#Right Behind You
fruskyterceol · 2 months
You know when Spy said ‘it could be you, it could be me! It could even-‘ before Soldier kills him?
What could he have said if Soldier didn’t cut him off with a chick-a-pow
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kasienda · 5 months
@coffeebanana challenged me to find three words in my unpublished writing! I was not successful! Haha! I found softly instead of soft, but I'm counting it. And I found crack in an outline and in published chapters, but nothing unpublished, so... And I couldn't find shiver at all. Haha! Which is such a good word! So now, it's a mission to use shiver over the next week or so! But in the meantime, here's some snippets using the reserve words!
Softly from a future chapter of Aftermath.
Her hands covered her mouth. “You’re Chat Noir.” “Yeah, I believe we covered that.”  “But… you helped Ladybug put away your own father. You fought him. I’m so sorry! I never meant to make you choose between your family and the miraculous.” “He was wrong. And he was trying to kill you.”  “That early time was so much deeper than I thought, we all thought you were mourning your father, but it was more complicated. You felt guilty.”  “We all thought you were mourning losing the use of your hand,” he spoke softly, caressing her hand. “Apparently it was much deeper than that.”  “Did you ever tell anyone?” He shook his head. “I thought about telling you.”
Hand - this is probably more than a snippet, but... I don't know if this WIP is ever going to see the light of day so I wanted to include the whole scene. This is from a S4 canon divergent core four OT4 story where Alya's job is to know everyone's identity, but to prevent them from figuring each other out. It's called, Rena Rouge: Secret Keeper.
“You’re dating Chat Noir?!” Marinette asked. “Marinette, calm down,” Alya   “But he’s… supposed to be in love with me!”  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Alya is actually pissed.  Marinette is taken aback.  “Okay, so first of all, you have made it clear on more than one occasion that you were not interested in Chat Noir.” “Yes, but you could have told me!”  “Second, you didn’t see him. He was caving in on himself, he truly believed no one would ever love him! He needed to see so badly that someone did love him. And not just one person.”  “I… I don’t understand. How could you do that to Nino?”  “Nino was on board! I had had feelings for him for awhile, and I happened to know that Nino did, too. We agreed a long time ago that we were allowed to have a relationship with Chat Noir if the opportunity ever presented itself.”  “Why did you never tell me?” “Because it’s fragile, and Chat Noir was uncomfortable with you specifically knowing. We respect his boundaries and his secrets, just as we respect yours.”  Marinette felt her anger deflate. “He loves you, you know. If you asked him to, he would choose you over us. All three of us know that. And we would never want to hold him back from his happiness with you if that was something you decided you wanted.”  “That seems unfair, too.”  “Well, this might seem self serving a bit, but for the record mine and Nino’s agreement didn’t just include Chat Noir.”  “It didn’t?”  Alya shook her head. “It also included Ladybug.” Marinette’s eyes went wide. “What?! You… what?!”  Alya took Marinette’s hand. “I don’t seem to be made for loving just one person. I fall in love at the drop of a hat. And well, I loved you first. Before Nino. Before Chat Noir. I would do anything for you, Marinette. I risk my life, I keep your secrets, I lie to the most important people in my life. It’s because I love you.”
Thread - from the next chapter of Right Behind You. Just wrote some of this today!
“I think this one is helpful,” Tikki called, flying to him with Marinette’s diary open to a date just a few weeks after she took over the Guardianship.  Auras are so pretty. Like I saw Nino’s today! His isn’t as bright as most people’s, but I can still see it! And it’s not just the colors and patterns. His whole aura wraps everyone he encounters in a hug. And it makes me feel warm just looking at it.  Nino read the description twice, smiling. “I’m allowed to read about my own aura?” he asked.  Tikki shrugged. “She really wasn’t specific enough there to cause any issues. Keep going!”   I’m super bummed that I can’t see the ones of the people that I’m closest to. Not Alya or Adrien, or even my parents! I really wish I could see them. At least I can hang out with my friends without getting blinded all the time.  “It’s love, right?” Nino asked out loud, voicing what he had been thinking when he couldn’t see his brother’s aura either.  “No,” Sass said.  “What do you mean, no?” Nino echoed. It felt like the most obvious explanation and the only common thread.  “You need to keep reading,” Tikki says.  “You can see everyone’s aura except your own,” Sass insisted. That’s what Wayzz had said as well.  “That’s obviously not true.”  “Except that it is.”  “Sass! I can’t see Adrien’s aura. Or Noel’s. Marientte couldn’t see Adrien’s or her parents.”  “That makes sense,” Sass said, sounding entirely too superior to Nino’s ears. “How does that make any sense?!” Nino demanded.  Wayzz darted into the living room from the other room holding out Nino’s phone. “Monsieur Cartier is threatening to fire you if you don’t take his call.”
