#also there’s more where Jake is letting spider lead him and it looks like a dad being pulled along by his son omg
lloyd-007 · 1 year
Someone on Twitter pointed out about the way he went to hold spider.
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The way he went to hold him like a baby omg 😭.
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~You Will Survive~
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(Sully Family x Fem! Reader)
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Summary: Your decision to leave was hard, but necessary…
Word count: 1.2k
Author’s note: Part 2 of A Lover, Not a Fighter- and shorter chap but 👍🏻 also posting early ooooo
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~Series Masterlist~
~Main Masterlist~
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You Will Survive
It wasn’t shocking that the RDA were after you, after Jake, but it had been shocking when Quaritch was the one hunting you. Neytiri had killed him, how was he back? He had always scared you, always been on your mind, even after his death.
What was even more terrifying was that he had your children. He had them under his knife. He could have easily killed them all if he didn’t need them for bait, and you didn’t want to think about that. You couldn’t think about that.
When it had first happened you had to be strong for the children, be calm and put together, but now it was your turn to break down as Jake and Neytiri were discussing something you hoped would never happen.
Your hut was quiet as you, Jake, and Neytiri were hidden inside, Neytiri and Jake face to face while you paced around behind your wife.
It was too quiet, no sounds of your kids running about outside, so you knew they were listening. Why wouldn’t they be listening? They knew things were tense, they knew something was wrong. You couldn’t blame them for wanting to know what was going on.
You were always a lover, not a fighter, so arguments weighed on you heavily. You felt yourself get dragged down, down, down as Jake and Neytiri continued their bickering.
Jake was tense, his breathing ragged, “This thing. This Quaritch. Whatever he is… He can walk right under Eywa’s nose.” You had thought about that, but you didn’t want to admit it out loud like Jake had.
You admit “He is dangerous, I can not pretend he is not,” you sigh, you want this to be easy, but you agreed with Neytiri, “but you cannot ask us to do this.”
Neytiri was quick to speak after you, not giving Jake room to argue back, “This is our family. This is our home.” You nodded in agreement.
Jake, sighed deeply, frustrated at his mates’ stubbornness, “This is about our family. This is about our little ones.”
You argued back, “Our little ones will not be happy anywhere but here, this is home.”
Neytiri and you had swapped places now, you standing in front of Jake while she paced around you two, “I cannot. You cannot ask this. I cannot leave my people. I will not.”
“We cannot leave our people.” You corrected her.
Jake took a deep breath, “He’s hunting us. He’s targeting our family.”
Neytiri was becoming more and more irritated, “You cannot ask this. The children, everything they’ve ever known. The forest. This is our home!”
Jake was becoming irritated just like Neytiri, “He had our children. He had them under his knife!”
You kept yourself together, refusing to break down like you felt you were going to, “He will not get them again!”
Neytiri stalked over to where she kept her bow, her father’s bow, and grabbed the weapon, “My father gave me this bow as he lay dying.” Her voice cracked, “And he said protect the people. You’re Toruk Makto!
Jake shouted, “This will protect the people! Quaritch had Spider, and that kid knows everything. He knows our whole operation, and can lead them right in here.” You cringed, knowing Kiri heard Jake’s unsureness of Spider’s loyalty, “If the people harbor us, they will die. Do you understand? Look I got nothing. I got no plan… but I can protect this family. That I can do.”
You sighed as tears started dripping down Neytiri’s face. You rushed over to her and hugged her, trying to comfort her as best as you could. You felt the same way, but you couldn’t cry like her. You couldn’t let go.
Jake was confident now, not giving space to speak again afterwards, “I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.”
You sighed once again as Jake took a few steps towards you and Neytiri, hugging both of you, surrounding you in his arms, you felt safe, like nothing was wrong, but only momentarily.
You knew what the decision you had to make was. You knew you had to leave, but you didn’t know how to tell the children, your decision not spoken out loud.
Dinner was awkward, everyone was quiet, but not silent. Lo’ak still bothered Neteyam and poked and prodded at him, trying to keep some semblance of normalcy, but he did it quieter than he usually would.
You had been nominated to be the one to break the news to the children, so you waited for the perfect moment.
Finally there was a lull in the conversation, and you took your chance, clearing your throat, “We have to leave.” You paused, “We are leaving…” you said quieter than before.
Lo’ak had been mid bite and his jaw dropped at the news, the food all spilling out. You cringed at the grossness, but couldn’t blame him. Kiri gasped, shock written on her face.
They act as if hearing your decision officially is any different from eavesdropping on you and their other parents, although you suppose they hadn’t heard the final verdict which was made after you were sure they were gone.
Neteyam didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, but sit there and stare off into space. If you weren’t his mother you wouldn’t know what was going on in his head because of his stoic face. You know what was going on in his head though, you always have, and you always will.
Tuk abandoned her food and ran over to you, throwing herself in your arms, “My sweet girl…” You sighed, “It will be okay, everyone. I promise.”
Tuk sniffled, on the brink of tears, “But mama, I don’t want to leave.”
You held her a little tighter, “Neither do I, neither does mom, or dad. It will be okay though. Sullys stick together, right?”
Everyone quietly muttered a “Yeah” in response, which made you smile.
Sullys stick together.
After dinner you had packed up all you could, you would roll up hammocks in the morning and finish gathering small items laid around. You made sure to pack anything important to the children into your bags. Tuk’s beads for her hair, Kiri’s picture of Grace, Lo’ak’s first knife he carved, and Neteyam’s favorite childhood toy.
The next morning you had taken off, everyone on their respective ikrans, besides Tuk who didn’t have one, who sat huddled up in front of you where she leaned back against you. She was tired from the early start, but was trying to stay awake to watch the trees pass beneath them. She would switch between you, Neytiri, and Jake when you take flying breaks, but you had her first.
You couldn’t help but get lost in your thoughts as you flew, what was ahead of you. You knew you were headed to a sea clan, the Metkayina, but what would happen then? You weren’t equipped to be ocean people. You weren’t particularly fond of the water, and for Neytiri it would be hard to give up the ways she grew up with.
Your other most worrisome thought was what would happen if they turned you away? Where would you go? If they didn’t want you you were sure nobody else would either.
You evened out your breath which had sped up, you had to stop your worries, reminding yourself that in the end everything will be okay, you will survive.
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Word Bank:
Eywa (Na’vi Goddess)
Ikran (Mountain Banshee)
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@im-in-a-pansexual-panik - @ducks118 - @ssc7514
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Illicit Affairs | Chapter I: Willow
Pairing: Neteyam x f!Human!Reader
Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of death and disease
WC: 3,4k words
A/N: Sooo.. I kinda did something. This is the first fanfic I have written that will actually see the light of day, and also the first piece of writing (outside of master's dissertations, papers, scientific essays etc) that I have done since probably high school, which is longer ago than I'd like to admit. Anyway, I have been hyperfixated on Avatar recently, ATWOW fully bringing back my love and obsession for Pandora that I have had since 2009. I adore the new movie and the Sully kids, but I have a special place in my heart for Neteyam, so here we go. Let me know what you guys think. I work full time as a PhD student, so I'll try my best to write in my spare time and hopefully I can get this done the way I truly want to. This story is also loosely inspired by the incredible @forever--darling and her "One of Us" Neteyam fanfic, which I adore and have probably memorised by now with the amount of times I have read it.
I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife And if it was an open-shut case I never would've known from that look on your face Lost in your current like a priceless wine
“Wake up, Ace. It’s late already and there’s so much to do today, remember?” Norm’s voice pulled you out of a beautiful dream, one where you were flying on your chosen Ikran, high above the clouds, the worries…this lab. Albeit hard to swallow, you were almost relieved to be woken up, as feeding out-of-reach fantasies and dreams could lead to no good, anyhow. 
“I’m up… Jesus, Norm.” You felt yourself rise from your warm and comfortable bed and the feeling of your bare feet touching the cold, hard floor of the living quarters of the lab made you swallow a curse. 
“We left you some breakfast, get ready and meet us in the lab in 30, okay? We have the samples ready for you and you can run them after we’ve talked it through.” 
“Aye, aye, captain.” 
This was your life. You, among a few other people, were one of the only humans left on Pandora after the war took them back to Earth more than 17 years ago. Unlike the others, though, you were born here, on this foreign planet, the only home you’ve ever known. There was one more, a beautiful, feisty young man with a dark heritage, who liked to think that he is as much Pandoran as the actual natives. His name was Spider, and although you grew up together, there was not much you could say you had in common. He was wild and adventurous, has been his whole life; fully willing to immerse himself in the Na’vi ways and almost demanding a place amongst the people.
Although you have your doubts, he says the people were accepting of him, as he managed to befriend the most important family of the nearby Omatikaya tribe: the Sullys. Jake Sully, a former dream walker, rose to prominence as Toruk Makto, rider of Last Shadow. He brought multiple clans together to defeat the Sky People in their brutal quest for wealth and colonisation. He succeeded, after which he became Olo’yektan, leader of the Omatikaya. He is now fully Na’vi, after completing a consciousness transfer that allowed him to leave behind his human form and forever live as one of the people. It had never been done before. Jake was a great man, who became a mediator between the Na’vi and the humans left on Earth. His children, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk, were brought up to know English and be accepting of everyone, regardless where they came from, as long as they had pure intentions and a strong heart. Spider was considered one of them. And, surprisingly, you were, too. 
Your mum was a medic and researcher, brought here many moons ago to assist the Dr. Grace Augustin and her team in their quest to understand Pandora and its miraculous biology. Your dad, a former Master Sergeant in the US Air Force, joined the RDA for their military purposes. You never met your dad. He died when the Sky People attacked, although no one knows for sure which side he ended up taking. Your mum didn’t even know she was pregnant with you at the time, that’s how new everything was. Your mum loved your dad and she maintained her belief that he ended up doing the right thing in the end. You believed that as a child, but now are not so sure. Nevertheless, you still kept his dog tag, in a drawer at the bottom of your desk, a reminder of where you come from and what mistakes not to repeat. 
Your mum died where you were 10. It was the worst day of your life. The cancer, which slowly spread in the beginning, overtook her being one faithful day, which you will never be able to erase from your memory. There is no chemotherapy, no radiation therapy, no drugs that could have prevented this, not here, not on Pandora. Your mum made a decision to remain on this planet she loved more than her own and it eventually killed her. She had no regrets, she said. She was happy to have lived and loved and died here, among Eywa. The Na’vi loved her. She was good friends and a mentor to Neytiri and Jake, both of whom agreed to give her a Na’vi send off. You were there that day, one of the few times you had visited the Home Tree. You remember the pouring rain, falling so hard it washed away the tears spilling from your eye almost as soon as they emerged. You remember Lo’ak and Kiri, your beautiful friends that have always been there for you, mourning with you. Your mum was their favourite aunt. She introduced them to music and films, and showed all of you her favourite books and painters and made sure you all understood that humans, despite their many flaws, have beauty and love and good in them, that no matter what, will prevail. “It will prevail because of you. Because you will carry it along and share it. You will revel in the beauty and fight to bring it back because what better way is there to live?”
You finished breakfast quickly, some dry toast with some fruit Kiri brought you the last time she visited and made your way back to the lab. You found Norm and Max, alongside two other human scientists, Tim and Claire, sitting on chairs next to the lab benches, discussing plans for the week. 
“There she is, the brightest of us all.” You smirked at the compliment, raising your eyebrows in amusement and sitting down next to Claire. 
“You’ve done great work last week, Ace The ELISAs show promise that Relensa might have some effect against this type of Pandora virus. I need you to now repeat it with the samples we’ve provided and also include a different type of positive control to the experiment, if possible.”
“Will do. How about a combination therapy? I know Relensa is not the only type of anti-viral therapy we have available. Amantidin, maybe? We have to go at this from all angles, you know?” 
“Our Amantidin reserve is running severely short, but give it a try. Try a dose-response? Maybe 100 nano molars to 1 micro molar? Try 1milimolar as a positive control?”
This was your life. Unlike Spider, you avoided the clan. You did not want to be the walking reminder of everything they’ve lost. You were happy to sit back and dedicate your life to helping from the shadows. Your mum was a medic and a researcher, one of the brightest in the world. She wrote the book on Na’vi anatomy and physiology, she wanted to understand the people and hopefully help them mitigate losses brought by disease. You continued that work. Although young, you learned everything there was to learn. Not like you had anything else to do. You worked as a scientist and a nurse and a doctor if needs be. You patched humans up, stitched their wounds, ran experiments on Pandora pathogens and tried to find a cure against viral and bacterial diseases that plagued the Na’vi. You spent your life in the lab, and in the adjacent hub, learning, working out and playing the guitar and piano your mum taught you when you were really young. You couldn’t say you loved it, loved being here all the time, but you were content knowing you were, in your own way, making up for your species’ past mistakes. 
Around lunchtime, you heard commotion from the entryway. A very familiar voice reverberated through the hallways. Your lips raised in a soft smile. Lo’ak. 
Removing your lab coat, goggles and gloves, you made your way towards the origin of the sound. The tall, much-taller-than-you young man picked up a breathing mask from the designated shelf and waved at you with unwavering enthusiasm. You loved this boy. Your brother, for all intents and purposes, your partner-in-crime for all time. He loved you, too, you knew that, and you thought in a different life, in a different universe, you were soulmates, braving life’s tough storms together. 
“Brought you lunch, angel.” Your nickname for you made you roll your eyes. You hated it, but the more you hated it, the more he used it so you remained silent. “I thought you could use a break from the stale excuse you guys call food around here.” 
