defenderoftheearth · 2 months
L'héritage de Neuschwabenland
Bases externes dans le Neuschwabenland Une carte d’origine d’après archives. La plupart de mes lecteurs  connaissent essentiellement la région antarctique allemande du Neuschwabenland et son histoire, ce qui n’est ni un secret ni une information particulièrement nouvelle. Nous en avons déjà parlé dans CN II et, à notre connaissance, rien n’a changé depuis, c’est-à-dire qu’il ne peut probablement…
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abirato-editions · 1 year
Nuit polaire : un article de Cassiopée dans Le Coin du Polar (blog Médiapart).
Nuit polaire est un thriller qui se passe en Antarctique, dans un futur proche, aux alentours de 2040. L’enquête d’Apollon Maubrey sur la disparition mystérieuse d’un homme emmène les lectrices et lecteurs au croisement d’enjeux scientifiques, géopolitiques et écologiques que nul n’aurait imaginé vingt ans plus tôt. « Nuit polaire » est un thriller comme je les aime. Écrit d’une plume nerveuse…
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roublardise · 6 months
cette poll nord/sud française me fascine moi en soit j'ai pas des opinions très tranchées sur la question. ma réelle problématique c'est l'invisibilisation du CENTRE ‼️😤
c'est comme dans les forums/servers avec des coins meet up t'as des rôles nord/est/bretagne/sud/sud ouest/sud sud est/suisse/expat/antartique mais t'as jamais une petite place pour la team 'en plein milieu de la diagonale du vide' c'est abusé. on n'a ni médecin ni rencontres irl c'est vraiment pour qu'on se flingax
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Les 6 continents du monde sont :
L' Afrique
L' Amérique
L' Asie
L' Europe
L' Océanie
L' Antartique.
Afrique du Sud: *Pretoria
Algérie: *Alger
Angola: *Luanda
Bénin: *Porto-Novo
Botswana: *Gaborone
Burkina Faso: *Ouagadougou
Burundi: *Bujumbura
Cameroun: *Yaoundé
Cap-Vert: *Praia
Comores: *Moroni
Congo: *Brazzaville
Côte d'Ivoire: *Yamoussoukro
Djibouti: *Djibouti
Egypte: *Le Caire
Erythrée: *Asmara
Ethiopie: *Addis-Abeba
Gabon: *Libreville
Gambie: *Banjul
Ghana: *Accra
Guinée: *Conakry
Guinée équatoriale *Malabo
Guinée-Bissau: *Bissau
Île Maurice: *Port Louis
Kenya: *Nairobi
Lesotho: *Maseru
Liberia: *Monrovia
Libye: *Tripoli
Madagascar: *Antananarivo
Malawi: *Lilongwe
Mali: *Bamako
Maroc: *Rabat
Mauritanie: *Nouakchott
Mozambique: *Maputo
Namibie: *Windhoek
Niger: *Niamey
Nigeria: *Abuja
Ouganda: *Kampala
République Centrafricaine: *Bangui
République Démocratique du Congo: *Kinshasa
Rwanda: *Kigali
São Tomé et Príncipe: *São Tomé
Sénégal: *Dakar
Seychelles: *Victoria
Sierra Leone: *Freetown
Somalie: *Mogadiscio
Soudan: *Khartoum
Soudan du Sud: *Djouba
Swaziland: *Mbabane
Tanzanie: Dodoma
Tchad: *N'Djamena
Togo: *Lomé
Tunisie: *Tunis
Zambie: *Lusaka
Zimbabwe: *Harare
Antigua-et-Barbuda *Saint John's
Argentine *Buenos Aires
Bahamas *Nassau
Barbade *Bridgetown
Belize *Belmopan
Bolivie *Sucre
Brésil *Brasilia
Canada *Ottawa
Chili *Santiago
Colombie *Bogota
Costa Rica *San José
Cuba *La Havane
Dominique *Roseau
Equateur *Quito
Etats-Unis *Washington
Grenade *Saint George's
Guatemala *Guatemala
Guyana *Georgetown
Haïti *Port-au-Prince
Honduras *Tegucigalpa
Jamaïque *Kingston
Mexique *Mexico
