#also my supervisor came in after she left and said i was good at captivating our interns (what!)
relto · 1 month
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
Not a Summer Crush Part Two
a/n: enjoy part two I hope! any feedback will make me fall in love with you 12 times. this one features much hijinks!!
Part Two
Immediately after you hopped on your bike, you began to regret your most recent conversation, your tendency towards flights of spontaneity. It hit you that you had not only turned down drinks with Cabot and Novak's important friends, you had invited them to watch you get your boogie on with all of your airhead dance friends at a somewhat raggedy club in Brooklyn.
What. Had. You. Done.
With any luck, Alex would not mention anything to Casey and the two of them would go to whatever wine bar the other senior ADAs and fancy defense attorneys hung out at with Gillian Hardwicke and whoever else, tell them how weird you were being, and never look you in the eyes again. You tumbled into your apartment, raining papers, carabiners, chapsticks, and hair ties as you hung up your bag and helmet. You made especially sure to hang up the key to your bike lock because four times in the last month had seen you frantically biking back to your apartment for it and countless more had featured you searching through the jungle of tiny bowls full of coins and wires and keychains before you left. When you made it into your living room, two little hands wrapped around your leg, tripping you. Your fall was cushioned by your fluffy area rug, but you were startled enough to yell "fuck."
Leaving no time to spare, you heard a high-pitched voice behind you yell, "Auntie, that's a bad word!" You got up and scooped the little home invader into your arms.
"Léa," you said, "how did you get into my apartment?" The six-year-old giggled as you tickled her.
"I left Mr. Cuddles on your couch. Papa gave me the key."
"Well, did you find Mr. Cuddles?" You asked, and Léa held the teddy bear out for you.
"Yeah, I did, but then I heard you and I got so happy because Auntie is home!" You melted at that, grateful to have the girls in your life, without having children of your own.
"OK, sweet girl. Thank you for the welcome. Why don't we go surprise Papa?" You picked up the laughing kid and slung her over your shoulder, walking down the stairs to your best friend's apartment.
"Ash," you said as you opened the door. "I think I found an alien in my apartment. I don't know what it is but it's very silly." Léa protested, saying she was a girl and not an alien. You plopped the pile of giggles on the couch and greeted Ashley with a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Are we still going out tonight? The babysitter's still coming?" Ashley was juggling the two-year-old and a pot of spaghetti at once, trying to get the girls fed so he could have a rare fun night out with you and the others.
"Yep, Emma is on her way right now. And we," he said as he took your hand, "are going to dance all night long." He turned you around in the kitchen, causing Yasmin to coo in his arms. "And you, my Meena-Beena, are going to be the best little dance prodigy in the world, aren't you?"
You took her from his arms and spun her around again, saying, "If I have anything to do with it, though, you're still going to college."
"Natch," Ashley agreed with you. The doorbell rang and Ophélie, the 12-year-old, raced to let the high school girl Ashley had hired to watch them in. Ashley explained where everything was to be found, then the two of you practically flew out of the door. You changed into more appropriate clothing at your place, then caught the subway. As you traveled, you broke the news to your best friend.
"Hey. So. I may have invited a couple newbies," you told him.
"Shouldn't be an issue, it's open night and there are going to be like, 20 teachers there."
"Right. Um. Yes. But."
"What, do you have a crush or something?" You hit him.
"No. But they are my supervisors."
"Both of them?" you nodded. "Well, it's a good way for them to get to know you I guess?" You laughed nervously.
"Hopefully, they don't even come," you said wishfully. Ashley changed the topic and the two of you rode the rest of the way without discussing Casey and Alex-- but they stayed in the back of your mind.
Casey walked into the darkened room first, holding Alex's pinky with her own, pulling her in behind. Casey had been reluctant at first, but now that the decision was made, she wasn't going to be bashful about the experience. Besides, she had danced before, unlike her wife. Alex's upbringing had been so very proper and protestant, about the only dancing she'd ever experienced was the waltz that she and her fellow wealthy little kids had been taught in cotillion, then told never to do again outside of a ballroom. Casey, on the other hand, had been raised around all types, and had gone to her fair share of swing nights as a kid. Still, nothing like the way everyone was moving in the little club. The band was on a small stage towards the back of the space, and the room was filled bursting with beautiful women wearing flowing sequined dresses and handsome men in crisp button-downs.
Standing just inside the doorway, Alex caught your form first. You were wearing your favorite dance outfit, a simple red crop top with a silver circle skirt. Your hair was secured in a casual bun. Your tall (and, curiously, male) partner's hand sat firmly pressed between your top and your skirt. She watched, transfixed (like many others there tonight, you were often the center of attention), as he lifted and spun you around, quickly and masterfully. What was most beautiful, though, was the unreserved grin that seemed stuck in its place, except when you lifted your head back and laughed after your partner whispered something in your ear. Alex and Casey made their way over to the bar and sat down with two mojitos (neither of their usual drinks, but half the people at the bar had them. It seemed fitting), and watched you whirl around with ease and clear pleasure. Casey thought she'd never seen you look so beautiful than right then, in your element, moving as naturally as anything.
"So," Casey remarked to her wife, "Either Ashley is a man or Haley's dancing with another partner."
"Or I heard it wrong," Alex offered.
"She's stunning, isn't she?" Casey said, a dreamy, captivated tone in her voice. Alex replied with a sigh and a hum.
The two women didn't get all too long to discuss you, though, before you saw them and came bouncing (Rita Calhoun doesn’t lie) to the bar, Ashley following close behind you.
"You two made it! Alex, Casey, meet my partner, Ashley Laurent. Ash, this is Casey Cabot Novak and Alexandra Novak Cabot, my esteemed supervisors from the DA's office." Alex reached out for a handshake, but Ashley made a "tsk" noise and pulled her in for two kisses on the cheek.
"We kiss on the cheek," he said, the smallest hint of his accent (French, Alex thought) showing through, then did the same for Casey. The way Casey comfortably returned it was adorable to you, as was how Alex tried her best despite her stiffness. You saw Casey rub her thumb along the back of Alex's hand in a calming motion, and without meaning to, you traced your left thumb over your right hand. "I've heard so much about you both," Ashley continued.
"All good things," you interjected with urgency, knowing Ashley's talent for embarrassing you in front of important people.
"Pleased to hear it," Casey said. You could tell that Alex was getting nervous, she had the same look on her face as she did before a difficult case. You felt a pang of guilt for having invited them, worried that you'd maybe pressured them into doing something they didn't want to do, or worse, that they'd come out of pity.
Ashley could tell you were overthinking and wanted to make it either worse (for his entertainment) or better (for your benefit). He took Casey's hand and told her, "You know, my partner here is one of the best dancers in the state. I'm sure she'd love to show you some of the ropes."
"Oh, Ash," you said, then turned to Casey, "Only if you want to. And he exaggerates my talents."
Alex spoke up, then, to say, "Not if what we saw earlier was any indication." You couldn't help but scrunch up your eyes and nose, flattered and flustered and a little embarrassed.
"I'd be happy to dance, Caroline, but I don't want to steal your partner, Ashley," said Casey.
"Nonsense," Ashley said, "besides, I need a break, the kids exhausted me today. I'll stay, keep this one company." You couldn't argue with him any longer, and as the band started up the next song, you took Casey's hand and led her onto the outer corner of the floor.
Your heart sped up when you noticed Casey's subtle signs of nervousness. "No need to worry, half the people in here have no idea what they're doing," you said. You placed your hand around her waist and put hers on your shoulder, keeping a friendly distance between the two of you. "The trick is pretending like you're confident, and people will think you are." Casey noticed the way your voice went up as you said it, like you knew how she was feeling quite well. "And I usually follow, not lead. So, I'm out of my comfort zone too."
You had no need to say the last thing, Casey thought, as you showed her the basic steps. "It's also, really, quite simple. When I step forward, you step back." She followed your lead. "Good! Yeah, that's exactly right," you told her. "I wouldn't even believe you were a beginner," you flattered her. It was a little choppy, but that didn't matter. As you felt her get into the groove of the movement, you let go of her waist and spun her under your other arm. She gasped, quietly.
"Now, the real key here is remembering to move your hips," you said, when you took her waist back in your arms. "You gotta let them guide you. You head should barely move up or down."
"I think you lost me there," Casey said.
"Here, feel," you replied, moving her free hand to your own hips. "Notice how I let them swing every time I move my feet?"
That seemed to work (though you saw a quick moment of an emotion you couldn't quite place wash over Casey), and she was soon dancing with relative ease for a newcomer. Of course, she was in good hands with you.
Alex watched the two of you as you led Casey along the floor. From work, Alex knew you were dedicated and thoughtful, but she'd always thought of you as shy and high-strung, despite your unguarded countenance. You had no problems in court, but outside of it, you would trip over your words, avert your glance at praise; you wore your insecurities on your sleeve. You were always vulnerable, too. More than once, she'd seen you get teary in your office or when speaking with a victim. You were never the first person to leave, and you took some of the most detailed (yet nearly illegible) notes she'd ever seen.
There was nothing shy about the way you moved, the way you showed Casey how to move herself. She found herself paying attention to the way your hips rolled to the music, how you never let Casey know when she stepped wrong. It put her at ease, knowing her wife was in good hands. Everything about you looked natural, comfortable, free.
"How long have you two been together?" she asked Ashley, sipping her drink (it was very minty). Part of her didn't want to know, but that part was overpowered by her curiosity.
"Ten years this fall. We met her first year at Stanford, at a ballroom rehearsal. She was so cute," Ashley said.
"Oh yeah?"
Ashley nodded emphatically, a nostalgic look in his eyes. "She grew up in a really intense studio. She was so strict about rules, and like, crazy competitive. I used to wind her up on purpose, messing with my technique to get a rise out of her."
"I really wouldn't've taken her for a big rule follower."
"It doesn't come naturally to her, but she got good at it," Ashley said. Alex thought he sounded proud of you, like something about you had come a long way. "She's so much more chilled out than she was at 17. But aren't we all?"
Alex was amused at the idea that anybody would call you “chill” and attempted to imagine what you would've been like at that age with little success. Then again, you kept surprising her. The way you seemed as you danced was very different to how you were at work.
"Now, tell me, Alex. Does she really have to put in all those hours? You don't seem like the kind of supervisor who completely disregards work-life balance."
She thought of how to reply to that, not wanting to get you in any hot water at home. Ashley was right. Now that she was older, married, and caretaker of a sizeable plant collection, Alex took a healthier approach to hours. She also remembered being your age and working every second that she could, every moment that it took to be as thorough as she could.
"No, she doesn't have to work so much," Alex ventured. "In fact, I'm not even technically in charge of her schedule. Everyone can choose how much they work, as long as they're meeting targets. Which, unfortunately, means that we sometimes get people who just do the bare minimum."
"I'm sure Caroline isn't one of those people," Ashley said.
"She's not. She's one of the most productive and successful in the office. With the younger ones, for the first few years, they either take a while to get acclimated to the work and need babysitting, or they work too hard and need someone there to remind them to breathe." Alex felt bad that Ashley had clearly seen some element of stress in you that she failed to pick up on. She tucked that away as a conversation to have later. "I was like her. So was Casey. We both calmed down a little, but it took some quite, uh, extreme events."
Ashley, for all his disregard for the norms of conversation, knew when not to push people, and could see that Alex was feeling a bit on edge. "Would you like to dance the next one with me?" he asked, but Alex's eyes widened as she adamantly refused.
"I'm happy to just watch, you don't want to see me try."
Ashley wanted to push more, but he didn't want to risk alienating your boss, so he filled the space by telling embarrassing stories about you in college. When the band began winding down for their first break, the bartender played some pop over the stereo as the dancing crowd made their way to the bar to rehydrate. You and Casey returned to the booth where Ashley and Alex were sitting.
Casey slid in beside Alex, giving her a quick kiss. You sat next to Ashley, leaning your head on his shoulder. You let out a sigh.
"It's been a minute since you taught a newbie, Bug," Ashley said to you.
"Hardly," you replied, shooting him a glare for using your nickname from your college team. "Casey's very capable." You couldn't resist complimenting her, the way she smiled at you was too precious. "You were great," you directed at Casey.
"Please," she said, waving a hand at you and taking a sip of her mojito, watered down slightly by the melting ice. The four of you managed a very engaging conversation (thanks to your partner's valiant efforts) for the next couple minutes, until Ashley's phone rang.
"That is the babysitter. I'm so sorry ladies, I gotta take this." Everyone at the table took the opportunity to check their phones.
"Hi, Emma. Is everything ok? What happened? Is she running a fever? The thermometer is in the bathroom cabinet, can you check?"
You pushed your glass away and rubbed Ashley's shoulder, knowing how upset he got when any of his kids were in trouble.
"No, 99 isn't technically a fever, but you said she threw up? On Yasmin? Well, that's certainly gross. Um, no I wouldn't make you deal with that, here," his brow furrowed, and you started to pack up your things and his, surely you, too, would be going home to help. "Emma, I'm coming home now, should be 20 minutes or so. Léa's lovey is on her bed, if you get her that and wrap her up in a blanket on the couch, she should be OK. Ask Ophélie to entertain Yasmin and stay with Léa for me, can you? You're a gem, kid. OK, I'm leaving now, see you in 20." You started to get up with him, Casey and Alex looked concerned.
"Casey, Alex, I am so sorry to leave, but it was great to meet you two," he said.
"Léa was fine two hours ago when she attacked me," you said, addressing Ashley. "Alex, Casey, I'm sorry I got you two out here and have to leave so soon."
"What? No, you stay here, love." You opened your mouth to argue, but he insisted. "You have guests, and I'll be fine alone. Léa's always sick, and Phélie can watch the baby for me." You tried to help him again, but he wouldn't let you. You gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye, and he waved kindly to Alex and Casey as he hurriedly walked out the door.
When he was gone, you said to the other women, "I think he does too much. I work all the time. I wish I was there more to help." You played around with a straw wrapper as you talked (Alex noted, you seemed to fidget when you felt guilty).
"He seems like he's OK," Alex said, remembering how Ashley had expressed a similar sentiment to her earlier.
"Do you need to work fewer hours?" Casey asked, "because you're doing more than well."
You sighed as you thought of what to say. "Ashley's a wonderful father. No questions there. But I do think he puts too much pressure on himself."
"There's one thing you two have in common," said Alex. You only nodded in response, looking around the room. This was your happy place, and Casey and Alex somehow fit perfectly in it.
You all left the club right before the crowd started to die down. You were tired, and you knew Ashley would need a hug once the girls were in bed; plus, you could tell Alex and Casey were wearing out (you couldn't get Alex to dance, but you and Casey were on the floor together about half the night-- an old student of yours pulled you away from your table as the band began again, but you found Casey another partner for a few songs). As you rode home, your nerves were completely calmed. You realized that you had nothing to worry about in the first place and felt pleased at how the evening had turned out.
As soon as they reached their apartment, Alex took Casey's hands and kissed her, lightly at first, deepening when Casey parted her lips. Casey moaned, muffled, as Alex threaded her fingers through her hair and gave it the gentlest of tugs.
"We have a bed, Lex," Casey said, pulling away slightly.
Alex hummed against Casey's jaw. "You just look so beautiful tonight."
"I don't always?"
"Oh, you do. I just kind of can't believe how perfect you looked dancing."
"Well, you really have Caroline to thank for that one."
Alex made a sound that landed somewhere between a whimper and a squeak.
"Am I wrong?"
"No, you're right," Alex said. "That's the thing."
"I know," Casey replied. "Too bad she's apparently both straight and taken."
Alex giggled. "I mean, how would that conversation even go."
Casey nodded in agreement, turned on her heels, and pulled Alex down the hall, pushing her onto their very fluffy bed.
"'Hey, I know I’m 15 years older than you, married to Casey, and we’re kind of your bosses, but do you want to have a threesome?'" Alex continued in a low tone of voice, comically seductive, running her hands under the hem of Casey's tank top, pulling her closer with the fabric.
Casey laughed into her collarbone, welcoming Alex's lips as she kissed down her chest.
The next week passed quietly. It was a two-case week for you, one of which ended in a plea bargain, giving you more free time than usual. Alex kept bringing you coffee, and you kept running with Casey, though the weather was beginning to be too hot to do so outside (Casey, who was raised spending summers with her grandmother in Georgia, didn't believe there was such a thing; but your poor bay-area body was not suited to temperatures much above 75°). Wednesday evening around 8:00, when you were working late, tying up the details of a sexual harassment case at Manhattan Arts High School, you knocked on Alex's office door, hoping she was still in and would be willing to give you some feedback.
You heard a noise from inside, an "mm-hmm" that you took to mean "come in." You didn't wait to open the door, thanks, again, to your already limited inhibitions and the focus you had when you got deep into a case like this.
It was slightly too soon.
You quickly turned around and all but ran away, apologizing with what felt like every word in the dictionary. That was it, you decided, you had to quit. It was a good run, you thought, but you now had no choice but to leave, change your identity, and move to Spain.
Or something. Why wasn't the door locked?
You made it back to your office, just down the hall. As you fretfully packed papers into your backpack, you heard the click of high heels approaching you, caught a glimpse of blonde hair through the window. Part of you wanted to hide under your desk, but you stayed standing, hoping that if you didn't move, she wouldn't see you (not unlike a child attempting to avoid a bee sting).
Alex tapped her knuckles on the glass in the door, not waiting for you to respond before she opened it and came in. You started to apologize again, but Alex held her hand (her distractingly pretty hand) up at you.
"I am very sorry," she said, "that you saw that. In our defense, we were only kissing, and you usually keep to yourself after about 6."
You had trouble making words come out of your head.
"Anyway, Casey feels horrible. So, I came to apologize and see what you needed."
You continued petrified, wondering how Alex wasn't livid. You noticed a deep red mark on her neck--You noticed her neck.
"Oh God, did we freak you out that much, Haley? It's ok, you didn't do anything wrong. We were the ones making out at work," she said, trying and failing to resist a smirk.
At that, you were able to break out of your overwhelmed silence.
"Uhm," you began, almost whispering. "It's the Manhattan Arts case."
Alex nodded. "That one's tough. That's why I gave it to you."
You nodded, suppressing a squeak.
"It is. I don't know what to do because the complainant is also a co-conspirator with the perpetrator in another case."
"Right. Why don't you come to my office, and we'll all look over it together?" Alex saw your expression fill with fear again, the same kitten-ish look she'd come to know and love. It was painfully cute. "You don't have to. But we do have leftover pad Thai." That was enough to convince you, though you were still taken aback and shaken up.
You went to Ashley's apartment first when you went home that night. He and Ramin (home from his business trip) were cuddled up together on the couch watching The Bachelor, the girls were long asleep. You greeted the men, slipped your shoes off, and padded into the living room, sliding onto the couch beside them. Ramin turned down the TV and slipped his free arm around your shoulders. Ten years of friendship between you and Ashley had made you more than comfortable with his husband, though you'd only known Ramin for four. You three didn't need words anymore, they could both tell when you were having a hard time. You were glad Ramin hadn't seen everything Ashley had-- while you weren't very skittish about sharing your personal life with the people close to you, you and Ashley had been there for one another's darkest moments.
Ramin patted your head, mussing your frizzy hair. "Wanna talk about it?" Ashley asked you, but you shook your head.
"Tea," you said.
"Fair enough," Ramin replied, amused, rising to put the kettle on. Ashley scooted over to give you a hug.
You were in a far better mood after a few pots of chamomile and a few episodes of The Bachelor when you went to bed that night (well, Thursday morning). You were still confused, though. Something in your core warmed up every time you closed your eyes, the image of Casey sitting in Alex's lap, her hair messy, their lips pressed against one another, was stuck in your head. You were still mortified, that was all.
Alex made good on her promise of drinks that Saturday. Things had smoothed over since Wednesday; she'd left a cookie and a note beside your coffee on Thursday morning that read: Consider this biscotti your olive branch, and, well, who could stay uncomfortable after that. As they left their apartment, Alex sent a text to their friends reminding them that they had a guest that night.
Alex: Everyone, Haley's coming out with us tonight.
Casey: That means best behavior. No being cruel.
Sophie: ...Rita.
Sophie: We were all thinking it.
Serena: ^
Rita: I'm a very sweet person!
Pippa: You made Gillian cry last week.
Rita: That sounds like a her problem.
Gillian: It kind of was.
Pippa: 💖
Casey: Just, be nice to her. Please?
Serena: We will!
Rita: Fine.
Satisfied, they walked the short distance to their regular bar. As they approached, they saw you standing outside, looking up the other direction of the sidewalk and fidgeting with your keys. Casey noticed what you were wearing first, a black A-line wrap dress that showed off your shoulders. Alex, on the other hand, noticed you were wearing your hair in its natural loopy curls when you usually straightened it.
