#also truly thank u to this show for making me want to try fun illustrations like this like this is not my area of expertise djdjjdjdjdjd
terrornothorror · 7 months
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crisis of faith
[happy birthday season 2]
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artmunstudios · 3 years
What's 2 similarities & 2 differences U have noticed between Ozpin & Oscar?
Aaahh I was wondering if you were going to ask me! I’ve been seeing you around asking this question and the answers have all been interesting! So I’ll take on a response that people aren’t taking on then, yes? This will be a long post, so if anyone is interested in reading past the first analysis just click the ‘read more’!
Their Origins
Ozpin is at the core based off of two characters. One of those characters, Oscar is also connected to. There are obviously more characters and whatnot they reference, but for the sake of simplicity, I will only be addressing their clear initial inspiration. Ozpin is based off of The Wizard of Oz, also known as Professor Oz primarily in the Oz Book Series; but his full name is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs, which he abbreviated to Ozpin Head. (Thank you @immortal-green-snom for this tidbit!!!) In the book series, after he had left in the air balloon in an attempt to help Dorothy get home, Professor Oz was revealed to have done a lot of slimy and heinous things to keep the throne of the Emerald City, and by extension, the Land of Oz itself. While he does get better in the latter books he reappears in, he was portrayed as being manipulative, a bit pathetic, but extremely intelligent and a master of illusions. I wouldn't be surprised if the writers of RWBY were trying to get that across in Ozpin's traits, but to be quite honest, they kinda failed at making him even a morally grey character, as a lot (not all, he isn't guitless, but again, a lot) of the arguments used in-show, and the FNDM itself, are all about things that were either not in his control, or something that was painted as being his fault/harmful, but was actually the opposite of the situation. The biggest example of this is Raven trying to trick Yang and Weiss into believing Ozpin had forced her and Qrow to become birds/have the ability to do so. In a lot of ways, Ozpin and Professor Oz are actually opposites of one another in terms of personalities, which may have in actuality been the overall intention CRWBY had, but we can only speculate. Professor Oz is extremely selfish, while Ozpin is selfless, even to a point where it actually becomes harmful to others. Professor Oz would have done anything to be in power, while Ozpin has done everything to relinquish himself of a position of power, which I find very interesting. This may be due to him even trying to somehow relinquish the burden the God of Light has placed on Oz as a whole, but is ultimately unable to give up that specific task. Even though, truthfully, he needed to relinquish that particular stronghold all along. Professor Oz is clearly a leader, and despite his negative traits, is actually a very good one. Ozpin...as much as I love him as a character, is not the greatest leader. He is, however, an excellent advisor/second-in-command. Professor Oz is only a mere mortal man pretending to be something more, while Ozpin is something bigger than a mortal man, but is pretending to be nothing but a man. Expanding upon this, they also are desperate to be the opposite of what they are. Professor Oz wants to be what he portrayed himself as, and for Ozpin, it's very much the same situation. There is a lot more I could say, but let's move on to Oscar!
Oscar Pine, like Ozpin, is based off of two characters at the core. Again, it is likely that he represents more than two, but for the sake of simplicity, let's discuss only the two. From the moment I saw Oscar, I knew right away that he was based off of my favorite character from the Oz Book Series...Tip. Tip, short for Tippetarius, was too a farmboy who longed for much more, who knew that there was more out there, despite being notably content in their lifestyle. The only difference was that Tip was a slave to an evil witch, but he escapes her in the second chapter with a companion. He is described as being just like any boy; rugged, mischievous, playful, and a lover of all things fun while still being quite shrewd. Unlike Ozpin and Professor Oz, Tip and Oscar are, in fact, extremely alike. Even down to their colors and appearance. Despite how Tip is colored, he actually has light brown skin (though considering the time period, we all know why this fact was dismissed), and black hair. And his treasured beanie cap was green and orange. His clothes also had a primary color scheme of brown, and were dirty due to the work he had done on the farm. Oscar and Tip have the exact same personalities, which was what affirmed to me that Oscar was meant to be his primary parallel. What got me the most was their sarcasm. Tip is still the most sarcastic and genuinely street-smart protagonists in the Oz Books. Not to say there were no other protags like that, but there was something to be said about how Tip was one of the few protagonists to actually act as a leader in the traveling group. Just like Oscar, Tip is also quite emotional, and they both have a sharp temper that they express not in loud outbursts, but by quips that you know could be quite hurtful if they wanted them to be. However, between the two, Tip is the loudest, should you put them in the same room. However, I suspect that as time goes on, Oscar might start becoming quite vocal when he doesn't like something, as I've noticed that the more he develops, the more he acts like Tip. Their behaviors are similar as well; when something personal is going on between two parties who clearly knew each other before him, both Oscar and Tip have a tendency to hang back and simply let the moment play out. They both start out as being sort of bystanders, just going with the flow while occassionally giving very good advice/strategies, but they start to become more of a leader as time goes on. In fact, leadership seems to be in their blood. There is actually a reason for this.
Ozma of Oz
There is a single thread that connects both Oscar and Ozpin, and that is the second primary character they represent. That character is the infamous Princess/Queen Ozma of Oz. Ozma, in many ways, is a lot like both Ozpin and Oscar; and may be the kind of person they become once the merging is complete. She is shrewd, but gentle. Sarcastic and blunt, but very elegant and fun-loving. They have a particular grace in how they handle their politics, but she admittedly gets into more trouble than rulers of kingdoms should. She is, ultimately, the perfect archetype of a ruler. And had completely reformed The Emerald City to be an environment that is very much like Vale's open-mindedness, with the advanced technology and efficiency of Atlas. Ozma, in the books, was actually revealed to be Tip; or rather, Tip was Ozma. After being transformed into a boy as a baby by a witch under Professor Oz's command, they were whisked away by said witch, and had been working under that witch until they had escaped as a young boy. Many speculate that Ozma was meant to represent the transgender community, and I know many transgenders see Ozma as an icon. Frank Baum was the type of guy that wrote things that were ahead of his time, and seen as very controversial by the few who could actually read the metaphors planned out. It was even implied in the later books that Ozma and Dorothy get married, and there were many illustrations made from the original novel illustrators of Ozma and Dorothy looking like a couple. What's even greater is that despite the change of gender from Tip to Ozma, she still very much contains her boyish traits despite the frills and queenly garb. As stated in one of the last lines in the second Oz Book;
"I hope none of you will care for me less than you did before. I am still the same Tip you know..."
When I realized Oscar was Tip, I knew Ozma was going to be put into the equation. I just,,,, wasn't expecting..... t h a t.
Oscar and Ozpin
Time to actually answer the question I was asked JSDJFDKDFKFK--
Oscar and Ozpin are different in one particular way: Trust. Ozpin trusts nobody. Truthfully, he doesn't even trust himself, I don't think, and that is likely why he didn't have much of a plan these days. He doesn't trust himself to be competent enough to complete the task assigned to him, he doesn't trust humanity to pass, hell, I don't think he even trusts the Gods to be capable of taking care of humanity considering the shit job they did in the past, and how poorly they have handled Ozma and Salem. In simple terms, Ozpin trusts too little. Oscar, on the other hand, trusts...a little too much. There, I said it. And I'm willing to say it again. Oscar trusts too much. Whether or not that will change after the end of V7 and what happened in V8 is left for debate. Oscar seems almost incapable of seeing the downside in some situations, like, for example, confronting a General who has completely gone off the deep end, unarmed and alone. And he trusted a man who needlessly beat the shit out of him for something that nobody, not even Salem, were truly at fault for. And while that trust paid off, unlike how it did in the past, it is a bit of an alarming trait that I genuinely think will simmer down either after all that happened in V8, or it will eventually when that trust truly bites him in the ass.
