#artist: こもりひっき
animepopheart · 2 months
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★ 【こもりひっき】 「 🌹Rozen Maiden 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (14)
S for Saille (willow) - April 15th - May 12th
April 23 Saint George's Day 
May 1st Beltane (Gaelic May Day festival)
“Magical and witchcraft tree - Fifth month of the Celtic tree calendar (Ref)”
colour: silver; Gem: moonstone; Gender: female; Patrons: Persephone, Hekate, Ereshkigal, Artemis, Selene, Diana, Luna, Athena, Ceridwen, Orpheus, Baal, Yahweh; Symbols: dream + intuition, prophecy + divination, healing + magic, love
For the ancient Celts, the willow was a magical and mystical tree, as well as a feminine tree subject to the lunar rule, and was also thought to work subconsciously. The Celts believed that being near willow trees increased their spiritual powers and intuition, and as a result, the dreams they had were more realistic and detailed.
The wands used by the druids to ward off evil were made from the branches of the goat willow. The silvery hairs of the catkins hanging from this young male willow may have appeared to the ancients as if they were seeing magic as they were pollinated and transformed into a golden colour. The way the flowers spiralled open must have been astonishing. The source of art and creativity is still to be found in willow, and the thin, strong drawing charcoal used by artists is made from willow.
Willow has long been used in mourning rituals. Planting willow trees in cemeteries facilitated the passage of the souls of the dead, and the ancient Celts believed that the souls of the dead would enter and grow in young willow trees, and that the spirits would dwell in the trees intact.
The willow, which has a deep bond with water, tells you to cry with honesty if you are sad. If you are happy, you should rejoice from your heart. The willow teaches you that sometimes you need to leave reason and sense behind and weep to your heart's content.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (14)
SはSaille (ヤナギ) - 4月15日~5月12日
『魔法の木、妖術の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第5月』
色: 銀; 宝石: 月長石; 性: 女性; 守護神: ぺルセポネ、ヘカテ、エレシュキガル、アルテミス、セレネ、ディアナ、ルナ、アテナ、ゲリドウェン、オルフェウス、バアル、ヤハウェ; シンボル: 夢+直感、予言+占い、癒し+魔法、愛
ドルイドたちが、魔除けに使っていた杖は、ヤマネコヤナギ (バッコヤナギ) の枝からつくられた。この若い雄木に垂れ下がった尾状花序の銀色にひかる和毛が、受粉して黄金色に変身していく様は、古代人には魔法を見ているように見えたのかもしれない。螺旋模様を描きながら花が開いていく様子にも、驚かされたことだろう。ヤナギに芸術や創造性の源を見て取ることは今も変わらず、芸術家が使う細くて丈夫なデッサン用の炭はヤナギからつくられている。
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ru-noe · 2 years
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RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 「The Artist's Way(芸術家の生き様)」酒場でエロ画家シャルルにお酒奢ったら展覧会に招待されたんですけどそこにドジっ子写真家メイソンたんの動物写真とアーサーの写真も展示してあって写真撮るならもっとおしゃれしてきたのに~(>_<)と思ったけどその時着てたのと違う服だし髭ぼうぼうだしであれ以外で服をとっかえひっかえしてモデルとして長い間過ごしたのかしらと思ったり。
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hikki2525 · 6 months
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展覧会記念 期間限定カレンダー発売のお知らせ
Announcement of exhibition commemorative limited time calendar release
カワチ画材様心斎橋画人画廊で2024年2月24日(土)~3月7日(木)に 開催される初個展を記念して、期間限定でカレンダーを発売していただけることになりました😊 時間 11:00~19:00 場所 カワチ画材心斎橋店 店内ギャラリー「心斎橋・画人画廊」 大阪市中央区東心斎橋1-18-24 にて開催予定です! 一年間をイラストとともに過ごしていただけましたら幸いです🌸
international shipping is available(The holidays on the calendar are based on Japanese specifications.)
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dailyexo · 1 year
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EXO - 230101 Official EXO-L Japan website update
"'SMTOWN LIVE 2023 : SMCU PALACE@KWANGYA' is complete"
"本日2023年1月1日に、オンラインコンサート『SMTOWN LIVE 2023 : SMCU PALACE@KWANGYA』が全世界に配信されました!ご覧いただいたみなさん、ありがとうございました!
