#and reorganising the cupboard space
yousaytomato · 1 year
Living with a hoarder who fills every inch of every communal space full of their own useless stuff, but who will then spend the day going through the tiny storage space you use and control, throwing things out and reorganising without even asking <3
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whumpshaped · 1 year
19%. How does your character's living space reflect their personality?
If it hasn’t been asked yet
- @whumpinthepot
please charge ur phone- /lh
rayan's apartment is pretty chaotic, and that's very much who he is in general. clothes on the floor because he forgot to pick them up (said he would pick them up and immediately forgot), instant noodles wrappers because he's a bad and lazy cook, the bed unmade because he was in a rush to work... at least one baking book opened up at a new recipe is chilling on the counter. he'll get to trying it out
sil's living place was always .. semi tidy. there wasn't a lot to be misplaced there, and sil took great care not to damage its own stuff. but they also never rly felt like its own... so it didn't take the time to rly find a place for them. but there was also not much else to do in the basement, so it just kept reorganising stuff.
el's space is an ecclectic mix of all their hobbies and interests. the objects are neat and well taken care of, never forgotten, never damaged, (or fixed immediately and with love,) even if they don't have a "usual place". it can look messy at times but taking one look at their corner of the house would be enough for anyone to tell it's el's. colouring books, plushies, half finished sweaters, SO MUCH YARN, knitting needles, crochet hooks, books, puzzles, colourful papers-
nate's dorm room is VERY tidy. clean. not a speck of dust. it gets messier as the semester goes on and he gets more and more sleep deprived + has less time to maintain a nice space. lots of textbooks, cards from his family, treasured nerdy collectibles
bryce's frat house room is a mess. an organised mess, he'd argue- but no, really, it's just a mess. he somehow still always has clean, freshly ironed clothes for the next day... a mystery. posters on the wardrobe doors, trophies and medals on top of cupboards, a box of condoms on the nightstand. theyre strawberry flavoured
saccharine's living place is also very tidy, because she has people to take care of that for her. she does some cleaning sometimes, because it's relaxing to dust the shelves every now and then, but mostly she just enjoys the serenity of an organised and clean home without having to put in the effort to maintain it. it's a lot of neutrals with surprisingly cosy wooden furniture. lots of wine, house plants to give a warm touch, books on behavioural science, psychology, art, music and culinary stuff (all of which she actually read/used), nice paintings on the walls, framed pictures of precious moments
grace's living space is fucking pink. thats it. thats who she is. reflects her perfectly- ok ok there's a bit of a mess (now hers is definitely an organised mess) and she doesn't like inviting people over and letting them see- she keeps to herself anyway. half empty medication bottles, surgical equipment, a plush cat, the perpetual ticking of a cartoonish clock on the wall, blinds that are at most half open
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daphnemontagu · 1 year
For: @calistaemmanuel
Where: Daphne & Calista’s Home. The Shipyard.
Time period: Present day
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Ever since she had been released from her capture those three years ago, Daphne had fallen into a routine inside their set of walls that kept her mind occupied, instead of venturing to a place she couldn’t be free of. When morning came she would leave Calista with a soft kiss, retreating from where the other woman’s fingers were comfortingly laced into her hair to find a space in their living area to practise her yoga. She would put the radio on, find a station with no news broadcasts and only music, and let it play softly in the background as she later made a cup of tea that she’d inevitably leave on the side, untouched. She’d fill her days with painting, pottering around their home and reorganising the belongings they’d managed to acquire somewhere between all the madness, and try to pretend that the outside world didn’t exist at all.
She was organising some cups into size order, listening to the music that played in the background, when she heard Cal’s footsteps. “You’re not going out, are you?” Daphne asked softly, turning her back on the cupboard to set eyes on Calista. The woman still made her feel a phantom flutter in her heart and a blush on her cheeks, despite the madness in the world, and the thought that they could die at any moment. “I was hoping you would dance with me instead.” Daphne smiled, stepping in closer to curl her fingers gently into the fabric of Cal’s clothes, “Please?” She murmured, placing a soft kiss beneath her jaw.
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nemhaine42 · 1 year
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I have been having A Time.
Stuff's happened and is continuing to happen. Most of it's not even that bad, just that it needs to be dealt with and it's all just crammed into one fortnight and I feel like I'm one inconvenience away from hulking out.
So firstly, my brother quit his job. This, in and of itself, is not terrible. They were totally taking him for a ride because he's the type of person who will take on extra work to see it done properly, rather than leaving the shit to hit the fan because the company was too miserly to pay enough people to run itself right. So he's better off out of there.
HOWEVER it does mean he can't afford his flat anymore and has to move back home with us. Again, not actually bad. He was really struggling to look after himself on his own and I'm of the firm belief that rejoining the family herd will benefit him and not really make that much of a difference to us.
The Problem is... Well, the first problem is that moving is stressy, especially when he's downsizing and trying squeeze himself into a smaller space. But that's a given. MY problem is that when I say "he's downsizing" what I actually mean is that I'm downsizing him. My brother would be quite content to pick up all his stuff, get home, drop everything as soon as he's in the door and just live like that. Turns out that's what he did when he moved into the old flat because Mum and I are picking up boxes and bags that are literally where we put them down last summer. And while he might be able to live that way, the rest of us cannot.
So I'm spending a lot of time trying to reorganise closets and cupboards and drawers so that all of us can have as smooth a path as possible to our stuff, while working against a person who does not see the value in that.
This is all on-going, because my brother is paid up through the middle of April on his rent. Which is good because we don't have to rush and be left with a mammoth task. But it's also bad because it drags out the whole experience.
That's not even the end of it.
I got my period as expected but just once I would like to have a period where the blood didn't end up on the floor. All while Mum is knocking on my door and trying to ask me what I want for lunch. A hysterectomy is what I want, mother.
One of our pigs died. We knew Arthur was an Old Man and that we wouldn't have him for all that much longer. But it still just sucks.
The horses had the dentist, which, again, normal. But usually the dentist works out coming on a Friday but this time they came on a Tuesday and it threw off my entire groove.
And, of course, I also have the dentist which fills me with dread anyway. I like my dentist, I trust them to do a good job but that does not make me any less petrified of the process.
So stick a fork in me, I'm done.
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mydeclutterjourney · 11 months
I've not decluttered much lately
But I'm somewhat managing to keep up with doing the dishes often. Not yet each day but every 2 or 3. Dishes now takes less than 15 minutes, I always have clean cutlery and plates to eat with, and the kitchen looks tidy most of the time. It's refreshing.
The next issue is, do I still get a dishwasher? Is it really necessary? It's going to add to utility bills but it may save me time, especially on days when I don't get home until late so don't wash dishes. I've already cleared the cupboard space for it, but I do need to declutter and reorganise the other cupboards so it's easier to get pyrexes and mixing bowls out.
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allservicesinone · 27 days
Are There Cleaning Tasks That Are Wasting Your Time?
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Cleaning is essential to maintaining a tidy and hygienic home, but not all cleaning tasks are created equal. While some tasks are necessary for maintaining a clean living space, others may be wasting your time and energy without providing significant benefits. In this article, we'll explore common cleaning tasks that may be inefficient or unnecessary, helping you streamline your cleaning routine and make the most of your time.
Identifying Time-Wasting Cleaning Tasks:
Excessive Dusting
Dusting surfaces throughout your home is important for removing allergens and keeping your space looking clean, but excessive dusting can be a waste of time. Instead of dusting every surface daily, focus on high-traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces such as countertops, tabletops, and electronics. Dustless frequently used areas weekly or bi-weekly to save time without compromising cleanliness.
While keeping your home organised is essential for maintaining a tidy environment, excessive time organising items can be counterproductive. Avoid getting caught up in overly detailed organising projects and focus on a functional organisation that makes it easy to find and access items when needed—Prioritise decluttering and simplifying your belongings to reduce the need for constant reorganisation.
Cleaning Unused Spaces
It's easy to fall into the trap of cleaning spaces in your home that rarely see any use, such as guest bedrooms or storage closets. While these areas should be cleaned periodically, spending excessive time deep cleaning them regularly may not be necessary. Instead, focus on cleaning and maintaining the areas of your home that receive the most traffic and use your time more efficiently.
Obsessive Floor Cleaning
While clean floors are important for maintaining a hygienic home, obsessively cleaning and mopping floors multiple times a day may be unnecessary. Unless you have young children or pets who frequently track dirt and spills throughout the house, a thorough weekly cleaning should be sufficient for most households. Spot clean spills and messes as they occur to maintain cleanliness without wasting time on excessive floor cleaning.
Overlooking Maintenance Tasks
Neglecting regular maintenance tasks such as changing air filters, cleaning vents, and inspecting appliances can lead to bigger cleaning problems down the line. While these tasks may not seem urgent, they play a crucial role in preventing dirt, dust, and allergens from accumulating in your home. Schedule regular maintenance tasks monthly or quarterly to ensure your home stays clean and well-maintained.
Streamlining Your Cleaning Routine:
Cleaning doesn't always have to be a time-consuming chore. By incorporating clever cleaning hacks and shortcuts into your routine, you can save time and effort while maintaining a clean and tidy home.
One effective cleaning hack is to use multipurpose cleaning products. Instead of cluttering your cleaning cupboard with numerous specialised cleaners for different surfaces, opt for versatile cleaning solutions that tackle multiple tasks. Products like vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide can effectively clean various surfaces, from countertops to bathroom fixtures, saving time and money.
Investing in the right cleaning tools can also make a big difference in the efficiency of your cleaning routine. Microfibre cloths are excellent for capturing dust and dirt without chemical cleaners, while extendable dusters can help you easily reach high-up and hard-to-reach areas. Consider purchasing a quality vacuum cleaner with attachments for cleaning upholstery, curtains, and crevices, and don't forget to maintain your cleaning tools to ensure optimal performance.
