anonymousewrites · 2 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Two
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Two: Ghosts and Guardians
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) meet a new transfer student.
            It was another day at school. (Y/N) and Saiki were sitting next to each other, watching as boys crowded around Teruhashi as usual. Apparently, she had met a boy on August sixth and developed a crush on him. Poor Saiki looked annoyed (more than usual, at least), and (Y/N) was amused since apparently his chance encounter with Teruhashi had garnered a lot of attention.
            That being said, (Y/N)’s stomach clenched strangely at the knowledge that the “perfect pretty girl” liked Saiki. They chose to classify that under “weird” because “my best friend who hates people dating would be weird.” At least Saiki seemed irritated at the attention.
            Other than Teruhashi’s crush, everything was normal at PK Academy (which wasn’t saying much. Nothing could be considered anywhere near normal there). At least, almost completely normal (by their standards).
            “Hey, Saiki, (Y/N), don’t you think Nendou is acting strange today?” asked Kaidou. “Normally, he’d be bugging us to go to a ramen place or something.”
            “True, he is acting a little strange.”
            “He looks sad,” said (Y/N) decidedly.
            “This is fishy. It does make me wonder what the deal is,” said Kaidou, “We should find out what.”
            How do I always get dragged into these things?
            Saiki was once again questioning his life choices. He was hiding around the corner from Nendou with Kaidou and (Y/N). They were tailing their friend who was acting odd. All-in-all, it was the usual concoction of terrible life choices leading him to be stuck with “friends.” At least (Y/N) and Saiki were acting relatively normal. Kaidou….was Kaidou. He had put on a coat, hat, and sunglasses to complete the spy look.
            “His house isn’t this way,” said Kaidou, “I bet something’s up.”
            “Why are you so excited about this? And why are you so used to tailing someone?” commented Saiki.
            “It’s a little creepy,…but hey, we’re not gonna hurt him!” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Hm?” Kaidou noticed Nendou stop. “What’s he looking at?”
            Nendou gave a young girl a strange look.
            All of them had the same thought.
            “Look, he entered a shop this time!” said (Y/N), pointing down the street.
            “Don’t start getting into this, too.” The last thing Saiki needed was (Y/N) going crazy.
            “I might as well have fun,” they remarked.
            “A flower shop? Don’t tell me he has a girlfriend…!” exclaimed Kaidou.
            “No offense to Nendou, but that’s probably not the reason,” said (Y/N), sweat-dropping.
            Nendou emerged with a bouquet of sunflowers.
            “No, that’s definitely not it.”
            “It’s too early to judge. There are many reasons to buy sunflowers,” said Kaidou.
            “He’s entering another shop!” alerted (Y/N).
            “A cake shop? Well, he definitely wouldn’t eat something like that, right?!” cried Kaidou. “Sunflowers, too. He clearly intends to give them to someone. But he doesn’t have a girlfriend to give them to!”
            “Let’s just ask him. This might end up being a little personal. He may prefer to tell us instead of us accidentally finding out,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki glanced at them from behind his glasses. Once again, (Y/N)’s apropos statement made his question whether or not they were a regular person or secretly a psychic. Maye they were just someone with common sense.
            He could directly relate to what they had just said. Saiki had a personal issue: being a psychic, and he didn’t want people to find out if he didn’t want them to (which was all the time).
            Strange…how do they manage to say just the right thing?
            (Y/N) ran up to Nendou. “Hey, Nendou!”
            “Oh, hey, pinky! Wow! Runt and pal are here, too.”
            “Yeah, we’re curious about what you’re up to,” explained (Y/N).
            Only mildly curious. It wouldn’t weigh on my mind.
            “Oh, that’s easy,” said Nendou.
            “Visiting a grave?” Kaidou was surprised. The group was now in a graveyard looking at the Nendou Family Grave.
            (Y/N) nodded in understanding. They had guessed that since Nendou definitely probably didn’t have a girlfriend, the flowers were likely for a relative. (Or that’s what they told themself. They actually didn’t really manage to guess anything).
            “Yeah, my dad’s,” explained Nendou, “Today is the anniversary of his death.”
