyone has a wall, that you will never truly understand someone, that you have to try anyway. And then he throws himself into the abyss and never explains why.
He tells his mother that her sacrifice was not kind. That martyring yourself to help someone will only ever hurt them. That a ‘kind’ lie will never be better than the cruel truth.And then he dies, again and again and again and again, to help his friend. And he lies about doing it.
Kim Dokja teaches those around him the exact lessons he needs to learn. He gives them the exact kindness he’s never received. He uses the story as an opportunity to explore that first question he asks us- what if my life was a different genre? The world changes. He finally gets the chance to be something other than a reader- and he doesn’t take it. Instead, he guides everyone else to the ending he wishes he could reach. Because, in his mind, that’s the happiest a reader can ever be.
And that reader- character divide is the reason that Kimcom’s plan in the epilogue actually works. When he views himself as a character, Kim Dokja is finally able to apply his love for the characters to himself. He can finally learn the lessons he’s been teaching the whole time- because although he’s still the reader, ‘Kim Dokja’ can finally be a character.
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alizalayne · 11 months
(wakes up as if from a 100 years of dreaming ) well i believe i have finished inking beetle and the chimera carnival
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catoscloves · 8 months
enemies to lovers isn't "he's generally an unpleasant person to be around, he constantly puts other people down and disrespects/condescends/ostracizes them, he's cruel and a bully... but his one redeeming quality is that he looks attractive" like. bestie that's not a redemption arc!! or a redeeming quality!!! a person can and should control their behaviors, but how they look literally has no bearing on their worth as a person!
like... this trope is about an initial misunderstanding and miscommunication that leads to mild conflict and resentment of each other,but eventually they move past this rocky start by revealing to each other their humanity and good qualities, and communicating what happened the first time they met so that they can clear up that situation, and slowly becoming good friends who enjoy spending time with each other and eventually become really close, and the realization that one accidental mishap/slip in behavior/aashole mistake isn't what defines a person and sometimes your first interpretation of them is sometimes wrong!! an entire opinion of someone should be formed based on their behaviors, values, actions, and morals, and quality time spent with this person, not because they have nice cheekbones.
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
I am once again losing my mind.
This time: I went to look up references of Varric, and just typed "Varric Tethras" into the search bar. I was going to just tab over immediately to the images section, eyes barely glancing over the obvious top-result fandom wiki, then (more entertainingly, but still expected) Wikipedia link-
but. but the next one.
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.... There's absolutely no tongue-in-cheek in the entry either.
(of course I immediately clicked on it who do you think I am)
There are 3 quotes from him relating to storytelling, both from 2 and Inquisition, as well as a book attribution:
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The Dragon Age Novel Edition of Hard in Hightown.
with Mary Kirby*~
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Absolutely unblinkingly written summary/bio.
I love this with my whole heart. Varric you beautiful bastard -- and DA writers/editors (Mary Kirby very much most importantly included) you even more beautiful, dorky, wonderful bastards.
*if you're not in the know, Mary Kirby is a cornerstone of the DA writing team, including being the one who was in charge of Varric (and Merrill!). To say she's his "trusted human confidante" is certainly putting it one (delightful) way.
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wof-reworked · 5 months
I’ve been thinking, and I think I’m going to change the way I talk about my headcanons and wof writing to something like a rewrite/reworking. I love wof but it’s become really apparent that the way I engage with it is really more as a world to expand and work in vs a book series I’m analyzing as-is. I think it’ll give me the freedom to actually post the stuff I’m thinking and working on bc I don’t have to keep chaining myself to making it work with all the confusing and contradictory canon tidbits that Tui barely remembers she established. Thoughts?