The way the setting sunlight hit your face as you turned your head in their direction caused Alex's breath to hitch in her throat. The way you idly brushed your fingers along your neck as you tucked a curl behind your ear made Casey's mouth go dry. They shared a quick glance, their eyes talking for them, saying: we're in deep, aren't we?
The second you saw them coming towards you, you grinned wide and waved both hands, bouncing on your toes.
"Rita was right," Casey whispered to Alex, still out of earshot of you, "she's exactly like a bunny."
Alex squeezed Casey's hand tightly. You greeted them excitedly, resisting the urge to hug them both (where did that come from?) by holding your hands behind your back after you waved. They returned your greetings gracefully and led the way into their haunt, Casey, then Alex, then you.
Everyone else was already there, you were sure they must've gotten there before you. The bar wasn't quite what you expected; it had much more of a homey vibe than you thought it would. A mostly 30-something, professional-looking, crowd populated the place's tables, drinking mostly wine and whisky, talking over candlelit tables. You felt more at ease, now that you knew what you were getting into.
You were even more at ease when you realized that sat around the table you were approaching were all familiar faces. Honestly, if you had to pick which defense attorneys to spend an evening with, you could do much worse than Rita Calhoun and Sophie Devere. You knew Gillian would be there, and you were pleased to see Serena Southerlyn and Pippa Cox as well (you always admired the field of legal advocacy, you might've gone into it if the money wasn't even worse than prosecution. Pippa and Serena both clearly came from some amount of wealth-- you most certainly did not, and student loans called).
Pleasant hugs and hellos were shared around the table. Casey introduced you.
"Gillian, of course, you know ADA Haley, but for you others... Pippa, Serena, Rita, Sophie, this is Caroline Haley." Gillian raised her glass to you; Pippa gave a warm smile and a wave. Serena pulled out a chair for you, and you took it.
"Lovely to meet you, officially," said Sophie.
"We could use someone interesting," Rita added.
You had expected to feel anxious. You always did in social situations, and you had the Zoloft in your cabinet to prove it. And you did feel the familiar buzzing of worry in the back of your head. But something about the way Casey and Alex looked at one another and then at you made you feel safer than usual. It was a cozy, pleasant feeling.
Wait. Is that? Was it? No. Certainly not. Unless?
You let their conversations go on without chiming in much. Like you usually did when you met new people, you just watched and sipped your drink (gin and soda, your go-to. Serena had insisted on buying you a drink, Rita teased you for going with something so cliché but stopped after one jab. You'd seen Pippa give her a warning glare, thought you'd seen her squeeze her thigh as well, though that could just be your somewhat wonky eyesight). Noticing your anxiety, Alex gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder that made your stomach flip.
Eventually, at a lull in the talking, Alex turned her attention to you: "What's Ashley doing tonight, Caroline?"
Your expression lit up; you were always excited to brag about your best friend. "He's at the studio; he runs rehearsal on Saturday nights. His company is one of the best in the city." You could've said more, but you didn't want to ramble like you tended to when you were nervous.
"Oh. When do you teach? You're always at the office late." Alex asked.
You sighed. "I wish I had far more time than I do. I teach mostly workshops right now, one or two weekends a month." You saw everyone around the table react with some surprise.
"And you two didn't scare away the babysitter last week?" Casey added.
You chuckled in response. "I hope we didn't. The girls are usually very well-behaved, but poor Léa's always getting sick."
"How old are they, Caroline?" Pippa asked.
The only thing you loved more than bragging about Ashley was bragging about your nieces.
"Ophélie is 12, Léa is 6, and Yasmin is 2. I'm biased, but they're the brightest children on the planet."
The way you sounded when you spoke about the girls spun Casey's head. Alex had never wanted kids, and Casey had always been on the fence. But your clear pride had her feeling very drawn to you in that moment.
"Forgive me for saying," Sophie began, "But aren't you a little young to have a 12-year-old?"
"Or a 6-year-old, really," Gillian added. Alex wanted to say something, remind her well-meaning friends that, sometimes, people didn't want to discuss every detail of their personal lives with them, but she held back, knowing how composed you could be when you wanted. You paled, knowing where this conversation was headed.
"Oh, um," you said, "They aren't my kids, technically. Ophélie is Ashley's youngest sister, and Léa is Ramin's from his first marriage. Yasmin is Ashley and Ramin's only child together, but they have full custody of all three. But I've been in their lives since Ophélie was 4." You saw the confusion build on Casey's face, her brow furrowing like how it did when she was focused in on her notes.
"Who's Ramin?" She asked you.
"Ashley's husband?" You replied, "he didn't mention him to you? He usually can't wait to talk about him."
The subtle confusion turned to true befuddlement on the part of Alex and Casey, both.
"He didn't mention a husband," Alex said. "I actually assumed you two were together?" Casey nodded.The other attorneys watched with varying degrees of curiosity and chaotic joy. You swore you saw Rita cover a smile with her napkin.
You realized the place where things had gone wrong. "Oh, oh my gosh, I can absolutely see where you would get that impression if he didn't bring up Ramin. He was pretty out of it the other night."
"You said you'd meet him at home when he left, called him your partner, kissed him," Casey listed.
"He told me about your first date," Alex added. Their tones were humorously incredulous, teasing. You could feel your cheeks heating up. This hadn't happened in quite a while.
"Dance partner. We live on the first and second floors of the same building. And well, you know someone ten years, you build up affection?" you paused. "It's an easy mistake to make. Besides, did he tell you how said first date ended?"
"No, actually. You and Casey got back from the dance floor before he finished the story."
You hid your head in your hands for a moment. "Well, I'm glad he didn't, because I'm not sure I could've handled the mortification." Everyone at the table kept looking at you, expectantly. "It ended with me coming out to him, then crying into his shoulder about it. So, no second date."
"It's all good, Caroline," Serena said, helping your nerves. "I'm sure Alex just wasn't paying attention. She's like that."
Alex shot her a playful frown. You felt at ease, more comfortable and wanted to share more with the group.
"When Ophélie was in preschool, I used to take her to music class on the weekends. I was still a junior in college, so I would show up to these fancy Palo Alto mommy and me classes with my backpack full of textbooks," you told, reminiscing on your younger years with your niece. "I swear, every new session, I'd walk in and another one of my professors would be there with their kids, the looks on their faces were just so priceless." Nobody seemed bored of you yet, so you kept going. "That little girl is the reason I became a lawyer," you said, in a more serious tone.
"What do you mean by that?" Pippa asked, her passion for protecting kids showing through.
You took a deep breath, not having meant to get so deep tonight-- but you opened up whenever Casey or Alex was around.
"When Ashley sued for custody, he had just graduated and was working in the ensemble of a dance company. I was a couple years behind him, but we were super close, and I was there for every meeting and hearing." You tested the waters, looking around the table to see if anybody looked bored. Seeing no signs, you continued. "And I remember just thinking the attorney was just the coolest person on earth. She convinced a court that this 22-year-old contemporary dancer was more fit to raise a child than that child's wealthy mother. She would work on everything seemingly tirelessly... she eventually found a way to prove that emotional abuse was occurring in the birth mother's home and that Ophélie would be better off Ashley's. When he got custody of Ophélie, I knew I wanted to be like that attorney, prove the supposedly unprovable."
"Wow," Gillian said when you finished talking.
Rita gave you a raise of her eyebrows, said, "Well, you certainly are interesting."
Everyone looked at you like they were trying to figure you out. Casey seemed to be on the verge of tears, and you were holding back some of your own. You sipped your drink, still thinking about how proud you were of Ophélie and the other girls, how lucky you were to have them in your life. You knew it was time to change the subject.
"So, Serena," you said, "Casey told me you two used to play softball together back in the day?" The whole table erupted in laughter, apparently at Serena for being a terrible pitcher.
That night, while Casey and Alex dozed off holding one another, Casey murmured softly to Alex, "Baby, you know you'll always be enough for me, right?
"Of course," Alex replied, her voice sleepier than her wife's. "I love you, Case."
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idreamofplaid · 3 years
It Begins
Square Filled: Tongue Fucking for @spnkinkbingo & Singing Christmas Songs for @spnchristmasbingo
Characters: Sam x Olivia (OFC); Jensen and John mentioned
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Oral (female receiving)
Summary: Olivia is new to the marketing firm owned by John Winchester, and is surprised to be assigned to an important ad campaign for a high profile client. She feels like she’s in over her head with the work, but she’s in even deeper with the boss’ son, Sam.
Word Count:3781
A/N: This is Part 1 of a Series called Surrender to the Truth. It’s an AU mash up of RPF and SPN characters. I’m also playing with time. Imagine Season 8 Sam and Jensen a year or so into the future.
It was beta’d by the wonderful @fangirlxwritesx67. Thanks Viv for your patience with all my questions, your enthusiasm for this project, your thorough reading that really made me think about what I was doing, and the series title. 
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Why were Mondays always like this? Olivia found it hard to decide what to wear after a weekend of being relaxed in pajamas and denim. Traffic was predictably the worst, even more so because of the holidays, and if there was any day she was going to forget and leave her coffee on the kitchen counter; it was Monday.
She made it to work on time with only a couple of minutes to spare. This was only her second week on the job at the city’s most up and coming marketing firm and being late was not the way to make a good impression on her new boss. John Winchester was a man with exacting standards and high expectations.
Her first stop was the coffee pot in the breakroom. There was no way her creativity was going to start flowing without caffeine. Cup in hand, Olivia made her way to her office. It was a respectable office, larger than the little more than a closet sized space she’d had in her last office. This one even had a small window. These things might seem insignificant, but Olivia had worked hard for them, and to her they were badges of success.
Olivia had barely had two sips of her vanilla creamer laced coffee when she had a visitor in her office, the kind of visitor who doesn’t knock: Sam Winchester. She hadn’t been here long, but she had been filled in on Sam. He was practically legendary among the women of the office, and some of the men. She took another sip of her coffee to hide the fact that her mouth had fallen open. This guy lived up to the hype. 
He was wearing a white dress shirt, minus the jacket, and the way his shoulders and chest filled out that shirt was nothing short of sinful. His tie formed a perfect Windsor knot at his throat, and the face above that tie was Greek god handsome. He was a Greek god with dimples.
As he walked across the room, his every move exuded power and privilege, without the arrogance. Holy fuck. Could a man be more attractive?
 He put a folder down on the edge of Olivia’s desk. Work. Right. He expected her brain to focus on what his family was paying her for.
She sat down to take a look at what was so important Sam Winchester himself had delivered it.  When he spoke, his voice was just as delicious as the rest of him.
 “New account. Dad wants you to take it.” He sat down smoothly on the edge of her desk to watch her look through the file like he owned the place, which he basically did. She finished looking through the file then looked up at Sam, more confused than ever. She was the new kid here. Why would they give her something this high profile, as in Hollywood high profile?
It wasn’t her most impressive moment or the most professional thing she’d ever said, but she blurted out, “Why me?”
Sam rested his hand on his thigh. The way his long fingers spread out over it wasn’t helping her concentrate or wrap her head around this situation. “Because you’re from Texas. Gives you insight into the culture, the vibe, the feel of it.” He stood and adjusted his tie, drawing your attention to his hands again. “This Ackles guy is a personal friend of my dad’s, so make it good.” As he left, he looked back over his shoulder. “Besides, everyone likes beer; you’ll come up with something.”
She said to the empty room, after he closed the door behind him, “No, actually I don’t.”
For a couple of minutes after Sam left, all she could do was stare at the nicely framed but generic artwork on her wall. The Winchesters were trusting her with a huge account for some reason, and she was scared completely out of her mind that she was going to screw it up and ruin her future with this company, along with her career in advertising. Why did it have to be beer? Finally, she opened the file and spread the pictures of the brewery and the photos of its famous owner across her desk. 
She picked up one of the glossy pictures of Jensen Ackles in all his male model perfection and took a good look at it. He was just as gorgeous as Sam, but his look was distinctly different.  His eyes were a clear green, and they held a deep intensity. Those eyes were captivating in a photograph. What would they be like in person? She allowed herself to indulge in that fantasy for a few seconds then shook her head to break the spell. She needed some Bailey’s in her coffee. Excellent idea. She was already walking a perilous line at this new job, so why the hell not?
Olivia swiveled her chair and opened the cabinet behind her, reaching into the back to grab the bottle of liquor where she’d stashed it. She poured a generous amount into her cup, hoping it would calm her nerves. With that in mind, she turned on some music. The soothing notes of an instrumental version of “White Christmas” floated from the speakers. 
She closed her eyes and let the taste of the coffee and the Irish cream sit on her tongue. This had been one of her favorite Christmas songs when she was growing up. It always took her to a fantasy wonderland, a place where life was ideal and Christmas cottages had perfectly trimmed trees with beautiful presents piled beneath them, fireplaces alive with glowing fires, stockings hung on the mantel, and snowflakes falling gently outside. Living in Texas, snow had been a magical and rarely seen event.
That long cherished holiday dream filled her mind and calmed her. She started singing along with the music. ...just like the ones I used to know.  After a stanza or so, she opened her eyes to focus once again on the pictures of the brewery in front of her. A snowy Christmas was her fantasy, but she had a job to do; that was her reality.
By the end of the day when Sam came back to check on her progress, Olivia had practically nothing to show him. It would do no good to try and stall or hide just how little she had managed to accomplish. He was her supervisor on this project, and he was here to see how much progress she’d made. 
He flipped through the work she’d done that day. His expression was unreadable, but his words were clear enough. “The Taste of Texas? Not exactly original is it?” He paused and cut his eyes over to her, then dropped them back to the papers he was holding. “The drawings aren’t bad though. We can probably use some of these hill country sketches. Maybe a logo design.” He closed the file and tossed it back on her desk.
 “Do you know what you need?” Her silence said she didn’t. “Inspiration.”
She put her hand on the folder lying on her desk, the one that represented her failed day of work. “Where do I get that exactly?” She was unable to keep a hint of exasperation out of her voice.
He flashed her those unbelievable dimples and winked. “Follow me.” Sam took her to his office. It was easily four times the size of hers with an entire wall of windows that revealed a breathtaking view of the city, the lights from the skyline competing with the white lights on the tastefully decorated Christmas tree that adorned his office. It was opulent and sleek, a space befitting the heir to the growing empire. 
She allowed herself to indulge in the breathtaking view of the skyline for a few seconds before commenting, “It’s an incredible view, but I don’t see anything about a family business in Texas out there.”
“Your inspiration isn’t out there; it’s in here.” His voice drew her eyes away from the magnificent view. Sam walked to his mini fridge and pulled out a six pack. He held it up. “A little Cosmic Cowboy from Family Business Beer Company. How can you create an impactful and memorable campaign without sampling the product?”
Sam twisted the top off a bottle and handed it to her. She took a sip of it. Unfortunately, she wasn’t one of those people who could describe the taste of beer. It was cold. It was beer. That was all she had. She was not a connoisseur. How was she ever going to do this ad campaign? She didn’t even like beer.
Sam had been watching her reaction carefully. Olivia didn’t have a poker face, though she’d tried to hide her reaction. It didn’t slip by him that she wasn’t comfortable with this beer thing. 
“Not your favorite then?” He took a drink from his bottle. “Taste it again.”
He was the boss’ son, effectively her boss right now, and this was her job; but she got the feeling she would have done whatever he asked even if that hadn’t been the case. She took another sip, and Sam coached her through it. “Think about what you’re drinking; savor it. Just like wine, beer has notes; and they’re all different.”
She took one more drink. “What am I supposed to be tasting?” She’d never been good with wine either, but once someone explained there was blackberry or oak or whatever in it; she could pick up on that. She needed Sam to tell her what she should be tasting.
“Do you taste how it’s substantial but still light?” She took another sip and nodded. “It’s the grapefruit and pineapple that make it light; the pine in it gives it a little something more.” When he said it, she could taste it. She could taste it all.
Sam’s office had a fireplace, not like the one in her fantasy Christmas cottage, but when he picked up a remote and clicked it bringing the flames to life, it was cozy nevertheless. Sam took off his tie and tossed it on one of the upholstered chairs in front of the fire. He unbuttoned the top of his shirt and rolled up the sleeves. Absentmindedly, Olivia took another sip of her beer while she watched him. 
Sam sat down on the plush rug in front of the fireplace, his back leaning against the leather sofa, legs stretched out in front of him. He put what was left of the six pack of beer down beside him and patted the floor on his other side, inviting her to join him. Olivia lowered herself next to him. She was thankful her pencil skirt wasn’t so tight that it didn’t allow some freedom of movement, and she tried not to stare at the way the firelight danced over his golden skin. He caught her looking at his strong forearms, exposed below the rolled white cuffs of his shirt. Sam smiled, a flirty and suggestive sort of smile. He finished the last of his beer, and popped open another.
Olivia was slower to finish hers, but she was beginning to warm up to the taste. Perhaps it was something you had to acquire, or maybe the company you were in made all the difference. Beer might be okay after all. 
He asked, “What do you think of it now?”
“I can taste everything you said.” The crackle of the fire, the lights from the Christmas tree, and the skyline in the background created a perfect storm of romantic atmosphere. Olivia noticed how Sam’s eyes were a beautiful honeyed brown, dappled with green and gold. His lips looked incredibly soft in contrast to the hard line of his jaw. He caught her starting again, this time at his mouth. 
He took her empty bottle and slotted it back into the cardboard square where it had originally been and put what was left of his beer in the empty square beside it. Sam turned back to her and leaned in closer. He took her face into his hand and looked into her eyes for a long second or two before he lowered his mouth to hers. 
The way he kissed was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. His tongue was sure but gentle as it circled hers. He had complete control of her through what his mouth was doing. A wet spot was forming in her panties, her body responding to him. At the same time his hand was cradling her face while his fingers moved slowly back and forth through her hair, massaging her scalp and melting her under his touch. He could do anything to her. She was eager for it.
He broke the kiss, and now he was holding both sides of her head in his enormous hands. His lips were still just inches from hers. She could feel his breath when he asked, “What do you taste now?”
This man could make her breathless. He was either meant for her, or he was excellent at reading her actions and responses. His attention was completely on her, waiting for her response. 
 “I...can still taste the beer, but the way you taste makes it better.” It wasn’t eloquent. For someone who worked with words to pull the maximum effect from them, he could make her forget how to use them properly. 
Sam kissed her again, hands roaming down her back and stopped just above her waist. “You know what else might really inspire you?”
Olivia pressed her body so tightly against his she could feel the muscles in his chest and stomach through his shirt. It made her wetter. “I have some ideas.” 
He took off her jacket and let it fall to the floor. “Then let’s get those creative...juices flowing.” The blouse she was wearing was form fitting. Sam’s gaze traveled over her breasts before his eyes locked onto hers.
 A spark traveled between them. Lust? Need? Want? Whatever it was, the sexual tension hung in the air for a moment before their lips crashed together. 
Sam lowered her to the floor while he pulled her shirt up. He broke the kiss to tear it  over her head and throw it out of the way. Now it was his turn. She took a fistful of his shirt and pulled it out of his pants, then did the same on the other side. He propped himself over her on his hands while she unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. She ran her hand across his chest and over his shoulder. What he’d been hiding beneath that expensive shirt was impressive.  
Sam smiled down at her. “You like?”
“Very much,” she answered while he took off her bra and lowered his head to take one of her nipples in his mouth. He teased it with his tongue until she was arching her back and raising her hips off the floor. 
Sam sucked hard on the nipple in his mouth before pulling off it. “Do you want more?” Her eyes closed and her lips parted, a small moan escaping from them. 
He unzipped her skirt and dragged it down her legs, then turned his attention to her lace covered mound. Sam rubbed his fingers over her panty covered core. “Already so wet.” He pushed her panties aside and swiped his fingers through her folds. Then he lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked her juices from them. His eyes bore into hers. “Tastes so good.”
He tore her panties from her body to gain access to what he wanted; she heard the sound of silk and lace ripping. Sam’s hand felt huge on her thighs as he pushed them wide apart. He held them there, and his tongue found her clit. He sucked it the same way he’d worked at her nipple. 
She was raising and lowering her hips beneath him, fucking nothing and needing to be filled until Sam swirled his tongue all the way down her slit to her opening and thrust it inside. She wasn’t empty anymore, and it felt incredible. He moved his tongue in and out of her, fucking her on it until she was writhing and grabbing fistfuls of his hair. 
She wanted to scream but was still aware enough to know they were in the office building. So, with some effort, she held it in. But when he added the pad of his thumb circling over her clit while he continued to thrust into her with his tongue, she started to whimper and moan. Her thighs were shaking when she came on his face. He licked and stroked her through her orgasm until she went still beneath him.
