#The Rookie 1x08
chenfordsbby · 10 months
"Time of Death"
Season 1 Episode 8: “Time of Death”
“Nolan and Bishop respond to a silent alarm call at a local convenience store where two men are attempting to rob the place; Bishop helps coordinate a drug bust.”
Original Air Date: December 11, 2018
Written By: Brynn Malone
Directed By: Michael Goi
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Another week, another episode, let’s get right into it, shall we?!
When a new episode starts with a “previously on” usually that means that storyline is brought back up in the current episode, so I know already off the bat that the John and Lucys relationship is going to be a focus on this episode, as well as Isabel.  Im kind of glad though, because that means there will be more traction for the doomed Nucy relationship and maybe it will finally get to a head and be done with completely, maybe, hopefully!
My favorite part of every episode, I’ve come to learn, is the cold opens.  I think because of the fact that, so far, they really have nothing to do with any of storylines that we get in the rest of the episode. John and Talia are in pursuit of the assailant, and  he leads them into a room where they realize that its an escape room and the only way out is by actually figuring out all of the clues of the room and they end up solving their way out and it also gives us a little comedy as well, as its really the only comedy we get this episode unfortunately.
Lucy and John are seen sparring with each other and it’s awkward because they are awkward still.  Still fresh off of a break-up that neither of them seemed to want, but was necessary to happen.  We can all feel it.
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Talia and Nolan respond to a call from a convenience store where there are two robbers, Talia quickly captures her robber, but John’s escapes and his leads him into the home of an unsuspecting scared family.  The robber runs upstairs and finds a gun, he turns, and aims to shoot at John, but defensively, John pulls the trigger on his own gun and the bullet lands right into the mans chest, and kills him.  Talia radios the shooting in and this original call becomes one, that nobody expected it too: an officer is now a suspect.  John did not think that this is how his day was going to pan out.   John starts to rationalize his decision, but Talia knows how this works and she tells John to stop, because now, this has turned into an IA investigation: an on-duty police officer shot and killed a suspect. 
Officer Nolan is asked by Captain Anderson who he wants to be his companion officer, to help guide him through this new and unfamiliar territory and he responds with Officer Grey.  It is a surprising choice, mainly for the fact that Grey has shown on multiple occasions that he does not like Nolan, nor does he respect him, and as far as the viewers eyes can see, John knows that, so why exactly does he choose him?  I personally think it’s because even though Grey doesn’t like or respect him, Nolan respects Grey.  I think that he always has.  He told him from the very first episode that he’s there for a reason and he will prove him wrong.  Maybe this is one of the first steps in doing just that?  We eventually find out later in the episode that Nolan actually chose Grey because Grey isn’t going to sugarcoat things.  When push comes to shove, Grey will be upfront and honest with John, and John needs 100% honesty right now.  
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Grey goes over in detail with John of the next steps that’s going to happen to him in these next ew days with the upcoming investigation. An on duty officer, shot and killed a suspect, this isn’t something that gets treated lightly.  The IA investigations are going to be brutal and John will be getting asked questions of every moment leading up to and everything after the shooting, and Grey is preparing him for that.   
Another question that pops into my head while watching this episode, why did they have Nolan be the officer who killed the suspect?  The only thing I can think of is because this show was intended to revolve around John and his career/life in the academy, especially as a rookie cop, but also because this might bring Lucy back into his life?
This is the first time that we have seen Grey be serious with John.  Every time before this, Grey has been mocking Nolan and making fun of him, so to see this change in his behavior, is serious.  Grey knows how serious this is and he knows he has to be there for Nolan, in any capacity he can be in.  I genuinely feel bad for Nolan.  This job means so much to him, so for it too potentially be taken away from him is weighing heavy on his mind.  John is in the investigation room and the questions are being rapid fire shot at him by IA. John is answering them to the best of his abilities, but you can see that John is reeling- this shooting only happened hours ago, and it was traumatizing to John.
