#Maurice Bucaille
Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II was issued a passport 3,000 years after his death in order for his mummy to fly to Paris.
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Ramesses II (c. 1303 BC – 1213 BC), commonly known as Ramesses the Great, is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom.
His successors and later Egyptians called him the “Great Ancestor.”
Ramesses II was originally buried in a grand tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
He was subsequently moved many times by priests who feared looters. He spent as little as three days in some places, and the priests recorded their actions on wrappings on his body.
Despite his resplendent wealth and power in life, his body was later moved to a royal cache.
With the passage of time, his sarcophagus  was lost to history.
It was re-discovered in a deteriorating condition in 1881. It is now on display in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.
It was his poor condition that prompted Egyptian authorities to seek help preserving him in the mid-1970s.
They found their experts in France and reluctantly decided to transport the 3,000 year-old mummy to Paris.
In 1975, Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor studying his remains, said that the mummy was threatened by fungus and needed urgent treatment to prevent total decay.
French laws dictated that entry and transportation through the country required a valid passport.
To comply with local laws, the Egyptian government issued a passport to the Pharaoh.
Seemingly, he was the first mummy to receive one. His occupation was listed as "King (deceased)."
The government didn’t want him to get a passport for publicity but believed it would afford them legal protections to ensure his safe return.
As countless artifacts and mummies have been plundered and stolen from Egypt, museums in Europe didn’t always respect Egyptian claims.
In 1976, his remains were issued an Egyptian passport so that he could be transported to Paris for an irradiated treatment to prevent a fungoid growth.
The New York Times reported on 27 September 1976 that the French military aircraft that brought Ramesses' remains from the Cairo Museum was greeted by the Garde Republicaine, France's equivalent of a U.S. Marine honor guard.
“The mummy was greeted by the Secretary of State for Universities, Alice Saunter‐Seite, and an army detachment.
Ramses II, who ruled Egypt for 67 years, received special treatment at Le Bourget Airport.”
It was then taken to the Paris Ethnological Museum for inspection by Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris.
During the examination, Cecaldi noted:
“Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data, especially about pigmentation.
Ramses II was a ginger-haired ‘cymnotriche leucoderma'” (meaning he was a fair-skinned person with wavy ginger hair).
He is 5 ft '7 inches tall. They found battle wounds, arthritis and tooth abscess.
In ancient Egypt, people with red hair were associated with deity Set, the slayer of Osiris. The name of Ramesses II’s father, Seti I, means “follower of Seth.”
The examination also revealed evidence of previous wounds, fractures and arthritis, which would have left Ramesses with a hunched back in the later years of his life.
In 2007, it was discovered that small tufts of the Pharaoh’s hair were stolen during the 1976 preservation work (published by the BBC).  
A Frenchman named Jean-Michel Diebolt said he had inherited the hair from his late father, a researcher from the team who analysed the mummy.
Deibolt had tried to sell the hair through an online auction for 2000 euros (£1360) but was quickly apprehended by French authorities.
📷 : An artist’s creation of the passport. Image is for representative purposes only. The actual passport is not publicly available.
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egypt-museum · 6 months
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Ramesses II ruled the Nile Valley and the wider Egyptian empire from 1279 to 1213 B.C., one of the longest reigns in pharaonic history. He was a cultural innovator, a relentless self-promoter, and an astute diplomat—the peace treaty signed after the Battle of Kadesh was the first in recorded history. He outbuilt every other Egyptian pharaoh, leaving behind the temples of Abu Simbel; the great hypostyle hall of Karnak; the tomb for his wife Nefertari; and his own memorial, the Ramesseum.
His reputation eclipsed that of all other pharaohs as well: he was decried in the Bible as a despot, famed in literature as Ozymandias, and lauded by early antiquarians as the Younger Memnon. His rule coincided with the peak of ancient Egypt’s power and prosperity, the New Kingdom (1539–1069 B.C.).
The subsequent history of Ramesses’ mummy is every bit as dramatic as his initial reburial and rediscovery. In 1975, a French doctor, Maurice Bucaille, noticed that the body, kept under inadequate conditions at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s polluted city center, was deteriorating rapidly.
At the request of the French government, it was flown to Paris for scientific study and treatment. The international media, always eager for a sensational story concerning ancient Egypt, concocted a false report that the pharaoh had been issued with an Egyptian passport, which gave his occupation as “King (deceased).”
What is true is that the mummy was greeted on arrival at Paris’s Le Bourget airport in September the following year with full military honors before being taken to the Musée de l’Homme for examination.
In this authoritative biography, Toby Wilkinson considers Ramesses’ preoccupations and preferences, uncovering the methods and motivations of a megalomaniac ruler, with lessons for our own time.
