#Ikevil Writing
bonjour-michy · 8 months
Clingy Ellis Twilight HC's
- He loves holding hands! It happens when you're walking to the bakery for baguettes, accompany him on missions, or when you're simply talking to one of the crown members. Ellis has trouble letting go off your hand, almost as if they're entwined like thorns. That's why he has become skilled in doing daily activities with only one hand.
- A satisfied and relaxed smile decorates his face when you're holding hands.
- When Ellis feels needy, he will wrap an arm around your waist instead and pushes your bodies against one another. You can sense his grip around you is tighter than usual, and he will show a rather teasing side of himself. Not physical necessarily, but with words that get you a tiny bit flustered and make you focus on him.
- Imagine how worse Ellis is when he actually gets jealous. You will feel his fluffy hair tickle the sensitive skin of your neck as he bury his face in that spot. The firm arms around your waist make sure there's no inch of space between your upper bodies. Your legs are touching and there's no denying that you are absolutely captured in Ellis' thorns. He wants to make sure that he is the only one who fills even the smallest corners of your brain.
- A little scenario. One of the Crown members is teasing you, may it be because he is tickling you after you teased him or holding you while pretending to bite you after a vampire joke. Ellis sees you laugh and knows that he should be fine as long as you're happy... but one glance at his face and you see a distressed and conflincted Ellis. You stop the playful encounter immediately and jump into his arms to reassure him. "Does he make you happy? I promise I can make you happier."
- If you have to go out of bed to pee in the middle of the night... Good luck, because your man has an arm wrapped around your waist like thorns. The more you try to wiggle yourself out of them, the deeper they sting in your flesh. You have a higher chance of getting beaten up by a butterfly than escaping Ellis' arm of steel.
- Would definitely pout and look like a kicked puppy if you wake him up and ask him to let you go. Ellis completely understands if you then explain why, but still, don't play with his lovesick heart like that :(
- Ellis insists you use his arm as a pillow. If you ask him if he wouldn't find a sleeping arm bothersome, he replies: "You're always so kind, Y/N. It makes me happy having you close to me. Does that makes you happy, too?"
- If you want to be the big spoon for once, Ellis will chuckle as if you're two children breaking a rule. He thinks it's nice and reassuring to be in your arms, but he prefers the roles to be switched around.
- There are two type of hugs I think would suit Ellis perfectly. The first one is when he wraps both arms around your waist and hides his face in your neck or places his chin on your head. The second one is when he wraps one arm around your waist while his free hand places itself at the back of your head, gently pushing you against his body.
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curatoroffiction · 2 months
Trick of the Eye
This is a fanfic for the Ikemen: Villains fandom - Trying something new with this one! It's inspired by how I can vibrate my eyes. It's a really wild trick that's a lot of fun at parties and never fails to gross people out. When I learned how Harrison's power worked, I was like "HAHAHA- MENACE TIME" - So this story might not be relatable for everyone. Content to expect; - Eyeballs vibrating/shaking - Harrison loses all sense of personal space because he just NEEDS to know. - Gender-neutral reader - This fic isn't romantic in nature, but it is romance- adjacent.
----- You knew that Harrison was capable of reading whether people were lying or telling the truth based on holding eye contact with them. Which made you curious, since you've had a special skill since you were young, which you didn't know if he'd be able to read.
This skill, is being able to vibrate your eyes.
In such a situation, it would be impossible for him to maintain eye-contact with you.
The thing is, however, that your eye-trick isn't easily seen from a distance.
So one day, while you're sitting at the table for breakfast, and Harrison is sitting on the far side away from you, you look up to Harrison and say "Hey Harrison, can I try telling you a truth or a lie and you tell me what it is?"
Harrison glances up to you, raising an eyebrow. Had his previous demonstrations not been enough? Ah, well. People usually take a few days to get used to it once they learn about it. Still, he doesn't like being treated like a dog doing tricks. "Make it interesting for me."
"If you can tell whether I'm lying or telling the truth, I'll owe you a favor."
Harrison grins. That's way too easy. "Sure, but no take-backs when you realize the game's rigged against you."
You grin too. He can't understand why you're grinning as you prepare to make your lie or truth statement. You look like you're having fun, though. He's already formulating in his head what he wants you to do.
"I ate peaches this morning." Your eyes wiggle right at the word 'Peaches' - If you wiggle them for more than one word, it becomes more obvious that you're doing it.
Harrison is staring at your eyes, and he blinks. "……" His grin drops. How did you do that?
The others at the table are intrigued by his response. Normally he'd quickly tell whether someone's lying or not. Is he playing with you? Roger is especially interested as he watches this scene unfold.
You grin even bigger because you can't help it - But you cover your mouth because you don't want to be too visibly excited.
No one's been able to lie to him like that in a very, very long time.
He doesn't like that.
"… Lying."
You look him in the eyes as you shrug and a smile. "Awwh shucks, looks like I owe you." before continuing to eat your breakfast. But he can tell that you're lying now. You were telling the truth and he couldn't tell the difference.