No pressure tags to @jennagrinsoverml, @thelibraryloser, and @blur0se if you want!! Words: sob, warm, kiss Reserve: scream, knives, and smile
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c🔪c .)) *Right Behind You is heard as Spy Snom decloaks* Ahem…gentlemen?
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Recently came to the conclusion that im not gonna get a lot of interaction with people on here the way im doing things. Y'all arent coming to me, so guess what that means?
I'm coming to YOU.
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jelly-drop-buttons · 4 months
「 ✦ It’s Time! ✦ 」
Starting now and until the end of February 18th, three special guests will be taking over the blog and answering your questions! Give a warm welcome to…
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Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Chef!
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Spy, A Mercenary of Mann Co.!
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Hades, The Lord of the Dead!
So, go ahead. Ask or tell these gentlemen anything you’d like to!
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childlessbambino · 11 months
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bummer vacation
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rastronomicals · 4 months
5:11 PM EST February 9, 2024:
Nine Inch Nails - “Right Behind You” From the album Ghosts VI: Locusts (March 26, 2020)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Free download at nin.com
File under: Coronavirus Music
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iflashboy096 · 2 years
Proof that Elon Musk is a spy main:
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masseffectdiary · 2 years
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“I’m right behind you.”
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bobauthorman · 1 year
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Ya dun goofed
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0sbrain · 23 days
alternatives for ai to design ocs
hero forge
the fucking sims 4
your local furry artist
shitty photoshoped collage
DeviantArt bases
making edits of your favorite character
searching "dress up game" on the app store
learning how to draw
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kasienda · 7 months
trick or treat! 🎃👻🥰
A scene from my next chapter of Right Behind You, but I feel like it's a cute fluffy scene that almost needs no context. <3 ...
Adrien was at the piano. The song cut off when Nino came in. “No please, keep playing,” Nino said. “I’m only here for relief from life. The piano is perfect for reordering my head.” 
Adrien smiled and started up again. 
Nino laid back on the coach and let his eyes fall closed. The music washed over him like a gentle waterfall. He needed to make a point to come listen to Adrien’s playing more often. How long had it been since he just enjoyed music for the sake of enjoying it?
Adrien moved on to another piece. Some description of the shift in mood of the piece. It was lively and playful. He found himself following the harmony line as it was clearly the thread that kept the piece in constant motion. Really it would work well with the melody he had been fighting with not half an hour prior.
He bolted upright. “Stop!” 
Adrien stopped played in an instant, looking over at Nino in concern. “What’s wrong?” 
“Go back like three, maybe four measures,” Nino ordered, coming over to sit next to Adrien on the bench.
Adrien grinned and did as he was told. 
“Only the left hand.” 
“You got it.” He repeated the sequence of notes.
Nino pursed his lips. It still wasn’t quite right, but he could use it. 
“Here and here,” he pointed towards two notes on the page. “Bump this up to the sixth, but make it flat, and double the tempo here.”
“You want me to just play it in harmonic minor?” Adrien asked. 
“Dude, you know I barely know what that means.” Nino could read music, but he hadn’t learned much beyond basic chord progressions. 
Adrien shook his head, still smiling. “To this day, I have no idea how you can compose and edit music with almost no music theory! It boggles my mind. Here’s what you asked for.” He played it out, and yeah, it didn’t quite work. Several notes sounded clearly out of key. 
“And here,” he played through it again, “It is in harmonic minor.” 
“Yes! That is much closer! Okay, this note here still isn’t quite right.” He pulled out his phone and pulled up the song in question. “Can I play you the part I’m thinking of and you can help me with my modified bass line?” 
It took only another twenty minutes before they had whatever it was in his head. Nino frantically transcribed what they had figured out into his phone for his own reference later. 
“Thanks man! You have no idea how long this particular remix has been giving me grief.” 
Adrien smiled that soft smile. “I’m honored to serve as your muse today.”
Nino felt the heat spread across his face. “Yeah, maybe we should collaborate like this more often.”
“I’d like that.”
Nino would too. Any excuse to spend more time with Adrien. 
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c🗡️c ò)) Tu ne pouvais tout simplement pas garder ta putain de bouche fermée, salope stupide!
cc.)) Oh no
ccT)) P-Please don’t do th-
ccQ)) Y-Yes sir!
*Alt-Snom ran away*
cc .)) …
cc -)) *sighs* Can’t believe I thought sheltering him was a good idea
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notbrucewayne48 · 6 months
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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jelly-drop-buttons · 6 months
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Latest “Jelly comes out with a new f/o but never actually posts about them” post
(click for better quality)
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ibtisams · 7 months
We are very close to a temporary 5 day ceasefire in order to exchange women and children hostages and allow aid into Gaza.
I hope everyone continues to put pressure on their local representatives and urge them to call for a ceasefire to ensure the Israeli government allows this to happen. If you’re from the UK, US, Canada or Australia here is a linktree with resources on how you can call/email your local reps
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