— Ramesses the Great: Egypt’s King of Kings, by Toby Wilkinson
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basicsofislam · 8 months
“Brother” and “sister” in the Bible
The word “brother” in the Old Testament has a very broad meaning; it refers to the immediate descendants of the father, the son and the male relatives as a whole, cousins, in-laws and those with blood ties and even includes friends and those with whom a person has political dealings. The words “brother” and “sister” were sometimes used to portray the main family members as we see in the example of the forty-two “brethren” of King Uzziah. Another interesting example is in the Song of Solomon, where two lovers are serenading one another, and the young man says in some verses of the song, “How sweet is your love, my sister, my bride.” Maurice Bucaille, commenting on the word “brother” in the New Testament states that the words “adelphoi” and “adelphai” in Greek refer to biological brother and sister, and he said that these words, had been defectively translated from Semitic languages, where they had been used to denote “kin” in the general sense and the people in question were probably cousins. As the word “cousin” did not exist in Hebrew and Aramaic, the languages spoken by both Jesus and his disciples, they probably had no other option; they could either use the word “brother” or would have to define a person by calling them “my father’s sister’s son” and so on, which is neither easy nor appropriate, and this was the likely reason for Jesus using “brother” for his close acquaintances.
In the New Testament, the equivalent of the brother in Aramaic was given as the word “adelphos,” which in the general sense means “brother” or “brotherly friend,” a kind of sign of closeness to someone. Unlike in Hebrew or Aramaic, the word “anepsios” in ancient Greek gave a distinct meaning to the word “cousin,” but those who wrote the scriptures used “adelphos” or “friend” to correspond “cousin.”
So we understand from this that the writers of the New Testament used the same word “adelphos” from ancient Greek to convey the meaning of “friend” and for the meaning of “two sons of the same family” or “biological brothers.” This is very confusing when the text is translated into English or any other language.
According to the New Testament
One of the reasons for opinions that Jesus had brothers or sisters several verses in the New Testament which say that Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they had come together Joseph realized that she was carrying a child and had decided to leave Mary. But an angel came to Joseph in his dream and told him the truth of the miraculous conception, and Joseph decided to take Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:18–20; Luke 1:27; 2:5). There is no mention in the Qur’an or hadith of Joseph, the person said to be betrothed to Mary in the Bible, and there is certainly no report of the Biblical scriptures found in the Qur’an and hadith stating that Mary married this man called Joseph. However, there are a few weak reports of some historical sources that say that there was a carpenter of the same name who was a member of Mary’s family and both of them were serving at the Temple during the same period.
Another matter which leads the Protestant churches to believe that Jesus may have had brothers and sisters is the verse in the Gospel of Luke saying that Jesus was Mary’s “firstborn son” (2:7). However, this declaration is no reason to believe that Jesus had brothers and sisters, this statement being rather a declaration that her first child would be a holy servant of his Lord (Luke 2:23) a declaration invoking legislation in the scriptures.
As further evidence, the Gospel of Luke (2:41–52) tells how Jesus attended the Temple in Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover with his parents, that he went missing, and that his parents were searching for him. We see there is no mention at all of any other children except Jesus. To the contrary, the context leads us to believe that there was only one child present.
Another special detail is that according to the Gospel of John (19:26–27), Jesus entrusted his mother to one of the disciples when he was being placed on the crucifix, so immediately the question arises: if Jesus had brothers and sisters, then why did he entrust his mother to someone else? Even if we assume that Joseph, who was claimed to have married Mary was not alive at the time, there being no mention whatsoever of the existence of Jesus’ brothers or sisters at this point is another aspect which seems to invalidate the allegation.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
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Why is Pharaoh’s body so preserved?
While he died more than 3000 years ago in the era of Prophet Moses (PBUH)?
In Quran "Chapter 10 (Younus) V-90 to 92" Allah says "Today we will preserve your (Pharaoh) body so you can be a sign for the people who come after you.But most of the people of our signs are headless"
Egyptoplists discoverd Pharaoh's body in Egypt from 'Kings Of Valley' in 1975 from his tomb 'Pharaoh Ramses II' Can't you imagine?
In 2010, Pharaoh's body was sent to France for study under the famous Scientist Dr Maurice Bucaille. After researching for many hours Dr Muarice found salt in his body. This confirms that he died in the sea. He was so shocked that he converted into Islam, after knowing from muslims this was already mentioned in the Quran more than 1400 years back. He was so surprised about how Quran knows Pharaoh died in sea, where Bible don't even speak about Pharaoh's drowning in the sea nor its preservation.
How Quran knows this? How Quran knows it will be preserved and someday in the future his body will show up? As his body is now preserved on the museum known as Royal Mummies of Egypt in the city called Cairo.
