#Mr d for prom queen
chbnews · 2 months
MR D FOR PROM QUEEN!! (He wasn’t even at the prom 💀) - Nico Di Angelo 💀🪦
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longlivefanfic-net · 2 years
What Dreams May Come
Summary: Your new friend Chrissy introduces you to Eddie Munson. Eddie introduces you to his interests (weed and D&D). You introduce Eddie to your body. Eddie x reader
Content/Warnings: First times, marijuana, fingering, blood, spit, penetrative sex, begging, Dom!Eddie maybe??
Word Count: 7.8k
A/N: This is a heavily edited version of my earlier fic, It's Nobler to Live. I wanted to add more begging/ordering and blood so....yeah. Sorry for the Hamlet references but I really think maybe willy shakes got a few things right so! Also my Eddie Munson playlist is included at the bottom but not referenced in this one :) You can find this version on AO3 by Heaven_of_Hell (yeah another shakespeare reference and what of it)
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The fluorescent lights buzzing overhead are going to burn a hole through the puréed mush that used to be your brain. Mrs. Smith, the senior English teacher at Hawkins High, has spent the last forty seven minutes—forty seven minutes—of her own life standing in front of the dry chalk board, outlining the character development of Hamlet. “Hamlet, as you know, dies in the end,” Mrs. Smith says, “and the theme of mortality is a constant in this play.” Does she even catch the irony anymore?, you wonder. Another student from your school went “missing” a month ago, now presumed dead; they’re all presumed dead now. When Will Byers disappeared, died, was buried, and then somehow showed up in the hospital, everyone thought Hawkins, Indiana was a place where miracles happened. But that older girl, Barbara—she never showed back up. She ran off, supposedly, but what about the others who had disappeared right around the same time? How many people in one tiny town would run away in the same month? Then there was the fire in the mall. So many people died there, and so many people seemed to have already moved on. Mrs. Smith is talking about the scene with Yorrick’s skull now. Her voice drills faintly across your nerves as you consider what it would mean to hold a human skull in your hands like Hamlet—not just any skull, but the skull of someone you had known, someone you had loved. To hold in your hands the skull of one of the students no one in this classroom thinks will ever come back. “To be or not to be? That is the question,” Mrs. Smith recites, eyes glinting with her own self-satisfaction. English teachers always leave out the best part of that soliloquy—the teacher at your school two years ago did, at least, and so did the one before that—when Hamlet says “for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.” What dreams, post-coil, did your classmates have? Were they nice dreams? Or did they, like you, still feel their heart race before jolting straight up in bed every night with the sound of a grandfather clock echoing? 
When Mrs. Smith dismisses you for your next class–fuck, did you do your math homework?—the girl in the desk next to you leans over the aisle. “You don’t take notes, huh?” she asks, ponytail bobbing gently as she smiles to make it clear her curiosity is genuine. “No,” you answer, “I did Hamlet sophomore year. At my old school.” “Oh!” she says, eyes lighting up, “so you already know the whole thing!” Yes, you know the whole thing (unfortunately), you say, anticipating her next question. “Well, since you already know all of it, I wondered if you might help me with my essay? I think I want to write about Ophelia—something about how she dies when she’s at her lowest so you really feel for her. Does that sound like a good paper to you?” She asks, eyes narrowing slightly while she waits for your approval. You give it, agreeing to read a finished draft, though adding that you’re not sure what you can do to help her. You’ve only been at Hawkins for a little under two years, but everyone knows Chrissy, cheerleading captain, basketball star’s girlfriend, prettiest girl in school, future prom queen, and, probably, valedictorian, is one of the smartest girls in the class. Hell, she’s not just the smartest girl—she’s the smartest. Still, if she wants your help on the paper you should give it to her; maybe she’ll help you make some friends (finally). Just as your mouth opens to suggest that Chrissy expand her topic, a black shadow moves in your peripheral vision.
You freeze on instinct—you have learned to be still when you see these sudden movements because you’re still not sure if they can see you. However, this one moves differently. In fact, it moves languidly, rolling and bounding through each step with a sense of confidence—hell, a sense of ownership—as it makes its way towards you. You turn your head ever so slightly and realize that the “shadow” is, in fact, a boy. No, not a boy; he doesn’t look like the other students you’ve seen a thousand times walking the halls of Hawkins High. He stands a little straighter, a little leaner, like his body has already begun to edge away from the last dregs of childhood that are clinging to the frames of the other students. His dark, wavy hair falls around his shoulders, a way for him to signify that he is different, he is strange, compared to the other boys in this school. You notice that he is wearing a denim vest over a leather jacket over a t-shirt—a different look, noticeably, from the other boys in the classroom who wear collared polo shirts and ring necked t shirts—and the vest is covered in patches obviously sewn on by someone incompetent with needle and thread. The bulky, uneven stitches, however, give shape to him, to his personality. It’s almost laughable, this menagerie of ways he has clearly made efforts to stand out from the other Hawkins students, but something about his demeanor stops you. In the seconds it takes you to take in his form, you assume that he is the one doing the sewing, that he takes pride in being unlike these other students, that he is, always, himself, even when it’s as offensive to the suburban moms of Hawkins as the lyrics from the bands he covers himself in. He takes himself seriously, clearly, and it makes you take him seriously too. He doesn’t see you, yet, eyes intent on something in his hands. He is scribbling furiously, a black pen leaving ink smears on his fingertips as they drag across the too-thin paper that sounds like it is on the verge of shredding under his enthusiasm. Chrissy has been chattering in your ear, making plans to swap essays to proofread next week, when you turn your head back to her and meet her eyes. You dart your eyes back to the young man walking down the aisle, universal code for “who is that?” and she giggles, swinging her bag up onto her back. “Eddie,” she says. 
The man’s head snaps up, comically fast, as if under the smooth, taut skin of his neck there may be a coiled spring. “What.” He barks. Then he notices Chrissy, and his face softens just a touch. “Yes, miss Chrissy?” He asks playfully, cocking his head to the side. When she smiles at him, the edges of his eyes soften and the very edge of his mouth tilts up, resisting the smile he wants to mirror from her face. “Have you met our new student?” Chrissy asks, waving towards you. Inexplicably, you feel burning red heat wash through your body. “Not new-new,” you say. “I’ve been here two years now.” “New to me, then,” this man, this Eddie, says, meeting your eyes for the first time. Is it your imagination (yes) or do his eyes seem to cloud over when he looks at yours? “It’s been my senior year for the last two years, and I don’t see much of the normal lower classmen in this place.” You feel your eyebrows shift before you can rein yourself in. “Yeah,” he laughs, “I’m a high school-can’t-graduate,” he says, emphasizing the can’t. “That’s what happens when you take the phrase high school too literally. Not that you would know anything about that, huh Chrissy? Chrissy’s friend?” His eyes pierce yours suddenly—this feels like a test. Quickly: you have to prove you’re cool, you have to say you love drugs or something like that before you lose this beautiful man’s attention. Your lips start to form around the words you haven’t chosen when Chrissy grabs your hand. “Ugh, Eddie. Have a good class. We’re going,” she says, this last bit directed at you with a meaningful glance and a wrist tug. “Bye,” you gasp out as Chrissy—surprisingly strong for such a small thing—physically pries you away from the desk and out of the classroom. You can feel his eyes on you right until you pass through the doorway.
The rest of the day slips by. Teachers talk at the front of their rooms, most students ignore you, and, in the crowded, white cinder block hallway, Chrissy passes you a note with her phone number written—in cheerleader perfect handwriting—on it. 
That night, you pull the heavy plastic of the phone off the wall. You told your parents you were going to call “a friend” and tried to ignore the way their eyes lit up—your mom clearly heard “friend” and started picturing you as some sort of sports team captain, some sort of honor student, some sort of…normal kid. None of the kids in Hawkins are truly normal, you think, pressing the soft pads of your fingers into the rounded plastic of each number for Chrissy’s phone. You’ve already rehearsed what you’ll tell her parents—“I’m helping Chrissy with her essay for English because I already read the story.” Instead, a man’s voice answers the phone with a laugh. “Chrissy’s private line,” he says, the sound of a grin on his mouth. “Oh,” you say, “is, uh, Chrissy there?” “One sec, sweetheart,” the voice says, and you hear a giggle in the background with the muffled sound of the receiver being passed back and forth. “Tracy?” Chrissy’s voice asks. “Um, no,” you say. “It’s me, from your Engl—“ “Oh hey!” She says. “Please don’t tell me you’re calling about the essay already.” “No,” you say, hurriedly, hoping to hold on to whatever had made Chrissy turn to you that afternoon, “I just wanted to…talk, I guess.” She giggles across the static of the phone lines. “Talk, huh? Any specific freak show you’re calling to talk about?” 
“What?“ You ask, confusion creasing the space between your eyebrows. “Munson, obviously….Eddie? The long haired dude you went heart eyed over after class today?” “Oh,” you sigh, “well. Yeah. I guess.” Chrissy laughed loudly, and the boys voice from earlier grumbles in the background about “fucking freak Munson.” “He’s single, if that’s what you’re asking.” A disgusted grumble meets Chrissy’s words on her side of the phone and she giggles again in the way that tells you the giggle isn’t for you. “I’m not asking that,” you say quickly. “I’m just curious about why he’s still in school.” “He doesn’t care enough to graduate,” Chrissy sighs. “He shows up and then doesn’t even try. One of my friends had to do a group project with him and she said it was like pulling teeth.” Chrissy, perfect Chrissy, clearly can’t understand the feeling of struggling with school work. “Yeah, but I mean, he was writing when he came in. Like an essay or something,” you say, voice leading. “Oh my God!” Chrissy exclaims. “It’s Hellfire club. He’s writing his little game that he plays with those underclassmen toddlers.” “Oh,” you say, like you know what the fuck a “Hellfire club” is. “Listen,” Chrissy asks, suddenly serious. You can just picture her sitting up straight in bed, pushing that basketball star off of her with the suddenness of her idea. “Come over to my place. Wear something hot. I’ll do your hair and we can go to this party, out in the woods by the trailer park. Eddie’s always there selling…well, you know,” she says, then whispers, “marijuana.” You blink at her whispered tone. Here’s the high school perfect prom queen, talking about the drugs she was supposed to “dare to say no to.” Inadvertently, you let out a little giggle. Chrissy laughs in return, and you feel a kinship in your heart with this girl. Maybe she’s not perfect either, you think. “Okay,” you say suddenly. “Okay.”