今回のコンサートは、EXOからはスホが参加した、ウィンターアルバム「2022 Winter SMTOWN:SMCU PALACE」のタイトル曲『The Cure』のMVでスタート!
EXOはクリスマスの雰囲気溢れる『The First Snow』、そしてキレッキレのパフォーマンスでお届けした『Love Shot』のステージでコンサートを盛り上げました♪
ソロステージでは、スホが『Let's Love』、チェンが『Last Scene』のステージで心にぐっと届くような歌声を、シウミンは『Brand New』、カイは『Mmmh』をそれぞれの個性あふれる魅力的なパフォーマンスを披露しました! チャンヨルとセフンはEXO-SCとしてもパフォーマンス!スホを迎えて『Fly Away』を、そして『Rodeo Station』もお届けしましたがいかがでしたか?
さらに、普段はなかなか観ることのできない、さまざまな組み合わせで特別なステージが観られるのもSMTOWN LIVEの魅力のひとつ! 今回も、SMファミリーの先輩後輩とのコラボレーションで、特別なステージをお届けしました♪
まずカイが、Red Velvetのスルギ、NCTのジェノ、aespaのKARINAと息の合ったパフォーマンスで『Hot & Cold』を披露! スホは、KANGTA、SUPER JUNIORのイェソン、NCTのテイル、ロンジュンと『Happier』をしっとりと歌い上げました♪ チャンヨルは、Raidenとの楽曲『Yours』をNCTのマーク、aespaのWINTERとのスペシャルパフォーマンスでスイートにお届け^^
「SMCU PALACE」にアーティストが集まり、2023年の始まりの日に開催されたスペシャルなライブ♪みなさん、お楽しみいただけましたでしょうか?
パフォーマンスを終えたメンバーから写真が届きましたので、EXO-L-JAPANのみなさんに公開します! 「2023年はEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんと直接会える機会がたくさんあるといいね」と話しながら、いつものようにぎゅっと集合したメンバーたち^^
2023年、EXO-L-JAPANのみなさんとEXOが一緒に過ごす楽しい想い出がたくさん増えることをメンバーもとても楽しみにしています^^ みなさんも楽しみに待っていてくださいね!"
Translation: "Today, Janaury 1st 2023, the online concert 'SMTOWN LIVE 2023 : SMCU PALACE@KWANGYA' steamed worldwide! Thank you everyone who tuned in!
As one of the participants in the conert, Suho was featured in the latest MV 'The Cure' from the SM winter album titled '2022 Winter SMTOWN:SMCU PALACE'!
EXO put on a glittery show with their song 'The First Snow', giving viewers a wonderful Christmasy performance. They also turned up the heat with their performance of 'Love Shot'.♪
For the emotional solo stages, Suho performed 'Let's Love' and Chen performed 'Last Scene'. Xiumin and Kai showed off their unique charms with their performances of their two solos, Xiumin with 'Brand New' and Kai with 'Mmmh'!
Chanyeol and Shun took the stage as EXO-SC! For their song 'Fly Away' they invited their leader Suho as a featured guest before performing 'Rodeo Station'! What did you guys think?
SMTOWN LIVE featured not only groups that everyone is familiar with, but also some entirely new matchups of artists that normally do not perform together. This was what made the concert so special! Taking the stage this time was a special collaboration between senior and rookie idols.♪
First up was Kai who took the stage alongside Red Velvet's Seulgi, NCT's Jeno, and aespa's KARINA to perform the song 'Hot & Cold'! Suho performed alongside KANGTA, SUPER JUNIOR's Yesung, NCT's Taeil and Renjun to perform 'Happier'.♪ Chanyeol gave a sweet performance of his Raiden collaboration song 'Yours' alongside NCT's Mark and aespa's WINTER!^^
All of the artists gathere at the 'SMCU PALACE' to give a wonderful performance to kick off the start of 2023!♪ Did everyone enjoy the concert?