Another time-saving technique is implementing the "two-minute tidy" method into your daily routine. Dedicate a few minutes daily to quickly tidying up high-traffic areas such as the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Focus on tasks like putting away clutter, wiping surfaces, and straightening cushions and throws. By regularly staying on top of these small tasks, you can prevent clutter from accumulating and maintain a cleaner home between deep cleaning sessions.
Additionally, consider enlisting the help of household members to share the cleaning responsibilities. Assign age-appropriate tasks to family members and establish a cleaning schedule that works for everyone. Not only does this lighten the cleaning load for you, but it also teaches valuable life skills and encourages teamwork and responsibility within the household.
By incorporating these cleaning hacks and shortcuts into your routine, you can streamline your cleaning process and make it more manageable. Remember, the goal is not perfection but maintaining a clean and comfortable living environment for you and your family.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
How can I determine if a cleaning task wastes my time?
To determine if a cleaning task is wasting your time, consider its impact on the cleanliness and functionality of your home. Suppose a task requires significant time and effort but doesn't noticeably improve the cleanliness or comfort of your living space. In that case, it may be worth reevaluating its importance in your cleaning routine.
Are there any cleaning tasks that I should prioritise over others?
Prioritising cleaning tasks depends on your household's specific needs and preferences. Focus on tasks that have the most significant impact on maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, such as cleaning high-touch surfaces, decluttering regularly, and addressing spills and messes promptly.
How can I streamline my cleaning routine to save time?
Streamlining your cleaning routine involves identifying time-wasting tasks and finding more efficient ways to accomplish them. Focus on cleaning tasks that provide the most significant benefits and consider outsourcing or automating repetitive tasks to save time and energy.
To gain further insights about Cleaning Tasks, we encourage you to browse through the All Services in One website.
© All Services in One
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nagarajseofreelancer · 9 months
The Best Home Office Storage and Organising Ideas
It's easy for trash to build up in your office's cupboards, closets, and other storage spaces. If the cabinets at your office get a lot of use during the day and week, you might be familiar with this. The entire office will benefit from your taking the time to clean and organise the storage areas. It will also show you what you should either eliminate from your inventory or stock up on.
Let's begin reorganising your office's storage with the assumption that things are in dire need of change. A thorough cleaning and a general reorganisation will do wonders, from clearing out unused or damaged objects to making more room. We will give you some of their best office storage in Bangalore tips for keeping your home office clean and well-organized.
Accept the confines:
Boxes, whether of the decorative variety or cardboard, are useful for keeping files, folders, mail, and other paper products. Box up the materials you no longer use frequently and store them in a closet or on shelves when you run out of space in your filing cabinets.
Think of using open shelves:
Trying to find something in a disorganised closet, drawer, or cupboard is a nightmare. In addition, open shelving provides a wealth of options for do-it-yourself projects; think of all the boxes, binders, and other office storage in Bangalore solutions you could make!
Build a custom workstation:
A built-in desk might be a lifesaver when it comes to keeping your office neat and tidy. Make it fit your needs exactly. Do you want much storage space around you, or would you rather have a larger work surface? If you're handy with tools, you can construct them on your own with the guidance of this guide.
Put your cords away:
Cord chaos might be the primary cause of a disorganised work environment. Set everything up in one spot so you can keep the cables organised. Please put them in a drawer or a box under your desk and secure them with zip ties.
Put it in a file:
Having a well-organized system for storing and retrieving paperwork might be crucial. Put in a little effort now to ensure a smoother process later on by labelling your various filing folders and divisions. The sooner you get into the habit of filing things away or shredding them, the better.
Pin it:
If you want to use less paper, consider purchasing a corkboard and pushpins, a whiteboard and markers, or a magnetic board with magnets. Only the most vital details should remain here; put the rest in a safe place. There will be no more post-it notes or paper scraps (which may lead to fewer forgotten notes).
Care for your workplace:
You'll want to invest some time at the outset to make these adjustments, but then just a few minutes a week to maintain order. Everyone has crazy days when they don't follow their routines, but the key is to get back on track with order and cleanliness as soon as possible. If you skip this stage, you may need more organisation advice within a few months.
In the above, we discuss tips for office storage in Bangalore. If you're cleaning out your workplace and find some stuff you don't need right now, you can keep it safe in one of their temperature-controlled storage lockers. You can put files you won't need for a while, cartons with things you might need some time in the future, and even old office furniture there.
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
I know I need to get organised and that half of my problem with keeping things tidy is that not everything has a place yet (and thanks to adhd everything needs to have a very specific place that's easy for me to return that thing to/ get that thing from or nothing will ever be returned to its place) so since I kind of came to this conclusion during my pandemic 'sort your house out' phase I've been trying to buy baskets and various storage solutions
But then this year I reached phase 2 of my big adhd life reorganisation in which I realised I now have many baskets and boxes yet nowhere to keep the baskets and boxes. So things are away but the boxes they are away in are inaccessible or else In The Way. So I thought about it for a while and came to the obvious conclusion: I need shelving. And I need to rearrange some of the shelving I already have to be better. I've drawn up many sketches of how I can make my storage work better for me and honestly in a lot of cases I've been able to implement that. And my life is better for it!
But in some ways...
I keep buying shelves when I'm in a problem solving mood but then by the time I have the unbuilt shelves in my house I'm not in the mood to build the shelves and cause I'm still on the way out of this (extended blerugh) depressive episode the problem solving nods come less often and then I do that adhd thing where I'm like 'you love doing this thing. Yet you aren't doing it! What's wrong with you?' And feel guilty and put off doing the thing I want to do for even longer cause now I've started thinking about it, I've overthought it and associated negative feelings with it
So the shelves just don't get built. And then I look at the mess I've made trying to get to something in one of the stacks of boxes and I'm like I should do something about that. And then I buy shelves like 'this will solve a problem' and the cycle repeats.
Anyway I currently have 2 distinct shelving units I've yet to build. 2 wall shelves to put up in the kitchen. Wood for the airing cupboard shelves I've yet to build that I have to keep dodging whenever I come in the door. 2 desk organisers. And a clothing rail I've yet to build. I also have a shit ton of baskets that don't fit in my wardrobe yet as I still haven't raised the rail in there yet. And!!! Today I realised I was out of space on my bookcases again and that really I need to buy a new one (but I can't cause i got fed up with them not matching within a week of buying the last one and made plans to replace them with a wall of shelves in the office (L shaped part of my living room with a curtain up)
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shiftingcompany · 2 years
5 ways to make sure your unwanted stuff doesn’t end up in tip
Spring is an excellent time for taking stock, reorganising your home and getting rid of the clutter.
 But when you're rehoming the affects you no longer want, it’s important to do what you can to make sure it doesn’t all end up in tip. The average person in the UK throws down 400 kg of waste each time or the fellow of seven times their body weight.
 To honour Global Recycling Day, we take a look at what you can do with your unwanted effects other than simply throwing them down.
 Give them a new parcel of life
Numerous of the pieces of cabinetwork and objects thrown down are still applicable but simply need a little tender loving care. Up cycling and repairing particulars can extend their lifecycle and make them feel like new. You can also use effects that you might else view as rubbish to make commodity additional fully new. One way of up cycling cabinetwork without spending a lot of plutocrat is to give it a lick of makeup. Smoothly beach the face of rustic cabinetwork first to get relieves of any defects or scrapes and also add a manual before painting in the colour of your choice. Other small changes like adding new handles to cupboards and snuggeries Can make a big difference.
 Use buy, vend and change groups
 There is plenitude of online groups, especially on social media, where you can send your unwanted effects or change them for commodity you actually do need or want. You can also use groups like this to give your particulars down for free. Dealing or giving away your effects to someone who actually wants them gives you the satisfaction of knowing they will be used and appreciated rather than left to rot in a tip point.
 Reclaim responsibly
Sort through your waste and look for effects which can be reclaimed. While your kerbside collection is likely to take glass, cardboard, paper and plastic, there may be other particulars which won’t be collected by your original council but can still be reclaimed. Find out which particulars can be taken to your original Household Waste and Recycling Centre. Some spots will take cabinetwork and electrical and reclaim them so you don’t need to throw them down. It's also worth checking whether the manufacturer of a product you're disposing of runs a recycling scheme. Frequently manufacturers will take one of their old products back so they can reclaim it and repurpose the corridor. Look out for any recycling schemes which are running in your original area which may take particulars you would else have thrown down.
 Put effects into storehouse
 Still, why not put them into tone- storehouse? Rather than getting relieve of particulars and also having to buy reserves again in the future, rent a tone- storehouse unit where you can keep effects while you aren't using them, if there are effects you're doubtful to need for a while and you’re not sure what to do with them. This works especially well for big seasonal particulars. Tone- storehouse can also buy you some time while you sort through your unwanted effects and work out what to do with them. It gets them out of your home so you can enjoy the space but allows you to make sure your effects end up in the right place rather than simply thrown down. CitiesMovers Limited’s Self Store offers flexible storehouse so you can decide exactly how important you space need and how long you need it for.
 Giving to charity
Still, you could contribute them to a charity shop, if your things are in a good condition and could be used again but you don’t want the hassle of dealing them. As well as clothes, books, toys and bric-a-brac, some charities will also take larger particulars like cabinetwork and electrical goods. Some charities will offer a free collection service for certain particulars and others may have drop- off points where you can take your effects. In addition to charity shops, there may be organisations that collect certain types of particulars for good causes.
Visit: removal companies in London @ removal company in London
This could include charities collecting warm clothes for the homeless, ménage goods and cabinetwork for people who have fled domestic violence or baby outfit for low- income families who have veritably little. Doing a bit of exploration into which of your effects can be bestowed won't only help you clear space at home but it'll allow you to make a positive impact on your community. At CitiesMovers, we will collect particulars from our guests who are moving house or putting particulars into storehouse and contribute them to Derain House – a children’s lodge in Chorley which provides respite and end- of- life care to further than 400 children and youthful people across the North West. The lodge is always looking for high quality undamaged donations of cabinetwork, white goods and electronic particulars and our crews can take them directly to its charity shop storehouse to stock its stores.
