#Yūko Tsushima
lyssahumana · 9 months
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dk-thrive · 10 months
If I stop writing, I will feel like a kite without string.
I read an interview with Yūko Tsushima, published in 1989 in the Chicago Tribune, about how her fictional characters, almost always single mothers, are never happy, but that’s because she feels that happy people don’t have the required sensitivity. Perhaps, she says, misfortune is not bad. She writes, she says in the interview, as a way to confirm herself, to allow the days to exist in all of their ordinary beauty and awfulness. “If I stop writing, I will feel like a kite without string.”
— Kate Zambreno, The Light Room (Riverhead Books, July 4, 2023) 
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Some Memorable Reading from 2019
Lucia Berlin, A Manual for Cleaning Women (2015, Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Yūko Tsushima, Territory of Light (1979, Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Muriel Spark, Robinson (1958, Macmillan)
Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy’s Wedding (1955, Thomas Y. Crowell Co.)
John Wyndham, Chocky (1968, Michael Joseph)
Tillie Walden, On a Sunbeam (2016, First Second)
Denis Johnson, The Stars at Noon (1986, Alfred A. Knopf)
Sally Rooney, Normal People (2018, Faber & Faber)
Maggie Nelson, Jane: A Murder (2005, Soft Skull Press)
Ben Lerner, The Topeka School (2019, Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
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miskeit · 2 months
…Ja, Spica. To gwiaz­da pierw­szej wiel­ko­ści w gwiaz­do­zbio­rze Panny, to imię zna­czy «kłos psze­ni­cy». Matka moja, bo­gi­ni ziemi i uro­dza­ju, De­me­ter, za­wsze trzy­ma w lewej ręce kłos psze­ni­cy. Ja je­stem tym kło­sem psze­nicz­nym. Je­dy­na córka matki. Na­zy­wa­na imie­niem Per­se­fo­ny.
— Yūko Tsushima
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quotation--marks · 2 months
Without being fully conscious of it,  I had bowed my head. I wanted to put the same question to him again and again: was he sure, might we be making a huge mistake? I had indeed wanted to divorce all along, and yet, flying in the face of those wishes, I had an urge to huddle up to him and cry, ‘Maybe we’ve got it wrong - weren’t we hoping for something different?’ All I did, though, was sit in front of him, my head lowered, in a daze. 
Yūko Tsushima, Flames (trans. Geraldine Harcourt)
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bejmele · 1 year
…Ja, Spica. To gwiaz­da pierw­szej wiel­ko­ści w gwiaz­do­zbio­rze Panny, to imię zna­czy «kłos psze­ni­cy». Matka moja, bo­gi­ni ziemi i uro­dza­ju, De­me­ter, za­wsze trzy­ma w lewej ręce kłos psze­ni­cy. Ja je­stem tym kło­sem psze­nicz­nym. Je­dy­na córka matki. Na­zy­wa­na imie­niem Per­se­fo­ny.
Yūko Tsushima
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la-zu-li · 1 year
Talvez a memória não seja mais do que olhar as coisas até o limite.
Yūko Tsushima
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Pensé en cómo había pasado la Nochebuena con mi hija una semana antes. La recogí de la guardería por la tarde y tomamos el tren sin pasar por casa, bajándonos tres paradas más adelante de la circular, en unos grandes almacenes. Como ya habían cerrado, subimos directo a los restaurantes de la última planta. Siendo la noche de Navidad, estaban todos atestados. Pero me agradaba la aglomeración, deseaba esa promiscuidad: mi hija y yo no éramos los únicos seres vivientes en esta ciudad.
Tras gastar unas cuantas monedas de cien yenes en el salón de juegos de la misma planta, probamos en un restaurante chino. No tenían mesa libre, había que compartir. En la mesa había sentadas dos cincuentonas con llamativos pendientes y anillos. Mi hija las miró un instante y su entusiasmo decayó de repente.
Mi brioso: «¡A ver! ¡Hoy vamos a tirar la casa por la ventana! ¿Qué te apetece?», se topó con un cansino: «Me da igual», dicho con la cabeza gacha y un hilo de voz, sin levantar apenas los ojos. Poco a poco mi jovialidad se volvió demasiado esfuerzo, así que me bebí mi cerveza dejando la vista vagar por el ajetreado comedor.
