#Which setting powder gives flawless skin?
Rosy Cheeks, Rosy Lips
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Asmo x GN! reader
Summary: You give Asmo a mini makeover, and decide to apply his lipstick in an interesting way.
AN: It's been a hot minute since I've posted to his blog, I'll try to be more consistent...
Warnings: Asmo uses 'sweetie' for reader, brief makeout scene, reader applies lipstick to themself
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“Can I do your makeup?” 
Asmo halted filing his nails as you shifted from laying on your stomach, the floral fragrance from his sheets clinging to your clothes. His peachy eyes drifted over to your figure before a wide smile broke out on his face. 
“Of course you can!” He bounced off the bed- practically prancing over to his vanity to grab his nicest products. It took several trips to bring everything over, but once that had been taken care of he plopped himself down next to you on the bed. 
“Okay, sweetie. Let’s get started.” Asmo patted his lap in invitation, one that you happily accepted as you crawled over and situated yourself upon him. Both of his arms snaked around your waist and held you gently. 
“Are you comfortable?” You gave him a sweet smile and nodded. “Good. Okey dokey, what are you going to start with?” 
You glanced around at the many products, before grabbing a bottle of foundation and a beauty blender. “I think we should do your foundation first. What do you think?” 
Asmo hummed in approval. And with that you began applying the product to his flawless skin, making sure to blend it evenly so that it looked natural. Once you finished, you quickly moved on to brightening his eyes with concealer- while trying to ignore the way Asmo studied you, as if he was the one giving you a makeover. 
“I love having your focus on me. You look so cute right now.” Momentarily pausing due to his interruption, a heat consumed your cheeks at his words. You quickly turned your head away. Clearing your throat, your eyes frantically raked over the products on the bed. You reached over and grabbed the nearest package in an attempt to draw attention elsewhere.
“This- blush is a really pretty pink…” 
“And your face is a really pretty pink.” Asmo giggled into his hand. You rolled your eyes, finding humor in his teasing, you chuckle along with him. You tossed the package aside, deciding to grab one of his eyeshadow palettes. He composed himself as he watched you study the many shades in the palette. “So, what color are you going to do? I’ll look stunning regardless, but I want to know what you think I’ll look best in.” 
You hummed in thought before taking one of his brushes and using the end to point at the colors you chose. “I think I’ll use these and create a soft, shimmery gold look.” Asmo ‘oohed’ as you directed him to close his eyes. 
You dipped the fluffy end of the brush into the colored powder and began spreading it across his eyelid. You were meticulous in your movements and placements of the shades you used. Some minutes later, you asked Asmo to open his eyes as to assess your work. 
The bright, peachy colors in his eyes complemented the perfectly blended shades that peeked out from his eyelids. You gasped in awe at how pretty he looked. Asmo smiled, happy that you were satisfied with your work. You quickly finished up with some mascara, making his eyes pop nicely. 
“Okay. And now for the finishing touch.” You announced. You picked three different colors of lipstick, holding them out to Asmo. “Pick one.” 
Asmo glanced over your selection, deciding to pick a deep, rosy red. Setting the others to the side, you open the lipstick as an idea crosses your mind. With a devious smirk, you bring the applicator to your lips, running the shiny gloss around the expanse of your lips.  
Asmo’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched you rub your lips together. “What are you doing? I thought you were going to put it on m-” 
You softly grabbed the nape of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. It took Amso by surprise, but he reciprocated quickly, moving his lips with yours. Your tongue prodded at his lips asking for entrance, which was happily granted. His hands on your waist coaxed you closer as your tongues tangled together briefly before you separated for air. After sitting in silence for a few moments, you begin laughing. 
Asmo raised a brow in confusion. “What’s so funny?” 
You quieted your laughter down a little as you slid the hand on his neck around to cradle his jaw. A thumb traced along his bottom lip. 
“I may have made a mess applying your lipstick.” Asmo- now understanding, begins laughing with you as you try to clean up the lipstick smudges around the edges of his lips. His slender fingers grab your wrist, stopping your movements as he guides it away from his face. 
He takes the tube of lipstick from your other hand; opening it back up, he motions his head towards you. Taking the hint you part your lips slightly and he begins applying another coat. Once he’s done, he rubs his lips together in demonstration, to which you follow easily. Asmo giggles as he watches you. He tosses the tube aside before gently cupping your face with his soft hands. A smirk- much like yours earlier, plants itself on his face. 
“Well,~” He pauses, his voice smooth like velvet. “Why don’t you try again? You’ll only get better at applying lipstick with practice.~” 
You blush, a shy giggle surfacing as you indulge him. Your lips lock with his once more, feeling joy and contentment that your makeover session turned into a makeout session. 
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futuristicfoxpeanut · 19 days
Winter Makeup for Skin.
Winter Skin Care for a Flawless Makeup Look
Winter can be harsh on the skin, making it dry and difficult to maintain a flawless makeup look. Proper winter skin care is essential to ensure your makeup goes on smoothly and stays radiant throughout the day. Here are some tips to keep your skin hydrated and your makeup looking perfect even in the coldest months.
1. Hydrate and Moisturize
Begin your skin care routine with a hydrating serum followed by a rich moisturizer. Look for products with hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and creamiest, which are excellent for retaining moisture and preventing dry skin. Apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp to lock in hydration.
2. Prime Your Skin
A hydrating primer is a must in winter. It creates a smooth base for makeup, fills in fine lines, and helps prevent foundation from clinging to dry patches. Opt for a primer that has nourishing ingredients like aloe Vera and vitamin E.
