anncanta · 7 months
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There is one more thing in the ending of ‘Dracula’, which probably seemed so obvious to me that I almost never said it. The point is that the final scene, the moment with sex, represents not only the expression of Dracula's feelings but – perhaps most of all – Agatha's own desire.
It's hard to explain. We saw those understandable coincidences (which are never coincidences, especially in Moffat's writing) in other episodes where Dracula drinks someone's blood. Just drinking blood is one thing, especially in order to satisfy physical hunger. Here we are not talking about hunger at all, and not about the process of drinking blood as such. We see two people between whom a very specific dialogue is going on. Very precisely and openly spoken one. A dialogue in which the words are so carefully chosen that no one is left in doubt about what we are witnessing.
Someone has already noted that of all Dracula's victims, only Agatha sees him in her dream, and more than openly in the finale. And we, I hope, will talk about this again. But it is important to remember that Dracula ‘gets’ out of his victims their secret thoughts and desires, something that they may not always admit to themselves.
Remember the conversation between Agatha and Jonathan? Jonathan is obviously ashamed of his dreams about Mina. This is clear from Agatha's words. If Jonathan had been ashamed to talk about these dreams, she would have said so, ‘There is no shame in sharing this with us. It is not only what you did in Dracula's castle that is important, but also everything you thought about and what you felt, right down to your fantasies and dreams.’ She literally says this when they return to her question about whether he had sexual intercourse with the Count. And then she suddenly drops her usual pragmatic tone and begins to talk about dreams as heaven in which we can sin without fear of being punished.
I think this is the same pragmatism, only in relation to something else – ‘stop being ashamed of your dreams and tell me about them.’ Agatha sees perfectly well who Jonathan is, and she understands perfectly well that if he decides that talking about something is wrong or ‘undignified’, he will never tell – even if she threatens to cut him into pieces. Therefore, she, like a smart investigator, uses reasonable tactics that will help her counterpart talk.
Jonathan's dream and its meaning are clear to Agatha precisely because she is looking from the outside. She doesn't notice her own infatuation with the Count – until she stumbles upon Mina's shocked look in response to the words that ‘Dracula is the best among vampires,’ and immediately corrects herself – ‘the most successful one.’ She can see a situation, though: Dracula gives the victim what he wants. And Moffat and Gatiss want us to remember this. Then this will be repeated several times, but not as clearly as with Jonathan.
In this context, by the way, Zoe's reaction is interesting. Dracula, just like with Agatha, is quite frank with her and, unlike other victims, drags Zoe ‘to his home.’ But there she reacts like everyone else – immediately manifesting her desires. ‘You are killing me?’ And, just like with the others, Dracula gives her what she wants, ‘It doesn't have to hurt.’
But let's return to Agatha. From what we've seen, it's clear that the ending is a gift for her because that's what she wanted. Whether she realized it or not, whether she thought it was normal or unacceptable, she wanted to make love to him. And he wanted it too.
That's why the ending is so harmonious. And so even those who don't like it conceptually often can't stop rewatching this part.
Such is the power of art.
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roominthecastle · 4 years
@alma37​ again, thank you for the reply! I only keep starting new posts bc I don’t want this to grow a mile long. now onto the points you raised:
It is so obvious ( to me anyway) at the beginning of TDC, when he sees Zoe, the look of shock and hope (or am I projecting again?), then the disappointment, but still a bit of hope, when he realises she is a descendant (same bloodline). 
My thoughts exactly. I mean, everybody projects onto fiction, it’s inevitable since we are not machines and this is a way to connect w/ characters. But I think as he is trying to find his bearings amidst all the new and shiny things, his mask slips there for a moment and the way he looks at her + that “Agatha...?” is quite telling, imo. He is much more attached than even he realized (or allowed himself to realize before) but that’s Dracula for you: he perceives and rationalizes many things but rarely interrogates himself w/ the kind of ruthless honesty Agatha unleashes on him. Their interplay reminds me of that scene w/ Clarice and Hannibal where she says, “You see a lot, Doctor. But are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? Why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see? Or maybe you're afraid to.”
I didn’t see the crestfallen expression when Renfield told him Zoe was gone. I’ll have to re-watch this scene. For me, he always seemed indifferent. His tone was, imo at least.