Sam didn’t move for a few seconds, then he raised himself up so he could see her reaction to what he’d done to her, how it had affected her. Olivia smiled up at him, and Sam returned the smile while he unbuckled, unzipped, and pushed his pants and underwear down over his hips. If she’d thought what was under his shirt was stunning, what was under his pants was better. His cock was absolutely magnificent. It stood against his stomach long and thick, resting on his well defined abs. Sam caught her looking at him yet again, and his smile got bigger. “I’m not finished with you yet.”
Sam lowered himself from his kneeling position until he was sitting on the floor. He pushed his pants farther down his legs to get them out of the way. He extended a hand to her, and she took it. He settled her on his lap. Olivia wrapped her legs around him. He looked at her with those beautiful eyes that combined colors in so many ways that seemed to change from moment to moment. “Do you want to go through with this? It’s not too late to say no.”
She squeezed her thighs into his sides. She was imagining the feel of his cock stretching her open. From the looks of him, it was going to be a tight fit. “I absolutely want to go through with this.” 
That was all he needed to hear. He took a condom from the wallet in the pants pooling around his ankles and rolled it down over his length. Sam put his hands on each side of her waist and lifted her up, lining her up over the tip of his cock.
When he started to lower her down onto his shaft, she rolled her head forward. Her hair brushed over his shoulder as he continued to slowly ease her down onto his length, giving her time to adjust to his size. Once he was fully seated inside her, he began to roll his hips. Oliva imitated his movements, rolling her hips with the same rhythm. 
She raised her head because she wanted to see into Sam’s eyes while he thrust up into her. There was something in the depths of them that she couldn’t quite define, something she wanted to figure out, something she wanted to understand and know better. He covered her mouth and kissed her with an intensity she could feel through her entire body.
His tongue was circling hers, tasting her, when she came again. Olivia clenched around him and her body spasmed in waves as her orgasm crested and blended into another. Sam kissed her all the way through it. She went limp in his arms, and he kept moving. 
She could feel his hands on her and the warmth of the flame from the fire on her skin. She could feel the way his cock throbbed, still buried deep inside her, and she could taste him. He pulled away from her mouth and buried his face in her neck when he came.  
“Olivia.” He said her name once, just the one word, and it struck her to the core. Olivia regretted that she couldn’t feel his hot release painting her insides. It felt like some part of him was being held back from her, and she wanted it all. 
Whatever magic she’d felt hearing the sound of her name on his lips dissipated with the reality of Sam pulling himself from her body and carefully removing the condom. He pulled his pants back up before walking over to his desk to dispose of it in the wastebasket there. Olivia imagined it wouldn’t be the first time the cleaning service found one of those in his trash. 
What was she doing? She just screwed the boss’ son in his office. She was a total cliche. Her mind told her she should feel like a slut, but she didn’t. She refused to be ashamed of what she’d done. The sex had been mind blowing; her body had never responded to any man that way. Sam had stirred something in her physically, but it had gone beyond that. It was something she would examine later and try to define, but now all she could think of was escaping the overwhelming thoughts and feelings consuming her. Hastily, she grabbed her clothes and was in the process of putting them back on when Sam returned. 
He took her hand and charmed her with his boyish dimples and his eyes that had turned a soft gray like the color of a sky lit by a silvery moon. Still, it was his words that got to her the most. “Hey, don’t be in such a hurry to leave; you’re going to make me feel cheap.” He was flirting with her. Guys like him moved smoothly through situations like this as though they were born to it, and in a way they were. Still, part of her hoped he was being at least a little sincere.
Sam hadn’t let go of her hand. “Stay with me. We can watch the fire, enjoy the lights on the Christmas tree.” This was a fling, right? It was a one night stand with the irresistible guy at work. “Plan our trip to Texas.” What did he just say? “A six pack is just an introduction to the business. What you need is to see the brewery.” 
Sam sat down on the sofa, and Olivia sank down beside him. She lowered her guard a little and let some of the bliss she was feeling wash over her. The ambience created by the light from the tree and the fire enhanced her mood; both the light and her mood seemed somehow softer now.
“We can take the company jet. Ring in the new year in Austin.” Listening to him, Olivia had a most happy thought. Maybe this wasn’t a one night thing after all. 
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @winchesterxfamilybusiness @deansotherotherblog
Sam/Jared: @girl-next-door-writes @stunudo @feelmyroarrrr @sammit-janet​ @idabbleincrazy​ @evansrogerskitten​ @focusonspn​ @autumninavonlea​ @spnxbsessed​ @durinsbride​ @deansyahtzee​ @waywardnerd67​ @fullmooner​ @julesthequirky​
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undergroundkid · 3 years
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11. If I can have you I can do anything
What was supposed to be a sweet release, turned into obstinate mania.
However soothing Hyungwon’s affirmations were, there was no denying; your ego grew bigger than you let yourself realize. He might kiss your stained hands, hazed your thoughts, and erased doubts for a moment, but after toe-curling ecstasy, you were left with a bitter truth.
I am a bad person.
When you got off your new-proclaimed throne it didn’t hit you right away. Your wobbly legs barely held you up, hair stuck to your face, the muscles groaned in exasperation and hummed with delight simultaneously. Probably too many sensations still occupied your body and mind; so of course, it had to be Chae’s words that put you back in reality.
- This is your sin – he said, half-laying on the bed with an open shirt and sweat-kissed skin. Then he added with a small laugh:- Pride, Miss Y/N.
How this man could take you to the highest peak of pleasure and then throw you off straight into a freezing stream of maliciousness was beyond you. But he did it, time after time, always leaving you shocked when you should already learn.
Few days passed without sign of any of the apartment’s guests. Such a restful way should give you some peace when you could focus on your job in quiet. No sudden meetings, no suspicious events, no unprofessional situations with clients – just how it worked before.
It did work before you were aware of yourself. In the past, you didn’t have to ponder on your actions, because you always believed them to be the best you could do. Now the seed of the doubt was sowed, uncertainty always behind your back questioning your true motives.
It was tiring; you wished to be a silly doe once again.
You worked slower, not so actively pursuing your guests' attention. If your manager noticed, she didn’t mention it, simply burying you in paperwork. Or maybe she didn’t want to? Maybe she’s also like me? Perhaps we’re all egocentric creatures, pretending to care, only for our own advantage, without any selflessness?
- Child, you’re spacing out again. Everything’s alright?
Or perhaps not – there may be people with personal interest, like your mother. She looked at you intently, her hands moving uneasily; she must be worried.
- Oh, yes – the answer came out automatically:- Yes, I’m okay.
As you furrowed your brows, concerned why you won’t simply voice out your thoughts, your mom managed to drop her troubles. Your short reply sufficiently good to go her own merry way.
- Good! Hurry up sweetheart or you will be late to the hotel!
You nodded, empty inside once again. Only one purpose: work.
Chae told you there was greatness in evil. How could you not believe him, swept by powerful affirmations? Such a beautiful face of his will convince anyone. Sour veracity flowing from pretty lips, drowning you in his ideals.
- It does feel good, doesn’t it? – he took a rich grip of your thighs, not urging you, just enjoying the heat of your flesh. You looked at him with a small smile, relishing in the way his manhood slid sweetly along your slick walls. No hurry, only the delectation of erotic closeness, fulness again.. having him below you, the stunning man that downgraded you.
His hands moved to your backside, coercing you to move up his shaft. Betraying his lust like this, instinctual pressure to chase the climax made you tilt your head back with a chuckle.
You sat down fully, gripping him tight with inner muscles. Delighted by male’s hiss, you placed your hands on his sweated arms comfortably.
- You tell me – you responded, voice calm as you rose and sink down again; his broken sigh already an answer, but you couldn't help yourself and had to ask:- Does it feel good, Mr Chae?
It definitely did.
At that moment, you ate his words easily. Driven by his praises, easy acceptance of your dark side, you really felt like a goddess. But that was it, just a moment; the person changing into the receptionist’s uniform wasn’t a deity anymore. Not a scared doe either – just a fool, more angered by the idea of being arrogant shrew than the fact she jumped at another’s client's dick.
The discomposure after the encounter with Hyungwon fell short of the one with Mr. Changkyun. Shame ate you alive then, now just warmed up your ears and moistened the hands. The morals? Fitfully unstable.
- Y/N, I left the shift report on the desk, take a look – your colleague chirped at the exit in a typical pink-collar worker’s voice:- There were some complaints to take care of, I know you will do your best! See you next time!
Placing the responsibilities on me over and over; you had to bite your tongue to stop the thoughts. Where do they come from? Am I always presumptuous like this?
- Uh, Miss Y/N?
- Sorry, what’s up?
- The report? – young intern handed you papers, deciding to summarize it anyway:- Guests from the third floor claimed there’s loud music coming from somewhere.
- Music?
- Ah, it’s stated here – she pointed to the last paragraph. If the hotel has musicians or any other vocalists under their roof, the curfew doesn’t work? However skilled, 3 AM piano performance isn’t appreciated.
- Probably someone’s played the CD too loud.. can we even find out who was it?
- Oh hey, something’s wrong? – Yoonho cut in, emerging from behind the corner; your eyes met briefly before he focused on the apprentice. He didn’t stay in your company for long since your silly argument – if you could call it an argument at all. Funny boy, obvious to the suddenly high-pitched voice of the girl between you.
- Loud music? I didn’t hear anything yesterday and I stayed until midnight?
Huh, so he does avoid me.
- Well.. what.. what can we do? Should we stay tonight longer too? – her voice toned down with uncertainty.
- Ah, it doesn’t make sense.. you want to sit at the stairs and pretend to just chill out?
- Probably best if we check it out personally? I mean.. maybe we will hear this wonderful piano serenade room 322 wrote about?
You cringed your nose involuntarily, third-wheeling the awful teenage romance drama. Why the heck she’s so obsessed with him was unclear. He was sweet but way too childish.. proper good-looking at the best, especially among the clients here.
- You said piano? – porter chuckled with annoyance:- Oh, no worries then, your supervisor will solve this puzzle.
Did I say childish?
Yoonho looked at you with an upturned nose. He reminded you of an offended kid; still cute, but definitely testing his limits. Who the hell he thinks he is, little shit-
This is your sin, Miss Y/N.
Wait, why am I getting angry already? It’s nothing for the God’s sake..
Oh no, I am better than this, better than you, him and everybody here-
- That’s true – you smiled your best service’s worker smile, taking younger acquaintance by surprise:- I think I can take care of it.
You could hear the song on the second floor already; it felt like you were the only one, the other guests not paying any attention to you or elegant tones vibrating in the air. It was a different melody than before, accompanied by a graceful male’s voice, singing the song in a language unknown to you.
The source of the complaint was found in the emergency staircase: the duet of an old piano and young man.
- Looks like we’re meeting again, Miss – the gentleman welcomed, changing the tempo of his song to more relaxing. His white sweater matched the room perfectly; with the new line of chords, he gave off a cozy aura.
- Mr. Yoo – you bowed:- I was looking for you. Did you decide to wander here last night perhaps?
- Is that a proper question from a young lady? – he shifted on a small bench, offering you a seat. You took it without hesitation, feeling at ease in his presence. The effect of his music, harmonic vocals, and polite behavior was soothing for your soul. Exactly what you needed after the vortex of the last events.
- We had a complaint about the noise, sir. You should finish the concert before 10 PM for everybody’s comfort.
- I see.. my apologies – he slouched a bit, big glasses sliding down his nose. He stopped playing to adjust them:- I thought it wasn’t a big deal. There’s a lot of loud singing at the night here.
Frowning was enough to make him explain.
- Intense, melodic .. and greatly feminine.
You could see the rising panic in your face from the reflection in Kihyun’s lenses; he just smiled, a little, almost with adoration.
- It was very beautiful – he assured, calming you down instantly. Soothing came naturally to him – surely he meant your latest stunts, yet his short affirmation was enough to put discomfort for later. No judging, maybe even a bit of understanding. Now you could simply enjoy his appeasing company.
His fingers started waltzing lazily on aged piano keys, filling the silence.
- It made me lonely – Mr. Yoo admitted:- Music makes me feel less miserable.
- I see.. hotel is full of people, but it doesn’t matter. I am sorry to hear this, sir.
A simple nod was the only answer. Seeing the man who until now provided nothing but comfort for you in sorrow mood was upsetting. He deserved better.
You lightly brushed your shoulder against his to lighten up the mood.
- I am here now, sir. With you.
He chuckled.
- That’s what I was hoping for.
Tiny tingling danced under your ribs for a few seconds. Letting it warm you up, then quelling it out habit – you shouldn’t let the simple compliments captivate you. Why you still held to the old manners you were taught? You didn’t exactly follow them lately. Quit the act already.
- Your presence.. conciliate me – hushed words, spoke with caution:- It did last time and so do now. I am afraid I will need it more.
- I.. can help, sir. Please call reception next time, we can talk?
Kihyun laughed, shaking his head with amusement.
- Dear Miss Y/N.. this solitude is a bottomless pit, unfortunately..
His hand came to your jawline, following the path behind your ear. He touched the delicate skin with eyes full of wonder.
- It will never be enough – he stated, then added with a sigh:- I am gluttonous like this.
Nobody wants to be lonely, after all – it’s human nature. He found out your dirty secrets and might want to take his own piece of this cake, hiding it under lame excuses.. but why would he do that? How can you suspect the most courteous man in this hotel? Always polite to you, adding some smarty remarks to keep you on your toes. No pushing your boundaries though – he acknowledged your actions without any criticism.
Maybe he is just alone, wishing for someone to heal the emptiness. What’s wrong with looking for affection anyway? It’s what led you to previous encounters, too. You were touch-starved. Both Changkyun and Hyungwon made you aware of it, appeased the basic hunger, then left you to hunt for yourself.
The doe became huntress, so you closed the gap between you and Yoo with an urgent kiss. He melted with pleasure, almost as if he was waiting for your move.
- So am I – you agreed, clenching his white sweater:- I am greedy, too, sir.
- Oh I can tell – he whispered with a snicker, staring at your moving hands.
The kisses became heated quickly. You were torn between admiring his foggy glasses and reddened lips. The gentleman was focused on chasing your mouth though, arms encircling your frame to close any possible space between you two. His soft touch contrast to your previous lovers, both Im and Chae more fervently urgent. Even your ex-boyfriend, your first.. however considerate he was of your virginity, his inexperience was clear. You didn’t blame him; he was a sweetheart, head over heels in love with you.. at some point at least.
Nonetheless, you couldn’t help but contemplate if he ever loved you for real. Maybe it was a stupid young crush and you stayed together out of habit, playing it safe. It looked like he wanted another type of partner inferring from his social media. No point in complaining now, you were both adults, going their own path.. his more of a party animal, yours.. well. Boring, uneventful, and stable until now; even so, still regretful.
Kihyun’s approach unlike anyone was making you feel treasured as if he was waiting a lifetime for a chance to have this moment. Hyungwon set you on a pedestal, that’s true, but he did it with mendacity, leaving you more mentally confused than before. The male beside you handled you with utter care, gracing you with a love-struck smile. You answered with a grin before you could catch yourself. What a lovely man, worthy of the best, yet he was with you and it seemed to make him the happiest.
Maybe I can honestly bring him joy, maybe I.. maybe I am not as bad as I thought of myself.
Your hands trembled, which didn’t go unnoticed by your partner. He instantly shifted to meet your eyes properly, observing your face for any kind of discomfort. His concern practically startling, given how unused you were to that level of care. Nobody paid attention to your feelings much, obvious hardship dismissed even by your own mother.
This man did on the other hand. He worried about trivial troubled gesture, despite the hollowness of his heart.
I can help; I can be virtuous, whatever Chae implied. You felt he can be wrong this strong for the first time since his arrival.
- Something’s wrong, dear?
You shook your head dismissively.
- No – you answered, grazing male’s legs briefly:- Actually, quite the opposite.
He tried to ask again, however, was silenced with a quick kiss – to stop him from questioning and to provide a distraction from sneaking hands down his trousers, towards a recognizable bulge. He moaned straight into your mouth, such a pure noise you thought of it as your new favorite sound. You needed more of this dissolute melody then and there.
Driven by a desire to take care of your sweet lover, you slid between his legs on your knees.
- Ah, Miss Y/N – blush prominent on cheeks, he still tried to play it cool:- Don’t you favor me way too much?
You shushed him, massaging his crotch that was now your eye-level. He weakly tried to pry your hands with some gentle words, something among the lines of ladies first, although it didn’t stop you.
- Mr. Yoo – unzipping his pants, freeing him from briefs and still you didn’t shy away from his heated gaze:- I want to hear you sing more..
You had your goal now. Clear purpose helping you redeem yourself.
- Please, play the piano and sing – you requested, kissing the head of his erected member. He answered you with a shaky breath, which determined he needed a moment to collect himself. Cute.
The moment he started the new tune, your tongue glided along salty skin. He faltered for a few seconds, picking up the tempo with trouble.
It made you smile; it made you powerful, once again, but at your own rules.
When Kihyun decided to sing, you swallowed him as much as you could. The vocals broke into a loud whine, fueling you to go even deeper, faster, wilder.
You could give him a piece of heaven, sneak peek into oblivion. It was possible without looking for own gain or offensive commentary. Just two people searching for the warmth of intimacy. He chanted foreign words above you out of breath, still harmonic as always and you sensed both your climaxes coming; his primal, your spiritual.
Cure the loneliness out of the pure heart. I don’t want anything, after all; just feel better.
Is that nothing? Or am I seeking for my own benefit?
The piano stuttered, chords losing original pace, throwing the song into chaos. Yoo’s voice slowed down to sinful groans with infrequent lyrics. He was close, exhalation hasty just like the thoughts coming through your head.
Am I proving Chae’s word wrong?
The piano stopped abruptly, some keys pressed together with a smash of Kihyun’s arm. He hid between his elbows and your head, uttering an uncommonly bashful cry. Bitter substance filled your mouth along with an even more savage realization.
You gulped down his cum, stunned enough to not care for typical male’s taste. Tucking him back into pants, mental nausea grew stronger every passing second. You hoped to bolt before facing him, however difficult it might be.
Pointless as expected, when your rose back again he embraced your hips with wobbly palms.
- Not so quick, Miss – sweated from orgasm, not any less handsome:- Let me return the favor.
Favor? It wasn’t a favor. Only a confirmation; you were corrupt as Hyungwon said you were. Determined to convince him you can be good simply because you couldn’t stand the insult. Too proud to admit the truth over again. Not able to accept the accusation so much it made you blow the first willing guy. Extra violation on your naughty list.
- You don’t have to – there was no use to drag the show anymore, so you opted to give up before you could regret it all even more. Kihyun opened his mouth to protest with what could be another wise-ass reply, but you beat him to it:
- We are all lonely in our pleasure in the end.
thank you for reading
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dalamjisung · 5 years
the picture worth a thousand words ❊ kim seungmin
genre: fluff
word count: 3902
pairing: reader x kim seungmin
description: people say a picture can be worth a thousand words, but you are a writer and that ain’t flying with you. Until you met him; photographer Kim Seungmin. 
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There was nothing particularly wrong with you. At least not that you knew; but you still felt like there was something missing. Every night, before going to bed and after doing your usual n nightly routine, you’d sit down on your bed, and think. You have a great job. You graduated from a good university. You have amazing friends. You have a beautiful house. But why did you feel like there was no reason in celebrating all that? Why did you feel so alone? You wanted to share all of that with someone; to wake up in your apartment to the sight of made breakfast and the love of your life in an apron, laughing the kind of laugh that would make happiness bubble in your stomach. You wanted someone to pick you up at your job so they could take you to an impromptu date, or someone who you could talk about the good old day of college. Being alone was fun, but just for a little while. You were older now, and you missed that companionship that all your friends seemed to have.
No, you would alway chastise yourself. You don’t need a man to be happy. And you really didn’t; you knew you were thankful for all you had, for all you achieved. You could easily be happy on your own, but you didn’t really want to. And that made all the difference.
Sighing, you gave up on yet another sleepless night. The night left as quick as the morning came and it was time for you to clock in to work. As you ran to the office, you couldn’t help but feel your stomach growling, complaining about not receiving any breakfast. 
“I’ll eat after the meeting,” You promised yourself, hoping your body would somehow understand and behave during your presentation. 
You worked in a magazine, writing for the arts and culture section, and this meeting would decide on a very important pitch you had been pushing forward for a while; a personal interview with the up and coming photographer, Kim Seungmin. You were a great admirer of his early work, loving the simple way that texture and color mixed in his pictures, managing to really evoke some feeling in you– some feeling you couldn’t quite name it, just feel it. This interview could change your career, as well as his, and you truly believed it could benefit both of you. You were tired of having to always write about the same things and the same people; it was time to write about things that were truly new, truly inspiring. You deserved this, and so did many other people.
“Good morning,” You say, smiling as you walk into the meeting room where your boss, supervisor, and assistant sat. “Shall we begin?”