You walk into Chrissy’s room, chauffeured by her mother who says “have fun girls!” and passes a stern look on to Chrissy before disappearing down the hall, closing the door of the room behind her. You hear a sewing machine start up a second later, but Chrissy’s not paying attention to that anymore. “Wow,” she says. “Is this how you dress? Outside of school?” “Why?” you ask, a note of fear embarrassingly showing your nerves. You dressed out tonight—something like in those magazines girls like Chrissy are always reading. The blouse you’re wearing is almost see-through, and you had to wear your jacket buttoned over it when you rushed past your parents, saying you were “going to study.” “You look great,” Chrissy says. “It’s a little bold, but it’s great. Let me do your hair,” she says, pulling the round brush and can of hairspray off her vanity mirror. Her fingers graze the back of your neck as she pulls your hair up, and you watch her face in the reflection of the vanity. She is focused, completely zoned in—but her eyes look hard. You wonder where her boyfriend has gone to, if he’s the reason for the cold behind her focus right now. When she glances into the mirror and sees you staring at her, she smiles at you before your eyes can flinch away. Ten minutes later, you barely recognize yourself in her mirror. You clash, hard, with the pink and bows of her bedroom. “Munson’s going to freak—well, more than he already does.” “I’m not dressed for him,” you say, hurriedly. “Of course not,” she giggles, applying a mascara wand over her eyelashes. “But that doesn’t mean he’s not going to write you into his weird game. You’ll probably be the damsel he has to rescue, the princess in the tower, or some weird shit like that.” You laugh, but secretly, in your heart, you’re thinking how having someone to save you might not be such a bad thing. 
The woods are dark. Chrissy walks beside you, asking, “do you want to find him
immediately? I don’t think Eddie’s going to understand playing it cool, if you know what I mean,” when you feel a tingle down your spine. Your too tall shoes trip over a root, and you reach your hand out as you stumble, bracing your hand against a tree and feeling the burn of scraped skin. “Careful there, princess,” says a voice behind you. A large, calloused hand wraps around your wrist pulling you back up. “Wouldn’t want you to rip those pretty clothes.” His voice is even, the sound of a too-wide, crooked grin rolling through it. “Munson!” Chrissy exclaims. “We were looking for you.” “Little old me?” He says, turning his warm, brown eyes to Chrissy. “What would the prom queen want from the freak?” He laughs, but it sounds almost bitter. “Not me,” Chrissy says. Her eyes slide to you, a soft grin playing over her lips. “Anyway. See you at the car in…an hour, maybe?” You nod, throat too tight to answer her. Eddie’s eyes are back on you. As Chrissy walks on, heading towards the distant sounds of teenage revelry—beer bottles clinking, too loud laughter, the very light strums of one of those hair-bands girls like Chrissy listen to tinny out of some boom box. “So,” Eddie says, eyes sliding over your body. God, you wonder, can he see your heart beat pulsing in your throat? “What did you need from me?” You panic. You hadn’t thought about this. What do you need from him? How do you tell this strange man that you got one glimpse of him and wanted to beg him to stay with you forever, that you wanted to feel the lean muscles of his thighs next to you in bed the next time a clock woke you up in the middle of the night, that you’re convinced that if someone’s going to save you from whatever shuffles teenagers in this town off of Hamlet’s mortal coil it’s going to be him? “Chrissy said you sell weed,” you blurt out. His eyes snap to yours. “You cool?” he asks, a note of his suspicion in his voice as his nostrils flare. “I’m—I’m cool.” You can’t stop a laugh from coming out of your throat. “Why are you laughing?” he asks, a twist of his lips like he’s already in on the joke. “I’m not cool,” you breathe, “but I’m not a snitch, I mean.” Eddie laughs, loud and sharp in the silence of the trees. “Me neither,” he says. “Let’s go to my car.” 
Can he hear your heart racing? You have no idea what you’re doing. How are you supposed to talk to him? How are you supposed to walk next to him? Your breath is racing in and out of your dry throat, and all you can think about is how good his ass looks in the worn jeans he’s wearing, a little too loose to be in fashion. All you can think about is his ass—and your stupid shoes. Why did you wear these? Your mom bought them for you months ago, saying you could wear them to “go out” and now you’re here, out, and you shouldn’t have worn these stupid shoes. Eyes on the ground, careful not to walk over a root, you suddenly collide into the soft cotton of Eddie’s chest. “You okay, princess? You seem…freaked,” he says, voice betraying concern for you. “I’m fine,” you say. You had put your arms up instinctively when you walked into him, unthinking, and as you pull your hand back you cringe. “I uh, got blood on your shirt,” you mutter. He looks down in surprise. “Not the first time that’s happened,” he mutters. “You okay? You’re not…scared, right? I know you’re new, or not new, or whatever, but I’m not the devil worshiper Chrissy told you I am.” “No,” you say, quickly, “not scared.” “Good,” he smiles, “I’m not planning on sacrificing you to satan, no matter what those little boys who play with their balls say.” He laughs. 
His laugh is infectious, startling, and wonderful. You laugh too and his smile widens. Oh god, you think, you made him smile. The back door of his car swings open, revealing a small set up of pillows, a beat up walkman, his notebook, and a six pack. “So,” you say, forcing conversation. “You, um,” you glance around hurriedly, “write?” “Oh, I’m sure Chrissy already told you about that,” Eddie says, scoffing as he turns around to sit down on the back bumper. “It’s Hellfire club. Dungeons and dragons? The defining tabletop game of our generation?” He looks so serious—you almost feel guilty when you shake your head with no recognition. “It’s like…roleplay sort of.” A hint of a blush creeps up his neck at the word. “I’m the dungeon master, so I write the game. I tell them what to do, basically.” “You like telling people what to do?” you ask. His eyes flick to yours, hard, then away. Blood rushes into your cheeks as you hear what you just said reverberate in your head. Jesus christ, you think, can I have at least one fully functioning brain cell around this guy? “I mean, you like, um, telling the club what to do,” you say. “Yeah,” Eddie says, warm, brown eyes sliding back to yours slowly. “I like telling people what to do.”
His hands reach into the dark of the back of his car, and you hear the sharp clang of the large silver rings he wears on metal as he pulls a small box into his lap. “So,” he says, grinning at you. “It’s $20, usually, but since it’s your first time buying from me I’ll give it to you for $15.” Right, you think. I’m buying weed from this guy. Not thinking about him telling me what to do. Focus. “Okay,” you say, pulling a small wad of crumpled bills out of your front pocket.
You go to hand him the $15, and his calloused fingers brush over your palm. Wincing, you hiss a sharp breath through your teeth. “Whoa, princess,” he says. “Is your hand still bleeding?” He sets the money down and flips your hand up toward the soft yellow glow of the trailer park lights behind you. Yes, there’s still a thin trail of blood on your palm. It doesn’t look bad, you think, but Eddie grimaces. “We should put something on that,” he says, “blood gives Hawkins a bad name.” He grins. This is the closest anyone has come to naming the inescapable sense of dread you’ve felt in your chest since the moment the tires of your mom’s wood paneled station wagon crossed city limits for the first time. The first time someone has said anything other than to “pray for the missing students.” “What’s that about?” You ask. “The missing people.” “Oh, we don’t talk about that here,” Eddie whispers, a grin creeping over his features making you feel like you’re in on a secret. “See, I can sell weed, play satanic games, OR talk about missing kids, but the mommies around town would never let me get away with all three.” 
His face is nerve-wrackingly close to your bleeding palm, and he breaks eye contact with you to say “don’t be weird” before dipping his head down to your hand. Something thick, warm, wet slides over the burning scrapes. “Did you just fucking lick my hand?!” “Saliva. It stops bleeding. At least, that’s what my uncle always says.” Eddie drops your hand suddenly, and you carefully lower it without wiping it on your skirt. “Your uncle?” You ask. “Yeah, I live with him,” he replies, eyes still on your damp palm resting at your side. “Parents aren’t really…in the picture. Haven’t been for a while.” A huff of breath escapes your throat. Life may suck, but at least you have your mom—how is this guy surviving without his? Who does he talk to when things are hard? Is he completely alone? “Anyway,” he says, hands darting back to his side in a too quick motion, “you want your weed?” “No. Yes. I mean,” you sputter, “I do, yeah, but I don’t…I don’t know what to do with it.” “Oh ho ho,” Eddie laughs, over the top in his delight. His eyes light up in the yellow glow of the lights leaking over the treetops. “A virgin.” You flinch, for a second, and his smile flickers, but the heat of the blush on your face, so hot he can probably feel it, brings it back. “Don’t worry, princess,” he says. “I’ll roll for you this time.” 
As you sit next to him, he shakes something that looks like murky green chunks into a thin piece of paper, twisting it between his fingers, while you watch. His hands should be too big for this, too thick of fingers for such delicate work, but he does the job with speed and accuracy. His tongue pokes out between his lips in concentration, and you can’t take your eyes off that narrow tip of soft pink—that tongue that had just scraped across your palm—and he raises the joint to his mouth and applies the paper to his tongue. “Hope you don’t mind a little freak spit,” he laughs, “although if you did, you probably would have already slapped me.” “Was I supposed to slap you?” You laugh. “Let’s just say it wouldn’t have hurt my feelings if you did.” He hands you the slender joint, finely rolled, with a wink. “I made it small for your first time.” You thank him and promptly hold it away from your body like you’re scared it’s going to give you a disease. “You know, it works best if you actually smoke it.” He’s laughing now, but it doesn’t feel like he’s laughing at you so much as he’s laughing with you. “Do you have to do anything special? Or like…do you light it and just, I don’t know, go?” His laugh sparkles across the night, lighting up like stars. “Light it and go, princess.” He holds out a silver lighter to you. “Where are my manners?” he says, pulling back. He flicks the lighter open and the soft flame glows between the two of you. His hair casts shadows around his face but not the kind you’ve been running from—these ones make the sharp planes of his face soft. “Between your lips,” Eddie says, voice soft. “What?” “Put the joint in your mouth, between your lips.” You do as he says. “Now hold it to the light and breathe in through it.” You do your best to do what he says. The smoke fills your mouth and he says “pull it down, into your chest” and you try to do that too. Suddenly, you’re spluttering, coughing like fire lit up your chest. “Oh my god,” you choke out. “What the fuck.” Eddie’s laugh cackles out. 
“It’s fine,” he says, “gets easier, I promise.” “Did I do it right?” “Is that what you’re worried about, princess? Doing it right?” “Yeah,” you cough out. “Bit of a perfectionist. Would you…would you show me? What it looks like when you do it?” You feel so awkward, so nervous, but you want to look cool the next time you pull down a breath of this thick smoke and you know Eddie Munson is going to look cool when he smokes. “You want to share a joint with me?” Eddie says, grin cocking his lips up. “How sweet.” He takes it out of your hand and pulls a quick breath down. You watch as his chest expands, the slight muscles under his ring spun shirt expanding. He holds the breath for a second and then pushes it out, and you look at his face. His eyes have watched you watch him this whole time. You think you should be embarrassed, but for some reason you’re not. “Why didn’t you cough?” You ask, feeling vaguely stupid but wildly curious. “Practice makes perfect, princess.” 
