#Ivan Moult
musicblogwales · 1 year
Ivan Moult shares new ‘Out Of Time’ single and Announces new LP
Ivan Moult is set to release his third album, 'Songs From Severn Grove', this Spring on independent Welsh record label, Bubblewrap Collective. His previous albums have received radio support from BBC Radio 6 Music and BBC Radio Wales, and have been featured on Folk Radio UK. Ivan's second album, 'Longest Shadow', released in 2018, won him festival slots at Cornbury Festival, Folk on The Dock, and Festival of Voice, as well as support slots with This Is The Kit, Becca Mancari, and Willy Mason. For this new album, Ivan played, recorded, engineered, and mixed all of the instruments himself at his home studio in Cardiff. The album charts a journey of growth and change, beginning with the lockdown during the 2020 pandemic and continuing through Ivan's experiences of fatherhood and the development of his love and relationships. The album showcases Ivan's voice front and centre, with layered harmonies and a soundscape of delay-soaked electric guitars, drums, and bass. The music draws from influences such as J.J. Cale, Nina Simone, and Tim Buckley, creating a fusion of 1960s/70s folk and blues with a contemporary sound. Ivan's unique and original style remains recognisably present throughout the album. The first track to be released from the album will be 'Out Of Time' and will be available across all digital platforms on March 29th. Ivan explains: “Lyrically it’s a song reflecting on the nature of life and finding meaning in making the most of things and living in the moment. Sonically the song started off after I’d been listening to Paul McCartney's ‘Ram’ album and it was quite driving whilst also relaxed but in production it ended up more reverb washed and dreamy.”
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goldammerchen · 2 months
happy easfsdtr, here something about eggs—nothing explicit, but it is about oviposition so lets call it mature at the very least. also sad themes like unborn [bird] child and child [bird] death.
this is something i will only insinuate in the current fic, to leave more for later. spoilers!
last chapter mentioned the children of the harpies, and in the next of chapter rode and gil will have a brief encounter with them, and rode learns they are more bird than half-person in their current forms: in fact they look like giant raptor-vulture birds. after it happens, gil will imply that one of them could be his, but there is no way to know after multiple feather moulting and color changes. little after they fledge, they leave for [number] years, and not all of them will return.
[for prequel/sequel, story of 2 clutches] so, gil and feliks first nest, [number] years ago. they were young, and could even have had it a year or two sooner but there was a literal war. both were nervious, and still shacken from the war... feliks to the point of task paralysis (won't be described that way obv), when he had the responsibility of the making of the nest and looking after gil. the more anxious feliks got, the more (scared) gil yelled him, which obviously didn't help. thankfully they recieved some help, but after the first egg, while gil was running a fever. of a clutch of 3, one never hatched, while another didn't survive for too long. third one was a male harpy chick, that are much less frequent, making their survival important. older harpies didn't trust the young parents, so the chick was taken away for a while. said chick stopped to eat until was reunited with the parents.
after the chick [who's obviously NAME] fledges, a lot of things happen, including feliks joining a fucking convent with a different name for a while?! their boyfriend leaving left tolys and gil aimless. both flirted with swan maidens / swanmays(?), especially with one named natallia and another ivan... things went better with one than with the other, way better.
flash forward [SPOILERS:] to after rode basically joining the polycule, it's time for the harpies to have the next nest. but, this feliks is going to help a couple of Iesbians. gil is allowed to bring a new mate, and using the excuse the instructions were too vague, he brings three, tolys (they finally get along), and the friends he made in the war, antonio and francis. tolys is used to harpies customs, often being with one or another, meanwhile antonio and francis not so much, and they will be stuck in the mountains for at least a few months. in addition, the mino and the satyr are long-lived races, and will live even longer than tolys that has an average lifespan. serious-anxious werewolf, existentialism [also term to avoid] satyr, and a carefree taur, being under the talon (lol) of a harpy that hopes everything will be perfect this time. after the fun part, and after eggs are laid (also fun part), doubts begin. no, fran and toño weren't there only for sex, however perhaps didn't take as seriously being parents—harpies leaving and then maybe returning makes easier to take things lightly.
hope that if i write this, i tell both events back and forth(?). gnight!
