#and for all your lovely jubly asks
ask-hobie-brown · 5 months
guys guys im on it im not letting this blog die 😁
— 📼
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klixxy · 4 years
Weekly Fic Recs
(ft. my bookmark comments)
the pretty (pining) setters squad - bloodyhalefire 
(haikyuu!!; multiple relationships; chatfic; setter-centric; 36k words; ongoing)
oikawa: I HAVE NO FEAR
suga: straight iwaizumi
said you’re coming back home, boy, don't feel so alone - jublis
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kageyama-centric; 9k words) MANGA SPOILERS
The ball rolls gently on the ground, all the way to Tobio’s feet. He bends down to pick it up, and something in his blood sizzles like lightning. He looks at the leathery surface, then at his sister’s wild smile and neat hair; looks back at the court and the net, where the boys are running a spiking practice. Everyone else seems focused on the attackers, but Tobio’s eyes are zeroed on the one tossing. Set, connect, spike. Bang-bang-bang.
No one wins without the setter.
Tobio tosses the ball to Miwa and says, “Again.”
Or, Kageyama Tobio grows up, older, and not that much wiser at all. Featuring brothers and sisters, anger, connection, and that moment when someone finally catches up with you.
My Best Friend is a 9 Year-Old - CO32minus
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; kagehina-centric; 48k words) MANGA SPOILERS
Kageyama didn't expect to become friends with Hinata nearly as fast as he did. He expected becoming best friends with Hinata's sister even less. But over the course of his high school career, the two of them grow closer than any friend Kageyama has had in a long time. A long time.
[my bookmarks: beautiful. a masterpiece. i have been rendered... speechless. it's poignant and painful and heartbreaking.
explores the relationships between tobio and a variety of people in a unique way. an emotional, tearful rollercoaster all the way through.]
you who appeared before my eyes like a miracle - vivahate
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kageyama-centric; hurt/comfort; 2k words) MANGA SPOILERS
Everything I told you last night,” Kageyama says at last and he sounds so awful, so defensive: he keeps trying to pull away, and Hinata can tell he’s come to all the wrong conclusions. “I told you because I wanted to. There’s nothing more to it. I don’t need your -”
“It’s not pity!” Hinata hisses, tightening his hold on Kageyama’s hands. “Or whatever else you’re thinking.” Hinata releases another quivering breath against Tobio’s neck, the setter going completely still in his arms. It’s important that Tobio understands. “It breaks my heart knowing that the boy I love was hurting and I didn’t even –” he breaks off with a sound of frustration, “I could’ve done something to make it at least a little better for you.”
(or; Kageyama tells Hinata about Kazuyo san after the Black Jackals/Adlers game, and Hinata processes.)
cats and other challenges - vivahate (they have such good fics!)
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; hurt/comfort; 6k words) MANGA SPOILERS
“Was that Hime?” Miwa asks over the phone, having apparently heard that pathetic yowl.
“No.” Tobio grunts, “It’s a different cat I picked up from the garbage on my way home.” On the other end of the line Miwa laughs gleefully, probably thinking he’s joking.
He’s not.
(Or; Sometime in the year following the Olympics, Tobio finds himself adopting a cat. And then three more. Hinata doesn't mind.)
etymology - tothemoon
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; coming of age; 3k words) MANGA SPOILERS
Kageyama Tobio has a language all his own.
[my bookmarks: holy shit this is pure poetry. beauty. breathtaking. <3]
and if you asked me if i love him (i'd lie) - fakecharliebrown
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kagehina-centric; humor; falling in love; au; 13k words)
“Okay, what the fuck,” Tobio said, upon seeing the source of the commotion in his kitchen. There, standing in front of his open window—when had he opened that?—was a guy probably several years younger than Tobio, a high schooler most likely, with bright, orange hair. He was soaked to the bone, dripping rainwater all over Tobio’s kitchen floor like he was trying to fill a new lake.
The boy looked up, wide-eyed, and blurted, “This isn’t my apartment.”
or; Hinata accidentally breaks into Kageyama’s apartment, starts a fire, and is deeply offended that Kageyama eats lettuce. It all seems to unravel from there.
burn - orphan_account
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kagehina-centric; au; 3k words)
Kageyama Tobio had always had the odd ability to see the numbers signalling how dangerous a person was. He'd gone through his childhood surrounded by Twos and Threes, maybe even Fours. And then he meets his Ten.
