#Shipwrecked— pirate Bakugo🌊
melody-ofstars · 2 years
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|| Previous- Prologue ||
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢
I turned around the corner, hiding from the guards that were stationed outside my chambers and in the corridor.
The security had doubled over the week for the royal wedding, making it a hundred times more difficult than it normally would have been if it were a normal day but it wasn't.
I took a deep breath and ran quickly towards the other end of the corridor on my tiptoes.
I was in my princess gown rather than the disguise that Momo designed as it would have raised a lot of suspicions and I would not want that.
This was scary, but there was a charming pleasure in it. The feeling was good but fleeting, it was now or never and I wasn't going to spoil my only chance at escaping. I peered from the corner again, there were twenty-five guards at the very least, I can not sneak from here...
I don't even know why I am crouching and sneaking around... I mean, I'm the princess, why would anybody question me roaming about?? This is my home after all.
I straightened myself and walked in front of them with a polite smile.
"Good Evening," I said, as I walked past them,
It's okay, it's almost done... It's almost done... I am just leaving... Be normal-
"Princess?" A deep voice called after me,
Oh no, I blew it. I am done. It's over, I will now rot for the rest of my life.
"Yes?" I asked, turning around. My heart started thumping loudly as the realization dawned over me, it was Matsumoto Hideo, my future husband.
"Your grace," I said with a bow and a smile.
"You look exceptionally fabulous," he said, taking my hand and kissing it.
I glanced at my hand, held tightly in his, feeling extremely uncomfortable but hid it with a smile.
"Thank you, your grace," I said,
"Oh princess, you don't have to be so formal with me. After all, we will get to know each other in every way tomorrow night..." He said with a suggestive smirk and slowly dragged his fingers on my wrist.
"I beg your pardon!?" I asked angrily as I pulled my hand back.
"Oh princess, you don't have to be modest in front of me. You can unleash your inner animal."
I raised my eyebrows, amused and disgusted at the same time.
"I assure you, your grace. I do not have any wild animals to unleash. And this conversation is highly inappropriate and uncomfortable. So if you will excuse me." I said, trying to walk past him but only him blocking my way.
"Innocent ones are always wild and you, my princess..." He said, maintaining eye contact with me as he got closer and closer to my face.
I stood my ground, not giving him an upper hand over me, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting through to me or even remotely thinking that he intimidating me into being his servant disguised as a wife.
"Will be the wildest one yet, your screams will echo through the castle while you will beg me to not stop."
"As much as I would love to hear more of your... Um... Desires, I am afraid I have to leave. Wedding preparations and it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride." I said, making every possible excuse there was.
I started walking away, not bothering to wait and bear what he says, but I could still make out his voice faintly.
"You are going to be the death of me, princess. I think I am in love..." He said, making me even more uncomfortable than I thought was possible.
I walked swiftly, very interested in putting as much difference between him and me as I could. I felt like I was sick in the stomach like it was churning with the most displeased feeling there was.
I turned around every few minutes to make sure he or no one for that matter, followed me and when I was certain, I rushed further away.
That was a close call, I should just get out of the castle as soon as possible.
After walking for a considerable distance, I was finally outside on the castle grounds. I remembered there being a secret passage around the garden, my mama and I used to sneak out all the time from here.
Amazing days they were, I wish she was still here... She made my father a good man and after her death, he just... Lost himself... And turned into this stranger with just the face of him being the same. He went in denial, and then one day just snapped and erased every trace of her from the castle. He said that he was not vulnerable and weak and will not seem to be after his wife's death. My father loved my mama more than anyone could possibly imagine and her death made a big impact on his life.
The passage was hidden behind a bush that was much bigger than it was before. I quickly sneaked behind it and started searching for the door.
It was a stone door that had a small disguised stone handle, so that it was easy to hide or run away, in my case, the latter.
I let out a sigh of relief as I found it and slip open the door, it was dark and eerily silent but it will have to do.
I had kept my bag full of supplies here yesterday, with my clothes and everything along with a torch and two stones to light it.
I undressed and relaxed, I was finally able to breathe without that suffocating corset on. I probably will have a permanent body deformity by them, all the women would, why do we have to suffer this torture? As if we weren't already suffering enough.
I had goosebumps on my skin as it was exposed to the cold surroundings, I quickly changed into the other dress, it had a beige frock with bishop sleeves and a brown leather strap corset on top of it. There were a lot of belts and a lot of pockets, thank god for that. I shifted all the coins from the bag to the pockets. I had kept daggers too, just in case.
She had added a dagger holder in the dress too, god bless her. If this was this beautiful and functional, I wonder what the other two are like... This dress was comfortable and not suffocating despite the corset, she really does work wonders, that girl.
I picked up my bag again, which now contained the gown along with the various books, maps, clothing, health necessities, and food.
The books were about various topics, most of them being about stars and their significance, the history of the Musutafu Islands, Everything to know about pirates and such, and some just different novels.
I lit the torch after striking the two stones together, since I knew the path by heart, which turn to take and when to take I will easily be able to walk through it. The passageway ends a few miles away from the castle, for it to be less suspicious. The castle was full of such tunnels to be safe when there were enemies.
After walking for a while, I reached the end of the passage, I blew out the torch and slid open the gate as slowly and silently as I could.
Fresh and cool air hit my face, making me shiver. The opening was at a dimly lit narrow street with nobody in sight.
It opened and a smile found its way into my face. I was finally out of the castle, the first part of the plan complete.
I stepped out and even though I wasn't completely out of the waters just yet, I felt happy, a feeling that I have not quite felt when I was alone and now I did, I felt free, and to keep feeling this way, I had to flee.
It was night time and the moon was shining overhead. The stars were splattered across the sky as of some sort of painting, I grinned as I saw the stars, for me they meant freedom. I could never see the stars properly, ever even though I wanted to. Mama used to take me to the astronomy tower, however, the lights that surrounded the castle, always blocked them from a nice view...
I couldn't waste time, so I decided to stargaze later. I walked across the street and made my way towards the port of the town, by foot the seaports were an hour or two walk away and since it was midnight, I would reach there by early in the morning.
The city center was silent, with only a few men hanging out and drinking together.
I ignored them and kept walking or that was until one of them called out.
I ignored it and kept walking,
"Miss, it is not wise to toy with a man." He said, footsteps echoing closer. His words were slurred and I could smell the alcohol from here.
If there was anything that I hated more than our very own Prince of Seosu, it was drunk men with high aspirations.
