whiskeyswifty · 10 months
Beyoncé personally paid 100k to keep the DC metro running an additional hour, as it usually stops running after a certain time of night, when weather delayed her show in DC this weekend. the ENTIRE Metro, all 98 metro stations not just the rail from the stadium to the larger stations, to make sure fans got home safely. that was a huge concern of mine when we had potential weather issues looming for the NY show (which ultimately didn't happen thankfully) because the NJ transit trains stop at 1 am, so that is INCREDIBLY kind and a huge relief to hear. LOVE when huge and wealthy pop stars take care of their fans like this like!!! the legend that she is!!!
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youareinlovetv · 2 months
ALL my thoughts on ttpd in one post:
fortnight is not what i expected at ALL and it's so insane like.. oh my god. this is slut all over again
the same can be said with the title track. it's so weird to me how it's melancholic like this i thought it would be absolutely devastating
she ate with the lyrics on it though "we're two idiots" yes you are bitchessss
my boy only breaks his favorite toys... insane. that's all i have to say
down bad is CRAZYYY like the thing at the beginning goes so hard and it feels like slut but way way more devastating and not happy
"fuck it if i can't have him" hurts me she is so hurt i need to hug her!!!!!!
so long london genuinely might be one of the best songs she has ever written and produced because holy fucking shit
and then she just spits out fact after fact like joe is shaking
"you swore that you loved me but where were the clues, i died on the alter waiting for the proof" this line. hurts me. so much. she's so fucking evil i can't i can't i literally CANT
at first i thought 'but daddy i love him' was about joe but apparently it's about matty??? ok then
she is such in denial but i'm proud of her for putting it on the album!!
i forgot what lyric but the one abt him being her whole world broke me (i thought it was abt joe though so...)
i dont rlly have anything to say about fresh out the slammer other than its definitely about joe and him protecting her from the paparazzi and shit and it just makes me sad
ok first of all. the buildup and the chorus is insane
the bridge kills me too
the first lyric of guilty as sin having blue in it... shut up
who's afraid of little old me is INSANE and BATSHIT and BULLSHIT and crazy and what the absolute fuck
god this song hurts it's so anti-hero coded i can't
i can fix him is another one of those songs i cant comment on yet bc im still processing it eizosdfhasoihd
loml is so painful
when she said "loss of my life" i was gagged. literally gagged
it's so sad beautiful tragic but cranked up to 10 and i can't take it anymore
"LIGHTS CAMERA BITCH SMILE". GAGGGGGGGGEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the smallest man who ever lived is so savage. she ate
ratty deserves it
thats all
i truly don't know how to feel about clara bow like. it's a good song but i genuienly dont know
BUT her saying "you look like taylor swift" gave me goosebumps idk why
ok to be honest overall the bonus songs imo aren't as good as the main album
they're still GOOD but not as good
i don't have much to say about them because i've listened to them but i still need to process them so maybe i can reblog this later with my thoughts abt them but yeah
all i can say is KIM being hidden in thank you aimee gagged me
and the manuscript ate....
this album. is so good. i can't
it's so so so good that's all thank you for reading
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its such a weird statement to make in a derogatory manner "you make several posts about this every hour dont u wanna go outside and touch grass?" like you guys are aware that's what this website is for right? do you guys know what blogging is? its making several posts about a topic for hours on end. like hello? antis aren't even smart in their "insults" man. like, no? i dont wanna go outside right now. i want to stay on tumblr and talk about taylor swift some more thanks.
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oakley-silva · 2 months
i guess i shouldve done this sooner but umm shut up!!
WELCOME to my intro post thing >:3
High there my name is Oakley or if you wanna be cool about it you can call me Oak
Umm im #nonbinary and use they/them or sojmething
i like the colr purple and my favourite food is chicken nuges :3
I AM A MINOR so like dont be weird :D
a proshipper
anti furry
and thats kinda it, also if i dont like you i have a right to blocking you
Fandoms list!!!
(probs missed some)
Inanimate Insanity
Its time for the
Animatic battle
and thats kinda mainly it
Other things i do that arent as interesting list!!
i play the piano on occasion :3
I um.. draw fun fact right guys right
"kins" or whatever the hell yall say nowadays
(i just associate with these guys a bunchy)
Words with Friends tile (its time for the)
Nine (xfohv)
I guess Airy (hfjone)
PRICE TAG (tpot) (everyone says i sound like them lmao)
clock (itft)
mephone4, 4s, and 3gs (II)
taylor (hfjone)
and thats kinda it
VVV more info n links here (send me fiunny stuff!!!)