To celebrate the end of the concert, the members got together to take a group photo for EXO-L-JAPAN! 'We hope 2023 is the year we will get the chance to see EXO-L-JAPAN again!' The members said with grins on their faces as they all squeezed together for the photo.^^
To finish off this post, the members also took individual selfies. 'Let's all give our individual greetings to EXO-L-JAPAN!'
The members are so excited to make even more memories with EXO-L-JAPAN in 2023!^^ Look forward to more EXO this year, but until then please wait a little longer!"
Photo links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Credit: Official EXO-L Japan.
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curetsun · 10 months
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昨日のひろプリを見ていたら、キュアウィング/夕凪ツバサへの感情が、こう__「好き」を超越してしまって______とりあえず何も考えずたくさん描くことで心を落ち着かせていました by misago໒꒱.· ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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banqanas · 7 months
It’s all good (Lyrics + English translations)
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Theme song for TV drama around 1/4
Lyrics: Masada Waya
English translations
The only thing I’m certain of is
The answer isn’t just black and white
Please never forget You’re not alone
Keep walking on this path you chose Life goes on
The new season paints
A gradient-like scenery
So vivid and intricate, I can’t put into words
Ay, that’s the way it is, ah, that’s the way it is
Let go Compared to yesterday, today
Go Slower Compared to today, tomorrow
Try to accept yourself even more
It’s so wonderful just as you are
Never change you’re beautiful
(Stay as you are)
Don’t think too much, let’s laugh it off
Everything is going great
It’s so wonderful how we’re opposites
So beautiful in our own way
(Stay as you are)
Imperfections makes you more precious, my dear
Keep loving yourself little by little
It’s all good
Breakaway from all the confining trivial things
Throwing away one’s individuality Lose my way
Blindly following the road someone else laid for
As everyone losing sight of themselves, the world falls apart
Let go, With your body
And soul, Go slow
Living my only life to the fullest, always
It’s so wonderful just as you are
Never change you’re beautiful
(Stay as you are)
Don’t think too much, let’s laugh it off
Everything is going great
It’s so wonderful how we’re opposites
So beautiful in our own way
(Stay as you are)
Imperfections makes you more precious, my dear
Keep loving yourself little by little
It’s all good
It’s all good…
There’s an end to everything
Nothing continues forever
So just embrace the present and be free
It’s so wonderful just as you are
Never change you’re beautiful
(Stay as you are)
Don’t think too much, let’s laugh it off
Everything is going great
It’s so wonderful how we’re opposites
So beautiful in our own way
(Stay as you are)
Imperfections makes you more precious, my dear
Keep loving yourself little by little
It’s all good
(It’s so wonderful) It’s all good
(It’s all good) It’s all good
(It’s so beautiful) It’s all good
It’s all good…
Original (Kanji & Romaji)
Taken from Lyrical Nonsense
hitotsu dake wakatteru koto wa
Kotae wa kuro ka shiro janai
忘れないでいて You're not alone
wasurenaideite You’re not alone
このまま続いてゆくから Life goes on
Kono mama tsuzuite yuku kara Life goes on
atarashii kisetsu no iro wa
Kirei na guradeeshon no you ni
鮮やかで複雑で 言葉で表せないよ
azayaka de fukuzatsu de kotoba de arawasenai yo
That’s the way it is, that’s the way it is
Let go 昨日よりも今日は
Let go kinou yori mo kyou wa
Go slow 今日より明日は
Go slow kyou yori ashita wa
もっと... 素直に自分を受け入れてあげよう
Motto… sunao ni jibun wo ukeirete ageyou
そのままで It's so wonderful
Sono mama de It’s so wonderful