3. Choose the Right Foundation
Switch to a moisturizing foundation during winter. Cream or liquid foundations work best for dry skin as they provide extra hydration and give a dewy finish. Avoid matte foundations, as they can emphasize dryness.
4. Conceal with Care
When applying concealed, use a creamy formula to avoid caking and cracking. Apply it sparingly and blend well with a damp makeup sponge to ensure a natural look. Focus on areas that need coverage, such as under the eyes and around the nose.
5. Set with a Hydrating Spray
Instead of using powder to set your makeup, which can make dry skin appear even drier, opt for a hydrating setting spray. This helps to set your makeup while adding a boost of moisture, keeping your skin looking fresh and dewy.
6. Blush and Highlight
Cream blushes and highlighters are ideal for winter as they blend seamlessly into the skin and provide a natural, radiant glow. They are less likely to settle into fine lines or emphasize dry patches compared to powder products.
7. Lips and Eyes
Chapped lips are common in winter, so prep your lips with a nourishing lip balm before applying any color. For eyes, use cream-based eye shadows and a hydrating mascara to prevent flaking and dryness around the delicate eye area.
8. Nighttime Skin Care Routine
Remove all makeup thoroughly before bed and apply a nourishing night cream or oil. This step is crucial for repairing and hydrating your skin overnight. Look for products with ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil, and peptides.
By incorporating these winter skin care tips into your makeup routine, you can achieve a flawless look despite the cold, dry weather. Keeping your skin hydrated and using the right products ensures that your makeup not only looks great but also feels comfortable all day long.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Which foundation and concealer are you using?? Your skin looks FLAWLESS
Oh, Thank you!
So I have two foundations that I usually trade off days wearing
The first is Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish: Sublime Perfection Foundation and I'm pretty sure that's what I put on Yesterday
And the other is Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation
And my Go to Concealer is always Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Concealer
To give you an idea of Shading I'm Shade Light 2 in Pat McGrath and in Armani I'm 3.75
These are both pretty sheer coverage foundations tbh but the Pat McGrath setting powder which I also use is very much a Where did my pores go??? situation
I'm gonna do a Tea and the Ton this weekend hopefully so if you actually want me to show the products I'm using let me know.
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razzamachazz · 7 months
( * ) owed inbox / starter :  based off this prompt list / Striker had known, at some point or another, he’d get fed up. and this was that moment. nothing is stopping him from literally breaking the fucker’s jaw, claws itching to do so, actually. he doesn’t even remember necessarily what Chaz had said to set him off this much — they were literally in the middle of running away from enemies because of Chaz’s numerous fuck ups. and what did he do to take accountability? what does the idiot do to, at the very least, fix his own shit? the motherfucker makes a joke and laughs while running. 
that was it; that was the moment Striker lost his shit, and thoughts began racing into his mind. with newfound vigor, after rounding the corner, he drags Chaz by the cuff of his wrist ( after much consideration and ultimately not tripping him so that he was immediately killed by the others ) and, almost like one would with a child, essentially haul him over, making sure to slam the shark’s body with intent against the brick wall. the increasing laughter, as if they’re good friends out on a fun adventure. he’d had it with this moron! “are you fucking kidding me?” he hisses out, almost all intention to remain discreet lost. his forearm is slammed against Chaz’s throat with intention to abruptly cut off his breath and, for once, get him to shut up. to get him to understand the gravity of the situation, of who he’s been trying to fuck around with. “The fuck was that shit back there? Ya nearly had us killed, and think it’s funny?! i shoulda left you to get dismembered by those fucks - i can’t keep cleaning up your mess. frankly, i think i oughta kill you right now!” in a flawless movement with his free hand, he grabs his trusted dagger, digging it just ever so on Chaz’s cheek. any small movement would have the steel cut right through the skin. Crimson be damned, he couldn’t take this piece of shit. he leans it just a bit closer, wanting to see the last few moments of his victim’s eyes before they go lifeless ( that’s his favorite part ) and wanting to make sure Chaz knows he means business, “I’m going to give you five seconds,” which was already longer than he’d given most, “to say what you have to say before i cut your throat open.” just to make things fun, knowing the instructions he just provided, he digs his forearm even deeper into Chaz’s throat, making sure he wouldn’t talk without wheezing.
They were tracking down targets, as per usual, but Striker never shared with him the full extent of the plan—if there ever was one. The hitman had a nasty habit of treating Chaz like he was an inept twit unable to tie his own shoes. The shark learned to ignore it. Just like he ignored Striker’s piss-poor reading comprehension so not to damage his companion’s ego, even though he never returned the favor over Chaz’s shortcomings.
He set out on their mission with powder around his nostrils, pregamed for focus and creative stimulation. It also put him in a good fucking mood. Might be that it made him err on the side of clumsiness too because his literal slip-up and stumble gave away their position. Striker seemed unappreciative of the jokes cracked in attempt to ease the tension during their retreat. By the time they rounded the corner, Chaz was brimming with nervous laughter and giddy excitement. He found the chase invigorating and good for the circulation. 
The world spun when Striker grabbed him, and then all the air dispersed out from his lungs as his back collided against a sturdy brick wall. It made him a little lightheaded but the joviality was still there. Striker’s physical aggression and assertive handling wasn't a surprise. It hardly bothered Chaz anymore. But his broad grin faded to a wisp as he was forced into labored breathing. His arms remained down by his sides, allowing Striker to blow off steam by abusing his windpipe. 
