#Marius G
twisted-in-underland · 3 months
Marius: *shoots up out of bed* SHIT! IM LATE FOR SCHOOL!
Marius: oh wait…I’m 32 *goes back to bed*
*meanwhile at the classroom*
Ace: seriously where’s the professor!? Class was supposed to start ten minutes ago!
Deuce: I hope nothing bad happened to him.
Yuri: you know, in my world, if the teacher doesn’t show up by the first fifteen minutes of class we’re all allowed to leave.
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
VC does a good job at constantly reminding us that vampires don't desire sex because they're sensual creatures whose entire bodies have become erogenous zones but like when I tell you how much I fucking adored this moment I found at Tulane which explicitly made the connection between hair combing and making love!
But rereading B&G I'm looking at these two moments with Thorne, a couple paragraphs apart from each other:
"Come," [Marius] said, "let's be done with this pleasure and go for another. Let's hunt. I can feel your hunger."
"BE DONE WITH THIS PLEASURE AND GO FOR ANOTHER" as they're bathing together, referring to the kill being the closest thing that vampires come to sex. And then a moment later after they've gotten out of the bath:
Marius had finished with the task and now took a fresh towel from the stack and began to rub Thorne's back and shoulders. This familiarity sent the chills through Thorne's limbs. Marius rubbed hard at Thorne's head, and then he began to comb the wet hair free of tangles.
Just!! Bathing! Hair brushing! it's so much!!!!!!!
(also let's focus on Thorne right now but this always reminds me of how Armand makes the point to say that when he's being trafficked they pull his hair and hurt him and one of the first thing Marius does is comb it gently okay!)
Listen I'm too emotional to be coherent about this so I'm plopping it on the table and stalking off to wail into the mountains but I just wanted to share this !!
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inexplicablepeas · 19 days
So I realized that I never shared my Blood & Gold re-read thoughts due to shadow-ban issues on the old blog, thoughts under the cut! It's long!
It was interesting to read this immediately after TVA, it really highlighted Anne's talent for developing distinct voices for her characters as the two books are so different in structure and voice. Where TVA is fevered and rambling with tonnes of evocative metaphor this is logically ordered and somewhat detached. This has none of Lestat's conspiratorial chumminess interspersed with catastrophic existential crises, none of Louis' melancholy poeticism, we're just getting straight facts from Mr Marius . So Marius' voice is a bit drier than a lot of the other narrators in the chronicles but that does feel correct and it gives the book a bit of a cosier and more chill vibe than most of the other entries. It's like story time with Marius. 
It's interesting that this one isn't framed as a book being written for publication but as a quiet and private conversation between a lonely guy and a stranger who showed up on his door step happy to listen to him. I think that makes sense for Marius, he doesn't seem like he would publish his life story, he's too private and he would probably have been more tactful land less honest about certain things if it was for publication - less interesting for us!
You do still have to read a lot of his inner journey between the lines nonetheless. He's not really telling you how he was doing day to day after he abandoned Pandora entirely (following an argument about how to deal with the emerging cult of satan worshippers) then spent centuries in Rome pretending he wasn't dying for Avicus' (and Mael's?) company while letting partying mortals have run of his house as he painted the walls subconsciously with dozens of Pandora faces... but you can imagine, he's probably not feeling great!
It was fascinating to get more detail on how he was recruited to be keeper of the parents and to see his tense arms-length relationship with Mael play out over the years. Eudoxia is a great addition to the story as brief as her time in it is and getting his version of Armand's story is very welcome (and of course interesting to contrast with Armand's telling). Getting more Bianca was also welcome, she's such a big presence in TVA, I liked getting Marius' perspective there. 
I've got some of the same kind of complaints I had with TVA about what was left out. I guess that structuring a life story that spans millenia is no easy task and it's inevitable that some stuff is gonna get left out. Anne probably didn't want to rehash the same events form different perspectives over and over again but I really was disappointed that the narrative doesn't touch on his thoughts on his reunion with Armand in QotD, the brief Night Island coven times, how Daniel came to be in his care (???), his reaction to Armand's suicide attempt (!?), how was it that he and Santino ended up being the team on clean up duty together for that anyway (???), his reaction to learning that Armand was in fact alive(!) and his subsequent turning of Benji and Sybelle.
