support · 10 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. For 24/7 peer support and other resources, message KokoBot on Tumblr.
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth, ages 13-24) National Eating Disorders Association (online chat, text) RAINN (National Sexual Assault Hotline)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find resources for your country.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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ruthless-relentless · 6 months
Love is liquid. Love is red. Love is blood. Love is dead.
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equipe · 2 years
Tout va bien ?
Si vous ou quelqu’un que vous connaissez souffrez de troubles alimentaires, de pensées dépressives, suicidaires ou d'automutilation : ne restez pas seul(e). Parlez-en à une oreille attentive qui pourra comprendre ce que vous traversez et vous soutenir.
Si vous résidez en France, les services suivants sont là pour vous aider, 24h/24 et 7j/7 :
Suicide Écoute (01 45 39 40 00)
S.O.S Amitié (09 72 39 40 50)
Allô Enfance en Danger (119)
Si vous résidez en dehors de la France, consultez le site IASP afin de trouver une aide au plus près de chez vous.
Pour davantage de ressources, visitez la page Soutien et prévention sur laquelle nous vous proposons une liste de services de consultation pour les personnes ayant besoin d'aide.
Vous n'êtes pas seul(e). Prenez soin de vous. 💖
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information-2-0 · 7 months
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 3 months
Idk it's funny (except it's not) when people go "hmm yeah you only cut yourself to get attention. Like... It's just a cry for help."
It is.
So.... maybe.... idk... HELP???
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[ID: nonconsensual automutilation]
Submitted by @meforeverz
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countingupyourbones · 2 months
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Automutilation: mutilation carried out on himself by a mentally ill person
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tiredsn0w · 15 days
I've been thinking of doing shorter-form Tales. I have a lot of ideas, but don't want to spend another year trying to figure out how to fill them in with fluffy scenes. Plus, the largest negative feedback I've heard was that my stuff was too long and people didn't have time/attention to read it.
Most of the drafts I have are 1-2 thousand words, and while I thought I was going to add scenes before and after, it might be for the best if I posted them as one Tale and just had my series be a lot longer. (Like, instead of 5 ~4k word Tales, be 10 ~2k word Tales.)
I think this would also be beneficial since a lot of the stuff in writing is dark, from chronic illness to abuse to automutilation to worse. That way people can avoid the darkest of the dark, if they really need to, and still get the gist of the story.
Have to remind myself that not everyone wants to read about alien scurvy causing replantation scars to reopen as a metaphor for unhealed trauma... (Yes he's fine, benefits of living with a surgeon)
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vriendenboekjes · 1 month
GODDD my mom has been talking me into removing a mole shes hypochondric about for months now and ive been saying well im not scared of it turning cancerous and i think it looks fun. and then she says. my mom, who hates tattoos so much she calls it literal automutilation. she said well if you're that attached to it get one tattooed. WHO DOES THAT? im not spending money on a fake mole. anyways i was done with arguing about it so i got it removed this morning. lowkey hoping it heals horribly and she'll be so embarrassed about having the scar on display when i go out in short sleeves. → normal not at all petty thing to wish for
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iamedelweiss · 9 months
Le spectacle
section : Automutilation
Elle a fragmenté sa cuisse comme pour faire naître Mars,
c'étaient des cratères d'obus comme sur la Lune cette garce,
des tranchées percutées par le théâtre de la guerre.
J'ai senti ma trachée s'empiffrer d'une idée amère.
J'ai plissé les yeux, j'ai vu du sang ;
c'est comme ça que les Dieux font pleurer les enfants.
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information-2-0 · 7 months
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xiihyunn · 9 months
Hi my darling girl, as promised here is the long awaited fun fact...
