#and then my fish ponds and my tree fruit crops in the other two
st0neddew-valley · 2 years
what’s ur fave farm type and why
^peep mine in the tags lol it’s detailed
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skaterboyfriend · 2 years
2-5, 11, 20!
[ask prompt!]
2) 🤗 - who’s your best friend in the valley? delilah tried to remain off by herself - she had always been alone in the past and the new change in scenery sparked no change in her habits, but upon meeting sam, she was drawn towards his family who accepted her, already seeing her apart of their home. when kent finally came back to the valley, delilah had already heard all about him - from jodi's worried run-on sentences and sam's recollections of his childhood... when actually meeting him, she saw herself in the way he was so closed off- unreceptive to any help someone might want to give him. she offered a job on the land to give him some sort of schedule in his day and was partly surprised he actually accepted. the two grew close, with kent opening up and finally finding the motivation to be better, for himself and for his family! 3) 😠 - which villager is the biggest asshole? delilah had butt heads with mayor lewis far too many times when she got into the groove of things. she hated his snarky remarks about how 'young ones hate tradition' whenever she suggested community improvements to liven up the valley and make it once again, the gem of the ferngill archipelago. she had fixed up the community center, willy's old boat, and cleaned out the old joja warehouse- all to his disdain for her earning the locals' trust and good favor. and it wasn't lost on him that her motivation for engaging in all these acts of restoration might lead to delilah opposing him one day for the mayoral office - where she'd most likely crush him. 4) 🙄 - which marriage candidate is most annoying? delilah would make small talk with the local doctor on lazy summer evenings at the saloon when she first moved to the valley, before formally meeting sam. he took a liking to her mystery and asked her if he'd like to join him for dinner some day- she felt extremely awkward throughout the entire short-lived affair, where she ultimately broke it off due to their differences. she swears he charges extra for her hospital bills. 5) ⭐️ - which of your farmer ocs is your favorite? i only have once oc so far - but i lowkey have some ideas for other ocs to develop whenever i have time! but delilah is my first fully fleshed out oc and I LOVE HER so much! i love religious references, especially developing it further so that it is more so reversing the tides, changing up the story! 11) 😉 - who would you openly and shamelessly flirt with (if you had the confidence)? ME PERSONALLY i would go so insane over sam. i love long hair, i love mullets, i love musicians, i love quirky white boys who are so full of positive energy, it's hard not to smile around them. i am not a very forward person LMAO but if i had the confidence, my god i'd shoot my shot- i want him SO BAD!!!! 20) 📍- favorite location in the valley? definitely my own farm, especially summer nights. i finally am happy with what it looks like! i have a little fruit tree area, lots of farm space, a deluxe barn and coop with room for the animals to roam around, fish ponds, a fully set greenhouse filled with mature ancient fruit crops! i like sitting out sometimes on summer nights, looking at how pretty the farm is with the small fireflies floating around the screen, the cicadas singing in the distance. love it!
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 2 months
"its the most wonderful time of the year..."
Andy Williams was wrong when he said Christmas was “the most wonderful time of the year…”
It really isn’t.
Mud season on the farm is!
What are we to make of the weather thus far in 2024?  I am personally torn. I feel for my skiing buddies, but as a person whom is no longer skiing, I have enjoyed the relatively ice free footing and the temperatures that have allowed me to cut brush and indulge in an occasional bike ride, say nothing about economizing on the firewood.
Spring fast approaches, maybe a little too fast. There is a palpable level of tension in the Macs Maple Sugarhouse as to the uncertainty of the weather and that its impacts could spell a very short sugaring season. Climate change  has wrought some real havoc with the trees as we lost not only the tree fruit in most of New England in 2023 but most of the leaves on the hardwoods got burned off as well. This is abnormal stress that they can once endure, but they wont do well if it becomes a normal event.
Let’s shift to to greenhouse season and early considerations about vegetable growing.
We pretty much adhere to a chronological schedule for doing things in the greenhouse. Things are timed as best we can to provide flower and vegetable starts for our farm and customers in May. This plant material is all grown in a controlled environment, so it is a mostly weather independent schedule. However, what we do in the field and gardens out in the real weather and the timing of when we do it becomes a whole other bucket of fish. We time the first plantings of our spring vegetables starts for early to mid May, especially the field crops that take a long time like peppers and tomatoes. The first part is easy: seed and grow in the greenhouse. Then there is a general planting date (mid May) that is adjusted and affected by temperature and moisture. You can’t keep transplants in the greenhouse forever until all threat of frost has gone, because the quality of the transplant diminishes. Maybe you cant (or dare) plant because it looks like a cold front coming at you in 3 days. Or perhaps the ground is too dry and the supplemental irrigation has not been set up.  After planting, the frost sensitive crops will need protection in the manner of row covers….and a bit of weather related luck by avoiding late frosts. Weather can affect the successive planting of vegetables. In 2023 we had all manner of vegetables backed up waiting for transplant, couldn’t get them planted in a timely manner because we couldn’t get into flooded areas or the ground was just too saturated.
Lets forget about last year….not a minute too soon…
The question in my mind (and every other farmer) is this : Are we to expect a drought like in 2022, or a wet year like 2023? From what I am seeing today, I put my money on a drought this summer. Loggers are complaining about the water running in the woods, but down here on these well drained sandy soils I fully expect dust clouds in May when we go to work up planting ground. There is no snow pack to keep the brooks and streams flowing full bank into May. There is no ice in the brooks and rivers and I would say by the lack of fishing huts on area ponds is that there isn’t much ice there either. That is not to say we could not have a wet spring. We certainly could, after all, don’t we live in New England? The Connecticut River across the road looks navigable in a kayak today (March 3, 2024) without much water in it. Thirty years ago (back in the Old Days…) we worried about “ice out” in the river resulting in ice dams and flooding. The river rarely skim coats ice now, and didn’t at all this year.  So it will be pretty easy to get things pretty dry around here pretty quickly with a strong spring sun and some breezy April days.
Other than the regular weather concerns we think we are ready (mostly) to hit the ground running. We will put in our first two houses of tomatoes by the end of this month. Jenny and Ray are busily grafting the later plantings of tomatoes and seeding vegetables and herbs for later vegetable tunnels and outdoor planting. Ali, Aly, Sarah, Holly and Anne are already cranking out hanging baskets and transplanting seedlings. We have passed the annual housing inspections by NHDOL for the H2A crew, and we have a good start on family firewood for the upcoming winter.  Youth hockey season is wrapping up and winter vacations are over so there are a lot of bodies here working already. With Jenny and Ray busy grafting tomatoes, Steve is seeding onions and I am seeding annuals and tying up the latter part of vegetative propagation of ornamentals. The warmth and relative dryness has been very nice to work in,  a silver lining to all that is  potentially dangerous about a warming climate. By week’s end we will have 8 greenhouses up and running.
Game on.
And finally we should mention the turnover in some of the farm team members. During the 2023 season we lost two of our favorite team players. Ray and Jenny lost Sugar, the benevolent dog beast with a sweet disposition and a firm advocate at Edgewater for a Woodchuck Free Zone. Anne and I saw our old pal Dixie leave the building. She too had a nice disposition, an un paralleled love of riding in a car and intently scrutinizing my cooking at dinner time. But there are a few new recruits that have come with the advent of the new growing season, With Walter and Mina the senior dogs, the new trainees are getting acquainted and we are learning names. There also seems to be a new breed of farm dogs showing up. They are very nimble, quick and are small. They look a lot like small goats, but I am assured they are not…….
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alissaming · 11 months
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
So after being offline for two weeks, other than my Specter Knight deep dive, I'm finally back. I decided to do a review of new release Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. This game is a remake of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life.
Before we get into story, let's talk about the character creation. When playing, there are a wide variety of hair styles, hair colors, and eye colors. There are about four eye shapes to choose from, two more male, two more female. The game also starts with two clothing options. One is clearly the more feminine outfit, while the other is clearly the more masculine option. There are three gender options, though it's actually asked what your pronouns are, rather then gender. The pronoun options are she/her, he/him, or they/them. And because none of the eye shapes or body shapes are locked to any gender, so you can totally play as a super fem guy or a masculine girl, or whatever combo you feel like.
The story follows your quest to run your farm and raise your family. You must marry by the end of the first year, or have someone at a high enough heart level to marry by that time, or the game ends. Your character decides farming isn't for them, and moves back to the city. You can marry any eligible candidate of any gender, no matter what your pronouns are. From the day you marry, the game fastforwards a few years to you and your spouse having a child. The child will be a toddler, and will be most interested in what your spouse represents (farming/ranching for Cecilia and Matthew. I don't remember what it is for anyone else though, sorry) Depending on how you influence your child, one of two things will happen when they become an adult and the game ends. Either your child will take over the farm (greater interest and ability in farming or ranching) or will move to the city (greater interest and ability in anything else) Who you marry MAY have an effect on your child's personality, but I have no real confirmation yet. Your child can be depressed, so see if you can figure out how to raise a happy, healthy kid. You can also choose your child's gender (male or female) or say you don't care for a random gender. At the end of each year (going to bed on Winter 10) the game will fastforward a few years. You'll get a year of single life, a year with a toddler, a year with a young child, a year with a teen, and two years with an adult. Year 6 that you actually play is the last year before your character's sudden death, after which there's several scenes of people mourning your passing. After this point, you end up in farmer heaven where you and your spouse are young again, and it looks like your kid is back in their teen years.
Each month is exactly ten days. That makes each year 40 days to get anything done. Van sells and buys on the 3rd and 8th of every month. You can raise cows (normal, brown, marble, and star) sheep, and goats in the barn, and chickens and ducks (ducks only appear around year 2, if you have at least two open spaces for them and the pond, and cannot be bought, so make sure you keep at least one male duck so you can have more.) Van also sells tools (fishing rod and brush) and any tool upgrades. Gold is the best and final upgrade.
There are also hybrids (just put any of the 8 starter crops together through Vinnie, or the 5 tree crops together who appears in year 2. Try until you get the hybrid. As long as they aren't combining with tree fruits or the same seed (no tomato/tomato hybrids) you should be fine) and rare crops (put together hybrids to get these, again, may take several attempts) I'd say try to get all these as soon as possible so you can get started with these, as they earn a lot of money. You can get a free seedmaker from Daryl if you befriend him.
Now onto the issues I actually had with this game. It was fun, don't get me wrong. And trying to find out if you can influence your kid's personality is going to be a fun experiment. I had a blast and a lot of nostalgia as the Harvest Moon game was my first ever Harvest Moon game. This is the game that got me into games like Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley, etc. So I have a lot of fond memories of it. However, I feel there's not really enough time for anything. For such a family oriented game, I feel we could have had a year or two just you and your spouse, before kids. And maybe two years at toddler stage, a few years at young child stage, etc. Either that or longer months. In most Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons games, seasons are somewhere between 28-31 days depending on the game. Stardew Valley has 35 days a season. Plenty of time to get your farm off the ground, get married, and raise a kid. I just feel like we could have used more time to actually experience a family before the fastforward button is pressed for the next stage.
All in all, solid game. It could use more time than is given, but it's nothing game breaking. Solid 4/5. Would recommend if you're into this kind of game.
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Stardew Valley imagine Reader/ ?????
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Possibly Sebastian... but who knows.
-So, I have been playing Stardew Valley for hundreds of hours in just few weeks and finally had de courage to write my own imagine. (Nice, I get off the game to write about it).
-I will avoid pronouns as much as I can, but when necessary I will use they/them. I hope everyone feels included.
-English is not my main language, but I am doing my best.
- I will, sometimes, bring some fanarts I made too.
Let’s go <3
The slow pace of the bus makes you feel dizzy. You look outside and see the most lively and green landscape you had ever seen, and along with it you feel the memories of old times coming to your mind.
Those days in the farm seem so far away now, playing with animals along your cousins, running around the crops, swimming in the rivers and lakes, fishing... and in the late evening sitting by a fire with your grandpa to hear stories about the valley.
Stardew. Stardew Valley, a place cherished in your memories.
You never imagined you would be going back to that valley to live in the farm from your childhood, taking with you just a small luggage. You are tired, sad and broke. Your wrists still hurt, a gift from hours typing in a computer of Joja corporation.
You don’t know how everything went so wrong. As a kid you always wanted to be a veterinarian or maybe a biologist, but you ended up in that corporative job, making thousands of reports that seemed the same one and attending meetings to talk about nothing. If you told yourself, that bright kid full of hope and wonder, that you would grow up to become such a bitter adult, you wouldn’t have believed it then.