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blueboyluca · 5 years
Dog Gear Catalogue
I’ve decided to catalogue all the dog gear I have.
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Outback Tails Sand Dunes collar
Kmart collar
Rufus & Coco collar
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Ruffwear Front Range Harness
Blue-9 Balance Harness
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Kmart 1.2m handlebar leash
Kmart 1.2m rope leash
Just Pawfect embroidered 2m leash
Henley & Co 1.2m leather leash
Outback Tails Sand Dunes 1.2m leash
4.5m long leash
Handsfree 1.4m leash with waist belt
Swimming gear
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Pet lifejacket
Surf Dog Australia drying coat
Puzzle toys
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Kong Gyro
Kmart Fetch & Treat (with ball)
Kmart cat treat dispensing toy
Big W treat ball
2 x Kmart treat puzzles
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Squishy Face Studio Flirt Pole
Stuffed hamster
Roller ball
Squeaky pig
Tartan bone
Outback Tails crocodile
Kmart soft ball
Kmart candy cane bone
Crash Test Toys fleece tug
Clean Run Biggies Bungee Bunny Pouch
Chew toys
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2 x antlers
2 x split antlers (one not pictured)
Goat horn
Lamb shank
Training accessories
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Hula hoop
4 x dowels
4 x agility poles
8 x cones
Ring stack
Miniature soccer ball
Miniature skateboard
Grooming and health
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Child’s toothbrush
Peanut butter flavoured toothpaste
Dermoscent Bio Balm
Tape wormer
Slicker brush
Two-sided pin/bristle brush
Fine tooth comb
Nail clippers
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4 x Karen Pryor clickers
Clik Stik
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Frankie & Emmett Slytherin bandana
Christmas bandana
Pirate pup bandana
Wildwood Paws Autumn Vibes bandana
2 x Kmart bandanas
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Denim jacket
Strawberry costume
Teddy bear costume
Chicken costume
Bumblebee costume
Chicken costume
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Tartan bowtie
Flamingo bowtie
Skull bowtie
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Kmart foot pods
Snuffle mat
Collapsible water bowl
Lickimat (Kmart silicone pot grabber)
Dog carry bag
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Making Dogs Happy: The expert guide to being your dog's best friend by Dr Melissa Starling and Prof Paul McGreevy
Pets on Holiday: The Best Pet-friendly Accommodation, Activities and Cafes All Over Australia by Gareth Brock
Meet Your Dog: The Game-Changing Guide to Understanding Your Dog's Behavior by Kim Brophey
Every Dog: A Book of Over 450 Breeds by Nancy Butler
Canine Body Language: A Photographic Guide by Brenda Aloff
Clean Run Special Focus Issue: Motivation, Drive, and Self-Control
The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell
Play Together, Stay Together: Happy and Healthy Play Between People and Dogs by Karen B. London and Patricia McConnell
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Dog's Best Friend: Journey to the Roots of an Ancient Partnership by Gerald Krakauer and Ursula Birr
Ethics and Ethology for a Happy Dog by Anders Hallgren
The Dogs that Made Australia by Guy Hull
The Complete Schipperke by Schipperke Club of America
Schipperkes by Melanie Coronetz
How to Raise a Dog in the City and in the Suburbs by James R. Kinney
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know by Alexandra Horowitz
Household items (not photographed)
Soft crate
Travel crate
Waist treat pouch
Food bowl
Water bowl
Kmart round plush bed
Kmart artificial fur blanket
You & Me Memory Ortho Rectangle Mat
Hammock car seat cover
Dog seatbelt
Kmart pet toy basket
Microfibre pet towel
10 pack Pet N Pet biodegradable dog waste bags
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aadmelioraa · 2 years
"I'll make some tea." + Aldhelm
This is for you and also for @aelflaeds who requested a fill for the same prompt. Enjoy!!
Aethelflaed x Aldhelm, Aelfwynn x Cynlaef, Aldhelm & Aelfwynn, Modern AU, 1.9k, rated T.
Aelfwynn brings her new boyfriend home without warning, which is how Aethelflaed and Aldhelm discover she has a boyfriend at all. Luckily, Cynlaef knows how to break the ice (ok maybe not, but he's trying his best).
read below or on ao3
It had been a quiet and productive spring day for Aldhelm—unbelievably productive, actually. He’d finished grading the last of his term papers, cleaned the entire kitchen, and even reorganised the pantry. He couldn't reasonably ask more of a Friday afternoon.
He’s ahead of schedule, as Aethelflaed isn’t due home for another two hours, and just deciding how to make use of his spare time—begin reorganising the library, perhaps?—when he hears the doorbell. It’s probably a delivery person. He needs to get the post anyway.
But when he reaches the front door, the young man standing before him and holding a box is not in uniform. Furthermore, he appears tongue tied, opening and closing his mouth without saying a word.
Aldhelm frowns at him as he opens the postbox. “You can set that down, I’ll take it in a moment.”
The young man stares, his head tilted like a dog who’s been asked to wait for a treat.
“Did you need a signature?” Aldhelm prompts. The man—more a boy, really—doesn’t appear to have a clue as to how to do his job.
“No—that’s alright—“ the young man stammers.
“Aldhelm?” Aelfwynn appears at the bottom of the steps, a weekend bag slung over her shoulder. She removes her sunglasses to stare up at him, her eyebrows raised in amusement.
Aldhelm tucks the mail under his arm. He’s not sure what he’s done to entertain her, but he will no doubt find out before long. “Aelfwynn, hello. What are you doing here?”
The delivery man is still frozen in place, clutching the box to his chest as if he intends to take up permanent residence on the porch. Aldhelm shoots him a sidewise glance and wonders if he will have to forcibly escort him off the premises. He reaches out to accept the box, but the man looks to Aelfwynn as if for permission to release it. Perhaps it’s addressed to a woman. Aldhelm looks for a delivery label—he doesn’t see one.
“I do live here, technically,” Aelfwynn answers good-naturedly as she makes her way up the steps. “Gosh, it’s a nice day.” She gives a friendly smile to the young man with the box, but as she turns back to Aldhelm she furrows her brow.
“Your mother and I thought you were returning tomorrow, that's all,” Aldhelm explains. “Are you expecting a delivery?”
“Delivery?” Aelfwynn asks. “No, we came back a day early. Didn’t think you and Mum would mind.”
“We?” Aldhelm asks.
The man with the box has relaxed slightly now that Aelfwynn is beside him. Aelfwynn’s hand brushes his elbow. The space between them narrows. Ah.
“My apologies,” Aldhelm manages. “I didn’t realise.”
“You’re being so awkward.” Aelfwynn purses her lips. “Are you going to let us in?”
Aldhelm steps back, allowing them to proceed into the house. The young man hesitates on the doorstep until Aelfwynn finds his hand and pulls him in after her.
So they’re that sort of an “us.” Aelfwynn hasn’t brought a boyfriend home before. But it’s inevitable. She’s eighteen, after it. It’s completely normal—good, even. It means she wants them to meet him. That’s more than Aldhelm had expected, if he's honest.
Aelfwynn leaves her bag at the foot of the stairs, but directs the young man to bring the box into the kitchen, where he gently sets it on the counter.
“Your mother isn’t home yet,” Aldhelm says.
“I thought we might beat her here.” Aelfwynn reaches into the refrigerator for a pitcher of water. She pulls two glasses from the cupboard next, and pours a drink for her and her guest.
The young man is smiling, and un-smiling, every few seconds. He seems afraid to make eye contact with Aldhelm, instead he admires his surroundings and nods regularly at nothing in particular.
Aldhelm raises a hand in a commanding fashion, and the young man finally looks towards him. The simple gesture always works in the classroom, and it gratifies Aldhelm to know it works here too. “I’m Aldhelm, Aelfwynn’s step-father.”
“Oh, I know,” the young man replies earnestly, then stops himself abruptly from continuing, looking to Aelfwynn as if he’d said the wrong thing.
“Aldhelm, this is Cynlaef,” Aelfwynn supplies, a proud smile on her face.
“Hello, Cynlaef,” Aldhelm says, his eyes narrowing slightly as he extends his hand. “I assume you know Aelfwynn from university?”
“Yes, sir,” Cynlaef says, smiling eagerly. His handshake is firm—a little too firm. He certainly can’t be accused of not trying.
“Cynlaef’s my boyfriend,” Aelfwynn continues, jumping onto the kitchen counter behind her.
“I see.” Aldhelm raises his eyebrows. “And how long have you two been dating?”
“A few months,” Cynlaef says, gravitating towards Aelfwynn, still clutching his glass of water. “Her cousin Aethelstan’s a friend of mine.”
Aelfwynn rakes her fingers through Cynlaef’s hair in an absentminded fashion. “They’re both on the Rugby team.”
Rugby. Naturally.
Aldhelm smiles. “Cynlaef, would you excuse us for a moment?” He jerks his head towards the next room. Aelfwynn rolls her eyes but hops off the counter and follows.
They proceed into the living area, which serves as office, entertaining space, and the occasional interrogation room. Aldhelm leans against a bookcase. Aelfwynn sinks onto the arm of a reading chair, her expression equally expectant and defiant.
“I assume your mother isn’t aware of Cynlaef,” Aldhelm begins.
“Haven’t mentioned him yet.” Aelfwynn shrugs her shoulder casually. “It’s not a big deal, though, is it?”
Aldhelm briefly presses the bridge of his nose. Aelfwynn’s timing has never been worse, and that was saying something. “No, it's not, but she’s finishing a big case today—“
“Notice wouldn't have hurt, that’s all,” he continues, keeping his voice as cheerful as he can.
