#anti appropriation
sysmedsaresexist · 10 months
Tibetan buddhists speaking about the issues of tulpamancy and cultural appropriation have always been here.
Here's one from 2014!
Another from 2019!
A different one from 2020!
You're just ignoring them because it's more convenient to claim your practices come from an ancient tradition, rather than it being a new thing. (Which it is. The concept is completely different from what Tulpas actually are. Please learn to distinguish reality from fucking Supernatural lore, I beg you.)
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the-lost-kemetic · 1 year
I want to get more mutuals to interact with since it seems like I don’t have many! Please interact with this post if you’re
A black practitioner
A Kemetic pagan
Dragon worker
Spirit worker
Anti-appropriation and for the decolonization of witchcraft and paganism (this means you’re able to critically talk about appropriation in all contexts and not get offended. You’re also able to critically look at any practice that is heavily appropriated—like Wicca—and discuss it’s issues)
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justanothersyscourse · 10 months
I'm doing a repost because I really want this is have a great chance at being seen
Tibetan buddhists speaking about the issues of tulpamancy and cultural appropriation have always been here.
From 2014
From 2019
From 2020
I'm really curious how you're going to talk over them like you do everyone else.
OH, and did you see this post about Alexandra David-Neel?
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jedi-valjean · 2 years
E.K. Johnston's third Padme book, Star Wars: Queen's Hope has a Trans Clone. She's referred to as "Sister" by her brothers, the other Clones, to tell other people that she belongs. Now, before you ask, this isn't a Whitewashing situation ala Omega. (I know Omega isn't Trans, but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.) There aren't any pictures in the book, but Sister says she was sent out around the same time as the rest of the Clones, and is described as having hair styled in "long dark braids," suggesting she looks just like their movie depictions, only she happens to identify as a woman. The only non-Clone characters she interacts with are Anakin and Obi-Wan, who gender her correctly, which was really lovely to see.
There was a big fiasco when EK commissioned art of Sister and she gave her Black braids instead of a Polynesian hairstyle, which is appropriative and disrespectful to both cultures. When she was called out on it, she made a halfhearted attempt at rectifying the situation by changing the hair slightly, but not to a Polynesian one, “because Star Wars.” This understandably hurt a lot of Polynesian fans, and made me lose any remaining shreds of respect I had for EK. But other fanartists are fixing EK’s mistake and giving Sister proper Polynesian hairstyles in their art.
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This is the art in question. Below is the “fixed” version. As you can see, not much difference. Some question why Sister needs long hair at all. I’m inclined to agree; it feels like the only reason she’s depicted with this style is because it’s more feminine. Fanart I’ve seen tends to change her hairstyle altogether, usually giving her a bun.
A slightly less important quibble of mine is— I don’t know if it reflects the book’s description— that the blue and pink color scheme evokes the real-world trans flag, which implies that Polynesian hairstyles are too Earthlike for Star Wars but pride flags are not. Speaks volumes about what EK’s idea of representation is IMO.
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philocetera · 9 months
Honestly I agree with your tulpa post! I was raised Buddhist and would still kinda consider myself one and I always felt it was a little disrespectful. Good day! /gen
Sorry for not answering sooner! You have a good day too. I appreciate this a lot :)
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moony-2001 · 5 months
The real-world impact of Lore Olympus
i.e. do your research Rachel
Trigger warning: racism, fetishization, appropriation, mentions of SA
Long post ahead
A while ago, someone told me that Lore Olympus was just a silly little comic written out of boredom. That it was made to be "funny". They told me that "[I] can't hope [for] an extremely [well-written] story when it was just made with the intention to make something goofy" and that if Rachel actually wanted to make something serious like I had, she would write a book and not a comic.
At the time of this exchange, it was past 1 a.m. and I was exhausted. I did not want to argue with this person and it simply wasn't worth my time or energy in the moment.