Aunque mi intención era recrearme un poco, después de lo que nos había costado sentarnos, mi hija picoteó el menú especial y luego empezó a insistir en volver a casa.
—Come un poco más, ¿está rico, no?
—No me gusta. Vámonos a casa.
—No hay nada de comer en casa. Come ahora o luego vas a tener hambre.
—Ya no quiero más. Vámonos. No me gusta esto.
—¿Ah no? A mí sí me gusta.
Se puso furiosa y tiro el plato medio lleno al suelo, que se hizo trizas con estrépito.
—¡Será posible! ¡Niña mala!
La reprimenda provocó un berrido que se oyó en todo el restaurante: «¡Quiero irme a casa! ¡Quiero irme a casa!».
Tuve que cogerla y llevármela a la carrera. Nada más fuera —paradas frente a los ascensores— ya estaba risueña y ansiosa por salir a trotar a la calle. Era enervante; pero, sin dejar de fulminarla cuando se debatía por soltarse de mi mano, pensé que, después de todo, éramos las únicas personas que hubieran querido volver a aquel apartamento.
Cuando enfilamos la calle principal tras bajar del tren, me sale con que quiere hacer lo otro.
—Aguanta, ya casi hemos llegado. Aquí en la calle no puede ser.
Me aligeré, tirando de ella bruscamente. Pero enseguida lloriqueó: «¡Ya me lo hice!». Estaba demasiado incómoda para dar un paso más. Qué iba a hacer: busqué un sitio fuera de la vista, le quité las braguitas, le limpié el culo y le puse las otras que llevaba en el bolso. Cuando me incorporaba con un suspiro, vi a un hombre que venía tambaleándose en nuestra dirección. Mientras mi hija y yo lo observábamos, se desplomó dejando escapar un sonido que resonó en la calle: no sabría decir si llanto o gemido.
—Ese hombre está llorando —susurró mi hija, apretando fuerte mi mano.
—Es que se siente mal. Se siente fatal —le respondí en un susurro también.
—Alívialo, mami.
Asintió sin apartar la mirada de la indistinta figura en la calzada.
La miré y me mordí los labios, luego tiré las braguitas sucias que tenía en la mano en un tanque de basura cercano y me acerqué al hombre. Flotaba un olor a vómito. El descuido de mi hija también había dejado un tufillo en mi nariz y sentí algo de nauseas. Me agaché junto a la figura.
Empecé a frotar la espalda del doliente, que gruñía bajito. El hombre sólo estaba ebrio, pero su espalda era ancha y caliente. Era un cuerpo sólido, compacto. Tenía las orejas tan rojas que parecían a punto de salir ardiendo. Mi hija se acercó también y frotamos juntas a cuatro manos. No llevaba abrigo ni jersey; aparentemente había salido así de algún sitio. Concentrada frotando la espalda de un extraño, me vi arrastrada a una especie de ardor fervoroso, como si rezara pidiendo un milagro. Me pareció que frotaba mucho tiempo, pero probablemente fueron unos instantes.
Estábamos tan embebidas que cuando la espalda se sacudió y el cuerpo se irguió nos cogió completamente por sorpresa. El hombre se había puesto en pie. Lo miramos marcharse, boquiabiertas: se encorvó dolorido y se fue dando tumbos hacia la estación. Nunca llegamos a ver su rostro.
—Se ha puesto mejor. Se sentía fatal y ahora está mejor —murmuró mi hija. Parecía contenta.
Tiré de ella y respiré hondo. Todavía sentía el hedor: «¡Menos mal!».
Echamos a andar de la mano. Sentíamos las manos ardiendo como brasas de tanto frotar vigorosamente.
Distinguí algunas estrellas titilando en el cielo y exclamé: «¡Estrellas!». Cuanto más frío hace, más claras se ven, fue lo que me vino a la cabeza.