How did you turn it off?
The curious eyes all return to their individual morning routines as the status quo remains intact. But Harrison keeps stealing glances at you. He can't stop staring.
He can't figure out how you did it, and it's eating him alive.
When you get a moment alone, Harrison corners you when no one's around, arm trapping you against the wall as he looks directly into your eyes. Being this close, he should be able to spot the trick. Right? "How'd you do it?"
You can't help yourself, you're too excited. You did it! You actually did it! The fact that he's seeking answers means he wasn't just playing with you earlier. "I shook my eyeballs!"
"Show me."
You show him how your eyes can shake, and he instantly realizes why you did it when you were further away from him. Even if he'd been closer, he might not have noticed. He's never looking for small, minute shifts in people's eyes as they lie, because he can tell what they're looking at. Until now.
He lightly holds your chin, staring at your eyes, keeping your face still as he says "Can you show me again?" He needs to study this.
Your face warms as he touches you, and you realize just how close he is in this moment. You vibrate your eyes, and he shakes his head.
"Tell me something so I can see how you do it."
You pause to think of a good one. You look back to his eyes. "I've been stealing Jude's pens by accident." You shake your eyes right at the word 'Accident'. You have been stealing them by accident. You keep seeing him leave pens out in the study area of the library, and you pick them up and pick up the books strewn about, only to find out later that he's been pissed that someone's been putting his stuff away and he can't find any of his pens.
Harrison can see the miniscule eye movements at the word 'Accident'. He understands what happened now, and he understands how you did it. You obscured his ability to read one word. His powers read this statement as 'True', so he knows you're stealing Jude's pens, he just can't tell if it's by accident or not.
And if you'd used something like this without him knowing it, he'd surely have thought the whole sentence was the truth. The obscured nature of the last word turns to static in his mind, which he'd naturally ignore.
This is dangerous.
You, are dangerous.
"Was it an accident?"
You're telling the truth. He sighs, pulling away from you. "… That's an interesting trick you've discovered." His expression is hard to read. You can't tell if he's annoyed or bothered or indifferent to this.
"I hope it wasn't uncomfortable for you. I just realized that it was something I could potentially do, and I wanted to try it. I knew if I asked you directly, you'd hold all the cards and I'd never know for sure."
"No, no, that was smart. If I knew how it worked, I never would have come to ask about it. I needed to know how it worked, so you got to know your information. If anything, I applaud your cleverness." He gives a soft smile to you. He really does admire your cleverness. In fact, it hits him that you letting him know this gives him an excuse to get a lot closer to you.
Harrison smirks and lets his face get very close to yours, his fingers still loosely holding your face in place so he can look directly into your eyes, unbroken contact. "Now I know if I want to get the truth out of you, I'll just have to be close enough to see if you're using the trick."
Your face heats up and he can feel it against his fingertips as he releases you. You're visibly flustered by the moment of closeness, which allows him a moment to recover emotionally from realizing that you can lie to him from afar and he won't be able to tell or not.
When you excuse yourself to continue with your work for the day, he watches after you.
No one's ever surprised him like that before. He's gotta watch you more closely. And he certainly will be watching you more closely.
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ethereal-blossom · 5 months
After rain, the sun shines
pairing: Ellis Twilight x reader
Warnings: mention of dead bodies very briefly in the beginning
genre: hurt/comfort
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Rain fell down from the dark sky, hitting the window of your bedroom. Unfortunately, they weren't the only drops that streamed down as tears fell from your face. Working for the crown was harder than you expected. Physically you were fine, but mentally... Nameless faces haunted your nights. The only thing you knew about them was the cold temperature of their bodies and the flames of light that died in their eyes. A sigh of exhaustion escaped you, because it was not like the day was better than the night. The day only added more material for your nightmares.
Knock. Knock. Knock Who could that be in the middle of the night? You rubbed your cheeks with your white sleeves, hoping it will make the wet stains disappear. Your cheeks were still red, and they were most likely matching your eyes, but the lie "it's just because of sleep" already sat on the tip of your tongue, ready to deliver it to the person on the other side of the door.
Trying to relax the muscles of your face, you opened the door for a smiling Ellis who was holding a cup of smoking tea in his hands. His voice was just as soft as his smile when he spoke. "Reader, I made you tea. It is your favorite. Mind if I come in?"
"In the middle of the night?" You questioned, but immediately regretted it as your voice sounded raspy. Another thing I can blame sleep for, you thought. Everything to avoid saying you had been crying.
"Please?" Ellis asked, his voice becoming quieter as he begged you with puppy eyes. Ugh, how could anyone say no to that? You took a step to the side, making way for Ellis to get in. "Thank you, Reader." The soft look returned to his face. "Since it is midnight, you should be in bed."
"I was," you defend while standing there awkwardly in your nightgown. You felt awfully vulnerable and exhausted, and now a guy was sitting on your bed.
Ellis reached his hand out to you. "Then come back to bed. I made a warm cup of tea for you."