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aaaalsafar · 2 years
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‏‎من هامان ..الذي ورد ذكره في القرآن.؟ ———————————— هذا الاسم ورد ذكره في القرآن الكريم كوزير فرعون مما أثار فضول العالم الفرنسي المسلم وعملاق التشريح (موريس بوكاى..Maurice Bucaille) فقام بالبحث فى سر هذا الاسم ذهب إلى أحد المختصين في تاريخ مصر القديمة وعرض عليه الاسم وطلب منه ترجمة معنى هذا الاسم باللغة الهيروغليفية .. أتى له الخبير بكتاب "قاموس أسماء الأشخاص في الإمبراطورية الجديدة".. وفتحا الكتاب .. وكانت المفاجأة أكبر من أي تصور.. كان معنى اسم هامان رئيس عمّال مقالع الحجر"... !! قال (بوكاى) للخبير: لو قلت لك أنى قد وجدت مخطوطة منذ 1400 سنة .. كتب فيها أن هامان كان وزير فرعون ورئيسا للمعماريين والبنائين .. ماذا تقول فى ذلك..؟؟ انتفض الخبير من مكانه وصرخ قائلا : مستحيل .. هذا الاسم لم يرد ذكره إلا على الأحجار الأثرية لمصر القديمة وبالخط الهيروغلوفي .. أحدها موجود في متحف "هوف" في "فِيَنا" عاصمة النمسا .. وهذه المعلومة لا يذكرها إلا شخص قام بفك رموز اللغة الهيروغليفية..وعرف معنى كلمة هامان..؟؟. وهذا لم يتم إلا عام 1822.. أين هذه المخطوطة..؟؟ حينئذ فتح (بوكاى) نسخة مترجمة من القرآن وقال له اقرأ .. فهذا هو معجزة محمد .. القرآن الكريم: "وقال فرعون يا أيها الملأ ما علمت لكم من إله غيري فأوقد لي ياهامان على الطين فاجعل لي صرحا لعلي أطلع إلى إله موسى وإني لأظنه من الكاذبين (38) واستكبر هو وجنوده في الأرض بغير الحق وظنوا أنهم إلينا لا يرجعون (39) فأخذناه وجنوده فنبذناهم في اليَم ّفانظر كيف كان عاقبة الظالمين (40) وجعلناهم أئمة يدعون إلى النار ويوم القيامة لا ينصرون (41) وأتبعناهم في هذه الدنيا لعنة ويوم #القيامة هم من المقبوحين (42) . ٠——————‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgq-dVZre2C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themusingmuslim · 3 years
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“People who believe in God and in the afterlife handle death well. The same is true with calamities and tribulations.
Maurice Bucaille, the well-known French physician, said that what attracted his interest in Islam was how North Africans in France faced death.
As a physician exposed to disease and death, he observed many of his countrymen not knowing how to die or handle death.”
— from Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf
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awed-frog · 3 years
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A facial reconstruction of Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II (1303 – 1213 BC). Considered the greatest ruler Egypt has ever known, Ramesses was known in Greek sources as ‘Ozymandias’, from the first part hiss regnal name, Usermaatre Setepenre, "The Maat of Ra is powerful, Chosen of Ra".
In 1975, Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor, examined the mummy at the Cairo Museum and found it in poor condition. French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing succeeded in convincing Egyptian authorities to send the mummy to France for treatment. In September 1976, it was greeted at Paris–Le Bourget Airport with full military honours befitting a king, then taken to a laboratory at the Musée de l'Homme.
The mummy was forensically tested by Professor Pierre-Fernand Ceccaldi, the chief forensic scientist at the Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris. Professor Ceccaldi determined that: "Hair, astonishingly preserved, showed some complementary data — especially about pigmentation: Ramesses II was a ginger haired 'cymnotriche leucoderma'." The description given here refers to a fair-skinned person with wavy ginger hair. Subsequent microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads. This has more than just cosmetic significance: in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the deity Set, the slayer of Osiris, and the name of Ramesses II's father, Seti I, means "follower of Seth".
After being irradiated in an attempt to eliminate fungi and insects, the mummy was returned from Paris to Egypt in May 1977.
keep reading
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wisdomrays · 2 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: What Are the Differences Between the Islamic and the Modern Scientific Points of View On Knowledge ('ilm)? How Does The Qur'an Regard "Knowledge"?
Genuine knowledge ('ilm) is a source of infinite light covered with truth, which leads enlightened people toward the righteous path. Modern science is built and developed upon existing information gained through experimentation and correcting previous errors. In general, science represents theories and hypotheses that we devise and pursue in order to acquire knowledge. From this point of view, knowledge and science are not the same and must not be considered as synonyms. For example, sometimes 'ilm is mistranslated as science, because the translators do not take into consideration the genuine meanings of the words. This mistake can be excused when it is made by the general population, who might not be aware of the difference; however, we expect scientists and professionals to use these terms correctly, according to their core meanings, so that their different meanings become obvious and clear.
Knowledge is born and developed between our hearts and minds. On the contrary, science is totally material, belongs to this world and all physical beings, and depends fully upon Earth's natural rules. Science is born through theories, and its continued development always engenders doubt. Initially, science was built on rationalism and developed through positivism. It sprouts in the world of the five senses, and continues its life with reference to the theoretical mind. Most of the time, science rejects things that cannot be seen or heard. In fact, its eyes are blind to the concealed meaning of existence, and its ears cannot hear it. Modern science accepts only those objects and events that can be perceived by the five senses.
Scientific developments in the classical Islamic world have had a tremendous influence upon the achievements of modern science. Several Western scholars and writers, among them Maurice Bucaille, Jacques Cousteau, Alex Carrel, Thomas Carlyle, and Roger Garaudy agree with this fact, and state that "the West totally owes all its achievements to the East. Andalusia, a Muslim state in Spain, was a perfect example of this process." In some cases, Western scientists considered the roots of the knowledge derived from the East to be abstract theories, and so they did not consider what they had given to humanity and upon what basics and pillars they had been built.