Automutilation is a natural phenomenon where an animal mutilates itself. This is most commonly seen in octopuses. There are two forms of automutilation, autotomy and autophagy. Autotomy is when an animal will willingly sever or remove a particular body part. Now you may be wondering why an animal would intentionally mutilate itself. Take an octopus of example, if one of its tentacles has an infection, is damaged, or is trapped in something, the octopus will bite off that limb. This in most cases saves its life and avoids further infection and pain. Autophagy is technically considered a type of cannibalism as most times the limb will actually be consumed. This happens when the octopus is exposed to immense physical or psychological stress. So an octopus will perform self-cannibalism when in physical or mental turmoil. Autophagy has been seen in a few marine animals, but octopuses by far have been observed to practice said phenomenon the most. Got a little carried away with this one sorry, really word slutted myself out here <3
i think another animal is a small lizard or smth, i heard they could just cut off their tails if it gets too long. but what do i know 🤷🏻‍♀️
thank you for this fun fact my love <3
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indigayghost · 2 years
So I'll say something that is weighing in my heart for quite some time now
I don't know if you're gonna agree with me but well fuck it
I really REALLY hate when you all start calling Nandor "nandy" and making human AU with him dressed the way he's dressed in ep 8 and things like that because like
He is in peak depressive mode????? He is automutilating himself and not eating and in a cult????? Why why are you calling him that it makes me so uncomfortable it really really triggers my anxiety I hate it so much
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
Today's queer manga doesn't have an official English translation so I'm giving you the German title:
There is no future in this love, by Morihashi Bingo
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Original title: Kono Koi ni Mirai wa nai / この恋に未来はない
Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life
Themes: Love, Homosexuality, Society, Trans Identity, Secrets
Japanese volumes: 2 (Finished)
Tokyo, 1980's. Yuji Manase is a student. However, he hides two secrets he has never told to anyone: the first is his feelings towards his long-time friend Masaki Matsunaga, the other is the discomfort he feels towards his body. One day, Yuji holds a dress his sister left at his appartment, not knowing this action would change his life...
This one is short but packs a punch. Even though the story focuses on Yuji, we meet all these different people who all have their own struggles (family, love, money, sexuality...) and they mix together to paint a touching portrait.
The moment when Yuji finds out that there are other people like her* and that there's a place she can be her true self and be safe made me very emotional, it's a beautiful moment.
Anyways, it's a beautiful story but I wasn't able to find an official English version, which is a shame. You can still find it online of course, but you can't buy it to support the creator... unless you speak Japanese, French or German.
*I'm using she/her here because Yuji is a trans woman. The summary uses he/him because this is something she realises during the story.
Note: As this series is a bit more "serious" and focused on queer identities and strugles, I feel like I should probably give some content warning so you can avoid getting triggered if that's something you're scared of. Take care of yourself 🌈
Content Warning: gender dysphoria, blood and self harm. Also, this is about a trans woman who decides to keep living as a man for the sake of her own safety, if it's not something you want to read, then don't.
French version under the cut
Titre VF : Celle que je suis
Titre original : Kono Koi ni Mirai wa nai / この恋に未来はない
Genres : Drame, Romance, Slice of Life
Thèmes : Amour, Homosexualité, Société, Transidentité, Secrets
Volumes VO : 2 (Terminé)
Années 80, Tokyo. Yûji Manase est étudiant. Mais il vit au quotidien avec deux secrets qu'il n'a jamais révélé à personne : d'une part, les sentiments qu'il éprouve pour son ami de longue date Masaki Matsunaga, et de l'autre, le malaise qu'il ressent vis-à-vis de son corps. Un jour, Yûji pose la main sur une robe que sa sœur a laissée dans son appartement, sans savoir que cet acte allait bouleverser sa vie...
Celui-là est court mais costaud. Même si l'historie se concentre sur Yuji, on rencontre toutes ces personnes qui ont chacune leurs propres problèmes (famille, amour, argent, sexualité...) et elles se mélangent pour peindre un portrait touchant.
Le moment où Yuji réalise qu'il existe d'autres personnes comme elle*, un endroit où elle peut être elle-même en toute sécurité m'a vraiment ému, c'était un moment très beau.
Bref, c'est une jolie histoire.
*j'utilise elle ici parce que Yuji est une femme trans. Le résumé utilise il parce que c'est quelque chose dont elle se rend compte au cours de l'histoire.
Note: Comme cette série est un peu plus "sérieuse" et se concentre sur les identités et problèmes de la communauté queer, je pense que c'est mieux si je donne une liste de content warning pour éviter de réveiller des traumatismes chez certain.es. Prenez soin de vous 🌈
Content Warning : dysphorie de genre, sang et automutilation. Aussi, cette histoire est à propos d'une femme trans qui décide de continuer de vivre en tant qu'homme pour sa propre sécurité, si c'est quelque chose que vous ne voulez pas lire, ne le faites pas.
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vestacension · 1 year
My skin blooms in autumn colors;
Warm red, earthy purple. Decaying yellow.
Thudding blows result in broken bones,
this is automutilation at it's peak.
Blackened vision and blurred memory-
Wait. is it the other way around?
Can't remember which came first.
Was it the rage or the trigger?
Too much noise—I can't speak.