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And Pandora of course, I hadn't read her book at the time of reading this so I was disappointed about how little detail we get on the centuries they spent together. You can imagine his motivations for leaving a lot of this stuff out, it seems that some things are still too painful to talk about and he is also telling a specific story to a specific audience here (to influence a particular outcome, perhaps? *squints suspiciously at Marius*) so it makes sense for him to brush over or leave some things out entirely but it's not always the most satisfying result for a reader that's already invested in these characters and their stories.
The framing device with Thorne is great, I can't emphasize enough how immediately I fell in love with this guy, this stoic but sensitive viking titan of a vampire. I found the final chapter to be the most exciting really, I guess because where most of the story is Marius explaining from his perspective why he's alone (apart from Daniel who doesn't count because he's too obsessed with his model cities, sorry Daniel!), it's all a foregone conclusion where we're heading and we know what happens to most of the major characters but once we get back to Thorne's contemporary POV hey, anything can happen! And thanks to Thorne, stuff does happen! He's kind of the MVP of this book. We also get a teeny bit of Daniel in the framing chapters at the start of the book and hey, it's nice to see him alive and still sassy, if a little worse for wear.
Overall I find it a pretty enjoyable vampire chronicle. I do love the lore of Anne's vampire universe, how rich it is both with historical details and with her own world building and Marius is, of course, very key to it as guardian of the parents for millennia, so I do want to know everything about him and I'm glad this book was written to give us more of his story. His chronicle of his very lonely life, caused in no small part by his own stubbornness and terror of losing control is sad and often frustrating but I did find all of it a compelling read. He's a very strange guy and it really is fascinating to get more of his perspective, even if he doesn't quite have the zazz of a Lestat or the poetry of a Louis.
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i hope everyone with a para who's a doctor has an amazing day!!
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licncourt · 6 months
Have you read TVA and Blood and Gold? I would LOVE your rundown on all the historical inaccuracies in BaG.
Unfortunately yes, I have read those with my eyes :/
(the Marius/Armand pederasty conversation I've been meaning to have for like a year below the cut btw)
I wish I hadn't read B&G so young, I didn't have the breadth of knowledge or the foresight to mark anything for later when I was sixteen. I'd reread it for this exact analysis but really I don't think I have it in me so memory and ctrl + f to confirm will have to suffice.
Honestly, the biggest problem I had with it wasn't inaccuracies so much as the fact that the whole book reads like a Wikipedia entry. It's so clumsy and dry, it feels like AR just wants us to know how many Roman Facts she learned. It overshadows the story rather than adds to it. Fr, read this (if you can stand it).
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There was not one reason in the world that she needed to explain the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in that level of detail, and that's coming from me. This sounds like a bad undergrad paper from a student who wants to prove they did the reading.
The whole book feels like this except when it detours into creepy and pedophilic, and I just don't need my vampire book to explain the Council of Nicaea AND the Edict of Milan AND the Parthian Wars AND the Vatican wall frescoes AND the Medici bank and a million other things to me like I'm in a survey lecture. It's mind-numbing for me and this is literally what I DO, so I can only imagine how other people must feel with no context or particular interest in this stuff.
It's not that she's WRONG per say, it's more that she clearly has no understanding of these subjects outside the rote recitation of facts. It's just regurgitated bullet points about Roman history and the Italian Renaissance. She also repeats some well known apocryphal stories in there, but I'm going to be generous and hope she doesn't think these are facts (like the Chi-Rho epiphany).
If anything seems sus and I don't remember it though, feel free to send it to me and I can yay or nay the information to the best of my ability!
*cw here for discussion of CSA*
With that said, I do think AR had a very skewed understanding of the pederastic dynamic or was choosing to ignore it, which is unfortunate considering how attached she was to the idea. A lot of my thesis research coincided with Greco-Roman pederastic tradition, so it's a pet peeve of mine when it's misapplied. It's not an uncommon problem (Call Me By Your Name has this going on too), but authors sending gay relationships with a rapey age gap through a "pederasty" funnel always pisses me off.
The history of pederasty is very long and complicated and ancient (we're talking Homer and Iliad kind of old here), but the bare bones explanation of the process and logic is this:
The ancient Greeks were deeply invested in turning their upper class boys into good citizens. To accomplish this, sometimes an established adult man would woo a younger male (most often starting at 14-19 years old) with gifts and attention over an extended period of time. Once the courtship was complete and the boy's self control had been proven, there were sexual relations between the two for a period of time.