Another polarization between Oscar and Ozpin: faith. This ties in a little bit with the trust theme, but there is enough to talk about on its own. While Ozpin does believe that humanity is overall good, I think he has lost faith in their capability to work together long enough for there to be any sort of permanent peace. And, admittedly, he isn't wrong to think that. I think you would have to be very foolish if you genuinely think there will ever be a point where humanity will stop fighting amongst themselves; in other words, Ozpin is fully aware that the God of Light's task is genuinely impossible. And honestly? I think the GoL knows it is, too. Oscar has faith as well, but he views the dire circumstance in a different way that may be the key to solve the seemingly unending puzzle of Salem and their task. He gets faith in humanity not through the overall picture, but in the smallest things. Oscar likely believes that it doesn't matter if all of humanity is united, because he too knows that will never happen. But, he is certain that there is a lot more power in the smallest of unions and actions; a racist woman reforming and helping to comfort a faunaus child. A woman who helped a group of people tear down a kingdom realize the fault of their actions, and try to save another kingdom's people. A man who, while being genuinely wise, was so blinded by rage that he could not see past his own nose, change in order to save what little good has sprouted from something so terrible that he helped sow. The little things matter so much more, and unlike Ozpin, he doesn't think that they need to grow any further than that.
So, what makes them similar? Two distinct things. They both are very personal. Even if it is in different forms of expressing, Oscar and Ozpin are quite personal, especially when it comes to their advice. But they also really feel for the person they are talking to. And while Ozpin felt Hazel was too far gone, he felt for him and understood and even agreed with his anger. Their empathy is truly something else; and it is also their weakest point. Not to say that having empathy is bad, but their empathy leads into another trait that they have in common... They let people walk all over them. All. The. Time. To a point where it is actually very frustrating, and it even hinders their development as characters. Ozpin let Ironwood walk all over him, and never spoke in defense for himself. Ozpin let the council walk all over him, and never defended himself. Ozpin allowed for so much of the blame to be placed on his own shoulders, that it is extremely unhealthy, and something I wish the show would address, but have come to accept that it won't. Especially when this trait is reflected in Oscar as well. He blamed himself for failing to convince Ironwood, he allowed for Jaune to verbally and physically attack him, and outright refused to let Jaune apologize. They both brush off their wellbeing so often, that watching Oscar do the same only confirms to me the suspicions I had as to why everyone was genuinely so blind to figure out what was going on in their heads and when they were struggling. Because both Oscar and Ozpin refuse to acknowledge their own struggles and shortcomings.
But, to be frank, that is more of a writing issue than a character reflection, in my personal opinion. And I'll continue to see it that way until the show actively acknowledges that unhealthy behavior.
There ya go! My very very long analysis of Oscar and Ozpin; I hope I brought something unique among the batch of this question!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 years
Fanfic Writer 20 Questions!
tagged by @misscrazyfangirl321 thank u :))
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
48 in total! 46 for batb lol
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
115,935 !!!
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
okay i mean, technically i have three on ao3. i wrote ONE fic for law & order svu and it’s an entirely irrelevant fic now because what i wrote about HAPPENED. but people still read it every now and then so i just leave it up. and i also wrote an epilogue fic for the netflix film juanita. i’m not in that fandom cuz that fandom doesn’t really exist but i watched the movie for a film class and i literally turned that fic in as my project for it (yes i got 100% yes go read the fic). so pretty much all i write for is beauty and the beast 2017, my beloved :)
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. his perfect reality
2. after the kiss
3. sunrise, anew
4. sleepless nights
5. do me the honor
all batb 2017, and i think those are also my most read fics just in different order, so this checks out!
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do! i always try and say thanks and show my appreciation for my readers cuz yeah i’m writing for me but gosh we love the feedback, lads
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
fading memories is your dream, for SURE. 99% of my fics end in a very happy and fluffy way. the only ones that end angsty are my young adam fics, and that one is the Big Boy Prequal Fic that ends in a perfectly tragic way that should lead you right to the beginning of batb 2017. it’s all angst, man.
7. do you write crossovers?
no but i’m not against them! i think they can be fun :) emily and i have an ongoing crossover universe but we’ve never written any fics it just exists through our insane texts and incorrect quotes sjdksj
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
thankfully, no! the batb readers are all very kind and sweet!! (or at least the ones who read my fics lol)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
nope nope the furthest i’ll go is making out and even then i’m not graphic or detailed at all
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
no not that i’m aware of 👀 is someone out there stealing my domestic fluff???
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
again not that i’m aware of but i would be so honored
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
well no not besides me and @ilikebigassbuttsandicannotlie’s crossover universe but it’s not exactly in fic form. and i collab’d with @drawnby27emilys but i did the writing and she did the illustrating, we stuck to our strong suits, lol.
13. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
adam and belle from beauty and the beast 2017 are quite nearly the only ship i have paid any attention to in the last 4 years!!
14. whats a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
hmmm. maybe i’m just optimistic but i feel like i’ll get to everything eventually. there’s one really long fic that i’ve written so many bits and pieces of but never just sat down and written it. mostly for technical plot reasons that i just don’t spend enough time trying to work out. OH! there’s that fic idea i got from that dream i had where it was modern au and adam had a little sister. SHOOT bro i do wanna write that. i wrote so much dialogue for it that next day but the wip itself is hardly anything :(
15. what are your writing strengths?
setting the scene and just painting the picture really nicely so you can see everything clearly. little details that make you feel like you’re watching it. i don’t know, character blocking? i think about what they’re doing a lot, with their hands or where they’re looking or whatever. also i think i’m pretty good at dialogue but that’s just cuz adam and belle are in my head all day long so i know their voices very well
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
conflict for sure. i’m too much of a fluffy writer!! i don’t like writing arguments or them getting mad at each other unless it’s stupid domestic stuff then it’s funny. i’m really good at writing the reconciling/making up lol but i seriously need to work on creating conflict. i just get too attached and i don’t like to see them fight even though i know everyone does and it’s a part of building the relationship >:( and even if it’s not adam and belle i just need to be better at writing it in general, for my oc’s and such. do it for the kids, lyd!
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
it’s very cool in the correct context!! i can’t do it really but hell yeah!! obviously with batb being in france i sometimes use french terms of endearment, mostly for lumiere lmao, but that’s about all i’m capable of! in my recent kiddos fic i tried out some familial titles like pépère for grandpa maurice and tata & oncle for auntie plumette and uncle lumiere <3 that was fun!
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
bbc sherlock babeyyyy. i used to hand-write sherlock childhood fic in a journal??? i didn’t even know what fic was i just liked giving him a backstory haha. i did the same for loki but in my phone notes app. i’m nothing in not a sucker for the sad and innocent childhood backstories of very sad men apparently!
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
oh man this is so hard. i’m proud of a lot of my work! majesty of a different breed comes to mind honestly. it’s one of my longer ones and i just truly love how it turned out. i think my descriptors are so good and i capture adam and belle’s dynamic as a newly married couple really well, i think. and i give them a dog! how can you not have a good time reading that fic!
honorable mentions to easy to remember, harder to move on — my maurice memories fic that i also really love. AND fading memories is your dream! my longest work and gosh, i really do love the tragic backstories bro!!! big proud of both of those too :)
(and this one cuz it’s too soft and i’ll never not love seeing my otp be the sweetest parents ever)
20. who do you tag?
if you’re a writer and you wanna do this you can totally say i tagged you!! but i’ll tag some writers off the top of my head! @leighswhannell @ilikebigassbuttsandicannotlie @lumiereswig @myfellowcandlesticks @thesadchicken @sweetfayetanner @tinydooms @trulyhopelessromantic @ceasarslegion
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Wynne's Diary - Journey With Asra
"Gosh.......how long is it?" I groaned and threw my hands hysterically.
"Just a few miles more, Honey. We are almost there" The whitehead held the map of the city in front of him and steered the paper around to find the right direction of the path. We were touring, since today was the day Asra wasn't being too cautious about my health and neither did I need to dispute against him for not ever bringing me to one of his journeys. But who told me that it was going to be this boring and exhausting?!!