Lo’ak spoke English with you most of the time. He took to your parents’ (and his dad’s) culture the most out of all the kids. You spent a lot of your childhood together, hunched around a computer with old reruns of shows your mum loved in her youth, shows and movies that were way before even her time. She said she loved seeing what Earth looked like before humans killed their mother. Shows like Gilmore Girls, Friends and Modern Family were some of her favourites. You devoured them as a child, and Lo’ak did so too, with you. You drove her crazy as children, and drove Norm and Max crazy as teenagers, both trying to understand references and sayings, buildings and activities, games and idiosyncrasies. The Earth you grew up watching and reading up was beautiful, a star in the night sky you will never be able to touch. 
Lo’ak made his way to the dining room of the hub, and lay several carefully-packed items on the table. Fresh teylu, cooked over fire and Pandora vegetables, all full of colour and flavour, all much better than anything that could come out of this place. You realise that you are starving as soon as you lay your eyes on them. Before you even sat down, you dug your fingers in and quickly ate some teylu, groaning at the delicious sweet meaty flavour. It was your favourite, and Lo’ak knew. He laughed at your apparent desperation and motioned for you to sit down. You obliged, and you both sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company and the food he provided. 
“How’s training going? I haven’t seen you in a few days.” 
“I die a little bit inside every time you make me remember I spend my days training like a little robot. It’s going fine. Tiring, you know? My dad is fully back in his Marine ways. He knows it’s been enough time that the humans are bound to return sooner or later. He says they’d never leave this world, and all its untapped riches alone without a fight. So it’s a lot of military training… if we walk like them, talk like them and fight like them, it might bring us some sort of advantage, you know?” 
“Yeah, I know. I know it’s a pain, but he’s only doing this to protect you guys. He’s right. The humans are bound to return one day and when they do, we have to be prepared.” He doesn’t know this, but you have also been training, learning about guns, going through your dad’s old manuals and whatever else the RDA has left behind that could possibly be of use. You use the guns that are in the hub to learn how to aim, shoot, strip field, reload and clean the weapons, so you too can be prepared when the time comes. You might be stuck in a weak human body, but you will not be weak. 
“Neteyam’s driving me nuts. He used to be fun, remember that? He’s such a killjoy, it’s hard to stomach being around him anymore. He’s always giving out orders, always making sure everything is in order and perfect, like him. He’s been training like crazy, and sticking to my dad like he’s some sort of fungus you can’t get rid of. Drives me crazy.”
“Hey, don’t talk about your brother like that. There’s a line, Lo’ak. Neteyam only wants the best for you guys, and he’s the oldest. He has to carry the burden of being the responsible one while you guy cause mischief all the time.” 
Neteyam, Jake and Neytiri’s oldest, is more Na’vi than all the other children combined, in both looks and personality. Whilst the two middle children, Lo’ak and Kiri have five fingers, eyebrows and a more human appearance, Neteyam is all Neytiri. He’s tall and lean and seems like he was born with a bow in hand. A true warrior, you always found him a tad intimidating. Just like his mum, he has his apprehensions about humans and avatars, and although he used to come to the hub quite often when he was younger, mostly to keep an eye on his siblings, the visits have become a rarity as of recent times. 
You wonder how the young man changed in the time you haven’t seen him. You used to be close as children, or at least that’s what you thought. Whereas Spider took to Lo’ak and Kiri, their mischievous personalities a good match for each other, you took to the oldest Sully boy. He was quiet and thoughtful, and he used to look at you like a puzzle he was trying to solve, but couldn’t. He used to sit in the back as you used to play piano, and his gaze on you used to make your skin blush and your heart race. You tried not to think about the pang of hurt that rose in your chest as you remembered that he essentially abandoned you, without so much as a farewell. 
“Earth to Y/N, are you still there?” Lo’ak interrupted your train of thought and you were half grateful that you didn’t have to think about Neteyam anymore. 
“Sorry. You were saying?”
“I was saying you’re right, I know I should be more understanding, I am happy I don’t have to be the one to carry all of responsibility, but it’s hard not to hold a grudge when it seems my brother was abducted by aliens and replaced with a weird, no-fun replica of himself.” 
You groaned at the young Sully’s ongoing verbal attacks, but said no more. Whatever was going on between the two Sully boys was, at the end of the day, none of your business. 
“Anyway…” Lo’ak started, a mischievous grin appearing on his beautiful face, “I know something you don’t.” 
“Mmm, what is that?”
“I’m not telling you, but let’s just say I think it will make you very happy.” 
“Well that’s just cruel. You know I hate surprises.”
After lunch, Lo’ak joined you in the recreation hub, where you kept a guitar and the piano that the humans left behind. You didn’t feel like going back to work just yet. You sat down on the cold floor and picked up your copy of Pride and Prejudice, your mum’s favourite book. The book was coming apart at the seams, worn down from all the times you have held it in your hands, as if gripping it tighter would bring her back to you, even if for only a split second. You sighed as you passed the book to Lo’ak and motioned for him to put it on the table next to him.
“Sing for me, will you? I missed hearing your voice.” 
You smiled up at him. Nobody knew you like Lo’ak did. Nobody accepted you the way Lo’ak did. Both of you felt out of place in this world, like you didn’t quite belong anywhere. He has spent many an hour confessing how alone he’s felt all his life. You’d like to think you helped. You picked up your guitar and played a familiar song, one you knew he loved.
“Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind , as if you were a mythical thing
Like you were a trophy or a champion ring, and there was one prize I'd cheat to win
The more that you say, the less I know
Wherever you stray, I follow
I'm begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans
That's my man”
You sat like this for hours, laughing and playing and singing. You tried to teach him a couple of chords on the guitar, which looked puny in his massive hands. With a loud thud, the open to the recreation centre swung open, making both of your heads turn in shock. 
“Lo’ak, what the fuck?” 
The harsh tone came from a man, a man you barely recognised anymore. Tall and muscular, he was not the same Neteyam you last saw. He was adorning a carefully crafted neck piece that matched his hunter’s chest piece and the knife holder he kept by his hips. You took a second to adjust to the man in front of you, that you haven’t seen in so long, that will always have a special place in your heart. Your gaze eventually fell on his face, which, like the rest of him, matured so much in all that time apart. He was beautiful. His hair was freshly braided and you couldn’t help but stare at the beaded strands that framed his face. As much as his body and face changed, they didn’t hold a candle to his eyes. The big yellow orbs that always looked at you curiously and intently were now focused on Lo’ak with rage flashed across them. 
“You were supposed to meet me at the Home Tree a fucking hour ago, Lo’ak. Dad asked you to join the hunting party and pull your weight for once, remember that? Are you physically unable to do anything that is ever asked of you?” 
He is yet to even spare a glance in your direction. You felt your blood pressure rising at the oldest Sully, but you pushed it down to look at Lo’ak, who was staring daggers at his older brother. As he was opening his mouth to undoubtedly say something that would get him in even more trouble than he was already in, you cut him off. 
“It’s my fault.” You say in Na’vi. You doubted Neteyam was in the mood for English, so as to not escalate the tensions further, you opted for your semi-decent Na’vi. “I needed his help with some samples Norm got for me that I couldn’t identify. I’m done now, though. Sorry for taking him from his duties.”
His eyes finally snapped from Lo’ak and laded on your frame. You saw his lips parting in confusion and then settle in a firm line. His eyes scanned your body from head to toe. You changed. A lot. Your hair was now close to reaching your narrow waist, which he hated himself for noticing. You were wearing what the humans called a “top”, that was cut above your abdomen and had the word “Stanford” written across it. He’s sure he’s seen it before, although he couldn’t place where. You were wearing bottoms, short and blue, with cuts in them, which Neteyam didn’t get. Why are your clothes ripped? It’s not like you fought some animal in the wild, you never got out. He couldn’t help noticing how lean you had become, so lean, in fact, he could trace your muscles with precision, something he is rarely able to do with humans. Your species was puny and weak, which is why they needed avatars and exo-suits to survive on Pandora. Realizing he was staring, his eyes moved from you back to Lo’ak, and motioned for him to get up. Although he huffed and puffed, Lo’ak obliged without saying a word. He turned around before exiting the room, giving you one last exasperated look. You winked at him and clicked your tongue in the direction of the forest, a small smile on your face. This skxawng. 
“Hey, you.” You called after Neteyam in English, as soon as Lo’ak disappeared from your line of view. You don’t know what you expected, but you had to try. He turned around and his eyes met yours. It was like looking at a stranger. 
“I really have to go, Y/N.” He said, with a deep voice and slight accent, and his eyes fell on the floor as soon as he noticed the look of hurt that crossed your face. 
“Fine, go.” You said, quickly composing yourself. You refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing he can hurt your feelings. You turned around, and busied yourself cleaning up, not sparing a second look in his direction. His gaze shifted back to your frame, and with a sigh, he made his way out of the lab and your life, once more. 
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So I just made a post about the og Avatar way of water script but I wanted to dedicate a whole separate post to our boy so here's the Spider moments that made me go feral for better or worse.
We've already read Spider's first meeting with Quaritch so I will skip that and move to
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That initial fight in the woods was much more intense with Ardmore there firing from the skies and ikrans attacking airships (which would have been cool to see) When Quaritch sees Spider at risk though he completely calls everything off.
next this Norm and Spider moment,
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A little extension of Spider out with the recoms for the first time
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Quaritch loves his feisty son. I didn't take a screenshot of it but in the og script during the montage of Spider throwing things and hitting his cell door back at Bridgehead he also takes a piss on the two way mirror and Quaritch was proud of him for it.
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"He's our brother from another mother" 😭
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honestly this is such a small scene that they needed to keep. I've heard way to many people say "Spider still has the tracker in his mask! he's going to lead the r.d.a to the Sully's on purpose/accident and this little scene would have stopped all of that unnecessary Spider hate. (All Spider hate is unnecessary but I digress)
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Once again Quaritch holds his fire to make sure Spider doesn't get hurt
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I'm just weak. First this scene playing out like the extended version we got on the dvd, Neytiri slamming Spider to the ground when she lets him go, but most importantly Spider believes Quaritch really does loves him. It's so sad it took a situation like this though for him to know that.
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This just hurts my heart. Even after Neytiri just held him at knife point he still loves and is 100% loyal to the Sully family to the point where he considers letting the person that actually does love him die. Like i know Spider really just loves his friends and he admires Jake but just wow...
Side note..
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Quaritch and Lyle are the only two recoms left....
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Yikes. Look Neytiri is in grief so she's allowed to feel her feelings and lash out. I'm just looking at this and looking at the scene on the ship and looking at the comics and you know, I think they're making it pretty obvious that she hates this kid. I know some people really want Neytiri to be a mom to Spider, trust me I get it, I wrote it in one of my fics, but in cannon I just don't think this a bridge that can be mended (especially if the rumor that Neytiri is the one who killed Paz is true because then...)
Anyway would love to hear everybody's thoughts 💙
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quicktosimp · 8 months
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Kinktober Masterlist 2023
Day 01: Exploration - Lo'ak
A simple joke brings up interesting questions about your boyfriend's anatomy and maybe some answers for what's under his tewng.
Day 02: Warmth - Aonung
There is always work to be done in a village, and a little bit of rain will not stop me from my duties. Unless a certain Metkayina boy convinces me to go home.
Day 03: Happily Ever After - Spider
Despite meeting during parlous times, Spider and I are now happy, with us being mated together and with a little one on the way. This is our happily ever after.
Day 04: Something New - Jake/Neytiri
Life after the war has been good, although my mates have been overprotective of my human body. When the truth is, I just want to be ass up over their laps.
Day 05: Daddy's Good Girl -Jake
Alone by ourselves, Daddy said I finally get to have his cock.
Day 06: Trials - Tonowari/Ronal (Part 1)
A tawtute has never mated with an Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk before. One must go through a series of trials in order to prove themselves worthy.
Day 07: It Could Be Worse - Spider
Spider and Lo'ak got themselves stupidly injured again, and while Lo'ak is in the loving care of Mo'at. Spider is your responsibility.
Day 08: Watch Me- Aonung&Lo'ak
Aonung has always wanted you, jealous that Lo'ak got to you first. But he will take anything of you he can get, even if you don't know he's there.
Day 09: To Become One - Neteyam
Date night with Neteyam is always a dream come true, but tonight it's more than just my dream; it's our dream.
Day 10: Complete - Tonowari/Ronal (Part 2)
I'm half way finished my last trial, but already worn from the first half, the second half is looking much more daunting than before.
Day 11: Make Me - Lo'ak
Lo'ak is acting like a brat again. It seems he needs to be put in his place again.
Day 12: When the Kids Are Away - Jake
Jake and I are left alone in our marui... whatever shall we do???
Day 13: I Must Please You - Tsu'tey
Tsu'tey is a loving mate who will never let you go without, but that also means he'll take care of you no matter where you are...
Day 14: Make it Fit - Aonung
Aonung somehow learned about the 69 and is now determined to do it.
Day 15: Forever - Spider
No matter who is against us, Spider and I will become one.
Day 16: Well Fuck Me - Jake
Jake has yet to explore his new body, so I decided to lead him in it.
Day 17: Lesson Unsuccessful - Neteyam (Part 1)
Talking out of turn has consequences; arguing with your dom has more.
Day 18: Look at You - Quaritch
Just you, your husband, and a mirror.
Day 19: Under the Sea - Aonung/Rotxo
Who said work has to be boring? Now when you have two mates by your side.
Day 20: Lesson Learned - Neteyam (Part 2)
Spanking didn't work, but this seems to.
