#Raja Yoga
ragazzoarcano · 8 months
“La più grande virtù è la pace. Durante la giornata, fermati per un attimo e chiediti: 'Quanto sono tranquillo in questo momento?'
Se qualcuno cerca di toglierti pace, non devi permetterglielo, al contrario, cerca di trovare le virtù negli altri e trasmettigli pace.”
— Raja Yoga
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subir-astrologer · 8 months
It is very common to hear this complain from many of the people that in-spite of having Raj Yoga in their horoscope they still struggle in their life.
In order to understand the reason one need to understand vedic astrology step by step.
Firstly one need to understand how an event happens in the life of a person.
An event that is promised in the horoscope may be positive or negative happens. If it is not promised then it will not happen.
The delivery of an event / happening of an event is given by the current ruling mahadasha period of that time.
The event will happen only if it is promised in the horoscope and the ruling mahadasha period is also signifying the same event.
If the event is promised in the horoscope but mahadasha period is not signifying that event then the event will not happen.
If the event is not promised in the horoscope and the mahadasha period is signifying the event then it will not give the event.
So from the above explanation it is clear that an event operates only during its activation period and that is govern by the mahadasha period.
The transit of the planet acts as trigger button to activate the event during their transit.
RAJ YOGA ( GOOD PERIOD ) IS ALSO AN EVENT WHICH IS TIME BOUNDED. It is like marriage is an event and a person do not get continuously married months after months or year after year. It is time bounded event and occurs only when it get activated at correct time and generally once in life. ( forget about multiple marriage for the time being )
So from here one can understand that the Raj Yoga event is promised in the horoscope but the activation period is during wrong time and so the Raj Yoga goes waste in such person and they struggle if it is signified in the horoscope.
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larryvogelblog · 7 months
An Analysis of Yoga’s Paths to Enlightenment in Hinduism
Yoga, deeply rooted in the ancient spiritual traditions of Hinduism, is a multifaceted and profound practice that offers various paths to enlightenment. It serves as a powerful tool for self-realization and union with the divine. In this article, we embark on an exploration of the diverse paths to enlightenment within the realm of yoga, shedding light on the intricacies and spiritual dimensions of this transformative practice.
1. Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Devotion
Bhakti Yoga is a path centered on devotion and love for the divine. Practitioners of Bhakti Yoga focus on developing a personal and heartfelt connection with a chosen deity or the divine presence. This path involves practices such as prayer, singing devotional songs (kirtan), and acts of service (seva) to express love and surrender to the divine.
2. Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Selfless Action
Karma Yoga is the path of selfless service and action. It emphasizes performing one's duties and responsibilities without attachment to the results. By acting without the desire for personal gain, individuals purify their hearts and minds, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and self-realization.
3. Jnana Yoga: The Path of Knowledge
Jnana Yoga is the path of wisdom and self-inquiry. This path encourages seekers to question the nature of reality and the self. Through contemplation, introspection, and the study of sacred texts, practitioners aim to transcend the limitations of the ego and attain direct knowledge of their true nature.
4. Raja Yoga: The Royal Path of Meditation
Raja Yoga is often referred to as the "royal path" of yoga. This path primarily focuses on meditation and the mastery of the mind. Practitioners work to control their thoughts and emotions, leading to self-realization and union with the divine. The practice of Raja Yoga involves concentration, meditation, and the use of specific breathing techniques (pranayama).
5. Hatha Yoga: The Union of Body and Mind
Hatha Yoga is the path of physical postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama). While it is often associated with the physical aspects of yoga, Hatha Yoga practice aims to create harmony between the body and mind. The practice of asanas enhances physical health, flexibility, and vitality, while pranayama calms the mind and regulates the breath.
6. Kundalini Yoga: Awakening the Serpent Energy
Kundalini Yoga is a path that seeks to awaken the dormant energy (kundalini) believed to reside at the base of the spine. Through various techniques, including postures, breath control, and meditation, practitioners aim to harness this powerful energy, which is said to ascend through the chakras and lead to spiritual enlightenment.