*another note: harpies have 4 genders lmao, anything out the boxes will be considered weird but its whatever as long reproduction happens, so no that part isn't great.
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thepoortraits · 1 year
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Cartola - Verde Que Te Quiero Rosa [1977] 
Photography: Ivan Klingen. Art Direction: Ney Tavora. 
It’s wild to think about how much of the culture around Music history highlights European classical music as the pinnacle of performance, considering how half a world away, an increasingly exciting musical tradition was being defined simultaneously. 
Across the middle passage, enslaved people were targets of systemic cultural erasure, separating groups with common languages and ancestry, banning drums and generally disencouraging the concept of a black tradition through brutally violent means. 
Nevertheless, Black communities in the so-called new world are rife with the traditions of our ancestors, their rhythms live on in the music that fills our streets, moulting and morphing into new evolutions of the same vibrations that carried us thus far, and carry us still. 
Having lost all else, Enslaved people ensured their legacy would be indomitable and inimitable by passing on their culture, entrusting their descendants would carry it to the fullest extent. No better example exists of this than Cartola, a Brazilian sambista who was one of the pioneers of the genre, responsible for the dirty work of ensuring samba deserved the respect that evaded it for so long. 
Angenor Da Oliveira grew up in Mangueira, an up-and-coming favela in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, working from the age of 15 in any and every job available to support his passion, Love, Music, and Drinking, commonplace values of the Bohemian lifestyle that brings Samba to life. His commitment to this lifestyle left him living on the street at age 18, after being thrown out by his father, who, like many Brazilians at the time, looked down upon the genre and the malandragem that surrounded it. 
This scene, replete with people who find and use any advantage in every situation, was where Cartola met his musical partner and lifelong friend Carlos Cachaca. Them and a few other musicians founded the Primera Estacao Samba School, where they took Samba from being “Low-Value music” to becoming a staple at every carnaval and parade both across the country by the 1940’s, and subsequently creating the cultural backdrop for the emergence of Bossa Nova in the following decades. 
However, thanks to dwindling financial success, a few failed friendships, a long illness for cartola and a short one that took his first wife; Cartola found himself ousted from the Samba scene he helped create a few years before, until an unlikely romance reignited his passion for life and music, opening a bar in Mangueira with the love of his life, Dona Zica. This establishment, aptly named Zicartola, became the centre of Samba in the 1950’s and introduced Cartola to musicians who were a generation ahead of his, transcending a genre he helped to create. 
Better late than never, Cartola began recording his own music in 1974, at age 66. Like a fine wine, his music brims with an authenticity and emotion that cannot be understated, and you can feel the life he’s lived and the impact it has had on all of us through the music. The portrait presented in his 1977 album Verde Que Te Quiero Rosa is particularly emblematic of his relevance, with the iconic green cup and pink saucer, the traditional colors of Mangueira and heavily featured by Cartola in his life. Poetic and Prophetic, This portrait is best summed up with the lyrics from “Pranto de Poeta”
“Em Mangueira Quando morre
Um poeta Todos choram
Vivo tranquilo em Mangueira porque 
Sei que alguém há de chorar quando eu morrer”
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covers-on-spotify · 3 years
“Eternal Flame”
Original by The Bangles
Covered by Ivan Moult
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iheartmoosiq · 6 years
If you’re fond of emotive folk rock, interspersed with dynamic riffs and poetic, romantic lyricism in the ilk of Damien Rice or Ben Howard, I highly recommend you check out Welsh singer songwriter Ivan Moult and his gorgeous new tune, Carried Over Water. Not only is his whiskey-soaked voice soothing, but the acoustic strums of the song seem to pull our very hearts along with its gentle crimps and curls, straight across an ocean of memories and regrets. The song is the third isngle to emerge from Ivan Moult’s forthcoming album, Longest Shadow. 