Day 21: Chivalry is Dead - Jake/Quaritch
You died years ago, only to be brought back in an avatar form. You have no memories of your mates Jake and Neytiri, let alone your kids. Waking up, you were told that Jake was killed by the leader of the Na'vi. Obviously, you believe it. Why would Quaritch lie to you?
Day 22: Our Time Alone - Lo'ak
The sea is beautiful, but leaves some unwanted affects. Thankfully a trip to a hot spring fixes everything.
Day 23: Girls Night - Neytiri&Ronal
Jake and Tonowari beg me to sleep with their wives, hoping that it will bring them together or maybe just lessen their fights.
Day 24: The Hunt - Tsu'tey
Pandora is not meant for humans. Especially when the natives hate your very existence.
Day 25: I'll Take it All - Spider
It seems my little mate broke the rules again, but I finally got the answers to why.
Day 26: Yes, Olo’eyktan - Tonowari
I have been trying to get pregnant for a while, and it seems Tonowari is determined that it will happen tonight.
Day 27:Not So Little Present - Aonung
Aonung has been interested in some "special" play. It's finally time to give it to him.
Day 28: I'll Give You the World - Lyle Wainfleet
A slow tale of how Wainfleet and I did not get together... fuck it, we tried.
Day 29: Daddy Says - Jake
Slumber party for the kids, a long time of pleasure for us.
Day 30: Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Neteyam
A curious boyfriend and girlfriend sitting together on one bed, what do you think is going to happen?
Day 31: Doomed From the Start - Tsu’tey
Humans have no rights without a Na'vi mate; that is a fact. Yet there we are on another choosing day, whereas an omega human, I will be sold to the Na'vi.
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Nocorro declaration please. How this guys confessed their love to eachother?
How did Neteyam and Spider (in the accidentally mated au) get to where they were? How did they get to that tragic place? Let us discuss (sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for).
-I think the boys sort of grew together. They grew up spending all their time with Kiri and Lo'ak (and later Tuk) in the forest, at Hometree, doing anything and everything together. They weren't closer to each other than any of the others, when they were little they were all just kids.
-It was only after Neteyam's iknimaya that their relationship evolved outside of the group. Neteyam's parents started keeping him with them more, having him shadow his father's duties and take part in more ceremonies. He sees Spider less and less, until it is just fleeting interactions as Spider leaves with Neteyam's siblings.
-One day Neteyam is feeling particularly overwhelmed. His dad was explaining to him certain rituals he completes at Olo'eyktan and what the proper words are. How it might be easier for him to start learning them now, so he isn't behind like Jake was. It's meant as a joke, but Neteyam starts thinking about all the things he has to master. How is he not behind already?
-Just as he's really starting to spiral Spider walks by, and says hi all cheerful because he hasn't seen Neteyam in almost a month. Spider takes one look at Neteyam and asks him if he wants to go on a walk to the stream they used to play in as kids.
-He finds himself telling Spider about all of his worries, things he has never shared with anyone, which all lead to the same root issue: what if I'm not good enough? Spider listens and instead of telling Neteyam he is the perfect child and he can't do wrong like he normally hears, Spider just says he feels like that all the time and doesn't it suck?
-It becomes a pattern. Walks when Neteyam has a free moment. Whatever secret the other has been hiding from everyone else shared over an ikran ride. Late night visits to Hells Gate to cram himself into Spider's tiny room and listen to Spider talk about whatever hurtful thing his foster parents said that day. They both have built up walls and masks to hide insecurities and fears, and the more they share the more they can see through each other. Spider knows when Neteyam says he's going flying and doesn't invite anyone it means he's actually going to go lie in a tree somewhere because he got overwhelmed. Neteyam knows that when Spider laughs at something someone says without throwing his head back it means he didn't actually find it funny and just doesn't want to upset anyone.
-They become each others safe place, the one indulgence. If Neteyam is always perfect then when he is with Spider he is not. If Spider is always a mess, then when he is with Neteyam he is not.
-They don't talk about it or acknowledge it, because that would hurt more than pretending it isn't real. But they have a vague conversation about it once, sitting on the roof of Hells Gate at night. The topic has changed to mates, because one of the boys in the village has a crush on Kiri. Neteyam tells Spider that when he finds a mate he wants that person to be almost exactly like Spider. Spider says that he won't ever find a mate, but if he did he'd want that person to be like Neteyam. It is as close as they get.
-Neteyam's decision to do his uniltaron early feels like the end as much as the beginning. Every Na'vi is born twice but it doesn't normally also feel like death to be reborn, but isn't that exactly what it is? And if he is dying and being reborn, then he is leaving his old self behind. He should leave all of him behind. They have always been each other's one indulgence, and after Neteyam is reborn then they have to stop. They both have other purposes to fulfill. So, the decision is made. The night before his uniltaron Neteyam will stay with Spider, and they both don't really say it, but they know it will be the last visit.
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pandorafallz · 1 year
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Dreamer AU | Locked in a Hollow Home
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Spider’s heart hammered as he sat under the table, hating with every fibre of the cold surface of the cell around him, and the sterile air that he breathed. He was sure this cell had it’s own vent system to possibly cut out human-safe air for Pandora’s air in a few moments, or maybe there was some gas they could use to sedate if it came down to it.
They must think of him as completely feral and thus, stupid and ignorant of human technology. He grew up in hell’s gate up until they had to move out of that. He knew his way around human technology to know the possibilities. Of course, he could see now things were far more advanced.
Spider wanted to hope that Jake could come for him. But he doubted that. Not that he wouldn’t want to but he was too deep into human territory. Too protected from outside invaders. He had only seen a little to know that any attempt of rescue would be a failure. Impossible, even.
He could not be rescued.
That thought alone was terrifying but he had to stay strong; wherever they threw at him, he could take it. He was no warrior, but he was scrappy. He had to be work smarter, not harder; if you can’t lie, find a truth to bend. He could do that. If he could find a way out, the better. He knew the woods better than their scanners. Without a mask… well everyone had a spare and at every airlock so it wouldn’t be too hard in that regard.
Spider pondered briefly for a moment; it was unlikely Jake and his family would feel safe at the mountains now; maybe they left? Maybe Mo’at had them leave to another secure area? He could work with that. He had no idea where they would be if that was the case.
The door opened abruptly, making him stiffen up before he felt hands grab him.
“Hey, let go of me!” Spider hissed, not caring if he spoke in Na’vi or English because it didn’t matter; they wouldn’t listen. He wiggled and hissed before an even bigger, bluer hand grabbed him by the bicep and tugged him along like a child.
“Let go of me!”
Spider hug his heels in the best he could by the time they got to a door, but even then, he was futile. Left, right, right, left, onwards… the hallways was like a maze, leading onwards from his cells to a suddenly open room.
He hissed at the sight of his obvious fate in this room. It looked like a topless link bed, reclined up at an angle with clear retrains but the business end of the link bed was weird and unlike the ones he was used to. Link beds had mind-tech.
This must be mind-tech as well.
The blue hand was easier, pushing his smaller frame with much more force towards it, human hands opening up the retrains in advance.
“No. No.” Spider resisted even more as he was turned and forced back into it. His middle was clipped in first before his chest and arms. Lastly, his head was force back, despite almost snapping at a finger before the clamp to not only his face, but also his neck and he could feel his head positioned purposely to face at an angle; never a good sign.
He flinched as the machine lit up with green light, spinning around but began tp pick up in speed before he felt an unusal warmth against his mind.
A voice spoke up through the spinning light.
“Miles, I hoped you’d be more cooperative but it seems a firmer hand is in need. So, let’s begin.” He recognised the voice. Vaguely, the human general. He didn’t know her name but he was she was a heartless bitch by human standards.
The warmth in his brain grew, no longer just a warmth but a sharp presence he wanted nothing of in his mind. He could almost feel it run a pattern through his brain, getting more and more intense with every spin and heartbeat.
“Where is Jake sully?”
“I don’t know!” Not a lie. He could be anywhere.
“We know that you know.” She stated coldly.
“I don’t know!” He insisted, the pain increasing as he fought against it.
“Just form a picture in your mind.” The General spoke, “Is it one of the floating mountains?”
“Let me out of here.” Directing the topic away, he couldn’t let her plant thoughts into his brain to get what she wanted, he needed out. Away from here. Away from this machine… “I don’t know anything!”
“Just form a thought. Look, I don’t like this any more than you do. Which clan would be harbouring them?”
“I don’t know!” He couldn’t stop the cries of pain; now sharp like the line he was stood on a PLANT was running through each squiggle. His heart was in his ears, his eyes stung. “I don’t know! You’re gonna have to kill me!”
He couldn’t see past the blurs of green… his cried even started to sound muffled to his own ears, the whirling was so deafening…
“It’s not going to stop until you give us something. Where is he?”
“I don’t know, you buttholes! Okay, I don’t know!” he couldn’t think of worse names—too bright. The whirls were deafening but even then he could almost feel it’s pattern in it’s hum… he couldn’t concentrate. His legs struggled but he couldn’t move… the pulsing in his brain was numbing before the pain would chase it away in a new repeating cycle.
Then suddenly, it was gone.
His body slacked immediately, barely aware of the warmth as blood escaped his nose…his mind hazy but allowed himself to dwell in relief of the absence of the intrusion. He could feel his body shaking, not having the strength to figure out his arm from his leg as he was released from the restraints.
He tried to keep his eyes open; to see what they were doing but the lingering and black dots seemed to dance in his vision…hindering him to focus as he was unclipped and sagged helplessly as hands pulled him off. He felt like a dead weight…his limbs heavy…
“D..p him….ere.” the voices were very irregular before Spider became aware he was…not  where he was.
He blinked dimly, trying to figure the wall panels from each other before the graffiti in the wall was familiar.
His cell.
He supposed now, there were worse placed he could have ended up.
He was Spider. Orphan.
A small mantra as Spider told himself as he cleaned himself up by wiping his nose on his loin cloth, the dark fabric absorbing the blood easily, his mind fuzz slowly clear up but he could feel the lingering of a headache behind his eyes mostly.
He wasn’t okay.
Why didn’t they let a doctor come and see him? They did try and scrape his brain…surely they’d send someone down to make sure… make sure they wouldn’t kill him now? Right? Spider didn’t know but he was glad; maybe if he said something then they’d kill him. Only useful alive for the information he had. After that? Useless. Why risk keeping him alive?
Spider blinked away the tears. No. This was no place for that. Ignore the pain. He could survive this.
He had to.
this is mostly canon compliant and not as long as i hoped atm but that’ll change soon enough; I'm just setting up a foundation first and then i can go from there to build out this AU :) What do you think.
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eywaseclipse · 4 months
🌱Welcome! I’m Mari. My pronouns are she/her. I’ve been a fan of the incredible Avatar universe since I was 12.
🌱I’m a 27 year old artist (and budding writer if I say so myself)
🌱I don’t want any minors on my blog
🍃Now let’s get to the good stuff🍃
Who Do I Write For?:✅
What Do I Write?: ✅
Breeding kinks
Age gaps (usually no bigger than 10 years)
General action/ violence
✨My favorite trope of all time is enemies to lovers which I utilize a lot in my works
✨Not to mention a delicious slow burn
What Don’t I Write?: 🛑
Dubious consent
Violence used in sexual acts
Degradation play
Stepcest/ incest
Non-canon sexual orientation for characters (this does not include threesomes)
Smut for minors
Lo’ak, Neteyam, and Spider are children and I will not write explicit material for them
‼️All previous work including smut has been erased due to serious reconsideration of the questionable discourse around alien culture and age differences on Pandora
I am not comfortable justifying this furthermore and the lines are far too blurred. When I first made the blog I was under the impression that Neteyam and Lo’ak were 18, since the information about them was not either officially released, or canon. I also believe a lot of us seemed to have this collective delusion that alien ages were different because of them being on Pandora, or that they’re similar to animal-like years etc. So I take accountability there. I would’ve deleted my works much sooner but I was on a 7 month hiatus with my app deleted. I could not justify it anymore. Please respect my decisions. It is wrong.
There will be no aging up the characters for smut as well.
Implied romance is fine
Who is My OC? :
🌱Name: Tani te Ol’ul Peyral’ite
🌱Daughter of the mighty hunter Peyral and Taktu te Omi (character I made up)
🌱Clan: Omatikaya
🌱Age: 20’s
🌱Height: 8’8” she’s one of the tallest female na’vi for her age group
🌱Ikran: She tamed a beautiful indigo almost black female Ikran with scatters of bright bioluminescent spots named Oare which means Moon in Na’vi
(pronounced Oh-R-Ay with rolled ‘r’)
🌱Special Skills: Archery, Ikran flying, weaving and craftsmanship, spear fishing, and hand to hand combat thanks to Jake Sully’s informative combat lessons
🌱Her Favorite Food: minced hexapede meat with rice and vegetables stuffed in a smoked hand wrapped banana leaf, Dawn Fruit for its sour tangy flavor, bladder polyps for the saltiness, thistle bud for snacking
🌱Tani was a young child when the battle of the Hallelujah Mountains took place so she stayed back with her grandmother and other children while the elders looked after them. She had an older sister named Zetey the same age as Neytiri who was killed in battle and regularly talks to her at the spirit tree
🌱Experiencing war at such a young age significantly changed her and the way she acts, many elders in the clan commend her for her stoic attitude and maturity.