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reddd-robin · 9 months
I feel so crazy about that last episode I knew literally in my soul that the lich would appear eventually and be named the last scholar of golb. Throws up everywherr
#i canttt do this. i love betty and simon so much this new view on their dynamic makes me feel crazy#its undoubtedly like a strange power dynamic that simon is unaware of (heees kind of dumb but not a bad person by any means) that drives-#-betty to act how she does with him at first. like her perfect idolized interaction with a author she loves dearly#and for her to put aside her life like that for him in this manic sort of perfect scenario shes so enthralled by#gah i live them so much. simon being unaware of this and it damaging their relationship in the future unknowingly#she gives so much man. not to say simon doesn't i think hes just as great a lover as betty wanted but betty has this endlessness to her-#-devoting her time and her life and her dreams to this perfect world she gets to live in now#i do think she relaxes with it further into their relationship when she feels less like she has to be cool or prove herself to someone she-#-idolizes. and that they get better and closer and more equal (i say theyre never truly equal considering it revolves around simons whims)-#betty really learns to love for that period of their life. for however long it takes them to get to 'fianceès' its really their perfect life#and then everything happens. the crown. the portal. the war. the world ending. ice king. betty in ooo. and its all ruined again and she cant#acess simon so he is again returned to this state of a forbidden person she desperately chases and gives up her life for. she regresses to-#-when their dynamic was unknown woman and author she loves dearly appearing before her eyes#and that unnatainable aspect is what drives her insane. she cant do anything this time. he doesnt even know who *he* is. its hopeless#her trying to date ice king and freaking out about it because this perfect picture is gone and she doesnt /like/ him like this#agh. bety. siom#fionna and cake spoilers#fionna and cake#talking2myself
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aus-from-undertale · 7 days
A sassy human falls to a very strange underground.
There's a link below with the author's sinopsis:
Chapter 1:
More about the characters and the AU on @bun-bunmuse :
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The art style is cute and tore is a cutie pie 💕
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noecoded · 1 year
If you could have any Asmo/reader fic what would be the things you would want from it? like an ideal fic would contain what tropes or AUS or situations or whatever
uhmm anything wellwritten that characterizes asmo similar to the way i do ! i rlly like character exploration , both more serious stuff & just sillycute...anything where asmo is a little cunning and toxic and also gets railed into oblivion.anything where hes a vampire. ill write a tag essay about the specifics
#xreaders are too unrelatable for me usually .. im aroace and the only relationship dynamics that r rlly interesting to me r likee#toxic or tumultuous...i think in many asmo fics hes just very one note or like not a complex love interest .which is fine because hes like#that in the game but i am especially drawn to fics where the author has their own kind of unique take on it. nuance. etc#it's really interesting to see situations in which asmo kind of reaps the consequences of shitty behavior or struggles with parts of himsel#f he doesnt like. not just in like ohhh im insecure sobsob but like deeprooted issues & patterns thought processes that come with being a d#demon that maybe clash with human morality or ideals...like what if he sees human lives as generally more disposable because hes lived for#so long?? what would a fic be like about him wanting a fling with a human that ends up taking apart their life but to him its just a fun#little romance without any real consequences or commitment?? even if he was obsessed w them professing his undying love etc etc he could ge#t bored and drop it anytime and outlive them by millions of years and forget...& how does a human love an entity like that? how could the r#relationship look anything close to normal ever...anyway i like fics that touch on questions like this theyre kind of rare though#this all being said i def dont think asmo is completely evil💭 nuance#at work so im literally just wasting time by thinking about this rn but this was like the asmotoni dynamic its too interesting to me#asmotoni is like this in my head but on papwr i just draw them fucking witj bunny ears sorry#this doesnt even answer ur question really. if i could write a fic rn it would be like 200k word emo band au that isnt xreader or a romance#fic it would just be asmo beel belphie as humans starting a band and their rise and fall etc ive been thinking abt that plot nonstop
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nettlestingsoup · 5 months
@ficwip's first word of the week is start, so have a snippet of the vampire au despite the fact i've been keeping it fairly close to my chest. for those of you who don't know much about this one, it's bloody, it's obsessive, it's minchan, and it's about generational trauma and desperate self sacrifice. i hope that sells it to at least one person <3
It’s a side of him that Minho has either never seen before, or been proudly, wilfully blind to; he’s been so sure of keeping the upper hand in this strange game of secrets they play, of leading Chan around the castle to find the rooms that frightened him the most, watching him turn pale at the blood-soaked stories Minho told. No magic of Chan’s had been able to shake him. Not when Minho was the one who’d watched this castle bloom and die like jasmine flowers in the last breaths of summer. But there’s a helplessness in the turning of the tide, and in the realisation that it was inevitable. The current that flows around his ankles is pulling harder now, and Minho is beginning to realise that Chan is something he’s been drowning in from the start. His magic. His mortality. The way he strips Minho to the bone with something simple as someone loved here, and offers himself up to be consumed whole in return, only to ask if it was enough.
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lanshappycorner · 15 hours
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This is how I look knowing that tsubaki's pronouns are allegedly confirmed to be he/him but idgaf I'm still calling her she/her
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