Aelfwynn grimaces up at him. “I didn’t know about the case.”
“Right.” Aldhelm exhales. Aelfwynn and Aethelflaed haven’t talked much recently. Perhaps this is Aelfwynn’s way of making an effort to change that.
“You’re making a face. Are you going to lecture me about healthy relationships or something?” Aelfwynn asks, her expression souring.
“No, I’ll leave that for your mother,” Aldhelm says dryly.
Aelfwynn snorts.
Aldhelm glances back towards the kitchen. Cynlaef is standing exactly where Aelfwynn had left him, staring across the room, face blank. “He seems…”
“He’s really sweet, you’ll like him,” Aelfwynn insists. “And you should come to a match. He’s brilliant.” She crosses and uncrosses her arms. “I hope Mum isn’t too put out. I didn’t want to give her time to overthink it—“
“Well you certainly haven’t done that.”
Aelfwynn wrinkles her nose. “I know, I know. You could have warned me about the case.”
“If I had known I needed to—“
But before they can discuss further, there’s a noise at the front door.
“She’s home early,” Aldhelm says in a low voice, pushing off the bookcase.
“Oh, fuck.” Aelfwynn barrels into the kitchen, Aldhelm on her heels.
Cynlaef turns toward them, wide-eyed, then the door opens and Aethelflaed appears, perfectly composed despite being weighed down by a briefcase, a large tote bag, and a portable file box. She beams at the sight of Aelfwynn, then her smile fades slightly at the sight of Cynlaef—she quickly recovers, of course, and forces a brighter smile, albeit a more artificial one.
Aldhelm crosses towards her and relieves her of her bags and case files, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Aelfwynn’s home early, and she’s brought a guest.”
“I can see that,” Aethelflaed replies, the line between her brow flickering as she searches his face for an answer to her many unspoken questions.
He shakes his head, and she sighs, then turns back towards the young couple.
“Hi, Mum.” Aelfwynn slides towards her, allowing her mother to pull her into a hug. “Sorry to show up early. I thought you’d be happy about it.”
“I am,” Aethelflaed says warmly. “Who’s your friend, darling?”
“Mum, this is Cynlaef,” Aelfwynn says hesitantly. “My boyfriend.”
Cynlaef eagerly extends a hand, which Aethelflaed accepts. “Really nice to meet you. Aelfwynn has told me so much about you.”
“I wish I could say the same,” Aethelflaed replies humorously, turning to Aldhelm.
It's then that Aldhelm remembers that he had anticipated a quiet afternoon, and nearly laughs. Aethelflaed narrows her eyes at him. “How was your case?” he asks. He’s sure it went well, based on her mood upon entering, so it seems a safe thing to inquire after.
“Good. Great, even. And we finished early.” She turns back to Aelfwynn. “So…pardon me…how long…”
“Oh, not long,” Aelfwynn says swiftly. “It’s sort of a new thing.” She worries her lower lip. “Not thatnew. I mean…I did want you all to meet. It’s…well…” She trails off, looking to Aldhelm for help.
Aldhelm forces a smile, shrugging apologetically. He has no desire to get caught in the middle of things any more than he already is.
There’s an awkward silence, during which Cynlaef attempts to drink from his now empty glass.
“It’s just a bit of a surprise,” Aethelflaed says, smoothing a hand over her hair. “No offence to the lovely young man, of course.”
Cynlaef appears unsure if this is a compliment or an insult. Aldhelm is again tempted to laugh.
“A nice surprise?” Aelfwynn asks.
Aldhelm lays a hand over his mouth.
“Of course nice,” Aethelflaed replies, her voice taut. “Well…I suppose it’s good we’ll get to know you, Cynlaef. I had thought we’d have Aelfwynn to ourselves for the week, but—“
“Actually, we’re going up to see Cynlaef's parents in Daresbury on Wednesday,” Aelfwynn says. “But we have until then. That’s loads of time.”
“Right.” Aethelflaed presses her lips together. “I suppose it would have been too much to expect a phone call with that change of plans either.”
Aelfwynn rolls her eyes. “It’s not the end of the world, Mum—“
“In no way did I imply it was—“
“You’re totally overreacting—“
“Aelfwynn, let’s not argue—“
“It’s really not a big deal!” Aelfwynn huffs. “Aldhelm was totally cool about it, why can’t you be?”
Aethelflaed shoots Aldhelm a look of latent irritation. Cynlaef has done his best to become one with the refrigerator. Aelfwynn has her hands on her hips, a stance Aldhelm has become quite familiar with the past few years.
“Oh!” Cynlaef suddenly springs forward. “I forgot about the gifts.” He opens the box he’d left on the countertop and pulls out a series of handmade mugs one by one, each one slightly more irregular in appearance than the last. When he’s finished, he gestures to the collection with a broad smile. “I made them in my ceramics class. Didn’t expect to like it, but it was a lot of fun, actually. Not too bad, right?”
Aethelflaed stares, her mouth slightly open.
“Isn’t that thoughtful?” Aelfwynn says, smiling up at Cynlaef. He grins down at her.
“So very thoughtful, Cynlaef,” Aethelflaed replies in clipped tones, gingerly picking up one of the vessels. “I’m not sure where we’ll store such a wonderful assortment—“
“Oh, there’s room in the cupboard, I checked,” Cynlaef says helpfully.
Aethelflaed blinks rapidly. “What foresight.”
Aelfwynn groans quietly.
Aldhelm clears his throat. “Right. I’ll make some tea, shall I?”
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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The Straw
(Story Post)
After a long day of work, the last thing Sydryn wanted to see was their refrigerator items strewn across the kitchen counters and floor while their sibling took a nap at the kitchen table. There were also several grocery bags among the catastrophe, heaped and overflowing with countless fluffy pink pastries. “What in the world is going on here?” Sydryn demanded, loud and stern enough to startle Seranan awake. “Sissy! What, oh…” Seranan sat up and looked around. “Oh, yes. I was just doing some reorganising… But then I got tired and took a nap, I guess.” “Reorganising my refrigerator? Full of my food?” Sydryn snarled. “Why in the world would you do this? Not to mention, you left the refrigerator door wide open!” “D'uh. How else would I access it during lengthy grocery reorganisation?” Seranan asked, propping up their head. “And I did it to fit in my groceries.” Sydryn picked up one of the shopping bags and held it open. “This is entirely roll cakes!” “Yes. Disgusting, I know. You can blame your little angel for introducing me. Now I have a wicked craving all the time,” Seranan groaned. “Don't blame Köbi for this! When did you even go out and get nine bags of these? You're not to leave the house!” Seranan rolled their eyes and tapped their phone on the table. “They have grocery delivery apps now. Join us in the 21st century, Sissy.” Sydryn fumed. “You of all dragons did not just tell me to modernise...” “Just because I'm a history hoarder does not mean I don't know how to use the internet,” Seranan huffed. Sydryn threw the grocery bag down and pointed to the hall. “Get out of my kitchen immediately!” Seranan rolled their eyes and got up, cradling their underbelly like it was such a struggle. “I bought them for you too, you know. The angel said they’re your favourite.” “Stop talking to Köbi!” Sydryn snarled.
