#myth au fic
goldammerchen · 3 months
satyr francis - minotaur antonio - harpy gilbert, thats the post
edit: look here (explicit!)
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poppitron360 · 5 days
Calling all Greek Mythology nerds!!!!
So I’m writing some PJO fanfiction rn, and I wanna write a character with the power to break the fourth wall (basically making jokes related to the fandom/voicing my internal monologue) but I’m not sure what god/goddess to make them a child of (Preferably an obscure one), and I’m too lazy/don’t know where to begin to do the research. Could someone who knows a lot more about Greek (or Roman!) myths suggest some ideas??
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loz-untold-myths · 5 months
🍃Resting Beyond the Mist🍃
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Stone Fate Link (The Hero of Fate), accompanied by his best friend. It's dangerous to go alone, after all.
(More info under break).
This is actually a redraw of something I drew 2-3 years ago (which will be shown side by side against it on the Discord server). It took forever (I started it in the morning on a whim and finished at around nightfall, given I took some breaks). Regardless, it's finished - and I think I've really improved since then. I've always been lazy with backgrounds, but I'm slowly getting... less lazy!
Stone Fate Chapter 1
Falling into Place: Part One
Time Elapsed: 6 hours, 20 minutes
Program Used: Ibis Paint
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violent138 · 3 months
I really see Tim and Damian's relationship as very much like Apollo and Hermes' (see: cattle robbery, bribery, complaining to Dad but ultimately Dad just shrugs and goes, sorry kids you gotta get along).
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if I can't draw her consistently I can at least give her more dresses
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siriustar8 · 12 days
A God's Love
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"That was six hundred and forty two years ago. After Bartemius, many heros stumbled upon the island. Some lovely and sweet, with whom Regulus enjoyed a short time of bliss. Some filthy and obnoxious, those Regulus had to tolerate until the question came back up. The curse held, unyielding, and Regulus was adamant to never love again. Even for an immortal, the pain of heartbreak was too immense to endure willingly."
My fic for the @jegulusficfest is out ! I would love to thank @ecstarry for beta reading and helping me throughout the writing process, which took me a bit too long considering the word count. But this was such an enjoyable experience, and I'd love to know what you think if you ever give it a read !
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flusteredfools · 1 month
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Finally got the rough sketches done so now it's time for voting!
Snips from each AU below! Both will eventually be written, this is just for me to know which to focus on first!
Fazrule Fitness Plex:
(Legend of Zelda/Fnaf Crossover world) As a way to promote more interactions among the various Hyrule races, FazCo has opened up a fitness center so all races can bond over sharing their more natural exercise methods and explore new ones. Learn swim methods from Zoras, rock climbing and cave exploration from Gorons, balance and air gliding tricks from the Ritos, learn how to make healthy meals in the Gerudo's bar and relax in the spa or let retired Hylian guards teach you the basics of self defense!
The Fitness Plex seems to have trouble keeping on someone for their mixed species daycare next to the swimming lakes and falls. Something about complaints that watching over the mixed race's young alongside the swim instructors judgmental eyes is just too much to handle...
The Lighthouse Keeper's Keepers:
(sort of Detroit Become Human/Fnaf crossover world)
Sun and Moon have proven their sentience, have gotten married and retired from working at the daycare; letting newer androids take over their old position. They've responded to a job listing in a rather remote village where an old fisherman who cares for the village's almost neglected lighthouse is getting too old to look after himself much less the lighthouse. So they've agreed to the position, both of caring for the fisherman until he passes as well as the lighthouse once he does. The years they spend being caregivers to the fisherman and listening to him tell tales of the Mer he befriended in his youth make Sun and Moon think the poor man must have been losing his mind with age. They never thought that on the day they would be spreading his ashes they would happen upon the myth he befriended.
Secret Third Choice:
Shhh... Is a secret. Very hush hush. But if you can't decide or don't care which... maybe this option is for you.
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badwolfarcadiabay · 5 months
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I’m writing a silly modern au high school merthur fic where Arthur fences and got dragged into a play and this is some art I did for it.
Not done with the second chapter yet but I’m going to finish it then post the first two and from there chapter by chapter.