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
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“Even if there is an egoism that accompanies the appropriation of food and wealth, the movement that pushes a man in certain cases to give himself (in other words, to destroy himself) not only partially but completely, so that a bloody death ensues, can only be compared, in its irresistible and hideous nature, to the blinding flashes of lightning that transform the most withering storm into transports of joy. In ritual forms of communal sacrifice, in any case, an animal can be substituted for the victim - a cowardly gesture. Only a pitiful, substituted victim "penetrates into the perilous domain of sacrifice; it dies there,” according to Hubert and Mauss, “and indeed it is there in order to die. The sacrificer remains protected." The freedom from "all selfish calculation," from all reserve, remains nevertheless at the limit of these efforts to remain outside sacrifice, to the extent that nightmare creatures, such as gods, are charged with carrying to the very end what ordinary men are happy to dream about: "the god who sacrifices himself gives himself irrevocably," write Hubert and Mauss. "This time all intermediaries have disappeared. The god, who is at the same time the sacrifier, is one with the victim and sometimes even with the sacrificer. All the differing elements that enter into ordinary sacrifice here enter into each other and become mixed together. But such mixing is possible only for mythical, that is ideal, beings." Hubert and Mauss neglect here examples of the "sacrifice of a god" that they could have taken from cases of automutilation - and through which alone sacrifice loses its character as mere performance.
There is, in fact, no reason to separate Van Gogh's ear or Gaston F.'s finger from Prometheus's famous liver. If one accepts the interpretation that identifies the purveying eagle (the aetos prometheus of the Greeks) with the god who stole fire from the wheel of the sun, then the tearing out of the liver presents a theme in conformity with the various legends of the "sacrifice of the god." The roles are normally shared between the human form of a god and his animal avatar; sometimes the man sacrifices the animal, sometimes the animal sacrifices the man, but each time it is a case of automutilation because the animal and the man form but a single being. The eagle-god who is confused with the sun by the ancients, the eagle who alone among all beings can contemplate while staring at "the sun in all its glory," the Icarian being who goes to seek the fire of the heavens is, however, nothing other than an automutilator, a Vincent Van Gogh, a Gaston F. All the wealth he derives from the mythical delirium is limited to the incredible vomiting of the liver, ceaselessly devoured and ceaselessly vomited by the gaping belly of the god.
If one followed these associations, the use of the sacrificial mechanisms for various ends, such as propitiation or expiation, would be seen as secondary, and one would only retain the elementary fact of the radical alteration of the person which can be indefinitely associated with any other alteration that suddenly arises in collective life: for example, the death of a relative, initiation, the consumption of the new harvest . . . Such an action would be characterized by the fact that it would have the power to liberate heterogeneous elements and to break the habitual homogeneity of the individual, in the same way that vomiting would be opposed to its opposite, the communal eating of food. Sacrifice considered in its essential phase would only be the rejection of what had been appropriated by a person or by a group. Because everything that is rejected from the human cycle is altered in an altogether troubling way, the sacred things that intervene at the end of the operation - the victim struck down in a pool of blood, the severed finger or ear, the torn-out eye - do not appreciably differ from vomited food. Repugnance is only one of the forms of stupor caused by a horrifying eruption, by the disgorging of a force that threatens to consume. The one who sacrifices is free - free to indulge in a similar disgorging, free, continuously identifying with the victim, to vomit his own being just as he has vomited a piece of himself or a bull, in other words free to throw himself suddenly outside of himself, like a gall or an aissaouah.
Still, one can doubt that even the most furious of those who have ever torn and mutilated themselves amid screams and to the beat of a drum have abused this marvelous freedom to the same extent as Vincent Van Gogh, who carried his severed ear to the place that most offends polite society. It is admirable that in this way he both manifested a love that refused to take anything into account and in a way spat in the faces of all those who have accepted the elevated and official idea of life that is so well known. Perhaps the practice of sacrifice has disappeared from the earth because it was not able to be sufficiently charged with this element of hate and disgust, without which it appears in our eyes as servitude. The monstrous ear sent in its envelope, however, abruptly leaves the magic circle where the rites of liberation stupidly aborted. It leaves along with the tongue of Anaxarchus of Abdera, bit off and spat bloody in the face of the tyrant Nicocreon, and with the tongue of a zeno of Elea spat in the face of Demylos . . . both of these philosophers having been subjected to atrocious tortures, the first crushed while still alive in a mortar.”
“Van Gogh's ear would be proud” - Rye Coalition
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