For the first time this night, you smiled. It did not matter it was a small one, because it was genuine. It felt like all your worries were being washed away as you felt Ellis' kindness reaching out to you. "Thank you, Ellis. That is very sweet of you, but you shouldn't have. I'm sure Jude made you work hard yesterday, and will make you work hard today as well."
"You are so thoughtful, Reader. That is what I like about you. It is okay. I wanted to do this. I want to make you happy."
That sweet smile- it made you weak in the knees. "And you are very sweet, Ellis, but don't forget about your own happiness. It is important, too. At least to me. Your happiness makes me happy," you reassured Ellis, hoping to get through to the person who always seemed to erase his own desires while fulfilling those of others. It was one of the things that made you adore him. Yet, at the same time, it was also something that concerned you. Being too selfless will eventually harm yourself.
Ellis' lips fell apart and his eyes widened a bit. He quickly returned back to his soft smile. "Then it would make me even happier if you came back to bed and drink my tea."
Your smile grew bigger. "That I can do." When you reached your bed, Ellis grabbed the blankets and lifted them up so you could crawl under them.
"Let me tuck you in, Reader. I don't want you to catch a cold."
"Would that make you sad?" You tease, knowing the answer but still wanting to hear it. Ellis cared about everyone, but it still made you happy hearing he cared about you.
"It would," Ellis answers with a serious face, concern slipping through his silky voice.
"That would make me sad as well," you answer with the same teasing tone. It was a long time ago that your voice had sounded this cheerful.
Ellis again made an expression that showed he was thrown slightly off guard, but then recovered once more. "I will tuck you in nicely. Here, drink the tea. Careful, it is still hot. You got it? Good. I will make sure you will wake up with a warm body and mind."
A warm feeling spread through your veins. It were not the blankets that Ellis had tucked so nicely around you, or the tea he made that slid through your throat like honey. No, it was Ellis' kindness. It was warmer than anything you ever felt. Even the sun would feel like ice next to his warmth.
Ellis and you talked about nothing special. You talked about the delicious new pastries that Ellis saw at the bakery and how he will get you some for breakfast. How he would put his tongue on yours if the tea burned it. Ellis was teasing, of course, as he chuckled when you turned red- and this time not because you were crying. Damn, Ellis had such a strange way of teasing.
However, it took your mind off the cruel images that had haunted you the last couple of days. Ellis took the cup from your hands as he saw how your eyelids were starting to fall down. "Ellis..." You mumbled, not knowing how to end that sentence. You wanted to thank him, ask him why he came to your room, but also say that the reason did not matter because the only thing that did was how you had needed it. Him.
Ellis caressed your hair. "Go to sleep, Reader. You will have to wake up to taste those pastries..." Silence. You didn't catch Ellis' last words as his voice was the cherry on top that made your mind completely ease into rest.
"... I'm here, you don't need to be scared. As long as you are with me, I won't let anything harm you. I promise."
Ellis did not stop caressing your hair. Strange. It was soothing him somehow, but he did not question it. It seemed to sooth you as well, and that was all that mattered. Ellis had taken notice of your dark circles and trembling lips every time you returned from a job with a crown member, and his suspicions were confirmed as you opened the door with red eyes and cheeks so fast in the middle of the night. It made him upset to see how the missions upset you. So, the last couple of days, Ellis had been brainstorming about how he could make you happy again. It seemed to have been worth it as you now seemed relaxed and happy.
"Wake up happy for me tomorrow, okay, Reader?... That would make me happy as well and... I think that would make you happy, too. You say such strange things, but... they make me happy. How selfish of me," Ellis chuckled.
The next thing you knew, you opened your eyes to Ellis' warm smile and the smell of fresh pastries. He wanted to feed you and chuckled when you got embarrassed. You grabbed the pastry from his hand and let the flavor bless your taste buds. Ellis took one as well, and you softly stared at him, admiring how he closed his eyes in bliss as the taste hit him as well. The sun was shining and there was not a single cloud in the sky. You woke up happy, and it was all because of Ellis. If only all mornings could look like this.
Ellis chuckled, blessing your morning even more. However, your eyes widened as he brought his face closer to yours. Your body was frozen in surprise, but also in anticipation. Would he kiss you? A good morning kiss? It would go a bit too far, but-
"Do you want me to lick that sugary powder from your lips?" Ellis' deep voice rang through your ears.
Oh, you should say no. The correct answer is no... or is it yes? But soon enough, Ellis chuckled. "Just teasing. I will use my thumb, if that is okay with you."
The only thing you could do was nod as Ellis thumb caressed your bottom lip.
"All done," he smiled sweetly. "Fufu, you are red."
You playfully pushed Ellis' hand away. "You are just color blind."
"Is that so?" Ellis answered amused.
You nodded confidently to which Ellis tilted his head, looking at you with eyes filled with adoration. You were not the only one having a happy morning. If only all mornings could look like this, was a thought you both shared.
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j word coded
TO BE CLEAR: I am NOT claiming that this other game (Ikemen Villains) is a "rip-off" of TWST; I'm pointing out parallels between them because I think it's entertaining to see how different games interpret the same or similar fairy tales.
