#and halfblood prince was playing in the background so
moonsblack · 9 months
editing cmss: 🙅
writing a drarry fic: 👍
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cassiaallen · 8 months
Part 4/6 of my Marauders Era headcanons, this time it’s James Potter.
As per usual, my inspirations were @halfblood-princes-crown, @moonlightdancer26, @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta, and some other hcs I’ve seen in my long time on the internet.
The Marauders's Journey - James
Full name: James Fleamont Potter
DOB: 27.03.1960
Born in: Godric's Hollow
Parents: Euphemia Potter (née Lloyd) & Fleamont Potter
House: Gryffindor
At Hogwarts: 1971-1978
-was an only child and the product of many difficult years conceiving
-as such, his parents dote on him a lot and spoil him to an absurd degree
-despite this, they teach him to share his fortune (with his friends)
-he is constantly told how great he is (because his parents waited so long to have him) and has the best of everything
-therefore he has a massive ego, but also a good heart (EGO/GH 80/20)
-he is told about other Wizarding families, such as the Blacks and that they are all from Slytherin
-he is generally taught that Slytherin is "bad" and Gryffindor is "good"
-he was excited to go to Hogwarts
-he meets Sirius and likes him instantly, despite his last name
-when he notices Sev + Lily, he looks at Sev with disdain (he likes Slytherin and looks like he’s from the poorest and ugliest of backgrounds/poor + ugly = awful/mean/evil)
-because Sev likes something he so despises, he trips him (wants to make him uncomfortable)
-Lily is just an average girl who is friends with Sev
-he is delighted to be Sorted into Gryffindor and that his new friend Sirius is with him
-he meets the other Gryffindor boys from their year, Remus John Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, in the dormitory later that day ("they seem nice")
-he is mainly with Sirius and realises he has the same "prankster" streak as him
-at first, J&S are just dorm mates with PR
-during their first month at school, J&S pull an epic prank (the pre-stage to bullying Sev) and P spontaneously covers for them (he wants to be included)
-J&S realise that P idolises them, so he is included
-R helps them with school work, which leads to them becoming "friends"
-James sees Sirius as his true friend and brother; Remus as a good friend who is nice; Peter as someone who strokes his ego (he makes him feel important)
-Remus’s frequent disappearances pique the curiosity of J&S
-Peter is able to put together that R is a werewolf as he knows someone else who is, but keeps it to himself
-in first year, the pranks are fairly harmless (physically) for Sev
-J loved his reaction to the first ever prank they played on him and his internalised classicism and feeling of superiority (being a well-groomed rich pureblood in Gryffindor) led to him choosing Sev as his most frequent victim (he represents everything J hates)
-J&S are able to put together that R is a werewolf
-when J realises this, he feels both bad for R and wants to support him, but part of this is to make himself look good ("look at me, I’m helping this poor outcast, aren’t I such a good person")
-they figure out the Animagi part to help R
-in the meantime, their bullying of Sev increases from year 3 (it becomes physically violent)
-J's favourite subject is Transfiguration and DADA and he’s generally a very good student
-tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team in his second year, but didn’t make it
-he finally joins the team in his third year
-his Quidditch success contributes to his ego
-from third year on, he starts hexing innocent students (that are not Sev) because he can and is too confident in his abilities
-he starts crushing on Lily in his fourth year and asks her out (she rejects him)
-he asks her out at least once a month
-in the beginning of year 5, they all become animagi (Peter, James, Sirius) and start creating the Marauder’s Map
-February 1976 S bullies Sev and when that does not have the desired effect - he ends up having detention during the full moon - S gets angry and if he wants them to stop bullying him, then he just has to go to the Whomping Willow, touch the knot, and follow the tunnel
-S tells J about it and at first J finds it funny, but then realises that A) the werewolf in question is Remus and B) if Sev finds out, he could tell other people and get the M in trouble; plus, he does not want Remus to become a murderer
-still, the thought of severely frightening Sev amuses J, so he waits in the tunnel a few meters away from the door to the shack
-Sev arrives and is angry-shocked to see J, they argue and while they do that, the door opens and Sev sees R transform
-J quickly locks the door and forcefully leaves with Sev
-they run into Dumbledore, he takes them to his office
-he praises J for "saving" Sev, while forcing Sev to keep quiet
-even when J leaves and Sev tells Dumbledore his side of the story, D forbids him from revealing Remus’s secret (emotional blackmail "imagine if this was your best friend" 🐺)
-J hears R + S argue about this once R recovers, but they continue their friendship
-May 1976 SWM (J did pull off Sev’s underpants, but then McG stepped in)
-halfway through the 1976 summer holidays, Sirius shows up at the Potters's house and is accepted as one of their own
-this increases J&S's hatred of Slytherin and everything they associate with it, so their bullying of Sev increases
-he slowly stops hexing most other students though
-he thinks now that Lily is alone/away from Sev, she will pay more attention to him (and she kinda does, but not much)
-given the fact that D sees J stopped most of his bullying, he made him head boy
-Lily was super annoyed with this, but accepts it
-J continues to bully Sev (mostly with S), albeit less so, but hides it from Lily as he feels they have a realistic chance now (J initially bullied Sev just because he represented everything J despised, now it’s also because he’s used to it)
-she finally agrees to go on a date with J on V Day
-they officially become a couple on 31.03.1978
-Lily falls in love with J because A) she focuses only on his few good traits and ignores the rest and B) J did mature a little and showed Lily more of his goodness
-after graduation, they send each other a lot of letters
-J invites Lily to his home to meet his parents
-E&F like Lily a lot
-a few weeks later (towards the end of the year 1978) they give J his own apartment and Lily moves in with him
-the M + Lily join the OOTP
-J is still very much focused on his Gryffindor pride and bravery, so he kinda pushes P to join as well
-S has moved into his own house after graduation
-Jily become full-time Order members as they’re supported by J's money
-J proposes to Lily on their first anniversary with a ring that’s a family heirloom
-they get married at Potter Manor + the adjacent land on 31.08.1979
-[Jily Wedding]
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Ellie!
You have been accepted for the role of SEVERUS SNAPE! With two applications, it’s always a difficult choice! We love the way you showed Severus as toeing the line in everything he does, which really brought to life his “greyness” that we see so much in the canon novels. We could hear his voice as we read through your application! We’re so excited to have you join us!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME & PRONOUNS: ellie, she/her.
AGE: 20+.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: i’m not a very fast writer tbh, but i don’t have any other hobbies or rl obligations to keep me from rp atm, so i should be able to maintain more than 3 paras a week.
NAME: Severus Dynastes Snape.
Severus — severed. Cut off.
Dynastes — dynastic prince.
Eileen was not subtle when naming her son. Even in such a matter she let her spite lead her way. Severed prince, indeed.
AGE: 21.
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: cis male, he/him, demisexual & biromantic.
BLOOD STATUS: half-blood.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Slytherin.
Severus Snape has the personality of a sentient pack of razors and the looks to match. Everything he picked up since he was young he used as a weapon: his wit, his words, his mind, his spells, his potions, his silence, his secrets. He feels more at ease surrounded by enemies who think him an ally and who would set untold violence upon him should his true colors reveal themselves than he does surrounded by friends and family. He values his solitude and his privacy above all else and will defend it with great hostility. He is a liar and a cheat who holds himself to a high standard of dignity and honor.
His disposition never inspires friendliness, and hardly invites approach. He prefers being left to his books and his potions, unless there is a task to complete or a matter that requires his urgent attention. Snape is viciously clever, scrutinizing, observant, and patient. The full brunt of his focus is sharp and piercing and nigh unbearable. He has a scholar’s heart and the drive to follow it through to the end, wherever that end may be. He entered the race, as he sees it, late and heavily disadvantaged, and has thus operated and continues to operate with the understanding that he is the lowly underdog, that success only comes to those willing and ready to fight for it. And he fights, and he fights, and he fights.
Despite all evidence to the contrary, Snape is loyal to a fault. His loyalty is difficult to earn, but impossible to lose. He has a thorough, comprehensive, all-or-nothing approach towards loyalty — you either have it or you don’t. All of him or none of him. He will give you his soul – his strength, his work, his honor, his dignity, his life, his word – or he will give you nothing. Thus far, the only person who has his loyalty is Lily Evans.
Another thing about Snape that’s often lost under all the bluster and barbs and sharp edges is that he holds his honor to exacting standards. He takes his debts with the utmost seriousness, and his promises, once made, are kept. His word matters to him, as does his loyalty. When James Potter saved his life, Severus acknowledged the debt, and paid his due. He raged and simmered and boiled over with hatred, but his word he kept, and the secret of the werewolf was not revealed by him.
Eileen Prince was a true daughter of her line, and carried the worst of the traits of her family with her: she was stubborn, proud, obstinate, and filled with such vicious spite there was hardly room for anything else within her.
Despite this, she loved her son. Yes, he was the reason her secret and exciting teenage dalliance turned to lifelong imprisonment, and that was enough reason for her to never look upon him with open affection. Yes, he was a halfblood, and not the proper sort with a good family name and upbringing good enough to overlook his blood status. But he was HER son, HER blood, and that mattered to her still. She watched the boy complete every task, from taking his first steps to tying his own shoes to skipping stones by the river, with all the intensity of focus and full-hearted diligence expected of a Prince. She watched the whelp pick fights with kids twice his size for perceived slights, watched him lose more fights than win and still go back to school the next day with his chin tipped up in defiance, back straight and eyes forward, ready to take on anything. She watched, and felt a wave of such fierce pride over this boy that was half a Prince, this boy that was her son.
She taught him everything he needed to know about magic. Everything he would need to know to fight the currents, knowing this life she gave him would be unkind, an uphill battle from the beginning to the end. She taught him the rules of their society, the names of the families that mattered and the families that didn’t. She taught him his spells and his potions, his letters and his numbers, his history. Her son, the half-blood whelp, will claw his way back up from where she’d fallen, she will see to it herself.
Tobias fought her on this, as he fought her on every other matter that had anything to do with magic. And she fought him just as hard: their shouts shook the walls of their little house on Spinner’s End, sent the neighbor’s lips aflutter with excited gossip, and sent their son scuttling beneath the bed or the table or out in the park until the shouting stopped. But she fought: her son would not meet the vipers unequipped.
Severus grew up knowing two things above all else: that he was less-than, and that he must earn the right to be treated with respect. These were the two overarching lessons of his childhood, but they were not the only ones: Nothing comes for free. No one will give you anything without expecting something in return. There’s no inherent value in someone that will grant them happiness, there’s simply luck, and lack thereof. There’s wanting things and taking them. You take what you want and you make your life better, or you don’t. You fight for your improvement or you take the punches laying down.