            Kaidou made the connection. “Then the sunflowers and cake are…”
            “They’re offerings, of course.” Nendou smiled. “It’s common sense to bring flowers and snacks when visiting a grave.”
            “Of course,” agreed (Y/N). It was sweet. For all Nendou’s…stupidity, he had a good heart.
            “When did your dad die?” asked Kaidou.
            “Kaidou! That’s a really personal question,” admonished (Y/N), frowning.
            “Don’t worry, girlie. It’s okay. He died before I was born,” said Nendou, “He died trying to save a kid who ran out into the street.”
            “A hero,” said (Y/N) in awe. That explains where Nendou gets his helpful, sometimes impulsive, attitude.
            “B-but if he died before you were born, then he must’ve died really young,” said Kaidou.
            “Yeah. I think eighteen or nineteen. Do you wanna see his picture? I have it in my wallet.” Nendou looked excited.
            “Sure!” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Nendou showed off the picture. The pair were identical. It was kind of creepy.
            “What?! This is your picture, isn’t it?” cried Kaidou in disbelief.
            “I know, he looks like me, right?” Nendou smiled happily. “Mom says that I look more like him every year, too.”
            “It’s beyond that! You’re practically twins!” (Y/N) was surprised they were so similar.
            After looking over the picture, the group stood up and turned from the grave, readying to leave. Saiki, however, was staring slightly above the grave with a strange, slightly creeped out, look on his face.
            “Saiki?” called (Y/N), “Are you alright?”
            That vision of Nendou’s father was probably just my imagination. Saiki turned around with his usual blank face. “I’m fine.”
            “Great! Let’s go get some ramen!” said Nendou.
            As they began to walk, (Y/N) grinned at Saiki. “I’ve never seen you look like that before. It was almost like you saw a ghost.”
            “I don’t believe in ghosts,” said Saiki. No matter how unreal I am. Unfortunately, the world had a way of going against his desires. (He was not a favorite of any gods that existed).
            (Y/N) walked through the halls, heading to the library to check out some books. They stopped, however, when they spotted Saiki and the transfer student. They instantly became curious since rumors were circulating that he was a medium. Did they believe in psychics or anything? They weren’t sure. They hadn’t really seen any proof for or against the existence of psychics, so (Y/N) kept an open mind. And there was no harm in checking it out.
            “I don’t understand why you would want to hide it…” complained the purple-haired boy.
            “Hide what?” asked (Y/N), nearing the two.
            The transfer student jumped. “Oh-uh! S-Saiki and I are friends!”
            “We’re not,” denied Saiki.
            “Don’t think anything of it,” said (Y/N) to the purple-haired boy. They smiled and laughed. “Saiki never admits people are his friends.”
            “He’s really not,” emphasized Saiki. He really didn’t want (Y/N) to get the wrong idea.
            “Hush.” (Y/N) smiled to the transfer student. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N).”
            “I’m Toritsuka Reita.” Toritsuka smiled “innocently,” but his inner thoughts were very different. Wow, they’re totally hot! “And I’m a medium who can tell you all about your Guardian Spirit!” People love this stuff!
            Saiki leveled a deadly glare at Toritsuka. He sent a message directly to the pervert’s mind, making sure (Y/N) wouldn’t hear. “Stop.” He might not acknowledge (Y/N) was his friend, but he wouldn’t let Toritsuka try anything pervy with them. He didn’t like that idea. And (Y/N) didn’t deserve that.
            Not that that was the issue. It was just Toritsuka being weird that Saiki wasn’t a fan of. Not (Y/N) being bothered in particular.
            “I guess I am a bit curious,” admitted (Y/N), shrugging casually.
            “Hmm, it seems—Oh, whoa!” Toritsuka’s eyes widened.
            “What?” (Y/N) tilted their head.
            Curious himself, Saiki surreptitiously tapped Toritsuka while using his psychometry. Now, he could see the ghosts the medium did. Sure enough, (Y/N)’s Guardian Spirit garnered the reaction Toritsuka had.
            “They’re a sorcerer or a witch!” said Toritsuka. That's intimidating! Immediately, he took a step back. He wouldn’t try to mess with (Y/N) if that was their guardian spirit. Well, at least for a little.