Pasado Año Nuevo volví a sentarme en la sala de mediación. Tenía ante mí los mismos rostros de la otra vez, uno al lado del otro. Esperé diez minutos, un cuarto de hora, mirando los edificios altos que se veían por la ventana. El cielo era azul aquel día también y la sala estaba sofocante y cargada.
Tsushima Yūko
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shiroganeryo · 11 months
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So... I may or may have not made a Dazatsu lovechild a while ago 💦 Decided to show her to the world after seeing some discourse on the neighboring site today 😅
I took inspiration from Yūko Tsushima, Osamu Dazai's daughter and novelist! Her ability is Child of Fortune.
A lot about her is still a WIP, but please check under the read more cut if you're interested in knowing more about her (and also see me exposing myself with the delirious idea that brought her into being)!
Feat. married Dazatsu, which is always good; but this post is looong.
So, how did this happen?
I'm very weak and give lovechildren to my ships often. I was thinking about how cute would be a child of theirs and conveniently found out about Dazai's daughter, who also was a novelist and everything simply fell into place effortlessly.
The actual backstory
Yūko is a byproduct of the Book. The text written into it desired a strong ability that could be easily manipulated to come into being. However, since the Book follows a certain logic, such ability manifested as a singularity; key traits of two abilities it considered powerful if combined merged and came into being as an infant's.
Still following the Book's logic, this weak, vulnerable being appeared in the vicinity of the ones who would protect it from harm.
And now the "serious" part is out of the way, imagine Dazai randomly getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and finding a sleeping cat that had broken into their home.
...Except when he touches it to put it back outside, it turns into a child.
This is a case of "instructions too vague, gave a random couple a child" lmao
What happens from there
What else would Dazai do if not wake Atsushi up, who at first doesn't understand why all that fuss just because of a cat that broke in until he sees it for himself. Both are extremely confused.
Then what else would they do if not resort to Kyouka next door because they're at a loss and need a female's feedback here. She's immediately smitten but Atsushi keeps reminding her they can't just keep her like a lost kitten, they need to find her parents.
This results in them deciding to take her to the Agency, they're detectives after all. The three of them walk in, Dazai with the girl in his arms (to prevent her from activating her ability and running off), Atsushi carrying a bag with the improvised provisions they had arranged, and Kyouka with the straightest face ever.
Everyone looks at them in confusion. Ranpo instantly knows what's up. Atsushi says he would love to say they can explain but he honestly has no idea whatsoever.
They tell the others what happened and since Ranpo likes to make things more amusing, he remarks on how similar she looks to both Dazai and Atsushi in appearance, and that her ability also resembles Atsushi's weretiger features. Dazai instantly picks up on the hints.
Kunikida is hellbent on finding the girl's parents before anything else, but Dazai suggests running a DNA test to test a theory of his. Kunikida resists a little because there's just no way you're implying what you're implying, but Dazai insists for the sake of ruling out possibilities.
It's a perfect match with both him and Atsushi.
The next steps
Apparently, they're her parents now. She needs registration documents and whatnot; Ango takes care of the bureaucracies and necessary paperwork to make this happen more smoothly because this is by no means your everyday occurrence, she must be properly recorded in the Special Division's files.
Since Dazai and Atsushi are married, this means they're also both her legal guardians. For safety's sake, her surname is registered as Tsushima (津島) instead of Nakajima (中島) to make her a little harder to track because there's definitely something up with that (or so Dazai thinks, which he tells Ango).
To help cover her identity better, she's also accepted into the Agency as an employee (she went through an entrance exam and all) of sorts, so Fukuzawa's ability takes effect on her. The ID card on her lanyard is her official detective ID.
Currently, she's learning how to read and write and undergoing training to better control her ability.
Yūko's ability was dubbed Child of Fortune (寵児, Chōji); it's still under observation to determine the full potential of her skills. So far, it's known that much like Atsushi, she's able of transforming fully into a tiger (except it's a tiger cub) or partially, into a weretiger. She supposedly has restoration skills, but they're still not fully developed.
Exceptionally strong claws.
She also has a powerful bite, observed to neutralize the effect of other abilities with the only exception being No Longer Human. The bite leaves a mark that renders the affected person unable of using their ability for a set time.