The West has mixed its materialistic ideas in the development of these ideas and sciences, and by restricting their analysis only to subjectivity, they alienated the roots from their origins. As a result, religion in the West was confined to the church and people could learn about their religion only when they came to the church to participate in religious ceremonies. Thus religion could not enter fully into the people's lives. In fact, after Constantine, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, proclaimed Christianity to be the empire's official religion in 315, the government strictly controlled its all relations with life. This approach toward religion was a bad luck for Christianity. The first 3 centuries of Christianity was the best time for this religion, despite the severe pressure that it faced, for it was a time of blossoming and purity. After it became the official religion, Christians no longer faced oppression. However, the religion fell under the control of the government and was corrupted.
According to the state, religion belonged in the church, and while people occasionally would come to the church to practice their religion, they could not make it an intimate part of their life. As a result, Christianity was divorced from everyday life, society had to accept that there was life without religion, and that there was religion without life. Given this reality, scientific research and implications had nothing to do with Christianity, and that religion became a moral institution whose only responsibility and activities were the ceremonies connected to birth and death. The West's scientific roots lie in the classical Greek and Roman civilizations. This knowledge was incorporated into the Islamic civilization, whose scholars and scientists developed it, made original contributions to it, and passed it on to the West.
Unfortunately, Western scientists developed modern science as an independent enterprise completely separate from religion. Thus, its scientific development was built of unbelief and differs dramatically from the understanding of science and knowledge in the East. On the other hand, knowledge and science flourished for centuries in the Islamic world. Some of its luminaries are Jabir, Ibn al-Haytham, al-Khawarizmi, al-Zahrawi, Ibn Sina, and al-Farabi.
Ancient Greek scholars claimed that the smallest particle of being is an atom. However, theologian Ibrahim al-Nazzam (d. 835/845) said that substance could be divided into pieces an infinite number of times, and spoke as a modern scientist who would say the same thing today. If we look at this from the theory of particles, it would be clear that al-Nazzam's statements are true.
Muslim scholars never rejected or separated their inventions and discoveries from religion. Rather, knowledge and science reinforced their belief and understanding of religion. Even though they argued about various scientific matters, their attitude toward religion never differed from one another. For example, a Muslim physician-scholar like al-Razi had mystically spiritual intellect. Muslim scholars explored the universe in the name of The Creator, and every single discovery and invention brought a new passion, a new enthusiasm, and a spirit of new devotion. That is why they always traveled in the horizons of "is there any more?" and they lived in a state of continual passion of searching for the truth.
It is true that Muslim scholars' understanding of knowledge developed their understanding of religion and created metaphysical tension in their lives. Several Qur'anic verses, such as: Behold! In the creation of the heavens and Earth, and the alternation of night and day, are Signs for men of understanding (3:190), always attracted Muslim scholars. Using such verses to inspire them, they devised their theories with a feeling of prayer toward God and built their knowledge upon a foundation of such an understanding and approach. Muslim scientists explored the heavens and Earth in the light of such verses, and learned and researched the relationship between the universe and Earth, such as the connection between a flower and the sun, the association of the smallest animals and living things to the sunlight, and so on. As a result of this approach, and by reciting the Qur'an while studying the universe (the Book of Existence), Muslim scholars strengthened their faith in and closeness to God.
However, due to today's materialistic theories, Western scientists will never be free of the fear, anxiety, and unexpected surprises that might arise in their fields even though they reach the heavens and continue to solve the mysteries of the universe. On the contrary, Muslims believe that they can build castles even in the center of black holes, for: "God's Existence, Divine Beauty, and Power are behind everything. Perhaps black holes are no more than dark hallways toward brightness and light. As we enter the grave and come out of it toward Paradise, these undesired and unwanted black holes just might be bridges between the heavens and this world."
Western society, confined within the limits of discoveries and scientific inventions, cannot see the true beauty of the material world. But Muslim scholars and scientists, while learning and exploring life by means of Divine guidance and assistance, could read the wisdom and hidden purposes behind the things and events occurring in the material world and see God's Divine Power behind everything in the universe. For example, consider the Islamic point of view toward the human face and appearance. Muslims never attributed such things to nature, which is unconscious and blind, but rather saw in that wonderfully beautiful human complexion the reflection of The Most Merciful and The Most Compassionate God. By seeking to increase their limited understanding, they made the limited unlimited and decorated simple mirrors with the most beautiful crafts and designs. From this point of view, Muslim scientists had the chance to see hidden wisdom and knowledge side by side, and could observe and witness clearly the things and events that were taking place in the material world.
The following Qur'anic verse describes such people: He grants wisdom to whomever He wills, and the one to whom wisdom is granted receives a benefit overflowing. However, none will grasp the Message but men of understanding (2:269). Such people with intellect can see the concealed wisdom. People who look to the universe without the glasses of wisdom and concealed truth see and observe things as unreasonable and useless.
