#I’ve also said this before but I think he looks like Darnell :) not that he even remotely has a canon appearance
cha1cedony · 1 month
Just mouthed ‘aww’ to myself while writing about a grown ass man snoring. Mortifying. I need to explode
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electradelight · 2 years
touchdown in atlanta pt. 3 (a tom x zendaya mini!fic) | oct. 26, 2020
hi here’s part 3. i’m not sure what direction i want to take this in. i just wanted a few glimpses into this era of their relationship, so idk whether to just write drabbles or continue with the same title. hmm... let me know your thoughts.
link to pt. 1
link to pt. 2
2:29 pm EST
Zendaya and Darnell were just arriving at her new rental house in Atlanta when her phone started ringing. Damn, word spread that fast?
“Hi Tom,” She answered tentatively.
“Hi! Sorry I don’t mean to be weird but have you landed yet? I am now realizing how stupid I sound, of course you landed if you picked up the phone.”
“You’re not stupid, please stop. Yes we landed and just arrived at the house. It’s the same one as last time so… you know the address …if you–”
“Oh great!,” he accidentally interrupted. Blood was pumping so hard in his ears that he didn’t realize she was only taking a pause. He quickly finished, “once you’re settled in, do you want to maybe grab a bite together?”
“Well, we actually just grabbed some food on the way here. But… Do you want to come over in 30? We can catch up. If you want.” 
“Oh absolutely. I’ll be there, love. I mean—yeah. See you soon, bye.” Tom hung up before he had a chance to hear her reply. Tom felt embarrassed about his slip up. But Zendaya… 
Zendaya had to admit to herself that she felt butterflies in her stomach when “love” reached her ears.
2:59 pm
Tom was there exactly 30 minutes after he called. He rang the doorbell and… wow. 
“You look stunning,” he said. He couldn’t help himself.
“Thank you. Want to come in?”
“Yeah, thanks. So are you putting any art up this time around?” They walk side by side to cross the foyer.
“I should, huh? Maybe Darnell can put some up. Would you like some water?” she offers as they walk past the kitchen.
“I’m alright, thank you,” he said. 
“Okay. So how’ve you been?” 
“Good. I mean that’s why I came over.” Tom says.
They take a seat on the couch. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re good!” She looked genuinely happy for him.
“Um… Well to be honest I’ve missed you. I’m sure you can tell,” he said—fumbling through his words.
“Oh. Me too! I’ve missed hanging out with you …and Jacob too. The whole gang’s reuniting,” Zendaya replied. She felt like she was saying all the wrong things.
“Right… so I, yeah, I missed hanging out with the gang, but also I just missed you, as a person. And I don’t want to make this awkward so you can stop me if you feel weird. I just wanted to be upfront about my feelings for once.” Tom finished and took a giant breath when he had finally said his piece.
“Okay… that was a lot. Umm… thanks for being so upfront, I appreciate it.” Zendaya said. Wondering once more if she was saying the right thing. She continued speaking at a slower than usual pace, making sure she meant every word. “I’ve… missed you too, but… I’m not sure that it would be smart for us to pursue anything serious again. Not while we’re working together at least.” Zendaya said.
“But… Why is it different with me? What is it about me that makes it so difficult to work together and date?” His gaze pierced into hers. “Are you not attracted to me anymore? Because I would rather have the truth, honestly.”
“I promise that’s not it. You look… very fit. And cute,” Zendaya reached over to give his bicep a squeeze and could feel her cheeks heating up. 
“Oooh… You think I’m fit, do you?” Tom asked. 
“Uh-uh!” she giggled–in disbelief at his shift in humor the moment Tom felt her touch.
They both broke into a fit of nervous laughter.
Tom playfully nudged her leg with his knee. Zendaya nudged him back. 
Then, Tom leaned over, ever so slowly, until their noses touched. “Is this okay?” he whispered. 
Zendaya answered by closing their gap with a kiss. Tom’s hand moved to her neck as her fingers found his soft hair. 
She placed her leg over his and deepened the kiss. OK, maybe they could make out and stay friends… friends make out sometimes, right? 
Fuck. He smelled so good…  
Tom moved his hands down her sides, pulling her closer with one hand and gripping her exposed thigh with his other. 
Zendaya moaned his name. 
They were goners.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Why I’m Hanging Up My Tomdaya Coat....
Today is July 1st..... 👀   
So, I am officially hanging up my Tomdaya Coat.  
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You all are going to need a chair for this one, because I can already feel that this is going to be a long one.... 👀
I have some confusing, mixed emotions while writing this, but I’m just going to be honest and say how I truly feel.  
Why I’m hanging up my Tomdaya Coat.....
I’m hanging up my Tomdaya coat because I feel like I’ve been patient in waiting to get more “clarity” on whether or not Tom and Z are seriously dating each other again, but I just don’t feel like I can truly say with 100% certainty that they are indeed dating each other again at the current moment.  
I know that there have been covid restrictions and everything, and I know that we’re NOT in a “normal” situation right now at all (I get it), but I just feel like btwn April and July, I would see more “proof” by now that they are dating each other again, and I feel like it would be more obvious....just like it was during the Tomdaya 1.0 era when they were dating each other.  
Granted, we’ve had some pretty INTERESTING signs going on in “TomdayaLand” (not to be confused with the blog lol) since August.....And that cannot be denied....  
Tom & Z suddenly resuming social media activity with each other after Z’s Emmy nod announcement 👀
Tom and N splitting up not too long after TZ reconnected 👀
N unfollowing accounts that post Z 
Tom religiously liking Z’s posts prior to Atlanta
Zendaya liking posts from Nikki, Sam, and Paddy, when she hasn’t liked Tom’s family posts in AGES
Harry showing Z love and support again on social media
Harry liking those Tom/Zendaya Oscar/Emmy fan-made edits 
Z liking Tati’s post while she was in Berlin filming Uncharted w/Tom, even though she hadn’t liked a post of Tati’s since April 2019 👀
Tom talking sweetly about Z and even mentioning her unprompted in Cherry interviews
Z chiming in on Tom’s Esquire magazine interview
Tom bringing up Z and the crotch tagging incident when asked about being “linked with female co-stars”....and also linking that in with stating that when you’re dating in the public eye, what’s happening isn’t just happening btwn the two of you, it’s also happening in front of the world
Tom & Z spending Thanksgiving w/each other again (like old times)
Tom following Hunter when she visited in Atlanta
Hunter following Tom
Sam Levinson following Tom 
Z following Tom’s stunt double on set
Tom posting Z’s pic of him hugging Harry
Tom, Z, Jacob all hanging out at Tom’s house 
Tom showing Darnell love on social media again lol
The Spider-Man cast hanging close w/each other and having movie nights while in Atlanta
Tom & Z spending time together and even spotted out ALONE (sans chaperone!) at night
Tom & Z obviously rekindling a solid, close friendship with each other again
Z posting a sweet Happy Birthday story for Tom on his birthday 
Like, ALL of these signs are very PROMISING positive signs. And they are signs that I would look at as being a clear sign that two people have definitely rekindled SOMETHING with each other.  And tbh, if we were talking about any other ex celebrity couple, if I were to see these signs, I would DEFINITELY think that the two people have rekindled their dating relationship again....not just a “friendship”.   Just being honest!
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With that said however.... Since I haven’t seen my two signs (yet), and I haven’t seen anything yet that TRUMPS my two signs, I still cannot say with 100% certainty that TZ are dating each other again. 
Then, there are things that make me feel as though Tom & Z might just be good friends (at least, for now): 
Tom stating in that French interview that he and Zendaya are friends “with no ambiguity”
The fact that Tom didn’t stop in LA to visit Z before leaving for London (yea, she was going to be SUPER busy that week with Euphoria starting  to film and everything, but if they both knew that the length of time btwn not seeing each other was going to be a few more months, I feel like the “OLD TOM” would have definitely visited before going back to London)
Tom hasn’t been back to the US (let alone LA) since the filming of SM3 ended. 👀   
But at the same time, there are also some other things that don’t add up to me either.... 
The “Happy Valentines Day” balloons in Z’s house a MONTH after Vday (I doubt they were just balloons some company gave her....why keep deflated balloons like that?) 
Tom unfollowing all those models, and hasn’t even liked a model post in AGES  👀
Tom doesn’t really appear “single” to me
Neither Tom nor Z have really been spotted with anyone “new” as far as a romantic prospect since they both left each other in Atlanta...  👀   I know people ship HunterDaya, but when looking at the big picture of everything that has happened with Hunter/Z/Tom, things really just don’t add up to me....Either that, or Z is mad bold to invite a new prospect to Atlanta where her EX bf is lol... 😂 And then Hunter seems too cool/chill with Tom (and vice versa) imo to be “new” romantic partners.  JMHO
Sooo it’s just soo confusing!!!!  😩
Therefore....I will officially be hanging up my Tomdaya Coat as of today. 
What “Hanging up my Tomdaya Coat” Means....  I feel like I need to explain what I mean by “hanging up my Tomdaya coat” lol...  I DON’T mean that I have “given up” on Tom & Zendaya, or that I hate them now, or that I’m no longer fans of them both, or that I even dislike the thought of them being together or romantically-involved with each other. 
All it means is that I officially GIVE UP the hope of waiting and wishing for “something to happen” in order to confirm that they are dating each other again.  In other words, I’m no longer anticipating/watching/waiting-and-seeing  for “something to happen” on the Tomdaya front. 
I am perfectly fine with the thought that they have rekindled a solid friendship w/each other again, and that they are on good terms!  This in itself really is enough for me!  😊
While my wish for the both Tom and Zendaya has always been to see them date each other again under more “normal” circumstances, less fear, less hiding, and less damage control, I honestly really do trust Tom and Zendaya and their judgement.   While I definitely feel like SOMETHING went down btwn them while they were in Atlanta together (nooobody can convince me otherwise lol 😂 ), I feel like ULTIMATELY, WHATEVER they decided in Atlanta was mutual, and was the best decision that they felt was right for them, since they know each other way better than we do. 😊  I TRUST and accept whatever decision they made in other words. 🥰        All I’ve ever wanted was for them to be happy, and to be honest, they do seem very happy right now! So, whatever their decision was, I assume it was one that they both felt was the best one for them.😊❤️  With that said..... Here’s where the “confusing”, “mixed emotions” come in....  What’s confusing is that my GUT is telling me something TOTALLY DIFFERENT lol.  Like, my GUT is actually telling me that they are more than “JUST friends”. 👀  And they have such a close strong bond w/each other, that when I try to imagine them each dating other people, I feel like it would be kind of weird for the two of them.... Like, they would put on a happy front, but deep down, it would be kind of weird for them to see the other with someone else.  That’s what my gut is telling me. 
I also wonder about their next future significant others, and whether they would be cool with their “close friendship”.  It’s pretty obvious that they still communicate w/each  other on the regular.   👀  And we all know how Tom’s ex felt about his “friendship” with Zendaya.....and he and Z weren’t even on the best of terms at that time! 👀 🥴 
Sooo....there are just a lot of things swirling around in my gut that give me a “vibe” btwn the two of them. There’s definitely a lot of love there btwn the two of them.   BUT!!!! I have to ignore my gut and just go with what I’m actually SEEING.  🤷  And right now, what I’m seeing is two people who have a very close friendship, but who haven’t seen each other since the end of March. 👀  Even with Z’s busy schedule, I just feel like two people who have rekindled a serious relationship would have found a way to see each other by now.  Maybe that’s a wrong assumption...Idk....  But I just look at Bennifer lol.  They’ve obviously rekindled something! And it’s pretty obvious too.  I just feel like it would be more obvious with Tomdaya....like it was back in the Tomdaya 1.0 era. There was no doubt in my mind.  But right now, I honestly do wonder if maybe they just decided to be good friends at the end of it all?   So, bottom line.... I have officially hung up my coat!  I still love Tom & Z, and I still wish them nothing but happiness...whether that’s with each other, OR with other people...I honestly don’t care!  😃    In the end, I’ve always just wanted them to be happy.....  🥰  
With that said...if new info comes out, or more tea/receipts come out in the future that point to them as dating, then I will put my coat right back on lol!!!  🤣😂
Anyway...Sorry for this looong dissertation, but I felt like I should just explain why I’m hanging up my coat, and explain what I really mean. 
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I’ve joined the « fandom » a few months ago and i love both of them. But lots of things kinda bug me, there is not a middle :
- one one side, the cracks that overanalyzed everything that TZ do and think that everything is a code message, that they are engaged and all that delusional stuff.
- the other side: The antis pro Tom groupies that think that everything is PR.
- Then what i noticed and especially with the twitter stans is their lack of judgment and how biased they are. TZ fans that are always more fans of Z than T, it’s not equal but they are saying they are fans of both it’s 80% of this fandom. In this fanbase it’s either right or left in terms of opinions never in the middle. So «  tz fans » always feel more like Z fans because on my twitter feed i alwaysssss see them criticize everything that Tom does. « Ew his hair looks ugly », « why is he excited for uncharted it’s going to flop », « i need him to stop that dad nonsense my good sis Z need is booked and busy » , « tom is going to post her #trust », « he is a mess he drinks too much ». Then they talk about d*m even if he is a shitty father i don’t see them ever talk bad about Z’s entourage? As one of your follower said it’s like tom only exists to be her hypeman. And they are supposed to be his fans too…
But Z can do no wrong ever! « Queen » « why are they talking about T in an Euphoria interview » but when they ask Tom about her it’s no problem?. It’s like she can do no wrong. We talk shit about D*m or why T is friends with Justin bieber but then let’s be equal why don’t we talk how it’s weird how Z neees Darnell with her everywhere and i’m not talking about his job as her assistant it’s beyond that, it’s like she can do nothing alone? Like they will talk bad about him being always in clubs (before) but Z being a homebody is cool, it’s not to shit on either of Z or T but it’s an exemple that it’s always an extreme. They will also tear apart his choices of project and yeah most of them are so bad but praise her without being objective, when most of the time her acting is the same in every roles and in my opinion dull… « dull? So why does she has an emmy? » is THE fave answer. It’s like Z is on a pedestal. It’s a problem and weird that Tom wants to take a break but it’s never weird how Z is always about her career and only about her career?
This post is not to point « what bother me » about Z because it doesn’t but i had to point these things out because it’s always bad tom, good Z. Never never saw them saying a bad thing about her but Tom it’s daily. If you gonna be a TZ fans then really love both of them, don’t just love T because he is in Z’s life, weird. I like your blog because i feel like you can be objective.
I agree with your observations about the fandom. . And anyone who followed me long enough knows I have dragged Tom many times in the past for all sorts of things. I hate putting anyone on a pedestal. But some Z stans who ironically are completely not self aware and call Tom stans over-protective and say they baby Tom are doing the most by putting Z on such a ridiculously high pedestal. If you take any one of their sentences where they are praising her while at the same time diminishing Tom (whether his acting or his looks) and switch Tom and Z in that sentence , they would be outraged . And they do this so often that it almost became a daily habit to them.
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hypnofur1 · 3 years
Influencing the Influencer
By Hypnofur
“I have to say, I am loving retirement. This is my first year of being retired and it was everything I dreamed it would be and more. Everyone should retire at 36!” Dan joked into the microphone. The two radio guys laughed harder than they should have. While Dan knew that regular people couldn’t retire at 36, he wasn’t joking about loving retirement. He had been playing football since second grade. He enjoyed a 15 year career in the NFL. 13 of those years were in Cincinnati, but the last two were in Kansas City… where a SuperBowl was won in his last season.
Being part of a Super Bowl team, even as a backup like Dan was by the end of his career, makes you royalty in that city for the rest of time. Heck, ask the ’85 Bears about that. Especially in cities that love their team as much as KC. Dan always wanted to win one for Cincy, the city that he truly identified as home now, but that was never even close to being in the cards.
However, Dan was the only high profile guy from the Super Bowl team to retire after the big win. The rest of the guys pretty much stayed on the team, and were in the Super Bowl again this year. As such, all the KC radio and media people were desperate for a “Chiefs Insider” to talk to. Dan was flown down to Tampa for the week to do radio, tv, etc. He was considering a career in broadcasting, so this all-expense paid trip was a nice little trial run. The only downside of it, was that Casey didn’t come with him.
Dan’s wife was going to go to Tampa with him, and make a ton of Instagram videos and posts from Tampa. She was incredibly excited about it, as was the social media company that employed her to do all these blogs. Her sweetness, honesty, great style, and knockout natural beauty was evident to anyone who saw her, whether in real life or on a screen. She had sort of become “Cincy’s Sweetheart” over the years, so when influencers became a thing, she was in high demand. The Tampa vlogs were likely going to set records for likes. However, Dan’s mom broke her ankle in a fall the week before.
Casey insisted she stay home to help Dan’s mom. This is why Dan was head over heels for her. Yes, she was gorgeous. But she was also the sweetest, most wonderful wife in the world. While all the other players would have girlfriends and hook ups in each city, Dan never did. He was completely and utterly faithful to Casey.
With all this said, while Casey didn’t go to Tampa, she had to vlog about something. Trips to Dan’s Mom’s house during the day to help her out wouldn’t make good content. Such was the topic of conversation as the couple chatted on the phone Friday morning.
“So did you find anything to vlog about?” Dan asked.
“Ugh, I think so. They really want us to push groupon experience things. They gave DeAndra groupon passes to a comedy show, so we are going to do that.” Casey told her husband. She meant to sound a bit more cheery as she did so. She was trying so hard to not show her disappointment over not being in Tampa. She didn’t want to make him feel bad.
“Oh yeah, is Darnell going? If the dude is funny, the sound of Darnell’s laugh when he gets roaring is the only thing anyone in that place is going to hear! Hopefully the dude doesn’t make Bengals jokes. Darnell will get up on that stage!” Dan laughed, as did Casey.
“Did you drink tons of water last night?” Casey asked. She was always concerned about him.
“Hahah. I did. A whole river. I’m doing good. Three more days babe, then I am home to you. I miss you so much.” Dan said, very truthfully.
“Me too. I’ll tell DeAndra and Darnell you said hi” she smiled as she hung up.
Dan missed her terribly, but he was at least pleased that he’d have her vlog to watch later that night. He loved watching those. However, it was Friday night of Super Bowl week. Dan had a whirlwind day. He was treated like a Chiefs Legend because he was wearing that Super Bowl ring. He even got invited to a dinner with Joe Montana! He couldn’t pass that up. Dinner was great. Drinks were had, and not enough water was consumed. Dan passed out when he got back to the hotel.
It was late the next morning when Dan finally awoke. He realized that he had missed Casey’s Instagram vlog. He was surprised he didn’t have a text about that from her. He checked her Insta page. There wasn’t one from last night. That was really odd. He started to get a little nervous.
He texted her. “Hi, you ok? No vlog from last night?”
Fortunately, he got an immediate return text “Just filmed it this morning. Posting now J”
That put him at ease. He took a quick shower, and then grabbed his phone to see his beautiful wife’s angelic face. She was in her car. For some reason, that’s where people filmed themselves. Dan never understood why that was a thing.
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“Hey guys, its Casey! Hope you are all having a great weekend! I know it is Super Bowl weekend, and that is super exciting for tomorrow! But, I wanted to tell you guys about a great experience me and my friends had thanks to groupon last night! My hubby is out of town, and I was feeling kind of sad, but then my friends called and said they had a groupon for an awesome experience. Totally changed the course of my weekend!
So we went to Funny Bone at Liberty Center, which is such a cute place! Anyway, my friend DeAndra told me the comedian was actually a stage hypnotist named Arnold Denton, aka The Amazing Hypno-natti. When I heard hypnotist, I was freaking out! Oh, and yeah, I found the name ‘Hypno-natti’ lame as well, but trust me guys, he is soooooo amazing!
So anyway guys, when we got in, I decided to put my fear aside and volunteer. Seriously guys, it was one of the craziest experiences I’ve ever had. Before we were even brought up on stage, we had to sign a waiver that basically said the hypnotist is not responsible for any injuries that may occur and all that other fun legal stuff. Guys, believe me when I tell you that I cannot recall a moment in my in my life that I was more nervous when I was up on that stage. The hypnotist explained to us, and the rest of the audience, that what we were about to experience was extremely different. Some of us would remember exactly what happened, and some of us wouldn’t. In total, there were probably about like twenty five of us lined up in front of the stage and the audience was told to be completely silent.
Right before we began, the hypnotist told us that we would be “under” for about a half an hour, but our bodies would react as if it had been asleep for 8 hours. So crazy! From what I can remember, it went a little like this:
We were told to sit down and just relax. With our eyes closed, we were told that we should feel this ‘energy of relaxation’ that would begin to pool at our feet and then work its way up to our body. All the while, there was this really strange music that was playing and the hypnotist was talking to us. After about 5 minutes he had us open our eyes and raise our arms horizontally and lock our fingers together so that we made a ball with our fists. At this point, we are still not under, so we were all aware of our surroundings and what not. Next thing I know, Hypno-natti is coming straight down the line and thrusting our hands down into our laps and pushing our heads down onto the shoulder of the person sitting to our left. It was about my turn and the last thing I can remember about this part is him yelling “Sleep!”
After the whole intro, we woke up and he was kind of pacing the stage and the audience was giggling and stuff and I can remember being super confused. I seriously thought that the show ended and I was actually asleep the whole time. As he was pacing, he was just casually talking to the audience and then he said “spark” (what I now know is a “trigger word”) and just like that it felt as though the wrath of God had come through the leg of the chair I was sitting in and electrocuted me in the butt! It hurt so bad; not like a long pain, but just like a jolt of electricity. I stood up so fast and everybody in the place was just rolling! I looked around and it was just me and another guy standing and grabbing our butts. He did this a couple more times and then triggered some of the other people and the whole time I just remember being super confused. At one point, I remember crying, because I had fallen deeply, madly in love with him, and he was dancing with someone else. It was soo crazy guys! Long story short, the hypnotist basiscally made us his personal puppets and we were slightly embarrassed, but it was all in good fun. My friends and I totally laughed about it all night after. It was a great experience that was all made possible through groupon!! Swipe up and see what other fun experiences they can save you a ton on. Luv you guys!!!” She concluded with a kiss of her fingers then the peace sign.
Dan loved to see her and hear her voice. He was wishing it wasn’t 48 full hours until he’d get to see her again. But it was. Those 48 hours went quickly at least. Frankly, it was a whirlwind. By the time he walked in the door of his spacious Cincinnati home Monday morning, he was exhausted – but so glad to hug, squeeze, and kiss his gorgeous brunette wife.
“Tell me everything!!” Casey said as she put some coffee on. She could tell by his face that he needed it.
Dan laughed as he admitted he exhausted. It had been quite a week of late night dinners, Super Bowl parties, and media work. It was terrific, but it wiped him out. However, he happily launched into his diatribe. He told her about all the radio shows he went on, and how he even did a couple TV spots. Casey squealed when he told her that he plugged her vlogs on all the local Cincinnati shows.
“ooooh My big media mogul!” Casey flirted. Her big brown eyes gazing into Dan’s. Then her phone beeped with a text, which was a constant occurrence. She grabbed it and checked the text. It was at this point that her expression changed. She became completely focused on the phone. It was like she suddenly forgot Dan was there.
“Who’s that?” Dan asked, realizing this was strange. Was someone hurt? Was something wrong? Casey didn’t answer. She just typed a couple things on her phone, and then walked upstairs, not even addressing Dan as she left. Dan found this very strange, but he also had to pee really bad. He figured he’d see what the deal was, but had to handle that situation briefly before anything else.
Much to his shock, by the time he got up to the bedroom, Casey was naked and wearing headphones. She was sprawled out on their bed, reclining in a mound of fur pillows. Naked and eyes closed with her blue bullet vibrator that they had bought as a sexy toy at their anniversary. Dan understandably figured that this was a “welcome home” sex game. He found himself immediately getting hard.
"I’m going deeper and deeper." Casey said quietly. Dan assumed she was talking about the vibrator going into her pussy. This was unusual sex talk from her, but he was still into it.
She moans, "Going deeper and deeper. I am deeply hypnotized. "
Dan was stunned. She was sooooooo freaking sexy with a nipple in one hand and that toy teasing the other one. But what did she say? Did she say hypnotized?
“Deeply hypnotized and deep under your control.” She whispers.
Dan heard that and got more concerned, but then couldn’t help but notice that he sound of the vibrator changed! She had turned up the setting. Soon, she was pinching her breasts and her hips are starting to rock slowly. She was moaning and purring. Dan was so hard he couldn’t think straight.
Casey turned the toy up to level 3; as fast as it goes. The next 4 settings are just various combinations of the 3 vibration speeds. Her hips were moving faster, her breasts were bouncing and she was having a hard time keeping the toy on her clit. Her teeth were clenched and she could feel the orgasm start to creep over her skin. . Her chest was heaving as she changed the setting on the toy again.
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
Slow, Slow, Slow, medium, medium, medium, fast, fast, fast
With hypnotic words and commands being fed into her mind, the orgasm raced up her torso and arched her body off the bed. Her neck muscles tightened and her eyes pinched shut as she screamed out loud and held the toy in place right on top of her clit.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I server Master Hypno-natti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I belong to Master Hypno-natti!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOHHHHMYGODMASTERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Shock from Dan.
Awe from Dan.
Lust from Dan.
Fear from Dan.
Anger from Dan… and anger won.
He grabbed the headphones and ripped them off her. He yelled right into the microphone. “This is her husband, you sick fuck! Stay the fuck away from us, or I’ll rip your motherfucking arms off!!!!”
There was a click, and Dan knew that the person on the other end of that phone was gone. He turned his attention to Casey, who was now glistening with sweat, and still breathing heavy.
“Cay – Cay, wake up babe. Cay” he said, shaking his wife.
She eventually stirred, opened her big brown eyes and stared back at her husband. “Dan, what’s going on?” she asked.
“This is going to sound nuts, babe. But I think the hypnotist from the other night, like triggered you into masturbating for him on the phone.” Dan explained carefully. He wasn’t sure how his Catholic, surprisingly conservative wife would handle this manipulation.
He watched her face as the realization of what happened washed over her. He held his breath as he expected the tears to start rolling. Instead, she looked at him wide eyed. Then her beautiful big brown eyes slowly went down to his crotch.
“I missed you” she whispered, as she stared at her husband’s erection.
Confusion from Dan.
Fear from Dan.
Love from Dan.
Lust from Dan… and lust won.