At least you had the courage to leave.
You hold tight in your hands the letter from your grandfather, attached to it as a last light of hope that moving to Paradise farm can help you start new.  
The bus stops and the driver asks you if you need help with your baggage, but you decline. You didn’t bring much.
You stand beside the bus sign and feel the soft breeze from the valley, listening to the birds chirp. Those memories seem more alive inside you.
“Hey! You arrived!”
A friendly call takes you out of your thoughts as a ginger woman comes towards you with the nicest of smiles.
“I was worried that the bus would be delayed but you are just in time!” she says, taking your baggage from off your hands before you can say anything. “I am Robin, the town’s capenter, you must be the new farmer! Lewis asked me to pick you up!”
“Hi...” you stutter, shaking her hand.” I am y/n.”
“You caused quite a commotion here at Pelican. It is not everyday we receive a new villager, a new farmer, then!” she says, taking your luggage to a small red pick up truck parked beside the bus stop.
“Actually... I am not a farmer. I am just going to live in the farm.” you say a little unease about how friendly she is. You are used to the apathic city people.
“Well, I guess living at Paradise makes you a farmer now.” She says a giggles.  
As you take a dirt road, she continues to speak to you cheerfully.
“I just came by truck because I thought you would be bringing much more stuff. Your farm is actually very close.”
“I... I don’t own much.” you reply. “WHAT THE …!?”
When she parks by the gates your wonderful memories and hopes connected to Paradise farm seem to shatter. The landscape is taken by weeds and all the structures you remember seem to have aged twice the time you had been away. Trees had outgrown the charming paths or rock in which you and your cousins used to race each other, the little ponds where you used to fish were surrounded by twigs and bushes of weeds. The sight of the land was a mix of leaves, twigs and boulders.
“Not much of a Paradise anymore, hun? But I guess with a little effort you can bring it back to it’s bright.” Robin says as she notices the disappointment in your face.
“I guess...” you say, dispirited.
She takes you to the old cottage and the view is not much better. The wood seems a little rotten and cracked, you are afraid of what you might meet inside.
“Y/n! I haven’t seen you since you were this little!” an elder man comes out of the cabin and waves at you.
You think you remember him. Probably one of your grandfather’s friends. He had many, unlike you.
“Oh, I guess you were too little to remember me. I am Lewis, Pelican Town’s Mayor. You know, your granpa and I used to be friends since we were very young and this farm was full of coops, animals, fruit trees...”
Robins ahams to him to call his attention to your discomfort about the current situation of the farm.  
“Oh... I mean... Sure you will do a good work of taking care of your grandfather’s property. Anyway, I am here to welcome you and say that whatever you need, you can call me and that If you have anything to sell to the city or export, you jut need to put it into that box, I will gladly take it and return to you with the money.” he says, in a very mayorish manner.
“Thanks.” you reply.
You are not very good with people. Maybe that is why you ended up behind a computer job.
“It is almost lunchtime!” Robin exclaims, she is so spirited. “So why don’t you put your bag in the cottage and come have lunch with my family? After that one of my children can show you around town. My son Sebby is almost your age, I am pretty sure you two will get along.”
“I... I don’t want to bother.” you reply scratching the back of your neck, uncomfortable.
“It was not an invite, it was a demand!” Robin says, and you can see the seriousness printed on her eyes.
You leave your bag beside the old bed in the cottage and follow her to the truck. After a small ride, you find yourself in front of a big house in the mountains.
“I think I have been here before.” You say, as you look at the lake slowly flowing near you.
“Probably when I was still building the house. I remember you and your grandfather’s other kids swimming around the lake. I think Sebby used to play with you sometimes. I guess if you remember each other.” she says.
“I surely don’t remember that.” you say, pointing at a giant boulder pile beside the lake’s source.
“Oh, that. That is the result of a landslide provoked by Joja Mart.”
“JOJA MART?!” you screech.
The simple mention of the company’s name makes you sick to your stomach.
“Yeah, they say they are working to get it removed, but they wouldn’t have to if they had not caused it in first place. I bet they were exploding the mines in search of gold, like the leeches they are.”
“Probably.” you agree to Robin’s inflated discourse.
When you get in the house, you hear the sound of a small explosion, followed but smoke and a funny smell.
“Oh Yoba! Dad, are you ok?! I guess I overcharged the batteries again!” you hear a girl’s voice and then a fire extinguisher being activated.
“There can’t be a fucking minute of peace in this house.” a guy comes from downstairs complaining. He is wearing a hoddie and has headphones hanging on his neck.
“Sebastian, language!” Robin says.
He turns to you and for a moment seems completely astonished to see you there, but quickly turns back to the apathic face he had on before.
“Hi honey! Maru and I were just doing a little experiment, but it got a bit out of hand... Oh, hello!” a man comes out of the room where the smoke is coming from.
“Y/n, this is my son Sebastian and that over there is my husband Demetrius.” Robin introduces you as you wave shyly.
A girl comes out of that same room. She is cleaning her glasses worried, but as she glances at you, her face shines with a bright smile such as Robin’s. She runs towards you and starts shaking your hand with both of hers, excitedly.
“Hello! I am Maru, and you must be the new farmer!”
“I... han... not a farmer actually. I will just live in the farm.” you reply uneasy.
“Oh, but I guess living in the farm will make you a farmer, then.” Demetrius says and giggles.
“I am going back to the basement.” Sebastian mumbles taking the direction of the stairs.
But Robin stops him by grabbing the back of his hoddie.
“Sebastian, it is lunchtime, so why don’t you go to the kitchen and put on the table for our guest, hmn?” she says in a way only a mother could.
He grunts and heads to the kitchen.
Maru leads you there by the shoulders while asking you:
“So you are from Zuzu city, right? How is life there?”
You can see Sebastian turning to you with the corner of his eyes when he hears it, he seems a little interested.
“Busy.” you answer.
She keeps staring at you with a smile as if she is waiting for the development of your answer, and does it until you feel uncomfortable enough to either attend her expectations or flee.
“Well... it is crowded. People are unfriendly, time seems to go by very fast...” you say, cracking your fingers anxiously. “There are more malls, I guess.”
“Interesting!” she replies with that same smile.
“So, you will be now taking care of Paradise farm, hm?” Demetrius says while sitting down next to his daughter. “I guess you will be having a lot of work taking care of all those weeds.”
“I actually don’t intend to work as a farmer.” you reply.
“Oh really? What kind of work do you do, y/n?” he asks gently.
“I am a reviewer. I mean, I was. I used to take care of paperwork, write reports on data and... you know, spend the day in front of a computer. I think I will find me a job to do this, but from here.” you answer.
“Sebby here is a computer geek, too! You two will get along well.” Robin says while serving you more food than you think you can eat.
“I am a programmer, mom.” he mumbles, facepalming.
“You should not be afraid of trying your hand at farming though.” Demetrius says. “Darling! This food is DE-LI-CI-OUS! As I was saying, this land has very productive soil and the town is an exporter, I am sure you can make some profit by selling whatever you produce. Also there is much foraging around you can pick and sell, there aren’t much people who take their time on doing that. The Salmonberry season will be here soon.”
“Thanks honey!” Robin replies with a giggle. “I am pretty sure y/n has it settled for the computer job.”
“Actually, I am pretty broke.” you think while taking a bite of Robin’s food. It is really good.
REALLY GOOD. You can’t remember the last time you had a homemade meal and the thought of it brings tears to your eyes.
“Oh, dear! Is it too spicy?” Robin asks, serving you a cup of juice.
You shake your head negatively trying to wipe the tears, ashamed. Sebastian and Maru stare at you, concerned, they even exchange a glance of worry and then, look back at you.
“No,no I... I have... a gland problem, I tear up sometimes... when... I am... eating?” you stutter, sobbing a little.
“I think I have heard about that. “ Demetrius says. “Maybe you should pay a visit to doctor Harvey in the town. He is a very good doctor.”
You nod as you continuously take bites of that wonderful food. It is so good to finally have a meal that isn’t pizza or a cold burger.
While having lunch you discover that Demetrius is a scientist. You take great pleasure in listening to him talking about how diverse is the Stardew biome. He also talks about minerals, the land’s properties and many other scientific things while Maru stares at him like she is the proudest daughter in the world. You feel like you would look at him the same if he was your father.  
Sebastian rolls his eyes more times than you can count and when he is finally done with the whole “family and guest lunch” thing, he stands up and says:
“I am going out for a smoke.”
“Actually Sebby, could you please take y/n to get to know the town?” Robin says while she collects the dishes.
“Mom, I think you better ask Maru, she is better suited for these kind of things.” He whispers at her, but you overhear.
“Oh well, so maybe you wanna stay and take her turn in washing the dishes?”
You swear you can hear him cursing while he passes beside you and makes a sign with his hand for you to follow him. You feel unease, but Robin points at him and shakes her hands indicating for you to go.
Sebastian takes you outside, to the garage and hands you a helmet.
“What?” you say.
“What?” he replies while putting on a helmet himself. “We’re taking the bike”
“Bike?” you ask.
Sebastian uncovers an old-fashioned bike and gets ready to sit on it, but you stop him by giving him back the helmet.
“No, no, no.” you say, gulping your breath. “I can’t, sorry.”
“What? Aren’t you from the city?” he says.
“I can’t ride a bike.” you say, shaking your head frenetically.
“You just sit down and hold on, I am the one doing the riding.”
“Look, you don’t really have to do this. I will just go home and you can tell Robin I had to... do something else.”
“You don’t know my mom.” he says while taking off the helmet. “Ok, wait here, I will grab the truck keys.”
Sebastian doesn’t take long to come back with the keys and the both of you get inside the truck. He lowers his window and immediately puts a cigarette in his lips.  
“Do you mind?” he asks you.
“Actually, can I have one?”  you reply feeling awkward.
“You smoke?” he says while rising towards you the pack with a cigarette extended.  
“Only when stressed.” you say while letting him light it up for you.
“Yeah. Me too.” he says starting the engines.
Next part here:
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(I liked the sketch so much better, so here it is)
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itsthesinbin · 4 years
god i love the four corners farm so much. easily one of the best farm maps imo, in terms of design. it’s just... SO nice for ppl like me that like to put their farms into like sections.
i already have a plan for how my farm is gonna be. the area around my house is gonna be crops (and the fall fruit trees bc those are my favorite, but i only have two of each fruit tree rn. i plan to plant more of the fall trees later). ill have to figure out where to put me beehives tho.
the top left is gonna be ranching + the other seasons’ fruit trees leading to grandpa’s shrine. I can just fence off the exits to that part so i dont have to make a BUNCH of fencing, and pigs get a HUGE area that’s almost unbroken to look for truffles. PLUS it has a respawning hardwood stump!!
bottom left is gonna be fish, since it has the pond at the bottom. Crab pots and fish ponds. i plan to have a Few fish ponds bc.... Feesh. i plan to use the good expensive fish like sturgeon, lava eels, blobfish and super cucumbers (i got sturgeon growing and already got cucumbers full). BUT i also wanna use other ones for their other possible items + bc i just like them. like the spook fish and the void salmon!
bottom right is gonna be processing. i got a small tree tapper farm + wood farm. a little processing area that has preserves jars and kegs. at the very top of that area has my wood processors (charcoal kiln, wood chippers) and my furnaces. eventually im gonna get rid of the processing area w the kegs and put a shed there to turn into a winery. either put preserves jar in there too or make it JUST kegs and have another building/area for preserves jars.
the middle area w the greenhouse is gonna be my crafting area! i got a crafting bench w a chest behind it that i plan to dress up later.
aesthetically, i prefer the forest and mountain farms bc they’re really pretty. BUT for actually designing a farm in the ways i prefer to do (bc i got a system), the four corners farm is by far the BEST thing to come out.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Blue Feather (Hakuno, Gilgamesh)
There was the sound of the winds howling against the roof of the house.
There was the gentle swaying of the trees, blessed by their family’s famous goddess of the harvest. She could hear it all, lying there with the fireplace crackling away.
Her eyes turned to her parents, murmuring quietly as they spoke of the blue feather she had purchased on a whim in the marketplace. Their eyes turned to her, speaking of the young men in the village. She would soon be old enough to giving the feather to someone whom she was close to in the town. She would become their wife and bestow her magic to the farmlands, ensuring more generations of valuable and powerful fruit for the kingdoms far off.
Such a shame that she didn’t like any of the men in her village.
Shinji Matou was questionable.