🌱She leads a very hectic lifestyle serving as one of the high ranking warriors in the clan under Jake’s leadership alongside her parents
🌱She secretly wishes for a quiet life and large family dabbling into healing work and weaving goods for the clan
🌱She has an even temper and is not usually tempted to lash out, she’s very calculated and cunning
🌱Every hunting festival she makes new garments usually showcasing a significant event that occurred before the big hunt
🌱She has a large collection of beads and rocks she’s received from both Tuk and Lo’ak she keeps in a special bowl by her bedside at all times
🌱After joining union with Jake she collected a rock from the river where they had a heart to heart and strung it onto her songcord
🌱She has a soft spot for Lo’ak being the younger sibling herself and often defends him and tries to get Jake to soften his attitude
🌱She ends up having 2 more babies with Jake, a boy, and another girl
🌱She and Ronal end up becoming great friends and their babies have many play dates together
🌱Tani and Jake have matching Metkayina tattoos on their shoulders
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Question, do the RDA know that it’s actually completely Jake in that body or do they still think he’s an avatar being remotely controlled? Because that definitely puts a lot more of Quaritch’s actions, words and threats into perspective. 
From where he’s standing he’s not fighting one on one with Jake Sully and both of their lives at risk, but Jake Sully in a VR simulation. He can take away that avatar body and Jake will still be hiding up away somewhere being a mastermind and still have his allies and family. 
Losing the Na’vi body would be a devastating blow to Jake’s ability to fight and co-ordinate attacks, but it would be like taking out a piece of high value military equipment while the man that’s drawing up the battle tactics slips away.
So you go after the thing he can’t afford to lose to get him to comply and surrender. His children.
Yes, surrender. Note that when it’s just them, Kiri and Tuk standing out in the open that he demands Jake cuff himself rather than just kill him outright. Because to Quaritch, that’s not fully Jake, but that body provides crucial intel as to where the “real” Jake Sully would be. It’s also a valid motivation to stop Recom Wainfleet from shooting Jake the first time even without the Metkayina nearby. That body is a major lead in the manhunt. It’s only when the threat grows that destroying the “avatar” becomes a viable option. But by the time that opportunity arises, Spider is back in the picture.
Note he also says when making the threat to force Jake to fight him that he’s “coming for him”. And when he does, he’ll “kill his whole family”. He doesn’t mention killing Jake. He doesn’t say “I’ll kill YOU and your whole family.” 
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Because seeing Jake as a human off remote somewhere instead of the Na’vi standing on front of him, there’s procedures for that. His mission may be to hunt down and kill him, but killing a human and authorising that is a whole other ball game from killing a Na’vi. He’s not the one with that level of control. Human Jake is expected by higher ups to be taken away, charged and executed for desertion and treason or eliminated during a skirmish if he violently resists.
It also explains why he's so keen to one-up Jake and goads his Na’vi body into a fight knowing there’s a high chance a victory would be pyrrhic. Original Quaritch never controlled an avatar in life. He didn’t know how real the experience was of being in one. So his Recom believes himself superior. He’s not “playing pretend” in advanced facetime. He’s the real deal living that life full time. Jake went through a quicktime event to get his Ikran to him and he’s going to prove he’s made of more and can take the harder challenge. At the expense of it being more dangerous and less efficient. 
The same applies to their final fight. “Some idiot on easy mode with assists and everything handed to him on a plate thinks he can beat me? I’d like to see him try.”
Add in that he’s barely been given any chances to truly feel “alive” since being born. He’s grabbing opportunities to get that with both hands. Especially when he’s backed into a corner and it looks like his short, miserable life is at a close.
He thinks he’s lost everything else worth living for except Spider who he saw approaching the ship with Jake. Last thing he can do is go for it and take out the conduit of that race traitor masquerading as a family man, a father figure to his brother/son. A stark reminder of what the human in the back of his mind could have been, but instead let hate destroy him. The new man he could have been now, but wasn’t allowed to be.
Now if this is true, when will Quaritch find out that Jake is no longer human and they have a lot more in common than just Spider and marine training?
Alternatively, if he already knows, how did he get that information? Did Spider let slip? Were those hand prints in the interrogation room from squeezing it out of some captive Omatikaya?
The mind races... No doubt I have a LOT more trails to follow from this.
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tragedyslayer · 1 year
Neteyam x female reader! Part 2
like this chapter a lot more, and It's a little longer! I switched from first person to third person once or twice to get Neteyams' thoughts on things, but let me know if you guys don't like that. Also let me know if there's anything I can improve on. (Also I don't proof read cause Im too excited to post the chapters as I finish them, I will edit my mistakes eventually) Enjoy!
TW: semi detailed description of cutting skin.
Characters are both 18
Part 1
Word count: 2,156
After hearing about Miles, or Spider I guess, it was hard for me to refuse the Na’vi boys' plea for help. So I found myself following him back to his home.
“Are you sure this is a good idea- erm what's your name?”
I asked, realizing we skipped formalities. He looked over his shoulder at me before replying. 
“Neteyam, this is a good idea. They will understand where I'm coming from.”
“And if they don't?” I argued, worried I would be shot on sight for coming anywhere near the Na’vi home. Neteyam stopped and turned to look at me. “My father is of the sky people, he saved all the people of pandora. He would not have been able to do that without my mothers trust.”
My eyes widened and I took a good look at Neteyam. I studied his features for a moment before smiling. 
“How did I not see it?” 
I shook my head, Neteyam had five fingers. Not only that but he had a striking resemblance to Neytiri. Everything made so much more sense now.
“You're Jake's son, that's why Spider was with you.”
Neteyam only nodded in confusion, not understanding why I would care who his father was. 
“ Why do you keep bringing up Spider?” 
I decided it would be best to wait to reveal my identity, he would understand in time. I shook my head in dismissal before answering him,
“My name is Shyla, I'll explain who I am to your father.”
Neteyam pressed his lips together, clearly unsatisfied by my vague answer.
“If you only intend on telling my father who you are, I'm sorry but I doubt that's possible.”
That wasn't ideal, I knew Jake would understand my position, but when it came to the others I wouldn't blame them if they were quick to judge.
My eyebrows pinched together as I listened to Neteyam. I understood there was nothing he could do, but this wasn't going to work.
“Ok, hear me out.” I raised my hands, gesturing for him to stay with me.
“Take me somewhere, where I can meet with your father. A mutual meeting place, you choose when and where. I know it's not easy to agree to, but do you really want to lead your enemy to your home? How do you think your mother would feel about that?”
Neteyam thought for a beat. I seemed to get through to him, because he sighed before nodding his head in agreement.
We climbed through a maze of trees, he definitely chose somewhere that wasn't easy to get to. He grabbed a vine, turning towards me and extending his arm as an invitation to grab onto him. Before I could argue I looked past the ledge of the tree we were on, the fall wouldn't be a pleasant one. I gave Neteyam a deadpan stare.
“Are you coming or not?”
I pressed my lips together into a line, stepping closer to Neteyam and wrapping my arms around his neck.
“You better not drop me Neteyam.”
Neteyam looked down at the women. He liked the way his name sounded when she said it. Now that he thought about it, he also liked the way he felt with her arms around him. However he didn't like the way he was feeling.
He shook off the thoughts before they could manifest anymore, holding Shyla tight by the waist before jumping off the tree branch.
The pair swung through the air and Syla gasped. Neteyam glanced downward, his confused expression melted away into a smile as he watched the girl. Shyla let out a breathy giggle as they swung through the forest.
They landed on another branch, and Shyla let go of Neteyam, composing herself. Neteyam internally scolded himself for immediately missing her warmth. 
“You liked it?”
Neteyam smirked, walking forward through some foliage. I scoffed, not bothering to hide my true amusement, following close behind him.
“It was alright.”
My sorry excuse at feigning indifference didn't go unnoticed. The both of us surfaced from the branches and vines. I took a moment to examine my surroundings. We were completely closed in by rock walls that towered above us, covered in greenery. It was like being in the center of a dormant volcano that became a plant utopia.
“So this is where you intend to hide me?” 
I teased, walking further into the grass. Neteyam rolled his eyes, following me. 
“You're the one who wants to be hidden.” 
He had a point, but I had no intention of giving him the satisfaction of knowing that.
I laughed under my breath, but it was cut short. A searing pain rang through my body, I yelped before grabbing my forearm. 
“What is it?”
Neteyam rushed towards me, taking a hold of my arm and inspecting it.
Suppressing my groans as best I could, I looked at my arm. I had never felt anything like this in my life. Neteyam continued to question me, not knowing what else to do.
“Is something wrong with your avatar?”
Then it clicked, my eyes widened as I looked up to meet Neteyams fixed gaze.
“It's a tracker.’
I Grimaced, pulling a knife from the waistband of my pants.
“What are you doing?!”
Neteyam grabbed my wrist, stopping my blade.
“I can't let them find us!”
My reasoning didn't seem to convince Neteyam. I sighed before groaning at another shock of pain.
“Listen, it's either you leave me here, or I take out this tracker.”
Neteyam knew she was right, but he still hated the idea of Shyla mutilating herself.
Neteyam slowly let go of my wrist, giving me a worried expression.
I reassured him the best I could with a half hearted grin before lowering the knife to my arm. I took a deep breath before slicing through. I Gasped, trying my best to keep my hand steady.
I weeped, dropping the knife after finishing my incision. I could tell Neteyam wanted to help but had absolutely no way of doing so. Biting the inside of my cheek I took my thumb and index finger, and dug into the cut. The taste of blood filled my mouth but I was in too much pain to care. After a few short moments that felt like an eternity I retrieved the tracker. 
Neteyam took it from me and smashed it with the end of my knife while I held my arm.
“Keep pressure on the wound”
Neteyam complied without question, and I grabbed a bandana I had in my cargo pants, wrapping it around the wound. Neteyam tightened the not, causing a yelp of pain to escape my throat.
He grimaced, and I glared up at him.
“At least you came prepared.”
A smile tugged at my lips, and I shook my head.
“You really are stupid.”
The sound of a helicopter overhead interrupted the conversation.
Me and Neteyam gave each other a knowing look before he dragged me toward the walls of the enclosure. 
Neteyam mumbled, it was the middle of the day and the sun illuminated every inch of the surrounding area.
“Over there!”
I urged, and we ran toward a slight overhang that conveniently had vines growing over it that provided some coverage.
Neteyam pushed his back to the wall, and I stood pressed against his chest. Both of our breaths stopped as the helicopter flew directly over the opening of what once was a hiding spot. Neither of us moved an inch until long after the sound of the helicopter dissipated. I let out a sigh of relief, wondering how the hell we got away with that. 
“That was close.”
Neteyam agreed,
“Too close.”
Then I realized how close we were to one another. I could feel the vibration of Neteyams rapid heart rate on my shoulder blade. His hands were cupped around my arms, and it was shocking how large they were. I  couldn't imagine how large he would be compared to my human form.
I swallowed the dryness away in my throat, as Neteyam let go of my arms. I took that as my que to step away.
We both emerged from the shadows cautiously, I looked at Neteyam,
“If they got my location before we destroyed the tracker they would have already been here.”
That was the best I could do at reassuring him. At the mention of the tracker a panicked expression took over Neteyams face.
“Your arm!”
He grabbed my wrist, tugging it, somehow gently, towards him. I had bled through the cloth, which granted was not ideal.
“I have to take you home, now.”
I pulled my arm away shaking my head.
“No! I can wait, I'm fine really.” 
Neteyam looked at me with disbelief,
“Are you serious Shyla? Why won't you come with me?”
Neteyams tone turned subtly sour as he spoke. I could have been misunderstanding his expression, but he seemed hurt. I bit my lip, contemplating every decision I made to lead me to this point. I took a sharp breath in, deciding there wasn't much to lose.
“I'm spider's sister.”
There was silence for a long moment. Neteyam just stared at me, and I probably looked like I was going to throw up.
Neteyam laughed and I just watched, not able to understand any part of his actions. 
“Why would that be a bad thing?”
Neteyam offered me a sympathetic smile, and it unintentionally made me melt. I sighed, focusing on the more important topic of conversation.
“Because…my fathers back.”
That's when Neteyams expression matched my own, he was horrified. All I felt was shame, I wish I could go back to saying my father was dead.
Neteyam insisted on bringing me back to the Na’vi base, reassuring me that I wouldn't have to tell anyone who I was until I was reunited with Spider. I spent the walk explaining that I was born on Pandora, and did not go back to earth tell my dad died. I explained that I was very young, and did not have a say in much of anything.
“So, you knew my parents? And Grace?”
I smiled slightly, shrugging in reply,
“Kind of, Like I said I was young, but yes I spent some time with them.”
Neteyam matched my smile, his pace quickened.
“You have nothing to worry about, they will think of you as someone to protect.”
My expression hardened and I thought for a moment, no one has ever wanted to protect me in my life. I've always just been a soldier, dying meant serving my planet to my fullest. Neteyam slowed, watching my expression.
“Is something wrong?”
I pulled myself away from the thought and looked up at him. I laughed, shaking my head.
“No, I'm sorry.”
Neteyam shook his head,
“Don't be.”
I don't remember much of Jake Sully, but that was him to a tee.
Before I could reply someone sprinted out of the woods and tackled me. I didn't let the utter shock stop me from fighting back. In a matter of seconds I was on top of the culprit with my knife to their throat.
Neteyam hissed, and I relaxed my arm, not pressing it into the boy's skin any longer. After the initial adrenalin wore off, I got a chance to observe the boy who attacked me, he looked familiar.
“Your brother?”
I chuckled, getting off of Lo’ak. Neteyam sighed, roughly pulling Lo’ak to his feet. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
Lo’ak shrugged off his brother, furrowing his eyebrows together. 
“I thought you needed my help!”
The boy defended himself, and I couldn't help but laugh under my breath. Both of the men looked at me, expecting an explanation for what I found so funny.
“Sorry, it's just, that lame excuse for an attack wasn't gonna help anybody.”