“It was kinda funny,” he rasped out a small strangled laugh. Brows furrowed when he caught sight of glinting metal. With the dagger on him, his humor ceased. His expression turned somber, filled with concern and worry, though Striker might mistake it as another form of fear. Only now did he realized just how far he pushed the cowboy on this one. Striker was always angry—always venting out threats that weren't acted on so Chaz developed a blind trust in his buddy. He wouldn't go overboard in his rage. So when Chaz felt the need to apologize, it wasn't to save his own hide. He felt he needed to apologize because he didn't want to lose those ever-so-rare scraps of comradery the two shared. He wanted Striker to like him. 
Chaz was getting ready to speak but the hybrid cut him off by making him choke. Hands raised out of reflex but stopped short of prying Striker’s arm away. They were held up, palms pointed forward, as a sign of surrender. The shark had him beat in size and strength. He could shove him off if he wanted to.. but he didn't.. because he trusted. “Knock it off already,” he wheezed, “We’re friends, aren't we?”
That made Striker pause. Perplexed him enough to lower the dagger... He snapped out of the trance seconds later and returned to full fury. Steel sank through the shark’s torso, right down to the hilt. There was no anguished scream as Striker may have expected. Only a strained grunt and a wet sound of splitting flesh. The noise echoed louder as the blade was slowly drawn out, spilling blood onto the dirt. Chaz’s fingers were drawn to the wound, soaking them in the liquid—as though further confirmation was needed for him to grasp the reality of the situation.
He stared down at his blood-slicked hand with eyes wide, filled with disbelief and a tinge of sorrow. “Why..?” His gaze redirected towards Striker, who also aired confusion. It wasn't a normal response to a stabbing and it left the hitman’s sadistic appetite dolefully unsatisfied. Chaz tried again to find his voice. “Why would you do that?” The words came out flat—death almost—as he was forced to come to terms with a harsh but undeniable truth. His hopes had been irrational. His starvation for friendship led to unreasonable expectations from a man forced to be his colleague. Outside of business, their partnership had always been empty. Meaningless.
Chaz let his lids fall shut while he took a deep breath, sobering himself up by disaffiliating from his thoughts. It wasn't like they were long-time lovers. He could amputate his sentimentality towards Striker like a gangrenous limb and shut himself off if need be. It would be for the best. What his companion would have wanted—to be left alone and unbothered. When Chaz opened his eyes again, his face was void of emotion. Fatigue was setting in, eating down to his bones. “I'll take it more seriously next time,” his tone sounded detached as he stared dead-eyed at the hybrid. A complete personality flip. "It won't happen again."
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evansbby · 2 years
BABE DETAILS!!!!!! Which specific VS lotion? What makeup? 🥰🥰
why do i love these questions so much bahahaha idk i guess i’ve just been WAITING to talk about my makeup routine bahaha I’ll make the font small bc this is gonna be long
firstly i feel like the laser i get done on my face doubles as like a collagen treatment bc it makes my skin all tight and glowy already. on top of that i use just use normal cerave facewash and three times a week on alternative days, I use this exfoliating thing from Murad which I got from the laser clinic. I feel like my makeup applies best when I exfoliate before
then i don’t use any primer, i just use spf 50 which doubles as moisturiser too (also from the laser clinic) and I kind of… massage it onto my face really well, specially cheekbones m, jawline and neck to kind of shape my face and remove any puffiness? I learnt this from this model Doutzen’s YouTube channel (models are super informative about makeup and beauty, I can tell you more in another post bahaha).
THENNN, i use charlotte tilbury’s flawless filter which is kind of like a filter on your skin with a tint, super lightweight and you can wear it by itself or under foundation to make yourself look all glowy. and honestly this is the product that makes me look all dewy and glowy. then i use an excessive amount of blush (I use glossier shade storm which is like a berry colour) and then I use a random cream concealer which I dab in with my ring finger (another model tip) under my eyes, and I use a darker shade cream concealer to contour lightly (again dabbing in using fingers — brushes and spongers are overrated). i also use charlotte tilbury’s setting spray liberally after every step and set the concealer with powder too..
then i just put on lashes (always use mascara before, and super subtle eyeliner to guide where to glue the lashes). honestly the eyeliner doesn’t even show, it’s just so i can glue my lashes a bit more up on the sides to give a lifted look. tatti lashes worn as a half lash for a casual look and dose of lashes or unicorn lashes for a fuller glam look.. btw all of this looks like a guy’s version of no makeup… like it’s all super light and dewy I promise — I hate heavy makeup on myself (absolutely hate 2016 makeup and always have bahahaha) sometimes I’ll do lipgloss and liner but mostly I don’t… anyways i also fill in my brows but super lightly so it looks natural… they’re already quite full so I get them threaded kinda thing bc I like the thin brows look and I’m brown so they grow back pretty fast anyways..
so yeah!! This was unnecessarily long but I love answering makeup questions! The reason my makeup game has gotten so good recently (If I do say so myself) is bc of this tiktoker called Amelia Olivia!! All her makeup tips and tricks for glowy glass skin are so amazing and have really allowed me to level up!! Also I use the VS lotion that matches with the mists, so pure seduction lotion!!
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belladoesmakeup · 1 year
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I’m glowing!!!!!!
Hi guys,
I love the new year because it means lots of new makeup launches and yesterday Charlotte Tilbury brought out something I am already obsessed with! Everyone let me introduce you to the Hollywood Glow Glide Face Architect Highlighter, £38.00.
I have had this highlight less than 12 hours and I am already obsessed with it. Let's chat details, this highlighter is designed to make your skin look glowy, lifted and younger. It sounds like a lot I know but when I first applied this highlighter I was truly speechless for a few seconds because it looks stunning. Unlike a lot of powder highlighters this one has a satin formula so it almost glides onto the skin. It's crazy.