We were walking during midnight on the lonely streets of a hamlet far away from Vesuvia for leisure. We were supposed to reach before evening, but due to some extreme weather, we had to stay back. It was only after five hours the sandstorm had settled down, but when we did reach our destination without any further problems, here we were irrationally strolling just anywhere, Asra being the slowest and worst navigator ever.
"Ugh, are you sure your broken compass is working?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Hey, it's not broken. It's just taking its time. Be patient, will you?" He blew onto the compass to remove the dust and shook it for the needle to gain some movement. He then kept it flat on his palm, but just as I already expected, it didn't work. The pointer fell back dead as before.
"bE pAtIeNt WiLl YoU?" I repeated after him. Asra sighed and kept the compass back into his pocket. He focused on the map instead, trying to find out which road we were on and where would the next milestone be. It had only been twenty-five minutes of us walking from the inn, but because of his sluggish navigation skills, we were sure lagging.
"Ugggh why don't you give me the map instead?" I suggested him.
"Wynne, you have never been in this town before. And the map has branched roads and connected at different spots, which makes it difficult to search for the right route. Give me some time to figure out" he dismissed me. But I didn't take it well as I scoffed and snatched the map from his hands.
"Was twenty-five minutes not enough for you???" I angrily stated with a pout on my lips.
"U-Uhhh....." Asra stammered. He didn't have anything to assert against me, so he just looked down and rubbed his neck. I didn't want to shame him, but damn I loathed his obstinacy and wanted him to just shut up and listen to me for once.
I sighed again and took a look at the map myself. I glanced at the entrance and remembered every turn we took to conform with the illustrations on the map. I noticed the pattern, thanks to the landmarks and me paying attention to the pathways unlike one stupid guy and dragged Asra by his sleeve to show him what I found.
"You see this here?" I pointed at the entry gates. "This is how we came in, after some kilometres, we reached the inn and from here, we went straight down and turned to our left, then we continued on that line at that's when we took a right, walked over that, and again right, and through the roundabout, we made our way to the left, then straight, again straight, and finally, to the right.
So according to me, we should be at least five miles away from the rocky beaches. Also, there must be a brothel somewhere like......" I looked up from the map and scanned around.
"no....no...no........no.....Ah! There" I pointed to our northwest where a grey and tall construction made its place at the corner.
"Oh! I....I never noticed that before" Asra rubbed the back of his head.
"Of course you didn't. If only you had brains like me, we wouldn't have been wandering around in the middle of the night looking like passive thieves!" I pouted again and flicked his forehead, earning a short yelp from him.
I adjusted the scarf around my head and closed the map. I We had figured out the whole passage so I we didn't need it anymore. I handed the map back to Asra and stretched my body for a bit. Seriously, walking continuously for twenty-five minutes may sound like a short interval, but you try it once, you will start feeling like weeping in the middle, especially when you realise that you don't know where you are going and how you are going to make your way back.
And people say that the journey is more beautiful than the destination. Heh, fucking bullshit. Let me hear someone say this when they almost died in the way and I'll fucking slap the morals out of them. I dare you.
"Now then, let's continue on our journey, shall we, My Beloved?" I swear I wasn't being sarcastic. Trust me.
"O-Of course. Sorry for earlier" he apologized timidly. I scowled at him for a moment but let it slip away. It was useless getting furious over him anyway.
"It's alright, at least we know our way now and we aren't lost. That would have been a waste" I snorted and carried forward on our steps, Asra following me shortly.
"Heh...I can't believe our time was saved by an unknown brothel" I kidded.
"Yeah... funny indeed" Asra snickered. I nudged him with my elbow playfully as we walked beside each other, my resentment finally melting away and being replaced with solace and comfort, with him and the starry night.
"So this is how you travel all the time? With no sense of direction and a broken compass??" I mockingly asked him.
"Well, not always. Sometimes I do get lost, not going to lie. But Faust helps me find my track back. Too bad she is not here with me since she wanted to stay back with Ichigo at the inn" I stuffed his hands into his pockets, his bright coat and the black hat he always wears during treks lightly fluttering in the subtle wind.
"And I know this local city well, yet I have no idea why my mind went blank so badly today. I'm sorry for the inconveniences I caused you, Wynne. I wanted you to show you the wonderful places this town has, but I only ended up making it worse for both of us" He held his forehead in his hand, his fingers mushing against his hair.
"Hey" I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "This is not your fault, you have been travelling for hours barely with any rest. I can understand why you suddenly couldn't think of the path. Your mind must have gotten tired too, and there is no one to blame for that. And so, you shouldn't blame yourself too" I comforted him.
"But, I did waste your time. I know how particular you are about time, yet I consumed everything of yours so mindlessly" he shook his head again.
"Oh well, you are right on that" I truthfully agreed. Asra shot his eyes onto me. His expression of disbelief and bafflement.
I raised my eyebrow. "What? You thought I was going to say, no you didn't consume any of my time and then hug you tight and strangle you with kisses? Really, Alnazar??" I cocked. Asra's cheeks flared with ruddy as he looked down at his feet again. My smirk got wider, and I heckled him again.
"Ahhh so you were looking forward to it huh, Asra?? You naughty, wicked boy" I pinched his bronze cheek and laughed. He didn't reply to me and continued shying away and trying to escape from my tease. Looks like I embarrassed him this time. And I don't admit guilt of it as always. It was fun bantering him. But I think I have had too much fun because he was feeling awful, and I cannot just ridicule him anymore. That might just be plain rude, and I didn't want to be an asshole to my only husband.
"Fine, listen to me" I began. "Yes, I agree you did 'consume' my time" I specifically added quotations marks.
"But, you didn't waste it. That's absurd! You would do anything with my time than fritter it. Because.....every minute I spend with you is like magic. I get to learn more, experience more with you. And I discover my interests with you, Dear. You have never wasted my time. And neither did I ever said that to you, but you always assume wrong things and make me worry along with you" I raised my shoulders.
Asra stopped in his tracks, making me imitate him and stop walking too. He turned to face me again, his tanzanite orbs connecting with my golden ones. I peered closely into them, only to find myself in there. There was nothing else in him and that was very odd. Because usually his eyes were the real door to his true emotions and feelings, deeply hidden in like a prize of a maze, so I always stare into them when I want to know what he truly conceals into his deep irises, and I never cared how much time would it need to find them all because it was always worth it.
But.....I saw nothing in them. Just me. Me and my stupid face. Now, why would his eyes show me myself? What did he want to convey?? Was he feeling.....me?? Was he hiding.....me??? Was he............
Looking inside me????
I really had no clue. Asra though being more hospitable and extroverted than I was, always was the one to be more mysterious and secretive than the two of us. Maybe because he had more enigmas than I had?? I guess so. Or maybe he wants to wait for revealing them the right time comes for both of us. But because of never finding such a chance, he ends up being solitary though he never intended to be one.
But who knows. If Asra doesn't open up to me, I would be both courteous and disappointed with his boundaries. Complicated right? But that's how I am. A nasty unsatisfied bitch.
"Look" I held his cheek and stroked him. "If you don't believe me, that's fine. But remember one thing, Alnazar. You are my husband. We are bound together, and I'll never break apart from you, you hear that? And you have never, ever, let my time to waste. Because you are too sweet and cherishing for that, Asra. I adore you, and I'm willing to spend my whole life with you. And I had decided to since the day I yelled at you in the Lazaret for sacrificing your heart"
I sighed bitterly. That Lazaret occurrence had to be one of our bitterest times because we both impaired each other without acknowledging how we both felt at that time. But to be very honest, I never want to forget this. Because I want to remember how we were before and how far we have reached now. And I think that's plausible, and I guess Asra would approve with me on this.