They all nod, smiling too. Your company was incredible like that; it was casual, with spaces where you could work with your colleagues without the pressure of deadlines. They re-enforced that friendships in the working space optimized the workload in half, and that colorful and open spaces made the workers more engaged, instead of separating people in cubicles. You had your own table, but there was no wall separating you from your peers. Everyone smiled. Everyone truly enjoyed what they did. This was your dream job, and if could simply convince these three people that it was time for a content upgrade, you’d be on cloud nine. You could feel it; it would change your life.
“And that it why,” You say, concluding the presentation with a couple of Kim Seungmin’s pictures from his last exhibit. “I believe we need this change. It is not only a chance to connect with a younger audience, but to also introduce a new artist to our older public. We can widen our publication to encompass more than a select number of people; we can get bigger and better, while staying true to our morals and still conveying informative and captivating content.”
They all nod, looking at each other, and your boss gets up. “That’s why we hired you, isn’t it, Y/N? That crazy mind of yours is one of your best. Go ahead; we’re giving you as much time as you need. I believe this project will work out really well for everyone.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” You say, smiling wide and trying to contain your excitement. 
“Ma’am my ass,” She laughs. “Back in the days you’d refer to me as senior sister…”
You laugh with her. Your boss wasn’t that much older, but actually very close in age to you. She had been the senior responsible for you during your orientation and freshman year, and as soon as she heard you graduated, she offered you a job. You started low; just an unpaid intern, and in the passing two years since the, you managed to climb your way up to payed columnist. You were proud of you and of her. 
“You got it, didn’t you?” Your friend, Lisa, asks as you sat on your table. She was a reviewer for the magazine, enjoying the life of testing out new products for the magazine. She called ‘pampering herself while getting paid.’ “I can see it on your face, you did. Wow! Congratulations!”
“I’m so happy,” You squeal, looking at your friend laughing at you. “This will be great!”
“You finally get to meet your idol,” Lisa jokes and you throw a pen at her.
“I simply admire his job,” You say, squinting your eyes. “That’s why I insisted on this pitch so hard.”
“Pff, sure,” Lisa rolls her eyes. “Let’s not focus on the fact that he is drop dead gorgeous.”
“Oh my gosh Lisa,” You mumble, facepalming yourself. “He is not a product to be tested.”
“You never know,” She says winking. “Maybe he is interested.”
“Don’t you dare hit on my assignment!” You gasp, laughing. 
“I would never!” Lisa says, and you two are almost rolling on the floor at this point. 
You knew she’d never hit on Kim Seungmin (unless he started it, of course.) She always joked like that, complaining about how her job never introduced her to hot people like yours did. It’s not fair, she’d whine playfully. You’ve met all of my favorite idols! Kim Namjoon, Ahn Hyoseop, Jackson Wang! Should I keep going? You’d shrug and chuckle. Sure, it was really cool talking to all of those people, their stories were simple incredible, but you knew about the restrictions placed on them through their companies. You knew the reservations they had, and that half of the information was just generalized answers to questions they weren’t allowed to answer. This is why you were so interested in Kim Seungmin; he wasn’t represented by an entertainment agency nor was he under any contract– he was an independent artist.
You had a response to your initial email right as you came back from lunch.
Dear Ms. Y/N Y/L/N,
Thank you so much for contacting me. I’d love to help you with whatever you might need. However, I am in the middle of photographing for my new exhibit, so I’m afraid I won’t have time to sit down properly and answer all your questions. If you don’t mind me suggesting, you could tag along for a few days to experience my day to day life first hand, and ask your questions as well. 
I hope to hear from you soon,
Kim Seungmin.
“Holy shit!” You gasp. This was much better than you expected. You’d be lying if you said that the thought of asking to accompany him on his daily routine as he photographs didn’t cross your mind, but you refrained yourself from pushing too hard, very aware that some artists are not enthusiastic of sharing their muses and inspirations with others. 
“What?” Lisa runs to your table, leaning on the back of your chair and reading the email carefully. “Holy shit!”
You both start brainstorming for quick and efficient questions, skipping the obvious ones and going straight for the ones that dwelled deeper into his work and exhibitions. This had potential to be your best work so far, and you could feel it. Once you both came up with a list of about thirty questions, it was almost the end of the day. 
“I’ll get going,” Lisa said waving. “Don’t stay here too late!”
“I’ll just answer some emails and leave,” You smile. “See you tomorrow!”
Cracking your fingers, you tried to control your emotions. 
Dear Kim Seungmin,
Thank you for your quick response and for the great suggestion. I’d love to tag along, if it won’t be a problem for you!
When would it be a good time to start?
All the best,
Y/N Y/L/N.
You were about to close your laptop when a new email came in. 
Dear Ms. Y/N Y/L/N,
I’m starting to photograph for a series tomorrow! If you’d like, we could meet at 10AM at the coffee shop right by the corner of Main Street? 
Let me know!
Kim Seungmin. 
You smiled.
Perfect! See you then.
Waking up was not hard simply because once again you didn’t sleep. Getting out of bed, though, was incredibly difficult. You were super excited, but once again your body felt like it had no energy, the two hours you seemed to have managed a light sleep not serving for much. When you finished getting dressed, you notice you barely had time to make it to the coffee shop, so unfortunately, no breakfast would be possible. 
You run all the way there, cursing your laziness that led you to be this out of shape. Getting inside the shop, you sigh, looking to the sides while putting your hair up in a ponytail. It’s then that you hear a sharp, dry snap! Your head whips to your right and you finally find him, with his camera pointing at the coffee mug. Kim Seungmin. The tip of his tongue is showing through his teeth as he absentmindedly looked at his pictures. 
“Hi,” You say gently as you approached him. His eyes, sparkling and large, look at you and he blushes intensely, gulping down. “Kim Seungmin, right?”
“Y-Yeah,” He stutters a bit, and you chuckle. “Look, abou-“
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” You clarify, not wanting him to think you were a fan bothering him on his free time. “We emailed yesterday?”
“You’re Y/N???” He gasps, putting his camera down and offering you his hand. “I didn’t expect you to be so… young.”
You laugh at that. “It’s fine, I didn’t really expect you to know what I looked like.”
“Yeah,” He laughs. “Sorry about that. Do you want anything to eat? I went ahead and ordered coffee…”
“Oh,” Your stomach grumbles. “I’d love that actually. Do we have time?”
He shrugs. “I don’t really have a time table to follow, so sure.”
You guys start talking about yourselves, and you do what you always do; you try to establish a connection to you interviewee so that they feel more comfortable talking to you, and that means also talking about yourself, in the most superficial level possible. This time, though, was different. You felt as if not only you were doing that, but him too. He asked questions about you and your life, and he seemed genuinely interested in what you told him. You felt really comfortable with him, and you were excited for the rest of the day. 
“Are you done?” He asks, with a small smile. You nod and you two leave, walking side by side. 
With your eyes on him, you noticed his stance; camera in hands, always at chest level, ready to snap pictures at the slightness movement that caught his eyes. In between, while you guys walked around the city, you asked some of your prepared questions.
“What is this series about?” You ask, notebook in hand. “If you don’t mind me asking, of course…”
He chuckles. “The mundane life,” He says looking around, eyes laying on you, hair up, looking down at your notebook. Snap. You look up and he is staring at the children ahead. “I want to portray the beauty that people ignore everyday. It’s a new theme even for me, I don’t know if you are familiar with my past work but-“
“I am,” You say, smiling wide. “I love your pictures, really. They were one of the few I’ve seen that actually talked to me.”
And you could’ve melted at his smile. “Thanks!” 
He keeps talking about his work and you guys walk, and you kept hearing snap! snap! snap! but it always seemed to be when you were writing. You were a little upset that because you had to do your job, you couldn’t watch him do his, but you were sure you’d see those pictures later. 
“What I’m looking for,” He said as you two sat down on yet another coffee shop, now with the sun already gone. and a sandwich instead of breakfast in front of you. “Is for that one picture, yeah? The one that people always talk about– the one worth a thousand words. And I think I’m on the right path to find it.”
You’d definitely quote him on that one.
For three days, both of you followed a routine; meet at the coffee shop at 10AM, walk around a different neighborhood each time, have lunch, walk some more, and then talk a little more over dinner, although dinner time was reserved for you two to bond as friends and not work assignments. You grew to enjoy his company, in these past days, and enjoy your dinners even more. You found out he is a fan of Day6 and that he sometimes can look like a puppy when he smiles. You learn that he has an older sister and that being a photographer was always his dream. But Seungmin also learned new things; he got to know who much of fan you were when you accidentally mentioned on of his first famous pictures. He found out that you are allergic to cats but that you still adore them, although your dream is to one day raise a Corgi named Moose. 
As you talked, you barely noticed his hands on his phone, stealthily snapping away. You were simply too into your memories of when you would write people’s essays in college for a small fee that you barely noticed him doing his thing. Actually, this was one of the things he loved to found out the most; how immersed on an assignment you could get, that you would barely notice the world around you still spinning. Or him taking pictures of you. 
It was now the last dinner; your week over. This had been the best week of the past few months, if you had to be truthful. You would wake up energized because you finally could sleep. You would eat delicious food slowly because you finally had someone to talk to during meals. You adored your days with Seungmin. But they had finally come to an end. And you feared that so would your friendship.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you haven’t forgotten me yet (it’s been only three weeks since we last saw each other.) 
I read your article about me. I loved it! You definitely painted me in a light I’ve never seen myself, but I still want to thank you for being truthful and inspiring when you talked about my work. 
I am emailing you to finally announce that my exhibition opening will be tomorrow, at 7PM at The Gallery. I hope you can make it! I organized everything so that your name will be on the VIP list with a plus one; you can bring your friend you talked so much about, she sounded fun! I hope to see you there!
“Love?” Lisa asks, as you both read the email for the fifth time. “What the-“
“Language,” You shush her. “Oh my gosh, what does he mean by that?”
“Love.” Lisa tries again. “Love love love… you guys really hit it off, didn’t you?”
“Lisa, no!” You whine, blushing intensely. “I mean… there were times when I thought we were getting closer, but after the week ended he never texted me! Not even to talk about the article, so I don;tknow what to think anymore.”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” She shrugs. “Now let’s go, girly. We need to get ready for a very important event tonight.”
With the permission of your boss, you two leave early, straight to your house. On the way, you kept stressing about which dress to wear, or which shoes would match, and you’d sigh in frustration. That wasn’t you. You didn’t stress about things like this; you were cool and collected. 
It took a couple of hours and you were sure you’d make it there a little bit late, but as soon as you two were ready, Lisa having borrowed some clothes from you, you left. The taxi ride was terrible; you were so anxious that you could throw up. Something in your gut told you that tonight would be… a surprise. And you weren’t sure if that was good or bad.
“Okay, we’re at the door,” Lisa whispered smiling to the security and giving him your names. “You have to calm down. You look like you’re about to run.”
“That’s because I am!” You whispered, looking at your friend as you walked in. 
“Don’t be an enjoy the show!” She winks and walks away. 
Sighing, you start roaming around, noticing one room in particular was closed off. Some pictures on the wall made you want to laugh, because you knew that as soon as he snapped that picture, Seungmin tripped and feel on his butt. The next one made you smile fondly, watching the two kids on their bikes. The sunset gave off the perfect lighting and you could only see one hand from the right side, a worried mother that ran after her babies. You went through the exposition like that, remembering each and all moments with the photographer. Once you were done, you were a little confused. You could’ve sworn he took more pictures than that.
“Excuse me!” Seungmin called from the center of the room, his back to you and Lisa, who brought you a glass of champagne. “I’d like to say a few things tonight. First of all, thank you all for coming. It means a lot to see all my friends and family united to support me. Secondly, I wanted to talk a little about this series, and about the surprise series in the next room.”
So that’s what it was. A surprise collection. Intrigued, you listened carefully.
“For the past days I have been working endlessly to make this dream come true, and I finally did it. I managed to capture moments of the daily life that, for us spectators, don’t mean much when we see them on the street, but that printed and edited seems to mean a lot. This is a calling; please pay more attention to your daily life. Smell the flowers. Listen to children laugh. Have fun as you walk to work everyday at 6AM.”
People laugh at that. He did too, and you smiled, watching as his cheeks puffed out in pride. 
“The next room, though, was inspired on my own daily routine for the week I was taking these shots. I wasn’t alone that time; I was lucky to have an incredible companion with me, and unfortunately she doesn’t seem to be here, but you still get to see what I did for seven days straight.”
Lisa elbows you and your mouth is agape. You are sure you look like an idiot, but you couldn’t believe this. Was he talking about you?
“I promised this person that I would find what I was looking for– a picture worth a thousand words. How funny is it that she’s a writer?” People laugh yet again, but you can’t even muster breathing at this point. “And I did it. In the next room, you will see a series of shot of this person who now has turned into my muse. And in the center, the thousand words. Have fun, and thank you!”
Following the crowd before he could spot you, you enter this mysterious room, feeling lightheaded as you did. Your face was everywhere. 
A picture of you writing on your notebook, the sun hitting only half of your face. 
A picture of you sipping on your coffee while looking out the window. A thunder illuminating your face, contradicting the peacefulness you remember feeling that one stormy afternoon.
A picture on you laying on the grass, relaxing a little as he hunted more pictures.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” Lisa gasped. “How?”
“I don’t know.” And you really didn’t. How didn’t I notice this before?
And in the center, hanging from the ceiling, bigger than the others, you. Your eyes curious and wondering, arms up, putting your hair on a ponytail, and a coffee bar behind you. You had to admit, you looked ethereal; like a faraway beauty. And the name, written in small print, the picture worth a thousand words. Not ‘a picture,’ the picture. To say you were about to cry was an understatement. 
You walk away from the room, heels clicking on the ground and suddenly a deja-vu hits you; snap! snap! snap! The sound of the camera shutter echoing on your mind. 
So that’s what that was, you think, still walking, decidedly. He was taking pictures of me.
You find him talking to a waiter in another room, soon dismissing him with a wave and a smile. 
“Ya Kim Seungmin!” You call loudly, making him jump from the scare. His eyes go wide as he sees you approaching, stuttering nonsense and and pointing at you. “Are you crazy?”
And as you say that, your hands go to his chubby cheeks– the same ones you’ve been dying to squeeze– and pull his face towards you. Your mouth touches his and there is nothing smooth or delicate about it. It’s urgent, desperate almost, and you blush at the thought. He is quick to get out of his trance and to bring you closer with his hands on your waist. He slows down the kiss, leading you, coaching you. He does what he’s been wanting to do since he saw you and he entangles his hands on your hair. It takes a while for you two to separate, and when you do you hide your face on his chest, laughing lightly. His heart is beating like crazy.
“Warn a girl first,” You tease, raising your head to see his eyes shine in the way you love so much.
“Look who’s talking!” He gasps. “You just attacked me!”
“I just… had a lot to say.”
“And what was that?”
“A kiss is worth a thousand words,” You whisper in his ear, laughing as he shivers. “Didn’t you get the memo?”
“I don’t think so,” He pretends to think about it. “Do it again and see if it works.”
Laughing, you start approaching him again. Foreheads touch first. Eyes make contact. And just as your lips were about to touch you hear-
“Is that the girl from the pictures?!”
And if you could hit Lisa, you would.
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imagineproduce101 · 6 years
Your boss is Kang Daniel, an extremely mysterious (and handsome) man. Soon, his secrets are uncovered. 
ceo/mafia au
in the same verse as my mafia aus, but with daniel as a different character 
also when i first started this blog i put a gif of the love interest so we bringing that back yall enjoy daniel’s face
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“(y/n)? (y/n), can you come into my office?” You shook your head and quickly blinked your eyes, grabbing the phone.
“Sorry, Mr. Kang, I’ll be right there!” After quickly setting the phone back down, you scrambled to your feet, smoothing your slacks down before hurrying into your boss’s office.
“(y/n),” the velvety voice of Kang Daniel greeted you as you hastily bowed, “do you have the reports from the Hwang deal?” You nodded quickly, handing him the thick files. Your fingers brushed against his and you almost jumped, a shock traveling up the tips of your fingers. “That’s all, feel free to take your lunch break when you need to.”
“Ah, thank you!” You managed to squeak out, bowing quickly before hurrying out to your own desk. As the assistant to Kang Daniel, the CEO of ARRW Cor., you definitely had a busy life. You’d entered the company as a simple receptionist, but when Daniel’s last assistant left, your supervisor had recommended you for the job. 
As soon as you’d been introduced to the handsome man, you’d fallen head over heels. He had this strange duality about him-- handsome and cute, gentlemanly and oddly rough-- that you couldn’t help but let draw you in. 
You also soon understood why the last assistant quit. Daniel was charming, but also extremely secretive. He never let you into his office unless you were there, kept two phones, and had an extremely odd schedule. Since you were the one managing it, it became a bit frustrating to ask Daniel what he had planned, only for him to just disappear. Sometimes it would be for a few hours of the workday, but a few times it had been for days, and as his assistant it was bothersome to not know exactly what he was doing for work, especially when it came to scheduling. 
However, the pay was good and Daniel was a kind boss, so you found yourself overlooking the stranger parts of the job. 
There were a few times that you’d entertained the idea that maybe Daniel saw you in the same light. There were just a few stares, a few lingering touches on your shoulder or thigh that made your heart race. However, you dismissed the silly thoughts as soon as they entered your mind-- there was no way that Kang Daniel was interested in you. 
As you settled into your desk chair, you noticed a notification from one of your friends.
Hey, still down for drinks after work?
You smiled, immediately texting back.
yeah ofc! i just want to change and everything first
It was the tradition of you and your friends to go out for drinks once in a while, just to relax from the stress and tension of work. You definitely enjoyed spending time with your friends, especially because you weren’t able to have much free time outside of work. Even though the pay was work, Daniel demanded a lot from his assistants.
You trudged through the rest of the work day with the incentive of friends getting you through it. You sat through a long meeting, dutifully taking notes for Daniel, and arranged his schedule for the next week. After doing about an hour of filing, it was finally time to go home.
You didn’t even bother waiting for the elevator, rushing down the stairs instead to wait for your roommate to pick you up, as she drove. You quickly got into the car, laughing when she starting blasting her music at top volume. Soon, you were back at your apartment and you changed into a more fitting outfit before piling back into her car.
Your friend quickly found parking near the bar and the two of you walked over, your other friends joining you along the way. You entered with a slightly giddy feeling in your stomach, probably from the anticipation. 
After a couple of rounds of drinks you started to get tipsy, and soon you were stumbling and falling into your friends as you stood to go to the bathroom. When you came back, your friend tapped you on the shoulder.
“Hey, isn’t that your boss?” She asked curiously, pointing in the direction of a group of men dressed in fine suits. Your eyes widened at the sight of your handsome boss, and you gasped slightly.
“It is!” You slurred, but before you could start moving towards him, your friend caught you and dragged you back to your own table. Soon, another round of drinks was brought out, but you couldn’t help but glance over at Daniel a few more times. You couldn’t tell if he’d seen you or not, and soon, he was just a speck on your radar as you grew increasingly drunk.
“(y/n),” your friend slurred, “I... I think I’m going home with Donghyun oppa, will you be okay with him?”
“With who?” you blinked a few times as you looked around, your head spinning.
“Here,” you heard a familiar voice said, before you were being leaned against a firm chest.
“Wah, you smell good,” you giggled as you buried your nose in the mysterious person’s chest, breathing deeply. They just chuckled, the sound reverberating through their chest. 
“Let’s get you home, (y/n).”
The next morning, you awoke with a groan, your head pounding and your mouth dry. For a split second, a bolt of fear shot through you, thinking that you had to go into work. Luckily, relief soon washed over you-- it was Saturday. Blinking groggily, you rolled over to grab your phone, and noticed a note on it.
I left a bottle of aspirin. Feel better!
You shot up in bed instantly, wincing at the sharp pain in your skull. Horrified, you opened your phone, only to see the mountain of texts from your friends congratulating you on getting lucky with your hot boss-- apparently, Kang Daniel had been the one to take you home. 
The whole thing was incredibly embarrassing. First, there was the fact that Daniel definitely had to deal with Drunk You, and you knew from experience that it wasn’t a pleasant sight. Second, it also meant that Daniel had been inside your apartment and seen your shabby home decor and kpop posters. 
As you slowly recovered from the hangover, you tried to process everything that happened. After talking to your friends over the phone, you got a better picture of what had happened. You had been obviously drunk, tripping over your friends and stumbling into them. When you’d gone to the bartender for a glass of water, someone had tried to flirt with you, but you’d turned them down. The person didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and Daniel intervened when they started getting handsy. After that, he’d asked your friends if he could drive you home, since they were all far too drunk to do so, or going home with someone else. 
You still couldn’t believe that everything had happened, and you truly couldn’t tell if it was a blessing or a curse. 