変えないで You're beautiful
Kaenaide You’re beautiful
(Stay as you are)
Muri shinaide waraitobasou yo
Everything is going great
違うから It's so wonderful
Chigau kara It’s so wonderful
特別で So beautiful
Tokubetsu de So beautiful
(Stay as you are)
Kanpeki janai kara itooshii
Sukoshi dake jibun wo aishite miyou
It’s all good
ささいな事に囚われて Breakaway
Sasai na koto ni torawarete Breakaway
自分らしさわからなくて Lose my way
Jibun rashisa wakaranakute Lose my way
Dareka no gooru wo muishiki ni oikakete
世界は狂い始めて 人は自分見失って
Sekai wa kurui hajimete hito wa jibun miushinatte
Let go この身体とともに
Let go kono karada to tomo ni
Go slow このココロとともに
Go slow kono kokoro to tomo ni
ずっと... 一度きりの人生を僕は生きる
Zutto… ichido kiri no jinsei wo boku wa ikiru
そのままで It's so wonderful
Sono mama de It’s so wonderful
変えないで You're beautiful
Kaenaide You’re beautiful
(Stay as you are)
Muri shinaide waraitobasou yo
Everything is going great
違うから It's so wonderful
Chigau kara It’s so wonderful
特別で So beautiful
Tokubetsu de So beautiful
Stay as you are
Kanpeki janai kara itooshii
Sukoshi dake jibun wo aishite miyou
It’s all good
It’s all good
Subete owari ga atte
Tsuzuiteku mono janai
そう今を抱きしめて Be free
Sou ima wo dakishimete Be free
そのままで It's so wonderful
Sono mama de It’s so wonderful
変えないで You're beautiful
Kaenaide You’re beautiful
Stay as you are
Muri shinaide waraitobasou yo
Everything is going great
違うから It's so wonderful
Chigau kara It’s so wonderfu
l特別で So beautiful
Tokubetsu de So beautiful
Stay as you are
Kanpeki janai kara itooshii
Sukoshi dake jibun wo aishite miyouIt’s all good
(It’s so wonderful) It’s all good
(It’s all good) It’s all good
(It’s so beautiful) It’s all good
It’s all good…
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alien-melissa · 1 year
The Australian Music Scene Is On Fire .✦
✶.•Babie Club‧₊˚✧
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オーストラリアの友人が行っていて知った『Babieclub 』というパーティーコレクティブ。日本のホステスクラブを改装して作られたというメルボルンのクラブ。ポップでキラキラした空間に装飾され、そこにはそれぞれ思い思いの好きな格好で踊る人々。
イベントの詳細には᭙ꫝꪮ ᭙꠸ꪶꪶ ꪗꪮꪊ ᥇ꫀ, babie?
wear that one outfit that's been sitting in your wardrobe. >> you know the one.
音楽はHyperpop/Future bass/Nightcore/Anime meme music/Y2K pop...
꧁ celestia(天体) ꧂
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BabieClubからは直接「オーストラリアへおいで!近いうちにBabies Clubと遊びましょう」とメッセージをもらい。リアルで日本と交流できる機会があればいいなと思った。
メルボルンのエモポップスター、ジャンルに執着しないマルチジャンルなDaineのルーツはtrap、Midwestern emo,、hip-hop 、hyperpop 、メルボルンのハードコアバンドの影響などユニークなブレンドによって独自のハイブリッドサウンドを生み出している。オートチューンとDaineの声の相性は最高.....!!!
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Charli XCXは次にビッグヒットする新人アーティストとしてDaineの名前を挙げており、MuraMasaのオーストラリア公演のオープニングアクトとしても選ばれるなど注目を集めている。
パンデミックの時期にはオンラインパーティー『Nocturne 』ホストしCharli XCX,Hannah Diamond,Oklou,Ericdoa,Golin,Hyd,Himera....など多くのアーティストが出演し、オンライン上でコミュニティを拡大させた。
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Lucy BlomkampとRosebud Leachの2人組によるプロジェクト、姿や名前などを伏せ、謎めいた存在であったが匿名で活動することを辞め、2022年「so young 」のリリースと共に表に出ることを決意した。 
最近では様々なDonatachi, Hearteyes, Lonelyspeck,など様々なアーティストとのコラボレーションによってさらにCookiiとしての音楽の幅を広げている。
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シドニーのDJ/プロデューサーのDonatachi、2022年リリースの『Donatachi.com 』ではレイブ、ジャングル 、ブレイクビーツなどノスタルジックな音楽からのインスピレーションと甘くて鋭いポップミュージックの未来への推進力と、圧倒的なエネルギーを放つサウンド。
Mallrat 、Slayyyter とのコラボレーションや、最近ではCowgirlCrueやCookiiなど様々なボーカリストと共作を行なっていて、インタビューでもDonatachi にとって誰かとコラボレーションすることはまったく別の視点を与えてくれて、曲のアイデアが湧いてくるのでとても楽しい。と話している。リリースされるごとにどんどん新しいスタイルを確立していくDonatachiのポップミュージックに今後も注目したい。
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私が特に好きなのはDoracodracoとStart Smallという曲
11月にはFlume やToro y Moiなどがラインナップに参加する、『Spilled Milk music festival』でのパフォーマンスを終え、大きな会場を熱狂させた。
Ninajirachi をきっかけに知ったDJやアーティストKenta204, Harvest, Laces、、も本当に素晴らしいアーティスト達なのでぜひチェックを!