Please also note that although nothing I say in this post is explicit, IkeVil itself is designated as 17+ and contains dark content. If you decide you want to try the game out for yourself, BE AWARE OF THE AGE RATING AND TRIGGER WARNINGS.
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ARE THESE NOT JUST J WORD IN A BLACK WIG AND CONTACTS (the last one looks like a blend of Jade's sus face + Idia's sus face) 😭 His face looks so similar… and they're both "attendant" characters that act polite but are more manipulative than they appear at first glance... (although Alfons has Floyd's hedonism rather that Jade's restraint!)
More of my first impressions of the characters of IkeVil below the cut!! Again, there's nothing explicit, I just wanted to keep this post not too bulky.
And not just him (Alfons) either, ashldbiasydefpaei there's a Trey-lookalike and a Silver pre-hair color change in the same game! Roger has a rifle and is cursed by Snow White's huntsman, so I joke that he's Rook and Trey's test tube baby... and Elbert has Vil's keen eye and desire for what is beautiful!
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There are also characters that don't look like an TWST ones, but definitely have personalities that remind me of a few! For example, Liam's laid-back affability is Che'nya and Chenya Cater-esque, Jude speaks in a gruff but aristocratic manner like Leona but is a tough businessman like Azul, and Ellis seems like a mix of Malleus's obsession with happy endings + Idia's gloomy demeanor…? No clue if he actually is gloomy or not, he just gives me gloomy vibes.
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Victor is Crowley-adjacent! Like they're both overseeing this group of powerful men with magic so you'd think they're serious types--but they aren't. They're silly and use their own skills to do frivolous things like doing magic tricks or making cake fancier. They also both seem to be hiding a secret...
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Harrison doesn't remind me of anyone in particular, though I do see little bits of our typical "lying" characters in him. He has the chill of a Che'nya but also Floyd's flippancy and lies as easily as like... I don't know, Cater?? Not sure on this one.
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abfhbyoafvadpiadgo OKAY OKAY BUT THE FUNNIEST ONE TO ME IS WILLIAM BECAUSE HE'S "THE QUEEN OF HEARTS" CHARACTER... Most of the time when you have a character with this inspiration, they're controlling and easily angered (*stares at Riddle*), but William is NOTHING like that???? In fact, he's got a strong sense of justice and often encourages others to be honest and to act freely, even if it means disregarding the rules. Every time William opens his mouth... I picture Riddle shrieking and sobbing/j
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errethebunny · 2 months
William and his corruption k!nk headcanons (nsfw)
*Minors stay away
*Most of these were based off of my impression after finishing his route, it may contain spoilers.
I think he prefers the shy ones. Not necessarily submissive, but simply someone who would instinctively try to hide.
And that's because he enjoys watching someone who tries so hard to conceal who they are, to fail and eventually show themselves for him to admire.
Huge tease about it too. He wants to hear every single sound you make and won't let you hide it. Every moan, gasp, whisper... He wants it all.
Edging. He wants you to work for it, show him that you want it, that you need it. He wants to hear you beg for it, and he will keep you from your release for hours if he needs to.
I imagine his pace to be moderate. Not too fast, but not slow either. But I just know he fucks hard. Makes you feel every inch 
Lots of eye contact. The type that wants to watch your face as you come undone for him.
Likes having you on his lap. He can watch you from up close, touch you as he pleases, and if he really wants to, he can easily grab your hips and change the pace. Plus, he thinks you look so hot when you ride him.
If you are into it, he will gladly order you around:
"Tell me what's going on in that dirty little mind"
"Don't hold back your sounds"
"Hold your legs open for me"
Things like that.
If you are up to it, he wouldn't mind sharing you with someone he trusts (Victor, probably). 
Also lowkey wants Elbert to catch you two at some point. 
Wouldn't mind if you wanted to try to be in charge from time to time. But he always ends up being the one in control.
As for aftercare, he will let you sleep and make you tea when you wake up. Sometimes he will prepare a bath for you too.
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dododrawsstuff · 23 days
IkeVil OC Amelia
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More about her under the cut!
Name: Amelia (real name unknown)
Age: 24
Birthday: 10/31
Curse: Sea Witch (but she keeps it hidden from the others)
Her curse allows her to make trades with people, those who make a deal with her have to pay a fair price. They must offer something valuable to her, and deception doesn't work, her curse allows her to know what a person considers valuable.
Whenever her curse activates her eyes and her fingertips turn black, when a deal is made between her and someone else, a “string” is formed, uniting both parties. She uses her nail to sever the thread, meaning there is no going back. Over the course of days or weeks, depending what they wished for, events will happen to make their wish come true. And so will the debt, sooner or later it will catch up to them. Most people end up losing more than they thought they would, some out right lied to her, some didn’t realize how much value something (or someone) had to them.
Backstory: She is an immigrant, she and her parents had to flee from their original country because people were hunting them down because of her curse. She was born into a simple village, and when she discovered her curse, she used it to help the people of her village. The wishes were simple, and the price was low, everyone was happy and they loved her and her family.