"But back to the topic, you will never be a waste of time, My Love, Never. Mark my words, all this time I have spent roaming around with you and following that cursed compass which never helped had to be one of the stories I would remember and laugh about it every time. And you know why I would laugh at it? Because you were being nuts of course. But also because you were in it" I gently jabbed his nose.
"Every moment with you is like my treasure, Asra. And I don't want to lose it. I want to be greedy about it, and never let you get out of my sight. And I'll stick with you no matter what happens, and whether you like it or not" I tittered.
"I......" He opened his mouth.
"Yes, sweetie?" I tilted my head and innocently yet lovingly peeped at him.
But he ignored me again. He just pulled me closer, grabbed my waist to lift me to his height, and smashed his lips onto mine.
"Mmm!!" My voice became faint and my cloak dropped from my head, but I didn't protest against him and kissed back. My arms snaking around his shoulders and embracing his warm body closer. I was looming over him, and my hands slithered from his shoulders to his cheek, my lips working and pulling onto him.
Asra was a tremendous kisser, by the way. And how do I know? And is that even a question?
Both of our faces were red hot as we pulled back, my lips quivered from incitation and we both were panting away.
"I believe you...." He answered me and roughly kissed me for one last time. I moaned against his lips, wallowing in the pleasure I received from him, my hands curling around his hair and tugging it gently. He then pulled away and hugged me back as he breathed against my neck.
I exhaled with him, enjoying his sweet lips on me. But then I gently patted his shoulder to get his attention.
"hmm?" He replied.
"Hey....take me to the beaches....we came this far now" I told him.
"Ah....sure, Milady. Let's not keep you waiting" he sneered at me, but I was worried, to be honest.
Because I knew very well that it was a sneer of mischief he had on him.
I expected him to keep me down on my feet, but he abruptly let go of my waist and swung me up into his arms to hold me and carry me to the beach like a bride.
"You scared the fucking shit out of me there!" I caught my gust on time. The way I cried out as he took hold of me was the moment I want to shirk so badly. Meanwhile this white fucker was laughing away to glory at me! How fucking dare he?! Ugh I hate him when he does that!
"Tit for tit, sweetheart. I didn't forget the way you pinched my cheek" he winked. Blush swelled around my cheeks and I hid my face in his chest, Asra lightly giggling and resting a small peck on my head.
"Whatever" I muffled.
"Sure, suit yourself" he shrugged.
"Now let's show you the rock beaches" and there he was, holding his beloved wife close to him, never letting her go, never letting her feel alone. Because he was always there for her, and he valued every second with her like golden coins.
And they say, journey is more beautiful than the destination.
Heh, I guess they were right. But to me, both the journey and destination were marvellous when he was around.
And damn, I deserve a fucking slap for disagreeing with such a truth. Honestly.
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liyuesbian · 3 years
AAAA kokomi quest time :>
same here I thought it was a pretty solid quest overall!! agree that the first half was kinda eh because she just felt too Nice about everything, a little too willing to help people instead of saying "i have some stuff to prepare and am not available rn" (when the Watatsumi citizens were crowding around Traveler and her, I had flashbacks to Barbara's hangout event rip). but the second half got better thankfully. I think even though there's no morally gray kokomi, they still gave her character some flair that's different from before? like you said, the thing where she's forced by heritage to be the divine priestess but doesn't actually want to; i quite liked that, since although she's emotionally drained from her job, she's not like Jean or other characters that sacrifice themselves because they truly like their job and want to help people in that way. kokomi helps people out of obligation and would much rather be doing military strategizing and i love that for her. I want her to be a bit more selfish too, even if it's not in a villainous kind of way; perhaps a scenario where she pulls a xingqiu and just becomes a military strategist/general instead of the job she inherited (actually her and xq would be really interesting together, even if xingqiu doesn't reveal that he's the legend of sword author lol). somehow she gives me only child vibes hahsdjfs
agree!! when she said "it would be so nice if all my work could do itself" I Felt that :') her moments of childishness are very endearing 😌
YEAH the war was finally addressed in some capacity and the Not All Is Well mood, especially the mixed opinions in Watatsumi among both civilians and the soldiers. also agree that the npc opinions were very good and it's nice that some of them are dissatisfied for different reasons, like that old woman you mentioned talking about Watatsumi's god vs the soldier's grievances against the Tenryou Commission! It's not just quietly resolved and that's way better than how the ei quest went hsdfjs. I also loved kokomi's and sara's scene hsdjfsd I was surprised but thankful they actually showed them negotiating the treaty terms instead of just doing a cutscene and illustrating that kokomi (and sara) are good diplomats and know their stuff. they need to put their brains on display more. the quest is also warming me up to kokosara lol
it's fine villain kokomi lives on in our hearts (or in aus lmao)
also expand on kokomi and hu tao? o-o they sound interesting
OH YEAH i forgot about barbara's hangout event !
mhm my thoughts exactly. omg i never thought about that.. her and xingqiu would make such great friends! the indirect interaction through his book ties everything together well too :O i'm thinking the whole author-book lover dynamic ajiodfsfiadjn kokomi gushing over her favourite author, [xingqiu's pseudonym]. OR maybe a modern au where kkm is xq's editor?! OR her as a super fan and beta reader?! honestly, kkm and xq are one of my favourite characters so far and it'd rly make me happy to see them interacting 😭 OH did u happen to see this fanart of the hydro gang in a book club? (while i was trying to find the link to the post, i also found this gem! AHHH they're both so cute!)
they rly are!
yep yep haha O I FORGOT 2 TALK ABT THAT KOKOSARA MOMENT !!! i agree, that scene showed us all that kkm is very much capable in doing her job despite it not being her first choice in career.
yes (!!! hmm this is giving me ideas for kokosara angst hc.. after the negotiations are over and peace has somewhat returned between both sides, kkm stabs them in the back, sara hurt by the betrayal and kkm seemingly cold-hearted and stern-faced, unaffected by the situation saying it was all necessary as the divine priestess, the current heiress of sanganomiya, to carry out the will of her ancestors and to sustain the protection of her people in watatsumi but deep down she knows she doesn't want to do this (the same canon wanting to stray away from her lineage). either way, it is too late now. the destruction of the shogun's govt and her vision of eternity was always meant to happen in due time.)
as for kokotao, i think what initially attracted me to their ship is similar to what first drew me to kokosara...
right off the bat, their clashing visuals/aesthetics HAHAHA
hu tao would totally be down to read kkm books as she falls asleep, kkm would do the same too! (if she can get ht to sleep that is lol)
their clashing personalities and way of thinking, ht's chaotic mindset and kkm's well-planned and tactician-like abilities... even their food preferences differ too! (god, reading their voice lines for kkm's least/ht's fave food srsly makes me think they were made for each other)
i think in a modern au (and in genshin too i guess), they'd be great "business" partners. as in, they kind of make up for what the other lacks (in both a domestic and working way) - kkm's strategic skills could be used to bring more customers in for hu tao and hu tao would be able to deal with the social side of kkm's job (just thinking about it makes me swoon, they'd be so in love)
let's be real here, i think kkm would be p easy to tease and ht would have tons of fun pranking her and telling her jokes etc.
in a gameplay perspective, ht loses hp and kkm is a healer !! (aww only true gfs fight alongside each other)
in the same way hydro puts out pyro, kkm can reign ht in when it get's a little too much (but not in a way where she's stopping ht from being who she is if ygm) and vice versa for ht being able to "give" kkm a bit of her own energy
there's probably a lot more but those are my reasons for now haha
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather:
Chapter 8: Nikki Annoying Sixx
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February 20, 1985
Six New messages
Hey Mani its Nikki, sorry about yesterday I didnt mean to speak to you like that. You just get under my skin somtimes. Well call me back I'd like to see you.
Beep : Message Deleted
Sooooo I'm calling again to check up on you. You haven't called me back. Call me back.
