#and discouraged and bad at this website I don't know how to even use it
onwhatcaptain · 7 months
so did seemingly every other spirk fan get assigned a spirk bestie to rant and be pals with when they got on this website or am I just awfully lonely?
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bluebrush09arts · 2 months
It seems like your art presence on social media has been causing you a lot of stress lately :( could it be wise to take a little break?
I'm not all that stressed by it in all honesty, I don't really even care that much if I have tons of followers or get hundreds of likes...
What I do care about is feeling like my content matters once in a while. Like people still give a damn about what I do so my efforts actually feel worth it. I cannot even begin to describe how utterly disheartening and discouraging it is to share art these days, how everywhere you turn they're trying to kill the thing you love to do and feeling like people don't care.
Art in any form is a medium that requires sharing to be seen, but nobody shares anymore, nobody comments or interacts anymore. It really and truly makes you wonder why you even bother. We put hours of our lives into creation, put a lot of passion and energy into it, to get nothing in return to make it feel fully satisfying. It honestly kinda hurts. But we keep trying and keep putting ourselves out there because we want to share what we do. Drawing for yourself is important, do what you do because it's fulfilling to you 100%, but again, art is for sharing, and a little positivity in return goes a long way. Especially with the whole of the internet actively trying to destroy your craft or steal your content.
Now none of this is a plea or a grab for attention, but I will say that a simple 'this looks great' can make or break some young artists whole day, it can inspire them for a whole week to continue to create. Even if you aren't necessarily interested in the content itself. It makes them feel seen and feel like people want to see more and see them grow. If a child shows you a drawing they did do you brush them off, or do you tell them they did a good job and put it where it can be seen? Feedback and encouragement are so incredibly important for growth and artists get none of it anymore, or very little from the same circle.
"Well is that a bad thing? It's better than nothing."
True. But we always want to reach out to more people, to pull them into a new thing that maybe they didn't know existed. They might end up finding their new favourite art styles or artists, you never know. We love to share and interact with people and gush about what we are doing, that's what art is, but our reach only goes so far, that's why we are basically forced to rely on the collective, because every algorithm and every website is hiding us from you. And day by day the collective drifts farther and farther into the "free content/mindless scrolling" mindset. Obviously there are those of you who don't, and we appreciate the hell out of you who do stick around or do leave a small comment. But is it wrong to wish for a little more? To feel like you are being seen and that your time and effort matters? To feel appreciated? Personally I don't think so. Comments can be hard, but we aren't asking for a deep analysis, just a simple 'good job' and maybe a share.
We want to continue to create and share, but we need those seemingly insignificant crumbs to keep the fire going.
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astraltrickster · 8 months
Honestly though between AI discourse, fearmongering about basically every TOS change on every website ever, people noticing how alarming various levels of datamining are but not realizing how widespread it is and blaming all those things on singular websites, and so much more...holy fucking shit the level of computer and internet illiteracy in a population that is now so dependent on the internet is absolutely unconscionable and needs to be recognized as a MASSIVE societal failing.
"Did you know this website's TOS says they can use images you upload for ANY commercial purpose FOREVER? omg take all your stuff down NOW and stay safe!" They NEED to claim that right to display your work on a commercial website that intends to build new features over time in the first place. Fortunately for you, they know they'd lose a LOT of consumer trust if they suddenly opened up a marketplace that gave no money back to creators or otherwise started selling it and claiming all the money for themselves, because yeah, in this corporate hellscape, they probably WOULD if they could!
"I didn't consent to you scraping my image data for the 'more like this' function!" Yes you did, that's in the TOS that you didn't read, and even if you didn't Google would be doing it anyway as long as it's publicly available because legally no one can stop them.
"I can't believe they're not letting us block search engines from indexing our profiles now, only letting us discourage them, what an evil thing of this website to do!" That's all you were able to do in the first place. If it is publicly available, there is no way to block it from being indexed. Most search engines respect do-not-index requests - in fact, it's in their own best interest to do so for both consumer trust AND saving computing power - but legally and technologically there is no way to stop a webcrawler from just looking at those flags and going "how about I do anyway?" short of login-walling it or otherwise making it unavailable to the general public.
"Oh wow these geoguessr guys are impressive!" And terrifying. They should serve as a very valuable reminder to be extremely careful with what shows up in the backgrounds of your photos. You don't want to get doxxed just because someone thought it'd be cool to show off their nifty skills, especially if you're a marginalized person in any way.
"This website's TOS says they'll turn you over to the cops, never work with these evil bootlickers!" They are actually required to comply with warrants and subpoenas or else face the consequences for what YOU do themselves, and they don't know you from Adam, so why would they??? Don't use public commercial websites to talk about doing illegal shit if you don't want to get caught??? Some platforms can protect themselves by not keeping logs TO turn over in the first place (many of the better VPNs, for instance, have this as a selling point), but those have their own unique risks and it STILL doesn't protect you from people recognizing your photos or cross-platform username or other info and tracing it to platforms that DO keep logs. Yes, there are some companies that are worse than others - Facebook, for example, is notorious for volunteering info to the cops even when no one asked and the crime committed was to save a life, because they're fucking awful - but this is something you should EXPECT.
"Look at all these permissions that this platform demands! What are they doing with that!?" Yeah, it IS horrifying, now realize that none of that is unique to that platform. No, none of it is unique to Twitter, or Threads, or Bluesky, or TikTok - and the latter of which is ESPECIALLY not an excuse to pull out some racist conspiracy theories about Evil Chinamen Spying On Us Through Our Poor Innocent Youths. It is the result of 20+ years of boiling the frog when it comes to end user data protection. It's why the word "spyware" went from being a description of something we widely knew was bad to a word that old farts (like me I fucking GUESS) yell at clouds because it describes the majority of the modern internet and hardly anyone fucking notices or cares. It's only likely to get worse if shit like KOSA passes. You SHOULD be mad - but not at any one specific platform...except maybe Facebook. Arguably. Not necessarily because they're worse than any other (though they are worse than average), but because they are the one that normalized this shit.
Genuinely, I want to take this moment to call for anyone who has been disturbed by something like this to please, PLEASE, take a brief break from Posting until you take a moment to read up just a LITTLE bit on internet safety and infosec, because this entire situation with these kinds of expectations being so widespread is...not good.
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nickycodes · 6 days
hi! i wanna make my own code from scratch, for my PT, and I was wondering what would you suggest i start with
I'm glad you asked! I also started coding because I wanted to make my own PT, and I did not know anything about coding at that time. I somehow got myself into where I am now, which I'm not complaining at all hehe.
I didn't take classes or officially learn anything about HTML and CSS at first, but I edited a lot of other coder's works, just observing how the codes work and playing around with changing some styling. Sometimes learning the basics before starting is great, but in this case, I got myself into coding by jumping right into the middle.
After kinda understanding how to make codes work, I used two apps Enki and Mimo to actually 'learn' something, which turned out were things I already knew how to do from editing and playing with other coders' works, the apps helped me understand coding more in an organized way though, even if it didn't improve my skill.