            That explains why (Y/N) always gets out of messes. Saiki found it interesting that (Y/N) was friends with a psychic and had a witch as a Guardian Spirit. Maybe there was a correlation. If that was so, then there was a correlation between god hating him and his own psychic powers.
            “If what you say is true, then that’s pretty cool.” (Y/N) smiled at the idea of having someone looking out for them. “What’s Saiki’s guardian?”
            “I don’t care about it.”
            They shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” They were pretty curious, but they wouldn’t push.
            Saiki was tempted to smile for a moment but held back. He liked that they respected him enough not to pry. Most of his friends people who bothered him would push for information, but (Y/N) understood that Saiki preferred to keep to himself. They even helped out people like Toritsuka who were especially bothersome (and definitely didn’t deserve their kindness). As usual, the universe decided to mess with Saiki right as he was feeling pleased since just at that moment Teruhashi walked by. Luckily for Saiki (he didn’t get to say that often) she was only passing by.
            However, it was enough for Toritsuka to fall in love (not that it was unusual for people to fall head-over-heels for Teruhashi at first sight). The blush on his face was evident to any passerby. “Wh-wh-wh-who’s that super pretty girl?!”
            “That’s Teruhashi. She just passed by you for no reason whatsoever. You should thank her.” For the first time, Saiki was glad the school’s idol appeared since it meant Toritsuka would stop flirting (and thinking) so much about (Y/N), especially in such perverse ways.
            That was a new thought.
            Did you see all the nooks and crannies on her body, Saiki?! thought Toritsuka.
            Suddenly, Saiki was glad that Toritsuka said stupid things so he could focus on that instead of whatever those thoughts were. “Don’t make it sound so perverted,” said Saiki.
            “Watch out, here comes a swarm of girls,” warned (Y/N).
            The crowd of girls mobbed Toritsuka with questions about their Guardian Spirit.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “He seems quite content with the attention.” They weren’t an idiot; they saw how Toritsuka looked at them and girls. They were polite, but they were careful.
            “Too much for my taste,” muttered Saiki.
            “He’s very…honest with the boys.” (Y/N) sweat-dropped as Toritsuka bluntly told the boys that their Guardian Spirits were “old hags” and an “old geezer.”
            “He’s very obvious,” said Saiki.
            “At least he seems to be honest,” remarked (Y/N), “since he was impressed by Hairo’s.”
            “You believe in psychics? And mediums and all that?” asked the pink-haired boy, glancing at them.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I mean sure, why not.” They smiled. “Life is more fun with the fantastical involved, ya know.”
            I find it boring and annoying to have this much power. But I can understand their view. Saiki nodded.
            “Hey, what’s my Guardian Spirit?” Nendou appeared out of nowhere.
            “Now that’s something we can both say is interesting,” commented (Y/N).
            “Yes,” agreed Saiki.
            Toritsuka just ignored him.
            (Y/N) sighed. “Man, I really wanted to find out. If Toritsuka tells you, let me know. I’ll buy you coffee jelly in return.”
            Saiki would tell them if he found out anyways. When Toritsuka didn’t tell him later, the only reason Saiki wasn’t disappointed over losing coffee jelly was that he was too surprised to see Nendou’s father was Toritsuka’s Guardian Spirit. During the night, however, Saiki lamented the loss of coffee jelly.
            I’ll just have to go to Café Mami tomorrow and maybe encounter (Y/N).
            It seemed the following day, (Y/N) had the same idea. I wonder if Saiki would like some coffee jelly. What am I thinking? He’s always up for coffee jelly. (Y/N) smiled and went down to Saiki’s house. They rang the doorbell.
            Saiki opened it.
            “Hey, Saiki, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Café Mami with me,” said (Y/N).
            “I have a problem right now.”
            “It must be serious if it keeps you from coffee jelly. What is it?” asked (Y/N).
            “…” Saiki didn’t want to respond since he was slightly embarrassed about his extreme fear of insects.
            “Come on, I won’t tease you,” reassured (Y/N).
            “There’s a roach.”
            “Gross.” (Y/N) shivered at the thought before taking a deep breath and smiling bravely. “I’ll get it. You just hold open the door so I can make a run for it.”
            Saiki nodded and held the door, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the bug.
