#Kyle Forrester
weltato · 1 year
Am I a daughter of Delta Nu? No.
Soon to be a fiancée?? Definitely not.
Has a man chosen me? Nope.
Can my life begin today? Absolutely! (If I put my mind to it)
Make a happy home? I can sure try!
Not waste hard earned wage? Well, my 0 hours contract job don't put me in very often and I'm literally only on for 2&½ hours next week so :/ I don't like spending big amounts of money, that shit is scary. My dad's bank account is safe :)
Strive not to look my age? I already look like a 12 year old with my hair tied up, I think I'm fine.
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sp4ceman-craig · 4 hours
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comfort characters 🩷
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rxbbits · 2 years
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day 7 - colorful
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thefvrious · 1 year
@ofginjxints wanted forrest
It had been a mistake getting involved with the musician, but Forrest had to admit that it was thrilling and, well, there was something just a little irresistible about Kyle. Still, standing in the beautiful penthouse suite of the ridiculously expensive hotel in New York City, Forrest regards the city bustling to life below as he takes a sip of his coffee. Kyle is rustling behind him, instead of turning to face him, though, the older man simply speaks to the glass. "I think we have to end this."
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slynella · 2 years
Watching RNM and being part of the fandom here has been sooo great ♥
I started to watch it because i had literally nothing else to do at that time and i never thought it would change my life so much x)
So... to celebrate the past few years, i went through old sketchbooks to find drawings i never shared here \o/ (some are on IG tho).
First, a Teen Pod Squad drawing from early 2020.
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A Forrest drawing right after 2x04 because i loved his introduction.
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Some sketches while trying to figure out what i wanted to do for the Missing Alex Manes Hours Event. Tbh, this serie of Kylex drawing is one of my favorite RNM related work.
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The first Musketeer Alex Manes (with a more traditionnal outfit rather than one inspired by the BBC TV show) I drew for @echo-bleu 's fic : To Fall, There is Death (RNM Big Bang 2020)
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And finally, some sketches for All I Ask Is A Tall Ship And A Star To Steer Her By, @daughterofelros 's fic for the RNM Big Bang 2021
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👉🛍️ My Shop
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writermuses · 1 year
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expirisims · 11 months
A Fresh New Look
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With both Rayne and Sheree moved out, it’s Marsha who inherited the house! Billy moved in before my hiatus and the two are engaged so we get to actually play through another wedding! 
I wasted no time completing the round two makeovers and I think they turned out so cute! A little more grown up, but I kept their style sense in mind.
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Marsha immediately hopped on the internet and Billy?  He’s a childish Sim so he spent the wee hours of the morning playing with a toy rocket, LOL!
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With my extended life spans I tuned maternity leave to last most of the first year after birth (wouldn’t that be nice in real life...) Anyway, Billy was off to work as a police officer and Marsah made breakfast.
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Oh no! Shayne and Cristina have been friends since the very beginning of the play through!
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Baby Forrest is sleeping. Time for some kitty cuddling and a well deserved nap!
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And a nicer bed so these two can recoup more easily! I’ve decided to minimally make over homes this round, like cribs for infants and toddlers if there isn’t one, and nicer bed if needed. By the time I get around to everyone in round three their lives are likely going to be so different I’m going to do more to the homes and give each of them aspiration rewards. Big changes will happen over time and in stages, sort of like in real life.
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I’m not really surprised by this. My game seems to cycle through the same sims breaking up and getting back together rather than dating different sims entirely. Now the question is, are these two back together for good or will they break up again?
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So, Billy was still on his way home and Marsha ran off to a party at the Marks household. AND OTIS WAS THE ONLY ONE HOME WITH FORREST!! I really really hope this isn’t a sign my game is getting borked!  Thakfully, Billy was home within minutes.
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Meanwhile at the party...Marsha and Dmitry are both decked out in the new formal wear I picked for the upcoming wedding...facepalm. I sure hope you don’t drip any Goopy Carbonara on your WEDDING GOWN Marsha!
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Nice...real nice. She ate and read a book while completely ignoring her host. And she had the audacity to have the “tastes like fridge” moodlet!