I sighed and turned around, with the most disgusted face I could pull off,
"Sir, I am sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I most certainly am not interested," I said politely and turned back around.
Before I could walk away, he had grabbed my arm and was preventing me from walking away.
I turned around and glared at him, "Please, give me a break. I have had enough of Toxic Masculinity for the night" I said, groaning. My head pounding from all the dramatics.
I started walking again after removing his hand from mine, only for him to grab my shoulder. I turned around reflexively and punched his face, hard enough to knock him out.
"As I said, I am done," I said again, slower this time.
I scoffed at his unconscious body, a big man with an even bigger ego but a pea-sized brain.
I took a deep breath, composing myself before continuing on my journey.
The seaports were always lively, with someone or the other always awake to keep the ports alive and happy.
The citizens of this part of the town were known for their cheerfulness and hospitality. They were good to the le pirates even, making this the most popular spot amongst pirates looking for a trustworthy place.
As I neared the ports, hues of yellow started painting the sky. The sound of cheers was echoing through the streets. The air smelt of burnt wood, and of different fruits, it was an overwhelming but welcoming scent.
The street ended, revealing a well-lit area, with lots of people hanging around, eating and drinking together. There were huge ships anchored on the corners, with stuff being transported on them. Some of them were leaving, some of them just arrived. Some were unloading while some were loading different cargo. There wasn't a single navy ship in sight, probably because of the pirates, it was good for me to not have Navy ships around.
So I have successfully reached the ports, the second step of the plan was completed.
The happiness in me increased as I pondered more about it, I was very close to gaining my freedom and the closer I got, the happier I felt. I was scared too, because of many reasons, the first one being betraying my father because that is what I did today but it was necessary... because without doing this, I would have become a mere puppet in the hands of men and that was worse than the disappointed look on my father's face.
Mama wouldn't want that for me, she would want me to stay happy and this was the only visible way of being happy as of now, and I was going to pursue it, even if it meant going against my father.
I know, the news of Princess fleeing away would stain father's reputation but the other choice would mean giving up everything that mama stood for and I would not let that happen.
So right now, I had to find a ship... On which I could travel safely to Musutafu...
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|| Next- Chapter Two (14th November 2021) ||
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Series Masterlist
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Taglist:- @bro-send-dudes @bananasquash @queen-in-the-shadows @underratedmage @ladybakugouu @lovinkiri @cloudsgathering
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121 notes · View notes
melody-ofstars · 2 years
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|| Previous, Chapter Seven ||
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
It was almost dawn and the light had started to appear little by little, the sails of the ship were set and the anchor was ready to be pulled out.
The crew of Dynamight was working, as usual, the noise from the collective chatter providing a comfortable surround sound along with the sound of waves gently brushing against the port and the ship. The gentle clink sound of repairs being done set the rhythm to the other noise and complimented it
The wind was picking up, bringing with it the scent of oil along with the various freshly baked goods. The sweet smell of fruits also filled the air, making it nice to breathe... The scent of the ocean also lingered in the air, making everything seem all too real.
It was all peaceful.
I was standing on the upper deck, waiting for Mina to come back and show us to our sleeping chambers, I had a rough idea of how they would be... Clustered and hot.
The sunrise was beautiful, there was something about the way that the light overcame the dark sky little by little... Bringing in a new day and reminding you that you have survived...
I watched as the dark blue slowly morphed into a lighter one and then gave way to a beautiful orange along with a few streaks of yellow and then finally, the sun peeked through, rising yet again in all its glory. The waves glimmering like diamonds as they reflected the light
I was filled with awe, I had never seen a sunrise this clearly before, from the castle it was always just the sky changing colors and nothing more was visible but right here, right now... There was no barrier, just the sun rising in the ocean without a care in the world.
I hoped that this new dawn brings a new turn into my life, one that was as beautiful as the dawn itself.
I drew my attention away from the captivating view and onto my friends that were traveling with me. Momo was looking through her bags, whereas Kyoka was talking to Kaminari, seeming to be explaining something to him.
Mina was still nowhere to be seen while Sero was intently looking at a map, then up and then back at the map. Kirishima was talking with the crew, explaining to them what the Captain had meant from his angry shouting.
I then let my gaze wander towards the Captain, who seemed busy in thought as his eyebrows were furrowed and a small frown was on his face. I wonder what he was thinking so intently, maybe something about the ship and all.
He was definitely hard to read, his way of carrying himself making it impossible to know more about him. As I stared at him longer, I realized that he was looking at me and with a gasp, I turned away.
Oh my god... I hope that did not give him a false idea. Something in me really didn't want to end up on his wrong side.
"Y/n! Let's go, I will show you the chambers while the others do the hard stuff." Mina said as she came from behind me, her hand on my shoulder.
"I was wondering when you will show me," I said, turning towards her with a smile.
"Yeah? Sorry about that, I was trying to manage the quarters... They were messy with all the garbage these idiots own." She said glaring at Kaminari and Sero.
"Hey, I heard that!" Kaminari said, his attention now on us along with Kyoka, who started to make her way towards us.
"As I care," Mina mumbled and motioned for us to follow her.
She led us down the wooden stairs that creaked under our weight. The scent of wood lingered in the air, while the bright yellow lights illuminated the way. The crew parted their way as we passed through, nodding at Mina while looking at us warily which I guess was understandable since we were new.
The crew looked hard at work, everyone busying themselves with different tasks. There was one with long black hair, spiked upwards and backward to his left, along with rounded gray eyes, he was welding two metal pieces together with expertise.
There was one who was drilling holes in barrels. A few were standing together, talking about something while a few were working on repairs in the corner.
It was all busy and gathering from the people at work, Dynamight had quite the skillful crew and did not seem to be lacking in any way implying that the captain definitely knew what he was doing.
Mina stopped abruptly on the deck and bent down to pull on a handle and reveal yet another staircase that led down and under the deck.
It was quite warm inside compared to the cool ocean breeze outside. Warm bright light slipped through the glass windows that were open for ventilation.
There were several hammocks tied orderly on the left side to wooden poles whereas the right side had a door that led to a chamber.
The room was small but had a size big enough to fit a few bunk beds in. One of the beds on the upper side was messy and someone's belongings were strewn all around the room.
"Sorry for the mess, I kinda lived here alone," Mina said as she bent down to pick up a discarded piece of clothing.