It’s yet again one of those “in the eye of the beholder” situations, but I do feel he is at the very least bothered by the fact that, as Renfield remarks, his lady friend will take no further interest in him. Then he even tries to console him w/ that universal hand-on-shoulder gesture but it isn’t exactly well-received.
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It’s just my spin on this but I think he’s struggling to come to terms w/ his feelings about this whole situation, and, as you also noted, Agatha/Zoe is not there for a while to be a sounding board and to unpack things for him/us, so he/we are left to our own devices. I think this is what truly sets the first 2 episodes apart from the 3rd and that may be why some fans struggle w/ it the most, too. Agatha is almost like a “meta presence” constantly interrogating the story itself (via Jonathan in ep1 and via Dracula in ep2) but she is silent for most of ep 3. At least to me, this is the most notable difference and it does result in a pace and perspective shift that isn’t to everybody’s liking, I can understand that.
As far as we (the audience) are concerned, I think a lot can be inferred from acting choices and visual-narrative parallels that consistently run through the entire story and inform unfolding events in the final part. To me, nothing feels as though it came out of nowhere, the seeds are all there. As far as Dracula’s concerned, in ep3 he is getting high on the unique flavor of not-giving-a-shit to cope. He is alone, he misses Agatha (a feeling that must be rather jarring to him), and he is aimless in this brave new world where he doesn’t even have to hunt anymore. He secretly longs to die a proper death but it is denied to him, and now he thinks Agatha, too, has passed on to somewhere he cannot follow. This is what he talks about w/ Lucy at the cemetery where he points out the undead, the eternal sufferers imprisoned in their graves, then looks to her as some sort of antidote, but that experiment is of course doomed to fail. Then Agatha comes back for him and shows him the right way out.
This idea of freedom-via-proper-death is also present in Stoker’s book: “I know that you must fight [...] but it is not a work of hate. That poor soul who has wrought all this misery is the saddest case of all. Just think what will be his joy when he, too, is destroyed in his worser part that his better part may have spiritual immortality.” I think this is what we see in that closing image of Dracula and Agatha joined together as light swirls around them, and I still think it is perfect.
I am pretty sure the smile he wears is directly related to her drinking his blood. I hope I didn’t read that one wrong, though. But the editing makes it look like he feels the moment she drinks.
I think it leaves room for several interpretations: it could v well be that he feels it, it could also be his reaction to seeing Jonathan’s portrait in the hallway and it is intercut w/ her outside the facility, or this could also be from Zoe’s POV - her imagining him grinning just like he later imagines himself staring at Lucy at the club. I think this is also in the commentary where it’s mentioned that that whole dance club sequence is more of a stylistic insert of sorts and Dracula isn’t actually there, it’s all in his mind. But if someone told me the opposite, that they think Dracula is there stalking his next victim, I wouldn’t argue w/ that, either, bc that scene is ambiguous enough to carry that interpretation, too. And the same goes for whatever happens when Zoe drinks his blood. And I fully agree that it was not a surprise to him regardless of when exactly he realizes what she did.
I also wanna hard second this:
I would take a second season however the writers would write it, as long as both actors/characters came back.
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mrakyvkafi · 4 years
alma37 reblogged your photoset:“After all this time, did you think I’d let it...
Ok! I really must ask (because I am really curious) : how is it disrespectful to Zoe and/or Agatha? [I can get dumb and...
Hi! I should've definitely expected it, you’re right about that. :D
I find it disrespectful because Agatha is introduced and written as someone who sees though Dracula’s bullshit and theatrics. There’s some chemistry between two of them, but at no point you’re actually made to believe that she regards him as something other than an object to be examined and later as a an evil to be vanquished. She literally dies trying to kill him.
Zoe is pretty blatantly written as a vessel for Agatha and apart from her similarity to her and her cancer, she’s basically given no additional characteristics, or motivations even. (This is not Zoe’s fault, though, she’s just very badly written.) At no point she’s shown to be attracted to Dracula and she displays even less curiosity about him than Agatha did.
So at the end you have those two women who actually give the last of them (Agatha’s “ghost” in Dracula’s and Zoe’s blood, Zoe’s last living moments) to stop him, once again, and in the end they’re shown in a position that they never expressed - verbally or non-verbally - the wish to be in. They’ve put out such bravery and sacrificed themselves only to become his lover in a situation he’s fully controlling, all in hopes we see it as a culmination of romantic relationship. (I think I’ve read somewhere that it was supposed to be romantic all along.)