“You should be happy we get along at all...” Seranan shrugged. “All your little pets typically piss me off.” “Köbi is not my pet, he is my employee,” Sydryn growled. “That kind of talk is exactly why I do not want you talking to him.” “Where is the little ‘employee’, anyway?” Seranan huffed. “He should be here to help clean up this mess...” “First of all, he is my assistant, not your maid. Second of all, I was going to ask you the same thing. I had to work late, so he should've been home over an hour ago.” Seranan shrugged. “I haven't seen him.” Sydryn sighed and stepped out into the hall. “Köbi?” they called up the stairs. Köbi poked his head out of the powder room just down the hall. “Yes?” “Ah. You are home. Seranan said they hadn't seen you.” “Huh?” Köbi walked over and looked into the kitchen. “You don't remember me coming in?” Seranan waved a hand. “How am I supposed to pay attention to what you’re doing all the time?” “But you asked for me the minute I got home. We had a whole conversation about where Syd buys their roll cakes,” Köbi reminded. “I thought that was yesterday.” “It was definitely today, because they would've been closed yesterday.” Seranan waved a hand. “Unimportant. Must have slipped my mind. Anyway, your employer's home. Shouldn't you have dinner prepared by now?” “You specifically asked me not to come into the kitchen since you would be occupying it during your delivery,” Köbi reminded. “Several times, I checked back to see if I could get dinner started, but you hissed me away." Seranan frowned and shrugged. Sydryn groaned and grabbed Seranan by the braid. “Clean up this mess immediately, or I will burn all of these desserts and you won't have any dinner tonight!” Seranan whined. “My tail! Sissy, that's so mean! You wouldn't starve a pregnant dragon, would you?” “Starve?” Sydryn motioned the plastic wrappers strewn across the kitchen table. “You've eaten twenty of these already!” “They hold absolutely no nutritional value, though...” “Then stop eating them!” “It's a craving! I can't help it!” Köbi waded through the sea of plastic grocery bags to get to the fridge. “I was going to make a roast, but I don’t really think there’s enough time, so how about…fettuccine?” “Absolutely not. I will vomit if I eat another beet coloured pink pasta noodle,” Seranan declared. Sydryn yanked their sibling’s hair again. “You’ll eat what you’re served.” They looked to Köbi, though. “I need meat.” “Okay… Uh, how about smoked meat sandwiches?” Köbi suggested. “Perfect. Thank you.” Seranan rolled their eyes. “Everything’s always smoked meat, pink pasta, rose tea, salmon, prawns, grapefruit…” With another swift yank, Sydryn spun their sibling around grabbed their wrist tightly. “Are you mocking my hoard?” Seranan snarled, scaling up under Sydryn’s grip. “…You’re hurting me, Sissy.” “Syd, let’s calm down…” Köbi said, reaching out to take the dragon’s arm. Sydryn flinched away. “Don’t! My sibling, whom I so graciously have been putting up and feeding while they escape prosecution for dracocide, seems to think they can have an opinion on how I run my house.” Seranan glared at Sydryn. “Colours are for children. Your hoard is stupid.” Sydryn’s eyes widened, a wild look of pure and concentrated wrath set ablaze inside them. “Syd! No!” A split second later, Köbi was between them, his hands up, his stance wide. Seranan was in shock, having been pushed back down into the kitchen chair, their sibling’s grip relinquished. Sydryn’s crazed look was gone, instead replaced with surprise and distress as they stared at the angel. Light dripped from his cheek as Köbi reached out and placed a hand on Sydryn’s shoulder. “Sleep.” “Köbi—” Before Sydryn could finish, they passed out, falling into the angel’s arms. Köbi grunted under the weight then sighed as they picked up the pregnant dragon bridal style. “You’re hurt,” Seranan finally emitted, slowly standing up. “They struck you.” “I’m fine. Just a little scratch.” Köbi wiped his cheek on his shoulder and the injury completely disappeared. “Better me than you.” “I would’ve been fine,” Seranan stated, straightening up. “Dragons can scar other dragons,” Köbi reminded. “And it’s Syd I’m concerned about. They’re strung out and emotional right now. If they really hurt you, I don’t think they could forgive themself.” Seranan frowned. “So, what are you going to do? They must be heavy…” “I’m going to put them to bed for now,” Köbi said, shaking his head. “But don’t worry about what I’m doing… If I were you, I’d consider cleaning things up around here a bit. Syd won’t stay asleep long. And I think after a long day, waking up to a meal made by family would just make my day. Wouldn’t you agree?” Seranan scrunched their nose. “…You can’t tell me what to do.” “I can’t. I can only make suggestions.” Köbi carried the slumbering dragon out to the hall. “I’ll come back in a minute to help.” The red dragon barely dignified that with a huff. Köbi just continued on, taking Syd up to their bedroom. As soon as they were tucked in, Sydryn began to wake up. “...Köbi.” They looked at the angel standing beside their bed. “Did I... Did I hurt you?” “No.” Köbi shook their head. “Must've been a bad dream.” “Angels shouldn't lie...” Sydryn sighed, rubbing their eyes. “I'm so sorry...” “No, I'm sorry for sleeping you without permission,” Köbi said. “I’m not supposed to touch you...” “You did what you had to,” Syd insisted. “It could have been bad... Is Seranan alright?” Köbi nodded. “Yeah. They're perfectly fine. Don't worry about them. Tell me about your day. What's got you so riled up?” Sydryn sighed and sat up. “Everything. I have patients who shouldn't be getting pregnant getting pregnant, almost getting pregnant, and I'm pregnant, and I also have to keep an eye on Gardi, even though he wants more responsibilities, and Ix and I are supposed to be collaborating on the celestial pregnancy research, but beyond that, they hardly say a word to me and I wonder if somehow I've upset them in some way... I don't know. I genuinely enjoy working with them, but not when they won't even look me in the eyes.” “Oh. Oh, um...” Köbi rubbed his neck. “Well, if you're worried about Ix, I think you should just talk to them about it. With Reid, from what I can tell, he's pretty much fully recovered. If you trusted him to manage your practice while you were away in the Fall, I think you can trust him now. And as for all the patients, maybe giving Reid more responsibilities would be a good thing. You really need a break. You're putting a lot of stress on yourself.” Sydryn shook their head. “I can't take a break. There's too much going on and even if I let Gardi have more responsibilities, he can't take all of them on.” Köbi tilted his head. “Well, right now, you really should just rest. When dinner's ready, I'll bring it up.” “No, I should probably come down and apologise to Seranan,” Sydryn decided. Köbi shook his head. “I don't think you're ready for that. Wait for them to come to you.” Syd sighed, laying their head down. “...Alright. Thank you, Köbi.” “Don't mention it.” Köbi made his way back down the kitchen where Seranan was now trying to stuff away their groceries into any empty cupboard space they could find. Kobi noticed some bread and meat had been pulled out and placed on the kitchen table as well. “Looks like you got started,” Köbi said delighted. “I’ll get the rest out, and—” “I don’t need your help, I am perfectly capable of constructing a few sandwiches…” Seranan growled. “Go about your business.” “Okay… I just wanted to add, um…” Köbi rubbed his neck. “I’m sorry I prioritised Syd in the situation when they lashed out. After what you’ve been through before, I can understand if this situation was…difficult for you.” Seranan’s eyes narrowed as they turned their gaze onto the angel in disgust. “If you’re trying to suggest that any of my experiences have left me weak with ‘emotional trauma’ or some kind of ‘victim complex’, you are sorely mistaken.” “Alright. Well, just so you know, you can always talk to me,” Köbi stated. “Actually, I’ve been explicitly told not to talk to you, and from this point on, I plan to follow along.” “Okay.” Köbi shrugged. “Well, I like pickles with my smoked meat sandwiches.” “I fail to see the one who asked!” Köbi chuckled before backing out. “Talk to you later, then.” “You will not!”
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12 roommates AU and 86 I didn't mean to turn you on
Thank you so much! I hope you like it.
Roommates AU + I didn't mean to turn you on
Ian closed the door behind him after yet another long nightshift. He loved his job as an EMT and actually liked working nights, but that didn't mean that he wasn't tired after a shift like this.
He kicked his shoes off and inhaled the familiar smell of cigarettes and coffee filling the small flat. The smell of home.
Mickey was sitting on the couch shovelling a bowl of cereal into his mouth, like most weekday mornings. A cigarette glowing in the ashtray on the coffee table he rested his feet on. He nodded at Ian when their eyes locked for a moment.
"Morning. You already showered?"
"Yeah" Mickey answered with his mouth full of his breakfast. "How was work?"
Ian walked to the kitchen sink to get a glass of water. "Busy. Why did three separate people decide that it's a good idea to shove baubles up their asses?"
Mickey's face twisted.
"All plastic, don't you worry. Still why?" Ian complained. He opened the drawer in which both of them kept their medication.
Ian didn't see Mickey's face go red for a moment, before he quickly shoved another spoonful of breakfast into his mouth.
"Any other weird calls, of don't I wanna know?"
Ian quickly took his pills and downed the glass of water. "Just the usual. An old lady that fell down, a drunk man who split his head open, a child with a high fever."
He grabbed a muesli bar from the cupboard above the sink. He really didn't feel like eating any more, but he also didn't want to deal with the effects of taking his meds without any food in his stomach.
"Working from home today?"
Mickey nodded. "Yeah. Just need to go in on Tuesdays for the foreseeable future. Something about reorganisations and shit."
"I'll get out of your hair, then."
Ian took a big bite from the bar in his hand and made his way to the bathroom to take a well earned shower before bed.
Fifteen minutes later, Ian came back into the living room, squeeky clean, wearing just a towel around his waist. His hair was messy and still dripping a bit.
"Have a good day, Mick. I'll be up around six."
Mickey looked over his shoulder for a second, before quickly turning back to his work, cheeks bright red. "Night, Ian." His pitch a little higher than usual.
Ian closed his bedroom door behind him and quickly fell asleep.
After dinner/breakfast, Ian started up Netflix, for it was his night off, while Mickey grabbed them drinks.
Ian picked Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square. Despite the Bauble related calls, seeing all the Christmas lights twinkling behind the windows of more and more houses each day put him in the mood for a Christmas movie. And who didn't like Dolly Parton?
"Seriously, Gallagher? After scarring me for life with your bauble talk." Mickey said as he fell back onto the couch, a six pack of beer in one hand, a bottle of orange soda in the other. Ian might have a beer tonight, but he still appreciated the gesture.
Ian rolled his eyes. "Tomorrow's December 1st and you bet your ass that I'm gonna put up a tree."
"As long as you keep the baubles away from my ass."
They both laughed, this time Ian noticed the red on Mickey's cheeks.
Before he could say anything, Mickey moved his eyebrows suggestively, causing Ian's cheeks to flame up.
"I'll get some snacks." Ian stammered, cursing his voice for going up a little.
He quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of crisps and a bag of m&m's. He tried to stall, just to get a grip. Mickey was his flatmate and they had something good going here. He wasn't going to ruin it.
Ian walked back, dumping the two bags onto the coffee table and grabbing a can of beer. He pulled open the tab and took a sip. Drinking while his head was in this space, might not be the smartest thing, but sitting here sober also wasn't an option for him at this point.
Mickey took a much bigger sip and pulled the bag of chips onto his lap, pulling it open before starting the movie.
The movie was nice, but Ian didn't catch half of it. He'd noticed his roommate being hot before, but reaching towards his crotch, though carefully, each time he wanted a chip, was something else, especially after the eyebrow situation. Mickey also was still Mickey, making an inappropriate comment every five to ten minutes.
They made it through half the movie when the bag ran out. Of course it was Ian who found out first, accidentally reaching straight for Mickey's dick while searching for a leftover chip.
Ian quickly pulled back, but not before he realised that Mickey's cock was half hard.
"What the fuck?"
They stared at each other, after Mickey's exclamation, both with bright red cheeks.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I just wanted a chip and I didn't mean to touch your dick. I wasn't coming onto you, I promise."
"Could have fooled me. Walking around in just a towel every damn day while I'm working. Looking like a fucking Renaissance painting, like it's the most normal thing in the world. Leaving me all hot and bothered while you go to bed like a goddamn tease. You're worse than the camgirl that lived here when I first moved in. At least she was a fucking girl."
Blue met green again.
Mickey looked panicked, like he didn't mean to say this.