"Oh, it's alright. We don't mind." I said as I stepped inside. The chamber was definitely beautiful, the familiar intricate carvings that adorned the outer parts of the ship were here as well. There was a homely scent that lingered in the air, probably from the different flowers and fruits that Mina had kept on one of the shelves.
"Well, go on and choose your beds, mine is the upper one over there." She said, pointing out to the unmade one on the upper right.
Kyoka ran towards the beds on the left and climbed up, flopping on the bed and sighing.
"This one is mine." She said and hugged the pillow.
I walked over to the bed on the right side and under Mina's, keeping my bag on it to claim it as mine while Momo took the one under Kyoka.
I began pulling out my things when a small jolt made me lose my balance and fall.
Kyoka laughed as Mina and Momo rushed to help me, I glared at her and stood up.
"What was that?" I asked, brushing dust off of myself and picking up my stuff as it had fallen along with me.
"Oh, we are moving now." She said as if it was no big deal, which I guess for her wasn't but for us it was.
I rushed towards the window and saw that we indeed were moving, there's definitely no turning back now... I have done it and now I have to look forward and not behind.
I have willingly left my royal life for a safer and better future and now I wouldn't change that. I surely will miss the life that I had, how could I not? It was everything I knew since I was born, everything I was familiar with, everything I used to be, and now walking away from all of it because of a person, hurt... A lot.
I wish I had another way but I didn't. I sighed and looked out of the window, the sun was now in the sky and shining brightly, the water shimmering blue as the ship slowly made its way through, gaining speed.
It was weird, this was the first time I was traveling on the water on a ship but it was exhilarating too.
I went back to my bed, arranging my belongings in one of the drawers and shelves of the room.
As I picked up one of the dresses that Momo had designed, a small silver trinket fell out from it. I picked it up and looked at it intently. The object felt familiar in my hand with the same cool surface and the beautiful ruby.
It was a pendant that belonged to my mother, who gave it to me when I had turned fifteen. It was in the shape of a star and had a small dragon carved onto it along with some small designs, there was a small yet beautiful ruby studded into the eye of the dragon.
It had been a long time since I had seen it. After Mama's demise, father had decided to get rid of everything that reminded him of her which included this pendant and then later, me.
Even though I was glad that I had it right now, I was pretty sure that I did not keep it by myself... It didn't matter though, I was just happy that I had it here with me to remind me of my mother and everything she stood for.
Parting my hair, I wore it and hid it under my dress, and began to arrange my things again.
After managing our stuff, Mina led us back onto the deck and to the captain who wanted to assign duties to us.
"Took you fucking long." He said and sat down on one of the barrels behind him, the same barrels that I had bumped into. It seemed like I wasn't the only one who remembered that incident as I felt a glare on me that belonged to the captain, making me lower my head and shift a bit behind Mina.
"Sorry cap, but we girls have a lot to take care of." Mina defended, rolling her eyes at his antics.
"Do I look like I fucking care, raccoon eyes?" He asked her with an irritated expression while Mina just shrugged.
"You, you will help dunce face with the rations and make sure he doesn't eat them." He said, pointing towards Kyoka who looked at him confused.
"He means Kaminari," Mina explained and Kyoka nodded, making her way towards Kaminari.
"You, you look like you have brains, you will help flat face with the maps." He said pointing at Momo, who looked at Mina for an explanation.
"Sero," Mina explained and Momo nodded, walking away to look around for him.
"And you." He said, pointing at me.
I unconsciously straightened up, being the person of his interest. Something about his gaze made me attentive.
He seemed to be contemplating something, making me nervous as the seconds dragged on.
"I bet your privileged ass has never cleaned anything, well now you can experience that, princess. Cleaning duty." He said with a smirk, pleased with himself as he turned back around and began to walk away.
"What? Why? Why do I not get anything interesting?" I asked, appalled by his decision. Yes, I knew that arguing with him was a bad idea since I was already hanging by a thread but the words had left my mouth before I could stop them.
"Huh?" He started as he turned around mid-walk, he was looking at me with a scowl and daring me to speak again. Which I, being myself, did.
"I asked, why are you giving me that duty?" I said, standing up straighter and staring him down. It was too late for me to back down and I was going to get in trouble either way, so I decided to protect the ounce of dignity that I had.
"Oi? Do you have a problem with my fucking decision?" He asked an eyebrow cocked as he stalked over to me. I resisted the urge to step back and chose to stand firm.
My heart was beating loudly matching his footsteps as he came closer.
"I- Yes. I am sorry but I think I deserve more than just cleaning duty." I said, trying not to stutter. He was scarier than my father or any other person I had ever seen in my entire life.
"Oh?" He said as he came to a stop in front of me, standing dangerously close, causing me to gasp.
"You don't fucking tell me what I should and shouldn't do." He said, narrowing his eyes and glaring at me.
I gulped and struggled to maintain eye contact, he was scary.
"I am the fucking Captain of Dynamight, I decide what happens on my fucking ship and if you have a problem with it then piss off." He seethed, his red eyes burning like fire as he glared at me.
I decided it was in my best interest to not argue further, so I lowered my head. So much for not getting on his bad side... I really have to work on my attitude, I wasn't a princess here and only just a crew member. I wouldn't get to decide what I want to do and what I don't especially when I am working under someone.
This was going to be hard and I had to get used to it... No matter how difficult it gets.
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|| Next, Chapter Nine (-- -- ----) ||
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Series Masterlist
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A/n:- After a one month and five days long, unannounced hiatus... I figured it was time to come back and continue this story. The amount of love it is getting is seriously beyond me and I thank you all so much for supporting me so much... I especially want to thank @uchikai-alini @cloudsgathering and @eaamon because they are all angels, they hyped me up so much and were there for me whenever I needed them, you guys are truly amazing. I still don't know what my schedule is going to be, it may be inconsistent because you know... Shool sucks. Anyway, just want to thank you all for supporting me, I have a lot of things planned for this fanfic and I hope you guys support me through it all. Have an amazing day, BYEE!!!