CRACK Magazineに提供したMixが最高だったので聴いてほしい。本当に最高なので!
↓CRACK MAGAZINE pop zone series - Ninajirachi Mix
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オーストラリア出身のシンガーソングライター/プロデューサー、実験的なサウンドを掘り下げ続けているNuum。日本のシューゲイズバンド、揺らぎの「While my waves Wonder」のリミックスや、玉名ラーメンの「aoluv」のプロデュースなど日本でも幅広く活躍の場を広げている。
2nd EP 『nu world』ではNuumの新しいサウンドやテクスチャーを表現しつつも、カジュアルな音楽リスナーにも聴き入れやすく、実験的な音楽とポップスの境界線を曖昧にしたものになっている。
★Holliday Howe
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Charli XCX、Tove Lo、PC Musicなどのポップミュージックの影響を受け、ヘビーなバンガーときらめくセンチメンタルな要素を絡めた彼女の音楽!ロンドンのクラブシーンの影響を受けながら、独自のメランコリックなハイパーポップに磨きをかけてきた。
シドニーからロンドンへ移住し、世界中を渡り歩いた彼女のデビューミックステープ『My Friends Live in My Pocket』が11月にリリースされ、オンラインで築き、維持する友情への賛歌を歌ったものとなっている。
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hatanowataru · 1 year
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切手サイズの和紙を何万枚も使って作りあげた30×3mの壁画。広島駅前の広島郵便局2階のエントランスホールに作りました。 テーマは多島海。 広島の東の端から西の端まである数多くの島々から、皆さんに馴染み深い島���セレクトし、ひとつの画面に構成しました。広島の方々がこの風景見たことあると懐かしさを感じてもらえればと3年間で取材をし、島の雰囲気を捉えようとしました。穏やかな瀬戸内の島々。光注ぐ海。優しい風景。そんなこんなを表現できたかな?と思います。少しパースに引っ張られて、やり直すことも沢山あったけど、最後は満足できたかな? こんな大きな仕事、うちの工房でしかできない仕事をこれからもチャレンジできるよう精進します。 今回多くの方々にお世話になりました。 鹿島建設の方々、デザインをしていたUDSさま。広島の手漉き和紙であるおおたけ手漉き和紙保存会様、藍染めをしてくださった藍屋テロワールさん、鉄媒染用の鉄を提供してくれた常石造船様、そして和紙に漉き込む牡蠣殻を提供してくれた丸栄株式会社様。最後まで見守ってくれた日本郵政様。そして沢山手伝ってくれたスタッフの皆さん。 本当にありがとうございました😭 8月に完成させたのですが、最終仕上がりの確認を先日行い、投稿します。 郵便局なので、切手サイズ!これが大変やったー。よかったら見に行ってください。美味しいお店教えます^_^ #広島郵便局 #uds #おおたけ和紙 #鹿島建設 #藍屋テロワール #丸栄株式会社 #常石造船 #abstract #abstractart #abstractpainting #絵画 #抽象画 #表現 #drawing #minimal #minimalart #art #artist #contemporary #contemporaryart #壁画 #壁画アート #和紙 (広島中央郵便局) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8oEztvthq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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defiant-ghost · 4 months
Lampの「ふゆのひ」 - eng trans
"winter day" by Lamp
---日本語の歌詞 / jpn lyrics---
木枯らしも吹き止んだ コートを伝う 深い冬 12月の冷えた午後 鈍い影が差す 澱んだ水面 萎びた池に浮かぶ 私の心 温もりは遠い陽の 空の向こうに 遠く霞む景色 青い星 あなた住む街 思い出していたの 陽だまりが眩しくて 細めた目に映った永遠 12月の冷えた午後 嬰児のように包まれていた 落ち葉は積もり 散った時間も積もる 温もりは遠い陽の 風も言葉も みんな消えてしまう 青い星 あなた住む街 思い出の中だけ
--- eng lyrics / 英語の歌詞 ---
The cold, winter wind has stopped blowing.