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enjoy my content now goodbye/nf
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urie · 1 year
do you mind going more in depth about why you don’t like dallon weekes
besides in general being boring and a bit of a wet blanket, which i guess isnt a crime necessarily, dallon is a ridiculous narcissist
when i was 19 dallon used to check my blog all the time to see what i was saying about him. he knew i didnt like him and he would often formulate replies to posts i specifically was making about him, and post them on fb or twitter, not tagging me directly but essentially quoting my criticisms right after i'd post them
dallon recognized me at shows and directly called me out in public and at a m&g once for not liking him or making jokes about him online. at the time it felt playful or whatever but as time goes on i feel more and more like it was a display of insecurity and ego, to be so concerned by what some teenager was saying about him on the internet that he checked my blog often and felt he should respond to me publicly, or in person, about it
and im not the only person who experienced this type of shit with dallon, there was an incident way back in 2014 or 2015 where he and breezy essentially went after a group of teenage fans because they criticized them. thats the type of behavior that was normal for him at the time. he was a man in his 30s, theres no excuse
beyond all of that i think dallon is a little slimy coward. he will not and has not definitively publicly said anything truly staunchly negative about brendon, but he went back on posts from like 7 years ago to change the captions and allow people to infer he was somehow a victim
but anyone who was around during too weird or doab era will remember that dallon's behavior at that time othered him from both the fans and the rest of the band. he acts as if he was being bullied by brendon, but brendon didnt do anything to him that he didnt do to kenny or zack or dan or, previously, spencer. why is it do you think that dallon is the only person who has ever tried to imply that brendon was a bully? everyone else that has worked with him publicly, from dillon francis to every time i die to fucking TAYLOR SWIFT, has sung his praises, said he was humble and kind and gracious, and you will be hard pressed to find a fan interaction where he was rude, cruel, whatever
dallon is so obsessed with victimizing himself, when its obvious to me that he was never going to be comfortable around the guys because 1) he didnt drink and 2) he was the only one of them who was a father and had that level of responsibility and 3) he is a practicing mormon and brendon himself has very complicated and valid reasons for being against the LDS faith and how it affected him growing up. the themes brendon often wrote about were about religion, his feelings about it, whatever. there was so much religious and subsequently anti-religious themes in the music and that was inevitably going to be offputting to dallon. keep in mind this is the same person who would get upset if brendon was singing songs from the book of mormon on the bus
dallon would talk shit about brendon to fans while he was literally on tour with the band. theres recorded evidence of this. how does this dude get lauded as mature and reasonable when his actions are often so petty and immature?
dallon could not hear about an islamophobic attack without making it about himself. dallon regularly has tiptoed around homosexuality or feminism. and i dont even give too much of a shit about that because obviously i stan brendon and i recognize when people fuck up and grow or whatever, but its so funny to me that dallon gets that pass when brendon doesnt
dallon making these sideways comments about being poor or not paid enough will always annoy me too. 1) he was a touring musician, 2) brendon urie himself was not cutting his checks, fueled by ramen was, 3) he was receiving royalties off of too weird airplay and streaming and live performances (and he still is), 4) HE AND BREEZY LIVED IN BEVERLY HILLS AT THE TIME, like talk about willfully living above your means. and beyond that he got to travel the world playing music and staying in expensive hotels at no cost to him while receiving exposure for his former projects and any that he might be involved with in the future (which is how idkhow has had its level of recognition). he had adoring obsessive fans sending fanmail and gifts and he is now, years and years later, biting the hand that fed him
and its not lost on me that dallon started changing these ig captions and making these nebulous, purposefully-vague comments right when the public shift on brendon started going south for whatever reason
because hes a coward, and he knows that any issues with brendon are simply personal grievances. if he had anything on him, if brendon was truly this evil guy who did him direct harm, you know he'd fucking say so, but he wont
he is an ungrateful narcissist who wants to be the victim sooo bad, sorry a bunch of guys in the band were messing around with airsoft guns and you willingly played along, not just amongst them but on social media, as if these arent the same guys who tazed each other multiple times on camera just bc they thought it would be funny
dallon deliberately othered himself and is now quietly and surreptitiously trying to claim he was bullied without actually SAYING it. hes still getting FBR checks. notice how it isnt just panic that doesnt fuck w him anymore, its practically the entire label, including fob, people they literally toured with multiple times
just a coward. an absolute loser of a man. i thought god told you not to gossip. you fucking dick
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bellybiologist · 1 year
More Advance Wars Reboot rambling!!
I just finished the AW2 campaign! So i have more thoughts! (Possible Spoilers below!)
-Sensei's Theme's did NOT need to SLAP that hard!!!!
-Colin's co power song slaps too.
-I also really like Flak's, tbh.
-Adder's features seem very "round" compared to how jagged his original incarnation is. I think it was so he fit in the style better, but his vibe is definitely a lil different (not that im complaining! His movements are so smooth, and that gives its own kind of appeal). His CO power animation is A Lot, haha.
-Hawk's theme feels a little weird... but i wasnt really a big fan of his theme in the first place.
-I'm sorta mixed on Jess's redesign and theme remix. She had a specific, masculine vibe i really liked in AW2 and AWDS especially, and now she has a very strong Power Lesbian feel in a different direction. Which is good! I still like it, but it's different. It feels like they decided on making her pretty, which wasnt really her thing? I think part of her appeal to me was she was pretty androgynous, and that isnt there in this design. her theme Has all the parts I like, but has some additional things that I think i just gotta get used to. 🤔
-What the heck is Sturm doing with ANOTHER special last boss theme? Geez, this game has so much music!
-I also forgot how insane Sturm's stats were in the AW2 campaign. my god, this guy.
-I'm glad they animated Hawke blowing Sturm up, lmao.
-Oooooh New design room pieces 👀 I can make the 3v1 final boss map i always dreamed of when i was 13, lmao! This is awesome~
This remake makes me insanely happy. The past week has been pretty productive cuz the Brain chemicals released from playing has been doing me good for my mood (though they are tapering off now. Good things dont last forever!)
Ultimately, i do think the Voice acting was probably the weakest part. The awkwardness i mentioned in my last post aside, It still feels very weird for Andy to be sounding like OG Ash Ketchum (Veronica Taylor), and a lot of the voices arent what I originally imagined them to be. But that's sorta expected when a game has had 20 years to kinda fester in your brain :P
I really hope they remake Dual Strike in the future, or even just had Updates/DLC that added new stuff! I honestly miss the units from Days of Ruin, cuz the Anti-tanks, gunboats, rebalanced Carriers, and bike infantry were awesome, and it'd be really neat to see how they interact with the older cast.
I still gotta go back and 100% the campaigns, buy all the characters, art, and music, and maybe do some war room maps. Lots to do still :V.