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Taglist:- @commit-a-melony @bananasquash @queen-in-the-shadows @underratedmage @shujiisbaby @lovinkiri @cloudsgathering @b4byuwu @uchikai-alini @naiomiwinchester @commanderawkward @sora-rozu @hawksismybabydaddy @no1202 @unicornisblabla @little-kity @the2ndl @angie-1306 @misakik28
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54 notes · View notes
melody-ofstars · 2 years
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|| Previous, Chapter One ||
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬
I wandered around the port, smiling back at the strangers who smiled towards me. The atmosphere was energetic and welcoming, all types of people were welcomed here. There were two ports in Toubetsu, both of them huge and said to hold as many as twenty ships at a time. This was the North Port which was now used by the community outcasts due to the sudden intervention of the pirates. The pirates and outcasts were driven out of here, some even arrested for existing. The outcasts from all over the kingdom then protested, forcing the king, my father, to grant them access to the port completely. He wasn't going to give them the ports but mama had convinced him that it would gain him the support of the outcast community, which it did.
There were all sorts of people here, rules and regulations did not apply. There were unmarried ladies here that were kissing anybody they found interesting. A man, dressed in lady's clothing was flirting with other men, while two girls kissed each other. There were rounds of beers going on with gruff-looking men, a very strong woman fighting and defeating men with ease. A band performing in the background.
I smiled as I looked at the happy faces, everybody was being themselves and that made me happy. There were foreigners here too, from the other kingdoms, all mingling with everybody. They were free, free for doing whatever they want, whenever they want, and that only reminded me of the shackles that were placed on my hands for being born into royalty... People may believe that the royals found it easy, because of the money... We did, we had money but we were bound by this 'image' that we had to maintain and present ourselves as some people with no personality, just be polite and agree with anything, anybody says. Especially the royals that were female.
We had to maintain this persona, and bite back everything we had to say to not offend any other. We had to maintain our virtue or else no one would respect us whereas the men were allowed to throw their virtues out the window as soon as they saw someone remotely attractive.
We were forced to do everything for the kingdom and nothing for ourselves, we had to dedicate ourselves to the welfare of the kingdom rather than ourselves. I love Toubetsu, I really do, but on my terms, I care for my people and will do anything for them but marrying Matsumoto, would be bad for the kingdom as well as me. If it were the Crown Prince of Musutafu or Yokoshina, I would have said yes because I have heard a lot about the Princes and they were genuine and cared for their people.
Standing here, strengthened my decision and got rid of any and every doubts that I had. These people's happiness and lives were in my hand. Matsumoto would force them to abandon this and live a life of slavery and I would not let my people give up their happiness. It was in my hands to protect the future of my kingdom from being one of doom, and that would only be done by not marrying him and since that is not an option for my father, I had no choice but to run away.
I quickly started looking around, trying to find anyone who owns any of the ships.
I wandered around, checking out all the ships, they were rather simple than I imagined but one was rather beyond my expectations. It was huge.
I went a little bit closer to talk a proper look and was awestruck, the craftsmanship made it seem delicate but I knew it was strong. The wooden boards were glistening as the yellow light bounced off of them. It had many sails, that were black but they were currently tied up above. There were many ropes on there, thick and big. A large chain was extended from the ship and went underwater, it must be the anchor to hold it in place...
The sail near the crow's nest had a white dragon skull on a black. From what I have read, in Japanese traditions, a dragon skull represents balance, in life and death, good and evil, and every such thing.
Whoever selected it had put a lot of thought behind it and apparently were very keen on dragons. Shouts were coming from above, probably the deck, people were taking barrels of things up on the ship, restocking it.
The ship was gorgeous, the carvings seeming familiar... The designs too... I knew I had seen them before but where I did not know.
My breath hitched as my eyes landed on the front of the ship, there was an exceptionally beautiful and intricate dragon carved on the front, it was painted red and had such refined features that it seemed that it will wake up any moment now. It was extremely lifelike, with the size and the details... I wonder who carved it... Whoever did, had beautiful creativity and imagination.
"Beautiful, ain't it?"  A voice said from behind me. I didn't turn around to look who it was as I was preoccupied and trapped by the beauty of the dragon.
"Enchantingly." I breathed my voice barely a whisper. I felt intimidated by both the ship and the dragon.
"I 'ad the same reaction when I first saw it, an' still do." He mumbled,
My heart started beating harder and faster... My hands became sweaty and a frightening feeling overcame me.
Oh no... He is a... I slowly turned around to confirm my suspicion and when I did, I confirmed it.
I gasped as I realized what he was, he was a pirate... A real pirate...
Okay, what was I thinking? What was I thinking!? Why did I have to leave!? Why did I think it would be easy? To stay amongst pirates and travel with them till Musutafu?
I started breathing hard and ran away from there, I stumbled as tears pricked the corner of my eyes. My throat hurting from the fact that I was about to cry.
What was I thinking? How was I supposed to do this? I don't even know if I will survive here. I held my head that was pounding due to various reasons, the concern being the topmost...
I came to halt and, took a second to breathe. Mama always said that whenever you didn't know what to do, stop what you are doing, clear your mind and take a deep breath and that is exactly what I did.
I can not be like this, I have to be brave. I can not run away the second I encounter something tough. I am not a coward... This is the first and last time, I run away from danger... The last time.
I stood up straight, gathering all the confidence that I had, and held my head high. I was the princess after all.
I can do this, I can. I can do this. I thought to myself as I turned around, and started walking back towards him. What must he have thought...? I should apologize too while I am at it.
I spotted him standing where I left him, looking in the distance with a confused look on his face,
I steeled my heart and went to stand near him, looking in the same direction as he was.
He turned towards me, a toothy grin on his face.
"Now, I ain't even that ugly..." He said rolling his eyes, I could see that he was pretending not to be hurt but of course he would be, I literally saw him and left.
"You sure know how t' hurt a guy's feelings," he said with a laugh and turned to look at me.
He was very tall, taller than me. His eyes were red, a beautiful red, just like red stained glass in a cathedral or a mosque... they looked kind and polite, they were comforting as if a warm hug engulfing you and with his grin, he looked like an extremely nice person, who was friendly and good to everybody. It was my first time seeing red eyes, I thought they were non-existent but apparently, they weren't... He was handsome, very handsome in fact. He looked nothing like the pirates I had seen in the books provided by the royal library.
"I apologize for that, I just... I have never met a pirate before and they are said to be quite vicious, no offense... So I just assumed... I know it is wrong to do so, and I am extremely remorseful for that." I said, going on and on with explaining, most likely because I was nervous, very nervous, and partly because I was feeling very bad for assuming.
"You ain't from around here, are ya?" He asked, the smile never leaving his face.
I nodded with a sigh, "Yeah... How did you know?"
"Nobody round 'ere says sorry and you also got a fancy way o' speakin'"
I nodded at the obvious hints, I should really stop apologizing to people... And maybe even limit my vocabulary to more established— common ones.