Neteyam also found that funny, chuckling as well. Lo’ak looked at his brother in utter disbelief.
“What are you doing brother? She is a sky person.”
He mumbled, as if it was some kind of secret. I pressed my lips together, maybe the Na’vi wouldn’t be as understanding as Neteyam promised.
Neteyam lightly pushed his brother's shoulder as a form of scolding.
“So is dad, and Kiri’s mom.”
Neteyams argument made Lo’ak shut up, but he still didn't seem to agree with the situation. 
“You will get an explanation soon, but for now we have to get Shyla home.”
Neteyam started walking but Lo’ak protested.
“To our home?! No, no, no.”
Neteyam shot Lo’ak a death glare, and there was no arguing after that.
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melsimps · 11 months
So... some lore for my spiderverse oc, Tobias Tulper (the Spider-By-Proxy).
He has a kind of close relationship with Moon Knight in his universe. Mostly because of the whole "working for a god" thing they've both got in common (and yes, it's still the three Moon boys).
They've started acting as a mentor in a way to Tobias, because the three of them have been at this hero game a long time. And so, they help teaching him in different ways.
Steven helps with the more detective-y investigative stuff.
Marc handles stealth and secretive work. Along with some minor self defence training.
Jake definitely helps teach him to fight properly.
...but they are also involved in each other's lives because his mom is dating them. Like, she is fully dating the moon boys (or, their public identities, ig).
And they only found out about the other when Marc was leaving for his Moon Knight shit, while Toby was sneaking back in from his own Spider-By-Proxy shit.
...yeah, they had a long conversation that night.
"You can't do shit like this, kid. Your mom's gonna flip" "Does Mom know you do this?" "...Let me show you how to do shit like this properly."
[It turned into a bonding experience].
Whenever Marc/Steven/Jake are on patrol with him, Araven gets kinda pissy because originally - this was a chance for him to work with his kid.
Lead to a bit of angst where Araven came out and got really mad with Steven - who Toby came to for romantic advice.
Steven kept calm and explained that he wasn't trying to steal Toby from him, just keep him safe - like Araven wanted, too.
Anyway, his MJ is also his universe's equivalent of Harry Osborne.
Nick Doarico. The strong-yet-silent rich kid that Tobias has been friends with since he was four.
They hang out together and listen to music.
Also, there's his Deadpool, Ricky Roberts. He has a bat and plays baseball. :)
The three hang out together and do dumb shit ("boys will be boys" in the best way possible).
Toby and Cody used to be close - but, after Cody got his amulet, the two kinda grew apart.
Cody became more obsessed with his devotion to Silbara, and shut his brother out.
...but Toby will always want to be there, to give his brother a hand if he needs it.
Also, an incorrect quote because I saw a tiktok and had an idea for domestic Tulper-Spector-Grant-Lockley shit:
Steven: New rule! When one of you two start giving your mum an attitude, we're gonna start romancing her.
Steven, to Connie: Hello, darling~!
Jake, deciding to front now: How you doing, baby girl?
[Laughing, playful protests of "No" from Cody and Toby]
Jake: How'd you feel about another child?
Connie, trying not to laugh: No.
Marc, switching to host: What about your-! I could rub your ankles Goodnight.
Connie, laughing: No.
[Marc does that jokey playful flirt growl thing.]
Connie, wheezing: No-!
[Marc makes kissy noises at her. Connie is laughing, while the twins are cringing hard]
Marc: Oh yeah, baby.
[Marc looks to the twins, jokingly]
Marc: Are we gonna adjust the attitude?
Toby, laughing: yes-!
Steven, fronting again: Are we gonna clean without fighting?
Twins, cringing hard: Yes-!
[Toby, Cody, and Connie are all laughing]
Steven: From now on, you give her attitude, we start woo-ing your mother.
Cody: No-!
Steven: And the worse your attitude, the more your mum's gonna blush!
The Moon Boys had a Yung Gravy arc, ig. Fell in love with a milf archaeologist.
And took a Spider-person as a protégé in a way.
Want any more lore? Just ask!!!
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Why do they need 8 legs?
Marc Spector/Steven Grant (Slight Jake Lockley) x GN!Reader
Summary: Steven and Marc are tough guys, they used to be the Avatar for an Ancient Egyption God for god's sake! But they have one weakness..
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Set after the events of the series, slightly allusions to smut at the end but there isn't any, (you can imagine they have a tickle fight if your not into that sort of thing)
Also btw I actually have Shark Sliders and I where them everywhere :DD
Y/n! HELP!"
Steven shouts from the kitchen, despacito filling his voice, I throw my book down not bothering to bookmark it and run to the kitchen.
"Steven! Marc! Are you OK? What happened!?"
I scan the room for any threats, none apart from Stevens fear in his eyes
"See! You big baby you've scared them"
The fear leaves Stevens face and is replaced by a annoyed mercenary known as Marc Spector"
"Marc it's massive"
Steven whispers back into the reflection on one of the random mirrors that you have put up around the house, this one hand in a kitchen cabinet, it wasn't the best look in the world but it makes for sentries like these even more funny as Steven seems to be augering with his reflection.
"What's massive?"
As funny as this is I need to know what has caused Steven to look this distressed.
"There's a spider"
He points at the corner of the kitchen to where on the wall there is a spider, I haven't even noticed it either because of the fact my boyfriend was screaming for help so the fact is a TINY HARMLESS SPIDER!!.
I shake my head and take of my *amazing* shark sliders and go to kill the spider.
"Don't kill it!!"
"Oh my god Steven!"
I laugh and walk over to his distraught face, the poor guys nearly in tears.
"Steven, is it just a spider OK? It can't hurt you"
I cup his face in my hand, he leads into my touch as I stroke his cheek
"They have 8 legs Y/N!"
I light again and pull away, Steven gives me a pout and I give him one back, I put my shark slider back in and get a glass and an old magazine and Cargill captures the spider.
"Why do they need that many legs"
Steven continues in a whisper, I hold the glass up to see the little.guy, before walking over to Steven.
"Nonononono y/n get away from me"
"Come on Seven! Just say hello"
He comes face to face with the glass and the spider he gulps before whispering underneath his breath.
"Hello Mr.Spider"
I take the glass away and he lets out a breath, I open the window and set the super free, even though it will probably die anyways but Steven doesn't need to know that.
"Well done really manley of you"
I recognise the slite Chicago accent and slap Marc on the shoulder.
"Hey! I'm nor the one who made you pick up the beast"
"Hey Marc! You were scared of it to"
Steven takes control, it's funny when they have these arguments but also INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.
"GUYS! Calm down okay! The spider's gone you're both safe and i'll defend you two as long as I live"
I give a little superhero pose and Steven laughs before Marc takes control wrapping his arms around me and wearing the same goofy grin I am
He mutters before kissing me, I pull back before he gets into it to make one last point.
"You're scared too!"
"Shut up"
He buries his head into my shoulder to hide the blush covering his face.
"I mean I can kinda understand Steven,but Marc Spector! Ex-Mercenary and Ex-Avatar of the Egyptian God Konshu! Scared of a teeny weeny spider"
Marc stays quite before kissing my cheek
"You were going to kill it!"
He says on my shoulder, nuzzling his face into my neck, peppering me with kisses.
"No I-mmhh"
He gets the right spot on my neck, causing me to let out a moun, Marc's
eyes light up and he pick me up
"Marc! Stop! Where are we going!"
I laugh as he carries me across Stevens flat onto his bed before laying me down.
"This is revenge mi amor'
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bigkpopstan · 3 years
Dating Enha’s 02’ line!
poly relationship w/02 line, gn reader:D
warnings; a lil anxiety + anxious tics mentioned
requested; nope :D. first installment of my poly series babies; none of us are surprised.
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• starting off with the fact that jay swears he’s strictly a big spoon but more often than not you catch him and sunghoon cuddling with jay as the small spoon
• sunghoon loves the “...or I’ll kiss you” threats bc this guy absolutely loves skinship but doesn’t always initiate
• you all regularly paint each other’s nails
• rock paper scissors to find out who picks the movie for movie nights
• jake wins most of the time but he feels really bad so he either picks one that he’s heard someone mention or makes everyone play again
• he really doesn’t do it on purpose sometimes it just happens</3
• jake specifically will rub his cheek against you guys when he wants his hair played with but is too embarrassed to ask
• sunghoon and jake specifically like feel so comforted and small sometimes, especially when they’re sad so what I’m getting is they both curl into a ball to cuddle in your/jay’s chests
• jay does it on occasion but no where near as much as the other two
• matching clothes
• even underwear, which y’all don’t always coordinate but then one of the guys goes “look what I’m wearing” showing off enough so everyone knows what’s going on then it’s the spider man meme if he’s not the only one wearing them
• morning routine consists of jake and sunghoon being clinger than usual, like yes they’re clingy but it the morning it’s amplified.
• sunghoon and jake just like draping themselves over you and jay specifically if you guys are brushing your teeth, jay isn’t much of a initiator of morning cuddles but he will rub backs and hold you guys if you want him to
• all three of them are sleepy mumblers, they all mumble when they’re tired and will talk to you or each other until they pass out
• it’s the sweetest thing to watch them mumble back and forth if they’re trying to sleep and you’re doing work or something
• you definitely record the sleepy mumbles bc it’s so funny, almost never makes sense the next time you play the audio to them and they just get all embarrassed
• jay will not let any disagreements, arguments or weird vibes last for long, he cannot handle it and he’s a very passionate person, he wants everything to be okay and resolved as quickly as possible
• which jake & sunghoon are very opposite of that, sometimes it doesn’t go well but everything does work out after some space
• heavy feeling jay’s love languages are acts or service and gift giving, whether he’s making food, randomly buying everyone things he knows you guys will like or just helping with random things he’ll do it without being asked
• jake’s main love language definitely seems like it’d be quality time, comfortable silence, if he wants he can just admire you guys bc let’s be honest...baby is probably the type to stare
• sunghoon’s love language seems to be among the realm of physical affection, holding hands, cuddling, at least crossing your ankles together, he likes to know you guys are there and it really comforts him
• jay becomes the caretaker when one of you is sick, leading from his acts of service and being very passionate traits
• sunghoon really enjoys holding your guys’ face when kissing, and absolutely loves slow sensual kisses
• jake never knows what to do with his hands, always nervous, his hands tend to be sweaty</3
• jay likes holding waists/hips bc he wants to make you guys feel safe with him, or coddles everyone’s head/face
• jay also really likes it when you guys rest your heads on his chest/shoulders, he likes to feel needed
• jake secretly is in love with when you guys fall asleep in his lap, or lower stomach or just rest your heads there, again can stare at you guys while playing with everyone’s hair
• jake’s anxious tics are very noticeable to you three, when jake gets anxious he’ll start adjusting his weight, won’t know what to do with his hands even more than usual, and he’ll look around quite frantically
• before you guys picked up on it he’d look at you all in a specific way but since getting to know his tells more, if you guys are noticing them you three won’t necessarily crowd him but will definitely be more observant of his behaviors to try and figure out what he needs you three to do
• a lot of reassuring touches for jake when he’s getting angsty/uncomfy or restless
• now when sunghoon gets anxious, you guys latch on to him, rubbing his arm/back, wrapping your arms around him, playing with the hairs on the back of his head, maybe going to a more secluded area of the room you guys are in
• if jake lays on one of you during movie night and you rub his back he will be OUT he will fall sleep so fucking quick
• jake and jay love pinching everyone’s cheeks, sunghoon only started bc it kind of got on his nerves but now it’s a cute couple thing you all do that makes everyone around you roll their eyes when they see it <3
• sunghoon top favorite form of skinship/pda is hand holding 😔
• one of sunghoon’s end goals is to at least teach everyone ice skating basics
• jake giggles into kisses, sunghoon smiles into them, jay tends to fiddle with shirt material
• they all absolutely go crazy if your hands are just buried into their hair as you kiss
• sunghoon likes rubbing his cheek against all of you
• jay likes feeding y’all
• jake might not be the type for pda or showing off but he wants everyone to know that you four are together
• kiss jake’s temple gently and he’ll go crazy pls
• another thing that drives jakey crazy is when a hand is rested on his abs/stomach, makes his head fuzzy. now just think about how he feels when all three of you are doing it and complementing him
• jake is the most like a hopeless romantic please give him movie like moments
• sunghoon loves being kissed. forehead, temple, nose, cheek, the corner of his lips. just kiss him:(
• the way jakey giggles when all three of you wrap yourselves around him at once is precious as fuck
• jay lowkey likes pda, like he’s so proud of having cuffed all three of you and wants to show off so bad but knows the boys are shy 🥺
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quicktosimp · 5 months
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Kinkmas Day 09
Warnings: Xenophilia (aka Alien Genitalia), Anal, Bottom!Spider, Pegging, Age Difference (6 Years), Size Difference, Sex Toys (kinda, IDK how to tag this), Belly Bulge
A/N: You do not understand how long I've been wanting to make this!!! After talking with @fuckyoumakeart, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! Also I haven't forgotten your present bby, it's on the way 😘
Again thank you @neteyamsyawntu for this amazing event 💗
Divider by @cafekitsune
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Spider has always been Na’vi, no matter what anyone says. I will always see him as more Na’vi than Sully, much to the ire of my sister Neytiri. I may have only been six during the time of the war. Still, I remember Sully before he could speak a word of Na’vi. I remember as he fumbled our ways, and I remember how he betrayed us, the bombs falling from the sky, destroying our home, killing our people, killing my father… I will never accept Sully, the spy, as Omatikaya. And while I will easily die for my nieces and nephews, and I believe Sully would do the same, I hate the way he raises them and won’t hesitate to speak out about it. Neytiri has never approved of how I treat Sully but never said anything about it. The same cannot be said about Spider. She always tries to stop me from bringing him to clan meetings and celebrations, only for me to point out that a spy like Sully gets to go. I say it loud enough to draw attention, quickly shutting her up. There are times I think Neytiri only stays with Sully because she refuses to break a bond made with Eywa, and then she had the kids… maybe once they’re older, she’ll leave him… an ancient tradition of asking Eywa for guidance in breaking a bond, only she will decide.