The flame seemed to burn ever so bright, as Kageyama felt the air around the other basically crackle. He felt as if he was Icarus and Hinata was the Sun. Two wings to hold him up, a fiery heat to burn him down.
Don't get too close, or you'll melt.
6/10 - CheekyBrunette
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kageyama-centric; social anxiety; 19k words)
Hinata babbled on. “Natsu’s just so annoying sometimes. Everyone comes over and is like, ‘But oh, she’s so cute!’ and, well... yeah, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like pushing all my buttons, you know? I mean, this is the third time she stole my blue furoshiki, so I had to wrap my bento with her stupid cat one!”
Kageyama’s hands knotted up in the bottom hem of his shorts. “Little sisters are the worst,” he tried.
Hinata’s nose scrunched up, and Kageyama’s stomach threatened to tie itself in knots. That had been the wrong thing to say. “Well, she’s not the worst,” Hinata corrected. Kageyama felt stupid for speaking up.
Fixation - @radio-silents
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kagehina-centric; 7k words)
Hinata can’t stand Kageyama.
He can’t stand Kageyama’s stupid grumpy face, he can’t stand his stupid hair, and most of all he can’t stand how stupidly good Kageyama is at volleyball.
Alternatively, where Hinata spends a lot of time being frustrated and confused about his conflicting emotions toward Kageyama.
Summer Days, Flying By - @anawriteshorror​
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kageyama-centric; abuse au; angst; 11k words)
“Ne, Tobio.” Shouyou asked him one afternoon, smile relaxed on his face as he spread his fingers, splaying shadows on the walls. “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to fly?”
He shook his head. Flying meant going outside, and even imagining it made him tense up. He was already breaking enough rules as it was; no need to stir up his mind more than he already had.
Shouyou looked a little sad at that. “Well, I have.” His eyes went to the sky, like he could see himself soaring at that very moment. “You should imagine it, just once.”
The facts that make up his world are this: his name is Kageyama Tobio, he's ten years old, and he's never been outside his house.
Until he met Shouyou.
well, maybe i'm a crook - aruariandance
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; kageyama-centric; angst; 6k words)
The thing is-- Hinata is in love with Kageyama and everyone knows it, including Kageyama.
[my bookmarks: i'm cryignd i can't-]
discovering the smile of one kageyama tobio - Emlee_J (also a great fic writer - check out her other fics they’re all equally as good)
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; falling in love; 3rd year au; 8k words)
Kageyama blinks once before a grin of his own spreads over his face. Shouyou’s breath halts in his lungs at the sight, and he wills for time to stop, just so he can drink it in. He sees it sometimes, when they’re playing - Kageyama’s fierce smile when they pull a combo off just right, when they show their opponents how possible the impossible can really be. But then there’s another serve, another rally, and the moment is gone.
'Shame', Shouyou thinks to himself, as he lets his eyes roam over Kageyama’s stupidly happy face, taking in the creases that are from joy rather than frowning, for a change. 'It’s a really nice smile.'
In which it's their third, and final, year in high school and Hinata has only one goal: to make Kageyama smile outside of volleyball.
Wedding Tosses - its_tabby_cat
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; wedding; fluff/humor; 4k words) MILD MANGA SPOILERS
Based on the post I can't find anymore about Hinata and Kageyama spiking their wedding bouquet during the bouquet toss in their wedding.
Hinata and Kageyama's wedding is unique in their friends and guests' memories for one very specific reason. Natsu and Miwa wish they could say they saw this coming when they organised a bouquet toss as part of their brothers' wedding, but they didn't. They should have, though.
Hinata and Kageyama have no regrets. Neither do any of their guests (Except maybe Tsukishima).
gonna stand by you - meregalaxiesandgods
(haikyuu!!; gen; 3rd year au; kageyama-centric; 5k words)
Five times Kageyama defended his teammates, and one time they defended him.
baby, i can give you wings - Metis_Ink
(haikyuu!!; kagehina/daisuga; superpower au; humor/romance; 8k words)
In which there are superpowers, cats, rainstorms, realizations, split-second jealousy, embarrassing volleyparents, killer whales, electric Kuroos, unstable emotions, bad romance movie mentions, some angst, some fluff, but mostly a lot of awkward high schoolers.
The minute Kageyama walks into the gym and sees Hinata hovering eight feet over the nets he knows he’s screwed.
if it wasn't for you - diphylleias
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; getting together; 13k words) MANGA SPOILERS
A long moment passes between them, and Hinata watches, starstruck, as Heitor’s eyes linger on Nice’s silhouette from across the venue. His voice is deep, rich, all encompassing. “Some people change your life just by being in it, and you don’t want to let that go.”