A coat conveys this deep winter.
A cold, December afternoon.
A hazy shadow appears on the water's stagnant surface.
My heart floats in the wilting pond.
Warmth is the distant sun in the sky beyond,
the hazy, distant scenery.
I was remembering-
A blue star, the city that you live in.
The sunshine was dazzling, and
eternity reflected in squinted eyes.
A cold, December afternoon.
Wrapped up like a baby.
The fallen leaves pile up, lost time also piles up.
Warmth is the distant sun-
Wind, words,
Everyone sadly disappears.
A blue star, the city that you live in-
Are only in my memories.
--- Notes ---
In the beginning of the song, the artist sets the scene for the listener- it's the beginning of a cold, biting winter. The term "木枯らし," translated into a "cold, winter wind," more specifically refers to the strong, cold wind that blows during the transition from the end of autumn to the beginning of winter. In describing the pond, the adjective "萎びる" can be directly translated as "wilt" or "wither," but can also to be more specific to mean "to be shriveled up the cold." For simplicity, and perhaps a more poetic reference to the death surrounding winter, I kept "wilting pond." The artist describes their heart as floating in this pond, maybe with the intention to say that their heart, along with this small pond, is one of the last things to be affected by the cold winter.
Reminiscing on someone that they used to know, the artist projects the warmth that they feel from the distant sun onto their memories and regrets the way that time has escaped them, the way that they haven't relished in the warmth of earlier in the year and of the person they miss.
These lyrics are sad, but not remorseful. The song also has a dream-like quality to it; I wouldn't be surprised if the artist created this song with the intention of conveying a type of "winter is here but now I miss the summer" nostalgia.
Disclaimer: My translations are not directly translated; I try to match connotations between languages, but the overall message is similar. I am also not perfect :,) I'm still learning and open to corrections.
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animepopheart · 6 months
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★ 【こもりひっき】 「 Autumn Halloween Tea Chan 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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yoga-onion · 10 months
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[Image above+below: works of an Estonian artist, Kaljo Põllu (28 November 1934 – 23 March 2010) ]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (2)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors - Proto-Estonian mythology
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors is believed to have turned around a pillar or a tree, to which the skies were nailed with the North Star. The Milky Way (Linnutee or Birds' Way in Estonian) was a branch of the World tree (Ilmapuu) or the way by which birds moved (and took the souls of the deceased to the other world). These myths were based on animistic beliefs.
Some traces of the oldest authentic myths may have survived in runic songs. There is a song about the birth of the world – a bird lays three eggs and starts to lay out the nestlings – one becomes Sun, one becomes Moon and one becomes the Earth. Other Finnic peoples also have myths according to which the world has emerged from an egg.
It has been suggested by ethnologist and former president Lennart Meri and among others, that a Kaali meteorite crater which passed dramatically over populated regions and landed on the island of Saaremaa around 3,000 - 4,000 years ago was a cataclysmic event that may have influenced the mythology of Estonia and neighboring countries, especially those from whose vantage point a "sun" seemed to set in the east.
There are surviving stories about Kaali crater in Finnish mythology (Description of indigenous paganism by Finns who always believed in spirit beliefs). 
In the Karelian-Finnish folk epic, the Kalevala, cantos (songs) 47, 48 and 49 can be interpreted as descriptions of the impact, the resulting tsunami and devastating forest fires. It has also been suggested that the Virumaa-born Oeselian god Tharapita is a reflection of the meteorite that entered the atmosphere somewhere near the suggested "birthplace" of the god and landed in Oesel.