He would chatter and chatter away at her side, filling the air with so much hot air with his nonsense that she could only sigh or begin to let her mind begin to wander. She’d seen the way he acted around the Marketplace owner, Sakura, and she wasn’t impressed.
It seemed like he intimidated her for some reason, being told to keep away and bugger off.
Whenever the boy found that she wasn’t listening, he would pinch her cheeks and tell her how he didn’t need to be in the town.
“I’m from the city, you know!”
Leo Harwey was not any better.
He kept busy with his father in the mayor’s office, often boasting about how he would take over after a time. Whenever she was with him, she did fall asleep from not listening. The other wouldn’t even notice, not so long as she still ran out and did the tasks he wanted when she wasn’t working on the farm. Whenever she brought him his things back, he’d motion to a spot and wave her off.
Too busy being married to his own ambitions, she thought.
There was Cu Chulainn…
Blue haired and carefree, she’d found him to be a bit interesting, but he was leaving in a week. He liked to just arrive in the summer, working in the fishing shack near the shores and joking about kissing goddesses when he wasn’t around the town.
Being married to him would be like being married to the wind.
He probably wouldn’t be that interested in being in charge of a farm with her.
Hakuno sighed, glancing at her parents speaking quietly a moment longer before they came to her.
“I have a headache,” she told them.
They nodded.
Of course.
A headache was a terrible thing. She needed to take care of herself. They would leave tonight and they would come back in a couple days after she had given away the blue feather to the one she loved. They were so excited. They were so eager.
She watched them head out, patting her dog and her horse on their way.
They headed up the mountain, to be where they felt they were meant to be, hidden away from the world and out of their grips.
They’d be disappointed in the end.
There would be no man.
This was her home and this was her land now.
“Come on, Enkidu.”
She clicked her tongue, letting her pup walk with her over the course of the land. She could see the careful rows of crops that were preparing for harvesting soon. She would have lots to sell this week when she reached the market.
What’s more, she’d have plenty to cook with.
Enkidu rushed ahead as the rain picked up, heading up the mountainside after her parents.
The weather was worsening. They didn’t have time to be goofing around like this. She grabbed the sides of her cloak and rushed after the beast.
Higher and higher up into the mountains; the branches reached out like great arms over her head. The leaves whistled and blew in the winds. She could feel the rain, pounding at her and punishing her for moving forward.
The pond was illuminated by the moon that was trying desperately to peek around the clouds in the skies. She could barely make out anything in the darkness. She could-
There was no moon.
The pond light diminished, leaving Hakuno to stand dumbfounded nearby. She could hear Enkidu growling and barking at the depths, glancing her way.
A curse rang through the air.
She ran for the pond.
Cu Chulainn?!
The head of hair was brighter than the sun, illuminated amongst the darkness. She could see the figure trying to move, but being entangled deeper and deeper into the vines around the pond.
“Don’t move!”
Hakuno rushed around the side, taking the small grassy path to the entrance behind the waterfall of the cliffs behind the pond. Her dagger for the rougher crops was pulled from her leg sheath, slashing through the vines before she grabbed the man in the waters.
She paused, feeling the other’s arms around her.
“My chest… My chest is…”
He coughed, splattering something upon her.
That wasn’t a good sign.
Hakuno screamed through the rain, dragging the man along with her as she made her way around the pond. Her farm wasn’t far but…
This rain was coming in so hard. This thunder and lightning was deafening. It crashed down upon the lands near them, cracking and buzzing with all the forces of nature and life within it.
Her horse wasn’t going to hear her.
The lightning clashed again, hitting one of the trees near them.
Hakuno didn’t hesitate, she hauled the man for all she was worth, taking him to the edge of the fields and wrapping her cloak around him to haul him some more. He slid poorly, but the cloak gave a slicker surface for sliding.
There was so much blood.
Goddess help them, but there was blood all over the man.
Those eyes opened, staring up at him, gleaming like two fires within that golden topped head of his.
“I… I won’t make it…”
“You will.”
She pulled her sleeves up, Enkidu running around the inside of the house nearby.
She was going to be in deep trouble if anyone found out what she would do. Her hands pressed against his chest, pouring all the mana she’d saved up for her lands. It poured forth, pouring deeply into the man’s body. The wounds on his person receded. The blood upon his skin rose up, floating in the air from the pressure of the mana and evaporating from the sheer heat of her power.
And then…
She fell against him, panting.
The farm was going to be doomed without a blessing from the goddess herself, but the man she’d just saved was alive.
He sat up, staring at her in astonishment.
Her hands grabbed the blue feather from the table and, with the last of her power, she handed it to him.
“If anyone comes while I rest, tell them that I have given you this and that you accepted. No one will question why you’re here.”
His voice was nice. She couldn’t make out the words that he spoke, but it had a nice foreign lilt to it.
“My name is Hakuno,” she told him as she passed out. “Please watch my Enkidu.”
14 notes · View notes
itscalypsosims · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Finally uploading the rules to the Sims 4 Zombie Apocalypse challenge I’ve been playing! It was originally a sims 3 challenge I found on the sims forums that was never finished, so I’m still working on adjusting it to the sims 4 and making my own changes. 
If you’re intersted you can watch my Let’s Play for this challenge:
Original (sims 3) rules can be found here:
I modified and changed them a lot for the sims 4, and added many new things to make the game more interesting.
Keep Reading for the Sims 4 rules!
Be careful! The zombies have arrived! Create a group of survivors to live through the apocalypse! 
Setting up the challenge:
You start off with 8 sims. These 8 sims will need to have four kids. Those four kids will have two kids and those kids will have only one child (Of course you can have more and add outsiders to the group. It’s up to you. The point is to have 4 generations). The last child will be the one who saves the world and ends the apocalypse. 
Every sim has to have a role:
The leader - The protector and the organizer of the group. They must have the kleptomaniac trait so they can lead their people on gathering and hunting expeditions.
A second in command -  The person the leader trusts th most. They will take the place as a leader when the leader is away gathering, pregnant, or dead. They should be friends with the leader. Must have the kleptomaniac trait.
Gatherers - Each gatherer will need the kleptomaniac trait. They are responsible for collecting items and gathering food. Swiped items that aren’t usable, you can delete and use the money to build. It is up to you how many gatherers you have in your camp.
Painters - They spend their time painting. You can use the money from painting to build walls. Can not have the kleptomaniac trait.
Planners - The intelligent one.  They spend the day learning how to craft things on the woodworking table. Remember, the higher you get in handiness the more things you can craft or fix. The planners cannot have the kleptomaniac trait.
Gardeners - Any sim can do this no matter what role they play in the group, but it would be useful for a sim to specialize in this activity as well as their other role.
A Doctor - Each generation should have a doctor. this is the person who will work on the cure and some other scientific things to use against the zombies. The doctor can have the kleptomaniac trait. (Rules about each generation’s doctor listed below).
**Remember - Only kleptomaniac sims can leave the camp! A sim without the kleptomaniac trait who leaves the camp must die. they can’t defend themselves.
**Try and craft/steal whatever is possible. Only use build/buy mode if you can’t obtain the object any other way. 
Select a camp:
The size and location are up to you, but you will need shelter from the elements. This could be a shed, a ruined green house, or even a run-down cabin. Just make sure there isn’t anything useful in them. Must have the off the grid lot trait. no beds, showers/bathtubs, electronics, fridges, etc. no crops or ponds. For more realism add trees to delete when you want to build. **Hot tip: Try to find a place in the sims world where you can fish quietly. Zombies will attack you while fishing outside of camp.
Few more setups before we begin:
Give each sim a sleeping bag. Use this mod: http://www.pickypikachu.com/2017/06/snug-as-slug-functional-sleeping-bag.html
Silent phones (Honestly, it doesn’t really work in the sims 4. just imagine they’re Walkie Talkies or something).
Delete the school with mc command center. If you don’t have it just make sure you always click off school.
Lock the door/gate for everyone. The sims will get out and will get bit if you don’t.
Go to the city produce stall and buy 4 tomatoes, 4 apples, and 4 potatoes, and 12 of any other fruit or vegetable. The 12 extra food will be for your sims to eat. Keep in mind that it takes a while for the plants to grow and you’re racing against time. You need to save as much food as you can. So make sure to plant your food as soon as possible.
You are allowed to buy one skill book and one nonskill book. I reccomand a handiness lvl. 2 skill book as it’s the hardest skill to achieve.
Set your family funds to 500.
Make sure your sims are all in the camp before you start the outbreak.
The apocalypse has started! Start the outbreak! You will need to use Sacrificial’s zombie apocalypse mod, you can find it here: https://sacrificialmods.com/zombie-apocalypse-news.html
There are a lot of stuff in the survivor kit you can find. First generation can only use the guns and ammo, and the first aid spray if they can afford it to cure a sim before they turned into a zombie. If they already turned - game over for them, remove them from your household before anyone else gets bit by them. (Each generation will have more things to buy as the doctors progress. Listed below.)
To gain money you can:
Sell things you crafted on the woodworking table.
Sell things you stole and don’t need.
Delete walls. But remember- they’re your only protection from them zombies!
Deleting trees or anything made off wood. This is for realism when using the woodworking table.
Gameplay Rules:
One child per sim. Pregnant sims can't go hunting!
Sims must stick together when they leave camp. (Do that as much as you can. sometimes it’s safer to send only one sim, but there’s always a risk).
You can only have toilet bush. Until your planner can craft one out of the woodworking table.
No bathtubs or showers until your planner can craft them. You have to have walls for them.
No electronics, fridges, or lighting. There's no electricity in the apocalypse. 
This includes fishing, harvesting, and stealing from houses. If you move towns while gathering, you must take a sleeping bag with you and spend the night in said town. You can spend up to 2 nights in that town, but in the hour you left of the next day you have to return to camp (if you left on Sunday at 11 am, you must return on Tuesday at 11 am, for example). If you don't return until then, one of the people who got left behind has to die. This is because you leave them with little food and protection.
**if you have Get Together I recommand starting a group with the leader in charge for the whole survivor group, and one for the scavangers. For scavangers only let kleptomaniacs sims join, and set the group activities to swiping objects, or maybe fishing and harvesting too. This will make the scavanges so much easier.
Being attacked:
Whenever your sims leave camp, they risk being attacked. The zombie apocalypse mod is hectic and they have high chances of dying. When you have enough money, you're allowed to buy weapons from the survivor kit to protect your sims. If you have a kleptomaniacless sim wonder out alone, they die- try to keep them inside the camp. If they get out with a klepto sim, hope for the best. zombies make no exceptions.
If a sim is bit, they will start turning. If you have enough money you can buy the first aid spray to prevent them from turning. Once they've turned, no turning back. Get them out of the household as soon as possible.
Sims keep dying and you’re in shortage of people?
You can add new survivors to the group! You can pick a non infected person off the street or create one yourself and put them in a different household. They can’t join until the leader approves them! The leader must make friends with them before adding them to the household. 
Pregnancy and children:
NOTE: As I haven’t arrived to that moment yet in my game, These rules might still change according to the way things play out.
Though it is a necessary part of life, pregnancy and births do come with their own risk. There's no healthcare in the apocalypse.
**Remember: Each sim can have only 1 child!
When the mother discovers she is pregnant, roll the number generator by 1-10. If you land on 1-4, the mother is sick. Keep her in quarantine and only let her eat fruit and vegetables. No fish. If she eats fish then roll the numbers 9-10. 5-8 everything is perfectly fine, no need to worry. The pregnancy is going smoothly, make sure to keep the mother in camp. 9, the mother dies, but the baby is strong. Wait until after the birth to kill her. 10 the baby passes away. The mother is fine, though distraught. Wait three days before you try again. If the mother has three unsuccessful pregnancies; give her the “hates children” trait. Terminate the pregnancy or delete the baby.
During the pregnancy, keep the mother in camp. If she leaves at all for any reason you will have to roll again. If your sims are trying to have a baby, It would be a good idea to keep her in camp until they are born.
Your Sims offspring should stay in camp until they are a teenager. If they do end up escaping roll a number. 1-2 they die. 3-6 they are sick. 7-10 they are fine.
You should have two boys and two girls at the end of generation one. You can use any mod or fruit to achieve this.
Optional: The child should take the roles of their parents. Or, you can base the roles on their traits. Your choice.
Leader rules:
If the leader dies, those are the options:
The second in command automatically takes their place. Base game compatibe.
If you have Get Together: Create a survivor group, and make the person you want to lead and is not the second in command try and take over the group. If they succeed, they become the leader. If you want it more extreme, they have to kill the previous leader (can also take over a leader if they don’t die, not only the second in command).