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oddballcobblebot · 1 year
🐧 Intro Post 🐧
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~ Hi<3 i'm the Penguin, or Oswald Cobblepot, though I prefer to be called Penguin over anything else. - i use she/it/ze/flipper/bird pronouns!! - i am a fictive alter in an osdd system, i am our host <3 we are called the iceberg lounge! (our sys account @penguintriumphant ) - i hate doubles, so pleaseee dont interact with me, same with other Ed's<3 i know my wife and i love her so very much (psst her blog is @enigmareduxx) - some of my interests are: penguins (especially emperor penguins), fight club, godzilla, music (will wood, radiohead, animal collective, weird al, joji, etc), dickie dibella/robin lord taylor, great white sharks, dogs, guinea pigs, smile for me, dc comics, batman: arkham, doctor who, lupin the iii, and more!! - dni if u: support endos, participate in lgbt discourse, are anti recovery, use names not from your culture (this includes alters), shota/loli/etc, anti neopronouns/xenopronouns (and genders), anti mogai
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ALSO!!! i have npd, bpd, and autism<3
im a bpd symptom holder, anxiety holder, and host
i luv my source and my wife !!
thats allllll thanks for reading<3 🐧☂️
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hamartian-cathexis · 2 years
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I posted 6,664 times in 2022
That's 2,180 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (0%)
6,652 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,515 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#fanart - 315 posts
#art - 311 posts
#cat - 261 posts
#taylor swift - 231 posts
#teen wolf - 195 posts
#tiktok - 191 posts
#hannibal - 163 posts
#aesthetic - 155 posts
#gif set - 148 posts
#animals - 111 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#usually when i catch a glimpse of smth that i dont want spoilers of im actually very very very good at scrolling past without looking
My Top Posts in 2022:
do people really vet the ops of all the posts they reblog? i see all these posts that are like “whenever i see an xyz post it turns out that it’s from some bad abc blog” and it’s like...sure, yikes, but how did you know that? you...checked? you went through op’s blog? for a reblog? what? bro all i ever do is scroll through my dash and press the silly little buttons, are you telling me there are people out there who investigate the politics of the op behind every post they interact with? really?
3 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
do that blorbo thingy for tmr
I assume u mean this? Lol I rbed that on my sideblog tea FJSKDHSJDHDH but it's okay I'll still do it lmao
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): GALLY.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): idk if I have one of these for tmr? Or any fandom really. My wow they're so cute! reaction is WOW I WANT TO MAKE THEM CRY which I don't think is the point of this category LMAO. Or idk, now that I think about it, I guess maybe frypan?
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): ...still Gally????? Or maybe Brenda 🤔
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Zart. I have so many weird random hcs for him. Know nothing about him canonically. My character now.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I feel like poor little meow meows are usually men but I actually quite like ava. So I guess her? Janson also makes sense but I don't see him as a fav character so much as a useful plot device I might wield here or there to inflict harm or angst upon other favs *shrugs* tho I don't hate him either.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): either Thomas or Minho. Or, y'know what, fuck it, gally too. I like tormenting characters okay. This could be anyone.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): minho. I think he'd have fun there.
7 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
what IF
that poem was about minho
(this poem)
It totally could be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the question is, who is the speaker tho? 🤔
10 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Okay but "i didn't have it in myself to go with grace / and you're the hero flying around saving face" and "it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero"
18 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
everyone else: *listening to august by taylor swift because it's august*
me: not me. im built different
me: *listens to august by taylor swift but it's the long pond studio sessions version*
20 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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staarri · 4 days
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❝  certain rules are applied in this blog, some may be unusual but this is all just to ensure the safety of the owner's time here.
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— yes, i am genderfluid! use whatever pronoun you want with me, including neo's, i dont mind really. so long as its not offensive or done to make fun of me, atleast take it a little seriously !! meaning: use whatever pronoun you want on me but don't call me things like alpha/alphaself or sigma/sigmaself
— completely OK with tag games / inbox games, i just ask you send it to my primary blog : @aphrodict !! ( as for selfships, you can use either 20ra or aphrodict, i dont mind which one ) just not my writing blog
— minors ( people 17 and below ) who write nsfw and actively engage in it by reblogging or liking works, please do not interact with me at all. meaning: dont go in my ask box. dont ask me to be mutuals with you. dont interact with my primary blog either.
— i will kindly ask dark content writers & enjoyers, mdni blogs, nsfw accounts ( with no proper tagging system for me to block ) to leave. meaning: i am okay with you liking my posts, but do not ask to be mutuals or "act close" with me.
— if you are an nsfw + sfw account asking to be mutuals with me, i will only ask that you have a proper NSFW TAG i can block to not see any content i dont want to see on my dash. ( its still better if you have a seperate account for nsfw as it causes me less trouble scrolling on posts! )
— don't include me in any drama im not included in. don't bring drama to my account, and don't try to make one on my account.
— although i am an sfw blog, i ask that people only interact when they are 13 +
— dont abuse my kindness! i will let you vent into my inbox, but dont trauma dump out of the blue, and don't use my asks to send hate as anon.
