#They are CUNTY
themintman · 1 month
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Lluna doodles 😝😝😝
Idk if this is even possible (I'm not a llama expert srry guys..) but I think Stella would get lluna's fur/wool cut like a poodle. I just think thatd be neat
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theleavesofwesteros · 10 months
Retribution | Aemond Targaryen x OC!Visenya Velaryon
A/N: I guess I'm writing for Aemond now??? I'm absolutely petrified because I think he is such a fascinating character and I can only hope I do him even a bit justice in this fic, HELP. Oh also, I moved up the ages a bit oops idk if Aemond is truly 16 in the TV show, but in the timeskip of this fic he will be 20 </3
I'm also posting this late at night and I'm tired so if it's shitty I'm really sorry I just really wanted to post thissss and I love him and ugh
Also i'm so sorry this is my first time using dividers and idk where to find good ones so I used a random gif idk if that's alright
Okay ilyyyy
warnings: targcest (specifically niece x uncle, oops), mention of Aemond losing his eye, talking about sex and about dick, blood, that's it??? I think.
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Visenya Velaryon was a feisty girl. She was the older sister of Jacaerys and Lucerys Velaryon, and the only daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Though she looked like Jacaerys and Lucerys in the nose and mouth, she was a pure Targaryen otherwise; with her silver hair and violet eyes. Visenya never got a dragon as a child, so she was mocked by her uncle Aegon, but her brothers were more hesitant to do so, because she would shoot them a disapproving look and they would stop. Aegon, Jacaerys and Lucerys did have one person that they mercilessly mocked for having no dragon though; Visenya's other uncle, Aemond.
Visenya enjoyed Aemond's presence much more than Aegon's. Aemond resembled her, seeing as they were both observant, fiesty, quick to anger and well-read. They spent most of their childhood reading together in the library, sneaking off into the kitchens of the Red Keep in the middle of the night, and protecting the other from cruel words. Of course, good things never seem to last.
When Harwin Strong was removed from the King's Guard, Visenya confided in Aemond about how upsetting it was that Harwin Strong was being punished, but Aemond sided with Ser Criston Cole and even let slip a 'bastard' in Visenya's direction. Visenya hit Aemond across the face and left for Dragonstone with Rhaenyra, Laenor and her brothers.
Soon after, Visenya and her family went to Driftmark for Laena Velaryon's funeral. Jace was upset at the prospect of being there and not at the funeral of Harwin Strong. Visenya agreed with her younger brother, though she did not voice that opinion. She felt eyes on her throughout the entire ceremony and she knew who was watching her. She did not approach him, there was nothing to say. He'd made his opinion about her known. Visenya found herself hoping she had a dragon, a dragon who could scare Aemond into apologizing, into bowing at her feet and begging for forgiveness. Visenya held Baela and Rhaena's hands, comforting them as much as she could, but also secretly holding onto that feeling of hands in hers, and using it to deal with her own grief. She could obviously tell she was not Laenor's biological daughter, and if her brothers' resemblance to Harwin Strong was anything to go by, she knew she would much rather be at a different funeral.
Visenya went to bed early that night, desperately clutching onto Lucerys' little hand. Lucerys still did not understand why she and Jacaerys were so upset. He likely assumed that they were simply very empathetic towards Laenor's loss. After she'd fallen into a deep sleep, she was awoken by Baela and Rhaena talking to Jacaerys. Someone had stolen Vhagar. With the feeling of dread in Visenya's chest, she already knew who had done that.
Her feet carried her quickly through the castle and into the tunnel leading out towards the shores of Driftmark. Unfortunately for her, all that ensued never reached the outside world. It seemed to all be caught up in a secluded tunnel, almost as if the event itself knew that it would have been best to bury down under other family secrets and misfortunes. Obviously, with such visible ramifications, the event could never be hidden away.
Once the entire family, minus Laenor, had gathered to discuss what in the Seven Hells had happened, Visenya's hands were shaking, and her white nightgown was stained with blood. She had never thought her little brother Lucerys would ever do that. She only remembers running to Aemond to try and help, but he had pushed her away, calling her a bastard. Now, Aemond was sitting in a chair, his face bloody, his left eye closed and swollen, and Queen Alicent and Rhaenyra were arguing. Visenya kept looking at Aemond, kept begging and praying to all the Gods that this was not real, that this had not happened.
Queen Alicent requested that Lucerys give up an eye as well. An eye for an eye. Visenya felt herself get nauseous at the thought. Words were thrown back and forth, insults, accusations. It was an ugly affair. Visenya only looked towards Aemond. Eventually, his only eye made its way to her face as well. He scowled, but did not look away. They kept looking at each other from across the room, Visenya staying by a bloodied Jacaerys and Lucerys. Shockingly, Aemond and she had not engaged against one another. She only tried to stop the fight, so she'd only ended up with a few bruises and scrapes.
As the conflict escalated to dramatic heights, and Alicent cut Rhaenyra, King Viserys took hold of the situation. He had noticed how Visenya and Aemond had been looking at each other across the room, and last he knew, Aemond and Visenya were very close.
"Stop this madness! I am your King and I demand it to be so! Lucerys will not be giving one of his eyes."
Alicent ground her teeth at his words and looked away, shame and tears in her eyes. She and Aemond were holding one another, Aemond's eye yet again watching Visenya as if he was expecting her to finally pounce on him as well.
"The solution to this problem is easily obtainable." King Viserys continued, all eyes on him.
"Aemond has been injured, and requests retribution from Rhaenyra's children. Visenya has always been close to her uncle. I think it is obvious what must be done. I shall have Aemond and Visenya married."
