#Nishkiyama Akira
rhinobeetl · 4 months
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happy palentines <3
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astralpyre · 1 year
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Some recent Yakuza/rgg art cause I’ve been playing the games for the past few weeks so it’s about time I drew fanart. (These go from newest to oldest)
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lunalemony · 1 year
Can someone give Kiryu a goddamn break
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
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Found out you can do group chats on char.ai. Somehow Kiryu had an encounter with Dio (JJBA) (um how?????) and uh. Nishiki had thoughts XD
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yyxandere · 7 months
Hello! I have a small idea about the attitude of several yanderes from the Tojo clan towards their darling (this will be drastic and inexperienced, be careful 🤺):
Daigo, during his idle period, may take you for granted, neglecting you, but after Kiryu knocked some sense into him and became chairman, he began to greatly regret his behavior in the past. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to make amends to you like a beaten puppy. Mine tries to help him with this, looking for all the information about you and keeping an eye on you, reporting all the details to his master. If Daigo finds out that some men are too close to you, he will "convince" you to behave more decently (if they are lucky enough to survive).
Nishikiyama is not shy about showing his affection for you by giving you gifts or taking you on dates to expensive restaurants. Such an obvious braggart for you both before the events of Kiwami and after. He rarely takes his eyes off you, so I don’t rely on myself for a particularly long time.
Kiryu is so awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings, but he really tries! Oh, how he loves it when you spend time with the children! The way you take care of them even including Haruka just makes his heart swell with respect and love for you. In addition, Kamurocho is rich in all sorts of places for entertainment such as bowling alleys, game clubs and especially vending machines with plush toys. So you two are definitely not bored.
Kashiwagi may seem callous and cold at first glance, especially in Yakuza 0, but this is only at first glance. He expresses his concern when no one is looking. Did you leave after preparing food for him? He devoured it in a short period of time like a man possessed. Were you offended by some idiot? Don't worry, he's already kicked his ass. Do you want something? Everything is settled, the desired item is already on your coffee table! But over time, he becomes more open about his feelings towards you, becoming softer and more relaxed. Imagine his indescribable gratitude and happiness when you still agreed to be with him even after he left the Tojo clan. He is completely yours, your honor!
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Anon. I will kiss you on your sweet, delectable lips right now. CAUSE THIS ASK IS HEAVEN SENT.
It’s been so long since I played Yakuza, so if the characters are OOC then please forgive me cuz it’s really been a long time (ノωヽ)
Daigo in his early day would definitely be an asshole to you, he won't lay a finger on them but he would definitely ignore his you. Daigo loves them all right, but after what happened (Him and Ryuji), his pride is shattered and because of that he acted more of an asshole and of yes, in that period of time he really took you for granted, but when Kiryu saw or heard of what was happening (maybe you and Daigo still in a relationship, no kidnapping yet) Kiryu would absolutely slam him and like what you said knock some sense into him, he will give Daigo an ear of how to treat you properly.
After he became chairman, Daigo grew into a much more level-headed person, he thought more logically and more of a decent person rather than a brute. It wasn't easy for him, but he finally managed to learn better ways to approach you. However, you were always very cautious around him since he has been so cruel in the past, he knows. So he started to pay attention and he is trying to get closer to you. And he is making progress by spending time with you even if it's a fraction of time. Let's say even if he tries to spend time with you it doesn't work because you can't really seem to love him anymore because of his past. Then he got that part covered, you are now dating one of the strongest Yakuza clan in Kamurucho, hell even if you leave the city, the Tojo clan's reputation and influence is everywhere, so no matter where you are you're always going to be found, plus is it not for the better if you stay with him rather then leave? If you leave Daigo you won't have any protections against other Yakuza rivals, plus he is a whole new man mostly for you.