He went down and made love to his wife. They kissed passionately, like the reunited lovers they were. Dan couldn’t remember the last time he was this turned on. He couldn’t wait any longer, and inserted himself right into his wife’s already very wet pussy. He glided right in. He didn’t last long in there. Within 30 seconds, he had finished. Casey giggled and gave him a loving hug. He crashed on to the bed beside her. Planning to only take a minute to catch his breath and then have a talk with his wife about the whole hypnotist thing, Dan accidentally fell sound asleep. The crazy week of the Super Bowl was just too much. He was out like a light, he didn’t even hear Casey get a text...
Dan slept for a good two and a half hours. He woke up to Casey lovingly rubbing his back.
“Hey babe, if you sleep too long, you won’t be able to get to sleep tonight. Your schedule will be all wacky.” She said lovingly. He knew she was right. She was always taking care of him.
Dan turned around in the bed and smiled at his beautiful wife. She had gotten freshened up, her clothes were back on and she was all together. God, she was so beautiful. Like a brunette angel.
“Hey, try this” she said, handing Dan a cup of tea. “It is a new chamomile tea they want us to vlog about. It’s actually reeaalllly good!” Casey said excitedly. Dan took the tea and tried it. He wasn’t a tea guy, but… anything for Casey.
“Hey, look babe, we have to talk about that Hypno-natti guy. I think he’s like still playing with your head” Dan said. He had always been direct. “When I came upstairs, you were on the phone with him I think, and you were, you know…”
“Playing with myself?” Casey said with a devilish, but so cute grin. She didn’t usually say things like that.
“Yeah” Dan said, surprised she said that out loud. He felt his dick stir a bit.
“Seriously babe, you are going to love that tea” Casey encouraged. Dan took another sip. It was pretty good.
“So, that was hot to see, I’ll admit, but you can’t have some guy like… controlling you to do sex stuff” Dan said, surprised he needed to map it out to her to this point.
Casey nodded. Then she looked at the bed sheet starting to tent around Dan’s groin. She laughed. “Well well, me thinks he doth protest too much” she teased. “OMG, I forgot to tell you. I saw the BEST movie on HBO Max when you were gone!” she said exuberantly.
“HBO Max? Babe, we should really deal with this hypnotist thing.” Dan said, what the hell was going on? His head was feeling a bit tingly. Boy, he must still be tired.
“I know Dan, and we will. I’m sorry, I have just missed you soo much. I saw this movie, and it was like, really sexy. And I can see that you are, you know… turned on right now” she said as she gently stroked his growing hard on.
“We can deal with this hypno stuff later. But right now, I am in the mood, and you are in the mood, and I want to show you the sexiest things I’ve ever seen on screen. Finish your tea and we can check this out” Casey said as she leaned into a sensual kiss with her husband.
Dan was a very smart man. He went to Notre Dame. He knew something was seriously fucked up here. But he was a MAN. And the curiosity of what kind of movie could have been so hot that it got her acting like this was just too curious for him to ignore. Against his better judgement, he let his beautiful wife lead him to their home theater room. He felt his head spin as he stood up from the bed.
“Take a seat in the middle” Casey directed with another long sensual kiss before turning on the surround sound and the media player. Dan’s eyes were glued to her. She was walking around such sexy confidence. He had never seen her like this. What the hell was in this movie???
Satisfied that the AV system was on and playing, Casey sat down in the large velvet chair next to her husband’s. The giant screen was black for a while, and Dan noticed that there was a humming coming from the speakers. The humming was vibrating through this very core. It felt… warm? Was that right? Soon there was a black and white spiral on the screen. What kind of HBO Max thing is this? Dan thought. Then he remembered the hypnotist. Wait, what the fuck? He went to protest, but he was becoming enthralled by the whirling spiral that had become the only thing in the room. He could feel it hypnotizing him, warm waves of relaxation moving out from it into his opening mind. Hypnotizing him. Hypnotizing Casey. Hypnotizing them with the way it spun around and around, always going deeper.
This was how it felt to be hypnotized? Dan thought to himself. He never could have dreamed how nice it was. How good it felt to be under hypnosis, under hypnotic control. He knew who the voice belonged to now, that it was Hypno-natti talking to them as they watched in a deep hypnotic state. Hypno-natti was amazing! Sooo amazing. Hypno-natti was the master of the fascinating, hypnotic spiral that controlled their minds.. He was telling them that it was time to submit their entire mind and body now, to go into a trance.
Dan knew he didn’t want to do that, but he felt a deep desire to obey, an overwhelming urge to submit. Pleasing Hypno-natti was most important. To go into a trance for Hypno-natti. Hypno-naitti’s voice was telling them to prepare to surrender totally to his hypnotic power. The spiral was turning faster now. Dan felt all his thoughts begin to move down into it. He could feel the intense hypnotic influence reaching out for his mind and he couldn’t help but submit. Faster and faster, round and round. He was falling into it. Falling faster and faster. She could see only an endless spiral in front of him now, a deep whirling tunnel that pulled him in as he stared into it. Hypno-natti’s voice was controlling their thoughts, hypnotizing them into total obedience.. There was only the spiral. And the voice. The whirling spiral. The soothing voice. Hypno-natti’s voice. Their master. Dan knew he must obey. Casey knew she must obey her master. They were hypnotized, so deeply and completely.
Next thing Dan knew, he was somehow in the foyer. When had he left the theater room? There was a knock at the door. He answered. There was a small scrawny guy about 10 years older than him standing in the doorway.
“Can I help you?” Dan asked, his head still cloudy.
“I’m the Amazing Hypno-natti” the man said. His majestic voice now very familiar to the former NFL start. “Invite me in” he commanded.
“Please, come in” Dan said immediately, stepping out of the way.
Casey had entered the foyer when she heard the knock. When she saw Hypno-natti, she was immediately overcome with desire. He was soooo sexy. The sexiest man ever born. She immediately felt her pussy moisten and her nipples get sensitive. She flirtatiously played with her hair and smiled at him.
“Hello my darling Casey” he said as he took her in. She was so incredibly beautiful with her gorgeous brunette hair, big brown eyes, and perfect trim figure.
Dan knew this wasn’t right. He could sense the attraction between them. What the hell? She was his wife. “Look buddy, I-”
“Dan, go into trance” Hypno-natti said authoritatively. Dan said nothing, but his hands fell to his sides.
“Casey, I am your Master. You desire me above anything else.” Hypno-natti said, feeling very confident that both parties in the couple were completely under his hypnotic sway.
He moved into Casey, kissing her neck gently. She was too lost in him to look over at her husband, who was still still standing next to her with a glazed, entranced look in his eyes.
At Hypno-natti’s direction, the three went upstairs to the bedroom. At this point, the hypnotist commanded Dan. "Take off your wife’s pants and panties”.
Dan rose to action slowly. "Yes, Sir," he said in a soft, deferential voice as he knelt in front of her and pulled down the black yoga pants and little satin panties that were meant for his homecoming.
“Lay her on the bed” Hypno-natti said as he took off his own pants. Dan complied and then went to stand up against the wall when instructed to do so. All this, despite the 10 or so inches of height and almost 150lbs of muscle that Dan had on the hypnotist.
Hypno-natti descended upon her, his face directly in front of hers. His eyes boring into her own. "Submit to my influence, Casey. Submit to my hypnotic power. Submit to Hypno-natti. Submit to hypnosis” he said as he again rhythmically put his cock against her body.
"Very, very good, Casey. You're blissfully floating, deeply in my erotic thrall, open to all my commands. Feeling so wonderful as you obey me. Realizing now that nothing seems important but obeying me, because it feels so wonderful, so sexual. You want the sexy feeling of obeying me, don't you, Casey?"
"Yes. I want to obey." She repeated happily, lost in lust.
"Very good Casey. The more obedient you are, the more wonderful you will feel. Only pleasing me matters now, nothing else. All you want now is the wonderful, sexual, floating feeling of obeying my voice. All you want is to be deeply under my control and to obey me. Tell me now what you want, Casey."
"Deeply under your control. Obey you."
"Do you want me inside you?" he asked the hypnotized wife.
"Yes!" Casey answered, no longer caring for her dignity, her marriage, or for anything but the prospect of being ravished by her master.
The man poked the head of his penis against her quivering opening, slight hip movements just threatening to penetrate her, but not quite.
"Tell your husband how badly you want me to fuck you."
Casey shut her eyes, ashamed of the words she knew she had to offer. "I want him to fuck me!" she offered to the room.
The man pushed her head to the side, making her stare at her husband, still standing against the wall, his penis slowly inching its way to a semi-erection with the spectacle. "Say, 'Dan, I need Hypno-natti’s hypnotic dick inside me.'"
"Honey!" she mustered. Pausing, unbelieving of her own abandon. "I need Hypno-natti’s hypnotic big dick inside me! I neeeed it!!"
With one sharp thrust, the man invaded her with the full length of his modest cock, and Casey cried out in surrender at the explosion of pleasure. He brought his face down to hers, leaning in as if to kiss her, his breath hot on her face, and slowly slid his dick out, his rock-hard shaft grinding against her achingly swollen G-spot. As she raised her lips to accommodate him, he pulled his face away teasingly and thrust himself violently into her again, eliciting another loud pre-orgasmic cry. For what seemed like an eternity, they kept up this erotic dance of desire and denial, his hands caressing her hair, the almost gentle play of his face so close to hers contrasting exquisitely with the force of his thrusts. Finally, he brought his lips to meet hers and kissed her deeply, the lustiness of his tongue's exploration telling her that he was just as aroused by her as she was by him. His cock driving into her more insistently now, faster, even deeper it seemed.
And she loved it - there was no use denying it to herself. The hypnotic power of his eyes, their entrancing gaze. Now the hypnotist was pulling her head back by her hair as he fucked her, running his tongue up and down her neck. Then unleashing her and licking her all over her face. Making her feel so owned. The pressure inside building now to unbearable intensity, the edge of orgasm too much to stand. "Oh... my... God!" she stammered.
The man now gripping the slats of the headboard as leverage to drive himself into her with as much force as he could. He wrapped his small ams around her, squeezing her to him, her tits pressed against his chest, making her feel what strength he had as he continued fucking her just as hard as he could. She wrapped her arms around her Master, wanting to feel him as much as possible.
“Cum for me now my pet and tell me that you now belong to me!” Hypno-natti grunted.
In a burst of mind-shattering pleasure, Casey felt every muscle in her body violently contract upon his words. Her nerves screamed in ecstasy. A long, wailing scream shaping the breath that rushed out of her lungs, forming finally into words..."
A week later…
“Hey guys! This is Casey. We are half way through February. I can almost smell the spring! Anyway, I want to tell you guys about something that I am soooo into right now. I’ve been totally improving myself through hypnosis. You guys might remember one of my earlier vlogs where I talked about a totally fun stage show I went to starring the Amazing Hypno-natti. Well, I’ve been working with him one on one on a ton of stuff and he is totally helping me with his incredible hypnosis skills. Dan too! So, swipe up to learn more about Hypno-natti. He has both sessions and videos available. And you can even find where you can try some of his unbelievable chamomile tea. Guys, it is sooo good! More vlogs coming this week, don’t forget to like and subscribe Luv you guys!!!” She concluded with a kiss of her fingers then the peace sign.
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A/N: So I saw a post from @wakandascrystal that said “hear me out,  (Y/N) got 4 older brothers who won’t hesitate to end a nigga life if they try anything with their baby sister..but The short yellow off the shoulder dress (Y/N) got on at the neighborhood cookout got Erik ready to risk it all.” LIGHT BULB. Don't worry. I got her permission and she wanted to be tagged so here it is. There are also links in this piece so watch for bold and italicized font. 
A/A/N: So, this is still a reader and Erik one shot but you will go by the nickname “Sweets” and “Baby Girl”...oh and your last name is Moore.
WARNING: Contains drug use, swearing, sexual puns, angst, and fluff
SONG RECOMMENDATION: Nite and Day by Al B. Sure!
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  It was a hot July day where the neighbor was holding its 50th Annual Block Party. There was old school music playing loudly, children in swimwear running around with water toys, mothers bringing tons a food down to the eating area and men playing games like dominos, spades, and poker. The smoke of the grills filling the air making people even more hungry. At one home, a young man stood on the porch in a crisp white tee, tan cargos and white running shoes with a chain with a ring, another with a gold ankh and a matching watch on his wrist. He dreads were tossed to the left and he had a Budweiser in his right hand. He was with his long term friend Ron who looked like Odell Beckham with no tattoos and short hair. 
    “It’s good to have you back, E. Real talk. You been gone for too long” Ron said as he rolled a blunt and began to smoke. Erik sipped his beer and said “yeah, decided to visit my real family. My Aunt is like my moms now, T is like that annoying ass big brother that think he know everything and princess was showing me some sneakers she making for me. They coo.” What he didn’t mention was the scars he had for ever kill were removed and how he was dead for like a week and brought back to life by his genius cousin and also that he had royal blood in his veins.
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 Erik saw a group of four men walking to a house across the way; the Moore Brothers. From left to right, there was Darnell, Andre, Mitchell, and Junior. “Welp, there goes the Nigga Turtles”, Erik said before Ron laughed. “Yeah, they keep getting bigger to keep niggas away from Baby Girl.” Speaking of, a white Nissan Altima pulled up passed the orange sign that cut off the street and parked; that’s when Erik saw her as if they were in slow motion. Her skin was a bronze glow that glittered in the sun. Her 4c curls resembled a cloud that framed her round, babyface with big roasted chestnut eyes that can hold heat in them. She finally walked from the driver side to show her figure. Her off the shoulder yellow dress hugged her thick body oh so well. Her curves screamed ‘look at me’. Her breasts were sitting at attention and her behind was like a chocolate peach. She showed off her legs in a pair of wedges and her golden chain read ‘Sweets’. The back of her right shoulder was home to an adorable baby jaguar tattoo. 
   “There’s our Baby Girl”, Darnell said getting her families attention. She opened up her arms to her mother and father with a smile receiving hugs then her brothers waited for their turn. Erik watched as he placed his hands in his pockets and when he saw them walking in their home, Baby Girl, walking behind, he whistled. She looked around and finally saw Erik. He nodded at her with a smirk and she waved small with a wink before walking in. “Cuh, you must got a death wish or somethin’. You know damn well them negroes do not play ‘bout their sister.” Erik turned to his friend with a chuckle. “Ron, aint no one scared of them muthafuckas, dawg. You talking to a man who has killed at least 2,351 people around the world. I’m a Navy Vet, they should be scared of me.”
   “E, they don’t care about that shit. To them, you still Lean Bean to them,” Ron said as he smoked. Erik cringed at how he used to look and said: “Why you gotta bring up old shit for, huh?” He turned back to the street to see Nat and Baby Girl walking down the street with trays of food. Erik smiled and walked down catching up to him as Ron followed. “How y’all ladies doing”, E asked making her smile. “We good. How about you? Long-time, no see, E”, she said with her brow raised. “Eh, I’ve been good but who told you to get thick on me, looking a cute fine apple”, he said with a smirk. “Good one, E. But I can say the same about you”; they smiled at each other.
   He looked behind to see that the brothers were nowhere in sight. Erik got closer and she said “getting a little close there. You don’t wanna get in trouble by my brothers, do you?” He chuckled and said, “I ain’t worried about them.” When he was about to wrap his arm around her neck, he felt a palm on his chest and they looked to see it was the Moore Brothers and Sweets rolled her eyes. “Well, well, well. If it ain’t Lean Bean all grown up. What you tryna do”, Darnell asked as he signaled Mitchell to remove his hand. “Guys, we were just talking and besides, I’m not a baby anymore. I can handle myself”, Y/N said making everyone look at her. Erik held her hands up with a chuckle and said “y’all heard her. She can handle herself.” Darnell’s eyes cut to him then he said to Andre “get the food” and signaled Junior to flung her over his shoulder. Darnell said “that was strike two. First was whistling at her. We watching you, Lean. Bean”. They walked into the crowd but Sweets and Erik’s eyes were still on each other. Ron looked to Erik who stood with a look in his eyes like he wasn’t about to give up. Erik started walking and said  “that gives me one more strike. I love a good ol’ challenge.”
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“Fuck. This is like high school all over again”, Ron said following him. Erik saw Baby Girl being put down, fixing her dress, poking each brother in her chest and taking the food from them walking away; the brothers walked the other way. “I need you to cover me. I’m going in”, Erik said to Ron. He saw her in the food area, dropping off the food and stood by her. “You okay, Sweets”, he asked and she looked up to him. “My bad. I’m good. I just wished they would stop babying me. I’m gonna be thirty soon for God sake.” Erik nodded, started to caress her arm and said “I get it. You the only the girl and you the baby. You gotta put yo foot down, Baby Girl, if you want them to respect you. I mean you are a grown-ass woman after all.” 
   She looked up at his face and grinned as he did the same. They noticed how the music was turned down so she took his hand into hers and made their way onto the curb with everyone else. The neighborhood got into a huge oval and the leader of the block with her family stood in the middle; she had a headset microphone. “Good afternoon, neighborhood. I just wanted to thank everyone who has come out and brought out many dishes to this affair. I have a few announcements to make beforehand though. I would like to congratulate the new addition to the Smith Family. Jeremiah Richard Smith was born at seven pounds and 8 ounces.” Everyone cheered and Erik leaned into Y/N’s ear and said “that’ll be ours one day”; she grinned. The leader continued with “and also congratulations to the neighborhood’s favorite baby girl, Y/N “Sweets” Moore for her grand opening last week of her own bakery called ‘Baby Girl’s Sweets’ located in the Crenshaw Mall. We are very proud of you”. Everyone applauds and the smile on her face lit Erik’s whole world. 
  “And finally, we would like to welcome back Mr. Erik Stevens for his safe trip back home from being in the Navy and from his home country of Wakanda.” Everyone cheered and laughed as he took a cheesy bow. “Now, everyone please bow your heads and join hands as we go into prayer.” Everyone did so but before Erik did, he looked across the way to see the Moore Brothers with joined hands and death stared across the way. It reminded him of the US Movie and he could have sworn he heard the horror version of ‘I Got Five on It’ somewhere. Y/N looked up to him and caressed his beard, saying “E, it’s ok. Look down”; he did what he was told after she kissed his cheek.
“Lord Jesus, our brother, be with us today. Bless our happy gathering, and bless this meal that we share. Protect us all, and help us to grow in your love. Lord Jesus, we praise your holy name forever. In Jesus Name, Amen.” Everyone started to make their plates and Y/N with Erik made theirs the same; grilled chicken, mac n cheese, greens, potato salad, and cornbread with cups of her Koolaid. Erik asked, “so, how the bakery doing?” She sipped her drink after she ate a chunk of mac n cheese. “It’s actually really good. My folks have been spreading the word getting me noticed. Even ABC 7 came down. You should come and try some of my cake.” Erik looked at her as she ate again and said “why try some? I want the whole thing.” She looked at him and scooted closer to him. “Be careful. You may get a sweet tooth.” He took her soft hand and kissed it. “Girl, I’ve had a sweet tooth for years now”, he said smoothly and she blushed with her cute nose wrinkled. Nat and Ron came to the table with plates and drinks were dead silent.
  “How the food, y’all”, Darnel asked with a smile and cup in his hand, sipping. “Good”, Nat and Ron said but Baby Girl and Erik only looked at one another until Junior and Andre pulled her seat far away and place their seats between them. “Yeah, Ms. Richards did the damn thing with the mac and cheese,” said Mitchell as he pulled up a seat next to their sister and began eating his plate. “Boy, if you don’t stop smacking in my ear, Ima hurt you”, she said ith her brow raised that made E smile. As the group ate, Erik and she would steal looks at one another. As Junior and she talked, Erik sipped from his cup, noticing Darnell looking at him. Nigga staring too damn hard but I got something for all of them, he thought to himself, leaning back into his chair with a smirk.
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  “So, Baby Girl, when can I try that cake of yours?” Everyone at the table looked at him and she answered “anytime you would like. But, I should warn you. It will be the best cake you have ever had and ever will”, she said. “I would love to have some right now if you don’t mind”, he said and with that, she stood, looking at him with a grin of her own. “Coming. Right. Up.” She looked at Nat and they made their way to the dessert table. Erik watched her with a grin and his head slightly tilted. “Strike Three”, Andre said and Darnell added, “you think you slick, huh nigga? Tryna fuck with our baby girl like we ain’t here. That's aight. Let’s go.” The brothers stood and Ron looked at E. “Cuh, you a dead man. Real talk.” 
  “Man, shut yo ass up,” E said looking into his friend’s soul. After dessert, the group sat and talked for a little but there was no sign of the brothers anywhere. Erik and Sweets talked and laughed until the announcer said “aight, calling all men. It is time for the basketball game and Andre & Darnell volunteered to be captains. They will call their other four members one by one. Winners get a $50 Visa gift card.” They all applaud and Andre started to read off names. “Aight, so I choose Junior Moore, Toni M. Montell, Chad Jordan, and Ronald D. Duke.” Erik, Y/N, and Nat looked at Ron who stood slowly walking towards his team confused. Darnell said “on my team. I chose Mitchell Moore, Wolf Thomas, Erik ‘Lean Bean’ Stevens and Daniel Bryant.” Baby Girl looked at Erik and shrugged as he stood making his way. 
  Two hoops were across from one another a couple yards away and the guys were preparing themselves. Y/N stood in front since she was tad short and Erik slid his shirt off, making her lips part. He looked at her and walked over to her with shirt in hand. “Hold this for me, yeah”, he winked and kissed her head. The game was going and it was tied 20 - 20. Darnell’s team actually got along, like if they were family. They cracked jokes and played fought on the sidelines like nothing happened...or was it? There were two minutes left in the game and the opposite team missed the shot but Erik took the rebound. He ran down court being guarded by Mitchell. He looked over at Baby Girl with a smirk and right when he was about to shoot it, Mitchell hit him with a hard elbow to the nose resulting him to fall hard to the ground: he still made the shot. 
  Mitchell, Junior, Darnell and Andre ran to Erik as the others watched and aimed to attack him. Darnell hit him with a left hook, Erik did the same and Baby Girl screamed “stop it! Leave him alone.” She slipped out her mother’s hands and stood in front of the flying hands which stopped. “Y/N ‘SWEETS’ MOORE, GETCHO LIL ASS OUT THE WAY, NOW. HE AIN’T NO GOOD. WE PROTECTING YOU”, said Darnell but she said “NO! I CARE ABOUT HIM TOO MUCH AND HERE Y’ALL ARE! THE FUCK Y’ALL JUMPING HIM FOR! Y’ALL ACTING LIKE A GROUP OF PUSSY ASS NIGGAS! What y’all couldn’t do one on one or something? He did nothing to y’all but y’all being such fucking idiots that you think you’re protecting me but you’re actually hurting me!” The brothers looked at her and as Darnell reached his hand out, she pushed aside and smacked him with the black side of her right hand. He covered his jaw as his mother pulled them out the street. “Team Andre is disqualified. Team Darnel is the winners.” The crowd went away from the drama and back to the party. 
   Y/N stood in front of him with nose dripping blood and his head held up. “E, I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know what to do to make this better.” He snatched his shirt out of her hand and held it to his nose. “Don’t bother. Ima just catch you later”, he walked off and heard muffled crying behind. He wanted to stop and hold her but his feet wouldn’t let him. He was in Ron’s house, lying on the couch with an ice pack to his face and eyes closed. “She tried to help, E”, Ron said and Erik said “I know, Ron. But the Moores are right. I ain’t good for her. I wasn’t back then and I’m damn sure not now.” 
“E, she don’t give a fuck so why should you? I mean Sweets smacked the dog shit outta her brother and told them off. She didn’t deserve what you did,” Ron said and Erik sat up looking at Ron as he sat in his armchair. “You right. I guess I’ll go apologize since my nose stopped bleeding.” Erik went into the bathroom to see his nose slightly swollen and had a scar on it. He grabbed a band-aid to place on top and took a few aspirins, he put on a black shirt and walked out the door to the dance floor. The sky had gotten dark and the street lights were on. “Hey, Stevens. Wait up”, Darnell said but Erik kept walking. The Moores rand and stood in front of him making him stop. “What the fuck y’all want? Y’all tryna try and jump me again,” he asked and Darnel sighed. 
   “We sorry, man. I mean, we can be a bit protective but what you expect? We got a baby sister and this shit hard. She ain’t little anymore and we just don’t want her to get hurt”, Mitchell said. “Yeah, we just tryna make sure she good but I guess she can make her own decisions”, added Junior. Andre had his arms folded and said: “Y/N is literally our world and we just don’t want to see her cry.”
“But we made her cry because we tried to kick ya ass. We hate seeing her cry and all. We apologize and if it means anything, we think you cool. The laughing we did earlier was real. You a cool ass nigga, Lean Bean. No hard feelings”, Darnel said and reached his hand out. Erik looked at them all and took his hand into his shaking it. “If y’all don’t mind, Ima go to apologize to my girl”, he said walking to Y/N who back was turned. He tapped her shoulder and she looked up to him. “E, I’m really, really sorry. I didn-”, she said before his thumb grazed her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I mean. I shouldn’t have been mad at you. Sweets, I love you a lot. I’ve always had.” His lips touched hers in a peck then eventually, as “Nite and Day” by Al B. Sure played through the air, the kiss got needy and intimate with fireworks popping in the background.
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   It was late July when Erik walked into a huge bakery in jeans, a black tee and matching sneakers Shuri gifted him. He went to the counter to the cashier who had a big smile. “Hi, sir. How can I help you today?” Erik nodded and said, “yeah, lemme get a slice of the famous Sweetie double chocolate cake, a whole Lean Bean pie and lemme get a cute four-year-old Hershey Kiss.” With that, he heard a pair of little feet running to him. He felt a pull at his jeans and a cute little girl with her curly hair pulled into a pineapple style. She wore a pair of jeans with a cute chef jacket and a mini pink apron. “Hi, daddy”, she said smiling up at him. He picked her up and said “hey, baby girl. Where my kisses”, he asked and she kissed all over his face. “That’s more like it. Now, who told you that you can look cute pineapple today?”
  “Her mommy did”, a voice from behind the counter said. It was Y/N in a similar outfit and hair as their daughter, Mariah. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly making Mariah giggle. “Are y’all on break now,” he asked Mariah and she nodded hard and fast making them laugh. He sat her down in his lap as Y/N stood at the counter with her cashier. Mariah pulled down his bottom lip and he said “uh, baby girl. What you doing?”