— basic dni criteria + any ai users ( chatgpt, character ai, stable diffusion, etc ), below 13, mdni blogs, dark content blogs, anti-selfshippers, taylor swift anti's ( i understand if you dont like her music, but dont parade it around it's weird ) zionists, pedophiles, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, proshippers, racist ( heavy on this ), if you refer to filipino's as "pacific islanders", people with asian fetishes ( GET OUT ), don't force your religion into me ( meaning: dont send me asks or messages saying : "repent now before its too late!" ) minors who write nsfw
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    ℇ  i write for   。
genshin impact   zhongli, neuvillette, scaramouche, thoma, tighnari, childe, xiao, kazuha, gorou, cyno, ga ming, kaveh, navia, wriothesley, hu tao, ei, wanderer
love and deepspace  rafayel, zayne, xavier
haikyuu  shoyo, kageyama, kenma, nishinoya, tsukishima
persona 5  &  final fantasy 15
fluff ╱ hurt comfort ╱ au + smau ╱ gn ! reader & fem ! reader
headcannons max 3 characters ╱ drabbles max 2 characters
    ℇ  i wont write for   。
pedophilia, incest, nsfw, anything -dere related, child!reader, toxic relationships, abuse, trauma, disorders & some diseases, character x oc & character x character
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dimini0shed · 3 months
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★ Dimitri Demidov ★ He/They/any that isn't She/Her ★ Brazilian and Indigenous! ★ Gay, Transmasc, Boyflux and Aroacespec ★ Please don't ask my age, just know im young. ★ I draw and VA sometimes... ★ im Neurodivergent and I get stressed really really easily ★
# Homestuck, Dialtown, Animal Biology, Entomology, Enstars, Art, Utauloid and Vocaloid (mainly Gakupo), Glitchcore and eyestrain thingss, Creepypasta and Slenderverse, Hellsing, Call of Duty, Cry of fear, Mr Plant, Skinwalkers and Wendigos, Wolf Children, Omori, Jinx & Minx, Final Fantasy, Mythology, IHNMAIMS, and many more I probably forgot (some interests I only tell to people I trust.) #
DNI !!
!! Basic DNI criteria (anti-Semitism, homophobes, xenophobes etc...), Transmeds/Truscum (ok to reblog, BUT DONT FOLLOW ME.), Proshippers and Comshippers, MAP/NO-MAP, Anti-Mogais, Anti-Therians/Furries, Anti-Recovery, those weird ED blogs..., fetish/kink blogs, DSMP fans or apologists, Conservatives (fuck off bitches.), "Endo" systems (I don't have OSDDID but how the fuck are you gonna be a system without trauma if OSDDID is caused because of trauma?? Are fucking stupid?), Zoos, Alfred's playhouse fans, Taylor swift fans (you know who you are.), Yandev apologists. !!
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bluebeetle · 2 years
idk man i just think ppl insisting dick is ugly is weird considering comics problem with handling romani characters... 
but also other fans turn around and fetishize him and thats also weird i saw one post that was joking about people making comments on his looks while he was trying to talk about anti-romani racism and its like hello. thats not funny??? 
and its just hey. can you guys be normal. please god. its bad enough that devin grayson and tom taylor dont know how to handle dick being romani without being racist (and grayson even made him romani for a racist reason) but like. can you all just be normal. and also remember that he isnt white this isnt a secret.
12 notes · View notes
um no nuance november: atla edition?
this was all over tiktok and ive seen some people do it here so...here we go...some of these are probably hot takes, you have been warned.
most of the fandom seems to forget that katara is a young girl with deep-seated trauma that she never truly dealt with. cut the racism and misogyny. shes not the “token straight,” shes not annoying, shes not technically the “mom friend,” she deserves a better life (and life partner) than she was given in canon.
katara’s comment to sokka during the southern raiders was harsh don’t get me wrong, but it was justified 
most of my issues with characters fall on their writing...not the characters themselves if that makes any sense
bakoda should have been canon
why didn’t katara, toph and zuko reunite in korra (they’re literally my three faves i was robbed, plus they all just seem sad...)
mako is hot
if we are talking combat, earth is the strongest element...toph can genuinely just drop a rock on someone and its over
republic city is absolutely unnecessary and frankly, stupid. capitalist propaganda :) why would you american-ize this series? im baffled
i just hope that azula got therapy and some love...her actions were outrageous but as far as we know she was conditioned by ozai to just be a pawn
katoph = best duo (friendship and fighting) in the whole show
katara is not a sister to zuko...that role is for toph
(as much as i love firelord zuko) zuko should have waited at least a few years to actually assume the position but even then i truly think he would hate it and institute a democracy
the humor did not land in for me in lok (list of tried and failed for me is meelo, bumi, bolin, varrick, eska...)
i truly did not feel any strong emotional attachment to any lok character (causing me to be pretty indifferent to most of the entirely new editions to the show)
(i think the large cast did not allow for much development for really anyone, save for korra tenzin and maybe lin?, leaving them all to be pretty two dimensional.)
more rambling under the cut (its more shippy you have been warned...)
the fanon portrayal of aang is a glorified version of the canon (you can criticize your faves!)
aang being a “bad” father in canon fits his (poorly written) character 
TAANG IS GENIUS (it makes me like aang more :)
i dont think maiko is healthy...at all (same for bolin and eska and zhu li and varrick) - bottom line: bryke cant write relationships
building on that it felt weird for zuko to change throughout book 3 for him only to revert back to his old life in the finale by staying with mai
sokka and suki are the only valid canon couple
also why is everyone so quick to be “oh suki is bi!!” but so much of this fandom feels the need to say “no, katara is the token straight she can’t be bi...” it seems so silly to say but katara hatred is so normalized in this fandom and it makes me so upset. literally everyone would be fucking dead if it werent for her i love my queen fuck y’all
kanna would not have gone back to pakku
why are most zukka shippers women...food for thought
peace by taylor swift is a zutara song...zukkas dont even try to claim that
zutara works...it just seems like antis forget that these two characters (even if it is not explicitly romantic in atla) have such a strong bond. they listen, care, and look out for one another...and bottom line they see each other as equals. (also watch the second half of tsr again...they play off each other and work so well together)
this fandom demonizes zutara shippers for absolutely no reason while completely disregarding actual problematic issues that occur throughout the rest of the fandom
suki in the comics is practically a katara stand in
makorra felt like an attempt to appease the zutara shippers (it failed immensely)
should we love kuvira as much as we do? should we be shipping her with korra...?
in canon it does make sense that sokka could have been suyin’s father, but where did suki go? were they hinting that zuko and suki had izumi, meaning that sokka and suki broke up? but WHY? they were literally perfect with absolutely no complication in canon...tldr: post-atla is so ridiculous
i think this feels salty...and i went on for too long...i needed to get that out...um...