On Monday morning, however, you quickly decided it was a curse. You greeted Daniel with your usual smile, but instantly felt your cheeks heat up as you remembered Friday night. Your boss smiled back at you, and you were thankful that he didn’t mention anything.
“(y/ n),” Daniel called as you dropped a few files off in his office, “you remember that we have a meeting on Wednesday, right?”
You nodded, “do you need me to prep the files for it now?” Daniel had a fairly big meeting with a few investors that would determine a lot for the company, and the two of you would be driving there on Wednesday for the meeting. 
Daniel looked up at you and smiled that charming smile that made your heart race, “it’s alright, if you have time tonight you can do it, but if you need to do it tomorrow there’s no rush.”
You nodded and bowed quickly before hurrying back to your desk. You had a lot of work to get through, and wanted to get through it as soon as possible. Daniel also had a meeting that afternoon, though it was less important than the one coming up, and you had to prepare for that as well.
A few hours flew by, and soon Daniel was stopping by your desk, eyebrows raised.
You quickly got to your feet, your clipboard in one hand and pen in the other. “Ready,” you echoed softly, following the handsome man as he strode down the hall to the conference room. As soon as he entered, he commanded the attention of everyone in the room. Daniel took the place at the head of the table while you stood off to the side, taking notes on what happened. 
Meetings like this one always tended to bore you slightly. You didn’t really understand the jargon that was always being tossed around, and the conference room was always warm and stuffy, so when a brief break was called, you breathed in relief, heading out to the break room quickly after checking in with Daniel.
As you stood there sipping a cup of cold water, one of the men from the meeting slipped inside.
“Hey,” he smiled at you, reaching over to grab a mug, “pretty boring meeting, huh?”
You blinked at him before smiling back rather tentatively, “I guess,” you shrugged, not really knowing what to say. 
“I’m Luke, I work with the legal team,” the man introduced himself, taking a sip of coffee, “are you an intern here?”
You raised an eyebrow at that question, “no, actually, I’m Mr. Kang’s assistant.” You’d heard of Luke from legal-- he was notorious for hitting on the college interns that were hired every year. 
Luke just nodded at your response before looking you up and down, “well, Mr. Kang is very lucky to have such a pretty assistant.” You smiled tightly at that, still unsure of how to respond. 
“(y/n)?” Daniel stood in the door of the break room. If you didn’t know any better, he looked pissed-- eyes dark, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and jaw clenched. “We’re starting soon. Luke, you should head back too.”
“Right, sorry!” You hurried to put your glass in the sink and followed him out the door, almost having to jog just to keep up with his fast strides.
The rest of the meeting dragged on, except for the awkward moments when Luke made eye contact with you. Something about him made you uncomfortable (probably the part where he kept hitting on you without any signals). When the meeting finally ended, you couldn’t have been more happy to hurry to follow Daniel out the door. 
As the two of you boarded the elevator to get back to your floor, Daniel struck up conversation.
“So, Luke, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, glancing down at you. Your cheeks flushed at that.
‘Ah, no, not really,” you shook your head, “we were just talking.”
“Hm,” Daniel hummed. The slightly irritating look from the break room was back, and you were definitely confused. “He asked me to give this to ‘the pretty assistant’.”
You looked down in horror at Daniel’s outstretched hand holding a piece of paper that very clearly had Luke’s name and phone number on it. Shaking your head, you pushed the paper back towards Daniel. “You can give it back to him-- I’m not interested and I never was, I don’t know why he’s so pushy.”
Daniel seemed to instantly relax, his charming smile reappearing as he crumpled the paper and shoved it into his pants’ pocket. “So, are you ready for the Wednesday meeting?” he asked, steering the conversation elsewhere. You were glad for the diversion, feeling slightly uncomfortable with everything that had happened. 
“Alright, do you have the files?”
You nodded quickly, holding up the large manila envelope. Daniel nodded, before opening the car door for you. Blushing, you quickly slipped inside, smoothing down your messy hair as you did so. Daniel got in on the other side and then signaled to the driver that you two were ready. 
It Wednesday, and the two of you were off to the meeting with the investors.
“Ah, I hope this goes well,” Daniel sighed, tugging on his tie absentmindedly, “we really do need the investors on board.”
You looked over at Daniel with a shy smile, “I’m sure you’ll do well,” you commented softly, “you’re quite charming when you want to be.” As you said that, your eyes flitted down to his tie, which was crooked. Your fingers itched to fix it.
“Oh?” Daniel met your gaze, smiling slightly, “I’m charming?”
You flushed, looking down at his tie again. “Here,” you reached out to fix it, trying to do anything to get Daniel to stop looking at you as your cheeks got redder and redder. When you looked back up, Daniel was still looking at you with that same small smile.
“Boss?” The driver looked into the rear view mirror, the quiet moment ruined, “the same car’s been tailing us since we pulled out from the lot.”
Daniel cursed under his breath, leaning forward slightly. You glanced over at the man in confusion. “Call Euiwoong, run the license plate number. Might not be anything to worry about.”
“Mr. Kang?” You asked worriedly, watching the two men, “what’s going on?”
Daniel looked over at you with a tight smile, “nothing, for now. Just don’t panic, alright?”
You nodded with wide eyes, imagination running wild at what might be going on.
“Boss, Euiwoong confirmed, it’s an SVT vehicle, owned by Joshua Hong, but it’s probably not him driving,” the driver reported, “what do you want to do?”
Daniel cursed again, looking over at you and biting his lip worriedly. “(y/n),” he said quietly, meeting your gaze again. This time, the feeling in the air was much more serious, “do you trust me?”
Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up at him, still in total confusion. “Y-yea,” you whispered back, the word getting stuck. 
“Sungwoon, try to lose them for a couple of minutes and then pull over, we’ll get (y/n) to HQ before any shooting starts happening,” Daniel commanded, his attitude totally changing. The car screeched suddenly as the driver took a sharp left, the speed almost doubling as the car raced down an empty street before making another sharp turn. Daniel whipped out his cell phone, dialing a number. “Seongwoo, I need backup. I have a civilian with me, need a pickup at the usual spot, get them to safety. Make sure their identity isn’t compromised.” With that, he slid the phone back into his pocket and reached under the seat to grab something. 
“What’s going on?” You asked again, this time more panicked. Daniel reached over, looking you dead in the eyes.
“(y/n), I’m so sorry to have dragged you into this,” he whispered, eyes darting over your face, “here, put this on and pull the hood up, make sure no one sees your face.” You nodded, quickly tugging the hoodie on. It smelled of expensive cologne and smoke, the scent washing over you as you pulled the hood over your head. 
“Boss, we’re here,” the driver announced, pulling over to the curb with a screech.
“Okay, (y/n),” Daniel looked over at you, speaking quickly, “as soon as you get out of the car, run inside that building. Only talk to Ong Seongwoo, no one else, okay?” You nodded, still dumbfounded about what was going on. Daniel’s aura softened for a moment, and it was then that you realized his hand was gripping yours tightly. He leaned forward slightly and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, making your eyes widen. “Stay safe, (y/n).”
“Boss, now!”
You quickly opened the car door and nearly fell out of the vehicle, racing to get inside the building. Almost as soon as your hand was on the door, you heard the sound of tires screeching against the pavement-- three cars had caught up to Daniel’s. You almost screamed when you saw someone lean out of one of the car windows with a gun, and would have if someone hadn’t yanked you inside. 
“Ong Seongwoo?” Was the first thing you demanded as you came face-to-face with a handsome man about Daniel’s height, with brown hair and a lithe figure. 
“That’s me,” the man-- Seongwoo-- replied, nodding, “c’mon, follow me. SVT won’t do anything here-- I’m surprised those bastards even dared show their face in this part of town, let alone on that street.”
“Backup’s on their way for Daniel, hyung,” someone else, a guy with orange-red hair, came up to the two of you, handing Seongwoo a tablet that seemed to be tracking Daniel’s location.
“Did we get a hand on who’s in that car?” Seongwoo asked, following the guy. You hurried to follow, cursing your short legs.
“Yeah, Hyeongseop said driving patterns indicate it’s Yoon Jeonghan driving,” the guy responded, “the other two cars are unknown.”
Seongwoo cursed, looking down at the map on the tablet. As the two men continued talking, you felt yourself getting more and more irritated. 
“Can someone just tell me what the hell is going on?” You finally shouted, glaring at Ong Seongwoo. He looked over at you, surprised at how loudly you’d yelled. “Please?” Seongwoo and the other guy traded long glances, and the other guy shrugged.
“You know that Daniel really didn’t want this to happen,” the other guy said bluntly, walking off, “just saying!” Seongwoo groaned, looking down at you. 
“(y/n)-- it is (y//n), right?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” you nodded, following Seongwoo’s much slower pace. He walked down a side corridor, sighing heavily.
“Look, (y/n)...” Seongwoo looked down at you as he paused outside a door, “just... Daniel’s a good guy. It might not seem like it, but he really likes you, and I get if you don’t like him as well, but you’ve kind of gotten involved with all this, and yeah.”
“What?” You still had absolutely no idea what was going on, or what Daniel’s deal was, but all those worries were completely overshadowed by what Seongwoo had just said.
“This is... this is his office,” Seongwoo said, before pushing the door open.
“Office? Why does he need a seco--” your question was cut off as you took in the room, eyes widening. 
Huge maps of the city were pinned up on the walls, and papers were piled high on his desk. A bottle of unopened liquor sat on a coffee table, and an expensive pair of brandy glasses were next to it. Hanging on the walls were at least three machine guns, and you spotted a handgun on the desk.
“Wha--” you looked back at Seongwoo, who seemed completely unfazed. 
“You might want to wait for Daniel to come back,” Seongwoo said bluntly, before motioning to the expensive-looking leather couches, “I don’t think I’d be the best person to explain all of this.”
You nodded slowly, taking a seat on the couch. You looked around you, still trying to process what the hell was going on. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Seongwoo said, before shutting the door behind him. As silence crept into the room, you got to your feet, looking around you. A part of you was scared that Daniel had been lying to you this entire time about whatever this was, but a different part of you was downright furious. A small mirror hung on one of the walls and you observed your expression in it, only just remembering that you were still wearing Daniel’s hoodie. You stared at your reflection for a moment longer before cursing under your breath.
You tugged the hoodie on over your head to conceal your identity once more and stormed out of the room, slamming the door to Daniel’s office shut behind you. You walked with confidence, and as you strode out of the tall building, no one said a word to you, probably not even realizing that you were the one who had gotten out of Daniel’s car just minutes earlier.
After walking for a few blocks, you called one of your friends, asking her to drive you back to your apartment. As you sat in the passenger seat, your friend chattering away, you tipped your head back and sighed deeply.
Everything is changing.
The next morning you got to work on the early side. While you were definitely still processing all the events, you’d finally been able to wrap your brain around what had happened. The only question remained—who exactly was Kang Daniel? You got off the elevator quickly, striding forward with a strange, newfound confidence thrumming through your body. The office floor was empty and you narrowed your eyes on your target—Daniel’s office. Surprisingly enough, the office was unlocked, and you stepped inside, eyes sweeping the neat room. It was such a contrast to his messy office of the other building, a fact that made you smile slightly. Heart pounding slightly at how bold your actions were, you started looking around, peering at bookshelves and on his desk. Then, a small drawer in the desk caught your eye. It was situated just to the right of where Daniel would have sat. Frowning, you drew it open, and your eyebrows instantly shot up as you caught sight of the sleek black handgun sitting in there.
“You came back.”
You whirled around, heart pounding even harder as you made eye contact with Daniel.
“Yeah,” you replied, shutting the drawer quietly, “I came back.”
Daniel stepped forward slightly before pausing in the door. He sighed, “(y/n), I… I’m really sorry.”
You frowned, coming out from behind the desk to face him fully, “who are you?” You asked, eyes still trained on him, “why do you have a gun in your desk?”
Daniel stepped around you and opened the drawer, a twisted smile coming to his lips. “(y/n), have you ever heard of the 101?”
You looked back at him, realization dawning on you. The 101 was an underground crime syndicate with their feet in nearly every industry possible. “So this company…”
“it’s just a front,” Daniel nodded slowly, “for arms trading.”
“Then why would you hire me?” You asked softly, looking down at the floor, “why wouldn’t you tell me?”
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “I was being selfish,” he confessed, his ears turning pink with his words, “I wanted to keep you safe, keep you close to me.” He took a deep breath, slightly shakily, “(y/n), I really like you, and I just wanted to care for you.”
You looked back up at Daniel, meeting his heavy gaze. “Why would you like someone like me?”
“Because,” Daniel smiled slightly, “(y/n), you’re simply captivating.”
You felt your cheeks heating up at that, looking back down at the ground.
“Here,” Daniel said brightly, reaching down to take your hand, “why don’t I drive you home? You had a long day yesterday, you deserve to rest.”
“Wait, what about work?” You blinked up at the taller man. Daniel smirked a little at that, making your heart beat even faster.
“I gave everyone the day off,” he said cheekily, “I figured you might want to rest.”
You looked up at Daniel for a moment, summoning up your last ounces of courage before standing on your tip-toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you,” you said shyly, watching as a huge, adorable smile spread across Daniel’s face. He slung an arm around your shoulder, drawing you closer as the two of you walked out of the office.
did not expect this to be so long wow
sorry that i didn’t post yesterday! i was trying to finish this and i procrastinated on a huge project for one of my classes so i had to do everything last night.... 
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rafaelribeirosoares · 6 years
The drunkest Private Investigator of New York continues her job after the unsettling events that took the city by surprise, as Kilgrave left in his wake a significant count of senseless deaths while he tried to regain control over Jessica. Fortunately, she was able to kill him and soon after, Jessica became involved with other enhanced people, as she came across an investigation that led her, and the others, to solve and deter The Hand’s evil plan. What could be left for Jessica Jones after that? Her past… We don’t know anything about her past!
Jessica continues performing what she’s good at after the events of The Defenders. Which in other words, mean to say stalking people and drinking booze. The PI has to deal with a new supervisor of the building, a man who is not fond of people with abilities because they always cause trouble. And trouble is something that this man clearly does not want. Trish has a love interest and feeds her relationship to the media with a prominent journalist to earn even more heat towards her public figure. As for Malcolm, he tries his best to keep his job as Jessica’s assistant while fighting off his addiction through other ends.
While Jessica heard other proposals, seeking her services as a PI, she ignored another human with abilities who told her that he was being a target of a secret organization. Jessica’s sense fooled her this time, and the man that contacted her ended up dead, by what seemed to be a mere coincidence if witnessed by someone with an untrained eye. This functions as the catalyst that sends Jessica investigating an organization named IGH, which seems to be cleaning up after the experiments that it performed. Leaving proof, living included, seems not to be an option. But Jessica isn’t about to stay idle on this one.
This season is all about the past of Jessica and Trish, telling the spectators why exactly these sisters behave the way they do. Jessica uncovers what made her super, but also where the rest of her family is… Which is not in the best place or company.
Once she found her, Jessica has mixed feelings about what to do with her mother, now knowing that she needs anger management, in the form of a serum to sedate her. Trish and Malcolm also operate on their own, and sometimes together, as the two of them have a past with drugs in common but also different confrontations towards it in the present. Ultimately, they force Jessica’s hand by following their sense of justice, thus changing Jessica’s plans, no matter how much it cost her.
Mad props to the Jeri Hogarth storyline! In this season she found out to have ALS, a disease which causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles, and her colleagues pressed her to leave the firm before she could do any harm to its reputation. Jeri gets Jessica and later, somewhat replaced her with Malcolm to find any possible dirt on her colleagues. She also stumbled upon an enhanced individual, who was in jail, with the ability to heal anyone, as said by a nurse who had been working for IGH before. How that side story ended… It was both sad and deeply satisfying…
  There’s also an appearance of Kilgrave, within Jessica’s mind, taunting her about Jessica’s own frustrations about being a superhero. I really love this villain and the actor who plays him. There are soul and charisma in this performance!
The addition of a love interest for Jessica was a good and clever one. Especially because he arrived with a kid and a bunch of problems regarding his past life and a crazy ex-wife. Having heard that Jessica was an enhanced human, they had an initial frontal shock, but that was settled afterward. In the end, Jessica learned what had happened to her before, but also that she couldn’t always have her way despite her powers. Sooner or later she would have to accept the image of the hero that the common people saw in her. Now with her love interest and his son, she probably will.
I believe everyone was surprised to see a substantial change in Jessica Jones in this second season. The formula changed, and not exactly for the best in my opinion. It was still interesting to see our characters delving deeper into their past, as they confronted who they were before and compared to whom they are in the present.
The plot was captivating, although the danger level was at an all-time low. Jessica Jones does not have an emphasis on superhero combat, but the investigation part does keep your attention hooked. The show is somewhere in between the average level but it does increase when you think of it as a season in between shows, so if you’re following Daredevil and Luke Cage, (Not gonna talk about Iron Fist for obvious reasons… Check the review here) which its next season is also arriving soon, you probably don’t want to skip this season of Jessica Jones just for the sake of keeping up with the events related to the Defenders.
Jessica Jones S.2 - A Trip To The Past, In The Present Time #jessicajones #marvel #netflix #review The drunkest Private Investigator of New York continues her job after the unsettling events that took the city by surprise, as Kilgrave left in his wake a significant count of senseless deaths while he tried to regain control over Jessica.
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cloelia1987 · 7 years
Blue Exorcist Theory #1
This in an old theory of mine from before chapter 90 came out. I posted it on The Blue Knight forum months ago but since the site is currently “down” I thought about posting it here. WARNINGS: I’m a talkative freak and my English is... *cough*
Dear crescenti-C, here it is! :)
As for chapter 89's last pages, we're left with Yukio confronting Rin, the first visibly pissed at the latter's lack of curiosity toward their origins. Ok, I'll take it from here.
I highly doubt that Yukio is gonna gain something out of this confrontation. Unable to get a real explanation out of his bro as to why he doesn't care that much about discovering the truth behind their birth, Yukio (in a fit of anger) will get out of bed and make his way off the room. Rin could try to stop him (as he's standing near the door) and will at least ask him where is he going, but will get no real answer. Seeing how much Yukio is irritated, he'll decide to let him be.
After Suguro and co. fly to Kyoto, Yukio may try to meet Lightning in private in order to get from him some info about what happened at the monastery (using his smart talking style and so on) and taking advantage of the fact that Suguro (and Shima=the Illuminati pressure) are away. Yukio starts off declaring that he suspects that Lightning is investigating something related to his and Rin's past, that's why he went to the monastery. I do believe that Yukio is smart enough to have guessed that the priest (Misumi) died coz of the Morinas contract's demon who killed him and not for natural causes as officially stated (we're never shown Yukio approaching Misumi's coffin neither before or after overhearing that Lightning was at the monastery the morning the guy died, but it's not hard for me to imagine, after hearing that, that Yukio may have gone back to where Misumi's coffin is placed to take a look at his neck and find out the symbol of the contract). Anyway, If that's the case, that would mean that the guy was keeping some secret and was forced to reveal it, thus breaking the contract and having the demon take his life (Yukio himself has a Morinas contract on him, so he knows how it works). And the one who forced him to break that contract was... Lightning. Lightning may be impressed by the way Yukio puts together all the pieces. He could laugh at his face and compliment him. At this point, Yukio asks Lightning if what he's truly investigating is the Blue Night incident.
At this point I do think that Lightning may be "tempted" to talk to Yukio about what he learned so far about Asylum and Section 13, he could even be somewhat "amazed" by Yukio's talent and could like the idea to have him join the investigation in a active way. But, I don't think he will accept to let Yukio actually join (the Okumura bros are part of the equation too, afterall). At this point, Lightning will decline Yukio's offer to help him investigate the Blue Night and will take his leave from him. We will be shown an amused Mephisto watching the whole scene from a distance. Yukio, at this point, may receive a call and be reminded that the exorcists exams' day is about to approach and he has to reunite with the other teachers in order to organize matters. This will keep Yukio's mind busy for a lil while.
There's a time skip and we finally get to the day of the infamous exorcist exam. Like, now this could be a perfect chance to fk everything up :D What I pictured in my head is that in this day, the exwires and all of the teachers reunite in a place to run a "final test" (*insert any kind of test you'd expect to see for a exorcist exam*). The Kyoto trio is back, and Shiemi may show up just to support her friends in the day they may officially become exorcists. Things between Rin and Yukio are still awkward. Shura notices something. Lightning is there too (btw, is he still one of the cram school's teachers? We're not shown him teaching lessons for a while now, so I'm not sure). Mephisto obviously is there too. And he obviously has a plan.