Huh, Hinata thinks grandly.
[my bookmarks: This is majestic. Im now gonna proceed to scream internally about my kagehina feels for the next few hours.]
kintsugi - horchata
(haikyuu!!; gen; magical realism; kageyama-centric; 4k words)
Tobio notices when people get hurt. Something inside him hums to fix it.
The first time’s for Iwaizumi-san.
i bear little resemblance to the king i could become - silpium
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; kageyama-centric; found family; 1k words)
Something else that’s infuriating about Hinata: he doesn’t question much. He never questions how Kageyama never smiles. He never questions why Kageyama doesn’t seem to have any friends. He never questions why Kageyama doesn’t talk much about himself, or talk much at all. He’ll make fun of these things sometimes, sure, but there’s never a probing question lingering beneath it. He seems to know there are just some things about Kageyama that are the way they are and that won’t change.
Or: sometimes people find their homes later in life.
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper - dontsaycrazy
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; falling in love; cooking au; 30k words)
Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you.
In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
halcyon - @queenanimetrash​
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; depression; falling in love; hurt/comfort; 11k words)
"...And Kageyama cried. There was no rhyme or reason to it. There was no reason for all of the things he was feeling. Depression was weird like that, the lady in the pantsuit told him. There was no reason for it. It just comes and stays sticky on your skin, lumpy in your throat, heavy in your heart, suffocating and cold all at once."
again - bigspoonnoya
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; falling in love; reincarnation au; fantastical; 15k words)
Both your deaths in this universe have failed. “Failed…” Kageyama echoes. The word seems to hurt him. “How can you fail at dying?” Hinata asks, incredulous. Luckily you have an infinite selection of universes, with an extensive number of lifetimes, still remaining. Until you can save one another, you will never grow old.
[my bookmarks: magical. absolutely breathtaking. amazingly poetic. <33333]
Blowing Up - sarahenany
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; gen; bombing au; angst; hurt/comfort; 10k words)
Minor spoilers for early S4 of the anime. Hinata and Kageyama go to different training camps, but news reaches Hinata's camp that there's been a bombing at the Ajinomoto Center, where Kageyama's camp is being held. Kageyama has minor injuries. Hinata is worried and protective. Tsukishima, Ukai, Takeda, Kenma and Kuroo are awesome.
like a sudden flight of birds - starstrikes
(haikyuu!!; atsukage; soulmate au; 17k words) MANGA SPOILERS
There are these chances—the ones that come flying overhead, streaking through the sky, waiting for a jump and a catch.
It takes Tobio a couple wrong chances before the right one comes swooping by like a shooting star. This time, Tobio jumps for the catch and doesn't let go.
stray bird - diarahans
(haikyuu!!; tsukkikage; falling in love; fluff; 7k words)
Tsukishima brings home a rain-drenched Kageyama.
All That's Left - tsunderei
(haikyuu!!; kagehina; falling in love; pacific rim au; 38k words)
Almost immediately after his last mission, where his mistakes nearly claimed the life of his partner, Kageyama Tobio resigns as a Jaeger pilot. Since then he has kept to himself, his life stuck in a rut and his reputation left in tatters. When the Kaiju suddenly threaten to rise again, he doesn’t want anything to do with them.
But along with the new threat comes new recruits, and a certain redheaded pilot isn’t willing to give up on Kageyama so easily. Hinata Shouyou is all about fighting spirit and second chances, despite his lack of experience. Slowly but insistently, he pulls Kageyama along – back to life, back into the Jaeger, back into the drift.
everything/anything by @superish​
[all of my bookmarks for superish’s stuff: ]
Tumblr media
like literally. this was my bookmark for one of their fics: 
Knead a Hand? - staqua
(boku no hero academia; bakutodo; bakutodo-centric; 5k words)
Ah. For all of the appliances Shouto had been, a blowtorch was new. Still, just to prompt and bother: "So...?"
It was a plea for help but Shouto wanted to hear the words. Another eyebrow twitch. The other one this time, because Bakugou clearly liked to workout both muscles for ultimate impact.
"Argh! Just light your finger on fire and caramelize these shitheads!"