But looking back at that (mostly one-sided) interaction, I can't help but think that there is so much wrong with that point of view. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion about Lore Olympus, whether good or bad. But Lore Olympus isn't just some silly little nothing comic about nothing important. It is a comic that actively appropriates and erases Greek Culture. It is a comic that has no respect for the actual stories that have been passed down over thousands of years whether by word of mouth or written text. It is a comic that perpetuates a false narrative and harmful stereotypes about characters or certain groups of people. So, no, it's not just a silly little comic.
Incorrect information
Here’s an example of what I mean:
When I was doing research for my post about the 10 year time skip, I looked up Leuce to reconfirm the little information I knew about her. Wanna guess the first thing that popped up about her?
A Lore Olympus Wiki article.
Okay. How about Minthe? Hundreds of pictures of her from Lore Olympus and a LO Wiki article as one of the top 3 results. Both character are horribly represented in LO and unfortunately there isn’t really any documented stories or records that can refute how LO paints them. Because of this, other characters in Greek Mythology like Leuce and Minthe, whose stories have little to no documentation, stand to suffer the most harm from deliberate misrepresentation on Rachel’s part.
Of course well-known and better documented figures in Greek mythology face slander as well. What about Thetis or Leto? How about Apollo? All of their portrayals in LO are HORRIBLE. I have seen people online absolutely drag them to filth not because they're upset about how the character is portrayed compared to their mythological counterpart, but because they have no knowledge of how they are actually portrayed outside of LO. They just assume that's how the characters are. Similarly, people who have either very little or no prior knowledge of Greek Mythology and Culture would look at the comic and go "Yep, sounds legit. It must be true." and go about thinking that what is portrayed in LO is accurate to what was transcribed thousands of years ago.
Creative interpretations and racism/fetishization within LO
Don’t get me wrong. Creative interpretations and artistic liberties can be great. When they’re done tastefully. I personally think if done correctly, a Greek myth spun in a modern way has the potential be very good. But that's not what we were given.
Characters like Minthe, Leuce, and Thetis (all nymphs btw) are portrayed as trashy tramps who put out and are used as a foil sabotage Persephone and/or her relationship with Hades. Compare that to Greek Mythology where in the Iliad, Thetis is very well-respected by the gods, particularly Hera. Unfortunately, other similar characters like satrys (and basically any character that isn’t a god) are usually portrayed as a low-class POC that can be easily exploited, manipulated, or used as a temporary villain/lover/pawn to “get back” at Persephone, our white-coded protagonist who can do no wrong.
Additionally, there is a clear race/class bias against characters like nymphs in LO. We see many cases scattered throughout the comic of gods like Hera or Aphrodite referring to nymphs as "trash" or "low class" or the idea that nymphs do not belong with gods being heavily implied if not outright said. I cannot tell you how often I've seen Minthe be called some variant of "cheap" by the readers of LO. Even Persephone (who created the flower nymphs) treats them with such disrespect. She frequently calls them some variant of "stupid" or "simple" like saying how they're not the sharpest crayons in the box even though she's the one WHO MADE THEM. However, it's so odd not really to note that nymphs like Echo, Amphitrite, or Psyche (who was previously disguised as a nymph) are not discriminated against. This is because they are liked or trusted by the gods they are around and ergo are often portrayed as the "good ones", which is a disgusting mindset to have.
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We also see the fetishization of nymphs in the comic that is disturbingly similar to the fetishization of women who are Black, Asian, or Latina. It is a known fact that Hades has a flower nymph fetish. Not only is this implied in the comic, but Rachel stated it outright in an old Patreon post. Nymphs are also generally treated as sex-symbols, disposable, and as a lesser-than. Zeus frequently displays this behavior by abandoning nymphs he knocked up in the mortal realm.
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For example, when Persephone finds out Apollo is dating Daphne, she isn't upset he's dating her friend. She's upset he's dating a flower nymph, beings that are generally considered to be "rare", "dumb", and objects of sexual desire. Ew.