7. Tantra Yoga: The Union of Opposites
Tantra Yoga is a path that seeks to unite opposites, embracing the duality of existence. This path involves practices that integrate the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. While Tantra is often associated with sacred sexuality, it encompasses a wide range of practices that aim to transcend the limitations of the ego and attain union with the divine.
The Common Thread: Enlightenment and Self-Realization
Despite their distinct approaches, all these paths share a common objective: the realization of the self and union with the divine. The essence of yoga is to transcend the limitations of the ego and to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings. Whether through devotion, selfless service, wisdom, meditation, physical postures, energy awakening, or the embrace of duality, the ultimate goal is enlightenment and self-realization.
Yoga's paths to enlightenment in Hinduism form a rich tapestry of spiritual exploration and self-discovery. Each path offers unique practices and insights, allowing individuals to choose the one that resonates most deeply with their spiritual journey. Ultimately, yoga serves as a profound vehicle for transcending the ego, realizing the divinity within, and attaining a state of profound enlightenment and union with the cosmos. Whether through the heart, the hands, the mind, or the body, yoga opens a transformative path that leads individuals toward the profound realization of their true selves and their interconnectedness with all of creation.
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michelleberrybliss · 9 months
Choosing a spiritual path is an incredibly personal journey. We are all on a different journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to spirituality. We must take the time to really reflect, soul search, and discover what our own needs require.
Being in India, I have been thinking a lot about my spiritual path and trying to be more intentional, devoted and laser focused. If you are a yogi, then chances are that like many of us, you have sought to lead a life full of purpose and happiness – free from suffering. You may have read about the philosophies which make up yoga teachings. But there is something fundamental and underlying in…
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venturama · 2 years
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juliaridulaina · 25 days
Ioga volcànic🌋Volcanic Yoga🌋Yoga Volcánico🌋
Es diu Ioga quan representa unió, i Raja Ioga representa unió amb el propi ésser i l’Ésser més pur, Deu. Punts: El ioga de la intensitat d’un volcà, acabarà amb el foc de la corrupció i la violència, capacitarà a les ànimes (persones) a experimentar el missatge de Déu i la forma de la tranquil·litat. Tal com la ciència destrueix armes amb armes, destrueix un avió amb un altre avió, així mateix,…
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maisha-online · 6 months
The Benefits of Yoga for Managing Epilepsy and Seizures
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, leading to various symptoms such as sensory disturbances, convulsions, and loss of consciousness. It affects millions of people worldwide, and in India alone, there are approximately 10 million individuals living with epilepsy. The condition can be caused by factors such as stroke, brain injury,…
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jothishi · 1 year
Learn Astrology 47 | What are Raja Yogas @Jothishi
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Bhagavan Das
Use this Birth for all it's worth! This photo was taken in 1970 outside the retreat hut my Guru Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba set me up with to live in while I meditated and sang to God. At this point I was only consuming one glass of milk per day and doing my Sadhana all night long from sundown to sunrise. Meditating, praying and chanting the Holy Name of God saturated my day to day reality. When's the last time you fully & truly gave yourself to God? Does boredom or agitation set in if you meditate or sing to God for more than a few minutes? My wife @AmulyaMaa and I posted a 45-minute nonstop chant to SHIVA yesterday on YouTube. Amulya edited in many powerful photos of Shiva and Maharaji that will give you a profound & sacred Darshan of the divine reality. If you're ready to dive deeper than an entertaining 3-5 minute song-track then join us for this full online Sadhana. Link to the video is in the comments below. AND, if you are ready to dive even deeper than that, visit us on our website to sign up for our Yoga Mentorship program via private online sessions with us! Use this Birth for all it's worth! GO TO GOD to experience the vastness of your authentic self. Thank you, we Love you @Baba_Bhagavan_Das (Instagram) @AmulyaMaa (Facebook & Instagram) ~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
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drsunnen · 2 years
What are the benefits of Raja yoga?
Raja yoga is an ancient style of yoga that focuses on improving your physical strength, flexibility, and balance. Raja yoga is known for its therapeutic effects on the joints and muscles, which makes it an excellent way to maintain and improve your health.  If you're interested in Raja yoga, Visit our website.