If you have Discover University: Make them debate. The winner takes over the group. same rules from the above applies.
When a new generation arrives, you can just choose a leader, and if you can’t decide you can use one of the above, or based on their traits and skills, and social interactions inside the group.
Generations: (Still in developement)
The first generation: The sufferes
These sims are the founders. This is the hardest generation. Lots of sims will die, especially when you start off. But as you work on their skills and scavange more stuff, you will get better at protecting them.
Goal:  By the end of the first generation you must...
Have a fully functional camp made by crafting and stealing. 
Have a graden full of harvestables.
Have at least 2 weapons from the survivor kit: One for the leader, one for the second in hand.
Have at least 4 kids.
Keep the doctor alive.
Doctor 1 - The doctor must survive the first generation until the next doctor is picked, then has to teach them what they know. must survive until Doctor 2 achieves level 7 logic skill. Or else the next Generations can not do the things that will be opened up for them below (listed). Also, if the doctor dies no one will ever know how to stop the apocalypse.  This means the doctor has to acheive at least level 6 of Logic skill, and at least the first part of the nerd brain aspiration. (May experience changes in the future).
Can not be left without Kleptomaniac sims! Or else everyone dies and challenge over. 
Only objects that can be used from the survivor kit: Broadcasting radio (only for starting the outbreake), First aid spray (If you have the money), any weapons and ammo that you want (when you have the money).
The second generation:
The children of the founders. This generation will already have a functional camp and have been born in the apocalypse. They are born and raised survivors. When you raise your kids make sure to already work on their skills and assign a role to them. When you give them traits remember to give them the kleptomaniac trait if you want sims to leave camp. Can be the last trait you choose as they turn into a Young adult.
Goal:  By the end of the Second generation you must...
A sim in each role as the original group. (1 leader, one second in command, planners, painters, gardeners, and a doctor).
a fully functional camp! The second generation can choose to move camps! but they can only take what they can carry in their inventories (not the household one). choose carefully! (Use the freerealestate on cheat to move them and don’t sell the furniture to not gain more money by moving. they literally just took whatever they can carry and took over a new place).
Have a graden full of harvestables.
Have at least 4 weapons from the survivor kit. More people in the group know how to protect themselves.
Have at least 2 kids.
Keep the doctor alive.
Doctor 2 - The doctor must survive the second  generation until the next doctor is picked, then has to teach them what they know. Must survive until doctor 3 achieved level 8 logic skill.  Or else the next Generations can not do the things that will be opened up for them below (listed). This means the doctor has to acheive at least level 7 of Logic skill, and at least the 2nd part of the nerd brain aspiration. (May experience changes in the future).
Can not be left without Kleptomaniac sims! Or else everyone dies and challenge over.
Only objects that can be used from the survivor kit: Broadcasting radio (only for starting the outbreake), First aid spray (If you have the money), any weapons and ammo that you want (when you have the money). - Zombie Repellent Spray - Only if doctor 1 survived until doctor 2 reached level 7 logic.
The third generation:
They are born and raised survivors. When you raise your kids make sure to already work on their skills and assign  a role to them. When you give them traits remember to give them the kleptomaniac trait if you want sims to leave camp. Can be the last trait you choose as they turn into a Young adult.
Goal:  By the end of the third generation you must...
a fully functional camp! The third generation can also choose to move camp. They figured out how to carry more things, life is easier now! They can use their household inventory. (Use the freerealestate on cheat to move them and don’t sell the furniture to not gain more money by moving. they literally just took whatever they can carry and took over a new place).
Have a graden full of harvestables.
Have at least 8 weapons from the survivor kit. More people in the group know how to protect themselves.
Have at least 1 kid - They must have the kleptomaniac trait and be the next doctor.
Keep the doctor alive.
End the apocalypse! complete the cure.
Doctor 4 - The doctor must survive the fourth generation until they reach level 10 logic skill and complete the nerd brain aspiration.
Can not be left without Kleptomaniac sims! Or else everyone dies and challenge over.
Only objects that can be used from the survivor kit: Broadcasting radio (only for starting the outbreake), First aid spray (If you have the money), any weapons and ammo that you want (when you have the money). - Zombie Repellent Spray - Only if doctor 1 survived until doctor 2 reached level 7 logic. - High quality Zombie Repellent Spray -  Only if doctor 2 survived until doctor 3 reached level 8 logic.
The fourth generation:
The generation that will end the apocalypse. This generation will decide if the apocalypse will stay or end! If you managed to follow all the rules above, you have a higher chance.
Goal:  By the end of the fourth generation you must...
A sim in each role as the original group. (1 leader, one second in command, planners, painters, gardeners, and a doctor).
a fully functional camp! The third generation can also choose to move camp. They figured out how to carry more things, life is easier now! They can use their household inventory. (Use the freerealestate on cheat to move them and don’t sell the furniture to not gain more money by moving. they literally just took whatever they can carry and took over a new place).  
Have a graden full of harvestables.
Have at least 6 weapons from the survivor kit. More people in the group know how to protect themselves.
Have at least 1 kids.
Keep the doctor alive.
Doctor 3 - The doctor must survive the third generation until the next doctor is picked, then has to teach them what they know. Must survive until doctor 4 achieved level 9 logic skill. Or else the next Generations can not do the things that will be opened up for them below (listed). This means the doctor has to acheive at least level 8 of Logic skill, and at least the 3rd part of the nerd brain aspiration. (May experience changes in the future).
Can not be left without Kleptomaniac sims! Or else everyone dies and challenge over.
Only objects that can be used from the survivor kit: Broadcasting radio (only for starting the outbreake), First aid spray (If you have the money), any weapons and ammo that you want (when you have the money). - Zombie Repellent Spray - Only if doctor 1 survived until doctor 2 reached level 7 logic. - High quality Zombie Repellent Spray -  Only if doctor 2 survived until doctor 3 reached level 8 logic.
Zombification Cure Serum: The most important one, this will end the challenge. Only if doctor 3 survived until doctor 4 reached level 9 logic AND doctor 4 reached level 10 logic skill.
You’re done! You found the cure! End the outbreak by using the Broadcasting radio to cure everyone!
5 notes · View notes
The transfer of property act 1882
Immovable properties
- The definition of immovable properties it is negative definition, which say what is not an immoveable property.
- Section 3- of Transfer of property Act 1882-immoveable property does not include standing timber, growing crops or grass.
- Section 3- of The General Clauses Act 1897- “ Immovable property-
Land Benefits to arise out of land- Profit Appendary (Exp- Rent, fishing rights, right to ferry, lease)
Things attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth.- Exp- building, wall, poll.
Definition of Immovable Properties-
Section 3- immovable property shall include land, benefits to arise out of land, and things attached to the earth, or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, except standing timber, growing crops or grass, it also include creepers and betel leave.
What is the meaning of Land in TP-
There are four meaning of Land in TP-
1. Plot of land or plain land.
2. Land includes space as well.
3. Things beneath land.
4. Things above surface or thing on surface.
Case law- Narayan Sa v/s Balagure Swami AIR 1924 Madras 187
Vassal used for destilation of liquor not immovable property.
Standing Timber- Case Law- Shanti Bai v/s State of Bombay AIR 1958 SC 532
In this case SC held that , intention of the owner decide whether a standing timber a timber or crop.
- A fruit bearing tree are immovable property, if the owner treat it as a timber .
- which one is immovable property?- 2003-SN
- Growing crops? 2003-SN
- Right to ferry? 2003-SN
- Standing timber? 2003-SN
- Define immovable property. In which cases things which we know as movable are treated as immovable property? Is there any test to decide it-2007-L
The definition of Immovable property given in the S.3 of Transfer of Property Act 1882, is not exhaustive, it is the negative definition which exclude the things and says immovable property does not include standing timber, growing crops or grass. The definition in the General clauses Act also not exhaustive but it is some what positive definition which includes land, benefits to arise out of land , and things attached to the earth.
Things attached to earth, or permanently fastened to anything attached to earth?
a. Things rooted in the earth- trees and shrubs.
b. Imbedded in the earth- wall or building.
c. Attached to what is so imbedded for permanent beneficial enjoyment of that which it is attached-
Perumal v/s Ramaswami – held- oil engine attached to earth and the attachment to lasts only so long as the engine is used. When it is not used, it can be detached and shifted to some other place. The attachment in such case immovable property.
Narayan Sa v/s Balagure Swami AIR 1924 Madras 187 Vassal used for destilation of liquor not immovable property.
The degree, manner, extent and strength of attachment of the chattel to the earth or building, are main features to be regarded. Further test is whether, such an attachment is for the permanent beneficial enjoyment of the immovable property to which it is attached.
Land- considers in its legal aspect, land includes the following elements:
1. A determinate portion of the earth’s surface.
2. Possibly the column of space above the surface.
3. The ground beneath the surface.
4. All objects which are on or under the surface in its natural state- minerals, lakes, ponds, rivers.
5. All objects placed by human agency on or under the surface, with the intention of permanent annexation. These become part of the land, and lose their identity as separate movable – building, walls, fences.
Benefits to arise out of land-
Apart from property being immovable from the physical point of view, every benefit arising out of it and every interest in such property is also regarded as immovable property.- hereditary allowances, rights of way, lights, ferries and fisheries. A debt secured by a mortgage of immovable property is an interest inland. A right to collect lac from jungle, flash from pond, right to take minerals, rent from hat or market place.
Things attached to earth-
S.3 – defines the expression –attached to the earth- as including-
1. Things rooted in the earth,
2. Things imbedded in the earth,
3. Things attached to what is so imbedded,
4. Chattel attached to earth or building.
Things rooted in the earth-
Includes like trees and shrubs, but when such trees constitute standing timber they are not immovable property.
Shantabai v/s State of Bombay- if the intention is to use them for enjoying their fruits, they will be regarded as immovable property. But if the intention is to cut them down sooner or later for the purpose of utilizing the wood they would be timber and regarded as movable property.
Similarly, growing crops, and grass are regarded as movable property.
Things imbedded in the earth-
Includes such things as houses and buildings, there are certain thing which are imbedded in the land but not a immovable property like anchor imbedded in the land to hold a ship.
When the article in question is no further attached to the land by its own weight, it is generally to be considered as movable property. But when in such a case if the intention is to make the articles as part of the land
The rule is- if the article stands on the earth up to its own weight, it will not be part of the land but if it is caused to go deeper in the earth by external agency, then it is part of a land.
Things attached to what is so imbedded-
Includes like door, window of a house are attached to the house for the permanent enjoyment of the house, when the intention Is not permanent enjoyment then it becomes the movable property like fans, blinds.
Chattel attached to earth or building-
If a chattel, i.e., movable property is attached to earth or building, it is immovable property.
Perumal naicker v/s Ramaswami Kone- A property is a movable property and for its beneficial use of enjoyment it is necessary to imbed it or fix it on earth, through permanently, that is , when it is in use it should not be regarded as immovable property for that reason.
For example – sugar cane machine or oil engine.
Recognized as Immovable properties-
1. Right to collect rent of immovable property.
2. Right to collect dues from a fair on a piece of land.
3. Right of ferry.
4. Right of way.
5. A right of fishery.
6. A debt secured by mortgage and interest of a mortgage of immovable property.
7. Hereditary offices.
8. Right to receive future rents and profits of land.
9. The equity of redemption.
10. Reversion of property of leased.
11. Right to collect lac from trees.
12. A factory.
Recognized as movable properties-
1. Right to worship.
2. A royalty.
3. A decree for sale of immovable property.
4. A decree for arrears of rent.
5. A right to recover maintenance allowance.
6. A machinery which is not permanently attached to the earth.
7. Government promissory notes.
8. Standing timber, growing crops, and grass.
Section 5, Transfer of Property
Section 5. "Transfer of Property" defined. In the following sections "transfer of property" means an act by which a living person conveys property, in present or in future, to one or more other living persons, or to himself and one or more other living persons; and "to transfer property" is to perform such act.
When we analyze the above definition- there are few things which comes up regarding Transfer of property-
• Transfer is an ACT- Giving and Taking of Rights- Active Act, Visible Act.
• Between two or more LIVING PERSON- by which a living person Inter vivos- Living or Natural person and Artificial Person ( Law existence, company).
• Conveys- transfer.
• Present or future- Future property not allowed.
• Property- Property to another person- To himself ( Trust, minor or guardianship- Rahubar Singh v/s Jai Jnder Bhadur Singh.