And since he is the new head of the Tojo clan he will have many men on his side, and one of the most loyal of them all is Mine. he is absolutely devoted to Daigo and will do anything to keep him happy, so if Daigo requested him to set up cameras, Mine would obey his command without hesitation. Daigo need information about the friend you were hanging out with? Bam, he has all of their records, their family, their last hospital check, their messages, whatever Daigo needs is there. Daigo's schedule may be full but if he does manage to make time, be prepared to be snuggled with love and riches. You've been eyeing that bag for a while now? He will come inside the store with you grab it and give it to you THEN pay for it and whoever decides to even harm you both on your outing, their ass be prepared for an ass whooping of a night and after that maybe if they are still conscience he will call one of his men to deal with the random thug. Most of all, Daigo now as a chairman will be more soft and loving towards you, like you said anon, like a puppy.
UGH MY FAVORITE KOI TATTOOED MAN NISHKIII :(((( (i just really wanna hug him bro)
Now Nishki was never afraid to show his love, it was like he was always in that honeymoon phase in the relationship, always bringing you flowers, you and him going out on walks or him giving them chocolates, you kept on telling him many times that he shouldn't do all of this, but he disagrees. St first you thought that it was only a phase in the relationship, but nope, many months in and he still does it, and slowly it's getting quite overbearing, even if you ask Nishki to give you some space, Niski is going to look at you with eyes like a beaten puppy and so ever since you have not said anything, worrying that you might hurt Nishki's feelings. Nishki is a huge romantic, he would always hold your bags and all and he would always pester you about living in the same apartment as him, you told him that it was too quick, Nishki at first would give you some space, but that wouldn't stop him from asking over and over again.
Now if we go the Nishki who is a different man than before, it's now like talking to a different person, Nishki before was a romantic wherever you went, he would always give you kisses and whatnot, but our blood-stained Nishki doesn't, don't get him wrong he loves you dearly but now it is a WHOLE different level. Remember you don't want to live in the same house as him? Too bad, he doesn't even ask the question, your'e already at his house with high security, so make sure that you will never leave. Nishki had been through hell and back, losing his brother, being compared to him, swallowing his own pride in front of his men, and the cherry on top, the passing of his dead sister. Nishki grew more paranoid, he became selfish he is like a feral dog protecting a bone or such, he is fuming and ready to blow someone's head off if they EVEN think to take you away from him, his keeping you captive is like a defense mechanism after all the things he went through, screaming and yelling won't do anything, it is much better to be quiet and do whatever he wants rather then be starved or slapped by him.
Can't make a post without mentioning my GOAT!!!!
Ah, Kiryu. The Dragon of Dojima is such an honorable and respectable person, the art that was placed on his back signifies the power and strength he holds, everyone knows his name in the city of Kamurucho or the dark underground, he is what a man wants to be, strong, respected and cold- wait is that him with a person holding their hands?! And in a closer look, HE IS BLUSHING?!!!
Jokes aside, our main man, Kiryu is an absolute oddball, he's a strong and composed man and can manage to have a clear line of thinking even in a dire situation, but whenever you near, or even hold his hands, inside of him, he is FLUSTRED, let us just hope that you're oblivious to that or else this man will go in a blushing state, good thing that Kiryu doesn't show to many expressions and just shows a stoic one. Like you said noonie, he really tries to show that he really loves you, Kiryu knows that he can be kind of bad when it comes to FULLY expressing what he wants to express, so he does a lot of acts of service, he regularly listens to your problem he even tries to learn how to cooks so you won't ever eat anything unhealthy.
Now if this is the time when Kiryu has Haruka, that's when things start getting interesting. Kiryu desires a normal life, especially a domestic one, he doesn't care who wheres the apron not, and he doesn't care at least you're happy, heck he would be content if he is a stay-at-home husband, and while you work, every time you went back home after a long day you would smell newly cooked food and steamed rice ready, while Haruka helps Kiryu with preparings the plates, but of course if you want to take a bath first, the tub is already filled with warm water its really your choice. Kiryu trusts you, that you won't go away or leave cause of Haruka, You heard what happened to Haruka and Kiryu knows your kind heart and in that moment knew that you won't ever leave Haruka or him, such thoughts could make you feel guilt for the rest of your life., you'll be another parental figure to Haruka no matter what.