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soddinghelp-blog · 2 years
Chapter two Ox Blood Black
“Were you lovers?” Olga asked in a low  conspiratorial tone, glancing up from her embroidery work. A small grin on her face. Both her and her sister sat on opposite sides of the heavy oak table, working on a large tapestry.
Gossip spread around the palace quickly of Ivan and your little spat. Setting tongues eagerly wagging over the whole affair. So of course the eldest princess was keen for details.
You flushed pink. “Your highness-“
“Oh did you lie with him.. as a man lies with his wife?” Olga’s eyes glittered mischievously.
“YOUR HIGHENESS!” You cried, utterly mortified. Grateful Alexi was asleep doors down the hall. You had gone from pink to red very quickly now.
“I bet he’s got the largest manhood ever” Olga giggled. Maria rose from her side of the table. Sweeping over to the evening suit you had just mended for the Tsar. In one graceful movement she swept the black suit off the coat hanger, she hugged it close, embracing it as one would a lover. “Oh…oh…oh Ivan!” she cried in mock ecstasy. “Faster!.. oh yes!” Before both princesses almost fell over in laughter.
“Sorry to interrupt” came a cold voice.
Ivan’s huge frame filled the entire door way, he stared at his princesses with a stony yet subtle anger. An anger you knew all too well. Unconsciously your hand went up to your face. Where he had slapped you earlier. Although there were rumours he could do so much worse. There was a rumour of how Ivan crushed a man’s skull in with one hand.
Now you felt as though you would die from embarrassment. He turned his lilac gaze on you. The stony expression still there. There was now dead silence in the room, the only sound being Maria and Olga trying to smother their giggles.
“The prince has woken up. Another of his cuts have opened.”  His voice cut sharply through the still air.
You shakily rose from your seat. Holding your head high in an attempt to keep some dignity. Which was hard to do when Maria and Olga wouldn’t stop giggling like school girls. You hope your face wasn’t as red as it felt. He stood dead still only his eyes followed your movements.
“I didn’t say a word against you” you huffed as you passed him in the doorway. “So stop looking at me like that”
He rolled his violet eyes. “Get out of my sight” he grunted.
You paused. Suddenly feeling concern for the princesses. Even if they saw it as a harmless joke. Ivan would not see it as such. You grabbed his elbow. “Please. Don’t hurt th-“
Ivan grabbed your jaw painfully hard. One flick of his wrist would have wretched it out of its socket. You squeezed your eyes shut in pain.
“I said… go”
You recognised the shaggy black beard, wild unkept hair and bird-like grey eyes. The figure hunched over the prince’s bed like a Moulting vulture
“Rasputin” You set your jaw. “What a surprise.”
There was a tin bucket on the floor beside the bed in it were serval rags sodden black with Alexi’s blood.
“The nurse maid.” In the years that Rasputin had been there. He had never bothered with your name.
You ignored the thick smell of blood and the vulture man and knelt down next to his bed. Alexi was bone white, sweaty.  He looked so fragile..
You looked at the cut on his shoulder. A small cut from a brunch whilst riding a week back. You watched as more blackened blood welled up. Blood was supposed to be red but in the candle light it was ox blood black.
On the sheets it was ox black
On your fingers it was ox black.
On Alexi’s bloody chest It was ox black.
It even seemed to smell ox black. Ox black smelt like death warmed up.
You sat on his bed. Pulling the little boy onto your lap. Cradling his head. You pressed the bloody rag on his shoulder
“If only. If only. The woodpecker sighed. If the bark on the tree was as soft as the skies”
Your sweet voice floated through the stuffy air.
“While the wolf waits below. Hungry and lonely. He howls to the moo-oon.”
It was a song your mother taught you when you were little. She would hold you, the way you held Alexi now.
Alexi looked up at you from under his messy brown hair. His face was ghostly white in the candle light. White. No ox blood on his face. “If only, if only. The woodpecker sighed” His feeble voice joined in your own.
He had drifted off to sleep.