            (Y/N) tiptoed into corridor and looked around. Sure enough, there was a roach on the floor. (Y/N) took out their handkerchief and crept closer to the insect. Pouncing, they grabbed it quickly and rushed to the door. “Gross, gross, gross!” They tossed it outside, and then Saiki slammed the door.
            They both breathed a sigh of relief.
            “How about we wait a minute for it to leave the front walk and then go to Café Mami?” murmured (Y/N), their back against the door.
            “Are you an angel?” They perfectly anticipate what I’m thinking and make me feel comfortable. It was a strange thought but a true one. It seemed Saiki couldn’t avoid really being friends with (Y/N) and thinking of them as one.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks turned pink. They hadn’t anticipated that or their own reaction, and they stammered out a “Huh?”
            “Nothing.” Saiki avoided speaking again until they arrived at Café Mami.
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bloghyperfixes · 8 months
Here are some more screenshots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALsl3BR1bcg (be careful there are moments with horror and death of characters!!!!)
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Four
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Four: Safety Drills and Clairvoyants
Summary: (Y/N) and Saiki perform a safety drill, and Saiki has to make sure his friends don't get tricked by a fake psychic.
            “Listen up, everyone! There’ll be an evacuation drill today!” announced Hairo.
            “Evacuation drill, huh?”
            “Ha! I’ll be fine. I don’t need to rehearse,” said Nendou.
            “Yes, he does,” whispered (Y/N), leaning over to Saiki. “Yesterday, he walked into the first-year hall and thought it was ours.” They grinned cheekily.
            Saiki sighed. “Of course, he did.”
            “Nendou, you shouldn’t take the drill so lightly,” warned Hairo. “Take a fire, for example! You’re surrounded by hot flames. The smoke makes it hard to see. You have trouble breathing! Now, what’re you gonna do in such a hot and hostile environment?! Can you make a level-headed decision in that situation when you didn’t even bother to participate in the drill?! Preparedness always pays off!”
            “You’re as hot and suffocating as a fire,” said Saiki.
            “Fires are great for making s’mores on a summer night,” said (Y/N), thinking aloud.
            They wouldn’t survive a fire, either, would they? The psychic sighed. For all (Y/N)’s good sense, they lacked it at some critical moments. Yare yare. They’re all so troublesome.
            “Anyway, when the fire alarm goes off, follow the instructions and evacuate to the schoolyard,” said Hairo. He was acting much calmer than he had been a few seconds ago. “This is a mnemonic created by using the initials for the important considerations during an evacuation. ‘SOS.’ ”
            If I remember correctly, it stands for “Slow, Orderly, and Silent.”
            (Y/N) brightened. “I was right earlier! ‘S’mores On Summer nights.’ ”
            Saiki deadpanned even more than usual. That’s not even close.
            “Oh, I get it!” piped up Nendou. “ ‘Save Our Selves!’ ”
            “That can’t be right!” protested (Y/N).
            Do they remember what it actually means?
            “We should Save Others before Snacks!”
            Well, at least they have good intentions…
            “Well, I suppose, but…” said Hairo.
            “Then, it must be ‘Someone! Over here! Save me!’ ” said Nendou.
            “Do it yourself,” said Saiki.
            Kaidou laughed derisively (acting dramatic as usual). “You’re stupid as ever.”
            “What?! Do you know what it means?” questioned Nendou.
            “Hmph, of course, I do,” declared Kaidou confidently.
            “What? Is it ‘Save Others with Superpowers?’ ” laughed (Y/N), obviously joking.
            Nendou laughed. “Good one, pinky.”
            “No! It’s ‘Scorching Oblivion Smackdown!’ ” said Kaidou.
            Everyone was silent.
            “I was just kidding,” said Kaidou, backpedaling quickly. “It stands for ‘Slow, Orderly, and Silent.’ ”
            “Yes, that’s right,” said Hairo. “So everyone, please remember SOS when you are participating in the drill.”
            The PA system turned on. “A fire broke out in the science room on the first floor. Please evacuate.” The fire alarm began to ring.
            “The sound of fire alarms makes me panic,” said Teruhashi.
            “This is important. We should pay attention,” said Saiki.
            “Fire, you need to Stay calm. Open your bag and take out your safety hood, then Stand in line in order of your student number,” explained Hairo.