Transfer of Property
Subject matter
Mode of Transfer
There are modes of transfer of property
1. Sale (Immovable Property). Transfer of Complete Rights. Consideration.
2. Mortgage. ( it is of six kind- 1. Possession,2. Enjoyment,3. Subject to Condition,4. Equitable,5. Symbolic, 6. Constructive.) Limited Rights Transfer.
3. Gift- ( No consideration)
4. Actionable claim.- Unsecure debt.
5. Lease (Time force, Rent)
Movable Property= Pledge
Immovable Property= Mortgage.
Machinery= Hypotation.
In this section "living person" includes a company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, but nothing herein contained shall affect any law for the time being in force relating to transfer of property to or by companies, associations or bodies of individuals.
x x x x x
What is transfer? The term "transfer" means a process or an act by which something is made over to another. It does not however, mean that the making over of the thing should always be absolute. I may transfer my book to you for a day. I may also transfer it to you absolutely either by sale, gift or in exchange of your book. In either case, what is primarily essential is that I have to handover the book to you, and that act of handing over the book to you is the transfer of the book.
Analysis of Definition.
1. Transfer of Property has special technical meaning in Transfer of Property Act. Only 5 conveyances are transfer of property for the Act. Three modes convey absolute title e.g. sale, gift, exchange. Two convey limited interest e.g. mortgage and lease.
2. Transfer inter vivos alone are included as Transfer in Transfer of Property Act, e.g. transfer from living person or persons to living person or persons.
3. Transfer can be present or future but transferor and transferee must be living person. The only exception is Section 13 of Transfer of Property Act.
4. Living person is wider term than natural human beings. It includes juristic persons like company and other like associations or body of individuals whether registered or not registered.
5. Other laws governing transfer to juristic persons etc. are not affected by Transfer of Property Act.
 An act by which,
 A living person,
 Conveys,
 In present or future,
 Property,
 To another living person.
Not a Transfer of Property
- Family settlement.
- Compromise
- Partition.
- Surrender.
- Relinquishment.
- Charge.
Transfer of Property
- Release
- Property situated outside India.
An Act- it means it is a process or an activity; it is not a digital application or not the automatic process. Meaning thereby, something should be done by the person who wants to transfer his or her property. Will or Inheritance is the exception of this rule as property transfer automatically by operation of law.
Living Person- The Act use the word Inter Vivos i.e. transfer between living person AT THE DATE OF TRANSFER. Operation of law come into picture in case of Inheritance or wills ( means the death of the transferor) this sort of transfer ( By operation of law) called TESTAMENTRARY TRANSFER.
Conveys – Doing an act of transfer denote conveys. It means any act the transferor by which certain new titles or interests are created in favor of the transferee. In simple language it would be called the ASSURANCE which is being given by Transferor to the Transferee. Conveys means anything done or any assurance given by the Transferor to the Transferee by virtue of which the transferee gets the new title or interest is called the conveys.
A -------------------- Make (Sale/Gift/Moorgate etc) ------------ B ( Now get the new title)
In present or In future- The transfer of property may be take place immediately or in future date, the expression in present or in future governed by Conveys, it does not govern by the property.
Means the title of property may vested in the transferee immediately with enjoyment or it enjoyment can be delayed or postpone for future, which can also comply with certain conditions.
Property- property may be tangible or intangible, property is essentially a bundle of rights or interest. When a property is transferred it actually the transfer of rights. All rights in a property denote the ownership or absolute interest.
in Sunil Sidhartbai v/s Commissioner of Income tax, SC held that in general transfer of property transferred the bundle of right but in some case it may only be partial of right transfer also happen example – Lease.
In Jugalkishore V/ Ram Cotton Co. Ltd. SC held- the world PRESENT OR IN FUTURE’ qualify the word conveys and not the word property. When a future property is transferred the transferee does not get that property or interest there in.
To another living person. There should be another person to whom the property can be transfer, a person can not transfer the property to himself, but in 1929 some amendment has been made and a person can transfer a property to himself in case he make any settlement in a trust and he become the sole trustee.
Other Rules- Not a Transfer of Property
Family Settlement-
Family settlement or Family agreement is not a transfer of property, why because when it take place the already existing shares of the members of the family are defined and separated in order to avoid any possible dispute. In Sadu Madho Das V/s Pandit Mukund Ram, SC observed the same principle.
Transfer of property
Release- It is a transfer of property, because when larger interest falls into smallest interest every small interest generate a title for some one or new person.
This Act also applicable on MOVABLE AND IMMOVABLE PROPERTYS ( Part A –Chapter II).
S.6- What Can be Transfer-
Section -6
General Rule- Every thing Can be Transfer
Exception- Prohibited by S.TPA, any other law in force.
Section .6 – Non Transferable.
• Spes Successionis- Mere Chance to Get any thing.
• Chance of an Heir apparent.
• Chance of getting property under will.
• Any othe rpossibility like nature.
• Spes-successionis under Muslim Law.
• Spes Successionis in Punjab.
• English Law.
• Mere Right of re entry.
• Easement right apart from Dominate Heritage.
• Restricted Interest.
• Right to Future Maintenance.
• Pensions and Stipens.
• Transfer opposed to Nature of Interest.
• Transfer opposed to nature of interest created thereby.
• Transfer where its object or consideration is unlawful.
• Transfer made to disqualified transfereee.
Spes Successionis- Expectation of succession ( of gaining something)
Exp- will or inheritance
It includes- - Base – You can not transfer mere hope.
• Chance of an Heir apparent- succeeding to an estate.
• Chance of getting property under will.
• Any othe rpossibility like nature.
Right of reversioners u/Hindu Law.
Reversioner was a person who used to inherit the properties of a widow held by her for life. After the death of widow.
Chance of Legacy- because the will executed only after the death of the testator.
Rights of Future offering. Receiving offering of a temple.
Case law-
Punch Tahkur v/s Bindeshwari AIR 1916 Cal 43 Cultauta High Court held-
it is mere possibility so it cannot be transfer.
Balmukund v/s Tularam AIR 1928 All 21
It is not the spes succession , it is not a hope or uncertain and not variable to pass and of conception of law hence transferable.
Badrinath v/s Punna AIR 1979 SC 13`14 – Vashno Devi Tample –
It is not a mare possibility it is attached with a duty, and held it is heritable and it is not depending upon possibility it is coupled with duty and hence transferable.
Spes Succession Condition in English Law
Spes Secceession not transferable but it depend on one conditions,
1. if the transferee has paid the consideration.
2. If everything goes well that contemplated event has been done.
Section 9- Oral Transfer- Mode of Transfer
This section deal with mode of transfer, it says where writing is not necessary the property may be transferred orally. i.e. without writing any deed.
It means there are two mode of transfer-
1. Delivery of possession- which generally happened in case of movable property.
2. Transfer by registration.
In the following condition Registration are compulsory u/s 9 of TPA-
1. Gift of an immovable property.
2. Sale of an immovable property exceeding Rs 100.
3. Sale of reversion or other intangible property irrespective out of its value.
4. Leases form year to year or for a term exceeding one year or reserving a year rent.
5. Simple mortgage irrespective of its amount.
6. Other kind of mortgage( except mortgage by deposit of title deeds) where the sum secured exceeds Rs 100.
7. Exchange of immovable property ERs 100.
8. Transfer of actionable claim.
Section 10 Conditional Transfer
Conditional transfer if allowed.
There are two form of Conditions-
1. Use related conditions.
2. Further transfer of property- alienation.
Application of S.10-
Does not apply on –
1. Mortgage
2. Lease
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tinyshe · 3 years
Garden Report 21.11.19
Waiting for a few more hard frost or leaf shredding winds before starting the Winter pruning. I would normally wait further into the winter but something is prodding me forward.
I also decided to solar bake one bed because I have to move plants out of the other ... yes, moving out the artichokes and walking stick kale and putting them to the south between small fruit plantings. I will just use a couple of contractor bags and earth stables to cover the grow box bed for baking purposes. I really want to plant something so I’m hoping this will put that thought to bed. I think its just I have this need to succeed in the garden ... yes Ronnie, I hear your whispering ‘groooooow hi-drow-pond-ticks’ but I am just old fashion enough to have a love of sweet smelling earth and wiggly worms and a trowel in my hand.
Need to reinforce the aviary. Seems a wire apron at almost a meter out doesn’t deter the vermin well enough. They force their way in (along the roof line perhaps?) and then start tunneling out. Too clever for their own good but also a way to get my attention and shorten their life span once I catch on. Alcott is almost out of her molt. Bronte is in the throes and looking an awful sight while Rossetti is taking the plunge and trying to catch up with Bronte for the most pathetic looking hen contest. A little scratching around the garden between rains does them all a bit of good to perk up their spirits but now they would rather be out foraging instead of eating chips (dried mealworms) in the afternoon. This is easy on my pocketbook but requires me to shepherd them around as they are hell on the plants.
Looking at my scraps and odd bits while still thinking meat rabbits. One buck and two does will be more than enough. Maybe one and one but I want that second doe for a little better genetics or be transporting the single doe to another keepers but just feel a little squeamish about that as the only keeper I would trust is 56km/35-36 miles one way. It wouldn’t be too weird as that we have been friends/ causal acquaintance for years to the point of helping out one year manually shearing her two ewes when she was too ill to manage. I could easily ask Micki to take the doe, toss her in with her buck and bring her a gift for the stud service. More thoughts to think.
Since the crop failures, there wasn’t a lot of seed saving going on outside of things like winter squash and similar (yes, I saved some hot pepper and guava seeds). I will need to get my seed box back organized. I don’t know why I can’t keep it tidy ... yes, I do ... its because I don’t like the set up but they don’t make what I want. Perhaps I need to make one. I keep saying this (I don’t think I really know what I’m saying, its more of a wish).
Tumblr media Tumblr media
What do you think? I’m a little prone to liking the fishing tackle looking one but I think that could get heavy and complicated while the first image could be simple and light weight. I know I have all these ‘great ideas’ but really, am I going to make one? Probably not so I’ll keep looking for something in plastic...
I’ve done some more chutney, jam and a few more pickles. My last two batches were a bogberry-craneberry chutney thing and a blood orange jam. I was pleased with the jam as that the oranges had been hanging on the tree for some time and had a bad case of soot & tree scabbies/mealy bugs. Took a stiff bristle brush to them then cut away the peel and pith and made a great jam from fruit that would have just gone to waste. The chutney is pretty fine as well. I would like to get some more trade and bartering in. Got some mushrooms in the dehydrator so that was a prize.
0 notes
Gardening is NOT Canceled
By Cynthia Brian
“We have it in our power to begin the world again.”
Thomas Paine
What a difference a day makes! Who could have ever predicted that as the vernal equinox approached in the Northern Hemisphere the entire world would be mandated to stay home, pause, and practice social distancing?
Are you in compliance? As adults, we have the ability and the responsibility to be role models in keeping ourselves and our families safe and healthy whilst we are housebound. Thankfully, spring has sprung and our garden can be our protective sanctuary and our personal oasis. Although we can’t share our gardens personally with others, we can go outside to exercise, dig in the dirt, and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. It’s time to develop our green thumbs as gardening is open and we have the time.
In the weeks since I’ve closed my StarStyle® Productions LLC office to shelter-in-place, my garden has been my refuge and my workplace. Although I won’t be consulting or coaching in person, I am working for hire via SKYPE, ZOOM, and phone to offer assistance when needed. I’ve decided to reframe this crisis as a positive time-out to rebalance, readjust, rejuvenate, and rest. Instead of rushing to cross items off my to-do list, I can pace myself and enjoy the process of weeding, sowing, planting, pruning, cleaning, and repairing. The fruit trees in my orchard are gloriously full of blooms, while spring-flowering trees and shrubs are triumphant in their abundance of pretty petals. It’s been a joy to stroll through the landscape shooting photos of the emerging rebirth. Every day something new sprouts and I am so grateful to be able to witness Mother Nature in action. Taking snips of branches in bloom and flowers unfurling, I am filling my indoor spaces with hope for a healthy future.
When one of my girlfriends, Nancy Roetzer, retired from school teaching, she began taking flower arranging classes through the adult center. Her bouquets and arrangements are inspired by her hikes in the woods, and especially by the many waterfalls, she has experienced. Her waterfall style floral design shows movement, flow, and layering. Featured in this issue is a spectacular showstopper using tulips, roses, carnations, cushion spray chrysanthemums (Dendranthema), cone bush (Leucadendron), ferns, vines, and moss.
What a terrific idea to experiment with creating floral displays during these dark days! Whether we cut a few stems and add them to a whimsical vessel or decide to be more formal with our innovations, this is an opportune moment to get our ingenuity fueled and fired.