Visit: https://www.drsunnen.com/autogenic-training
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circulopranico · 2 years
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Práctica de yoga para la salud, prosperidad material y espiritual
Suddha Dharma Mandalam / 1977
No hay tradición espiritual que no contenga en sus mesas de trabajo el agua. Cuando revisamos la historia religiosa del hombre veremos que hay consagraciones, aspersiones, abluciones y baños rituales por doquier. Es una maravilla ver a los devotos de Shiva extasiados a la orilla del Ganges en el Kumbha Mela. Cuánta similitud hay entre el mirkve hebreo y los cenotes mayas ¿cierto? El uso práctico y simbólico del agua nos acompaña siempre en esta aventura espiritual.
Bueno, cada domingo a las 11:00 se realiza un hermoso ceremonial en el templo del Mandalam. Luego de saludos, abrazos, campanazos, invocaciones, incineración de ofrendas y canto de mantras, los devotos de esta orden hacen un milenario rito llamado Yoga sandhya de la mañana. Esta práctica es usada hace milenios por los yoguis para purificar sus cuerpos con agua debidamente santificada. Cuando digo cuerpos me refiero al físico y lo sutiles. Perdón por lo enigmático pero es importante hacer estas distinciones cuando hablamos de Yoga con Y mayúscula.
Para abrir este rito al público general, el recordado Sri Vajra Yogui Dasa fue autorizado para extraer, comentar y publicar esta práctica desde otro texto esotérico llamado Sanatana Dharma Dipika. Yoga para la salud describe cada accesorio para su ejecución cómo forma, tamaño y materiales de vasos, aguamaniles y aspersores, por ejemplo. Vajra nos transcribe las voces de mando en sánscrito y en castellano, también virtuosos Gāyatrī (formulaciones mántricas). Con su tono didáctico se explaya en cómo la Suddha Dharma entiende el uso de las velas, inciensos, mantos, etcétera. También señala los mudras y las asanas para que esta práctica pueda desarrollarse óptimamente por los yoguis en cualquier lugar, sin falta.
Como dije, este texto es un extracto de un libro esotérico pero su fuerza, su carga pránica es absolutamente universal y practicable en la actualidad. Quien lo estudie adquirirá fuerza de voluntad, vigor, claridad, sabiduría, entereza moral y cuanto elevado atributo el lector se permita concebir.
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yogadaily · 20 days
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(via % #yoga pose #yoga outfit #yoga flow in 2024 | Yoga poses photography, Outdoor yoga, Yoga inspiration)
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vedicwaves · 2 months
Divinely Beneficial Knowledge about Lord Shiva (Part I)
Series on Shiva the Supreme! – Dr. Dhananjay B. Ghare This article is based on Shiva Purāṇa‘s Vidyeśvara Samhitā. Śaunakaadika (representative of ‘Śaunaka’ group of sages): Respected Sūta Mahāṛṣi, devotees of every God or Goddess are always  a) curious to know more and more about their believed and respected divine powers and  b) willing to perform devotional activities to please, their Gods…
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The 8 Spiritual Powers of the Soul
  What does Spiritual Power or Spiritual Mastery mean to you? This article will take up each of the 8 main spiritual powers of the soul & show you how to apply them for spiritual mastery. The knowledge of the soul and the 8 powers comes through the Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University in Rajasthan, India and is taught at B.K. Centers around the world. This knowledge  guides people of all…
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A shoulder update - 4 and a half months on and almost fully mobile!
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juliaridulaina · 26 days
Mimetisme mundial//World Mimicry//Mimetismo mundial
Allò que algú em veu a fer.., segurament farà el mateix.Aquesta és la dinàmica mundial actual dels éssers humans. Potser durant molt de temps hi ha hagut capteniment, ja sigui per la influència de la religió o per propi punt d’honor, però ara sembla que s’hagin deslligat tots els lligatges que mantenien a la humanitat una mica més humana. Ara sembla estar bé qualsevol comportament. Punt: Els que…
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