Beep: Message Deleted
Mani your really fucking pissing me off ok call me back. By the way I'm learning how to cook for you. Well actually us. The things I do for you.
Beep: Message Deleted
Hey princess I'm sorry ok, just talk to me. Were having alot of fun in the studio. Tommy wants you to come by. Plus you should try the food I made.
Beep: Message Deleted
Princess please call me back. Stop fucking ignoring me. Your making me angry.
Beep: Message Deleted
Mani I miss you. Please call me.
Beep: Message Deleted
That was the last messege I listened to before ripping the phone cord out. I have been ignoring him since the last time I saw him. Nikki was into drugs and that wasn't my life. I'm a respectable girl who comes from a respectable family and my mom would throw a fit if she ever found out I was hanging out with someone like Nikki sixx. He will just have to get over us being friends. Anyways, Tamara came back scolding me on my outfit for the Joan Rivers interview. She said I looked awful that made me laugh actually. Theresa was fired right away because of what happened, but also because she was doing drugs. I was now on a very tight leash. Especially because I got the part for the movie. And after my birthday in September, I will no longer be doing teen magazines. I will be featured on the cover of the biggest magazines.
"Hey honey soooo theres two things, one in March you will be on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine and two you have an interview with Barbara Walter's." Tamara shouted and I jumped up screaming. "She is sooo excited to meet you." I ran and hugged her this was exciting. I couldn't wait to tell my mom. I was heading home for a couple of weeks. "Um why did you unplug the phone cord missy?" Tamara ask with one hand on her hip and the other holding the cord.
"Oh uh I tripped over the cord by accident sorry. Haha clumsy me." I lied. ______
I spent the evening until night shopping. I started to realize I was a shopaholic when I constantly kept going out to buy new clothes, jewellery, heels, and hand bags. I was really into fashion and mixing cloths together. I was also into cosmetics like really into it. Maybe down the line I'll venture into business, but for now its acting and modeling.
I was inside a shop and saw this really cute handbag. I mean I had several but why not get one more. I purchased it, and I'm not going to tell you the price. I headed out of the store and got into my limo. Can you beleive it, I'm in a limo.
When I reached back at the condo. My chauffeur helped me get my bags out and carry them upstairs. "Thank you Daniel." I say while giving him 100. "No problem Miss Darlington." He took it and left. I saw a note by the table.
Went to office be back later- Tammi.
Well I'll show her what I bought when she gets back. I was so excited to start trying on my new clothing. And everything else with it. This was the life that I never thought I could have. I bought some stuff for my sisters, my mom, and aunts and uncles. They will really love them. I sheded down into my bra and panties taking off cloths and trying new ones. I put on these nice thigh high boots that could be worn in the winter time. After all I am going home for a couple of weeks. And its snowing in Canada. With a cute black romper. I heard a knock on the door and ran to go and get it. "Coming!" I yelled. I opened it up with out even looking through the peek hole, stupid me.
And saw none other then Nikki annoying Sixx, and he did not look happy. I tried to shut it right away but he put his arm between the door and was pushing back.
"Mani please just let me in." He says while he's forcefully trying to get in.
"Nikki go away!" I say pushing back.
With a big push. Nikki forces the door open and the impact sends me flying and hitting the ground with a thud.
"Oh shit I'm sorry." He laughs.
"It's not funny my butt cheek is hurting you ass!" I yell at him.
"Tsk tsk tsk I thought you didn't swear princess." He smirks.
God he is truly annoying.
"C'mere doll let me help you up." He wobbles towards me almost loosing his footing. He was drunk and probably high.
"Your drunk Nikki, you need to leave Tamara is downstairs." I lied.
"I'm drunk and high." He smirks. "And no shes not."
"And how do you know?" I asked furrowing my brows.
"Because I saw her leave and shes going to be gone for a while." He smiles walking towards my shopping bags.
"So you camped outside the condo until she left?" I asked walking behind him.
"No I camped on the 5th floor in some random chicks place. She let me come in with her." He says while pulling cloths out of the bags.
What the hell is wrong with this guy. I mean really!
"Nikki why are you hear?" I demanded.
"Im here because your ignoring my fucking phone calls. I've left you several fucking messages and your not returning them!" He shouted as he got in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Well of course I'm ignoring your calls. And now that you know one hundred percent that I am, you can go back to the 5th girls place or get out!" I yelled motioning towards the door.
Nikki smiled then walked towards the couch and sat down he kicked his feet up on the table like he was at home and put his hands behind his head. "I drove here. Your not really gonna kick a drunk and high guy out of your home to go driving on the streets now will you?"
I can't believe this guy. I was seething with anger. How dare he use something that happened to Vince to stay over here. "Nikki that is a really awful thing to say, that's not a joke. I want you out right now." I say with a stern voice.
"No." He sneered. He kicked his shoes off then grabbed the TV remote turned it on then changed it to MTV.
I had enough of this guy. I decided to just call security and have them deal with him. I took off my boots then walked towards the phone picking it up to dial security. Next thing I know Nikki is charging at me grabbing the phone from my hand.
"Nikki stop it!" I yelled trying to grab the phone back.
"Just calm the fuck down Iman!" He shouted in my face. I then slapped him across the face. Something I wish I didnt do because at that point Nikki saw red. He then picked me up over his shoulders with me kicking and screaming. And walked towards my room.
"Put me down now you jerk!" I yelled.
He then threw me on the bed pinning my arms over my head. "Calm the fuck down!" He yelled
"No!" I yelled back struggling to get out of his grip. He then leaned closer to my face. Making me smell the whisky on his breath. His lips brushed against mine and he whispered with a very low voice. "Calm down princess." He bit his lips and I started breathing hard. He slowly used his legs to spread my legs open and settled in between them. I felt how hard he was through his pants.
"Your so fucking beautiful." He whispered and used his thumb to graze my bottom lip.
Nikki was dangerous. He was dangerous because he was good looking. He has a baby face, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair he's a bad boy, and he's in the biggest rock band there is. Girls love him and would fall for him so easily with out even realizing that he has a lot of problems. Drugs were his number one problem. And as long as he was doing drugs, he would always have problems.
"But I'm young Nik, and you do drugs." I say struggling to sit up and move him up off of me.
"I know princess." He moved to the side of my bed and sat with his back against the head board. He sat there in silence thinking for a bit.
"Iman I'm back, oh my God what is this mess in the living room?" I heard Tamara come in. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Nikki stay silent please or so help me God." I whispered to him. "Ok princess." He chuckled.
I ran out of the room with my heart eating ten time fast.
"Hey Tammi sorry I went shopping." I started picking up the bags off the ground.
"Yeah I can see that." Her eyes went wide.
"What is it with you and this phone." She picks the receiver up and puts it back.
"Sorry I was calling some of my friends." I turn over and notice Nikki's boots on the living room carpet. I slowly move towards the carpet to grab the boots.
"Honey can you grab me a drink please I'm very exhausted." Tamara asks as she walks towards the living room couch to sit down. My heart was racing u was praying that she wouldnt see those cowboy boots just lying there on the carpet. She would know for sure that someone was here. "Um sure." I walked to the kitchen and poured her some cranberry juice than brought it back to her. I grabbed one of the shopping bags and knelt down by the table and picked up the boots and put them in. "Alright I'm going to bed." I started running.
"Um hello excuse me take the rest of these bags to your room. Your making this place look like a garbage dump full of bags!" She yelled. I ran back and packed the rest of the things I bought including my boots that I kicked off. "Goodnight Tami." I hugged and kissed her. "Goodnight sweety." She kissed back. I got into the room and let out a long sigh. I looked over at Nikki who took off his blue and gold jacket and threw it on the floor and was comfortably sleeping on my bed. I crawled on my bed and shook him. "Nikki." I whispered "Nikki you have to go once Tamara goes to bed."