Rasputin pressed his own grubby figures against the rag. Pressing filthy bony fingers over yours. You forced down an expression of disgust. Rasputin started muttering an incantation, that wasn’t Russian or English. He yanked away the rag. Out of your grip.  
The wound stopped bleeding.
You glared at him. You always found Rasputin to be creepy, something very unnerving about him. But he healed Alexi, so you had to tolerate him.
“The nursemaid must leave now” His voice was like the rattling of bones.
Ivan’s mouth was twisted in distaste at Rasputin. Never the less, he said. “ You heard him (Y/N). Leave.”
How long had Ivan been standing there?
You gazed down at Alexi. Smoothing the hair from his sweaty forehead before recently raising. Ignoring the vulture. You for the second time that night squeezed past Ivan.
As you entered the darkened hallway, you heard Ivan say something.  
“(Y/N). Never sing that in front of me again”
You trudged out into the court yard, the next morning. Clutching the bucket of Alexi’s blood sodden rags in one hand. The crunching of the snow beneath your boots was the only sound in the chilly morning air. None of the servants had risen yet to start morning chores.
Tipping the rags into a trough of clean water, you began scrubbing vigorously. The smell of hours old blood was enough to make bile rise in your throat. The blood mingled with clear water making it pink.
“That’s a ton of blood! Jeez who got on your bad side? “ an animated, cheery voice startled you. Then an obnoxious laugh that seemed to rattle the morning air. You lifted your head from your dirty work. A pinkish rag still in hand
A stranger with bright golden hair tucked under a black cap, stared at you with light blue eyes that seemed to be magnified by a pair of coke bottle glasses.
You could tell from his neatly trimmed ox blood black coat, shiny leather shoes and fur lined gloves that he was either elite society or filthy rich. Probably both. He didn’t catch your intertest too much. Rich aristocrats and dignitaries came in and out of the palace all the time. He was most likely the son of some nobility.
You wrung the pink blood into the snow, exhaling a steamed breath into the frigid air. He laughed again. Even though you hadn’t said a word. You picked up the bloody tin bucket and threw it into the water. “No English?”
You began scooping bucket fills of water and throwing into the snow, systematically in an attempt to rid the bucket of residue blood. “I speak it” you replied.
“Okay so what’s with all the blood?” all cheeriness was gone, now replaced with suspicion. You turned again to face the blue eyed stranger. You clicked your tongue “Ox blood” you replied curtly.
Alexi’s condition was kept secret from everyone outside of the royal family. He pressed his mouth into a straight line and you saw a slight flicker of recognition.
“You seem familiar-“ his voice had a strange drawl.
“I can assure you, we have never met. now if you will excuse me”
Without even a cursory glance, you took the now clean rags and bucket and trudged towards the kitchen door. Then he said something that made your heart stop.
“You’re (Y/N)!” the golden hair stranger suddenly exclaimed, he sounded genuinely shocked. “Ivan told us you died years ago!”
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midtnmusic · 6 years
Interview with Ivan Moult - Lay Me Down
Interview with Ivan Moult – Lay Me Down
Cardiff-based singer-songwriter Ivan Moult returns with his latest collection of rich, confessional songs on new album Longest Shadow, out April 20th (2018) via Bubblewrap Collective. The album reflects Moult’s progression through the fledglings of blissful romance into the fragmentation of embittered break- up. Each track combines Moult’s intricate guitar plucking skills with his warm, soothing…
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fruitbatwalton · 6 years
Brian's Indie Show Replay
As played on Radio KC
Internet Radio on rkc.noip.me
Played in 174 countries 
worldwide on 2 satellites
Website: ralphslife.co.uk
  Music Blog: fruitbatwalton.blogspot.co.uk
Submissions: [email protected]
Twitter: @fruitbatwalton
PLAYLIST : Click on their name to follow them on Facebook...