Mephisto knows that Yukio has shared a conversation with Lightning (he obviously knows that it was about the Blue Night). At this point, with the official excuse of "restraining Yukio before he gets to discover -too much- on his own" Mephisto sets in motion his plan. Toward the end of the exam, some True Cross "agents" (*insert a role here*) show up announcing they've been sent by the Grigori with the order to put Okumura Yukio under arrest. GENERAL SHOCK. Without adding any detail, the "agents" proceeds to take Yukio into custody. Rin watches the scene in total awe, as everyone else. Yukio is left speechless but looks like he's about to burst. As the agents approaches him, Shura loses it and asks em what is Yukio exactly accused of. They finally declare that Okumura Yukio is put under arrest for having been found "unclear" during some of his latest "daily tests". Being the son of Satan's brother but having only recently developed a change in his "genes", the Grigori wish to keep him in isolation as a potential threat, also to better analyze the situation. At this, everyone is even more shocked.
Yukio knows for sure that what the agents are stating is not true, but he's mixed with having doubts (since his genes may have finally started to "mutate" due to his demonic powers) or... that being all Mephisto's doing! He stares at Mephisto from a distance with a blank expression and find his confirmation in Mephisto's amused grin. In that moment, Yukio recalls Lucifer's words (about him lacking protection and risking to be held captive in case the secret of his eyes was found out... or worse, even executed) and starts to inwardly panick. Rin finally snaps and tries to stop the agent who's bringing Yukio away. He screams out that it's impossible that Yukio possesses any demonic power and that there's no reason to take him away like that. He tries his best to defend Yukio. At this, Yukio recalls that same old memory of his big bro protecting him when they were kids. At this, anger builds up and as Rin is still interceding for him, Yukio screams: "Stay out of it! THIS IS MY PROBLEM!" Rin is taken aback. After a moment he asks Yukio if it's ok for him if they arrest him with that accuse. Rin: "I mean, it's not true that you possess Satan's power. They're lying ..." Yukio: "... and what if they're not?" *insert Yukio's evil glare* *Rin instantly paralyzes*
In the general silence, the agents keeps to bring Yukio away. But... Lightning makes his move and helps him... evade! Yukio is not willing to accept Lightning's help at first, but the guy jumps close to him, enough to whisper him that he got a plan. Yukio, confused and slightly scared for his fate, decides to trust him and runs away while Lightning keeps the agents busy.
Mephisto is ok with this, though. With no place for him anymore into the True Cross Order (being now a fugitive and all), prolly this situation will finally force Yukio to knock at the Illuminati's door, as he secretely desires.
The agents start chasing Yukio. The situation eventually sets down. The first to show some kind of reaction is Shura which walks towards Mephisto and grabs him by his neck. She asks him if this is all his doing. Mephisto, to calm her, confess (even if it's not true) that he organized that plan in order to protect Yukio from the Illuminati which have been secretely trying to recruit him. Suguro glares at Shima, who simply flashes him his trademark smile. Rin is in total shock. A few hrs drop by and the exwires are back in the cram school and are still trying to process the situation. Shiemi tries to confort Rin, alongside the others. In  that moment, one of the teachers enters the room to announce the results of the exams. Everyone is promoted to Exorcist rank in their respective Meisters. But no one feels like celebrating at all.
Mephisto makes his appearance and congratulates the students. He announces that he got his first mission for em as official exorcists... the mission carries a direct order from the Grigori emselves...
And... The Yukio Rescue Arc officially begins!
Mephisto is accompanied by Lightning, who was previously summoned by the Grigori for an explanation as to why he "helped" Yukio run away. Lightning tells the exwires, pardon, now EXORCISTS that the reason he "approached" Yukio was to mark him with a "sylph bell" (the same thing he used on Shima to keep track of his movements). -- Lightning managed to convince the Grigori he wasn't purposely helping Yukio make his run. Btw, after succeding in becoming a exorcist, Rin finally fulfilled the main condition that the Grigori put on him, so he's now officially "recognized" as a weapon of the Order and thus 100% an ally of it.. -- Since this will be the first official mission for the exorcists, Lightning (also cause he's the one in control of the sylph, thus he's the only one who can track its location) is assigned to the group as a "special guest support and supervisor". The role of leader is assigned to Miwa (for the strategic capabilities he showed during the exam, making him the "captain" of the group in place of Yukio). Mephisto declares that he had to work hard in order to persuade the Grigori into not being too harsh toward Yukio for his demeanor. After a long debate, the Grigori eventually accepted to show some "clemency", but on one condition. The Grigori specifically request for Rin, as Yukio's brother, to convince him to surrender to the "capture order" on his own will (the Grigori want to test Rin's loyalty to the Order).
If Yukio will cooperate, the Grigori will not "punish" him for his escape and simply take him into custody as initially planned. Also, being the leader of the mission, Miwa will be held responsible in case of any eventual suspect activity (the Grigori trust that the group will not take wild initiatives knowing that this will result in a punishment for their own friend). That being said, the mission begins. Shiemi wishes good luck to the team before they set for their journey. Tracking down the sylph, Lightning guides the group till they reach the middle of some giant forest infested of demons. (take into consideration that a few hrs went by) At some point, Lightning states that he's having some trouble tracking the "signal" of his sylph. So the group pauses for a while. During this time, they have some talk. Suguro watches Rin and can't help but notice how he's been awfully quiet and collected since Yukio's escape. Suguro remembers when Rin tried to "cheer him up" back when they discovered Shima was a spy. So he walks toward Rin and tries to comfort him (also to repay him for his help). At first, Rin doesn't open up but at some point , he snaps and screams out what it's really troubling him.
Of all things, he feels like he just hasn't done enough. He knew that Yukio was hiding something, but he never did enough to prove him that he could be considered someone to count on. When Yukio screamed to him to stay out of the way (back when the agents were arresting him) and seconds later "confirmed" that the Grigori's accuse was right, Rin, for the first time, felt like he couldn't recognize his own brother. Rin blames himself that things turned that way. He was so shocked he could do nothing but watch his brother been taken away. Meanwhile, Lightning heard it all from where he's standing. He's stricken by Rin's words and his genuine show of humanity (something which Lightning loves). Rin is so in the mood to share his feelings that he ends up mentioning that lil "argument" over the truth behind his and Yukio's birth that the bros had days before. At this point, Rin mentions that, even if he feels sorry for Yukio... he has a reason for not wanting to touch that matter. Lightning can't help but walk toward him and pry: "What do you mean...?"
Flashback time: back when he was a kid, after Yukio enquired for yet another time his and his brother's birth circumstances, Rin accidentally heard Shiro talk over the phone to someone. Shiro says something like "I want you to get rid of any information about it. Don't keep it hidden, simply destroy it. Yeah... He keeps asking about it. And we can't risk that one day HE finds out the truth. Yukio MUST NOT ever know!"
Rin didn't know what Shiro was really talking about, but the serious look over his face made him believe it was something quite terrible. So, through not feeding Yukio's curiosity, he was somehow trying to protect Yukio, in his own way. Lightning's eyes literally widen. Eventually, the sylph starts giving off his signal again. But at some point, the signal stops moving. The group reaches the area but... only the sylph is found there. Everyone assumes that Yukio got rid of it and run away. With no clues as to which way he may have run to, the group has no choice but to make its way back to the Academy.
Meanwhile, Shura, who was left in the Academy, paid a visit to the medical equipe which was running the daily tests on Yukio... She asks one of the doctors to do her a lil favor... and to keep it a secret.
Miwa and Lightning go to report to the Grigori. After they're done, Lightning departs from Miwa and uses a key to access a special room... and... Yukio's there! --- The special room is located in a place that Mephisto's power should not be able to reach (or possesses a special aura that keeps it from being "sensed" by him *insert what you prefer* I imagine something like a room the Vatican HQ used in a very far past, before Mephisto joined the Order. They used to use it in order to discuss special matters w/out the risk of being "heard" or "seen" by the Ba'al. Ok... *insert what you prefer*). As Lightning walks toward Yukio, we discover that Lightning "slipped" a copy of that key into one of Yukio's pockets back when he helped him run away from the agents. With something like a flashback, we're shown the moment Lightning told Yukio he got a plan to help him escape. He summoned the sylph and simply whispered Yukio to let it guide him. The sylph showed Yukio the way to a safe place with an abandoned building, he then used the key to enter that room. The sylph separated from him and hid itself in the forest, where Rin and co. found it.
Lightning and Yukio share a long talk. Lightning asks Yukio if it's true that he's developing some demonic power, as the Grigori states. Yukio answers that he's not sure. Lightning notices a weird look on Yukio's face. He then asks Yukio why he wants to investigate the Blue Night. Yukio is taken aback but this question. Lightning then asks if what Yukio is really interested in is uncovering the truth behind his and his brother birth. At first, Yukio doesn't say anything. Then, he states that he thinks it's only natural wanting to know something like that. Especially in his and Rin's case. At this point, Lightning looks into Yukio's eyes and asks him if he craves power. Yukio is in shock. Lightning keeps up his inquiry and asks him if he's actually envious of his brother (and HIS power). Still more shock for Yukio. He finally asks him: "Why are you so shocked? Maybe I asked the wrong question... Let me try again... Is it actually his DEMONIC side what you're envious of or... maybe it's his HUMAN side?". *dun dun dun* I expect Lightning to laugh loud and hard after this, just to break the tension of the moment. He finally tells Yukio that, unfortunetely, he can't allow Yukio to help him out with the Blue Night investigation. Yukio is like: "WHAT??" (obviously, Lightning wants to keep Yukio away from the truth because of what Rin said during their previous mission. All he knows, is that Shiro wanted Yukio to absolutely stay away of it. Lightning doesn't know why, but wants to find out on his own) For the time being, Lightning tells Yukio to stay hidden in the special room. Yukio tries to argue, but Lightning approaches the door and makes his leave. --- A couple days pass by, and Rin and friends got to take care of some minor tasks, like dispatch some low level demons. They're sometimes dispatched to check on the barriers. No big missions at all. One day Rin stops by the supply's shop for an order he's been sent to pick up and has a chat with Shiemi. There're no news about Yukio, but even if the rescue mission was a total failure, Mephisto somehow managed to get the Grigori to leave it on stand by. Lately the barriers had been quite unstable, so all the exorcists were requested to not leave the Academy and to be prepared to take care of any slip off. Shiemi believes that Yukio is allright and tries to confort Rin. After a while, Shiemi accompanies Rin to the exit of the shop. Amaimon is watching the scene from a distance. Lightning is wondering around the cram school corridors with a bag when he's approached by Suguro. The guy has no doubts that his "master" is keeping Yukio hidden somewhere and says it aloud. Lightning smiles and asks him to not make such accusations so lighly in the middle of the place where they were standing. Suguro peeks over his own shoulder to verify if anyone is watching em. Lightning asks him to relax and simply states that everything's under control. He adds that even their investigation about the Blue Night may be approaching his final stage very soon. He then resumes walking. Suguro asks him where is he going and Lightning answers that he got an appointment with a certain someone. As Lightning is walking past Suguro, he peeks at the bag for a sec and notices something (in particular, that there're 2 hamburgers, but we're not shown this). Lightning gave Suguro a hint on purpose.
Flashback right after Lightning has made his report to the Grigori with Miwa and before he goes to see Yukio in the room where he's keeping him hidden: while he's walking out of HQ, Lightning  takes his leave from Miwa and is approached by Shura who tells him he got something to talk to him about. They walk into a special room, which Shura opens with one of her keys. She then throws a few papers over a table placed in front of her. The papers are copies of Yukio's tests proving that nothing's wrong with the results and he's 100% still human. Shura throws over the same table a copy of the test proving that Yukio got something off in the map of his genes (the copy which the Grigori agents were talking about when they accused him).
To be sure, after Yukio ran away when the agents tried to arrest him, Shura walked back to the dorms in search of some samples she could use in order to run a new test. She handed the samples to a couple medical equipe doctors of her trust (from two different branches than the Japan's) and got from both of em the same results. Yukio got nothing demonic in his body. But... as Lightning is watching the papers... something on the copy testifying that Yukio got some demonic genes catches his attention. Right beneath Yukio's generalities is written: 005. *dun dun dun* Lightning checks the same data on all the other copies provided from Shura. But... that single data is not present in neither of em. Those particular numbers remind him of something... and a flashback plays in his mind. While Shura is still talking, she catches a glimpse of the mutated expression over Lightning's face. Before she can ask him something, Lightning asks her if she can do him a favor. Flashback's over. Lightning reaches a door and opens it. Yukio is sitting on the floor, bracing his own legs, apparentely sleeping. Lightning walks toward him and puts the bag right beside him, picking something up from it. The sound of the plastic bag awakens Yukio. Lightning flashes him a smile and sits right in front of him, across of him. Yukio says nothing. Lightning unfolds the hamburger he retrieved from the bag and starts eating it. The room is hot (it's a special room w/out any windows or air vent valves). Yukio stares at the bag and notices that there's an other hamburger in it, which Lightning brought for him, alongside some change of clothes (which he states had Suguro wash, so they were clean). Lightning asks Yukio if he got a chance during the last days to cool off his mind (then he laughs at his own words. Afterall, that room was WAY too hot to help cool anything). Yukio says nothing. After a while, he starts talking.
Yukio recalls the time when Rin acknowledged himself as the son of Satan (after the fight with the Impure King). That was the moment a painful realization played in his mind: no matter all he ever accomplished throughout his life, in the end Yukio didn't know who he was. No matter what, he was still unable to define his own identity. Lightning listens to his words, and after a while states that, for starters, that's one thing he can say he is for sure: a human. Yukio's expression slightly changes. Lightning adds that the answer to what he was looking for is right beneath his eyes, he just can't see it.
Lightning tells Yukio that he's lived his whole life trapped in the middle of his human and "demonic" side. So he thinks that Yukio can take his next advice for good. Finding one's own identity is about looking at something from more than a single point of view. And if one is unable to do it on its own, then it takes someone who helps you enlarge your vision. Lightning is sure that even Rin was helped by someone to reach his realization (in fact, thinking about Shiemi and the others helped him). Lightning says that even him was helped to pick which side to fight for from someone. His grandfather. At this point, Lightning starts asking Yukio about Shiro and if he trusted him. In the end, Lightning asks Yukio if he would be willing to give up finding out about his past in order to find out who he really is. --- An other day at the cram school. Rin is walking along a corridor when he's approached by Lightning. Lightning tells him that he was just looking for him. The Grigori assigned Lightning the task to fill a record about Yukio so Lightning thought that Rin, being his brother, could help him gather some data. Rin freezes in place. Lightning tries to break his tension stating that he just needs to ask him some minor questions. They reach a cafeteria. Rin asks how the investigation is going (Lightning has been assigned exclusively to the case after the rescue mission) but Lightning keeps it vague. Rin is visibly worried. Lightning starts asking him about the data he needed in order to fill the last of the record.
The questions range from Yukio's shoe size, his diopters, his favorite color, his favorite manga genre, his fav pastimes, his type of girl... (Rin can't help but wonder how these infos can help with the investigation at all)... and in the end... his favorite food. At this, Rin answers that Yukio's fav food is sashimi. Lightning's lil grin turns into a big smile and he states that he'd like to have some of that. He adds that he heard from Suguro that Rin is a good cook, so he'd like Rin to personally cook him some sashimi. And since he's feeling particularly hungry, he'd like to have TWO rations of it. At this, Rin takes a better look at Lightning's expression and doesn't fail to notice the lil grin the man flashes him. Rin instantily realizes what Lightning is indirectly trying to tell him... Finally feeling reassured after having been worried about Yukio's whereabouts for the last days, Rin smiles himself and offers Lightning to cook him some sashimi back in the dorms.
That same evening, Lightning reaches the secret room where Yukio is hiding. As he enters it, he states that he got somthing delicious for him to eat. Yukio is looking a whole lot better now, also wearing the change of clothes that Lightning brought him. Before handing him the bag he's carrying, Lightning asks him if he's still sure about the plan they're putting up. Yukio straight answers that he's ready to set it into motion, his eyes full of confidence. At this, Lightning puts the bag next to Yukio. He states that he thought Yukio might have grown tired of those hamburgers, so he got him something more of his taste. Yukio opens the bag to catch the sight of a familiar bento box...
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ration-channel-blog · 5 years
Kitakyushu captivity murder case-part 4
~ Runaway Junko ~
Matsunaga lost his money because there were no women. Matsunaga orders Junko. "You make money!"
Junko is unwillingly to contact her home and pays money, saying "the apartment has become housework", "you have moving funds", "the child has become ill" and so on. However, my parents don't send money and Junko is at a loss.
Junko, who decided to do so, had to give money to Matsunaga, went to Yufuin after leaving her child with her aunt.
I found one live snack there and had to work there. However, Junko disappeared without working all day.
"Please forgive me to go out without saying hello to my mom. My husband committed suicide last night. I have to go home in a hurry. I will not forget this benefit," only one letter was left. The
Junko was full of guilt, "Matsunaga has died! I have committed suicide due to my absence!"
When I contacted my father, he said, "Matsunaga died is true. Please come back soon."
When I returned to my parents' house, the whole family was ready, and the Japanese room with the incense was drifting with Matsunaga's shadow.
"Oh, I'm really dead ..." Junko's tears flowed and was overwhelmed by sadness.
At that time, the closet opened up and Matsunaga jumped out. "Now! May!" The family beat Junko and made it naked. Become a horseman and hold down Junko. The eldest son with a knife is approaching Junko.
Junko loses consciousness.
The Ogata family was under control by Matsunaga. Matsunaga called a family when Junko went to Yufuin and talked about Junko's bad behavior. "Junko has committed murder and crimes. I can't get it. I need help from my family. Junko abandoned her child and ran away.
The Ogata family moved up. Originally Ogata's family was reputed as a distinguished family, and his father's chief was an officer of a local agricultural cooperative.
"Your daughter is a criminal ..." What does it do? ...! Matsunaga cleverly knocked out a weak point that cares about the body.
Thus the Ogata family was being used by Matsunaga.
Junko receives a huge sanction from Matsunaga and lost her memory. It is unclear what was done for several days. Junko had been issued a curfew for a month, and when she finally went out she had her daughter in charge of surveillance.
"I can't run away anymore ... I want to die ... If I die I'll be troubled with Matsunaga and Toraya's daughter. I will die when nobody is there ..." Junko tries to escape but she is blocked from running away by her daughter and Matsunaga I was punished again.
Even though her daughter was killed, her father was still Matsunaga. When my father died, there was a written pledge "I killed my father," and I could not escape.
Junko wanted to take heart with the children, but the children hated Junko and couldn't. Of course, it is Matsunaga who was directed to make Junko indulge. She used to blow her mother's bad mouth into the children every day, saying, "If this woman does anything, ask the next person for help. This woman is a murderer!"
The caring for the child was taken by a daughter who became junior high school, and when the children became sick, they were subjected to violence from the child.
~ Family family ~
The family was not open. Matsunaga paid attention to the Ogata family mainly as a gold. Matsunaga offered talks to Junko's parents.
"If it's time to break up, it's okay to break up, but in the meantime, I want to get some money."
Matsunaga energized Junko in front of her parents. While the parents were astonished that "your daughter had such an eye ...", they trembled with the thought, "If an offending daughter comes back, the Ogata family is over ...".
If you solve with money ... and paid Matsunaga and summarized the negotiations. It is as Matsunaga thought.
Finally, Matsunaga is like this. "I will take over two children"
"I can't do that!" Junko's willing to part is cut off and decides to keep up with Matsunaga.
Junko's sister Rieko, who thought that her parents went out suspiciously, consulted her husband.
Kazuya was a former police officer and an adopted son of an Ogata family, who worked in the same working place as a tall man. Kazuya was distrustful to Matsunaga. It is a difficult opponent for Matsunaga.
One day Matsunaga called her parents and Kazuya at home. It is a talk about Junko. Junko, who has no acquaintance and only bad information for Kazuya, was a troublesome sister-in-law.
Matsunaga treated Kazuya as a "customer". Kazuya was completely forgiving. And Matsunaga came to go drinking frequently and often heard the complaints and consultations. Matsunaga, who heard the roots of private matters, began to use chopsticks.
"Mr. Kazuya, you are being deceived by the Ogata family. It is being used. The Ogata family may be a great family, but the contents are rotten."
"If you try from the Ogata family, you are just a stallion."
"Are you fooled like this and you still don't notice? It's really stupid! Rie is being fooled by you! Such a woman is jealous!"
In this way Kazuya has become as Matsunaga says. Furthermore, Matsunaga controls Junko's sister Rieko. I asked Rieko for a private story in the same way, and asked him to get along with the lord.
When Rieko consults with Matsunaga that she was forced to have sex in the early morning, she says, "What's wrong is it to force yourself! Women are ignorant! Think about Rieko's feelings!" The
In this way, the relationship between the two people got worse gradually and divorce talk began to appear, and it was Matsunaga that put it together. The two visited the house of Matsunaga frequently and consulted with them.
Ogata's parents, sisters and couples were both obsessed by Matsunaga. They traveled three hours by car to Matsunaga's house. Matsunaga paid for everything such as gasoline, and he had me write a loan book instead.