"Mmmm no." He says snuggling into my pillow. Well what more could I do I guess he's spending the night. I got up and turned the light off then grabbed shorts and a tank top and changed into them. I got into my bed and layed beside him and just stared at him. I starting to caress his cheek all the way to his jaw and he squirmed a bit. He then opened his beautiful green eyes and looked at me.
"Can you promise me something princess?" he whispered
"promise you what?" I whispered back.
"Promise me that when you come of age and I get my shit together that you'll be my girl. That you'll be mine and only mine?" I nodded with a smile. "No I need to hear you say it so I know there's hope." "I promise to be yours Nikki." I smiled. He leaned over and kissed the top of my head then pulled me closer to him. I snuggled tight agaisnt him and we went to sleep in each others arms.
The next day I woke up, and my eyes went wide when I realized Nikki was still in my bed. I dont know if he snores alot in his sleep when he's not drunk. But he certainly snored alot last night. I barely slept. I turned over to look at him. He looked like an angel. His messy hair was all over my pillows. I didn't want to wake him, but I know I had to. I nugded him to wake him up a bit. But he didn't even move. So then I decided after what he he did yesterday by making me hurt my butt cheek when I fell, payback seemed fair. I lifted myself into sitting position on the bed with my feet on his torso and my hands positioned behind me to give me a good balance. I pulled my legs towards me then gave him one big kick off the bed. He rolled off hitting his body on the ground and his head on the small dresser beside my bed. Woops!
"Ow you bitch, what the fuck!" He shouted on the ground. Where I couldn't see him.
"Hahahahahaha pay back hurts dosen't it."
"Fuck you."
"Now now Mr.Sixx no swearing." I chuckled.
He got up and climbed back onto the bed sitting and holding his head.
"You snore a lot."
"So I'm told." He looked at me with a smile.
"You have to go Nik."
"So your not even gonna make me breakfast. What kind of girl doesn't make breakfast for her man when he spends a night." He moves closer to me and I push away. "First off I would never make you breakfast especially when your capable of doing it your self. And second I'm not your girl." I say pointing to myself.
"Yet." Nikki says with a full on smile plastered on his face.
"I gotta use your washroom to piss. And where are my boots?" He asks getting off the bed scratching his untamed hair. I got off the bed and grabbed the plastic bag I put them in and gave them to him. He grabbed them and put them on.
"Look Nik pee in your pants or pee outside but you need to go now before Tammi catches you." I pleaded.
"Alright fine fine." He picks up his jacket and walks towards the door.
"Wait let me check first." I poke my head out to see if the coast is clear. And then signal him to come. I push him out the door fast, then run to the kitchen to grab the garbage.
"What's the garbage for, it's not even full?" He asks.
"I'm pretending like I'm throwing it away." I start giggling because he's looking at me like I'm a little devil.
"Oh babe you and me are gonna get along just fine." He says as he puts his arm around me to start walking. "So can I see you later on?"
"Sure, I'm heading back to Canada for a couple of weeks tomorrow. And I wont be back till March 11. Cause I have a photo shoot with Sports Illustrated Magazine on the 12 in the morning."
"Wow, so I need to take you somewhere special. That way you'll think of me while your away." We stopped by the elevator and he turned me to face him. Nikki could make a girls knees buckle in a second that's how good looking he was. But I kept trying to remind my self that he was no good. He could never be the man I would want him to be. But then again he did ask me to keep that promise. And he did say when he gets his "ish" together. So who knows.
"Um so I'll pick you up later?" He scratches his head and looks down at his shoes.
"Ok." I smile.
He pushes the elevator button and it comes up. We wave each other good bye. I'm not sure what this is between Nikki and I. But what ever it is, he's got me thinking about him more. A lot more. _________
I sat waiting for Nikki. He had called to say he was going to come at 3:30. It was now 4:26. I started pacing around my room. When ever I would hear the phone ring I would run to it hoping that it was him but then get disappointed when it wasn't. I started thinking about last night. What me and Nikki talked about, I did really like him. But I dont like the whole groupies, drugs, and bad boy stuff. If I was to have any future with him a lot would have to change. But also I'm still young so for me to even be thinking about these things is weird. I should be thinking about chilling with friends, sleepovers, and gossiping. But I wasn't, I didnt have any friends here in LA. Maybe that's why when ever Nikki would come around I would tag along with him. Cause the truth is I felt lonely. Nikki isn't good for me but he's the only one I have to talk to, besides Tamara. And shes always working. I had Theresa as well, but because she was fired I have no idea where she is and if she would even talk to me.
4:40 pm
I called Nikki's number again and there was no answer.
5:30 pm
Tamara called she said she would be coming back late. I hope Nikki calls.
6:15 pm
Nikki called and apologized. At least he did call. He said he'll be here by 6:30 so thats great. It means he didn't forget about me.
9:00 pm
I sat in front of the TV blankly staring at it. I couldn't tell you what was on cause I didn't really care. I just heard noises. Yelling, screaming, and someone saying please dont kill me. I sat there for another 10 minutes and then turned the TV off and went to bed. Nikki wasn't coming.
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franeridart · 5 years
Merry Christmas!! I hope you are happy, and have a good New Year! 😁
Thank you!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year too!!
Anon said:aaaaawwwnnn the good ol' platonic (or not, depending on the interpretation) bak*deku
I’m not anti anything anon, so you never gotta worry about that! I have ships I like and ships I don’t and ships I’m indifferent about, but I’m a firm believer in the ship and let ship principle~ sadly bkdk is strictly platonic for me (I see them too much as sibs for it to work in a romantic way, at this point), but I do adore their relationship and the way Horikoshi is writing it TT^TT it’s def one of my favorite Bakugou relationships, such a wonderfully complex story 💕
Anon said:Have you ever thought about drawing Bakushima as different ships? Like, from different shows. Put them in their outfits and such? I thought that wouls be pretty cool. Sorry if someone has already suggested this! I thought maybe Black Butler style ? Fruits basket, Death note, ect. ❤
I have in the past drawn them in AUs inspired by characters from other fandoms, if that’s what you’re asking! At the top of my head I can remember drawing them as Black⭐Star and Tsubaki from Soul Eater, Doumeki and Watanuki from xxxHolic and Jacuzzi and Nice from Baccano!, but I’m sure those are not the only ones... I’m never against that sort of AUs, if you have anything you’d like to see ask and I’ll see if I know the fandom you’re thinking about! :D
Anon said://squints// did your.... Did your lineart imPROVE??? holy maples Fran ur killing me with ur art I wanna survive my last 7 months of high school--
If you think so, then I’m seriously happy and glad to hear it! Thank you so much!! I feel like I’ve been getting sloppier actually, ngl, but I have been trying new tools for the line, so maybe that’s the difference you’re seeing!
Anon said:Gonna say anonymously caz' i'm too embarrassed to reveal myself for now, but I love your blog and art so damn much!!! Been following you for two years and you really inspired me to draw and really to stay in touch with bnha. Again, love you so much and hope you a merry Christmas!!!
Ahhhhh anon thank you so much!!! I’m happy I can make you keep up with bnha, ngl!! And I hope you’ve had a wonderful amazing christmas too!!!
Anon said:Sero with the long hair can murder me
He wouldn’t!
Anon said:what do you think of bakukamijirou 👀
I don’t ship it, sorry :( as far as shipping Bakugou goes, I only ship him around if Kirishima is involved - I do have a few Baku ships I like just for the aesthetics (like with Jirou, or Todoroki!) but I wouldn’t really call it “shipping”, I just like to see them next to each other cause their designs work well together haha
Anon said:Hello? Yes. Hi. Dave I love. Thank you.
I’m so happy to hear that!!! TT^TT thank you so much!!!