Severus never stayed down for long. He knew what he wanted — or thought he did — and what he wanted was to be better than everyone else. And that meant fighting for his place, and fighting to keep it. He wanted his mother to be proud of him — desperately, more than he dared to admit — and that meant drinking in her every word with rapt attention, and taking all her lessons to heart. And he did.
Eileen was the predominant influence in Severus’ childhood, but she was not the only one. Tobias Snape spent most of his days at work, or at the pub, or at a friend’s house: anything to keep him away from the trap that was his wife and his son. He made no secret of who he blamed for the unsatisfying course his life took, shouting it loud enough everyone in the neighborhood knew his every secret desire and every selfish thought: that he wanted an obedient wife, that he wanted a proper lad who played sports and carried wood like a real man, that he was trapped in a marriage with a lying cheat and a useless son. The truth of the matter was that Tobias Snape felt inadequate: his wife was a witch who came from money and prestige and had to settle for a wretch like himself. She did not need him to provide for her or care for her, she did not depend on her husband like a wife should. His son, the wizard, who grew up in the same dirty clothes and sketchy neighborhood that his father did, looked down his nose at his father’s craft. Little pauper held himself like a little prince, like Tobias and Spinner’s End and honest work and playing ball and carrying tools was all beneath him, like this was all simply a prelude to a better life up ahead.
Severus knew since he was very young that he could never be enough for both of his parents. That pleasing one meant angering the other, that he had to choose whose approval he’d have to chase (and chase, and chase) and whose displeasure he’d weather for the rest of his life. It was not easy. But it was, in the end, a much simpler choice than some might expect.
He works in an apothecary down in Knockturn while he studies under a potions master to complete his mastery. The potions master he works for and studies under is an affiliate of the Dark Lord, and has agreed to take Severus on as a student following the recommendation of Lucius Malfoy. Severus does everything from stacking ingredients, brewing potions in the backroom, and experimenting at his mentor’s side with new potions using procedures that follow no code of ethics or safety recognizable to any text. Severus was granted access to his own lab in Malfoy Manor that he uses to make whatever his Lord asks of him, and where he conducts his more private experiments with a few adjustments to safety regulations.
To newly minted death eater Severus Snape, the order of the phoenix was a pathetic gang of fools who thought they could defy the dark lord and not only survive, but win. He crossed wands with and interrogated captured members of the order for information, particularly in the earlier days of his induction when he still had a lot to prove.
Presently, as a fully integrated member of the order and certified double agent, he’s certain that they’re all bloody stupid. Although, he supposed, so is he now that he counted himself among their number. While the driving force for his change in loyalties was Lily Evans, she was not the only one. By the time he approached Emma Vanity with his peace offering, Severus was already thoroughly disillusioned with the Dark Lord and his cause, tired of the violence that served no purpose, and aware of his own desire for a proper legacy that didn’t include a body count.
This war was never about doing the right thing for Severus. Or at least, it wasn’t, before. It was always about doing the smart thing: join the winning side, rise through the ranks, prove yourself to the right people in the right ways. This stance has become increasingly more difficult to maintain as of late — he may not be a bastion of moral purity, but even he balked at the mindless murder of a hundred innocents. Regardless of where he stands in matters of blood status and politics, the Dark Lord was a madman on a rampage, dripping with bloodlust and power and self importance. He must be stopped. Severus is more determined now than ever to help bring him down. The order, while lacking in many ways, are the most equipped to do so. He has also come to view them as comrades, as brothers in arms, in a way that he never did his fellow death eaters — perhaps being judged for the things he’s done rather than the circumstances of his birth had helped warm him up to them more quickly.
He spies for the order while pretending to spy for the death eaters. It’s a tricky balance. He carefully picks and chooses what to give to which side, when, how, why, and what to keep to himself, while keeping up the image of a loyal, competent death eater and invaluable member of the order. The margin for error is rather slim.
Beyond spying, Severus also lends his expertise in potions and spell crafting to the order. Mostly healing potions, using his own modified recipes that tend to use less expensive and more readily available ingredients than the original. He also crafts countercurses to the new finagled murder and torture spells death eaters have been using (that he created in the first place, but who really needs to know that?? Not his new goodie two shoes friends, of course, he’ll keep that lil nugget of knowledge to himself) he’s careful, of course, not to craft a countercurse to every spell and not to do so in a suspiciously timely fashion. He doesn’t want to lose his standing with the dark lord and be accused of incompetence at best, disloyalty at worst.
Another thing they don’t know about him: he’s a master legilimence. The order’s inner circle know he’s an occlumency master, good enough to lie to the dark lord to his face and get away with it, but his legilimency he’s kept to himself. He’s been skimming the surface thoughts of order members from the start like a bad habit he can’t quit. Not that he wants to.
Conversely: the dark lord thinks the order members know he’s a legilimence. This is very helpful in restricting what Severus can or cannot find for his lord at any given moment, since he can’t just pick it up from someone’s mind without running the risk of blowing his ‘cover’. Then again, the dark lord is also under the impression that Severus’ occlumency and legilimency skills are far below what they actually are, so. Sucks to be him? He’s a bit out of the loop there. Busy with bigger people than Severus, just as the spy prefers it these days.
A few things that kept him alive thus far :
1) Compartmentalization. Severus can pack feelings, thoughts and personal moral scruples like a lunchbox and put them aside for later, focusing on the here and now and the whys and the why nots of his actions. This helped him keep his cover in many, many occasions where otherwise his first instincts would’ve compromised him.
2) He can keep a secret. Information is a very important currency in a secret war, and Severus understands the weight of an off-hand comment or an innocuous gesture can tip the scales in favor of one side or the other.
3) He’s a prodigy. He is highly skilled in multiple delicate and dangerous disciplines like potions, spell crafting, and warding. This, as well as being an orphaned, hungry, ambitious halfblood without a family to see to his own best interests has made Severus a gift that fell into the dark lord’s path unwittingly.
4) He’s in the dark lord’s pocket. Seemingly. Severus lives in a tiny apartment above an apothecary in Knockturn, owned and run by the potions master whom he’s been apprenticing under to achieve his mastery. His potions master, a brilliant man with a rather loose definition of ethics, is an affiliate of the Dark Lord and answers to the man’s every word with due diligence. That, along with the promise of a Defense Master ready to take him on as a student in the vague future tense, Severus Snape is well and truly in the dark lord’s pocket. His future is in the man’s hands. Even when he was first offered this chance, he knew the underlying implications of owing so much to one man and having so much of his life not truly within his own control. But it was a way forward, and so he took it. He is aware every moment of the risks he is taking, what he could lose if he was even one step out of line. But this is precisely what makes the Dark Lord more inclined to trust him.
There’s only one relationship that really matters to Severus these days, and that’s his friendship with Lily Evans. Everything and everyone else can come and go as they please — and they’re often in a hurry to go, he’d not grown more approachable since he switched sides — but Lily’s friendship was the most important part of his life, for most of his life, and losing her trust and her affection had been nothing short of devastating.
He knows the crack in their relationship had been his doing, that it’s been so long that she could hardly be expected to care about her old once-friend now, that they both chose different paths. But he desperately wishes to reconcile with his oldest friend, nonetheless. He wants to prove to her that he’s not the lost cause they all thought he was. That she was right to believe in him against the word of so many, that whatever good she saw in him when they were young was still there. That he could still be the good friend she deserved. He knows it won’t be easy, but he’s determined to prove himself — to the right person this time.
Severus was not eager for new friends, even before he switched sides and the need for secrecy and distance rose tenfold. He has his guard up at all times, suspicious and dry, everyone else kept at arm’s length. Despite this, he still warmed up to some of his comrades within the order, as much as he is ever capable of warming up to people. That is to say, he sneers less, and his jabs are without teeth.
Snape is – resistant to romance on a good day, and it hasn’t been a good day for a good few years now. so it’s not something he’s open to, but, well. shit happens anyway so i’m open to it as long as there’s chemistry.
ships i tend to gravitate towards are lily/snape and remus/snape. i don’t have any anti-ships specifically.
Severus maybe has a drop of privilege over muggleborns, being a halfblood, but not by much. He’s not the acceptable sort of halfblood, with a distant muggle grand- or great-grandparent and an otherwise magical upbringing and a magical family name to hide behind. Purebloods could not pretend not to know of his unfortunate parentage: that Severus was cleanly cut down the middle, the son of a muggle man with a muggle name and a disowned pureblood woman who faded into obscurity decades ago. Severus could not hide that he was muggle-raised no matter how desperately he wanted to. And for some, that was enough to want him dead.
It was a good thing his mother drilled into him the inferiority of his blood since he was young, and impressed upon him the importance of proving his worth and rising above his lowly status. Otherwise, he would not have been prepared to face the scorn of his housemates and peers. And Severus was ready, spitting venom and shouting curses before even stepping off the train, fighting to prove himself from the onset all the way through to his graduation, and beyond.
Being a victim of such prejudice didn’t stop him from acquiring and cultivating biases of his own. He is yet to admit to being a victim, as such, is yet to see there was a crime committed in the way he was taught to see himself and others like him in the world. Married to a muggle or not, disowned or not, his mother was a born and raised pureblood witch of high society. She abandoned her family and her money for the child she carried, but not her ideologies and her privileged way of thought: those she passed down to her half-blood son, pathetically eager to learn of his magical heritage and hungry for any scrap of information about the world he desperately wanted to belong to.
By the time he graduated Hogwarts, Severus picked up every flavor of bias the magical world had to offer, against muggleborns and half-bloods and half-breeds alike. He still believed there could be exceptions — he and Lily, and the odd muggleborn and halfblood that actually try to be worthy of their magic — but he still thought purebloods were, on average, better than the rest.
It didn’t take long for Severus to be disillusioned. Pureblood grandeur is not so grand once you stand shoulder to shoulder with the scions and heads of every house, take their measure one by one, and find them wanting. Fighting side by side with the privileged and the powerful, Severus came to understand how little true power any one of them held, how many of the boys he held in such high esteem couldn’t stomach the front lines long enough to do what needed to be done. Purebloods were, on average, spoiled rotten and entitled and no more deserving of their privilege and power than the average muggleborn was of their magic.
This put his low esteem of muggleborns and half-bloods in a rather awkward position. An awkwardness that it held for years onward, unexamined, shifting and simmering in the back of his mind with every act he committed in the Dark Lord’s name. A voice like Lily’s hums and purrs and shifts, something dark and heavy coils and uncoils beneath his breastbone.
Joining the order did not help him shed the squirming and writhing discomfort. Guilt knocks against his ribcage like a persistent guest, and no matter how much he tries to put it aside, it stays and grows more and more by the day, heavy and leaning. Perhaps some long held beliefs bear examining.
honestly? this group feels more like a group of writers committing to writing one cohesive story than it does a group of roleplayers writing one interaction at a time. i’ve been in plenty of marauders era rpgs in the past, and most of them tend to rely on the suspense of disbelief and sacrifice story elements in order to facilitate interactions between roleplayers, regardless of whether or not these interactions should be plausible in the current setting and political environment. That’s not exactly a bad thing, it’s just something that rubbed me the wrong way before. It doesn’t seem to be a problem here: characters fall out of the spotlight and into the background when needed, and brought back to the forefront as needed by the story.