Nicaragua *Managua
Panama *Panama
Paraguay *Asunción
Pérou *Lima
République Dominicaine *Saint-Domingue
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis *Basseterre
Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines *Kingstown
Sainte-Lucie *Castries
Salvador *San Salvador
Suriname *Paramaribo
Trinité-et-Tobago *Port of Spain
Uruguay *Montevideo
Venezuela *Caracas
Afghanistan *Kaboul
Arabie Saoudite *Riyad
Arménie *Erevan
Azerbaïdjan *Bakou
Bahreïn *Manama
Bangladesh *Dacca
Bhoutan *Thimbu
Birmanie *Naypyidaw
Brunei Bandar Seri *Begawan
Cambodge *Phnom Penh
Chine *Pékin
Corée du Nord *Pyongyang
Corée du Sud *Séoul
Emirats Arabes Unis *Abu Dhabi
Géorgie *Tbilissi
Inde *New Delhi
Indonésie *Jakarta
Irak *Bagdad
Iran *Téhéran
Israël *Jérusalem
Japon *Tokyo
Jordanie *Amman
Kazakhstan *Astana
Kirghizistan *Bichkek
Koweït *Koweït
Laos *Vientiane
Liban *Beyrouth
Malaisie *Kuala Lumpur
Maldives *Malé
Mongolie *Oulan-Bator
Népal *Katmandou
Oman *Mascate
Ouzbékistan *Tachkent
Pakistan *Islamabad
Palestine *Jérusalem-Est
Philippines Manille
Qatar *Doha
Singapour *Singapour
Sri Lanka Sri ayawardenapura
Syrie *Damas
Tadjikistan *Douchanbe
Taïwan *Taipei*
Timor-Oriental *Dili
Thaïlande *Bangkok
Turkménistan *Achgabat
Turquie *Ankara
Viêt Nam *Hanoï
Yémen *Sanaa
Albanie *Tirana
Albanie * Tirana
Allemagne *Berlin
Andorre *Andorre-la-Vieille
Autriche *Vienne
Belgique *Bruxelles
Biélorussie *Minsk
Bosnie-Herzégovine *Sarajevo
Bulgarie *Sofia
Chypre *Nicosie
Croatie *Zagreb
Danemark *Copenhague
Espagne *Madrid
Estonie *Tallinn
Finlande *Helsinki
France *Paris
Grèce *Athènes
Hongrie *Budapest
Irlande *Dublin
Islande *Reykjavik
Italie *Rome
Kosovo *Pristina
Lettonie *Riga
Liechtenstein *Vaduz
Lituanie *Vilnius
Luxembourg *Luxembourg
Macédoine *Skopje
Malte *La Valette
Moldavie *Chisinau
Monaco *Monaco
Monténégro *Podgorica
Norvège *Oslo
Pays-Bas *Amsterdam
Pologne *Varsovie
Portugal *Lisbonne
République Tchèque *Prague
Roumanie *Bucarest
Royaume-Uni *Londres
Russie *Moscou
Saint-Marin *Saint-Marin
Serbie *Belgrade
Slovaquie *Bratislava
Slovénie *Ljubljana
Suède *Stockholm
Suisse *Berne
Ukraine *Kiev
Vatican *Vatican
Australie *Canberra
Fidji *Suva
Kiribati *Tarawa
Marshall *Majuro
Micronésie *Palikir
Nauru *Yaren
Nouvelle-Zélande *Wellington
Palaos *Melekeok
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée *Port Moresby
Salomon *Honiara
Samoa *Apia
Tonga *Nukualofa
Tuvalu *Fanafuti
Vanuatu *Port-Vila
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songofstealing · 1 year
So had this little plot bunny and I ended up thinking about it when I should've been doing my assignment
It just kept growing and growing so I wrote it down
So the events of Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask are switched
Time goes on his majoras mask adventure first
Then Ocarina of Time
How would that change things
Time is actually from Termina
Either he was born there or
Maybe when Escaping thru the woods from the civil war
Links mother ends up basically tripping thru into Termina
She'd probably brute force her way and ends  up all the way in Clock town (cuz the Lost woods entrance still ends up in the underground Cavern with the floating platforms, which now that I think about it... how would she get across??
