#back on my Shannon lived bs
can-i-get-a-yippee · 1 month
There’s an alternate universe where the 911 writers didn’t murder Shannon, and she, Buck, and Eddie get to have a similar dynamic to Micheal, Bobby, and Athena
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lovecolibri · 11 days
SaL anon here bestie, ready with the gin to endure whatever nonsense Eddie's plot is devolving into this week. God I hope the focus on Henren or Bathena so I can walk away with some sense of satisfaction. I'm not even going to attempt to say something good might come out if it, since history isn't on our side this season wrt Eddie. Tim needs to lay off his Hitchcock obsession, he did Psycho on LS last season, is doing Vertigo now, and both plots were utter nonsense. At least I got a good laugh today looking at the stills from the Oliver and Lou interview. Somebody should have told Oliver to blink 3 times if he's there against his will, though the fact that he looks like he's actively leaning towards the nearest exit probably says it just as well.
Yeah, the sooner bucktommy ends the happier I'll be. The relationship itself is fine, on par with every other BS relationship Buck was in really, but the fandom around it is exhausting and the active attempts to erase any semblance of Eddie in Buck's life is just so, so dumb (and pointless, like Buck wouldn't be the same without Eddie in his life just as Eddie isn't the same without Buck). Anyway cheers friend, we're on the precipice of something that looks both exciting and annoying, let's hope the scales tip in our favor 🍷🍸🥃.
Well, as I'm sure you guessed by my late answer, I saw this and waved at you from post limit jail, due to the d20 finale last night. I wish Tumblr would have a pop up like, "hey, you have 5 posts left before you hit post limit today!" or something so I could prepare!
So, good news, the Bobby and Henren stuff was *chefs kiss* angsty and dramatic and pulled at my heartstrings! The Bobby montage as he's giving his Captain Dad advice and having Buck cook, and calling Hen "Mother Hen" (while looking at Buck and Eddie 👀👀👀), giving the prayer book to Eddie, giving tips to Ravi, calling out orders on scene, it was all so much! And GOD, them taking that poor little girl away, and Denny stepping between that man and his sister, I was in TEARS! The Bobby and Athena talk got me too, and then him seeing his dead dad?! Bobby is going THROUGH IT and I ate it up!
As for Eddie I- legitimately do not know what to say. The whole thing was a mess, Kim giving herself bangs?? to roleplay with a stranger?? was just SO WEIRD and off-putting. Sorry I guess I'm just a hater but I think Eddie getting stuck with actresses like GW and EG means that him having scenes with anyone else feels good? but I'm not falling all over myself about any magical chemistry 🤷🏻‍♀️I hate this storyline and I'm tired of the narrative that this was some great love Eddie is missing out on when season 2-3 gave us actual canon evidence that it isn't true, and it feels more like Tim wanted Devin back and thought he could get away with it now that the audience had some space and KR spent all last season pretending Shannon was some saint (when he killed Shannon off so quickly originally because he said the audience wasn't going to forgive her and he didn't want to waste screentime on that when grief tied in with anger and abandonment was a more interesting storyline for Eddie and Chris). I'm also VERY curious about where the "Eddie realizing he's been looking at the relationship with rose colored glasses and living in delusion about it" is because GIRL that wasn't it. Eddie crying about her being the great love of his life and how they could have had it all is NOT him taking off the rose colored glasses, no matter how pretty Ryan looks when he's crying.
ANYWAY. I was already not on board with this but the writers dragging Chris into it too just gives me the ick. And it might resolve fine, but GOD!! THE JOURNEY MATTERS!! It matters how the characters get places! And this is just...not just a mess but a completely unnecessary one. They could address Eddie's grief and delusions about his relationship with Shannon (and her relationship with Chris because don't think I didn't clock him bringing up her (shit ass guilt trip) letter but not that she abandoned her son and cut off all contact for years) without resorting to trashy soapy doppelganger nonsense and cheating drama. And it's WILD because Bobby's arc this season and his relationship with Athena, and Henren's storyline have been SO GOOD, and even though there were some pacing and tone issues, even the Madney stuff has been good (and Kenny always slays the dramatic arcs!). Buck has taken a mostly supportive backseat this season which, while I ADORE him, was needed after the mess KR made of his character and her apparent lack of interest in the majority of the other main characters and his personal storyline (the bi realization, being Eddie's partner for all the big emotional talks) is also fine, it just got hijacked by some absolutely bizarre shipping strangeness over a couple minutes of screentime. But GOD Eddie's shit has been such a weird mess! It wasn't enough to be stuck with the transphobe all season, we also had to add in this nonsense?! Thanks, I hate it. At least we might finally be allowed to let Shannon go?? I am literally begging at this point.