The morning after the shooting, John just lays in his bed replaying the previous day over and over again, but did he even sleep…?  
We see individual interviews between IA and Jackson and Lucy.  Lucy gets asked personal questions regarding John and she knows the correct answers too, but has to lie in order to protect herself and her relationship with John.  Lucy approaches John the next day to talk, and she wants him to talk to her, but advises against it.  As suspected, he admits he can’t stop thinking about what happened the previous day to her.  Lucy brings John to the house where the shooting happened.  She shows John the family that he protected, who are save and alive in their house because of him and what he did, I think its what John needed to see.  He took a life, yes, but he also saved the lives of 4 other people.  It might not seem like it now, but John did a good thing.  
John is very out of it this entire episode after the shooting, and it’s sad to see.  The very normally happy-go-lucky John is long gone and he is just somber.  It is unsettling. This shooting has affected him, and for the rest of this episode, John really is just going through the emotions, of what is expected of him. He just shot and killed a man hours ago, for anyone to expect anything else from him would be uncalled for.
John goes to talk to Captain Anderson, asking to see his body cam footage from the previous day of the shooting.  Captain Anderson highly advises against it, but John chooses to do so in the end, maybe this is the next step he needs to take in order to accept what happened.  It is clearly traumatizing for John to watch, but he needs to see it in order to understand why he did it. Captain Anderson knows that as she previously mentioned she has been there.
John and Lucy end the night with Lucy bringing John back home and walking him in, and as mentioned before, you can still feel the tension between them, whether that is unresolved sexual tension or awkwardness, but its there and of course they end up in a kiss, which we all know what that is going to lead too, unfortunately.  I get it though, why they did that; they fell back into comfortability.  Given the current situation, it is unfamiliar and very uncomfortable so they regress and go back to what they know, which is each other.  This is potentially the last time that John is, or could be an officer.  He needs to feel something that was normal for him for a long time and that is Lucy and vice versa.  After all is said and done, Lucy tells John that it was a mistake, which she knows it is, but again, it felt good and familiar in the moment.  
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The episode ends with Lucy in the shower, and while John is up and about the house making food, he gets the vibe that something is off, goes to investigate and gets pummeled in the face by a baseball bat, and dragged throughout the whole house, and by who? The brother of the man that John killed.  This guy is out for revenge.  To be continued….what is going to happen next?
The other storyline of this episode is Isabel.  
Talia gets told by Anderson that she got the tap, and she is delighted, but knows that it’s a sticky subject to talk to Angela about because Angela also wanted the tap, but they play nice and Angela is happy for her, of course.  As the girls and Tim are talking, they look over and see Isabel being brought into the station.  Tim gets told that Isabel made a deal with the detectives to be an informant in order to avoid prison because she knows what’s waiting for her in prison is hell and she will do anything to avoid that. 
Angela and Jackson respond to an obvious impaired civilian who ends up having her boyfriends chopped off foot on her and when they bring her back into the station to book her, they notice something is up, Angela peeks over and knows the exact reason why, John Nolan and the shooting- this arrest is quietly forgotten about.  It was almost as a ploy to get them back to the station and involved in the Nolan storyline.  
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Tim and Lucy are talking about the drugs that Tim didn’t take from Isabels apartment while in the shop and this is really the only interaction that we have of them this episode.  This episode is not about them and their forming relationship, but they are sorely missed.  While in the shop, they get notified of Nolans shooting and head back to the station.  Isabel starts to work with the detectives, with Talia helping them as she got the tap.  The detectives want Isabel to wear a wire, and even though she is hesitant, she knows that she has to do it because again she will do anything to avoid a prison sentence.  Its different to see other people besides Tim and Lucy interact with Isabel and with Isabels storyline.  Even Talia mentioned, she was at Tim and Isabels wedding and now she’s a part of the team leading Isabel into straight up danger, I’m sure its an unsettling feeling for every party involved.  