“Momma told me about the stowy of when y’all fell in love and I’m making suwe youw teeth awe okay.” He looked at his daughter confused until she asked “daddy, do you still have a sweet tooth?” He chuckled and looked at his wife. “I will always have a sweet tooth, baby girl.” Sweets looked at them as he looked up at her and they winked at each other with a smile.
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crenshawbeverly · 4 years
2x10 Protect Ya Neck
Heheheh we open up with Olivia on her podcast and she’s spilling all the right things.
“We need to be aware of the world outside our bubble.”
Darnell and Spencer and playing football for fun and talk about playing for Corey. Darnell tells Spencer that he’s too good to walk away AND TYRONE IS STILL HERE.
Olivia, Layla, Spencer, and Asher talk about the upcoming Cotillion and Spencer is going to be Kia’s escort. Coop is also going but Patience isn’t exactly excited about it.
Coops mom got her a dope new suit but her happiness is dimmed when she sees Patience talking to another girl.
Asher misses the last dance practice with Olivia because his dedication and masculinity is put into question at football practice.
Since Spencer is worried about Tyrone and Coop, he is given a gun by Kia’s uncle. He tells her about it and she said that he’s just helping.
 Kia suggests that Spencer be Olivia’s escort and that Jordan be her new escort. Olivia agrees and confronts Asher about missing what was important to her in which he says the dance is stupid and that she never wanted to be apart of the club anyways.
Coop and Patience talk about her ex and it’s not a light conversation.
Damnnnnn Spencer threatened Tyrone you guys.
Asher and Billy have a mini chat about how Olivia is Billy’s baby girl and how Asher should think long and hard before he makes any decisions.
“You either live looking miserable or die smiling.” - Spencer
Jordan and Layla have been chatting it up this episode. Jordan takes her to the dance floor so that she can dance with Spencer. After their dance, they go outside and kiss but Spencer breaks it off and they talk about how she needs to focus on herself first.
Coop and Patience break up with Patience saying “I don’t want to be loved like this”.
Olivia wins an award which is well deserved but then Asher makes a fuss when he comes and sees her kissing Spencer’s cheek.
Fucking bitch Tyrone goes up to Darnell and tells him to make sure not to get hurt for football. And Darnell doesn’t know what Tyrone looks like so he’s not even worried.
And just like that, the feeling I’ve been having becomes real. I’ve had the feeling that someone was going to get shot, and IT WAS FUCKING SPENCER AND NOW WE HAVE TO WAIT.
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mareeholland-blog · 5 years
Love before Thanksgiving
This is my first fanfic in english, sorry if my vocabulary isn’t very broad. This fanfic came from another one that I wrote a long time ago. And well, there are explicit scenes, so you all are warned. Enjoy this tomdaya fluff, lol.                       ______________________________________
The flight had been long, and Tom was counting the minutes to get to Los Angeles. Sitting in his plane seat, he read Zendaya's last message, "I'm waiting for you, and you better get here on time," she wrote. Tom bite his lower lip and smiled. That was the plan. They planned to see each other before the rest of the guests arrived at their house. 
"I'm coming, I'll skip the green traffic lights to arrive on time.", he wrote and put a smiley face.
After landing to LA, everything happened quickly, as he planned. The car that was waiting for him was at the entrance of the airport and the driver helped him load his suitcase. He got into the side of the passenger only with his backpack. He told the driver that he had to arrive quickly, that they were waiting for him. No green light was jumped but luckily, there was no traffic and they were able to reach Northridge in less than an hour.
The car with tinted windows entered into Z's house. Neither he nor his girlfriend wanted to risk being surprised by some annoying paparazzi who was spying on the entrance of the house. Once he lowered his suitcase inside of the mansion, Darnell met him.
"Hey, Darnell!" The young british boy greeted the man who came out to meet him. They hugged each other. "Good to see you", Tom said.
"Just on time," Zendaya's assistant and best friend smiled. He was aware of the plan, although not the details of that plan. Zendaya told him that Tom would arrive early to help with Thanksgiving dinner preparations. "Good to see you too, how was your flight?"
Tom said fine, and they started chatting as they entered the house, Tom carrying his backpack while Darnell offered to carry the suitcase that was not heavy. While he listened to his girlfriend's buddy, Tom was only thinking of seeing her. And it all culminated when they entered the house, and just crossing the door, Zendaya appeared down the stairs. Tom stopped listening to what Darnell said and looked at his beautiful girlfriend approaching, barefoot, wearing black leggings and a blouse of suspenders of the same color.
"You finally arrived," Z said with a smile on her lips, eliminating the distance between them, while Tom did the same by taking a few steps toward her.
"I told you that I would skip the traffic lights in green," he said with a smile, looking only at his lips. She hung on his neck and he held her by the waist, giving her a big hug and at the same time to kiss those lips that were waiting for him. Not because Darnell was there watching the scene made them wait. Tom was drunk to have her in his arms, while he inhaled that her sweet scent that drove him crazy.
"Yeah, yeah, you missed each other, I understand, but you have a couple of days to keep kissing, now I need you to finish arranging the decoration of the house," Darnell said as he watched impatiently as that pair was still joined by the body and mouth. Tom ignored him, but unfortunately for him Z was the one who broke the kiss.
"I’ve to show something to this weirdo before," Z said to Darnell, and grabbed Tom's hand to drag him toward the stairs. Darnell didn't understand what she meant, and then he watched them climb both up the stairs. Z turned his head toward Darnell who still had an expression of confusion. "Give us a moment," she said with a smile. At that moment, Darnell understood what she meant by showing something to this weirdo, and only opened his lips to complain, but failed to say anything, they got lost in the hallway, in the direction of his room, obviously.
Tom closed the door and put the doorlock. Zendaya stopped in the middle of her room, watching him approach. He had waited for that moment for weeks, imagining how she would receive him, but honestly, at that moment the ideas escaped from his head. She believed that she was the one who led the way in that relationship, because she had more self esteem than he was, but at that moment she felt shy and a little self-conscious, and that feeling increased when she saw the needy look of him.
"Do you want to talk for a while, before...?" She said, limiting the sentence. Before they had sex, she thought, because that was the plan they had agreed upon. They would do it before the other guests arrived to the Thanksgiving dinner.
"No, I don't want to talk for now," Tom said, and he approached her to kiss her again. Instantly, she placed her hands at the sides of her head and received the kiss. There was no comparison with the kiss that occurred at the entrance of the house in front of Darnell, on this time he devoured her lips, deepening with his tongue inside her. Given the pressure he exerted on her, Z had to step back a few steps while she still kissing him, as he held her tightly with one hand on his hip and the other behind his back. Z slammed into the bed and Tom gently pushed her over it, breaking the intense kiss. "Babe, I missed you too much" he said. 
"I missed you too, love", she whispered without taking her eyes off him, blushing at his boyfriend's lustful expression. Little by little they crawled across the bed until she placed her head on a large pillow. Tom was on her and kissed her again, sinking her into the softness of the pillow. Z thought she could take hours kissing him that way. It was amazing how they could sense so much through a kiss. But she soon wanted more, so she hugged him by the back and rubbed her hands over his arms, touching the texture of his muscles. She ran a hand over her chest and felt the fabric of his t-shirt, then she broke the kiss just to start pulling his t-shirt to get rid of him. "Take this off," she whispered hurriedly.
Tom parted a moment to please her and took off his t-shirt alone, while smiling at the anxiety Z began to show. Tom threw the shirt to the side, and it fell on the floor of the room. Z looked in detail at his bare torso and licked her own lips. It was better than she remembered. She ran a hand over his chest and slowly went down to his abs, remembering the feeling of that pale, firm and hairless skin. However, Tom didn't let her delight too much because he also began to lift her shirt.
"Let's get rid of this too," he said, as Z let out a funny chuckle and she raised her arms to make things easier for him. Tom threw the shirt down, and it fell to his side. Z wasn't wearing a bra, so Tom could see the shape of her breasts and nipples without hindrance. He sighed deeply, trying to calm his craving to eat her body completely. He licked his lips, saw her, and kissed her mouth again.
Zendaya felt the warmth of his bare chest on hers, and grabbed him by the back to glue her further, then brought her hands back to his face, as they continued to devour their lips and sink into the moisture of their mouths. However, Tom licked his upper lip and then caught his lower lip and then kissed his chin and then went down to his neck. Z felt his tongue by her neck, and he went down to her shoulder. Tom bit her gently and continued his descent until he reached the area he craved. Tom placed a hand under Z's back and gently pushed it up to have better access to her bare chest, so soon his tongue reached her breast to lick it and went to her right nipple to start sucking it.
Z groaned softly. Tom gave himself completely to lick every inch of his breasts. At nights, when he was filming in Atlanta, he imagined that he licked her from head to toe. Now that fantasy was reality and he didn't want to waste the moment. He satiated with it by sucking and gently biting the erect nipple of his girlfriend. Then he went down to her abdomen and filled her with kisses and suctions. Z bit her lower lip tasting every caress of her boyfriend. This was better than she imagined when she fantasized the night before about his plan to get laid before dinner.
When Tom reached his belly button, he licked it, and took his hands at the sides of Z's leggins, he pulled away from her and looked at her face. Then he pulled down the clothes taking the panties along with his leggins to take them off his legs. Z smiled and he responded to that gesture "I'm sorry, I can't wait," he said, and took the last two clothes off to throw them on the floor. Z closed his legs but he immediately took one of them and began kissing her from the ankle rising to her knee. Z sighed and she didn't mind being totally exposed, she wanted to feel his kisses and his tongue all over his body.
Tom soon went inside his thighs and licked them. Z writhed in bed, that area was so sensitive, and her vulva was burning. Z didn't imagine that he would pass quickly to his lower lips, and when she suddenly felt his tongue between them, she gave a great groan. Tom held his legs to keep them open at the sides of his head. He dedicated himself to giving her the best oral sex she could enjoy in her life. 
Z bit her lower lip tightly and closed her eyes. With her left hand she grabbed the sheet and squeezed it, and brought her right hand to Tom's head to stroke his hair. It was as if she were encouraging him to continue doing what he is doing. He just gave her magic.
The moans came out intermittent from her lips, like broken ones. She didn't want to do much noise, nor did Danell listen to her, but Tom didn't stop and she was ecstatic with pleasure. Her body burned completely. She looked down at his head between his legs, totally focused on his work, and that image only gave her more pleasure. She stuck her fingers in his hair and lifted her chin to the ceiling. She already needed him inside her. She could feel his tongue, and soon one or two fingers entering in her, and it was a delight, but she couldn't wait to feel it completely. "Uhmm... babe," she whispered.
It seemed that the two lovers communicated mentally, because Tom stopped kissing her vaginal lips to bring his kisses back to his waist and pass his tongue back through her nipples. Once he kissed her mouth again, Z tried to reciprocate the kiss, but her hands ran to the button and the fly of his jeans to unfasten them. Tom noticed her despair and smiled as he kissed her. "Can I help you with this?" He said having fun. He pulled away himself from her to slowly lower his pants. Z just watched his movements until she realized that he was slow on purpose.
"Stop playing, idiot", she said anxiously and smiled.
"You already missed it, right?" He said mocking and feeding his ego.
Once he took off his pants completely, Z grabbed him by the arm to lure her, leaving his face a centimeter away to hers. "Shut up and fuck me now", she demanded, unable to wait any longer. Tom was crazy to hear that and without further ado he settled between his legs and penetrated her instantly through her juices. Z groaned again and he grunted it in her ear. Tom began to swing inside her while Z closed her eyes and opened her lips delighting with him inside her. The sound of their crashing and wet pelvises flooded the room. She forgot everything and just let him take her. They kissed their lips. Then, she bit his shoulder and pulled his hair. They forgot the world and surrendered to the long awaited moment.
Someone started knocking on the door. "Zendaya, your sister called, she's coming", Darnell said through the door. Both tried to ignore him and continued enjoying their bodies, but the door rang again. "You better get out now, girl" Darnell continued.
“I'm coming!” She shouted for her assistant to listen to her, but she did nothing to take Tom off her.
"Oh, come on, we're just getting started" he said in her ear and then lick it softly.
"We can do it at night, as everyone leaves", she replied by squeezing him to her body. Her words said something but her body reacted differently.
"No, no, please, I don't want to stop, I can't", he said disappointed, in an almost agonizing voice.
"Two more minutes and it's over" Z muttered as she kissed him back.
"Okay, okay ..." he whispered excitedly. "I'm going to split you in two, babe" he said and lashed out more strongly at her body.
Z couldn't help laughing at his words, and between laughter, she moaned again when she felt he was going to do magic with his body.
Darnell counted the time and realized that they only had one hour left to finish decorating the house for dinner that night. He was checking the tablecloths when he noticed that Zendaya was not going down on time. Her sister said she would be there in 20 minutes and it had been 15 minutes after that. He had to go back upstairs to tell Z to hurry up and that was going to be done, but at that moment he heard footsteps coming from the floor above.
Z was almost running down the stairs, tying his hair in a low ponytail. Darnell noticed that she had wet hair. He frowned in disgust. She just had a shower? What had not taken a shower that morning? Yes, of course, but she needed another, clearly. Z didn't even want to look him in the eye. "I'm going to see what's needed in the kitchen," she said trying to dodge Darnell.
"Sure, an extra shower to receive your guest of honor, right?" He said disagreeing. 
Z rolled his eyes and tried to ignore it. “Shut up, Darnell…”, she said, going straight to the kitchen. After a minute, Tom was coming down the stairs, also with wet hair trying to fix it quickly? So… those two were idiots or what? Darnell thought.
Tom's face reflected nervousness covered in a friendly smile. "Hey ...", he told Darnell, who saw him with narrowed eyes, disgusted by the risky feat they performed. Tom clearly seemed worried that he had caused problems to his girlfriend, and Darnell let him know with that disapproving look. "Uhm, I'm going to help Zendaya in the kitchen," said the sweet boy who looked like he hadn't broken any plates. But Darnell didn't believe it. He had heard the obscene noise coming out of the room. Tom passed by trying not to give any explanation.
Darnell just shook his head and sighed. Those two thought they were very clever but only acted like two hormonal and fools lovers.
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OC Interview: Margot de Havilland
1. Choose an OC
2. Answer them as that OC
3. Tag 5 people to do the same!
Tagged by @thegreatdivide, thank you darling <3
Tagging: @solesurvivorkat, @itsmesaberaltered and @ladynyxeris​!
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1. What is your name? Margot de Havilland. I was Margot Fontaine, before I got married. My husband always used to call me Nora... that’s my middle name. Nobody else gets to call me that, though. Don’t even think about it.
2. Do you know why are you named that? My middle name was a family name, but I’m not sure if there’s a story behind my first name. I guess my parents just liked it.
3. Are you single or taken? Widowed. But seeing someone...
4. Have any abilities or powers? I can drink an uncanny amount of alcohol and barely feel a thing. Mostly. I can hold my breath underwater for a good long while. Not a bad sniper, either. And I’m good with computers. People say I’m good with words too, but I’m not so sure about that part.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue. I’m more of a mess than a Mary Sue, but okay, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
6. What’s your eye color? Brown. Probably one of the few things about me that hasn’t changed since I got out of the Vault.
7. How about your hair color? Dark brown. Yes, it’s natural. No gray hairs, and believe me, nobody is more surprised about that than I am.
8. Have any family members? My family used to be a lot bigger, put it that way. I lost my dad in the Sino-American War - he was shot down over Anchorage. My mom worked for RobCo, but I never found out what happened to her after the bombs dropped. I had a little sister, Peggy... she and her husband were supposed to have a place in a Vault, but they lived in the D.C. area and I heard it got hit pretty hard. I suppose I’ll never know if they made it in time.
I’m guessing my in-laws are gone now. They lived here in the Commonwealth and I’ve never been able to find any trace of them. Nate had some family in West Virginia - some uncles and an aunt, and his cousins, Alice and Darnell. I’m assuming they’re gone too. If any of them did make it into a Vault, I doubt they were lucky enough to get frozen.
As for my husband, and my son... well, I’m sure you’ve heard about what happened to them by now. No sense in opening up old wounds.
But I still have a family. I have little Shaun, and Codsworth, and Dogmeat - and more brothers and sisters than I can count in the Brotherhood of Steel. I’m also lucky enough to have some good friends out here. Nick, Piper, Deacon, Curie, and the others... they’re as good as family in my book.
9. Oh? How about pets?
Good old Dogmeat. He’s the best dog I could ever have asked for. I ran into him on my first day out of the Vault, outside the old Red Rocket station - he’s stuck by my side ever since.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? Raiders. Gunners. Having date night interrupted. Walking home in the rain. Deathclaws. Ann Codman. The list just goes on and on...
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? I used to read a lot. Don’t have much time for reading novels these days, the Minutemen and Brotherhood keep me pretty busy between them, but I try to read a bedtime story to Shaun every night.
Uh, what else? I like cooking, dancing, listening to music, fixing things... collecting things from before the Great War. Sometimes I’ll head on over to the other settlements to trade, help out, make sure everyone’s doing okay. Sturges and I are working on a new robotics project, that’s going pretty well. Oh, and I like watching old movies. I’m hoping to head on over to the Starlight Drive-In again, now that they’ve got their projector back up and running - I promised Shaun I’d take him to see the Grognak the Barbarian movie.
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Probably. But honestly, I try not to hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it. There’s enough suffering out here without me adding to the pile.
13. Ever… killed anyone before? Kellogg, but he had it coming. I also heard a rumor that I’m top of the Gunners’ hit list after all my run-ins with them. I’d tell you the bounty, but I’m worried you might be tempted to take a shot at me yourself if you heard how much they’re willing to pay for my head. And I’m kind of amazed that we haven’t run out of Raiders yet - God knows I’ve killed enough of those bastards. You’d think they’d take the hint, wouldn’t you?
And of course there’s the little matter of destroying the Institute... but that’s kind of personal. I’d rather not relive that experience right now, if you don’t mind. Next question?
14. What kind of animal are you? The other girls in my sorority used to call me a party animal. Does that count?
15. Name your worst habits? I worry about drinking too much. Whiskey can get to be a nasty habit. And then there’s the cursing. And the insubordination. Elder Maxson once publicly called me a pain in the ass. He’s probably not wrong. I don’t exactly set out to do it, but... I don’t know. I guess I never did let go of a grudge easily.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all? There was nobody I admired more than my dad when I was a kid. He was my hero. And then there was Nate... he went through so much for the sake of our family. Elder Maxson was someone I admired for a long time - although that was before the incident with Danse. If I had to pick someone now? I’d say Danse, or Preston. They’re both natural leaders, and they’re two of the best people I know. Or Nick. He’s been a good friend to me, probably a better one than I deserve. He helped to keep me on the straight and narrow when I was really in danger of going off the rails... one of these days, I’ll have to tell him how much I appreciate that.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual? Rather a personal question, don’t you think?
18. Do you go to school? No, I did my time in law school. And then there was boot camp with the Brotherhood. I think I’ve had enough formal instruction for a while.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? I tried that, and it didn’t exactly work out well for me. Although - I don’t know. I’m trying my best to be a good mom to Shaun. Perhaps marriage will be on the cards one day, if D- uh, never mind. I’m getting ahead of myself here. Forget I said anything.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys? I think Preston gets a little starry-eyed around the General of the Minutemen. Not that I’m not flattered, but I don’t think I’m the legendary warrior he thinks I am. Hey, he picked me to be in charge. He should be the one getting all the praise in this outfit.
21. What are you most afraid of? Dying out in the wastes somewhere and never getting to say goodbye. Or being trapped underground. I don’t like caves, or those old Vaults I keep running across. Two hundred and ten years underground is more than enough, thank you very much.
22. What do you usually wear? Uniform and armor of some kind. Minutemen, Brotherhood, depends who I’m helping that day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the first one in line for pretty dresses at the clothing vendors, but I’m not sure why I waste the caps... I don’t really get to wear any of them them unless I have some downtime at home. And that’s quite a luxury these days.
23. What’s one food that tempts you? I’ve been known to pretend that we’re out of blue-frosted Fancy Lad Snack Cakes, so I can keep at least one for myself... sorry, Shaun. I’ll make it up to you, buddy.
24. Am I annoying to you? Not really. Although I don’t have all day to chat. Can we wrap this up soon?
25. Well, it’s still not over! I’ll take that as a no, shall I?
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)? Lower-middle, I guess, although I think my mother-in-law cared more about that sort of thing than I ever did. Not that any of that matters any more, unless you’re in the Upper Stands and don’t have any actual problems to worry about...
27. How many friends do you have? More than I had before the war, if you can believe it. There’s Preston, Sturges, Nick, Piper, Cait, Curie, Deacon, MacCready, Hancock, Haylen... and Danse, of course. Danse is very dear to me.
28. What are your thoughts on pie? That damn perfectly-preserved pie in the vending machines. I swear to God it’s taunting me. I’m thinking about smashing the next one open if it doesn’t pay out on me this time. Although I wonder how exactly it’s being preserved so well... some of those Pre-War additives were kind of dicey. Knowing my luck, it’ll probably dissolve into a pile of mold the minute it’s exposed to air.
29. Favorite drink? Nuka-Cola. Whiskey if I’m off-duty. It used to be champagne, but try tracking down a bottle of that nowadays!
30. What’s your favorite place? Sanctuary Hills. There really is no place like home.
31. Are you interested in anyone? Well, there is a certain handsome man in Power Armor that I’ve been seeing for a while now...
32. That was a stupid question… I’ve been told it’s terribly obvious.
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? They’re both irradiated. I think I’d prefer to stay out of the water until we can do something about that.
34. What’s your type? Handsome military men. Tragic past optional.
35. Any fetishes? Not really. Nate was more of the adventurous type in the bedroom than I was. Although I did give burlesque dancing a try once. That was.... quite an experience.
36. Camping or outdoors? I never was much of an outdoors girl. I’d prefer to be at home in my own bed.
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Episode 1.1: The Man Trap
The Man Trap was the first episode of Star Trek ever aired, but it's not the pilot in the traditional sense of being made to sell the show to a network (we'll get to the actual pilots in time). Nor is it the first episode shot, which accounts for some inconsistencies that show up in episodes shot earlier but aired later, in which they hadn't figured everything out yet. Not that that accounts for all the inconsistencies. Frankly, it took them a pretty long time to figure everything out with this show. Actually I'm not sure if they ever did.
It's also not a pilot in the sense of going out of its way to set up the show and the characters and everything. Apparently, Where No Man Has Gone Before, one of the actual pilots, was considered 'too expository' to be aired first, so they dealt with that by not having any exposition at all. Just jumped right on into things. In fact, The Man Trap being the first episode was pretty much arbitrary. It won out over the other episodes they had ready to go basically because they all had some kind of strike against them, and this one didn't, and it was a pretty solid story with a cool space monster, so hey.
And it's not a bad intro. We see most of the main characters and we get a feel for their personalities and the way they bounce off one another, and while it is a monster story, it's one that gives a considerable amount of thought to the nature of the monster. But I've always thought the title of this episode was kind of odd. It's so vague. You could apply it to practically any TOS episode and it would work just as well.
Our episode begins with a captain's log telling us that the Enterprise is currently orbiting planet M-113, which you know has to be pretty far down on the list of cool planets considering it didn't even get a name. It was once home to an ancient civilization, who apparently also didn't have a name. Kirk explains that he and McCoy are beaming down, which is a bit odd considering that even as he says this we're clearly shown three people beaming down. Guess the third guy also doesn't have a name.
Kirk goes on to explain that they're here to do a routine medical examination of an archaeologist and his wife who evidently are the only people on the planet. You know, just one guy studying an entire civilization by himself, as you do. Kirk also mentions that the wife, Nancy Crater, was “that one woman in Dr. McCoy's past” which is definitely a detail that needs to be brought up in his official log.
As the three of them make their way over to the only building in the area, Kirk teases McCoy by suggesting he pick some flowers for his old girlfriend. Or, well, there's not really any flowers around, but maybe he could make do with some dead grass. McCoy fires right back.
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[ID: A shot of McCoy and Kirk standing in front of a stone wall. Kirk is holding a sheaf of grass in one hand and grinning. McCoy is saying, “Is that how you get girls to like you, by bribing them?”]
They head on into the building, which is one of the old ruins that has been re-purposed as a house for the Craters, a normal archaeologist thing to do (preserving the site, what's that?). No one's around yet, so Kirk and McCoy keep chatting about Nancy for a minute. McCoy explains that he last saw Nancy ten years ago and doesn't even know if she'll remember him. Come to think of it, it's a remarkable coincidence that in all the vastness of space the two of them have managed to run into each other again like this. It's a small Federation, I guess.
Nancy enters, singing and carrying a hunk of rock, and not only does she remember McCoy, she's delighted to see him. She looks like a dark-haired young woman and McCoy remarks that she hasn't aged a day, yet when she turns to look at Kirk, he sees an older woman, or at least a woman with graying hair. McCoy finally gets around to introducing the superfluous third guy, who does have a name, it turns out (Darnell), and when Darnell looks at Nancy he sees an entirely different woman, who is not only young but blonde. Kirk asks why Darnell is staring like a deer in the headlights, and Darnell explains that Nancy looks just like someone he “left behind on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet.” Wow, open mouth, insert foot, Darnell. You could have just said, “You look like someone I know,” that would have been a perfectly acceptable thing to say to someone you just met, but no, you had to keep going, didn't you.
McCoy tells Darnell off and Kirk shoos him outside. Nancy heads off to go get Professor Crater, in the process revealing that she used to call McCoy 'Plum', which Kirk is quite clearly not going to forget anytime soon. On her way outside, she sashays past Darnell and, like the responsible crewman he is, he follows her away from the building. Uh-oh. Cut to black.
After the opening credits, we get another captain's log entry. This one is unusual in that's in the past tense, something that, despite making more sense than them being given while events are still unfolding, is not going to become the pattern. At any rate all this one does is reiterate that each of the landing party members were seeing a different woman without realizing it.
Kirk and McCoy are busy poking around Crater's things when he walks in and immediately establishes himself as a pleasant individual by grumpily telling them to go back where they came from. He also mentions that they need more salt, not in a very subtle way either. “GO AWAY WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE but leave us some salt while you're at it NOW GO AWAY.” McCoy insists that he's required to check them out anyway and Crater makes a crack about his 'arcane machinery' so surprisingly Spock isn't the first one to get that particular dig in.