When you look at the scene where Dracula feeds from Johnny Blue Eyes and then the sailor, it’s sexual, but not with Dracula. Then you have Agatha and Zoe being fed from, both in completely non-sexual environment, suggesting that their mind didn’t wish to go there, and it still did not hurt, meaning he didn’t have to come up with the sex to make it painless. He wanted to.
And regarding the kindness - that entirely depends on how you’ve understood the ending. What I saw was a 500yo vampire without purpose who just understood that all his rules are completely made up and his existence not only does not make sense but also doesn’t make him happy, so he decided to commit suicide the only way he knew how (help I’ve stumbled into another plot hole and almost lost my leg). Zoe was once again a device and if he showed kindness as a final act, then it was a by-product of his actual intentions. I really don’t think he sacrificed himself to be kind to her.
But listen, art is made to be interpreted and understood by the people consuming it, so there’s no right or wrong. You can see it as you wish to see it and it’s okay. The only reason why I was so disappointed I needed to vent was because I really expected more after the first two eps. I’ve played myself, what can i say. :D
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crazytxgradstudent · 3 years
@icy-spicy @chadillacboseman @alma37 @d3-iseefire @thatgothicgurl @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @lathalea @wickednerdery @fizzyxcustard @sherala007 @sgtbarnes107 @lamaudite @thophil2941btw @thorinobsessed @middleearthmama @wind-goddess-eri @eri-wind-goddess
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Hello my fellow hunker downers, how y’all doing? Just checking in 🥰
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thebeautyofdisorder · 3 years
Severus Snape x Adult!Hermione - Light ‘ Em Up (My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark) *Snape Lives AU*  Direct Link Here
ALL RIGHT, before I lose half of you this took me FOUR MONTHS and it was an extremely complicated undertaking for my very out of date pirated software, okay? So my followers who are not into this ship at least give it a watch for the sake of my effort. That being said, it gets a bit *spicy* but all clips of Hermione as a student or even during the war are flashbacks and the predominant setting of the video is her as a professor as well.  Essentially she’s the one who saves Snape's life after the Battle of Hogwarts, but he doesn’t know that until later. Sneaky sneaky shh.
This, naturally includes many clips from other sources outside of Harry Potter. A comprehensive list will be provided at a later date on youtube. Song is by Fall Out Boy, I own nothing, blah blah blah.
The first 52 seconds or so are also on tiktok as listed HERE
Tag List (people who’ve asked to be tagged, usually like my vids, or I know like the ship on my friends list - can always object if you dislike): @leah-halliwell92 @a-pirate-my-hearties @festering-queen @alma37 @elinie-night @crossoverqueen89  @mersheeple @mephdcosplay @break-free-killer-queen @draughtofpeace @recreationalpotions​ @dungeonbat
There’s probably more of you, but I don’t have a load of time before work and I don’t like to assume 😅
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ravenathantum · 3 years
Second Chance Chapter 27: Happy Birthday
Agatha has birthday and her beloved ones want to make this day special for her. Working hard on each and every detail effortfully, they surprise her pleasantly... unforgettable evening awaits her.... 
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Thank you all for the appreciated support, especially
@ladyhaley28​ @ thealoofmystery @hopipollahorror​ @anncanta​ @leah-halliwell92​ and @alma37​ 
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A very random fiction read, picked up due to two coincidences-- @alma37 commented on some post, referencing the author’s name which I then saw later that day in association with some... I don’t know, philosophy I was reading or something. Two pings in such a short period time plus a visit to the library had me picking it up. 
Turns out it was an easy, speedy read. Early on in the story I connected it to The Remains of the Day, an association which never really left me. What is the genre? “Squandered Labor” or “Poor Work/Life Balance” or something like that. Faint echos of Kallocain as well.
I’m not well read on ‘classics’ and have very little exposure to translated books (this one being originally Italian)- my few encounters left me believing I’ve problems with translators/always dissatisfied with the language. The Tartar Steppe though was pleasing- I liked the weird, occasional shifting of tense/tone/subject? Not sure how to frame it. It flowed easily, very visual/cinematic, with the most impressive hook of “well maybe something will happen”.... No love for the main character though- not a book that invoked sympathetic emotions or feelings. 