I do recommend going through some websites or learning apps so you can get familiar with the general rules, how certain tags work, what's their default setting and styling, and how to change them etc. HTML and CSS are pretty easy because most of the time it's just English.
Don't be discouraged if your first creation was bad. My first code did not work at all and I didn't even know what went wrong at the time. It takes time and practice to work out a good code. Make something easy in the beginning, and even if it doesn't work you can always delete it and start again on a fresh tab.
When you have some basic skills, you can start to learn fancier stuff. Even now there are many things I can't do with my current skill, and I am still learning as I go.
Ooh that was longer than expected hahaha. Hope that helps, and have fun!
- Nick
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pumakaji64 · 3 months
if you have any good resources for learning Mexican-Spanish dialect PLEASE share!! im mixed race and would be far more interested in learning spanish if it was the kind my dad grew up speaking yknow?
Oh hi-! I'll be real I'm not super fluent in Spanish- I wasn't taught it growing up and haven't started on any sort of like... actual education yet- nor do I have any like official resources I'm afraid... BUT I do have some advice!!!!!!!!
When my mother was learning English she told me that she listened to a lot of English music and it helped her a lot! I do a similar thing, I'll watch shows in Spanish, Spanish videos online, read Spanish text, or listen to music in Spanish and follow along using with English translations! It can be really intimidating at first, but I ended up picking up a lot of Spanish overtime this way! You hear or see certain words repeated enough and the meanings stick more and more!
Like for example recently I found a Spanish voice over of a show called The Haunting Hour that I used to watch when I was younger, and so since I already knew the general plot of the episodes I was able to follow along decently well even without subtitles! (Though I wouldn't start with that- they talk SUPER fast lol)
I also try to focus on the way things Sound when they are said and try to "parrot" them- I'll listen to words over and over until I can vocally copy the pronunciation. Even though I'm not completely fluent I've had people compliment my pronunciations saying they wouldn't have guessed that I'm not.
For Mexican dialects specifically look into Mexican shows or dubs, Mexican singers, works made by Mexicans, or Mexican creators online! I will say though to keep in mind Mexico is a big place and the Spanish spoken there has a LOT of different dialects!
This is kind of a "throwing yourself in the deep end" sort of technique so before doing that I'd get familiar with basic Spanish words and grammar- things like basic nouns, verbs, sentence structure- those sorts of things. Learning things like think, see, why, how, have, feel etc. help so much when you are just starting out.
Another really helpful tip is: speak to Spanish speakers!!! My mother is Honduran and she has been such a big help as she is the only fluent Spanish speaker in my immediate family! While we clash on our... opinions lol... regarding Mexican Spanish she's helped me understand it too since she's heard a lot of it from my dad's family. She's almost always the first person I turn to regarding any questions I have with Spanish.
I also have friends online who are fluent in Spanish too and they've also been great help! There's been many times where I've misused or misunderstood a phrase and they've been there to correct me LOL
Also don't feel afraid to look up things like unfamiliar words or phrases- that can be really helpful for stuff that can't be accurately translated into English! This won't be just the case with slang or really specific words either- a word translated a certain way in one context could be translated differently in another even something seemingly simple like "bueno" and it's conjugations.
I've tried language learning apps and stuff before and while I'm sure they work well for some people and would recommend trying some out I've just never fully gelled with those kind of tools. Though I will say the website Spanishdict.com has been a consistently big help for me! ... and to be fair I'm really bad at forming habits and sticking to those apps lol
And the biggest piece of advice I can give: Don't feel discouraged!!!
Learning a language is tough- but it's never too late to learn! I only started trying to seriously learn more Spanish like 3 years ago and every now and then I have to remind myself that I've come a long way since then!
... Also practice rolling your r's- it's the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth- fast fluttering motion- it'll be intimidating at first but keep practicing and you'll get it- and once you get it just know it's fine if it doesn't sound 'nautral' at first- the longer you do it the easier it becomes to roll r's without it sounding forced.
I hope that helps anon!!!!!!!!
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angeloparker · 1 year
Random AO3 Points
I've noted the fandom is really still getting used to AO3 from what I can tell so I wanted to point out some things new users may not know and that I've picked up on from years on the site under various usernames and from interacting a lot with other writers/readers from other fandoms. For readers and writers.
For Readers
You can only give kudos to a fic once. So if you've given one on the first chapter of a story, you won't be able to do it again per chapter. Consider comments as a way to give feedback.
Collections are largely meant for events like challenges (big bangs, exchanges, etc), not for collecting your favorite stories. An unrevealed collection's purpose is usually to keep works concealed only until the challenge is over. If an author permits you to put a story in a collection and you mark it unrevealed for any variety of reasons, you wind up hiding that work from the rest of AO3 until the author either removes it or you reveal the collection again.
Instead of using collections use Bookmarks! It's a great way to find your favorite fics and you can make notes in them -- like memorable plot points, how you feel about it, or even a mention of where you left off reading. Please note, there are private bookmarks and public bookmarks. If you use a public bookmark, the author (and site) can see what you wrote about the story.
The archive is precisely that: an archive. Not a social media site. Why is this important? Because if you are looking for a fic or fic recs or to request a fic, you should not be doing it on AO3. Yes, in certain fandoms you'll come across "stories" that are someone looking to make requests, take requests, or looking for a story. The majority of AO3 users will report these and while it might take a while because their support team is made of volunteers, just don't do it.
Download your favorite stories. At any given moment an author could leave AO3 for any reason. You can download from AO3 in a multitude of formats, including PDF and various epubs to read on your devices. However, if an author deletes their work and you have it saved you cannot repost it and should only share it privately and even then do so in a way that is respectful of the creator's wishes if they had any.
For Writers
First of all: Engagement takes a while on the website, don't get discouraged.
Your kudos refresh in real time, your hits refresh every 30 minutes, so if you see your hits are 5 and your kudos are 6, it isn't a bug -- something isn't wrong. The system is catching up. Similarly, hits are measured within windows of time by visitor, so if some reads all 10 chapters of your completed fic, it will count as 1 hit and not 10.
Similarly to above, do not use a post to take requests. The archive is limited to fannish/transformative work. Use your Tumblr or Twitter to take requests or eventually it will get reported.
Placeholders similarly are not for AO3. An influx of Wattpad users have lead to people describing their story idea in a few sentences and posting it without any story written -- maybe to gain interest or maybe misunderstanding and thinking there is an algorithm they need to tap into for their fic to be found. Both are bad practice and will be reported and removed if there is nothing fannish/transformative in them.
There are mixed feelings when it comes to one-shot "books" -- or rather, one story where each chapter is a one-shot. In general, AO3 readers who have used the site for a long time will prefer them grouped by some kind of common theme -- such as the main pairing. When searching on the site, people like to look for certain things and filter them out -- so having a 50 chapter story of 50 individual one-shots with 50 different couples and individual tags is a nightmare and many users will skip past them since they can't discern what they're getting. Plus, you'll limit yourself in terms of hit count because of the aforementioned reason about hits refreshing.