Reading through the plot drops and figuring out the hows, whys and whats of Snape’s motives and actions throughout the story has been very exciting, and I’m looking forward to seeing him grow as a person and start to fight for the order for the right reasons.
I would love to see Severus’ beliefs put on the spot. He’s been growing more fond of the other order members, and has been learning (subconsciously) to see other half-bloods and muggleborn as comrades instead of lessers. I want to see him pushed to acknowledge his shifting perspective on blood status, choosing to fight and make sacrifices for others instead. He’s a lot more invested in the order than he’s admitting to himself. I would love to see him reach a point where he warns the order about something he shouldn’t, thus risking his position within the Death Eaters, and prompting him to re-examine just how much he cares about their cause, and why, and how much he’s really willing to risk for them.
my mockblog is @sectumsmpra ! thank you for reading my app, it was a pleasure to work on <3
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hairringtonsteve · 6 years
spoiler alert.
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(joe keery x reader)
request: oh oh oh! Joe Keery meets Y/N when being interviewed and she's like the camera woman or something and he invites her out on the town with the rest of the older cast and it's drinks and love, you know! And Y/N ends up at Joe's hotel room
summary: of course you and joe would bond over something as dumb as spoiling movies and tv shows you’ve (mostly) already seen to each other. weirdly enough, it also kind of is a massive turn on for joe. huh.
word count: 4, 532
a/n: so there are a lot of spoilers in here, but none for stranger things (go figure). but here are the movies and shows that are: star wars episode v, star wars episode vii, fight club, the handmaid’s tale, game of thrones, the sixth sense, 30 rock, harry potter and the halfblood prince. 
At least once a month, you post a picture of you wearing an all black outfit on Instagram with the caption let’s play a game called production blacks or emo (or a variation of that incredibly worn out joke). When you’re filming a live event, it’s all black, even down to your shoes. You can’t count the number of times that you’ve thrown on black sneakers, only to notice that they’ve got a white stripe down the sides. Which means running around the venue, trying to find some black duct tape or a black Sharpie to color it in.
In your college classes, you can remember multiple professors drilling it into your brain - people behind the camera should be invisible, to blend in with the background so everyone forgets that you’re there. On sets with scripted content, it’s a different story. But for anything else, you’ve got to be background noise. And you’re fine with that. There’s a kind of comfort that comes with being able to just settle into the background and watch the action go on around you.
Which is why it’s so unnerving when he noticed you.
It’s not that actors haven’t talked to you before, it’s just that there’s some kind of unspoken code with most of them. They’re polite, but distant. You’re just running the camera, a person that’s meant to be glanced at but not really looked at. It’s not a rude thing, it’s just how it is.
You’d just gotten off a string of interviews with the cast of a huge blockbuster that was coming out (not to brag, but you did get to meet most of the actors in the new Captain America movie), and you’d gotten used to a quick handshake and a brief hi, how are you? before they move on to the person who’s running the whole thing. It had been a long day, adjusting the camera settings and staving off boredom as you listened to Matt ask similar-sounding questions over and over and over. By some miracle, there was actually a couple of hours in between interviews, but that was mostly due having to switch from the Captain America backdrop to something simple for whatever new Netflix cast was up next. You were fiddling with the camera settings, killing time as you waited around for the girl who was running the lights to finish up.
“Yeah, you’re going to have to adjust that fill light, I guarantee it,” you said, grinning as she shot you a scowl.
“I think I know what I’m doing, Y/N.”
“I’m just saying, I’m pretty sure that this dude is taller than you think. It doesn’t look like it’s going to be high enough.” She shot you another glare, making you laugh at the sight of it. The two of you had worked on enough stuff together, and you knew the exact buttons to push to annoy her, and vice versa.
“You working that event tonight at the Bowl?”  
“Does it look like I’m working the event tonight?” You ask, motioning to your outfit, which was most definitely not production blacks. “The only thing that I’m doing tonight is getting caught up on Game of Thrones and eating leftover pizza.”
“Uh, excuse me, I was told to come in here for a lighting test?” You turned around at the voice, plastering on a quick smile for the actor.
“Right, uh-” You hesitated, glancing down at the chair next to you, littered with papers that Matt had printed off for the interview. You scanned the words for a second before settling on his name. “Joe, right? Just take a seat there. Cassie will finish up with the lighting in a second.”  
It was really hard for you to keep the smug smirk off your face as Joe sat down, the fill light hitting his face a weird way on camera. You waited until he was looking down at his phone to do it, the corners of your lips tugging upwards just enough to convey your message to Cassie.
I fucking told you so.
“So, you watch Game of Thrones?”  You looked from Cassie to the man in front of you, your eyebrows raising in question.
“You were talking about Game of Thrones when I came in. You watch it?” The confusion was written on your face as you rested your hand against the tripod, fingers tapping against the cool metal.
“Yeah, I do,” you said. The words were coming out slow, your brain more concerned with trying to wrap your mind around his little grin than with understanding his exact words.
“What season are you in?”
“I just finished up the first season.” His eyes widened, mouth opening and you knew exactly what was coming. “I know I’m behind, okay? I get shit for it all the time.”
“How much has been ruined for you?”
“I honestly try not to think about it. Spoilers piss me off. I accidentally found out that Dumbledore died before I finished reading the book, and I ended up crying on the bus. It was terrible.”
“Dude, Dumbledore dies?”
For a second, your heart stopped pounding. A sick feeling settled into your gut. Oh God, you just ruined one of the biggest spoilers in history to this guy. But then his look of dismay turned into that little grin, and you scowled.
“That was low, man.”
“It’s not as low as Kylo Ren running a lightsaber through Han Solo’s chest.” You tried to act annoyed, but it was in vain since you literally could not stop grinning at him. “I assume you knew about that one, then?”
“Yeah. Pretty sure everyone knows about that one by now.”
“That’s true. But did you know that in -”
“Hey, man! Sorry I’m late,” Matt butted in, causing a brief flicker of annoyance to rise up in your chest. You caught Joe giving you a look before he shifted his attention towards Matt, sliding right into professionalism.
“So, he’s cute,” Cassie muttered behind you, making you jump. You blinked at her, a little surprised that she’d somehow managed to fix the fill light and walk behind you, all without you noticing.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sure,” you shrugged.
A lot of actors were cute. It was no big deal.
“So you do know that Darth Vader is Luke’s father, right?”
You didn’t even have to turn around from your camera to know who it was.
Spoilers had become a sort of thing between the two of you. You were a freelancer, so a decent amount of media sites hired you to film their stuff. And at some point, Joe’s little, weird, niche sci-fi show thing (his description) had blown up. Which translated into more interviews, but more importantly, more spoilers. Somewhere along the way it had turned into this inside joke between you both.
“Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.” You turned around just in time to see his face as you said it, the corners of his mouth curving into an even wider grin as he ducked his head. He pressed his lips together like he was trying to rein it in.
Belatedly, you realized you were staring at his mouth.
“So you have any plans tonight?” You - reluctantly - dragged your gaze to his eyes, ignoring the little smirk that was planted firmly on his face.
“Nothing but eating an entire jar of Nutella and finishing up Jessica Jones.”
“My God, you are so far behind on TV. Have you even started Breaking Bad?”
“Uh, yeah. Walter White was dead the whole time.”
“Holy shit, do I need to make you a list of shows you need to watch?”
“Probably, yeah.”
There was a pause in the conversation as he looked at you, his smirk fading the longer he didn’t respond. Was he really that upset with your lack of TV watching?
“I could make you that list tonight. Over drinks?”
“Over drinks?” Internally, you swore at yourself for the way your voice wavered over those two simple syllables.
“Yeah, over drinks. You know, the thing where you go out and drink? With other people?” It was like magic, the way his smirk just appeared once more. “Me, and Dacre and Charlie and Nat are all heading out for drinks. I mean, Natalia can’t drink because she’s underage, but she’ll still hang out.” His smirk started to fade the longer you kept quiet. “So there’s no pressure for you to drink, but uh, I thought I’d just ask because, you know, we’ve known each other for like a year now and I just… You can stop me whenever you like because it’s going to get a lot worse and I’m honestly rambling right now…” he trailed off, offering you a helpless look.
“I’m down with drinks. I kind of just wanted to see where you were going to end up.”
“It would’ve ended up with me crying from embarrassment.”
“Way to ruin the ending for me, asshole.”
“It could’ve been worse. I could’ve told you that Tyler Durden isn’t real and is actually a product of the narrator’s split personality.”
“.... Yeah, I actually haven’t seen that one. It’s Fight Club, right?”
“Oh, fuck.”
It felt like the two of you had passed through, like, twelve friendship stages since you’d seen him earlier that day. Before, all you’d known about him was that he was funny and nice, he was an actor, and his name was Joe. All he’d known about you was that you were funny and nice, you were a camera operator, and that your name was Y/N.
But suddenly, you were getting drinks. And exchanging phone numbers. And texting. And possibly flirting (but according to Cassie and just about anyone that had seen the two of you together, you’d been flirting with each other since you’d first met).
Joe: Here. Everyone else is already inside
You: Pulling up now 👍
Your heart was currently located somewhere within your throat as the Lyft driver pulled up to the curb. It wasn’t hard to find Joe, who was leaning against the building, eyes shifting from left to right before settling on your car. He smiled, soft and small, before straightening up and heading towards the car.
“Thank you!” You said, giving the driver a quick grin and handing him the tip before opening up the car door. Joe was grinning then, offering his hand to you to help you out.
“You look great,” he said, teeth dragging across his lower lip. His voice was softer than it usually was, the look in his eyes warm and bright. Everything about him was making your body tingle with nerves. Your hand rested in his, igniting a warmth that spread down your arm and settled into your whole body as you stepped out of the car.
“Thanks. So do you.” You felt a little awkward, almost stilted. You knew how to react with him in short, teasing bursts. But this was a whole other ballgame, and you were terrified that you were going to strike out.
He didn’t let go of your hand, instead adjusting his so that his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Is this okay?” You looked up at him, and found a little solace in the fact that he looked just as nervous as you felt.
“Yeah, Joe, it’s good.” He gave your hand a quick squeeze as he started forward, leading you inside. You waited a couple of seconds before allowing your word vomit to start. “So this is kind of awkward, right?” Joe let out a loud laugh, causing a couple of people to turn their heads in your direction as the two of you made your way to a table in the back. You’d expected that you’d be grabbing drinks at some fancy place, but instead, it was some little pizza place hidden away on a side street in LA.