I chose to get the shade MoonLit Glow which is a Incandescent ivory shade, it's stunning and perfect if you are fair like me. Like you can see above, the glow it gives my face is flawless and as a bit of glitter in the formula for a gorgeous glow. I filmed a first impressions video of me using this formula because I knew it would be better to show you in person. INSTAGRAM VIDEO
This highlighter comes in a very similar compact to the Airbrush Flawless Setting Powder but this new product has stars on the outer compact and matching embossed stars on the powder itself. As a first new release of 2023 I am so impressed with this formula and can't wait to pick up more shades!
Lots of love
Bella x x
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brioso123 · 2 years
The Best Makeup Routine for Special Occasions
The time is now to look stunning! Isn't dressing up and using your cosmetics collection to look your best the finest part of the holidays and special occasions? However, if you are not a makeup expert, those relentless and frighteningly original makeup photographs may make you feel less festive.
Be at ease! With the help of the Best Makeup Artist in Pune, you will appear stunning during the holiday season and beyond, we have very simple methods, and tips.
Here are 6 Step Makeup Steps:
1. Moisturizer
No matter what kind of skin you have, moisturize regularly. These days, water-based moisturizers are also accessible and good for acne-prone skin. Choose one that is non-oily and lightweight, and then massage a small bit of it all over your face and neck.
A flawless foundation for your makeup is made possible by moisturization. Even primer, which more recent marketing experts could lead you to believe is the most crucial basic step for Makeup, needs a basis to adhere to. Therefore, always use a moisturizer before putting on makeup.
2. Primer
Apply primer once your moisturizer has had a good few minutes to absorb. Use a single-ply tissue to quickly wipe away any residue that your moisturizer may have left behind after setting in.
Instead of choosing a primer solely because "you need a primer," consider what your skin requires. Each primer serves a specific purpose: some help reduce the visibility of pores, some help regulate oil production throughout the day, and some help blur or cover up flaws like fine lines, wrinkles, and redness.
3. Base Makeup Finishing 
Depending on the kind of items you're using, this step may or may not be necessary. Apply a  base makeup finish now if you plan to use powder-based products in the following steps. This will provide a basis for powder products to apply and mix on top of and allow liquid products to settle down and not crease later.
Use a fluffy brush to softly sprinkle base makeup finishing all over your face for light coverage or a sponge-like Beauty Blender to dab and press it all over for greater coverage. Use a translucent powder for this stage if you don't want any coverage at all.
4. Lip Liner and Lipstick
To line the lips, use a lip liner in the same color as the lipstick you're intending to use, such as the nude shade. This will help add some definition, give your lips a sharper appearance, and stop your lipstick from bleeding later. Applying the lip liner just outside of your lips will also give the impression that your lips are larger.
Apply your preferred lipstick shade next. Use the following beauty tip if you are concerned that your lipstick won't last all day.
5. Eye Makeup
The phase that most cosmetics beginners and even some professionals find the most difficult.
Apply an eye makeup primer all over your lids first. Start with your eye makeup after giving it a few minutes to settle. Lighter colors will draw attention to the areas of the eye you want to focus on, such as the brow bone and inner corners, while darker colors will draw attention away from the areas you need to make them appear deeper, such as the crease.
Make sure to blend each eye shadow smoothly and avoid any sharp lines by using a quality set of eye makeup brushes.
6. Setting Spray
Setting sprays, again another optional but crucial step, can help keep your makeup in place. If you have skipped Step 3: base makeup finishing and are only using cream- or liquid-based products, you particularly need to complete this step.
A decent setting spray can also aid in eliminating any powdery feeling you may have left behind after applying all of your makeup layers if you have only used powder-based products. It will make everything look more polished and help everything blend.
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premgreen · 7 days
prem dulhan mehndi cone - India’s best herbal mehndi cone
prem dulhan mehndi clonemate with natural henna best herbal leaves for hand and body part design on festivals and other occasions.
The perfect appearance of the product is achieved by our mehndi cone mixing paste and unique packaging, which set us apart from others. These aren't just designs, they're an emotional bond that will last forever. Henna Application is a part of Indian tradition and culture, for every ritual & celebrations henna cone is used to decorate hands and feet. It connects with emotions and represents love for each other.
The darker the bride's mehndi, as per Indian belief, the more admiring her husband will be.
Herbal & Natural – prem dulhan mehndi cone
prem dulhan mehndi cone is ready to use Mehndi cone (i.e. tattoo kit). It is of par excellence when it comes to articulating beautiful, impressive, and lively mehndi designs on your hands, feet and other body parts. This product is the best in its category because it is made with the purest organic henna leaves and essential oils like Nilgiri and Clove Oil.
prem dulhan mehndi cone gives rich dark stain to the henna designs as it is made with the fresh & premium quality henna leaves grown in the farm of Sojat, Rajasthan. It has an amazing smoothness & consistency, triple shifted mehndi powder which gives stunning results. It has a distinctive special aromatic smell which gives soothing experience while application. Our organic mehndi cones are free of chemical dyes. It is suitable for all types of skin.
Why Mehndi Application?
Mehndi application aims to benefit the skin with natural medicinal herbal cures, which help to reduce stress and relax the body before the big day (marriage). Mehndi is applied on - the hands, feet & other body parts, used to calm the nerves of the body and prevent them from stress.
Mehndi is often known as henna. Good luck and happy spirits are associated with its paste. The night before the wedding, an Indian wedding tradition asks for a Mehndi ritual to be performed to wish the bride good health and prosperity on her journey to marriage.