A series is generally a better place to group things together, because people can still search out and filter out tags and things they do not want from your works page. I advise to only do a series if there is still a common theme. I have done them for things like requests and drabbles but only because I was uploading them all at once when I made my transition. In hindsight, I probably would have just made them separate one-shots but do like that anyone who made a request can go to those two series at once.
You cannot link to your Ko-fi, Patreon, or anything else that solicits for money for your work. You can, however, link to your social media site like Tumblr and if your Ko-fi/Patreon link is posted there, that's fine.
Utilize work skins for fun, visual and interactive elements. Tutorials do exist on AO3 and also Tumblr for the coding as AO3's CSS capabilities are limited.
Do not put in your author's notes, tags, or summary that if you don't get comments, you won't update.
Avoid being too self-deprecating with your summary and tags. I know tongue and cheek we're sometimes like "I suck at summaries" or "I don't know what to tag this" but it is better to make an effort and attract a reader than not give them enough to go on.
Tag appropriately. Especially for potentially triggering topics. For other things, ask yourself "is there enough of X in this story where if someone were looking for a story about it, they would be satisfied. If it's a consistent theme, tag it. If it's one character who appears for half a scene in a 20 chapter WIP, you can skip it.
Archive warnings: Use them. If you are writing about something that might be triggering to others but want to avoid warning for it to avoid spoiling your plot, you can choose the "Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings" and any reader should know that they could be getting into something. I personally like to just provide warnings because I would rather let people know and avoid them getting invested/turning them off. But the "choose not to warn" exists for a reason and you are within your rights to use it.
"Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" is not a catchall for any triggering topic. It's origins are from a television show and it was originally meant to essentially mean "does what it says on the tin, so don't be surprised with what you get." In other words, if you work includes non-con, graphic smut, various kinks, or elements that are an "acquired taste" you should not use the dead dove tag in lieu of those tags to describe a dark!fic. You should use it in combination with the appropriate tags as a way of saying "This really is what I say it is, so get involved at your own risk."
I'm sure I'll think of other things and come back and add to this eventually. If you, an AO3 user, disagrees with what I've said here, as I mentioned this is from my experience and a lot of time spent on subreddits and talking to other authors both in and out of the fandom. So feel free to make your own recommendations in your own post so newer users can get their own feel for how the archive functions for multiple people and craft their own experience while still being in line with the AO3 TOS.
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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Jess is here!! It's so nice to have her sleeping in the living room. Today had so many parts. It was a good day.
I slept alright last night. Falling asleep felt rough but didn't take to long. Waking up was not fun but I was alright, just tired.
James was there. I love them so much. They got us in the car on time and had little shorts on and got me breakfast. They are the best.
We got to the market after picking up breakfast and it was a pretty easy set up. I was just tired and it was hot. There would be a nice break at some points but when there was no breeze the heat sucked.
It was surprisingly busy. Like really busy. Me and Ann decided it was because it was going to be hotter, and also raining, later.
But this did not transfer into sales. This was my worst day this season, only selling one keychain for $10. And I know some of it is I was tired and sitting, sitting never leads to good sales. But I did stand a lot of the time!! I was sewing, finishing 3 bears. And getting fluffies literally everywhere.
There was some drama. A vender blocking everyone with their car and being annoyed when they were asked to move. Our community interest was trying to get a bill on the ballot about giving people who just had new babies $1000 to act as poverty prevention. And a terrible old bitch yelled in the nice girls face!! About immigrants for some reason?? Just a horrible bitch. I told on her to Ann and she followed her out so she could yell at them again. It was bizarre. And upset me.
We also had the jazz band. And me and James got a bunch of baked goods. Which I would eat to much of later and hurt my belly. But it's fine. They were good. The music was a little loud but at least it was good music.
I was a little discouraged by my bad sales but I also was to tired to really care. Bob came out to talk to me and I made him laugh really big when I explained about my arthritis and that my body is a disaster. When I said that he threw his head back laughing.
It would start storming really bad though right after noon. I felt terrible for the people in the parking lot. The rain would start blowing sideways and came right onto my table. I went out and stood in it to cool down and brought the trash cans in so they didn't get full of water. Which Stanley thanked me for.
I did get my feelings hurt though. I got my blood results in and I compared them to last month and the normal range on the papers, my liver numbers went from 138 to 48 (normal being 35 so we're getting closer), but my glucose was at 113. Which puts me in a prediabetic range. Which really really worried me. So I was like okay what do you eat to help with reversing prediabetes and it's apparently low carb. Which sucks because I love carbs. But I got my feelings hurt when I filled out a thing to get tailored menus needed height and weight and stuff and when I put that in it came up with big red letters that I was extremely obese and needed to lose 12lbs a month and I was just so sad. I don't feel extremely obese. Like. I feel pretty good overall. I would like to get back down to my healthiest weight, but I just felt so sad being called that, even if it was just a website.
In the camp group chat there was a complaint I didn't give them glue or scissors for their banners. And I was just like. None of you returned them, I gave you 12 scissors and now they are gone. I then said that CJ was allowed to go get some from my building but only CJ. She would text me privately and said she was able to find scissors in the office and would only take glue. Which was fine! I really don't mind giving them all materials but if they are never going to return them I'm gonna leave stuff out every time. Next time it's markers because my crappier markers are now basically all gone. I hate how wasteful some of them are. Just no regard for keeping materials for as long as they can be used. They aren't one time use guys! Ugh.
I would finished up the day very glad to go home. The rain has left and it was just really hot again. I loaded up the car. Went in to hug James. And headed home.
Jess has just told me that she had left her house and was heading to me. Which was excellent. I told her I would go home and sleep for an hour. And I did just that.
When I got back here I fixed the air conditioner since James installed the living room one this morning. I got my quilting board to put in the gap next to it and covered it with fabric. And would try to pin more things in the other windows. It still struggled to get cool in here which made me annoyed.
I would spend a few minutes cloroxing surfaces and then vacuuming a bunch. Just so much cat hair.
I took a quick shower and went to lay down.
It wouldn't be as long of a nap as I wanted but it was still good. But when my alarm went off at 330 I had a text form Jess 6 minutes before that she was 15 minutes away.
And it was almost dead on with her texting me her arrival 8 minutes later. It took me a second to get dressed again and try to shake off how woozy I was. But it wouldn't shake off and it was so bright and hot outside. I was not happy about this. But I was happy to see her. I stood in the shade across the street until she came over.
We went upstairs and we ate the chips and guacamole I got us. We opened our calico critters blind bags. I added my new little babies (I got Katie who was what I wanted, and the special mystery one which was a mouse with an afro??) And she caught me up on stuff. I wanted a full photo tour of her new house and she even had a hand drawn floor plan. It really seems so wonderful and I'm so happy for her. There is work to be done but it's so exciting. I'm going in August to see it and help her. I'm nervous!! My best friends first house!! So stinking cool.
James would come home soon and get details bout the house and how the mortgage process is going and she gave us some tips and advice. And I showed her the area were looking and some houses we've liked. I also filled her in on camp drama and all that nonsense. Which she was shocked about, not all of it but some of it is truly wild.