“This is really awkward, yeah. I feel like I don’t know what to say, y’know? Like maybe I should’ve asked you out when it’d be just the two of us.”
“You know what we need to do then, right?” Joe just looked down at you, pausing a little before you reached the table. “We drink.”
And drink you did. Charlie kept his down to a single beer, admitting that he was taking pity on Natalia since she couldn’t drink at all. Dacre drank more than you’d ever thought was humanly possible, but Joe kept reminding you that he was Australian, and they can drink infinitely more than Americans ever could. You and Joe, however, were right in between the two extremes. A couple of beers in each, pleasantly tipsy. With each sip, you found yourself leaning against him more and more. His arm rested against the back of your chair, fingertips brushing against your shoulder every so often.
“So, wait. Have you or have you not watched Stranger Things?” Natalia asked you, eyes wide and incredulous.
“I’m getting to it! Do you know how many TV shows I need to watch? Just thinking about it stresses me out!”
“Dacre, hand me a napkin,” Joe ordered, looking up as the waitress passed by them. “Excuse me, miss? Whenever you have a second, could I borrow a pen?” She fished one out of her pocket, giving him a wide grin. “You are a lifesaver, thank you.”
Dacre leaned across the table, watching as Joe started to write.
Shows and Movies That Y/N Needs to Watch Right Fucking Now ASAP
You just ate your pizza as the four castmates started chiming in with show suggestions that were a must for you to watch.
“Oh, have you seen Fight Club?” Dacre asked, mouth full of french fries.
“I haven’t, but I don’t really need to. Joe ruined it for me this morning.”
“KEERY!” Dacre yelled, throwing a couple of french fries in Joe’s direction. “What the hell is wrong with you? Fuckin’ spoilers, man.”
“It’s been out for years! How the hell has she not seen it?”
“It doesn’t matter! It’s like telling someone that Jon Snow isn’t really dead.”
Joe grew quiet as your face went white. Charlie and Nat picked up on it almost immediately, both of them staring wide eyed at the big-mouthed Australian.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Wait, are you not caught up?”
“I’m in the middle of season three.” Dacre was the one whose face went white in that moment, turning a bright red in mere seconds.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, holy shit. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
You didn’t want to, but a quiet chuckle escaped your lips anyway. Dacre looked so remorseful in that moment as he practically tripped over his words, still rambling on in an attempt to really apologize to you.
“It’s fine, Dacre, really. It’s not like you told me something really important, like the fact that Offred ends up pregnant with Nick’s baby.”
“I told you that I was on episode six, are you fucking kidding me?” Dacre exploded, causing Joe to grin wide enough that it looked as though it’d hurt. The table burst into laughter, bolstered by the fact that Dacre was just sitting in his chair sputtering as he shook his head violently.
“That might the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Joe said, as casual as though he was commenting on the weather. But when you looked over to him, his eyes were dark as he watched you. Something dropped in your stomach, and in that span of a second, the pizzeria became stifling.
“Right,” Charlie began, but his voice sounded distant to you. Then again, everything was sounding distant to you, and becoming even more distant the longer you looked at Joe. “On that note, I think we’re going to leave.”
“You ready to head out, then?” Joe’s voice was the only voice that sounded close. You looked over to him, cheeks a little warm as you nodded. It was kind of a blur as everyone settled the check (the only thing that was clear was the fact that Joe was refusing to let you pay) and before you knew it, you and Joe were waving everyone off as the two of you lingered out on the sidewalk.
“So, um, hottest thing you’ve ever seen, huh?” Your words weren’t slurring by any means, but there was still a pleasant fog hovering over your brain, your words falling out of your mouth a little slower than they usually did.
Joe turned to look at you, his head moving in a slow nod. He took a step closer to you, resting a hand on your waist to pull you into him.
“I love Dacre, I do, but you ruining The Handmaid’s Tale for him like that was the single most attractive thing that I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“Yeah.” His lips were on yours right after the single word was spoken. It was warm and lazy, like the two of you had all the time in the world to just kiss each other. It was late out; the sidewalk was mostly empty. It was easier to forget that you weren’t in a more private spot, especially when his tongue swiped along your lower lip. You opened your mouth, deepening the kiss as you wound your arms around his neck. The tension spurred the two of you on, pushing you closer to him as his free hand wound behind you, grabbing your -
“Get a room, Jesus!”
The stranger’s voice sounded from down the street, but it was enough to make you spring away from him. You weren’t sure when your fingers had wound into his hair, but it was looking disheveled all the same, some tufts standing straight up as though he’d just gotten out of bed.
“You want to get out of here?” Joe’s voice was wrecked. It was low and scratchy. His chest was heaving up and down as though he’d been running in a dead sprint. The look he was giving you put images in your head, ones of him pressing you up against a wall and wrapping your legs around his waist as his lips made their home against your neck.
“Absolutely,” you said. Your own voice wasn’t that much better. That single word had come out far more breathless than you’d intended, but the effect it had on Joe made a fire run in your veins, screaming throughout your entire body.
Joe pulled out his phone, fingers trembling as he opened up the app to call an Uber. You were going to make some sort of joke about how he still used Uber when Lyft was so much better, but he glanced to you out of the corner of his eye, and it made your knees a little weak.
It was worse when he put his phone away.
The two of you were standing there, shoulder to shoulder as the driver took his or her good time in getting there. A group of drunken college students had meandered down the street, and as much as you wanted to, making out with Joe once more wasn’t an option.
“How drunk are you right now?” You looked up at him, appreciating the way that the orange streetlights lit his face. He was all soft light and shadows, with an occasional pink hue from a broken, neon sign.
“Maybe slightly tipsy? Sober enough to consent, if that’s what you’re asking.” His eyes were darkening with every passing second.
“Same here.” Your teeth raked across your lower lip, biting down on it. Joe groaned, running his fingers through his hair as he tilted his head back. “You’re going to drive me insane.”
The Uber pulled up right in front of you. Joe rested his hand against the small of your back, guiding you to the car.
The car ride was torture. It was a sweet kind of torture, but torture nonetheless. Joe kept his hand on your thigh the entire time, trying time after time to inch it up, only to be stopped by your glare. Every time he was caught, he’d shoot you this dark little smirk that sent heat right down your spine.
There was no doubt in your mind that if you let him continue, you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself. The poor driver didn’t deserve to deal with that.
It was a little embarrassing just how fast you made it out of the Uber the second it was in park. You practically leaped out of the car, eager to try and get a handle on yourself. But you really couldn’t. All you could feel was the ghost of his hand gripping your thigh, or his lips against yours, nothing but need. Hell, it took you a full twenty seconds to realize that you were at a hotel.
“You okay?” It was as though he’d appeared out of thin air, made of nothing but attraction and a little bit of concern. Your hand reached out and took hold of his.
“I’m great.”
It would have been a miracle if the two of you could have made it up to his room before you leapt at each other. Thankfully, it was a little past one in the morning, which meant that the elevator was empty.
The second the doors dinged shut, Joe had you crowded into the corner. This time it was different. It was hard to tell where you ended and he began. With every move of his lips you were dissolving into him. You nipped at his lower lip, gentle as you tugged on it. A low groan emanated from his throat as he pressed against you.
It was hard to tell whether Joe was taking something from you or giving it to you. All you knew was that you felt like rushing water, shifting and moving and responding to every move that he took.
Far away, you could hear the opening of the elevator doors. It almost physically hurt to pry yourself away from him, but suddenly, you needed to get into that room of his. Joe blinked down at you, mirroring your exact expression.
“I…” He breathed out that lonesome letter, the look on his face telling you all that you needed to know. You took his hand and lead him out of the elevator, pausing as you waited for him to speak. “Lead the way,” he said, dazed.
“I don’t know what room it is.”
Joe stared down at you for a moment longer, the dazed look in his eyes fading until he realized what you’d just said. A furious blush attacked his cheeks as he led you down the hall. His thumb kept rubbing distracting circles into your skin.
It took a little longer for the two of you to make it to his room. Once, because he’d glanced back to you and caught sight of your lip between your teeth, which had ended up with your back against the wall, his lips against yours as he muttered something about biting that lip for you.
The bigger reason, however, was the fact that once your party of two had reached his room, his hands had been shaking so hard as he tried to put the key card into the slot. Apparently, it was hard for him to concentrate when you were pressing kiss after kiss against his jaw, fingers hooked around his belt loops to draw him closer to you.
“Y/N, I just - I - C’mon, I can’t - Yes.”
Just like that, he’d managed to unlock the door, practically shoving you through it and then promptly apologizing. You stepped into the room, taking it all in. It was an average hotel room, littered with a couple of shirts on the ground, and two PlayStation 4 controllers setting on top of the mini fridge. He flipped on a light, the room illuminated enough to make everything nice and soft.
A bout of nerves filled your chest as you glanced over to him. This was Joe, the guy that you’d been denying that you had a crush on for almost a year. This was the guy that had made you look forward to filming some interviews, who had popped in and out of your life ever since you’d first met.
You liked Joe.  A lot. A hell of a lot.
He was staring at you, patient as he waited for you to say something. There was a small smile lingering on his lips as he watched you, and it caused a kaleidoscope of butterflies to flutter in your stomach. He started to walk towards you, eyes focused on yours as your pulse quickened.
“You look a little terrified, which is kinda weird, since twenty seconds ago you were kissing me like your life depended on it,” he teased, his words gentle as he reached for you. You let him circle his arms around your waist, loose enough for you to pull away if you wanted to.
“I just, I like you, alright? I don’t want to mess anything up. Or give you the wrong impression.”
“The impression that I got was that you like me as much as I like you, and we’re going to be hanging out a lot more together, and that this isn’t casual at all for either of us.” The relief flooded through you, washing away any doubts that had sunk their teeth into your mind. “Am I close?”
“Spot on, actually.”
“Would it make you feel better if we just hang out, maybe watched some TV and made out a lot?”
“Are you proposing that we… Netflix and chill?”
Joe laughed, his head dropping against yours as he grinned. His laughter devolved into snickers as he looked down at you.
“Essentially, I guess so. It’s catchier than saying let’s watch Parks and Rec and make out a ton during it.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, followed by one to your cheek. “You have seen Parks and Rec, right? Because if you haven’t, we can’t make out during it. You need to see it.”
“I’ll… I’ll get to it, okay! Don’t judge me!” Joe tugged you towards the bed, falling down onto it and pulling you down with him.
“What the hell have you seen? Because I really want to make out with you.”
“30 Rock.”
“I haven’t finished it yet, though.”
“Have you gotten to the part where Liz and Jack get married?” Joe turned onto his side so he could get a better look at you. You just grinned up at him, the laughter bubbling up out of you like a spring.