But as they grew comfortable, the demands started to grow. And so did the price they had to pay. Culminating in the death of one of the villagers, from this point forward, people grew more afraid and resentful of her. They tried to set her family's house on fire, and they had to flee somewhere far away.
That's how they arrived in England. She heard that there were people like her there, that's why she wanted to become a Fairytale Keeper.
She works and sleeps at the castle, taking one day a week off to visit her parents.
Personality: Amelia is a reserved and serious person. She doesn’t talk much but is polite with everyone, she is always smiling at people, but it’s a lonely smile. She has trust issues because of her past and she prefers to keep other people at a distance, even if she likes them and considers them friends, she still doesn’t let people too close. She thinks she is unecessary, so she is happy just to see other people being happy and enjoying their lives.
Amelia makes an effort to not be included in things the residents do, for example, if it’s a party, she helps with the preparations, cooking, decorations, but when it’s time for the actual party, she excuses herself and goes to her room or to town alone, because she doesn’t want to be a bother.
Some random headcanons:
She didn’t get along with Ellis at first;
She hates when people say they love her without actually mean it;
She doesn’t trust Harrison at first, and doesn’t like talking to him, since he can tell if people are lying or not;
Cooking is one of her love languages. Gifts too, she likes to make handamade stuff;
I'll add more stuff about her as I think and write it. But that's the basics about her.
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xxsycamore · 6 months
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❄️🎄 SWEET & SPICY WINTERTIME 🎄❄️fluffy smut prompt list/content creation challenge!!
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What better way to celebrate the beginning of the cold season than with some fluffy smut prompts?
If you want to, you can tag your work with #sweet & spicy wintertime in order for it to reach more people interested in this prompt list ❤
This prompt list is open to any and all fandoms of course, but I’ll only be reblogging (from my main, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly under the tag #SSWT rbs) works written for the Ikemen Series games. If your work is such, make sure to tag me - I’ll be more than glad to see and reblog your work! Additionally, ikemen works will be featured in a nice little collection that can be found here - Sweet & Spicy Wintertime MASTERLIST - i'll be updating it periodically until January 20th! But don't let any due dates mess with your creativity - you're free to write winter works next June or whenever you want to! (if you'd rather I don't include you in the masterlist, let me know!)
Use the list as you'd like! You don't have to make 10 pieces, you don't have to follow their order either. Just have fun!
All other content-related rules are up to you as a creator - just make sure not to interact if you’re a minor!
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Here's the prompt list once again:
Touching under the blanket
Canceling plans to snuggle and fuck
Cold skin, warm hands
The recipe says "Add a pinch of love"
Hot cocoa tastes better when shared
Gift wrapping distractions
In front of the fireplace
Long winter nights spent awake
Quickies at the holiday party
Naughty Christmas wish
❗And here's a little bonus challenge for you: Mix and match those ten wintery-themed items with the prompts above and have them make an appearance somewhere in your work 👀
pair of warm gloves
cup of hot cocoa
(shared) knitted scarf
red ribbon
favorite blanket
a single snowflake
homebaked cookies
I wish you happy creating and stay warm if you're someplace cold!! 🧣🧤❄️
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bonjour-michy · 6 months
What type of gifts would Ellis give?
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- We are going to start basic, but something that aligns with your interest! He knows it'll guarantee your happiness. If you are into reading, Ellis will buy you a book of your favorite genre. Or money to feed a certain interest in 2D men.
- I get the sense Ellis is very observing when it comes to people's emotions or what makes them happy. For example, in the event where Kate and he pretended to get married he knew which wedding dress to choose "Because I am watching you." He also seems to guess well what she wants based on her expressions (you can argue that all MCs are an open book but let me live in this bubble because I can think of at least 3 instances at the top of my head where Ellis did this). So if your eyes lingered a month ago on anything beautiful but something you couldn't pay for yet, he would buy it for you as a gift.
- Ellis would craft something. This man has proven to be handy with his hands by making a wheelchair and a flower crown in previous events, so he will also give presents that have his own touch to it. I saw the boyfriend of a Taylor Swift fan make a mini version of the lover house with presents in it that matched the rooms and it is so Ellis coded.
- A little bit off topic but Ellis will go through hell and back for the gift he thinks will make you jump up and down from happiness. If Ellis struggles to get it, he only has to picture your bright smile and sparkling eyes for his sad puppy face to turn into an expression of determination.
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chandeliermichel · 1 year
♡ How he would comfort you
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Fandoms: Ikemen Villain & Ikemen Prince
Characters: Jude Jazza & Chevalier Michel
Ink's note: These headcanons were requested by @aide-falls !! I am so sorry you had to go through that. Giving you a glass of your favourite beverage and hoping that these headcanons can make you smile even a bit -^^-
Warnings: slight mentions of anxiety
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Despite the way he acts, Jude would almost instantly pick on your discomfort the moment you come back to the Palace.