“Why do you keep calling me princess?” His eyes stare into yours. “Look at you,” he says. “You’re definitely the princess, and I’m definitely the freak.” “Not a princess,” you mutter, casting your eyes down. “You look like one to me.” “Like in your game? Your club thing?” “Sure,” Eddie laughs, “like in my club thing. You want to try to smoke again?” He holds out the faint glow of the joint to you. “It burned really bad,” you confess. “Is that normal?” “Don’t ask me about normal,” he says, chuckling low and honey-voiced, “but I could shotgun it for you. Might be easier that way.” “What does that mean?” Eddie’s eyes dart away from you, looking into the empty trees around the car. “Basically, I smoke it but then I breathe the smoke into your mouth. You’d have to be okay with more freak spit.” He plays with his hair, fingers almost nervously tugging on his ends as he pulls it over his face. “Yeah,” you say. “I want to do that.” He takes a heavy drag on the joint and leans over towards you. You’re staring at him, holding your breath as he does, and his hand carefully reaches up to your face. The thick pads of his fingers gently, softly touch your chin, squeezing slightly as your jaw drops. Eyes wide, he leans in to you, head tilted and—his lips don’t touch yours. Smoke suddenly pours into your mouth and you gasp it down. This is better, you think, but you’re not sure if it’s because of the smoke or his fingers. “Easier, right?” he asks, leaning back. “Yeah,” you say. “Way better.” “Do you feel it yet?” he asks. You take stock of your body—the first time you’ve noticed your body in a few minutes. Your heart rate feels…normal. You’re not watching the shadows. Your limbs are a little heavy, like when you’re half asleep. You don’t know if it’s from the tiny bit of weed you’ve smoked or just being around him. “Maybe,” you say, slowly. “You want more?” He asks. “I want you to shotgun it again.” It’s so strange to speak to this man like this, with no fear. He laughs lightly. “Anything you want, princess.”
 And then he’s leaning over you again, and you realize at some point you laid down in the back of his car, and there’s another lungful of smoke in your mouth, but this time when you breathe it out he’s still close to your mouth. You can smell the tobacco still lingering on his fingertips and the dust settled into the car’s upholstery, and you try to keep your eyes focused on his but they keep drifting down to his mouth. “So,” he says, face dangerously close to yours. “You don’t mind the freak spit?” “No.” “You didn’t wipe your hand off when I licked it.” “No.” This wasn’t a question, but you answer it anyway. “Are you going to take it home?” Eddie asks as his eyes drift slowly to fixate on your neck, “and keep it as a souvenir?” You place your hand—the one still stinging with scrapes—on the side of your neck he’s fixated on. “Yeah,” you say, dreamily. “A souvenir.” You like the idea of that–a souvenir of Eddie Munson, the little traces of him from his saliva ingrained into your skin. “Or maybe,” Eddie whispers, “You were going to do something the mommies wouldn’t like. Maybe you’re a bad girl,” he says, still staring at your neck and now your hand, “who was going to rub herself with the freaks spit on your hand.” Your breath hitches in your chest. “Maybe I was,” you say, drawing your finger down the slope of your neck. “What about it?” “I’ll send you home with something better than a joint and a licked hand, princess.” His eyes meet yours, foggy with a mix of inebriation and lust. “Just say the words.” Instinctively, you know what he wants to hear. “Please, Eddie.” 
Immediately, quickly, almost too fast to see, his head burrows into the soft space between your collarbone and your chin. His mouth is greedy across your throat, sucking hungrily over the places you just rubbed with the last traces of your blood and his saliva. A gasp sneaks out of your mouth and you can’t stop your hands from fisting in his long hair. “You like that?” Eddie murmurs into the soft skin over your heartbeat. “God, yes,” you moan back. His mouth travels slowly up your throat, and works his way down your jaw. He kisses your chin once, pressing his mouth fiercely against your skin. Pulling back, Eddie looks into your eyes. “This is okay?” “Yes,” you say, fingers trailing down through his hair. “Tell me…tell me you want me,” he mumbles, eyes on your lips. “What?” You’re confused. Of course you want him–you came to this stupid party, smoked weed, because you want him. You already know that you would do anything he told you if it kept you with him–how does he not see that? “Tell me that you want me,” he repeats himself, a slight blush burning the space between your skin and his. “I need to know that this is what you want or I’m going to stop.” His eyes are drilling into yours as he says this, and you feel a slight shiver creep down your spine. He feels it too—the light shake reverberating through his hands—and grins. “I want you,” you say, quietly. “I want you. Please don’t stop, Eddie.” He moves quickly again, head dipping over yours, and presses his lips against yours for the first time. They’re surprisingly soft, but not gentle, as he pushes your mouth open with his own. His tongue is in your mouth, sweeping inside of you, and you taste the mixture of the joint you shared and what you think must have been a beer he had earlier. As your hands grip the taught muscles of his shoulders, you scratch a nail down the side of his neck. His gasp comes out in your mouth, making your chest tighten. “More,” he says. “More of that.” You smile, and you feel, rather than see, his lips still pressed against yours match your smile in a soft, almost lazy upturn. 
You scratch your nails down the side of his neck and he moans softly. “Harder for me, princess.” You scratch him harder, like you’re trying to draw blood. You want, so badly, to prove to him that you may be his princess but you can do this too—you can make him moan and bleed and gasp. “Shirts,” Eddie pants. “Off. Now.” You sit up slightly as he pulls back, straddling your hips with his thighs and yanks his shirt over his head by the collar. Thankfully, he appears to have left his other layers of jackets at home. For the first time, you see the dark lines he’s covered himself in and reach out a gentle finger to trace the one over his chest. “You like my tatties?” he asks, laughing. “Mmhm,” you mumble. His hands are suddenly on your waist, tugging your shirt up. “Yeah,” you breathe, “please.” He pulls your blouse over your head and pauses. “You’re not going to get pissed about some wrinkles, right, princess?” He asks. You’re not sure if he’s joking; you lean over, pull the clean white fabric out of his hands and toss it out the back of the car, into the dirt. “I want you,” you say again as his face lights up with delight, following the arc of the fabric into the darkness. “Tell me what to do.” “Undo your bra for me, princess.” You do, automatically, tossing it after the blouse. “That’s my good girl,” he says, voice hungry with desire, and your breath catches in your throat. He notices the tiny gasp. “You like that?” He asks, grinning sharply, “You like being a good girl for me?” He looks at you like you imagine a starving wolf would look at prey—but you’re not scared. The animalistic sharpness that has entered his eyes doesn’t scare you. If you are his prey, you are going willingly—so fucking willingly—into the belly of the beast. You might be the rabbit this wolf is chasing, but you’re offering yourself up, desperate to be consumed by him. 
His hands move to the soft skin of your breasts, gently cupping the smooth skin. Your nipples pucker ever so slightly at the cool metal of his rings rubbing across them as he starts to knead your skin, rubbing his thumbs in circles over your nipples. A whimper works its way out of your throat; his head snaps up from his intense concentration on your breasts and he bites his lower lip. “Good?” He asks. “Good,” you whisper, your core turning molten at the slight puncture in his lip, and his head dips to the skin dancing below your collarbone to press his lips lightly—so fucking lightly it makes you feel dizzy—in little feather touches down to your nipples. His tongue slides around your now-perked nipple, circling it again and again. “Good,” you say again, fingers wrapping in his long hair and scratching his scalp. He groans against your skin, and you feel the scrape of his teeth against your nipple, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You can’t stop the moan that comes out of your mouth, low pitched and long. “Do you want more of me, princess, or is this enough to remember the night by?” More, you think, you need more of him, God, you need him pressed against or on or into every part of your body where your skin is bristling and begging to be touched, tasted, stroked by him, but all you say is “Please.” 
“Use your words,” he growls, teeth still hovering dangerously close to your nipple. “More, please, Eddie, more.” “Keep going,” he growls, fingers hesitating just over your skin and burning you with desire. “I want more of you, Eddie, and I want you in me, and I want you to fuck me,” you spit out, jaw clenching around the words in fear that he’ll reject you. “Good girl,” he murmurs, moving his fingers down to the hem of your skirt. You put this stupid skirt on tonight, trying to look like Chrissy, hoping it would make you look normal in your blouse and your jacket and your “going out” shoes that have somehow slipped off your feet at some point. You regretted the skirt, at first, because—in your opinion—you looked stupid, but now you are willing to sing praises to whatever compelled you to put something on that would allow Eddie Munson to slide his wide hands up your thigh, slide his fingers all the way up to your hip to poke his finger under the strap of your underwear and hook his finger around it, yanking down. “More,” you say again at the slight hesitation in his taut body, reassuring him that you want him. “Lie back down,” he orders and you comply. Both of his hands slide up your thighs and his fingers grab around your underwear, sliding them down as you lift your hips for him. 
“All the way off?” He asks. “What do you mean?” “If you want my hands, I can leave your panties at your knees. If you want more, I’m going to want them off.” You hesitate for a moment, a split second of indecision crossing your mind. “Off, please.” Eddie makes a low noise, deep in his chest as he pulls your underwear off—out into the woods they go—and then starts to pull your skirt down to follow it. “Hold on,” you say. His hands instantly freeze, burning on your hips. “Take your pants off first,” you say, confusion creasing your brows as to why he’s still partially clothed. His laugh is loud, sharp, but he says “anything for you, princess,” before undoing his belt. You let him pull his own pants off, watching how his hips writhe to remove the worn denim in the tight space of the back of his car. He pulls his underwear off with his pants, giving you what you were too scared to ask for. 
For a moment, you stop and admire him in the phosphorescent glow of the nearby trailer park lights. His skin is pale, dark hair curling down his chest and over his lightly muscled thighs, as well as the spaces between you don’t dare let him see you looking at. You swallow, hard, as you examine his body. “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he commands. “You’re beautiful,” you say immediately, either the weed or the lust dulling the part of your brain that should be embarrassed to say this. “I saw these statues, once, from the Romans or some shit like that, and the men all had these long, thin thighs and round asses, and soft looking arms, right, but they’re marble, so you know they’re not really soft because that’s a rock, but I thought ‘Hey, men's bodies can’t really look like this’ and then you just look like that but with these tattoos and it’s just…so beautiful.” That sentence felt like it took twenty minutes to say, but Eddie hasn’t looked away from your eyes yet. You stare back at him, blinking slowly. “What?” You finally ask. “Skirt. Off.” You wriggle your hips, slowly, trying to push the fabric down, and his hands suddenly grab your hips and stop you, lighting sparks where his fingers brush the bare skin of your waist. Quickly, deftly, he grabs the zipper and yanks, pulling his hands back suddenly. “Take it off for me.” Your skirt glides over your feet and out the door. 