Favorite quote/section:
So he confined himself to shaking his head negatively as if to say that Fortune must be mistaken. And looked around incredulously, looked behind where there were presumably other people, the people Fortune was really seeking. But there was no one else to be seen- there was no possibility of mistaken identity, he had to admit that this enviable fate was reserved for himself.
The reason is that [this old dude] has been waiting too long, and at a certain age hope is very exhausting; one does not rediscover the faith one had at twenty. Too long he has waited in vain; his eyes have read too many orders of the day, on too many mornings his eyes have seen that wretched steppe and always it has been deserted. And now that the foreign troops have appeared he has the distinct impression that there must be some mistake (it would be too much of a good thing otherwise)-- there must be some terrible mistake somewhere.
(spoiler alert: there was. this book holds no hope. no joy. enjoy!)
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hopipollahorror · 3 years
Found this chat for you on Tumblr
So I actually did it...after joking around with @alma37 about still being dragatha obsessed after a year 🙂 if anyone wants to join to discuss fan vids, theories, fan fiction please join 🙂 @lady-of-the-wolves @flutteringphalanges @feralstare @ss9slb @anncanta thought you might be interested please tag anyonelse you think may like this
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menace-y · 3 years
Just to remind the entire BBC Dracula fandom that there’s a Discord Server for us right here:
@alma37 @bang-and-a-blintz @bittenlove @mitsukatsu @gothicdracula @jeonggukieandcream @nosferatvpussy @flutteringphalanges
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khyruma · 3 years
Alas, I've been tagged by the wondrous @bedeliainwonderland
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or unsweetened iced tea // strawberries or raspberries ['tis my top two] // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafes // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or Happy Hour // sweet or sour // rome or amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // degas or seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or watercolour // fairy lights or candles [BOTH!!!!!]
I summon thee o @anncanta @alma37 @hopipollahorror @festering-queen and whoever else wants to do it ✨
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solocommaben · 4 years
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@hoefordarkness @thebeautyofdisorder @dracula-s-bride-deactivated2020 @vanhelssing @leah-halliwell92 @bang-and-a-blintz @profiler-in-courage @festering-queen @hiphop-gir @garlicbreakfast @gabesprincess @vissidarte213 @hopipollahorror @guardianbelle @greenisms @punk-courtesan @lady-of-the-wolves @alma37 @girlonfireice @draculaclaes @gothicdracula @claes-kasper-bang @claesbangblogblr @mr-kisskiss-bangbang @break-free-killer-queen @van-helsing-dracula @vintagecherryghost @yogurtformula @rheabalaur
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anncanta · 9 days
Yes, sir, I can boogie
Fandom: Dracula (2020)
Characters: Count Dracula, Agatha Van Helsing, Zoe Van Helsing
Relationship: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing, Dracula/Zoe Van Helsing
Rating: Mature
Music: Sala & the Strange Sounds feat. Baccara's Mayte Mateos 'Yes, sir, I can boogie'
All rights reserved by BBC, Netflix, Sala & the Strange Sounds, and Mayte Mateos.
@hopipollahorror @moremoveslessannouncements-blog @alma37
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roominthecastle · 4 years
Thank you for taking the time and typing up your reply, @alma37.
Now I get where you were coming from. You are def much more attached to Zoe than I am. You don’t need to produce any other arguments and “I like it better this way” is a perfectly acceptable answer. And while I don’t believe Agatha’s return is completely at Zoe’s expense -- given that she would have died anyway --, I understand the pain of watching a favorite character used as fodder for another one’s story.
You’ve also raised some interesting points and the exact questions I’ve been pondering myself, so I’m gonna take this opportunity to just unload my thoughts here. Please don’t take this as me trying to talk you out of your opinion or preferences bc I don’t wanna do that.
This is mostly just me trying to explain my preferences to myself.
"after Blood Vessel, as much as Dracula liked her, I could not see him and Agatha together”
oh yes, theirs is an infinitely fucked up dynamic, there is no debating that. they are enemies, so murder attempts come w/ the territory, which is not every shipper’s cup of tea and that’s understandable. However, every relationship involving Dracula is fucked up this way by default since he automatically brings his "inclinations” into it. I guess one could write him already “tamed” and w/ less issues but then it wouldn’t really be him. This is a major thing I love about this show, how they are not afraid to portray him as a full-fledged monster who just keeps coming at you w/ a razor smile -- partly bc he literally can’t help himself. He is a predator who -- to once again quote the commentary -- operates w/ a “torturous sense of fairness” that, to me, echoes the amorality you can observe in the animal kingdom: there is no reasoning with a hungry lion once it’s spotted a zebra; it’s in its nature to hunt prey in order to survive. Empathy or morals don’t factor into this basic conduct.
