age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #5.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Roberto Poggi; Colorist: Java Tartaglia; Letterer: Cory Petit
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alkalinefrog · 1 month
I miss your dn art so much, the hijack is so beautiful and I love it but will you ever draw lawlight again?? 🥺
Eh, commissions are open LMAO
Fr tho I've gotten similar asks a couple times and tbh I don't have a solid answer. Like, EVER ever, within the next decade? Probably at some point 😂 Lately I've been leaning towards personal projects I have in the works, so hijack is taking up what little fandom space I have left in my wee lil' brain. I've tried sketching them a couple times but wasn't really feeling it. Death Note typically isn't my go-to comfort media, I made this tumblr after being inactive on all platforms for several years because the rewatch made me so sad I had to aggressively make lawlight happy to counteract it😂😂😂
Long story short is don't wait on me! There's awesome death note artists out there and my old stuff is still up for perusing! I'm really happy you enjoyed my dn craze, I had a blast when I was active in the fandom!
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rennyrose · 10 months
Is Heel Face turn a trope you like a lot then or just this example with Livio?
(Spoiler Warnings)
Ahhhh tbh the only other example I can think of that I enjoy tbh is Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi lolololol (I'm sure there's other good instances in fiction that I'm missing)-
(This is just my take based on cannon not gospel of course pfffffft)
Ngl I think it's a very difficult trope to pull off well, and even in TriMax the reason I think it works in Livio's case despite how little panel time he gets is because of how fast the entire plot is moving towards the end and there's almost a constant danger/battle going on- almost as soon as he's out from being stuck under someone's boot (or wheel, in this case) Livio's real personality becomes apparent after only a couple short conversations with Vash and Brad- I think I can safely say that a lot of folks would love to have seen more time for his character development after Vol. 10, cause' a ton of aspects of his character are dropped but very very little of it is actually delved into for more than a couple of panels-
Like for example- in a convo with Vash he says something along the lines of "I want to use this body for something good" (based on english translation)- which to me implies that Livio views himself moreso like a tool/weapon instead of valuing himself as a person- it of course could just mean "hey I want to be a better person" but the phrasing used is very particular to me, and unfortunately that certain aspect of his self esteem is not really addressed again
In summary to answer the question- Yes and No lolololololol- Imo LR are meant to represent Wolfwood's final arc, and are a collage mish-mash of both Wolfwood's and Vash's personal beliefs and the Heel Face turn trope in this case reflects Wolfwood and Vash changing their personal beliefs because of learning from each other
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ironhusband · 1 year
The absolute dramatic hilarity of Erik getting out of prison for killing a president he didn’t kill, and immediately deciding to kill the president.
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Power Armor Punch Part Fifty Three
Nick: *finishes cauterizing the wound shortly after and applies the salve to it to help it heal* Lets give her some time to calm down and then we’ll work on the bullet wounds. *pets her hair while softly soothing her* There there, Rosie… It’s okay. It had to be done…
Jasmine: (Whimpering as she gently wiggles her hands and kicks her feet to ask to be released)
Donovan: (Let’s go of Jasmines arms with a heavy sigh, looking away)
Jasmine: (Reaches up to latch onto her Dad from around his waist with a burst of new wails and sniffles)
Ma: (Takes a step back to wipe her eyes with a handkerchief)
Donovan: (Hoping this girl has finally learned her lesson about running away after this, although he thought the same thing last time she ended up in the hospital and everyone was in tears with worry. Maybe she needs another thorough and stern scolding when she’s recovered, he tried but he doesn’t think it sunk in)
Nick: *pets her hair and softly hums along to the lullaby*
Ma: (Walks up to the head of the bed and gently starts rubbing Jas’s back to help soothe her)
Jasmine: (Clings to her Dad tighter, allowing Ma to do so while she whines from the pain)
Ma: (Casts Nick a sad glance while she rubs small circles on the teens back)
Donovan: (Standing a few feet away with his back turned, swearing under his breath whenever Jas cries out. He remembers all the times she’d run from home during the night and wouldn’t come back until morning. Her mother would just sigh and tiredly follow the girl as she went up to bed to lay next to her shaking siblings after a failed talking to, then it soon became her aunt who was doing so)
Jasmine: (Grips Nicks shirt with her fingers, curling up her legs so she feels more secure)
Donovan: (Rubs his hands together. Sometimes she’d even run away from school without telling anyone, yet she never got a paddling or even a warning slip for doing so. Everyone just moved on eventually and let her do her own thing…)
Nick: Ssh… *rubs her back some, too*
Jasmine: (Settling down as they comfort her with a few whines and whimpers of pain, once again holding Nick in a death grip)
Donovan: (Briefly turns around to cast her a glance. Now this is the consequence of allowing her to do what she wanted without an adult saying no, she’s wild, unpredictable, untamed and doesn’t want to listen to authority figures if she doesn’t agree with them. By the time her aunt caught on and started grounding Jas and sending her to time out it was too late, she’d just ignore these disciplinary measures and walk away. He knows because he watched with a wide open mouth each time)
Jasmine: (Pulls herself closer to her Dad, crying softly)
Donovan: (On one hand he’s kinda grateful for her rebellious attitude, the corporal punishment system in school was as usual unfair to the last of the least, they’d always get slips for the stupidest littlest mistakes. Once they got three, it was sore bottom for the unlucky victim. As usual their only saving grace was Rosie who’d raise up a hellfire storm if she found out the ridiculous reasons her friends were getting sentence to a paddling for)
Nick: *shakes his head in dissapointment. She WILL get herself killed pulling these stunts one of these days. It’s not a matter of if anymore*
Donovan: (Knows that Rosie knows better than this, he can’t understand why she keeps doing it though. She’s a smart kid, can’t she see how utterly stupid doing these reckless actions are? How much danger it puts others and herself in? He just scratched the surface on his earlier lecture about the consequences of running away from the safety of her family and friends)
Jasmine: (Still has Nick in a python death hold, snuggling as close as she can get to him while the pain pounds in her)
Donovan: (Folds his arms and turns away again. He hopes Nick can get through to her and establish that she can’t do her own things anymore, he’ll put in his own two cents second time if it helps. Or really do anything to show her reason)
Jasmine: (Starts coughing wildly on her tears and spit, her dry mouth feeling like sandpaper)
Ma: “Oh…” (Pats the girls back to help her breathe better) “Breathe, sweetheart.”