Sitting back, you lean on your forearms, preparing to lay down on your back while Eddie stares at you. “Wait,” he suddenly barks. “I dont—I don’t have condoms or any shit like that. Fuck. I—do you want me to—“ You cut him off. “I’m on the pill,” you say. “Oh. Okay, great. Um, but, the other stuff—“ “I’m a virgin,” you say. There’s no lingering feelings of the earlier shame when he said this word himself. “Me too,” he says. You almost laugh—the idea of this man with no one panting after him like you are right now is genuinely funny to you—but don’t dare risk hurting his feelings. Leaning forward, you kiss him gently on the neck, then bite the same place, hard. He gasps and you roll your tongue over the mark, laughing a little against his damp skin. “More, please,” you say again, lowering yourself down to your back. One of his hands grabs your waist while the other dips between your legs, briefly, sliding in. You gasp and he freezes, but your smile reassures him and he continues to push his thick finger deeper into you, sliding back and forth. “More,” you moan, and his breath catches before sliding a second finger inside. His fingers are moving slowly, occasionally dipping out to draw slow, languid circles over your clit. “Faster,” you whisper as your need for him inside of you grows. “Where are your manners, princess?” He growls. “Someone like you should know better.” “Please,” you moan, writhing your hips against the flat palm of his hand pressing down on you, creating friction while he tries to withhold it. “Faster, please.” “Good girl,” he whispers in your ear before moving his mouth back along your jawline. 
He’s nipping your skin after every kiss and it feels like your body might implode suddenly, shimmering off into the starlight that’s dancing over the top of his head as he pulls back to meet your eyes. “Do you want to cum now? Or do you want me inside of you?” What a stupid fucking question. “Inside of me. Please.” His fingers draw back, leaving you feeling hollow and swollen. His hands, slick with you, brush down the insides of your thighs as he pushes them farther open. Positioning his hips at your entrance, he says one more time: “Tell me you want me.” “Eddie,” you whimper, “I want you. Plea—“ he interrupts you with a thrust and the word catches in your throat. “Is this…is this good?” he asks, eyes searching your face and face scrunched with concern. “Yes,” you say, reaching a hand up to cradle his face, “I want you.” You suddenly remember Hamlet, holding the skull of a loved one in his hand and contemplating death and, for the first time since you came to Hawkins, you contemplate what it means to live. A shock wave of relief passes over his face at your desire for him and he lets out a breath.
 “Can I—“ He starts to ask. “I want you,” you say again. A soft smile flickers dangerously at the corners of his mouth. “Beg.” “Please.” “No, beg me. Beg me or I’ll stop.” “Don’t!” You gasp. “Don’t stop, please, Eddie, I need you. More, please. I need you all the way in, please. God, Eddie, I want you to fuck me. I want you to cum with me, please, I’m begging you.” With each word he thrusts into you and you reach your hands up for his shoulders, scratching your nails deep, deep into the soft skin of his back. “Good…girl…” he huffs as you whimper against him. “Make me bleed, princess.” You scratch down his chest, feeling skin raise under your hands. You scratch him again, pressing even harder, and his gasp turns into a moan. There are bright red beads of blood under his collarbones, and you lift yourself up slightly. You lock eyes for a moment, then dip your face to lick the crimson blots off his skin. He is wordless as you lean back again, meeting his eyes as you wipe a hand over your mouth and then place your hands over his shoulders again. His thrusts increase in speed, his face tightening, and he is biting his lip again as he pants over you, the tiniest moan working it’s way up from his throat until it breaks free of his mouth. “Oh, God, Eddie,” you whimper, and he moans again. Suddenly, you feel yourself tighten and know you’re not going to last much longer. You’ve been waiting for this too long, and your body refuses to wait anymore. 
“Eddie,” you gasp, “I’m going to—“ “Fuck—“ he groans. Your walls tighten and release around him, pulling him deeper into you as he twitches and fills you with the proof of his satisfaction. Your face contorts as you moan, loudly, clawing into his back and lifting your hips together. Your body releases suddenly and you drop back, exhausted. Slowly, Eddie lowers himself on top of your bare skin. “Holy fuck,” he says. You whimper in response. His hand caresses your chin, rough fingers against your skin, turning your face to look at him. “You okay, princess?” “Yes,” you whisper. He kisses you again, slow this time and deep. “Good thing you don’t mind freak spit,” he laughs. Slowly, he pulls out of you, sending more minor shock waves through your body. He climbs out of the car, lithe form collecting pieces of clothing from the ground. You sit up, feeling heat dripping down between your legs, as he hands you your clothes. “You don’t have to get dressed,” he says, “I’d prefer you didn’t,” he grins. “But I don’t want you to feel…on display out here,” he says, gesturing to the woods. “Oh my god,” you gasp. “Someone could have come out here looking for you! Oh holy shit,” you start laughing. Eddie joins you, your laughs twisting together in the night to meet the stars. “Don’t worry, princess, no one has to know you fucked the freak,” he says, still laughing, but turns his back to you as he hops his jeans over his hips. “Eddie,” you say, “was this supposed to be a secret?” “I wouldn’t want your reputation ruined,” he murmurs, almost as if he doesn’t want you to hear him, while leaning down to pick up his shirt. He pulls it over his head, accidentally settling a stray leaf into his curls. You reach out from the back of the car, pulling the leaf out. “The thing is, I kind of already told Chrissy I was going to fuck Eddie Munson tonight. Can’t leave her disappointed.” He turns to you and his face is radiant for a moment before relaxing into skeptical eyes and a soft smile. “You did not,” he laughs. “Okay, I didn’t, but I’m going to. The only reputation I want in this town is as Eddie Munson’s princess.” You laugh as he picks up your hand, holding it reverently, and places a gentle kiss to the scraped inside of your palm while holding your eyes with his. “If that’s what my princess wants—and she uses her manners—that’s what my princess gets.”
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c00kietin · 6 months
FOR YOUR ASK GAME!! 1, 2, 12, 16(list them if you need to), 17, 20, 18 *Disappears gaster style*
1 - Fandoms I am currently obsessed with: Utdr and Utmv (kinda obvious by my blog lol) Cookie Run, Spy x Family and kinda Monkie KId!!
2 - How many fandoms I'm in: Uuuh- *counts with fingers* I thiiink...around 15?
12 - Have I ever cosplayed: Well, kiiiinda- for one year in primary (I think it's called elementary in America?) school, I dressed up as Monster from FNF, which looks like this:
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I'm pretty sure I still have the mask 😀
16 - Any characters that I think that I simp for/find hot:
OH LORD THE EMBARASSING QUESTION Mind you I'm not too popular of a blog so it isn't as bad :'D
Just to list a few (that I think are pretty/good-looking):
Mitsuri Kanroji
Senjuro Rengoku
Queen (Deltarune)
Reagan Ridley
Tbh most of the characters from Monster Prom looking really pretty lmao
Jessie and James (Pokémon)
Mr. Compress (mha)
Aaand I'm too nervous to say more ;v;
17 - What do you think about shipping: I'm cool with it, I tend to ship more canon stuff (with some exceptions) but as long as it's not problematic or weird/gross I'm cool with it :D
18 - I ship a few people, but my faves have to be Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda (these 3 from TOH), MetaKaard (the fanart has swayed me lol), Noelle x Susie, and Stripes on Stripes from Centaurworld. I ship a few more stuff, but those are the main ones :D
20 - Hot takes: Okay, this is to do with Amphibia- nothing against the main 3 (Anne, Sasha and Marcy) but I think the other characters of the show deserve some love and attention. I mean, when I search up fanart of Amphibia on Pinterest, the majority of it is the main three. MORE FROGS, TOADS N NEWTS!! >:DD
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glee episode tag game
@fallevs thank u for the tag darling <3
favorite season 1 episode: aaa it's gonna be so hard to choose for all of these! i think for s1 i gotta give it to Preggers (1x04). mainly bc of Kurt's storyline this ep and the coming out scene with Burt (best dad ever)
favorite season 2 episode: aaa i love season 2 so much, it's so hard to choose! i think it's a tie between Original Song (2x16) and Prom Queen (2x20), though Never Been Kissed (2x06) comes in a veeery close second
favorite season 3 episode: honestly? not always the biggest fan of season 3 😬 i'm gonna go with The First Time (3x05) tho for obvious klaine-related reasons <3
favorite season 4 episode: either The Break-Up (4x04) or Guilty Pleasures (4x17). i enjoy angst, if y'all haven't noticed <3
favorite season 5 episode: three-way tie between New New York (5x14), Bash (5x15), and Tested (5x16). New York half of season 5 my beloved <3 and these first three of that half are just a really good stretch of episodes
favorite season 6 episode: this one might be a little controversial BUT Hurt Locker Part 2 (6x05). LISTEN. it's batshit wild and i love it. (honestly most of season 6 is batshit wild and i love it. the writers were smoking crack this season)
episode that makes me cry: The Quarterback (5x03) :( Cory Monteith left this world much too soon :(
episode that makes me laugh: basically any of the ones that are just. wild. Vitamin D (1x06), Props (3x20), Pupper Master (5x07)
favorite tribute episode: oooh either Rumours (2x19) or Love, Love, Love (5x01)
favorite Christmas episode: A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) <3 we get BICO <3 and there's some pretty silly plots and i like it <3
episode with the best songs: so many episodes have so many good songs. but i'm gonna give it to The Break-Up (4x04) bc i think i have every song from that episode in my gcv playlist
favorite sectionals episode: i think i gotta go with the very first one, Sectionals (1x13) it just makes my little heart happy <3
favorite regionals episode: again, gonna go with og Journey to Regionals (1x22) look season 1 is solid, okay?
favorite nationals episode: i'm torn between Nationals (3x21) bc it's pretty iconic and i love the outfits and City of Angels (5x11) bc i like the tribute to Finn. and Burt and Carole are there. and Sam's "I did my best Mr. Schue" makes me emo
episode most people like but i don't: oof i think Saturday Night Glee-ver (3x16). i don't hate it, it's just not my favorite
episode most people dislike but i like: Previously Unaried Christmas (5x08) it's Batshit Wild and makes me laugh
idk who has or hasn't played this already, but if you see this and want to play, consider yourself tagged!
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Welcome to the Dead Guy Death Match Elimination Round!
Due to the broad nature of death as a concept, most of the submitted characters only received a few votes each causing a massive tie. I figured the fairest way to sort out this issue would be to hold an elimination round to let you guys vote on who you want to make it into the bracket.
There will be two elimination rounds the first of which will start on Monday the 3rd of April at 3pm BST and the second will start on Saturday the 8th of April at 3pm BST.
Elimination Round 1 will feature polls of 5 or 6 unrelated characters (all of the matchups were generated randomly) for you to vote on. The lowest voted character will be eliminated and all of the remaining options will progress to the bracket.
Elimination Round 2 will feature polls of differing numbers of characters from the same or similar media and only the highest ranked character among them will progress to the bracket, all of the others will be eliminated.