James was doing laundry. And we decided that at 630 we would go to R house. I put on the romper outfit seen above, which I loved and felt so cool in. Layering the striped tank top under was such a good move. And we would head out.
I introduced Jess to Hot Mulligan and she immediately, almost after the first note, started laughing and was like why does this sound like every song I know but I've never heard it before. We have agreed it sounds like being 15 again.
James drove us to R house. There was a free library box and I got a Richard Scarry book and one about knitting. That one is written in such a lovely style. And it was a Christmas gift from 1972, and also had a hand written pattern in the back!! I may never actually use the patterns in the book but I love that it exists and I think I'll actually read it just because I love how it's written so much.
Funny enough we all decided to try the new Egyptian street food place. And we all got the same thing. Falafel and potato with pickled vegetables. We each got different sauces. Taziki, whipped garlic (something I haven't been able to find since chick p city closed by my old apartment), hummus, baba ganoush , a spicy thing! It was so fun to try them all and really it was a fun meal.
We got mini scoops of overpriced ice cream next. Me and Jess got roasted strawberry and James got key lime. And once James was done eating theirs we went back to the car.
We got back here and me and Jess would hang in the living room. James tried to show us a new game but we didn't understand and we're both a little to tired to power through figuring it out. I was glad James was with us though.
Eventually they would go in the other room to work on editing. And Jess and me would go through some of her Pinterest boards for the house and talk about ideas and aesthetics. It was fun.
We would have another snack and I shouldn't have actually. I wasn't hungry at all but she wanted her snack so I wanted too but it really hurt my stomach and I'm still hurting literally hours late. Which sucks. It kind of drained my energy in the worst way.
Jess would make up the couch for her bed and I came to lay flat in here for a while. She came in to get a charger from my bag of cords. And soon she was in her jammies.
Tomorrow we are going to go to Golden West for brunch. Then to second chance to look for more inspo. Then maybe some errands for the week. I am not sure when she's going home but I'm excited to spend the day together.
I got washed and changed and now we are in bed and I have been struggling to get this done because I am real tired. But I hope that just means I sleep real good.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all
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renticat · 11 days
I am not too good at goodbye
or hello in any sense. It's dreadful hell yeah, I am typing this down on my laptop and it's lagging so much like our connection, correction our connection has been disconnected long time ago.
Okay, it's kinda annoying because typing it here there was no auto capital for first letter so I had to do it manually. Yeah, slight discomfort bear with me and many discomfort of my grammar that is getting worse and not better. I haven't really have any conversation with anyone and watching movies in free illegal websites; forgive me as I don't have the money to afford any entertainment; has been struggle as this country is so good at tackling down the illegal websites now and the server just always buffering, leaving me twice frustrating when I just wanna enjoy my time while ironing all my shit.
Funny that pornography could be tracked down so fast but not with all the corruptors, those corrupt government in parliament and where all the taxes go, it's to them and this country mostly is shit still like my grammar. Improving a little but many downs and everything is pricey.
huh I have been rambling but it has nothing to do with goodbye? to be honest, I was discouraged to upload anything in here as it feels pointless, even when someone read it. But in telegram it gives me a sensation of being wanted until the illusion all come off because it's just too much after the quotes I found yesterday. Don't let the pain of yesterday feeling robbing you this today's joy.
I mean I am surprised the person who blocked me has the ill will to even peeping at my stories, I guess they really do enjoy my misery and the worst part it, I kinda romanticized this broken feeling too much because at least I am able to feel something (even when it hurts) as if I am being fucking honest, I am completely numb in my heart right now.
why? why you ask? it's because all this cycle of hello and goodbyes that is too soon and too much, too meaningless but deep down I wish for it to be real even when mostly because I feel hopeless. And because I realized that no matter how much I love someone and they appears to care about me, it's gonna end fucking shitty and fuck she even gave me broken promises like all the boys did, twice now and I am absolutely out of words. I know she changes but does she have to hurt me like the way everyone do to me? has she got any compassion at all for keep telling me that she fucking cares but in action, there's nothing but cruel silence. only me weeping for her to contact me again.
or not, I don't know. I know I let her down two months ago but it feels like she always excited just at that short moments before completely turn in another fucking direction. Just like any libra did. I want something real. I want someone that hug me in flesh. I don't want any bullshit oh and those people on telegram saying they fucking care when if I ask for treat they couldn't but they wish they can call me for free just be fucking real. I guess I hate my life because this instability, I have told you this and this hell is still going on. MY LIFE IS IN SURVIVAL MODE. can't even afford love, or dream and I am jealous of everyone whose fucking taking it for granted when they don't fucking know what hell is.
and I am afraid because I am stupid in love, thought people are nice when they're not then I become too cynical to everyone and I do feel bad. It's like my defense mechanism. They robbed me from my dream and I am too fucking old to be able to do anything. NO YOU'RE NOT, YEAH YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW FOR SURE AND MONEY IS THE ONLY THING THAT ENDS MY HUNGER RIGHT NOW, NOT YOUR SWEET BULLSHIT.
I used to be able to control the hunger but now, it's something else. Gosh it's already out of topic I should make another post. Like I am so hungry for anything that I know I had been able to have it, if my life has better luck but then all the hardships is what that makes me. Call me negative piece of shit but I am not that giggly person who will turn their back the second any hardships fucking arise because I am the rare flowers that grow all year. Well back then I try to poisoned myself because I haven't figuring the last puzzle but now I am not like that anymore.
Those giggly giggty fuckity people that said good vibes only, smile and no bad vibes is just full of shit. Sorry because as Mark Manson said, wanting only positive experience is a negative experience itself and I agree. I am wishing better days is because my days have been fookin hell but those fucking clowns that have life so easy but then because they're bored, they love saying bullshit things and play with people's feeling as another people feeling's don't matter that much esp who doesn't align with whatever fuckity vibes they bring in.
That kind of people are real assholes and I got blocked by them, I should be happy right but nope I actually feel sad, not little bit. Like truly sad because the genuine good vibes is when you can connect with people no matter what their conditions are. YOU CAN'T DEMAND THAT PEOPLE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND YOU BUT YOU DIDN'T DO THE SAME FOR THEM. It's called fucking bullshit and now I have to bear the pain of like WHY DO I HAVE TO CARE SO MUCH, ofc those narc parents creates the worst empathetic kind of child because they are so caring about others but not to themselves as there are too many negative self talk that have implanted for so fucking long ago, that no one will ever love you because you're unlovable. fuck you. fuck this. I guess it's better that way than to chasing for love that isn't even real when it's just pleasing one's ego.