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tsyvia48 · 3 months
I just posted the final chapter of my first Human AU. Writing this is one more entry on the long list of things I’m grateful for as a result of Terry and Neil and this fandom. I have been writing for work (marketing, fundraising, grants) for 20+ years. I know I can write. But I deeply believed I didn’t have the imagination to write fiction. It was too serious, too important. I wasn’t up to the task. And so the few times I tried, it felt like a chore.
Neil and this fandom and the existence of human AUs gave me permission to just play. Neil refers to it as a sandbox FFS! And fuck if I didn’t play. It wasn’t a chore. It was delightful. I can’t wait to see what else I can do if I can get out of the stupid guardrails I’ve let others put around me.
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temeyes · 3 months
Apologies for the spam likes!
Your art is just very edible :)
GreekMyth!Ghost has literally consumed all space in my head for the past day
nah, you're cool bestie. no sweat!! and aww, thank you!! i hope you eat well whenever you see my stuff!!
and yeSSS, HAHAHA glad ya like my take on Greek Myth!Ghost!! (even tho i feel like he looks/sounds ooc in that piece lolz!!!!)
rambling now: BUT ever since i came across those greek myth!au fics for the cod boys?? the itch in my greek mythology-engrossed brain? super duper SCRATCHED!!
i actually have more greek myth!au ideas for the boys. tho it's mostly for GhostSoap. ONCE I HAVE FREE TIME NEXT WEEK, i promise i'll draw and post them HSAHSHASH
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The room is beyond opulent. Diamonds and jewels glitter from every surface, embedded in the dozens of intricate murals covering the walls. Chandeliers dangle from the endlessly high ceilings.
It’s the shining example of luxury. Its very existence is a direct insult to every poor person alive.
Keith hates it.
He’s not alone, he doesn’t think. Pidge, Hunk, and Allura are looking around in awe, mouths gaped, but Lance is — tense. His dark eyes flit around rapidly, never once settling for longer than a few seconds, taking in every part of the room (well, if room is the right word — this stupid court room is the size of fucking Texas). His jaw is clenched, and his hands are forcibly relaxed. His centre of balance is shifted, and he’s even standing straight.
He’s prepared to make a quick exit.
Keith exchanges a wary look with him. He doesn’t trust this kind of royalty, either. Anyone who hoards this much wealth and has their people so blindly loyal is up to something.
“Announcing his Holy Eminence,” booms a voice, accompanied by the sharp sound of a staff striking the marble floor.
All of them startle, but Keith and Lance reach reflectively for their bayards before realising with dread they were confiscated so they could make an appearance.
Fine. It’ll be fine.
He and Lance have relaxed, marginally, by the time a boot steps through the gilded doorway. Even if the king’s entrance hadn’t been announced, Keith would have been able to guess: the boot is made of rich, supple leather, and what looks like solid gold. The rest of him glides into view, and he’s positively draped in riches — precious gems sewn carefully into richly dyed fabric, created a sort of armoured corset. He wears a heavy lace veil, his eyes the only part of his face visible. His crown is inlaid with more diamonds than Keith has ever seen in one place, and they once took a mission in a diamond mine. Keith wonders how many people starved so the king could wear his crown.
The king stands before them, towering above them from his place in front of his throne — an altar to himself.
Lance shifts beside Keith, balancing on the balls of his feet — like he does before he’s about to strike. His head is tilted, eyes narrowed and calculating.
Something’s wrong.
“Our king, in all his grace, has granted you an audience,” speaks the same guard as before. “Bask in his glory, and thank the gods for his benevolence.”
The whole thing is so sinister that Keith feels his very blood sour at the heaviness in the air. The rest of the paladins have lost their wondered expression, replaced with the same wariness Lance and Keith are wearing. It’s been a long time since Keith brain screamed danger! at him with such volume, and he was stuck where he stood.
They fought for this audience. This planet, for all it’s strange stillness and plated gold, would be an excellent ally. They need to make nice with this king, they need to win his favour. Tales have been spun from either end of the galaxy of this man’s greatness, of his power, of the worship he deserves. No one will speak his name, tongue too heavy with the title.