            (Y/N) walked over and picked their hood up. Since the buttons were directly under their chin, they fumbled with them. Sighing, Saiki walked over and buttoned it correctly. (Well, really he held his hands up and the buttons did themselves, but it was still Saiki making them do so. It counted).
            “Thanks, Saiki!” chirped (Y/N). Their heart fluttered at his help, and they smiled widely.
            “Yare yare. It’s just for helping at the sports festival,” said Saiki, looking away. He didn’t like being in debt to anyone, so helping with buttons would even out the food thing. That was all.
            “Oh, no,” said Teruhashi, frowning down at her hood. “I can’t figure out my buttons.” Saiki will see me in trouble and help! Then I’ll thank him, and he’ll say “Oh, wow!”
            Not happening.
            A swarm of boys jumped to Teruhashi’s side. “We’ll help you, Teruhashi!”
            “We shouldn’t wait around here! The fire could spread,” warned Hairo.
            “If you spend too much time helping me, you guys will…” Teruhashi gasped dramatically and softened her eyes thankfully.
            “She’s right! What is your guys’ plan?” asked Hairo.
            “Sacrifice Ourselves to Save her,” declared the boys.
            “I-I see,” said Hairo.
            Saying nary a word they’d Offer me their help. They’re my love Slaves. Teehee, thought Teruhashi.
            Class 3 lined up by the door and began exiting.
            “Okay! Let’s start evacuating,” ordered Hairo.
            “Oh, shoot, I left my phone in class,” said Tadashi. He began to turn around, but Hairo interceded.
            “Stop, Tadashi! You’re Out of line, Stay in place,” commanded the class rep.
            “He’s trying too hard.”
            “Mhm,” hummed (Y/N), chewing on a snack.
            Saiki almost deadpanned more than usual. They had marshmallows with them. No wonder they kept thinking about s’mores. “I feel like I’m hearing SOS in almost everything now.”
            “That’s a Strange Occurrence, Saiki,” said (Y/N).
            “See? What did I tell you?”
            (Y/N) blinked before smiling. “Whoa, you’re So Observant, Saiki.”
            “Stop it, guys. Obviously a fire drill doesn’t have time for Stupid quarrels,” said Kaidou to Hairo and Tadashi.
            “Right! Great call, Kaidou!” said Hairo. “Let’s continue down the stairs! We’re almost there!” He stopped at the first floor. “What?!” The way was blocked. “Stop! The path leading Outside has been Shuttered?!”
            “Seriously? Come On. We’d be Screwed if this wasn’t a drill,” muttered the discontent students.
            “I wonder if the shutter was closed by mistake,” said Teruhashi.
            “I think it’s because this goes by the science room,” pointed out (Y/N), still munching marshmallows.
            Saiki nodded. How do they manage to be so observant and clueless at the same time?
            “Stay calm. Obviously, there’s gotta be a Solution,” said Hairo. “A solution?” He became serious and introspective. “I see…I now understand the point of this shutter!”
            “I think he finally figured it out, too,” said Saiki.
            “We’re being tested! This is an obstacle!” declared the redhead. “During a fire, Sometimes Obstacles Stance in our way! In other words, to move forward, we must break through this shutter!”
            “Isn’t it made to be tough to break?” asked (Y/N), tilting their head.
            Excepting Saiki, the boys weren’t listening. “Alright then! Let’s break that shuttle!” The grabbed a fire extinguisher and a desk to throw at the barrier.
            “In a real fire, they’d be the first to go,” said Saiki. He glanced over at (Y/N) and their marshmallows. “You might be next.”
            They were blissfully unaware of his comment and just held out a sweet treat to him. “Want one?”
            “…Yes.” Coffee jelly may be his favorite snack, but he liked other sweets, too. Alright, so maybe I’d save you since you bring me dessert.
            Finally, Hairo, Nendou, and Kaidou managed to open a corner of the shutter and let the students pass through. Mr. Matsuzaki was waiting on the other side.
            “So…You wrenched open the shutter and escaped through the front entrance,” observed the gym teacher. “I see…Who would break a shutter?! We just installed it! Are you Simpletons Out of your minds? Do you know what it costs to repair a Shutter?!”