Ian couldn't yet fully understand what he said or what he meant. The fact that he didn't drink his beer as slow as he should have didn't help.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to... Wait, what? You're not straight?"
Mickey laughed, but there was a bitterness to it. "What the fuck gave you that idea? How many girls did I bring home in the last few months?"
Ian played with the band of his watch, still trying to work out what was going on.
"But... what... who... me... camgirl..." ian stammered, trying to collect his thoughts. This was worse than the time they shared homemade pot brownies. "I turn you on?"
"No shit, you idiot. Have you seen yourself? You look like a fucking Greek god."
Ian's cheeks went as red as his hair. He had compliments like this in the past, but it felt so much different coming from Mickey.
He shook his head in the hopes of putting some things back in the right place. "Me a tease? Have you heard yourself moan through these paper thin walls? Like you want me to go to work with a rockhard boner. Also, you're the one putting the snacks on top of your fucking dick."
This time Mickey was the one looking confused, with a hint of red on his cheeks.
A silence fell over them while Dolly Parton sang in the background. They had completely forgotten the movie.
"So," Ian tried to gather his thoughts, "I turn you on and you turn me on. What are we gonna do about that? I don't want to ruin whatever we have going on. It's pretty great."
Mickey bit his lip, like he was debating something. It took a moment, but his eyes started shining, his eyebrows raised, and he got a teasing grin on his face that made Ian's heart beat faster.
"How about you get on me and make it even better?"
Ian took one second to throw out all his inhibitions, all warnings everyone had ever given him about fucking your roommate. He pulled away the empty chips bag. He moved surprisingly gracefully onto Mickey's lap, one leg on each side of his hips, one hand on his cheek the other on his neck.
"Fuck it." He murmured before kissing Mickey, rough and full of lust.
Moving into this flat was the biggest jump into the unknown Ian had ever taken, and it might just be the best decision he had ever made.
Send me a fanfic promps mash-up to distract me from life
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megalony · 3 years
We have to go
I know I’ve been absent for a few weeks but I’ve finally managed to get an imagine done. This is a murderer! Ben Hardy imagine that I might do a follow up part for if you all like it. Feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​  @tabsispage​ @allauraleigh​ @onceuponadetectivedemigod​
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Summary: Ben is a hitman and that means he has to be careful that he doesn’t put his family at risk. That means that when he is in danger, they have to move, sometimes in the dead of night.
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(Y/n) tiredly fluttered her eyes open, blinking to adjust to the darkness of the room before she slowly started to scan her eyes around for Ben. Her brain was so accustomed to being woken up in the night or early morning due to her husband that any noises she heard no longer set off her anxiety. It was normal to hear him looking around for his keys, his belt or his clothing when he got up early or came home late. And (Y/n) was no stranger to listening to him stumbling home from a late night, smelling of booze and crawling into bed and wrapping himself around her like a vine.
But as she slowly looked around for him, (Y/n) started to wake up a bit when she noticed Ben was moving around the room rather quickly. He was clearly moving things by the way (Y/n) could hear clothing being ruffled and items being picked up and discarded like tissue.
What was he up to?
There was no time for (Y/n) to try and formulate any words or sit herself up in bed before her heart jumped in her chest as she was suddenly staring into her husband's wild eyes. Ben was crouched down in front of the bed, his arms folded on the edge of the bed and his chin resting on his arm and (Y/n) could barely make out the small tight-lipped smile on his lips through the darkness of their shared bedroom.
"Hey baby. Sorry to wake you darlin' but I need you to get up cause we got a lot to do." Ben's voice was quiet as he knew (Y/n) had only just woken up due to him rushing around the room and he knew he would be confusing her but he needed her to be awake before he even began to explain what was going on.
He leaned forward and stole a quick but very desperate kiss from her lips, nipping at her lower lip with his teeth before he pulled back and pushed himself to his feet.
A groan escaped (Y/n)'s lips when Ben flicked on the bedside lamp before he went back to doing whatever he had been doing that woke her up. (Y/n) couldn't fathom what was happening but all she did know was that Ben was in his organised panic mood. When Ben had to get things done he made sure he did it but when it was something panicking him he started to get a bit shakey and moved and talked quicker than normal like life was moving on fast forward setting.
Ben was never a settled man, it didn't matter if he was oddly calm or if he was always thinking about something, he had to be moving and doing something. He liked to organise and reorganise the house, it helped him calm down and get his mind in order and he liked a clean tidy house more than (Y/n) did so when he was home he got to work. Sitting down to watch a movie was something he couldn't always do but he did try and relax, it just didn't seem to be in his nature.
"Ben... what are you doing?" (Y/n) slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position that made her head spin considering she had only just woken up. She wanted to go back to sleep, she wanted Ben to crawl into bed and sleep with her or even for him to just babble about his day and draw patterns on her skin until he dozed off. She just wanted to sleep rather than wake up and work out what he was doing now.
(Y/n) could feel her heart starting to pound against her ribcage in a way that made her body coil forward itch from how uncomfortable the feeling was. Ben was stuffing clothing into bags. He was packing up their stuff in a haphazard kind of way that (Y/n) had seen before.
The way she slowly said his name with a warning tone caused him to momentarily stop what he was doing to look at her.
"We need to go."
Those four little words were enough to force a whine past (Y/n)'s lips and make tears well up in her eyes without her even having to know the reasons behind Ben's words. In the six years that (Y/n) had been with Ben, she had heard those words a dozen times and she knew instantly that this was going to be a bad one.
Whenever Ben said those words it meant one of two things. It either meant that something had gone wrong with a deal or a fight and they would have to go away for a few days or weeks and then come back home. Or it was more serious and meant they would have to take everything and move homes altogether. (Y/n) hated when it meant they had to move and that had happened three times in the six years she had been with Ben. She knew what he did, she knew he was a hitman and that it meant killing people for large sums of money.
Ben loved what he did and he knew what kind of a man that made him. It made him a monster for killing people who either deserved to be killed or simply needed to be killed to fit someone else's plans and life. Ben was good at what he did and he had the kind of conscience where killing people didn't play on his mind at all, he felt no remorse for what he did. Despite being a family man and being someone who would go to the ends of the Earth to keep his family safe, Ben was a killer at heart.
But none of that mattered to (Y/n) because she always saw the other side to Ben. She saw the kind, loving and caring man who would do anything for her without her having to ask. She saw the man who smiled at her when she did nothing at all, the man who would wrap himself around her and just hold her because he wanted to feel her touch. (Y/n) saw a man who would do absolutely anything for her and for their children and that made her uncaring to what he did for a living.
But part of what Ben did meant that he had to have a normal home life, or as normal of one as he could manage. If people believed he was a good family man like he actually was, then they were less likely to believe that he was a cold blooded killer.
(Y/n) was fine with that. She was fine with creating a perfect family image for Ben because it was what she wanted, she wanted a loving family and Ben was a loving husband and father despite the cruel and heartless ways he killed people without even needing a reason to clear his conscience. But (Y/n wanted to have a home that she could decorate and make feel like it was theirs that they didn't have to uproute and leave when things went wrong. (Y/n) wanted to live somewhere where she had friends and family to talk to and be around, she wanted their boys to grow up in one place and have a permanent school rather than going to different schools and nurseries whenever things went wrong.
Leaving within a few days was okay, (Y/n) could deal with quickly packing things up and moving within a space of a week. That was okay, (Y/n) took at least three months to decorate each home they had in case they had to quickly move. She left items in boxes and essentials in easy places or bags in cupboards so if Ben did something bad they didn't have to run around and look for everything to pack up.
But they had been in this house for two years.
Billy had been born in this house and (Y/n) had it decorated lovely, they had nice neighbours for a change who weren't nosy or rude or creepy. (Y/n) had a lot of old friends in this neighbourhood and it wasn't a bad area to live in. She wanted this to be their home and to stay their home, she didn't want to take another long drive to a random destination and find a new home and start again.
Ben knew this.
Ben knew (Y/n) wanted a normal family life and a permanent home and he wanted that for her too. Before he met her Ben had a few flings and one night stands but had been dead set against being a family man because it would be too hard with his job. Then (Y/n) walked into his life and changed his outlook completely. She made him fall madly in love with her without having to do anything at all. They had two boys together and Ben loved when he came home and switched to being a normal family man, it made him so close to changing his job to something normal and reliable and more to the point, legal.
But he couldn't do that, deep down he would never be able to change that much so he did everything in his power to make their family normal, loving and happy.
"No. Ben we can deal with this... we'll call Joe or we'll just go for a week or two and say it's a holiday, Ben please." (Y/n) rubbed her hands over her face as she tried to think of anything they could do without really knowing what had gone on. She didn't want to move, they couldn't move right now it was bad timing, it was so bad.
"Baby, baby look at me." Ben moved until he was sat down on the bed next to (Y/n) so he could take her hands in his own. "Someone in connection to one of my old targets is here. Now they know me and if they find out about my last target they will put two and two together. This was always a risk and I need us to move before they spot me and things get ugly."
"Can't we just go for a few weeks-"
"I can't take that risk babydoll. My last target was an hour away from this town, that was close enough to home as it is and if someone says my name around here or this person sees me it will be a lot worse. I need us to be safe cause this person is dangerous and therefore we have to go. I've got a place sorted for now and then we'll search for a permanent place soon I promise."
Ben had targets, they were the people he killed because using names or any other tags made it too real for him and for (Y/n). Targets seemed easier, it was hard to imagine a person as a target. Sometimes in order to kill people Ben had to get close or talk to people who were close to his targets and that meant he took the risk of them recognising him. If this person recognised him and found out about someone who had been murdered an hour away from Ben's hometown it would be suspicious and Ben knew this man would know enough to suspect Ben of being a killer.
His first priority was his family and that meant that if someone was threatening their safety Ben uprooted them to keep them all safe. He also made sure he didn't take any jobs for at least two months in order to make sure things blew over and quietened down.