Nick: *strongly considering mentioning the vault as a reason why she shouldn’t run off. He hates that it’s come to it but nothing else seems to reach her. For now he waits until she’s settled down*
Jasmine: (After a few minutes of panicked and strained breaths she calms down to as close to normal as she can get while in this state, still not letting up her grip on her father while she huddles close to him for both security and warmth)
Ma: (Still rubbing slow circles on Jazzy’s back and sides, glancing at her shoulder wound then down at her leg wound)
Donovan: (Pacing back and forth at the end of the room)
Nick: I suggest working on one of the bullet wounds now while she has a hold on me. I’m pretty sturdy so I should be fine.
Ma: (Was lost in a trance while idly rubbing Jas’s back) “What was that-? Oh…” (Dabs at her eyes with her handkerchief once more)
Jasmine: (Kicks her feet when she hears that they will be touching her again) “No! No! No! No more!”
Donovan: (Rushes back over to stop her from kicking as she almost hits the table with her feet) “Shh, Rosie… We can’t leave you like this…” (Holds down her ankles)
Nick: It’s for your own good. *to Ma* Whenever you’re ready.
Ma: (Takes out a pair of tweezers and stands over Jas’s leg wound, gently moving the girl so she’s straighten out a little) “Alright, here we go…” (Looks up at the two men to give them a nod, disinfecting the work area and her tools before she takes a deep breath and starts trying to extract the bullet)
Jasmine: (Screams hells rage as she grips her Dad as tightly as she can and buries her face in his shirt, doing her best to kick away whatever is causing the pain but is stopped by Donny who’s keeping her still)
Ma: (Quietly) l’m sorry little Rosa-Marie… Please hold tight for me…”
Jasmine: (Heaves a few heavy breaths and growls as the bullet continues to be dug out, the programming taking ahold. She releases Nick and grabs her knife that’s hidden in her bra, shooting upright to hold it out at Ma threateningly)
Ma: (Gasps and takes two steps back, putting a hand over her heart in more of surprise at the sudden movement than fear)
Donovan: (Eyes widen as he sees the look in the girls eyes rapidly change as they did back at the orphanage) “Rosalinda!” (Puts more pressure on her legs so she can’t move)
Nick: *quickly snatches the knife out of the girl’s hand with his own exposed one* You’re not stabbing anyone here. *tosses it far behind him so she can’t steal it back then pins her to the bed with his arm just as Donny did before, to Ma* Keep at it.
Jasmine: (Hisses like a feral kitten and tries to thrash so she can stay away from the pain but her Dad is too strong for her) “No! No! No!”
Ma: (Recovers and nods, returning to her place by the wound. She takes her tools and starts digging in again)
Donovan: (Looks at Nick, then down at his feral daughter who’s crying and trembling)
Jasmine: (Yelps and mewls when Ma starts up again, closing her eyes) “Stop it! Please, it hurts too much….” (Tosses her head to the side) “Please, I am sorry. Just stop it…”
Ma: (Glances up at the two men) “Please keep her still, I am almost done here…”
Donovan: (Puts more pressure on her ankles, moving up slightly as to not hurt her joints)
Nick: *keeping her as still as possible* Sorry, kitten… it’ll be over soon… *passes Ma the sutures with his free hand* 
Jasmine: (Pleading) “Please, I am sorry. Please stop….”