Kirk tells Crater that regulations insist that all personnel on alien planets are required to have their health certified once a year by a starship surgeon, and since one of the biggest and best ships in the fleet doesn't have anything better to do than do checkups two at a time on remote planets, they're here to do that and they're not leaving until they do. Crater calms down enough to sit and let McCoy start scanning him, and is surprised to hear that they've already met Nancy. He explains this surprise by saying that he's glad she got to have some social interaction with an old friend, since while he enjoys solitude, “for a woman, you understand, of course.” Indeed, as we all know, women never enjoy solitude.
McCoy goes on to reiterate that Nancy hasn't aged a day, and Kirk gently replies that she's not quite the girl of twenty-five McCoy insists she looks like. Crater comments that McCoy is seeing Nancy through nostalgia-tinted glasses and that when he sees her again she'll be “of a more believable age” which is not a suspicious thing to say at all. Anyway, now that we've got this awkward bit of extended conversation about a woman's age out of the way, McCoy pulls out a tongue depressor and tells Crater to open up, he wants to see his tonsils.
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[ID: Crater, a middle-aged white man with curly brown hair wearing a brown smock-like garment, sitting inside a rough stone dwelling as McCoy stands in front of him with a tongue depressor in his hand. The subtitles read [Screaming]. 
“No, I said ‘say ah,’ not ‘say AAAAHHHHHHHHH.’”
Everyone runs outside to find Nancy standing and screaming over the body of Darnell, who's laying on a rock with some weird ring-shaped markings on his mouth. Kirk immediately reaches into Darnell's mouth and pulls out a wad of plant material that Crater insists is what killed Darnell. Which Kirk has now handled with his bare hands. Nice.
Under questioning, a distraught Nancy explains that she was coming back from looking for Crater when she encountered Darnell and noticed he had a borgia plant in his hand, but before she could tell him not to be an idiot he'd already started eating it. McCoy stares at her the whole time, presumably because he's noticed that she looks considerably older now and that's pretty weird.
Kirk puts off the Craters' examinations until the next day and the landing party beams up, although not before Nancy gets over her emotional trauma by asking rather harshly if Crater requested more salt tablets. On that ominous note, we cut to the bridge of the Enterprise, where Uhura is pestering Spock. Spock responds to her flirting with total confusion (which I can emphasize with), and when asked what Vulcan looks like “on a lazy evening when the moon is full” he responds that Vulcan has no moon, a minor throwaway line that's going to result in a fair bit of continuity trouble down the road, but never mind that. All this is interrupted by the transporter room calling in to report that the landing party is coming back with one fatality. Uhura reacts to this with the surprise anyone might upon hearing that the landing party managed to get someone killed while doing a physical.
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[ID: Spock and Uhura on the bridge, Spock in the command chair, Uhura paused partway through stepping up to her communications console. The intercom is saying, “They report one death.” Uhura is looking up in some surprise.
Of course, 'anyone' doesn't include Spock, who doesn't react at all, much to Uhura's consternation. She points out that for all Spock knows it could've been Kirk who died, although one would think the transporter room would have brought that up, considering he's the captain and all.
Anyway, now that we've established that Spock doesn't emote, we cut back to Sickbay (or 'Dispensary' as it's known in this episode), where McCoy is expressing confusion over this so-called 'borgia plant'. Spock calls in to report that the borgia plant is a known alkaloid poison, but there's no reference to the weird facial markings being a symptom of it. McCoy therefore insists that Darnell wasn't poisoned since there's no evidence of alkaloid poisoning in his body, and that Nancy must have been mistaken. I'd say that's backed up by the fact that, aside from the dead-looking grass everywhere, there were no plants visible anywhere near Darnell or anywhere on the surface at all, actually.
McCoy goes on to explain that he actually can't find anything wrong with Darnell at all, presumably excluding the fact that he's dead. He rambles a bit about how maybe his eyes are tricking him because Nancy looked a lot younger then he first saw her, but the potential of this being an important clue is cut off by Kirk snapping that now is not the time to be talking about McCoy's ex-girlfriend. On the one hand he's right that they've got a guy on the slab over there so this might not be the most apropos time to be mooning over your lost love, but on the other hand if someone manages to age a good twenty years in the five minutes since you last saw them it's probably worth pointing that out.
After the break, Spock is assuring Kirk that there's no mistake in their tapes about the borgia plant's properties, and that there's nothing particularly suspicious about the Craters, aside from, you know, their entire behavior. Apparently they arrived five years ago and have been making shipments of artifacts since then, except during the last year when that fell off quite a bit. McCoy interrupts by calling Kirk to Sickbay—uh, Dispensary—where he reveals that they found something during the tests—Darnell has no salt in him whatsoever, and you kind of need that to live so that's a problem. Interestingly, we get a shot of Darnell's diagnostic panel, where for some reason one of the readings is up high unlike the others.
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[ID: A Sickbay diagnostic panel with all but one arrow at the bottom.]
Maybe that's the reading that measures how dead someone is.
Kirk makes the connection that here's a crewman with no salt, and both Craters made a point of mentioning how much they needed salt, and hmm, that's a bit odd isn't it. He forms a landing party with McCoy and some guys named Green and Sturgeon to go back down to pester Crater some more. Crater insists that they “can't just beam down here and bully us and interfere with our work” not realizing that that's the Enterprise's entire modus operandi. Kirk sends Green to go find Nancy and Sturgeon to go find a borgia plant for analysis, and badgers Crater about the strange salt scenario. Crater insists that they just have a normal need for salt on a hot planet, but of course it's pretty odd that he focuses on the salt so much and doesn't mention anything else they might need, like, I dunno, food, water filters, sunblock, uh...air conditioning units? I don't really know, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and presume you need more than just salt tablets to survive in a desert.
Crater shows them a ginormous chest that was once filled with salt tablets but now only has the dregs of one bottle left. Apparently they started with twenty-five pounds of the stuff, which, holy moly. That's a lot of salt. Even I think that's a lot of salt, and I am genetically predisposed for maximum saltiness.
Kirk insists that the Craters stay on the ship until they get this thing figured out. Crater protests, because of course he does. While Kirk is distracted talking to Spock, though, Crater exits through the back door, and we see him discovering Sturgeon, dead with the same rings on his face. He calls to Nancy, who is crouched over the body of Green, beckoning her with salt tablets. “Heeeeeere, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy...”
While looking for Crater, Kirk and McCoy run across Sturgeon's body. They decide they need to locate Green, which they do by just yelling for him, since apparently he didn't bring a communicator with him. We see Nancy assume Green's form before going off to meet Kirk and McCoy, leaving the real Green dead in the dirt. Since this by now clearly isn't Nancy at all, we need another name to avoid confusion. I propose Salty. Salty's going to be referred to as a shapeshifter throughout the episode (and the Netflix summary) but it's a bit unclear to me whether they actually physically change shape or just create an illusion that makes them appear to have done so. The latter seems more likely, but the distinction never really becomes relevant.
Salty-Green tells them that they (I have no idea what gender Salty is so I'm going neutral) found Sturgeon dead and were looking around to try and find what caused this. Kirk decides that they'd better head back to the Enterprise and use their scanning equipment to find the Craters. McCoy objects to leaving Nancy behind. Kirk tells him to stop thinking with his glands.
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[ID: McCoy standing with a hand on Kirk's arm and an angry look on his face. Kirk is saying, “You could learn something from Mr. Spock, Doctor.”]
Kirk, McCoy and Salty-Green beam back up—apparently the transporter just locks onto things without making any assessment of what they actually are, because no one notices that one of these crewmen is not like the others. Kirk tells McCoy that he could use some sleep, which is a bit odd since there's no indication that it's nighttime or the end of a shift or anything, but McCoy goes to do that, Kirk goes to the bridge, and Salty-Green goes to wander creepily around the corridors.
Salty-Green soon encounters Yeoman Rand, waiting by a turbolift with a tray of food. The tray includes celery, weird space food cubes that look like Starbursts, and a salt shaker. None of that looks like it would go very well with salt, but the shaker attracts Salty's attention. They go to badger Rand, jumping in the turbolift with her as she leaves.
On the bridge, Spock is saying that their scanners are only picking up one person on the planet's surface, presumably Crater. Meanwhile, Salty-Green continues to stalk Rand, who tells them to piss off, although the creepiness of their behavior is somewhat undermined by the fact that some passing totally normal crewmen are equally creepy.
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[ID: Two male crewmen, a redshirt and a blueshirt, standing in a corridor while Salty-Green looks on from the background. One of the crewmen is saying,“Yeah, how'd you like to have her as your own personal yeoman?”]
It turns out Rand is heading for the botany department, where she's bringing Sulu the tray. Why Sulu gets his own yeoman delivery service is beyond me, but whatever. He tells her “may the Great Bird of the Galaxy bless your planet” which is a weirdass way to say, “thanks for bringing me lunch” and the two have a brief bit of chatter about one of the plants in the room, an animate specimen named either Beauregard or Gertrude, depending on who you ask; I propose splitting the difference and naming it Beauregertrude. Salty-Green comes into the room and looms ominously and mutely over Sulu, apparently having left all their ability to interact with people down on M-113. Before they can make a grab for that good good sodium chloride, though, Beauregard/Gertrude starts squawking up a storm, apparently having some kind of plant sense that tells it that Salty-Green is not the real deal. Salty-Green hastily leaves the room, and Rand wonders if Green's going 'space happy', which is like regular happy but in space.
Deprived of their salt, Salty-Green goes back to wandering the corridors, until they spot Uhura coming out of a turbolift. They change shape again and go up to her, telling her that she was just thinking of someone like them, a surefire way to get a woman to trust you. Uhura is understandably skeptical about this, but warms up when the mysterious crewman starts speaking Swahili...and then promptly cools back down when he starts approaching her in a pretty intimidating way. Salty-RandomGuy backs her up against the wall and raises their hands, but thankfully Rand and Sulu come out of the room at that moment and Uhura seizes the distraction to make a break for the turbolift with them.
Meanwhile, McCoy's attempting to follow Kirk's suggestion and get some sleep, but isn't being successful, possibly because he's laying flat back against the mattress in what looks like a pretty uncomfortable position. He's also wearing a tight black t-shirt, which I think we can all appreciate. Unable to get any shut-eye, he calls up the bridge, where Kirk tells him they haven't found Nancy yet and recommends McCoy take “one of those red pills you gave me last week.” Apparently McCoy just keeps those pills in his room right next to the computer console, because he immediately picks them up and tosses the bottle around contemplatively. And bloody hell, that's a big bottle. You could get arrested for trying to buy that many pills at once.
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[ID: McCoy standing inside his dimly-lit quarters, wearing a black uniform undershirt with the overshirt off, looking down at the pill bottle in his hand, which is filled with very large red pills.]
Back in the corridor, Salty has evidently given up on the subtle approach and just starts stalking a random guy. On the bridge, Spock is saying that their equipment insists there's only one person on the planet within a hundred mile radius. Kirk decides that what the hell, if there's only one person they'll go get that person, and he and Spock head off back to the planet.
Meanwhile, Salty is still wandering around when they happen across McCoy's room. They turn back to Nancy just in time for a surprised McCoy to open the door (apparently Salty can read English?). He ushers them inside, wondering why he wasn't told that Nancy was found but not questioning it too much for some reason. Salty-Nancy tells him that they like him because he has strong memories of Nancy, and when McCoy shows visible discomfort at a married woman sensually embracing him, they say that they like his feelings better than Crater's. Salty-Nancy then convinces McCoy to take some sleeping pills, since evidently he doesn't see anything weird about a woman appearing out of nowhere and encouraging him to drug himself.
Rand and Sulu are coming back from wherever they went when they stumble upon the crewman the creature was stalking earlier, now dead with the telltale rings on his face. Sulu calls for a medical team and then helpfully puts his hands all over the guy's face.
McCoy hears the alert in his room after the ad break, but Salty-Nancy convinces him that nothing's wrong and lures him off to sleep, stroking his face all the while, which is creepy. Then they go to lick their fingers, which is just gross. With the real McCoy (ha ha) now thoroughly passed out, Salty assumes his form and reports to the bridge.
Meanwhile, Kirk makes a captain's log entry stating that “armed and able-bodied crewmen are not attacked and slaughtered this easily.” Enterprise crewmen aren't killed easily? Keep telling yourself that, Kirk. He speculates that the creature has some power that lets it hypnotize people to get close to it. Salty does seem to have some kind of telepathic thrall that they use on people, but I'm not sure how far it goes—did Salty use this on McCoy to get him to take the pills, or is it nothing more than paralyzing victims long enough for Salty to get in close? Or does Salty just creep people out so much that they're stunned into submission?
At any rate, Kirk and Spock beam down to the planet to flush out Crater (why they can't just beam him up, since they've got a sensor lock on him, is not explained). They find him hiding behind a rock, still yelling about how much he doesn't want them around, only this time he has a phaser to accentuate his point. Undeterred, Kirk keeps approaching him, but is interrupted by Sulu comming in to report the death of the guy he and Rand found in the corridor. He also says the guy had the same symptoms, even though there's no reason at all for Sulu to know what symptoms the other guys had. I mean, he's been in the botany lab for most of the episode.
Spock breaks into the conversation, having found the body of the real Green. He calls Kirk over to have a look, ominously confirming that 'something' beamed up instead of Green. Kirk calls in a security alert to the ship, warning them that they have an intruder aboard, and we get a few shots of people rushing around the corridors to show how seriously everyone is taking this. Thanks to some sloppy use of stock footage, a few of them are wearing the wrong uniforms.
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[ID: A shot from Where No Man Has Gone Before, showing two Enterprise crewmembers, one in a beige shirt and one in a blue shirt, walking down a corridor while the intercom says, “General quarters three, intruder alert.”  Both the corridor set and the heavier turtleneck-style shirts the crewmembers are wearing are clearly from the pilot rather than the designs used in the main show.]
On the planet, Kirk refuses any assistance from the ship with the armed hostile and goes back to closing in on Crater. Crater blasts a nearby archway support into chunks of polystyrene to show how serious he is. Kirk tells Spock to approach with his phaser on stun, ascertaining that Crater is trying to frighten them away rather than kill them, although if that archway had been made of actual rock it probably would have killed Kirk when it came down.
We get a shot of McCoy sleeping in his chambers just to remind us that he is, then Salty-McCoy shows up on the bridge, where Rand, Uhura and Sulu are talking about Fake Green and the Fake Unnamed Crewman. Salty-McCoy nearly gives themselves away by calling the creature a creature, since no one actually knows that there is one yet, but backpedals quickly and everyone lets it go.
On the planet, Kirk and Spock are moving in on Crater. Fortunately for them, the ancient civilization really liked stacking blocks on top of other blocks, so they have plenty of cover.
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[ID: A desert landscape under a reddish-brown sky with yellow grass dotting the sandy ground and a haphazard pile of crumbling stone blocks standing in the middle of the shot, with Kirk peering out from behind one of the blocks.]
Spock distracts Crater, allowing Kirk to nail him with a light stun, and they run up and take his phaser away. Kirk demands to know where Nancy is, and being stunned has apparently made Crater finally lose some of his belligerence, as he starts rambling about her being the last of her kind—or as he corrects himself, the last of its kind. He starts talking about buffalo, how there were once millions of them but now they're all gone. (This probably made more sense as a future assumption in the '60s, when bison numbers were a lot smaller than they are today—although they're still considered Near Threatened, so it's still a possibility. Never underestimate the human ability to wipe out entire species!) Crater compares the buffalo to the salt-eating creatures, of which there were apparently also once millions (how does he know that?) but now there's only one left. He confesses that the creature killed the real Nancy some time ago and has been taking her place ever since. As Kirk realizes this means the creature can definitely take on any shape, Crater keeps going, insisting that the creature has the right to survive, and that there's no difference between Salty and the extinct buffalo.
Well, there's a few, I'd say. Bison aren't telepathic, for example (as far as I know), and they don't generally murder people. They do kill people, sure—more often than you'd expect, actually; tread carefully around bison!--but unlike Salty, they don't murder. And I make that distinction because here's the thing: it's clear Salty is sapient. They're able to act like a human beyond the bounds of what could be considered simple mimicry. If they're capable of forming plans as complex as faking the method of Darnell's death, hiding Green's body, or drugging McCoy to assume his place, they're surely capable of just asking for salt. But they don't. They choose to kill people instead, and their telepathy and ability to understand memories and feelings makes it pretty darn unlikely that they don't grasp the concept of other thinking and feeling life besides themselves. So it's really hard to believe Crater's assertion that the creature is just an animal doing what they have to to survive. But then, he's not a very unbiased source.
Anyway, Kirk points out that unlike buffalo, Salty is actively attacking his crew, and he's not having that. He takes Crater back up to the ship and holds a meeting. Uhura confirms that she's looked at every crewman on the ship and the one she saw was not any of them, which is a heck of a lineup parade considering that's over four hundred people. Spock says that they've set out salt as bait all around the ship, but it's yet to attract either the creature or any nearby space deer. Salty, still masquerading as McCoy, suggests they offer the creature salt without tricks (subtle) and claims the creature is just trying to survive and has no need to attack anyone. Crater backs this up by saying the creature is not dangerous when fed. But we've seen them completely drain four people over the course of what seems to be about a day and still lurk around thirsty for more. How frikkin often do they need to be fed? No wonder these guys all went extinct.
Crater goes on to talk about how Salty's ability to shapeshift (or glamour themselves, whatever) is probably “retained...from its primitive state” but now unused, like our incisors, which were once fangs. Which, okay...one, human incisors might have changed over time, but we still use them, they don't just sit in our mouths for no reason (that's what wisdom teeth are for). And two, more to the point, it's pretty dang hard to argue that these are all primitive, vestigial abilities when the creature is actively and effectively using them to hunt prey. That's like saying that a bear's claws and teeth are retained from its primitive state. It might technically be true, but they were clearly retained for a good reason.
And honestly, this just undermines Crater's own point. He's simultaneously trying to argue that the creature is simply trying to survive, but also that those abilities are no longer necessary for them to survive. Which is it, Crater? Either the creature's a simple predator, in which case their predatory abilities are clearly not vestigial, or they've evolved past needing those abilities, in which case why are they still using them? He claims that we likewise would use our chasing muscles and teeth to survive if we had to, but that's like arguing that a modern human biting peoples' throats out and then eating them is excusable because they're just trying to survive. It's not a matter of basic survival if you have other options.
Salty-McCoy chimes in to claim that they're “an intelligent animal” but nobody's buying it. Sulu calls and reports that all the halls are clear and that they've secured all weapons on the ship, which must have taken a while. Kirk doubles down on Crater, demanding he tell them where Salty is. Crater goes off on a spiel about how much he loved Nancy, and how the creature imitates Nancy for him (creepy). He claims that they're not just an animal but an “intelligent beast” which, again, is undermining his own point (if they're intelligent why are they killing everyone). He also claims that they need love as much as they need salt, but doesn't elaborate on whatever that means. Salty clearly has some psychic abilities, and what they said to McCoy earlier implies that they're some sort of televore (yes I did just make that word up), but it's not really gone into in any depth. If they do feed on emotions as well as salt that seems like a really backwards evolutionary step, since they'd be required to kill the source of something they need to survive. Hey, maybe that's why they went extinct. Jeez, they're worse than koalas.
Kirk questions whether Crater is really just advocating for Salty because they're the last of their kind, or if he just enjoys having someone around who can imitate anyone he asks them to. Crater doesn't have much of an argument for that one. He says that he can recognize the creature in whatever shape they take, but refuses to help the crew find them. Spock chimes in to suggest they use truth serum, because apparently we've taken a hard left into Harry Potter here. Salty-McCoy leaves with Crater, ostensibly to take him to the lab to get truth'd up, with Spock accompanying them.
They don't get very far, though, because immediately afterward we see Kirk running to Sickbay—Dispensary—where Spock is being examined for a nasty cut on his forehead. He explains that he had his suspicions about Salty-McCoy, and in retrospect they indeed should have guessed it wasn't him when he got through a whole meeting without even raising his voice. At any rate, Salty-McCoy hit Spock and Crater grabbed his phaser, but Spock's okay because his blood is not human and wasn't appetizing to the creature. How fortunate that Salty evolved to be able to feed on one completely alien lifeform but not another completely alien lifeform.
Crater wasn't so lucky, though; Salty killed him (just barely off screen, and for some reason no one noticed until now) and has now scarpered off. Salty goes back to McCoy's room, where they change back into Nancy and wake him up, begging him to help them. McCoy is understandably confused to be woken up like this, but things don't get any simpler, as Kirk then enters the room with a phaser and tells McCoy that Nancy isn't Nancy, but the creature, which kills people. Keep in mind that McCoy sacked out before anyone knew there was a creature, let alone one that could change shape, so he's pretty baffled by all this.
McCoy refuses to move away from Salty-Nancy, so Kirk tries to lure Salty-Nancy out with salt tablets. This escalates into a tussle which ends with Kirk being cornered by Salty-Nancy and McCoy against the wall with Kirk's phaser. Salty-Nancy advances on Kirk and grabs him by the face, but McCoy still can't shoot, even when Spock bursts into the room (complete with glittery space bandage) and yells at him that Salty's killing the captain. But to be fair to McCoy, he just woke up. I take long enough to get out of bed even when all conditions are normal. If someone burst into my room telling me to shoot someone else I'd probably just roll over and go back to sleep.
McCoy won't give up the phaser, so Spock reverts to a classic method of sussing out shapeshifters: punching them in the face. Surprisingly, McCoy isn't convinced by Spock beating up his ex-girlfriend, but he's a bit more swayed when Salty-Nancy backhands Spock across the room. Salty goes back to advancing on Kirk, and we finally get to see their true form.
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[ID: A gray-furred, gray-maned alien with a wrinkly face, heavily lidded staring eyes, and a protruding circular mouth lined with sharp teeth, standing against the gray walls of McCoy’s quarters and looking directly at the camera.]
This haunted my dreams as a child, and I have no idea how because I didn't even watch Star Trek as a child. Somewhere I must've gotten a glimpse of it, and boy howdy did it stick in my memory. McCoy evidently has a similar reaction, because he finally shoots Salty. They stumble into the corner and change back into Nancy, pleading with McCoy to stop. So McCoy has to kill what looks and sounds exactly like a woman he loves. Fun times! At least Salty goes back to their original form when they're dead, so McCoy doesn't have the corpse of his ex-girlfriend laying on his floor.
Back on the bridge, once everything's calmed down, Kirk is deep in thought. At Spock's inquiry, he says he was thinking about the buffalo. We'll get a lot of lighthearted ends to episodes over the series, but this isn't one of them. It's not too grim, but it's obvious that, whatever anyone thought about the salt monster, no one wanted it to end this way.
Kirk tells Sulu to take them out, and they leave the planet behind, presumably leaving it to get studied by someone else who's hopefully less of a jerk. For some reason, we see the Enterprise's backup camera while this is happening.
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[ID: A shot of the bridge seen from just behind the two helmsmen sitting at their stations, showing the bridge viewscreen as it displays a rear view of the Enterprise nacelles as the ship pulls away from the planet.]
And so our first adventure ends. And I'm sure extinct animals will never come up in this series again.
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[ID: A crude drawing of a cylindrical probe similar to the one seen in Star Trek IV, only this one has a brown mane and buffalo horns, approaching Earth and saying, “MOOOOOOOOOOO”  while Earth is saying, “oh goddammit not this again” and the probe replies with another “MOOOOOOOOOOOOO.” ]
TREK TROPE TALLY: We have four crew deaths in this episode: two blueshirts (Darnell and Sturgeon), one goldshirt (Green), and one unspecified (Barnhart), all dead of salt depletion after an encounter with Salty. We also have one instance of a Doppelganger Effect, with Salty impersonating McCoy, Green, and various other people via shapeshifting or illusions or something.
I'll leave you on that note. Next time we'll be looking at a tale of unusually troubled adolescence with Charlie X.
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thebookishgoddess · 5 years
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#Project14Lists 2018: Bookish Ships
My first post for the #Project14Lists bookish event is a list of my bookish ships! I know, controversial. Not everyone ships the canon couple, or ships that one character with anyone at all. Nevertheless, we are all here to express our love for books and the couples that our favorite authors have written, not to throw shade or spill the tea on each other’s ships. We are all trash for something, and we must respect each other’s trash (if that makes any sense, haha!)
For today’s list, I will be putting up twelve of my favorite bookish ships and my favorite fanart of them (with credits to the brilliant artists, of course!). There are waaaay too many ships that I love, if I’m being realistic here. But I got lazy after the 12th graphic I had to edit up for this. I’ll be dabbling on my favorite quotes/scenes of the ships and a little reaction to said quote or scene.
Let the fangirling commence!
Cover photo credit: johannathemad
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1. Thomas Creswell & Audrey Wadsworth from the Stalking Jack the Ripper series by Kerri Maniscalco
Favorite Quote/Scene: “You are not mine to take.” He brushed his lips against mine. Softly, so softly I might have imagined them there. My eyes fluttered shut. He could persuade me to build a steamship to the moon when he kissed me. We could orbit the stars together. “You are yours to give.” --Hunting Prince Dracula
Are you bloody kidding me with that? Honestly, Thomas and Audrey is on the top ten of my favorite ships of all time simply because of that scene alone. This scene shows how much Thomas values Audrey as his equal and partner despite all the mayhem they went through. Also because Thomas Cresswell is every girl’s #bookboyfriendgoals because he’s suave af. I WILL SHIP IT TO MY GRAVE.
Art by phantomrin
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2. Elias Veturius & Laia of Serra from the Ember Quartet by Sabaa Tahir
Favorite Quote/Scene: Laia is curled in a ball on the other, one hand on her armlet, fast asleep. 
"You are my temple", I murmur as I kneel beside her. "You are my priest. You are my prayer. You are my release." --A Torch Against the Night
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. Do men like Elias Veturius even exist in the 21st Century? Hells no. Well, maybe, but the probability of one existing is about 1 to a million, so there’s that. I have never been so moved by such a simple statement, especially since that mantra is supposed to be Elias’s mantra to like, what was it? His honor in fighting for the Empire? But when he said that to Laia, it’s the same level of honor and I’m just so emotional about that?? What even?? How dare Sabaa?? 
Art by gabriella.bujdoso
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11. Draco Malfoy & Astoria Greengrass from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Favorite Quote/Scene: DRACO: Which is why you need this [time-turner]. I have been holding onto it, barely resisting using it, even though I would sell my soul for another minute with Astoria.
DRACO: You [speaking to his son, Scorpius] know what I loved most about your mother [Astoria]? She could always help me find light in the darkness. She made the world — my world, anyway — less — what was the word you used — “murky.”  
--Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT DRACO MALFOY FOR A HOT MINUTE? This man, who firmly believes himself hopeless soon after the Battle of Hogwarts ended, gets the happiest gift of all by having some girl named Astoria Greengrass see the good in him and love him for who he is. If that isn’t the best trope in a ship, I don’t know what is! We know nothing about Astoria other than the fact that she’s some obscure sister of yet another obscure classmate of Draco’s named Daphne. And yet, she seemed one of the most integral characters to me in Cursed Child when Draco said that he resisted using the time-turner to see his dead wife. 
Let’s not forget how when Scorpius time-traveled to a VoldemortWins!AU that Draco still ends up with Astoria. I think that’s what so beautiful about Draco and Astoria. They’re such a minor couple in the background of Hinny and Romione, but they carry so much history we’ve yet to know thanks to their darling cinnamon roll of a son, Scorpius. Anyone who truly knows me is already knowledgeable of the fact that I cry over this ship on a daily basis. And I’m sorry again that I had to cry and make one heck of a long description for this ship because they’re my ultimate fave *ugly sobs*.
Art by blvnk-art
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4. Cress Darnell & Carswell Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Favorite Quote/Scene:
“Captain?“ “Cress.“ She couldn’t not say it, although she realized he was right. It was sort of scary. Much scarier than it had been the first time she’d told him, out in the desert. It was different now. It was real. "I’m in love with you.” He chuckled. “I should hope so, after all that.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her temple. “And I love you too.” --Winter
FIRST OF ALL, WHAT THE ACTUAL FORK I AM SCREECHING OVER THAT. That scene was probably one of the most memorable scenes I’ve read in the last installment of the Lunar Chronicles. Forget how Levana died and all was well. I cannot help but forget this very scene that sets every other couple in the series apart because of how well-written and developed these two were together. Right now, I am super tempted to re-read the Lunar Chronicles, just for the heck of rereading Cresswell (the ship name) all over again. 
Art by vvivaa
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5. Tedros & Agatha from The School for Good and Evil series by Soman Chainani
Favorite Quote/Scene: “But you are my queen. No one but you. And I like seeing you wear it. Because as long as you do, I know you still love me. And given our history of miscommunication, physical cues are helpful.” --The Last Ever After
I absolutely adore Tedros and Agatha. I have been rooting for them since day one of this series and I will never stop (even if Soman highkey tore them apart in Quests for Glory, for shame). They’re probably the most realistic couple to me, if there was a better word for it? Miscommunication definitely happens a lot between these two because Tedros can be pretty dense sometimes and Agatha can be quite arrogant. But I always love how they come together in the end to work it out because that’s what most couples do--they fight, but they don’t lose sight of what’s really important to them. Tedros and Agatha physically embodies those kind of relationships and I am absolutely here for it. Soman needs to stop hurting me after Quests for Glory though because Tedros and Agatha being apart up until Crystal of Time physically hurts me askhjsfkhja.
Art by thevioleteuphonia
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6. Nina Zenik & Matthias Helvar from the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
Favorite Quote/Scene:
“I am grateful you're alive", he said. "I am grateful that you're beside me. I am grateful that you're eating." 
She rested her head on his shoulder. 
"You're better than waffles, Matthias Helvar." 
A small smile curled the Fjerdan's lips. 
"Let's not say things we don't mean, my love.” --Crooked Kingdom
I AM STILL HIGHKEY MAD FOR WHAT LEIGH DID TO THIS SHIP. I won’t say more, but I will say that this is the most painful ship to have ever sailed and I will never get over it. But also the sweetest and well-crafted because of how much these two characters developed over the course of two books. Granted, Nina and Matthias had their history together before the Dregs, but even without it, Leigh wrote them in a way that makes you believe they really are meant for each other in the end despite all adversity. I’m happy Nina is likely going to get a female love interest in Leigh’s installment on Prince Nikolai’s story, though her being with Matthias will always have a special place in my heart.
Art by nilaffle
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7. Lira & Elian Midas from To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Favorite Scene/Quote:
“If you get shot,” Lira says, “I’m going to treat you like you’re incapable of doing the simplest tasks.” 
She cradles her arms around her knees to keep out the cold. 
“See how you like it when I hold out my arm to help you walk, even though you’re not shot in the leg.” 
“I’d be flattered,” I say, “that you would look for an excuse just to hold my hand.” 
“Perhaps I’m just looking for an excuse to shoot you.” --To Kill a Kingdom
I love a good “do I want to kill you or kiss you, it’s interchangeable” trope between couples, and when it comes to Lira and Elian, they pretty much seal the deal on that kind. Lira, the princess siren, is pretty much a cray murderer that takes people’s hearts and Elian is a prince-pirate that’s set to destroy her and kill her for good. I mean, it can’t get any more angst and interesting than that. The way they slowly develop in this standalone is very intriguing because not a lot of authors can pull off a realistic romance fantasy the way Alexandra Christo did. I just absolutely love Lira and Elian, their funny banters and their angst. They’re the kind of ship I would sail forever, really.
Art by silketara
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8. Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione's arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet. --Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
CONTROVERSY. But seriously, I absolutely adore and love Ron and Hermione together because of their balance as a couple. There are times where Ron will be street smart and there are times (but most of the time) where Hermione will be book smart. Plus, I definitely think they need each other at times to get off their own high horses because we all know Hermione can be a wee bit intense and Ron can be a wee bit ignorant, but that’s the beauty of them balancing each other out. And that particular favorite scene I just showed proved just how far their relationship as more than friends have come. I practically squealed the first time I read their first kiss scene!
Plus, have you seen them in Cursed Child? I know hardly anyone considers it canon, but adult Ron and Hermione are the cutest ship to squeal at in that book--which seems to be one of the very few good things that book had ever produced. 
Art by johannathemad
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9. Elain Archeron & Lucien Vanserra from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas
Favorite Scene/Quote: Lucien’s hands slackened at his sides. His voice broke as he whispered to Elain, “You’re my mate.” --A Court of Mist and Fury
Here we go, y’all. Another controversial ship. Let me just say that I want Elain to be happy, and whether it’s with Azriel or Lucien or by herself, I’m totally down for that. I just simply love the idea of Elain and Lucien together because of how actual smol beans they both are. Elain, our sweet flower girl and Seer with Lucien, our soft and loyal Fae--I mean, honestly. If I’m weak for ships that want to kill each other, I’m also weak for ships that have the softest hearts. I think they both have their own struggles and I definitely think they’ll grow from those struggles together. 
We all know what happened in ACOFAS and how Elain pretty much snubbed Lucien, but I still have high hopes for them. Maas has a plethora of novels coming out for the minor characters of the ACOTAR series, and I’m betting Elain and Lucien will get their moment in one of those novels. I haven’t lost hope yet! I mean, I bought magnetic bookmarks of these two, so it’s pretty clear I want these two to be endgame, haha!
Art by embaileyart
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10. Nesta Archeron & Cassian from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas
Favorite Quote/Scene: Cassian grunted in pain, but lifted his bloodied hands - to cup her face. “I have no regrets in my life but this.” His voice shook with every word. “That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.”
She didn’t stop him as he leaned up and kissed her - lightly. As much as he could manage. --A Court of Wings and Ruin
I think the whole, if not all, of the ACOTAR fandom can agree that Nesta and Cassian are endgame through and through. Judging by that intense moment alone as per the scene presented above, I can pretty much say that while they both have a long way to go, the foundation has already been built from there. I mean, come on, people! They were willing to get killed by the King of Hybern if it meant protecting each other. If that isn’t squeal-fangirl factor trying to protect each other from some evil war lord, I don’t know what is!
Art by meabhd
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11. America Singer & Maxon Schreave from The Selection series by Kiera Cass
Favorite Quote/Scene: “Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.” --The One
My high school fangirlish heart is exploding with memories of how much I loved America and Maxon back then, and I still do! This single sentence above said by Maxon says so much about how far he and America have come together through the adversities faced during the Selection and the rebellions that came with it from the people of Illea. Their love story is definitely one for the ages. While it’s your typical poor girl marries rich prince story, they’re definitely worth the remarkable development they’ve have over the course of three beautiful books.
Art by marimari999
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12. Arin & Kestrel from the The Winner’s Curse trilogy by Marie Rutkoski
Favorite Quote/Scene: She turned to look at him, and he was already looking at her. 
“I’m going to miss you when I wake up,” she whispered, because she realized that she must have fallen asleep under the sun. Arin was too real for her imagination. He was a dream.
“Don’t wake up,” he said. --The Winner’s Crime
I’m in slight tears because I still remember this scene in the second book. The scene wasn’t actually real, but a dream that Kestrel had after months of being separated from Arin by some messed up duty to her country. Y’all have no idea the struggle these two had before they finally got their happily ever after (they did, just a little heads up for any hopefuls wanting to read the trilogy). This scene definitely gave me a sense of the impending tragedy of them being together (and yes, there’s also a forbidden love trope, sign me tf up, amiright), but it was a momentary bliss to everything that’s been happening during the course of when that scene happened. I absolutely adore Kestrel and Arin, and I’m so mad very few people have read of them or the series ahhhh.
Art by taylordraws
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Phew! That was a lot of ships and hunting down for their quotes. Admittedly, I had some trouble with looking for scenes/quotes and that’s actually a perfect opportunity for me to start bookmarking my favorite parts of a book.
Aside from the struggles, though, I’d love to hear some of your favorite bookish ships, whether we ship the same thing or not. It’s always interesting to hear someone else’s point of view of ships, especially ones where our ships contradict. Feel free to sound off in the comments below!
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3 notes · View notes
mamgt · 6 years
Falling Stars
Chapter 5: The Stars Would’ve Waited
Song: Stars Falling Down by Kina Grannis
If you want to read the whole fic click here.
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Today is Tom’s last day in L.A. before he flies off for the press tour of Avenger’s Infinity War. He came over to my house and asked if we could walk around. I asked Darnell to come along with us because I found it rude to just leave him in the house. Also, because I needed a little back-up just in case I choked. I had this idea of telling Tom about how I felt. I was just waiting for the right moment and if the right moment came while we were out, I needed some back-up.
However, once we were out, Darnell all of a sudden had some “errands” AGAIN. Of course, that meant he was finding an excuse for Tom and I to be alone. I knew it was him big brother-ing me. I told you, he knows me so well. I didn’t have to tell him that I had plans to tell Tom. That and because him and my mom talked about it behind my back. They did it because they cared, I know that. They’re all rooting for me. It’s just me who isn’t rooting for me. Walking on a red carpet was a different form of confidence than telling someone you like them.
I just need some sign, a green light to press on the gas and say ‘hey dude, I like you.’ Anything, give me something, universe.
Tom and I passed by a comic book store. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into it so fast that I started to see stars.
“Omg! Look at these!!” He was still holding my hand when we started looking through the comic books and only had let go when he jumped to another pile excitedly. I watched him as he moved around the store like The Flash (not the bully, the superhero), like there was something more interesting in the next pile and the next pile. He looked so cute running around and I could feel a smile creep up my face reminding me of how hard I fell for this boy. I mean, look at him. Who wouldn’t fall for him? Could he blame me?
“Hey!” Tom said, coming up to me.
“Do you want that?” He pointed to the comic I had pulled out midway. I didn’t notice I was even holding it. I must have stood there like a deer in headlights - frozen. The whole time Tom was looking at comics, I was only looking at him. I inserted the comic back from where I got it.
“Nah…I was just looking at it.” I shrugged.
“Okay, good because I got you something better!” He pulled me towards the cashier.
“Hey Mike! Do you have it?”
“Hey Tom! Yeah I got it here!” who I am assuming is Mike was talking, a white guy in his late 30’s. He opened a slide door behind the cash register and emerged with a box full of comics. He dropped it on a table and had his back to us.
“Of course you’re the special lady he reserved this for!” Mike teased. He was talking to me when he turned to face us. In his hand, brought out in front of me was a Spider-man comic book. Not just any comic book. The very first one.
“Oh. I guess?,” I replied to Mike. I looked at Tom who wouldn’t look up at me and his big ears were starting to turn pink.
“Good haggler this one! He’s a keep—”
“Ha-ha! Okay… Thanks again Mike but we really have to go.”
“Right. Right. Do you want me to uh…put it inside a paper bag?”
“Z?” Tom asked me.
“Yes please!” I said.
Mike mumbled as he grabbed a paper bag and slid my comic book in,. “This is really one of a kind. You must be something, I mean your miss Zendaya, but would I give up…this comic book for any gal?” he said under his breath but loud enough that I could hear him but I was sure that Tom could hear him too.
“Uhhh thanks again Mike, see you soon man” Tom said as he quickly picked up the paper bag and went straight for the door.
“Wait! Wait! Tom!” I said lagging behind him. He stopped and I was able reach out for the paper bag. “What’s your hurry?”
“Oh. Nothing. Sorry. Yeah. You didn’t even get to…”
We moved out of the doorway and stood outside the comic book shop. I pulled the comic book from inside the paper bag and looked at it again. I couldn’t believe Tom got this for me. Several thoughts ran through my head.
I didn’t even know these still existed and right under my nose! There was one here in L.A.? This must’ve cost a fortune! Did he get one for himself too? I mean, he should be the one keeping this? He’s spider-man! Yeah, I’m a big fan and I’m not even being biased. Before, I got the role of Michelle, my favorite superhero has always been spider-man but—
“I can’t believe you got this for me…” I whispered under my breath, still staring at the comic book in mint condition still wrapped in plastic. “Amazing Fantasy” it read on the cover. “12 cents,” the little logo read and I touched it with my finger.
“Do you like it?” I looked up at and saw Tom with his big brown eyes staring back at me.
“I love it…” I smiled at him and gave him a hug. When we let go I said, “So you’ve been here before?” I pointed at the comic book store.
“Yeah, I mean. A couple of times,” he shrugged.
“Uh-huh. Couple times that the guy at the cashier already knows your name?”
“It’s an easy name to remember…”
“So I’m guessing it was just a coincidence that we passed by here too huh?”
“No. Okay,” he admitted with his head hung low. “I planned it but hey, it’s our last day hanging out together! I wanted to give you something spe— nice. Give you something…nice…”
“This…this is more than nice! Thank you Tom! This really means a lot. I can’t believe you! How did you even get this? Did you get one for yourself?”
“No..uh..it was just one copy and I wanted to give it to you. I know how much you like Spider-man.”
You mean you…how much I like you…
“But you’re Spider-man! Don’t you want this for yourself?”
“Nah… I really got it for you.” He put his hands in his pockets and his ears were still pink moving towards red now. I wondered if this was it. Was this the green light to tell Tom how I felt? Would any guy, who didn’t feel something for his friend, actually go out his way and do this? Can I still say he was just being nice? To be honest, I’ve only known him for less than two years and yet I spend almost every second I can with him. If he didn’t feel the same way, why spend this much time with me? He could literally get any girl, any girl he wants…
“Hey Tom!” It was Mike. He walked out of the comic book store and asked Tom if he could take a picture with the Spider-man statue.
“Sure, man!,” Tom said as he moved to the side of the Spider-man statue who was wearing the hoodie from our fictional high school in Spider-man: Homecoming. I didn’t even notice it because Tom was too excited to get into the comic book store. We admired it for a bit saying how cool it was they got all the details.
“They didn’t get one thing though…your height.” I used my hands to show the difference between Tom’s height and the statue’s.
“Shut up, Zendaya! Let’s just take the picture.”
“Nah, you go ahead. You can take a picture. You’re Spider-man!” I said stepping back. He can have this moment. He already gave me the comic book. I didn’t even think of a going away present. I mean, we could still talk to each other on the phone. It’s not like he’s going to be gone forever and we were still just friends, right? There’s no point getting sentimental. Unless…I looked at the comic book in my hand, already inside the paper bag.
“Hey, why don’t you join your boyfriend?,” said Mike and he nudged me.
“Oh. He’s not—“
Tom and I said at the same time.
“Just go!” and with that Mike pushed me towards Tom.
“Come on, Z!”
“Go!” Mike encouraged, “Spider-man needs his MJ!”
“Yeah…” Tom said quietly.
I walked over and took the picture.
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Darnell caught up with us and we decided to drive back home to my place. We ordered some take out because lord knows none of us can cook for shit. My kitchen is literally only used when my family comes over. Other than that, the refrigerator is the only appliance that gets noticed on a daily basis.
The sun was going down and Darnell decided to take Noon out for a walk. Ha get it because his name is Noon for afternoon… so…you know….never mind. Usually I would do it but Noon needs the exercise that only Darnell could give because I cannot run any faster than .05 km/hour. Okay, I don’t know if that’s the exact speed but you get my point, I don’t walk fast nor do I run.
I walked them out the door but before they left Darnell had asked me if I had told Tom about my feelings already.
“Why not? What are you waiting for, Z?”
“Shhh… keep your voice down.” Tom was just in the living room going through Netflix. He didn’t seem to hear us or he would’ve asked why we were whispering.
“I need…time…”
“He’s leaving tomorrow. There is no better time! If he likes you, y’all can be cute on the phone and if he doesn’t, you don’t have to see him for like what? Three months?”
“Well! I need a sign then! Like a go signal. I can’t just come up to him and be like ‘oh yeah by the way I like you bro ha-ha’” I raised my eyebrows at Darnell to make my point.
“Zendeesha, listen, you don’t need signs” Noon was starting to pull at Darnell. “But if you still need it, it’s everywhere. The boy likes you, Z. Stop making him wait…Like how I’m making Noon wait.” Noon was becoming restless. “I’ll see you guys in awhile.” Darnell ran off before I even got a word in.
I closed the door and walked towards the living room. I plopped myself down on the couch beside Tom. He moved his arm behind my shoulders. Do I do it now?
“What movie are we watching?” Tom asked without even looking away from the T.V.
Or I could do it later…
We couldn’t decide what movie to watch so we started searching with out phones but easily got distracted when I found a meme on Twitter. Eventually, we never got to watching a movie. We just kept passing our phones to each other, looking for the funniest things the Internet had to offer.
“Ooooh…what’s this?”
“What?” I crawled over to his side of the couch and looked at his phone. It was a video from my app of me looking through my keepsake box that someone had reposted on Instagram.
“What’s a keepsake box?” Tom asked.
“It’s like a box of memories. You put little stuff in them from all your memorable moments.”
Tom was still watching the short clip of what was a longer video. It cuts exactly before I show the love letters that my ex had given me before.
“Aww! I wanna see the rest of what’s in it!,” Tom says to his phone before he turns to me to say, “D’you still have it?”
“Sure…” I said a little apprehensively. “It’s upstairs…” I didn’t understand where the fear was coming from but my gut was telling me it wasn’t a good idea to unbox a bunch of stuff my ex had given me. I mean, the whole box wasn’t filled with things he gave me but there was enough items to make the situation weird. Nonetheless, I lead Tom to the storage room where things like gowns I wore when I was 16 to items I had even before I got famous were kept. They were inside these neatly piled plastic boxes that looked like big tupperwares. Still, there were things lying around and it took me awhile to find my keepsake box. Once I grabbed it, I sat on the floor and Tom followed suit.
“Let’s see…” I picked up the first thing on there, which was the 3D glasses from watching the Amazing Spider-man movie.
“Oh cool!” Tom said as he got the glasses from my hand. “I saw this in the video! Your first date was to this right?” He looked up at me.
“Yup…” My voice was another pitch higher again.
“Cool…” Tom tried it on and then set it aside. He picked up another item inside my box. The letters were still at the bottom so it would take us awhile to get to them. Hopefully, we never get to them.
“You really like going to the movies, huh?” Tom commented on the amount of movie tickets inside the box. Some were already fading and you couldn’t make out what it said.
“It says….’The Lost City of Z’” Tom said.
“It does not!”
“That’s a really good film. I heard there’s a really amazing bloke on there. Really talented. Bred for an Oscar they say!” Tom said sarcastically.
“Shut up!” I said grabbing the ticket from him and tried deciphering the words myself.
“How can you read it!? You don’t even have your glasses on, love.” He grabbed the tickets from my hand.
“Well! I don’t have to read it because I’m the one who watched those movies, ‘kay?” He was right though. I don’t know why I was trying to fight him over what’s written on the tickets when even non-faded words are blurred to me.
Tom gasped dramatically, “You’ve never watched my film?!”
“Daaaaaaaaamn Tom!”
“Of course I’ve watched your films!”
“Oh.” His ears turned really pink again like it did back at the comic book store. “You’ve watched my films?” he had a smug plastered on his face and I swear if I wasn’t so goddamn into him it would be the most annoying thing in the whole world.
“Like, everything?”
“Yeah okay! I did. It was for research! I needed to know if you had…”
“Had what?” Tom pressed on.
“Talent!” I sassed at him.
“OOOH!!! That was low, mate. Real low.” I was laughing hysterically and he joined me.
“I bet you haven’t watched my films” I said as our laughing died down. Tom suddenly made this face and reached out with his right hand.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m you! When you swung—“ he did the face again with the hand “and you met Zac Efron…like this…” then he started singing “I am brave, I am bruised...” I giggled. He was so stupid but I loved him for it. He could embarrass himself in front of people, none of that “too cool” for you attitude. Ugh. My thoughts were nagging at me to tell him already. A little voice kept saying “Say it. Zendeesha say it!” and it sounded a lot like Darnell. Yet, I still couldn’t find the courage.
“Nooo! The ones before!” I said as I poked him on his side and it tickled him a little. I just need a segway.
“You want me to watch your old films? Like what, when you were 12?”
“Good point. Nevermind.” Okay I don’t need a segway but this is harder than it looks. Do I just blurt it out?
“Like from Frenemies, Zapped, did Shake It Up have a movie? Because I don’t re—”
“Oh fuck you!”
“I personally, like Zac Efron better than the dude from Zapped”
“SHUT UP!” I flipped him.
“Awww come on now, how about you show me some…HAPPY SMILEY FACES!!!”
My eyes grew wide and my jaw swung open. I started swatting him things that were scattered on the floor: the movie tickets, some clothes that weren’t put into their proper bins, other papers that were inside my keepsake box. Tom stood up and tried to protect himself all the while laughing. I was laughing too. He started getting revenge and threw things at me.
“Can you smell the dinner, Z?” Tom teased, using the lines I had said in my very first youtube video that I had done a reaction video to on my app. This was some quality roasting. Not bad Tom, not bad.
He was getting pummeled by all the things I could get my hands on and that caused him to trip on the keepsake box and the contents went tumbling out until the red envelopes could be seen poking out. Tom looked down to see what he had tripped over and I felt my blood rush through me. He picked up the three envelopes, still with his smug face on not knowing that these envelopes were not just any envelopes.
“Oohhh….what are these?” I didn’t say a word. It was too late. I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him any longer and I didn’t see any reason to either.
“Can I open ‘em?”
“I don’t think you should…they’re sort of…from my…ex.”
“Oh.” He looked at them. “Here. Sorry.” He handed them to me.
“It’s fine. I should probably throw it anyway. No point in keeping them, am I right?” I chuckled, trying to make the situation lighter. I looked down at the envelopes and rubbed my thumb on one them. I don’t know why I still kept them. I didn’t think it mattered.
“They’re love letters…from Valentine’s.” And I don’t know why I said that.
“Oh….yeah…they look like…they are…” Tom swallowed.
“Anyways!” I put the letters aside and sat back down and tried to collect the things we used to throw at each other. Tom squatted down and started to help me. Silence filled the room.  
Why did I wait so long to tell him? Now I can’t tell him how I feel.
“Hm?” I said without ever looking up at him, I just kept putting stuff in the keepsake box.
“I don’t mean to be nosy or whatever…I mean, you can…not answer…”
“Go ahead, dude!” I said, trying to pull off a cool and collective Zendaya when I could feel myself getting all nervous again.
“I just uhm, I uh…why do you still uh…keep the, the…letters?”
“You don’t have to answer. Sorry. None of my business.” Tom said quickly.
“It’s fine! I told you, I’m over it. You can ask me anything about…Trevor. That’s his name.”
“Oh ok.” Tom looked relieved but he was still waiting for my answer.
“I guess. I don’t know... It’s just a reminder that someone had loved me once, you know what I mean? Like, yeah my family and friends…love me but this was different. It was special....Remember, I said that it wasn’t all bad? These letters were one of those ‘not all bad’. I haven’t looked at them since the break-up. It’s not like I’m pining over him. I really am not. It’s just the thought, you know. Someone spending their time to handwrite this thing made just for you.”
“It cheesy I know…”
“It’s not. It’s sweet.” He gave a weak smile. I didn’t know how to read him. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I searched his eyes that wouldn’t look at me but had nailed themselves on the floor. I could see his ears though, pink as ever.
“Do you think…uhm…” he swallowed. “You think you can…maybe, like someone else? I mean, after Trevor. Have you uh…I mean you said you moved on but can you see your, uhm…”
“Can I like anyone else?”
“Yeah?” His head shot up the way Noon does when I tell him it’s lunch time. So cute. It’s probably not wise to compare Tom to my dog but I love them both, anyways.
Darnell’s voice was in my head again, nagging me that this was the moment, this was the sign I was waiting for. Tom had turned this whole awkward situation to the perfect time to tell him how I felt. How can he do that? He always makes the bad into good somehow even as he stutters and avoids my gaze.
“I do.”
“You do?”
“Like someone…”
“Tom I-”
“Does—“ We spoke at the same time.
“Oh sorry”
“Sorry” and we did it again.
“What were you gonna say?” Tom said.
“No, you go first.”
“Oh. Uhm. Right. The person you like…does he…make you happy?” He finally looked at me, locking his gaze with mine.
“Definitely.” This was it. I was about to tell him how I felt. That little smile he’s trying to suppress, I can feel that he too knows where this is going.
“Z! TOM! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!” Darnell shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I closed my eyes shut, annoyed at the timing. REALLY DARNELL?!
“Z?! TOM?! THERE’S A PHONE RING—RINGING AND— OH SHIT THERE’S 10 MISSED CALLS!” Darnell continued to shout. I opened my eyes to a shocked Tom with his eyes wide.
“Shit!” Tom ran out and I followed him.
“Shit shit shit shit shit” He said as he grabbed the phone from Darnell.
“Where the hell were you two? Why weren’t you answering me?” Darnell nagged.
“Is that why you left 10 missed calls on Tom’s phone?”