We do have it in our power to begin the world anew. Listen to and abide by the mandates of the experts. We may not be able to predict the course of the virus, but we do have agency over our actions and reactions. My April Gardening Guide provides a plethora of ideas to keep you occupied, safe, happy, and healthy as we navigate the next month together and apart.
Enjoy the blossoms, bouquets, and the colorful photos of our developing spring, a reminder that life goes on. Gardening is NOT canceled.
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for April
• SOW seeds that will attract birds to your garden. Suggestions include coneflower, anise hyssop, bachelor’s button, Mexican sunflower, cosmos, and black-eyed Susan. • SHOOT photos of the abundant flowering trees including tulip magnolia, crabapple, peach, plum, prune, cherry, pear, and apple. • CLEAN debris from berms and drainage ditches to prevent flooding. The soil and leaves can be added to your compost pile. • PULL weeds while the ground is soft. • PLAN your vegetable garden for the foods you love the most. • PLANT seeds of greens, beets, carrots, and turnips now. • CUT a branch or two from your favorite flowering trees or shrubs. Redbuds, crabapple, plum, and peach are glorious in vases. • INTRODUCE plants that will make you smile. I planted sunflowers, sweet peas, nasturtiums, and purple hyacinth bean. • TAKE a garden class on-line or watch YouTube videos with gardening tips. • MAKE teas and cocktails from herbs you grow including mint, rosemary, sage, and fennel. • REPOT houseplants. • BOOST your immune system with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and fatty fish. Adopt a Mediterranean style of eating. • WALK around your garden to admire the spring growth. • BUILD a planter box. • ORDER gardening books to read. Be inspired and motivated by Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers available at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. • INHALE the perfume of fragrant plants. Roses are blooming and fruit blossoms are delightful. • LOWER your stress by strolling alone in the outdoors amongst trees and on trails. • MEDITATE in your garden, or on your balcony, patio, or porch. • LISTEN to the birds, frogs, and insects as they begin their spring songs. • NOURISH your spirit by sitting by a fountain or pond. • EAT plenty of fresh citruses, especially homegrown, to increase your vitamin C intake. Oranges, tangelos, tangerines, grapefruit, and lemons are ripe and ready for picking. • EXERCISE includes all gardening chores: raking sweeping, weeding, lifting, pruning, planting, digging, fertilizing, and chopping wood. Workout outside. • TAKE a nap and on a warm day, get your z’s outside in the fresh air. • SHARE your garden skills with your children. Let them plant seeds of vegetables and herbs they want to eat. • FERTILIZE lawns. Lawn food is available at your local hardware store. • GROW your own bouquets. Create a stunning arrangement with a variety of roses, stock, tulips, iris, calla lilies, and mock orange. • BEE friendly by planting three or four types of native wildflowers to attract the honey gatherers as well as pest-resistant varieties of flowers, shrubs, trees, and vegetables, thus eliminating pesticides. I’ve sown California poppies, lupines, bee balm, and morning glories. • WATCH the blossoms in the breeze float to the ground like snowflakes. • PREPARE your garden patches to sow seeds of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant by rotating these crops. For best production, do not plant these in the same place every year. • ENJOY a peaceful Passover and Easter without an in-person gathering. • STAY informed about Covid-19 depending only on reliable information. Visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at https://www.cdc.gov;
The World Health Organization at https://www.who.int;
State Department: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/ea/covid-19-information.html;
Contra Costa County Health Department at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org;
Contra Costa County Office at https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing.
Photos and more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1403/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Blossoms-and-bouquets-gardening-is-not-canceled.html
  Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s upbeat StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com. Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects and virtual garden consults or lectures. [email protected]
  #coronavirus, #gardeningnotcanceled,#stayhone, #spring,#bouquets,#blossoms,#blooms,#covid-19, #gardening, #cynthiabrian, #starstyle, #goddessGardener, #growingwiththegoddessgardener, #lamorindaweekly
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goddessgardener · 4 years
Gardening is NOT Canceled
By Cynthia Brian
“We have it in our power to begin the world again.”
Thomas Paine
What a difference a day makes! Who could have ever predicted that as the vernal equinox approached in the Northern Hemisphere the entire world would be mandated to stay home, pause, and practice social distancing?
Are you in compliance? As adults, we have the ability and the responsibility to be role models in keeping ourselves and our families safe and healthy whilst we are housebound. Thankfully, spring has sprung and our garden can be our protective sanctuary and our personal oasis. Although we can’t share our gardens personally with others, we can go outside to exercise, dig in the dirt, and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. It’s time to develop our green thumbs as gardening is open and we have the time.
In the weeks since I’ve closed my StarStyle® Productions LLC office to shelter-in-place, my garden has been my refuge and my workplace. Although I won’t be consulting or coaching in person, I am working for hire via SKYPE, ZOOM, and phone to offer assistance when needed. I’ve decided to reframe this crisis as a positive time-out to rebalance, readjust, rejuvenate, and rest. Instead of rushing to cross items off my to-do list, I can pace myself and enjoy the process of weeding, sowing, planting, pruning, cleaning, and repairing. The fruit trees in my orchard are gloriously full of blooms, while spring-flowering trees and shrubs are triumphant in their abundance of pretty petals. It’s been a joy to stroll through the landscape shooting photos of the emerging rebirth. Every day something new sprouts and I am so grateful to be able to witness Mother Nature in action. Taking snips of branches in bloom and flowers unfurling, I am filling my indoor spaces with hope for a healthy future.
When one of my girlfriends, Nancy Roetzer, retired from school teaching, she began taking flower arranging classes through the adult center. Her bouquets and arrangements are inspired by her hikes in the woods, and especially by the many waterfalls, she has experienced. Her waterfall style floral design shows movement, flow, and layering. Featured in this issue is a spectacular showstopper using tulips, roses, carnations, cushion spray chrysanthemums (Dendranthema), cone bush (Leucadendron), ferns, vines, and moss.
What a terrific idea to experiment with creating floral displays during these dark days! Whether we cut a few stems and add them to a whimsical vessel or decide to be more formal with our innovations, this is an opportune moment to get our ingenuity fueled and fired.
We do have it in our power to begin the world anew. Listen to and abide by the mandates of the experts. We may not be able to predict the course of the virus, but we do have agency over our actions and reactions. My April Gardening Guide provides a plethora of ideas to keep you occupied, safe, happy, and healthy as we navigate the next month together and apart.
Enjoy the blossoms, bouquets, and the colorful photos of our developing spring, a reminder that life goes on. Gardening is NOT canceled.
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for April
• SOW seeds that will attract birds to your garden. Suggestions include coneflower, anise hyssop, bachelor’s button, Mexican sunflower, cosmos, and black-eyed Susan. • SHOOT photos of the abundant flowering trees including tulip magnolia, crabapple, peach, plum, prune, cherry, pear, and apple. • CLEAN debris from berms and drainage ditches to prevent flooding. The soil and leaves can be added to your compost pile. • PULL weeds while the ground is soft. • PLAN your vegetable garden for the foods you love the most. • PLANT seeds of greens, beets, carrots, and turnips now. • CUT a branch or two from your favorite flowering trees or shrubs. Redbuds, crabapple, plum, and peach are glorious in vases. • INTRODUCE plants that will make you smile. I planted sunflowers, sweet peas, nasturtiums, and purple hyacinth bean. • TAKE a garden class on-line or watch YouTube videos with gardening tips. • MAKE teas and cocktails from herbs you grow including mint, rosemary, sage, and fennel. • REPOT houseplants. • BOOST your immune system with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and fatty fish. Adopt a Mediterranean style of eating. • WALK around your garden to admire the spring growth. • BUILD a planter box. • ORDER gardening books to read. Be inspired and motivated by Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers available at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. • INHALE the perfume of fragrant plants. Roses are blooming and fruit blossoms are delightful. • LOWER your stress by strolling alone in the outdoors amongst trees and on trails. • MEDITATE in your garden, or on your balcony, patio, or porch. • LISTEN to the birds, frogs, and insects as they begin their spring songs. • NOURISH your spirit by sitting by a fountain or pond. • EAT plenty of fresh citruses, especially homegrown, to increase your vitamin C intake. Oranges, tangelos, tangerines, grapefruit, and lemons are ripe and ready for picking. • EXERCISE includes all gardening chores: raking sweeping, weeding, lifting, pruning, planting, digging, fertilizing, and chopping wood. Workout outside. • TAKE a nap and on a warm day, get your z’s outside in the fresh air. • SHARE your garden skills with your children. Let them plant seeds of vegetables and herbs they want to eat. • FERTILIZE lawns. Lawn food is available at your local hardware store. • GROW your own bouquets. Create a stunning arrangement with a variety of roses, stock, tulips, iris, calla lilies, and mock orange. • BEE friendly by planting three or four types of native wildflowers to attract the honey gatherers as well as pest-resistant varieties of flowers, shrubs, trees, and vegetables, thus eliminating pesticides. I’ve sown California poppies, lupines, bee balm, and morning glories. • WATCH the blossoms in the breeze float to the ground like snowflakes. • PREPARE your garden patches to sow seeds of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant by rotating these crops. For best production, do not plant these in the same place every year. • ENJOY a peaceful Passover and Easter without an in-person gathering. • STAY informed about Covid-19 depending only on reliable information. Visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at https://www.cdc.gov;
The World Health Organization at https://www.who.int;
State Department: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/ea/covid-19-information.html;
Contra Costa County Health Department at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org;
Contra Costa County Office at https://www.contracosta.ca.gov/
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing.
Photos and more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1403/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Blossoms-and-bouquets-gardening-is-not-canceled.html
  Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s upbeat StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com. Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects and virtual garden consults or lectures. [email protected]
  #coronavirus, #gardeningnotcanceled,#stayhone, #spring,#bouquets,#blossoms,#blooms,#covid-19, #gardening, #cynthiabrian, #starstyle, #goddessGardener, #growingwiththegoddessgardener, #lamorindaweekly
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Farm Stay | Mango Picking and Childhood Summers in Ratnagiri
Farm of Happiness is a bucolic wonderland marked by mangoes, birdcalls and warm hospitality.
  Summer mornings at Farm of Happiness are usually spent plucking juicy alphonsoes. Photo Courtesy: Farm Of Happiness
“You want to go to a farm in Ratnagiri in the middle of May?”
“Yes! And we can go mango picking.”
“But in May?”
My reaction was not that unexpected. Temperatures often reach 40 degrees in Mumbai and parts of Maharashtra in the summer. It’s hot, sticky and uncomfortable. There was no way a farm in Ratnagiri sounded like the best escape. But I’d already missed a few family holidays, so I went along with Ma’s choice. Two weeks later, after a seven-hour drive on a sultry Friday morning, we arrived at Farm of Happiness in Ratnagiri’s Phungus village.
As soon as we’d arrived, my apprehensions about the heat melted away. The air smelled intoxicatingly sweet. I could almost hear the glee in Ma’s smile and saw Baba’s wondrous one as he looked up at bunches of perfect, green-yellow mangoes on trees. “The scent is of the fruit. Mangoes, jackfruit and cashews.” Rahul Kulkarni, the farm’s 48-year-old owner, greeted us with a smile. Over the next three days, I’d learn that this sustainable organic farm is Rahul and his 47-year-old actor-wife Sampada’s paradise. On the 20-acre farm is a traditional Konkani style home, with a large porch with tables and benches, many reclining chairs and even a couple of hammocks. With the signal gone on our phones,and this setting, I knew that we were not spending a lot of time in our rooms.
Boat rides (top left) in the village’s river are a relaxing way to spend evenings; There’s something for every season here, from mango plucking to sowing new grains (bottom left); Rahul and Sampada Kulkarni (right), owners of Farm of Happiness. Photo by: Rumela Basu (Boat Ride), Photo Courtesy: Farm Of Happiness (field, owners)
That evening, after a meal of taandalaachyaa paanagya (rice and jaggery pancakes steamed in banana leaves) and tea, I was tuning in and out of the conversation around me, focused on my Kindle, until I was distracted by shrill birdcalls. I didn’t know too many birds that called out after dusk—unless, like in this case, they lived in a phone. Our fellow guest was making his 12-year-old son hear the birdcalls he’d recorded. Focusing on the group gathered on the porch properly for the first time, I realised what a motley crew it was. My parents were enamoured with their game of carrom and with the other guest family’s precocious little daughter who had joined their game. Her mother read on the bench nearby. Her father, brother and Rahul were discussing the different birds the man had spotted on his trips here.