“Don’t start with me,” he warned. His words were low, but they were belied by the grin that he just couldn’t get rid of.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, hmmm, Keery?” He leaned down, swinging his leg over you and resting a hand on either side of your head to hold himself up. His lips hovered just above yours as he smirked. His mouth brushed against yours, hot and open as you stared up at him.
“I can think of a few things.”
taglist: @allfandomxreader @myblackwings5 @morgandakotaq @rivedale @laterg8r @buckybass @alwaysmebeforeyou @istanuriss
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dirrtymercy · 6 years
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RITA SKEETER is A NEUTRAL in the war, even though HER official job is as A REPORTER FOR WITCH WEEKLY & THE DAILY PROPHET. the TWENTY ONE year old HALFBLOOD is known to be SILVER TONGUED and CREATIVE but also VICIOUS and DECEPTIVE. some might label them as THE SIREN. fc: emeraude toubia  
I also have a pinterest board for Rita, which you can find here!
Rita is the youngest of four daughters, and she grew up in a highly competitive household, with a strong focus on success. She was under constant pressure from herself, her sisters and her parents.
Which have led to all of her sisters becoming incredibly successful. All have flourishing careers ( the oldest is a Wizengamot member, the second oldest runs a successful company, and the third oldest is a book publisher ). Since Rita is the youngest, she feels that she has big shoes to fill --- but she also wants to take the Skeeter name for herself, and make it mean something.
The Skeeters fought a lot while growing up. Drama was a daily occurrence ( something often instigated by Rita ). There was absolutely no privacy either, and everyone always knew everything about everyone. But at least they all care deeply about each other .... and Rita’s sisters are her ride or dies. They push each other to their breaking points, but they also drive each other to be better, stronger. 
Their home was deeply influenced by religion, since her (muggle born) father is a priest within the Catholic Church. This also ensured that the Skeeters faced some backlash from certain wizards, who considered it shameful that her father would choose to work in the muggle church.
Rita is not very religious herself, but does believe in a higher power. 
She started ballet and gymnastics at the age of six, and she still does it as a hobby. When she was younger, she wanted to become a famous ballerina... before her focus shifted towards investigative journalism. Her affinity for those sports have made her graceful, and she moves softly, quietly. She also has a bad habit of sneaking up on people.
Has always been highly creative in general tbh. Rita also loves art, and paints whenever she has some downtime.
Rita is a Slytherin alumni, and she thrived in the house. She’s ambitious, cut throat, shrewd and two faced. Rita does whatever is best for her, and puts herself first. Always.
During her time at the school, Rita was known as a party girl who just wanted to have a good time. She always attended the best parties, where she acted drunker than she was ( with the intention of always remaining sharper than her targets ), and made people tell her things that they normally wouldn’t share. For Rita, secrets is a currency ( and she’s not above blackmail ).
Went to the same year as the Marauders --- her birthday is on New Year’s eve.
At Hogwarts, Rita wrote for the school paper under two different names. Tamer ( and more serious ) stories were published under her real name, but she also used a pseudonym for the juicier stories ( in true xoxo gossip girl style ). Who the fuck is Bridget Higgins?
She was fairly popular, and moved among different social circles, shedding her personality as a snake sheds its skin, to fit in with the different crowds.
Rita, known for her hustle, got a job lined up at Witch Weekly before she graduated from Hogwarts. She also interned at the Daily Prophet during the summers. At Witch Weekly, Rita worked her way up the ladder fast (sharp tongues will imply that she slept her way up to the top), and at the age of eighteen, she was already writing gossip columns and stories on wizard celebrities. As time went on, she started gaining more freedom with what she could write, and today, Rita writes whatever she feels like writing. Kind of. Everything doesn’t get published.
At the age of twenty, Rita also started working for the Daily Prophet. She puts a more serious tone on her pieces published there. Though she has a keen ear for gossip, investigative journalism and writing exposes is what she’s really interested in. And she is ambitious enough to do both.
Rita lives in a shoebox sized apartment in London, which she shares with her dog. They don’t spend a lot of time there, since Rita spends most of her time at work or out investigating / interviewing people.
Likes to pretend that she cares about ‘getting the truth’. Which she does, to some extent. But mostly, what she cares about is the STORY --- if the truth has to be bent to make the story better, that’s not a problem.
Cares about one thing, and one thing only, tbh. HER CAREER.
Has a definite mean streak, but can also be very charming. She’ll say anything to get people to tell her things, and has over the years become very skilled at wrapping people around her little finger. So she’s kinda slimy. And fake. Probably best not to trust her.
Currently, Rita is a neutral in the war, because that’s what serves her best --- remaining neutral keeps her out of harms way, for the most part. It also allows her to talk to people on both sides ( always pretending to be aligned with the person she’s talking to ), which ultimately serves the story.
Though her words are usually sugary sweet, she still has a sharp tongue, and will bite back. Though she’s also not above biting her tongue and folding, if that is more beneficiary for her in the long run. Rita will swallow her pride whenever necessary.
Lives for attention --- and can literally create drama out of thin air. It’s a hobby and a talent. 
Once the war ends, Rita will align herself with the winning side and somehow figure out how to profit from it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Doesn’t seem that ambitious to other people, but she is. While she presents herself as someone who is easy going and ‘just there for a good time’, she wants to go places. She is currently working on her goal to become an acclaimed journalist, and she’ll gladly throw anyone who gets in her way under the bus without a second thought. To her credit, she works her ass off, at least.
Rita is always working an angle.
I mean, she decided to become an illegal animagus on the off chance that it would further her career or benefit her in some other way.
So, sidenote, she can turn herself into a royal blue beetle. 
Also does not care about ethics in the slightest when it comes to advancing, and is often involved in backdoor politics and shady affairs.
Though Rita lies a lot, she’s not a compulsive liar. When she does lie, it’s almost always rooted in truth -- she just puts a crazy spin on it. She also only lies if it benefits her or the story, otherwise she doesn’t really care enough to make something up.
She’s very observant, and though some/a lot of people are suspicious of her and her intentions ( and thus probably watch their words around her ), she usually figures out bits and pieces of what’s going on anyways, from reading their body language. Or by just playing dirty by transforming into a beetle and listening in on their conversations. Both work.
Definitively not brave, but she hides her fear. Death Eaters lowkey intimidate her ( probably because she is mortified by Voldemort ), but she is stubborn enough to ignore that, and will challenge any Death Eater if it means that she gets what she wants ( she’s crying on the inside though while doing it ).
Can usually be found with a glass of white wine in her hand, but she doesn’t drink a lot. It’s a front, to make people more relaxed around her.
Rita is just.... incredibly stubborn and determined? Will go to the ends of the world to get what she wants. Usually plays the long game too.
Definitively a villain, but likes to pretend that she isn’t!!!! She doesn’t! Know!
Rita has a soft spot for the colors of her former house, and usually wears black and green clothing. 
Her sense of style is feminine, and she can usually be found wearing dresses and skirts, as well as button up shirts ( usually white ). She always wear high heels. 
Never goes outside without lipstick. Usually it’s red, but she has an affinity for soft mauves and pinks too. Depends on what vibe she’s going for.
Her nails are long, sharp and filed to perfection. She wears them a bold shade of red. Most of the time.
She cares about her appearance a lot, and wants to look perfect 110% of the time? It’s really important to her that she presents herself to the world like she sees herself ( aka as ‘that bitch’ ).
Her hair is usually worn in soft curls, falling off her shoulders effortlessly ( but of course, it’s very controlled, like everything that she does ). She’ll wear it in a slick pony tail or a soft braid when she wants to seem more innocent.
THE DARK CHICK - good at reading emotions, resolving fights and weaponizing her strengths --- all the while keeping an eye on what she considers to be the bigger picture.
FEMME FATALE - ‘first she turns you on, then she turns on you.’
INTREPID REPORTER - a troublemaker sort of journalist.
THEN LET ME BE EVIL - any sense of good reporting and morals gets broken down by being treated like crap by presumptuous forces of good for too long.
CONSUMMATE LIAR - a liar so good you never want to play poker with them because you’d go home without your underwear and short next week’s paycheck. 
BITCH IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING - wears a thousand masks to hide her true colors.
THE POWER OF ACTING - a character who acts her way through life.
NO FACE UNDER THE MASK - does the real rita skeeter even exist? who is she? can she remember her true personality? probably not.
THE EVIL PRINCE - a character that knows they’re meant for greatness, but there are a lot of other... less great characters in their way. if only these characters could be “persuaded” to move, then nothing would stand in their way to the throne. ;)
CHRONIC BACKSTABBING DISORDER - someone who constantly and successfully betrays their allegiances. switches sides as frequently as she switches clothes. what is loyalty?
AMBIGUOUSLY EVIL - it’s never quite made clear what side she is truly on? sike, she’s playing for both teams !!!
HEEL / FACE REVOLVING DOOR - morality is grey, and this character switches sides so often that in the long run, they end up... just not having one.
THE CORRUPTER - the metaphorical devil on your shoulder.
THE CON ARTIST - selling lies so outrageous they can’t possibly be true, but still getting away with it.
KELLY KAPOOR ( the office )- the narcissism, the many layers, the gossip, the jealousy, the drama, the lies, ‘i don’t talk trash, i talk smack. they’re totally different’.
CONNOR WALSH ( htgawm ) - wow i can’t believe rita skeeter is connor walsh?? either way. so sly, bit of a slut, utterly shameless, lies a lot, doesn’t care too much about other people, very confident, bit over emotional at times. gets whatever the fuck they set their mind on. the ends justify the means, always.
CAROLINE FORBES ( the vampire diaries )- bit shallow. lots of self control. kinda vain. also cries a lot but takes no shit.
MARGAERY TYRELL ( game of thrones ) - the cleverness, the manipulation, the scheming.
CORDELIA CHASE ( btvs ) - the arrogance, the vapidness, the cruelty.
HERA ( the goddess )- the vengeance, the viciousness, the jealousy.
DEBBIE EAGAN ( glow ) - lowkey thinks the world revolves around her. bit manipulative. really ambitious. kinda cut throat. ready to throw anyone under the bus to get places.
ALLISON ARGENT ( teen wolf ) - so independent, charming and strong willed. also the perfect hair. and the search for power and control.
JESSICA HAMBY ( true blood ) - the strict religious upbringing, the rebellion, the occasional softness.
ALISON DILAURENTIS ( pretty little liars ) - the bitchiness, the cruelty, the constantly shifting personas, the lies.
CHANEL OBERLIN ( scream queens ) - really ruthless, can be quite mean, bit narcissistic.
JO WILSON ( greys anatomy ) - the determination, the fear of going backwards, the strong will, the commitment issues.
LIRA ( to kill a kingdom ) - the siren!!!! singing (aka writing) people to their undoings!!!! with little to no remorse!!! hell yeah
LAUREL CASTILLO ( htgawm ) - a snake that is good at hiding under the radar, kind of shady, highly manipulative, bounces back and forth between allegiances.