            “We’re sorry!” apologized the boys.
            Geez…This is why I told them…Ah, I guess I didn’t tell them directly. Well, this school doesn’t need an evacuation drill to start with, though. Because…So long as I’m around, Ordeals such as fire Simply will not happen.
            Yare yare. Now I’m doing it.
            Throughout the town, the news of the House of Fortune Telling was spreading like wildfire. Apparently, a skilled clairvoyant worked there. People were loving what she said. Whether or not she was correct in her predictions was still unknown, but people kept on going to her, especially curious teenagers.
            “Hmph. How stupid. Fortune-telling is just an illusion created by a bunch of people who pretend to be prophets,” said Kaidou.
            “Wow, it’s pretty rare that you and I agree on something,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “I find it hard to believe someone who can actually see the future isn’t being sought out by governments.” They grinned. “But I’m going this afternoon, anyways. I’m curious about what she’ll say, even if it is totally made up. It’ll be fun.”
            “Well, forget that,” said Kaidou, “I have something more important to discuss with you two. Come with me after school today. Have you noticed? I sense a strange aura being given off in this town. I think Dark Reunion is behind it.”
            “Whatever floats your boat,” said (Y/N), “And I already have plans.”
            “That’s just an illusion you created,” said Saiki to Kaidou.
            Saddened, Kaidou walked away. Nendou popped up beside Saiki and (Y/N).
            “Pal, pinky! Have you heard? There’s a fortune-telling shop nearby,” said Nendou.
            “It’s ‘House of Fortune Telling.’ I’m tired of hearing about it already.”
            “Yeah, I know!” chirped (Y/N). “I’m going to check it out later today, ya know, for curiosity’s sake!”
            Looks like I’ll be making sure my friends bothers don’t make bad decisions today.
            If Saiki was being at all observant of his own actions, he’d notice that as soon as (Y/N) was involved, he was way more willing to wade into irritating situations to keep track of his friends. Acquaintances. (Friends).
            Saiki, invisible to all, sighed and followed (Y/N) inside the House of Fortune Telling. Kaidou was with them because they had spotted him “in disguise” in line. The inside was made to look like a stereotypical psychic’s shop with a crystal ball, shimmery drapes, lows lights, the whole nine yards.
            “Welcome to the House of Fortune. Please have a seat,” said the fortune teller.
            “O-Okay,” said Kaidou.
            “Alright,” said (Y/N).
            They both sat down.
            “I’m Mikiko Clairvoyance. Nice to meet you,” said the lady.
            (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion at her name. That feels way too on the nose. Like a stage name.
            “On what matter would you like advice today?” asked Mikiko.
            “Umm,” said Kaidou.
            I see. They seem half in doubt, too.
            “Oh, my…I sense a very unusual aura from you, young man!” said Mikiko.
            “What?!” gasped Kaidou.
            “You’re no ordinary person, are you,” asked Mikiko slyly. “Do you have special gifts?”
            (Y/N) watched the proceedings in amusement.
            “And you!” Mikiko turned to the teenager.
            “Me?” (Y/N) pointed to themself.
            “Yes! You’re quite important to someone with gifts, aren’t you?!” questioned the clairvoyant dramatically.
            (Y/N) shrugged and laughed. “Sorry, ma’am, you got the wrong person.” They brushed her off without a second thought. There weren’t many people they wanted to be important to, and having gifts didn’t go into it. Plus, the list wasn’t that long. Their friends, family, Saiki.
            But Saiki’s a friend, so there we go, thought (Y/N) decidedly, brushing the way their mind separated him from everyone else away.
            Wait…important to someone with gifts?! thought Kaidou. Does that mean…me?! A sudden blush overtook his cheeks as he looked at (Y/N).
            Oh, wow. Saiki frowned slightly. He was more annoyed than usual as he saw Kaidou, even though he was just confused, get all flustered because of (Y/N). It just felt so…troublesome
            “Ah…well, perhaps you’re just not aware of it!” covered Mikiko expertly. Not a good target. I should focus on the boy. She turned quickly to Kaidou. “You’re troubled by something! Am I wrong?!”
            “How did you know that?!” gasped Kaidou.
            People without troubles wouldn’t come to a place like this.