OR: Shouto discovers his quirk is useful for more than hero work through his time spent cooking with a grudging Bakugou.
journey to the past - @aloneintherain​
(boku no hero academia; gen; midoriya-centric; time-travel au; 44k words)
Izuku is five years old the first time he's saved by heroes. He's an instant fan of the woman in pink with her cheerful smile and the man with his ice powers and fine-boned features, even if they both refuse to tell him their names.
For most of his life, Izuku has been the centre of villain attacks, but he has never been injured. Every time, he's saved by bright, unknown heroes—heroes who smile at Izuku, and ruffle his hair or ply him with hugs, and seem mesmerised by how small he is.
Heroes that the rest of the world doesn't believe exists.
(Time-travelling Class 1-A AU)
Candy Canes And Christmas Crackers - bigdorkenergy
(boku no hero academia; bakutodo; fake dating au; slow burn; 104k words)
“So….your huge family somehow all think that you have a long term boyfriend and are insisting that you bring him to your week long Christmas family reunion?” Despite his efforts the end of his question raised in pitch as Kirishma swallowed down a giggle.
“How does that even happen?” Kaminari added popping some of the hashbrowns Bakugou made into his mouth.
OR your classic holiday romcom where Bakugou needs a fake boyfriend to bring home for Christmas and Todoroki is willing to take that bullet.
some days - @chibistarlyte​
(boku no hero academia; pre-bakutodo; gen; angst; 6k words)
Most days, Shouto is fine.
But some days...
Some days, Shouto falls apart.
hear me howling - @lunal0u​ 
(i absolutely love, love, love this author check her out PLEASE you don’t even have to ship tododeku just PLEASE)
(boku no hero academia; tododeku; gen; angst; suicide; emotional rollercoaster; 14k words)
Instead of squinting away like Izuku would, Shouto’s eyes seem to grow warmer as they stare into the sun, seem to grow softer.
In the glow of the early morning, the sky painted in hues of red and pink, it almost looks as if the sun itself is reflecting from Shouto’s eyes, his dark pupils dyed gold by the light.
(or, four times izuku watches the sunrise with shouto and the one time he doesn't)
[my bookmarks: this is everything i aspire to be, shoved into one, brilliant fic.]
the stars are floating and we are flying - @lunal0u​
(boku no hero academia; tododeku; gen; angst; mental illness; 39k words)
Aizawa starts walking towards the exit, obviously expecting Shouto to follow him, but Shouto's feet are frozen in place. His eyes flicker from the distorted reflection of himself in the ice to where All Might is giving him a long look, eyes kinder than anything Todoroki has ever been deserving of, and he feels sick.
“Todoroki-kun,” Midoriya says gently, squeezing his arm in what Shouto presumes is meant to be a reassuring gesture. “It’s going to be okay.”
He doesn’t think Midoriya is in any place to tell him what okay is, all things considered, but he chooses to keep quiet on the matter.
[my bookmarks: this made me burst into tears. my heart just exploded. I'm crying like a baby. just fricking- it's just fricking beautiful. astounding. incredible. wonderful. poignant. heartbreaking. so, so very sad. i can't even put it into words frick.]
rock'n'roll, buckaroo! - Origamidragons
(boku no hero academia; gen; humor; youtube au; 6k words)
Kaminari walks up to Todoroki in the hallway after class and says, “Dude, I need your help.”
Todoroki checks over his shoulder, twice, to verify that Kaminari is indeed talking to him. “Why?”
“Yesterday you asked Shinsou-kun if he was Aizawa-sensei’s son,” Kaminari says, as though that explains anything at all.
“Make a hero conspiracy YouTube channel with me.”
snipers solve 99% of all problems - silentwalrus
(fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood x harry potter; gen; humor; 226k words; ongoing)
Ed had thought, after the whole Promised Day, homunculus, entire country harvested for alchemical batteries thing, the batshit quotient of his life would have settled down some. He really ought to have topped out the meter with that one. But no. The bullshit is just getting started.
“Are you fucking kidding me,” Ed demands. “The wizards?”
Podfic & Chinese translation available! See notes
[my bookmarks: holy shit this is amazing... {SPOILERS}]
everything/anything by tierfal
you don’t even have to have read fmab for some of their fics- you can hate royed for all i care- just PLEASE read their fics. all of their fics are just so wonderful and are such an emotional rollercoaster that has you absolutely hooked from start to end. the author has an amazing quality that their writing just makes you feel so much.
please check them out.
respite - @blue---pluto​ 
(avatar: the last airbender; gen; gaang finds out abt zuko’s scar fic; 3k words)
“It’s healing really well.” Katara tells him with a smile, before her lips quirk down into a frown. “Though it’ll still scar pretty bad.”