The detective and Talia arrest Isabels boyfriend, and they knew exactly what they were doing because while booked, he calls Isabel and has her to go into the upcoming drug bust in his place.  Isabel still knows what will happen to her if she goes to prison so she’s going to take whatever else she can, which is why she’s willingly going into this drug bust, and with a wire at that.
Talia pulls Tim to talk about Isabel, and she finally tells Tim what the detectives want Isabel to do which is wear the wire.  I was wondering why Tim was being so left out of the loop with Isabel.  Bottom line, Tim and Isabel are still married, even though it really doesn’t seem like it, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she is still his wife, who he said vows too.  He has every right to feel what he is feeling about this situation.  Isabel is all wired up and everyone is ready to go.  The risks and stakes are high, this entire operation is riding on Isabel, that’s a ton of pressure on her, but for Isabel, who we still infer is still addicted to drugs is even worse.  Can she pull this off?
Tim sits back in his car, watching old home videos of Isabel and himself from when they were simply themselves and just together.  I am sure this whole situation is weighing heavy on his heart. Tim never expected his life, his marriage to go the way it did, he misses what it once was, because deep down, he knows it will never be the same and could never go back to being the same.
Ive said it since the beginning, Angela is the superior friend of Tim, which is why she ends up in his passenger seat right next to him, she knows that he shouldn’t or can’t be alone right now. They all wait this out with Isabel and the drug lord until it’s a little too late and Tim, Angela and the detectives realize that the drug lord is on to them and Isabel.  They rush in and everybody is gone, with Isabels wire on the ground.  Tim freaks the fuck out, to put it lightly and shit just hit the fan…. To Be Continued.
Honorable Mention:  
Episode Peak:  This entire episode was really just, sad. I personally don’t think there was one.
Episode Pit:  John Nolan. This is the first episode I truly felt bad for him.
Quote of the Episode: “I can't imagine what you're going through. And maybe if I was in the same place, I'd think about quitting, too. But they're alive because you did your job. You put your own life at risk to protect them, and if you're ever in that position again, I know you'll do the same thing”. ~ Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 7/10.  I don’t dislike this episode, but I also didn’t love this episode.  I know that this episode needed to happen to basically put an end to John and Lucy’s relationship but I feel indifferent to this episode.  
This episode took me a few hours to review and I didn’t even realize it- but I had to get it done! I hope you enjoy it!
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queseraone · 11 months
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spot the man worried about his wife 👀
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bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
We march forward onto ep 8 for our series rewatch. :)
1x08 Time of death
This ep is a desert for gifs in general and Chenford content sadly.
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Also a very Nolan forward ep. But lots of good Tim stuff too I wanted to review. That being said, had to use screen shots with my phone since this was a gif desert haha But none the less the review carries on ha
We start with Tim seeing Isabel being brought back to station cuffs and all.... Poor Tim. Always looks the saddest when Isabel is around. He asked Grey what is going on. Finds out she made a deal to be a CI Oof. His rough ride continues when it comes to her. The man can not catch a break. But her time with him is all about to come to head one way or another which he truly he needs.
We get our first (really our only) shot of our fav duo in their shop. Lucy commends Tim for letting the drugs be found. It's good she's reminding him what he decided was for the best. You can see he is still laden with heavy guilt over it. His internal loyalty still scolding him for not doing so. He defends Isabel and tells Lucy they weren't hers. I mean no...but she did willingly stash them for Carson my love.
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He so desperate to have an explanation to this situation. To why she’s acting the way she is. He’s such a black and white guy. He needs this to make sense to him. To have something to hang this on. So he goes with her being taken advantage of. It’s what going to the narrative in his head for this. What his brain is able to wrap itself around. Lucy of course thinks that is BS and does what she does best. Calls him on it. Asking him if really believes that? Sadly we don’t get an answer due to Nolan’s officer involved shooting coming up. As the ep moves on we delve deeper into Isabel's CI SL. Tim finds out the plan from Talia and is none to pleased.
