#broken shoulder
bethf1300 · 5 months
Renewed Energy
The first week of the new year is completed. I didn’t make resolutions or create new goals. But I have begun working on some things with renewed energy that have been lingering thoughts for the past month. Bible Reading My Bible reading has been haphazard in the past few months. I haven’t been working on a specific plan since I dropped out of the reading plan I had chosen last January. Instead,…
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A shoulder update - 4 and a half months on and almost fully mobile!
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yrsonpurpose · 9 days
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Charles Leclerc wins his home Grand Prix! 🇲🇨 "How are you feeling right now?"
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snivyartjpeg · 1 month
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fairyfortalliance · 7 months
the imagery of no health regen…… wounded skin that doesn’t heal…. torn clothes….. burns…. scorch marks….. bite marks….. blood everywhere…… unraveling bandages…… oh…….
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northflowerowo · 8 days
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"At least she likes us. I've never been liked before."
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sysig · 5 months
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Just keep getting back up (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Asgore#The thought of Gaster able to heal himself! Rather to only have himself to rely on in a world that lives to hurt him (and everyone else)#It's an interesting inversion that's for sure#Is it as satisfying if it's not the one who deserves the broken bones? The pain of rejection or of justice retribution punishment?#It's still the same face - and it's not like he's wholly innocent here either#And besides it's always fun to draw tears hee ♪#Get him just a bit disheveled aside from the broken bone - it's hard to imagine him in different clothes even after drawing him in the dress#Softer clothes would be so nice to hold Babybones with but even just dropping a shoulder off his coat or untying his bow tie - it's strange!#I do like the image of his flower crown shedding petals when he gets roughed up tho hehe - tossed around just a little too much!#Breaking his hand right down the middle - it'd be much easier with the holes in his hands as a weak point#All his bones could break easier than his hands before that but now-#It's weird to draw Asgore like that lol I dunno....Works well enough for utility but pffblt :P I always forget his pauldrons anyhow lol#Really rubbing it in that Gaster will be fiiiine he's sooooo special what with his ability to heal >:( Lol#It does make him a bit of a target - a regenerating punching bag? Ideal to see just how far you can push him#It was fun to draw with my green coloured pencil as well ahh <3 Healing magic always gives me a bit of the warm fuzzies#It was the original comic that made me fall in love with Handplates after all ♥ Pretty and feelings <3
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jasmines-library · 8 months
Oh, Baby.
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WHUMPTOBER DAY 21. Prompt: Vehicular accident.
Fandom: supernatural.
Summary: on the way back from a hunt, an out of control car veers into yours sending it hurtling off of the path and into a tree, leaving you trapped. Too far from the hospital, the Winchesters are left with the task of getting your body from the car as they wait for Cas to arrive.
Warnings: car crash, dislocated shoulder, broken bones/ribs, blood.
Word count: 1.4K
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
Dean was driving too fast. His foot was pressed all the way down on the pedal as he let the impala fly down the road. He was drumming along to the rhythm of the music as you and Sam sang. The hunt had been successful and spirits were high. The three of you were looking forward to a hot shower and a warm bed, because the night was cold and an eerie chill hung in the air.
The October chill had cast a fog over the road, which obscured everything further than a few metres ahead, but Baby was nearing Kansas and Dean knew the roads well, so he wasn’t too fussed by the narrow roads.
But what happened next came out of nowhere. Another passing car had skidded off of the road and veered into your lane. It smashed into the left passenger side of Baby, sending her sliding off the path. Your side of the car took the brunt of the impact as it collided with a tree. The motion sent your body sliding roughly into the door with a force that was sure to leave bruises. The glass spiderwebbed and then shattered, raining down hundreds and thousands of tiny glass flakes over your head.
Dean groaned when the car stilled, sitting up abruptly. His chest felt tight where the seat belt had flattened against his ribs, so he fumbled to unclip his seatbelt. As he twisted he caught sight of his brother whose head hung low against his chest. There was glass in his hair and a small cut on his temple.
“Sam.” Dean reached over to shake his brother. “Sammy.”
Sam sat up abruptly but immediately regretted the pull in his side. “What..?”
“Are you ok?” Dean took in the caved in metal, pissed that he would have to rebuild it again.
“Fine.” Sam brushed the glass from his hair as he too surveyed the damage. But his eyes widened and he gripped his brother's arm when he suddenly remembered you in the backseat. “Y/n.”
The two of them manoeuvred their bodies in the small space so that they could face you. Some of the roof had caved in, which made it hard to see, but they managed to make out your unconscious body in the darkness. It was crumpled against the doorframe. Your head rested on the window ledge, hair matted with blood from where it had collided with the frame and scraped against the shards of glass. Your arm hung at a concerning angle, and they were almost 100% sure your shoulder was dislocated, but they couldn’t tell from this angle.
Dean reached over the seat, straining his body but you were too far away for him to reach you, so he tried to call your name. You didn’t move.
Dean cursed and pushed hard on his doors to open it. “See if you can get her door open.”
Sam forced the door open and clambered out of the car as his brother made his way round the crushed bonnet. Half of your door was completely obscured by the tree that had made the car stop spiralling out of control, making it impossible to open the door.
Dean rammed his fist into the side of the car in a fit of rage.
“Fuck! Sam help me move the car.”
