#Salted Salmon
jinsei-pika-pika · 7 months
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 36
We’ve gotten a lot of Danny as Talia’s son prompts and AUs, but hear me out: Danny as Dusan’s son. 
 For those who don’t know, Dusan is Ras al Ghul’s son, practically his second in command, who would have been his heir if not for being albino, which caused Ras to consistently reject him. So how is he his second in command?
 Well after giving up on getting his father’s respect, he left and secretly returned as the White Ghost, working his way up the ranks. 
 Now I don’t know about you, but that gives a lot of opportunities for how Danny could be his. Maybe he met Maddie during his travels and got curious about other fighting styles, maybe it was a one night stand while Maddie and Jack were taking a break, maybe they had an open relationship. Heck, maybe he’s not even biologically Dusan’s but got adopted after he saw (to him at least) a child getting repeatedly shot at and rejected by his parents for being born the way he was, at least from what he observes. Maybe he just trains this white-haired death-touched child and later encounters each other again after a reveal gone wrong. Honestly there’s so many options. 
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saltedsnailstudio · 8 months
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little fish linocut
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foodffs · 8 months
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Broiled Salmon
Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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scoutingthetrooper · 2 days
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 2 years
Salmon Run Guide: Max Hazard And Beyond
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As you all know, Salmon Run: Next Wave seems to have a HUGE difficulty spike. Believe me, we all feel it
As someone who's crept up to Eggsecutive VP 170 and is hovering around there, here's some tips/advice to maybe help you win more games, or survive more waves!
I understand that high egg counts are appealing but trust me...This time around, I personally don't judge if someone has a lot of assists or not. With quotas up past 25+, you NEED those eggs near those baskets ASAP!
If you're safe to so, throw shore eggs up closer for your teammates to pick up! Get as many as you can (you don't need EVERY last one if bosses start swarming), and kill some bosses!
Do you have a long range weapon that can take out Steelheads from a safe distance? A Gal that can wipe out cohocks pretty quick? A Dynamo that can roll over swarms? Use it properly to it's role! You will have a much easier time!
Teammates with high inking weapons, please do your other team members a favor and keep the ground well inked for escapes and safe egg transport!
Even if you're playing games with randoms, always try to pair up with another teammate if you can! If you see your teammate struggling/getting swarmed, HELP THEM! You can spare a few seconds (most cases) and let the eggs sit while you clear out the area! Remember, if even ONE teammate dies, chance of failure starts skyrocketing! Play it smart, and play it together!
High egg counts overall is also appealing! But do NOT risk the overall wave trying to get too many! It's safer to just keep things cleared out! Get the eggs you can of course, but if they're too far out/around too many bosses, leave 'em!
Passing the wave is always better than a high egg count!
Bosses like Slammin' Lid and Flipper Flopper aren't too urgent unless they group up on ya! It's okay to let them sit for a little bit. Scrappers can be annoying in big numbers, but you can tap shot them ONCE and they stop for a solid few seconds! Take a few shots to make 'em break down and you buy a little time!
THE REAL NASTIES...Are Flyfish, Stingers, and Big Shots
Prioritize which bosses you take out first. Make sure these bosses don't get to stack in numbers, or you will be in for an absolutely terrible time. Balancing 3 Flyfish and 3 Big Shots at once is pretty much an instant team wipe.
This will vary from player to player and weapon to weapon, but focus on what YOUR weapon can take out quickly, and what bosses give you the most trouble! Clear the hardest ones before the easiest! -- These are just a few tips that helped me out! Salmon Run Pros of the past and the now, if you have additional tips, please feel free to add them! (And remember, some of these tips can be situational! Over time, you will learn what works best for your current wave!)
Let's help each other demolish these rounds!
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boyjoan · 3 months
everything in life is cyclical for example im eating the breakfast i loved as a teenager again
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xivu-arath · 1 month
squinting in disbelief as eating salty foods does in fact seem to make the "feeling horribly gross all day" feeling just go the fuck away
the deep migraine lore...
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computer-wizard · 1 year
Here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go out and get a salmon filet. Skin on. You're gonna pick up some soy sauce and teriyaki glaze while you're out.
You get home. Get out a pan, grease it up or it'll stick. Put the salmon filet in, coat it with a little soy sauce, not too much. Any other seasonings you want too.
Put it in the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit for 40 minutes. About thirty minutes in, put on some of that teriyaki glaze. Let it finish up, take it out, let it cool for a second so you don't burn your tongue.
You will eat that entire thing. Even if it was an entire half-fish filet. Skin and all. Don't even get me started on serving it with rice. You'll stuff yourself and still wish you could be eating it.
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 1 year
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cuntstable · 6 months
hmmmmm yum my christmas dinner of brown
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mafuteru · 6 months
free christmas feast at work and my coworkers made fun of me for eating like an aristocrat..
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johnny1note · 7 months
My mom has finally given up on asking me how much butter is in my cooking
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tender-somethings · 1 year
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Another of my colleague had the Salmon with Teriyaki Sauce (Sake Teri) while I went for two types of grilled cod fish. The one with sauce is the Cod Fish with Teriyaki Sauce (Gindara Teri) and the plain one is Cod Fish with Salt (Gindara Shio). The sweet and savoury sauce complemented well with the crispy skin buttery fish and is the better tasting version of the two.
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The by-product of the salmon sashimi is this Crispy Salmon Skin (Sake Kawa). The freshly fried skin is crispy and lightly salted with a dollop of mayonnaise on the side. It is just so addictive that you cannot stop with just one piece.
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speedlimit15 · 9 months
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afternoon Vibez
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