He would be reading a newspaper or another book in the hall and you would walk past him, without even greeting him. Jude would raise an eyebrow at your strange behaviour and a sarcastic comment would be about to escape his lips when...
"Why do ya look like ya are about to cry?" He would ask, folding the newspaper and putting it on the table.
Jude would walk towards you and softly hold your chin, making you look in his eyes.
"Hey, tell me..." That was the softest you had ever heard him speak. When you slowly raised your head and met his eyes, Jude's eyebrows were creased in silent worry.
He would sigh, "Alright, you don't have to tell me anything right now..." And a bit awkwardly, he would urge you to lay your head on his chest.
Jude would rub your arms slowly and rake his fingers through your hair if he felt as if you were crying.
He might act like an ass most times, with his blunt attitude and rude words, but what kind of lover would he be if he left his partner alone in their most vulnerable moment?
He would chuckle softly when you would start sniffling after crying for a good few minutes. "Okay, cry baby. Let's go out to get some fresh air. You look like you need it."
Jude wouldn't mind if you didn't want to tell him about what was bothering you. He might not say it nor act like it, but if you were feeling happy, then Jude was too.
However, you could always count on him for comfort and support.
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With Chevalier, no words would be needed to convey your discomfort or anxiety. He would know, just like he always does.
He would neatly push aside his finished paperwork for the day and beckon you to sit closer to him. Chevalier had always been rather clumsy with physical affection, but he would definitely try his best to calm you down.
His heart would jump at the grateful smile you would pass his way. Upon hearing you ask him as to how he knew you were feeling down, Chevalier would say:
"How could I not notice when your eyes were missing their usual glow?"
Chevalier's not one to push you in the slightest. His main priority was to comfort his lover and to see that they were feeling well. However, if you wanted to talk about what was stressing you, then he would happily lend you an ear.
"Come here," He would softly beckon you, making you rest your head on his shoulder. "Sleep for a while. It will do you good."
In these moments, you once again got to know just how much he adored and cared for you.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 month
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natimiles · 3 months
Lazy morning with Jude
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Words: 597
Tags: scenario; fluffy; no pronouns specified; established relationship.
Notes: I did my best to make Jude sound like Jude, HAIUSEHASU. I hope this brightens your night, @judejazza! 🤍
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In the first few weeks of the relationship, it was weird for you to wake up in the morning to an empty bed and his side already cold. You wouldn’t deny it made you feel strange, and sometimes you wondered if you were disrupting his routine, or if he really wanted you there.
Jude could be rough and sadistic, but he was never a liar. If he said your company was something he enjoyed, even if he didn’t sleep that much anyway, then you knew better than to doubt his word. That and his actions, which always spoke louder.
Every night, he would cling to you as soon as you made yourself comfortable on the bed. Sometimes he wouldn’t even wait for you to settle; he would pull you down and lock you in his embrace, intertwining his legs with yours. And you’d happily nuzzle against him, deeply inhaling his scent that did wonders to relax you.
Then you grew accustomed to this routine of yours, where you usually woke up alone, but never lonely. And sometimes you were lucky enough to wake up for a few minutes and catch a glimpse of him before he left for work.
Like now. 
You wake up to something warm pressing against your forehead and hear some soft words you can’t understand. You grumble unintelligible sounds as your mind slowly wakes up. Scrunching up your nose, you flutter your eyes open, and even though it’s still dark outside, you can see a silhouette beside you.
“Jude?” you call out, your voice heavy with sleep.
“Ha?” he clicks his tongue and gently coaxes your eyes to close with his fingertips. “Go back to sleep.”
“But you—” You take his hand away, but he brings it back to your eyelids. Twice. “Jude!” you complain, holding it against your cheek now.
“Got ‘nother hand, y’know? Can put ya back to sleep real easy, princess,” he threatens, but you know he wouldn’t.
“Then just let me wish you a good day,” you say, shifting your body to get a better look at him and squeezing his hand tighter.
He could free his hand anytime, but he doesn’t, and it makes you tingly inside. He sighs loudly and bends at his waist, using his other hand to support himself on the headboard, bringing his face close to yours. You stay like this for a few moments, just looking into each other’s eyes.
“Hm?” you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“Where’re my good day wishes? Can’t wait for ‘em all day.”
“Oh!” you smile, your whole face lighting up as his words sink into your brain. He almost feels the need to close his eyes to not be blinded by your brightness. “Have a good day! Take care of yourself, and come back home in one piece.” You hold his hand tighter and bring your other hand to the back of his neck, using it as leverage to lift your face slightly and peck his lips. “I love you.”
“Good princess,” he chuckles through his nose. “Now back to sleep. Love too,” he mutters so softly that you almost don’t hear it, and kisses your forehead.
You recognize the warmth and realize what the words you couldn’t understand earlier were. You can’t help but feel your cheeks blushing, and he smirks widely at your sheepish expression. He would tease you a lot if he didn’t have to leave already — he probably will when he comes back home later.
And with this cozy feeling inside, you close your eyes and try to sleep a little more.