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Tim comes into Capt. Anderson’s office like a bat out of hell. Ready to start throwing verbal punches. I love how the Capt immediately shuts him down before he continues. She’s like future Lucy puts him in check when he needs it. Something he responds to very well. He turns into sad puppy after she reprimands his abrupt entrance and lists off why Isabel is doing this OP.
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When she is listing off those reasons he looks stressed. Tim wants so badly to control this situation. Yet he is at its mercy and its killing him. He’s so worried. He tells her the Isabel in her file is gone. The emotions brewing inside him and the look in his eyes. My damn heart. Eric doing what he does best. Killing me softly with his acting.
You see the empathy in Anderson's eyes after he says this. She softens a bit. Tells him at this point all she can give him is rescue detail. Only offer on the table for him. He accepts this but looks so resigned. Tim then apologizes for barging in and leaves much more defeated than when we walked in.
We get to see him next waiting in his car for the OP to start. Tim is causing self inflicted wounds, watching old videos on his phone of him and Isabel. Clearly long before this moment in time. Living in the past as long as he can before this op begins.
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Angela interrupts this trip down memory lane by showing up in his car. (And bringing fries with her LOL) None the less she is ready to go into battle with him. To be there for him. You can see it on his face how much he appreciates this. He’s never one to ask but those important to him know he when he needs it. Her talking him through the op once it pops off is what he needs. I love Lopez. She’s the best. A true loyal friend through and through for Tim.
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The op goes south pretty quickly after Isabel goes off book. They rush in to find Isabel’s wire and a trail of blood... Tim loses it on Wolfe and Vestri for letting this happen. Angela has to hold him back from going after them, his worst nightmare come to life in this moment. The one thing he always feared would happen. Ugh. This is where it ends for Tim at least. It’s a TBC with Nolan's SL still hanging in balance as well.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Cold open is pretty funny with the escape room haha they’re all high fiving then Talia remember he’s a criminal LOL it’s such a serious episode they needed this levity up front.
Wolfe saying Isabel fallen off a long way since Tim( referring to Carson once they see him). She sure has….
Thank you all for your continued likes/ comments and reblogs. They mean more to me than you know. ❤️ Will try to get 1x09 next chance I get.
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chenfordspiral · 11 months
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Tim and Lucy in every episode of The Rookie 1x08 || Time of Death "They weren't hers. She's in this situation because she let herself get taken advantage of." "Do you really believe that?"
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i thought this looked familiar....
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chenfordsource · 2 years
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365 days of Tim and Lucy: 163/365
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karihighman · 1 year
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The Rookie Feds 1x08 “Standoff” promo photos ft. Wopez (Wesley Evers & Angela Lopez) from The Rookie! 😍🙌©️DGE Press / ABC.
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perfect-storms · 2 years
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The Rookie S01E08 - Time Of Death
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aceofwhump · 7 months
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Day 4: Cattle Prod
Agents of Shield 6x02 | Dark Matter 1x04 | Werewolf by Night | The Mentalist 3x08 | Forever 1x08 | Legends of Tomorrow 3x16 | Burn Notice 6x11 | Hawaii Five-0 2x10 | The Rookie 1x16 | Teen Wolf 1x05 | Titans 1x07
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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booklove22 · 6 months
Ok Mentalist fans, I need some help. I’m on 1x08 and I like the show, but right now, aside from Jane, the rest of the CBI characters are sort of one-dimensional. They’re sort of just…there. Like all of them could be replaced in the next episode and I would just shrug.
Does this get better with time? I’m assuming it does for Lisbon of course and shes been given a hint of a background with her mom’s death…but it was barely touched on.
I’m not going to stop watching regardless, more like I just want to manage my expectations.