As for th b/t of it all, I have literally blocked it from my mind and out of my existence (the ONE perk of my tumblr app still not working and having to do most of my stuff in my phone browser means I haven't really seen my dash lately and I've been smart about staying out of the tag for once) because it's just not worth the headache the bad takes give me. I'm just...so tired. I was willing to watch it play out (felt very much like Ali as the first step post-Abby, something background setting up for more later *cries in s4 Buddie canon*) but go at this point I just need it to be over for EVERYONE'S sanity. Especially Oliver's because like, girl. Why do you look like you're trapped in that loft with MW again?! Why so haunted? Girl, are you okay?? Oliver?? And how he continues to just post Buddie/Ryan stuff?? Loud.
I'm just...tired. So tired. And I need a drink. Imma go find some absolutely filthy/funny/fun Buddie fic and drown myself in that because I have the unfortunate feeling it's gonna be a LONG fucking hiatus.
Cheers friend. I know I always say if we can survive RNM (with it's own doppelganger storyline) then we can survive anything but GOD it would be nice to not have it be so hard.
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subtlehaz · 4 days
there’s so so much still to explore s8 like I have so many thoughts oh my god
Mara !!!!! and that bitchy councilwoman
Gerard obvs 😒 sidenote: do we think he’s in cahoots with the councilwoman from hell and why did the chief do fuck all to protect the 118?? do we think the chief is also in cahoots bc he wants to run for office? the speculation is speculating
Mr. Eddie Diaz absolute menace to himself and others: still needs to accept that a) Shannon wanted a DIVORCE and B) THE WILL and C) Christopher coming back and repairing their relationship omfg pls put them in family therapy I beg I want my faves reunited D) I want him speaking more Spanish !!!!! we got a tiny little ‘dios’ this episode but still
Buck ??? pls for the love of god let this man exist outside his love interests I wanna see him succeed in life and hobbies and work and peace and NO ROMANCE FOR A MINUTE for gods sake give him a dog or something but not another LI
Bobby like,,, can we get some confirmed closure idk like man’s was suicidal one episode then almost died and now is back within the next episode has he PROCESSED HAS ATHENA HAVE I
MAY AND HARRY back together again!!!! pls expand their storylines like how was Harry??? Not home during the fire was he having a sleepover like omg
Madney. Let them live. Let them remain happy moisturized at peace. I want a goofy gossip episode of the dream team and Jee like keep them wholesome it’s the least you can do after their bs wedding
I miss captain mehta I wouldn’t mind a visit from him. or Linda in dispatch. oh my god or Josh??? we haven’t seen most of dispatch since the wedding? I’m sad
just. idk fighting actual fires lmao. I miss when they all did their actual jobs. I miss when we got the goofy 9-1-1 calls at the start of the ep and the super emosh voiceovers at the end of the episode like that’s when we were a real country
will we ever circle back to Denny’s father storyline? will Hen’s mom ever return?
is sperm donation baby gonna make a comeback? bc the top 5 recap promo before this season started brought that up and I haven’t forgotten 911 Instagram I haven’t forgotten 10 bucks says it serves to remove Tommy when Buck learns he doesn’t want kids
okay that’s it thank u for reading my brain blast
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sunflowerdigs · 23 days
Disagreeing with my own post
I put up this post two nights ago and while I think I was right about the first part regarding Eddie's relationship issues, some tags from @elibad (thank you!) have made me rethink the second part regarding the actual outcome on the show. I'm going to clarify my position a bit before debunking it, though, because it brings up issues I have...feelings about.