"You don't 'ave to apologize, it was understandable," he said,
"You are nothing like the pirates I have read about, you know?" I said, smiling at him. He truly wasn't... Were all the pirates like him or was he the only exception?
"Oh? And what type o' pirates 'ave you read about?" He asked, looking at me sideways, as he faced forwards towards the ship.
"Well, for starters. They are not polite, at all. They are covered in dirt and have unimaginable tangled hair... It is even said that they are extremely scary and cruel, killing everybody that defies them. They make people Walk the planks, where they basically put a plank on a ship's side and ask the culprit to jump from, in shark-infested waters! I also read about menacing tales of pirates who drank the blood of their enemies and ate their livers!" I said, realizing how absurd that sounds once I say it out loud. It might be true but not from what I have seen till now.
"Well, that's wrong..." He said, and I gained a little confidence,
"We not only eat their livers but their meat as well." He said, I gasped and looked at him as if he just said the most disgusting thing in the world, which he did.
Seeing my reaction he broke out into laughter, causing me to laugh nervously too... Why were we laughing? Why was he laughing? Did he think I was weird for finding it weird? Is cannibalism that common?
"Relax, I am just pullin' your leg." He said and I finally released the breath that I was holding.
"No pirate that I know of, eats humans or drink their blood 'n there is no such thing as Walk the plank from what I know, however, there're some pirates who are very cruel and those who don't take a bath for years and have extreme tangles in their hair, many ain't polite too."
"Oh? If this is the truth, which I believe it is then every book in Ro— the library has got its facts wrong... I should have people work on that... Or I could do it myself!" I said, thinking about it... It was a good idea, right? To let the people know the actual pirates
"You have people that work for you?" He asked, turning to look towards me.
Oh no... No, did I just risk my identity? Oh god...
"Y-Yes, servants mostly. M-My father is a merchant, he works directly under the king."
"If so, then what are you doing in this part of the capital? Won't it have a bad reputation for ye Nobles?" He asked,
I had heard somewhere that the best lie is the one that contains truth in it, so that was exactly what I was going to do.
"I ran away..." I said, saying the words out loud for the first time. It felt weird, I felt guilty... What shame I was about to bring on my father just because I did not want to marry Matsumoto... My father would be disrespected, oh what will the people say? Maybe this was a bad idea— no, it wasn't, I am brave.. and I will not feel guilty over something that I needed to do.
He looked towards me with wide eyes, shock evident in his eyes which he quickly hid,
"That sounds personal, don't tell me if you are uncomfortable..." He said,
I smiled at him, he kept proving that pirates were not at all what I thought they were,
"Just know that I don't blame you, nobles 'n royals can be a bit... difficult."
"Not all of them are difficult... But thank you." I said, genuinely thanking him, his view on nobles and royals was understandable because we weren't exactly, welcoming, to them. Even though they had access to this port, they were still illegal.
"Aye, not all o' 'em, of course, I did hear about the Queen 'n the Princess, people quite liked 'em but unfortunately, the Queen died five years ago 'n since then Princess wasn't sighted in public. People say they were quite close..."
"You know an awful lot about them, how?" I asked, very invested in how did he know about all of it... It was true... His facts, they were true. Mama and I used to be in the capital all day long and people loved her but after her death, I stopped. Partially because it wasn't the same without her and partially because Father did not allow it.
"We come here once in a year, t' restock 'n recruit new hands." He explained,
"Oh? When is your ship leaving?" I asked, a day of hope suddenly shining through the dark cloudy sky.
"Break o' dawn, why?"
"Say... Would you be recruiting now?" I asked,
He looked at me as if I was some flying rabbit, with disbelief.
"You want t' come on board? On the ship?" He asked me,
"Yeah, thanks for the confidence," I said,
"No, I meant, Are you sure? You are a noble 'n nobles are not exactly known for doin' work." He said,
"I know but I have to do it, as you can see I don't really have any other alternative."
"You are right... Well, I can put in a good word for you. You see, the cap'n is a bit... intense..." He said, with a small smile on his face.
I grinned excitedly at him, extremely thankful for his help. How should I thank him... Wait...
I dug through my bad while he looked at me weirdly, I concentrated on the object that I had to find and smiled triumphantly as soon as I found it.
It was one of my signet rings, I pulled it out to check if it was it, my signet rings had an H on it, with sakura surrounding it, it was the princess' royal seal, it was different from the actual and legit one but only the experts knew it to protect it from stealth. This ring however would work as a favor for him, it is valid all over Toubetsu and the other kingdoms as a token.
I reached for his hand and he looked at me with wide eyes, confused as to why I was reaching for his hand.
His hand was warm and calloused against my soft ones, after placing the ring in his palm I smiled at him.
He looked down utterly confused by why did I hand him a ring.
"Just use it when you are in trouble," I said,
He nodded, still confused but did not pry.
"You are wrong you know..." I said, looking away wistfully,
He looked at me confused again,
"You're not ugly," I said, looking at him with a smile,
He blushed and looked away making me smile,
"It's quite the contrary..." I said, smiling even more.
His blush deepened as he scratched his neck with a nervous laugh.
I chuckled and patted his back,
"Okay, so now I have t' go, or else the others will kill me." He said
I nodded, a little disappointed about his departure.
"Alright, Thank you again, you helped me a lot tonight..." I said, smiling at him with gratitude.
"Don't worry 'bout it..." He said backing away but then coming to a halt
"Actually... Wanna come along?" He offered as he walked back towards me.
"Me? With your friends? Are you sure?" I asked, getting hopeful.
"Yeah, they can support you being on the ship, we all are good friends with Cap'n... And besides, they'll like you and you'll like them." He said with a grin,
"Okay!" I said excitedly, following him as he started to lead me away.
"So you mentioned you are the captain's good friend... Do you have privileges?" I asked curiously,
"Actually yeah, am the first mate." He said with a smirk and a wink.
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|| Next, Chapter Three (21st November 2021) ||
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A/n:- Heyyy!! So, I usually had friends do this for me but seeing as they don't have time to even hold a proper conversation with me, they simply can't review the chapters too... Anyway, I want to inform you that I am in the need of Beta Readers who will review the chapters, and give me the necessary details or tell me how it sounds genuinely without sugar coating it. If any of you are interested, send me a message!! Thank you!! I hope you liked this chapter and that you have a very nice day!!