Ma: (Pulls out the bloodied bullet and puts it on a tray, prepping to stitch up the wound)
Jasmine: (Starts sobbing incoherent sentences as Ma starts to carefully stitch up the wound)
Donovan: (Looking away, wincing at each cry the girl gives)
Nick: It’s alright, doll… *pets her hair with his free hand* Ssh… 
Ma: “Almost down, sweetie.” (Snips the final stitch and gives it a quick wipe down, stepping back while turning to Nick. She looks at Jasmines shoulder where the final bullet wound is, wondering how they’ll pull this off)
Donovan: (Releases Jazzy and takes a deep breath while he stands straight, rubbing his hands together)
Nick: Pass me a clean pair of tweezers and some sutures and I’ll get right to it since I’m up here. *extends a hand* 
Ma: (Hands him the needed supplies before she takes Jas’s hands and gently holds them) “There there, Rosa-Marie. We are at the final stretch.”
Donovan: (Takes his place at keeping Jazzy from kicking, trying not to cry himself. It hurts him to see the sweet little girl he once knew be in so much pain)
Jasmine: (Whimpers quiet pleas for it to be over already between sobs, it’s too much pain for even her) “No more…”
Nick: *does exactly what he said. It doesn’t take him long either to get ahold of the bullet and pull it out. Very precise. Then he starts stitching her up just as quick* 
Jasmine: (Is too weak and tired to scream anymore, she’s just begs and hoarsely cries for Nick to stop)
Ma: (Rubbing the girls arms to soothe her) “Ssh, baby. We’re done with the worst now.”
Donovan: (Takes Jasmines hand and gives a gentle squeeze, a tear going down his face from his one good eye)
Nick: Well. *snips the last bit of suture* Almost. *cleans up her shoulder* We still need to apply the salve to these bullet wounds and bandage her up. 
Donovan: “Can’t be as bad as all of that…” (Starts prepping more rags and water just in case after bringing fresh bandages)
Ma: (Hands Nick the salve, carefully helping Jas sit up so they can bandage her shoulder and sides better)
Jasmine: (Brokenly weeping and trembling like a leaf as she covers her face with her hands, curling in her legs again)
Ma: (Cradles the girl against her so she doesn’t fall over as she strokes her hair) “You’re okay, sweetheart. You’re okay…”
Jasmine: (Reaches out for her Dad with both of her arms, whimpering quietly)
Nick: *rubs the salve on her shoulder then passes it to Donny, allowing her some comfort by holding her* 
Jasmine: (Clings to her Dad as tightly as she can, burying her face in his shirt while she blubbers inaudible words and strings of what sounds like apologies)
Donovan: (Blinks at the salve and looks at Jazzy, then hands it to Ma while he starts cleaning up)
Ma: (Rubs the salve on her sides and leg wounds, whispering soothing words while doing so. She takes some waterproof bandages and wraps up Jas’s stitches and her sides, having to temporarily peel the girl from her father) “Shall I prepare the bathroom so we can wash her up?”
Nick: *nods, not minding them peeling Jas off if him to do what they need to do* That would be wise, yeah. 
Ma: (Takes off the bloodied apron she had been wearing and tosses it in the bin with all the other rags that have to be washed, leaving the med room to make sure the bathroom is clear and cleaned)
Jasmine: (Whines from the shocks of pain she’s getting, her eyes partly shut while she claws at Nicks shirt. She starts breathing quickly and kicking her feet like a toddler)
Ma: (Returns after a few minutes holding a small basket with soap and sponges) “Whenever you’re both ready, the bathroom is just across from here.” (To Donovan) “Would you mind preparing the guest room, dear? I’ll clean up in here later.”
Donovan: “Yeah, sure.” (Walks up to Jas to give her one more reassuring kiss on her head before he leaves to do what Ma requested)
Nick: *looks down at his bloodied shirt and pants* If you have a spare set of clothes for me, I’ll take it after the bath. *picks Jas up bridal style* 
Gardio: *just now getting back to the lighthouse. He climbs out of the powerarmor to keep any misunderstandings from happening and rests a hand around Lucille’s shoulder as they approach the door* 
Nick: *follows Ma to the bathroom with Jas in hand* 
Gardio: *knocks on the door. It’s almost thunderous. Almost* 
Teshteal: *leaps up and does a smaller lighter knock just after his. It almost sounds like a child’s* 
Jasmine: (Puts her arms around her Dads shoulders and buries her face in the crook of his neck. She shrieks and whimpers when she hears the loud knock, gripping Nick tighter as her heart races)
Ma: (To Nick) “Yes of course, I was just about to get you both something clean to wear from the laundry room.” (Opens the door to the bathroom and motions inside. There’s a clawfoot tub with a removable shower nozzle above it and a curtain. She sets down the little basket on a table besides the toilet, gesturing to the tub) “I’m going to get that, you may settle in Rosalinda.” (Leaves the bathroom while closing the door behind her)
Pirate: (Sniffing through the cracks of the main door, whining while she spins in circles in anticipation on who’s outside)
Ma: (Swings the main door open and gives a tired smile at the group, stepping aside yo let them in from the rain) “I was wondering where you two had wandered off.” (Looks at Lucille, immediately putting it together who she is. (It’s a mother thing) ) “Apologies for our initial wariness to you honey, we were both taken aback and worried for Rosie’s well-being…” (Grabs some more towels from the cabinet and hands them out so her guests can dry off)
Teshteal: *shook himself dry in the entrance way* 
Gardio: *after leading Lucille in and dodging Teshteal’s shower* Thank you, miss. *dries himself off* 
Dogmeat: *Barks happily when he sees Lucille* 
Lucille: *smiles at the dog despite him not being able to see her face* Hey, boy. *waves at him before accepting the towel and drying herself off* 
Ma: (Looks the group over, frowning to herself at how tired they are under their eyes and movements. She can sense it) “You all look exhausted….” (Turns to Lucille) “Would you like that soup now? All of you?” (Gestures behind her) “We’ve also got a shower stall at the bottom of the lighthouse if anyone wants to freshen up, I’ll bring some more clean clothes and toiletries. There are some guests staying at the top of our lighthouse but they won’t come down until morning.”