Zuko shrugs. “It’s ok. I doubt people will really focus on it anyway… the one on my face is a bit more prominent.”
Katara makes a face, like she’s not quite sure if she should laugh or frown, when Toph speaks up.
“You have a scar on your face?” Toph asks, sitting up so she’s sitting by his legs rather than lying on them.
Zuko blinks. He never quite forgets that Toph is blind, but the fact that she can’t see his scar never really occurred to him.
“Oh, yeah.” Zuko looks down at his lap. “My father burned like, half my face off before I was banished.” He says it a little too casually, probably not bitterly enough.
The Competition - @littlelovelyspiderling​ 
(avatar: the last airbender; gen; tickle fic; zuko-centric; 8k words)
The avatar gang competes to see who can get Zuko to laugh first. Adorableness ensues.
where the stars do not take sides - WitchofEndor
(avatar: the last airbender; gen; zukka; azula and zuko-centric; 60k words)
When Azula is nine, she becomes an only child. She hears the Fire Lord call for Zuko's life, and in the morning, her mother and brother are gone. Azula may be young, but she isn't naive. She knows what happened to them.
Which makes it all the more surprising when Azula tracks the Avatar down and fights his group of peasant friends, only to find herself staring into an eerily familiar face.
asmr: Actively Seeking Machiavellism's Redemption - cereal_whore
(avatar: the last airbender; gen; azula redemption; zuko-centric; time travel au; humor; 13k words; ongoing)
When Zuko's midlife crisis is just his life replayed for a second time, it tests not just his patience, but also whether it's truly Azula that's the murderous sibling out of the two. Because Zuko might be a mentally matured sixteen-year-old with his own handful of daddy issues, but he is this close to throwing hands at his eleven-year-old baby sister out in their courtyard.
Or: upon being hit by Azula's lightning in the last battle, Zuko finds himself back in time to when his father just branded half of his face. He also finds himself facing his younger sister, eleven and not a murderer, and through his own mixture of overwhelming pity and resentment for her, realizes he could possibly save not just all the people she killed- but herself as well.
In other words: Zuko wants to make things right for Azula (who was never given a chance by anyone), so he essentially drags her along with him on his life-changing field trip as a tired nanny.
heirloom - jublis
(avatar: the last airbender; gen; azula redemption; angst; series; 56k words; ongoing)
The weight of the world rests on the shoulders of children. In spite of it all, they still find enough place to grow.
[my bookmarks: fuck i’m gonna cry again]
Leaves and Shells - ChimaeraKitten
(avatar: the last airbender; gen; angst; zuko-centric; 2k)
Zuko thought he knew how to deal with grief. But loss is different every time, and losing the one person who anchored him through all the other turmoil is its own special kind of pain. Luckily Zuko is not quite as alone as he once was.
Names - TGP
(avatar: the last airbender; jetko; angst; amnesia au; 89k words)
His name is Li. At least, that’s what the villagers call him and when they die in a Fire Nation attack, he carries that name with him to the Freedom Fighters and a war that will test every fiber of his being.
Where Zuko ends and Li begins is a muddled thing indeed.
[my bookmarks: i don’t ship jetko but... but this... i did NOT see this fic coming and it hit me with the feels train... hard.]
In His Element(s) - WriterGreenReads
(boku no hero academia x avatar: the last airbender; gen; aang-centric; 111k words; ongoing)
“So… one more time.” Shouta pinched the bridge of his nose, regretting both waking up this morning and possibly existence in general. “You’re the spiritual avatar of an entirely different world, and in the process of keeping the peace with said spirits, originating from your… dimension, you’ve come to our world to stop the actively malicious versions of your spirits, because our world told your world that something was wrong.” The child shrugged and grinned, looking much too cheery for someone currently in handcuffs. “Pretty much!” he chirped. “Your world spirit is really polite, too. Ours was super grumpy about all the spirits escaping, but then yours said it was ok, so long as I teach her more about them on the way back!”"
Aang chases some renegade spirits across worldly borders and possibly makes some new friends along the way.
but it's a little too late - @irleggsywrites​
(haikyuu!! x bleach; kageyama x ichigo; gen; humor; 11k words; ongoing)
Kageyama's elusive "girlfriend" turns out to be a bizarre ginger-haired boy who isn't Hinata. Subsequently, he may or may not lose it at some point.