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Taglist:- @bro-send-dudes @bananasquash @queen-in-the-shadows @underratedmage @ladybakugouu @lovinkiri @cloudsgathering @b4byuwu @naiomiwinchester @commanderawkward @uchikai-alini
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98 notes · View notes
melody-ofstars · 2 years
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|| Previous, Chapter Six ||
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫
I was standing on the deck, where the most shocking revelation had taken place... Something that chilled me to my bones, the fact itself terrifying.
I turned to look at Momo and Kyoka, who just like me, looked like they had seen a ghost. Their faces were devoid of any color, matching my own. None of us had expected this to happen. It did not even cross our minds that this could be that ship.
The pirate ship that has been a nuisance to my kingdom for over half a decade was the ship that I was now supposed to travel on.
Oh no... This couldn't be happening... How can everything be going so well and then take the turn for the worse? Fate is certainly mocking me, probably laughing right now...
Dynamight's captain and crew were considered to be the most wanted amongst all the pirates that ever existed. The captain was rumored to be ruthless and unforgiving, with the firepower to give challenge to Musutafu's Royal Fleet.
The explosives used on the ship were one of a kind, a kind that was not available to any other country or even pirates. That was how powerful the Dynamight was said to be and now, I am standing on it, about to embark on a journey to Musutafu.
Kyoka and Momo seemed to be having the same reaction as me, both of them were scared beyond the limit, but again, what was the limit?
Should I go on? Or should I turn back?
I was too far to turn back, and even if I did... What was waiting for me? At least this way, I will have the satisfaction of deciding for myself even if it goes wrong but over there, being forced into that marriage, which was bound to go wrong and that too not by my choice... I would not only think what could have been but also, what if...
"Hey, you alright? You look a lil' pale there." A concerned voice cut through my thoughts as I contemplated my next step.
I took a deep breath, realizing that I was still standing on the deck of... Dynamight...
The question was asked by Kirishima, who had his hands on my shoulder as he bent down a bit to level his gaze with mine.
The first mate, apparently Kirishima was also rumored to be obedient and loyal, never straying away from his captain's word, even if it was wrong. He was said to be ruthless and unforgiving, just like his captain, ready to slay anyone who goes against them... But what I had seen up till now was nothing more than extreme kindness and friendship. It could have also been a false rumor, much like everything else or maybe Kirishima was pretending to be like this?
The first option seems more likely, because not only had there already been too many facts that were false but also that Kirishima seemed really genuine... There wasn't even an ounce of trickery that I sensed from him, everything about him felt true just like Mina, her cheerfulness is also completely opposite to what I had heard and she was also a faerie...
Kaminari and Sero, I haven't talked to them as much but they were also extremely polite and welcoming, unlike everything. Sero even helped me calm my nerves, would a cold-hearted killer do that?
"Hello? Y/n?" Kirishima called out, breaking me from my thoughts, again.
"Sorry, I was just..." I started looking at him, he looked very concerned, helping me with the decision I was about to make.
"Just, overwhelmed." I completed, turning to look at Momo.
She seemed to be looking at me with concern, trying to figure out what I was feeling and what I would do next, what my decision would be. I gave her a slight smile to reassure her that I was alright and that I had it in hand.
"Oh? That's obvious... Anyone would be in your situation." He empathized and I nodded in agreement.
See? He was nothing like the rumors said... Or was he like them? I don't know what to think and it hurts my head to even think of this. It wasn't supposed to be this difficult... It was just supposed to be me, running away from the palace and on a pirate ship with money that will provide for me and my travels but nothing was going as planned, everything was a mess and I realized that I had been too naive to think otherwise...
"Oh my god!! I will get to know you all better! Finally, some girls to be friends with!" Mina squealed as she wrapped us all in a tight hug.
I hugged her back, thinking there wouldn't be anything wrong with hugging her, right?
Mina seemed nice too, and there was definitely more to her than what was visible. From what I had seen till now, she carried herself tensely, her shoulders stressed unknowingly. She also seemed careful but was able to mask it properly under her friendly exterior.
If anything I was good at, it was reading people. Over the years of standing by my father's side, I had developed this skill, which was quite useful. It helped me understand people more because most of the time, a person's behavior spoke more about them than their tongue.
"See, told you to not worry," Sero said as he came forward too with a grin on his face that matched the others'
I nodded at him, he did help calm me... A cruel pirate won't bother, right?
"Well, I dont know about you all but I am very happy that you all would be joining us," Kaminari said as he stretched his arms.
He is happy to have us on board... He wouldn't mean that with any hidden meaning... Right? That's not what Kaminari seems like.
"Of course you are, they are all beautiful girls," Sero replied as he flicked his forehead.
"H-hey, that's not true! I mean, you all are beautiful, that part is true but not that is the reason for me to be happy that you are traveling with us. Did that make sense? I am making a fool out of myself..."
"Don't worry, you are already a fool." Sero sympathetically patted his back.
"What, no! I am not a fool! If anything I am the smartest man in the world."
"Yeah if you are the only man left but even then a goat can outsmart you..." Sero teased,
Kaminari gasped, appearing to be very offended, and to add to that, Kyoka burst out laughing after her failed attempt to keep it in.
We all looked at her, Kaminari with embarrassment, Kirishima with a small hidden smile of his own, Mina who was trying to control herself from laughing, Sero who smirked in victory whereas Momo and I gave her a disappointed look.
Poor Kaminari.
I kept a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile, he returned it and almost instantly seemed to have forgotten what Sero had said. It won't hurt to be friends with them, right?
"Okay so, you still haven't told us whether you will stay or not..." Kaminari pointed out bringing the atmosphere back to its tense state.
I sighed and nodded, I had to make a decision and at first, it was an easy one but after knowing the ship's name and the news, and rumors, and gossips that surrounded it... It created a doubt in my mind.
But, the sun was about to rise and the sky had begun to turn into a lighter shade which meant that it would be morning in just a few minutes and that would not be good for me.
The chatter would have already been started by the maids about the Runaway princess, the guards must have begun the search but hopefully, they would come to this area at the last because they wouldn't expect a princess to come to this area.
But no matter what, I was in no position to be demanding. Yes, I had heard about how ruthless the pirates on Dynamight are, comparatively more than any other pirates out there but I had also heard that all the pirates are vicious, which did not turn out to be true, and hopefully, the other information would be a rumor too and that was a chance that I had to take.