Hey Bulldog - Al LupoThe Old Pink House - ExpectationsKings and Castles - Friday NightsRum Thief - SurmiseThe New Tusk - TarmacMechanical Arms - SoulBlack Palms - Turned To AshThe Common Cold - The London LookCarousel Clouds - The TormentDrug Free Collective - Football Is SexFrancobollo - Hoo HaVan Tastik - Drag Me To HellPip Hall - Ill At EaseIvan Moult - Lay Me DownTALMA - Out To SeaSnack Villain - Tidal BabePining For Sunshine - So Little TimeKYLYPSO - Deep BlueDan Lyons - Big MoonKatalina Kicks - WaterfallThe Saw - Big Fish Small PondMONKS IN THE WOOD - No LoveOnly Sun - PatienceLUNA TIDES - Young LawsAVANTE BLACK - Let's SwayCHVRCHES - My Enemy (ft: Matt Berringer)
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Leaders Wolves come from behind to draw at 10-man Preston
Championship leaders Wolves came from behind to draw with 10-man Preston North End at Deepdale.
Shortly after striking the post, Alan Browne put Preston ahead with a header from a Callum Robinson corner.
But North End had John Welsh sent off for a second bookable offence, leaving the hosts with 10 men for 31 minutes.
Wolves equalised quickly, Ivan Cavaleiro setting up Helder Costa to slot home, but the visitors were denied a fourth successive victory.
Relive Saturday’s EFL action[1]
Substitute Benik Afobe had the best opportunity for a Wolves winner, but he was denied by Preston goalkeeper Declan Rudd.
Wanderers’ lead at the top of the Championship was reduced to 11 points, while play-off chasers Preston have lost only once in 16 league matches and are two points off the top six.
The reverse fixture in October, which Wolves won 3-2,[2] sparked into life after a quiet first 45 minutes and the game at Deepdale followed a similar pattern.
Browne, who was sent off in the match at Molineux, had a more positive impact on his home ground to nod in the opener.
But the game hinged on Welsh’s red card, shown following fouls on Diogo Jota and Cavaleiro either side of the interval, and Wolves took control from then on.
Match Stats[4]
Live Text[5]
14FisherBooked at 31mins
19WelshBooked at 59mins
11JohnsonSubstituted forHarropat 88′minutes
29BarkhuizenBooked at 59minsSubstituted forMoultat 88′minutes
37RobinsonSubstituted forHorganat 70′minutes
4N’DiayeSubstituted forAfobeat 62′minutes
17CostaSubstituted forSaissat 81′minutes
7CavaleiroSubstituted forBonatiniat 89′minutes
Robert Jones
Match Stats
Home TeamPrestonAway TeamWolves
Shots on Target
Live Text
Posted at
Match ends, Preston North End 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1.
Full Time
Posted at90’+5′
Second Half ends, Preston North End 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1.
Posted at90’+4′
Attempt missed. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box misses to the left.
Posted at89′
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Léo Bonatini replaces Ivan Cavaleiro.
Posted at88′
Substitution, Preston North End. Josh Harrop replaces Daniel Johnson.
Posted at88′
Substitution, Preston North End. Louis Moult replaces Tom Barkhuizen.
Posted at86′
Attempt saved. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the bottom right corner. Assisted by Diogo Jota.
Posted at85′
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Declan Rudd.
Posted at85′
Attempt saved. Benik Afobe (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the right side of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Matt Doherty with a through ball.
Posted at81′
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Romain Saiss replaces Hélder Costa.
Posted at79′
Offside, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Barry Douglas tries a through ball, but Benik Afobe is caught offside.
Posted at74′
Foul by Benik Afobe (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at74′
Darnell Fisher (Preston North End) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at70′
Substitution, Preston North End. Daryl Horgan replaces Callum Robinson.
Posted at68′
Attempt blocked. Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the left side of the box is blocked.
Posted at67′
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Paul Huntington.
Posted at66′
Attempt missed. Rúben Neves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from outside the box is high and wide to the left.
Posted at64′
Delay over. They are ready to continue.
Posted at63′
Delay in match Daniel Johnson (Preston North End) because of an injury.