Fwiw, I didn't mean that Christopher would be taken permanently, I meant that Eddie would agree to let his grandparents take him maybe for a summer so that Eddie could have a break and take some time to figure himself out. I am EXTREMELY against any situation where Buck takes Chris, especially in any kind of government-enforced sense (which would be BS anyway) while Eddie is still alive because there is such a terrible history in the US of brown kids (which Christopher is even if Gavin isn't) being taken from brown parents at the drop of a hat and either being given to Nice White families or just dumped into a shitty foster care system. So, again, what I should have made clear is that, in my theory, Eddie would realize that he's not in a good place and would let his parents (NOT Buck) take Chris temporarily just to give him some time to breathe. It takes a village, you know.
All that said, no, actually, that would be a terrible outcome. It would defeat the purpose of 6 seasons of Buck being integrated into Eddie and Christopher's lives and would also inevitably punish Eddie more than it would help him. I also think that narratively, anything that reinforces the heteronormative nuclear family bias that Helena has and that she has forced onto Eddie would conflict with the narrative the show is trying to present. Helena being proven right about Christopher's placement, even temporarily, might do that. Plus...taking a kid from a single parent is also bad rep and just shouldn't happen.
Bottom line, Eddie is a phenomenal father. Despite Eddie's struggles with trauma from war and the death of his wife, Christopher is loved, appreciated, and supported to a much higher degree than not only most disabled children but also most children, period. End of. Just because Eddie is going through something right now does not mean that he is unfit in any way, and it truly horrifies me to think that I implied that at all. I do think that, because of his own issues, the speed with which Eddie integrates the women he dates into his life with Christopher is exacerbating Christopher's abandonment issues and that should be addressed, but it's not something that's hurting Chris to the degree that removal is necessary or appropriate.
What Eddie needs is support. And he has it. From Buck. Who was basically framed as his wife in 7x07 (which is, ironically, why people who are determined to ship Buck with someone else are ALSO the ones suggesting that Buck has the right and motivation to kick Eddie in the metaphorical nuts for lying - they view Buck as a spouse even if they think they don't because Tim is brilliant at framing and narrative). So the best outcome of this situation is for Eddie to put Shannon to bed and stand up for the decision he has made for Christopher against his parents, even if that alienates them. And for Buck to back Eddie to the hilt when it matters. And for Christopher to stay exactly where he is. Moving forward, I'm going to be starting any future speculation from this premise.
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heads up i’m gonna rant about the forgive the bad parent redemption trope
so you have this parent that neglects/abuses/abandons their kid, sometimes they even sing about it. the whole show/movie you watch this kid talk about how much their parent did to them, how the parent never loved them, how angry the are at the parent. (rightfully so) then they have to go to the parent for help. because for some reason they are the only person who can help (there’s gotta be someone else come on writers). the parent starts too act the same way they always did and the kid gets mad and just deals with it. then for some reason the parent suddenly feels remorseful, and tells the kid how crappy their life was to justify how they treated them (because a shitty childhood is a good excuse for being a shitty parent). kids “best friend” says that kid should forgive them because parents is their parent and they should love their parents no matter what because they’re family (which is disgusting). bad parent saves kids life kid hugs them and you get a “cute family moment”.
then there’s that version where the kids grandparent is the bad person. but because the grandparent is nice to the kid. they spends the whole movie teaching their parent to forgive their abusive parent, and basically take the best place and use the same bs excuse to get their parent to forgive.