Some trivia
Since Yūko can't heal herself properly yet, her injuries are kept bandaged. Usually seen on the wrists or ankles. I left this detail to match Dazai's bandages, as a visual representation of the young age the irl author lost her father to suicide.
The reason why her left hand is bandaged in the second drawing though, is because she punched a classmate who was bullying her; she didn't mind the offenses until it sounded like they were badmouthing Atsushi and GOD FORBID she hears anyone say anything bad about any of her dads.
It's fine btw, they're best friends now. Dazai actually talked to the kid and they apologized after that; Yūko only apologized because Atsushi told her to.
I need you to imagine them being called to the school because Yūko got into a fight and Atsushi becoming disconcerted after learning the reason behind it from their daughter while Dazai tried very hard not to laugh because it would upset Atsushi but he was a little too proud of Yūko (defend your cinnamon roll dad!)
She's very easy to deal with, a very calm and obedient child despite having a strong, assertive personality. When she's not in school, she's hanging out in the Agency; she stays in the lounge area of the office and spends her time drawing or trying to write words. Both Atsushi and Dazai take turns checking on her.
Like any child, Yūko has a lot of energy and may tire out her parents, especially if she decides to activate her ability; she outsped Atsushi once and since then they're both surprised and terrified. She always falls for Dazai's trap of calling her by saying "pspsps" with a smile though and fails to understand why she turns back to normal every time.
Her training isn't just to teach her how to control her ability better, but also to teach her how to use it responsibly. Sometimes it looks a lot like gym classes tbh.
Yes, tiger Atsushi does carry tiger cub Yūko around in his mouth and gives her baths.
Yes, Dazai does whine there's yet another cat in his immediate family circle that he can't pet.
And if you read until here, I wish you a wonderful day, please know that I love you and am sending good things vibes your way 🫶
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thegoldenorb · 1 year
OC: Yuuko Tsushima (SKK Daughter)
Okay, so Yuuko was originally just Chuuya’s daughter (he adopted her when he was 19, during the four-year divorce). He found her at an orphanage while investigating something for Mori. Her parents died in a murder-suicide when she was three.
She’s named after a Japanese author, the real Osamu Dazai’s daughter, who was also very famous on her own.
Kouyou gave her the nickname, “The Youngest Executive in the History of the Port Mafia” (stolen from Dazai) because Chuuya always brought her to executive meetings. Everyone in the mafia uses it when they talk about her to the point that newer members don’t even know that it used to be what they called Dazai. Chuuya is very smug about it.
Her ability is called Laughing Wolf. It's named after one of Yuuko Tsushima's novels. Her ability manifests (like Elise) as a wolf named Mitsuo that will attack anyone that Yuuko perceives as a threat to herself.
Mitsuo is named after one of the two protagonists of Laughing Wolf. The other protagonist is a girl named Yuki. The story follows the two of them (both orphaned by their respective fathers), as they explore post-war Japan. In general, Tsushima's stories focused on the psychological impact of being abandoned.
Name Information
Name: Yuuko Tsushima
Kanji: 津島佑子 
Romaji: Tsushima Yūko 
Also Known As:
Chibi-Chibi (by Osamu Dazai)
The Youngest Executive in the History of the Port Mafia
Namesake: Yūko Tsushima (Japanese Fiction Writer, Essayist, and Critic) 
Personal Information:
Status: Alive
Birthday: March 30
At Adoption: 4
Present: 7
Gender: ♀ Female 
At Adoption: 96 cm (3’2”) 
Present: 118 cm (3’11”) 
At Adoption: 14 kg (31 lbs.) 
Present: 22 kg (49 lbs.)
Blood Type: B
Likes: Animals, Drawing, Crabcakes, Family Dinners, Chuuya Nakahara
Dislikes: Ougai Mori, Bullies, Fake Smiles
Occupation: Second-Grade Student
Port Mafia
Armed Detective Agency
Yokohama International School
Relationship Information:
Chuuya Nakahara (Adoptive Father)
Osamu Dazai (Adoptive Father)
Mitsuo (Pet/Ability Manifestation)
Ability Information:
Name: Laughing Wolf
Kanji: 笑い狼
Romaji: Warai Okami
Reference: Laughing Wolf (Novel by Yūko Tsushima) 
Physical Description:
Hair: Pale Blue
Eyes: Brown
Other Traits:
Heavily Scarred Back and Hands
Now with art!