She probably found another way in)
I can't think of one person to take care of Link
Maybe the mayor? So he's Kafei's little brother
Maybe with Anju's family
I also momentarily thought about the blacksmiths up in the Goron village but I don't think they'd be good parents
I can only think that he's just a village raised kid?
Everyone chips in to help and he has his own home where he's kept a close eye on when he's old enough?
I'd like to think he'd be the kid who, like Kafei in game, is always wandering around town with a mask
And it changes each time u see him
(Even if it's just be turning away and then back around, it'll still change)
He's a troublemaker with the face of an angel so he gets away with his pranks aside from a select few people
Probs hangs out with the bomber kids tho not actually apart of the gang
Also plays with the other kids who comes into town doesn't matter if they're a different race
(Probs befriends the deku butler's son that way, Oh no that will be sad)
Likes to go exploring so always sneaks past the guards even tho they try to keep him in since its dangerous out there
Also I like to think he collects ocarinas
If it makes a note and it's Brightly coloured it's his
Different sizes, different hole numbers, funky little deku scrub shaped ones he'll love it
Maybe he makes some too
And masks?
Thatd be cool, if he could slowly work on making his own masks with new powers
Also he probs befriended skull kid, tatl, and tael which will make it super angsty for when majora pops up
There probs wouldn't be a big climactic skull kid attacks link and turns him into a scrub
I think he'd be there when skull kid grabs majora
Would he be down with stealing from a stranger? Or is he someone who plays Light hearted jokes on people He knows
Or would he add to the chaos then later turn around and try to fix everything since he blames himself?
So obviously he doesn't have the Ocarina of Time
But I like to think that Hylia had already chosen him as the next and couldn't allow him to die in Termina so she granted him the ability to Revert time even without the ocarina?
Maybe she imbues one of his
Maybe it's just the song and he can whistle it or a mask??
Also also I read Antartique's "Gifts of Termina" and absolutely loved the Termina head canons they had
From the calendar being different, to the Schroedinger-ness of Termina, and the possibility of Link being able to talk to the spirits of the transformation masks
And because I love linking everything Zelda related to Jojo's Linked Universe
How would this change Time's personality? Would he stay in Termina even tho he's technically from Hyrule?
And how would his abilities change?
If anyone has any more ideas or head canons I'd love to hear it!
And ignore the broken font and formatting pls I was fiddling around with it and couldn't figure out how to change it back
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antignocchiphase · 2 years
🍐✏️🤝 for Time?
Hi silver!!!
Unfortunately, you have picked the one character that I am at odds with. By which I mean I played the games for time, then read the manga and got mad, and then read Lu and the fanon interpretation, and oh boy you'll never guess what happened next!
So screw you this isn't about time LU. This is about my own internal thoughts about Time.
🍐- food headcanon
If the kokiri are immortal children, I'm not sure food poisoning would kill them, therefore Time eats anything in the forest. Not sure if it's immunity, magic, or something else, but he finds a mushroom, he eats it. 10/10 would eat bugs and has. He drinks stream water. He looked at Lon Lon milk and went "wow. This is funky water."
Unrelated but also related, y'all have to read gifts of termina because it has food related stuff and I adore it
✏️ - hobby headcanon
I would 100% love to say mask carving or collecting, but it's also funny to say his hobby is being an amazing husband. Ignoring both of those, because I can, my actual answer is musical instruments! He came back from termina and decided he was going to get the closest thing to deku pipes, goron drums, or a sea bass guitar (heheheheh puns) possible. I like to think he prefers wind instruments because >:3
🤝 - platonic headcanon
He's friends with his horse! Horse child! Horse child right there! Pointing and yelling "horse child!!!!"
Excuse me. I think he and Lullaby are good friends and go on outings with Lullaby disguised as sheik. They have philosophical conversations in which Time is like an engineer. His answers are simplistic and a little infuriating, but make sense and are hard to argue with, while Lullaby is long winded but easy to poke holes in her arguments. It's training for both of them. Time learns more formal speech and Lullaby learns to be clear and firm in her words. It's a good pair.