Dracula has this hard-wired primal drive, too. And Agatha points it out early on when she calls him a beast who doesn’t understand the rules governing its behavior but simply follows them. Of course, he has a point, as well, when he claims he’s more than that. He is. Otherwise, he would just be absolved of all the killing he does, which would feel cheap and unjust and would rob his character of all the fun complexities. Underneath the veneer of a sophisticated nobleman there is a beast, and underneath that grotesque (protective) display are human remains and loads of festering mental health issues. But the only person who bothers to look at these layers and how they inform each other is Agatha. Her equally unyielding drive for knowledge & understanding is the power that allows her to counter him, exert control over him, and tap into his deformed human core in a way nobody else has ever been able to. She does this to save others from him but also to satisfy her own dark fascination, and in the process I think she also comes to feel for him. They reach a level of intimacy that makes this outcome inevitable, imo.
This, in my eyes, makes her pretty much the only person who has any chance at having a more meaningful relationship w/ him that lasts longer than his feeding time. This is also what comes across in Dracula’s indirect advice to Zoe: if she hopes to match him, she will need to conjure Agatha from his blood. He essentially gives her the key to his own destruction (which is also his way out), then retreats and waits. This has the same self-regulating vibe as him convincing himself that his immense supernatural power has ordinary loopholes like needing an invitation to enter or the sunlight. Shame is a control tactic and self-shaming is a form of self-control, albeit a very problematic one. He puts in checks and balances which you wouldn’t do unless deep down you knew you needed to be “checked and balanced” by someone who’s willing to take on the thankless task. He cannot do it, he can’t face himself (he literally smashes mirrors and turns from every reflective surface), but Agatha is willing and able to drag him back into the light.
This is why the parallel to Petruvio & his wife works so well. The design to Dracula’s mind (and therefore the way out) is scattered across time and many myths. Agatha collects these and uses them to lead him out of the prison he’s made for himself, which has its visual parallel in the maps being hidden inside the wife’s portrait.
In other words, I cannot see Dracula with anyone else long term since he sees everyone else as a toy and/or a prey -- a means to an end. That’s how he sees Agatha at first, too, and it takes some time for him to realize that he made a mistake. This delayed realization can also be attributed to his bestial drive that has subdued the rest of him for so long, he really cannot cut through its wiring on his own; he came to exist to continue his existence, and the pointless circularity of this is the biggest trap: despite leaving loopholes, he’s still a prisoner of his own hunger & shame. Feeling for others would make it infinitely more painful but shedding empathy only provides a temporary release. Still, life lived solely for oneself is never fulfilling no matter how long it stretches forward, and the insatiable hunger Dracula feels gels nicely w/ this.
It’s Agatha who breaks the circle when she makes him confront the human origin of all this mess. Once she gets through to him, once she makes him remember, we can witness what Mofftiss call the “beginning of morality” and empathy seeping back into Dracula, and his existence takes on meaning when he chooses to sacrifice his immortality to take away her mortal pain. To me this feels like a direct call-back to the scene where he asks her if she is willing to die to save that terrified child and she tells him she would die to save any terrified child bc “there is a nobler purpose to my life than simply prolonging it.” But Dracula only comes to feel this nobler purpose where Agatha is concerned (baby steps :). He still doesn’t care about anyone else but that could be a juicy problem to tackle next season if there is one. *crosses fingers*
“they needed Agatha to stay human until the end of TDC - but, in that case, why bring her so late in the episode?”
I’m afraid only the writers can answer this one. But my best guess is that there are other characters from the novel -- Lucy especially -- they wanted to play with a little. Since I like them, too, and like how they planted them into this modern setting, I have no problem w/ Agatha taking her sweet time resurrecting. This was also a nice way to show just how bored & lost Dracula is in her absence (side note: him using Tinder as a takeout menu + complaining that he has to exercise now that everything is delivered and doesn’t have to be hunted down will never not be hilarious AF). I have seen a few fans complain about the pacing of ep 3 but I think it provides a nice, strategic contrast to the more dynamic previous episode, again highlighting why Agatha’s presence in his life was so invigorating and how her absence is the opposite -- he is a 500-year old warlord yet his life is now somehow... banal bc he has no worthy match.