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heavenlyyshecomes · 1 year
What are your favorite translated novels by women authors? <3
oh god so many here's a list of those I've read and loved
goodbye tsugumi, banana yoshimoto tr. michael emmerich
territory of light, yūko tsushima, tr. geraldine harcourt*
minor detail, adania shibli, tr. elisabeth jacquette
one hundred shadows, hwang jungeun tr. jung yewon*
abigail, magda szabó tr. len rix
the blind earthworm in the labyrinth, veeraporn nitiprapha tr. kong rithdee*
the memory police, yōko ogawa tr. stephen snyder*
spring garden tomoka shibasaki tr. polly barton*
tokyo ueno station, miri yū tr. morgan giles
tongue, jo kyung-ran tr. kim chiyoung
strange weather in tokyo, hiromi kawakami tr. allison markin powell
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j0ystix · 6 months
Introducing my OC!
Disclaimer : I have nothing but full respect for the in real life Yūko Tsushima, I’ve read her books and she’s one of my favourite authors in the world. I love her more than her father. I think she deserves more than to be known as “Osamu Dazai’s daughter” because she’s amazing on her own and she has her own unique identifiers. So even though she is Dazai’s daughter in my hc, do note that she NEVER worked under the ADA with Dazai so she got her own job, lived separately and independently from Dazai and made her OWN friends, she’s her OWN person
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Yūko Tsushima
Age : 18 (Current), 22 (future)
Height : 174cm
Ability : Child Of Fortune
Appearance : messy curly brown hair like Dazai’s, pink sharp eyes (large eyeshape like her mother). She basically looks like fem dazai
- Dazai and her mother conceived her at the ages of 16, she was a wedlock pregnancy
- When she was younger, she used to dress extremely tomboyish (short hair, baggy clothes and she was tall) so everyone thought she was a boy until around 18-21 where her hair is longer and she dressed more feminine. She cuts her hair short again at 22
- Responsible and always on her feet
- perfectionist; she excels in school and she pushes herself to be the best. she’s hard on herself
- KIND OF egoistic (she got this from Dazai) but deservingly.
- she is described to have a “shallow smile”, Yūko is rarely happy. She confessed to Dazai that she felt shameful for she has never attempted to take her own life. Yūko has never felt true happiness before but she’s okay with it. So though she’s not suicidal like her father, she has a constant low mood which is concealed (this is a reference to irl Yuko Tsushima’s quote about not writing happy women)
- She can be impulsive and childish; for eg, she would make paper cranes and throw them out onto the neighbour’s roof just because she wanted to see the items float down her window (reference to the book Territory Of Light)
- She doesn’t show it but she really wants Dazai to love her. She wants her father but she’s also incredibly angry with him. However, when Dazai took her in, it’s described as though her world lit up, her once territory of darkness became a solace of light
- She likes babies and kids, she’s very protective of them
- She has a gentle soul towards anyone unfortunate
- She’s intelligent and cunning like her father but she just lacks experience. This is what Dazai wants to leverage on.
- She’s blunt most of the time and she daydreams excessively
- She’s an introvert
- She breaks down whenever she’s alone in her room. Yūko struggles with loneliness, abandonment and anxiety. She hides her feelings most of the time to appear perfect but Dazai sees through this facade
- has a tendency to apologise and give in without arguing, especially around men
- She cried when she couldn’t get into the catholic school her family has been going to for generations and she tends to run away whenever reality is too difficult for her to face
- Child Of Fortune allows her to absorb and photocopy anyone’s ability through touch. Though she can only absorb that ability for 6 hours maximum.
- Child Of Fortune also allows her to willingly cause singularity with any ONE ability user. When singularity is induced, she’s able to nullify that person’s ability for as long as the singularity persist (this is to symbolise her connection with Dazai)
- yes, Yūko can activate corruption against Chuuya’s will and she can look at other realms inside the book just like Dazai. She did look at the other universes (just like Dazai) and she found that in all of them, Dazai had her by his side.