It’s wrong, wrong, wrong. But even if they wouldn’t appreciate the allyship, they would come here, insist on an audience — they must meet the man who has millions of millions of people worshipping his very shadow.
The king slowly lifts his veil. His smile is placid, pleasant, and does not match his eyes — there’s a crookedness in his blue irises.
Lance makes a strangled choking noise once his face is revealed.
The king smirks. He takes a heavy step towards Lance.
“Hello, son of Hestia. It’s been quite some time.”
“You,” Lance snarls, and there’s so much animosity in the word Keith actually startles. He’s argued with Lance more times than he can count, and there’s no one he’s known who can spit an insult like Lance, but gods above — Lance has never sounded like he wanted to kill someone before.
“Me,” says the king, and he sounds taunting. Keith looks at Lance in confusion, but his focus is still as a corpse, entirely on the king.
Lance says nothing. He’s stiffer than Keith has ever seen anyone, muscles trembling with how hard they’re clenched. His brown eyes flash, bitter as burnt coffee grounds. The air between him and the king is thick enough to suffocate.
Lance tilts his head back. His gaze never leaves the king, but he addresses the room, the gathered guards and nobles and peoples.
“This is your king?” he says, and his voice is no louder than usual, but it rings and echoes. “A coward who ran from his own world?”
Startled gasps pile over each other, horror and offense in equal measure on every face.
“Lance,” Allura hisses. “What are you talking about?”
The king laughs. It is filled with mirth, but devoid of any warmth. Keith is reminded of an orca, laughing and cackling as it chases its prey to exhaustion.
“Is that how you speak to me after so long, Leandro? I’ve missed you. Is there no love left in your heart for me?”
Lance takes another echoing step forward. The whole court is as tense as he is. He has commanded the attention of each of them, Keith included.
He is no scared prey, fighting for his life.
“It dried up when you left me to die, πότης αίματος,” Lance spits.
Keith doesn’t recognize the word. It doesn’t even register on the translators. It’s in no language he recognizes, and by the looks of it, no one else does either.
Except for the king. The word sends a flash of anger in his eyes, so brief Keith half believes he’s imagined it, before his expression returns to insufferably smug.
“That’s no way to address me, boy.”
“Do not tell me how I will speak to you.”
The king laughs, stepping down from his throne. He approaches Lance, stops centimetres away from him, and grabs Lance’s chin before Keith can think to stop him.
“You’d think a child of Hestia would be more mild-mannered,” he coos, and Keith starts at the title.
That’s the second time he’s addressed Lance in such a way. He doesn’t know what it means.
“Quiet, like she is,” the king continues. “Soft. But you’re nothing like her, are you? Except for your eyes. Big and brown and soft, just like hers.” He trails a hand down Lance’s face as he says it, and Lance looks seconds away from biting it clean off.
Keith almost wants him to.
“But no. You take after Marcela, don’t you? That attitude had to come from somewhere — of course it comes from the filthy mortal. You’re her mirror image.”
“That’s how genetics work, dumbass,” Lance bites out. “Gods, you’ve just gotten dumber, huh?”
That wipes the smug look right off the king’s face. He tightens the hand on Lance’s face. Keith lurches forward on reflex, but as soon as he moves dozens of guards are pointing their weapons at him.
Keith grits his teeth and stays where he is.
“I will warn you again,” the king says, and the threat is clear in his voice. “You watch how to speak to me. I have given you everything you are, Lance. Everything you can do is because of me. Show some piety, or I will show you how quickly I can take it away.”
Lance spits in the king’s face.
“You have no claim over me.”
Before Keith or anyone else can move or even blink, Lance swipes the King’s feet from under him, pinning him to the ground with a bronze spear he produced from nowhere.
The guards move at once, each of them shouting, half of them keeping their weapons trained on the paladins and the other half moving towards Lance and the king.
“Lance!” Hunk shouts. “Step back! What the fuck are you doing?”
“Unhand him, paladin,” a guard orders.
Lance only laughs.
“Have you become afraid of me, προδότης? You need your whole cavalry to keep you safe, you precious thing?”