Rich Quality of Organic Mehndi Cone
The paste of prem dulhan mehndi cone is being prepared with the world class premium quality of henna leaves plugged from the farms of Sojat, Rajasthan. Henna filtering process done with the stringent care and quality check to get the finest & smoothest paste which makes application more flawless. To ensure that the paste is safe for skin, Mehndi Cone undergoes rigorous quality checks during production.  All natural ingredients are used to make the best mehndi cone. It can be utilized as a temporary tattoo or as part of a body art design.
What’s Special in Our Best Mehndi Cone
Our Menand Cone is made with fresh & highest grade henna leaves, Enriched with the goodness of eucalyptus oil and clove bud oil. Our unique customized blend of henna paste is created so naturally, its herbal elements enhance its quality, color and appearance.
Our best mehndi cone mixing paste and unique packaging distinguish us from others, making the product look perfect.
If you are looking an organic mehndi cones you must try our 100% natural prem dulhan mehndi cone .
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jessmaasbeauty · 13 days
Relax and Shine on Your Big Day with Jess Maas' Professional Bridal Makeup and Pampering Treatments
Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments of your life, a day when you deserve to feel both relaxed and radiant. The key to achieving this balance lies in finding the right makeup artist who can cater to your unique style and needs. Jess Maas, a highly skilled makeup artist, offers professional bridal makeup and pampering treatments designed to make you shine on your big day. With her expertise, high-quality products, and personalised approach, Jess ensures that every bride feels beautiful and at ease.
Jess Maas understands that every bride has a unique vision for her wedding day look. Whether you desire a natural makeup style that subtly enhances your features, a glowy finish that gives you an ethereal radiance, or a matte look that exudes timeless elegance, Jess has the skills to make your dream look a reality. Her ability to tailor her services to individual preferences means that no matter your style or wedding theme, Jess can create the perfect makeup look for you.
A cornerstone of Jess Maas’ service is her commitment to using only high-quality makeup products. The quality of the products used on your skin can make a significant difference in the finish and longevity of your makeup. Jess meticulously selects premium products that ensure a flawless application and long-lasting wear. This attention to quality means you can enjoy every moment of your special day, from the ceremony to the last dance, without worrying about your makeup fading or smudging.
Jess Maas’ extensive experience as a makeup artist allows her to work expertly with all skin types and tones. Whether your skin is dry, oily, combination, or sensitive, or whether your complexion is fair, medium, or deep, Jess knows how to enhance your natural beauty. Her expertise means she can address any specific concerns you might have, such as ensuring long-lasting coverage or managing sensitive skin, so that every bride looks stunning and feels confident.
In addition to her exceptional makeup artistry, Jess Maas offers a range of complimentary services that elevate the overall bridal experience. These include complimentary eyelashes, which add a touch of glamour to your look, and makeup lip touch-ups to keep your lips looking perfect throughout the day. She also provides powder puffs to manage any shine, ensuring you remain photo-ready at all times. These thoughtful extras reflect Jess' dedication to providing a comprehensive and luxurious service.
One of the standout features of Jess Maas' bridal makeup service is the face mask treatment she offers. This treatment provides a full pamper experience, helping you feel relaxed and rejuvenated before your big day. The face mask not only prepares your skin for flawless makeup application but also offers a moment of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations. This holistic approach to bridal beauty ensures that you feel as wonderful as you look.
Jess Maas understands that your wedding day should reflect your individual style and preferences. Her ability to tailor her services to meet each bride's specific needs is what sets her apart. Whether you are envisioning a classic bridal look or something more contemporary, Jess works closely with you to create a makeup look that perfectly complements your overall wedding theme.
Moreover, Jess offers makeup trials before the wedding day. This allows you to see and refine your look in advance, ensuring there are no surprises on the big day. The trial also provides an opportunity to discuss any specific requirements or adjustments, making sure everything is perfect. This level of personalised service ensures you are completely satisfied with your bridal makeup.
On your wedding day, you deserve to feel pampered, relaxed, and absolutely stunning. Jess Maas' bridal makeup service is designed to provide all of this and more. From her expert makeup application to the additional pampering treatments, Jess ensures that you walk down the aisle with confidence and radiance. Her commitment to using high-quality products and her skill in working with all skin types and tones make her a trusted choice for brides.
In conclusion, Jess Maas' professional bridal makeup and pampering treatments offer the perfect combination for any bride looking to feel beautiful and relaxed on her wedding day. With a variety of makeup styles, high-quality products, and a range of complimentary services, Jess provides a comprehensive and luxurious experience. Trust Jess Maas to make your wedding day as beautiful and unforgettable as you have always dreamed. Relax and shine on your big day with the expert touch of Jess Maas.