- However, Child Of Fortune is one of the only abilities that No Longer Human has no effect on. So, Dazai cannot nullify or prevent Yūko from absorbing other people’s ability BUT once she has absorbed someone’s ability then Dazai can nullify the absorbed ability.
- Yūko cannot absorb Dazai’s ability either. It causes a unique singularity called Watery Cherries (a mix of Watery Realm by Yūko Tsushima and Cherries by Osamu Dazai; both book includes the authors mentioning each other). It allows both users to be connected to one another in terms of feelings/touch/thoughts and the 5 senses. Dazai found this ability EXTREMELY useful because it allows him to mobilise someone else thus he found Yūko useful.
- Chief Taneda was intrigued with her but his ability couldn’t detect her ability but he knows that she has one
- Father and Daughter are both Anti-ability users
Lore TEHE:
- she stayed with her mother until the age of 12 where her mother disappears from her life. She then stayed at an orphanage until Dazai picked her up at 17.
- she holds a grudge against Dazai for abandoning her and her mother at such a young age and the grudge never went away because Dazai never apologised to her. she feels upset with her mother because while her mother single-handedly brought her up, her mother cannot look at her or love her properly because she reminded her mother of Dazai too much. This made her hate herself
- BOTH the pm and the ADA did guilt trip Dazai to feel bad about abandoning his only daughter with her mother because Yūko grew up poor and financially emancipated from the Tsushima family
- The Tsushima family is a prestigious and Nobel family; they’re rich and their family has distinctive diamond eyes that’s passed down. Those eyes allow them to see the weaknesses of every situation/individual and evaluate accordingly. It enables them to see an unknown world, they can also see invisible abilities such as Mushitaro’s ghosts
- Yūko did inherit those eyes. Btw, those eyes are NOT an ability, they’re just a trademark of the family. Her mother has the same eyes too
- Dazai calls Yūko many nicknames : Koko, Yūko-chan, My Child Of Fortune, My cutiebug, Kid, Dazai Junior, My Successor
- Dazai love’s referring to Yūko as his successor because he believes he can shape her into becoming him but better (morally)
- Dazai ADORES his little girl (I wouldn’t say love YET) he’s very sweet to her. He would hug her from behind and act dramatic around her but he is also very gentle with her which made Akutagawa jealous.
- Akutagawa doesn’t understand why she could succeed Dazai and why Dazai was enamoured with her. He doesn’t understand why Dazai cares so much about her opinion of him
- The Tsushima family does not like Dazai nor Yūko. They think that those two are the anomalies. Yūko’s mother cut herself off from her family when she was pregnant with Yūko, therefore Yūko was an outsider to her own family and her family regards Dazai’s blood as ‘tainted’. They believe that Dazai tainted their pure bloodline and wanted to cut Yūko off. They called her the ‘black sheep’ because she’s the only one with an ability and the Tsushima family hates ability users
- Chuuya gets along with her very well. He pities the kid and believes that Dazai doesn’t deserve her.
- When Dazai tried to adopt her at the orphanage when she was 17, she declined LOL and he had to go through court procedures to gain legal custody over her (he begged Ango for help) but he failed. However, few months later when she turned 18 (she was released from the orphanage by this age), she showed up to his doorstep and asked him if they could start all over again and Dazai was ecstatic
- Chuuya made fun of Dazai for still fathering his grown 18 year old daughter but whenever Chuuya sees Yūko concerned over her father and Dazai concerned over his daughter, Chuuya gets jealous and sad
- Dazai made Yūko into an asset ability user and Yūko made Dazai more gentler. They both helped each other
If I were to hc a sexuality (I will not give her a confirmed sexuality out of respect to the author), I would think that she’s Aromatic / has no interest in romance whatsoever
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wateryrealm · 11 months
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from yūko tsushima’s “the watery realm”
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miskeit · 2 months
Mamo, Twoje ciało nie rzuca się w oczy, stało się cien­kie jak źdźbło trawy, ma­lut­kie jak ziar­no żwiru. Zo­sta­wi­łaś je w tym domu za za­wsze. I bę­dzie za­wsze szep­tać gło­sem, któ­re­go nikt nie usły­szy.