“Ma’Syulang, what has you thinking so hard?” Spider’s arms wrap around my neck as he stands behind where I am sitting.
I smile at his touch as I lean my head back into his shoulder, “Traditions,” I answer simply.
“What tradition’s exactly?” Spider asked me as he ran his hand through my braids.
“You know, by both human and Na’vi laws, you are more Na’vi than Sully,” I begin.
I could feel Spider stiffen behind me.
“You are a child of Eywa, born on Eyweveng. You follow the Na’vi ways, you speak our language, you are Na’vi,” I finish, placing my hand over his own, “There is a tradition I want to introduce you to.”
“Tìyawn, you cannot just dump all that on me and then start a new topic,” He laughed wetly.
“It is important for you to know because not even Sully can partake in this tradition,” I explain, needing him to understand.
I look back at him, only for his wide eyes to stare back at me, his mouth hanging open.
“Not even? Jake can’t? How can I?” Spider stutters over his words.
I shake my head at him, silencing his words, “I have already talked with my Sa’nu, and she agrees, and as the Tsahìk, she has the final word,” I turn around, wrapping my arms around Spider, noticing the tears in his eyes. I have always hated that Spider thinks so little of himself when he has proven himself over and over again.
I cradle his much smaller body against mine, giving Spider as much love and protection as I can. 
“Mo’at agrees?” He questions softly like he can’t believe it.
I nod my head, “She was the one who mentioned it to me,” I answer him, smiling, happy that my mother approves.
Would you like to learn?” I ask softly, not wanting to push him while he’s feeling vulnerable
“I-yes, I want to learn,” Sider answers firmly as he backs away, taking my hand in his.
I locked our fingers together as my tail swished happily, “Then let's get searching,” I urged vaguely, pulling him along.
This sparked a laugh out of Spider, “Are you going to tell me what we’re looking for?” 
I flashed him a grin, “Nope, it will all be a surprise for you.”
“Fine then, lead the way,” Spider gave a mock bow.
I giggle at his antics as I continue our way to the grove, not that he knows it exists. It is carefully hidden, mainly to make sure no kids find it. It is only meant for those who are mated. Spotting the thicket of loreyu, I smile giddily.
“We’re here. Go through and look,” I point to the other side.
Walking through the loreyu spiraled down, disappearing and allowing us to walk through. Showing us a clearing of spam, they’re all brightly colored, ranging in every shade of color possible, all in slightly different shapes and sizes, but undoubtedly similar to a male Na’vi’s penis.
Spider’s head was whipping around, his eyes wide, and his jaw slack, like he genuinely couldn’t believe what he was seeing, “Paskalin… Why are we in a field of dicks?” His stunned voice managed to get out.
I can’t help but laugh at his reaction. No tawtute has seen these before, but Spider is not a tawtute, “These are mowan spxam, pleasure mushrooms, they are for two mates to enjoy, they have many uses, but I think you can tell they’re all for sex.” 
“Are they dildos?” Spider asks, curious now as he gently touches a rather large orange one.
“Dildos? Oh, those pleasure things made out of plastic, I think that’s what you called it? But kind of. The mowan spxam can live temporarily out of the ground and be replated where you want it to. But the best part is that it bonds with our central slit, both male and female, becoming one with us and giving us the phallic shape to use on our mates. That is why it is ours to pick,” I explain, looking over at some of the younger ones, knowing that a smaller one would be needed for Spider.
“Wait, would I use this on you? Or you use on me?” Spider asked, shocked but not repulsed.
“It can be used for both, but it is primarily meant to be used on the male in the relationship. So he may enjoy the same pleasures as his mate,” I look at Spider and watch his reaction, needing to know if he is alright with this.
He stands there thinking, and I am unable to read his expression from here. I feel my heart race nervously as I wait, fearing that I have pushed him too far.
“How do I choose?” Sider asks, breaking the silence.
I jump from my spot, rush over, and hug him, lifting Spider off the ground and kissing him soundly.
Little giggles flow past his lips, “Yawne, you need to let me down if I am to pick one,” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.
I gently put him back on his feet, “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited for this! For you, Spider! Now you can enjoy the wonderful pleasure you give me every time!” I can’t help but squeal in joy as I rub my chin over Spider’s head, covering him in my scent.
“I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous, but I’m more excited than anything,” Spider admits sheepishly, “Now, show me how this works!” He says, clapping his hands together.
“You pick whichever spxam you want, but make sure you pick one you can handle; you may only choose one in your lifetime. But when you do, you will gently stroke around the base. It will then detach itself and hold onto you.” 
And with that, Spider moves around, looking through them carefully. He paused briefly at one green one that was longer and thicker than his arm. After gawking at it, he quickly moved on, finding a patch of younger spxam and browsing through them. But as I took a look, even these young ones were much larger than what I’ve seen a tawtute have. My ears flickered back as I became concerned, wondering if Spider could take any of these.
“This one,” While I was distracted, Spider had chosen one, and I realized that I should have explained better.
In his hand was a deep violet mowan spxam, the bottom of it wrapped eagerly around his fingers and around his wrist. Each color meant something different. Green ones were calm, the spines stayed still, only moving if needed. Red ones were teasing; they would search for your most sensitive spot and only play there. On the other hand, Purple is wild, never ceasing movement, as they would wraith and move; even the stock couldn’t stay still; some were even known for expanding their size. This is the one that Spider chose, covered thickly in spines that are already twisting around, yet it is too late to tell him, as they have already bound.
“What’s wrong with it?” Spider asked worriedly, fearing he had done something wrong. 
“There is nothing wrong with it!” I wanted to reassure him, for it was me who failed him, “Purple is known for being wild. Typically, only well-experienced Na’vi choose them,” I bite my lips as I explain this. 
“Well, I guess I better learn fast,” Spider’s smile reassured me as his fingers played with the mowan spxam.
Breaking out of my worry, I quickly pulled out a vial I had been carrying. “Yes, I think you should,” The vial was full of oil used for mating, as I had prepared this, hoping it would go well.
“I should have known,” Spider muttered to himself, shaking his head, but I could still see the smile on his face.
“Come here,” I demand softly, holding my hand out.
Spider walked to me, filled with confidence, with love in his eyes. I kneed down to his height as I met his lips with my own. My mating having Eywa’syawn never ceased to fail. I open my mouth to kiss Spider more, dominating his smaller frame with my own as I wrap my arms around him, tugging him closer. I nip at his bottom lip, demanding entrance, which he eagerly gives. My tongue takes over his mouth, filling each centimeter as I play with his tongue. Spider closes his mouth and sucks on my tongue, pulling a moan from me. 
I parted from his lips as I looked down at him. Spider’s face flushed a pretty pink as he gasped for breath.
“Take off your tewng, then lay down,” My voice was soft but left no room for argument.
Despite only having one hand, Spider removed the article of clothing and laid it to the side before kneeling down and then laying himself down flat on the ground. His pretty cock was already hard and flushed red, leaning on his abs. His prone body is a beautiful sight. I could gaze upon him all day.
“You’re so pretty, Tìyawn,” I comment as I run my hand along his thighs and up his stomach. 
“Not as pretty as you,” Spider says back, becoming distracted by my touch.
I chuckle at the comeback; as I focus back on his thighs, I rub my fingers into the meat of them, gently spreading his legs as I do so. I move down to his knees, lifting them, and place his feet up on my thighs, giving me room to work with. Looking down, I see his puckered hole, tiny and pink. I realized I was lucky that Norm had caught learning about this particular tradition. I may have been furious that he knew, but he and Max created a new oil containing a muscle relaxer, and I am thankful for that now.
“So tiny,” I murmur, rubbing my pinky over the small hole, and even that seemed huge.
A small gasp leaves Spider’s mouth, one of surprise and interest. Opening the vial, I poured a tiny amount onto my pinky, just enough to rub into Spider’s skin. Moving back to his hole, I rub my now slick pinky over it, making sure to get every crevice and applying gentle pressure. If what they said is true, then the muscle will slowly relax, allowing me entrance.
“Syulang, I think you might be a bit too big,” Spider’s voice through a moan.
“Shhh, don’t worry, I’ve already planned everything,” I soothe, rubbing a little more firmly, and I can feel the muscle giving in. 
Knowing Spider needs the distraction, I reach up, softly cupping his balls, rolling them in my palm. 
“Oh fuck,” Spider’s head rolled back as his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation.
Taking the opportunity, I gently wiggled my pinky inside him. It was tight inside; the spongy walls had never taken anything inside before and were now pulsing around my pinky.
“Eywa!” He gasped.
I wiggled my digit around, trying to make more room or even to fit the rest of the finger inside, stuck at the first knuckle. Furrowing my brow, I pulled my pinky out, grabbed the vial, and placed the tip at Spider’s entrance. The opening easily popped inside, and I poured a good amount of the contents. Pulling the vial out didn’t cause the same popping noise as last time. I put the vial to the side and pushed my pinky in again. This time, it went in with no resistance.
“Tìyawn, what was that? I feel weird,” He asked as I wiggled my finger inside yet again.
“Something made just for you. It is helping,” I explained as I started looking for the spot I had read about.
With Spider’s hole much looser, instead of using my pinky, I switched to my pointer finger; while it was a little tighter than before, there was no resistance on entry. I pushed and prodded inside him, sliding my finger in and out, getting him used to the motion as I continued to look for the spot. Slick sounds from the oil sounded around the grove, mixed with Spider’s moans.
“Slow down, please! I’m close!” He begs me, but I remember reading that humans are much more relaxed after orgasm, so I continue on. 
I turn my wrist so my palm is facing upward. I then curl my finger, hitting something spongy.
Spider arched off the ground as his eyes flew open, “Fuck! Right there!” He shouted, as his cock leaked precum everywhere; a small puddle formed on his stomach as his cock twitched.
Laughing, I prodded that spot again and again as I forced my finger in and out. Seeing that Spider was distracted, I pressed a second finger to his entrance, and it easily slid inside. Noticing how easy it was, I pushed in a third finger, which was swallowed up after a slight push. His one furrowed hole is now stretched taught around my fingers, pushing and pulling, trying to follow the speed I set. 
“Please, I’m too close! I’m gonna cum!” He squealed.
I wanted Spider to cum, so I took his dick between two of my fingers and moved them in time with my other hand, quickly bringing Spider to his reliance. Ropes of cum splattered out of his dick, landing all over his chest, neck, and face. Continuing my movements on his cock, I grabbed the spxam mowan from his hand. By now, my slit was open and weeping for attention, making it easy to gently slide the bottom of the spxam mowan inside. My eyes dilate at the pleasure, each of my inner tendrils wrapping around and playing with the spxam mowan, locking itself inside me for now. As it locked inside, the outer tendrils started to move more. Excited to play soon, I could feel each spine move as if it were my own tendril. I let go of Spider’s cock, earning me a whine, either from the lack of touch or oversensitivity. I’m unsure which it is. Grabbing Spider’s hips, I line him up with the spxam mowan. His cute hole hadn’t closed, showing me the pink inner flesh. I look up at Spider’s face; drool, tears, and sperm cover his face, his chest heaving for breath. A pretty pink blush covers him, and I can’t imagine a more beautiful sight. 
Spider whines, rolling his hips, catching the tapered tip on his open hole, “No more waiting.”
Giving into his whines, I slowly push inside, each spine pushed in with a pop. The tight, wet heat was going to send me into a frenzy, I grabbed onto Spider’s hips harder, trying to steady myself. As I pushed further in, the spines came to life, each rummaging around his insides, trying to find a good place to stay. 
“So big, Yawne,” Spider’s eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned.
Yet, I can’t take my eyes off his hole. Bigger than I thought a tawtute body could handle, the stalk was large enough, yet each spine popped inside, spreading his hole farther before swallowing again, and I felt every inch of it, but nothing beats the sight of my hips meeting his ass, the rim of his ass spread white around my fake cock. 
“Look at that; you took it all,” I muttered, unable to believe the sight myself.
All I got for a replay was a broken moan. Wanting something different, I moved my hands down to his knees and pressed them toward his chest. I lean down over Spider’s body, taking notice of the bulge in his stomach. I can’t help the growl that left my lips, a mix of a growl and a purr, as I rolled my hips inside, each spine pulling and wiggling inside him, none of them able to settle for a second. Rubbing and pressing every little thing they can find, watching the cum dribble out of Spider’s cock I know they found the same spot. 
“My Muntxatan, taking it so well for me, so pretty for me,” I growl out as I slide the mowan back, each spine getting stuck and popping out again as I slammed it back inside. 
The scream I got in return was beautiful. I started thrusting my hips, needing to hear more of Spider’s sounds.
“Sl- SLO-, OH FUCk!” Spider tried to stutter out, but I didn’t care.
The tightness from Spider’s hole as he flexed caused me pleasure like I never knew before, as each thrust pushed and pulled on my inner tendrils, building my climax rapidly. 
“You really want me to slow down? I don’t think so. I think you’re enjoying your ass being fucked,” I snarled into his ear. 