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spade-riddles · 3 years
"Adjusting Expectations" Post
This submission received a lot of responses and 120 notes, so I thought I would compile the comments here.
Anonymous said:
Adjusting expectations anon was so good. If their timetables are right and we do just need to be patient a little longer, can Kaylor please send us a sign? I guess it would be too loud to slip "adjusting expectations" into social media posts, but maybe they could both do something with playing cards? To show they are card sharks right now but they'll find their way home eventually? That would reassure people. And it would fly under the radar.
casuallycruel131313 said:
I agree with a lot of this but I think the main issue right now is that moral and ethical lines have been crossed and there's no coming back from that. In these post-Trumpian insurrectionist times it's unfathomable that they could continue the Kushner narrative I no longer care if or when they come out, I enjoy the music and I'm happy to observe from a distance because I'm interested from a PR/marketing point of view but my opinion of T &K as people has changed irrevocably and I don't see how they can clean the tarnish off.
@theprologues said:
Agree with most of not all if this but I would like to say as a Kaylor the toe Grammy stunt didn’t phase me. I was not crushed by that by any means. I just shrugged and honestly expected it. It was the attributing Betty and exile to him during the LPSS in November that bummed me out and really made me go...really?
rockcrow20 said:
Have to say I also agree with most of this.
I no longer have any expectations on anything changing any time soon and have not been surprised by the recent events its to be expected after everything over the years really
Nothing has really changed (bearding narrative wise) since I fell down the rabbit hole in 2017 (except that great night in nashville 2018 rep)
Honestly I can't say I am as invested anymore about them ever coming out as I was.
I think the wb/Joe thing was the last moment for me and the continual kushner connection just troubles me like many others.
I mean my kaylor motto for awhile now has been hope for the best but expect disappointment.
Low expectations = limited feelings of disappointment.
original-cypher said:
@rockcrow20 the WB was a breaking point for so many. You are absolutely right. There are just so ma'y contradictions that feel like absolute whiplash. (I know I seem to have been the only one experiencing that with Gorgeous but... that was a big one for me, too) But like. You go on a whole PR campaign about speaking up and standing up for yourself. You say you're capable and tired of men trying to take ownership of your success and profit off of your name. And you credit you literal damn work to a bloke? Bitch, 'consistency'? Look it up. It grossed me out. It would have felt iffy if I believed they were real. But since I wasn't born yesterday it just sent me the message "this is how far I'm willing to sacrifice my principles to not be queer".
rockcrow20 said:
@original-cypher exactly why it bothered me and I know alot us so much. Such mixed messaging of being a strong fighting for your rights female and then oh hey let me attribute some of my best work to my pr boyfriend and the pr pics where she is walking behind all the time like 🙄 The Betty thing that was big one for me too!
rainbowdaisy13 said:
This write up and the comments are spot on. I don’t have much to add other than like @original-cypher said, Miss Americana is tainted for me now and seems like at the very least, it was released too soon in the plan. I get we think they have had to pivot but man, that doc, and including her literally saying “gay rights make me me” at the end was such a false flag. To see her wax poetic about not taking shit from men anymore and then see her do the same old hetero weak woman song and dance routine with the WB shit for albums that are of her genius mind has been so disappointing. I still believe Kaylor is real and I hope they get a chance to show the world that. Karlie posting that cardigan pic in the woods before the folklore release cemented for me they are still together. Adding a baby makes me feel all kind of weird ethical things but I hope I live long enough to see it play out and wear my I Told You So shirt 😁
@kellykaylor said:
agree with your post... I dont care about toe stunts but what really pissed me of was hetwashing betty 🤮! beautiful post tho anon!!
roameroo said:
Totally agree with these all comments especially the strong messaging of MA only to turn around & pull that WB = my "bf" crap. I was disheartened by her mentioning him at the Grammy's only bc he's getting credit for sh*t he doesn't/didn't do. That is what irks me the most about this, giving him credit for her life's work.
always-the-last-word said:
Can I throw my pennies in the pool ?? Taylor will put out the big three first Fearless, RED then 1989 that should bring us to about August. This is where the excitement should begin. If Taylor preps and waits for National Coming Out day it's a no lose for her. Lover her money making machine will go through the roof !! If things go bad or good in the public eye she'll have REPUTATION Taylor's Version ready to release. It will be epic and she'll own it and be FREE.
@karlie-what-you-want said:
always-the-last-word I like this take a lot! I try not to be too optimistic but if she wanted to come out sooner rather than later, I think this plan would satisfy both business and PR needs (at least on Taylor’s end). Remains to be seen how Tay will help Karlie dig her way out of the mess they made together regarding the K*shners.
always-the-last-word said:
Always remember that Taylor has a PLAN. Some of her plans are year's old (easter eggs). Taylor's one and only LOVE is her music, everything else comes second. If KK wants to change and be with her full time she'll make moves around the same time frame. That's if she chooses to. In any event Tay will be open and own all her music. I've seen this film before and WE might not like the ending.
chosetherose said:
I’ve been going back and forth for a day trying to figure out what I wanted to say when I reblogged this post. I’m tired. I’m frustrated. I understand I’m owed nothing by Taylor or Karlie. I understand that circumstances out of their control have caused the girls to pivot over and over again.
But, the root of my frustration in the past months stems not from me battling with the trivial (e.g. pap walks, etc.) but with my personal principles. I fiercely believe credit should be given where it is earned and I uphold this in my career regularly. To see Taylor crediting Toe with her art was deeply disappointing. Watch the 1989 and folklore acceptance speeches back to back and tell me it doesn’t upset you. I believe the K******s have blood on their hands and that their actions during the pandemic have killed people. To see Karlie still associating with one of them disgusts me.