As far as network procedurals go, I’m used to the Rookie where the entire cast has a back story and more well-rounded characterization. A lot of personal, not just professional. I’m fine if this is not that, just want to stop waiting for it if it isn’t going to happen.
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geminihurt · 1 year
Whumptober 2022 Masterpost
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Thank you all for this amazing month 🖤
Day 01: A little out of the ordinary
This wasn't supposed to happen: Batwoman 1x15 (Kate Kane) + Travelers 1x09 (Grant MacLarren)
Day 02: Nowhere to run
Caged: Doctor Who 13x01 (Dan Lewis) + Seventh Son (Kit Harington)
Day 03: Hair’s breadth from death
Gun to temple: Bodyguard 04 (David Budd) + Gran Hotel 2x21 ( Julio Olmedo)
Day 04: Dead on your feet
Waking up disoriented: Mononoke Hime (Ashitaka) + The Defenders 07 (Matt Murdock)
Day 05: Every whumpee’s needs
Running out of air: White Collar 1x08 (Neal Caffrey)
Day 06: Proof of life
Ramson video: Chicago PD 3x01 (Jay Halstead)
Day 07: The way you shake and shiver
Seizures: Kyle XY 1x09 (Matt Dallas)
Day 08: Everything hurts and I’m dying
Stomach pain: Guardian 08 (Zhao Yun Lan)
Day 09: The very noisy night
Caught in a storm: When the devil calls your name 16 (Ha Rip) + X-men Evolution 2x06 (Scott and Alex Summers)
Day 10: Poor unfortunate souls
Waterboarding: Salvation 1x04 (Darius Tanz)
Whipping: Thieves of the wood 1x07 (Jan de Lichte) + The Terror 1x04 (Cornelius Hickey)
Day 11: "911, what's your emergency?"
Makeshift splint: Hawaii 5-0 1x20 (Steve McGarrett) + The Untamed 13 (Lan Wang Ji)
Day 12: What could go wrong
Cave in: Descendants of the sun 08 (Yoo Shi Jin)
Day 13: Can’t make an omelette without breaking a few legs
Dislocation: Burn Notice 3x01 (Michael Westen) + Gundam Wing 03 ( Yuy Heero)
Day 14: Die a hero or live long enough to became a villain
"I'll be right behind you": Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End (James Norrington)
Day 15: Emotional damage
New scars: Rurouni Kenshin The Beginning (Himura Kenshin)
Lies: The Outpost 2x04 (Garret Spears)
Day 16: No way out
Mind control: Fushigi Yuugi 1x20 (Tamahome)
Paralytic drugs: Lost 3x14 (Rodrigo Santoro)
Day 17: Hanging by a threat
Breaking point: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 19 (Riza Hawkeye)
Day 18: Let's break the ice
"Take my coat": My Amazing Boyfriend 1x18 (Xue Ling Qiao)
Day 19: Enough is enough
Repeatedly passing out: The Untamed (Wei Wu Xian)
Day 20: It's been a long day
Fetal position: Buffy the Vampira Slayer 4x19 (Oz Osbourne) + Mr Robot 1x01 (Elliot Alderson)
Day 21: Famous last words
Coughing up blood: The Resident 5x02 (Devon Pravesh) + The Vampire Diaries 2x21 (Damon Salvatores)
Day 22: Pick your poison
Allergic reaction: Bridgerton 2x03 (Edmund Bridgerton)
Day 23: At the end of their rope
Tied to a table: Alex Rider 1x06 (Alex Rider)
Day 24: Fight, flight or freeze
Blood covered hands: Under the Banner of Heavens 1x07 (Jeb Pyre) + White Lines 1x09 (Oriol Calafat)
Day 25: Silence is gold
Duct tape: The Rookie 2x16 (John Nolan)
Day 26: No one left behind
"Why did you save me?": Downton Abbey 3x10 (Thomas Barrow)
Day 27: Pushed to the limit
Magical exhaustion: Legends of Tomorrow 4x04 (John Constantine) + Rokudenashi Majutsu 03 (Glenn Radars)
Day 28: It's just the tip of the iceberg
Punching the wall: Doctor Who 9x11 (Peter Capaldi)
Day 29: What doesn't kill me
Sleep deprivation: Carnivàle 1x09 (Ben Hawkins)
Day 30: Note to self: don't get kidnapped
Hair grabbing: Ghost Whisperer 1x14 (Melinda Gordon)
Day 31: A light at the end of the tunnel
Bedside vigil: Our flag means death 1x04 (Stede Bonnet)
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
Episode 4x07 “Tommy Dearest” thoughts
-This Owen/Paul scene is great – I love this Owen
Most people planning a wedding are rookies
-That centerpiece is actually really tame compared to what I would have expected from Owen
-This is actually good relationship advice from Owen – If someone lights you up like that – make it happen.