Estonian mythology is a complex of myths belonging to Estonian folk heritage and literary mythology, and the systematic documentation of Estonian folklore had only began in the 19th century. 
Therefore, information on Proto-Estonian mythology before the conquest of the Northern Crusades, Christianisation and incorporation into the European world and during the medieval era, is only scattered in historical chronicles, travellers' accounts and in ecclesiastical registers.
It can be difficult to tell how much of Estonian mythology as we know it today was actually constructed in the 19th and early 20th century. Friedrich Robert Fehlmann, one of the compilers of the Estonian national epic, Kalevipoeg in the introduction to Esthnische Sagen (Estonian Legends), states.
"However, since Pietism has started to penetrate deep into the life of the people...singing folk songs and telling legends have become forbidden for the people; moreover, the last survivals of pagan deities are being destroyed and there is no chance for historical research."
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (2)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 原始エストニア神話
3,000~4,000年前に人口密集地域の上空を劇的に通過し、サーレマー島に落下したカーリ隕石 (カーリ・クレーター) は、エストニアや近隣諸国、特に「太陽」が東に沈むように見えた国々の神話に影響を与えた可能性がある、と民族学者で元大統領のレンナルト・メリらによって示唆されている。
フィンランド神話 (精霊信仰を常に信仰していたフィン族による原始宗教的な伝説) にカーリ隕石に関する物語が残っている。カレリア・フィンランドの民俗叙事詩『カレワラ』の第47、48、49カント (聖歌) は、その衝撃と、その結果生じた津波、壊滅的な森林火災についての記述であると解釈できる。また、ヴィルマア生まれのオイセルの神タラピタは、この神の「出生地」とされる場所の近くで大気圏に突入し、オイセルに落下した隕石の反映であるとも言われている。
“しかし、敬虔主義が人々の生活に深く浸透し始めて以来......民謡を歌い、伝説を語ることは、人々にとって禁忌となった; さらに、異教の神々の最後の生き残りは破壊されつつあり、歴史研究のチャンスはない。"
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Lu Xun's "New Story": Criticizing Chinese Civilization(The Problems of the Dam): Essay
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Three Gorges Dam
The collection of works in the title is a wonderful response between the artist himself and his works, as Lu Xun(魯迅), who was concerned about the future of China, was trying to sound a warning to the Chinese people. Although he was fully aware of the greatness of Chinese civilization, he wrote things that disparaged that civilization. The works included are 8 stories in total, including a ``reasonable new interpretation'' of Lao Tzu’s Departing episode, and are rich in variety, so you won't get tired of reading them.
The most interesting story among these stories is that when King Yu(禹), one of the three emperors Yao, Shun, and Yu, was desperately trying to control floods, scholars and officials connected to the central government What this means is seen as nothing more than an event in the world of Chinese characters, and the story depicts people having meaningless discussions about whether Yu actually meant an insect, and doing nothing about the problem. Eventually, the mud-covered Yus returned and despised and mocked those in the center.
Importantly, Yu succeeded in controlling floods by letting water flow without building dams. Modern China's Three Gorges Dam is only a recipe for disaster. Suicidal behavior of the Chinese people. They must read the classics properly. (Here,” The book:書経”)
Lu Xun's internal motivation for writing this story was that at the time, the system for discovering officials called the Imperial Examination had become meaningless, and the story of how a student taking the Imperial Examination who could only understand Chinese characters was now meaningless to even children. It seems that Lu Xun, who witnessed the pitiful situation where he gave a lecture on Chinese characters, wrote out his anger (though he did not know whom he was addressing) on a manuscript paper. In the case of Yu's tales, without making fun of the main character, he depicts a highly probable figure of Yu and instead criticizes Chinese civilization by pointing out the scholars and officials who have become a group of incompetents bound by Chinese characters.
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chrisutranslations · 8 months
Nio-P - 余所事 (Another's Affair) feat. Kagamine Rin Lyrics [JPN/ROM/ENG]
"I decided to pack up only the sad things And carry them with me wherever I go" Ooga-ooga! Ooga-ooga! Rin-chan you're so cute Rin-chan aha I am most grateful for Mame-san, who was in charge of the alluringly sexy-cute Rin-chan! And Virus-san, who was in charge of the hyper-sexy guitar. Thanks!