Lucille: *freezes at the continued offer of warm soup and finds herself about to cry at the fact she was willing to eat cold, 200 year old canned cram for dinner* P-please- you don’t need to feed me after my outburst from earlier. *sniffs* 
Gardio: *sighs deeply* Lucille… don’t punish yourself like that. 
Lucille: N-no, it’s just- I don’t want to put her out- 
Gardio: Three bowls, ma'am. One for each of us. 
Lucille: *holds herself in confusion* 
Teshteal: I think I’ll be fine. I don’t like the idea of water rushing at me- aaaggh! 
Gardio: *scooped him up under his arm and hauling him away to the shower* We’re sharing the shower then. 
Teshteal: That does not make me feel better. 
Gardio: We can keep on something down there for modesty. 
Teshteal: Still not comfortable but okay. 
Ma: (Pats and squeezes Lucille’s shoulder with a kind and warm smile) “Honey it’s no trouble at all, you need to eat after this ordeal…” (Sighs and starts to leave to the laundry room) “Alright then, hold on a moment.” (Returns with a basket of fluffy towels, sponges, bath salts, and prewar soaps and lotions for them to pick to their liking from. In her other arm is a change of regular clothes for each of the three along with freshly washed and soft pajamas just in case they would like to wear that) “If any of you want to wait for the big restroom to open up for a relaxing bath that’s perfectly fine also.” (Gives Lucille her set of day clothes and a silky soft long blue nightgown along with a fluffy robe to put on top)
Pirate: (Barks at Dogmeat, wanting to play again a game of wrestle)
Ma: (Hands the two men their clothes and set of silk pajamas before she spins on her heel and heads off to the kitchen to prep them soup and bread before she can return to Nick and Jas)
Cat and Chicken: (Casually chilling together cuddled up on a armchair in the living room)
Teshteal: *Perks up hearing there’s a bathtub* I’d rather take a bath than a shower. Alone. Without a tall person looming over me. 
Gardio: *sets Teshteal down* Please remember to bathe, then. 
Teshteal: I will, after all I’m the one putting myself in the water not the other way around. 
Gardio: *sighs and points at Dogmeat* You tell me if he hasn’t bathed. 
Lucille: What about me? 
Gardio: You need to worry about you for a bit. *grabs a sandlewood scented soap, a lavendar lotion, a soft towel, a sponge, and his clothes* I’m heading up for a shower. *goes to the bathroom where the shower stall is* 
Lucille: *holding her nightgown and day clothes uselessly. What is she supposed to do if she can’t help people?“
Teshteal: *sniffs out a rosemary soap and takes it. He grabs a matching lotion to go with it* 
Lucille: *wondering how she amassed so much prewar bath stuff without using them all over 200 years… unless she makes them by hand somehow. But that would mean she found plants that have similar enough scents* 
Teshteal: *picks out a fluffy and soft floral printed towel. It’s so soft he could use it as a blanket. His eyes dilate into disks as he rubs it on his face* So… soffft… 
Dogmeat: *barks happily and leaps at the other dog to start their game of wrestling* 
Ma: (Sets the table with three bowls that are filled with piping hot chicken noodle soup. She opens the oven and brings over a basket of spongy dinner rolls along with a real pat of butter) “Please have a seat and enjoy.” (Brings out a pitcher of sweetened tarberry water and a three cups. She covers Gardio’s bowl so it will still be warm when he returns) “I had Donny prepare the guest room so you all may get some proper rest. There are a few beds up in the attic as a second option, but I’m afraid it can get unbearably chilly up there during the night.”