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artlimited · 1 year
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Magique Antartique by Véronique VS https://www.artlimited.net/19332/art/photographie-magique-antartique-numerique-nature-paysage-aquatique-lac-riviere/en/452624
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winari2 · 4 months
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poyo-la-poulette · 1 year
ÉTAPE 3 partie 1 : USHUAIA (Argentine) 27/02 au 05/03
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On a du mal à imaginer qu'avant l'arrivée des colons, le peuple Yamana vivait ici de la pêche, en pagne et en pirogue; aujourd'hui en fin d'été on mettrait bien un second bonnet par-dessus le premier tellement le vent est froid !
La première journée on a visité le "musée de la prison" où on a appris beaucoup de choses sur Ushuaïa : par exemple que la ville était à l'origine une mission anglicane (un village où des missionnaires religieux se sont installés pour convertir le peuple Yamana à leur religion), puis et pendant longtemps une colonie pénitentiaire argentine (ou étaient envoyés des grands criminels, puis des prisonniers politiques), avant de devenir une destination touristique de laquelle partent même des croisières vers l'Antarctique.
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L'endroit est extrêmement isolé, par de hautes chaînes de montagne d'un côté, et un océan souvent déchaîné de l'autre côté. Il y a eu beaucoup de naufrages dans le coin, et dans le port on peut d'ailleurs admirer un hommage à ces drames, le St Christopher, un remorqueur échoué et laissé sur place en 1954.
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Le second jour on est allé randonner dans le parc national "Tierra del Fuego" (en Français "la Terre de feu", appelée ainsi par les premiers marins après qu'ils aient vu les feux de camp des Yamana depuis leurs bateaux). Le paysage sub-antartique est très divers et impressionnant, on y trouve des lagunes, des montagnes, des tourbières et des forêts immenses.
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Le parc de la "Tierra del Fuego" appartient à l'argentine et son pays voisin. Le banc sur lequel nous sommes assises marque la frontière entre l'Argentine et le Chili, derrière nous!
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grandboute · 3 years
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rester à l’écoute du monde
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defenderoftheearth · 3 months
La Vérité nous libérera
Questions que tout le monde devrait se poser : 1- Que fait une pyramide égyptienne sur un billet d’un dollar américain ? 2- Pourquoi 56 pays ont-ils signé un traité pour ne pas s’aventurer en Antarctique ? 2b-Pourquoi  l’ancienne colonie et base secrète allemande de Neue Schwabenland a -t-elle été si longtemps  flouée sur Google Maps (à ses débuts)? 3- Pourquoi les avions ne survolent-ils…
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Antartica-icebergs 16 by Mona Dienhart &Chris Lebas Via Flickr: big blue antartica view large is even better static.flickr.com/20/73141037_b91529b7e3_b.jpg
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larucheanimation · 4 years
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May 13, 2019
We were watching the movie The thing for the director John carpenter. It’s a great triller and we were soooo scared at that moment!
13 Mai 2019
Nous écoutions le film The thing du réalisateur John carpenter. C’est un bon film de suspense et nous avions eu tellement peur à ce momment là!!!
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UNSPECIFIED, ANTARCTICA - NOVEMBER 04:  Mountain peaks are seen from NASA's Operation IceBridge research aircraft in the Antarctic Peninsula region, on November 4, 2017, above Antarctica. NASA's Operation IceBridge has been studying how polar ice has evolved over the past nine years and is currently flying a set of nine-hour research flights over West Antarctica to monitor ice loss aboard a retrofitted 1966 Lockheed P-3 aircraft. According to NASA, the current mission targets 'sea ice in the Bellingshausen and Weddell seas and glaciers in the Antarctic Peninsula and along the English and Bryan Coasts.' Researchers have used the IceBridge data to observe that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet may be in a state of irreversible decline directly contributing to rising sea levels. The National Climate Assessment, a study produced every 4 years by scientists from 13 federal agencies of the U.S. government, released a stark report November 2 stating that global temperature rise over the past 115 years has been primarily caused by 'human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases'. 
(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
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eaujourdhui · 3 years
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artlimited · 4 months
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Magique Antartique by Véronique VS https://www.artlimited.net/19332/art/photographie-magique-antartique-numerique-nature-paysage-aquatique-lac-riviere/en/452624
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