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hey trey...
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Is there something you'd like to share with the class??? 😭 These are edited screenshots from the mobile otome game (please note the age + content warnings) Ikemen Villains; the character Roger Barel looks + acts in ways that remind me of a lot of Trey BUT THEN HE ALSO GOES AND SAYS UNHINGED THINGS LIKE THIS so I couldn't resist bullying Trey a little using Roger's lines + very crude doodling.
Here's a few others www:
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errethebunny · 9 days
Harrison nsfw headcanons because I've finished his route (also in celebration of Harry's birthday)
*Minors stay away
*Most of these were based off of my impression after finishing his route, it may contain spoilers.
- He's a dom. I don't think his heart can handle you being in control.
- He likes to put you on top tho, cuz he likes to make you all blushy and shy. But the moment you get more confident, he loses it.
- Can and will change positions so you can be under him again because you're just too much for his heart to handle. Don't expect to walk after that tho.
- His pace starts slow, but it quickly becomes pretty erratic. He also grips your waist pretty tightly.
- Totally uses his power on you.
"Too much? You say that but your eyes are telling me you want it harder"
- Also loves to make you hold the eye contact while giving him head (or while he gives you head). He just thinks it's the hottest thing ever.
- He just loves your eyes in general.
- Speaking of giving him head, he kinda likes to make a mess. But if you're not a fan, he'd be cool with it.
- For someone as easygoing as him, he can last for some time. Surprisingly has a lot of stamina.
- He's pretty jealous, not afraid to leave some marks. It eventually backfires when Victor sees it and teases the hell out of Harry.
"They grow up so fast!"
"Shut up old man..."
- Once he decided to fuck on his desk and spilled ink on a client's manuscript. Good news: he had made a copy, thankfully. Your butt still got stained tho (not that you cared, you had other things in mind, like how he was making you see stars with his tongue).
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judesmoonbeauty · 29 days
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WC: 1,111 SFW ┃Fluff ┃Touching ┃Kissing ┃Jealousy ┃Words of Affirmation CW: None Pairing: Elbert Greetia x Reader Pronouns: You This is based on a discord prompt: Sun Catcher Summary: Stepping into this kaleidoscope of alluring colors, Elbert paused and looked around the room like a mesmerized child, until his eyes met it’s source hanging in front of the open-air balcony. Dividers: @/natimiles [Master List]
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After a refreshing early morning stroll hand in hand with Elbert by the seaside, you both return to the villa he owns nearby, and along the way you ponder how filled to the brim you are with the warmth and happiness of spending time with your Beloved. The weight of your feelings for Elbert intensified like strong ocean swells breaking onto the shore as you watched his eyes widened at the beauty of the sleeping sun breaking over the horizon. The more you and he spent time together, the more you noticed small changes within him blossom, like the first hazy rays of sunlight being born from the darkness that he had contended with all his life.
Finally, Elbert was beginning to notice how truly wonderful and beautiful the world could be around him, even if he felt weighted down to the deepest trenches of the ocean’s lonely floor, at least some light was filtering through the dark abode now that you were weighted down with him. You smile as you sit by his side in the carriage and inspect the beautiful sea shells that you both collected, embedding these precious thoughts and memories upon the shells, so they’ll never be forgotten.
Noticing that you’d been admiring the sea shells for far too long, Elbert takes the collection bag from your hand and places them on the seat opposite of you. Watching him closely you perceive that he must be coveting the exorbitant attention you’d been giving the beach finds instead of him. He gently grabs your wrist and pulls you onto his lap, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. Staring into his fathomless blue eyes, he trickles kisses on your forehead, down to your eyelids, your nose, and finally reaching your blushing lips. Grazing them so faintly with his tongue it was like a faint whisper brushing against your skin, beckoning you to open for him. Parting so naturally on their own, you grant him the access he was tenderly requesting.
It was never enough for him. He craved your heart, mind and body so earnestly that Elbert could never allow anyone or anything divert you from him for any extended period of time. It was because of you that he began to learn the value of true beauty, and now that he held it in his grasp, he would never allow you to escape his snare. He loved you more than anyone or anything in the world, and he would destroy all of the world if it meant he could keep himself in your sight.
However, he battled this desire to lock you away from everything and to keep everything from you, so you could be happy. Searching the deepest corners of your mouth with his needy tongue he tried to convey his hunger and desire for you, and that was how you both spent the remainder of your trip back to the villa, consuming each other with deep fervent kisses.
Upon arriving, you asked Elbert if he had any spare gemstones that he didn’t need anymore. Elbert looked at you surprised for a moment because he never expected you to make such an extravagant request, but he was happy to give you whatever you wanted.
“….I do. I’ll have the butler bring them to you.”
“Thank you! Oh, but I also need a few more items, and some tools.” A bright smile flashed on your face, and he looked at you even more perplexed than he did before. Still, he agreed to your request.
After receiving the required items you needed, Elbert had received correspondence from Crown about a matter that needed to be addressed, and so while he was away tending to that matter, you holed yourself up in your room working away. It near sunset by the time Elbert finished his duties and returned to your room only to find it empty.