I can’t help but think back in frustration - Would you really fall from grace to touch her face? (And in the brilliant words of @9w1ft) But would you die for her in public? I go back and forth feeling like questions like this aren’t fair at all and thinking they are sort of valid. At this point, it sort of feels like Taylor would only fall from grace for her lover if all the stars and facets of her life aligned perfectly. But perfection like this does not happen. Such is life. So why am I here?
I do question why Spade left certain messages in their final days. I am still holding hope a fervent revolution exonerates everyone. I so desperately want Taylor to regain control of her masters or re-records. Maybe this is the plan they thought was best with multiple goals in mind (re-records, having a family, coming out of the closet one day etc). I’m trying to remain patient because Spade told us to trust her endless yearning. But WOW it is asking a lot of us at this point.
Anonymous said:
Despite being a pragmatist kaylor and oftentimes getting into arguments with fellow optimistic kaylors (owner of this blog included) I think it's quite unfair -at this point- to say to the optimists who have patiently sat through the worst kind of stunts with the most terrible kind of people (yes I'm talking about the Kushner's friend group too) that they should have seen it coming. Besides, if it weren't for the optimists we the cynicals would have burned this fandom down by now.
Anonymous said:
Even if we ignore that an insurrection happened partially because of the family karlie's still working for and getting paid from, she literally said before the pregnancy debacle unfolded that j*sh was her last client while talking about cutting hair and doing a cutting gesture. How should we have interpreted that? 😤That a year later she would be more stuck with the Kushners than ever? We don't wake up on day and decide to have unrealistic expectations. She feeds into them. 😠
Anonymous said:
I have no expectation of Taylor coming out anymore. Zero. None. I have no expectation of her dropping Toe or even of Kaylor publicly reuniting. It doesn't even matter that much anymore. But I - do - expect 1 thing. Karlie to drop and completely dissociate herself from the Kushners and this has nothing to do with kaylor. It was everything to do with me being unable to support a person who willfully assists (now using her baby too) and receives money from a family that has made so many suffer.
Anonymous said:
A quick word from an ex-kaylor (who will never become an anti). A year ago, when the Trumps were still in power and untouchable and there was no baby, I was excusing and turning a blind eye to many things Karlie did for the K*shners. Even that dinner in September. I had also made peace with the truth never being revealed. But a year later the Trumps are gone, Karlie is still on full stunting mode now with a baby in the mix, a baby that is already being used by the Kushners, and I've really run out of excuses. Now the only thing that could possibly keep me on board is if I knew there was a good chance that the full truth would come out, so that Karlie's inexplicable and honestly borderline immoral actions could eventually make sense. But as your sub said, this is an unrealistic expectation, thus I became an ex-kaylor and I'm not planning to come back even when they reunite. 😕
Anonymous said:
What baffles me is that Taylor has explicitly expressed her regret about not giving her lover the credit she deserves and her doubt whether fame is worth hiding her true love: "when I walked up to the podium, I think I forgot to say your name", "what's a lifetime of achievement, if I pushed you to the edge". But yet again she didn't do anything to change this. I didn't expect her to acknowledge Karlie, but a nod or at least not falsely crediting her beard would be a good start.
Anonymous said:
1🙁 Let me chime in re: "expectations". I'm one of the kaylors who ever since the pregnancy reveal was trying to tell everyone there's NO way she was gonna dump him soon after birth let alone before that. It would bring too much unnecessary attention and Jerk would have never agreed to something that would make him look like a bad guy/husband. For the exact same reasons, I was also saying there's no way he wasn't going to post about the baby. All the above against the popular opinion back then.
2🙁 So I agree that the day of the birth post was known to T, not the timing though. Simply bc Kushner-leaning outlets made sure to note that detail. If they wanted it to go unnoticed, why draw attention to it? That being said, kaylors would have been more patient with this mess, if Karlie hadn't gone overboard with her freedom "smoke signals" last summer and Tay's "insiders" hadn't been insinuating that the end is VERY near. Both of them SHOULD have known by then how we would react to these.
3🙁 So it's natural that everyone feels played and has no patience for any more bullshit. Another sore point is how Jerk AND the Kushner-Trump klan monopolize the baby news. This isn't just to make it realistic, it's an abuse of Kaylor's baby's name to garner good pr for the worst family in America, with Karlie's blessing. In order for her marriage and split to appear realistic she's putting a LIFETIME burden on her child's back. Unless you believe she's eventually gonna say Jerk isn't the dad.
4🙁 So "we’re in a position we should realistically have been able to see coming". But we did see it coming, that why some made these extreme scenarios, bc this is the worst possible outcome. "Good people try to make it work, even in bad relationships." Ultimately this isn't just a "bad rs". It's a horrific association that should have been resolved ages ago, not one to bring your child into, doom it to suffer a similar fate, and expect people to sit idly and watch. That's what frustrates most.
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xplrvibes · 3 years
Come to think of it, Colby is a little clingy and obsessive too. I cant stand this girl like the majority of us but if you forget the crap shes pulled you realize, he's grown, almost 25 and when he post about her it's not just one thing its multiple stuff to the point that those of us not here for her will go "Alright dude we get it". Oh yeah and he is into it, he's into her obsessive streak.
I use to be a fan but it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth just because soon enough he'll play the im so lonely card or the i dont know why people ship me OR im single card.
Gotta say im over it too. Cry me a river dude.
I mean, he's fully admitted to being a clingy and obsessive bird, thats not breaking news 🤣.