“No. It’s Harrison. I was supposed to be back 30 minutes ago. Shit. I totally forgot. I haven’t packed for anything. Shit. I always lose time when I’m here… Sorry, Z. I have to go. Thanks for having me. I’m gonna miss you guys!” Tom came over and gave Darnell a hug and gave Noon a little rub.
“I’ll walk you out” I said. I followed Tom to the door and closed it behind me. He turned around before we could reach his car.
“Why am I always late for something when I come to your house? I’m pretty sure it’s cursed.” He joked.
“Me too.” I laughed.
“I’m really going to miss you, Zendaya.”
“I’m really going to miss you too, Tom. It’s not like we can’t call each other up. You know that, right?”
“Yeah…but it’s different…from having you around like this…” and with that he hugged me. I clung on as much as I could and tried to memorize how he felt. I won’t have this for a couple of months. It’s not that long, I know, but he’s right. It’s going to be different. So should I tell him now?
We pulled apart and his hands trailed my arms until they were holding my wrists. I wanted to give him something like he gave me the comic book. I wanted to leave him with my feelings, with my heart.
“Bye” he said and he let go of me. He got into his car and I felt the moment pass. I watched him as image got smaller as he drove away.
“Bye.” I whispered to myself. Not even a goodbye because we both knew there wasn’t anything good in our parting. I walked back into the house, restless that I didn’t get to tell Tom that I liked him. All this prepping up for nothing. I wondered if I could just call him up as he drove and just spill it.
“So what did Tom say?” Darnell peeped from behind the kitchen counter.
“He said bye.”
“WHAT?! HOLD UP! HOLD UP!” Darnell said as he clapped his hands together. “When you told him you liked him, he said ‘bye’? What the fuck?”
“Oh. That.”
“Yes. That. Miss Zendeesha? So are we blocking him out fro—“
“I didn’t get to tell him…”
“YOU CAME IN! I was going to say it and then you came in and started yelling and he had to go and this is all just one big mess…”
Darnell didn’t say anything. He just stared at me, looking pissed. Why was he pissed? He was the one who barged in on me trying to tell Tom that I liked him.
“What if I’m not supposed to tell him Darnell? Why is it so hard? It shouldn’t be this hard.”
“Z…did anything, and I mean ANYTHING you’ve ever gotten in your life come easy?”
“NO! So you need to stop making excuses, stop prolonging this and just call up the boy and tell him you like him! It’s never easy to put yourself in a vulnerable position, especially after everything you’ve gone through with Trevor but I BET YO ASS you will regret not telling Tom sooner, and by sooner I mean now that you like him.”
“FINE!” I climbed up the stairs, remembering that I had brought my phone up with me when Tom and I went to the storage room. I come up and realized that Tom and I left the room in disarray. I couldn’t remember where I set down my phone. I looked around and I could feel myself panicking because as more time passed, the faster my courage to tell Tom about my feelings slipped away. Where is it? Where is it? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Then I found it. Beside the three red envelopes. I rested my hand on top of my phone. This was it. My heart was going to be out in the open again and even though, I could feel somehow that Tom felt the same way…I was terrified. Darnell was right though, if I don’t do it now I’m going to regret it.
If it was out there again, it can be broken again. These letters remind me that there was once something beautiful between Trevor and I. More beauty than pain, if I were to be completely honest. Although, I know that Tom couldn’t hurt me, wouldn’t hurt me, didn’t I think that way before about Trevor? How was this any different? Trevor made me happy too. Tom could just turn out to be another set of old letters I keep at the bottom of a shoebox, ready for another person to find and ask “why do you still keep them?”
But I’ve never had it easy. Darnell was right again. I always had to work for the things I got. Sometimes even harder than if I were a little shade lighter. Why should love be the exception? Acting makes me happy. Dancing makes me happy. This life I’ve built makes me happy but there were tears to be shed so that I knew what happiness looked like. You don’t know joy until you’ve felt pain. You don’t know abundance until you’ve felt loss. Love was just something I needed to work hard for, get a little bruised up for until you find the right one. I’m not saying Tom is the one, I just wanted to tell him I like him, that’s all. Just a little risk.
I checked my phone to see if the sound came from it. Nope. No messages. I opened it and searched for Tom’s name.
“Z! Someone’s at the door!” Darnell called out from downstairs. Now he sounds like a grandmother. Who even says that nowadays? Also who the fuck was ringing in tonight?
“Z! Can ya get the door!? I’m doing the dishes!” Darnell called out again. I dropped my phone. Damn it, Darnell. I swear, it’s YOUR fault I haven’t told Tom how I felt. I ran downstairs and swung the door open. This better be some free vegetarian pizza or I’m—
“I like you.”
Tom was standing outside my door, shifting his weight from one leg to another. Only a few minutes have gone by since he left and yet here he was in a new change of clothes. I couldn’t believe it. What did he say?
“Like, a lot actually…” he had a boyish smile and I felt lightheaded.
“What time is it? Aren’t you late for your flight? What are you doing here?” I panicked.
“I just— I uhm, did, didya-did you hear what I-what I said?” I did but I couldn’t fucking believe it. This was happening? This was actually happening. The thundering in my heart was like a thousands drums. I breathed in but for some reason I couldn’t release it like my whole body was physically trying to keep this moment forever, keep it in my blood to my bones.
“Yeah… Tom I-“
“I know it’s a risk telling you but I just had to like, I felt like, I felt like I should, I should say it you know? I do. I like you. Ever since.” He was talking so fast that he was also losing his breath but he kept going.
“The very first time I saw you and I keep saying it’s the most embarrassing thing EVER because I made such a fool of myself seeing you…. day one I just. I lost it. Z. I just fell hard. You haven’t even spoken two words to me besides ‘hey man!’ and yet, I, I just. I knew I was in deep. Just like that. And every moment being with you just made me sink in deeper. I’ve just been trying to figure out if I should tell you because, you know, you’re this big star and I-I don’t know. You got out of a break-up and I just got out of one and I didn’t know if you...like me.  I’m not saying you do! I’m saying I…do.”
“I know. I know. I know. Shit.” He paced back and forth. He was still standing outside my door. He had brushed his hair with his fingers and now they were all over the place. “I love our friendship. I do. I don’t want to ruin it. I hope I don’t by doing this. It’s even more complicated  because we’re going to work together for two more films and that’s going to be weird, right?” He stopped pacing and looked at me “Having me like you? Because I’m going to like you until then, I think. I feel like I will, you know? It’s not going away. I mean, not to scare you, it’s just having you around makes me, so..so happy and you said you know, if it makes you happy and you really do that to me Z. You’re like fucking sunshine and I—“
I threw myself at him, or more accurately, I threw my lips unto his to shut him up. I couldn’t help it. All this pining and waiting, trying to make sure that I wasn’t going to risk our friendship when this whole time he had felt the same way.
His lips were soft like how I imagined clouds felt like when they looked the way they did when riding an airplane. There was so much longing in the way our lips touched not only my part but I could feel it in him too as he pressed a little harder. We would part for a millisecond catching our breaths then our lips would meet again. I held his face between my hands and towered over him but I felt like he was enveloping me. I could feel his heartbeat pulsate in sync with mine like it was running a marathon. He had wrapped his arms around my waist and I swear, I could have gone on like that forever.
When we pulled apart I could feel a tingly sensation on the spot where his lips were and it cascaded to the rest of my body, like a warmth, like how you drink hot chocolate and the heat flows through you. Our foreheads touched and bit the bottom of my lips. All this worrying and time wasted. If only I had done it sooner.
“I like you too, Tom,” I whispered. But it doesn’t matter because we have now, we have this.
Tom had this wide ass grin on his face and his ears a shade of magenta. I’m not ashamed to say that I, too was smiling ear to ear and I felt like my jaw was going to drop any second from the strain. “You should go. You’re going to be late.” I gave him a little push that caused him to stumble a little like he was in a daze. “I’ll text you.”
“Okay.” He mumbled, barely audible enough to hear. He slowly turned and then stopped midway. He turned to look at me and said, “You’ll wait for me right?”
“Yeah. These feelings won’t change, trust me.”
“Okay...I’ll call you.”
“Okay.” I nodded. He planted another kiss on my lips that took me by surprise.
“For the road.” He said as he shrugged. I shook my head and laughed. He held my hand and tugged it a little as he went away. I watched him as he walked to his car knowing that when he comes back, things were going to be different, but in a good way. In the best way possible. He turned around again.
“GO! You’re late already! Harrison is going to kill you!” He replied to my hollering by flashing me his biggest smile and I felt my heart trying to leap out of my chest wanting to follow him. He moonwalked backward to his car like a nerd and I chuckled. God. I love this, nerd.
“SEE YOU SOON, LOVE!!!” he shouted and my eyes widened hoping the neighbors didn’t hear him but I caught myself, remembering that I didn’t care about what others thought. Thomas fucking Holland likes me back. HAHA SUCKAS.
“I’LL BE HERE, BOO!!” I shouted back. I didn’t know his smile could grow any bigger but it did and I felt the butterflies in my stomach go chaotic. Even if I know that our situation is only going to make me miss him more, I was excited for when the time comes that we’ll see each other again and I’ll be his. And he’ll be mine.
“Finally…” I jumped. It was Darnell.
“How long have you been standing there?” He didn’t reply but instead was smiling at his phone. “Darneesha! I’m talking to you!”
“I just won myself twenty bucks!” still not looking up from his phone.
“You bet on me?”
“No I bet on Tom. Your mom bet on you. I knew it was gon’ be Tom!”
“I don’t believe this!” But I was too happy to be annoyed. Finally, indeed.
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(this gif was inspired by a tweet, i just cant find it)
note: Thank you so much to everyone who ended up liking this fanfic. I really didn’t expect this kind of response, I just really wanted to write something about tomdaya because I’m so fucking whipped when it comes to them. This is sadly the last chapter but hopefully not the last tomdaya fanfic. Leave me messages on ideas for future fanfics, comments on this fanfic, anything tomdaya! I love getting messages.
*GIFS are mine unless stated otherwise, please don’t steal.
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moon-mirage · 6 years
If you’re doing the Cresswell AU thing still, could you do Anastasia? I’ve just been obsessed with that movie/musical lately. Thanks!
Yay, I have so many thoughts about an Anastasia AU. It would be one I would love to write if I enjoyed writing more. :P But I think I came up with a pretty cool story and I hope you’re going to like it.
— — —
Have I watched the movie? Definitely! Several times. :)
Ideas from the movie I’ll use: A whole lot but I’m pretty sure I’ll come up with a few twists make as to not simply copy everything from the movie.
Ideas from the movie I’ll disregard: The magic stuff mostly (which I think the musical did too), and a few other things.
Though I would love a historic setting I’m not sure that I would pick it for fear of getting a few things wrong (though I could place it in a  fictional country I guess). However, like with the Jerry Maguire AU, I could see it in TLC’s Third Era setting (minus Lunars) - I feel that gives me the opportunity to play with the Earthen countries and technology we have in TLC. So, once again, I would lean towards doing that.
Now, for the setting, I would keep it in the future version of Russia. I had some ideas and I’m glad I could find a passage from the book that kinda agrees with my take. What I imagine is that Russia can be part of both the European Federation AND the Eastern Commonwealth, The country is vast and culturally it can lean towards either Europe or Asia. Now in the books we learn that the “South Russia Province” is indeed part of the European Federation. That is something I personally don’t see depending on what counts as “South”. For me, futuristic Russia would be divided in the (North) Western Province (which is part of the European Federation) and the (South) Eastern Province which falls under the jurisdiction of the Eastern Commonwealth (and its monarchy).
Since I won’t have Lunars and glamour, I think I can be a bit more creative with the time period. Because in 126 T.E., which is when the canon books take place, the Earthen countries are largely at peace. Therefore, I would set the story roughly in the years following the Fourth World War that led to the Treaty of Bremen and Earth being divided into the six regions we know.
So we still have the same characters, technologies, countries, etc - it would just all happen around 100 years earlier.
As for the historic background that sets the things into motion, instead of the Russian revolution, the princess gets lost during the last battle during the Fourth World War between what was formerly known as Russia and China (before the peace treaty comes to pass). The Blackburns were the  former rulers (so they replace the Romanovs in this fic though I wish I could use a non-English name) before the invasion of the Huang line of China. The Chinese army wins the battle, therefore managing to expand the kingdom. What was formerly the Artemisia Palace is now the center of “New” Beijing, the New Beijing Palace. When the war ends and the six Earthen regions sign the Treaty of Bremen, what is left of Artemisia is now within the borders of the Eastern Commonwealth.
Basic Plot Outline
- The story starts thirteen years after the war has ended. Nothing is left of the Blackburn line (no documents, no images, etc) except rumors that the last heir, a daughter, might have survived, taken during the siege by a doctor/scientist in order to protect her. Where she was taken no one knows. Some say she was taken to the European Federation, growing up with the former lover of the doctor. Others think that she is still in the Eastern Commonwealth, raised by the doctor as if she was his own. Others believe she is kept under the exiled queen sister’s careful watch, preventing her from reclaiming her throne. Some say she was badly disfigured during the siege, others that she is a prisoner and others think she doesn’t know her true identity, living the life of a normal girl.
[As you can see and I’m spoilering now, the princess in question could be either Cinder, Cress or Scarlet. Since no one knows who the princess’s father is, there is a possibility that it’s one of the doctor/scientist mentioned here. That would leave either Logan Tanner, the doctor who smuggles Scarlet to France, Linh Garan who adopted Cinder or Dmitri Erland/Sage Darnel.]
- Many tried to find the lost princess, some to reinstall her on the throne, some for the reward money, some to make sure she never comes back in order to destabilise the current monarchy.
- One of the people looking for the lost princess is ex-cadet Carswell Thorne - for the reward money, of course. ;)
- He teams up with the cyborg mechanic Cinder (she takes in some ways the role of Vlad from the movie) who knows New Beijing better, trying to look for clues. Cinder only agrees to find that nebulous princess because Thorne promised her to take her to the European Federation - her only way to escape her stepmother Adri.
[Cinder would also meet Kai, the prince of the Eastern Commonwealth, so there would be some Kaider. ;)]
- Thorne actually has one good lead: A photograph Dr Dmitri Erland, the personal doctor to the royal family, has of the princess. The blue-eyed, blonde child has a remarkable resemblance to the girl he stumbled over at the marketplace earlier that day.
- For Thorne, it’s not important to actually find the princess. It would be enough if everyone thinks he did, earning him money and fame - what more could he ask for? (So, like Dimitri in the movie/musical, he didn’t actually expect to find the lost princess but someone he can pass off as her.)
- He finally finds the girl, Cress, again. She’s an orphan growing up in Mistress Sybil’s orphanage, not knowing who her parents are or where she came from. She’s strangely drawn to the old Artemisia Palace, recognising a few structures that were leftover from the time the Blackburn family ruled but not the ones build after King Rikan ascended the throne.
- Like in the movie, Thorne convinces Cress that while she might not be the princess, there is no reason to believe she can’t be. There is only one way to find out - find the last people connected to the Blackburn line who now live in Paris, France: Levana, the sister of the late queen and her step-daughter, Winter. Cress agrees so she can finally learn more about her past.
- Since Thorne thinks giving a part of the money to Cinder is already more than enough, he doesn’t inform Dmitri Erland. He, Cress and Cinder make their way towards France. [I assume they can’t use the Rampion because Thorne stole it like in canon? And maybe finding the princess is part of getting pardoned? Idk, but using the Rampion would mean they would reach France in ten minutes tops and that’s not enough time to develop my favourite slow-burn Cresswell romance. ^.^]
- Throughout their journey, Thorne tries to help Cress becoming more princess-like like in the movie. She somehow picks up some things quicker than he expected though: Getting Cinder to find out things about the customs and language spoken at the Blackburn court, Cress surprises Thorne by speaking Russian with the dialect of the royals (we know that in canon, while everyone speaks Universal, languages still exist), knowing the outline of the palace and some of the customs and even seems to recognise some people from images. Thorne starts to suspect that Cress is actually the lost princess.
- On their journey, Thorne takes his time showing Cress many things she missed out growing up in an orphanage. Cress starts to question if she really wants to be the lost princess despite having always longed for a home and family. For Thorne, the reward money suddenly doesn’t seem so appealing anymore since it would mean losing Cress. Slowly, Cress and Thorne grow closer, despite Cinder’s warnings, and finally fall in love.
- They are being followed and manage to escape the authorities Adri alerted to Cinder’s disappearance (who legally is her property). Soon, the royal family learns about the fugitive and the cyborg who think they have found the lost princess. While they are now the rightful rulers of the newly-founded Eastern Commonwealth, they know that a heir of the Blackburn line could threaten the stability of their kingdom and send out soldiers to intervene. [This storyline would replace the Rasputin one in some ways and would bring in Kai as a character too who, in canon, was also looking for the lost Lunar princess.]
- In the meantime, Cinder researches more about the lost princess and when they reach France, she separates from Cress and Thorne and makes her way to the small town of Rieux. She finds Scarlet whose grandmother had an affair with Logan Tanner, one of the royal doctors of the Blackburns. Due to the connections and secrets (there are no official birth records of Scarlet who wasn’t born in a hospital but at home), Cinder suspects that Scarlet too could be the lost princess.When special forces arrive to arrest Cinder, she and Scarlet flee towards Paris - and miss the hidden cellar underneath the house. The special forces though find it and send their findings, that Michelle Benoit indeed harboured the lost princess (then severely injured and disfigured in a fire that destroyed much of the old Artemisia Palace) to the E.C. royal family.
[I know Wolf’s heritage is Middle Eastern but I would still love him to be part of the E.C royal special forces. I mean it’s not like people can’t move and work elsewhere. And this way, I can include him in the story. So Wolf leads this operation to find the missing cyborg Cinder.]
- Cress and Thorne still haven’t talked about their future if Cress is the royal princess and what it would mean for their relationship. Instead, they focus on finding Levana Blackburn or Winter Hayle-Blackburn to confirm Cress’s identity.
- Dr Dmitri Erland too arrives in Paris. He heard about Thorne finding a girl that matched the description of the child in the photograph and is desperate to see her. Though he said that the picture showed the lost princess, it’s actually his daughter Crescent who got lost while the palace was attacked. He never lost hope of finding her; therefore, he tricked Thorne into believing that he was looking for the princess rather than his daughter, Crescent.
[I tried to play with the plot twist MM initially wanted to include more into her book series. Since we know TLC, the twist probably wasn’t hard to guess in my fanfic either but I really like that it’s a different take on the Anastasia storyline.]
- Thorne manages to corner the elusive Levana and tries to make her see Cress as he wants her to finally find her family and feels she deserves the life she was always meant to have. He tells her about Cress, Cinder and their journey together, shows images in hopes of convincing her. Levana refuses and gets Thorne thrown out. She then tells one of her henchman (Jacin) to find “Selene” and kill her.
- Winter, who overheard the conversation tries to find her cousin and best friend first and warn her. She and Thorne take off together to find Cress but Winder immediately knows that it’s not her “Selene”.
- That’s when they realise Cress isn’t the lost princess but Cinder. From Thorne’s story and images, Levana  figured it out too (she sees the resemblance between her sister Channary and Cinder) and sent out Jacin to get rid of her.  
- Jacin finds Cinder and Scarlet and they realise that he’s there to kill the lost princess. However, they think it’s Scarlet and Cinder tries her best to protect her but is no match for Jacin.
- That’s when Winter arrives and begs Jacin to spare Selene. The special forces arrive, some of them torn about what to make of finding the lost princess, Selene Blackburn, now a cyborg they have to apprehend. Kai gives the order that nothing should happen to her.
[It would lead to Selene coming back to the Eastern Commonwealth without any ambition to seize the throne. Instead, a Kaider romance would be implied in which she later becomes Empress, joining the two royal lines together.]
- When Dr Erland (Dr Darnel) Cress learns that she’s his daughter and is more than relieved to found part of her family. That also leaves her free to travel the world with Thorne like they did in canon and end similar to the ending of the movie Anastasia.
— — —
I know there are a few plot holes and loose ends but I really love the idea and I was almost tempted to write it. I like how I could mix the world building we have in TLC, and the plot of Anastasia with the one in the books surrounding the lost princess. So thank you very much for suggesting it. :D
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ritebeforeyoureyes · 6 years
I really, really wanted to get this out so sorry if it’s rushed! Here it is, this is chapter one of the au multi-chapter fic that I was talking about a few weeks ago. Thank you for being supportive and leaving me lovely messages so that I could start this! And a little side note for all of you Confessions readers, don’t worry, I will still be writing that x
Masterlist – Plot: Zendaya, a photographer, moved to New York for a fresh start, only to have her demons come back to haunt her.
Haunt (Chapter One)
Zendaya felt like she was on top of the world. Mr Jon Watts was sat in front of her, pen in hand, ready to sign a contract that she’d desperately been trying to fulfil. As soon as his pen touched paper, she let out a sigh of relief that she was certain could be heard on the other side of her studio.
Since having opened up her own photography gallery with her trusty sidekick and business partner, Darnell, the deal with Mr Watts was the first that was her own. Not only was Zendaya the head of price negotiations and legalities, she was also the photographer of the photo that he was purchasing. She had sold a few before but, this, this one in particular meant a lot to her.
The photo was one that she’d taken in the early hours of the morning during her undergraduate studies. Despite being swamped with school work, she had managed to make it to the dance studio at five am. She had only had two real passions in life; dance and photography. Coming from the rough streets of Oakland, California, Zendaya had moved to New York for a clean start. She wasn’t Miss Claire Stoermer’s lanky daughter or the rundown basketball player, Kazembe Ajamu’s, offspring. New York Zendaya was confident and driven; a woman who pursued all possibilities. So, Zendaya had been up at the crack of dawn to prance around a studio in her worn-out ballet shoes. Her steps had been sleep-filled and clumsy but nevertheless, her camera had sat on a tripod in the far corner. She swayed and jumped as the device took its programmed shot every thirty seconds, most of which were blurry and easily disposed of.
However, the one that Jon Watts was purchasing was almost magical. It was an action shot of Zendaya leaping into the air. Her curly tendrils had slipped from her hair tie and were swaying in the same direction of her body, the warm rays of Brooklyn sun dancing across the floor. It was perfectly timed, a photograph that looked photoshopped and unreal. It encapsulated parts of the New York skyline whilst seemingly enhancing Zendaya’s graceful movements; her natural beauty. The picture symbolished all that good was in her life. It was safe to say, it was one of Zendaya’s favourites … and now Jon’s too.
“Well Zendaya, it was a pleasure doing business with you.” Jon got up from his chair, smiling warmly as he reached to shake Zendaya’s hand. He was a kind and gentle man, one who visited the studio frequently. He admired from afar though, this purchase being his first. “I’m sure boss will look forward to hanging this over his dining room table.”
“Boss?” Zendaya questioned, she was always under the impression that Jon was buying the candid for himself. “I thought the piece was for you.” With a shake of his head, Jon handed Zendaya the contract that he had just signed. Zendaya glanced it over to see the steep price of eight thousand dollars plastered across the bottom in Jon’s dishevelled handwriting. It was then that Zendaya’s heart nearly stopped. She had never negotiated a price that high! She would be stupid to. Her studio was a small space rented out in the tucked away streets of Brooklyn. Zendaya could barely make up her own rent and she was smart to assume the people who frequented her establishment were in the same boat. “Mr Watts, I can’t-“
“Are you okay, Miss Coleman?” Jon commented at the sight of Zendaya’s facial expression. “Would you like more for the photograph, I could have a cheque paid into your account-“ Now Zendaya’s face was draining of blood, her hands suddenly clammy.
“No, Mr Watts, I can’t … this is too much-“ Zendaya handed the contract back, her head swaying in dismay. It wasn’t that she was ungrateful, it was just that she’d been raised in a low-income family like many of her neighbours today. Eight thousand dollars was a preposterous amount of money to spend on a photograph! Hey, it was probably enough to pay a substantial amount of her rent. She couldn’t justify taking that high of an amount for a picture that had taken her seconds to capture.
“I’ve shown boss the picture, it was the price he asked me to pay for it.” Mr Watts just shrugged and Zendaya just stared at him, completely dumfounded. He simply smiled at her clueless response. “I think you underestimate your talent, Miss Coleman. You have a keen eye for photography.”
“Thank you so much.” The blush crept to her cheeks, her hair coming down to frame the sides of her face. “Thank your boss for … everything, he’s paying more than triple of what it’s worth and I honestly can’t-“
“Boss has a knack for this kind of stuff, if he thinks the money is worth it … it’s worth it.” And with those finishing lines, Jon gave Zendaya a soft pat to the back before promising to have his men pick the large frame up at a later time in the day. As he left, Zendaya just stared as he walked outside. It was the first time she was noticing how prime and proper he looked in contrast to the murky street outside. Jon was always well dressed, well-groomed and eloquently spoken, she was surprised she hadn’t picked up on his associations with wealth instantly.
“How’d it go, Zendeesha?” Darnell knocked his elbow into Zendaya’s side once the shock of the events slow began to wear off her.
“I … think I just made eight thousand dollars-“
“Holy shit!” Darnell enveloped Zendaya into a hug that was both bone and soul crushing. “Watts has some serious cash, huh? We have to celebrate!” Darnell manoeuvred to the locked off section of the studio, his hands rummaging through the stash of good, really good, champagne that they had saved for their slightly bigger events; the type of events that she hoped would boost the buzz around her quaint little studio.
“Darnell, we can’t open those-“ Even though she’d just made a hefty amount of cash, in the grand scheme of running a business, eight thousand dollars wasn’t a lot and Zendaya couldn’t afford to be careless with things that brought in the more wealthy clientele.
“Stop it, I’ll make up the money for the bottle.” Darnell handed Zendaya a glass that she reluctantly accepted. “I’m proud of you and you deserve to indulge a little.” After seeing Darnell’s infectious grin, Zendaya took a sip from her flute before scanning the room. There were a few days where the studio was empty and today was one of those days. She drank one glass, another and then another, the day passing by in a blur of aimless wonderers and jokes with her best friend.
“You know I love you, right? Would you mind locking up?” Darnell asked sheepishly. The sky outside had darkened and at this stage of the night, hoping for customers was like hoping for pigs to fly. Zendaya had already slipped out of her business heels and undone a few buttons on her shirt; her professional façade slipping. “I said I’d meet Logan for a few drinks.”
“Go ahead.” Zendaya smiled, her bare feet already moving to clean up the mess that they had made whilst draining bottles of champagne. “Go have fun, I’ll see you on Monday, yeah?” Unlike Darnell, her social life was non-existent. Her life had previously revolved around her ex-boyfriend and his friends and family and now that they were over, it meant she spent her Friday nights tucked tightly into bed with her son, Noon.