Karasuno's getting kind of suspicious of Kageyama's relationship. It seems like he always runs into trouble around this guy, and some things aren't adding up. When push comes to shove, they aren't afraid to show their protective streak, especially when it comes to their youngest.
Ichigo likes his new volleyball-playing boyfriend a lot. He just wishes ghosts would stop crashing their dates, because it's a real mood-killer.
(This is 110% crack. HQ!! focused.)
Ignis Aurum Probat - writing_addict
(fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood x how to train your dragon; gen; angst; humor; 37k words; ongoing)
Edward Elric is born early into the dead of winter, on an island twelve days North of Hopeless and a few degrees south of Freezing-To-Death. He comes into the world sickly and small--and endlessly defiant, burning with the kind of rage that can shake the foundations of the universe. The gods themselves hear that scream, that roar of fury and thunder promising to remake the world as they know it, and wonder.
Fifteen years later, Ed brings down the Night Fury that's been plaguing his people for generations, stands over it with the perfect opportunity to make the kill...and spares it. And just like that, the Norns begin weaving the fate of a hero.
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ao3feed-zukka · 4 years
and love you have given in your lifetime gives you back (i hope i remember to believe that)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W8ZjID
by jublis
“Do you ever feel,” he hears himself asking, “like you’re standing right at the edge of something so much bigger than yourself, that if you take the wrong step, it’ll swallow you completely? That things are so broken the cracks will eat you up, bit by bit, and when the time comes, you’ll have moved nothing, changed nothing?” Zuko hears the wind swirl around them, and keeps going. “I feel like that. Like I’m both the sad person and the one trying to comfort the sad person. Like I’m standing in front of a three-faced mirror and staring into my face being reflected dozens and dozens of times, trying to see which one of us is going to make the right move. Right at the abyss of history.”
  Or, Zuko's coronation day. Featuring turtleducks, Uncle Iroh, the looming idea of Toph burning down a police precinct, and standing at the edge of history.
Words: 7886, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of heirloom
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), azula plays a part but she isn't really there, mentions of ozai, some ocs for storytelling purposes
Relationships: Sokka/Suki/Zuko (Avatar), The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar), Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Suki (Avatar), Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Suki & Zuko (Avatar), Aang & Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Angst, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Fluff, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Love, Friendship, Zuko (Avatar)-centric, toph once burned down a police precinct to cope, suki: honestly zuko would it kill you to process a feeling, zuko: idk probably?, IROH IS THE ONLY PARENTAL FIGURE EVER, Underage Drinking, who let aang get smashed, Ozai (Avatar) is an Asshole, let these kids rest, zuko accidentally went to a kegster with a bunch of servants, and they all love him, copious references to angels in america, suki is a fucking delight, once more zuko disassociating is not a healthy coping mechanism
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W8ZjID
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ao3feed-irohzuko · 4 years
and love you have given in your lifetime gives you back (i hope i remember to believe that)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W8ZjID
by jublis
“Do you ever feel,” he hears himself asking, “like you’re standing right at the edge of something so much bigger than yourself, that if you take the wrong step, it’ll swallow you completely? That things are so broken the cracks will eat you up, bit by bit, and when the time comes, you’ll have moved nothing, changed nothing?” Zuko hears the wind swirl around them, and keeps going. “I feel like that. Like I’m both the sad person and the one trying to comfort the sad person. Like I’m standing in front of a three-faced mirror and staring into my face being reflected dozens and dozens of times, trying to see which one of us is going to make the right move. Right at the abyss of history.”
  Or, Zuko's coronation day. Featuring turtleducks, Uncle Iroh, the looming idea of Toph burning down a police precinct, and standing at the edge of history.