Posted at62′
Substitution, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Benik Afobe replaces Alfred N’Diaye.
Posted at61′
Goal! Preston North End 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. Hélder Costa (Wolverhampton Wanderers) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Ivan Cavaleiro.
Posted at59′
Tom Barkhuizen (Preston North End) is shown the yellow card.
Posted at59′
Second yellow card to John Welsh (Preston North End) for a bad foul.
Posted at58′
Ivan Cavaleiro (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at58′
Foul by John Welsh (Preston North End).
Posted at57′
Ivan Cavaleiro (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at57′
Foul by Daniel Johnson (Preston North End).
Posted at56′
Foul by Willy Boly (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at56′
Ben Davies (Preston North End) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at55′
Corner, Wolverhampton Wanderers. Conceded by Joshua Earl.
Posted at54′
Hélder Costa (Wolverhampton Wanderers) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at54′
Foul by Joshua Earl (Preston North End).
Posted at52′
Goal! Preston North End 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Alan Browne (Preston North End) header from the right side of the six yard box to the top right corner. Assisted by Callum Robinson with a cross following a corner.
Posted at52′
Corner, Preston North End. Conceded by Willy Boly.
Posted at52′
Attempt blocked. Darnell Fisher (Preston North End) right footed shot from the right side of the box is blocked. Assisted by Billy Bodin.
Posted at49′
Foul by Alfred N’Diaye (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at49′
Alan Browne (Preston North End) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at48′
Attempt saved. Alan Browne (Preston North End) right footed shot from the right side of the box is saved in the top left corner. Assisted by Darnell Fisher.
Posted at46′
Foul by Hélder Costa (Wolverhampton Wanderers).
Posted at46′
Daniel Johnson (Preston North End) wins a free kick on the left wing.
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^ Relive Saturday’s EFL action (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Wolves won 3-2, (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Line-ups (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Match Stats (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Live Text (www.bbc.co.uk)
BBC Sport – Football
Leaders Wolves come from behind to draw at 10-man Preston was originally published on 365 Football
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musicblogwales · 10 months
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Green Man Festival 2023
Green Man Festival - 17th - 20th August 2023
Eve Appleton Band is this year’s Green Man Rising Winner!
Cardiff band Hyll will also claim their spot on the Rising Stage as finalists too, congratultions to them.
Green Man is thrilled to announce that Eve Appleton Band is its Green Man Rising winner for 2023, and will bag a slot on its Mountain Stage this August.
The Bristol-based act beat off competition from a record-breaking 3,000 hopefuls and over 30,000 votes to claim the annual award after they were announced as the judges favourite at the virtual final.
The Dorset born songwriter’s brand of progressive folk music won over a panel of industry experts including Hayley Morrison, Ivano Maggiulli, Kate French-Morris, Liam Keightly, Nuha Ruby Ra, Steve Nickols, Tom Baker and Ben Coleman.
Following a rise to prominence on the UK live music scene, Eve is now set to claim her place on the biggest stage at Wales’ largest music festival alongside the likes of First Aid Kit and Self Esteem.
Eve is herself a lifelong Green Man fan, having attended regularly as a child from its beginnings as a much smaller event held at the Baskerville Hall Hotel, just outside Hay-on-Wye
She said: “I knew music was my life because of Green Man - I cannot believe I now get to set foot on the mountain stage with my best friends. To everyone at Green Man Festival, the judges board of GM Rising and Green Man trust for providing musicians like us this amazing opportunity, we are forever grateful.”
Delighted to be announcing this year’s Green Man Rising winner, Managing Director and festival owner Fiona Stewart said: "I want to thank all those involved in Green Man Rising. The judges all agreed that the standard of entries was so incredibly high this year, and I’m so pleased for Eve Appleton Band! They really will make a spectacular addition to our line-up.”
The Green Man Rising competition celebrates the best emerging talent every year. Each entry is listened to by the Green Man team before a long list is put out to public vote in order to find the final five, which this year attracted more than 30,000 votes.