Pirate: (Borks happily right back and starts play growling as the two furry tornados of chaos spin around the house)
Cat: (Stretches out and lovingly wraps her paws around her chicken friend)
Lucille: I’ll take the attic. I have a blanket in my… *remembers her bag’s outside in the rain* Bag… *feels kind of stupid now* I’ll just endure the cold. I’m sure Jasmine, Dad, or Teshteal need the bed in the guest room more. Nick tends to not need sleep but he does run diagnostics so the chair might be good for him- *has a problem with putting everyone before herself especially when she feels guilty and it shows* 
Teshteal: *sets down his selection of bath goods and rushes to the table to eat his share of soup*
Ma: (Takes Lucille by the shoulders and guides her to sit at the table) “That’s nonsense sweetie, there are plenty of beds and bunk beds in the guest room along with more than enough blankets to go around.” (Gestures at the homemade meal in front of the young woman and hands her a spoon. The aroma alone is mouthwatering, the presentation is even better) “Dig in and take a few bites, there’s more if you want some and then you can wash up. After that see how you feel, I’m sure a warm bed in a cozy room will sound more appealing. Don’t you think?” (Smiles warmly down at her, encouraging her to eat the soup and bread)
Lucille: *guess she’s sitting down at the table and eating soup. She takes off her helmet and sets it next to her plate on the table. She takes a spoonful and soon finds herself diving in* 
Nick: *already helping Jas wash up where appropriate in a warm bath- especially her hair*
Jasmine: (Half conscious and still can’t see shit. She’s allowing herself to relax and melt in the warmth of the bath, Dad is right here with her so she feels safe and secure enough to do so. She’s still tearful and whimpering from the pain and occasionally shifts and squirms from it but otherwise remains still)
Ma: (Smiles again at the two seated at her table. She gently fixes and pats Lucille’s hair assuredly before she turns around and heads off to the bathroom with Jasmines and Nicks new clothes tucked under her arms. She knocks on the door before slipping inside) “How are we doing in here, Dad? How’s your little one holding up?” (Trying to signal to Nick that she understands that Jas is his daughter now)
Jasmine: (Shrieks and covers her face with her hands while curling up and leaning towards Nick for protection)
Nick: It’s okay, Rosie… *scrubbing her shoulders with a sponge* She’s doing as well as she can in her current state. I’ve had to change out the water once already. It got pretty dirty on her first initial soak. 
Gardio: *in the other bathroom, scrubbing himself down thoroughly and humming a blues style song to himself. It isn’t long until he’s out and in his night clothes with a towel around himself. He takes a moment to check his apparence in the mirror, stroking at the sparse strands of light purple hair left on his head and chin* No sense shaving it off… give it another 200 years and I’ll be bald. *sighs, Lamenting his beard and hair. 
Lucille: *eats a roll of bread, finding herself absolutely famished* 
Teshteal: *eating another bowl of soup already. Doesn’t matter how bad they made the food taste in the vault, he still ate it then and he’ll eat it now* 
Jasmine: (Takes her hands off her face and stares up at her Dad blankly)
Ma: (Kneels down at the head of the tub, examining Jasmines pale skin and lips and sullen eyes) “Hm, she’s definitely anemic from the blood loss…” (Carefully runs her fingers through the girls hair) “Her hair is a little thinner now, but I’ll assume other factors played into that long before now.”
Jasmine: (Whines and lowers her head, some of her wet curls covering her face)
Ma: (Kindly) “May I wash your beautiful hair, sweetheart? I won’t touch you anywhere else for now.” (Takes a bottle of gentle baby shampoo out of the basket that she had chosen for the girl. She had also picked out a lightly scented rose body wash and lotion and a coconut conditioner. She would have added a bath bomb into the water if the teen wasn’t covered in wounds and bruises)
Jasmine: (Doesn’t answer but she makes no effort to protest against Ma’s offer)
Ma: (Looks at Nick for permission as Jas doesn’t seem to care)
Nick: Go ahead. The girl needs all the cleanliness she can get. *starts gently scrubbing her arms* I don’t think she has the energy to scrub the more… *clears his throat- or rather makes a noise like it* Sensitive? Parts herself otherwise I’d leave that to her. *looks pointedly to Ma, as if silently asking her for her help on that* 
Gardio: *walks out looking cleaner than he has in a long while. He drops off his clothes in a dirty clothes hamper and goes to sit down at the table. Despite his lumbering size, he’s very careful and precise with his soup and spoon* 
Lucille: *deadpan* Oh. It’s my turn. *gets up and collects her night dress and towel- the least fluffy one to leave the best for the others. She picks out two scruffy looking rags for the same reason. She does pick out a honey and oatmeal soap and the lotion that goes with it, though* 
Teshteal: *looks kind of worried for her. She’s been even more self sacrificing since the Nucleus* Is she going to be okay…? 
Gardio: *pauses, placing the spoon already back in the bowl he’s holding with his hand and looks over at Lucille* I don’t know. I really hope so. 
Lucille: *walks to the bathroom where she takes off a lot of her armor- first the Railroad armor, then the Chest of Acadia, then all the armor that she had on for her shoulders and arms. She looks at her face in the mirror then at her remaining white hand and the patches that go up her left side and mid section winding up to the back of her neck that contrast heavily with her darker skin. It’s been a while since she’s actually really looked at herself…*
Lucille: *she sighs at the gen 2 eye where her left one was. There’s a scar warping around a sealed box that gives her brain connection to the eye there… she touches it with her right hand- that beat up old synth hand that’s been dented and scratched from working cases long closed before she even exited Vault 111. She traces the white patches where bullets stung her- where she was patched up by a doctor or herself* 
Ma: (Sighs as she picks up a bin to scoop water in) “Let me see if I can get her to warm up to me first. Frightening her and getting her worked up even more is the last thing we need.” (Notes the fearful glint in the girls eyes and the way she covers herself with her arms when Nick suggested that) “Shh, it’s okay. Lean your head back for me, Rosie.”