Words: 7886, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of heirloom
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Aang (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), azula plays a part but she isn't really there, mentions of ozai, some ocs for storytelling purposes
Relationships: Sokka/Suki/Zuko (Avatar), The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar), Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Suki (Avatar), Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Suki & Zuko (Avatar), Aang & Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Angst, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Fluff, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Love, Friendship, Zuko (Avatar)-centric, toph once burned down a police precinct to cope, suki: honestly zuko would it kill you to process a feeling, zuko: idk probably?, IROH IS THE ONLY PARENTAL FIGURE EVER, Underage Drinking, who let aang get smashed, Ozai (Avatar) is an Asshole, let these kids rest, zuko accidentally went to a kegster with a bunch of servants, and they all love him, copious references to angels in america
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W8ZjID
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annamcnuff · 7 years
Cycling Southbound From Seattle
Well, if this week isn’t proof that every cloud has a silver lining, I’m not sure what is. Turns out when you roll with the punches, whilst flying by the seat of your pants and taking every day as it comes - good sh*t happens. Enough cheesy cliches for you? How about we throw in always looking on the bright side of life? Okay, that’ll do. Onto the story of a week of going it alone, and a knee injury detour …
“So Anna, what do you know about Seattle?” my first host asked. I took a deep breath. “Well. (sod it, in for a penny) … I’ve watched a lot of Fraiser, and 10 Things I Hate About You is my favourite film.” I exhaled. How did I do? Terribly. Actually Seattle isn’t too far from how I imagined it. Great downtown, stunning skyline and an abundance of waterfront restaurants serving up the days catch. There are some added extras too - friendly neighbourhoods, beaches with killer sunsets and, for the cycle geek in all of us, extensive and impressive bike trails. Riding on them I had that ‘legal alien’ feeling - when you’re clearly not following the unspoken rules and play, and think a local is going to stop at any second and scream “TOURIST!” in your face.
Anyone who knows me will attest that I’m terrible at 'not doing’. I really do hate sodding rest. So after 2 days in Seattle, with the knee still feeling a wee bit cheeky, I decided it was time to roll out again. The new twist being that Lydia had gone on down the coast, and I was going it alone inland.
Heading South through Washington, I got my first glimpse at a bit of real America. I say 'real’ and I mean where and how huge proportion of the population actually live. Not in cities, or even suburbs, but smack bang out in the countryside. I was struck by the contrast on display. Some houses were immaculate. Beautifully kept lawns, neatly finished paintwork, fenced off fields and flower beds that’d make Alan Titchmarsh’s eyes water. The rest were a polar opposite. There were yards filled with odd trinkets, upturned faded tricycles, rusty caravans, and battered American flags flapping limply at the end of driveways. My initial reaction was that these weren’t the kind of houses that I’d go to in search of a cup of sugar. I’ve no doubt they’re full of lovely people, but call it movie brainwashing, or plain ignorance on my part - these were the types of houses from which someone would emerge wielding a shotgun, any minute…. now. The barking rabies esc dogs outside many of them didn’t do much to dispel my beliefs either.
As I pedalled South, through misty mountain passes to more open plains, it became clear that 'we’ had a problem. Washington didn’t want me to leave (it happens). Rather than expressing this through a sensible State-to-Woman conversation, it decided to throw anything and everything in my path. It dispatched a Devil dog to chase me - the type of chasing where you’re forced on to the other side of the road to avoid snarling jaws at your ankles. It summoned magical forces to split my front tyre - thank goodness for gaffa tape and an old toothpaste tube. And lastly, it landed a rather long 20% hill in my path. Normally tricky, but when you only have one truly functioning leg and you’re riding unclipped on flat plastic pedals with a 20kg load - double tricky.
At long last I made it within sight of the Oregon border. Excellent, I thought, I just need to nip into the city now. Fool. Although it may be the bicycle capital of the US, Portland is a not a city designed go be cycled into. In fact, I’m wondering whether any city in the US Is going to be. I’ll report back on that one. With 8 bridges and 3 highways it’s officially the room of requirement - getting in is an absolute frigging nightmare, but make it to the other side and there lies everything you ever dreamed of.
I was only there for 2 days and I fell a little bit in love with the place. Possibly something to do with my hosts being the nicest people on the planet, and the iconic 'Cyclepedia’ exhibition happening to be in town, but there was more to it than that. The neighbourhoods are a melting pot of funky bars, bijou art galleries and bustling markets. It has the feel of a movie set, and everyone just looks …. happy. To top it off, Portland is a city that prides itself on beer, bikes and coffee. Win. Win. Win.
Time for McNuff’s reflection of the week (yes I just referred to myself in the 3rd person, no don’t try this at home). Being alone this week, the thing that’s struck me most is how much you rely on the kindness of complete strangers to skip your days along. In my head this manifests as a little well. So long as the level of lovely-jubly-ness in that there well is enough for me to dip my big ole bucket in when times get tough - then I think I’ll always be just grand. On Wednesday it was Cindy at the gas station - I went in to buy a can of beans, and left with a big hug and spare matches. On Thursday it was the family who let me camp in their back garden, after the campsite I was headed to turned out to be some kind of serial killer looking commune. On Friday it was the construction workers who stopped the massive machines to let me through a closed road, and saved me a 30 mile detour. And on Saturday it was Wiley, selling tickets outside the soccer stadium and promising to throw in a prayer for me - the more the merrier I told him.