I deserved love that always stay like me too. I deserve the same love that I've been giving to people. Like they're mad when I talk bullshit about them but when they did that to me first, I have to shut up because what?
because you're the one who is fucking horrible and somehoe i am glad it ended now. but it never ends, when I am chill you'll come back and manipulate me again, well most of the time is because of me. That I am too afraid to making new connections and stupid me think that the one who is very damaged perhaps is better and not that too bad at all when it's bad. It's bad and it's ended badly. It's probably for the best to never romanticizing about it anymore and just find something new. But too bad, there's a lot resentment in me that I truly fucking skeptical that there are people for me, who will fight in bad and good days and respect each other's mind while also kissing my huge forehead everyday. This world is rotten and playing ground. I don't want any part of it. Thought we only play certain characters on the stage not in real life.
if you know how much I fucking care about every fucking one, I guess you couldn't even last a week being me. It's too much and all those heartbreaks only giving me lesson to not fucking care too much. And the world will keep giving you the same lesson until you get it and I get it but I do still cares and wishing too much. Well about their idea of being not themselves though. I guess world trying to teach me stop being so fucking delusional and move on, love yourself. People aren't that funny and they're boring. Worse they're not that cute nor will putting some effort and only giving you so much bullshit still.
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lynnieos · 5 months
hey there, saw your addition to that post about ao3 while going through replies, and since you were looking for advice i wanted to say i sympathize with you. something similar has happened to me too, where i enjoy a specific media and met many of my best friends through it only to realize later that the creator of that media was actively terrible and not someone i was comfortable supporting. its okay to feel conflicted or stunned or hesitant when things like that happen, and it doesnt make you a bad person, nor does using ao3 without knowing better make you a bad person either. i felt through your reblog that it is a website that greatly matters to you, so the best advice i can give is to try to slowly move on at your own pace. try to talk to your friends who you met through ao3 too, since they might be able to help you feel better or otherwise maybe even move on with you. more than anything, do not give up your dreams of writing! i think its a wonderful hobby, and i dont want you to feel discouraged. even if you lose a source of inspiration it is ok! take your time to work things out slowly and then find new inspirations. no matter how you choose to tackle the situation i wish you the best in the future :)
(this ask was referring to the reblog below where I shared my thoughts abt ao3 being REALLY fucked up)
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I cried reading this, thank you for the kind response :((
I still don't know what exactly to do. I could keep using it (no ads, non-profit, relies on donations, which means using it gives no revenue) and not donate, as a start.
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pvremichigan · 1 year
17, 29
17. fanon interpretations
See, I don't usually delve into fandoms anymore and I stay away from them if I end up enjoying a show or game because I never like fanon interpretations. A lot of the interpretations make me extremely uncomfortable because everyone just projects how horny they are onto a character. It's very rare to see actual good interpretations of a character. It's part of the reason why I don't interact with many, if at all, canon muses. Just not my thing, not anymore.
29. blocking
USE. YOUR BLOCK BUTTON. LIBERALLY. I cannot tell you how many times in the past I was uncomfortable with someone or just didn't like their content and never blocked because I thought it was rude. Bro WHO CARES ANYMORE. WHO CARES IF IT'S RUDE, IT'S YOUR DASH BOARD. JUST BLOCK THEM. BLACKLIST THEM. DO WHAT MAKES YOU COMFORTABLE. If you're worried about hurting other people's feelings because you block them, you're going to have a very hard time on here. Especially since the RPC has had a stick up it's ass over the years. It's ridiculous how picky and selective people are over the littlest things now. It's fine, but it's certainly discouraging. Especially for those who still think blocking is rude. I can't tell you HOW big my block list is. Some of them are blogs that my mutuals rant and rave about! Some of them are the biggest in the small communities we've got on here! Kinda awkward when they're gushing about the person and you've blocked them a while ago- But it ain't my friend. It's theirs! It's okay. It may suck, but it's okay. I block for the smallest things now. Too much ooc. (and by too much, I mean almost nothing but ooc and almost never any ic.) Too much NSFW. Following and never even interacting with a single post of mine or responding to a message. The block button is essential for survival on this website, especially curating your own space. Do not be afraid to block.
Yeah, I do understand that it hurts to be blocked. You don't know what you did wrong. You don't know what crossed the line. You might've been pretty close to the person and interacted a lot. I KNOW how much it hurts and I know how much you want to reach out and ask what went wrong but you have to remember that people are going to leave your life and enter it. Nobody's here forever. Let them leave. They were never meant to be part of your story. You will find those who will stick with you until the very end. Doesn't mean it hurts any less, but I promise you it gets better. Pain is just part of the grieving process. Let yourself go through the stages and stand back up. You've got others that will lift you.
Get comfortable with that block button. It's gonna be your best friend. Don't let others convince you that you NEED to explain yourself to them if you block them. Don't EVER listen when people say how "shitty it is" to block without a word or give them closure. yeah, you can if you really want to and it doesn't cause any harm. But you have no obligation to. If anyone makes you feel bad for it?
Oh honey...
Then it's a damn good thing you blocked them in the first place.
Talk about a dodged bullet!
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castanedaozdshaffer · 2 years
The way to Save Yourself from Negative Influences
Watching the particular news may be harmful to your health.
It's a truth, especially when most likely watching events connected to terrorism, kidnapping, murder, accidents, or even calamities. These situations make you be anxious and may leave you feeling poor and even insecure. Think about the uncomfortable feeling of becoming a victim someday. This may have a bad impact on your view anytime.
Your atmosphere have a big effect on you. Just how can you believe and grow wealthy in case you are bombarded together with messages that corelates "how difficult living has become" or even "how poor the majority of of us features turned out to be able to be? "
On the phone to change your surroundings, but you certainly can easily control your mind. This is wherever visualization comes in to play. Occurs creativeness, just as you would probably when you're even now just a little child. Think about your house as some sort of palace, your simple meal as great dining gourmet, and even your nearby recreation area as your favorite vacation spot. Just envision. Unconsciously, your thoughts will transform the images into their physical elements.
If the multimedia can indirectly impact you only by reporting what's happening close to, imagine what impact people have upon you. They are the particular people that an individual see and meet up with everyday. These happen to be also a similar individuals who are conveying their unique views involving what exactly is right in addition to what is incorrect.
When we become adults in a limiting environment, we have a tendency to acquire the traits and attributes of people about us.
Many chenapans happen to be brought way up by people who possess either misguided these people or have educated them the completely wrong things in lifestyle. Through the yrs, they have instilled in the vices involving people around them.
Here is another case.
Decide on a nice person, throw him inside a group of bad-mouthed people who incorporates claim words in their own everyday language. Quicker or later, you'll notice that nice man or woman speaking in the particular same manner like the group.
This kind of just goes toward say that anyone that joins in the company of the like-minded group will have some sort of big chance associated with becoming influenced by the personality of that group. So what can website do in case you are surrounded by people who deviates from your approach of thinking?
You may not just avoid these people. They'll think regarding you like a snob. Don't change the way you treat them, but simply find out how to shield out pessimistic comments or suggestions.
Sometimes, they will dictate you to definitely do what you are against to do. End up being firm with precisely what you believe in. Do not let them affect your own decisions. You know that you can do exactly what they thought would likely be impossible. If you need to suffer the make fun of, so be this. You will possess the last laugh anyway.
Moreover, you should end up being with individuals who include the same rules and ideologies just as you do. You will always be more encouraged in order to continue your ambitions if you possess a support group or mentor that will prod you to be able to pursue your objectives despite the setbacks.