Still, on the idea of domestic Kiryu, I would imagine all three of you go to a family outing or some such, maybe a weekend when you guys are in the park eating picnics or even the nearby arcades, both Haruka and Kiryu are gaming nerds. If ever Haruka wins a plushie from a vending machine, she will give it to you and the scene always makes Kiryu's heart flutter since Kiryu is a family man, if there was someone who would be foolish enough to hurt his family (even if you guys aren't married yet) he will show them that living in the Yakuza for many years showed him many different punching techniques…
Now…for my favorite old man……
Devotion. That's one word to describe Kashiwagi when it comes to your love.
You know how much he cares because even after all of those years with you he never lost the way his heart beats faster or his cheeks burn red, because of you, because of what you did and made of him, it is hard to imagine the day where he doesn't feel your presence, your heartbeat in his ears. When you first met him he was cold, and his piercing gaze was frightening, but with some kind of miracle both of you decided to see each other, he became softer, of course, but is still cold and stern when it comes to the Yakuza business, but at home or whenever yall meet, hell ease up his worries. I highly doubt that anyone would even dare stand where ever you are when beside you is a menacing man, who they do NOT wanna fuck with. He is very overprotective of you especially when he is a high-ranked officer, so there are going to be many enemies just waiting to strike against you.
And oh lord, whenever you do such domestic things like, make him coffee, give him his bento, or even kiss him after a long day doing shady business, he will just become putty on your hands, your hands are like magic to him and I feel like his men know about you, so whenever you visit Kashiwagi whenever he's in a bad mood he will immediately lighten up keep his voice to a minimum to not scare you.
After he left the Yakuza, he would do more acts that he had to restrain because he was in the Yakuza, most of the time he would kiss you (on the cheek only) when there were few people around. You also bet your ass that yall are gonna get married, he always dreamt of marrying you when you both became a thing muttering your name with his last name or better yet both of you having kids of your own. So when both of you were married he was crying his eyes out man, seeing you in a white shiromuku (traditional Japanese wedding dress) just comforts something in him and the ring on your finger signifies the love you both have for each other. If you ever have a kid (biologically or adopted) he would give them all the love there is, he might be a stern father but he has his sweet and soft moments with them (I find him having a girl). Like Kiryu, he is a family man, and whoever touches his small family must know that this man was in the Yakuza and knows his way to pummel people to the ground.
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xeweryeen · 1 year
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putting this picture on my nightstand to look at everyday first thing when i wake up and last thing before i sleep, glueing it into a locket so I can carry it with me every second of the day and sticking it into the brim of my hat like a soldier in his helmet so i can pull it out and cry
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gorochanfanclub · 4 years
Sleeping With Yakuza Boys
Had a deep meditation about what it would be like to sleep with some of the Yakuza boys and this is what I came up with:
Is a heat rock. Sleeps only in his boxers because of it. No matter what position you start off with, at some point in the middle of the night, he will 100% sprawl out like a spider and roll on top of you. Good luck trying to wake him up though if you need to use the bathroom (or breathe) because it would take a 10.0 earthquake to wake that man once he’s fallen asleep. 
Comfortably warm, extremely soft, and gives the most gentle cuddles you could possibly imagine. Will hold you close and probably pet your hair while you fall asleep. He’s been in prison for 25 years, going to sleep alone in a cold cell, wondering if the next day will be his last, he needs someone to hold and remind him he’s not in hell anymore. Is a pretty light sleeper but doesn’t mind if it’s you waking him up, gives him more chances to see you so peacefully asleep. 
Will hold you but will be extremely nervous about it. Doesn’t matter how long you have been sleeping together, he’s still gonna feel weird having another person in his bed. Is tender and warm though. Doesn’t toss or turn at all. Once he has found a comfortable spot, that is where he will stay until morning. Sometimes you might think he’s dead he’s so still. 
Both of them are very giving. If you want to cuddle that is perfectly fine with them. Don’t want to? That’s okay too, it’s whatever makes you happy. Akiyama is especially so carefree he wouldn’t mind either way. Daigo would just be happy having you in his bed with him. Whether you’re in his arms or lying next to him, he would be happy. 