Jasmine: (Doesn’t move while Ma tilts her head back so she can scoop up some water and pour it on her scalp. She’s completely stiff and frozen in place, staring off like zombie)
Ma: (Starts to lather the baby shampoo on the girls scalp, massaging in small circles around her roots with her fingers) “It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten the privilege of working with long hair, even more so one with gorgeous curls…”
Nick: *gently lifts one of Jas’s legs to wash it after lathering more soap on the sponge* All we’re doing is bathing you, kitten. Just getting you nice and clean. Then we can get you to bed. *smiles warmly at his daughter* 
Lucille: *Despite her father never once blaming her or showing any anger towards her about the loss of her mother, she feels like she’s had to help others just to make up for being alive ever since she found out her mother died in childbirth… that was around 10 years old. She tried so hard after that- to stay out of trouble, to help people, to fight for what’s right, just to make up for the life she took when she was born. Now she’s being told to stop and rest. The last time she truly did that was before the war and then the world ended and her family got torn apart. Even when she’s with Curie, she hardly takes time for herself. How the hell is she supposed to do that? She drags herself to the shower with her helmet full of the rags and soap, turning it on and adjusting the temperature. She takes the time to wash her helmet first. Then her actual body. By that time the water’s warmed up… then she scrubs down some of her armor. She walks out and rubs some lotion on her face and legs after drying herself off with the worst towel in the basket. Then she slips on her nightgown… but feels weirdly naked without something else over her so the robe goes on next… and yet she feels just as bare as before. It feels… strange not having armor on at all* 
Jasmine: (Blinks at her Dad with a little glimmer of recognition in her red and tear eyes, humming softly)
Ma: (Starts sectioning off parts of Jasmines hair so she can better clean it. She may have to do another shampooing after she untangles it as the knots make it harder to do so now)
Jasmine: (Makes no acknowledgment of Ma, just keeps her childlike eyes on her father)
Ma: (Smiles as she tenderly washes the girls hair, looking down at her over her shoulder as she does so) “Your mama was so proud to call you her daughter. I remember her walking around town beaming with you as a baby wrapped snuggly against her chest in a sling. She introduced you to everyone who was willing to meet the pretty itsy-bitsy baby girl with the biggest magically beautiful eyes and the most adoring smile they have ever seen. All the ladies cooed over you because you were just the cutest little thing, so lively and sweet.”
Jasmine: (Doesn’t change her face at Ma’s story, but her heart skips a beat at the mention of her late mother)
Nick: *smiles at the tale as he scrubs her other leg* 
Lucille: *sets her armor by the fire then the rest of her clothes in the hamper. She kind of stands in confusion at what to do next in the middle of the livingroom* 
Donovan: (Comes sulking down the staircase, dragging his feet while he walks. He gives a vague and tired wave at the group as he walks over to get himself a bowl of stew, flinching back suddenly) “OW- Son of a GUN!!!” (Accidentally burnt himself on the pot and starts shaking out his hand from the pain)
Chicken: (Clucks loudly from her place on the armchair with the cat, almost sounding like she’s laughing mockingly at him)
Donovan: (Crosses his arms dramatically and raises a nonexistent eyebrow) “Thats funny to you, yeah? Well you better watch yourself or that’s going to be YOU next!” (Points to the pot of chicken noodle soup and the small pot besides it that’s boiling the bones of a chicken to make stalk for later)
Chicken: (Clucks and chitters again, shaking out her luscious feathers)
Donovan: (Sighs as he leans against the wall opposite of the table to eat) “You’re right, Ma will have MY head if I take ya out behind the barn or even think about it. Damn you, spoiled rotten hen.” (Smirks to himself as he eats the delicious stew)
Ma: (Puts a hand on Jas’s forehead to shield her eyes while she pours water on her hair to wash out the shampoo) “Angie went everywhere with you cuddled close, I thought she’d bite my hand clean off when I suggested she find a daycare to bring you to when you grew up a little. Most working mothers wait a few months or so before they start handing off their little ones to a babysitter, not this Mama Bear. She wanted you by her side 24/7 for as long as she could have you.”