To be totally honest, I personally don't hate Shea. I'd have to give a rat's ass about her to hate her, and I really don't. I hate all the nonsense that comes with him being seen with her once every 4 months (the shippers and the antis alike), but that's really as deep as it goes for me. 🤷‍♀️
That being said...I don't see the correlation between him talking about being single/lonely and him posting content with Shea here and there. I think that they are friends, they've been friends for a long time, and for whatever reason, reasons that we are not privy to or are not in a position to sway him from, he's exceptionally fond of her. And he sees the fans that are also fond of her (and of her and him posting mediocre "adventuring" videos together), and he feeds them occasionally. I mean, he posts content with her like, 4 times a year. It's the same consistency he posts with Brennen Taylor, tbh, for much the same reason. The rest of the year, he's back in his bubble with Sam or off making kinky tiktoks with Amber.
Now as far as the weird shit she does...look. Either he knows, or he doesn't. And if he does know...either he cares, or he doesn't. We don't know and probably never will. But, on the off chance that she really is as shady as she's rumored to be, and he really does know all about it, and he really is as into it as she is...well then, I'd say they're well suited for each other, and we should stop giving them what they collectively want, which is more of a spotlight on their "relationship."
So, to that end, I have only one other thing to say: Has anyone seen the new Halloween Wars with Zak Bagans, and is it as weird as I thought it was?
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sweetlikekkul · 4 years
Day 39
i feel like i should stop counting these days like this bc.... it's gonna be some more. and it's weird. like. weird. the hugs not even the weirdest atm, just. knowing that i still have to stay. and there'd be nowhere to go anyway.
this afternoon i was on a walk and trying to look for a septum ring. but once again i forgot to take a cart in The smallest most crammes shops in the city. and had headphones. so i didnt hear the employees telling me to use a cart. but it's so stupid in there, whew. when my shoulder is less than 10cm away from another person's while passing them in the aisle, but i absolutely need to take the tiny short cart to be more aware of keeping the appropriate distance. yeah right. i am sorry that i always forget and the employees must be so damn annoyed by people like me. but still, that stressed me the fuck out.
and then i went some more walkinh through the park, had an apple in the sun. and got angry at that anti corona measurements picture again, didnt have a pen, again. next time. they already had a "please dont remove Meinungsfreiheit blah blah" lol. yup you're free to say whatever. doesnt mean it cant be dumb.
we had pasta salad today for lunch and i also had it for dinner! but i have to cook tomorrow, but idk what yet. and its nearly 5am. it's gonna be greeeeat. but recently i've been sleeping less again and also felt less tired, so i can just hope i get a good day tomorrow hm.
so i was already awake until about 3am, right. and then i read there is a meteor shower tonight. yup i obv watched some. it's 04:34 and i decided it's enough and i need to sleep. i saw the three biggest shooting stars of my life tho!!!! 1st just on the left side of the window, from top straight down along the side of the window, really bright last part, a perfect aesthetic example of a shooting star. 2nd one across from right to a bit higher on the left, relatively red and foamy looking. 3rd reallyyyy fast, along the top side of the window from right to left just before the corner.
i cried at the 2nd one. and tweeted abt the 1st. this was So worth it, i love stars. i also sent my friend a pic of her fav constellation, aw
oh and the last half hour. i listened to taylor swift bc it was really the mood for it, ...Ready for it? was somehow exceptionally great, idk.
oh and before i listened to lots more bts, the lyrics of songs are just amazing sometimes (and sometimes... not. um.) but i also still love the mango playlist i made after the peach tree rascals recommendation and song radio from last week on slowly. oh, raisin wrote me again! and i am posting lots lots on my 2nd instagram bc.. i feel like the beauty of the pictures calms me maybe? might just be telling that myself bc i want to make me feed better and longer, hm. posting a lot w increasingly weird captions either way.
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
What we learned from the Golden Globes: Meryl Streep always wins and Ryan Gosling never fails
The curtain has fallen on this years ceremony and heres our key takeaways, including the best anti-Trump speech, the wittiest mention of syphilis and what it all means for next months Oscars
Theres no stopping La La Land, the post-truth underdog
Right from the start, which saw Jimmy Fallons opening skit entirely devoted to a spoof of La La Land, it was obvious Damien Chazelles hymn to Hollywood had converted the 90-odd members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association men and women who had left their homelands to travel to La La Land and pen their own hymns to Hollywood.
But just how faithful the converts proved couldnt quite be predicted: the film took seven gongs over the evening (best song, best score, best director, best screenplay, best actor, best actress, best comedy or musical), beating the likes of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest to make new record.
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone with their awards. Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/NBC/(Credit too long, see caption)
So how did they do it? Especially when some of the awards (such as screenplay) were felt by some to be a bit optimistic? Well, that opening sequence was also significant, because it showed that La La Land is a lot easier to parody than, say, Moonlight (black gay man in Miami struggles with sexuality and addict mother) and Manchester by the Sea (gloomy janitor returns home after the death of his brother to grapple with previous family tragedy) and may end up with a lot more cultural currency, even significance, as a result.
That the Globes split their categories (drama and comedy or musical) naturally favours movies such as Chazelles, but, as Benjamin Lee pointed out in his liveblog, every La La acceptance speech also pushed the notion of the movie as an underdog a crazy mad idea and a wild punt for the studio to back.
But remember: this is a romance starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, directed by a man whose most recent movie won three Oscars, and which like Argo and The Artist strokes that hand that feeds it. But, whatever works.
Unless its the actual underdog
La La Lands main rival, Barry Jenkinss Moonlight, went into the race with nearly the same number of nominations, and came away with just one win. But what a win: best drama. The fact it was robbed in the supporting actor category (where Mahershala Ali lost out to Aaron Taylor-Johnson) may even help its chances going forward for what we now have is a genuine underdog (albeit one thats so far picked up 120 awards) with a little outraged momentum behind it (thought #JusticeForMoonlight felt a bit of a trending punt). The last movie to take just best drama at the Globes? Best picture Oscar winner 12 Years a Slave
Congratulations can still come with a bouquet of barbed wire
Despite significant wins for actors of colour actors this year, there were slightly fewer than expected (see Ali), and efforts to forget the #OscarsSoWhite controversy were undermined by not one, but two, people (George Bushs daughter, Michael Keaton) conflating the names of the two big nominated movies featuring black actors. Fences are still visible; perhaps Figures still arent, quite.