Cardiff band Hyll and other finalists will also get play at the festival on Green Man’s Rising Stage as a result of their success in the competition too. Other Welsh acts confirmed for the 2023 event include Cardiff duo, Rogue Jones, who will be performing at the Walled Garden stage on Thursday as part of an all Welsh language day in the Walled Garden, alongside acts such as Aisha Vaughan and Caldicot’s The Bug Club. 
The magic of Green Man lies not just in its scenery and music. Made up of 10 individual areas, the festival also offers a diverse range of events to accompany its incredible line-up, boasting art installations spread throughout the tranquil valley, a beer and cider tent to enjoy a crisp Welsh pint, an Ancient Egypt-themed area of discovery and exploration for the little folk, a relaxation and workshop space for the teenagers, plus science engagement area Einstein’s Garden. Further line ups of music, science, film, comedy & literature will be revealed in the coming months.
The Settlement Stage
This years Greenman Settlement Stage has been carefully curated by Libertino Records Gruff Owen with Angel Hotel, Angharad, Cynefin, Edie Bens, Elin Grace, Gille, Half Happy, Ivan Moult, Joe Kelly & The Royal Pharmacy, Mari Mathias, Red Telephone, Siula, Sonny Winnebego, Spencer Segelov And The Great Paintings, The Family Battenberg, Voya and YNYS all gracing the stage.
Festival goers who have purchased a Settler’s Pass, a special ticket which includes discounts on local heritage sites, galleries, castles and more, will arrive on Monday 14th August for a week in the Welsh valleys as part of their Green Man 2023 experience. Tickets for this year’s festival sold out in just four hours in September 2022, following a fantastic 20th anniversary celebration in the Welsh Mountains just weeks before.
The full lineup is as follows
Devo | First Aid Kit | Self Esteem | Spiritualized |  Amyl & The Sniffers | Young Fathers | Slowdive | The Walkmen | Confidence Man | Goat | The Comet Is Coming | Squid | Lankum | Horace Andy ft. Dub Asante Band | Sudan Archives | Snail Mail | Warmduscher | The Delgados | Les Savy Fav | Beth Orton | Daniel Avery (live) | Gilla Band | Jockstrap | Obongjayar | James Holden | Bob Vylan | PVA | Dur-Dur Band Int. | The Wedding Present | Courtney Marie Andrews | Billy Nomates | Sorry | Lost Map presents Weird Wave | Rozi Plain | Buck Meek | Julie Byrne | Clipping. | Special Interest | Alabaster Deplume | Gina Birch | Cory Hanson | Girl Ray | Etran D’el Air | Anna B Savage | Jake Xerxes Fussell | Sarah Jarosz | H Hawkline | Eddie Chacon | Kanda Bongo Man | Melin Melyn | The Bug Club | Josephine Foster | Crows | Marie Davidson (DJ) | Arushi Jain | Say She She | Alice Boman | Water From Your Eyes | Thus Love | Julie | Salami Rose Joe Louis | Nuha Ruby Ra | Floodlights | James Ellis Ford | Spencer Cullum | deathcrash | Yasmin Williams | Oscar Lang | Mega Bog | Σtella | Gently Tender | Aoife Nessa Frances | Fat Dog | MADMADMAD | Deptford Northern Soul Club | Hagop Tchaparian | 4am Kru | Drahla | The Gentle Good | Etta Marcus | Sister Wives | Sam Akpro | Brad Stank | Bricknasty | Juni Habel | Clara Mann | DD Darillo | Aisha Vaughan | Rogue Jones | The Social | Dutty Disco | Postmen DJs | Popperz - Spank DJs - Belinduh belinduh belinduh - Babymorocco - Joanie - Kuntessa Butch Kassidy | Cumgirl8 | Freak Slug | Island of Love | Lady Maisery | The Last Dinner Party | Lilo | Mandy, Indiana | Mary in the Junkyard | Minor Conflict | Morgon Noise | Sans Soucis | Seb Lowe | Spielmann | Suep | Uh | University | Yabba | And many more ........