(speaking from experience that’s not a child’s thought process, it’s more of a i’d disown you for what you did to my mom if you didn’t have money and might pay for my missionary college)
(the only book that did this trope properly was FREAKING DOG MAN, grandpa stole all their things after they let him live with them because sometimes bad people don’t change and it’s not safe to let them back in your life)
and this trope is most common in KIDS BOOK AND MOVIES. i don’t know what the writers where thinking, make the kids feel better by seeing that parents can become good people? “family values”? because the only messages they’re sending to kids is
“it doesn’t matter what your family does to you, you need to forgive them and love them because they are your family”
“having a shitty childhood is a excuse and a reason to be a bad person and to abuse your kids”
“to forgive and forget and let the bad person back in your life because it’s the right thing to do”
and the second version of this trope is the parents get back together because the dad (normally) is a good person again because he decided that he loved his family enough to change into a better person. and all that does is
make kids wonder why their parents doesn’t love them that much, and make them wonder if they are the problem. (which they are already dealing with)
give kids false hope that their parents will get back together (see also the parent trap trope)
it’s a horrible lesson to be teaching to kids and it makes me so mad, i saw it most in movies and books and movies from the 90-2000s but probably earlier too.
if Shannon tries to pull this with Cassius i’m gonna be so pissed
thank for coming to my rant
Aaaand Frizzle's right about everything. I hate that trope so much.
You're never under constraint to forgive crappy parents.
They should try to redeem themselves in your eyes but expect nothing from you, and if you forgive them it should be on your own time and because you don't want to be held down by the way they've hurt you anymore.
It's not gonna erase the bad.
Forgiveness is about moving on, and if you're not ready to forgive, that's absolutely okay.
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shannonbussberg · 3 years
Shannon Marie Bussberg is a psychopath who caused me great harm in many ways. I'm writing this as an explanation to warn off any who come in contact with her. I'm not trying to exact vengeance on her. The only thing I want from her is the money that she stole from me. A sincere and deep apology, of course, would be nice, but she would never do that. The first part of the writing below largely comprises something that I sent to Shannon recently, and the rest is addressed to you, the reader. Please keep an open mind.
(Note: I sent an earlier version of this writing to Shannon, hoping that she would make restitution. She said that she wouldn't, and that she came here to live with me to help me with my depression. Complete BS. Shouldered no blame at all.
As you know, you stole, through forgeries, all the money I had, and you put me in deep shit, not to mention throwing me into tons of debt from all the credit cards you took out in my name. I was in trouble with the IRS over the documents you forged, my credit was nonexistent, and I was psychologically destroyed. You put me in a space that I would never trust anyone ever again. You know all that you did to me, and you never tried anything to make it right.
Although you cost me so, so much pain and suffering, I’m willing to let most of that go financially. But I want recompense for the money you stole and the inflation on that money. Also the damage caused to my teeth when I was unable to afford repairs because of your thefts. Steve might lend you the money--he helped you out financially when you got in trouble for taking money from credit cards under my sister's name. So maybe he'll do that for you now.
(You know, you used to tell me that you're going to Hell. I of course assumed that you were exaggerating. Now I wonder what all other things you're done. An aside: you used to tell me that you would never pay back your student loans, and that as a result you'd have to go to school periodically for the rest of your life to avoid paying the loans back. That did bother me, because it basically meant that you'd be stealing from other students in the future. More recently I saw that you'd somehow got a master's degree. That seemed strange, since you're not a good student--having me do as much as your school and work stuff for you as possible when you were here. So I assumed that you got the degree from online courses, as part of your loan payback avoidance plan. Sure enough I see that your school has optional online coursework.)
If you don’t try to make things right, here’s what I will do. First off, I’ll tell the truth to your whole family. (It was so horrible to have to listen to your mother try to “explain” to me that you were living with me in order to try to “help” me--a lie you told your parents in order to cover the long period while you were not working, while living on the stolen money. Apparently you told her that you were my caretaker of some sort. I'm definitely going to set her straight on that.) My story will be a complete one, and you know that I don't lie. Plus I have *tons* of documents to back me up—everything from police and post office documents, to the forensic document examination report, to copies of the actual documents that you forged. (Plus I became something of a document examiner myself, so that people could see with their own eyes that you’re a forger. For example, doing your school years, you changed the way you form a particular letter--for example, in the forged signature for my last name--in a way that is nearly completely unique in this day and age. And the documents you created have all the hallmarks that document examiners know about forgeries.)