Even on the Lore Olympus website (loreolympians.com) nymphs are regarded as "beautiful", "desirable", and "very exotic". And when they're not described in a sexual manner they're say it with me now regarded as "low class" or "workers" for some kind of god/goddess.
Final thoughts
So not only is the characterization of characters like Minthe or Thetis harmful to Greek culture and the stories that are so ingrained in their society, but it is also perpetuating harmful stereotypes about people of color and women who are confident in their sexuality.
Of course, the characters within Greek Mythology had their own issues. Zeus was a serial rapist, many of the goddesses deemed to be "feminist" by today's standards were actually horribly misogynistic looking at you Athena. But 1. that's just how things were back then (but that does not make it right) and 2. all of the good, the bad, and the ugly is still there in Greek Mythology. They're not denying how fucked up it is, but they're also not changing their history to better fit their own narrative or the narrative of the modern world. It exists, it happened, but now it is studied and called out by historians.
Rachel, on the other hand, is doing exactly that. She is actively changing the Greek's cultural history to better fit her fic's narrative. She is constantly sweeping things under the rug or going "No this is how it ACTUALLY happened". Lore Olympus is marketed as a "feminist retelling" yet somehow, it takes allllll the ugly parts from Greek Mythology (rape, incest, problematic age gaps, dubious consent, etc.), mixes it with a majority of the issues we have in the modern world (white feminism, rape-apologists/rape culture, grooming, fetishization of certain minority groups, etc.) and then amplifies the concoction to 20. Lore Olympus cannot be a "progressive, feminist, retelling" and also have characters that are morally apprehensive/come straight from the ancient myths. It does not work. In fact, IMO it makes all the problems from both eras worse.
News flash: actual cultures that are still thriving today are not your toys. They are not "made up". They matter. Do better.
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icedsodapop · 3 months
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I bet a White person wrote this shit.
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vampirepunks · 2 months
Seeing "proship dni" (or the variety of rude variations that folks think are cute/clever *sigh*) in controversial communities, attached to dead dove content, or on selfship posts makes my head spin every damn time
my brother in christ, who else is gonna stick up for you? the antis? lol. lmao, even.
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
I will never apologize for being anti harassment and anti censorship and if you don’t like or understand that then you’re free to block me.
I’ll never change my mind about those two things bc I have been against those since long before the days of the internet, let alone my time in fandom.
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sysmedsaresexist · 9 months
Racists be like: I'll only listen to people from Tibet about Buddhism 😤
Also racists: can't point to Tibet on a map, circles COMPLETELY the wrong area
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sysboxes · 6 months
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[Text: This system doesn't tolerate cultural appropriation.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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bat-kidsarebi-kids · 7 days
i forgot one of the horrendous and unexpected consequences of a new taylor swift album is my beloved mutuals making beautiful art and gif sets with her atrocious goofy ass chatGPT-esque lyrics
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
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I must admit, this is a little cool
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colorisbyshe · 3 months
Feel free to ignore this because I’m sure you’re well beyond tired of “ace discourse” at this point but I’m curious if you’ve seen the recent studies claiming that asexuals are more likely to be offered conversion therapy than LGBT people, and if you have any thoughts on it?
Means absolutely nothing to me because in this context... it's clear no one involved knows what the term "conversion therapy" means, as aces have been watering down the term for almost a decade now, making it to mean "any attempt to change your sexuality" which has ALSO been watered down to mean "any ace being asked if they have depression, sexual trauma, or possibly a hormonal condition and if they want treatment for that."
Conversion therapy (in the context of sexuality, not gender which is similar but not identical, though it often involves sexuality based CT as well) is a fairly specific thing--it involves some authoritative figure (a "therapist," a priest, an "ex gay guru") trying to do two things--erase same gender attraction, often through forcing the person to associate it with shame/pain/disgust/nausea, and to force them to act as it they experience "correct" attraction.