"Yeah... I was just considering something..." I said,
They nodded in understanding and began talking to each other, while Momo and Kyoka made their way towards me.
"So, what have you decided...?" Momo asked,
"I am inching towards an option, but I need your opinions..." I said,
"Well, I for one am okay with staying on this ship. We don't have any other choice anyway, plus I have known Mina for a long time and she is as good as a person can be. Kaminari, well he seems too nice to hurt somebody. Kirishima is unimaginably kind and it does not seem like an act, unlike that hopeful prince that came to court you..." Kyoka said with a small smile on her face.
I smiled a little, the memories of that one particular prince coming up to my mind... What a day that was...
"Sero, I dont know him but he seems nice and the Captain, well... It looks like he knows what he is doing." Kyoka ended her observation opinion.
I nodded at her, and she nodded back.
"I agree with Kyoka and besides, we dont have much time left until the guards come looking for us here. Knowing his highness, he must have sent the elite soldier squad out to search for you." Momo said,
"I agree with you Momo, I don't think that we have a safer choice..." I said,
"Well, I have decided. Let's tell everyone else." I said, finally concluding.
I looked back at both of them and was more than glad to have them here with me, I don't know what I would have done without them.
"So, looks like you have decided." Kirishima began as he and the others turned their attentions towards us.
"Yeah well, it seems like... We are joining the crew of Dynamight." I said with a smile.
The sentence immediately gained cheers from the others, especially from Mina.
"Oh my god!! You don't know for how long have I wanted crewmates that were girls... Don't get me wrong but I kind of get sick being the only girl on the ship and now I have three more friends with me!" She said as she hugged me
I smiled at her excitement, hugging her back. I wasn't expecting her to be this happy but it was heartwarming to see that she genuinely wanted us to stay. I just hooe it was for good reasons.
Kirishima was grinning beside Mina, letting her take her moment before he approached me and when she did, his smile grew bigger.
"I am glad that you decided t' stay... I was kinda worried there." He said as he sheepishly rubbed his head.
"Kirishima, you have been unimaginably kind to me and my friends and I can't help but think you had a hand in this too... So, Thank you." I said sincerely.
It was true if it wasn't for Kirishima... I don't think I would have gotten this far without his help or if I had run away that time.
"I-i I did not do much..." He said, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"You did..." I said with a grateful smile.
"You all fucking extras, better start working or I'll throw you off the board and into the ocean!" An angry voice interrupted Kirishima and he laughed quietly, shaking his head at his childhood friend's behavior.
I was still confused as to how can someone like Kirishima be friends with someone like the Captain... They are opposite of each other. Maybe I'll get to know it sometime...
"Yeah yeah, we know Bakugo! Don't be such an ass!" Mina said, rolling her eyes at the guy.
"Extra duty for you, raccoon eyes."
"-Say a word more and I double it." He warned, managing to get Mina to stop talking.
She huffed in annoyance and glared at him, he did not seem to mind it though.
"And you three, get to know how things work and let pinky show you where you will sleep." He said while looking at me, the scowl on his face painfully expressive.
I nodded, not wanting to anger him further.
This was surely going to be an... Interesting voyage.
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|| Next, Chapter Eight (24th January, 2022) ||
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Taglist:- @bro-send-dudes @bananasquash @queen-in-the-shadows @underratedmage @shujiisbaby @lovinkiri @cloudsgathering @b4byuwu @uchikai-alini @naiomiwinchester @commanderawkward @sora-rozu @hawksismybabydaddy @no1202 @unicornisblabla @little-kity @the2ndl @angie-1306 @misakik28
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melody-ofstars · 2 years
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|| Previous, Chapter Four ||
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢
The sound of boots clicking against the wooden board pierced through the silence that was now settled on the ship.
Everybody was quiet, not daring to speak a single word. However, as I turned around and looked at them, instead of seeing the scared faces that I expected, they were rather the ones of respect.
All eyes were set on the figure that was making his way across the deck.
I turned to look at familiar faces one of which was Kirishima, who was standing there with a toothy grin on his face. Happy to see his childhood friend and captain arrive.
Mina was excitedly looking at the deck, whereas Kaminari was more focused on a thread that was sticking out of his clothes. Another male was standing there with his hand around Kaminari's shoulder. His hair was covered with a black bandana. He wore a loose white top with puffy and loose sleeves, which had a very deep v-neck, he also wore a yellow belt along with black loose pants and boots.
Even though I was very curious, I couldn't bring myself to break the delicate silence. Kyoka and Momo also appeared to be looking upon the deck, probably wondering the same things that I did.
It was weird, not even my father had this kind of respect... At least, not anymore. I remember a time when just the appearance of him and mama could silence the nobles of highest titles, that was the amount of power and respect he held, along with my mother... Whereas now, it was more out of fear anyway. They bowed down to him and pretended to respect him, all because of fear... I wonder if the fear didn't exist, would it be the same?
Everything had changed for the worst that day... Oh, How I wish to rewind the time and undo everything that happened that day... Prevent mama from going there... If only...
As I got out of my thoughts, I realized that the person had stopped moving, only standing up above and looking down from the deck. The light behind him was casting a shadow on him, making his hair appear like a golden halo.
Due to the shadow cast by the light, his face was hidden. He wore a black coat with embroidered patterns on it that looked the same as the ship's, the golden thread work glimmered as it caught the light where he stood. He held a hat in his hand that was also black, along with a few orange and green charms and belts.
Taking a few steps to the side, I tried to get a clearer view of his face. The steps didn't do much as I was only able to make out his jaw.
Taking a few more steps to the side, I could make out his mouth, which was in a scowl... It made him seem angry... Or was that his resting face? He might be angry at something.
Still unable to see the upper half of his face, I took a few more steps to the side—
My leg slipped as I bumped into one of the barrels that were kept in the corner, I closed my eyes, wincing as a loud thud followed the accident.
I gasped and stepped away, mentally cursing myself and hoping nobody heard it, only to find everybody looking at me as I faced front.
So much for not attracting attention...
I could hear the panicked voice of Kyoka as she cursed me for being so stupid, and to be honest, at this point I agreed with her.
Momo was standing next to her, a hand on her forehead with her eyes closed, seeming done with both of us. Momo was rarely in a negative mood, and to see her in one right now, meant that I messed up... Bad...
I looked at the barrels that were now lying on the floor, luckily they hadn't opened or burst... Which was a good thing.
I heard hurried footsteps coming towards me, a redhead looming into view as they came nearer.