Islam understands 'ilm to be that knowledge that was built and developed upon these fundamental basis. As a matter of fact, Islam considers the purpose of knowledge as bound to knowledge about God, His Divine Power, and His All-Mighty Wisdom. The result of knowing God is love for God, and the result of this love is spiritual happiness. Given this reality, Muslim scholars and scientists do not feel anxiety and hopelessness, for as they pursue their studies, they discover new existences, feel closer to God, and varying degrees of spiritual peace. For those who study the universe from such perspectives, knowledge is the way to reach material and spiritual happiness; for those who follow the path of materialism, knowledge can become the way to see the undesired consequences of existence and the final end of the universe. Such knowledge will cause them to be in a state of constant unhappiness.
For those who do not know The Most Merciful and The Most Compassionate Lord of the universe, the sun will burn out in 5 billion years. Such knowledge will spread fear into their hearts, for they will think that "after the sun burns out, the horrible end of the worlds will begin and we will dissolve into atomic pieces and face non-existence." They will suffer from being a part of this universe. In short, following a materialistic approach to science results in hopelessness, fear, and disappointment. At this point, knowledge (in the Islamic context of this world and the Hereafter) gives confidence, and science (in the materialistic context of being limited to what the five senses can perceive) gives hopelessness. Thus, the two contradict each other. Those who follow the path of knowledge, by His help and guidance, always will walk in enlightenment and will never be disappointed or have doubts about the future.
In order for such things to happen, all of the aspects of knowledge ('ilm) and science must be taken into consideration. That is why many modern scholars and scientists are trying to change and direct existing materialistic theories and approaches toward the Islamic understanding of knowledge and science. A number of them are convinced that the contemporary Western approaches are based upon unbelief and that they cannot be changed. If materialistic science makes no effort to find God, and if it does not strive to become a mirror showing His Divine Beauty, humanity's future may be unexpectedly dramatic.
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mhtpalette · 3 years
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“People who believe in God and in the afterlife handle death well. The same is true with calamities and tribulations.
Maurice Bucaille, the well-known French physician, said that what attracted his interest in Islam was how North Africans in France faced death.
As a physician exposed to disease and death, he observed many of his countrymen not knowing how to die or handle death.”
— from Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf
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magfiras · 3 years
Dalam beberapa pekan yang pendek ini.
Ada satu nama seorang orientalis sekaligus ilmuwan yang entah memang Allah telah mengaturnya untuk aku tahu atau memang hanya sebuah kebetulan.
Tapi tingkat kepercayaanku dengan kata “kebetulan” hanya 99%. Jadi intinya Allah memang telah mengaturnya agar waktunya aku mengenali nama itu. Tunggu sebentar, sebenarnya aku hanya ingin menjelaskan bahwa aku adalah orang paling minim informasi. Disaat mungkin orang-orang telah banyak mengenalnya. Aku dari dimensi melankolisku baru dibuat terkesima dengan informasi-informasi pendek sekaligus mencengangkan tentang karyanya. So lately tepatnya.
Tak mengapa Fira ini biasa terjadi.
Tapi berat menulis ini sebagai seorang yang selalu mengaku-aku cinta dengan sains.
Ya jadi begitulah, pengakuan apapun tentang segala hal yang menyangkut diri sendiri. Terkadang membawa pada kesadaran bahwa sebenarnya perbuatan atau kelakuanlah yang lebih bernilai. Dibanding sekedar pencitraan. Am I right?
kembali lagi dengan satu nama yang sudah tiga kali menyapaku dalam waktu singkat. Ini hebat belum pernah seperti ini. Bahkan saat ingin menonton film yang telah lama kugadang tak pernah sampai seposesif ini dorongannya.
Pertama kali, ketika sebuah artikel tak sengaja kubaca tentang jasad Fir’aun. Maka kutemukan namanya. Awalnya hmm aku berkata dalam hati luar biasa sekali penelitian dari beliau.
Kedua, kudengar namanya saat mengikuti salah satu kajian muallaf sekaligus publik figur tersohor jaman 90an. Yeah ada yang tahu petikan lirik lagu ini
“Hidup ini hanya kepingan, yang terasing dilautan”..
ini lagu yang beliau nyanyikan berduet dengan salah satu band yang juga terkenal pada waktu itu. Lagu ini sempat menjadi soundtrack film yang membuat buku “AKU” karya Chairil Anwar jadi populer.
Yap beliau dengan hijab ungu tuanya telah berhasil membuatku mewek dengan materi yang dibawakannya. Begitu terstruktur dan dalam. Dalam karena tampaknya pemahaman beliau tentang Islam jauh lebih kuat dibanding denganku yang diberi nikmat lahir sebagai muslim. Ironis. Tapi jauh dalam lubuk hatiku terdalam. Aku berterima kasih atas ilmu yang sempat beliau bagi. Tentunya beliau juga sempat menuturkan tentang nama orientalis ini.
Ketiga, saat kajian pagi kemarin dengan pemateri yang mendalam tentang studi Timur Tengah. Lagi-lagi nama ilmuan itu disebutkan. Sependengaranku bapak ustadnya, sempat menyarankan untuk membaca buku karya orientalis ini.
Yap tededetdetdet...siapa lagi kalau bukan
“Maurice Bucaille”
Penulis Sains, Bible, dan Al-Quran.
Dan sepertinya aku harus memiliki bukunya. Kemarin seperti biasa sempat mengecek jejaring toko online. Semoga sempat terbaca. Dan mengulik lebih banyak ilmu dari tulisannya.