“Thank you, thank you.” Darnell kissed the side of her face speedily. “Text me when you get home, Grandma.”
“Bye, jerk face.” Zendaya swatted him playfully as he skipped out of the studio, leaving her by herself to clean. Like she did on most days, she put up the closed sign on the door before putting in her headphones and dancing around the fairly sparse space.  She wasn’t a specialist in a particular form of dance, her style varying between ballet, contemporary, salsa and hip-hop. And it was by exploring these styles that she cleaned most efficiently.  She was done within ten minutes and as she grabbed for her purse and flicked off the main light switch, she heard a crash over her headphones.
“Hello?” She called, presuming it to be Darnell or one of Jon Watts’ men to pick up the photograph that he had purchased earlier. But, as no one answered, and the sounds grew more prevalent, Zendaya inched towards it with a  spurt of panic and courage.
Suddenly, a gloved hand slipped over her mouth. In the darkness she couldn’t distinguish much, just the fact that she was being held tightly up against something … or someone. Her first instinct was to scream but her shrieks came out muffled against her captor’s hand.
“Zendaya, the more you fight, the more difficult this gets.” After hearing a man’s voice, Zendaya began to fumble against his hold more aggressively. She had witnessed things like this in the movies but never had she imagined it happening to her in real life. Her body lurched against her holder’s, but her delicate frame meant her strength was no match for his and she slumped against his hold helplessly.
“What do you want? I have no cash.” Despite his tight clutch over her mouth, her words were still partly audible.
“Darling, I got what I came here for,” The more he spoke, the more Zendaya could decipher that this man had an accent, a British accent. “You.” His voice rang in her ear, his accent bringing back vivid memories that she had tried so hard to forget. It was like an influx of sweeping, unwanted memories that clouded Zendaya’s brain and she channelled the negative energy into her body. She raised her knee up, letting it connect directly to his crotch, the groan leaving him instantly. The move was full proof, and he loosened his grip for just long enough for her to breakaway.
She was now running and if anyone knew Zendaya, they knew she didn’t run. But she could hear his footsteps following behind her closely and she knew this was her only chance at escaping. She rolled both her ankles, throwing one heel off at a time so that she was running against the sidewalk barefooted. Without the added restriction of her shoes, Zendaya was able to quicken her pace, only for another man to run out the shadows and block her path.
“Motherfucker!” She cursed as the two of them collided, his rock-solid chest sending her flying backwards. She thought she was going to hit the ground and her eyes closed instinctively but the pain never came. Arms wrapped around her waist and jerked her upright, forcing her hazel eyes back open. “Still stubborn as always, I see.”
Within seconds, the man was forcing something over her nose. She inhaled and then felt her heart sink, she smelt chloroform. Her eyes widened in response, her arms flailing once again in an attempt to set herself free. But before she knew it, her legs gave out from underneath and her body swayed right back into the hold of her attacker. He caught her readily, seconds before she settled into a darkened abyss.
It was those few seconds that were integral, those few seconds were enough for little pieces of the puzzle to come together. There was a reason why the man’s accent was so familiar to Zendaya, why it rang so many bells. The man holding her limp body was Tom Holland – her demons had finally come back to haunt her.
If you enjoyed this piece and would like to help further me and my work, please support me whilst I get through university. The money you donate will go towards assisting me in my student fees. It is one hundred per cent a voluntary pursuit and greatly appreciated, however, your lovely comments and votes are always welcomed too. Thank you for being the greatest: https://ko-fi.com/D1D072V0
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troublemakerfiction · 7 years
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Amilia “Millz”
“Is it just me or do I sense a lot of negative energy?” I asked Darnell before snickering.
If I had a dollar for every dirty look I got tonight I would be richer than what I already am. These bitches were mad as fuck and it had me laughing because they came here knowing this was my party. Darnell had flyers and shit made, had the shit on Facebook and Instagram that this was my welcome home party so anybody that’s here knows this night is dedicated to me. Why the fuck is you here if I bother you so much? Haters are funny as hell, can’t stand my ass but had to come out to see me. Shit is weird.
“Nah I feel it too. This is sad Millz, this many people shouldn’t dislike you.”
“They don’t, they’re jealous of me. It’s a big difference; they think I’m going to take their niggas or something.” One would think I had a reputation of being a hoe with how bothered these bitches act.
I’ve never been anybody’s side chick; I’ve never fucked or stole anybody’s man but if I wanted to I could. I know it, their niggas know it and they know it too which is why they can’t stand my ass. If I wasn’t so tickled by the hate I would make it known to these bitches that they had nothing to worry about. The last thing I want to do is share a nigga so I’m the least of their concerns. I don’t want dick that’s already taken by the next bitch.
“She can’t help it if these hoes are insecure. Let them hate, they can’t beat her so fuck it.” Imani said before shrugging.
“I love the grown up Imani so much.” I chuckled. Imani has changed so much and I love every bit of it. Long gone was the girl who let people talk to her any type of way. If you come at her be prepared to get told the fuck off or hit if you push it. I give the credit to NuNu and Kason in all honesty, they brought out a different side of her and I was here for it. My baby cousin wasn’t a baby anymore and I was so proud of the woman she was becoming. She wasn’t playing with these hoes out here.
“True but she has no friends.” Darnell said making me laugh.
“What happened to that one girl, what was her name again? Is it Raina or something like that?” NuNu asked me.
“Her name is Raven and she can kiss my ass. As soon as I moved she tried to fuck Cameron thinking he wasn’t going to let me know.” I answered her.
About a month after I made the move to Virginia, Cameron called me one night telling me about how Raven called him over to her house claiming she had some things that belonged to me. When he got there bitch had on lingerie and tried to fuck him but he turned her ass down. I wish I could say I was shocked but I wasn’t. Raven is a ho, she’s always been a ho. I just never thought she would cross me but fuck it, people fuck up and do shit like that. I called her and cussed her ass out and I haven’t spoken to her since. Last time I heard anything about her was from Facebook. Funniest thing is she’s supposedly best friends with that bitch Bianca. From what I heard she’s even the God mother to Bianca’s daughter.
I wasn’t even mad when I found out about that shit, I actually found it funny. That shit didn’t do anything but make me realize I’m right when I keep bitches at a distance. They’re all fake as fuck: if you’re not my family I’m not fuckin’ with you like that.
“Damn, that’s fucked up. You didn’t slap her?”
“I haven’t seen her. I’m not about to go looking for the hoe but I’ll see her at some point. Fuck that though, we’re about to turn up.” I grabbed an unopened bottle of Rose then stood up. “Who the hell are all of these people, I don’t even know them.” I asked Darnell looking around the section.
“Vick invited people from the shop. You’re good with that?”
“Yeah it’s fine; as long as they don’t bother me we’re good.”
“There goes Dro. He is so damn fine,” Imani said and I looked at her with my eyebrow raised.
“Let Kason hear you say that.”
“He won’t that’s why I said it over here.”
“Mhm yeah you better keep it down. Who the hell is Dro anyway?”
“He’s the one talking to Vick.” NuNu pointed over at Vick and the rest of the guys. “The one with the beard and white shirt.” When my eyes landed on who she was talking about I had to make myself turn my head so I wouldn’t stare at him. This Dro nigga is fine as shit; the same height as Vick, I couldn’t tell what his complexion was but I know he wasn’t chocolate and he wasn’t light bright. He looked to be somewhere in the middle. Through the shirt he was wearing I could tell the nigga probably spent a good amount of time in the gym.
“Damn, where the fuck was he at four years ago?”
“In New York,” Darnell laughed at me. “He moved here not too long after you left; got hooked up with Vick and them now he works at the shop doing tattoos and he handles things from time to time if you get me.”
“I got you,” I nodded. I knew exactly what that meant, this nigga killed people for the cartel. “Well he looks damn good from over here. I’m about to go see if he looks that good up close.” I gave them a smile before walking over to where he and Vick were standing.  “Hey,” I poked Vick’s arm and both of them looked at me.
“Damn,” Dro said while looking me up and down. I chuckled at his outburst, nigga has no shame. I like it.
“Aye nigga chill, this is my cousin.” Vick told him.
“Oh so this is Millz? I heard a lot about you ma, it’s nice to put a face with a name.” He smirked at me then held his hand out. “I’m Dro,”
“Nice to meet you too,” I smiled shaking his hand. Standing right by him I could smell the cologne coming off of him and the shit had my knees ready to go weak. It’s nothing better than a man who smells as good as he looks.
“You know what; I’m going to walk away because I’m not here this awkward shit.” Vick shook his head then walked off.
“I’m not even going to bite my tongue, you’re rocking the fuck outta that dress.” Dro told me.
“Thank you.” I popped the bottle of Rose I was holding open then took a swig while he watched me licking his lips. I couldn’t help but find it funny and a little bit intriguing. I’ve never had a nigga be so forward before right off the bat. Usually they play nice and innocent on some I wanna be your friend shit, then try to go in for the kill and fail every time.
“You might as well take a picture of me so you can get your rocks off or something because you’re staring mighty hard right now.”  I said making him chuckle.
“Do you always say the first thing that comes to your mind?”
“Uh, yeah pretty much. No need in biting my tongue when I really don’t give a fuck.” I shrugged then walked off. I knew it seemed rude but i did that to confuse his ass. If he’s smart he’ll be looking for me. After walking away from him I went over to where Haze was so I could get a blunt from him. If anybody had something it was him. When I got to him I was happy to see Lock sitting right next to him. Good, I could kill two birds with one stone.
“Yo, Haze let me get a blunt.” I shook his shoulder making sure he was looking at me.
“Fuck makes you think I got a blunt for you?” He smiled at me.
“I know you my nigga that’s why. For real let me get a blunt Oh and Lock I’m happy to see you too, let me see your keys.”
“My keys?” Lock looked at me like I was crazy. “Fuck you need my keys for?”
“I want to smoke and I’m going to go in your office. I damn sure wasn’t about to smoke outside so a dumb ass cop can get stupid. I really don’t feel like turning into a black lives matter moment, so let me get your keys.”
“Yo what the fuck?” He laughed at me; I don’t even know what was funny. I was dead ass serious. An attitude like mine doesn’t mix well with NYPD.
“Come on I’m dead ass and don’t tell me to smoke in here. It’s too many aye let pass that ass niggas around.”
“I can’t take you Millz, glad to have you baby girl.” He went in his pocket and gave me his office keys.
“Thank you, I missed your black ass too. Haze, blunt please. Stop playing.” Shaking his head he went in his pocket and gave me a Bluntville pack.
“Here get out my face,”
“Love you too.” I blew them a kiss then made my way up to Lock’s office. Once I got inside I shut the door then sat in the chair behind his desk sitting everything I had in my arms on top it. I sat there rolling myself a blunt just getting lost in my thoughts.
Here I was at this welcome home party in a city that has pretty much fucked me over for the most part. Somebody had my father killed and I have no idea who. After the situation with my mother it really had me thinking about everything that happened. I couldn’t help but feel like I was stuck in an episode of Power. The night my father was murdered those niggas left with nothing but the fact that they got my dad and uncle out of the picture. Yeah that’s some big shit considering who they were but they really didn’t get shit done because the business kept going and has never slowed down.
That tells me whoever was behind my father’s murder had to be after something else. Why would getting him out the way be so important if it didn’t shut down his business? I vividly remember them looking for my money and demanding money from my dad. I also remember my father getting my prepared for that shit to happen.
This man came in my room three o’clock in the morning to show me this room and what to do once I was in.
Winter 2006
“Amil get up,” I heard my dad say before feeling him shake my shoulder. “Get up, right now.” He pulled the covers off me then went and turned my light on.
Sucking my teeth I sat up then looked at my alarm clock that red 3:12 A.M. “It’s 3 in the morning, what are you doing?”
“Don’t question me aight, just get up and come on.” I climbed off my bed then stretched.
“Where are we going? Where’s mama?”
“I don’t know and I don’t give a fuck. Don’t tell her about what I’m showing you alright. She doesn’t know and she’s not going to know.”
“Why not?”
“Didn’t I just say don’t question me? Come on.” We walked down the hall from my room to a book case. He lifted the thermostat that was right next to it and punched in a code.
After putting in the last number the book case split revealing a room that was set up like a little den. It had a refrigerator and a couch. On one side of the room there were multiple screens on the wall showing every room in our house. The only rooms that didn’t have cameras were my bedroom and bathroom. There was a camera showing the outside of my windows I figured must be so he could see if somebody was climbing in my window.
“What the hell is this? Fort Knox?”
“Watch your mouth.”
“For real though what is this and why are you showing this to me right now?”
“This is a panic room; I had it built in here for you. Sit down because we need to talk.” I sat on the couch while he put in a code on the keypad that made the case close. He came over and sat next to me. “What do you think I do for a living Amil? Don’t worry about getting in trouble or anything else. What do you think I do for a living?”
I looked in his eyes to see if he was serious and he was. My dad has never had a conversation with me about what he does for a living. Anytime anybody ever asked me what he did I just said he owned a business. I never got specific; I always gave them that simple answer. For me I didn’t feel like what he does for a living was any of their business. If my dad isn’t talking to me about it why would I go and take that to somebody else?
As far as for what I thought he did, I’m not dumb I know he sells drugs. I figured that out when I was eight years old. One day I was outside the projects I lived in with my mother and I heard some niggas talking about him. They were calling him Dice, the only reason I knew it was him is because they said Dice is Keisha’s baby daddy. My mama is Keisha and I’m her only child so duh, they were talking about him.
Anyway, they were saying how he had the city on lock, talking about how people feared him. Add that to the fact that my dad had a lot of money, was always at work but I’ve never heard him say what his job was and where. He would just he’s going to work or he was going to handle something. I watched all those movies like State Property, Paid in Full, Belly, and my dad and his brothers had a lot in common with some of those characters and the shit they did.
“You sell drugs.”
“That’s what you think?”
“Well baby girl you’re right, that’s what I do for a living. I do it because our family needed money and that’s what got it for me. In doing this shit I make a lot of enemies and some of those enemies will try to go for things that are close to me.”
“Are you trying to say somebody is after me?”
“No, what I’m saying is if anything were to happen to me I don’t want you stuck in the crossfire. I want you to get up come to this room and wait until shit is done and over with.”
“Dad I’m confused, are you saying something is going to happen to you?”
“There’s a possibility that it could. Don’t start crying,” He wiped the tears that fell down my face. “I know you don’t want to hear this shit and trust me I hate talking to you about it but I have to be honest with you.”
“I still don’t get it though, you come and tell me this out of nowhere. What the hell?”’
“There was never going to be a right time Amil but you have to know this because I don’t want anything happening to you. Now dry your eyes and get up so I can tell you everything you need to know about saving your life.” I wiped my face then stood up.
That night he told me to pack a bag of clothes, gave me the code to both key pads then told me where there would be a set of keys in the chimney downstairs. He bought an old used car and parked it in the garage. He wanted me to get the keys from the chimney then leave as fast as possible and get to one of my uncles.
 I was only 15 so I didn’t have a license but my dad started teaching me how to drive when I was 13 so driving wasn’t an issue for me. When he was telling me and teaching me all of that it never dawned on me that I would need all of that shit a couple of weeks later.
Being back up here was a bittersweet thing. I love it because my family is here and it’s home for me but it’s bitter because I’ve experienced every painful part of my life here. I was determined to not let that hurt hold me back. My father is gone, my mother and that bitch boy she put me out for is gone too. I’m ready to move the fuck on and just live my life the best that I could. My focus is on my kids and my business. Anything extra is going to be put on the back burner.
“You good?” A voice knocked me from my thoughts making me jump a little bit. Looking up I sucked my teeth when I saw Trouble standing there.
“Yeah I’m fine, what are you doing in here?”
“I saw you come up here so I wanted to see what’s up with you. You igged my ass when you came in.”
“That was for a reason. You don’t even need to be up here, you got your bitch with you and I will really hurt that bitch if she comes at me. So please, just leave me alone.”
“This is different. If I recall this isn’t the first time you had a problem with a girlfriend of mine. When it was Bianca you never stopped talking to me.”
“Yeah well I didn’t care about fighting every other day back then. I have children now; I don’t have time to be out here fighting over stupid shit which is what’s going to happen if your girl comes at me. So I’m going to say it again. Please leave.”
“Aight man, what the fuck is your problem Millz?” He barked at me.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, what the fuck is your issue? Even before that Thanksgiving shit with Nicki you were giving me the cold shoulder like I did something to you.”
“Nigga you did.”
“Oh really what the fuck did I do to you? Last time I checked you told me to be with Nicki and you’re the one who moved away. The fuck did I do?”
“I did tell you that and you know damn well I didn’t fuckin’ mean it but you went and did it anyway. That was partly my fault, I can admit that. You need to take responsibility for what the fuck you did too though. You don’t want to be with that bitch you were just mad and did that bullshit because you were in your feelings and you knew it would get to me. You got what you wanted; it did get to me so now it’s fuck you.”
“Fuck me?”
“Yes, fuck you nigga fuck you; understand that? I don’t feel like dealing with the bullshit Trouble and that’s what comes with being with you. If it’s not Bianca it’s this bitch, it’s always going to be somebody. You’re no fuckin’ different from my baby father. For all that I might as well be with the nigga that knocked my ass up.”
“Your problems with Bianca don’t have shit to do with me though. Y’all would’ve had beef anyway because she got a baby by the same nigga you got kids by. That’s not my problem; the bitch was cheating on me. I never cheated on her so how the fuck am I anything like that nigga?”
“You play game just like he does. We were not together so if you wanted to fuck with shorty you had the right to do that but my question is and always been why didn’t you tell me about her? You felt the need to explain who the fuck I was to her but I couldn’t get the same respect, why?”
“It wasn’t even like that for real. I didn’t go out of my way to not tell you.”
“I can’t tell; I went from seeing you every day to only talking to you through test messages which is crazy because I was living in your house. You were avoiding me because you were fuckin’ with her then because I said something while I was in my feelings you went in jumped into a relationship with her right after you said it was nothing like that. You move funny my nigga.”
“I move funny?” He asked with a chuckle.
“Yes you move funny; I should’ve realized that when you were chasing my ass all the while you had a damn girlfriend. I don’t care about how much you really didn’t want to be with her, the fact of the matter was you were claiming her. Like I said, you move funny.”
“Millz we both played a part in shit aight; it wasn’t only on me and it wasn’t just on you. We both did some stupid shit. Just like I didn’t have to get with Nicki you didn’t have to tell me to do the shit ten times either if you didn’t mean it.”
“It doesn’t even matter Trouble. You’re with her now and I don’t want any parts in the drama that will come out of even thinking about going and doing something with you. I’m good on that. If you want to be cool and cordial fine we can do that but don’t come at me any type of way. Don’t be staring at me and shit, none of that. Treat me the same way you treat Darnell and Imani.”
He looked at skeptically for a second then nodded his head. “That’s cool with me.”
“Good. Now are you done in here?”
“Nah I have one more question.”
“What Trouble?”
“Have you been to see your mother?”
“Nope; I don’t plan on going and I don’t feel like talking about that.” I answered him keeping my answer pretty damn short. I’ve never went to go visit my mother’s grave and I’m never going to go. The only reason she was even buried is because I allowed her to be buried.
After my uncle ended her life they dumped her body somewhere and she was found a couple of weeks later. Of course when it came down to the police I had to put on the sad devastated daughter role and act like I gave a fuck and was shocked. I wanted to cremate her ass and toss her ashes somewhere but there are people from her family that cared about her so they could have that grave shit. I wasn’t going out to see that bitch and if I did I would probably spit on her tombstone so it’s best if I keep my distance.
After handling all of her funeral shit I ended up getting in touch with my father’s old attorney and got all my money. Well the shit she couldn’t touch and get rid of. I ended up getting almost $3,000,000 dollars of my father’s money and $20,000 from my mother’s life insurance policy. That I just gave to my maternal grandmother so she wouldn’t be calling me asking me for a damn thing.
Besides Shante I wasn’t in touch with any of my mother’s family because my father didn’t want me around them. Even after he died they didn’t make an effort to reach out to me so fuck them. Anything to do with my mother was a closed chapter in a book I wasn’t reading from anymore. The shit was over and done with, I don’t even like thinking about the shit.
“Alright I just wanted to know where your head was at pertaining to that situation.”
“It’s nowhere because that whole situation is irrelevant.”
“Alright, well I’m about to get out of here before Nicki starts trippin’. I’ll see you around Millz.”
“I’m sure you will.” He smirked at me then walked out of the office. I was about to roll another blunt since Trouble came in here blowing my buzz. As I was breaking the weed down there was another knock on the door.
“Damn, niggas really annoying today. What! “I shouted. The door opened and Dro walked in then closed it behind him. “I don’t remember saying come in.”
“You didn’t have to; I just wanted to see what you were doing.”
“Alright, well you see what I’m doing. Do you have any more questions” I eyed him with a smirk on my face. Dro is fine as hell and it’s that grown man fine. He’s not a little ass boy and he had this ruggedness about him that had me intrigued.
“What’s the deal with you and Trouble? Y’all fuck around?”
Instead of answering him right away I just started laughing because that was funny as shit to me. This nigga really asked me that out the blue without a fuck; I love it. “How is that your business?”
“It’s not but I like to know what I’m getting myself into.”
“Oh and what would you be getting into because all of this,” I pointed to myself, “is of limits.”
“You have a man?”
“No I don’t have a man, and I don’t fuck with Trouble. Is that all you needed to know?”
“What’s the deal with your baby father?”
“Alright you’re getting too personal, I barely know you. How about this, don’t worry about my business because it doesn’t concern you my nigga.”
“You’re taking all of this wrong.”
“No I think I’m taking it right. You’re too much in my business and right now you’re really blowing my shit so if you could leave.” I told him before turning my eyes towards the large windows around the office that gave of complete view of the club.
I was about to turn my head and focus on my blunt when Darnell looking as if she was yelling at somebody caught my eyes. I dropped everything in my hands and walked over to the window to get a second look. When I saw her arguing with Raven I snatched Lock’s keys and headed towards the door.
“Let’s go I need to lock this door, don’t say shit to me just get out.” I said to Dro.
Chuckling he shook his head and walked out the office. I don’t know what the fuck was funny; I see he got that ass out. I locked the office door then made my way downstairs to the main floor and was about to head towards the section when I saw a crowd of people rushing towards the exit. Quickly I glanced around to see if I saw my cousins but I didn’t. Not seeing any of them let me know exactly what was going on. Darnell was outside about to kill this bitch.
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“You ready for graduation?” NuNu asked me while we sat in Kason’s car smoking a blunt.
I remember a time when I wouldn’t even touch a blunt; all of that went out the window after the first time Kason finally got me to try smoking with him. I started out smoking every once in the blue moon to smoking on the regular basis when NuNu and I moved into our own apartment. My brother would either leave weed at the house or she would just take some from his place when she spent the night there. Between her and Kason’s pothead ass I got caught up in it. Smoking has become a big part of my daily routine.
“Hell yeah, I don’t want anything but fun the next two months. I already know when school starts all my fun is going to come to a stop.”
NuNu and I were both about to graduate from Saint Peters and I couldn’t be happy to be free from school. The only thing is that freedom isn’t going to last long because I’m starting Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, New Jersey in July. In August NuNu is going to be starting at Seton Hall University School of Law in Newark.
“You’re right about that and I told Haze that shit too. I’m not staying in the house I’m going nuts this whole summer so he better prepare himself to see my ass in a club every weekend.”
“Yeah we’ll see how he takes that shit.”
“I don’t give a damn how he takes I’m doing what I want. I’m nervous about law school though.”
“I’m not exactly the law school type. I mean college was one thing but I don’t know if I’m going to be a good fit at Seton Hall.”
“You’re going to do fine, it’s not like you’re on some extra shit. You’re just out spoken; it’s nothing wrong with it. At least you know exactly what you’re going to do I don’t even know what I want to specialize in yet.” NuNu had her mind made up about becoming a criminal lawyer, she already knew she was going to take the bar exam in New York and New Jersey.  
I am nowhere near prepared for what I want to do. Initially I wanted to be a pediatrician and work with kids but my step-mother got me hooked on Grey’s Anatomy and now I was strongly considering becoming a surgeon. I know it sounds petty to pick your career because of a TV show but oh well. I’m just happy I have two years of school to go through before I had to worry about choosing my specialty.
“I know but it’s still nerve wrecking. I’m excited though too, I’m going to be a fuckin’ lawyer. Noelle Hernandez, Esquire. I like the way that sounds.” She cheesed.
“It might be Noelle Diamond if my brother acts right.”
“Oh please I’m not thinking about marriage right now and neither is he. My focus is school and my career, the nigga is lucky he’s my boyfriend. What about you and Kason? If anything y’all are headed down the aisle soon.”
“No we’re not; I want to finish school too. Maybe after medical school but right now I’m not thinking about it that. Same damn reason I told him no when he asked me to move in and why I won’t be moving in any time soon.”
“Does he know that? I heard him tell Haze and them you were moving in with him.”
“When was this?”
“On Wednesday, you know they play cards at Haze’s house every week.”
“I don’t know why he told them that because I told him no when he asked me. I told him no three times actually.”
A couple of months ago Kason asked me to move in with him and I instantly said no. I didn’t say I would think about it or anything like that, I made sure he understood it wasn’t happening. He asked me two more times after that the last time being two weeks ago and again I told him no. I don’t know why he’s telling his friends and my family I’m moving in because I’m not.
“Well he feels like your ass is moving in.”
“I’m not so I hope he doesn’t get his hopes too high because that’s not going down.”
“Why don’t you want to live with him though?”
“I like having my own space. I’m damn near alone, you’re always at my brother’s house. Move in already bitch.”
“About that,” She smiled at me. “I was going to tell you at our graduation party, Haze asked me to move in with him and I said yeah.”
“Yeah, you’re not mad are you?”
“Nope, your room is about to become my second closet. Why were you going to wait? I wasn’t going to be mad or anything.”
“I know you weren’t, I was going to have it be a surprise because we’re moving into a new house. I wasn’t going to leave my apartment to move into his condo, that’s dumb.”
“So y’all are getting a house together?”
“Yeah, we found a house in Elizabeth. Millz moved her ass back up here right on time, I’ll tell you that much.”
“Well I’m happy for y’all, and I hope y’all stay happy with living together but I’m not on that wave yet. I like how things are right now and I’m not trying to change that for anybody.”