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abdimakeup · 16 days
Korean Makeup Style: Embrace the Trend for a Flawless Look
Korean makeup style, known for its youthful and radiant look, has taken the beauty world by storm. This trend focuses on enhancing natural beauty with a few key techniques and products that create a fresh, dewy, and flawless appearance. Here's a guide to achieving that coveted Korean makeup look. Dewy, Hydrated Skin The foundation of Korean makeup is healthy, glowing skin. Start with a good skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen. Use hydrating products like serums and sheet masks to achieve a plump, dewy complexion. When it comes to makeup, opt for a lightweight, moisturizing foundation or BB cream. Cushion foundations are particularly popular as they provide a natural finish and additional hydration. Natural, Straight Brows Korean makeup favors natural, straight eyebrows, which give a youthful and innocent look. To achieve this, use a brow pencil or powder to fill in your brows following their natural shape. Avoid creating a high arch; instead, aim for a straight, soft look. Brush through with a spoolie to blend and set with a clear brow gel if needed. Soft Eyeshadow For the eyes, Korean makeup typically uses soft, neutral tones like peach, pink, and brown. Apply a light, shimmery shade all over the lid, followed by a slightly darker shade in the crease for subtle definition. Avoid heavy or dark eyeshadows, as the goal is to keep the eyes looking bright and fresh. Puppy Eyeliner Unlike the dramatic cat-eye, Korean eyeliner is all about creating a gentle, downward slope at the outer corners of the eyes, often referred to as "puppy eyeliner." This technique makes the eyes look rounder and more innocent. Use a brown or black liquid eyeliner to draw a thin line along the upper lash line, extending it slightly downward. Luminous Blush Korean makeup uses blush to add a healthy flush to the cheeks. Choose soft pink or peach blushes and apply them on the apples of your cheeks, blending upwards towards your temples. Cream blushes are a great option for achieving that natural, dewy finish. Gradient Lips One of the most iconic elements of Korean makeup is gradient lips. This technique involves applying a darker shade of lipstick or tint to the inner part of your lips and blending it outwards, creating a soft gradient effect. Start with a lip tint in a rosy or coral shade, focusing on the inner part of your lips, and blend outwards with your finger or a lip brush. Finish with a clear or lightly tinted lip gloss for a plump, juicy look. Highlighting and Strobing To achieve the signature Korean glow, use a liquid or cream highlighter on the high points of your face – the cheekbones, brow bones, the bridge of the nose, and the cupid's bow. Strobing, or focusing solely on highlighting, is a common technique to create a fresh, luminous complexion without heavy contouring. The Korean makeup style is all about enhancing your natural beauty with soft, dewy, and youthful elements. By focusing on skincare, using lightweight and hydrating products, and employing subtle makeup techniques, you can achieve a radiant and flawless look that is both fresh and sophisticated. Embrace the Korean makeup trend and enjoy the beauty of a natural, glowing complexion!
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hubs24 · 3 months
Building Your Basic Makeup Kit: A Beginner's Guide
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Introduction to Basic Makeup Kits
{"type":"img1","src":"https://facehubs.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/fileUpload-35.jpg","alt":"basic makeup kit"}Starting your makeup journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. With so many products available, knowing which essentials you need for a basic makeup kit is crucial. This guide is designed to help beginners navigate through the vast world of makeup, ensuring you have all the necessary tools to create everyday looks without feeling like you're missing out.A well-assembled makeup kit should contain products that cater to your personal style, complexion, and lifestyle needs. It's not about having an abundance of makeup but about having the right tools that enhance your natural beauty and are versatile enough for various occasions.Understanding the purpose of each product and how it fits into your routine will save you time and money. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge to build a makeup kit that serves as a solid foundation for your beauty regimen.Remember, makeup is a form of self-expression and should be fun. Experimenting with different products and techniques is part of the journey. Let's dive into the essentials that will constitute the cornerstone of your basic makeup kit.By focusing on quality over quantity, you'll create a more sustainable and efficient makeup collection that serves you well for every occasion.
Essential Tools for Your Kit
Having the right tools at your disposal is just as important as the makeup itself. Brushes and sponges play a pivotal role in how the product is applied and blended onto your skin.A basic set should include a foundation brush, a powder brush, a blush brush, an eye shadow brush, an eyeliner brush, and a lip brush. These tools ensure that you can apply your makeup smoothly and achieve a polished look. Each brush serves a specific purpose and helps in the application of products with precision.Don't underestimate the power of a good beauty sponge. It's perfect for blending in foundation and concealer seamlessly, giving you a flawless finish. Remember, maintaining your tools is just as important as having them. Regular cleaning will keep your brushes and sponges in good condition, preventing the spread of bacteria and ensuring better makeup application.Quality does not always mean expensive. Many affordable brands offer high-quality brushes and tools that can match the performance of pricier options.Investing in a good set of tools is a one-time expense that will elevate your makeup game.{"type":"img1","src":"https://facehubs.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/fileUpload-36.jpg","alt":"makeup brushes set"}
Foundation and Concealer Basics
Foundation and concealer are the cornerstones of any makeup kit. They help create a smooth, even canvas for the rest of your makeup.When selecting a foundation, it's crucial to find a formula that matches your skin type. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin, there's a foundation out there for you. Pay attention to the coverage it offers, from sheer to full, and choose one that suits your needs and preferences.Concealer is your best friend for covering up imperfections. A little goes a long way in concealing blemishes, dark circles, and any other areas you wish to hide.Finding the right shades for both foundation and concealer is essential. Always test products in natural light and consider how they blend with your neck and chest to ensure a natural, seamless look.Remember, makeup should enhance your natural beauty. Choosing the right foundation and concealer ensures your skin looks its best without looking overdone.
Eye Makeup Essentials
The eyes are often considered the windows to the soul, making eye makeup an essential part of any beauty routine.Your basic kit should include an eyeliner, mascara, and a neutral eyeshadow palette. These three products can help you create both simple day looks and more dramatic evening styles.An eyeliner can define your eyes, making them stand out. Whether you prefer a sharp wing or a subtle smudge, it's a versatile tool in your makeup arsenal.Mascara is a must-have for adding volume and length to your lashes, brightening your eyes instantly.A neutral eyeshadow palette gives you the ability to play with different looks. Choose a palette that offers both matte and shimmer shades for maximum versatility.Experimenting with different techniques can be fun, and with these eye makeup essentials, the possibilities are endless.