The purpose of this relationship was ultimately to educate the boy, and the physical pleasure was used as a teaching tool to establish rapport and intimacy that could then be escalated to instruction on matters of philosophy and intellect in general. Essentially using the mastery and maturation of one's body as a stepping stone to the mastery and maturation of the mind. Once the boy was appropriately prepared to enter elite male society and/or had become physically developed as a man, the relationship ended.
It's pretty obvious that she's trying to do a whole pederastic erastes/eromenos thing with Marius and Armand, but she took an already very bad and gross practice from history and muddled it up with her own awful ideas about consent from minors and sexual fantasies of a kinky student/teacher savior relationship in her vampire books.
I hate the erotic and romanticized version of pederasty that's become weirdly popular in gay media, and AR was one of the first to really do this. It just picks up the historical thread of CSA under the guise of a kid's "consent" and continues to normalize it to modern readers with a new sexy twist. Using a bastardized version of a fucked up ancient practice to implicitly justify or downplay the severity of statutory rape is simply not the move, especially when gay and bisexual men already face stigma around being predatory and pedophilic. Just don't.
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fenicenera83 · 1 year
The one below is a personal and bloody destruction of antis, all those aimed to my precious Marius. So I warn you we are talking canon, things written in books, and not of nonsense spawned by minds who feel entitled to twist or bend facts to their liking with absurd theories, or with things invented altogether. I feel to invite those who have been carried away by these people or who have not read the books to do so, don't listen to anyone, don't even read underneath. Read the books and form your own opinion, don't go around reporting the crap that others have told you, believing it blindly. Please don't listen to anyone. Learn what is a historical context, what is canon, what is respect for a character, staying true to who he is, without stripping him or bending them, without turning them into something they are not, to those guidelines that those who have created them decided for them, and to what the author decided for them. And another thing; these are 'dark' books, they are books that do not go along with those who divide the world into black and white and black, they do not get along with puritanism, they do not get along with those who think that modernity can be applied to a historical context of a hundred or more years ago. Not venture in there with your current worldview. It makes no sense, and you are not doing it justice. These are books with strong historical context, and it takes a strong stomach and an open heart, and understand that as immortals they are infinitely different from us but also extremely equal. They are monsters, that is not to say they are not empathetic or capable of love, but it is not a honeyed love that they give. If you are looking for the honeyed love story and the "I love you more" that's the door. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. There is always a darkness in their love, no matter how strong or delicate it is.
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So, the introduction was too long, if you are reading here, I hope it is because like me you have a deep love for Marius de Romanus. I don't like to make posts that don't have positive notes, I prefer to give love to a character, and share it with those who love him as I do. That said, all of this was generated, by the words I came across, which deeply disgusted me and made me reflect on the fact, that often, antis live in their own world, that they invent things that do not exist, that they spread this crap around, attacking those who think differently to them, acting like knights on white steeds, as if they had to convert the world to their vision. And tell me if that alone is not disturbing enough. Those who are strong and have already fought for their ideas, can understand how easy it is for those who, being younger or 'weaker', fall victims of these prissy bigots. And believe all their crap, and hate a character just because someone has educated them, with false facts that never existed in the canon or in books. Or even submit, because they are afraid of being marginalised by fandom, and so instead of follow their own thoughts they become bearers of those of others. Anyway, the point is that I read a funny humorist talk about how Marius has been molesting children for centuries. And my jaw dropped, because some shit I just can't take. So aside from the fact that Marius was alone for, like, 700 years and even took time for several naps, there is no such thing in canon or in any of the books. And for moreover it shows how they can't even read or haven't read at all. Why? Well because Armand in TVA is very clear about this, he says it very clearly, I was not jealous because only I was allowed in my master's rooms. None of the other boys had ever set foot in there. EVER. Anything else? Gladly. In TVA Armand explains how the boys who had once been educated at Marius' palace, and then had left the place, having learnt a trade, and ventured out into the world becoming successful men, TURNED BACK TO THANK MARIUS. Oh yes, they were going back to their old master to thank him for bringing them up and educating them, for giving them a chance, and for allowing them to fulfil themselves as men. Do you perhaps think they would have returned to thank an abuser? I don't think so.Marius was a patron, a wealthy artist who allowed otherwise abandoned boys to have a future. And why would the boys have been happy and content? Why would they have loved the master who was raising them? Why would they see him as a father to be looked up to with admiration and devotion? Simple. Because Marius was all that to them, AND THAT'S IT. He didn't molest a fucking soul, he was ALONE for practically most of his immortality. Stop spewing bullshit, stop imposing yourself on others, stop besmirching a character because it doesn't fit in with your dick puritanism. Marius has never done anything like that, I don't know what books you have read, but in my opinion you haven't read them at all. And it's not that, I don't care if you hate Marius, feel free, but inventing things out of thin air and passing them off as true, to get people to see it the way you do, NO, I'm not into that. Oh and one more thing before you attack with Armand's rant, CONTEXT HISTORIC, this mythical, graceful creature…. What am I telling you for? So much to you that is a mythological creature.