Isn’t one to cuddle but will do the bare minimum if that’s what you want. You’ll most likely go to sleep with your back pressed against him and his arm lazily draped on your waist. You’ll probably stay that way the whole night unless one of you turns. He is very warm and soft when in an affectionate mood. 
Will claim he hates cuddling and will refuse to allow you to touch him in the beginning of the night. Might even go as far as to build a pillow wall between you, saying you’ll ‘ruin his hair’ if you get too rowdy in your sleep. Sleeps on a satin pillow case. However, there is a small chance he will roll over in the middle of the night and pull you so close in a cuddle, it nearly crushes you. He is either at 0 or 100, there is no in between. 
Will demand cuddles. Holds his partner so tight, it’s almost suffocating. Will also insist you face him during said cuddles. Probably will bury his face in your hair and just revel in the feeling of such a sweet, loving act. (Might tear up a little if you hold him back, might not) Will almost be mad he has to let you go in the morning but realizes you’ll be back again to do it that evening. 
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neonshrimps · 2 years
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inosfe · 3 years
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Got Nishki on my mind
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shanidmonkey · 6 years
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taki-di · 7 years
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dumbass-effect · 3 years
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hannyaachan · 4 years
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majimanowhere · 3 years
🐉yakuza masterlist🐉
here are the games i write for!
yakuza 0
yakuza kiwami
yakuza kiwami 2
yakuza 3
yakuza 4
yakuza 5
yakuza 6: song of life
yakuza 7: like a dragon
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yakuza 4 characters (spoiler free)
yakuza 4 - kido (y3 + y4 spoilers)
yakuza 4 - the jimas discussion after saejimas arc
kido’s tattoo
yakuza 6: song of life
yakuza characters that need earrings
shun akiyama
crush/dating hcs
goro majima
baseball with the boss
random hc
ryuji goda
artist s/o
takeshi kido
general hcs
akira nishkiyama
gn! relationship hcs
irezumi plushie hcs
tetsu tachibana
gn! relationship hcs
joon gi han
relationship hcs (y6 + y7 spoilers)
tianyou zhao
general dating hcs
kazuma kiryu
irezumi plushie hcs
ichiban kasuga
irezumi plushie hcs
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Unexpected Guest (One Shot)
Pairing: Nishikiyama x (Fem)Reader  Genre: Nothing NSFW istg Word count: 1239 “The truth is...” Nishiki says... *** A/N: Debuting my first ever story on my newly introduced segment One Shot Wednesdays, here’s a short story involving our lovely Koi Fish Boi aka Akira Nishikiyama! Believe it or not, I got this idea when I was zoning out in the train on my way to the grocery store. lel. Anyways hope you like this piece~ 
It’s been raining the entire day and it has pretty much limited your mobility to go out on a weekend you have been looking forward to. Not that you were against staying indoors, but maybe it was also a good thing that it rained because now you are snuggled up under the sheets with a warm mug of tea on the couch with your pet cat watching your favourite series.
      As time goes by, the rain still did not stop – yet it even got heavier. Your cat followed you around wherever you went around the house as you did little chores here and there, at least it was not that lonely. While you were organising your closet, a box fell down to the floor. You sighed at your clumsiness before squatting down to collect all the items that have fallen out of it. As you were putting them back into the box, you noticed a polaroid picture and picked it up.
       It was a picture of you and your friends at some party you could not recall what the occasion for celebration was. But what really caught your attention in that picture was an old friend of yours whom you have not spoken to for so long. Truth is, you have always had a slight crush on him. You hid that feeling deep down inside you; buried so deep not even a single soul knew except your cat. You have not heard from him for awhile now, only rumours about how he has already started his own family; a promising start for him to climb his way up the Tojo Clan.