But I will use the internet as well. Social media of all kinds, of course. Forums, relevant sites. Anyplace I can find, with, as before, documents that back me up. People need to know who they’re dealing with in their lives.
To the reader: Shannon Marie Bussberg and I live in different states, and met online through a kinky match site. For a long while, we communicated with email and text. Then she told me that she was entering summer school at a prestigious university near me. This was a total lie, as I later learned from them when I was contacting them for writing samples for the document examiner. She ended up living at my place while she pretended to go to school. Then she stayed here with me after school supposedly ended for the term, and lived here for years, meanwhile stealing everything I had (except for a half ownership in the family house). She worked for a little while, but soon stopped, preferring to bleed me while she destroyed me. I loved her, which was a huge misjudgment on my part. In my defense, she hid her lies very well; she is a very good psychopath, and I never noticed any lies while she was here. After she used up all of my money and more, she stole from my sister, who was not in love and less gullible and vulnerable than I. That put the police on her tail, and Shannon, seeing a bleak future ahead for herself if she stayed, went back to Indiana. She, no doubt hoping that everything would blow over and she'd be able to return to continue parasitizing me further, perhaps taking the house (she had wanted to marry me, and I suspect that was the house was her objective for that). I truly thought she was innocent, for way too long. But since she was now back in Indiana and no longer had access to my mail (though she wanted me to send my mail to her, for her to "sort"), a letter from the IRS, telling me about taxes that I knew I didn't owe, was shocking. I still thought that, somehow, she was innocent, but before long I realized the truth. Looking back, I know that she only came to live with me for two reasons: my trusting vulnerability and her unusual sexual proclivities. She never loved me. The bottom line, for readers that encounter her, is that Shannon is a psychopath, is a very convincing liar, and neither looks nor acts like a psychopath. You should skip first impressions, and observe her for a while. I'm particularly concerned for her son, and the effect her behavior has on him.
On to my tidbits directed to Shannon.
⦁ 00, which was our code for a particular form of sex practice. I'm certain that's the main reason that you came to this city. The practice was disgusting and dangerous for me. And you should know that I’ve suffered permanent serious physical damage because of it. Maybe I should describe it in detail, but I'd truly like to avoid sharing it in public if at all possible, even though it gives a great insight into your evil. I'll probably wait for a little while to see whether you're going to make things right, and if you don't, give a more full account. There’s so much related info to tell people, such as the time you tried to drown me in the bathtub. Keep in mind, Shannon, that the story makes you look far worse than me.
⦁ You told the police—TWICE—that I sexually abused you. The irony, of course, is that our roles were exactly reversed. It’s interesting that, when I told the detective that I wanted to press charges against you, he predicted, matter-of-factly, that you would make that claim against me. At the time I didn’t believe him, but he was right. By his statement I guess that many women lie a lot about such things when claims are made against them.
⦁ When you stole the car (yes, OF COURSE I have documents about that as well—and I talked to the prosecutor later), you left a lot of my CDs in there. Then, when I got furious with law enforcement and the judicial system for picking on my poor, innocent (sarcasm), girlfriend, I persuaded you to go to your home state with me so that I could try to straighten things out for you. I don’t know why you agreed to go there, because of course you wouldn’t let me talk to the prosecutor and thereby learn the truth. More important these days is that you wouldn’t “permit” me to go to the police to pick up the CDs from the car, obviously because you were afraid of hearing the truth from them. The result is that I not only didn’t get the CDs, but I didn’t even remember all of the artists and titles, so that I couldn’t replace them. Of course, that's just one of many messes you left behind for me to try to straighten up, such as the reader you stole from the library, the tons of library fines over books you stole, all the services you secretly attached to my landline, and the bill that you ran up on the cell phone that was under my name but that you were the one that used.
⦁ When you decided to screw me over, you knew that any letters and such sent to my address increased your chance of being discovered. So you went to a nearby town's post office, and opened a post office box there. You even added my dead mother's name to the box. I still have the forged federal application in your handwriting.