Meryl 2020
Meryl Streep attacks Donald Trump in Golden Globes speech
Can a blonde white woman in her late 60s defeat Donald Trump? If anyone can, Meryl can. Her speech picking up the Cecil B DeMille lifetime achievement award was easily the runaway moment of the night: impassioned, funny, fearless and picking up perhaps the prize dreadful moment in the president-elects campaign: his mocking of a disabled reporter on the campaign trail.
It kind of broke my heart, and I saw it, and I still cant get it out of my head because it wasnt in a movie. It was real life. And this instinct to humiliate when its modelled by someone in the public platform by someone powerful, it filters down into everybodys life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing.
Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use definition to bully others, we all lose.
Trump duly responded, not on Twitter, but by telling the New York Times he hadnt watched the show but was not surprised that the liberal movie people ridiculed him. Sad!
Hugh Laurie for VP
A shock choice for supporting actor in a drama series over favourite John Lithgow for that other great statesman, Churchill but Laurie made up for it with a pitch-perfect address, which preceded Streeps and lamented that this was likely the last Globes ceremony. Accepting the prize on behalf of psychopathic billionaires everywhere, Laurie said:
I dont mean to be gloomy, its just that it has the words Hollywood, Foreign and Press in the title. I just dont know I also think to some Republicans, even the word association is slightly sketchy.
Viola Davis for secretary of state
A controversial one this, not because she aced the supporting actress performance for which she won her prize, nor for her great speech, nor even her composed anti-Trump rant backstage:
Viola Davis makes powerful anti-Trump speech backstage at Golden Globes
But for allowing us all to get a glimpse of the real Streep, sharing a strange food-shaming incident in her introduction to the great woman.
Streep: Whatd you do last night, Viola?
Davis: Oh, I cooked an apple pie.
Streep: Did you use Pippin apples?
Davis: Pippin apples, What the hell is Pippin apples? I used Granny Smith apples.
Streep: Did you make your own crust?
Davis: No, I used store-bought crust. Thats what I did.
Streep: Then you didnt make an apple pie, Viola.
Davis: Well, thats because I spent all my time making collard greens! I make the best collard greens. I use smoked turkey, chicken stock and my special BBQ sauce.
Streep: Well, they dont taste right unless you use ham hocks. If you dont use ham hocks, it doesnt taste the same.
Accidents can happen, thank God
In what looked like one of the most locked-down ceremonies in years, a couple of bona fide surprises leapt out. The first with the HFPAs love for Paul Verhoevens hot-potato rape revenge comedy Elle a movie previously deemed too controversial for major acclaim. But it took not just best foreign language film (over the more politically safe Toni Erdmann) but also best actress for Isabelle Huppert: now a major Oscar contender, leaving both previous frontrunners (Natalie Portman and Emma Stone), fretting into their frocks.
The second shocker also showcased the Globess more offbeat taste: two big wins (best comedy series, best actor for Donald Glover) for Atlanta, about the citys rap scene. The Globes can be notoriously wacky this time round, in a good way.
We need to pin our hopes on the other Jimmy
Fallon had a lot to live up to. In part because Amy Poehler and Tina Fey set such a high benchmark for this gig a couple of years back; also because Fallon patsied to Trump on his chatshow a couple of months back. But despite a few early digs at the president-elect, he failed to deliver. Most glaring was his inability to competently wing it when the teleprompter broke. All such issues were highlighted by the brilliance of some of the presenters, in particular Kristen Wiig, who having stolen the showin 2013 with her Will Ferrell double act, repeated the trick this time with Steve Carell. Can fellow talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel top it at the Oscars next month? Probably.
Heartthrobs are called heartthrobs for a reason
Ryan Goslings best actor speech saw peak metrosexual pin-up this year: losing nominees Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield shared a snog, while Gosling further confirmed his dreaminess at the podium. He ended his speech by paying tribute to his lady Eva Mendes for looking after their daughter and her brother (who had cancer, and to whose memory he dedicated the prize) while she was pregnant with their second child and he was off twinkling his toes on La La Land. So, sweetheart, thank you.
Tom Hiddleston, meanwhile, went full humanitarian, closing with a story about a recent trip to South Sudan with the UN Childrens Fund and dedicating his prize to aid workers everywhere. The weird cuts to Christian Slater and the kids from Stranger Things didnt help, but it was still stirring stuff.
The Brits are coming! But so is Netflix
Hiddleston won for The Night Manager, the Beebs big hit of the night gongs also for Laurie and Olivia Colman but the series-which-should-have-been-made-by-the-BBC-but-wasnt took best TV series (drama) and best actress (for Claire Foy). After the anti-climatic hoohah around Netflixs first big film production, Beasts of No Nation, the streaming service finally made good. Lucky, given The Crown still has five very expensive series still to fund and run.
Real actors are never off
Lithgow backstage with Claire Foy and Peter Morgan. Photograph: Mario Anzuoni/Reuters
Greatest ad-lib of the night? Probably John Lithgow, who channelled Churchill with aplomb in the press room. Being told his fly was undone, Lithgow quoted back the great cigar-chomper: Its not a problem. A dead bird never leaves its nest. The runners-up prize goes to Hugh Grant, wrongly leaked as the winner of best actor (comedy or musical), who describes the plot of Florence Foster Jenkins as, accurately enough, about a woman slowly dying of syphilis.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2j1gNUK
from What we learned from the Golden Globes: Meryl Streep always wins and Ryan Gosling never fails
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