“If he really want Agatha so badly, and since Zoe doesn’t come after him (she has other things in mind, understandably), why does he not? To see if his little ply worked? If his dear Agatha is back? The only time Renfield talks about Zoe, Dracula doesn’t seem remotely interested.”
I think he is interested (his suggestion to use bats as surveillance cracks me up every time) and he is waiting. He keeps tabs on the Harker Foundation from a safe distance and, to me, looks rather crestfallen when Renfield tells him that his lady friend (aka Van Helsing aka his “Agatha incubator”) left and seems to have lost all interest in Dracula. I think he expected a different outcome. It’s speculation but I think he expected Zoe to drink his blood (bc it doesn’t come as a surprise later when he notices the changes in her) and expected it to have an effect sooner and time is running out since Zoe is dying. Zoe was supposed to act similarly to the bed of his own native soil (she is a “bed” of Agatha’s DNA) and regenerate Agatha even if it’s temporary. So he is both staying away (survival is still key) and wants her to come after him again -- a delicious contradiction he can’t untangle by himself.
Lack of (threatening) interest, however, is a clear sign that Agatha is not back. If she were, he def wouldn’t have to go and check. She would waste no time seeking him (and indeed she wants to go after him the second she manifests and, as Zoe remarks, Dracula isn’t surprised to find her at his doorstep -- another parallel to ep 1 where it’s Agatha who anticipated him coming for his bride). I think he was waiting for her return just like Agatha was waiting for his in ep 2 (another parallel). It’s Renfield‘s remarks that drive this point home for me as he has a front row seat to what Dracula is like during these 3 months: “I wonder what it is you actually want,” and “What are you doing with your time?” I think it’s no coincidence that both of these questions get answered only w/ Agatha’s return. Dracula basically idles in the meantime. And the fact that it takes Agatha 3 months to properly manifest, when Zoe is the weakest, is def a testament to Zoe’s strength of character. She is a Van Helsing, after all. And they vanquish the monster in the smartest, most elegant way: by making him feel something other than blinding hunger for the first time in centuries.
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festering-queen · 4 years
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // rome or amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon//polka dots or stripes // macaroons or croissants // glitter or matte // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or watercolour// fairy lights or candle
I was tagged by @bang-and-a-blintz (the OG post was getting long)
I tag
@lessofahoefordarkness @benevolentgodmayor2pointoh @the-six-fingered-villain @thebeautyofdisorder @lady-of-the-wolves @alma37
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crazytxgradstudent · 4 years
I’m just checking in to see how everyone is!! I’m in Texas, and so far, I’m good. I hope you’re all doing well, and I’m sending big, virtual hugs 💕 💗💓
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@thehumming6ird @sgtbarnes107 @muchobsessedwithpretty06 @theelvenvalkyrie @captaintauriel77 @middleearthmama @emrfangirl @fizzyxcustard @bloodspatteredprincess @hoefordarkness @alma37 @theatricalbride @lamaudite @wickednerdery @thophil2941btw @d3-iseefire @angrysuitcaseapricotspy @thewarriorandtheking @ellemphriem @mykatheryneb @cid4rg @lukeevansandjdmobession @exhausted-human-being
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thebeautyofdisorder · 4 years
Vid Preview Time! Okay, Work In Progress Dragatha vid to The Haunting by Kamelot Ft Simone Simons. A clear narrative comparison between Agatha and Zoe, it fit too well not to play with.
I had to massively downgrade the video quality to fit two minutes of this in here, so excuse the grainy darkness and the abrupt cut off. Enjoy, lovelies. It’s all I’ve got for the moment 🖤
@festering-queen @allis143 @alma37 @hoefordarkness @vanhelssing @bang-and-a-blintz @lets-talk-about-claes-baby @hiphop-gir @greenisms @chelsfic @hyacinth-meadow @break-free-killer-queen @mephdcosplay @lady-of-the-wolves @drsherlockmoffat @cam-bang @mood-adlock @mitsukatsu @serindiyoza @flutteringphalanges
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