They were mentally and physically exhausted. Takashige used his land as a collateral to receive a loan of 30 million from the agricultural cooperative. The older brothers who knew this were suspiciously asked, "What are you doing, brother? What are you being cheated?"
Takashige couldn't tell his daughter's crime to relatives and kept secret. Kazuya, Rieko and Junko's mother Shizuka also became funny, and the relatives of the Ogata family contacted the police.
Matsunaga, who knew that, decided.
"Let the Ogata Family Live at Home"
~ Hell's Mansion ~
It is no exaggeration to say that the Ogata family was confined to Matsunaga. Takase, Kazuya, Rieko said that the company was absent without notice and a retirement notice was thrown into the post.
It is rumored that the Ogata family has disappeared locally. Shizumi has borrowed up to the limit with Sarah Gold and has paid 3 million to Matsunaga. The amount of money the Ogata family gave to Matsunaga is said to exceed 63 million yen.
Matsunaga, who thought that she could no longer use it as money, started to limit her living with the Ogata family, as she did.
The entrance was locked with a padlock and I could not go in and out freely. When I went out, I contacted Matsunaga every 15 minutes, and if I did not keep it, I was targeted for energizing.
Let the whole family stand in the kitchen and don't talk. When I go to bed, I go to bed in the kitchen. All clothes are worn in jerseys, and only one is worn. Laundry was only allowed occasionally. I ate a cup of ramen, confectionery bread, and within 8 minutes of once a day, with an attitude like that.
The toilet could only be used for stools, but only once a day. Other than that, they always use plastic bottles and someone was always the supervisor.
This restriction also applies to Rieko, Kazuya and his children, Aya (10 years old) and Yuki (4 years old).
By Matsunaga's ranking, the lowest person came to be energized.
~ Sex with Matsunaga ~
Matsunaga used her family skillfully to establish a relationship between Shizumi and Rieko. Shizumi was raped at the time of dating with Junko.
One day Matsunaga fucks Rieko in front of Kazuya. Kazuya was reluctant to take his stance, but after being energized by Junko, the rebellion was gone. Rieko wants Matsunaga's sex in front of Kazuya and begins to drown in pleasure.
Matsunaga laughs at it. If you go to bed with Matsunaga, your rank will rise and you will be allowed to go to bed with your futon, and you will not be eligible for energization. Therefore, all the women became rivals. I was desperate to raise my rank because I was given a priority for eating and brushing teeth.
~ Suspicious Dark Demon ~
Matsunaga installed a wiretap in the room to make the family unfriendly, and sent him to make a false statement. Rieko was the spy role, but the Ogata family did not complain at all to Matsunaga.
On the other hand, since Rieko declared himself to be a spy, he was locked in a shell saying that nobody else can trust anymore.
In this way, the whole family was desperate to raise their rank, and they could not trust their family. Even if I kicked someone down, I wanted to go on, let the fear of energisation do so.
~ Paternal death ~
In December 1997, the last-ranked father, Takashige, was subject to power on a daily basis. At one time, "I'm not good at color," and it turned out that electricity was turned on.
Takase sat straight and put a clip on his own as Matsunaga told. Takasige was patient in nature and was quietly endured even if the electricity was turned on. Matsunaga ordered Junko that "Next, a teat.
Takashige pinched the nipple with a clip. Junko turned on her electricity while cursing her father. Then, the rose fell down as it was.
"What are you doing! Give your face!" Junko yelled at his father. I don't feel so picky. Matsunaga suddenly breathed artificially, but the breath of the spirit did not blow back.
Soon, Matsunaga said, "There is no such thing as a golden tooth! Look for you!"
I searched in the whole family but I couldn't find it. Matsunaga concluded: "It's because gold teeth enter the airway and block the airway during artificial respiration."
Junko thought he wanted to raise a funeral because he could have been arrested by the police because he had been killed, but Matsunaga scorned that "all would be arrested by relatives of civil servants" and "all would be arrested" I decided to dismantle as well as the time of Torayaya.
The father's dismantling work was carried out by Junko, Shizumi, Rieko, Kazuya and Aya.
Matsunaga said, "Because I asked if Aya-Chan was dead at a shrine, so Grandpa died, because Aya-Chan's fault." Aya prayed for the death of his grandfather, because when he was living in peace, he didn't let chilly Chinese food eaten on the go.
The dismantling work lasted for 10 days and gold teeth were found in the lungs.
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namguksbaby-blog · 7 years
Discrepancies part 1 - 4120 words
Writers note: so this story kind of exploded in my mind when I had a certain naughty dream of Mutant!Namjoon after watching Logan in the cinema’s, so sorry for this word vomit of my imagination ;; This is part one and contains some rated material, part 2 shall contain heavier rated material!
This is the first time I’m writing a story, so please bear with any mistakes or ways of describing certain things/events, I’m still learning :) Thank you and....enjoy!
With a sigh I grabbed my backpack from the floor and went outside my apartment to walk to the prison a couple of miles away. I had finished my studies years ago to become a medical doctor, but the war 4 years ago ruined the entire city, leaving me with no prospect on a long term job. We all had to live with what we got, which also meant accepting jobs you never thought you would do. So this is how I started working at the local prison which kept highly dangerous mutants who formed some sort of menace to society. They needed someone with a lot of patience and knowledge of all types of medical problems, so that is where I came in handy with my several years of experience.
It was the year of 3284, an era where mutants were co-existing with mortal humans and were the result of genetic experiments gone horribly wrong. Mutants had their own unique powers and were thought to be immortal since they outlived most human beings. The mutants in this prison however were dangerous in a way that they couldn't control their own powers. This meant that any type of work done here would pay well enough to buy food and pay rent.
I entered the dark grey building which was shaped like a hectagon and was in the same state as every other building in this city: close to the point of breaking apart like a house of cards. As I walked through the corridors, I neared the medics room where I heard anxious whispers coming from other colleagues about a new mutant who was brought in last night. 'I heard he killed three little innocent children with one hand alone!' 'No, that's freaking nonsense, he can't be that heartless.' 'But didn't you see the wounds he had? His entire body was penetrated by bullets! No man could survive that.' 'Well, he must have done something horrible if he is here now, our new medic is going to be pretty busy with him.'
'Seems like the perfect job for me', I say out loud as I walked in the room, placing my backpack on the floor. 'There she is, our fresh meat! Try to stay alive eh? This is a particularly feisty one, he already injured three of our own experienced medics who tried to treat him', my supervisor said with a grin. 'They have a broken leg, heavy concussion and a two dislocated arms respectively, so let’s see how he will handle our fresh meat!', he said jovially. I really hated my boss, he always spoke of mutants as if they were merely beasts who couldn't control themselves. I knew better since I got to actually speak with them and understand their background better. Most of them were charged with crimes they did not commit, and this made me very angry. So I always tried to help them out by asking my friends who work at the law department to throw in a good word for them when it was their time to go to court. I had saved many innocent mutants this way, apart from their medical problems. 'We'll see how it goes, sir', I said, trying to regaining my composure since this guy really pissed me off.
I looked at the file of the new mutant and read the crimes he was charged for. 'Mutant number 98376, also goes by the name of Namjoon, charged for the murder on three children, ages 3, 6 and 7, most likely to be sentenced to death for this crime. Entire body is penetrated by multiple bullets and blade wounds, estimated amount of blood loss: unknown. Blood type: unknown. Mute. Age: 28. Mutant power: extraordinary strength and self-healing.' 'Well, I guess he needs a little help with his healing', I mumble to myself with a small smile. The crime he was charged with was very cruel, so I didn't know if he was truly innocent or not. 'Good luck taming the beast beauty, you're going to need it', my supervisor said with a sickening grin which made me nauseous on the spot. I smiled wryly and merely nodded my head as I walked out of the room. I wish I could throw him out of the window.
I arrived at the cell block which held the most dangerously classified mutants of any age. Most of the mutants were either screaming or crying, and it hurt my heart to listen to them. As I walked in the surveillance room, I greeted the officers in there. It was considered a high risk situation if the mutant had to be moved to the hospital adjoining the prison, so the medic would often come into the cell itself.
The mutants were chained to the floor with electrically charged metals which would fire off if they were to attack someone. The circumstances were very harsh for the mutants in here. One officer nodded at me and gestured to come outside with him. As we walked slowly through the cell block, he started explaining: 'Namjoon is a very dangerous mutant since we can't communicate with him, he mostly screams at everyone and rejects any kind of help so we need to use the chains very often. He has lost quite some blood so sometimes he just passes out and we often need to check if he's alive. Anyways, if you need any assistance, press the red button near the door, good luck newbie.'
With a nod I continued on my own to Namjoons cell. All cells contained one small window and a bed with a bucket for their sanitary needs. The only light they got was from the lightbulbs in the communicating corridor since there was barely any sunshine outside. Namjoons cell was in the corner on the far left, where the artificial light barely shone through. With small steps I approached his cell, listening to any sign of life. I started to smell dried blood which was not uncommon here at these cells.
Suddenly I heard a low growl, meaning he had already heard me coming. I took a deep breath,  regathered my courage and walked until I stood in front of the cell. While I tried to look inside, I saw no one sitting on the floor, so I tentatively held the bars and called his name with a shaky voice. Two warm, large hands suddenly encompassed my smaller ones and held my wrists captive. My breath stopped and I slowly looked up, craning my head up to see a pair of brown eyes staring at me intensely. I felt something stir inside of me and it felt like he could see through me. Namjoon was very tall, muscular, looked pretty rough and dangerous and had quite a handsome face as well, if you looked past the cuts and bruises. He was wearing a bloodied and torn tanktop which perfectly showed his bulging muscles and black jeans which were shredded as well. Even his boots were bloodied and in a bad state. His skin was cut up badly and I could see deep bullet wounds covering his arms. He didn’t say a word when he was staring at me and eyeing me up and down. I swear I heard him scoff a little, as if he didn’t believe they were sending a girl to him now.
He was breathing heavily and I felt his hot breath hit my face repeatedly. It was as if he wanted to say something, but was physically unable to as I saw him wincing a little in pain. I cleared my throat and tried to speak up. ‘Excuse me, Namjoon, my wrists hurt a little, could you release them please?’, I asked in a gentle voice, not wanting to startle him. With a huff he released my wrists and stepped back a little so I could open the door to his cell. With shaking hands I grabbed the keys and noticed I could see the red outline of his fingers on my wrists. Ignoring these marks I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Namjoon had already sit down on the floor, closing his eyes because standing up was obviously painful to him. I carefully put my first aid box next to me and walked over to him, crouching down once I was in front of him. He looked very handsome and I as I took in his form and checked his wounds, I didn’t notice him staring at me through his dirty blonde locks of hair.
‘Hello Namjoon, I’m one of the medics here to look at and fix your wounds. Are you okay with that? Is it okay if I touch you?’, I asked in a gentle way, being worried for him since his physical state was not that good. The entire bed was covered in blood and I could see blood marks on the walls from where he had leaned against. I resisted the shivers through my body on seeing the state of his cell and his deteriorating health since he looked awfully pale, and I looked at him with a lot of worry. I quickly put on my gloves and opened the box, getting the instruments needed to treat his wounds and extract the bullets. He nodded and slowly stretched out his arm to me which I took while looking at him, trying to gain his approval. As I held his arm closer to me, I looked away from his eyes and studied the wounds on his arm. He hissed a little when I examined how deep the bullets were lodged inside his muscles. ‘I’m sorry Namjoon, try to bear with me a little bit, okay?’, I said apologetically. He huffed again and started breathing heavily. I could see a bullet which could be easily removed if he kept still for a few seconds. ‘Namjoon, I am going to extract this bullet, but I need you to keep still, okay?’, I asked. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes, at this point I didn’t know if he was conscious or not. As I grabbed the bullet with the instrument and pulled it out, he let out an immense groan and I felt myself pushed to the wall suddenly with his hand around my throat. His hand pressed against the arteries which controlled the blood flow to my brains, and I felt myself getting light-headed as his angry and painful face got closer and closer to mine. I could feel his breath against my lips. I tried to grab his hand with my own, but I was too weak. As he realised what he was doing, he quickly let loose, softened his gaze and I gasped for breath as I could fill up my lungs with air again. I could see his pupils were blown as if this situation was somewhat arousing to him. I tried to calm myself down, but found myself heating up slightly at the way he softly stroked the side of my jaw, as if he was apologizing to me. He looked at me worriedly and parted his thick lips as if he wanted to say something.
Before he could say anything, I heard a bonecrushing smack and Namjoon fell to the floor, being hit by a baton from one of the officers. ‘Namjoon, NO! Why did you do that?’, I exclaimed, rushing over to him to see if I could wake him. Before I could do anything, one of the officers grabbed me and pulled me out of the cell and away from Namjoon, not being able to help him out. ‘It’s for your own safety miss, now go and help the others, we can’t have you wandering around and doing nothing now can we?’, the officer said while pushing me away from Namjoons cell. It broke my heart to see him lying there, not being able to do anything as the other officers started inflicting electric shocks on his body. I felt so sorry for him, knowing he required medical help sooner or later, or else it would be too late for him. I looked at the officers and wish I could inflict that same pain or even worse on them, but I knew my place and position. With tears in my eyes I was pulled away from Namjoons cell, and back to the medics room. In there I was forced to prepare my visits to the other inmates. Even though the rest of the day went by, but I kept thinking of Namjoon.
So it was no surprise to myself that in the late evening, I had hid myself in one of the back rooms near the cell blocks at the prison, in order to be able to see Namjoon. By crouching down, I was able to sneak past the surveillance room, where the officers were now playing games and not paying attention to the cell block at all. I was lucky one of the light bulbs at the end of the corridor broke down, so I could discreetly crawl to Namjoons cell. With my heart beating in my throat I reached his cell, softly calling out his name to see if he was awake. I saw something stir in the shadows and heard someone shuffling over to the bars. I held my breath as Namjoon slowly came into view. He looked pretty beaten up and I felt my eyes tear up on seeing his exhausted form. ‘Please….help me’, he whispered, slurring his words slightly. I gasped a little on hearing him speak, but nodded and quickly grabbed my small emergency bag, taking out all of the instruments in order to help him. ‘Here, take these painkillers first, I stole them from the cabinet’, I said, offering two white capsules to him. He took them and I watched his throat swallow down the capsules which made me swallow unconsciously as well. I saw him smirk lazily as he most definitely understood what he was doing to me. I regained my focus on his wounds as he stuck his arm through the bars and gestured to him to stay quiet. With a quick movement, I extracted the first bullet and quickly put some gauzes on it to stop it from bleeding. I heard him muffle his screams by putting a hand over his mouth and biting in it. Swiftly I disinfected the wound and stitched it up, repeating the same procedure for the other bullets in his arm. Slowly but surely, he became calmer and didn’t have to scream as much. ‘Painkillers are finally kicking in eh?’, I said with a nervous smile while stitching up another gaping wound. He smiled back and leaned back against the wall with a deep exhale.
‘You’re not as bad as the others, they immediately wanted to knock me out with a syringe’, he explained after a while. With narrowed eyes I looked at him. ‘A syringe? Why would they do that?’, I asked. ‘Probably to kill me quicker? I heard that the acting agent in the syringe is not a painkiller but a rather strong tranquilizer which can be lethal in high doses. Let’s say they weren’t planning on giving me the usual dose’, he explained while running a hand through his hair. ‘I’m so sorry, it shouldn’t happen to anyone’, I said, feeling really tired all of a sudden. I couldn’t believe he was going to be treated like that. ‘It’s okay, when I saw you, I knew you were not like them’, he said with a smile. I looked at him for a little while, observing the stitches I made and cleaning his arm with what I could. He suddenly grabbed my hand and brought it up to his face. ‘You’re really good at this you know, your hands are like magic’, he said with a chuckle before placing a light kiss on the top of my hand. I blushed at that and retreated my hand as if burnt by fire. ‘T-thank you, I am glad you are feeling at least a bit better’, I quickly said, shuffling backwards so he couldn’t see my burning cheeks. ‘How can I see you again?’, he asked, while reaching out for my face with his hand through the bars. Shocked at his question, I kind of froze for a moment while he cupped my face and stroke my cheekbone with his thumb. ‘Well, to see me more often you should either mess up real bad that you need to go into isolation ward and have your wounds treated there or leave this prison when being charged not guilty for the crime you are in here for’, I said automatically, not being able to think clearly with him being so close to me. His hand was huge and warm while his fingers were so careful in touching my face. ‘Hm, I see. Thanks for giving me some options’, he said with a smirk, his thumb brushing my lips carefully before gliding down my throat, softly grabbing it like he did before. I gulped as he felt my throat constrict and he looked at me in an amused way. ‘Never thought medics had a kinky side to them’, he said with a smirk. ‘I-I do not!’, I protested hotly which made him chuckle. ‘But I bet I made your panties wet at least a little bit, right?’, he said in a sinfully deep voice. He was right, I felt the cotton of my panties dampen a little when he started stroking the sides of my throat. ‘Well, it’s for me to know and for you to find out, right?’, I retorted, trying to be smart. ‘Think you can outsmart me little girl? Never thought they would send such a young thing to me, feisty as fuck’, he said roughly. Now I definitely felt my panties getting wetter. ‘For the record, I’m only two years younger than you, and if you don’t mind, I’ll be going before I get caught’, I whispered in a frustrated way. With a shit-eating grin he released my throat and brushed my lips one more time before leaning back again. ‘Don’t forget me, baby girl’, he said with a small wave. I huffed as I grabbed my bag and carefully walked away from his cell. 
The next morning I woke up in my bed after having very naughty dreams of a certain blonde haired, tall and muscular guy fingering me while pressing me up against a wall and talking dirty in my ear. ‘Fuck’, I said, realizing I had to take a shower in order to cool down my nether regions. After taking a refreshing icy cold shower, I walked to the prison building in order to start my daily tasks. However, when I walked to the medics room, I heard all sorts of whispering as if something bad had happened. ‘I can’t believe he actually did that!’, I heard my colleague say. ‘What happened?’, I asked as I stepped into the room. ‘Well, your lovely new patient from two nights ago knocked out an officer and broke another one’s arm when they tried to tranquilize him’, my supervisor explained. ‘He will most likely be sent to isolation soon for his little trick.’ I gasped as I realized what he had done. He actually took my options into regard and executed them to be sent to isolation. ‘I know what you did last night newbie, his arm looked a lot better than before this morning, that’s why he was able to attack those officers’, my supervisor explained while crossing his arms. ‘I don’t know what you are talking about’, I lied, trying to keep my face straight. ‘Well, if you really like him that much, go fix his other wounds. He needs to be healed of any kind of wounds before his court date next week, got to keep our reputation up’, he said, waving me away with his hand. With a sigh I grabbed my bag and made my way to the isolation ward. Maybe I should lock him up in one of those cells just to see what happens. 
This was quite a scary place as the people in here usually were driven crazy by the lack of light, sound and human interaction. I suddenly felt very sorry for Namjoon. The isolation rooms were soundproof and only let in a sliver of light through the door, to let the inmates keep their sanity for just a little bit. I was brought to Namjoons cell, and as the door opened, I saw him sitting on the floor with spread legs and a hand in front of his eyes, blocking the sudden influx of light. They had stripped him bare besides his black boxers. ‘Never thought I’d be seeing you here, baby girl’, he said with a croaky voice, obviously trying to be ignorant. I huffed as I stepped inside, placing my bag next to me. All of a sudden the door was closed and locked, and I looked at the door in shock. ‘Don’t worry, I asked them to do that. Don’t want anyone to interrupt us’, he said with a smirk. I gulped as I tried to process his words and trying to create some light with the lightsticks I had brought with me. I found a couple of them and wasn’t able to break them because of my shaking hands. Namjoon grabbed them for me and by merely squeezing them, he already was able to break them and let the yellow light spread through the small room. 
‘Interrupt what exactly?’, I asked with a shaky voice, not being able to find a single wound on his body anymore, now that he had been stripped from his clothes. ‘And why are you not wearing anything?’ ‘My clothes were ruined anyway, and you and I both know very well that you are not here to treat my wounds since I was able to fully heal myself last night thanks to your excellent care and a bit because of my genetic background, thank you great grandpa Logan who art in heaven’, Namjoon explained while pulling his legs up. I could see his thighs were very muscular too and it made me think of the dream I had last night. What would it feel like to sit on top of them? I felt my panties getting a little wet again.