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basicsofislam · 8 months
“Brother” and “sister” in the Bible
The word “brother” in the Old Testament has a very broad meaning; it refers to the immediate descendants of the father, the son and the male relatives as a whole, cousins, in-laws and those with blood ties and even includes friends and those with whom a person has political dealings. The words “brother” and “sister” were sometimes used to portray the main family members as we see in the example of the forty-two “brethren” of King Uzziah. Another interesting example is in the Song of Solomon, where two lovers are serenading one another, and the young man says in some verses of the song, “How sweet is your love, my sister, my bride.” Maurice Bucaille, commenting on the word “brother” in the New Testament states that the words “adelphoi” and “adelphai” in Greek refer to biological brother and sister, and he said that these words, had been defectively translated from Semitic languages, where they had been used to denote “kin” in the general sense and the people in question were probably cousins. As the word “cousin” did not exist in Hebrew and Aramaic, the languages spoken by both Jesus and his disciples, they probably had no other option; they could either use the word “brother” or would have to define a person by calling them “my father’s sister’s son” and so on, which is neither easy nor appropriate, and this was the likely reason for Jesus using “brother” for his close acquaintances.
In the New Testament, the equivalent of the brother in Aramaic was given as the word “adelphos,” which in the general sense means “brother” or “brotherly friend,” a kind of sign of closeness to someone. Unlike in Hebrew or Aramaic, the word “anepsios” in ancient Greek gave a distinct meaning to the word “cousin,” but those who wrote the scriptures used “adelphos” or “friend” to correspond “cousin.”
So we understand from this that the writers of the New Testament used the same word “adelphos” from ancient Greek to convey the meaning of “friend” and for the meaning of “two sons of the same family” or “biological brothers.” This is very confusing when the text is translated into English or any other language.
According to the New Testament
One of the reasons for opinions that Jesus had brothers or sisters several verses in the New Testament which say that Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they had come together Joseph realized that she was carrying a child and had decided to leave Mary. But an angel came to Joseph in his dream and told him the truth of the miraculous conception, and Joseph decided to take Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:18–20; Luke 1:27; 2:5). There is no mention in the Qur’an or hadith of Joseph, the person said to be betrothed to Mary in the Bible, and there is certainly no report of the Biblical scriptures found in the Qur’an and hadith stating that Mary married this man called Joseph. However, there are a few weak reports of some historical sources that say that there was a carpenter of the same name who was a member of Mary’s family and both of them were serving at the Temple during the same period.
Another matter which leads the Protestant churches to believe that Jesus may have had brothers and sisters is the verse in the Gospel of Luke saying that Jesus was Mary’s “firstborn son” (2:7). However, this declaration is no reason to believe that Jesus had brothers and sisters, this statement being rather a declaration that her first child would be a holy servant of his Lord (Luke 2:23) a declaration invoking legislation in the scriptures.
As further evidence, the Gospel of Luke (2:41–52) tells how Jesus attended the Temple in Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover with his parents, that he went missing, and that his parents were searching for him. We see there is no mention at all of any other children except Jesus. To the contrary, the context leads us to believe that there was only one child present.
Another special detail is that according to the Gospel of John (19:26–27), Jesus entrusted his mother to one of the disciples when he was being placed on the crucifix, so immediately the question arises: if Jesus had brothers and sisters, then why did he entrust his mother to someone else? Even if we assume that Joseph, who was claimed to have married Mary was not alive at the time, there being no mention whatsoever of the existence of Jesus’ brothers or sisters at this point is another aspect which seems to invalidate the allegation.
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atheistforhumanity · 4 years
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Debunking Science in The Quran (Watch the Video Here)
I've taken three examples from the website WhyIslam.org. Dr. Maurice Bucaille, who is a medical doctor, has written an article where he gives a long list of examples of what he thinks is science in the Quran. You can read his article here. Watch the video to see me debunk these ideas, and make sure to subscribe to catch all future videos!
(The image above is  Dr. Maurice Bucaille)
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islam-reflections · 5 years
There is no compulsion for man to accept the truth. But it is certainly a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in finding out as to what is the truth! Islam teaches that God has given man the faculty of reason and therefore expects man to reason things out objectively and systematically for himself. To reflect and to question and to reflect.
Maurice Bucaille, The Qur'an and Modern Science
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udinsedunias-blog · 4 years
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_oleh: bang udinsedunia_
Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan peristiwa yang mempunyai dampak yang mencolok bagi pola perilaku manusia, dimulai dari pencegahan dengan memakai masker ketika sakit atau bepergian, selalu cuci tangan, dan melakukan phisical distancing. Kondisi tersebut mengharuskan semua elemen masyarakat harus tetap berada dirumah dan meminimalisir migrasi ke tempat lain. Meskipun dalam keadaan tersebut, manusia sebagai makhluk sosial tidak terlepas dari hubungan dengan orang lain. Selain tujuan untuk beribadah manusia juga diwajibkan untuk menjaga persatuan dan solidaritas yang kuat. Rasa solidaritas tetap dibentuk demi menekan perluasan penyebaran dan penularan pada masyarakat. Salah satu kisah yang dapat diimplementasikan masyarakat agar dapat memperkuat dan membangun solidaritas adalah nilai-nilai inspiratif dari kisah semut dan Nabi Sulaiman.