Anon said:Kamijirou cures my depression :3
Anon said:Have you every considered a voltron au for your ocs? I know youve made a voltron au befores so i was wondering if you ever did it for anything else (i really love all your art have a lovely day
I’ve never, actually :thinking: the vld fandom is very scary to me so I try to keep away from it, ngl! I’ve also not watched past the first season of the cartoon itself so by now I don’t think I have the necessary information to make AUs based on that fandom, but the concept of my kids in space or piloting mechas is a wonderful one nonetheless haha
Anon said:Ah man I love dav so much. It makes me so happy when you post your sweet green haired boy. Day: brightened.
:sob: thank you SO MUCH!!!! TT^TT it makes me so happy to hear you like my boy!!
Anon said:I love and appreciate every variety of your ocs
Anon said:You: This is my boy. | Me: I love him so much and his hair and his shirt- 👌
Thank you so much!! His hair and clothes make less sense every time I draw him, but I have fun with it so I’m glad you like them anyway hahaha
Anon said:Hey! Who is he? He looks cool
Thank you so muuuccchhhh!!! His name is Dave!! He doesn’t really have much of a story, but he’s a uni student and likes music, philosophy and cats! He has a bunch of friends I draw him with now and again, and they mostly spend their time avoiding studying and being generally ridiculous :D
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know your art style is GORGEOUS. You're one of the few people on this site whose art always makes me excited to see it. I'm a huge Bakushima fan to begin with but your Bakugou is just...oof. lol I don't know if it's the hooded eyes or the undercut but you make him HAVE it!
That’s such high praise oh my god! TTOTT I’m glad you like how I draw my boy, he makes me so happy to doodle !!!!! 💞💞💞
Anon said:The two art post with "An unexpected sappy thought" and "Bunch of stuff from yesterday I finally managed to finish" were both flagged. i tried to send them to u, but couldn't. Just thought you should know if you haven't been notified yet! sorry that i cant be much help. (also the protest starts in like 10 min for me, so youre probably off already if youre doing it) sorry for bothering!
Anon said:hey your post (a colored fanart) of kirishima and bakugou cuddling w/ song lyrics as the caption got flagged, just thought i’d let you know if you didn’t see it :( stupid tumblr
These are pretty old asks at this point but I wanted to thank you for the heads up anyway! I have gone through my posts twice already and new flagged things always pop up, so the fact that you took the time to let me know was seriously huge help! Thank you so much!!
Anon said:hi i just saw your year summery-thingy and i just realized that i have followed you for more than a year now and i just want to say thank you for all the beutiful art i have seen !! you are truly one of my favorite artist i hope that you are well
Ah man thank you so much!!! I’m so so happy to hear you’ve been following me that long, it’s incredible to me!! I hope I’ll manage to get out of the slump I’ve fallen into soon enough orz meanwhile thank you for sticking around!! 💕
Anon said:Seeing your art summary makes my soul feel the urge to have your beautiful kiribaku art in a book. Have you ever thought about making a little zine with some of your illustrations? Or selling prints ;___; You're absolutely amazing!
Oh heck thank you so much for being interested in something like that! I’ve actually thought about something of the like, but if I ever did it would be a small zine with pieces made specifically for it! I have to research the whole thing a bit more, but in case I’ll reach a point where it’s a concrete possibility I’d first post something to check the actual interest in it between everyone! ;^;
Anon said:... Why BakuJiro tho?
Why not! They are good friends, have a nice dynamic, and their styles match together well! And Jirou’s so tiny next to him, I like the idea of Baku hugging her a whole lot as it might have become obvious by this point haha
Anon said:7w7r I see you there
I dunno what this is about but !!! neat!!
Anon said:Soooo,,, DabiHawks or Hawks single? I have curious for how would a drawing of them be made by you
I’ve said this a couple of times before, but I’m really only interested in dabihawks if Dabi is Touya at this point! I might change my mind if Hori develops their relationship more, but right now that’s how it is... and until I have more concrete proofs of Touya and Dabi being the same person I don’t wanna get too involved with the ship, in case I end up disappointed haha
Anon said:Fran, have you ever posted a selfie before? For some reason, I imagine you looking a little more like Kuroo from Haikyuu!! Haha.
I haven’t! I prefer being behind the camera instead of before it hahaha a couple years ago you would have been right! By now I have too much hair for it, tho lol also, I wear glasses and have a bunch of piercings and earrings that Kuroo doesn’t have (but should have, cause it’d be hot 👀👀👀)
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Boy Erased vs Cameron Post — The Dos and Don’ts of Youth Drama
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Trigger Warning: Rape
I would not like to be Joel Edgerton this year. It’s the stuff of nightmares for a writer/director, to see a movie with a very similar plot to yours be released when you’re already far into production, and I imagine Joel Edgerton was less than happy when The Miseducation of Cameron Post hit the screens. It must be even worse to watch your movie not only be constantly compared to someone else’s work, but also fall short in most comparisons. This comparison will be no different: while I recognize the effort made by Edgerton, if you’re in the mood for a conversion therapy drama, I direct you to Cameron Post.
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I saw The Miseducation of Cameron Post a couple months back and wasn’t completely blown away, but my opinion of it has significantly improved now that I have Boy Erased to compare it to. I adore Chloe Grace Moretz and her character was flawless — depicting the detachment of teenage years, she proves that she has a mature handle on how to move through a character development arc. Her supporting cast is colorful and unique, employing Sasha Lane as a one-legged rebel, Forest Goodluck as a Native American two-spirit, Emily Skeggs as a type-A tattle tale, and John Gallagher Jr. as a harmless and relatable closeted Christian punchline. It might be a little too colorful to be completely believable, but it knows its audience. I would have been OBSESSED with this movie when I was seventeen. It’s fun but emotional, with a clear story and message and more than just one character to love, which is essential when you’re trying to please kids who like to be different. The lack of strong conclusion is an excellent choice, reminding us that the rolling credits don’t mean that Cameron’s troubles are over, that she will face a very hard life. It still manages to end on a note of hope, even with this chilly wrap-up, because she’s facing the world with supportive friends by her side and a knowledge of who she is. The fiery energy of the teen cast is incredibly relatable this year, as we all rail against any injustice we’re faced with in a vain hope that it will trickle up to the horrors in Washington. A couple queer kids stickin’ it to the man is a needed catharsis.
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Boy Erased, while not even close to the worst movie this year, was unfocused and bland. I admit that the conversion camp was more believable in Edgerton’s version, but they sacrificed character in a search of that believability. Lucas Hedges’ Gerrard is equally as subdued as Cameron, and they share a similar arc of finding their voices, but the lack of three dimensional characters in Boy Erased forces us to only root for the protagonist, and he isn’t an interesting enough person to truly draw me in. I understand wanting to show a normal guy being gay, it is very important for society to realize that anyone can be gay, but “normal” is not synonymous to “boring”. Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe are both brilliant performers who are completely wasted, given paper doll cutout roles of “caring mother” and “ignorant father”. They play them perfectly of course, but they could have handled so much more. Edgerton gives himself the most interesting character, and even he falls short of true depth.
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Both Boy Erased and Cameron Post have almost identical conversations about “playing the part” to get out of therapy, but again Cameron Post pulls ahead by the clever use of the infamous “ice berg”. The ice berg is introduced early on and is a continued plot point through the entire film, illustrating various pieces of character, story, and theme, while also allowing for cheeky and sarcastic humor delivered effortlessly by Lane, so when the “playing the part” conversation comes up, they’re able to use a plot point that we are all very familiar with to illustrate the idea with depth.