“Lord Elbert!” You called out from behind and grabbed his porcelain hand as he turned around to meet your voice.
“Quickly, come with me or else we’ll miss it.”
“Miss it….?”
“You’ll see.”
Watching you walk ahead and pull him by the hand, Elbert thought that he couldn’t imagine how he had ever breathed before he met you, how you kept pulling him from the depths of his dark watery abyss and into the shallows, and when you both enter his room that faces the ocean, his thoughts were further cemented - you truly were a glorious light in his dismal world.
The entire room was aglow and dancing with the most beautiful display of light that danced all over the walls, the floor and the ceiling. Stepping into this kaleidoscope of alluring colors, Elbert paused and looked around the room like a mesmerized child, until his eyes met it’s source hanging in front of the open-air balcony.
“…The gems…..is this why you asked for them?”
“Mhm, I made a sun-catcher for us.”
Walking up to it, his eyes wandered over it like he was evaluating it’s worth. You’d seen those eyes before, and his silence made you nervous as he gently reached out and touched it, so you explained.
“I wanted to capture our memories of our watching the dawn together this morning, so I thought I’d make this sun-catcher with your unwanted gems, and included the sea shells we found at the beach.”
The shells that he was so jealous of earlier that morning now gently lay in his hand, woven along with the different stones Elbert would never have looked at again - a gift of light from his lover. Feeling slightly confused as to whether he was happy or discontented, those feelings were washed away when he felt you pick up his hand and kiss it.
“I love you more than anyone or anything in the world, Lord Elbert. So, don’t be afraid to share the beauty and the light of other things with me, because they will never replace you. So, please continue loving me just as you do.”
“Even if I……drown you with that love?”
He was often anxious of this thought as to whether or not you’d mind being pulled in the murky depths of his love. Smiling at him you drape your arms around his neck and peck his lips to reassure him.
“Let’s make a promise, drown me with your love, and I’ll shower you with all the light I possess.”
A gentle breeze flows into the room, sounding a sweet clinking from the sun-catcher as a palette of colors bedeck you both while engaged in a passionate kiss.
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norel-ravenclaw · 1 month
The Ikepri routes as dark, twisted fairytales~
- Part 2 -
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Fandom: Ikemen Prince Otome game
Featured characters: Matthias, Azel, & Kagari
Genre: Dark, angsty fairytale romance
Rating: 12+
WARNINGS: | mxw | kidnapping | religion and human god |
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Matthias - Swan Lake
In a cold land of strict order, the judge prince discriminates against none when justice is demanded, and thus a well-meaning girl is cursed. While in his mind he creates the perfect version of the woman he desires - his Odile - the very real woman he condemned endeavours to get close to him. Reality and fantasy collide, peace is abraded by unfeeling justice. Only true love can break the curse - by stopping him from casting his deluding spells over and over again.
Azel - El Dorado
A fantastical world of gold, palaces & temples, priceless treasures, and tradition can be ruled by only one type of being: a god. A charmed life - countless offerings of jewels, exotic rarities, and spices, fawning servants and obsessive subjects. However, godly duties come with a heavy weight. Even a god may find themself wishing to be human. Perhaps a clever woman disbelieving in magic could be the key to escaping the suffocating world of deity, and show the worth of things not gilded in gold. The only one whose worship may be truly welcomed.
Kagari - Peter Pan
An island kingdom divided - domains of water, mountains, jungles, and ancient tradition held in precarious balance. Lost boys find themselves spending their days climbing trees and fighting pirates. Their prince finds himself envious and resenting towards the simple, happy lives of people far away. He wants someone to stroke his hair and tell him stories. What use is stealing ships, learning bell codes, or viewing the island from the top of the world… without your first mate. Maybe that wicked pirate is on to something by capturing a Princess to get what he wants…
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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🌸🔞𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐑𝐘𝐒𝐓 🔞🌸 - a spring-themed nsfw prompt list/content creation challenge
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So I thought, "has anyone ever made a spring-themed prompt list...but for smut?" and I kid you not, five minutes later I had these ten prompts in my drafts. I'm sharing it with all of you who might want to spice up your writing/art at the end of the season 🤗🔥
If you want to, you can tag your work with #late spring tryst ccc in order to reach more people inspired by this prompt list ❤
This prompt list is open to any and all fandoms, but I'll only be reblogging works written for the Ikemen Series games. If your work is such, make sure to tag me - I'll be more than glad to see and reblog your work with the tag #late spring tryst ikemen.
There's no deadline and I'll be making no masterlist. Don't worry about starting a wip now and publish it in mid-July :) All other content-related rules are up to you as a creator - just make sure not to interact if you're a minor!
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Here's the list:
First outdoor sex of the year
Sex pollen
Warm weather = less clothes
Mating season
Springtime leisure
Sex in the rain
Under the cherry blossom tree
A burst of energy
New beginnings, new kinks
Still needing to get warm
Have fun! 🎀💐🌸
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