Both sets of polls will last 24 hours.
I've tried my best to only include official images for all of the characters on the polls but I'm not familiar with every series listed so, when the polls go up, if you notice I've used a fanart or cosplay image without permission or credit please let me know and I'll add credit and correct it for any future appearances of that character.
The matchups are listed under the read more and hyperlinked to the polls
I apologise if I’ve accidentally spelled something wrong or used a wrong name for something, I’m not familiar with every series listed.
There will be spoilers for many series ahead.
Round 1-
Poll 1-
Leif- Bug Fables
Claire Foley- Professor Layton
Magne- My Hero Academia
Koki Kariya- The World Ends With You
Matsuri Kanroji- Demon Slayer
Tiso- Hollow Knight
Poll 2-
Polly Geist- Monster Prom
Beetlejuice- Beetlejuice
Kim Namwoon- Omnicient Reader’s Viewpoint
King Arthur- King Arthur
Chidi Anagonye- The Good Place
Duncan- Dragon Age
Poll 3-
Breakdown- Transformers
Varl- Horizon
Captain Orimar Vale- Skyjacks Podcast
Deep Throat- The X-Files
Connor Murphy- Dear Evan Hansen
Poll 4-
Catherine Earnshaw- Wurthering Heights
Johannes Cabal- Horst Cabal
Mr Boddy- Clue
Galivar Kholin- Stormlight Archive
Seth Gordon- All For The Game
Poll 5-
Jay Gatsby- The Great Gatsby
Billy Loomis- Scream
Esmeralda- The Hunchback of Norte Dame Novel
Kili- The Hobbit
Charles Vane- Black Sails
Poll 6-
Ned Stark- Game of Thrones
Hua Cheng- Heaven’s Official Blessing
Skelly- Hades
Nate- Levarage
Owen Carvour- Spies Are Forever
Poll 7-
Andre Grandier- Rose Of Versailles
Ash Lynx- Banana Fish
Jade Irinka- Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine
Hugo Oak- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Evelyn Hooper- Less is Morgue
Poll 8-
Pandora Hearts- Xerxes Break
Bow- Inanimate Insanity
Sam Cortland- Throne of Glass
Matoro- Bionicle
Tigerstar- Warrior Cats
Poll 9-
Deadman- DC Comics
Bunny Corcoran- The Secret History
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight- Saw
Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne- The Inheritance Games
La Signora- Genshin Impact
Poll 10-
Erik- The Phantom of the Opera
Diggory Graves- Hello from the Hallowoods
Max- Sam and Max
Nicholas D Wolfwood- Trigun
Pip Pirrip- South Park
Poll 11-
Pedro Madrigal- Encanto
Midori- Your Turn To Die
Charles Foster Kane- Citizen Kane
Rufus Emeterio- They Both Die at the End
Tuuri- Stand Still Stay Silent
Poll 12-
Manny Calavera- Grim Fandango
Howard Hamlin- Better Call Saul
Tanya McQuoid- White Lotus
Diallos Hoslow- Elden Ring
Sayaka Miki- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Poll 13-
Meiji “Menma” Honma- Anoha: The Flower We Saw That Day
Chiyoko Fujiwara- Millenium Actress
Mari- Omori
Simon Karin- Pathologic
Lee Everett- The Walking Dead
Poll 14-
Rachel Amber- Life is Strange
Jason Grace- Riordanverse
Violet Harmon- American Horror Story
Vylad Ro’Meave- Minecraft Diaries
Chara- Undertale
Poll 15-
River Song- Doctor Who
Queen Serenity- Sailor Moon
Sliver of Straw- Rain World
Manny- Swiss Army Man
Mr Nobody- Transistor
Poll 16-
Shizu- Slime Tensei
Michael Afton- Five Nights at Freddy’s
Neil Perry- Dead Poet’s Society
Silhouette- Watchmen comics
Garret Jacob Hobbs- Hannibal
Poll 17-
Junpei Yoshino- Jujitsu Kaisen
Okudera- Yakuza 5
Shinichiro Sano- Tokyo Revengers
Yuri Nakamura- Angel Beats
Emily- Corpse Bride
Round 2-
The Owl House-
Caleb Wittebane
Star Wars-
Kanan Jarrus
Obi Wan Kenobi
Owen Harper
Ianto Jones
Ace Attorney-
Mia Fey
Deid Mann
Critical Role-
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Star Trek-
Jennifer Sisko
Tasha Yar
Quincey Morris
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Final Fantasy-
Aerith Gainsborough
Ysale Dangulain
The Last Of Us-
Joel Miller
Sarah Miller
Riley Abel
The Vampire Diaries-
Nora Hildegard
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Avatar: The Last Airbender-
Avatar Kyoshi
Avatar Roku
Hatoful Boyfriend-
Nageki Fujishiro
Ryuuji Kawara
Black Butler-
Grelle Sutcliffe
Angelina Dalles
How To Train Your Dragon-
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock 2
Stoick The Vast
Les Miserables-
Gavroche Thenardier
Eponine Thenardier
John Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer-
Jenny Calender
Tara Maclay
Infinity Train-
Simon Laurant
Sally Face-
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Pat Butcher
Pete Martino
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bleubrri · 2 years
ship your moots !
everyone who’s not here is shipped w me and gets apology head<3
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@discordkittenjoestar resident old man fucker, you get all might. who is not old but he thinks that he is so you’re always reassuring him (you’ll still think he’s sexc when you’re both old & grey<3)
@ghxstic nymph n gyutaro?? they’ve been together like.. forever. attached at the hip and people get freaked out when you’re not together. outta pocket bf vibes.. he’d say some shit like babe can i fuck ur tits later🥺 n you’re just like okai :D
@luvkun4 all you bitches wish you had what madi n suga have. prom king + queen. angel couple. do the kinda cutesy stuff that make you affectionately want to die😁 they live on another plane of existence that we all aspire for yet can never come close to.
@okhotel me + toji!!! it’s like.. a harem situation😋 but we have wednesday date night and sunday brunch without him (he got blackout drunk at 11am bc he wanted to ‘get his moneys worth’ like sir..?)
@poohbea now i’m all for the pooh x baji agenda but imma say geto. bc that is the hottest couple you’ve ever seen like let’s be serious. i have pics of them on my life goals pinterest board. the embodiment of scientist gf x english lit bf *dreamy sigh*
@oxygenstarrved reiner n peri 4eva!!! the best couple for double dates bc they’re sm fun<3 n they’re the best hosts!!! the holidays are a dream at theirs (reiner does all the cooking while peris on da ‘puter🤭)
@arlertwitch DUH armin. i feel like y’all have the cutest decor?? like so many cool trinkets and souvenirs bc you’re always travelling. matching cat sweaters in multiple colours me thinks
@sinssoul mr jaeger!!! bc that boy need keepin in check and you stronger than me🫡 a v sensual couple. also the best to smoke with. yall needa get back to me and jean about that 4some too bc..
@wh0reforlevi ohhh my lil monsterfucker imma give you true form sukuna and muzan bc i couldn’t decide and also i feel like spooky szn was really made for you so there’s a bonus. you’d fuck these literal demons not giving a shit if you get shredded and i love that
@emomanswhore lorelei n kento SCREAMS loves of my life omgosh. pls just open a bakery or a fucking malaysian tiki bar or something i’m begging you i just need y’all both to be wholesome and happy forever sobs. soft life!!!
@bitchkay imma go w mikasa bc it’s giving og brat tamer + mega brat🚶🏾like you a menace to society n she’d just be like you gonna be a good boy for me? KSJDH in public too just to shut you up n watch you squirm😗
@obitohno omgosh you’re hanmas lil princess >///< he’s so soft around you callin you angel face, baby love, as if he isn’t washing blood off of his knuckles rn :( someone looks at you funny and you never see them again but don’t even worry about it just kiss him!!!
@soaringmirror medea, my heart, you truly understand that jean is the perfect man!!! you’re his muse, his one and only, his sun and stars!!! beautiful souls i bestow a kiss upon you both🫶
@xttxck i been seeing a lot of rory x connie which while i thoroughly endorse it’s also INCORRECT bc the answers @arlertwitch okay ik soulmates when i see them don’t play w me
@honeylmnade baby bertl!!! you finish eachothers sentences (when you’re not fumbling for words bc of how infatuated you are). the sweetest of da sweet i just wanna pinch ur cheeks and put yall in my pocket sobsob
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deathkeen · 1 year
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(claire, 24, gmt, she/her) welcome to london, LYDIA MARTIN! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like KENNEDY MCMANN? well, no matter, we hear that you are 25 and working as a SCIENTIST. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from TEEN WOLF and have a tendency to be BRILLIANT as well as GUARDED.
full name : lydia martin
nickname/s : lyd, ariel, harbinger of death
relatives : natalie martin (mother), mr. martin (father; teen wolf sure does love forgetting to give characters names doesn’t it huh), lorraine martin (grandmother, deceased)
age : 25
dob : march 23, 1997
star sign : aries
pronouns : she/her
sexuality : heterosexual
mbti : estj
memory status : full memories
gonna be honest here i don’t think i’ve watched an episode of teen wolf since...... season 5? we’re working on memories and vibes here we rally
Lydia was born brilliant and beautiful, and learned early that she could leverage one to get by; everyone seemed too confused by the prospect of a prom queen with a genius-level IQ. So she hid behind her looks and designer shoes and expensive floral dresses and a thick layer of snark; she dated the high school quarterback and never let on that she was on track to be valedictorian.
Her parents’ marriage was... rocky at best, and Lydia learned to put her walls up young. Real relationships only hurt. Emotional intimacy ended in tears. When they finally split, years too late, the damage was done, but her father landed one final blow by asking Lydia to choose a parent to live with. She picked her mother.
Born and raised in Beacon Hills, she always planned to leave. The town was too small, the world was too big, she was too trapped, too desperate for something more. She was going to win the Fields Medal, goddammit. She was going to graduate summa cum laude from MIT. She was going to change the world, and she would do it somewhere they didn’t know her as the high school mean girl. 