Belajar dari kisah semut dan Nabi Sulaiman pada Surat An-Naml, terdapat nilai-nilai solidaritas yang dapat diterapkan ketika pandemi ini berlangsung. Dalam buku Jelajah alam bersama Al-Qur’an karangan Maurice Bucaille, dijelaskan berbagai keajaiban Al-Qur’an yang mengisayaratkan tentang ilmu ke alaman. Dalam buku tersebut menjelaskan sedikit cara kehidupan semut dan keunikan kehidupan semut yang memiliki keteraturan dalam kelompok menjadikan mereka mampu bertahan hidup dari makluk-mahkluk lain. Selain itu, saling membantu satu-sama lain menjadi ciri khas kehidupan semut. Suatu kisah yang mengajarkan solidaritas ialah ketika bala tentara Nabi Sulaiman sedang berpergian jauh hingga sampai ke lembah koloni semut. Pada waktu itu, Allah memberikan mukjizat kepada Nabi Sulaiman berupa pemahaman mengenai bahasa hewan, yaitu semut hal ini diceritakan dalam Surat (An-Naml ayat 18). Dan saat itu pula Nabi Sulaiman memulai percakapannya dengan kelompok semut agar masuk ke dalam sarangnya, sehingga tidak terpinjak oleh bala tentara ketika sedang melewati wilayah tersebut. Allah SWT berfirman; “Hingga ketika mereka sampai di lembah semut berkatalah seekor semut: Hai semut-semut, masuklah ke dalam sarang-sarangmu, agar kamu tidak diinjak oleh Sulaiman dan tentaranya, sedangkan mereka tidak menyadari… (An-Naml: 103). Atas datangnya bala tentara tersebut, pemimpin koloni semut kemudian menyeru semua semut untuk masuk kedalam sarang agar tidak diinjak, lantas semua semut tersebut menaati perintah pemimimpinya dan tidak ada yang menjadi korban satupun karena semut memiliki rasa peduli serta solidaritas yang kuat.
Dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa solidaritas sangat penting dilakukan sesama Muslim, meningingat sangat dibutuhkannya saling berkerjasama dalam menghadapi pandemi ini. Utamanya mengamalkan pendidikan solidaritas yang dicontohkan oleh semut beserta koloninya yang menginstruksikan untuk segera masuk sarang karena Nabi Sulaiman dan tentaranya akan melewati lembah semut tersebut. Dalam hal ini nilai-nilai semut tersebut dapat di implementasikan untuk membangun solidaritas ditengah keadaan pandemi Covid-19 ini berupa; 1. Sikap peduli terhadap sesama 2. Taat kepada pemimpin 3. Jiwa sosial dan berani berkorban 4. Rasa ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap nasib orang lain 5. Kebersamaan yang kuat.
Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 menjadi peluang bahwa semakin meningkat jumlah korban yang terinfeksi, semakin banyak pula yang membutuhkan pangan dan alat kesehatan. Belum lagi pemerintah melakukan kebijakan (PSBB), yang mengharuskan semua orang harus taat untuk tetap berada dirumah sehingga dapat memutus rantai penyebaran virus. Belum lagi masalah kebutuhan pangan dan sandang harus tercukupi selama pandemi ini belum usai. Sebagai seorang Muslim solidaritas harus diamalkan dalam kondisi apapun. Dengan menerapkan rasa solidaritas yang baik, InsyaAllah semua masalah tersebut bisa teratasi.
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Bilim; belli bir konuyu bilme isteğinden yola çıkan, belli bir amaca yönelen bir bilgi edinme ve yöntemli araştırma sürecidir. Bilme isteğini veren, bilgiye ve amaca yönlendiren, yöntemini gösteren ve araştırmaya sevk eden, bütün bunlar için gerekli olan elementleri yaratan Allah Azze ve Celle'dir.
Bilim; belli bir konuyu bilme isteğinden yola çıkan, belli bir amaca yönelen bir bilgi edinme ve yöntemli araştırma sürecidir. Bilme isteğini veren, bilgiye ve amaca yönlendiren, yöntemini gösteren ve araştırmaya sevk eden, bütün bunlar için gerekli olan elementleri yaratan Allah Azze ve Celle’dir.
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Tevrat, İnciller Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Bilim kitabının yazarı olan Profesör Dr. Maurice Bucaille, Allah’ın Kur’an-ı Kerim’de astronomi ile ilgili olan ayetlerin bilimle çelişmediğini, bilakis bilimin keşifleri ile aynı olduğunu beyan eder.
Kitabında şu şekilde (özetle)yer almaktadır; 
Kur’ân’da ayetlerde anlatılan astronomik hâdiselerin, çağdaş bilgilere yani bilime tam anlamıyla uygunluğu bir…
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aderizzworld · 4 years
Siapa yang tidak mengenal masa ini. Cerita tentang zaman tersebut banyak tercantum, baik di kitab Taurat, Alkitab dan Al-Quran.