— Yūko Tsushima
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dawn-falls · 7 months
Hey guys! So, since I'm back to the BSD fandom, I decided I should start sharing my OCs, so, I'll begin with a few ones that I did something a bit different. I like to call them the Younger Siblinghood, a group of four characters siblings of canon and OCs, those being Atsushi (I know he's a single child but I made OCs to be his siblings, I'll go over them on another post), Mari Mori (Real Life Author), Hideaki Sena (Real Life Author), and Lyubov Dostoevskaya (Real Life Author).
Before I go ahead, I just wanted to explain my idea for them. The real authors used for the siblings were actually children of the canon characters mentioned here, but since I'm a multishipper and I don't think I want to work with future, I decided to turn them into younger siblings. That's basically it.
Hideaki Sena (Taken from Hideaki Sena and Yūko Tsushima)
Aliases: Satoko, Yūko
Nee: Dazai, Tsushima
Age: 17
Gender: Bigender
Ability: Parasite Child (Parasite Eve + Child of Fortune)
• Controls people's braincells, capable of brainwashing people and also going through their memories.
• Eye contact is necessary, and the user in particular needs to be able to see their eyes, or else it won't work.
• If they blink, they loses their puppets, if they wink, they lose half of them.
— Member of the Blue Crow Mafia, an underground group whose current motives aren't yet revealed, but they are after Atsushi Nakajima.
Appearance: Dyed blue hair, a bit taller than the height of a teenager, pale-skinned, eyes just like Dazai's (and if anime, they glow red). Usually seen on a light blue jacket with a hood, a white shirt underneath, a pair of dark blue pants and brown shoes.
Personality: A bit lazy, too cocky, more emotive, uses honesty to his favour. Doesn't do much hand-in-hand combat thanks to their ability, but if given a weapon, boy you're doomed in their hands. Accidentally manipulative. Kind of a hypocrite, since they views others' traumas as deemed of respect, but cannot see them themselves as traumatised.
• Likes ballet, picking Giselle as a favourite to dance and reference to.
• Likes to make drama.
• Leaves all the cleaning duty to their partner, Yukio Mishima, but said partner drags them back to it.
• The most powerful member of the Blue Crow Mafia, probably.
• Had a beef with everyone of the Younger Siblinghood.
• Had in total three different names.
• The surname Sena wasn't chosen by them.
• Unlike Dazai, who used to belittle people, Hideaki tends to praise others, even if they somewhat hate that person.
— What I did here is simple: I took Real Life Dazai's daughter, Yūko, and made her an OC, but also, I mixed her with the RL Author Hideaki Sena, and used his novel Parasite Eve for his ability, and made the character a transgender child. I hope it's not weird, I tried to be original. When I start posting of him on AO3 I'll post about it here, and then you'll see more of him.
Mari Mori (Taken from Mari Mori)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Ability: A Lovers' Forest
• When spreading her blood, said blood will emit a fog that will trap those who crossed it in an empty space, where they'll be forced to fight illusions of all those they care for.
• The only way of getting out is if either Mari lets them go or if they kill every illusion of their loved ones.
• If nullified, the people trapped will not get out, the ability simply won't be activated towards anyone else.
• Abilities like Mori's (meaning, Elise) sometimes can get mistaken as not a person and not be attacked, which could be an advantage but also a disadvantage.
— Member of the military unit Shield Society (will come across it on another post)
Appearance: Black hair with a side fringe, usually tied on a bun or a high ponytail, due to the army's dress code, white skin and dark brown eyes. Her unit's clothing consists of a black uniform with touches of red and golden, as well as a shoulder cape at the right shoulder that only reaches her elbow. Her shoes are white knee boots. Depending on when you visit her, you might find her with a lab coat over her uniform, a pair of protection glasses and a pair of gloves as well.