And then, of course, there were the monsters. The visions, the nightmares, the time spent in a fugue state wandering the woods naked (high school was fun!), eventually learning that she was a banshee--a wailing woman, a harbinger of death. Great and good for her emotional well-being!
tl;dr Lydia is not nearly as stable as she tries to let on--she’s been doing much better after putting some mileage between herself and Beacon Hills, but she’s never too far from a collapse
She’s now working in R&D (?) studying applications of sound wave technology (? idk something sciencey)
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sansalicents · 1 year
In honor of a certain diva’s birthday, what are your favorite Rachel Berry moments, songs, and episodes?
ohhh thaanks!! ⭐
1. it's all coming back to me now
2. my man
3. go your own way
4. don't rain on my parade
5. what i did for love
1. every breath you take
2. listen to your heart
3. take me or leave me
4. so emotional
5. flashdance...what a feeling (honorable mention to out here on my own and i feel pretty/unpretty)
group songs:
1. start me up/livin' on a prayer
2. how will i know
3. paradise by the dashboard light
4. love song
5. take on me
- pilot
- vitamin d
- ballad (she's so funny in this episode...my insane babygirl)
- mattress
- bad reputation
- duets
- the sue sylvester shuffle (football player rachel >>>>)
- prom queen
- opening night
- loser like me
- dreams come true
- "at least i didn't fall and break my talent", "i'm like tinkerbell, finn, i need applause to live", "WHO WROTE THIS??? TINA???", "you're very talented...i should know, i'm very talented too", "tell me if i was brilliant or sinply outstanding", "most girls would be upset about getting slappee in the face but i happen to appreciate the drama of it", "i've never noticed this before because he's always trying to destroy my career, but mr schue has really pretty eyes" SHE'S SO FUNNY
- so many of her scenes with quinn but the prom queen bathroom scene has to be my #1
- "you may be lonely, but you're not alone" 🥺
- asking santana to put a picture of her in her locker <3
- the first don't rain on my parade, iconic
- everytime she says "i'm going to hug you now"
- both her opening monologue in the pilot episode and her speech before 'halo/walking on sunshine'
- winning the tony
okay sorry that was a lot, i just love her so much <33
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1834 Aug[u]st Fri[day] 22
7 35/..
11 1/2
she above half hour with me in my bed last night but tried in vain could give her
a right kiss Fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 66 1/2° at 7 3/4 a.m. Laq[uai]s de Place, Victor Becker, and
good landau, and took Geo[rge], and A- [Adney] and I out at 11 – w[e]nt to the bank – shopp[in]g – b[ou]ght 4 silk shawls au page
r[ue] Vivienne saw the Bourse (walk[e]d r[ou]nd the gallery w[i]th permiss[io]n fr[om] the wom[a]n d[o]wnst[ai]rs)
b[ou]ght camb[ri]c au Gagne petit, and rib[be]d in Pass[age] des Panoramas – call[e]d and sat 25 min[ute]s
w[i]th Mrs. Heneage fr[om] 2 50/.. to 3 1/4, walk[e]d r[ou]nd h[e]r nice gard[e]n w[i]th h[e]r and Mr. H- [Heneage] and one of
th[ei]r d[au]ght[e]rs, and all ver[y] civ[i]l – Mrs. H- [Heneage] alw[a]ys reminds me of poor Sibb[ell]a – I hope
th[i]s is a nice acquaint[an]ce faite – A- [Adney] sat wait[in]g in the carr[ia]ge – ho[me] at 3 1/2 to
débarasser ours[elves] of the mon[ey] 18    fr[om] exch[ange] at                    for the 3 n[umer]os
circul[a]rs = £75 – M. Edw[ar]d Ferrall call[e]d ab[ou]t 3 3/4 and sat talk[in]g till 5 40/.. –
no let[ter] for me ab[ou]t the carr[ia]ge th[a]t he kno[w]s off – will do the best he can ab[ou]t it –
ga[ve] him my addr[ess] at Shibd[e]n – he prom[ise]d to wr[ite] and gi[ve] me tid[in]gs of so[me] sort – wheth[e]r
he can get me a laisser pass[e]r for the carr[ia]ge or n[o]t – M[ada]me de Bourke find[in]g it dull aux
Eaux n[ea]r Marseilles – ga[ve] h[i]m, by the way, a lit[tle] good adv[i]ce – to do the best he c[oul]d to
please his a[un]t –he own[e]d he w[a]s in as good a way as man[y] of the first young men
in Fr[an]ce – will n[o]t go b[a]ck to Denmark to live – on[l]y for a vis[i]t – w[oul]d n[o]t live out of
Paris, if he c[oul]d help it – Pr[in]ce Fred[eri]ck beat his princess (Wilhelmina) and lift[e]d his h[a]nd
ag[ain]st the King and queen – to live event[uall]y in Jutland – s[ai]d he (M. Edw[ar]d F- [Ferrall]) sh[oul]d indirect[l]y
advise Sophie to be gentle in quizz[in]g peop[le] – s[ai]d I lik[e]d h[e]r ver[y] m[u]ch – h[a]d heard it obs[erve]d
she w[a]s too severe, and wish[e]d it oth[er]wise – w[oul]d wr[ite] a note for him to forw[ar]d thro’ the
Danish Emb[ass]y – M. de Bourke ret[urne]d to Eng[lan]d to live at S[ou]thampt[o]n, - the clim[a]te of
Fr[an]ce n[o]t suit[in]g h[i]m – A- [Adney] and I out ag[ai]n at 5 40/.. till 7 1/2 – w[e]nt chez
Giroux – b[ou]ght china flacon à odeur in red velv[e]t cush[io]n for me to gi[ve] Miss W- [Walker] of Cliff Hill –
b[ou]ght Poussa (grotesque fig[ure] of  a man à la chinoise) and pap[e]r hold[e]r in the pass[age] des
panoramas and left word for Perrelet to co[me] tomor[row] morn[in]g etc. – din[ner] at 8 –
from eleven and ten minutes for twenty she came to my bed  fine day F[ahrenheit] 68° at 11 1/2 p.m.
0 notes
dannyrcomics · 4 years
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Here’s part one of my hourlies from 2017. Most people I know that do hourlies carry a sketchbook around with them and draw autobiographical strip comics throughout their day. My method is to take some ballpoints and 12 sheets of printer paper and kill a Sunday rapidly scratching out whatever the hell comes to mind. I SAY IT COUNTS
Part 2
0 notes
esperwatchesfilms · 3 years
Tragedy Girls (2017)
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McKayla Hooper: We're totally gonna have to start wearing masks. If we keep dressing this good, people gon' know it's us.
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Jordan Welch: If Sadie needs, like, an alibi or something just to get her out of a jam just tell her she can say she was with me watching some Dario Argento movie, okay? McKayla Hooper: Dario DiGiorno. Jordan Welch: D-Dario Argen-Argento... McKayla Hooper: Dario Arpeggio.... Mario Wario.
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ESE: 98/100
50 +5 for Austin Abrams +5 for the Tragedy Girls’ social media +5 for McKayla’s shoes +5 for Josh Hutcherson’s uncredited appearance +10 for Brianna Hildebrand +10 for Alexandra Shipp -10 for failed murder attempt +5 for “If I’m gonna be murdered, I’m so happy it’s you.” -10 for making out with Toby’s corpse +5 for the lending library resembling the Myers house -5 for McKayla overlooking details +10 for Craig Robinson +5 for Jordan -10 for Lowell escaping +5 for Mrs. Kent telling them off +5 for Elvis frog -10 for letting your friendship fall apart +5 for Sadie’s dad +5 for Sadie and Jordan winning Prom Queen and King -5 for Jordan’s death +5 for making up +5 for pinning it on Lowell +3 for pretty credits
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Alright I feel bad about not expressing how much I love this movie so I made a list of some of my favorite moments/details:
Emma looking like she’s gonna cry after they announce they are canceling the prom and all the reporters are swarming her
The Eleanor musical costume and theater bits 
Very grateful that they changed that line at the end of ‘Changing Lives (Reprise)’ 
Trent wearing his Julliard shirt for (almost) the entire movie
Just before ‘Just Breathe’ When Alyssa walks by and the two of them just look at each other like: 😍
Barry and DeeDee talking about the cellphone incident 
Hawkins’ reactions throughout ‘It’s Not About Me’
Literally any of Emma’s outfits
I actually enjoyed James Corden as Barry more than I thought I would (definitely still have strong opinions on Barry’s portrayal & story line though)
‘Dance with You’ was ADORABLE, the flowers and the spinning just 🥰
Are we not going to talk about Emma doing the little come here gesture near the end of ‘Dance with You”???
The almost kiss + Emma’s lovesick stare when Alyssa walks away
The delivery of “well this isn’t america this is indiana!” was on point and the PTA’s reactions made it even better
‘The Acceptance Song’ plus the scenes right before and after were very funny (even if they did cut it short)
“Apples and Bees”
‘We Look to You’ was awesome, seeing Swallow the Moon and DeeDee preforming was a great visual that you can’t get in stage musicals
BETSY NOLAN!! i love her, what an icon
We got to see Emma’s truck!
The shopping montage was really fun (remember when we could go outside?)
The school parking lot being empty and even if you’ve never seen the stage musical you know something is about to go wrong even before it’s mentioned (it hurt but I loved it)
Angie & Emma, their entire dynamic
Emma clearly going through a bit of gay panic during ‘Zazz’
“Blueberry heart”
The romcom scene with DeeDee and Barry was really sweet (even if it did take away from Emma & Alyssa’s time) and Corden’s acting was fantastic
At first I was disappointed with the lack of the iconic ‘Lady’s Improving’ outfit but then we got more of Swallow the Moon and it was worth it
“Not charging for an apology is not a selfless act” “ What the hell?”
again the hesitant, “apples and bees?”
Emma and Alyssa holding hands during ‘Alyssa Greene’
That last line of the song being sung while Emma is walking away from her (again it hurt but it was good)
‘Love Thy Neighbor’ being as iconic and high energy as always
Andrew Rannells was an amazing Trent
Dramatic use of water foutains
DeeDee and Hawkins smiling and having a good time as they’re getting out of the elevator was so cute
The whole bit where Emma tells DeeDee that she won’t go on tv
‘Barry is Going to Prom” was really good and I liked seeing young Barry the whole thing was so well done
i could rant about it for hours so i have to move on before i get distracted
DeeDee hiding when she knows they’re going to ask for money 
Okay,,, the scene they added with Barry and his mom
I have very mixed feelings about that whole plot line but im trying to stay positive
The acting was phenomenal and very real so kudos to them
The way that Alyssa says “Well I think it’s brave” (honestly even though her development isn’t as obvious as in the stage version (at least to me) I love those moments where you can see her growing and getting ready to just be herself)
Hawkins and the flowers
“You guys are the best middle age people I’ve ever met” First of all, I know for a fact that the bar is on the floor, second of all their reactions kill me
I once again have mixed feelings, this time about the coming out scene because it not being as public took away from the impact it had and how nerve wracking it would have been for Alyssa as well as Barry’s speech to Mrs. Greene not happening
BUT STAYING POSITIVE: Kerry and Ariana’s acting was soo good (return of good but it hurt)
ALSO angies face while she was watching it go down :O
When Alyssa goes to try and hug her mom but she moves away: >:O
When Alyssa hugs Emma in front of everyone: :D
Emma holding the back of her head was   🥺
Emma and Alyssa walking into the empty gym but this time they are together and it’s only empty caus they are early, its a nice little parallel that I just noticed
another small detail that I saw was Alyssa being the one to reach for Emma’s hand before they walk in
Emma going around and hugging everyone at the start of ‘It’s Time to Dance’
Anything Angie did throughout the entire movie was just *chefs kiss*
All the couples coming in is always adorable but this was even better
also the wide range within the couples was also a nice touch
The moment between Mrs. Greene and Alyssa after they hug was amazing and Alyssa dragging her mom into the room
They kept the “do not let me destroy him” but cut the corset line :/
I don’t know why but it made me so happy to recognize the choreo (especially that Alyssa danced during the boys part like always, I was worried they would change it and i’m glad they didn’t. it’s a little detail that I’ve always loved)
You think I would make you read this and then exclude the kiss?