Eerie silence followed in the room. Aemond and Visenya looking at each other with hatred on their faces.
"No chance at all-"
King Viserys simply held his hand up.
"Enough. Alicent, Rhaenyra, I know you are mothers, but I am King. My decision in final. I shall give you until Visenya turns eight and ten. Then, she shall return to King's Landing and she will marry Aemond."
"Father, I have no need for a bastard wife. I have earned a dragon. The greatest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms. What will Visenya offer me? She is dragonless. A simple bastard." Aemond said coldly, eye unmoving from Visenya's face.
Visenya scowled and was about to insult Aemond, but Viserys spoke again.
"Enough, boy. I am doing this for you. She is not bastard. You will marry her, you will strenghten our House, you will have your retribution for what has happened to you, and our family will be united once more. I will hear no more complaints."
Visenya said no more words for the rest of her short stay on Driftmark. She was glad to leave and go back to Dragonstone, for once in her life. Once home, she was furious at Aemond. He had a dragon, and he insulted her because she did not. They'd both grown up without dragons, and yet the second he obtained one, he allowed himself to mock her just as he'd been mocked. Visenya carelessly and out of pure spite, found the wild dragons on Dragonstone and through sheer ambition and fury, claimed The Cannibal. He feasted on the corpses of dragons, and Visenya knew exactly whose corpse she would offer to The Cannibal next.
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"I don't give a shit about tourneys. Nephews...have you come to train?"
The tension in the training yard was palpable. The crowd had parted and Jacaerys and Lucerys found themselves staring at Aemond. He had grown tall, lithe, his hair had gotten much longer too. His voice had gotten deeper, one could practically hear his evil intentions within it. A sliver of silver was visible between Jacaerys and Lucerys and Aemond smirked.
"Little wife, have you finally come to me?"
Visenya pushed her two younger brothers aside and walked up to Aemond.
"Uncle." She said simply, her jaw clenched in fury.
"Niece," Aemond said, his smirk not having left his face.
He took in all of Visenya, admiring how she'd grown into a young woman. She had always been beautiful, but now, Aemond found himself slightly thankful of the match his father had made.
"You look angry as ever. Happy eight and tenth name day. I have no gift for you, but fret not, I shall be gifting you with something on our wedding night."
Visenya narrowed her eyes at him.
"I was not aware that three inches was considered a gift, uncle."
Aemond's jaw clenched momentarily, his eye blazing with fury, before he quickly composed himself, smirk back on his face.
"We shall see, niece. I believe you will find yourself begging for those three inches quite quickly." He got close to her so he could whipser in her ear. "You will also find yourself begging for the rest of me quite quickly as well, little wife. Fret not, if you are good, I will give you what you need."
Visenya pushed him away with a sound of disgust and eagerly left the training yard, opting to get ready with her brothers in order to strenghten Lucerys' claim on Driftmark. Before she left, she looked back at Aemond, who was already watching her.
"The Cannibal is eager to meet you, uncle."
Aemond only watched her, his amusement evident.
"Vhagar is eager to meet The Cannibal as well, I assure you, ābrazȳrys. Only then, shall we see who truly deserves the name of cannibal." wife
Visenya looked away from Aemond, showing him the middle finger as she walked off, leaving Aemond's cackle to be heard throughout the entire training yard.
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slushy-sash · 2 months
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very important research
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Good Omens Season 3 Predictions:
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(it took all my self restraint not to just use Bildad the Shuhite pictures)
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spacecolonie · 5 days
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rough idol shadow
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themetalhiro · 11 days
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Every now and again, i get a commission that reminds me how much i love my job. Thank you @kelsen8er for your order of cunty flam with a handbag
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esmeamesart · 18 days
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Fake complicated women when a real complicated woman pulls up !
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glassrooibos · 2 months
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kimjunnoodle · 1 month
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Is it... Madonna?
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radiosummons · 1 year
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This is supposed to be the outfit that "protects" Link from acquiring frostbite pfffttt
Between this top and the mandatory acrylics that come with the new arm, gotta say I'm loving how much Nintendo keeps leaning into GNC Link XD
MINI UPDATE: (Guys, I've already updated this post with the correct info. The "protects" part was supposed to be a joke about how skimpy the outfit was. I didn't realize the outfit gave an attack bonus at first, either. That was it. That was the post. You don't need to keep sending me messages trying to inform me about the frost attack. I know, I promise).
Update I: Just realized they gave him a set of blue acrylics for his left hand
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Link really do be out here serving cunt 💅💅✨✨
Update II: Many thanks to the people who pointed out that this outfit gives you a special frost attack when in cold temperature areas, it doesn't actually protect you from the elements. I'll be honest, I am purposely avoiding any guides or walkthroughs for my TotK playthrough (since I'm trying to replicate my BotW experience). When I found the Frostbite Shirt, I was just happy that I finally had a piece of clothing that I thought could protect me from dying of hypothermia (was chugging spicy elixirs like you wouldn't believe) so I didn't notice the attack bonus until a bunch of you pointed it out lol
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toxungen · 5 months
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guard dog
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fucciwilliams · 18 days
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araneapeixes · 4 months
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Uh Oh....the ladies have entered their 4th pint stage
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trustyalt · 21 days
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The Good the Bad and The Ugly or smth idk I never watched
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mirrorhouse · 9 months
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SAW (2004) dir. James Wan
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cranity · 7 months
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hi I haven’t been here in forever but i’ve been drawing Astarion 🙇
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