Ben could see the tears forming in (Y/n)'s eyes and it made his stomach churn to see her so cut up. He let go of her hands so he could hold onto her hip and cup her face with his free hand. His thumb smoothed over her cheek to brush away a stray tear before he leaned close and pressed his forehead against her own like he was trying to merge their thoughts together. Ben knew (Y/n) would eventually be okay with this, once they found a house she adored they would buy it and decorate it until it was perfect and Ben would do everything he could to make sure it was a forever home for them.
But right now he just had to move them all to keep them safe.
"We can't do a midnight flit, Ben. The boys... they won't understand, it'll be hard to move everything like it always is. And the baby..."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned her temple more against Ben's as she wished this was just a bad dream she was going to wake up from at any moment.
The boys were five and two, they weren't going to understand why they were leaving in the middle of the night and not going back to the place they knew to be their home. They would be confused, leaving their friends behind and going to a new home, a new school where they would have to make new friends and get used to a new school system. It would be a lot for them to take in, the last time they had moved Billy hadn't even been born but it was a lot for Harvey to cope with since he had only been three at the time.
Billy had been born in this house, (Y/n) had hoped that was a sign that this might be their forever home and she wanted this baby to be born in this home too. She wanted to get through this pregnancy without anymore problems or worries happening to make everything turn upside down.
Ben knew this was bad timing, he had been afraid of something like this happening and he wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't the only option he had right now. (Y/n) had suffered a miscarriage when Billy had only been ten months old, it had been a short time between his birth and getting pregnant again only for (Y/n) to lose the baby and suffer a very bad haemorrhage which hospitalized her for a week. That traumatic event had panicked Ben because it had taken a toll on (Y/n) and Ben couldn't take any jobs for four months because he had to look after (Y/n) and the boys.
They had finally gotten to a better point in their lives where the boys were fine, their relationship was great and (Y/n)'s depression caused by the miscarriage was under control. Learning they were pregnant again had been a worry and a shock and (Y/n) had been scared of losing this baby too.
Ben didn't want to uproot their family right now when (Y/n) had been put on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy due to complications. He didn't want to take any risks when it came to this baby because (Y/n) losing another baby would kill her too and she was his whole world. But if he didn't move them all now he risked someone finding out about him and either the police would get involved or it would get a lot worse and he would have the risk of his family being put in harms way.
"I know, I know it's shit timing baby but we have to go now. I'm gonna go pack the car and I'll try and keep the boys asleep and move them to the car. You know the drill, doll."
He pressed another longing kiss to (Y/n)'s temple, carding his fingers through the hair at the back of her head before he slowly pulled away and stood to his feet. Whenever this happened, and it had only happened three times before, they had a drill to go through. They packed clothing, paperwork, money and any other essentials into backpacks and carry on bags to stuff into the car and then Ben or Joe would come back to the house in a few days and clear it out. They took the essentials and came back for everything else when it was clear and Ben would sort out the house in terms of cancelling the rental and cutting off the electric and giving back the keys.
A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips as she rubbed at her eyes that were so desperate to shed tears but she had no effort or will to cry. She was too tired and numb to cry no matter how badly she felt she needed to in order to feel better.
(Y/n) tried to busy herself getting dressed but she kept stopping and staring at the wall in front of her or finding her eyes locked onto Ben, watching his every movement. He had managed to rather neatly pack their clothes into two carry on bags within minutes and was now kneeling down at the foot of the bed in order to get the dark grey box he always kept there.
(Y/n) watched the way Ben's silver chain around his neck hung forward like a medallion trying to show him some kind of sign. The silver ring that hung so neatly at the end of the chain was slowly swaying back and forth, repeatedly tapping against Ben's chest each time it fell back towards him. With what Ben did for a living, he knew it was best to keep his wedding ring around his neck so no one could see it. If people did end up finding him and knowing what he did then at least they wouldn't know he was married and had a family.
It had only now dawned on (Y/n) that Ben was only wearing his black work jeans and nothing else, no shirt, no hoodie, not even any socks. She wondered what he had been doing before he woke her up, maybe he had gotten blood on his clothes and therefore had washed them or even binned them. Maybe he worked himself into a state and stripped off in a hot flush which had happened a few times before. Maybe he had been in the midst of changing clothes and felt he had to pack up before he finished getting dressed.
Without his shirt it allowed all of Ben's marks and tattoos to be on display, not that (Y/n) hadn't already gotten each one memorised so that when she closed her eyes she could still see a map of his body.
There was something about Ben's look that was so calming and affectionate despite the many marks covering his skin. He had scars littering his skin from where knives had cut through him during bad and drunken fights in the dead of night, he never seemed to go a single day without bruises of some sort forming somewhere on his person. And the tattoos he had made his body look like a road map. Ben had dates inked into his skin of when the boys had been born and the date of when he had married (Y/n), plus a few designs on his arms and his lower abdomen.
Ben had roman numerals tattooed onto each knuckle on both hands and he had the same design on the back of his neck in large black ink. All of these marks would normally warn people away from him, they made him look dangerous and as if he was a threat or just made him intimidating. But (Y/n) always seemed to overlook all the marks and the ink, it was as if the colours faded and she just saw the person Ben was. He seemed to loving and inviting to everyone despite his outlook.
(Y/n)'s staring didn't go unnoticed by Ben, he could feel her eyes boring into his skin like she was trying to burn him with her intense gaze but he paid no mind to her staring. It was something (Y/n) naturally seemed to do and it never bothered him.
He found the box under the bed that he had been searching for and when he took off the lid, he started placing all the documents into the small backpack he had gotten ready. The grey box was something they took everywhere with them, it contained their passports, the boys' birth certificates, their insurance numbers and documents. But it also held a plastic wallet filled with fake documents. Ben had fake passports, driving licenses, insurance numbers and legal documents created so that if things got tricky they could switch identities in emergencies.
It was harder now they had the boys because they couldn't go changing the boys' names and think that they would understand but Ben had to have the documents made just in case a new identity was needed.
He also kept a lot of money and credit cards stashed away because when they had to disappear like this, cash was the best way to pay for things because it couldn't be tracked like a credit card could.
Breaking out of her trance, (Y/n) slowly padded across the carpet to where Ben was knelt down in front of the bed. Without saying anything, she held her hand out to her husband who placed two credit cards, a driving licence and an unknown amount of cash into her hand. (Y/n) knew the drill, she would place all of those items into the seam of her handbag so if they got stuck or had to improvise, she could take them out of the hidden seam and start using them.
She leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to Ben's temple before she headed out of the room and quietly made her way downstairs. They had to be quick but they couldn't be too loud in case they woke the boys.
It felt like they were both in a trance or placed on autopilot because they knew what they were doing. The first time this happened they had been rushing around like headless chickens trying to remain calm. They had talked about what they would do if this situation ever happened but actually going through it was a lot different. But now it was a drill, it was a fire drill and they had to do what they always did to make sure everything went smoothly.
The couple bypassed one another in the hall and when going up or down the stairs to get the bags to pack the car.
(Y/n) went into Harvey's room and Ben went into Billy's room, both of them working in the darkness to pack up their son's clothes, essential toys that they couldn't go without and the bits such as bottles and beakers and nappies.
"Double-check there isn't anything you need to take tonight then go get in the car, I'll get the boys." Ben rested his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders, slowly massaging his fingers into her skin before he turned and made his way into Harvey's room.
Ben grabbed a pair of socks and sat down on the end of Harvey's bed, slowly moving the cover so he could slide the socks onto his eldest boy's feet so he wouldn't get cold. He pulled the navy blue fluffy blanket from the end of the bed and was carful when wrapping it around his son before he effortlessly eased Harvey from the bed. His look-alike stayed motionless and in a sleeping state just like Ben expected, nothing every seemed to wake Harvey up, not even a thunderstorm or an earthquake.
He hated to do this.
Ben hated himself as he walked down the stairs, holding his son to his chest tighter with every step he went down. He didn't want to imagine how the conversation would go when the five year old woke up to realise he was no longer at home but was in the car driving to a new home in a new town. But it had to be done, and this was easier than waking Harvey and trying to explain everything to him right now.
It didn't take long for Ben to kneel in the car and slowly settle Harvey into his car seat with the blanket still tucked around him and his rabbit toy cocooned under his arm. Ben made sure the small emergency light in the front of the car was switched off for now so it wouldn't wake Harvey who couldn't stand any lights on in his room when he went to sleep.
He made his way back into the house and up to Billy's room, slipping a pair of socks onto the two year old and a jumper to make sure he stayed warm before he wrapped Billy's sleeping blanket around him and cradled him in the crook of his left arm.
Ben felt his heart jumping in his chest when Billy curled up into his chest, sighing as he tucked his face into Ben's side in his sleep. This was why Ben was doing this, he couldn't have anything happening to (Y/n) or their boys, he couldn't have them in danger because of him.
When Billy was curled up in his car seat safe and sound, Ben headed back inside, doing a double check of the house to make sure the essentials were in the car and all that was left were the decorations and household items that didn't need to be taken with them. He could see the pain in (Y/n)'s eyes as she looked around the house whilst pulling her cardigan tighter around her frame to fight out the bitter old of the early morning.
"I'm sorry, doll."
"I know. But can we just... try and make the next one a bit more permanent?" (Y/n) looked up at Ben with tired eyes that softened like melting chocolate when Ben wound his arms around her waist so he could pull her closer to his chest.
"We will, I promise. And this is just a precaution, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't to keep you all safe. We have a good cover up, anyway." Ben inched his hand under (Y/n)'s cardigan until the palm of his hand was resting against the side of her stomach.
He was only moving them for their safety, and their family was the best cover they could ask for. They had two young boys and a baby on the way, no one was going to think they were anything but an ordinary, loving family.