the way that before they kissed the actors were all watching to see what would happen
Alyssa turning to look at her mom after she kisses Emma
And her mom giving her a little nod to let her know she’s okay
‘Wear Your Crown’ was actually really good
And all the clips in the credits were so adorable
Especially Emma and Alyssa in the prom queen and king crowns
I’m very grateful that they kept the full versions of ‘The Acceptance Song’ & ‘You Happened’ on the soundtrack
We finally got ‘Tonight Belongs to You (Reprise)’ on an album but at what cost
I know there is more that I’m missing but this is already longer than I’d planned
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badmemoryneko · 3 years
vargas playlist
that i made cuz i literally cant not do a playlist of anything.
if you have spotify,here.
vargas by @zarla-s​
if you don’t have spotify,or you wanna just listen to specific songs/character’s:
edgar’s playlist:
Saint Bernard-Lincoln
Prom Queen-Catie Turner
TV Head-Elliot Lee
Prom Queen-Beach Bunny
The Ascent of Stan-Ben Folds
Body-Mother Mother
Ain’t No Good-Mimi Wener
Carrying Cathy-Ben Folds
Mamma Mia-Austin Weber
Prom Dress-mxmtoon
I Just Called To Say I love you-Stevie Wonder
Michael in the Bathroom-George Salazar/Be More Chill
Blue Light Yokohama-Yoshi Ikuso
Plastic Love-Mariya takeuchi
Stay With Me-Miki Matsubara
Morfina-Kiddie Gang
A Guy I’d Kinda Be Into-Stephanie Hsu/Be More Chill
Feelings-Haley Kiyoko
Share Your Adress-Ben Platt
Campanella-Kensi Yonezu
YMCA-Village People
Memento Mori-Crywank
Sorry Haha I Fell Asleep-Egg
Sweet Like-Precious
Mr Blue-The Fleetwoods
Got to Be Real-Cheryl Lynn
Play That Funky Music-Wild Cherry
The Bro Duet-George Salazar,Jason Gotay            
Ready Now-dodie
Hungover in the City of Dust-Autoheart
Ship in a Bottle-Steffan (fin) Argus
Sex With a Ghost-Teddy Hyde
Teeth-5 Seconds of Summer
Has Anybody Seen My Will To Live?-The Tin Knees
Would You Be So Kind-dodie
Priorities-Maximus KQ
It’s you,It’s me,It’s us-Reinaeiry
Can you feel my heart-Bring Me The Horizon
Scriabin’s playlist:
Honey,No Estás-Bratty
Primadonna-Marina and the Diamonds
Bottles and Cans-McCafferty
Mind Games-Sickick
Long Time Friends-The Living Tombstone
My Time-bo en
Boys Will Be Bugs-Cavetown
All Eyes On Me-Or3o
Hate Me-Besomorph
All Night Long-J-Mi & Midi-D
Two Time-Jack Stauber’s Micropop
Dream Sweet in Sea Major-Miracle Musical
Talk Too Much-COIN
Hopelessly Devoted To You-Glee Cast
Perdida-Biig Piig
Unfortunate Soul-Kailee Morgue
Break Your Heart Worse-Crimson Apple
Do Ya Think I’m Sexy-Rod Stewart
No one-Mothnica
Devil in Disguise-Elvis Presley
Weight of the World-Shayfer James
Fighter-Jack Stauber’s Micropop
Dead Girl Walking-Heathers
Kingdom Fall-Claire Wyndham
Give It To Me Baby-Rick James
Super Freak-Rick James
Burned-Grace VanderWaal
Not a Pop Song-Little Mix
Outta my Mind-Wax
Dreams Where Ur Murdered-X Lovers
A Little Messed Up-june
Honey Lavander-ieuan
Another-Tis Tis
Curses-The Crane Wives
Come With Me-Chxrlotte
Inspiration-Unknown Brain,Aviella
Jenny-Studio Killers
Onion boy-Isaac Dunbar
Heavy Heart-Mothnica
I knew you once-Hollie Allen
Achilles Heel-J.Maya
The Noose-A Perfect Circle
Mischellanious playlist:
Two birds-Regina Spektor(scriabin and edgar,johnny and edgar)
Pretty When You Cry-Vast(chapter 13:lies)
Running Up That Hill-Kate Bush(Scriabinxedgar)
Oh god-Mothnica(Scriabinxjake/edgarxjake)
Everywhen-Massive Attack(chapter 7:experiment)
In Between-margø(scraibin,edgar)
Wicked Game-Chris Isaak(johnnyxedgar,scraibinxedgar)
Rain of Brass Petals-Akira Yamaoka(chapter 14:truth)
Insanity-Oingo Boingo(chapter 27:Audience)
Freak-Sub Urban ft. REI AMI (Lock system arc)
Always Tired-Weathers(edgar,johnny)
Anything You Can Do-Laura Osnes,Jeremy Jordan(scraibin and edgar)
Hands Off-mothnica (johnny,scraibin)
Confidence-Oscar Scheller,Ashnikko(scraibin and edgar)
Issues-Julia Michaels(scraibinxedgar,jonnhyxedgar)
Asymptotic-Louie Zong(edgarxscraibin)
Bad Apple-RichaadEB,Cristina Vee(johnny,scraibin,edgar)
I hate u,I love u-gnash,Olivia O’Brien(scraibinxedgar)
Strawberry Blond-Mitski(scraibinxedgar,edgarxjohnny)
Journey’s End-Heroic(chapter 21:Delusion)
Tiny Alien-Katie Melua(squee)
Play Date-Melanie Martinez Male Cover(Scriabin and edgar)
Hero and Villain duet-Natalie Chavez/Backseat Vagabond(scriabin and edgar/edgarxjonhhy)
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. 
D: Jonathan Butterell (2021). 
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is the story of a sixteen-year-old gay teen whose desire to be a drag queen and to come to his prom in a dress runs afoul of the small-minded folk of a British town and you might be forgiven for thinking you’ve seen it before. It mashes up The Prom, Footloose, Billy Elliot and any number of Glee episodes into a readymade tale of empowerment. Even the true story that it’s based on seems to show up in some version every prom season.  This adaptation of a hit British musical seems shopworn until we realize how charming it is and how it’s brio and enthusiasm shame its forbears. As Jamie, Max Harwood shows the snarky arrogance and self-involvement that the only out gay kid in school uses to survive (his drag name MiMi Me, satirizes his own narcissism) and mixes in the adolescent insecurity of a kid rejected by his father (whose passive indifference is crueler than actual abuse) trying to find his place in the world. In his corner is his heroically supportive mother (Sarah Lancashire) whose birthday gift of Ruby colored heels changes Jamies life, and Pritti (Lauren Patel), his best friend who as the only Muslim in school is his partner in pariahdom. The songs are witty (“the boy so nice/he came out twice”) and sprightly and even the ballads (“The Wall in My Head”) avoid maudlin self-pity.
Best of all, Butterell cast Richard E. Grant as Hugo Battersby, the dress shop owner and (as “Loco Chanelle”) a former local drag icon, who becomes Jamie’s mentor. Grant plays him as a Mr. Myagi of drag dispensing both bitchy witticisms (“Don’t just linger like an old nun’s fart”) and an evangelism (“A boy in a dress is something to be laughed at, a drag queen is something to be feared.”) that bounds over camp into hard-won wisdom.
Butterel and score composer Dan Gillespie Sells give him a bravura sequence, the new song “This Was Me,” in which Hugo gives Jamie a history lesson in the drag community of the ‘80s drag community (“Poisoned patter on a barbed remark/ “Bette Davis playing Joan of Arc”) and it’s decimation by both Thatcherite repression and the AIDS plague ( “Every weekend was a wake”) which Butterell frames as a series of home movies shot by a lover who succumbs to the virus. Grant is largely absent from the sequence (his younger self is played by John McCrea who played Jamie onstage) and the song is mostly sung by former Frankie Goes to Hollywood lead singer Holly Johnson) but Grant’s face at the end is as moving a piece of acting as I’ve seen all year. The actor gives this innocuous feel-good movie a weight it needs in what theater calls a showstopper and that really isn’t like something we’ve seen before.
In theaters and available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video
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Lawmakers welcome a guy to Congress – and the messiah shows up
Who Is Rev. Moon? ‘Returning Lord,’ ‘Messiah,’ Publisher of the Washington Times
John Gorenfeld – PoliPoint Press
The following is an adapted excerpt from John Gorenfeld’s “Bad Moon Rising: How Reverend Moon Created the Washington Times, Seduced the Religious Right, and Built an American Kingdom” (Polipoint Press, 2008).
The video is from a 1997 Washington Times party where Moon said he founded the newspaper to save the world. In it, he also demands that his employees rid the world of “free sex,” meaning sexual intercourse beyond the purifying influence of his mass weddings.
One chilly Tuesday evening, strange things were afoot on Capitol Hill. The U.S. Senate was hosting a ceremony at the request of a wealthy, elderly newspaper publisher who wanted official recognition as a majestic, divine visitor to Washington. The Dirksen Senate Office Building made for an unlikely temple: a formidable seven-story block of white marble, looming on a street corner diagonally across from the Capitol Dome, its marble pediment is inscribed, “THE SENATE IS THE LIVING SYMBOL OF OUR UNION OF STATES.”
On March 23, 2004, U.S. lawmakers were filmed here in a conference room, paying tribute to the enigmatic Reverend Sun Myung Moon, then eighty-four, and his wife, Hak Ja, sixty-four.
As the cameras rolled, two congressmen presented the Koreans with matching royal costumes. Wearing the burgundy robes and shining crowns, which crested into jagged golden pinnacles, the married couple smiled and waved for the cameras.
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Who was this self-proclaimed monarch? In the 1970s, the evening news had presented Moon, the ranting, middle-aged business tycoon who wore flowing robes on special occasions, as Korea’s answer to L. Ron Hubbard, someone for college students to avoid, luring thousands of young Americans into a cult in which they sold carnations on the street and married spouses he chose for them. But the media had moved on to other nightmares, leaving Moon, forgotten, to reinvent himself. Now time had wizened him into an elderly patriarch, wearing an ashen face for his coronation. An orange Senate VIP name tag remained pinned to his gray suit, peeking out from between rows of curly gold filigree, as he stood on stage at the head of a red carpet.