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Another similarity is the suicides. In both films a boy commits suicide because of the methods used in the camps. In this instance I actually think that Boy Erased wore it better. Edgerton chooses not to show the event or the aftermath, but focuses heavily on the boy’s experiences leading up to his death. In both stories the suicide acts as a final straw, pushing our heroes to speak out, but in Boy Erased the focus is more on the cause for the suicide and the abuse of the program, rather than the trauma it causes the other kids. However, because I had seen Cameron Post first, the suicide in Boy Erased was less shocking because I spent half the movie thinking “I wonder if this one will have a suicide too…”
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One thing that I do love in Boy Erased that is not mirrored in Cameron Post is a surprisingly well-done rape scene. I am usually not one for rape scenes, but this one is important and could not have been used in the same way had it happened off screen (which is usually how I wish rape scenes were done). This man-on-man assault, which happens early in the film, helps us understand Gerrard’s motivations, his conflict, and his pain. It doesn’t enhance his character (take notes here writers, believe it or not having a character raped doesn’t automatically make them interesting, stop raping your female protagonists for an easy way out), but it does enhance the story.
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On the whole, Boy Erased suffers from a very common mistake: it relies on its troubling subject matter and “true story” status to carry it into Oscar season. Lucas Hedges’ reputation is in tact and Joel Edgerton could still learn to be a wonderful director, but for now I congratulate Desiree Akhavan on her lovely achievement and I thank her for the excellent example of satisfying youth drama.
Cameron Post Rating: Good. In my top 30 of 2018
Boy Erased Rating: Some Issues. In my bottom 10 of 2018.
Good 20) BlackkKlansman 21) First Reformed 22) A Quiet Place 23) Annihilation 24) Tag 25) Overlord 26) Can You Ever Forgive Me? 27) First Man 28) Blaze 29) The Miseducation of Cameron Post 30) The Hate U Give 31) Hereditary 32) Avengers: Infinity War 33) Black Panther 34) Tully 35) Searching 36) Mandy
Some Issues 37) Halloween 38) The Spy Who Dumped Me 39) Disobedience 40) Boy Erased 41) Bohemian Rhapsody 42) A Star Is Born 43) Pick of the Litter 44) A Simple Favor
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Our staff of cultural critics picked their favorite highbrow gifts — and some guilty pleasures.
I am one of those people whose headphones always require at least 10 minutes of untangling. Wireless earbuds, while not perfect, were a relief for a tangly person like myself — but the sound quality and fit of many versions leave a lot to be desired.
The best ones I’ve been able to try are Sennheiser’s Momentum True Wireless earbuds. They work almost like noise-canceling headphones, crystallizing whatever you’re listening to and pulling it front and center for your eardrums. Listening to Ariana Grande’s “thank u, next” through them makes her vocals sound truly special. And the bass, while not spectacular, is still solid; it might be as good as you’ll find in wireless earbuds.
But it’s Sennheiser’s comfortable fit — and a nifty feature called “transparent hearing,” which allows you to hear ambient noise while commuting or jogging — that pushes them over the edge. If there’s one problem, it’s that they’re very expensive, so there’s a constant anxiety that you might lose a bud. (Sennheiser, $300)
—Alex Abad-Santos, senior correspondent
One of my favorite gifts I received last year was an illustrated triptych of Dorinda Medley’s most iconic moments. Medley is the true star of the television show The Real Housewives of New York, best known for getting completely obliterated and yelling things in various fancy kitchens (she’s incredible). Kat Archibald is an illustrator in England who does these hilarious prints of reality stars and their most famous quotes, but there are plenty of other artists on Etsy who cater to whatever fandom your loved one stans. (Etsy, from $7)
—Rebecca Jennings, reporter
Holiday greeting cards are pretty boring, but they don’t have to be. For pop culture mavens who want to give (or receive) a nice card — maybe with, say, a gift card tucked inside — there are plenty of options on Etsy, most starting at under $5. For instance, the horror fan might fancy a terrifying look at Pennywise, the killer from It, or a reminder of how frightening The Shining is. Or an exhortation to be Rock-in around the Christmas tree.
For your family member who adored Bohemian Rhapsody, try Freddie Mercury. For a classic touch, send some cheer via an Elf card. Your friend who’s been bingeing The Office on repeat (not that I’d know anything about that) can enjoy a Christmas card worthy of Dwight Schrute himself, or maybe Belsnickel. There are options for fans of everything from Post Malone to Hallmark movies. And for the loved one who celebrates it all, there’s even a visit from the Holiday Armadillo.
—Alissa Wilkinson, film critic
Publisher Penguin is officially calling these adorable little books “Penguin minis,” but it’s way more fun to make like they do in the Netherlands and call them “dwarsliggers.” When shut, a dwarsligger is about the size of a deck of bridge cards, so you can hold it in one hand, which is both convenient for reading on the train or bus and surprisingly cute. When you flip one open, you see that the text is oriented horizontally rather than vertically, and you turn the pages by flipping them up, more or less the way you scroll up through a smartphone. The format won me over entirely when I put one next to my giant stack of to-be-read books, realized that it made them look as though they belonged to a hulking giant, and cackled gleefully.
Currently dwarsliggers are only available to John Green fans, but if the format takes off, expect to see commuters clutching dwarsliggers on trains around the country. In the meantime, there’s nothing wrong with a good John Green read. ($28)
—Constance Grady, book critic
So, yes, this absolutely seems like a parody of a gift you might get for one of the Real Housewives. I received one in a swag bag at a film festival this year and laughed at first. Then I brought it home. Then I put wine in it. Then I realized that it was the ideal accompaniment to a long stretch of hours spent watching movie screeners or, more likely, binging an upcoming season of Big Little Lies or The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I’m not great at wine glasses, and I live in perpetual fear of spilling some cabernet on my couch. The sturdy construction of this tumbler, which is about the same size and shape as a travel mug with a lid, means I don’t have to worry anymore. I am a convert. ($7)
—Alissa Wilkinson
If you have friends who love reality television — any kind, from RuPaul’s Drag Race to the Real Housewives franchise — please consider getting them a Cameo. Cameo is basically the singing telegram for the modern era. For a fee, you can get celebrities (usually minor ones) and athletes to make a downloadable video message; you give the celebs an outline of what you want the message to say, and they record something custom for your friend(s). (Cameo, from $17)
—Alex Abad-Santos
There are a fair number of book subscription boxes out there, and a lot of them will throw in some form of beverage — coffee beans, tea bags, hot chocolate mix — with the books. What’s fun about Blue Spider’s Attic is that the books they mail out with their beverages are secondhand — which means that a) a monthly subscription is cheaper than a lot of the other book subscription boxes out there, and b) you’re more likely to come across an old book you haven’t heard of before. Since all the books are chosen by real people, based on a questionnaire you fill out explaining your tastes, you’re basically getting a guided tour through a really well-stocked used bookstore every month, without ever having to leave your house. (Blue Spider Attic, $20)
—Constance Grady
Book lovers will adore artist Jane Mount’s “Ideal Bookshelf” project, where she paints various celebrities, authors’ and influencers’ ideal bookshelves — a collection of up to 15 of their favorite books. You can buy one that showcases the picks of someone you admire, or, better yet, you can have Jane make a custom print, which makes for an unforgettable gift tailored to your recipient’s personal tastes. When my husband and I first moved in together, we ordered a custom print from Jane that combined 10 of our favorite books. Years later, it’s still my favorite piece of art that we own. (Ideal Bookshelf, $34)
—Nisha Chittal, engagement editor
I‘ve seen Come From Away three times with both friends and family since it opened in 2017, and I’ve loved it more each time. The true story of 7,000 airline passengers stranded in remote Newfoundland after 9/11, it’s a simple, well-acted, and well-designed musical that manages to feel lively, engaging, and genuine, all while avoiding schmaltz. I’ve been struck each time I’ve seen it by how necessary it continues to feel in the current political climate — how hope-giving and hopeful. It’s currently playing on Broadway and touring throughout the US, but if you can’t find a performance near you, the original Broadway cast recording is also worth your time. ($12 for the mp4 album)
—Aja Romano, internet culture reporter
Original Source -> Vox’s gift guide for culture aficionados
via The Conservative Brief
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