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*Screams Unintelligibly*
I’m obsessed with Legally Blonde the musical- 
I’ve never seen the movie, and I’d heard of the “Gay Or European” meme a couple of years back, but now, I’m just completely in love. It’s so much better than I could’ve ever anticipated. 
First of all, CHRISTIAN BORLE IS IN THIS- I love any musical he’s made an appearance in, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Falsettos and Little Shop Of Horrors just to name a few. But now he’s a teaching assistant at Harvard in the form of Emmett Forrest!! I!! Can’t!!!
Laura Bell Bundy is a powerhouse as Elle Woods. She brings just this amazing amount of energy and fun to her role, and she’s still achieving all her dreams! 
I will admit, the Delta Nu chorus got annoying at times, but there were plenty of dance breaks where they made up for it. 
Vivienne was an interesting character for me! Obviously didn’t like her in Act 1, but the redemption arc was absolutely worth every second that it was present. 
Paulette and Kyle are such beans!! I’m so glad they got together <3 
I don’t know how I feel about Warner tbh, his character was dropped for me the minute Act 2 was on. 
I’m writing fanfic for this, yes, just a day after I gave the musical a full watch through! I’ll likely post it on my AO3, maybe even here! 
Lmk what you guys think! 
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dayscrazed · 2 years
A continuation of my AU where Michael got adopted by the Evans’ instead of Max. 
Based on RNM 2x04. Kyle and Liz break in to the hospital to steal equipment to save Michael. Isobel helps the Ortecho family. Max and Alex continue their search for answers about Nora.
Since Liz and Kyle are dating, his realization about needing space from her doesn't come yet. Instead, he pushes for more intimacy which Liz is for some reason - cough Michael cough- not comfortable with. Isobel's story with Arturo and Rosa is pretty much the same. However, Max and Alex are different than in canon. Since he hadn't before, now Max shows Alex the newspaper article he found on Nora. Max, as a cop, doesn't suggest breaking and entering off the bat. Also, since they live together, they strategize before going to the Long Farm, which keeps them from a certain confrontation. At the farm, Max knows what a height chart is and they also don't know whose mother Louise is or if Michael's mom is Louise or Nora. Alex has already given Max the console piece. Therefore, his guilt manifests another way when he finds Tripp's report. Writing their conversation about that and especially Max's response was fun. Max actually says a line from canon that Max said to Liz in 2x05.
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rnmfanvids · 2 years
Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That?
By Bisexual Alien Nerds
Paring: Gen
Characters: Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Isobel Evans, Alex Manes, Maria Deluca, Lindsey, Kyle Manes, Blair, Rosa Ortecho, Liz Ortecho, Arturo Ortecho, Jenna Cameron, Burt, Noah Braken, Forrest Long, Helena Ortecho, Wyatt Long, Racist Hank, Ann Evans, Steph
Music: Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That? by Dolly Parton
Links: https://bisexualaliennerds.tumblr.com/post/622214080131973120/daughterofelros-whyd-you-come-in-here-lookin
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thatsastepladder · 27 days
Seeing all the discourse surrounding the X-Men these days - from the Krakoa era "mutants always lose" narratives and the abandoning of Xavier's dream to the discussion surrounding X-Men '97 and whether Magneto was right, I think one thing's become abundantly clear that greatly affects how the mutant metaphor is seen out-of-universe these days.
That being the extreme lack of human allies in X-Men media. Back in Claremont's era, there were non-mutant supporting characters in spades who were allies to the X-Men and the mutant cause.
Stevie Hunter, Amanda Sefton, Candy Southern, Tom Corsi and Sharon Friedlander, Moira MacTaggert, Lee Forrester, Cameron Hodge and Madelyne Pryor pre-heel turns, the Power Pack, Peter Corbeau, Carol Danvers and Michael Rossi, Alistair Stuart, etc.
Now, though? In the Krakoa era there's... Kyle Jinadu whenever writers want to use him as an accessory to Northstar. And '97 has nobody - no significant humans who are fully devoted to the mutant cause. Val Cooper and President Kelly come close, but are too absorbed in their own agendas to really count.
I think that alone accounts for a lot of the "Magneto was right" takes you see online - when the only humans depicted in X-Men media are those persecuting mutants, the assumption is that all humans persecute mutants.