I smiled sheepishly at him, beyond embarrassed by my actions.
I couldn't understand why I was so jittery and clumsy right now, I have literally taken classes on poise and posture all my life and right now, it seemed like I remembered nothing. I was scared, that was true but I did not realize that this was the extent...
"Are you okay!?" Kirishima asked as he looked at me with concern,
I was caught off guard by his worry, it wasn't what I had expected but it was comforting. I felt less scared now...
"I am... I am so sorry though, I did not see the barrels in front of me and I just wanted to—"
"What the fuck is going on here!?"��An angry voice yelled, followed by thudding footsteps.
I was shocked, never in my whole life had I heard someone use that kind of language and that too to someone they didn't know or see... I couldn't understand it, why would someone be rude when being kind doesn't cost anything?
I looked up as the footsteps came to a stop. Revealing an angry male with ash blonde hair that was somehow in spikes... Just like Kirishima... How did they even stand up like that?
"And who the fuck are you!?" He asked,
I looked at him, bewildered at his choice of word. My eyes were wide with shock, how dare he!?
"Excuse me!?" I asked, angered by the way he was talking, he had no right to talk to anybody like that.
"What is it, you damn extra?" He asked, glaring at me. His ruby red eyes burned like fire as he stared me down.
"Extra? I am sorry sir, but your choice of words is extremely disrespectful." I said politely when it was the opposite of how I wanted to be. Being a princess meant getting into situations similar to this all the time, and due to that, it was almost a given that we had to learn about keeping our head clear, our tone polite, and our posture respectful towards others while we subtly degrade them.
"Listen here princess, you don't fucking tell me how I speak or how I should not." He said, pointing a finger at me.
The nickname he gave me, caused me to shut up. My heart raced at his mention, did he know? If he did, then what will he do? Am I doomed?
Shaking off my fear, I decided to tread lightly and carefully as to not anger him more because if he did know my identity, then I would not be safe...
"Sir, with all due respect, you are not being polite," I said, swallowing my pride as my voice grew softer with each word.
"I don't give two shits about being polite." He said, his anger increasing.
I decided to leave it at that as I turned towards Kirishima who had been pulling my sleeve ever since the blondie made his appearance.
"Calm down," he whispered to me before stepping in front with his signature smile on.
"Bakugo!! Why are you so angry? Got into a fight or something?" He asked as he put an arm around the blonde guy, whose name was Bakugo.
I couldn't tell if Kirishima was fearless or extremely stupid, but it did seem like he already knew this Bakugo... Maybe he was a crewmate...
"Shut up, shitty hair. Who the hell is this?" He asked, trying to shake off Kirishima's hand but not succeeding.
"This, well, we can talk about it in private." He said, and I mentally thanked him for that. Kirishima was proving himself to be better each second... He was really helpful and kind, I will definitely return his kindness.
"Ahoy, Cap'n! How are you?" Kaminari said as he loomed into view followed by the ravenette and Ashido, along with Momo and Kyoka.
Wait, what? No, no... This... No, this shouldn't be... What!? He is the captain!? Him!? Wasn't the captain supposed to be kind? Like Kirishima? This gentleman was not even polite to him, much less me... How am I supposed to convince him? Okay, no, clear your mind... Take a deep breath... Calm yourself... Okay, good. I guess.
"Yes, somewhere private would be much preferred," I said as Momo and Kyoka made their way behind me, Kyoka mumbling something while Momo hushed her.
"Fine, this better be fucking worth my time." He grunted as he made his way through, the crowd parting as he did.
As soon as he got out of sight, Kirishima walked towards me offering a kind yet nervous smile.
"So, that's the captain... Now I know why you weren't ready to give me details about him..." I said as we slowly started following him, most likely to his cabin.
"Sorry... I should 'ave warned you..." He said, looking guilty.
I smiled at him, putting a light hand on his shoulder.
"Kirishima-san, you have already helped me a lot. I believe I can handle myself from here." I said with a polite smile, which he returned with one of his own and started leading me towards the cabin.
"Please don't do anything stupid Y/n... I dont want to be held for ransom!" I heard a harsh whisper from behind me, the source being none other than Kyoka.
I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the friend who at first wouldn't even speak to me properly because of her shyness and now she won',t stop speaking... Not that I minded her speaking, I was more than happy to know that she was comfortable around me enough to be herself... But... Now was really not the time to be thinking negatively.
"Kyoka, I swear to god that if you don't shut up, I will throw you off the ship pr hold you for ransom myself!" I whisper-yelled at her.
"Both of you, stop with it! At once! Right now, we should be keeping our heads clear to properly talk with the captain... Because he will definitely be the most difficult person to deal with." Momo said, silencing us both. It was expected of her to be the most level-headed... It balanced us out... With me and Kyoka constantly at each other's throats and her keeping us sane.
I nodded at her, agreeing with her while Kyoka muttered something before giving in.
"What are you planning to do, Y/n?" Momo asked as we neared the cabin.
My heart was thumping loudly as the cabin drew nearer with each step... I had never been more nervous before...
"Well, you will have to wait and see..." I told them... I couldn't tell them my stupid plan or they would literally abandon me at this instant.
"You do have a plan, right?!" Kyoka asked urgently,
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kyoka... And I do have a plan." I said,
"Well then, my life is in your hands..." She said, being her usual dramatic self... Nobody who sees her for the first time or doesn't know her well would definitely not have guessed that the girl who appears to be shy has a deathly side.
"Wrong person to give the responsibility of your life to, because I might just take it away myself," I said, finally coming to a stop as Kirishima did too.
I could feel her glare at me, making me smirk both due to me being happy for the upper hand and to let her know that I was being humorous.
"Well, Good luck ay. Me and me friends will be waitin' for you outside and don't worry we 'ave already put in a good word." He said as he held the door open.
"Thank you very much, let's hope it goes well."  I said as I stepped inside, Momo and Kyoka following shortly behind.
It was beyond scary for all of us because not did we have to convince him for our stay but also tell him that we were nobility running away from home...
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|| Next, Chapter Six (12th December 2021) ||
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Taglist:- @bro-send-dudes @bananasquash @queen-in-the-shadows @underratedmage @shujiisbaby @lovinkiri @cloudsgathering @b4byuwu @uchikai-alini @naiomiwinchester @commanderawkward @sora-rozu @hawksismybabydaddy @no1202 @unicornisblabla @little-kity
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