The king snarls, and snaps his fingers. In a second, a green ring of raging fire encircles him and Lance, cutting them off from the guards, who shout in alarm.
Cutting them off from the paladins.
Pidge swears.
The king moves quickly, twisting his arms under Lance’s spear and shoving him off. Lance uses the momentum to flip himself backwards, landing on his toes, weapon outstretched.
“There we go,” he taunts. “Now this I missed.”
“You are as weak as you are ungrateful,” the king hisses, encircling Lance. “After all I have done for you. After everything you learnt from me.”
“You left me to die. I learnt nothing from you that I wasn’t forced to teach myself.”
There’s real emotion in the words. A rage that can only come from a deep hurt.
The king picks up on this.
“If I took you everywhere, you would never be able to stand on your own,” he says with a sharp smile. “You’d never be able to talk, if I always spoke on your behalf. Leaving you to fend for yourself was the best thing I could have done for you.”
Lance snarls, stepping back to the very edge of the ring of fire. He swipes his spear through it, and flames lick immediately up the handle, enveloping the weapon in tongues of flickering green. Keith feels something lurch as the flames curl around brown hands.
But Lance doesn’t move. He doesn’t even flinch. The fire has burned three of the guards who’ve come too close to a crisp in seconds, but Lance is still as it dances on his skin. His lips move rapidly, voice a murmur too quiet to hear over the roar of the fire and panicked shouts of the courts. He closes his eyes, brows creased as if in pain, and when he opens them again, they glow — flickering in time with the flames.
“You have made a grave mistake,” he says, and these words are impossible to not hear. They ring throughout the court, quiet and deafening in equal measure, unlike any sound Keith has heard before.
But the voice is unmistakably Lance’s, if only tinged with a power Keith feels in his bones.
“I am not the boy you left behind.”
Lance lunges forward, and the flames explode in a flash of blinding light.
By the time Keith blinks his eyes back into working order, the room is in chaos. People are shrieking at the top of their lungs, trampling over each other in a desperate bid to escape. Most of the guards have abandoned their posts — Keith can’t blame them. The flames have made this room sweltering, and have lit the ornate tapestries are on fire. He can barely see Lance through the brightness of the flames, only flashes of a bright spear as his limbs move in a flurry of speed that’s almost inhuman.
“We have to get Lance and get out of here!” Pidge shouts over the panic, and Keith agrees.
“I’ll get the bayards!” Hunk says, just as loud as she is.
Keith nods, tilting his head at Allura. “Allura, get Blue ready to take us back! Pidge, you see if you can get word through to Coran for an emergency extraction! I’ll get Lance! Go!”
They all rush to comply, and as soon as they’re out of sight, Keith turns back to the ring of fire, squinting.
Nothing. If Lance could hear him over the roar of the flames, it would be a miracle.
Keith swallows roughly. He’s going to need a miracle.
Hey, Red, he thinks, and even his thoughts are shaky. I know it’s been a while. But I could use some of your flames, girl. Your paladin is in danger.
There’s nothing, for a moment. The time stretches, but Keith pushes back his despair — he has to have faith. He hears his father’s voice in his head. Shiro’s.
Lance’s, even.
Sometimes, Akira, you just have to trust what’s up there.
Patience yields focus. You can do this, kiddo.
Black trusts you, and I do, too. Come on, Samurai. I’ll follow where you lead.
All at once, a burning feeling blazes through his mind — Red. She’s as warm as she’s always been, the terror for her paladin making her burn hot.
Go, she urges. I will keep you safe. Save my cub. He has blocked me from his mind.
Keith can’t help a wry smile. Oh, how the turntables.
Trusting Red, he rushes forward, straight through the flames. He clenches his eyes shut — trusting, but scared.
When he opens them again, the flames are behind him. In front of him is Lance, agile and quick, unleashing a constant barrage of attacks on the king. The king’s heavy robes are torn. There’s a burn, blackened an raw, on half his face. His crown has been ripped from his head, crushed to pieces beneath Lance’s heel.
Lance is worse. Keith hardly recognises him with the swelling of his face and the blood covering his skin. He is still wrapped in a blaze.