Lip Products for Every Occasion
Your makeup kit wouldn't be complete without the right lip products. A versatile lip color collection should include a lip balm, a nude lipstick, and a bold shade for special occasions.A good lip balm keeps your lips hydrated and smooth, serving as the perfect base for any lipstick or lip gloss.Nude lipstick is an everyday essential. It's perfect for those who prefer a more natural look or for balancing out dramatic eye makeup.Having a bold lip color in your arsenal allows you to transform your look instantly. It's a great way to make a statement and feel confident.Remember, the best lip color is the one that makes you feel confident and happy. Experiment with different formulas and shades to find what works best for you.Overall, building a basic makeup kit is about finding the right balance between necessity and personal preference. By selecting versatile, high-quality products, you'll have everything you need to explore the world of makeup and express your unique style. Read the full article
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insight1212 · 3 months
Beauty Hack 101: How to Best Use Face Powder
A face powder can be a real game changer. It’s a magical tool in your makeup kit that helps set your foundation, control oil and shine, and even out your complexion. But with so many types and brands of face powders available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your skin type and tone.
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That’s where Insight Makeup Essentials comes into play. As a one-stop cosmetic brand, they provide a wide range of beauty products for most skin types and skin tones. Their face powders, including their specially formulated compact powder for oily skin, are designed to give you that flawless finish you’ve always desired.
In this blog, we’ll guide you through the world of face powders, from understanding what they are to learning how to use them best. So, without further ado, let's get started!
What's a Face Powder?
Face powder is a staple in any makeup routine. It’s a type of cosmetic that is used to set foundation, control shine, and give your skin a finished look. It can be applied to bare skin or over foundation to give your makeup a smooth, flawless finish.
There are several types of face powders, each with its own unique benefits:
Loose Powder: This is a finely milled powder that is dusted over the face to set makeup and eliminate shine. It’s perfect for achieving a natural, airbrushed finish.
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Pressed Powder: Also known as compact powder, this is a denser version of loose powder. It’s perfect for touch-ups throughout the day and is a must-have in your makeup bag.
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Translucent Powder: Also called finishing powder, translucent powder is applied after setting powder. Finishing powder gives your skin a soft-focus, photoshoot-ready effect.
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How to Choose the Best Face Powder for You?
Choosing the right face powder is crucial to achieving a flawless makeup look. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
Understand Your Skin Type: The first step in choosing the right face powder is understanding your skin type. For instance, if you have oily skin, a compact powder like the one from Insight Makeup Essentials can help control shine and give you a matte finish.
Choose the Right Shade: Choosing the right shade of face powder is just as important as choosing the right type. The powder should match your skin tone to create a natural look. When in doubt, it’s better to choose a shade that’s slightly lighter than your skin tone.
Consider the Coverage: Face powders come in different levels of coverage, from sheer to full. If you want to cover blemishes or discolouration, you might want a powder with more coverage. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a natural look, a sheer powder might be the best choice.
Test Before You Buy: It’s always a good idea to test the powder on your skin before buying it. This will help you see how it looks and feels on your skin and whether it matches your skin tone.
How to Apply Face Powder
Applying face powder correctly can make a significant difference in your makeup look. Here are some steps to guide you:
Prep Your Skin: Start with a clean, moisturised face. Apply your compact foundation and concealer as you normally would.
Choose the Right Tools: Use a large, fluffy brush for loose powder and a sponge or puff for pressed powder. Brushes provide a more natural finish, while sponges or puffs offer more coverage.
Apply the Powder: Dip your tool into the powder, then tap off the excess. Apply the powder in a pressing or rolling motion. Start from the centre of your face and work your way out.
Set Your Makeup: After applying the powder, wait a few minutes for it to set. Then, dust off any excess powder with a clean brush.
Finish Your Look: Apply the rest of your makeup as desired. Remember to finish with a setting spray to keep your makeup in place all day.
Bottom Line
Remember, the key to great makeup is not only having the right products but also knowing how to use them. And with Insight Makeup Essentials, you have a wide range of beauty products at your fingertips. Whether you’re looking for the perfect face powder, a compact powder for oily skin, or stunning highlighter makeup, they’ve got you covered.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 3 months
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evansbby · 2 years
hi!!!!!!! hope ur having a chilled Sunday bby! PLS PLS can u tell us more about ur skincare/haircare & makeup pls pls pls hehe! it’s okay if u cba i just love love hearing what people use! plus you give off such clean girl aesthetic! 💕✨
hey baby I’m so sorry about the late response!! but i love this question!!! so here goes!! ✨✨✨
first off… i don’t do anything for hair-care except except wash my hair in cold water bc it makes it extra soft. but apart from that, i honestly don’t even blow dry it or curl it or anything… it’s quite straightish-wavy and i really like how it looks the way it is!! also curls never stay in my hair for long bc my hair is super fine lol 😌🙌🏼
skincare… i actually need to find a moisturiser bc i just use Vaseline rn. also my spf 50 which is also a moisturiser. it’s from this brand called heliocare and it’s amazing. i also massage my face… like… aggressively every morning to recuse puffiness. i also splash it with ice cold water about twenty times to get a healthy flush and i learnt both these things from model doutzen kroes’ YouTube channel. I also use an exfoliater from this brand called murad about 3x a week. apart from that I don’t do much, I get laser done on my face and I swear to you it doubles as like a collagen treatment — makes my face all tight and radiant and gets rid of hyperpigmentation!! I’m lucky to have been blessed with clear skin bc apart from that I don’t do anything else to it!!
as for makeup, omg I’ll try to keep it brief and simple. I have a foundation and it’s the charlotte tilbury sheer coverage one but I don’t really use it bc it oxidises and goes slightly orange lmao. anyways I use charlotte tilbury flawless filter like religiously and I use a cream concealer which I believe is from revolution and it’s a charlotte tilbury dupe. btw i blend out the flawless filter with my hands and i blend out my concealer with my fingers bc I genuinely think makeup brushes are overrated and you don’t always need them. anyways setting powder is from elf. for contour I use a concealer in a darker shade and for blush I use glossier shade storm and I put it literally everywhere like cheeks and nose and forehead bc i like the whole flushed look on myself. and I fill in my brows using some morphe brow thing. i don’t do soap brows bc I hate that trend but I do love threading my brows really thing I think that looks so cute. I usually let my lips be but when I’m in the mood I go for a dark brown lipliner and nude lip combo. For eyeshadow I use the too faced born this way palette bc the brown shades are so good and they’re all I use and that’s about it the end!!