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randomfandomnerd · 3 years
Sunshine and Shadows- Chapter 1
Watching Nico talking to Annabeth and Percy, Will mentally slapped himself in the face. That conversation had gone about as smoothly as the surface of the moon. There was no chance of Nico ever willingly talking to him if he behaved like an overprotective mother hen, although part of him still wanted to wrap the son of Hades up in a blanket, burrito-style, and hand-feed him nutritious snacks.
The harsh tone of Clarisse’s voice snapped him back to reality.
“Quit admiring Di Angelo! I know you’d be more than happy to do that all day, so I’m reminding you now! You have an appointment after lunch to give Chuck a check-up DO NOT BE LATE OR YOU’LL BE GETTING AN APPOINTMENT WITH MY SPEAR!”
On that friendly note, the newly-elected godmother stormed over to the Athena Cabin to harass the campers who had offered to weave clothes for the new-born satyr. Gods help whoever stood in the way of her warpath. She adored Chuck and was determined to make his life as perfect as possible. 
Will nodded vaguely, before turning back to watch the son of Hades. He couldn’t help it. It wasn’t his fault that Nico was so gods damned attractive. Nico laughed at something Percy said, the action lighting up his face, making him truly look like the angel his name said he was. He gave Annabeth a high-five before heading back towards where Will was standing in front of the Apollo Cabin. 
Will noticed a blush creeping into his cheeks and quickly turned away, mortified. A moment later he felt a prod at his shoulder and looked up to see the son of Hades regarding him questioningly. 
“Will? We’d better get these 3 days over and done with then, right?”
Startled, Will let out a weird laugh that sounded like a piece of machinery made by Cabin 9, before nodding, turning round, and promptly walking into the doorframe, much to the amusement of Kayla, who was sitting inside, waxing her bowstring. Embarrassed, he quickly changed from his flip-flops into something more suitable for the infirmary before emerging again onto the porch. 
Nico was waiting for him on the porch, leaning against a post, drumming his fingers against the railing. When Will approached him, he stood up and gestured for the son of Apollo to lead the way. The walk to the infirmary was short, thank the gods, and Will spent the time determinedly staring forwards. A few campers were hurrying around, carrying supplies. Will nodded a hello towards Jake Mason, who  was with a few other Hephaestus kids. The older boy didn’t have crutches any more, but preferred to use a cane when he had to walk around. Typical Cabin 9-style it had several cool additions, such as being able to extend into a fighting staff and, if Harley had anything to do with it, probably a flamethrower somewhere. The scarily muscular 8-year-old was chatting animatedly to his older brother, but he wasn’t at his usual bouncy self. Harley had worshipped Leo, and had been devastated by his loss. It didn’t help that now, closer to the start of school, all of his siblings, save for Nyssa, would be heading home or to college for a while. Will made a mental note to hang out with him more. 
The two boys reached the doors of the infirmary and Will opened one, stepping aside to let Nico in first. Once they were inside, Will made a beeline for an empty bed at the back of the infirmary.
“We save the front beds for anyone that comes in with a really severe injury”,
he explained. He gestured for Nico to sit on the bed while he fussed around, clearing some of Austin’s sheet music away from a chair before plonking himself down on it. He’d have a word later with his brother about working on his compositions in the infirmary. Glancing up, he noticed that Nico was looking rather awkward (and adorable). He kept moving his hands around, as if he weren’t quite sure what he was doing, whilst desperately avoiding eye contact with anyone. Right. Nico wasn’t a people person, and it was currently quite busy in the surrounding area. Will stood up to draw the blue curtain around their area, before turning to address the son of Hades. 
“I know this is primarily for you to get some rest, but I think I should give you a general check just to make sure nothing other than your irresponsible use of underworldy powers is a problem.”
Nico scowled at him but didn’t argue, instead opting for a curt nod. Will continued,
“I’ll start by looking under that bandage on your arm”
He reached out to Nico’s arm 
“Is this ok?”,
he asked. Nico paused slightly, before nodding again. As gently as he could, Will raised Nico’s arm and began to slowly unwind the bandage, revealing several nasty-looking red claw-marks gouged into his skin.
“Werewolf claws”,
mumbled Nico. Will frowned.
“These are definitely infected. I’ll check for a fever and get some ambrosia for you. I reckon these will leave scars.”
He hesitated, then leaned in and brushed Nico’s raven-black hair from his forehead. It felt soft and, to his dismay, Will found his cheeks turning pink again. Holding the back of his hand against Nico’s pale forehead, he noticed how warm the son of Hades was.
“Nico, you’re burning up!”,
he announced before rummaging around in a nearby cupboard for some ambrosia and anything else he could use to treat the wound. He noticed a rather sad-looking Aloe Vera plant. Didn’t his siblings know that Aloe Vera should be placed in direct sunlight and not at the back of supply cupboards? He placed the poor plant in the windowsill, before taking a washcloth and some antibacterial ointment from the cupboard, along with the promised ambrosia. After thoroughly washing his hands, he handed the ambrosia to Nico, who began to delicately take small bites out of it, while he wet the cloth under the tap and started to carefully clean the wound. Nico winced slightly when the cloth made contact with the infected area, but had a slightly dopey faraway expression whilst he ate the ambrosia. Will wondered what Nico tasted when he consumed ambrosia. When Will ate it he tasted the sweet lemonade his grandma made whenever he returned home to visit. He tended to remain at camp most of the time, due to his mum always travelling for work and his insistence not to attend any sort of boarding school, but every now and again, he would fly over with a satyr protector to stay at his grandparent’s house with her. When he left, he would spend most of his time wondering when, or if, he’d ever get to go back. Especially after having 2 big wars in the space of a few years. Of course, his problems were all miniscule compared to what Nico had had to go through. He’d had to face the death of his sister, being alone with only a ghost for company, knowing about Camp Jupiter and not being able to tell anyone, being kidnapped and locked in a jar by crazy giants, and then on top of all of that had to deal with everyone at camp avoiding him, because they thought that he wasn’t normal. It all made Will so angry at the world, for allowing some people so many good things, when Nico could probably count the number of times he’d been happy since coming to camp on one hand, and still have fingers left over to spare.
Nico cleared his throat, and Will realised to his embarrassment, that he was staring again. He sheepishly placed the cloth in the sink, before lightly spreading a thin layer of the antibacterial ointment over the claw marks and murmuring a prayer to his father, while wondering if it would even work, seeing as Apollo was probably at that moment in time in the middle of a long lecture from his father, Zeus, concerning Octavian, the evil stuffed-toy destroyer (Percy had treated the whole camp to a story at the campfire of how his panda pillow pet had been brutally slaughtered). 
He then covered the wound with a gauze pad, finishing by gently wrapping a length of bandage around, to prevent further infection. 
He turned round to clean up while giving Nico strict instructions,
“I’ll talk to Chiron and explain that you are under no circumstances to partake in any sort of training exercises. You should spend most of your time here, getting some much needed sleep, however I think it’s a good idea for you to attend 1 meal a day at the pavilion, which will also allow you to have some healthy time outdoors. The rest of the time I will provide food for you.”
Even though he was facing away, he could imagine the son of Hades glaring daggers at him. 
“I can get food myself. There’s a McDonalds near enough that the shadow travel shouldn’t hurt me.”
Will sighed in exasperation, running a hand through his hair and turning around to face his stubborn patient.
“Really? What part of ‘you can’t even summon a wishbone without melting into a puddle of darkness’ do you not get? I’m not even going to start on the ridiculous lack of proper nutrients in a McDonalds meal. What can they offer you that camp doesn’t?”
Nico raised his chin in a show of defiance
“Does Camp Half-Blood offer snazzy boxes? No I thought not. It also has an over-bearing mamma bear watching my every move. When I agreed to this, I expected gentle rest, not a prison sentence.”
He dramatically flopped back on the bed, his head on the pillow. 
“I’m not even tired! Not one bit!”
Fixing his glare at the ceiling he mumbled
“This is a nice pillow. Soft and squishy.”
On that note, he fell asleep, still muttering about how fully awake he was. Amused, Will shook his head and stepped out of the curtained area into the main area of the infirmary to see Cecil and Austin chuckling in his direction. Austin was in the process of checking Cecil’s strained calf muscle and met Will’s eyes with an amused look.
“Why William my dear brother, I do believe that you have met your match. He’s just as headstrong as you are!”
Disgruntled, the senior counsellor of the Apollo cabin went to the storage closet to reorganise the medical supplies.
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I had the sudden urge to massively spring clean my room and reorganise my books/manga. I think it’s probably because slept slot and I seemed to always be waking up from nightmares. I don’t know I just felt really nasty. I have also stuffed HEAPS of book into the top part of my cupboard (and yes I did have a pile of books fall onto my head twice because I was very very shaky while doing this) but I’ve put all my like favourite/priority books on my shelves so they can all spread out nicely and not be stacked.
You probably wouldn’t be able to tell just walking into my room but I definitely have a bit of a hoarding problem. I’m not nearly as bad as my dad but it’s there. So it’s nice to have a less packed looking space.
I’ve heard hoarding cane be a symptom of OCD. I genuinely don’t know if my mine are related or not. I’m a lot better now then I used to be, but I also went through a pretty bad compulsive spending time in my life. Primarily with like books and clothes. So you put those too together and I have a lot of crap that I genuinely don’t need, kind of don’t want, but am too anxious to get rid of lololol. I’m really proud with how far I’ve come with my spending. I almost never online shop as a form of s*lf harm prevention or like sad shopping anymore. I feel a lot more purposeful and meaningful in what I buy. If I get it it’s now normally because I’ve put money aside because I really want it.
I also have a completely dedicated fruits basket shelf (minus the art book which is on a different shelf because it was too tall lolol/ the fan information book because it is significantly lower and longer so it just looks weird lol - I might change it though so it can all be together who knows ) I think I’ll post a photo of it. There are a few other series on there
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