“I feel you, y’all will figure it ou-oh shit is that Darnell fighting?” NuNu pointed out her window and over to the entrance of the club. I looked over and it was Darnell out there literally dog walking some girl in the middle of the street.
“That is her, what the fuck is going on?” We made sure the blunt was put out then we got out the car and ran across the street just as Xavier, Vick and Trouble were breaking up the fight. “What the fuck happened Darnell?” I asked once I got over to where she was. Xavier had her arms pinned down to her side and had just got finished yelling for her to calm down.
“Xavier let my arms go I’m not going to touch the bitch again damn!” Darnell snapped at him.
“I got her X, don’t worry about it.” I grabbed Darnell’s arm and pulled her to the side while the guys tried to make the crowd that followed them outside disperse.
“What the fuck happened D?”
“We were in the section and Raven got in and walked up talking about she came here to see Millz but I told her to get out. The bitch felt Froggy and spit at me so I fucked her up. I dragged that hoe from inside the club to out here.”
“What the fuck is she looking for Millz for? That’s going to be an ass whooping for her. The fuck is the point?” I asked nobody in particular. It was more of a rhetorical question if anything. “They better get her the fuck out of here before Millz comes out and sees her here.”
“They made the bitch leave,” NuNu walked up and said just as Millz was coming out the club looking around.
“Millz!” Darnell shouted her name getting her attention. When she got over to us she had a confused look on her face.
“What the fuck just happened?”
“Raven’s hoe ass spit at me so she got drug. The bitch is lucky I didn’t have my razor on me, whole face would’ve been sliced up. I’m at Nicki’s head too.”
“Why? What did she do?” Millz asked.
“She tried to hit me while I was fighting Raven, I saw her ass and I’m stinging that bitch on sight.”
“Why would she swing on you? That bitch really doesn’t give a fuck about her life at all.” Millz shook her head. “This is why I didn’t want a damn party; I knew some bullshit was going to happen. Are we done here? I’m ready to go home.”
“Where are you staying at Millz?” I questioned.
“I’m back in Jersey City, I’m downtown though. You know where Windsor Liberty Houses are?” She asked talking about a luxury apartment complex that was literally a few blocks away from my apartment building.
“You’re like ten minutes away from me if that much. NuNu and I have an apartment at Liberty Towers. That’s crazy.”
“No what’s crazy is you having an apartment there, damn. You know how much they charge for people to live there?”
“Well my dad doesn’t have a problem paying it as long as my ass stays in school. Your rent isn’t cheap either. I’m surprised you even moved in Jersey City period.”
“I know right. My father busted his ass to get out of there and here I am going back. I’m not worried about the money though because I don’t pay the rent so whatever.”
“So who pays it?” NuNu asked her. Before she could even say it I knew exactly what was about to come out her mouth.
“Hold up, Prophet paying for it?” I questioned and she chuckled. “I knew it; doesn’t his ass live there too?”
“Alright he is paying it but that was his choice to do that. He does live around there too but he’s way on the other side and he’s giving me my space.”
“Mhm he wants you there so he can watch that ass.”
“Cameron has a girlfriend so he better not be watching anything over here.”
“He has a what?” Darnell looked at her shocked. I was shocked too because I didn’t hear shit about Prophet having a girlfriend. Being that he lives so close I see him from time to time but it’s never been with a bitch he wasn’t selling so I was shocked too.
“He has a girlfriend, and yes I met her before. He brought her down to Virginia a couple of times so yes she’s met Dyce and Darius. No I don’t have a problem with the chick. She’s in grad school, owns her own business and she’s nice as hell. Too nice for that nigga but that’s between them.”
“You’re alright with her being around your kids? Damn, you really have grown up.” I told her. Moving to Virginia must’ve really changed my cousin because had this been three years ago she would’ve slapped Prophet for even thinking about bringing a girl around her.
“Things and people change besides he’s no longer mine so I can’t be mad. I left his ass; somebody was going to pick him up at some point. I just need to go the hell home. I don’t feel like riding with you Darnell because I already know Xavier is going to be on your ass for fighting anyway.”
“You can ride with me and Kason since you’re so close to me. This one,” I pointed to NuNu, “is riding with Haze and going with him so we have room.”
“I’m ready to go now so go get Kason’s black Jesus looking ass and let’s go.” I waved her off but walked away to find Kason. I walked around for ten minutes looking for him then finally found him mixed in the crowd outside talking to some girl. Initially I didn’t think much of it because I know he’s not stupid enough to try me, especially not in public but when I saw the barely there outfit the girl had on and her hands on his arms along with the big kool-aid smile on her face I walked over and tapped his shoulder.
When he looked behind him and saw me he smirked then kissed me on the lips. “What’s up ma? You ready to go?”
“Mhm we have to drop Millz off before we get to my place. Who is this?”
“I’m Heaven, we grew up together.” The girl answered me before he could. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised because now that’s she’s said her name I know exactly who she was. Heaven is a girl he’s known since grammar school and they were best friends until they lost their virginity to each other and started dating. It didn’t work out because he cheated on her and they broke up during high school.
“Oh so you’re Heaven, okay.” I nodded my head.
“Yeah that’s me, you must be his girlfriend Emily?” She asked with a smile on her face. I laughed because I knew she got my name wrong on person.
“Imani, but I’m sure you knew that. Kason we need to go.” I said keeping my eyes on him. Without saying a word I dared him to take his time and say bye to her ass.
“Aight come on,” He grabbed my hand and started to walk off but Heaven grabbed his arm.
“I can’t get a see you later or anything?” She asked him.
“No because you won’t be seeing him later. You can let him go though.” I told her before he could say anything.
“I don’t believe I was talking to you.”
“No you weren’t but I was talking to you. Thank you,”
“Chill,” Kason told me before snatching his arm from her grasp. “Come on,” When we walked off he squeezed my hand and looked at me. “What I tell you about sweating these bitches?”
“I’m not sweating a damn thing, but I didn’t like her being all over you; smiling hard as hell showing all 32 of her teeth.” I rolled my eyes.  “Why were y’all even talking?”
“She came over to me and started running her mouth. Not too much was being talked about anyway. Don’t worry about it aight.”
“Uh huh, I better not have to worry about it. I don’t like the drama stuff Kason you know that,”
“I do and you know I’m not about to fuck around on you so relax.”
We found Millz and everybody else and said our byes before leaving. After dropping Millz off at her place we went to mine.
“Hey Henry,” I waved at the concierge that worked the front desk at night before heading to the elevators with Kason right behind me. When we got up to my apartment I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower before joining Kason in the living room.
“So you’re not trying to move in with me for real huh?’ He asked as soon as I sat down.
“Where did that come from?”
“I know NuNu told you what I said at your brother’s house. Don’t try and act like she didn’t.”
“Alright she did and now that you bring it up, why did you tell them that?”
“What’s the big deal about us living together?”
“It’s no big deal you just make it one. I don’t want to live with you yet. I don’t think I’m ready for that step.”
“We’ve been together four years Imani. You’re acting like I just met you last month or something.”
“I need all my focus to be on school. I can’t do that with you living with me.”
“So you want me to wait four years to live with my woman?” He shook his head chuckling. “You got me fucked up.”
“What is the big damn deal about us living together? We’re young as shit, I’m 21 you’re 22, why do we need to live together?”
“I don’t care how old we are, you’re my woman right?”
“Nah fuck that shit, you’re my woman right?”
“Alright then, I want to be able to come home and see you there all the damn time. You think I’m about to wait four years for you to graduate for us to move in together?”
“What’s the rush?’
“There is no rush but I’m not about to be doing sleepovers with my girl all the  time. So you need to figure out if you want to move in with me, if I’m moving in here with you or are we looking for a whole new place because this separate shit isn’t going on for too much longer.” He got up and walked towards my bedroom leaving me on the couch by myself. I rolled my eyes but didn’t even go after him because he was irritating me.
I love Kason with all my heart and I know he loves me too but he wanted too much too quick in my eyes. Us living together wouldn’t do shit but complicate things and I don’t want that. Plus I like having my own space especially when he pisses me off. If we get into it, which is rare I can just leave and come home to calm down. If we’re living together there is no escape and that type of things builds resentment.  The last thing I wanted to do was be in a dead ass relationship and start to hate his ass because I’m around him too much. He’s not trying to hear that shit though, he wants us together damn near all the time.
I know I probably sound like a big ass baby whining about my fine ass faithful and paid boyfriend wanting to make things even more official between us but I wasn’t ready for that live in relationship thing yet. It freaks me out and it scares the shit out of me. I don’t want him to get sick of me and go looking for something else in the next bitch.
“You gotta quit being scary.” Millz told me while she moved around her living room. I was at her apartment chillin’ with her waiting on Prophet to drop the boys off. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen my little cousins and I couldn’t wait until their bad asses walked in here “I thought you grew out of that when you started cursing like a damn sailor and got a weave.”
“Fuck you,”
“See,” She busted out laughing like what she said was so funny. “I’m sorry but you have changed. Look at you. You always showed off the body a little but damn.” I looked down at my outfit and smiled.
A lot has changed about me over the years. My style choices were way more adult than they used to be plus my attitude has changed a whole hell of a lot. I wasn’t scared to speak my mind anymore and even though I still didn’t fight I knew how to. Kason had my ass in the gym teaching me how to box for a year straight. The only reason he didn’t still have my ass in the gym was I refused to go. Learning how to defend myself was one thing but this nigga was trying to train me like I was in the military and I got sick of it.
“Shut up and I’m not scary I just don’t want us moving too fast.”
“Y’all been together for four years, the fuck do you call fast Imani?” She laughed at me. “Listen, I was where you are before. Cameron wanted me to move in and I never did.”
“Alright so why are you not understanding?”
“I didn’t want to move in because I knew what it was with that nigga. I knew we weren’t going to last so there was no point. You on the other hand have a good man. Kason loves your ass and he wants to be with you. Cameron just wanted me with him so he could monitor what I was doing and mind my business. There is a big difference.”
“I get what you’re saying but still.”
“Still my ass, just think about it some more. He’s not going to get sick of you if he hasn’t already. Hell, you made the nigga wait damn near two years to pop that damn cherry, if he was going to bonk out on you he would’ve been did it.”
“Whatever I’ll think about it. On to you, now that you’re back what do you have planned?”
“Working on my business and raising my kids. That’s about it, what else is there to do?”
“I don’t know, you don’t have any boos or anything?”
“Nah,” She shook her head. “I’m not really too beat for niggas right now.”
“What about Dro? I saw y’all talking at your party.”
“That nigga is an insecure piece of work, I can already tell. The night of my party he was questioning me about other niggas and I don’t have time for that shit.” I was about to ask her what she meant but there was knocking on her door so she walked to the door and opened it. As soon as she did Dyce and Darius came running in.
“Mani!” Darius shouted when he saw me then came running towards me. I got up and hugged him then looked at Dyce who looked like he had an attitude.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“He in trouble.” Darius answered me.
“Dyce!” Millz shouted coming in the living room. “So you go out to eat and can’t act right?” She asked him but he said nothing. “I know you hear me.” Instead of answering her he sucked his teeth then shrugged his shoulders. “I know you didn’t just, hell no.” She went over and grabbed him by his shirt making him go upstairs. I already knew she was about to whoop his ass. Dyce is like a little reincarnation of my uncle, it’s actually kind of scary, he doesn’t give a fuck about anything and he’s only three.
“That little nigga is bad.” I heard Prophet say before he finally came walking in the living room. “What’s up Imani.”
“Hey Prophet; what did he do?”
“I took them to that Hibachi buffet place down 440 to eat and instead of sitting down and eating his food he picked his plate up and threw the shit across the room because I told him he had to wait to get ice cream.”
“Damn, why didn’t you get his ass then?’
“I did, that’s why he had an attitude but he knows not to do that shit with his mother. He just didn’t give a fuck now he’s up there getting that ass whooped.” Prophet chuckled. “D.Caine, I’ll see y’all next weekend aight.” He kissed Darius’ forehead then left.
“So you’re the good one?” I asked Darius.
“Yup.” He smiled at me.
“Mhm either that or you’re the sneaky one.” I chuckled at him. “Take your jacket and stuff off then put it up.” He went and did what I said before going upstairs to his room. When Millz finally came back downstairs she looked pissed off.
“So motherhood isn’t so easy is it?” I laughed at her.
“Shut up Imani, that little boy is too damn much.”
“What did you do to him? I know you’re not using belts yet.”
“No but I pop the shit out of that hand them legs though. I don’t play with those little boys, as soon as their asses turn eight it’s straight body shots. Fuck that belt shit.”
“Why did Prophet call Darius D.Caine?”
“That’s his name.”
“Prophet’s last name is Caine?”
“No nigga, his last name is Thomas. Darius has Cam’s father’s name. Darius Caine Thomas and Dyce Cameron Thomas. He wasn’t about to let me just name them after my dad, he had to throw himself in there. Like the last name isn’t enough.”
“So he calls Dyce D.Cameron?”
“D.Cam,” she shrugged. “That’s their thing I don’t judge it. Forget that though, are you going to move in with Kason or not?”
“I could’ve sworn I told you I would think about it so that’s what I’m doing. Thinking about it.”
“You just better make the right decision. I’m not saying give in and just give him what he wants if it means you’re going to be miserable but don’t hold back because you’re scared he’s going to get sick of you. Are you sure that’s the reason and it’s not about Uncle Nasir cutting you off?”
“Why would he cut me off?”
“He may not cut you off but he won’t be paying rent for you to be living with a grown ass man. Is that what you’re so hesitant about? Kason is far from broke he can afford to get y’all a place.”
“I know that but my dad really has nothing to do with it. Anyway, I’m about to go pick him up anyway and make him go get a haircut.”
“Where’s his car?”
“Parked outside, I drove his car over here. Mine was on some bullshit and he was knocked out so” I shrugged. “ I was going to spend some time with the look alikes but Dyce is in his bad mode and I don’t have time right now.” I got up and grabbed my purse from the floor. “You’re coming to my graduation party right?”
“Depends on what kind of party it’s going to be.”
“Small and at my parents’ house, it’s mostly going to be family and a few friends. And I do mean a few because I don’t have many.”
“Alright, I’ll be there. I already know Trouble’s pet isn’t invited right. I’m already at her for sneaking Darnell so you might not want to have her around.”
“I’m not trying to have you or Darnell get arrested for killing the girl so no, she’s not invited.” I gave Millz a hug then made my way to her front door. “Love you cousin.”
“I know; I love you too. We live up the street from each other I better see you often little girl.”
“Don’t be sweating me now that I’m grown Millz.”
“Oh shut up and get out.” We both laughed then hugged each other one more time before I left. As soon as I got in Kason’s car my phone rang and I knew by the ringtone it was him so I answered. “Hello?”
“Where you at with my damn car?” He asked sounding irritated.
“I just left Millz’ house I’m on my way back there. I hope you’re dressed because you need a haircut and your hair retwisted. I’m tired of staring at your naps, you’re getting that stuff done today.”
“How are you just going to tell me what I’m going to do? Besides my hair is all natural, you’re supposed to love that shit. It’s all me baby.”
“Yes and I love you but there is a difference between embracing natural hair and looking dusty. You need them done, we’re going to Rama’s and your hair is getting done.”
“You lucky I actually need my shit done, but nah I’m not dressed. I’m waiting on you.”
“Why are you waiting on me Kay?”
“It doesn’t make sense to shower and get dressed twice. If you’re about to have my ass in a damn shop for hours getting this shit done I’m getting some pussy before we go fuck you mean.”
“Damn, you can’t ask?”
“Did you ask me if I was getting my shit done? No, so I’m not asking shit. When I’m done with you, you’re going to need a shop next. I’m fuckin’ all that shit up.”
“You’re not about to fuck my damn hair up.”
“I paid for the shit to get done I can fuck it up if I want to. Bring your ass on, no talking no getting smart. As soon as you get in the door strip and come sit on daddy’s dick aight.” I couldn’t even respond because the nigga hung up on me. Usually I would’ve been mad about him doing that shit but I’ll let it slide this time. Daddy was getting his way this one time.
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Photo by Logan Riely/Getty Images
A look at ten freshman that Auburn will face this fall who have a chance to make an immediate impact
The faces change but the talent level in the SEC tends to stay the same. Quite a few familiar names are gone but they will soon be replaced by a new squad of studs. Today, I am going to highlight a freshman off each of Auburn’s opponents this fall that fans should know. Chances are good, quite a few names on this lists are going to become well known nation wide in the not too distant future.
Kentucky - #7 S Vito Tisdale
Finding playing time on this veteran Kentucky squad will be difficult this fall for the Cats 2020 signing class but one name has consistently popped up this off-season as someone ready to contribute day 1. Vito Tisdale was first ranked as a top 100 player by 247 Composite but saw his stock plummet over the last year tumbling in the rankings to #473 and the 41st ranked safety in the country. But the early returns have been incredibly positive with head coach Mark Stoops specifically mentioning Tisdale as a youngster who has stood out during fall camp.
“He’s a guy we’re playing all over the place right now. He’s wearing No. 7 and I don’t want to put that on him yet but he reminds me of the other guy that wore 7 for us. That’s a pretty big compliment. Mike [Edwards] is one of my all-time favorite players. So instinctual and such a good player for us. Vito coming in as a true freshman and us moving him ... we’re playing him at nickel, at medium, at the sam position, he’s playing strong safety and really is doing some good things. He’s not quite there yet. A lot of guys you couldn’t even think about putting at all those positions. He is able to handle a lot and I really like his demeanor. It’s a lot like Mike. No nonsense and just goes and does his business.”
Georgia - #88 DT Jalen Carter
Obviously picking just one player from the nation’s #1 class is a little difficult. I imagine most Auburn fans will be interested to see how Broderick Jones’s career turns out after flirting with Auburn up until it was time to take an official visit. If not for an injury, 5-star CB Kelee Ringo would be someone to keep an eye on and it’s hard not to be mesmerized by the potential of a 6’7” 260 lb tight end like Darnell Washington. But for my money, Jalen Carter was one of the top 5 players in the 2020 class.
The true freshman has generated plenty of buzz during fall camp and looks poised to see snaps early for this loaded Dawg defense. Cater starred as both a defensive lineman and a tight end for his his school where he dominated with his elite athleticism. What jumps out watching his tape is how fluid he is for a big man. Not only can he move but he’s powerful in the interior with an outstanding knowledge on how to win with not just strength but leverage as well. The Dawgs continue to load up on elite defensive weapons.
Arkansas - #2 S Myles Slusher
Not going to lie this was a little bit difficult. While I liked a few of Sam Pittman’s late additions most notably 4-star QB Malik Hornsby, I don’t see a lot of instant impact players in this 2020 signing class. The one name that does appear to be popping up a bunch is unsurprisingly the Hogs top rated signee of last year’s class Myles Slusher. He was one of only four blue chips signed last cycle by Arkansas.
The Hogs return their two starting safeties on the backend in former Auburn targets Myles Mason and Joe Foucha but it looks likely Slusher will see some action too this fall. New DC Barry Odom stated they’ve worked the Oklahoma native not only at safety but at nickel as well. Given the dearth of talent on this Arkansas squad right now, any kid with potential is going to have a chance to make an early impact.
South Carolina - #4 QB/WR Luke Doty
Unfortunately for South Carolina, the guy I should be talking about, 4-star RB MarShawn Lloyd, is expected to miss all of the 2020 season due to an ACL injury. At worst, he would have been the #2 guy at tailback for the Gamecocks, likely #1 by the end of the year. Instead, AU fans should get to know former top 100 QB signee Luke Doty who is off to an interesting start to his career.
Doty was ranked the #4 dual threat QB in the 2020 class but faces an uphill battle to win the starting job with graduate transfer Collin Hill and Ryan Hilinski ahead of him. So the tremendous athlete will instead pull double duty working at WR as well where he has reportedly impressed South Carolina WR coach and former UGA quarterback Joe Cox.
“Luke is one of the most impressive young men I’ve ever been around because Luke has to deal with Coach Bobo’s meetings and my meetings,” Cox said in a post-practice interview on Tuesday. “Thinking back to being a first-year player in an offense where there’s so much going on, it’s been crazy how well he’s been able to comprehend things. He has a great attitude and has been a great leader on this football team.
“You see it, all the younger guys, he’s the guy in that class. They all gravitate towards him because they know he’s going to be doing things the right way, and it shows. He takes notes in meetings, practices the right way and does everything he’s supposed to do, and he’s going to be a guy pulling along a lot of young guys for a long time. My hat’s been off to him this whole fall camp with everything he has to learn playing all kinds of spots. I couldn’t imagine doing it - there’s no way. There’s been a couple days where his head’s been spinning pretty good, too, where he may have forgotten just how to play football. But he’s made some plays and I think regardless, it’s going to benefit him for both positions doing what we’ve had him do this fall camp.”
You turn on his tape and you can very quickly understand why new South Carolina OC Mike Bobo wants to find a way to get this kid on the field. While probably not a starter, he’s expected to be apart of the rotation at wide receiver this fall.
Ole Miss - #27 WR/S Marc Britt
Britt initially committed to Florida last fall but decided not to sign on National Signing Day and instead postponed a decision until February 20th. He flipped his pledge to the Rebels and has made an immediate impact since stepping on campus.
He initially started out at wide receiver but after a round of COVID-19 decimated the Rebels secondary, Britt flipped to defense where he was quickly working with the ones. Britt played both ways in high school and could end up doing the same for Ole Miss given their needs for impact players on both sides of the ball. He’s a fantastic athlete out of south Florida with a penchant for making big plays. I suspect AU fans will see a lot of him week 5.
LSU - #2 TE Arik Gilbert
Despite LSU signing a top 5 class this was actually one of the easiest picks to make. There aren’t many human beings in the world with Arik Gilbert’s skillset. Built like a defensive end at 6’5” 250 lbs but with speed of a wide receiver and the hands of a tight end, Gilbert can play all over the field for the Tigers.
His commitment came as one of the biggest surprises in recent recruiting history. In today’s world of Crystal Balls and RivalsCasts, everyone typically has an understanding of where a kid is about to commit. The Georgia Bulldogs were seen as the longtime leader for Gilbert with Alabama and Tennessee the top challengers. However, before his decision, the momentum seemed to be in the Tide’s favor up until he actually announced for LSU. LSU’s impressive offensive performance this past fall along with Gilbert’s connection with head coach Ed Orgeron lead the Tigers to pulling off one of the biggest recruiting coups of last cycle.
Expect to see Gilbert all over the field for the Tigers especially with the departure of Ja’Marr Chase. He’s listed as a tight end but he will spend a lot of time split out as well and has the top end speed to make big plays after the catch. In my amateur opinion, Gilbert was the top player in the 2020 class and I fully expect him to be a thorn in Auburn’s side for the next three years. How the hell did Kirby Smart let him get out of Georgia?
Mississippi State - #13 CB Emmanuel Forbes
It’s been a wild off-season for the Bulldogs of Starkville. They decided to send Joe Moorhead packing after a rough bowl performance and convinced Mike Leach to sail down from Pullman with his Air Raid offense. They snagged a graduate transfer quarterback from Stanford while losing three starters to the transfer portal themselves. They are also installing a brand new 3-3-5 defensive scheme while also transitioning from a Spread Power attack to a full on Air Raid on the offensive side of the ball. It’s gonna be wild.
The Bulldogs lose a lot off their defense especially with the transfers of Fabian Lovett and Jaylon Jones. At corner especially, Mississippi State seems to be on the hunt for some early impact players. The Magnolia State’s #2 ranked player of the 2020 class looks poised to fill that void for the Dawgs. Forbes isn’t a burner but possesses great length and isn’t afraid to get physical at the line of scrimmage.
Tennessee - #11 WR Jalin Hyatt
One of the more underrated playmakers from this past signing class is Jalin Hyatt. The 6’0” 175 lb speedster was a late riser in the rankings last cycle but I am not sure if he rose high enough. He had an ultra productive career at South Carolina HS powerhouse Dutch Fork where he holds the school record for receiving yards and receiving touchdowns.
The Vols are in need of some playmakers at the wide receiver position with the departures of Jauan Jennings and Marquez Callaway. Don’t be surprised if Hyatt is a starter by the time the Vols come to Jordan-Hare Stadium.
Alabama - #31 OLB Will Anderson
This was one of the tougher decisions to make on this list. The Crimson Tide signed the consensus #1 player in the 2020 class in 5-star QB Bryce Young who despite a late start to camp is locked in a QB battle with Mac “Pick 6” Jones. I also think 5-star edge player Drew Sanders is going to be a problem in the very near future and there’s a lot of buzz around 4-star WR Javon Baker. Plus there are 3 former Auburn commits on this list including Javion Cohen who had one of the uglier ends to a recruitment I’ve seen in some time. But the man I think ends up making the biggest impact for the Tide this fall is Will Anderson.
When Rodney Garner makes you a top priority early in your high school career, chances are pretty good you are a ball player. Auburn was one of the first SEC programs to offer the Georgia native and were even seen as the leader following his junior season. But Alabama made a serious push and landed the star pass rusher last spring. Anderson then went on to put together an absolutely absurd senior season recording 20+ sacks. He’s earned plenty of hype during fall camp and looks poised to at least be a 3rd down specialist for the Tide this fall.
Texas A&M - #1 WR Demond Demas
While much of the Aggie hype this off-season has been about the amount of returning production to the roster this fall, quietly the wide receiver position has become a major question mark for Jimbo’s squad. It started with the injury to Cameron Buckley who was expected to take on a much larger role this fall. Then it continued with the recent decision by the Aggies leading returning receiver Jhamon Ausbon to opt out and prepare for the NFL Draft. Ainas Smith has transitioned to running back leaving Jalen Preston as A&M’s most experienced WR heading into 2020. He caught 3 passes for 36 yds last season.
Good thing Dameyune Craig is still a damn good recruiter.
The nation’s #3 ranked wide receiver per 247 Composite, Demond Demas, looks poised to earn a starting spot this fall. The 6’3” 180 lb freakazoid was ineligible to play his senior year due to some drama around Texas’s transfer rules. That hasn’t slowed the hype train and the early returns this camp have been positive for the true freshman. Kellen Mond is going to need some new weapons on the outside to step up if this Aggie team is going to come close to the high expectations some are giving them. I suspect Demas quickly becomes one of his favored new targets.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/9/17/21440074/10-sec-freshman-to-know-arik-gilbert-will-anderson-demond-demas-jalen-carter
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