            “Let me tell you what it is…” Mikiko carefully gaged what her predictions should be by watching Kaidou’s reactions. “A problem with romance…is not what it is, so an issue with your future and schoolwork…isn’t what’s troubling you, either. So it’s something to do with your friends and relationships!” She nailed it on the third try. “Yes! Your source of trouble is one friends and relationships!”
            “H-How do you know that?!” stammered Kaidou.
            You make it too easy.
            “Most teenagers have that problem,” whispered (Y/N) to Kaidou, but he paid them no mind.
            “Yeah, you’re right. That is the source of my troubles,” said the blue-haired boy. “I’m an assassin known as the Jet-Black Wings who came from a parallel world.”
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped.
            What is he talking about? thought Mikiko.
            I ask myself that question every day.
            “But after I learned the truth about the organization…” rambled Kaidou.
            Mikiko nodded. “I understand.”
            “I’m used to fighting.” Kaidou clenched his fist. “But sometimes I think about my life…I live in solitude…I don’t have anything I can call frie—I mean, comrade.”
            “Aww, I’ll be your friend!” chirped (Y/N), leaning affectionately towards him.
            “A-Ah!” Kaidou squeaked and blushed.
            Saiki’s eyebrow twitched. (Y/N) was too nice for their own good, and Saiki didn’t need Kaidou having any misguided feelings for them. That would be complicated. That was the trouble. Obviously.
            In an attempt to keep his attention, Mikiko said, “But he needs someone to completely understand him! You need a new approach. You should try to understand others.”
            Oh, so she says some decent things, too. Maybe I misjudged her.
            “Also, this will help.” She opened a box which held necklace. “You’ll be fine if you wear this necklace.
            “What’s that?” asked (Y/N).
            “If you wear this, you’ll be able to make friends with one hundred people and with Kento Yamazaki!” explained Mikiko. “If you buy now, I’m willing to offer you the low price of thirty-thousand yen.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and their jaw dropped open.
            “Thirty-thousand yen?!” cried Kaidou. “I-I’ll buy it! But I want to know one thing first. Will this make me friends with Saiki?!”
            A soft smile spread across (Y/N)’s face. “Aww, Kaidou…”
            “If you wear it, that Saiki guy will follow you around saying, ‘Hey, pal,’ ” said Mikiko.
            (Y/N) blanked. “Huh?” There was no way that was happening. Plus, that was Nendou’s line.
            “I-I’ll buy it!” declared Kaidou. He paid without hesitation.
            “Well, well, good luck, now I must see other customers!” Mikiko rushed them out the door to the street. “Next person! Please come in.”
            Kaidou regarded the necklace happily as he walked down the street with (Y/N).
            “If nothing else, it’s…pretty,” said (Y/N). They weren’t sure it would work.
            Both teens turned around. Kaidou was excited to have his first friend while (Y/N) was just surprised that the necklace might actually do something. They were both let down because it was just Mikiko.
            “I’m giving this back! I had no idea what you were saying was true!” she cried. She shoved Kaidou’s money back into his hands.
            “What? Then what about the necklace?” asked Kaidou.
            “You can have it! I bought it at a street stall for five-hundred yen!” she shouted as she ran.
            “What?!” cried Kaidou, realizing the necklace wasn’t magical.
            (Y/N) patted his back. “Sorry. At least you got your money back. And don’t worry, you’ve already got one friend. Me!” They beamed radiantly.
            The pair turned after hearing Nendou’s voice. He had just run into Saiki.
            “Oh, hey, pal! Oh, and you, too, runt, pinky?” asked Nendou.
            Kaidou’s eyes widened. Three of the people he was closest to were suddenly all around him. He gazed in wonder at the trinket in his hands. “So this necklace really is…”
            Saiki sighed.
            (Y/N) grinned. “No, no, Kaidou. Can’t you see? We’re already your friends!”
            Kaidou blushed. “A-Ah! R-Right!”
            Saiki was torn between being annoyed at Kaidou’s flustered state and enjoying how kind (Y/N) was. Those two annoy me, but you—he looked at (Y/N)—I can tolerate you.
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maomao9jinshi · 5 months
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icecoldlatte · 7 months
Ik Zou Willen
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