Personality: Sweet, a little sunshine if you're not deemed as a threat to her, her friends or society, or if you're not her brother, Ōgai Mori. A bit too extreme, and can get aggressive. You might not see her smile fade though, and if you did, what did you do to her? Rather quiet when she's reading. Honest... Sometimes, too honest. Has no shame, at all. Will follow the rules... Until she loses her patience.
• Likes to read LGBTQ+ novels, especially male x male, if they have spice.
• Has a whole library of science and romance literature.
• Carries a knife with her the whole time because of her ability, as well as a bunch of bandages. Her arms are also always filled with bandages.
• Might or might not write her name in blood on the wall.
• Despises her brother very very much, but secretly still wants to reconcile.
• Had a beef with Hideaki and Lyubov, but not with Atsushi.
• Studies blood for other purposes outside her ability.
• Writer her own stories... Don't recommend you try reading all of them, though, unless you want to feel the shame rising on your body.
• A walking Gaydar.
• Loves Chocolate and Imported Jam.
• Would hit and stab anyone being homophobic.
— I'm not joking when I say this: Mari Mori might have been the first Japanese fujoshi, or something like that. I made her a bit different than the author, indeed, and included a bit more than just gays... Because dude, the real life Mari Mori just seemed to adore doing this, especially feminising the boys. Well, like I said, I will write about her on my AO3 later, and will put the link here once I do.
Lyubov Dostoievskaya (Taken from Lyubov Dostoevskaya)
Age: 20 (depends on the reveal of Fyodor's age, but for now, it will stay as 20)
Gender: Female
Ability: The Emigrant
• Allows her to exhale air/smoke (whenever she smokes) and disappear with it, basically becoming it, and move around and through whatever air and smoke would be capable of moving around and through.
• Can drag others into the smoke, and also move them as well.
• The smoke is easier to disappear with people, but the air is simple for her disappearance alone.
• Due to a few events in Brazil, she became capable of erasing (permanently) abilities, objects, people, places, whatever she touches, even on the air/smoke form.
— Worldwide assassin nicknamed Likho (from Slavic folklore) with the reputation of killing non-ability users.
Appearance: Magenta eyes, white-skinned and dark hair (same as Fyodor's) usually on a braid. Her outfit varies, since she just recently settled into Yokohama, but it's common to see her wearing her coat with fur shoulders and carrying a cigarette in hands.
Personality: Stubborn, cocky, more emotive, uses what she believes is truth to her favour. Unlike Fyodor, she believes those with no abilities have done wrong or are born too useless or corrupted, and that's why they weren't gifted. But also, she thinks those who use their abilities for bad purposes and bad reasons are just as bad sinners. Hates bullying. Merciless. Accidentally manipulative as well.
• Much like Hideaki, Lyubov tends to praise more than degrade them, especially if said person is an unconfident ability user.
• Is not afraid of killing minors (teenagers above 13)
• Has been in the countries: Russia, Japan, Ukraine, Philippines, Italia, United States and Brazil (most specifically, Foz do Iguassu, the division between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay)
• Currently has voices on her head, and those voices are actually an object that was forcefully given a human form and now was released by Lyubov, being in her mind.
• Also knows ballet, but doesn't do it much.
• Unlike her brother and Dazai, she and Hideaki get along partially well, even helping each other sometimes.
— You don't know how much I gasped when I found out that not only Fyodor Dostoevsky had a daughter, but also, she wrote a novel (honestly, that was my reaction to finding all of those authors' kids lol). I read The Emigrant, those 300+ pages were filled with philosophical slashes, and I mean the kind that gets you to think and wonder about things. In my opinion, she did well the Like Father Like Daughter thing. I could not simply let her out of my OC collection, and I even got her a cool backstory! I'll love writing about her as well, and she definitely is one of my favourites.
Welp, that's all for now! Might post tomorrow something about more OCs of mine, but for now, that's all I have. Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you tomorrow!
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bejmele · 1 year
Mamo, Twoje ciało nie rzuca się w oczy, stało się cien­kie jak źdźbło trawy, ma­lut­kie jak ziar­no żwiru. Zo­sta­wi­łaś je w tym domu za za­wsze. I bę­dzie za­wsze szep­tać gło­sem, któ­re­go nikt nie usły­szy.
Yūko Tsushima
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