When I has been starting my net endeavors, no one particular (and After all certainly not even one) associated with my relatives and friends believed me. But I would not let their discouragement stop us from becoming effective.
I remained company in my quest to make a residing online. I actually produced friends with respectable internet marketers who shared the exact same vision as my very own. They have got also skilled the same therapy from non-believers; yet they have confirmed that wht is the mind can conceive, this can achieve. Via their help, I got able to set aside my concerns and accomplish my personal goals.
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aaronstveit · 2 years
Hello! First I wanted to say I love all your creations! I’m always curious about people’s creative process but I rarely ask them about it, I hope you don’t mind me bothering you with this ??! Do you make a list of sets/ideas and follow them or? You make a lot of sets, and all of them are so good, I wish I had this level of excellence and dedication in me. Also, do you ever gif something that isn’t very popular but you were really excited to gif it and looking forward to people seeing it and it just... flops? It’s been happening to me lately and I feel so stupid for keep creating only for myself... :( I know tumblr has been like this for a while, but I feel like the people who used to be interested in my creations aren’t anymore, and it honestly depresses me because it’s where I put my energy and creativity, you know? Anyway, keep creating, your sets make me smile❣️✨💌
hi anon !!!! first of all, thank you so so much for your kind words, you are such an angel !! you have made my entire day 💖 and i do not mind you asking at all, you're never bothering me!!
my creative process is probably a bit ~ chaotic ~ compared to others, but i don't mind sharing!! i very rarely make a list of sets i want to make. generally i get an idea and then it just sticks in my brain until i make it (this applies to every area of my life, not just giffing — if i think of something i want to write, or watch, or if i suddenly remember i have to vacuum, or if i think about cutting my hair, i literally can't stop thinking about it till i go through with it). a lot of my sets depend on what i've been watching recently; for instance, the now you see me gifset that i posted today was made in january after i watched that movie for the first time. also, i do post a lot of sets, but for the record, i do not make a set every day 😭 last year & the year before i had a habit of making sets and then leaving them in my drafts forever instead of posting them like a normal person, and eventually i ended up with nearly 100 sets in my drafts and i finally began queueing them to get them out into the world. because of that, i have been working through posting a backlog of edits for several months and i probably always will be 😭 so i have one gifset scheduled to post every day at the same time, and usually whatever set is posted was made a month or two before posting. right now i have an edit scheduled for every day up until april 9, so even if i go a week without making a single gif, i'm still way ahead of schedule. i just wanna explain that so nobody feels bad abt how long it takes them to make a set when i'm posting one every single day without fail — this is just the result of poor planning on my part, basically !!
also, yes, i have absolutely been there re: sets you love flopping :( i don't think any of my most recent sets have even cleared 100 notes which can be super discouraging. please don't feel stupid though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with creating for yourself. that's the main person you should be creating for! i know we all want people to love the things we make, and there is nothing wrong with that. but at the end of the day, the only person who truly needs to love what you've made is yourself. if you love something and you want to make a gifset or an edit for it, if you want to draw for it, or write for it, or even just talk about it, you should. even if your audience is just yourself. you should do what makes you happy! that's what tumblr & fandom are about! i know that for myself, when i stopped waiting for outside validation and just created for myself, that's when i became a lot happier with my experience on this website. that's a lot easier said than done, and there is truly nothing wrong with liking validation. but you can't let it be everything, you know?
i'm sending you lots and lots of love, anon. i hope you find more joy in your fandom experience soon 💖 i am always around to chat and you are always welcome to tag my in your creations 💛✨
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bbnibini · 3 years
Tldr; I reflect upon the alleged plagiarism incident of last year after finding out one of my close friends also experienced the same, if not worse. I tried to keep true of my own words before and focused on the positive things and left the negative things (of the whole ordeal) behind. This is my attempt to do that (after also), realising PSISLY is almost over after Barbs' route will be out.
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To new readers of H2/PSISLY, the story gets very confusing sometimes because of all the references (I placed a lot...so much to the point where even if I wrote it down in my notes, I sometimes get confused myself lol. References that probably won't make any sense until I finish H5 lol;;), but hopefully with rereading some parts (especially involving a certain someone), they would be appreciated. I had some beta friends comment about how some of the references are easy to miss so upon editing, and made them more obvious. Hopefully, it had reflected on the revisions!
Okay, with that segue out of the way, I have some announcements I want to make (loooong overdue announcements).
There's a bit of an update regarding the alleged idea thief I had an encounter with last year. This is not an intent to bring up the issue again, but to share what I have learned from this experience.
Short explanation= The alleged person had deactivated their tumblr account now, which contained their Mammon x Reader series where they copied scenes and paraphrased lines from PSISLY. I wanted to express my thoughts about the aftermath of the aftermath.
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In lieu of what occured, I attempted to report their Mammon x Reader series to tumblr's DMCA, but because of privacy concerns due to PSISLY being in another platform around that time (AO3), I found out that my real name and other personal information will be exposed to that person if I moved forward with my report. In the end, I decided to do the second best thing and crosspost my works here instead. I had a choice to report their works after crossposting(which I had considered) but due to my busy work schedule, I didn't have time for anything else. Frankly, I was just super drained at the time and wanted things to end so I can focus on other things, so I set it aside plenty of times until I've reached the point where I find out their tumblr account had already been deleted (possibly of their own free will).
I still stand by my stance of honouring that person's privacy despite all of the things that happened between us. I loathed the implicated actions and not the individual. I was disgusted by the thought of how, if proven true, they took a lot of credit from my ideas through their fics, and possibly exploited the fact that my works are inaccessible to many due to my series' gimmicks, but does that make them any less of a person? No. Up until now, I still don't know what actually happened and will probably not know anymore. What I do know is that we're human and we are prone to make mistakes. I understand their behaviour towards me isn't correlative of their whole identity, but I still ultimately decided that any further interactions between us would only make the situation worse so I cut ties with them.
Still, I'm thankful that their alleged works are now removed from this website. To that person, thank you. If you were the one who deleted your work(s) with your own initiative, thank you. It had been long overdue, but I am grateful that you have finally acknowledged my discomforts and decided to see things in my perspective. I also want to thank you for making me realise that despite my crippling low self-esteem, I am a writer. I meant it when I said that I am rooting for your own writing endeavours. I just wished things didn't have to end this way.
And to other writers and content creators out there, if you ever find yourself (I wish you wouldn't) in a similar situation, please know that you are the best judge of your own works. If you suspect your works are already being compromised, please confront the other person as an individual---do not dehumanise them into a singular trait due to your own bad experiences. Seek to understand. Talk to them privately and try to settle the issue between yourselves.
Why have I brought this up again? Because I randomly thought of them today and thought "I wonder how they're doing", and saw their account is already gone (as what I have stated earlier). Even if we parted in not very friendly terms, I still genuinely wish they would do better for themselves, and possibly learn something from what happened like I did.