To be honest at the moment my well is a little full. I think might have to rent a reserve well this week.
The knee is holding up, and after some softly softly rehab, I’m back to 75+ mile days in the saddle. So I’ve made the call to get back on my original West Coast route to San Francisco (wahooo!). I hear that Golden Gate Bridge is a callin’ and I cannot wait to meet it…
For those of you who fancy a few more photos - Flickr is up to date here
Until next week - Adios Amigos
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nel-4 · 7 years
Lantern lit Hoi An, cycling like locals and the marble mountains, ft. Zoe and Jack
Hotel was lovely in Hoi An so we were pleased that we had a 4 night stay there and didn't need to pack our rucksacks again for a few days. Marko and I wandered round to Zoe and Jack's hotel on Sunday morning for our reunion. Had a good old catch up and story session about what we'd all been up to. Lovely to see them. Their hotel was very swish with 2 pools!! We spent our first day together exploring the old town and visiting some of the historical sights. Hoi An old town's streets are lined with hanging lanterns so it all looks very colourful, especially at night time. We went to the Fujian Chinese congress building, the Japanese pedestrian bridge, the ceramics museum (we thought of you Elsie) and a house that had been passed on for 7 generations of a family who still lived upstairs whilst you explored their ground floor. Ralphy found a tailor to make her some jazzy lemon tree print trousers for about 25 quid - they looked great when we picked them up the next day so she ordered another pair in blue, and I wanted in on the fun too, so ordered myself a pair of black ones for work 😀. Strange experience to be standing in the middle of a shop being measured up every which way possible on your lower half - we didn't even introduce ourselves before!! We documented the procedure and the photos make me look like a giantess as the lady measuring me was quite a little lady! After a couple more fittings we had our tailored garments, what fun!! On day 2 we rented bikes for free from our hotels and got to grips with the traffic. No rules really apply on the roads and overtaking happens at any point so long as you pip your horn/ring your bell the whole time. At one pint jack had a bit of a standoff with a minibus on a cross roads but we all made it safely to and from the beach safe and sound. Beach was nice but the weather wasn't playing ball really so we didn't stay on it too long - although we stayed long enough for the tide to come in and pour into Marco's shoes soaking his socks and trainers through! oops! Had a nice pizza at a beach side gaff for sustenance. Day 3 took us to the tailors in the morning, as had become tradition, to get our last fitting as they'd not quite got it right. It was pouring down in the morning but gave us chance to mess around with our cameras and attempt to take some arty farty shots with a slow shutter speed catching bikes whizzing past as blurs whilst we stood stick still in the road. We used the tailors as shelter and probably outstayed our welcome. Although, it meant that we saw our trousers get picked up by moped and presumably taken off to the associated sweat shop! It had cleared up in the afternoon and so, after a spot of shopping for the Ralph, we headed out to explore the marble mountains. You take a glass elevator up to the top and then there's a selection of different caves, pagodas and temples to walk to around the mountain side. The view from the top was of the ocean and the many surrounding marble carving shops that sold anything you could think of (in marble). We did a bit of scrambling to get to the view points but had all come prepared with appropriate footwear as our Zoe had advised :) The day was a lovely way to spend Valentine's Day. We had some lovely food over our Hoi An time and sampled the local beers and cocktails on rooftops. Started off at a random place that only sold one food - fresh Spring rolls that you constructed yourself after they brought you a mound of every ingredient going! Jack was the most daring here and had (possibly questionable) shrimp fried spring rolls within his hand made spring rolls. Turned out to all be fine though and was cheap as chips! We trip advised for our evening meals and had 2 good'uns! Zoe got a freebie dinner at one place cause her duck was a little fatty (she didn't complain to them at all, they just saw that she had left some and asked why) and we all got a free 'dessert' (of an unknown identity) too. I think it's safe to say our favourite was Nu Eatery though. It was a tiny little place down an ally way where you felt like you were eating in their front room as they cooked the limited menu dishes in the back. Fewer choices but everything was so good! 2 rounds of steamed buns each and a Banh mi for me! Lovely jubly! Overall, a lovely 3 days spent with Zo and Jack with Hoi An done good. We parted ways (mark and me going to Nha Trang and Zoe and Jack going to Quy Nhon) but shall reconvene in Ho Chi Minh city for our last eve in Vietnam...
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