Noticing my interest, Rahul explained to me that the family had been visiting his farm at least three times a year for the last three years. “While adults usually come here to unwind and relax, children have the most wonderful reactions to the farm,” he said. “They are always curious and full of questions because the farm is like a science or geography lesson come to life. And there is the first-hand experience of meeting your food. They often think everything is grown on trees, from apples to rice. Seeing the vines, grass, and bushes for the different fruits, vegetables and crops leaves them in awe.”
Couple of hours later, trying hard not to smack my lips loudly over some komdi masala and bhakri at dinner—which is served on the porch—I learnt that Rahul used to be a city-bred advertising professional. “But at the peak of my career, I felt I was no longer creating something, and I was constantly looking for happiness.” Soon, the couple realised that visiting the farm, an ancestral property in Rahul’s father’s birthplace, always seemed to lift a weight off their shoulders. “Luckily for me, Sampada stood by my side encouraging me to pursue anything I wanted even if it meant that our finances would change.” It took a few years and many ideas until Anandache Shet (Farm of Happiness) finally took root.
The Kulkarnis’ Konkani roots reflect in the decor. Photo Courtesy: Farm Of Happiness
“But I had to first learn to be a farmer,” he said. Walking around the farm next morning was an insight into that journey. The perennial fruit trees came with the land, but the various seasonal crops, vegetables and herbs that grow in the farm now were a result of years of learning. The carpet of leaves beneath our feet was strewn with buttery yellow cashew fruits. Breaking into the syrupy pulp, he cut out a cashew. Nibbling on the soft nut, we walked past a small biogas producing unit, a chicken coop, buffaloes and cows, and on to acres of farmland being prepped for the monsoon.
I spotted a pineapple growing by the house’s front steps, a scurrying gecko, a nest of red ants who had sewn together leaves with cottony saliva. By a small grove of bamboo, I saw the most lush jamun tree I had seen in a long time. Mangoes are the attraction here, but I have always been partial to the little fruit. Teeth stained purple, we walked towards the mango trees. I noticed that the adjacent field was already set for visitors coming in the monsoon. “We sow rice and many other grains in the monsoon. Growing your own food, that’s a pretty unique experience.”
For the next hour, we were all kids again. Armed with a long pole that ended in a contraption of net and blade, my father and I engaged in the battle of the mango pickers. My young arms finally won me a better count of alphonsoes. He gave it his best shot though, not to mention stopping every few minutes, to pick and feel and smell the fruit plucked by the farm help that lay in crates around us. His proudest moment though, was probably slurping on a mango he’d picked at lunch afterwards.
Skins still cool from a bath in the backyard spring pool, and tummies stuffed with a delicious Konkani lunch, Ma and I walked to the machan we’d spotted earlier. Lying on the sun-speckled twin beds, she spoke to me of childhood adventures climbing guava trees. The gentle whir of the fan on the machan’s pillar, and the balmy breeze rife with the scent of ripening fruit was like a lullaby. Just as Ma’s soft snores reached my ears, I felt myself drift away to peaceful slumber.
Walking back to the house early evening, I learnt another lesson. Never ask what there is to do when you’re here. Because there will always be an answer. Time seems to stretch infinitely at Anandache Shet, and you can spend it birdwatching, hiking, walking around, lying on a hammock with a book, watching the night sky through a telescope (as we did later) or getting on a boat.
The Baav river, flowing past Phungus, leads to the Arabian Sea. As Rahul spoke about how guests often came fishing here in the evenings, standing with nets in knee-deep waters, I saw a twinkle in Baba’s eyes. I’d suspect hearing this probably took him back to all the times he went fishing with his father in the pond behind their home. I have similar memories with my grandfather too: summer mornings spent unhooking tiny mackerel from his fishing rod, and trying to catch the slippery ones that jumped on to the mud bank.
Jaggery rice pancakes (top left) and pickle (bottom left) made from farm-sourced ingredients; The sweet smell of overripe cashew fruits (top right) fills the air at the farm; Konkani aesthetics finds place in the farm stay’s food (bottom right). Photo Courtesy: Farm Of Happiness
Over three days, we relived our country childhoods one step at a time. And we paid attention to each other. Conversation and laughter filled our time. We learnt a lot about the kind of food we eat and grow. I even got a license for being a good bullock cart driver after a ride on the morning of our departure.
However, the best souvenirs I brought back weren’t just these experiences and lessons, it wasn’t even our handpicked mangoes (along with two other crates) or a stray bloom picked off the red earth. The getaway took me back to summers spent at my family’s ancestral home. Even better, it gave my parents back the summer of their childhood, which was filled with the scent of freshly-plucked ripe mangoes, devoured on sunny verandahs with sticky fingers and sweet pulp dribbling down salty chins.
(Farm of Happiness is in Phungus, 300 km/7 hr from Mumbai; doubles Rs6,000; minimum 2-night stay.)
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openmydiary · 6 years
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Just Pinned to Admission Test: Essay on Rainy Season For All Classes Students THE RAINY SEASON Paragraph: Of the six seasons in Bangladesh the rainy season is the most important due to its contribution towards our agriculture. It is also a very beautiful season. It comes just after the summer. During the rainy season the sky remains covered with (1791) clouds most of the time. Thunderstorms (বজরবষট) are very frequent (সচরচর দখ যয). Due to the heavy and incessant rainfalls wells ponds rivers canals lakes etc. become full to the brim. Lowlands go underwater and look like a sea. The rainy season is very important for our agriculture. It does a lot of good to us. Farmers anxiously wait for the rain as cultivation depends on rain. Without rain the fields cannot be plowed. Much rain is necessary for growing paddy and jute. Everything becomes full of water and the scarcity of water is no longer felt. This season is vital for the growth of vegetation. Hence we can say that the vast greenery of Bangladesh is the bounty of the rainy season. Rainy Season Composition /The Rainy Season of Bangladesh Topics: [Introduction Description Usefulness Disadvantages Conclusion] There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The rainy season is one of them. Ashar and Sraban are the months of rainy season. But sometimes the rainy season lasts from the middle of June to the middle of September. In the rainy season the sky often remains cloudy. Violent blasts blow. The blasts blow from the Bay of Bengal carrying black clouds. As a result it rains in torrents. Sometimes rain continues for days together. Tanks and pools that dry up in winter and summer season are all filled up again. Everywhere roads are covered with mud. In many villages people have to go here and there with boats. People can not go out without the umbrella. Students cannot go to school due to excessive rainfall. People can not go out in search of work. The day laborers have to starve. Fields and roads go under water. Farmers cultivate their lands and sow seeds of paddy. Villagers go to market for buying hilsa. The rainy season is really a blessing. Water currents bring a lot of silt and it makes the land fertile. So it brings a lot of benefits for us. Jute and paddy grow well in the rainy season. Current water washes away dirty things. The supply of food also increases in the rainy season. The air becomes fresh and pure. Rainy season gives us comfort also. It lessens the intense heat of summer. It also gives us a green nature. Trees begin to grow to get rainwater. In spite of having a lot of advantages the rainy season has some disadvantages too. Though it is considered as the blessing sometimes it becomes sufferings. Sometimes rain continues for days together. Then the sufferings of the people know no bounds. Excessive rainfall often turns into the flood. This flood washes away our houses and crops. Moreover many diseases such as malaria diarrhea and dysentery etc. break out in the rainy season. In the long run it can be said that though the rainy season has some bad sides it has a lot of good sides. This season is the most important in our country. Because our agriculture only depends on rain. For so the joy of our tillers knows no bounds if there is sufficient rain in the rainy season. The Rainy Season Essay Topics:(Introduction Description Merits Disadvantages Conclusion) There are six seasons in Bangladesh. They visit Bangladesh periodically. Each of this periodical change is called a season. The rainy season is one of them. It comes after summer. In Bangladesh it begins from mid-June and lasts up to mid-August. Ashar and Shraban are the months of the rainy season. During the rainy season the sky remains clouded. The earth becomes cool and fresh. Sometimes it drizzles. The sun is seldom seen. Again it rains heavily for days together. Dry ponds rivers and canals are filled with water up to the brim. The joy of fishes and frogs know no bounds. But the roads and streets remain muddy. In the town roads and streets are flooded because of heavy showers of rain. Motorcar Jeep Taxi etc. are seen to run through pools of water. It is indeed a beautiful sight to me. In summer the heat is unbearable. Nature seems to be lifeless. But with the rainy season Nature seems to get a new life. Then we see green trees green grass and green corn fields. Different kinds of flowers bloom and their sweet smell spreads in the air. The beauty of Nature in rainy season charms all particularly the poets. In this season Jute and Paddy grow in plenty. Many sweet and juicy fruits are found in plenty. The flood washes away refuse things and dirt. It makes the country free from malaria and other diseases. In the rainy season many people can go from one place to another by boat. They can carry heavy things by boat. This saves expenses. In the rainy season people cannot feel at ease to go out. Poor people suffer much. Their cottages become damp and wet. Sometimes the flood washes away their cottages. Many people then become homeless and helpless. Cattle and crops are also destroyed. Diseases like cholera malaria and dysentery break out. It is doubtlessly true that the rainy season is very useful for us. Paddy and Jute grow welt. If there is not much rainfall then these crops will not grow well. Its economic value is great. Considering all these we welcome the rainy season. Indeed it is a blessing to us. Short Essay on the RAINY SEASON IN BANGLADESH Introduction: There are six seasons in Bangladesh. They are the summer the rainy season the autumn the late autumn the winter and the spring. Of the six seasons in Bangladesh the rainy season is the most important due to its contribution towards our agriculture. It is also a very beautiful season. It comes just after the summer. Description: During the summer the weather remains very hot. Ponds wells canals and lakes dry up. Trees languish for want of water. Everything waits for the refreshing touch of the rain. Then comes the rainy season with its shower of rain like a blessing. During the rainy season the sky often remains covered with clouds most of the time. Thunderstorms are very frequent (সচরচর দখ যয). Due to the heavy and incessant (বরতহন) rainfalls wells ponds rivers canals lakes etc. become full to the brim. Lowlands go underwater and look like a sea. Usefulness: The rainy season is very important for our agriculture. It does a lot of good to us. Farmers anxiously wait for the rain as cultivation depends on rain. Without rain the fields cannot be plowed. Much rain is necessary for growing paddy and jute. Everything becomes full of water and the scarcity of water is no longer felt. Disadvantages: The rainy season has its disadvantages too. Roads become muddy and slippery. Then it becomes very difficult to use the roads. Poor people living in huts also suffer a lot. They can not go out in heavy rain to work for earning their daily bread. Many diseases like cholera dysentery and malaria also break out in this season. Heavy rainfall often causes the flood. Floods wash away houses poultry cattle and crops and thus cause a great loss to the villagers. Conclusion: The importance of the rainy season outweighs its disadvantages. It is also a very pleasant season. Watching rain while sitting beside the window can turn anyone into a romantic poet. One can pass hours watching the rain falling on green trees fields and ponds. Such beauty is beyond description. This season is vital for the growth of vegetation. Hence we can say that the vast greenery of Bangladesh is the bounty (a) of the rainy season. The Rainy Season and Umbrella Descriptive Essay on The Rainy Season In Bangladesh The Rainy Season in Bangladesh When the earth becomes desiccated and lifeless in the scorching sun during the simmering summer nature is athirst and all but suffocated then comes the rainy season with its life-giving freshness of heavenly water. The cracked and dried soil gets revitalized. The tongue of the heated atmosphere sucks in enough moisture and becomes lively. Everywhere there is seen the affluence and freshness of youth. All this happens by virtue of the advent of the rainy season the most outstanding and longest season of the year. Ashar and Srabanthese two months consist of the rainy season. But actually this season extends itself through the month of Ashwin. The season intoxicates the sky moisturizes the soil fills up the rivers canals ponds lakes and ditches all around. Patches of dark-black clouds rehearse all over the sky to pour water. In the beginning the sky covers its face with the opaque veils of pregnant clouds and looks as though it were cross with the earth. Then all of a sudden it showers raindrops sometimes thunderbolts accompanying them. Eventually the whole sky breaks down into a paroxysm of wild cry. The rains come with blessings. Farmers carrying their plows on their shoulders head for the fields singing vatiali songs. The soil wet from heavy raindrops invite them to plow it. Not a single member of the animal world remains thirsty. The flora sucks in through their roots the heavenly life-giving water of rain-drops. The wind gets back its moisture its life. Wild plants grow here and there with unparalleled vigor. Everywhere there is a greeny picturesque sight. From many stranded seeds sprout forth new buds of various known and unknown plants. Likewise in the hearts of humourist people arise the forlorn and forgotten memories of the past; they would perhaps bring a perfection to the incomplete pleasure of life. During the rainy season it often rains torrentially. Sometimes it showers at a stretch for four or five days. During this time those who do not have anxiety for their bread enjoy the rhythmic down-pour of rain-drops sitting idle on an easy chair at the corner of the house or beside an open window. In the far-off forests peacocks start dancing stretching their wings wide apart. The poetic mind likewise breathes out songs like: Today my heart dances As blithely as the peacock. Dances my heart ah! The rainy season has its own odor sound and beauty. The unique smell of the swampy and damp soil remind us of nature in its own abode and characteristics. The mind swells up with a proud sense of belonging to the earth. Patter patter went the rain on the tin-sheds creating a rhythmic melodious liquid but metallic sound in which the poetic mind discovers enjoyable rhymes. Sometimes this sound breaks the heart of a lover in separation. This sound is anesthetizing dream-giving and tonic. It has poetic elements in it. It takes us into the subconscious an extraordinary world we have within ourselves. The rainy season expresses itself in the rivers canals bells and ponds. During this time they often overflow their banks. Everything goes under water. Amphibious creatures and playful fishes run to and fro out of ecstatic joy. Very often they are followed by the naughty boys and girls of the villages. This scenery is actually very charming to the Bangali eye. The usefulness of the rainy season is well-known. It is because of this season that our country is full of crops and flowers. The greenish lively appearance of nature in our country is fully attributable to this season. This season has rendered our climate moderate not too hot nor too cold. It has made our a country of rivers and natural beauty. In this regard it is worth noticing that while poets in many other countries of the world mainly sing of the spring the poets of our country sing highly of the rainy season. In a word there is no doubt that the natural beauty of our country is a blessing of the rainy season. No doubt that the rainy season does us the great favor. But the harms it does to us are no less important to discuss. During this time living in the villages come to a stand-still so to say. Village streets get muddy and become unsuitable for easy transportation and communication. There arises a great crisis of pure drinking water in most villages. Rainwater being undrinkable there iswater everywhere/Not a drop to drink. As a result various water-borne diseases like cholera diarrhea etc break out in village areas like an epidemic. Cattle and poultry also catch various diseases. Often marauding floods inundate peoples houses corn-fields and everything. They lose many things even their lives. In towns and cities too heavy rainfall becomes a big cause of peoples sufferings. The merits and demerits of the rainy season may be compared minutely to form a final opinion about whether it does us more good than bad. And ultimately we must come up with the conclusion that the rainy season is a necessary evil to us. But for this season we would not exist at all though sometimes it threatens our existence. https://ift.tt/2NdLsK2
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dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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    ➜ Zacharius “Zack” Leodegar has been accepted!