Second other reason is because I have recently learned that my good friend @lexsssu had been allegedly plagiarised for the third time and saw how the incident had taken a toll on her drive to write. Despite how sad and discouraged she had become after her own experience(stagnating her writing progress for a long time), she is now seeking to heal and continue her passions---I wish to learn from her example.
I believe if you truly love something, you would continue to love doing it despite the hardships it will entail. I realise I'm rambling and I'm probably not making any sense right now(I had an all nighter fricking around in the wonderland portion of the Windblume event in Genshin Asia with a friend soz), but I hope if you did manage to get this far, I wish you learned something from my own experiences and ramblings.
PSISLY is still going strong and will soon reach its conclusion (spoiler: Barbs' route is actually the last part I have to outline since the remaining ones were mostly written last year) . I'm not the best, nor the easiest writer to follow (in terms of plot coherence ha ha ;;), but I am still a writer. And I enjoy writing and will continue to do so.
Have a blessed day, everyone! Wish me luck on the outline! 👋
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mgares · 3 years
There is a lot of confusion out there about how to become a Homeowner so I thought I would take a moment and put it into Average Joe speak. That, and in my experience, some people go about it totally backwards which is counter productive to the end goal.
This is fairly simple. Eliminate non-essentials from your spending budget and stick it in the piggy bank. Modify spending habits to generate savings. Make short-term lifestyle changes.
It's just temporary and if canceling monthly memberships (Netflix, Gyms, Any Subscriptions), adjusting your shopping habits [I got some great tips for this], or eliminating other non-essential spending allows you to keep more money in your pocket to get a home versus flushing rent dollars down the proverbial toilet? Bit of a no-brainer if you ask me.
Bottom line is you have to have money ready-to-hand for the transaction. Even with the "zero down" options like VA and some USDA loans; just to name a couple.
There are inspections, appraisals, escrow funds, repairs, home warranty policies, property taxes, closing costs, and other such considerations that must be paid in order to get a home of your own.
"Do Not Save What Is Left After Spending; Instead Spend What is Left After Saving" - Warren Buffett
Figure out what kind of a down payment your financial situation will allow for. The more, the better, but very few people I know got 20% of the purchase price [a.k.a. - conventional/bank loan] sitting around collecting dust. Good news is you don't necessarily have to have that much.
One of the most common loans is a FHA that only asks for 3-5% down AND there are down payment assistance programs out there if you are really Stuck Like Chuck when it comes to finances. NOTE: This does NOT mean they are going to give you ALL of your down payment; you gotta have some chips in that poker game too.
I like to recommend that people shoot for at least 6-8% of the purchase price of the "kind of home they want" just to make sure all the bases are covered - down payment AND cost(s) of the transaction. Folks, that's a lesser down payment than Owner Finance options for the same "kind of home" as Owners generally ask for 10-15% down.
This total can be a combination of self-savings, down payment assistance, assets that can be used as collateral against the loan, monetary or tangible gifts from friends/family members in some few cases, and more.
Each person is unique and different in how that 6-8% manifests and lenders can vary in what form(s) of down payment they will accept.
Purchase Price: $150k
FHA Down Pymt (3-5%): $4,500 - $7,500
Other Cost(s): (3% +/-): $4,500
Total Savings Needed: $9,000 - $12,000
Kill some bills, sell your "junk" - we all got crap laying around the house we don't use worth money in various amounts - and modify spending habits in a positive manner.
If you are a two car family... can you get by with just one vehicle on a temporary basis [turn that car, and its bills, "into" a house]? Perhaps you have a skill set or piece of equipment that can earn you extra cash here and there on your terms? What changes to your lifestyle can you make that will put another dime or dollar into that kitty bucket?
Finally, do whatever it is you need to do to put those greenbacks into a savings method you can stick with. Whether that is a traditional banking institution or an old shoe box under the bed; you do you. If this means you have to ask someone in a position of trust to hold it so you don't spend it? Guess what you should consider doing?
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Let's talk about the "When" of contacting a lender. The only true answer to "When" is... When You Are Ready and only you know how Ready you feel.
I've had clients express the sheer dread they felt about reaching out to a lender and it's an understandable fear. One of my people even said that they felt applying to lenders and having them see their credit condition was akin to stripping naked in front of a total stranger.
But, and as I told my client... think of it like going to the doctor for a full physical exam. Hospital gown over your birthday suit and all. Lenders are professionals there to do a job. They do NOT judge or speculate just because they have intimate knowledge of or about you.
If you suspect you may have some homework to do, credit wise, then it's better to contact a lender sooner rather than later. This allows you to get a game plan together and knock out credit related targets while you are saving funds for your down payment goal. Once completed, you are able to resume your application with confidence moving forward.
"Everything You Want Is On The Other Side of Fear" - Jack Canefield
However, if you are one of the few who feel their credit profile will be a "non-issue" then my suggestion becomes waiting to speak to lenders until you have most, if not all, of your down payment goal met.
When applying to a lender always ask if they perform a Soft or Hard inquiry against your credit report. Most of the lenders I know [and I will list two of my favorites for you here in a second] will execute a Soft Credit Inquiry to determine credit worthiness. This Soft Inquiry does not impact or affect your credit score - should such be a matter of concern to you.
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Something else I've noticed is that people don't seem to understand shopping for lender is very much like shopping for an automobile. The overall requirements of any one particular lender (or dealership) can be totally different from a fellow lender's (or dealership's).
Just because one says "No" does not mean they will all will say "No". And even if the first lender tells you "Yes"... I would still encourage you to apply to more than one who does Soft Inquiries. Compare apples to oranges to find the best fit for your home purchasing needs by reviewing interest rates, terms of repayment, mutual rights and remedies, and so on and so forth.
Only after you have secured lender approval (which may be conditional based on various factors) and they have given you the green light to shop up to the amount of $X.00 do you move on to Step 3.
The vast majority of the population feels the path to homeownership is "finding the home and then buying it" - through a Real Estate agent. This is NOT the case.
Selecting an agent to help navigate you through the complexities of The Offer and Purchase process is the absolute LAST step to be taken.
What Happens When You Do It Backwards:
You shop for, and find, that PERFECT place and then reach out to an an agent or contact the website that is listing that property. The agent involved determines you haven't spoken with a lender and may now recommend one to get the process started.
Just to let you know... most of us agents are unable to do much of anything at this point without your having secured a lender first. There are some agents out there who are also qualified mortgage consultants but I, personally, haven't met one yet so I don't know how they work.
At this point the agent may also put you on an e-mailer list that scouts the MLS's and regularly sends you properties "matching" the ideal home that you originally asked about.
Because "that home may not still be there when you are in a position to buy". That's agent speak for... this is gonna take a bit of second and that property will most likely have sold by the time we get you lender approved.
I can't emphasize enough the fact that we agents don't "GET" you that house - the lender does that by providing the loan to pay for it. Us agents help you shop for a home and protect your best interests when buying it.
We deal with the butt-ton of technical paperwork coming/going from every which-a-way at all hours of the day, manage the contract negotiations, handle scheduling and execution of services by professional providers involved in the transaction, are your personal defacto counselor/moral support during the stress mess of buying, and more. None of which can be done until a lender gives us the green light to begin.