Track title: 余所事 (Another's Affair) Lyrics/Music: におP (Nio-P) (Mylist) Vocal: Kagamine Rin E.guitar: うぃるす (Virus) Illustration: まめ (Mame)
Credit goes to Nio-P, Virus & Mame.
tsumaranai hito no nakamairi o shite
mou nannen tatta darō
me ni ugoita kumo no iro
ashita no yotei o oikakeru dake de
sabishii na, nanto naku
mune ni shibonda hana no iro
koko ni aru mieru koto no nai
mitashita kuro ni tōmei na DAIYAMONDO
kantan na wana ni michibikarete
konya, kimi o sasou yo
ai no nai itonami e
mada amai hada ni kizanda aka
baka na jōdan iwanaide
nante amai kuchibiru ni nejikonda uso
tawai mo nai
kanashii koto dake o fukurodzume ni shite
doko made motte ikou
mayu o hisometa hito no oto
kitai shite, shizuka na kōsaten
nita koe ni mata furimuita
mioboe no nai kamigata ni
yake ni naru bakari
kage mo nai maboroshi ni
kegareta doro darake no ai o
kirihanashite mitometa fukai kizu o
kakushite nigai mitsu o sutta
shiyō mo nai
okimari no BARĀDO o
kurikaeshi kiite naite mo
nani mo nai jikan wa kawari ya shinai
ashita mo onaji keshiki, kitto
English translation:
Only hanging out with boring people
How many years has it been already?
Passing by in my eyes is the colour of clouds
Only chasing after tomorrow's plans
Is quite lonely, somehow
In my chest is the colour of shriveled flowers
There's nothing that can be seen here;
Even the diamonds that are supposed to be see-through
Are filled in black
They lead you to a simple trap
Tonight, I invite you
To a relationship (1) without love
Crimson cut into still-sweet skin
Don't utter such stupid jokes
The lies spilled out of such sweet lips
Are pure foolishness
I decided to pack up only the sad things,
And carry them with me wherever I go
There - the murmuring sound of people furrowing their eyebrows in scorn (2)
Full of hope, at the quiet intersection,
Once again I look over my shoulder to a familiar voice
Yet, that hairstyle isn't the same as I recall
Looks like I ended up hurting myself in desperation all the same
I cut off the love covered in dirt, tainted in a vain illusion
Without even a trace of a silhouette,
Hide the deep wounds that I've accepted,
And suck the bitter nectar
Putting the same old meaningless ballad on repeat
No matter how many times I listen to it or how much I cry,
This period of nothing in particular will never change
Tomorrow will still be the same scenery, no doubt
Such a fool, aren't I?
(1) 営み refers to a sexual relationship.
(2) In the original lyrics, the artist intends the kanji 顰 in 顰めた to read as ひそ here; 眉を顰める means to furrow one's eyebrows. However, ひそめる(written as 潜める)also means to murmur, which connects to "the sound of people". Same reading, different kanji. I think Nio-P did some wordplay here, so I took a bit of liberty in the translation.
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norihisaurakami · 9 months
Sarah Àlainn Tour 2023,
Time to Say Goodbye, SAYONARA.
千年女王のAngel Queenが入れられている。
このAngel Queenは名曲といえる一曲。でもこの40年間誰もカバーしたArtistは誰もいなかった。それを今回Sarahがカバー。
40年ぶりにSarahの天使の美しい歌声で現在へと蘇ったAngel Queen。
コンサートではCalling You、Speachless、Divaをはじめ名曲のオンパレード。
Sarah Worldが全開です。
三回聴いても、一つひとつがonly oneのvery moment、素晴らしい瞬間の連続。
Sarah Àlainn Tour 2023
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bigbelsammy · 1 year
My friend Haguri is in need of money for rent right now and is offering commissions!! They’re a really good artist from Japan, a sweet person to talk to!
Come check their art! And contact themif interested at
@Hghgcanon on Twitter or on discord at
はぐり#8803 aka haguri!
Let’s help this member of our community this month! Show them the love you guys have shown me! Like and share this post please!
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