Jasmine: (Would smile at this if she could)
Ma: (Gets the coconut and vanilla conditioner out from the basket, getting ready to put it in the girls hair)
Lucille: *flinches a little at the idle threat and insult towards the chicken. She isn’t sure why it bothers her that much*
Gardio: *reminds him of growing up on the farm so he can’t help but smirk*
Teshteal: *squatting and watching the baby chicks in the pool with immense fascination*
Ma: (To Nick as she starts putting conditioner on the girls hair) “I think we have to refresh the water again, it’s looking a little murky.” (Carefully leans Jas forwards so she can get scrunch the conditioner in her curls as that makes them set better)
Jasmine: (Gasps and makes a strained noise like she’s struggling for a breath of air as her weak arms grapple the sides of the tub to stop herself from going forwards face first into the water)
Ma: (Stops immediately and pulls back at her reaction) “Rosa-Marie, honey. I’m just putting the conditioner in your hair. That’s all…” (Wants to assure her with by putting a hand on her shoulder but she’s unsure if her merely touching Jas is what’s triggered the reaction)
Jasmine: (Starts trembling and breathing quickly as tears well up in her eyes and stream down her cheeks again. She stares at the murky water that feels like it’s inches from taking her under and swallowing her whole with her arms being the only thing to hold her up)
Ma: (Turns to Nick again, unsure what to do. She’s worried about the girl getting worked up again, fearing that her fragile and vulnerable state wouldn’t be able to handle it)
Nick: *puts a hand on her shoulder reassuringly after he pulls the plug* Rosalinda, you’re alright… I’m right here.
Lucille: *quietly to herself, holding her synth arm* What do I do…?
Teshteal: *thinks they’re so adorable. He wants to hold one* I wish we could ride giant fluffy versions of you through the wasteland. *swishes his tail as he fantasizes dreamily*
Donovan: (Slurps down the rest of his soup and wipes his mouth with a cloth) “If any of you want to take a rest now, the guest room is all set up.” (Walks over to pet his cat between the ears and ruffle the chickens feathers affectionately with a smile) “Little brats, gotta love ya…” (To Teshteal) “Go ahead and pick one up if you’d like, or very carefully sit in there with them.”
Jasmine: (Watches the water go down the drain with wide eyes, taking Nicks hand in hers and squeezes it while she leans back with her legs tucked under her chin)
Ma: (Waiting off to the side until Jasmine is ready or Nick tells her it’s okay to continue. Luckily the conditioner is already soaking in her hair)
Jasmine: (Puts one hand to her throat with a whimper, swearing that she couldn’t breathe a second ago and she felt hands gripping onto her hair painfully, forcing her down into the tub of water…)
Nick: Just a bad memory, kitten… *squeezes her hand as he starts running the water and adjusting the temperature*
Lucille: Okay. *starts looking for the guest room aimlessly*
Gardio: *to Donovan after hearing his daughter fruitlessly open doors, possibly because she’s not doing so well mentally* You may want to help her…
Lucille: I can find it. I’m pretty sure-
Gardio: *gets up and walks over to Lucille* Starlight… *puts his hands on her shoulders* It’s okay to have help. You don’t need to do everything yourself. Surely you know this.
Lucille: I don’t want to put people out-
Gardio: You aren’t. You’re just looking for the guest room.
Lucille: But it’s such a simple task… I can do that on my own. It’s not like this is Nuka World or downtown Boston.
Gardio: True… but generally if you don’t know something it’s better to ask.
Lucille: *frowns*
Teshteal: *tiny gasp at the fact he can sit with them in the pen. He carefully steps in and sits like a cat, super still, among the baby chicks with the stupidest happiest grin*
Baby Chicks: (All peep curiously and hobble on up to Teshteal to check him out)
Donovan: (Goes up the stairs after Gardio and Lucille) “It’s just over here.” (Leads them into a large, nicely decorated and clean room that has three bunk beds lined against the wall with a few single beds in between. On one of the beds is five sets of fresh blankets and fluffed up pillows that had been set out so the group can choose their sleeping spots)
Joyce: (So confused on why Lucille opened the door to her room then slammed it shut while she was reading a book)
Jasmine: (Anxiously starts clawing at her chest with her free hand and strained cries, rubbing her ankles together)
Ma: (Panicked) “Oh! Don’t do that to yourself sweetheart…”
Nick: *takes that hand in his* I’m just warming the water so we can keep cleaning you up. *grabs another sponge, puts it under the water to give it some weight then hands it to her to squeeze* Here. Something to squeeze to help ease the stress.
Lucille: Ah. I see. I’ll sleep on the top bunk. *grabs a thin blanket and climbs up the nearest ladder*
Gardio: Goodnight sweetheart. *turns to Donovan* I’m not ready to sleep but if you have any prewar books to read, I wouldn’t mind reading one in bed. *motions to Lucille* Might read it to her to help her feel better.
Lucille: Are you trying to read me a bed time story??
Gardio: No, I’m simply reading aloud from the bottom bunk.