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chompisgay4mrbeast · 4 days
as you wish
fancast ur moots in a musical !!
legally blonde
Elle woods - @isogenderskitty
Emmet forrest - @the-maze-of-sweets-and-songs pokey
Warner Huntington - @dumbcoconut5318008
Prof. Callahan - @kairithemang0
Vivian Kensington - @nighthaterfrfr
Paulette Buonufonte - YOUU @sewerratzz
Brooke Wyndham - @hatchetfields-high-roller
Enid Hoops - me. let a guy dream
Kyle - @gay-singles-in-your-area
Veronica - @nighthaterfrfr
Jd - @digitalcannibals :3
Heather Chandler - @dumbcoconut5318008
Heather Duke - @kairithemang0
Heather Macnamara - @sewerratzz
Kurt - me LET A GUY DREAM.....
Ram - @xxbimboboyxx
Paul - @pangothepangolin
Bill - @nwqxx
Little Shop Of Horrors
Seymour - @sewerratzz
Audrey - @cherrieguroo
Audrey II - @dumbcoconut5318008
Orin Scrivello DDS - @nighthaterfrfr
Mushnik - @pangothepangolin
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sentintheclowns · 12 days
Club Dance Nationals List 2024
The Dance Awards Las Vegas (candyman & say something)
caitlyn mckenzie (not competing for bd)
harper schwalb
mikayla isler
reagan tannehill
kennedy marble
kyle young
libby johnson
kinley harper
tatum self
ellie self
kennedy besch
brooklyn besch
isla gardner
bryn spears
abbey scott
emma scott
emersyn varker
eastyn vose
dominic harris
nixie vance
The Dance Awards Orlando (time goes slow & tomorrow)
elsie sandall
kendyl miller
lily knopps
hadlie scott
harper schwalb
sylvie win szyndlar
ellary day szyndlar (reigning bd)
navy forrest
lola forrest
Radix Nationals
lucia piedrahita (reigning protege)
mikayla isler
shale herrera
aspen brandt
NYCDA Nationals
isla gardner
mikayla isler
caitlyn mckenzie (class only)
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rxbbits · 2 years
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Day 2 - morning beverage
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thefvrious · 11 months
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[sms -> k 🖤]: Very nice indeed. [sms -> k 🖤]: [IMG] [sms -> k 🖤]: Be good
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soaps-mohawk · 6 days
i'm back again to pour my brain out!!!! i apologise for always sending a billion asks, my brainrot is CRAZY for crcb
what are some silly things you think the boys cry at? like... simon bawling his eyes out watching bambi (yknow, the bit where the mum dies). i just think disney films get simon BAD. or.. just silly stuff in general that gets the boys all emotional. johnny seems like the type to tear up about someone making his mum's signature meal or something, one he ate in scotland as a child all the time - like the scene in ratatouille!!! my most self-indulgent idea is that john cries when doc dies in mean machine (the 2001 version, my all time favourite film). kyle i think you'd have to put on forrest gump or something to make him cry, yknow the scene with bubba??
anyways, hope you're all good pook!! hopefully you can catch up on all your sleep and everything <3 (my fav heart emoji won't work!!!!)
Noo that's okay!! I'm just super slow at actually answering things 😭
Johnny definitely cries watching commercials. Like those ASPCA-type commercials or the like super sappy, happy, sweet ones (that definitely don't make me cry or anything) he's bawling like a baby. Disney movies as well. Any movie with some sappy ending he's crying.
I think Simon cries at happy endings. Super horrible things happened and then they get to live happily ever after, gets him. I think bittersweet endings get him too (Return of the King every time 😭). Definitely tries to pretend he's not crying but they all know.
Kyle I think would get teary-eyed over food. Make something from his childhood and he'd tear up. I also think Dinsey movies would get him too, but more of a sniffle than full-blown crying. There might be certain movies though that could get him going.
I think John is the same where it's very specific things that get him going. (I've never seen Mean Machine so I'll take your word for it) again no one is going to say anything, though, because they'll be forced to do extra pushups or extra laps during their next training if they say anything lol.
I'm alright. Still super stressed out and not really sleeping well which is cool. Love that for me. Hope you're doing well (a day late).
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