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dogwise · 5 months
thorne said i actually only drink from a few people at a time so no one has to dies. and marius was like ok you are not gonna do that tonight
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nativehueofresolution · 10 months
very funny to me to just delete anon hate. you just spent all your time typing that out so i could click delete and not acknowledge you. what a way to spend your one precious life.
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sofipitch · 2 years
I think to nuke the fandom we should do a March Maddness style bracket takedown of "most problematic VC character". Too bad Tumblr doesn't have polls or else I really would consider it but there would also be no survivors. New fans would come and only see the remains of what was the VC fandom
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twisted-in-underland · 3 months
Twisted Wonderland staff OC’s; Tangled edition
The full character spreadsheet is finally done! Here are my three TWST staff OCs twisted from Tangled! I’m going to touch on all the points mentioned in the images so no worries if you can’t read my handwriting
Everything will be under the cut so it doesn’t look so overwhelming 😌💕 Likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please don’t repost my art!
Marius G.
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Age: 32
Hometown: Isle of the Sun
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Twisted from: Mother Gothel
Marius is an alumnus of Night Raven College and currently works as the Arts Director for the school.
Despite the grey streaks, Marius appears quite young for his age. He was classmates with Divus Crewel and was in Pomefiore while a student.
As the art director, Marius is in charge of classes spanning from the fine arts to music to theatre. Marius is often times teaching the theatre classes but since the arts are electives it all depends on how many students are attending classes.
Marius is incredibly vain. This man will stop class to ask his students if he looks good and is chronically fashionably late to nearly all his classes.
He does, however, have a keen eye for detail which might be because of his vanity.
Marius has forgotten that he’s supposed to be teaching classes on multiple occasions. He is the physical embodiment of the "I'm late for school! Oh wait I'm 30... I'm a teacher!!" meme
Marius can be quite strict as a teacher. Critique days are dreaded by students because Marius can be harsh with his words, though it’s usually because he wants to see his students succeed even if it doesn’t seem like it.
Marius is also known to not only have favourite students but also isn’t shy about reminding his classes who his favourites are. For example; when it comes to performing arts like theatre or singing, Vil is Marius’s favourite. Jamil also seems to be in Marius’s good graces due to his dancing skills.
Marius, Sunna, and Máni are all from the same hometown. Marius once tried to ask Máni out on a date when they were still in school; Máni punched Marius in response.
Marius now appears to show romantic interest in Sunna who often ignores his advances.
Marius has stated to despise young children (pretty much any child up till the age of 15). He seems to tolerate high schoolers, however.
I feel like Marius would have some kind of unique magic, I just don't have any ideas for what it would be. Maybe it would be centred around Gothel's manipulation skills or have something to do with age manipulation in some way.
Dr. Sunna Blumen
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Age: unknown
Hometown: Isle of the Sun
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Twisted From: the sundrop flower
Sunna is a diurnal fae and is the older sister of Máni. They’re either step siblings or adoptive siblings, they don’t quite remember which (totally not an excuse for me being indecisive)
Sunna had no prior involvement with NRC prior to working as the schools nurse. She’s one of the few female staff members at the school.
Sunna is a generally warmhearted and gentle woman. She has excellent bedside manner and most who visit the infirmary feel welcome.
However, if provoked, Sunna will be passive aggressive in her medical care. Think tightening bandages just too tight, putting rubbing alcohol on a wound, etc. Sunna is a very patient person though so it’s not often that someone provokes her to this point.
Sunna seems to be the current subject of Marius’s romantic affections, though she generally ignores him half the time.