Welcome to Dahlthir, Kat! Your application for Zacharius “Zack” Leodegar has been approved. You’ll have 5 days to turn in your blog to the masterlist. If you need more time, you can send us a message!
The character portion of the application can be found under the cut. The way you’ve written Zack’s background and how you ended it with his arrival in Dahlthir has me wondering just what his fate is and how Dahlthir will come into play for him! I already believe that he’s a hero and I can’t help but just wait for what’ll happen with him and his destiny. Also, on a totally unrelated note, I love his pig friend. I love his pig friend with his flaming tusks. I love him. What a good pig. 
Other Characters: N/A
Original Artwork
Character Name: Zacharius “Zack” Leodegar Housing: Ultimo Guild Age: 17
Appearance : Supposed to look like this
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But most of my art will be from his modern look which is
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Are they a part of the Adventurer’s Guild? (Recruit or Full Member): recruit —- How long have they been part of the Guild: just started
Warnings : death, slight mention of decay, going under water, being breathless 
quick to anger
Brash and Heroic. Friendly and Mischievous. Zack most of the time is an impulsive young man who tends to act first and think later. Stubborn as a mule but determined. A simple young man who enjoys the little things in life from video games to eating. He is prone to mischief and loves to make plans which generally consist of hiding and disguises.A loyal friend he will take the time to help out anybody he calls a friend. An extremely charismatic boy one might might deem him as hyper and talkative due to him always being the bright one in a group. He is quite competitive and will never say no to a challenge no matter how reckless or idiotic it can be.  Not one to take insults sitting down, he will most of the time have his own rebuttal.
Background (Minimum of 5 sentences.): 
They say that if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there, does it make a sound? The fact of the matter is, somebody is always there. The woods is home to many a creatures. In the midst of them is a village. Full of not just humans but elves, sylvans, wood gnomes, tree trolls,and other nature inclined creatures. The village was vast but hidden in the canopies of the leaves, A natural protection, which is benefited by man magic. 
The leader of this village was a man, a human noble exiled for defying his parents and his wife an elven woman whose family were known as those that has the wild in their voices. They ruled the village from atop a tree which itself was atop a hill as chief and chieftess. They also had two children. The elder a girl who loved the water and everything marine. The younger a boy who inspired by stories of great heroes wanted to be one himself. 
The young boy named Zacharius, was precocious and easily impressionable. When a traveling storyteller visited their village and filled his mind with songs of a hero who after finding a sword in a lake was tasked with protecting the land from a great undead dragon whose infernal breath could change those who breathed it in into feral creatures of no mind and only hunger for flesh. They called it the “WALKING DREAD”. Zack decided, along with his cousin and some friends decided to scour the local lake in hopes of finding a weapon that can serve the world. 
Their journey started at the little pond by Treetop hill. feeding into it was the babbling brook that branched off from the main river that is the life line of the village. At the end of it is a lake on the side of a mountain. A shimmering surface that seems to mirror the sky above. Hues of orange, yellows, and red danced on its surface. Zack had been to this lake once before when he reached his first decade of life. This was where his father started him on his studies. To choose a path in life. Being the second born he wasn’t the heir but it didn’t stop him from helping the village. 
He had chosen to be a village guard. Those who learned the martial practice to defend the village. But being a scion of the wild voices meant that he too was trained in the magics of his elven heritage. However for Zack unlike his sister was not adept in the elemental arcane arts.  However the voice of the wild was strong in him. From it he was able to summon what started as friendly familiar creatures such as bunnies and squirrels but as time passed he could summon wolves, bears, and once even a great eagle. Soon learning to even speak to the creatures.  
This skill helped him as he peered into the lake. A whisper from his voice as a large fish rose up to greet him. “Elder Trout.” He said, “I believe this lake may be home to something mystical. I ask you to dive deep and hopefully find me a treasure.” The fish lowered its head as iif it was bowing and dove into the depth. The teens waited until night fall. With Zack the only one still at the lake.Falling asleep until a splash caught their attention. All of them ran into the edge as Elder Trout dropped from his mouth three gems. One a sapphire, one a garnet, and one an onyx. 
The jewels seemed to glow and upon touching them, Zack felt a shiver on his back, The gems burned hot causing Zack to drop them. Upon where they fell were three figures. All in tunics but one had blueish, closed cropped hair, and an athletic build. The other has wine colored curly hair and a dazed look. The last had dark hair into a ponytail. The first two smiled at Zack while the third scowled.  
Of course Zack screamed but were soothed by the wine colored one.Who summoned a small bush that grew many berries. Whose fruit floated easily into his hand. One bite sent sending him into a calm stupor. The three figures then spoke, one by one of welcome, strength, loyalty, and power. Telling him fate has landed him into their hands. The blue haired one pointing at Zack. “You. With the spiky hair. In time you will receive a message. Heed it.” Then they disappeared into a flash of light. In their place was a ring, inlaid were the three gems. With this, Zack collapsed onto the banks of the lake. 
The next day he was awoken by members of his village who spent the night looking for him. Followed by a scolding from his father they returned to the village. Where Zack received a justified punishment by his mother, father, and arms teacher. 
Since then. Not much happened, other then the fact that Zack was gifted with something incredible. With what started as simple distance magic was more then that. He could make a hole to any part of the forest he’d like to travel to. And during element training he was able to exhibit something new. Something non elemental but blue. 
This was his sword of Walking Dread. The thing that will help him change the world. 
When he reached of age, Zack returned to the lake. Saying a thank you to whatever was stored in those gem. That day however, the sky was black. Lightning breaking through the darkness like cracking strips, of hot white branches. One of which, struck a tree, sending a might trunk flying and driving Zack into the depths of the lake. He didn’t know what hit him until he felt the grasp of breathlessness, Followed by darkness. Slowly the darkness was illuminated and replaced by the sight of a grand city. Different images played through his brain. 
The ring on his finger glowed for the first since that night and Zack took this as a sign. Summoning a giant otter, he reached the surface and ran to his village. There he explained he received a vision. To take the road and find his fate. To prove his point he pointed his ring up and pointed it a certain direction. The ring seemed to glow when facing a certain direction. 
“IT’S AN ORDER FROM THE GODS!” His parents, ones who knows adventure of fate all too well allowed him to go. If, he sends them messages from time to time. With this he agreed, packed hsi belongings, and in a few weeks time. 
Arrival in Daulthir. 
Level: 4
General Powers/Abilities/Unusual Traits Description: Blessed by gods Zack is given quite a number of skills. 
They include: strong spiritual powers that takes the form of energy attacks, and natural buffs.. 
Summoning powers: Zack is able to summon a number of creatures due to his mother’s bloodline 
Has a black sword named MOONEDGE, its blade glows blue and can cut through most non-divine materials
Specific Powers/Abilities/Traits of Note: 
An extensive list can be found here
Extra: has a pet pig that can change shape from. The pig has flaming tusks and carry about 500 lbs and push/pull about 1000 lbs.
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Landscape Landscape design Subtle Additions To The Backyard Lesson 104.
A small outdoor pool with a few http://melisawaldock48.host-Sc.com/2017/08/21/heres-just-how-you-May-observe-text-from-someone-elses-Phone/ big goldfish or even koi swimming around can be an exceptional addition to your backyard or landscape. I just like ponds and fountains, our experts constructed a tool measurements fish pond in our landscape about 10 years earlier, every year I add something brand new like water lilies, golden fish, drifting solar illumination. Oral herpes commonly surface on the mouths or even around the soft cells which is there on the mouth place. I have had a great crop of potatoes this simple fact the crops have actually been actually normally really good My issue is actually the pear tree, which is producing weakly, which is actually, as my kid, which is actually a fruit product plant nurseryman states, as a result of the cool springtime that Britain has had. Get indigenous plants and also little trees for screening off workplace as well as to split up the garden. Clean veggies coming from you conservatory may offer you along with fresh vegetables for mixed greens even for Thanksgiving holiday and Christmas supper. A Gothic backyard may be a bunch of exciting and also an imaginative (even eco-friendly pleasant) outlet. Even with the second successive year along with a moist and also cold come North America, AMES purchases strengthened off market growth and also the December 2016 Hills accomplishment in Australia as well as boosted AMES USA lawn tool, hose reel and also wheelbarrow purchase. Property renewable energy tasks can be expensive, as well as though at some point they will supply low-priced electricity, the time invested recovering your first assets may be very lengthy. Broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts as well as kale greens additionally do well when increased in a conservatory. Look at ordering some brand-new selections olden garden faves such as sunflowers, coneflower as well as foxglove. Beni-Maiko" on the other hand produces attractive pink foliage in spring season resorting to dark red in summer months. Just before the cold months come around, see to it these 3 property needs are sufficiently functioning. If you are actually helping make a backyard where there is actually yard or pots developing, you need to remove all of them, together with their roots. A Rose Plant will make an excellent focal point in any type of backyard or as a focal point at an access. Undoubtedly, off my standpoint, it is actually challenging to respond to a concern like that in a vacuum. Inexpensive plastic garden composter such as the SoilSaver compost can you could acquire two for a lot less compared to the cost of anything additional sophisticated if you select a cool. If you are of the lazy type or even just perform not intend to worry about from it, you could get backyard conservatories at yard retail stores or even on the net. For this reason, when selecting a watering body for a region where water is sparse, the most suited landscape sprinkling alternative is actually the drip water device. Make use of the wintertime in the yard to operate on construct and also hardscaping if the cool authorizations. Incorporate about one cup of water as well as topple many opportunities to mix this in if your garden compost is too dry. As an alternative, you can incorporate environment-friendly component including turf trimmings or landscape abandoned. Across our whole profile, both yard as well as animal, private labels are actually little bit of over 10% of our total portfolio.
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