This upside-down thing is nuts & a nightmare situation for me
Dude your wife keeps dying – just say you were having sex when she started dying
I am glad it was a pacemaker thing and not a neurological one  
Why does everyone look so good this episode? (not that they don’t in every episode – but this episode was particularly full of adorable hotness)
That would be a firetruck ride that would be hard to forget
Tommy in particular is trying to kill me with her looks
Tommy and Trevor are cute & their chemistry is amazing
So, is Melody older than Evie & Izzy or are they the same age?
A little lasagna baby – lol
The “What about Julius” was just as hilarious the second time as it was the 1st.
This kid – she is one devious tween
“Inside there lurks a heart of darkness” – man I love Judd Ryder
I figured that the issue Melody had was because of it being the first relationship for her parent’s divorce – I think this is something that is fairly normal for a kid that age – but she is a bit hardcore in her efforts.
I love Mateo – “Oh great the HR lady again.”
Their attempt to blackmail was ridiculous to begin with
Paul has zero chill
I love the way Nancy & TK just pick up on it & Mateo is like “Huh?” “Do HR ladies actually date?”
So many quotable moments in this episode
I agree with Nancy & TK
“You should totally take her out for some nut-free coffee.” Mateo Chavez
I love all the callbacks they make in this show – more than any other show I can think of
I can’t believe that the delivery drivers don’t have to dress in medieval clothing (like the knight & maiden from season 3)
This call is a bit of a callback to 1x08 with 2 calls from the same house.
An online CPR class? I thought you needed some hands on for that.
TNT is far too cute this episode
Mushroom & Fennel?
It’s totally cool you jolted me – I don’t care. I love you anyways
Damn that dress
Like really
Babysitter Grace – who is watching the twins? I am just so confused on why a 12-year-old needs a babysitter.
I think that dress was a great idea
“YOU LIED!” another season 1 callback
This episode has so much humor
But – Asha – not a yearbook from Chicago
Brian really killed this episode – you could feel his feelings
This kid is so hardcore in her efforts to break up her father & Tommy
But Tommy is just as hardcore
That is the most disgusting drink possible – and this kid just takes it (props to her for fully committing to her game)
“You’re a lunatic” Melody Parks
Tommy talking out of her ass about the nasty drink is just so funny
I say all the time that this cast has the best facial expressions – and once again they proved it. Grace’s faces while Melody drinks that thing are hilarious
TK in the sweats & Nancy in the leggings are equally hot
This is the best Owen – the one that is a Captain, a leader. Someone that genuinely cares about his crew/family
I love this storyline for Paul & that they aren’t rushing it. I love that they are giving him a chance to show us what life is like for him – that we are getting more insight to what goes on in his head.
I hadn’t thought about how Asha knew him in the past/had seen behind the doors – but, wow that makes so much sense to why he is struggling.