She almost always has candy on her to give to her patients. Sunna also adores children and often acts as a maternal figure to others.
Sunna’s unique magic is called “Flowers glow” and is like a stronger version of Morrigan’s unique magic.
While Spring of Avalon can only heal injuries/illnesses inflicted by magic, Flowers Glow can heal almost any injury/illness regardless of how it was inflicted. The spell essentially returns the targets body back to its “prime” or state of being before the illness/injury occurred.
Flowers Glow does require more magical energy than Spring of Avalon, though Sunna doesn’t often need to use her unique magic. With the exception of overblots, regular healing spells/potions are typically enough to heal someone.
Máni Stein
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Age: unknown (younger than Sunna)
Hometown: Isle of the Sun
Pronouns: he/they
Gender: nonbinary
Sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual
Twisted from: the moonstone opal
Máni is a nocturnal fae and is the younger brother of Sunna. His eyes and the blue streaks in his hair glow in the dark.
Máni's hair is inspired by Rapunzle's (in the series) hair turning black when she was reading the decay incantation. I did, however, switch the green streaks for a turquoise similar to Cassandra's when she was corrupted by the moonstone.
He works at RSA as the ancient spell and counter-spell professor.
Máni definitely has Aizawa vibes. He would die for his students but he has also been shown to become annoyed with some of the more rambunctious students (ie. Amir or any of my Wonderlands OCs)
He almost always dresses comfortably and looks like he just woke up. Compared to his sister, Máni is the complete opposite; he’s often quiet, low energy, and can seem apathetic most of the time. However, he can be quite blunt when he does speak up, sometimes even coming off as rude or insensitive on accident.
Whether it be the way he was raised or his age, Máni values hard work and dedication. He isn’t one to serve the answers to a problem on a silver platter no matter the person and tries to instil that thinking into his students. Don’t even think about asking for a grade bump, Máni will laugh in your face.
I swear I didn’t have Aizawa in mind when I made Máni…he just gives Aizawa vibes 🤧
I’m a sucker for irony, that’s why Máni is at RSA and Sunna is at NRC despite seeming like they should be switched.
Marius asked Máni out on a date exactly one time, except Marius was rather blunt with how he asked and it offended Máni. Marius got punched as a result.
Máni is the unfortunate "leader" of the trio when they have to be together. The siblings don't always spend time with Marius outside of inter-school events, but when they have to be together Máni is the one who keeps everyone on track.
How does his earring stay on? is it super heavy or is it lightweight? the world may never know.
I don't have a set idea for Máni's unique magic though I think it would be some kind of variation of the moonstone's powers in the series. I'm not sure though if I want the UM to be based on just one of the powers (either the decay aspect or the stone creation aspect) or if I want it to be a combination of the two.
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Here are a couple of little expression doodles! I love how the one really showcases Máni and Marius's relationship lmao.
What did Marius do wrong? I'll let you decide
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And here's everyone all together! Fun fact: the pattern on the gold trim of Marius's tunic is the outline of the sun drop flower! it was a pain in the butt, but I thought it was a fun little easter egg.
the sketches with the original reference images can be found here and here!
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
underrated VC moment:
"I make the mountains with my own hands," said Daniel. "Marius says I should make the houses as well." Again Thorne found himself unable to answer. Daniel went on talking. "I like the houses that come in the packages. It's difficult to assemble them, even for me. Besides, I would never think of so many different types of houses. I don't know why Marius has to say such disparaging things." Thorne was perplexed. Finally he said simply, "I have no answer." Daniel went quiet. Thorne waited for a respectful interval and then he went into the great room.
there's a lot to unpack here about Marius (we'll talk later lol) but I'm just, losing it over Thorne going "................................................................................" and walking the fuck away 😭😭😭
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mademoisellebianx · 1 year
If it weren’t for Blood and Gold, I wouldn’t hate Marius as much as I do now lmao. That was such a painful read - I only endured it for Mael, Avicus and Santino.
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i think i've figured out what we all want to see: eddie redmayne marius vs les mousserables enjolfood - fight to the death
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armandslestat · 1 year
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fenicenera83 · 1 year
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" I cannot endure the weakness of anger, and i cannot admit the irrationality of Love"
Marius de Romanus - Blood and Gold
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edwardscissorfeet · 10 days
everyone voting mark antony is a fucking idiot
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