JACKIE BURKHART ( thats 70s show ) - the STYLE!!!!!!!! the narcissism! the manipulation! the greed! they’re almost the same person!
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katsitting · 6 years
Um. Sorry for the unnecessary anonymous, but I’m honestly really anxious about sending this ask so... Uh. I’m starting to write this Harrymort fic. It’s been getting a ton of positive support, and I’m super happy with that, but I don’t know shit about writing, really, especially the kind kind I’m trying to do. You write really well, and you’re kind of a really big inspiration to my work, so I’d really appreciate it if you’d hit me with some writing advice, particularly Harrymort writing advice.
Oh, no need to apologize at all! My inbox is open to everyone, especially for writing advice. I like to help whenever it is that I can. (please don’t mind my typos.)
I am very flattered I am inspiration. 
Let me preface by saying this. Many writers don’t really know what they are doing when they start (and even after they’ve long started, for that matter). That is perfectly normal. I myself only started writing Harrymort in May. I haven’t been in this fandom very long, but I’ve made a home here.
First, you don’t have to be like any single writer in this fandom. You don’t have to mimic me to write an amazing story because only you can tell this story. It’s your muse, your imagination, your energy and your hard work that will go into that story. Not anyone else’s.
I am not sure what kind of writing advice you want. Do you want advice about characterizations? About transitioning from one point to the next? About plot? About dialogue? About balancing what you want to get from this story versus what needs to be included to make it all make sense? 
There’s a lot to writing that you are doing already. There are things you don’t even realize. But let me just address some things I think may be of use.
Alright, grammar. That gets better with practice. If that is your greatest concern. It wasn’t something I improved on overnight. I wrote, and wrote, and wrote until I my brain hurt. I shared my writing with other people to scope out the tenses and the grammar issues. I read manuals, looked at examples of something and played it by ear. I sort of just flew by the seat of my pants and hoped it would work out for me.
Writing is a muscle you work out. And the only way to work it out is simply by writing. And not stopping even when your brain is yelling at you to stop. Don’t let yourself be cowed, write. Endlessly. Don’t stop to edit. Write your ideas down, you can fix that glaring error after you’ve finish getting the scene you’ve envisioned down.
I spent days rereading the same things to make sure I caught my errors (and often, I did not catch them all!). It’s nerve-wracking and that’s okay. No one is born out of the womb with amazing writing skills. You work hard for that, and you’ll see as you progress that it gets better. (Though, often, what I do to ease the strain in my eyes and defamiliarize my brain with my writing, I change the color background of the writing document. It really helps you catch the errors you might have missed in your first look-through).
Also, it’s always nice to have a beta to discuss things if that’s an option for you. They aren’t in your head, so they may be able to point things out to you that you hadn’t considered before. It’s always nice to have a second opinion.
If it is dialogue that you struggle with, I often just listen to conversations. You’d be surprised just how much you get out of people when they’re in their own little world as you eavesdrop. Their facial expressions, the way their bodies shift, the way their tones waver: these are all things I look at. I read different stories and see how other authors do it. 
I use the world around me in the hopes that I can make these characters human. Or at least, more human than they already are. I just want them to be someone my readers can or could relate to, and the best way is just to sit back and watch other people live their lives. I used to have trouble with dialogue (still do in some respects), but it’s these observations that have helped a lot. 
Now, if it is characterizations. It took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to write Tom and Voldemort. Even Harry was a bit of a mystery.  I read the Harry Potter books to get a better sense of how I could write Harry. I tried to find bits of myself in him and extract those characteristics to put them in my writing. 
I treated Harry as if he were a real person. A boy talking into my head and whispering his thoughts and dreams. I would only channel him when I wrote him. I would ask myself “What would he say?” or “what would he do?” I would look at my friends and observe them to find the Harry Potters in them. 
It involved a lot of introspection and observation. A lot of reading, both fanfiction and canon, to acquaint myself with Harry. (Just going to say, you don’t need to do all of this, but this did help me).
Voldemort, however. He is definitely a challenge at times. I don’t write in his perspective very often because I am still trying to acquaint myself with his mind. I have a specific way Harry sees him and way of writing him when he’s interacting with Harry, but I am still working on how he thinks when Harry is not in the same room.
I have to channel a part of myself that isn’t very pleasant when I write him. I have to put myself in his shoes, imagine how he would behave in the circumstances I’ve placed him in. The books themselves did not give much to work with, but that’s not a drawback for Voldemort.
In fact, it gives you more freedom to write him. We know Voldemort after he lost his sanity. We know Voldemort at his most unstable after splitting his soul one too many times. We know this information, but nothing about how he was before. We get bits and pieces of that. The Halfblood Prince only grazes the surface in how we arrive to the Voldemort Harry is more acquainted with.
My advice to you in writing either Harry, Voldemort, or Tom is simply to write out what you think they are like. Make a list of what you believe are their quirks and qualities. Identify the ones that J.K. Rowling herself fleshed out. Include all of these things and try to listen for their voice. What does your gut tell you about the scene you want to write? Will Harry fight and shout expletives? Will Voldemort chuckle at the stupid things coming out of Harry’s mouth, or simply curse him? 
I always think about the potential sequence of events when I write a scene. I consider their personalities and their values. I listen to them, write them in the way that I think they will be. Harry is all contractions when he speaks while Voldemort speaks endlessly, without pause. He goes on and on and on, giving us a monologue that goes for decades.
These are just a couple things I think about. I don’t know how helpful this ramble is. But if there’s one thing I want you to take from this. I want you to know that your story is your story. No one else can or will tell it. Your writing doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to look like anything you see in the fandom, it just has to be your writing. It just has to be your voice, your message, and your tale. 
And, most of all, you have to have fun writing it. 
I hope you have a lovely weekend, anon. Hope this was helpful :) 
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (back) to the Order of the Phoenix, Ellie!
You have been accepted for the role of SEVERUS SNAPE! Whenever we have two fabulous applications, it’s a difficult choice; that’s appropriate for Severus, who is a character full of difficult choices. We loved the expansions you did on your app this time around, which included more of that “greyness” that is so important to a character like Severus. We’re so excited what you bring to him and are happy to have you back on the dash!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME & PRONOUNS: ellie, she/her.
AGE: 20+.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: i’m not a very fast writer tbh, and i have a few rl obligations that take up a lot of my time, however i will be doing my best to get at least 2 paras out a week to keep up with activity.
NAME: Severus Dynastes Snape.
Severus — severed. Cut off.
Dynastes — dynastic prince.
Eileen was not subtle when naming her son. Even in such a matter she let her spite lead her way. Severed prince, indeed.
AGE: 22.
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: cis male, he/him, demisexual & biromantic.
BLOOD STATUS: half-blood.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Slytherin.
Severus Snape has the personality of a sentient pack of razors and the looks to match. Everything he picked up since he was young he used as a weapon: his wit, his words, his mind, his spells, his potions, his silence, his secrets. He feels more at ease surrounded by enemies who think him an ally and who would set untold violence upon him should his true colors reveal themselves than he does surrounded by friends and family. He values his solitude and his privacy above all else and will defend it with great hostility. He is a liar and a cheat who holds himself to a high standard of dignity and honor.
His disposition never inspires friendliness, and hardly invites approach. He prefers being left to his books and his potions, unless there is a task to complete or a matter that requires his urgent attention. Snape is viciously clever, scrutinizing, observant, and patient. The full brunt of his focus is sharp and piercing and nigh unbearable. He has a scholar’s heart and the drive to follow it through to the end, wherever that end may be. He entered the race, as he sees it, late and heavily disadvantaged, and has thus operated and continues to operate with the understanding that he is the lowly underdog, that success only comes to those willing and ready to fight for it. And he fights, and he fights, and he fights.
Despite all evidence to the contrary, Snape is loyal to a fault. His loyalty is difficult to earn, but impossible to lose. He has a thorough, comprehensive, all-or-nothing approach towards loyalty — you either have it or you don’t. All of him or none of him. He will give you his soul – his strength, his work, his honor, his dignity, his life, his word – or he will give you nothing. Thus far, the only person who has his loyalty is Lily Evans.
Another thing about Snape that’s often lost under all the bluster and barbs and sharp edges is that he holds his honor to exacting standards. He takes his debts with the utmost seriousness, and his promises, once made, are kept. His word matters to him, as does his loyalty. When James Potter saved his life, Severus acknowledged the debt, and paid his due. He raged and simmered and boiled over with hatred, but his word he kept, and the secret of the werewolf was not revealed by him.
Eileen Prince was a true daughter of her line, and carried the worst of the traits of her family with her: she was stubborn, proud, obstinate, and filled with such vicious spite there was hardly room for anything else within her.
Despite this, she loved her son. Yes, he was the reason her secret and exciting teenage dalliance turned to lifelong imprisonment, and that was enough reason for her to never look upon him with open affection. Yes, he was a halfblood, and not the proper sort with a good family name and upbringing good enough to overlook his blood status. But he was HER son, HER blood, and that mattered to her still. She watched the boy complete every task, from taking his first steps to tying his own shoes to skipping stones by the river, with all the intensity of focus and full-hearted diligence expected of a Prince. She watched the whelp pick fights with kids twice his size for perceived slights, watched him lose more fights than win and still go back to school the next day with his chin tipped up in defiance, back straight and eyes forward, ready to take on anything. She watched, and felt a wave of such fierce pride over this boy that was half a Prince, this boy that was her son.
She taught him everything he needed to know about magic. Everything he would need to know to fight the currents, knowing this life she gave him would be unkind, an uphill battle from the beginning to the end. She taught him the rules of their society, the names of the families that mattered and the families that didn’t. She taught him his spells and his potions, his letters and his numbers, his history. Her son, the half-blood whelp, will claw his way back up from where she’d fallen, she will see to it herself.
Tobias fought her on this, as he fought her on every other matter that had anything to do with magic. And she fought him just as hard: their shouts shook the walls of their little house on Spinner’s End, sent the neighbor’s lips aflutter with excited gossip, and sent their son scuttling beneath the bed or the table or out in the park until the shouting stopped. But she fought: her son would not meet the vipers unequipped.
Severus grew up knowing two things above all else: that he was less-than, and that he must earn the right to be treated with respect. These were the two overarching lessons of his childhood, but they were not the only ones: Nothing comes for free. No one will give you anything without expecting something in return. There’s no inherent value in someone that will grant them happiness, there’s simply luck, and lack thereof. There’s wanting things and taking them. You take what you want and you make your life better, or you don’t. You fight for your improvement or you take the punches laying down.
Severus never stayed down for long. He knew what he wanted — or thought he did — and what he wanted was to be better than everyone else. And that meant fighting for his place, and fighting to keep it. He wanted his mother to be proud of him — desperately, more than he dared to admit — and that meant drinking in her every word with rapt attention, and taking all her lessons to heart. And he did.