Donovan: (Points to a small shelf against the wall that is lined with copies of different books in good condition) “Feel free to help yourself. If you need anything else like even more blankets or so, just ask.” (Leaves the room to return downstairs and continue waiting for Jas to come out of the bathroom)
Gardio: *picks up Treasure Island and lays down. He starts reading the book aloud to her from the bottom bunk as promised*
Jasmine: (Takes the offered sponge and squeezes it, raising her head to stare up at her Dad with wide eyes that have a mixture of hurt and fear in them from the memory)
Ma: (Reaches behind her and takes out a rubber duck from the shelf under the table, placing that in the water with the girl while she scoots closer)
Nick: *softly smiles at her* Hey, Rosie… *reaches behind her to wash her back and rear then rinces off the sponge and soaps it up again to gently wash other areas they haven’t quite gotten because of the water*
Teshteal: *softly at the chicks* Hi there, little guys…
Donovan: (Sits down on the sofa with a heavy sigh, watching Teshteal happily play with the chicks in the baby pool)
Jasmine: (Doesn’t flinch at this or protest, she fully trusts Nick so why would she. She only whimpers from the pain of the wounds occasionally, still very lightheaded and disoriented. Her eyes end up fixated on the rubber ducky Ma put in the water, watching with interest and curiosity as it slowly bobs up and down in the filling tub)
Ma: (Smiles at the two with tears in her eyes, so damn grateful that little Rosie has a father who obviously cares about her and loves her dearly)
Nick: *eventually stops the water and starts rinsing her off. To Ma* You can start rinsing her hair off, now.
Ma: (Nods and takes out a brush to brush Jas’s hair with. She sections into parts again and carefully pinches off the area she’s working on with one hand so she doesn’t tug on the girls roots)
Jasmine: (Still not looking at Ma, she’s too delighted by the rubber ducky floating in the water to pay attention)
Ma: (Decides to finish the story she was telling earlier as she works out the knots) “Your mother would show up at houses and offices to clean with a bucket and broom in hand and a tiny tyke on her back, ready to multitask. Count her lucky stars that you hardly ever cried for much, most called you an angel child with how sweet and well behaved you were.”
Jasmine: (Paws at the duck with her hands like a kitten would do with a toy)
Ma: (Has to chuckle at the kittenish girl) “Such a clever tiny tot you were, ready to explore the new world and figure out all its secrets and mysteries. Nine months and you were already pointing at objects and mimicking what we called them in your baby talk.” (Finishes brushing her hair and starts to rinse out the conditioner) “So, so clever…” (Pats the teens head affectionately)
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golden--doodler · 5 months
I'm getting a teensy bit more comfortable showing my face (at least my past self's face, pfffft) so for Throwback Thursday, have some photos of my sister and me being goofy throughout the years~
Starting with some really old photos of when we were just lil' bambinos:
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Here's a more recent (but still kind of old) photo of my sister and me being goofy with a couple hula dancer cutouts:
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And finally ending on some more Disney World photos (I was wearing these gigantic sunglasses that covered my face so much 😭):
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qsmprambling · 8 months
ElQuackity trying to encouraging bullying and being bullied into being anti-bullying by the most patient and nice guy on the server is going to be up there with favourite moments of QSMP pfffft!
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moonlightsmasquerade · 10 months
I'm just thinking of the Alternate in Jonah car just trying to get him to sign up For a subscription plan-
Alternate voice: and if you sign up now-
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snowy-bones · 11 months
*Sam’s wheezing in laughter, stumbling in, trying to stay up from laughing so hard* Snowy—AHAHA—SNOWY! OH GODS IM CRYING 🤣🤣 I got something for ya—Ohh my stomach and back hurts—I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥲
*falls over, rolling*
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altrxisme · 6 months
been ages since i've done a whole day of just playing a game owo it's been chill c: also ig in Jo's bg.3 playthrough she's somewhat smitten with the wizard of the group
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Strings,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #2.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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thewhizzyhead · 2 years
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im sorry i know they are all cool dudes but when i saw this team i just straight up started laughing because hell this was a surprise
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tenebriism · 4 months
(ardynzunia) Ardyn to ignis "Smash" and L'Calem to Estinien "smash" with a "pass" to Aymeric. He's too nice for calem.
SMASH or P a s s Meme - [ ACCEPTING ] ;;
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There he goes again, genuinely caught off GUARD. Sometimes, one may swears the advisor forgets he has a whole partner, and that partners are KNOWN to want to, in fact, ' smash ' one another. Then again, were someone to ask him prior to falling for Ardyn if he ever saw himself in a stable, happy relationship, he likely would say no and leave it at that.
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" ... you what? " Is this a dare? Some... idiotic game encouraged by Alisaie or Thancred? " Spare me your jokes. There are far more things to dedicate one's time to than childish games, especially those of THIS nature. "
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As for Aymeric, well... he's more amused that Estinien finds it easier to assume this is all some silly game than to entertain the idea that these answers are TRUTHFUL. " Do not mind my friend, " he reassures, balancing out Estinien's huffy aggression, " I appreciate you including me, even if it is a pass. By no means am I offended, and your honesty is cherished. "
Truth be told, he's just relieved he needn't fumble his way through an awkward rejection. Let Estinien have fun with that; Aymeric is content enough to spectate.
@agent-jaselin ;;
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normanblowup · 2 years
currently daydreaming about murderface buying all the museums in the world as a way to impress me and taking me to them, but like instead of breaking all the shit in them like he normally does we just go around touching the marble statues like i’m pretty sure everyone has wanted to do
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sysig · 2 years
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How you came to be (Patreon)
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Gay gay gay gay homosexual gay
"First of all, I'm bisexual. Second of all, that is not a nickname."
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