      You never knew why you developed a crush on him. Perhaps, it was that one afternoon back in high school when he joined you and the rest of the gang hanging out at your usual spot. You noticed how gentle his features were, as it was shyly grazed by the light from the sun that penetrated through the leaves on the branches beneath the Sakura tree where all of you sat. Especially the way his eyes would look at you which is probably how he looks at everyone; but that afternoon, you were just dumbstruck by him. Blame it on the teenage hormones, yes, but it has been long passed your youthful hey days to blame it on so. And so, you just kept it to yourself.
      You thought your little teenage crush would go away. Sadly, you were wrong. Life after high school, you would still meet up with him, Kiryu, and Yumi - enjoying each other’s company by sharing woes and joys. It got difficult as the months go by to hang out with your favourite boys; especially when they have officially joined the Dojima Family. You were scared and worried about them, often hoping and praying to whichever Deity that would listen to you to watch over them wherever they are and in whatever they have to do.
      Not only that, you were offered a job that required you to move away from the place you once called home. Ever since then, you eventually lost contact with Nishikiyama. Kiryu has been holed up behind bars and this makes you feel even more disheartened. But you only wish them for the best. You still harboured feelings for Nishkiyama, yet you also knew, he would probably never look at you because you were never his type of girl. You have seen him with a string of gorgeous women he has been in relationships with – none of which you were near their standards in terms of beauty.
      Insecurity was always prevalent in you. Sometimes you try to look like the girls he has dated – hoping you would score a chance with Nishkiyama. But you just gave up somehow. The ring of your doorbell snapped you out of your melancholic reverie. You wondered who would turn up at your doorstep in such weather. You got up and walked yourself over to the door and peeked through the peephole and you were shocked to see Nishkiyama at your doorstep. You opened the door to see him soaked wet from the rain.
      “Nishki-kun!” you exclaimed.
      “Hmm, y/n-chan. It’s been a while.” He said.
      “What are you doing here? Get inside, you’re going to catch a cold!” you replied and ushered him into your home. You fumbled across the cabinet to find him a towel and hurriedly gave it to him.
      “I’ll make you some warm tea, you j-“
      “Y/n-chan,” Nishkiyama says cutting you off as he holds your hand to stop you.
     You looked down at your hand being held in his then up to his face, his eyes full of some kind of unspoken sorrow. “Y/n-chan, I’ve missed you.” He spoke. You were taken aback with the statement a bit but you believed he meant he missed you as a friend and nothing else.
      “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, y/n-chan.” He said while slightly out of breath.
      “What do you mean, Nishki-kun? What’s wrong?” you ask softly.
      He sat himself down and you followed suit as he fiddled around with the towel in his hands. He looked at you and says,
      “When you Yumi told me you’ve left town, I thought I’ve lost you. The truth is y/n, I’ve liked you for a very long time now.”
      “Ey, Nishki-kun is this one of your pranks again? C’mon bro, what’s up?” you asked him jokingly while nudging him, trying to convince yourself at the same time that you were hallucinating or sorts. But his eyes were stern and fixated on you. Seriousness written all over his face. You quit grinning when you saw this and that’s when you,
     “Y/n..” he started.
     “I-I don’t know what to say…” you replied. Were your ears really hearing these words coming out of his mouth? Or were you in a dream and you have not woken up yet? You looked away from him for a moment and tried to take in the presence of your surroundings. Is Nishiki even real? Did he really come here just to find you to say those things?
Yup. Definitely not dreaming, because I can feel things.
    You were really trying to take in the words he just said and figuring out how to react to him when suddenly you felt his hands slide behind your neck as he turned you to face him before pulling you in for a kiss. Your eyes widened in surprised but his hands were ever so gentle as he held you close. You have always dreamed of being close to him but definitely did not expect that that day would actually come true and so you gave in to his kiss because you knew deep down, you wanted him too.
    Letting go of each other, you looked away from his gaze. Feeling a bit shy to look at your crush who just kissed you.
     “At-choo!” Nishkiyama sneezed. “Excuse me.”
     “Oof! Let’s fix you a warm bath.” you laughed a little as you said that. You decided that it was time to get him into something dry and warm to avoid him catching a cold. You reached out your hands towards him before leading him into your apartment. Walking inside, Nishikiyama pulls you back into his embrace suddenly.