The King of Peace, the Lord of the Fourth Israel, the Messiah, they called him now – and the publisher of the Washington Times. Though over a dozen congressmen attended his pageant, no one spoke a word of it to the press, not at first. By the time the secret was out, and ABC News was broadcasting the strange sights, it was three months later – summertime – and school was coming soon to the States. Soon grand parade marshals would drive teen queens and their bouquets around football fields, and the helmets of varsity teams would crash through banners. And homecoming would not be so different, insisted the two hapless congressmen, from the Reverend Moon’s rites, which had become a scandal.
“People crown kings and queens at homecoming parades all the time,” the liberal Chicago representative Danny Davis (D-IL) said.
“I remember the king and queen thing,” said Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD). “But we have the king and queen of the prom, the king and queen of 4-H, the Mardi Gras and all sorts of other things. I had no idea what he was king of.”
Yes, they admitted, it was them on camera, walking in the procession with slow, worshipful steps, bowing to the stage where the Moons stood. Those were Davis’s hands, wearing white gloves to avoid defiling the embroidered pillow he carried, a crown bobbing on it, to be lain on the brow of Mrs. Moon; that was Bartlett carrying the burgundy cape for Mr. Moon’s shoulders. Neither seemed embarrassed.
The “throne room” itself belonged to the U.S. Senate, whose Rules Committee, under Republican senator Trent Lott (R-MS), had the final say in who booked rooms and whether visitors could be anointed kings in them. And a senator had to sign off on that. The name of the senator, said one of the evening’s hosts, the defrocked Catholic priest George Stallings, was “shrouded in mystery.”
“There are moments that best play straight,” CNN anchor Aaron Brown said after I discovered the pageant. “So here goes. Lawmakers welcome a guy to Congress – and the messiah shows up.”
The coronation had been disguised as a Washington awards dinner, sponsored by a conservative, pro-war senator who had modestly kept his name out of the picture. The party began normally enough, serving portions of chicken and fish from the buffet and windy politicians’ speeches from the podium. But through a bait and switch – and a strange internal logic – room G-50 of the Senate office building, all marble and eagle seals, changed during the course of the evening into a fantasy throne room, complete with long red carpet, for the stern monarch of the Washington Times, the influential conservative newspaper that warns of immigrants and threats to Christmas – and who also controls United Press International (UPI), the formerly great news agency.
Moon walked from the chilly evening into the marble building dressed in a suit with bow tie and rose corsage. When he got up to deliver his keynote address, it was in a gravelly northern dialect of Korean, a farmer’s accent. Gripping the podium, he gruffly admonished the crowd, which included members of Congress, to accept him as “God’s ambassador, sent to earth with His full authority.”
With a printed copy of the speech before them – headlined Declaring the Era of the Peace Kingdom – guests listened to an English translation in radio earpieces. “The time has come for you to open your hearts,” Moon said, “and receive the secrets that Heaven is disclosing in this age through me.” To prove his credentials, he spoke of testimonials on his behalf – from the lips of the dead, with whom he claimed the power to converse. “The five great saints,” he said – meaning Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Muhammad, and the Hindu prophet Shankara [Socrates] – “and many other leaders in the spirit world, including even Communist leaders such as Marx and Lenin, who committed all manner of barbarity and murders on earth, and dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, have found strength in my teachings, mended their ways and been reborn as new persons.”
His boasts were underscored with whoops and cheers from his followers, who had the good seats. To their church, the moment was a shining vindication for years of hardship: for being treated in the press as predators and for seeing their Christ-like hero, the Reverend Moon, forced onto the witness stand by U.S. tax attorneys, Sen. Bob Dole, and others between 1975 and 1984. Behind the gavels of government, these Pontius Pilates had pronounced Moon an enemy of the American family and the advance man for a South Korean dictator. The Reagan Justice Department had even sent Moon to prison [for tax evasion and document forgery]. But now Moon was active in family values politics, and members of Congress were as submissive as puppies. Moon prevailed.
Believing they were saving the world, Moon’s men had faced desperate pressure to arrange the awards dinner. The Senate event’s emcee was Michael Jenkins, leader of the American Unification Church, a white, middle-aged, blandly enthusiastic spokesman for the cause. In the autumn of 2003, Jenkins recalls in a sermon found online, the Reverend Moon had instructed him three times, first in a low voice, then louder, that unless the world enacted Moon’s plan for world peace, millions would die in a new Middle East Holocaust. “Not six million,” Jenkins said, “but six hundred million.” That fall the Times publisher fished for hours on his boat, while his apostles begged him not to strain his health. “You tell me to rest,” Moon retorted, “but I’m determining the course of history.” When Moon goes reeling off the coast of Kodiak, Alaska – where the church-owned True World Foods cannery annually ships out over twenty million pounds of salmon and other seafood – his followers believe his fishing also mends the wounds of the Cosmos. One day, the elderly fisherman accused Jenkins’s American archdiocese of taking the mission lightly. Far from it, Jenkins proclaimed from the pulpit. “Our American members are willing to die,” he said. “They’re willing to die. Once they understand God’s will, they’ll die.”
Had the Reverend Moon’s crowning at the Dirksen Senate Office Building not been filmed and photographed from seemingly every possible angle, and broadcast on ABC’s World News Tonight and Fox, and giggled at by The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, and compared in a New York Times op-ed with an act of the Roman emperor who nominated his horse to the senate, it might have remained a mad whisper among Senate aides.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are wearing Korean shaman crowns with symbolic antlers and trees (the seven branches represent the seven levels of heaven with the Moons enthroned at the top).
Continue reading here
Bad Moon Rising: How Reverend Moon Created The Washington Times, Seduced the Religious Right, and Built an American Kingdom by John Gorenfeld
Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God
Shamanism is at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links
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gorgxoxus · 4 years
Least favourite song from each episode of Glee:
Season 1:
Pilot: Can’t fight this feeling
Showmance: Take a bow (omg I have like never listened to this song and it’s a snooze fest big time)
Acafellas: I wanna sex you up
Preggers: N/A
The Rhodes Not Taken: Last name
Vitamin D: Halo/ Walking on Sunshine
Throwdown: No air
Mash up: Thong song
Wheels: Defying Gravity
Ballad: (You’re) having my baby
Hairography: Bootylicious (but they’re all great)
Mattress: Smile (Finchel version)
Sectionals: You can’t always get what you want
Hell-o: Hello/ Goodbye
The Power of Madonna: What it feels like for a girl
Home: One less bell to answer/ A house is not a home
Bad reputation: Physical
Laryngitis: The Lady is a tramp
Dream on: Dream a little dream of me
Theatricality: Poker Face
Funk: Loser
Journey to Regionals: Bohemian Rhapsody
Season 2:
Audition: Billionaire
Britany/Brittany: Toxic
Grilled Cheesus: Papa, can you hear me?
Duets: With you I’m born again
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Dammit Janet
Never Been Kissed: Teenage Dream (sorry not sorry)
The Substitute: Make em Laugh
Furt: Ohio
Special Education: Don’t cry for me Argentina
A Very Glee Christmas: You’re a mean one, Mr Grinch
The Sue Sylvester shuffle: none
Silly love songs: Fat Bottomed Girls
Comeback: Baby (or all songs except for ‘Someone to Love’ because it’s an actual bop).
Blame it on the alcohol: Blame it (on the alcohol)
Sexy: Afternoon Delight
Original song: Big ass heart
Night of neglect: All my myself (but kinda none)
Born this way: Barbra Streisand
Rumours: Never going back again
Prom Queen: Jar of Hearts
Funeral: Back to Black
New York: Bella Notte
Season 3:
The Purple Piano Project: Anything goes/ Anything you can do
I Am Unicorn: Something’s Coming
Asian F: Run the World (Girls)
Pot o gold: Bein’ Green
The First Time: One hand One heart
Mash off: Hot for Teacher
I kissed a Girl: Girls just want to have fun
Hold onto sixteen: Man in the Mirror (for salty Kurt isn’t part of the boys number)
Extraordinary Merry Christmas: Christmas Wrapping
Yes/no: Wedding Bell Blues
Micheal: Scream
The Spanish teacher: A little less conversation
Heart: You’re the Top
On my way: Here’s to Us
Big brother: Fighter
‪Saturday night glee-ver: How Deep is your love? ‬
Dance with somebody: I wanna dance with (somebody who loves me)
Choke: Cry
Prom-a-saurus: Dinosaur
Props: I won’t give up
Nationals: It’s all coming back to me now
Goodbye: Forever young
Season 4:
The new Rachel: Call me Maybe
Britany 2.0: Oops... I did it again!
Makeover: Celebrity Skin
The Break Up: Teenage Dream (acoustic) (again, sorry I don’t like the song)
The role you were born to play: Juke Box Hero
Grease: Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee (Kitty version)
Dynamic duets: Superman
Thanksgiving: Gangnam Style
Swan song: Somethin’ Stupid
Glee Actually: Feliz Navidad
Sadie Hawkins: Baby Got Back
Naked: Torn (but I actually enjoy all these songs)
Diva: Nutbush City Limits
I do: I enjoy them all, every one of them
Boys (and girls) on film: You’re all the world to me
Feud: Bye Bye Bye / I want it that way
Guilty pleasures: Against all odds/ take a look at me now (in terms of performance)
Shooting star: Your Song
Sweet dreams: (You gotta) fight for your right (to party)
Lights out: Everybody Hurts
Wonder-ful: You are the sunshine of my life (unfortunately, but also I love this WHOLE episode)
All or nothing: All or Nothing
Season 5:
Love, love, love: Yesterday
Tina in the sky with diamonds: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Quarterback: No Surrender
A katy or a gaga: Roar
The end of twerk: Blurred Lines
Movin out: An Innocent Man
Puppet master: The Fox
Previously unaired Christmas: Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree
Frienemies: Don’t Rain on my Parade
Trio: Jumpin’ Jumpin’
City of angels: I love LA
100: Defying Gravity
New Directions: Party All the Time
New New York: You make me feel so Young
Bash: Broadway Baby
Tested: Addicted to Love
Opening night: N.Y.C
Back up plan: Piece of my Heart
Old dogs, new tricks: Take me Home Tonight
The untitled Rachel Berry Project: Glitter in the Air
Season 6:
Loser Like Me: Let it Go
Homecoming: Problem
Jagged Little Tapestry: So Far Away
The Hurt Locker: Vocal Adrenaline’s numbers
The Hurt Locker Part 2: Dalton Academy’s numbers
What The World Needs Now: Wishin’ and Hopin’
Transitioning: Same Love
A Wedding: Hey Ya!
Child Star: Friday I’m in Love
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester: The Trolley Song
We Built This Glee Club: Mickey
2009: Popular
Dreams Come True: The Winner Takes it All
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