I love the Judd/Tommy friendship just as much as I do the Grace/Tommy friendship
I mean – I don’t blame her for not wanting another drink from Tommy, but at least she recognizes that she was not playing against a novice
Uncle Julius – I kinda love how this kid manipulates Tommy into admitting about Julius – I knew it would come up again – they like parallels & callbacks way too much not to take advantage of it.
“Why am I picturing a prison yard” Tommy Vega
“Brother-in-law” Tommy Vega yells throughout the firehouse
Grace’s face over the Julius confession
Tommy & Judd both have this way of answering a question without answering a question.
“How was it?” Grace “Kind of mind blowing” Tommy – these two are hilarious
Grace just keeps giving Tommy her very tried and true “what the actual fuck” face when Tommy is telling her about her TikTok blackmail. Just like in the 4x02 surprise double date
Cramps are a bitch
I love how Trevor is trying to piece it all together
“I can’t believe this is going to be the rest of my life” – yeah – it really fucking sucks
“Maybe undump him?”
I love the basketball scene – it was something that Paul needed & something that Owen could give him.
Owen acknowledging his failings during TK’s childhood gives me hope for the conversation between him and TK in 4x08 that Ronen keeps talking about
Do they have a new probie or are they just still referring to Mateo as probie?
I agree with Melody & Trevor about the Mango & Cookies and cream – not a mix for me
I wonder how much of next week will be Marjan or if her stuff will come closer to the end to lead into 4x09 “Road Kill”
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 To Be Added This Summer.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 02/13/24
Works: 98
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
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wafflesinthe504 · 1 year
The Rookie Feds 1x09 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie Feds 1x09 down below. If you've watched the show or don't care about spoilers please enjoy!
(Yes, the gif is a reference to something that happened in the episode)
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The Rookie: Feds winter finale proved to easily be the most interesting episodes for the show. I do wish they used this episode more as a season finale episode rather than the winter finale because I would have liked to get more hints towards Garza's professional past so that the build towards this storyline would have been more intense and helped to make everything that was exposed in this episode to hit just a bit harder.
Garza's past as a counter- intelligence agent was interesting to learn about.
I feel like we know a lot about the characters personal backgrounds, but its not really balanced out with us being informed about their professional backgrounds, with the exception of Simone and possibly Brendan.
The Rookie: Feds has shown that it can stand on its own and doesn't have to rely on characters from the original show to be a decent show. One of the better crossovers that was done was episode 1x08 with Wesley and Angela because it felt natural to have them there. This only happens when they allow the plots and characters to be more serious without trying to inject unnecessary or over the top humor.
For example, Simone blowing up the printer was funny but I think the slow- mo and zoom in on her as the printer blew didn't feel necessary for the joke to hit.
I did enjoy the team rallying together as a family to help Garza out and make sure that the right people were placed behind bars but once again I feel like the dynamic was a bit rushed and this expression of love and trust should have been used during a season finale. I can possibly get Carter and Laura risking their careers for Garza but for Simone and Brendan to do that within such a short time of knowing him felt too rushed.
My main issue was just pacing everything was resolved a bit to quickly for my preference.
Overall, I still enjoyed the episode but I do think that the show would benefit from slowing down a little bit and allowing for there to be antagonists that last more than an episode or two.
Also, I called Garza passing out as soon as him and Simone entered the elevator.
I wonder who's going to find him and how that's going to play out.
That's it for now. Hope you all enjoyed. Have a great day or night!
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ciuwikiuwi · 5 years
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that’s not what I saw
34 notes · View notes
where-is-my-whump · 3 years
This list includes every gifset from my whumpblog
Last updated: APRIL 2024
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first movie
car crash
Bicycle accident
Wakanda Forever
13x06 14x08
Rogue Nation 1
Rogue Nation 2
The Secrets of Dumbledore
Laura shot
Leo hurt
Bond hurt
same here
Ed heart attack
Doss hurt
Season 14 Promo Pics
PD 10x22
3x02 (promo)
3x02 (tk)
3x02 (owen)
209 notes · View notes