To be honest, his entire being seemed contradictory to me. He looked like he could kill anyone in a heartbeat, but with me he was so soft and gentle, it genuinely confused me. He caught me staring at him and smiled. ‘I did not kill those innocent children, what I did do is killing the man who did such a horrible thing and destroying the house he lived in’, Namjoon said, looking angry. ‘It’s the least he deserved to be honest’, he said. ‘But at your court date, how are you going to prove that you did not murder them?’, I asked. He shook his head in a reassuring way. ‘I already have my men on it, I will be charged not guilty next week and be able to leave this shithole of a place’, he explained with a stern face. ‘Now, but that’s not something for you to worry your pretty little head about, right?’, he said with a smirk, while he put his head on his hand, which rested on his knee. I gulped, shaking my head a little.
‘I also have my connections, but I think you can handle it yourself, right?’, I said slowly, breathing out the last words of my sentence when he suddenly went on his knees and crawled over to me. ‘Like I said sweetie, nothing for you to worry about’, he said, when he was right in front of me, his lips inches away from mine. He then slowly pushed me to the floor, making my head lean on the bag I had brought me. ‘Is it okay if I touch you? And kiss you? Make you feel good?’, he asked in an almost endearing way when his body was leaning over mine, his legs on either side of my hips. His arms were next to my head, slowly stroking my hair. I nodded with a smile, pulling my arms around his neck. ‘Gotta warn you though baby, if provoked, I can be quite rough, but seeing our previous rendezvous, I think you don’t mind that one bit, right?’, he said while leaning down to press his full lips against mine. I chuckled into his mouth, and he swirled his tongue right against mine as he rolled his hips in such a devilish way, making me moan deeply.
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randomwoohoo · 6 years
Nick: Previously on Zoomorphia!
Judy: Why use the word ‘morph’ anyway?
Nick: Cuz it sounds radical! We should try saying ‘It’s morphin’ time!’-
Judy: Not gonna happen. It’s too cheesy.
Nick: Said by a mammal who announces ‘Transform’ during transformation~
Judy: Shush! We are running out of time but we haven’t mentioned the previous chapter yet!
Nick: Well~ To put it simply, folks, fuzzy bun bun here always meddles in the attack of monsters called Savage, so Chief Buffalo gave us a disciplinary penalty. Still that wasn’t enough to stop Carrots from scouting and Bam! we found a Savage and beat it!
Judy: That’s too slipshod! Can’t just skip the Hybrid part! Gosh! We’re dragging this way too long.
Nick: It’s our first time. We’ll be good at it someday. Until then-
Nick & Judy: Now the chapter 2!
Thank you everyone for reading this fic. Please leave the comments. I would love to hear you thought. I will try to make this series active as possible.
Here’s Fanfiction.net link
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“-got a report from SCU yesterday. A Savage showed up at Cliffside Asylum. A guard informed that fox and bunny cops also showed up even though it shouldn’t be possible since they both were supposed to be writing parking tickets in Downtown!... Abandoning your post, trespassing on restricted area, encountering Savage but didn’t contact SCU… correct me if my assumption is wrong.” Chief Bogo behind a table had summoned Senior Officer Judy Hopps and Senior Officer Nick Wilde to his office, narrating violations that duo had done the day before.
    They sat quietly opposite to their supervisor. Nick was rubbing the back of his neck while Judy froze like a kid in the principal’s office. The cape buffalo shut his eyes and deeply inhaled. “I thought so… Despite being among the best, you two are such troublemakers. I should punish ya right away-” The threat caused fox and rabbit ears stand erect. They was going to voice. “-but lucky for you, new cases keep coming, old cases haven’t been solved yet. Currently, we need you to handle more investigation of illegal possession of Night howlers that’s been increasing recently. I’m counting on experts in this particular kind of cases.”
“Noted, sir” The pair responded, Nick raising right paw in a salute. “Dismissed!” Bogo bawled.
    Nick and Judy exited the room. As a door closed, they let out a groan. “That was tense.” Loosening his tie, tod whispered loudly. The partner ambled down the stairs. “I prayed so hard for him not asking what we did when we faced Savage .” The doe hissed. “Thanks tod, those hustler skills enabled me to conceal secrets.” He whined, appreciating his past life. “The less mammals know the truth about Hybrid. The better it is.” She ratiocinated. They stepped on the first floor, strolling through the hallway.
“Judy! Nick!” An enthusiastic chubby cheetah hailed the duo from across the entrance. “Hello Jude! Miss me?” The silvery female voice greeted.
    Judy changed direction, rushing towards her friends. “Hi Benjamin. Mornin’ Jasmine! How are you? It’s been a while~” The bunny greeted back, hopping to wrap her arms around bengal tigress neck. By the way, the rabbit lied. She just met Jasmine Fangmeyer yesterday… in the SCU group, who targeted them. The tiger had been recruited in the Savage Control Unit ( SCU) since the team was first formed but it was good to see their intimate without field gears.
“Sup, Clawhauser, Fangmeyer.” Nick followed, rolling his sleeves up in order to get more casual.
    Jasmine held the doe, gently put her down before addressing the fox “Hey, Wilde.”
“Jasmine and I are gonna go get a lunch. Wanna come?” Cheetah invited them, which Judy promptly replied. “Sure! That would be lovely~”
    Frankly, both Nick and Judy had a rough start with their fellow officers. The partners were discriminated against, which is inevitable because of their species. Even Fangmeyer used to sneer at Judy, thinking she was just a bunny. Nevertheless, after years of cooperation, others came to respect them for who they are. The duo did not hold a grudge; thus, the friendships were born. Nowadays, they can call each other ‘friend’ confidently.
-.-. --- -- .-. .- -.. . ...
“It’s funny… ” Judy uttered, confusing her workmates. “What, Fluff?” Nick questioned. Four of them were eating at Savanna Central local diner’s outdoor table. Guys were sitting on the same side while ladies were taking the seats of opposite side. Felines were facing one another, so were the partners.
“These days, Midnicampum holicithias has become an illegal plant. One cannot possess exceeding a certain amount which depends on legal documents one owns according to their occupation.” the doe explained. Everybody knew this fact about Midnicampum holicithias or Night howlers. However, her friends still did not understand what the doe tried to convey. “What’s funny then?” Jasmine spoke out for the rest, poking her seafood salad with a fork.
“They used to be all over the place. My family grew them to keep bugs off the produce. After Night howler case and the new law created, many label this plant as a menace. My parents even gotta find a substitute.” the doe elucidated.
“At least, those scarecrows are getting more jobs.” The tod joked. “Y’know they’re for discouraging birds, not bugs right? Besides, they’re barely practical.” His partner delivered the requisite reality-check. Both made the feline fellows chortle.
    The mention of Night howlers jogged Clawhauser’s memory. “Oh! Please remind me to hand you the case file-” He was requesting when Fangmeyer interjected. “C’mon guys! It’s lunch break. Don’t bring up the work. Anyhow,  are there anybody seeing someone… special?” She grinned cheekily. The cheetah awkwardly smiled. “Do donuts count?” He quizzed. “Sorry, Ben. No.” Tigress gave the answer Benjamin expected. “Well, I might be too good at making friends, so...” He muttered. Nick contemplated his pal’s statement. “Got friendzoned huh? Poor thing~” Fox sympathized.
“What about you, Judy?” Clawhauser passed the baton to Judy to tackle peeps’ attention. “You’ve always been popular. Must be lots of mammals hitting on ya.” said Jasmine. Every eyes pinned on the rabbit opening her mouth. “Nah~ I’m too busy working. My off-time is terribly uncertain. It’s better to hang out with my partner. We usually get off work at the same time. Crashing at his apartment for sharing meals and movie night, spending time with him in general is quite pleasant… Did I say something wrong?” Judy’s words left two big cats goggling at her. Tod guffawed at how innocent the bunny was.
“I’m not paying for this! Food doesn’t deserve even half the price!” At nearby table, dark brown slim bull moose grumbled. A koala waitress was scared by bull’s manner. Cops who witnessed the scene were about to take an action, especially the rabbit. “Hold up, Carrots.” Nick halted her. Judy was on the verge of disputing but “Quiet! You’re disturbing others!” cow moose that sit with aggressive moose scolded her probable associate. The bull angrily walked off. The waitress was unsure what to do. “Just leave him. He’s always like this.” The cow beamed at the koala.
“See~?” Nick smirked, picking up a bug burger from his plate to take a bite. “Wow! Wilde, you know them?” The tiger agent inquired, which the fox officer boastfully quipped. “I know everybody~ like reading a book, except this unpredictable cute bunny.” He referred to Judy in the way that would trigger her. Everyone anticipated a protest from the doe.
“Hey Nick, what does bug burger taste like?” Rabbit sniffed the smell of meat patty wafting through the air. Since her partner started digging in his meal, she had been captivated by the scent and the predatory ways of eating, fangs chomping breads, lettuce leaves and minced insects.
“Hmm? Like chicken sandwich but greasier I guess.” He gave a straight answer. “And how am I supposed to know the chicken taste?” She jested, resulting in a snigger from the rest.
“Kinda weird that prey’s interested in predator’s diet, isn’t it?” Cheetah presumed. “Cuz she is an unpredictable bun bun.” Nick bantered, reaching to pat Judy’s head. “Nick, don’t! Your fingers are oily!” She tried to block his paw. Bet she doesn’t even notice… Clawhauser and Fangmeyer thought, recollecting the dating question.
    The scream together with roar attracted mammals’ attention in the area. The police officers recognized the noise. “Savage ! Evacuate!” Judy directed, pushing Nick’s paw away, hurriedly taking control of the situation. Moose Savage appeared from ally. The muscular feral purple capreoline went on a rampage.
“Officer- I mean- Agent Fangmeyer to dispatch! Savage !---” Jasmine radioed while helping Benjamin clear the area. She told SCU the location detail. It was ironically fortunate that many mammals were frightened to be outdoors. Therefore, evacuation was rather easy. “Okay, team should arrive soon. Ben and you two- Jude!” She was shocked to see her rabbit friend holding a gun which is useless against most Savages. Normal gun can only slow them down at best.
“We’ll buy you some time. Go!” The doe insisted. Tigress grouched for a moment. However, she decided to leave with cheetah eventually, having no weapon and knowing how determined Judy can be.
“Alone at last.” Nick licked his paw, cleaning the burger grease off. Judy put back the gun. They confronted Savage fearlessly. “Ready, partner?” She brought out the black device with the purple circle core, 45 degree angled silver syringe on the left and maroon handlebar on the right.
“Born ready.” He turned around then fled. “Hey! Wait! Where are you going?” The doe panicked. “Hiding! No way I gonna fall asleep defenseless in the middle of battlefield!” The racing tod vociferated. “Ya gotta be kidding me!” She shouted, bewaring of the monster.
    Moose Savage attacked bunny officer. She dodged its antlers, putting the device on her in order not to inconveniently grasp the arm-sized device. Device’s belt wrapped itself around her waist mechanically. She kept hopping, darting away and avoiding all the attacks, pretty out of breath. “Finally!” She cheerily exclaimed when she spotted Nick’s blood in her syringe, meaning he found a place to hide and had proceeded with transformation. She was going to transform but the monster was still hunting her. The rabbit dived off from getting gored then rolled on the ground. Sitting with knees up, she gazed at Savage which was aiming on her. As it was hurtling towards Judy, she pressed the syringe. “ INJECT ” The device spoke robotically. Then she spontaneously twisted the handle anticlockwise. “ IGNITE ” The transformation’s broiling purple mist explosion blew the monster away, revealing the bio-armored fusion between a fox and a rabbit, Hybrid, shiny full body metal-like exoskeletons in Nick’s hustler color scheme, rabbit ears, fox tail and two amethyst headlights for eyes.
“Save~” Nick swept Hybrid’s legs before standing up, uttering a baseball vocabulary, implying he made it in time. “What took you so long?” Judy griped.
    Moose Savage arose, shaking off a daze from the stream blast. It and Hybrid simultaneously ran into one another. The monster jumped whilst Hybrid slid under it. Nick and Judy elongated claws. Cupped paws thrust upward, the claws stabbing Savage ’s abdominal skin. It slumped down ignominiously. Hybrid sprung up, striking a fighting pose.
“Let’s end this quick. I don’t wanna waste lunch break.” Doe talked with tod. She approached the injured moose.
    Suddenly, something crashed Hybrid from the side. Hybrid fell over and rolled. Fox got up on knees to observe what had just hit him and bunny.... or just bunny with his mind also in her body. “Other Savage !” Both yelled. A drooling purple spiky haired wolverine Savage emerged out of the blue. Naturally, Savages had spread across Zootopia since one year ago. It was no surprise to see more of them unexpectedly showing up.
    The moose got back on hoofed feet. Savage s were cautiously circling around Hybrid , who retracted the claws while inspecting beasts’ motion. Two monsters rapidly charged at the armored mixed breed from both left and right. Paw pressed the syringe. “ ACTIVATE ” Afterwards, Savages should assail their single prey. However, the event turned out to be them colliding with each other.
“We’re here!” An exuberant male tone pronounced. Hybrid stood a step away, mockingly glaring at the tricked monsters.
    Fox and rabbit just activated the phenomenal ability. Deception and survival are essential hustler’s skills that Hybrid adopted and applied for a fight, which consequently created the instant movement technique capacitating Hybrid to move in a split second. That was why Nick and Judy can relocate from one place to another or effortlessly elude SCU, sardonically reminding Judy of the time when she first learned that Nick was a con-artist and she was fooled by Nick pointing other way then he disappeared around a corner when she turned back.
    Hybrid span to generate momentum, swinging right leg around circularly to slash Savages’ flesh with protracted foot claw. The wolverine bent away in due course, thereby receiving shallower wound than the moose which was flopping down due to lacerations, still it was not enough to finish off the monster.
    Wolverine Savage drew back. Hybrid hounded it. Fists, kicks and claws did not reach the target. It ducked every strike and not let its foe get close. Tod and doe ceased roughing up Savage or attempting leastwise.
“Keeping a distance, I see~ Clever girl~” Fox quoted a movie. “I think it’s a male, Nick.” Bunny analysed this wolverine’s figure being larger than average females. “Doo do doo doo DO Doo do doo doo-” He hummed the movie theme, making his partner roll her eyes.
    Judy twisted the handlebar clockwise. “ FORM SHIFT-POLICE ” The device vocalized, releasing a purple fog covering Hybrid whose armour emit steam from gaps synchronously. The purple core and the amethyst headlights brightened in brume. The duo as one thrashed left arm to clear the haze, unveiling the same flamingo red armored hybrid but with some alteration, navy police hat with gold ZPD logo added to the top of helmet, rabbit ears flat against the back of head, blue arms and torso, dark scale vest, black armlets on both forearms, dark blue lower half except red feet, grey knee pads.
“Hybrid Police form. Policed to meet you~” Nick introduced Hybrid ’s other form to Savage s. They had not taken action yet, providing the partners an opportunity. Tod pushed the syringe. “ ACTIVATE ” Nothing happened. “Where is it?” Doe asked. “It takes time to summon it. You should have known, Carrots.” He informed. “No! Now, we need a pistol! That’s reason I chose this form!” She vociferated. “How am I supposed to know what to activate!?” The fox claimed. “Get a clue!!” The rabbit hollered.
    Whilst the pair were bickering, wolverine Savage engaged them. “Oh fudge!” Nick blurted out as Judy warded off the monster. Paws smacked it time and time again to divert its dashes towards them. “It’s not working! Physical strength is obviously weaker than Hustler form.” She shoved the wolverine, comparing the current form’s branch of power to the previous form’s. Savage tried to hurt Hybrid once more. “Then use a lifeline~” He suggested. Doe accepted an advice by pressing the syringe. “ ACTIVATE ” Wolverine pounced on Hybrid. Its fangs and nails hit hard.
“Easy, mate~ Ya don’t wish-” Nick used an Australian accent seeing that Savage was a wolverine which sort of reminded him of Outback Island even if wolverines are not originated from this district. “-to ruin those perfect teeth, do ya?” Judy finished the sentence. The monster was obstructed by a chain, handcuffs on both ends. Hybrid tied Savage ’s arms and muzzle with the chain, holding handcuffs in left paw while right punch pummeled the beast’s face. Next, Hybrid leaped over the dazed wolverine and hurled it across the street.
The monster, slipping out of the chain, intuitively landed on feet. Hybrid steadily strode forward as Savage recoiled. Nonetheless, distance was no obstacle anymore. The chain was lengthened. Hybrid swung the weighted chain in a large circle over the head and then whipped the monster. Handcuff smashed into wolverine’s rear. Hybrid yanked the chain back and lashed the monster’s flank with other end. It was thrashed by handcuffs on both ends, unable to defend or escape.
    The moose Savage rose after it recuperated, scuffing front right hoof on road surface. It sprinted, intending to butt the armored cop.
    The moose cried. All of a sudden, a car ran into Savage ’s side before it could touch Hybrid . The duo paused beating wolverine to look around. Moose Savage overturned. “Right on time~Just as planned.” Nick bragged about the arrived vehicle he summoned earlier. It is a hatchback sports car, painted in black with white on the doors, having a pair of sirens at the top. “It was just a coincidence, wasn’t it?” Judy felt that her partner did not plan anything. The car luckily came at the most appropriate time, rescuing them from an assault.
    The wolverine seized a chance to flee, limping down the road when Hybrid turned back. “It’s getting away!” Tod changed the subject, ignoring doe’s doubt. She focused the hobbling monster and then push the syringe. “ ACTIVATE ” The handcuffs vanished. Thereafter, a pistol, suitable for rabbit, popped up. It is a black AutoMag with a purple cylinder-like extra part and an auburn grip. Hybrid grabbed it to shoot at wolverine. Six bullets were fired in a mere second. Wolverine Savage suffered from several gun holes, beyond a dozen, as it collapsed. Nick chuckled, twirling the gun.
“Let’s finish this for real. We still have the other one to deal with.” Judy span the cylinder, sparks flying out.
“Freeze, Hybrid !” The pair, interfered, averted their gaze from the monster. “You’re here at last! Please save us~” Nick mocked SCU troop. Judy even saw tiger gal pal, full gear set, among the agents.
“Drop your weapon!” Demanding, they parked their vehicles surrounding Hybrid , sports car and Savages. The moose one bounced back, scramming through encirclement.
“I would love to stay and sign autographs but I really mustache~” He punned. Hybrid got in the sports car. “Stop!” White stallion commanded. “Can you handle Savage lying over there? Thank you, bye~” Nick saluted. Meanwhile, Judy drove off to chase the moose. SCU mammals must make a way. “Wait!” The horse grunted. When other agents checked the riddled wolverine, it had already begun to evaporated, indicating it was dead. “Darn you, Hybrid!!” He cursed.
    In the meantime, moose Savage was bolting blindly in Savanna Central, pursued by black and white. The car drew alongside the monster. The driver’s window was slid down, which allow Hybrid to talk to Savage despite the fact that it probably would not understand.
“Why vamoose, mr. moose?”
“Bun bun just made a pun.” Tod cracked up. “Guess I’m infected with your habit.” Doe joshed. Their car outpaced the moose then drifted to cut in front of it. Hybrid braked the sports car, opening the door, aiming the pistol in her left paw at Savage while her right paw twisting the device’s handlebar anticlockwise. “ CRITICAL BREAK ” The gun fired a energy ball. It exploded like a firework. The burning lights curved to strike the monster.
    Moose Savage, crumpling, completely disintegrated. Nick pretended to blow away gun smoke from the barrel though there was no smoke and Hybrid cannot blow the air because of a helmet.
“Sweet cheese. We’ve driven pretty far off from where we left your body, huh?” Judy had just realized. “We shall meet up later then.” He proposed. “Ahh, see ya, Nick.” She agreed, pulling the syringe to draw her blood out. It was teleported as she detransformed.
.- .-. -.-. .- -. .
    Fox opened his eyes. Apparently, his mind was transferred back to his body. He moaned, experiencing fatigue.
“You’re awake.” Deep gravely voice uttered next to tod.
“Hang on...” Knackered, Nick pressed the syringe, injecting blood teleported from Judy. All weariness had gone at once. “Much better, thanks for the ride, Fin.” Tod expressed his gratitude to the driver. He was presently sitting on a passenger seat of the moving van, not leaning against a wall like the doe believed.
    Back before Hybrid transformation, Nick texted his former partner-in-crime, Finnick the fennec fox, to pick him up where he fell unconscious and give him a lift. “Did you coddle my body when I passed out?” Nick examined his physical body.
“I’m being more than a generous guy. I carried somebody almost twice my size, fatass.” Finnick beefed, glancing the belt bound around fox’s waist. “Seriously, man, that thing you’re wearing is unnerving.”
“You mean MidniDriver ?” Nick tapped the morpher, MidniDriver , the devices he used with his bunny partner to transform into Hybrid. “Yeah, midnight whatever. Anyways, what’s the plan?” Finnick wondered, concentrating on the road. “Just go to the place I sent you a location. I have an appointment with Tuck boy~” Nick mentioned Jim Tuck, the raccoon who intruded Cliffside Asylum… who also accepted fox cop’s help.
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