    “Only if you join me.” He says so seductively, you knew your heart died for a moment. Who would have thought, that your dreams would actually come true?  END
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gorochanfanclub · 4 years
Yakuza Characters as Gift Givers
Had another deep meditation about what getting a Christmas (or birthday) gift from some yakuza characters would be like. Notice I say characters and not boys. There’s a surprise at the end ;)
Goes over the top with each and every gift he gives. Plans them months in advance. Will give you the most expensive, most thoughtful, gift you could possibly imagine. Probably shirks his duties as a yakuza patriarch to plan it. Wants to make sure it is the best gift you’ve ever got- every single time. Finds it hard to top himself every year. You like murder mysteries? He’ll probably fake Nishida’s death just to let you solve the case, that’s how serious he is about giving you something you’ll never forget. 
Will get you the most thoughtful gift ever. Might not be very expensive but it won’t matter because the thought he put into it will be more than worth it. Whether it’s a picture of you two in a frame he had custom made, something he saw that made him think of you, or something that references an inside joke or special memory between you, it’ll bring tears to your eyes when he gives it to you. 
Tries to plan his gift in advance but worries so much about getting you the right thing he misses his deadline. The poor boy will worry himself sick for weeks, or maybe even months about getting you something special but just won’t know what to get. Eventually, he’ll get you a card and present it to you, blushing like mad and apologizing for not getting you something better, but also promises to make it up to you. Seeing him so distraught over you, you’ll probably forgive him in a heartbeat. 
Gifts experiences. Likes to get you concert tickets, cooking classes, dancing classes, vacations, anything fun the two of you can do together. He isn’t a very materialistic person so he wants to gift you the memory of doing something fun and special with with him by your side. A perk of his gifts is you always have the best Instagram feed. 
Will get you something insanely expensive. Whether it be a new car, a designer outfit, a pure 24 karat gold necklace, you name it. His gifts are always so nice but with him constantly showering you in pricey gifts, you find it hard to keep up with them all. After being with him for a while, you’ll probably have an entire closet full of Louboutins. It’s not that he isn’t thinking of you, he just wants everyone to know that you belong to a rich, successful, man. That, and he wants you to feel as luxurious as he sees you as. 
Totally forgot to get you a gift and runs out to the store the night before he’s supposed to give it to you and buys something on the spot. Probably won’t even wrap it because he won’t have time. So when he presents a plastic shopping bag to you, you know exactly what happened. Yet, you can’t find yourself to be mad at him when he smiles so brightly at you, hopeful you’ll like what he scrounged up. 
Buys something very expensive but presents it in a way that shows he was really thinking of you. He might not understand yet that money can’t buy love, but when he gives it to you (which he will insist on doing in person) you’ll know that he meant well. The smile on his face as you open it though will almost be enough of a gift in of itself. 
Has no idea what to get you. Will (not so) covertly drop questions about what you might like. Stresses just a little about what to get you but eventually gets you something very... safe. Meaning it’s a nice gift, you appreciate it very much because he worked hard to figure it out, but it isn’t something you’d want to write home about. Definitely the type to gift jewelry, clothes, and things you’ll use in your daily life. (Loves seeing you use things he gives you)
Doesn’t understand how gifts work and will get you something he would like to get. A nice watch, tickets to a concert he wanted to go to, etc.  Will get upset if you point it out however and beat himself up for disappointing you. It’d probably just be best if you laughed it off and accepted it with glee. His happiness and triumphant look is a gift enough. 
Gives you a very practical gift, something you never knew you needed in your life. When she gives it to you, you’ll be confused, wondering why anyone would give you something like this. Yet, after a few weeks or months of having it, you’ll find yourself wondering how you ever lived life without it. Don’t tell her you feel that way, however, because she’ll take it to heart and use every opportunity to remind you how good she is at what she does. 
Will probably cook you something. Presents it in a pretty box wrapped in a bow, no matter what it is. She already knows what you like to eat so expect your favorites. And of course it’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever had, it was made with love, after all...
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