Eileen was the predominant influence in Severus’ childhood, but she was not the only one. Tobias Snape spent most of his days at work, or at the pub, or at a friend’s house: anything to keep him away from the trap that was his wife and his son. He made no secret of who he blamed for the unsatisfying course his life took, shouting it loud enough everyone in the neighborhood knew his every secret desire and every selfish thought: that he wanted an obedient wife, that he wanted a proper lad who played sports and carried wood like a real man, that he was trapped in a marriage with a lying cheat and a useless son. The truth of the matter was that Tobias Snape felt inadequate: his wife was a witch who came from money and prestige and had to settle for a wretch like himself. She did not need him to provide for her or care for her, she did not depend on her husband like a wife should. His son, the wizard, who grew up in the same dirty clothes and sketchy neighborhood that his father did, looked down his nose at his father’s craft. Little pauper held himself like a little prince, like Tobias and Spinner’s End and honest work and playing ball and carrying tools was all beneath him, like this was all simply a prelude to a better life up ahead.
Severus knew since he was very young that he could never be enough for both of his parents. That pleasing one meant angering the other, that he had to choose whose approval he’d have to chase (and chase, and chase) and whose displeasure he’d weather for the rest of his life. It was not easy. But it was, in the end, a much simpler choice than some might expect.
He works in an apothecary down in Knockturn while he studies under a potions master to complete his mastery. The potions master he works for and studies under is an affiliate of the Dark Lord, and has agreed to take Severus on as a student following the recommendation of Lucius Malfoy. Severus does everything from stacking ingredients, brewing potions in the backroom, and experimenting at his mentor’s side with new potions using procedures that follow no code of ethics or safety recognizable to any text. Severus was granted access to his own lab in Malfoy Manor that he uses to make whatever his Lord asks of him, and where he conducts his more private experiments with a few adjustments to safety regulations.
To newly minted death eater Severus Snape, the order of the phoenix was a pathetic gang of fools who thought they could defy the dark lord and not only survive, but win. He crossed wands with and interrogated captured members of the order for information, particularly in the earlier days of his induction when he still had a lot to prove.
Presently, as a fully integrated member of the order and certified double agent, he’s certain that they’re all bloody stupid. Although, he supposed, so is he now that he counted himself among their number. While the driving force for his change in loyalties was Lily Evans, she was not the only one. By the time he approached Emma Vanity with his peace offering, Severus was already thoroughly disillusioned with the Dark Lord and his cause, tired of the violence that served no purpose, and aware of his own desire for a proper legacy that didn’t include a body count.
This war was never about doing the right thing for Severus. Or at least, it wasn’t, before. It was always about doing the smart thing: join the winning side, rise through the ranks, prove yourself to the right people in the right ways. This stance has become increasingly more difficult to maintain as of late — he may not be a bastion of moral purity, but even he balked at the mindless murder of a hundred innocents. Regardless of where he stands in matters of blood status and politics, the Dark Lord was a madman on a rampage, dripping with bloodlust and power and self importance. He must be stopped. Severus is more determined now than ever to help bring him down. The order, while lacking in many ways, are the most equipped to do so. He has also come to view them as comrades, as brothers in arms, in a way that he never did his fellow death eaters — perhaps being judged for the things he’s done rather than the circumstances of his birth had helped warm them up to him more quickly.
He spies for the order while pretending to spy for the death eaters. It’s a tricky balance. He carefully picks and chooses what to give to which side, when, how, why, and what to keep to himself, while keeping up the image of a loyal, competent death eater and invaluable member of the order. The margin for error is rather slim.
Beyond spying, Severus also lends his expertise in potions and spell crafting to the order. Mostly healing potions, using his own modified recipes that tend to use less expensive and more readily available ingredients than the original. He also crafts countercurses to the new finagled murder and torture spells death eaters have been using (that he created in the first place, but who really needs to know that?? Not his new goodie two shoes friends, of course, he’ll keep that lil nugget of knowledge to himself) he’s careful, of course, not to craft a countercurse to every spell and not to do so in a suspiciously timely fashion. He doesn’t want to lose his standing with the dark lord and be accused of incompetence at best, disloyalty at worst.
Another thing they don’t know about him: he’s a master legilimence. The order’s inner circle know he’s an occlumency master, good enough to lie to the dark lord to his face and get away with it, but his legilimency he’s kept to himself. He’s been skimming the surface thoughts of order members from the start like a bad habit he can’t quit. Not that he wants to.
Conversely: the dark lord thinks the order members know he’s a legilimence. This is very helpful in restricting what Severus can or cannot find for his lord at any given moment, since he can’t just pick it up from someone’s mind without running the risk of blowing his ‘cover’. Then again, the dark lord is also under the impression that Severus’ occlumency and legilimency skills are far below what they actually are, so. Sucks to be him? He’s a bit out of the loop there. Busy with bigger people than Severus, just as the spy prefers it these days.
A few things that kept him alive thus far :
1) Compartmentalization. Severus can pack feelings, thoughts and personal moral scruples like a lunchbox and put them aside for later, focusing on the here and now and the whys and the why nots of his actions. This helped him keep his cover in many, many occasions where otherwise his first instincts would’ve compromised him.
2) He can keep a secret. Information is a very important currency in a secret war, and Severus understands the weight of an off-hand comment or an innocuous gesture can tip the scales in favor of one side or the other.
3) He’s a prodigy. He is highly skilled in multiple delicate and dangerous disciplines like potions, spell crafting, and warding. This, as well as being an orphaned, hungry, ambitious halfblood without a family to see to his own best interests has made Severus a gift that fell into the dark lord’s path unwittingly.
4) He’s in the dark lord’s pocket. Seemingly. Severus lives in a tiny apartment above an apothecary in Knockturn, owned and run by the potions master whom he’s been apprenticing under to achieve his mastery. His potions master, a brilliant man with a rather loose definition of ethics, is an affiliate of the Dark Lord and answers to the man’s every word with due diligence. That, along with the promise of a Defense Master ready to take him on as a student in the vague future tense, Severus Snape is well and truly in the dark lord’s pocket. His future is in the man’s hands. Even when he was first offered this chance, he knew the underlying implications of owing so much to one man and having so much of his life not truly within his own control. But it was a way forward, and so he took it. He is aware every moment of the risks he is taking, what he could lose if he was even one step out of line. But this is precisely what makes the Dark Lord more inclined to trust him.
There’s only one relationship that really matters to Severus these days, and that’s his friendship with Lily Evans. Everything and everyone else can come and go as they please — and they’re often in a hurry to go, he’d not grown more approachable since he switched sides — but Lily’s friendship was the most important part of his life, for most of his life, and losing her trust and her affection had been nothing short of devastating.
He knows the crack in their relationship had been his doing, that it’s been so long that she could hardly be expected to care about her old once-friend now, that they both chose different paths. But he desperately wishes to reconcile with his oldest friend, nonetheless. He wants to prove to her that he’s not the lost cause they all thought he was. That she was right to believe in him against the word of so many, that whatever good she saw in him when they were young was still there. That he could still be the good friend she deserved. He knows it won’t be easy, but he’s determined to prove himself — to the right person this time.
Severus was not eager for new friends, even before he switched sides and the need for secrecy and distance rose tenfold. He has his guard up at all times, suspicious and dry, everyone else kept at arm’s length. Despite this, he still warmed up to some of his comrades within the order, as much as he is ever capable of warming up to people. That is to say, he sneers less, and his jabs are without teeth.
something i’m very interested in exploring with snape, however, is his developing relationships with fellow halfbloods and muggleborns within the order. snape is someone who surrounded himself thoroughly thus far with people who were very far removed from his own personal struggles and experiences as a halfblood, that the belief in his own otherness and wrongness as a wizard and a human being is very deeply set. i’d be very interested to see the types of relationships he’d develop with people who not only understand a deeply hidden side of himself and struggle that he’d spent his life constructing barriers upon barriers around, but are leaps and bounds ahead of him in coming to terms with the larger issue within their society that caused said struggles in the first place.
snape still doesn’t see his mother’s bigotry for what it was. still won’t reconcile her firm discipline, which was the only direct scrap of affection he’d seen from her, with the deep set hatred and disgust she has for mudbloods and halfbloods within wizarding society. the fact of the matter is that while his mother loved him deeply and had been dedicated to his success in life and the wellness of his future, she had prepared him for the world the way she viewed it herself. and her view of the world is deeply flawed and malicious. snape grew up with self hatred embedded in the fabric of his thoughts, the very way he views the world and himself, and his untended grief over his mother’s death very much slowed down any progress he might’ve made in that regard. i would love to see him interact with people who strongly oppose these views and who have a better, more solid and more kind understanding of the world than his, and see what sorts of relationships he may develop with them over time.
Snape is – resistant to romance on a good day, and it hasn’t been a good day for a good few years now. so it’s not something he’s open to, but, well. shit happens anyway so i’m open to it as long as there’s chemistry.
ships i tend to gravitate towards are lily/snape and remus/snape. i don’t have any anti-ships specifically.
Severus maybe has a drop of privilege over muggleborns, being a halfblood, but not by much. He’s not the acceptable sort of halfblood, with a distant muggle grand- or great-grandparent and an otherwise magical upbringing and a magical family name to hide behind. Purebloods could not pretend not to know of his unfortunate parentage: that Severus was cleanly cut down the middle, the son of a muggle man with a muggle name and a disowned pureblood woman who faded into obscurity decades ago. Severus could not hide that he was muggle-raised no matter how desperately he wanted to. And for some, that was enough to want him dead.
It was a good thing his mother drilled into him the inferiority of his blood since he was young, and impressed upon him the importance of proving his worth and rising above his lowly status. Otherwise, he would not have been prepared to face the scorn of his housemates and peers. And Severus was ready, spitting venom and shouting curses before even stepping off the train, fighting to prove himself from the onset all the way through to his graduation, and beyond.
Being a victim of such prejudice didn’t stop him from acquiring and cultivating biases of his own. He is yet to admit to being a victim, as such, is yet to see there was a crime committed in the way he was taught to see himself and others like him in the world. Married to a muggle or not, disowned or not, his mother was a born and raised pureblood witch of high society. She abandoned her family and her money for the child she carried, but not her ideologies and her privileged way of thought: those she passed down to her half-blood son, pathetically eager to learn of his magical heritage and hungry for any scrap of information about the world he desperately wanted to belong to.
By the time he graduated Hogwarts, Severus picked up every flavor of bias the magical world had to offer, against muggleborns and half-bloods and half-breeds alike. He still believed there could be exceptions — he and Lily, and the odd muggleborn and halfblood that actually try to be worthy of their magic — but he still thought purebloods were, on average, better than the rest.