The Winchesters shuffled round to the back of the car and began to haul the car away from the tree. It took a great amount of effort and their boots leaving dents in the frosty ground of them to move the impala, but when it finally inched far enough away from the tree and your door was visible, they breathed a sigh of relief. But immediately took it back when they tugged in the misshaped handle and the door didn’t budge.
Then Dean tried to rouse you again, reaching through the window and rousing your body. You whined as all of the pain flooded in at once.
You twisted your head to glance up at him through droopy eyes. “Dean?”
“It’s us.”
You whimpered as you tried to shift, pinned down by your seatbelt. “Hurts.”
“We know sweetheart. We’re gonna get you out of there. Just hold on for us okay?”
You nodded, but made no noise.
Sam tried the handle again but it was stuck down firmly as if someone had welded the pieces together and then encased them in a layer of concrete just to make sure that they were secure.
He then considered the window. They could pull you out from it but that would run the risk of injuring you further, especially with the shards of glass jutting out from the bottom. It was far from Sam’s first choice, but at the moment it was looking like their only option.
“Give me your jacket.” He reached out a hand to his brother.
“What?” Without his jacket the cold air would bite at Dean’s skin. Sam knew this, but Dean’s jacket was thicker than his and would provide you more protection when they moved you.
“Just give it to me.”
Dean shrugged it off after pocketing his phone and placed it in his brother's hands who then laid it across the bottom of the window and leaned forwards to talk to you.
“Okay Kid I need you to unbuckle your seatbelt. Can you do that for me?”
You fumbled blindly for the buckle, wincing at the tug on your arm and ribs, both of which were already forming dark bruises and were more likely than not broken in some places. You relaxed as the pressure lessened, but without the fabric keeping you in place, your body slumped forwards.
Sam hooked his arm under your shoulders ready to guide you out of the window. “This is gonna hurt sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
When Sam tugged upwards you screamed. Every inch of your body burned as he slid you out of the window. The strain on your shoulder was immense, and the brothers were now certain that it was dislocated.
“Stop.” You begged. “Please.”
Sam’s eyes brimmed with tears. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry but I can’t.”
He pulled you out the last stretch of the window without adding too many cuts to your fragile body, only a few nicks here or there. Dean helped ease you down onto the ground.
“Cas is on his way.” He told his brother, who gave him a brief nod of acknowledgment because his full attention was on you. It was too far to get to the hospital in time.
“We have to pop it back in.” Dean told him, gesturing to your shoulder. “If we leave it like that it’s going to get worse.”
Sam bit his lip. “I know.”
“Please… it hurts” you whimpered. “No more. Please.”
“Just a little bit more and then it’ll stop. I promise.” Sam told you, bracing his hands on your shoulders as Dean leaned you against his chest. You cried into his chest, clinging onto his shirt to hide from the cold.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart.”
“On three.” Sam said. “One. Two-“
He rolled the joint, forcing it back into place before you had time to brace yourself. You cried out sharply, nursing your arm as tears flooded your cheeks.
Shakily he removed his hands.
“All done, y/n. All done.”
Dean rubbed your back gently and cast a worried gaze at his brother who towered above the two of you.
It was fateful waiting for the flutter of wings. Dean held you close to his chest as you shivered. Whether it was from the pain or the cold he didn’t know, but they had to keep forcing you awake when your eyes drifted shut. As Dean held you, Sam made work of trying to salvage anything from the car. He had found a blanket wedged in the backseat and draped it over your shoulders.
At last, Cas finally appeared.
“I am sorry.” He rattled out. “I came as soon as I could.”
“Can you help her?” Sam asked.
He reached out and placed a gentle hand on your forehead from where a blinding light was emitted and then a wave of calm washed over you, soothing all your aches and pains before you fell asleep against Dean’s chest.
“She should be fine now.” Cas instructed “she just needs to rest.”
“Thank you.” Dean pulled your sleeping form and smiled gently into your hair, glad to still have you by his side for a while longer.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
<- DAY 21 ⛤ DAY 23 ->
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dreamtydraw · 4 days
Shoulders pain got unlocked so bad I had to doodle this scene to represent my pain…
Pov me discovering the secret audio in seekl :
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pantherpilz · 1 month
I just love how Rinzler is standing. Clu repurposed Tron, gave him trauma and apparently also neck problems.
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bethf1300 · 8 months
I Fell
The story – I fell Three days ago, I fell. My husband and I were out for a walk. We had already walked a mile, chatting and enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, it is still quite warm in Central Texas, so enjoying the outdoors is still a bit of a chore. On this morning in question, I tripped. Our sidewalks are uneven, and I’ve stubbed my toe before, stumbling, but I’ve never fallen…
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Ten weeks on - how's the shoulder?
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lucywucy126 · 8 months
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Day 3 - injured after a fight
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annemarieyeretzian · 1 month
‘get dorian wherever he needs to go’ thank you aabria iyengar for my fucking life
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paint-it-dead · 6 months
are you mentally stable or are you reading through berserk only to realise that the hand that guts cut off at the eclipse is the same hand that he put on griffith's shoulder after the assassination of the queen and also the hand that he put on griffith's shoulder, again, that was the catalyst for the beggining of the eclipse?
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dailydegurechaff · 4 months
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ive been thinking about one of my fics/aus lately, so naturally i started drawing and writing about them again.
presented with bare minimum context: two members of the von Lergen family + something extra
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