Now in its 21st year, Green Man Festival is an award-winning, independent music, arts, comedy and science festival held in the breathtaking surroundings of the Bannau Brycheiniog. Uniquely, Green Man refuses sponsorship so that independent Welsh food & beverage producers can be offered and curational freedom retained. The festival is comprised of ten unique areas – from comedy, literature, theatre, film and art, and is the only large UK festival where a woman has majority ownership.
Green Man Festival is a melting pot of Welsh, national and international artistic talent and a creator of opportunities. The Green Man Trust charity extends the festival’s artistic, educational, and cultural ambitions by cultivating creative development, showcase and training opportunities within the arts, sciences and local communities. Over the last three years, 10,000+ people have been supported by Green Man Trust, £16,000 donated to Welsh food banks in 2022 in response to cost of living crisis, £3,000 donated for Ukrainian war relief, £16,000 has been raised for Welsh vulnerable people affected by storm Dennis flood, £100,000 was spent to commission 223 artists during the pandemic and over 100 community projects have been supported.
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booksdust · 10 years
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beatsbreaksbass · 10 years
Super chilled vibes from Bristol based singer song-writer Ivan Moult 
Lazy Day features on Ivan new album Second Guessing
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rightchordmusic · 10 years
Episode 99. Lost On Radio
Lost On Radio is a weekly showcase of incredible new, undiscovered, and under appreciated music from around the world. The show is curated and presented by Mark Knight, the founder of Right Chord Music. Lost On Radio aims to showcase incredible artists that have been overlooked by radio, or pushed to the late night fringes.…
Episode 99. Lost On Radio was originally published on Right Chord Music
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bantoinettes · 10 years
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eveningchorus · 14 years
Buy tickets for Pete Roe w/Evening Chorus & Ivan Moult
Pete Roe w/Evening Chorus & Ivan Moult 
@ Thé Pot Café 138 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NR
Monday 8th November 2010
Tickets £5
Available from the Café or from wegottickets.com 
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musicblogwales · 4 years
Ivan Moult returns with resonating new single ‘What More Could i Say’
With sincere grace and perfect mic proximity Cardiff’s Ivan Moult returns with a splendid new single in the shape of ‘What More Could i Say’, accompanied by a darkly executed version of Britney Spears pop classic ‘Toxic’, which elegantly metamorphasise’s wonderfully into a sinister rendition which for me quickly surpasses the originals charm. 
Lone Troubadour Moult exposes us to a taste of what is to come with an exciting reveal of a new collection of songs that he intended’s to drip feed our way, and if these to are anything to go by it’s going to make a lot of existing Ivan Moult fans very happy. 
Two years on from the critically acclaimed Longest Shadow LP, Ivan Moult offers up an intriguing first glimpse into his forthcoming material. Latest single 'What More Could I Say?' - released on 14th August - showcases a subtle shift from the lovelorn purity of its predecessors. Commencing with shuffling percussion and reverb-laden, jangly 50s electric, it’s only when Moult’s airy, elemental layered vocals enter the fray that the song becomes obviously his own. Written, recorded and mixed by Moult himself within a month during the Covid-19 lockdown, 'What More Could I Say?' reveals a songwriter still pre-eminently focused on the inner workings of love in all of its complexity and nuance. This time, though, where there was disquieted hurt and confusion, there’s now a begrudging, almost contented acceptance. Love, it seems, may be capable of both pain and healing. 'What More Could I Say?'/ ‘Toxic’  are available now through all digital retailers via Bubblewrap Collective. "Absolutely Wonderful. Just Gorgeous." - 'Janice Long, BBC Radio' "Akin to that of Nick Drake or Jeff Buckley's distinctive songwriting charm" - 'Circuit Sweet' "I really like where his music takes you" - 'Kate Stables', 'This Is The Kit' https://ivanmoult.com https://bubblewrapcollective.co.uk https://twitter.com/Ivanmoult https://www.instagram.com/ivanmoult/ https://www.facebook.com/ivanmoultmusic/
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