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belladoesmakeup · 2 years
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Hey guys,
During this really warm weather in London I haven't been wearing a lot of makeup products just because I don't want my skin to be clogged in the heat. Instead I have been wearing primer, concealer where I need coverage and powder which compared to my regular routine it very scaled back.
Sometimes when you have the right primer you don't necessarily need a lot of a lot of other products for your skin to look smooth and glowy. We all know I am a Charlotte Tilbury addict and most recently I have gained a whole new appreciation for her primers. While I've been using these primers under my makeup I haven't really worn them on their own as my primary face base product. Like I mentioned before it's been too warm to wear a full face so I've been using these primers to smooth my face and give me enough glow to look like I'm wearing lots of makeup products when I'm not.
So if you're looking for a product to give your skin a glow during summer I have 2 perfect primers for you. The first primer is the iconic Wonderglow Face Primer , £39.00. This was my first ever CT primer and it is the definition of glowy skin. This primer is a soft focus formula that makes your skin look more dewy and radiant. Making your skin look smooth and glowy it's the perfect product to wear by itself or under makeup.
My second favourite and from the more recent releases we have Invisible UV Flawless Poreless Primer , £39.00. This primer is a new updates formula that is designed to protect, hydrate and prime your skin. Though Wonder Glow can be used as primer, this is the first official product labelled a primer in the brand. Unlike Wonder Glow this primer includes SPF to protect your skin while giving you a gorgeous glowy, flawless, smooth complexion. Out of these two I would say I use this primer the most on no makeup days because it blurs my skin while still giving me SPF. But when I want a fresh glowy radiant face I grab my Wonder Glow for sure.
Once I pick my primer I then use my face powder (usually a loose powder) to set my T-zone and because these primers are soft focus/ blurring the powder blends into my face flawlessly and almost looks like I'm wearing foundation. Sounds silly but it's a great makeup tip to keep in your kits. If you want to check out more about the products hit the links above.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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fusionhairsalonhisar · 3 months
Bridal makeup services in Hisar
The trend in bridal makeup is constantly evolving, shifting towards a more natural Beautiful that Features the bride's inner beauty. Today's brides are embracing Modesty, opting for looks that enhance rather than mask their natural features. The key elements for a trendy 2024 bride include a flawless base, bold mascara for captivating eyes, voluminous lashes, and a peachy nude lipstick to complete the look.
For those seeking simple yet stunning bridal makeup, look no further than the top hair salon in Hisar. Our bridal makeup services in Hisar are tailored to create a mesmerizing look that highlights your beauty on your special day. Visit us and let our expert makeup artists enhance your natural allure for a truly unforgettable bridal experience.
Here are some things which we need to consider while doing bridal Makeup:
Face Preparation
Before applying any makeup, it is crucial to clean your face. After cleansing, apply some rose water or moisturizer. I am using a moisturizer. It is important to blend the moisturizer well into your skin and let it settle for a while. After applying moisturizer, I am using a primer. Primer plays a crucial role in long-lasting and glossy makeup. If your skin is not prepared well, your makeup won't have that glow. Now, let's move on to concealer.
Concealing Technique
I am applying the concealer to areas with darkness. I am applying a little more on the mouth area and under the eyes where I needed extra coverage. The rest of the face requires a light application. After applying the concealer, blend it well with a beauty blender. Remember, your beauty blender should be damp but not wet. The blending process should be smooth and not leave any streaks or water droplets on your face.
Foundation Application
I have taken a small amount of foundation on a palette and created a paste. Then, I am applying it to my face. When you directly apply foundation from the refill, it won't blend smoothly. But when you take it from a palette, it applies smoothly. Also, be mindful of the amount of foundation you use. Don't apply too much as it will appear cakey. Now, blend the foundation well. Remember, less is more. The less you apply, the better it looks.
Highlighting Techniques
This is a bridal makeup look, I am using the concealer in the Light Beige shade for highlighting. I am applying it to the high points of the face. It is important to blend it well in an upward direction. After highlighting, let's move on to loose powder. Loose powder helps set the base makeup and gives a matte finish. Now, I am applying the powder all over the face. Make sure to use a compact brush for an even application. Now, let's focus on face contouring.
Blush Application
I am using the Revolution blush on the cheeks. Apply it to the cheeks' area. Nowadays, blush is trending, so I have applied more than usual. After blushing, let's set everything with a compact powder. Compact powder helps lock the base makeup and gives a matte finish. Now, let's move on to eye makeup.
Eyeshadow Techniques
Starting with the eyeshadow, I am using an orange shade. Orange is a versatile color that goes well with all outfits. Then, I am using a dark pink shade from the Carnival palette and applying it only on the outer corner of the eyes. Be cautious about the placement of eyeshadows. Light colors can be taken up to the crease line, while dark colors should not go above the crease line. Now, I am using a maroon eyeshadow on the outer corner to create depth. I am blending the eyeshadows well for a seamless look. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and refer back to the video if needed.
If you want to look trendy and majestically beautiful then Fusion Hair Salon in Hisar is really a great place for you which helps you to explore and enjoy new fashion, looks and best styles.
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