Nabi Musa a.s. merupakan seorang anak dari kaum Bani Israil yang lahir di masa kekejaman Firaun (petinggi Mesir) dimana Firaun menugaskan untuk membunuh semua bayi laki-laki yang baru dilahirkan karena kecemasannya akan mimpinya. Nabi Musa a.s. dihanyutkan oleh orangtuanya ke sungai Nil dan diangkat oleh istri Firaun, Asiyah binti Muzahim.
dengan berjalannya waktu, Nabi Musa a.s. beranjak dewasa dan menerima wahyu Allah swt. sebagai utusan-Nya.
Firaun Mesir saat itu dikenal dengan kekejamannya. Ia membangun banyak proyek bangunan besar dan memperalat budak untuk kerja rodi (kerja paksa). Zaman tersebut tergolong zaman yang maju dimana saat ini kita dapat melihat banyak peninggalan-peninggalan dari zaman Mesir Kuno.
Berkat kekayaan, kekuasaan dan kebesarannya, Firaun menjadi sombong dan menganggap dirinya adalah Tuhan. Dia menolak dakwah dari Nabi Musa a.s. dan mengatakan bahwa Nabi Musa a.s. adalah seorang penyihir. Oleh karena itu, Allah turunkan azab pada negeri Mesir saat itu.
Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut seharusnya dapat menjadi peringatan bagi negara Mesir saat itu, diantaranya:
1. Peristiwa angin topan yang menyerang Mesir sehingga menyebabkan banyak kehancuran.
2. Peristiwa Banjir Bandang di Mesir sehingga menggenangi seluruh lahan pertanian sampai masuk ke Istana Kerajaan Firaun (bisa dibayangin kerajaan itu dibuat setinggi apa dan bukan sekedar bangunan datar).
3. Peristiwa serangan Belalang dan Kutu (hama) yang menyerang lahan pertanian sehingga menyebabkan krisis makanan dan gagal panen.
4. Peristiwa serangan katak yang sangat banyak dan terdapat diwadah-wadah makanan mereka.
5. Peristiwa air Sungai Nil yang berubah menjadi darah berbau amis sehingga seluruh pengikut Firaun saat itu kehausan dan kekurangan minum, sedangkan untuk kaum Bani Israil air tersebut tetap tersedia dan tidak berubah menjadi darah.
Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut mungkin hanya beberapa dari berbagai kejadian yg ada pada masa tersebut dan diberitahukan, seperti dalam Q.S. Al-A'raf : 133.
"maka Kami kirimkan kepada mereka topan, belalang, kutu, katak dan darah sebagai bukti yang jelas, tetapi mereka tetap menyombongkan diri dan mereka adalah kaum yang berdosa."
Sungguh, telah banyak Allah swt. datangkan teguran, peringatan untuk Firaun dan kaumnya, membuktikan bahwa Tuhan itu nyata dan bukan ia, tapi ia tetap saja sombong dan menolak dakwah Nabi Musa a.s., serta menyebutnya sebagai ahli sihir.
Hingga akhirnya, Allah swt menenggelamkan Firaun dan pengikut-pengikutnya di Laut Merah, barulah Firaun mengakui Allah swt. seperti dalam Q.S. Yunus : 90-91.
Kisah ini merupakan kisah nyata, bukan hanya sekedar cerita yang ada di Alkitab saja. Jika kita menelusuri riwayat kerajaan Mesir Kuno, mungkin Firaun yg hidup di zaman Nabi Musa a.s. adalah Ramesses II. Firaun ke-3 dan memerintah selama 67 tahun. 
Jasad Firaun itu Allah selamatkan, seperti dalam Q.S. Yunus:92
“Maka pada hari ini Kami selamatkan badanmu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudahmu dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan dari manusia lengah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami.”
Secara ilmiah, ayat ini telah terbukti dimana seorang ilmuwan Prancis, Maurice Bucaille mengatakan bahwa pada mumi firaun tsb ditemukan sisa-sisa garam yang menjadi bukti bahwa mumi firaun tersebut meninggal karena tenggelam lalu segera diangkat dan ditemukan pada tahun 1898. 
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Peristiwa ini dapat diambil pelajaran bagi orang-orang selanjutnya apabila ia berpikir
"...orang-orang yang sebelum mereka itu lebih hebat kekuatannya dan (lebih banyak) bekas-bekas mereka di muka bumi, maka apa yang mereka usahakan itu tidak dapat menolong mereka." - Q.S. Al Mu'minun:82
Banyak yang ngerasa? 2020 masih dikuartal pertama tahun, tapi sudah banyak peristiwa yang terjadi:
Januari: banjir besar di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia
Februari: isu WWW3
Maret: Corona masuk ke Indonesia dan menjadi pandemi
April: Suara dentuman, Erupsi krakatau dan Merapi
Mei: Suara dentuman, mutasi virus corona 
Banyak juga peristiwa-peristiwa lokal yg terjadi dan gempa-gempa kecil yg tak terhitung. Semoga Allah selalu melindungi kita dan menjauhkan kita dari banyaknya peristiwa yang menimpa bumi ini. Mungkin kita menganggap itu sebagai peristiwa alamiah padahal bisa jadi Allah sedang mengingatkan kita. Wallahu 'alam.
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