It didn’t take long for Severus to be disillusioned. Pureblood grandeur is not so grand once you stand shoulder to shoulder with the scions and heads of every house, take their measure one by one, and find them wanting. Fighting side by side with the privileged and the powerful, Severus came to understand how little true power any one of them held, how many of the boys he held in such high esteem couldn’t stomach the front lines long enough to do what needed to be done. Purebloods were, on average, spoiled rotten and entitled and no more deserving of their privilege and power than the average muggleborn was of their magic.
This put his low esteem of muggleborns and half-bloods in a rather awkward position. An awkwardness that it held for years onward, unexamined, shifting and simmering in the back of his mind with every act he committed in the Dark Lord’s name. A voice like Lily’s hums and purrs and shifts, something dark and heavy coils and uncoils beneath his breastbone.
Joining the order did not help him shed the squirming and writhing discomfort. Guilt knocks against his ribcage like a persistent guest, and no matter how much he tries to put it aside, it stays and grows more and more by the day, heavy and leaning. Perhaps some long held beliefs bear examining.
honestly? this group feels more like a group of writers committing to writing one cohesive story than it does a group of roleplayers writing one interaction at a time. i’ve been in plenty of marauders era rpgs in the past, and most of them tend to rely on the suspense of disbelief and sacrifice story elements in order to facilitate interactions between roleplayers, regardless of whether or not these interactions should be plausible in the current setting and political environment. That’s not exactly a bad thing, it’s just something that rubbed me the wrong way before. It doesn’t seem to be a problem here: characters fall out of the spotlight and into the background when needed, and brought back to the forefront as needed by the story.
Reading through the plot drops and figuring out the hows, whys and whats of Snape’s motives and actions throughout the story has been very exciting, and I’m looking forward to seeing him grow as a person and start to fight for the order for the right reasons.
I would love to see Severus’ beliefs put on the spot. He’s been growing more fond of the other order members, and has been learning (subconsciously) to see other half-bloods and muggleborn as comrades instead of lessers. I want to see him pushed to acknowledge his shifting perspective on blood status, choosing to fight and make sacrifices for others instead. He’s a lot more invested in the order than he’s admitting to himself. I would love to see him reach a point where he warns the order about something he shouldn’t, thus risking his position within the Death Eaters, and prompting him to re-examine just how much he cares about their cause, and why, and how much he’s really willing to risk for them.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Gina!
You have been accepted for the role of SEVERUS SNAPE with the faceclaim of Aneurin Barbard! We particularly loved Severus’ ambiguous motivations and how he’s playing spy as a double agent for both the Order and the Death Eaters! He’s not all good - he’s not all bad - and that fits our morally grey theme within this roleplay. So glad to see you playing him again! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Gina AGE: 25 TIMEZONE: MST-Arizona ACTIVITY LEVEL: Weekends are usually when I’m on the most 😊 I’ll try to get on during the week – especially on my early days. All that being said, I’ll definitely will be able to post at least once a week! As long as writing is still fun, and doesn’t feel like a chore, I’ll be on the dash frequently (and I’ll keep y’all informed if there’s ever going to be an issue with an activity check)! ANYTHING ELSE: trigger: non-con.
NAME: Severus Snape AGE: 21 GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis-Male, He/Him, Heterosexual. BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood HOUSE ALUMNI: Slytherin ANY CHANGES: Request FC change: Aneurin Barnard.
Generally, Severus is seen rather than heard.
The mind of Severus Snape is complex – to be sure. Filled with calculations, fragile threads of truths and lies he’s told and webbing them all together, and innovations for many different forms of magic. To keep all of these thoughts collected, Severus keeps a journal that he has heavily bound to keep secret. There, he states the deepest parts of his soul, creates new potions, spells, and whatever else he deems worthy. It is protected by a blood spell that only he knows the enchantment to. Like him, everything is kept very private and close to his chest.
While Severus has plenty of thoughts coursing through his brilliant mind, he does not initiate conversation. In fact, he says much more with his eyes. Even if they can be cold. However, this does not mean Severus will keep silent – nor is it out of shyness. When Snape graces others with his opinions or ideas, they should not be taken lightly. Every single word uttered has meaning.
Being around Death Eaters and the Dark Lord, he’s kept a keen eye – finding everyone’s tells and when it is best for him to speak his true sentiments. As well as this, if he feels provoked or given an opportunity to speak freely, he will not cower. Often, his retorts have a bite to them, thick with sarcasm or bitterness; or both.
Severus Snape is profound in potions – and dare we say even more skilled in the Dark Arts. Books were a comfort for him growing up, finding company with leather-bound pages and becoming well-versed in their contents. A strength he chooses not to boast about is his ability to create new spells, new magic, even. Most of these, however, were being saved to get a slight revenge over his old school enemies. And therein lies the rub. Snape’s insecurities are tightly bound to Hogwarts and being bullied – not to mention his inability to reveal his true feelings toward the one girl who showed him kindness all those years.
A broken family. That was the home of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince.
A Muggle father and a Pureblood mother. Such parents didn’t give Severus an opinion on blood purity – but rather if an individual could prove themselves. While his parents may have had married for love at some point, something shifted their feelings.
For Snape’s father, nothing seemed to please him. Except for, perhaps, a bottle of gin. This instilled a primal instinct for Severus to do better; be better. Strive for power.
As for Snape’s mother, she grew sickly and thin. Her grief taught him empathy. It also made him value any comfort, starving for any sort of love and affection. This was, most likely, the cause for Severus’ immediate interest in Lily Evans – and the roots of his near-obsession with her.
Both of his parents were unhappy, and let it affect both their home and their son. Living near-destitution, the Snape house was filled with hateful words, arguments, loud shattering of priceless heirlooms or objects, and other things that still haunt Severus to this day. When thinking back on his past, Severus prefers the memories of when they both neglected him altogether, rather than any other aspects of his upbringing.
OCCUPATION: Potions Apprentice to Professor Slughorn.
Invaluable to the Dark Lord, the talents of Severus Snape brought him closer to his inner circle. For Voldemort, it also meant he could manipulate the young man’s talents to foil any plots that the Order may have against him. Knowing his passion for potions, Voldemort encouraged Snape to take on an apprenticeship with Professor Slughorn – while also peeking behind the curtain at Hogwarts and keeping an eye on the Headmaster.
Walking a thin line between hero and villain had never once crossed Severus’ mind. Yet, here he was. An Order member. At first, in a plot for the Dark Lord, carrying out the order to spy on the organization; find out how it could crumble. The young wizard had already grown steadily in their ranks, garnered enough trust, and was even listening to Voldemort’s other requests like his employment. All for the sake of war. It was a task daunting enough for anyone; however, Severus knew pretending to be an Order member would bring him closer to Lily. That, and potentially erase any suspicions Frank Longbottom might have if he thought he saw the Slytherin’s face during the arrest. At first, it was all an act.
Now, within the Order, Severus is a black sheep. Many of his childhood bullies are within their ranks, and many who distrust him. Although, with Severus’ lust for power, proving himself is nothing new to him. In fact, he thrives on it. No more fighting behind a mask…watching those he cares for nearly meet their end. An easy task to spy, being a great reader of both people and their minds. However, an overwhelmingly difficult task to want to continue fighting for something he didn’t believe in. Not that he believes in the Order either, but his lust for power has now been overcome with a desperate need to win an old friendship back. Perhaps to take Lily Evans far away from any wars as well, forgetting the two sides; no more choosing between what is right, and what is easy. Severus faces this new challenge, while fighting off those he once stood beside. For now, he’ll leave it to fate – if he’s able to win Lily’s friendship back.
After the latest events of Muggles being slaughtered from his mistakes with the orb, Severus feels a familiar pang of guilt. The same kind he felt after calling Lily that horrid name in school. It doesn’t help that The Order sees him as a risk and has been keeping him away from the center of the action. Severus feels responsible and a need to redeem himself. The night of the engagement party, The Order tasked him with staying with the healers – at least giving him that opportunity. Among the chaos, steady hands and minds are needed. Which, thankfully, Severus was very skilled with.
Severus Snape survives purely relying on his skills – and providing them to whichever side he feels is winning. It was part of the reason why he joined the Death Easters in the first place. Unfortunately for the Order, Snape believes the Dark Lord will win; that they will fall – and not rise from the ashes, as their namesake. A lust for power has blinded him most of all. But with it, he’s earned the trust of Voldemort, become invaluable. A faithful servant. Once the war s over, Severus believes he will be rewarded for his acts. At least, as long as he continues to do his bidding…
While with the Order, Severus has taken up housing in Hogwarts during the school year under his apprenticeship with Slughorn. During the summers, he’s found a small flat down near Hogsmeade to keep close enough. Beforehand, he often stayed with Lucius Malfoy in their incredibly large manor. It made it easy to stay near his comrades and to carry out any dark deeds.
Until there seems to be a clear winner, Severus will carry out his work as a spy. Even if it means slightly changing sides to do it as time goes on. The skills he carries with Occlumency are not to be trifled with. It seems he’s one of the few to have mastered such magic, making him the perfect soldier for espionage. Especially now that he has a desire for redemption for the mistakes he’s caused.
Severus’ relationship with Lily Evans was broken long ago. However, he will try and make peace with her, at the very least. If they rekindle their friendship, Severus would likely switch sides; happily die for her and prove himself. If it blossomed even more (something he fears even daydreaming about will jinx it), Severus would give up everything with the Dark Lord and his following. Everything with the Order. All to be with her – away from the rotting parts of the Wizarding World.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Ships: Snape/Lily & Snape/Chemistry. Anti-Ships: None
Having gone through a very traumatic animalistic incident in his years at Hogwarts, Severus has a large bias against werewolves. The whole experience left a nasty memory for him, left in complete shock and disagreement with Dumbledore. And having Fenrir Greyback at the Dark Lord’s disposal certainly didn’t make matters any better.
There is one thing that will never chance for Severus Snape, and that is his hatred and bitterness towards certain Gryffindor boys he now has to work with in the Order. The thought alone makes his blood boil and skin crawl. Yet, he will do what he must for his cause…and maybe even throw in a snide remark or two every so often.
Muggleborns are something of a mystery to Snape now. When he first met Lily, he thought she was different from any other one – slumping the rest together with the likes of his father. Although seeing how fierce Dorcas has become – and so well integrated with the Wizarding World – Severus has gained a new understanding. Of course, he’s still untrusting, at first, and even a little cold; but that doesn’t mean his mind cannot be changed.
I am excited to explore a redemption arch for Severus! I think it could be really great to see him actually believe in the cause and put his complete loyalty to The Order. I’ve tinkered with this idea before in another RP where his motives were driven by romance. Now, I can see hm relying on changing his mind on his own accord and a longing for his old friendship back to guide him to the side of good and light.
ANYTHING ELSE? Super excited to be re-applying as Sev! 😊
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