The sloppy sounds of the oil spilling everywhere, as each spine popped in and out of his hole, were filthy in the best of ways. I could feel Spider attempting to make himself tighter around the mowan, and I thrust even harder. The sounds of my thighs smacking his ass was loud that it left ringing in my ears. 
“Cum! GonNA CUm!” Spider screamed as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. 
I eagerly accept his kiss, pulling Spider closer to me. His body was drawn tight, needing to release. I grabbed his cock again and started pumping his cock. I swallowed his moans as he clenched around me, cum flew everywhere as he erupted. I thrust several more times before my coil snapped. My vision whited out as the waves of pleasure rolled through me. I continued to thrust erratically as I chased the remnants of my high, but as Spider’s whines became desperate, I knew I had to stop. I slide out of him carefully, and I examine his entrance. The once tight hole is now loose and seems unable to close. It was wicking pathetically as oil dribbled out. 
“You did such a good job. I love you, Spider,” I say softly, proud of how well he did.
When I received no reply, I looked up and saw he was fast asleep. I chuckled at his plight but let him sleep on, gently cleaning him so he wouldn’t be dirty when he wakes up.
Spider has always been Na’vi, no matter what anyone says. I will always see him as more Na’vi than Sully, much to the ire of my sister Neytiri. I may have only been six during the time of the war. Still, I remember Sully before he could speak a word of Na’vi. I remember as he fumbled our ways, and I remember how he betrayed us, the bombs falling from the sky, destroying our home, killing our people, killing my father… I will never accept Sully, the spy, as Omatikaya. And while I will easily die for my nieces and nephews, and I believe Sully would do the same, I hate the way he raises them and won’t hesitate to speak out about it. Neytiri has never approved of how I treat Sully but never said anything about it. The same cannot be said about Spider. She always tries to stop me from bringing him to clan meetings and celebrations, only for me to point out that a spy like Sully gets to go. I say it loud enough to draw attention, quickly shutting her up. There are times I think Neytiri only stays with Sully because she refuses to break a bond made with Eywa, and then she had the kids… maybe once they’re older, she’ll leave him… an ancient tradition of asking Eywa for guidance in breaking a bond, only she will decide.
“Ma’Syulang, what has you thinking so hard?” Spider’s arms wrap around my neck as he stands behind where I am sitting.
I smile at his touch as I lean my head back into his shoulder, “Traditions,” I answer simply.
“What tradition’s exactly?” Spider asked me as he ran his hand through my braids.
“You know, by both human and Na’vi laws, you are more Na’vi than Sully,” I begin.
I could feel Spider stiffen behind me.
“You are a child of Eywa, born on Eyweveng. You follow the Na’vi ways, you speak our language, you are Na’vi,” I finish, placing my hand over his own, “There is a tradition I want to introduce you to.”
“Tìyawn, you cannot just dump all that on me and then start a new topic,” He laughed wetly.
“It is important for you to know because not even Sully can partake in this tradition,” I explain, needing him to understand.
I look back at him, only for his wide eyes to stare back at me, his mouth hanging open.
“Not even? Jake can’t? How can I?” Spider stutters over his words.
I shake my head at him, silencing his words, “I have already talked with my Sa’nu, and she agrees, and as the Tsahìk, she has the final word,” I turn around, wrapping my arms around Spider, noticing the tears in his eyes. I have always hated that Spider thinks so little of himself when he has proven himself over and over again.
I cradle his much smaller body against mine, giving Spider as much love and protection as I can. 
“Mo’at agrees?” He questions softly like he can’t believe it.
I nod my head, “She was the one who mentioned it to me,” I answer him, smiling, happy that my mother approves.
Would you like to learn?” I ask softly, not wanting to push him while he’s feeling vulnerable
“I-yes, I want to learn,” Sider answers firmly as he backs away, taking my hand in his.
I locked our fingers together as my tail swished happily, “Then let's get searching,” I urged vaguely, pulling him along.
This sparked a laugh out of Spider, “Are you going to tell me what we’re looking for?” 
I flashed him a grin, “Nope, it will all be a surprise for you.”
“Fine then, lead the way,” Spider gave a mock bow.
I giggle at his antics as I continue our way to the grove, not that he knows it exists. It is carefully hidden, mainly to make sure no kids find it. It is only meant for those who are mated. Spotting the thicket of loreyu, I smile giddily.
“We’re here. Go through and look,” I point to the other side.
Walking through the loreyu spiraled down, disappearing and allowing us to walk through. Showing us a clearing of spam, they’re all brightly colored, ranging in every shade of color possible, all in slightly different shapes and sizes, but undoubtedly similar to a male Na’vi’s penis.
Spider’s head was whipping around, his eyes wide, and his jaw slack, like he genuinely couldn’t believe what he was seeing, “Paskalin… Why are we in a field of dicks?” His stunned voice managed to get out.
I can’t help but laugh at his reaction. No tawtute has seen these before, but Spider is not a tawtute, “These are mowan spxam, pleasure mushrooms, they are for two mates to enjoy, they have many uses, but I think you can tell they’re all for sex.” 
“Are they dildos?” Spider asks, curious now as he gently touches a rather large orange one.
“Dildos? Oh, those pleasure things made out of plastic, I think that’s what you called it? But kind of. The mowan spxam can live temporarily out of the ground and be replated where you want it to. But the best part is that it bonds with our central slit, both male and female, becoming one with us and giving us the phallic shape to use on our mates. That is why it is ours to pick,” I explain, looking over at some of the younger ones, knowing that a smaller one would be needed for Spider.
“Wait, would I use this on you? Or you use on me?” Spider asked, shocked but not repulsed.
“It can be used for both, but it is primarily meant to be used on the male in the relationship. So he may enjoy the same pleasures as his mate,” I look at Spider and watch his reaction, needing to know if he is alright with this.
He stands there thinking, and I am unable to read his expression from here. I feel my heart race nervously as I wait, fearing that I have pushed him too far.
“How do I choose?” Sider asks, breaking the silence.
I jump from my spot, rush over, and hug him, lifting Spider off the ground and kissing him soundly.
Little giggles flow past his lips, “Yawne, you need to let me down if I am to pick one,” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.
I gently put him back on his feet, “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited for this! For you, Spider! Now you can enjoy the wonderful pleasure you give me every time!” I can’t help but squeal in joy as I rub my chin over Spider’s head, covering him in my scent.
“I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous, but I’m more excited than anything,” Spider admits sheepishly, “Now, show me how this works!” He says, clapping his hands together.
“You pick whichever spxam you want, but make sure you pick one you can handle; you may only choose one in your lifetime. But when you do, you will gently stroke around the base. It will then detach itself and hold onto you.” 
And with that, Spider moves around, looking through them carefully. He paused briefly at one green one that was longer and thicker than his arm. After gawking at it, he quickly moved on, finding a patch of younger spxam and browsing through them. But as I took a look, even these young ones were much larger than what I’ve seen a tawtute have. My ears flickered back as I became concerned, wondering if Spider could take any of these.
“This one,” While I was distracted, Spider had chosen one, and I realized that I should have explained better.
In his hand was a deep violet mowan spxam, the bottom of it wrapped eagerly around his fingers and around his wrist. Each color meant something different. Green ones were calm, the spines stayed still, only moving if needed. Red ones were teasing; they would search for your most sensitive spot and only play there. On the other hand, Purple is wild, never ceasing movement, as they would wraith and move; even the stock couldn’t stay still; some were even known for expanding their size. This is the one that Spider chose, covered thickly in spines that are already twisting around, yet it is too late to tell him, as they have already bound.
“What’s wrong with it?” Spider asked worriedly, fearing he had done something wrong. 
“There is nothing wrong with it!” I wanted to reassure him, for it was me who failed him, “Purple is known for being wild. Typically, only well-experienced Na’vi choose them,” I bite my lips as I explain this. 
“Well, I guess I better learn fast,” Spider’s smile reassured me as his fingers played with the mowan spxam.
Breaking out of my worry, I quickly pulled out a vial I had been carrying. “Yes, I think you should,” The vial was full of oil used for mating, as I had prepared this, hoping it would go well.
“I should have known,” Spider muttered to himself, shaking his head, but I could still see the smile on his face.
“Come here,” I demand softly, holding my hand out.
Spider walked to me, filled with confidence, with love in his eyes. I kneed down to his height as I met his lips with my own. My mating having Eywa’syawn never ceased to fail. I open my mouth to kiss Spider more, dominating his smaller frame with my own as I wrap my arms around him, tugging him closer. I nip at his bottom lip, demanding entrance, which he eagerly gives. My tongue takes over his mouth, filling each centimeter as I play with his tongue. Spider closes his mouth and sucks on my tongue, pulling a moan from me. 
I parted from his lips as I looked down at him. Spider’s face flushed a pretty pink as he gasped for breath.
“Take off your tewng, then lay down,” My voice was soft but left no room for argument.
Despite only having one hand, Spider removed the article of clothing and laid it to the side before kneeling down and then laying himself down flat on the ground. His pretty cock was already hard and flushed red, leaning on his abs. His prone body is a beautiful sight. I could gaze upon him all day.
“You’re so pretty, Tìyawn,” I comment as I run my hand along his thighs and up his stomach. 
“Not as pretty as you,” Spider says back, becoming distracted by my touch.
I chuckle at the comeback; as I focus back on his thighs, I rub my fingers into the meat of them, gently spreading his legs as I do so. I move down to his knees, lifting them, and place his feet up on my thighs, giving me room to work with. Looking down, I see his puckered hole, tiny and pink. I realized I was lucky that Norm had caught learning about this particular tradition. I may have been furious that he knew, but he and Max created a new oil containing a muscle relaxer, and I am thankful for that now.
“So tiny,” I murmur, rubbing my pinky over the small hole, and even that seemed huge.
A small gasp leaves Spider’s mouth, one of surprise and interest. Opening the vial, I poured a tiny amount onto my pinky, just enough to rub into Spider’s skin. Moving back to his hole, I rub my now slick pinky over it, making sure to get every crevice and applying gentle pressure. If what they said is true, then the muscle will slowly relax, allowing me entrance.
“Syulang, I think you might be a bit too big,” Spider’s voice through a moan.
“Shhh, don’t worry, I’ve already planned everything,” I soothe, rubbing a little more firmly, and I can feel the muscle giving in. 
Knowing Spider needs the distraction, I reach up, softly cupping his balls, rolling them in my palm. 
“Oh fuck,” Spider’s head rolled back as his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation.
Taking the opportunity, I gently wiggled my pinky inside him. It was tight inside; the spongy walls had never taken anything inside before and were now pulsing around my pinky.
“Eywa!” He gasped.
I wiggled my digit around, trying to make more room or even to fit the rest of the finger inside, stuck at the first knuckle. Furrowing my brow, I pulled my pinky out, grabbed the vial, and placed the tip at Spider’s entrance. The opening easily popped inside, and I poured a good amount of the contents. Pulling the vial out didn’t cause the same popping noise as last time. I put the vial to the side and pushed my pinky in again. This time, it went in with no resistance.
“Tìyawn, what was that? I feel weird,” He asked as I wiggled my finger inside yet again.
“Something made just for you. It is helping,” I explained as I started looking for the spot I had read about.
With Spider’s hole much looser, instead of using my pinky, I switched to my pointer finger; while it was a little tighter than before, there was no resistance on entry. I pushed and prodded inside him, sliding my finger in and out, getting him used to the motion as I continued to look for the spot. Slick sounds from the oil sounded around the grove, mixed with Spider’s moans.
“Slow down, please! I’m close!” He begs me, but I remember reading that humans are much more relaxed after orgasm, so I continue on. 
I turn my wrist so my palm is facing upward. I then curl my finger, hitting something spongy.
Spider arched off the ground as his eyes flew open, “Fuck! Right there!” He shouted, as his cock leaked precum everywhere; a small puddle formed on his stomach as his cock twitched.
Laughing, I prodded that spot again and again as I forced my finger in and out. Seeing that Spider was distracted, I pressed a second finger to his entrance, and it easily slid inside. Noticing how easy it was, I pushed in a third finger, which was swallowed up after a slight push. His one furrowed hole is now stretched taught around my fingers, pushing and pulling, trying to follow the speed I set. 
“Please, I’m too close! I’m gonna cum!” He squealed.
I wanted Spider to cum, so I took his dick between two of my fingers and moved them in time with my other hand, quickly bringing Spider to his reliance. Ropes of cum splattered out of his dick, landing all over his chest, neck, and face. Continuing my movements on his cock, I grabbed the spxam mowan from his hand. By now, my slit was open and weeping for attention, making it easy to gently slide the bottom of the spxam mowan inside. My eyes dilate at the pleasure, each of my inner tendrils wrapping around and playing with the spxam mowan, locking itself inside me for now. As it locked inside, the outer tendrils started to move more. Excited to play soon, I could feel each spine move as if it were my own tendril. I let go of Spider’s cock, earning me a whine, either from the lack of touch or oversensitivity. I’m unsure which it is. Grabbing Spider’s hips, I line him up with the spxam mowan. His cute hole hadn’t closed, showing me the pink inner flesh. I look up at Spider’s face; drool, tears, and sperm cover his face, his chest heaving for breath. A pretty pink blush covers him, and I can’t imagine a more beautiful sight. 
Spider whines, rolling his hips, catching the tapered tip on his open hole, “No more waiting.”
Giving into his whines, I slowly push inside, each spine pushed in with a pop. The tight, wet heat was going to send me into a frenzy, I grabbed onto Spider’s hips harder, trying to steady myself. As I pushed further in, the spines came to life, each rummaging around his insides, trying to find a good place to stay. 
“So big, Yawne,” Spider’s eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned.