Well, most folks aren't mentally or emotionally prepared to reach out to said lender on the fly like this. Fears of "what that lender will see" or personal misgivings about "not qualifying" due to credit condition can halt the whole process at this point. Perhaps leaving you with negative emotions about the whole experience thus far.
But, for the sake of argument let's say you muster up the courage to reach out to a lender anyway. You'll discover that they are people too - most with a generous heart and helpful personality.
You might even discover that your credit was nowhere near as bad as you had built it up in your mind to be. Or, the lender may come back with a little homework for you. Take care of This and That and we'll be able to get you into a home.
The "whammy" of doing it in reverse order like this is that the lender will also share that you will need X thousands of dollars as a down payment to make that happen. Talk about a case of sticker shock!
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Obviously, this can be discouraging and disheartening. To overcome one obstacle only run smack dab into another you weren't prepared to tackle? It may start to feel like you are looking up the side of a mountain, the goal of owning a home clearly in your line of sight, but you lack the climbing equipment (not to mention the funds to acquire such) to reach the summit.
It may feel like "that's it, game over" at this point. I know because I, too, approached home ownership azz-backwards like this before I became a Realtor. Felt like someone had ripped a bit of my soul away and left me frustrated and crying inside my heart and mind.
DON'T give up on yourself or your dream of home ownership. Back up, regroup, and attack that goal again. This time, in the correct sequence of events.
"You May Have To Fight A Battle More Than Once To Win It" - Margaret Thatcher
Do this and I promise you that there will be no better feeling in the world than those you experience at the closing table when you are finally handed the keys to your very own home.
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Disclaimer: Opinion Editorial for educational and/or informational purposes. Content presented is deemed accurate and/or reliable at the time of authorship. Any errors or omissions present in material(s) are unintentional. You are encouraged to execute your own research.
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maxellminidisc · 4 years
I know this has been said like 20 million times by people on here but just liking people's art is not sufficient help, especially if your friend is the artist. The only way we gain traction and commisions on this website in particular is through reblogs. How are people going to he exposed to the art your friends make if it's just sitting in your likes? Granted, I know sometimes the stuff your friends make may not vibe with your blogs or whatever but it's not bad to throw a friend a bone every now and then by promoting it with a simple reblog.
If you wanna go the extra mile and you seriously love a piece, ask your friend(s) if you can share their art in an insta story with them properly credited and tagged or something. Some of us especially dont have a large enough following for people to see our work even if we sufficiently tag it, let alone share it on multiple blogs if we can. I have way more followers on my main than my art blog and yet out of the 20 people who do see it only like 3/20 ever bother to reblog. I wouldn't be so discouraged most of the time if at least half those 20 people reblogged my work lol I'm sure the same applies to so many people on here.
I'm sure this frustration goes double for my fellow artists of color, traditional artists, and artists who don't draw the same niche style/the same 3 eurocentric faces that are popular on this website lol like we're fucking struggling on here theydies and gentlethems!!!!
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askthesnake · 4 years
Hey m8, I have an idea for a comic (I've already designed the characters and have a blog for it but I don't know how to start it or get people to see it, and I'm not really confident in my art skills. Any advice?
Of course!
Lets look at what you've accomplished! You have the characters and the basic story figured out! That's a great start and honestly it's one of the hardest things to do when you're starting a comic.
As for getting people to actually see and interact with your comic, for Tumblr its all about the tags. Depending on what type of comic it is can sort of help you decide which tags to use. So for example if its web comic do stuff like #webcomic or maybe the genre of the comic can help too.
If its a comic for a fandom you're also pretty set too. Character tags are always pretty buzzing with people looking for fresh content. Just be respectful and responsible and don't tag characters that don't have Any thing to do with your work. Like for example, when I first started this blog, I included tags for ALL the sides, despite the fact that in the beginning my asks only had Deceit featured in them. Thankfully I didn't get hounded for it and I learned eventually, but either way just be responsible about tagging.
Oh while we're still on tagging, if your comic has some thing potentially triggering remember to tag that appropriately. Like for blood #tw blood or #blood mention as an example.
As for your art style and lack of confidence there of, just know you're definitely not alone. I've met a plethora of artists and I can confidently say none of them are truly ever happy or confident with their work. Even now I find myself looking at work I've done like a few days ago and wretching. I can however positively tell you that running this ask blog/comic has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my art style in at least half the time it would have taken normally. Its because im drawing constantly and always trying new things to make the art for this blog more appealing to new viewers. Running a comic is a fantastic way to better your art and gain confidence in it. Like yeah im not always super happy with what I post here, but looking back at stuff I've in the past compared to some of the stuff I've put on this blog honestly kinda boosts my confidence as am artist. Not to mention it really high lights where you've improved and where you still need to work on things. Personally I like your art style!! I got your Deceit drawing and I think it's wonderful! You're really not as bad as you think you are, and personally I think you've got a pretty strong style to start with.
I guess my next piece of advice is, to put it simply, never under any circumstances take shit from others. Do not let people's words and comments discourage you. Ever. Its much easier said than done I know, and even now I can't really give you any advice on how to avoid such things. The best I can do is warn you. I've had personal friends make fun of me for running this blog and like honestly that hurts differently. I made this blog when I was going through a very eye opening and dark time in my life, so naturally it means a whole lot to me. This blog was and still very much is a safe place for me to run too. There are going to be people who aren't going to understand that unfortunately and I really wasn't prepared for it. So hear this, be prepared for shitty people to rag on you for doing some thing that makes you happy. Im not saying it WILL happen, just be prepared just in case. Also on a similar note ignore anon hate. I think during my year with this blog I've only gotten one anon hate message, and it wasn't even that bad?? It was someone commenting on my chubby Logan post. Whatever, literally ignore the hell out of anon hate. People who take time out of there to bully someone on this godforsaken website aren't worth your time.
But, if anon hate does get to you, always know that you can talk to someone. My askbox and dms are always open if someone wants to talk or vent. People are assholes, and sometimes if you gotta vent you gotta vent.
Also, don't ever let your comic and blog impede your mental health. If you're feelin bad you're feelin bad. Remember to drink water and stay hydrated. Then again, if drawing is how you cope, then by all means draw your heart out you funky lil artist.
Finally, don't be afraid to reblog your own stuff. I do it, I know other art tumblrs who do it. You're gonna feel bad and annoying about doing it, but just do it man. It's not bad or wrong. I live on the west coast, historically Ive been known to post my art at like 12-4 am. Once like noon hits where I'm at I'll reblog my own art just to make sure everyone saw it, and then I'll reblog it again at some random time the next day just because.
Also, a small secret about this blog, I sent the first ask to this blog. I literally logged off this blog, hopped on my old tumblr and sent an ask to this blog. Its a pretty easy way to show people that your blog is Up and Running. Im not sure what kind of comic your making, but if its an interactive one like a web comic and you're not getting any asks, then there is no shame in doing this.
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