Conversion therapy is often viewed as "successful" if only the first step is complete. As in, the person comes out unable to enjoy/experience/recognize their same gender attraction. They could go the rest of their life celibate, not dating, not marrying and it is successful enough. Best case scenario, they can marry someone of the "right" gender, MAYBE have sex, MAYBE have kids but... the lack of tangible gayness is enough. (NO, I am not saying conversion "therapists" want people to identify as asexual or aromantic, just that they don't mind if gay and bisexual people feel NO attraction/desires when they are done with them.)
Understanding conversion therapy is about destroying sexual attraction, romantic attraction in gay and bisexual people means it is impossible to link up with anti-ace "conversion therapy." There is none. There is no organization or group vying for people to experience sexual attraction in that way. Who are tormenting, abusing people into feeling attraction.
This is especially obvious when you realize... that the argument because "There are organizations that want gay and bisexual asexuals to experience sexual attraction." Run by who? Where? What are they doing to force gay people to want to have sex?
Like... is this just for straight aces then? Can you name a single group in the world that believes in conversion therapy that WANTS gay sexual desires? Gay romantic desire?
So, conversion therapy for aces doesn't exist. Not any systemic level. Are aces being abused, harassed via rape culture? Sure but that isn't conversion therapy.
What aces often claim is the hypothetical "HSDD diagnosis, which Ive debunked as aphobia... years ago.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is a SUDDEN LOSS of sexual attraction COMBINED with DISTRESS at said sudden loss. The DSM EXPLICITLY has an exception for lifelong HSDD--if you have never experienced sexual attraction, no one cares. If you experience DISTRESS at lack of *libido*, doctors may offer exploring potential help on that front... and counseling to accept that maybe you never will.
There is no forced, coercive treatment. If you experience sudden loss of sexual desires (LIBIDO, NOT ATTRACTION), they may test for depression, hormonal changes, cancer, and other potential causes... if you want them to. You're offered counseling for the distress.
HSDD is the type of shit men get viagra for.
Surveys like this are suggesting being prescribed viagra is conversion therapy.
Honestly, the fact that the survey is about conversion therapy being OFFERED, when often it is a COERCIVE practice against minors or vulnerable adults in faith settings, is kinda all the proof you need that what they are discussing is not conversion therapy.
But rather an uncomfortable moment at the doctors where the doctor asks questions they don't like, just to rule out potential health issues.
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newsfromstolenland · 3 months
people have got to stop calling aave "gen z slang". words like rizz and woke and chile becoming known as gen z slang and then becoming known as cringe teenager slang is both appropriative and demeaning
and to add insult to injury, most people appropriating aave can't even be bothered to learn the correct definitions and contexts of the terms and phrases that they're using!!
not to mention that people only use aave when they're trying to be sassy or are angry- the two most common stereotypes associated with black people
can we just collectively shut the fuck up and stop cherry picking bits of other people's cultures to claim as our own? please?
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icedsodapop · 2 months
Media outlets who have lauded Taylor-Joy’s “bride-like” ethereal look, the Instagram comments complimenting her timeless style and her fellow celebrities who posed beside her hijab-covered form have mostly been deafeningly silent on the plight of the women of Gaza.
If Palestinians were not largely Muslim, if they were not Arab - if the women didn’t dress precisely the way that Anya Taylor-Joy gets to dress - then this genocide would have moved the world in the same way that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine did.
We are socialised to swallow the massacre of Arabs and Muslims as commonplace and inconsequential. Our corpses become mere collateral damage to a world unperturbed by our slaughter.
The success - indeed, the very existence - of both the book and now film series is testament to the West’s desire to consume our Muslim aesthetics in a fantasy realm whilst disenfranchising us in the real world - be it through securitisation or racism, war or genocide.
Dune reminds us of the place that the Arab and Muslim will perpetually inhabit in the West. It tells us: we will feed on your exoticness, adopt the intricacies of your culture, ravage your homelands, all whilst removing you from the equation altogether.
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