Yet, I can’t take my eyes off his hole. Bigger than I thought a tawtute body could handle, the stalk was large enough, yet each spine popped inside, spreading his hole farther before swallowing again, and I felt every inch of it, but nothing beats the sight of my hips meeting his ass, the rim of his ass spread white around my fake cock. 
“Look at that; you took it all,” I muttered, unable to believe the sight myself.
All I got for a replay was a broken moan. Wanting something different, I moved my hands down to his knees and pressed them toward his chest. I lean down over Spider’s body, taking notice of the bulge in his stomach. I can’t help the growl that left my lips, a mix of a growl and a purr, as I rolled my hips inside, each spine pulling and wiggling inside him, none of them able to settle for a second. Rubbing and pressing every little thing they can find, watching the cum dribble out of Spider’s cock I know they found the same spot. 
“My Muntxatan, taking it so well for me, so pretty for me,” I growl out as I slide the mowan back, each spine getting stuck and popping out again as I slammed it back inside. 
The scream I got in return was beautiful. I started thrusting my hips, needing to hear more of Spider’s sounds.
“Sl- SLO-, OH FUCk!” Spider tried to stutter out, but I didn’t care.
The tightness from Spider’s hole as he flexed caused me pleasure like I never knew before, as each thrust pushed and pulled on my inner tendrils, building my climax rapidly. 
“You really want me to slow down? I don’t think so. I think you’re enjoying your ass being fucked,” I snarled into his ear. 
The sloppy sounds of the oil spilling everywhere, as each spine popped in and out of his hole, were filthy in the best of ways. I could feel Spider attempting to make himself tighter around the mowan, and I thrust even harder. The sounds of my thighs smacking his ass was loud that it left ringing in my ears. 
“Cum! GonNA CUm!” Spider screamed as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. 
I eagerly accept his kiss, pulling Spider closer to me. His body was drawn tight, needing to release. I grabbed his cock again and started pumping his cock. I swallowed his moans as he clenched around me, cum flew everywhere as he erupted. I thrust several more times before my coil snapped. My vision whited out as the waves of pleasure rolled through me. I continued to thrust erratically as I chased the remnants of my high, but as Spider’s whines became desperate, I knew I had to stop. I slide out of him carefully, and I examine his entrance. The once tight hole is now loose and seems unable to close. It was wicking pathetically as oil dribbled out. 
“You did such a good job. I love you, Spider,” I say softly, proud of how well he did.
When I received no reply, I looked up and saw he was fast asleep. I chuckled at his plight but let him sleep on, gently cleaning him so he wouldn’t be dirty when he wakes up.
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what are some underrated pairings/team ups that you wish we'd gotten to see more of? tbh i wish he had more cassie/marco/tobias situations bc theres some great potential in that dynamic but the only time i can really think of that happened was in the sickness after ax rachel and jake all came down with andalite flu (and then marco caught that same flu shortly afterwards)
Oh man, you are correct that Cassie-Tobias-Marco is an excellent combination.  Cassie and Marco disagree about everything, Tobias is nonconfrontational to a fault, and ZERO people on this reduced team have Ax’s or the Berensons’ ability to go “fuck it, kill yeerks now and argue about this later.”  So really, when I say excellent, I mean only in the sense of characterization.  Because an entire book’s worth of those three having to work together would involve nothing whatsoever getting done to advance the plot.
The only other time I can think of when it’s just the three of them is in #24 when they get shrunk by helmacrons.  It’s notable to me that, in spite of Marco being the obvious choice to lead the mini-team, in both #24 and #29 it’s Cassie who reaches a snapping point and takes charge.  I think that’s largely because Marco’s just not decisive enough to lead.  He prefers to think things through and convince everyone else that he’s right before attempting any kind of plan — as opposed to Jake and Rachel taking, at most, a moment to be like “any objections, speak now” before charging ahead.  When you combine that with the fact that (frankly) he doesn’t Cassie and Cassie doesn’t trust him, any team that includes those two also needs someone to shut down the discussion instead of talking every single problem to death.  Unfortunately for everyone involved, Tobias is a grand master at thinking (and talking) problems to death.
So you get what we see in #24: all three of them literally debating the best response to a situation at the same time that they’re being advanced on by a hungry spider 100x their size.  Or playing hot-potato with responsibility for the mission in #29.  And in both cases it’s not Marco who succeeds in finally snapping and taking charge; it’s Cassie.  Because she’s not a leader, and she’s not even a strategist like Marco, but she does have the ability to take care of herself and yell “Okay! I’m going to go get an anteater morph. You losers can follow me or do your own thing, I don’t really care.”
I’m trying to think of a worse combination of three Animorphs, and having trouble.  Like, in this hypothetical scenario where Cassie and Marco and Tobias are on a solo mission together then I have to believe that Rachel and Jake and Ax aren’t doing so hot either.  They’re probably getting a lot done, but whether a lot is actually advancing their cause or just smashing everything that looks at them funny is going to depend largely on what mood Rachel’s in at the time.
Cassie and Marco and Ax would probably also be a pretty bad combination.  Those three don’t have any missions together that I can recall, but I’m pretty sure in that scenario it’d take about 10 minutes for Ax and Marco (who encourage each other’s worst habits) to run off and start doing one thing while Cassie ends up on some totally separate mission.  Not only does Cassie have that self-reliant streak, but she’s also got a completely different worldview.  They’d probably all just give up on working together.
My personal favorite underutilized mini-team has got to be just Cassie and Tobias.  They have some awesome moments together in #4, in MM1, in #9, and especially in MM3.  Tobias is naturally a really good deputy to Cassie (not in the least through giving her a much-needed confidence boost) in much the same way that Ax is for Rachel.  Tobias and Cassie are willing to laugh at themselves and openly admit they don’t know what to do, but they’re also so quick to agree with each other for the sake of agreeing that they’re reasonably decisive in spite of that.  Tobias is quick to fall into a support role when Cassie takes charge, and Cassie is quick to listen to Tobias any time he’s got a new idea.  They’re maybe the kindest and gentlest of the Animorphs, but also the ones with the fewest romantic ideas about nature or humanity; they know that kindness sometimes means killing a baby bunny to leave the mother alive, or saving the ones they can save through letting some others die.
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madibyrd · 4 years
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TASK #001: THE LAST NORMAL DAY • broken promises
Flight 441 disappeared on October 16th, Friday, but Madi hasn’t heard about it until the following day, well into Saturday. She got home around 6:30am after finishing a 24 hours shift, remembered to send her sister a message that she wouldn’t be able to make it later to their house to lunch, apologizing for it profoundly, and then knocked out and slept a good twelve hours because she was exhausted. It was a long, hard shift, one of the roughest she’s had in months, constant calls through both the day and night with barely a moment to rest, and she needed to refuel herself.
She woke up to an empty house - Talia was off on some conference being awesome -, and a whole bunch of angry messages from her sister along with several missed calls. She wasn’t in the mood to argue with Liz, but she also knew the more she pushed off the call, the angrier her sister would get, so she let out a long breathe, headed to the kitchen to make herself a coffee and called her sister.
“You promised, Madison, you promised you’d come over for lunch and try out Jake’s soup, he was so excited for you to try it.” No hello, no greeting, and Liz even called her Madison. She really was pissed. She turned on the coffee maker to do its magic and then moved to the living room to turn on the news.
“I promised I would try, Liz, that is what I promised. If my shift went okay and I could get some sleep. I didn’t get any, I literally just woke up.”
“You could have set an alarm.”
“And be a useless sack of potatoes when I go over? You know how I am when I don’t get a proper amount of sleep. It was a really hard shift, Liz, I swear, there were several pretty brutal accidents that we were called to, one of them had a whole family... anyway, aside from those, there were two fires as well and two freaking prank calls that lead to nowhere just us in gear going to the furthest of our district when we could have used that time at least to rest. And this was just the night of the shift, don’t even get me started on the rest of the 24 hours. if I could have, I would have made it over there.”
There was a long pause from the other end of the phone.
“No sleep at all?”
“None until I got home,” Madi promised.
A sigh. “Okay, maybe I forgive you, but you’ll still have to make amends with Jake. Starting with trying out his soup. And groveling a little.”
“Give him the phone and I’ll start, but that kid loves me way too much to need that much groveling.” Which really only made it worse, but she even told Liz not to promise anything to her nephew, so if she said anything more than a really weak maybe, it was on her, as far as Madi was concerned. Not that it would stop her from apologizing to Jake, but still.
“He’s out in the garden playing with...” Liz jumped into a long explanation about what Madi’s nephew was doing, but Madi was not listening to any of it, because when she looked up at the tv, all she saw was the flashing headline - “Tragic plane crash - plane still nowhere found”. She quickly turned the volume on and tried to listen, but with Liz in her ears, it wasn’t the easiest of moments. “Liz, sorry to cut you off, but... what is this plane thing they are talking about on the news?”
“Oh, you didn’t hear before? A plane full of people was heading to LA from... not really sure where, some European city, and then it just vanished. Nobody knows what happened or what happened to them, but they didn’t arrive in LA. Everyone’s freaking out.”
“Yeah, I can imagine...”
Madi got her coffee and chatted a little bit longer with her sister, but she wasn’t really there in the head, she kept losing focus to watching the news and trying to figure out what more there is to know about this accident. She didn’t know anyone on the flight, she knew that - Talia would only be flying back home the next day and nobody else she knew or were close to were planning flying anywhere anytime soon - but still, it wouldn’t leave her mind. To the point where after a couple of hours (which included trying to distract herself and talking to her nephew, promising him that she would try his soup soon), she reached for her phone to text her coworker about the flight, that turned into a phone call that turned into the two of them googling if there were any need for volunteers to go and help with the search.
They found a phone number, they called it, and in less than an hour they were already set to fly to LA, from where the boat they would be on would leave. Their boss wasn’t happy about the development, but he also understood the sentiment, and it wasn’t the first time one of his firefighters went off to volunteer somewhere else. They would make it it work.
The harder conversation for Madi was her family - her parents already didn’t like that her profession included running into burning buildings and risking her own life. They’ve accepted it at this point with grumbles and occasional suggestions to other jobs (her mom’s pitches really were ridiculous, “I’ve heard tv reporters got hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly. Madi, my dear, you love talking, don’t you think that would be a fine job for you?”), but they didn’t like the idea of Madi putting herself in other type of danger, even though Madi insisted she wouldn’t actually be in danger. She would be on a boat, she wouldn’t do the actual dive work, she’d just help out whenever she could (technically she didn’t know what her job would be, but if she said that, her parents would imagine her dangling feets above the water on a hook without any safety, and nobody wanted that). They ended the call on “let’s talk about this more tomorrow” and Madi told them she’d call them from LA. They were not happy about it at all.
Her sister was... both more and less understanding. She was mostly annoyed she’d have to tell a 9 years old her auntie would have to disappear for a while and no, he wouldn’t be able to come over or play with her. And then turned on the worried sister mode and made Madi promise that she would be careful and not do anything stupid like jump into the water to save somebody. Madi did promise. Her best friend simply made her promise to bring her some souvenire and told her that she admired her for wanting to do this and then they spent the rest of the call talking about the guy she was seeing and how she got to a whole new level on one of the video games she was playing at the time that Madi didn’t understand but liked listening to her friend talk about it.
The last conversaion, and weirdly the one that she was both the most anxious and not at all about was Talia. She didn’t call her, she just sent a text - neither of them were really the calling type, and they very rarely actually talked, usually just texted.
[Madi]: So, I’m not going to be home for a while... [Talia]: What have you done? [Madi]: I might have volunteered on one of the rescue teams for that flight that disappeared, did you see that? Or were you too wrapped up in your historical facts? [Talia]: Madiiiiii [Madi]: Yes, that’s my name, though I usually use a lot less i’s :P [Talia]: Your desire to act like a hero can be quite annoying sometimes, you know [Talia]: I was looking forward to a chill night on the couch tomorrow, watching some dumb movie [Talia]: But I guess you’ve already decided, right? [Madi]: Yeah, I fly out to LA tomorrow. We’re just missing each other [Talia]: Somebody is gonna write a book about you and they are going to interview me and I will tell them about that time you got home at 3am and spent an entire hour singing itsy bitsy spider on the foot of my bed, crying about how much spiders are misunderstood and mistrusted even though they are the cutest things on the planet [Madi]: HEY! [Talia]: I know, I know, it’s bees [Talia]: And speaking of them, I won’t have to deal with them, right? [Madi]: Nope, I’m gonna check on them before I leave, they can take care of themselves while I’m gone, you don’t have to go anywhere near them [Talia]: You’re amazing [Madi]: Now tell me about your super historical, super nerdy presentation, did it go okay?
They chatted for a little while longer, Madi happily hearing about Talia’s presentation, being so proud of her. She might have not been there to see it, but she was sure Talia rocked it. And they could celebrate when they would be both back in Boston.
It was evening by the time she was done with everything, and she ate some leftovers from the fridge, watched a sitcom episode on Netflix, and then went to bed early. She wasn’t in the mood for anything else, she was excited to help in something so huge and curious what she would have to do, what kind of job she would be trusted upon. The next day she flew to LA with her partner and spent the remaining of her days on the boat, searching and searching for the disappeared plane without any kind of luck before the fateful accident happened and she’d end up on Meridium.
What she didn’t realize on this Saturday night is that these interactions would become the last she had with them. She talked to Talia and her sister during the trip, and she exchanged a couple of LA memes with her best friend, but there was no end, no goodbye, no finality to any of it. Promises, however, of her return that much more. And all of them would be broken the moment she washed ashore on the sandy beach of Meridium.
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