“Lance!” Keith yells.
It does nothing. Neither man looks up, although Lance stumbles. Just slightly, the smallest roll of his ankle, but it’s enough — the king snarls, grabbing the wooden end of Lance’s spear, spinning him around, and pulling him in a chokehold, pressing the blade to his neck.
“All this power and I still bring you to your knees,” the king snarls.
Keith rushes forward without another thought. He has no weapon, and the king is twice his size, but that’s Lance in danger — Keith can no more ignore it than he can ignore the breaking of his own heart.
But Lance doesn’t flinch. He doesn’t even struggle. He only leans his head back, eyes turned to the sky, and starts to chant.
θεά της εστίας, εγγόνι της γης,
στρέφω τα μάτια μου στον ουρανό,
σε ικετεύω να απαντήσεις την κραυγή μου,
για τη δύναμή σου σε παρακαλώ,
για την προστασία σου σε λατρεύω,
προσφέρω τη θυσία μου και παρακαλώ για τη χάρη σου,
δώσε μου τις φλόγες σου για την κόλαση τον εχθρό μου που τοποθετώ.
It’s again in the language from before. Keith shouldn’t understand a word he says. He couldn’t translate them himself, and he already knows the translators cannot manage them.
But he doesn’t hear the words. Lance’s lips are moving, and he’s speaking, but the words don’t echo through the room, to be picked up by his ears: the words settle in his brain. There’s nothing he can do to avoid them.
Goddess of the hearth,
Grandchild of the earth,
I turn my eyes to the sky,
I beg you answer my cry,
For your strength I implore you,
For your protection I adore you,
I offer my sacrifice and beg for your grace,
Grant me your flames, to hell my enemy I place.
Lance whips his head to the side, intentionally slicing his cheek on his own blade. Blood drops down his face.
“No!” the king shouts.
The second the blood drops to the ground, the king turns to ash. The flames extinguish. Silence settles around the marble hall.
Lance’s eyes, however, still glow.
“Let’s go,” he says, picking up his spear. He twirls it once, sliding it down his back as if sheathing it, and it disappears.
Keith doesn’t move.
“Keith, we have to go,” Lance urges. “Before the guards regroup and everyone sees what happened. We have to go.”
Keith only states at him.
“Lance…?” His voice is hoarse, he can barely force out the words.
Lance’s brows crease.
“I know it’s insane. I’ll explain later. We need to go, though, okay? Now.”
Keith nods mutely, because what the hell else can he do but move forward?
“Everyone else is headed towards Blue,” he says, forcing his voice to work.
“Great. Let’s meet them.”
Lance grabs his hand — gently, Keith notes, and his hands are soft, unburned. Covered in blood, but somehow unaffected by the flames.
Lance breaks into a light jog, tugging Keith behind him.
Keith shakes his head. He follows.
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goldammerchen · 2 months
made for Mythalia March! @hwsevents
Explicit chapter! Monsterfucking. And as the new chapter note says,
Someone is more explicitly suicidal than before, I'm afraid, meanwhile the new character has little to no qualms...
Tumblr links: Chapter 1 (Francis) Chapter 2 (Antonio) and this one introduces Gilbert!
Spoilers about next characters, in case I don't finish this in time:
Swan Maidens Natallia and Iryna (Bela & Ukr)
Harpy Feliks (Pol)
Werewolf Tolys (Liet)
Centaur Erzsi (Hun)
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Okay, but can you imagine being a 3000 year old immortal and your dad everyone likes the 16 year old better??
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loz-untold-myths · 17 days
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ML Ganondorf sketch because I need to figure out a way I actually want to draw him
The Story:
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rubatozis · 11 months
HEY!!! YOU!!!
that vamp au fic??? ITS REAL!!!!!
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its currently registered user-only due to unfortunate circumstances of ai thiefs being everywhere, i will put it on wattpad and directly on tumblr later
its just a fun little thing i write to pass time, uhh will try to keep updates weekly but dont trust me on that--
i'll make more sketches and art along the way too probably ^_^'
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posts my idiot son and refuses to elaborate
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