⦁ One of the writings you left behind was a letter to my money fund, telling them to make you the beneficiary if I die. You sucked up my money so fast and thoroughly that you never had an opportunity to actually send it in, but of course I still have it, with your handwriting. But the take-home message is that you were hoping for my death. Or maybe planning it? If you had played it straightforwardly, you could have just asked me to write it myself.  Back in those innocent days, I would have done it for you eagerly.
⦁ When you knew that time was running out between you and the police because you also stole from my sister, you prepared, behind my back, for your departure. You hid all kinds of your stuff in the attic behind the costumes you and I had gathered. That’s how I got so many writing samples for the document examiner to use. Previously I had written to your former employers for any scraps. Treasure trove, afterward.
⦁ When you left, we stayed in contact for a while, before I knew the full truth of what you had done. You asked me to mail your sewing machine to you, while you encouraged me to drink a lot of vodka so I’d finish the task. And you even had me send you money for food. You used me like a parasite does, knowing full well that I was going to have to go through total financial hell in the near future. What kind of human being does that to someone else? A psychopath.
⦁ I noticed that you were looking for a car right after you left. Which is really, really wrong, because I had no car at this point and you left me with no money for a car of my own. Which makes me wonder: there was a lot of money that we could have used to buy a car before, but instead you insisted on continually getting rental cars (supposedly paid for by your father, but really paid out of the money you stole from me). Why did you do that? Buying a car outright would have made my money last longer, so this makes no sense, even for a psychopath. Is it because it would be more obvious that I alone was paying for the car for the both of us?
⦁ I emailed with your former roommate or friend (was her name Elizabeth?—I can’t exactly remember, although I can dig it up if necessary). She said that you were the most deceptive person she’d ever met. I will give you that—you certainly don’t have the *appearance* of a psychopath, shy and quiet acting and all.
⦁ Afterward, in an email to Stacy, you said that my sister and I were totally screwed up. But neither one of us hurt anyone, while you stole from both of us and destroyed one of us.,
⦁ I remember when we were first started off with emailing back and forth, I was online, both day and night. Later I asked whether it seemed strange that I was always available, and asked what you’d thought about that. You said that you’d assumed I was a genius child, keeping school hours. I was shocked, because we were conducting some seriously kinky conversation. Didn’t you worry about damaging the kid psychologically? Nope, you said.
⦁ An aside: In college, you ran away without telling anyone, leaving people thinking, for a long time, that you were dead. (Documentation is available in newspaper copies online.) When you told me about it later, you showed me a picture of your father during the time your parents spent searching for you. He was exhausted and depressed. But instead of that making you feel bad about what you had caused, you were proud that you had evaded detection. At the time, I assumed that I was reading your emotions wrong. But I now know better.
⦁ I just remembered: Once you and I happened to be driving behind a strip mall after hours. A cop car started following us. You were cool. You suggested to me that I should get out and pretend to be examining the tire tread for a stuck rock. That worked fine, and the cop moved on. I told you that I had been nervous. You told me that you hadn't been, because you always assume that you are smarter than the police. That seemed incredibly arrogant to me. True, you might be smarter than some individual cops. But you don't have their training and experience, the capability to call other police on the radio for backup, and weaponry. Every once in a while you'd let such incredible arrogance show through.
⦁ I remembered this as well. Once you joked, about a woman whose child had been killed, that it was no big deal since she can always make another. After you left here, I read a lot of books about psychopaths, to try to figure you out. The author of one of the books told the exact same joke, as an example of how psychopaths have a lack of empathy. I always wondered whether you told the joke because you had read in the same book, while you were reading to try to understand your own self.
⦁ After the police went to Indianapolis to interrogate you, they told me that you'd agreed to pay me back everything you stole. But you never sent me anything at all. I aim to change that. Please don't make the mistake that if you just ignore this email, I will simply drop it all.
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kmp78 · 4 years
hey K! I don't know much about SL's ex-girlfriends, I've heard you talk about Nursey and Inchslit before but I don't know what happened when they were with Shannon. Could I get some info on that please?
Hi, anon! 👋
Well, I'll try to rehash the saga to the best of my recollection! 😆
Back in spring 2014 SL was dating/hooking up with Inch BUT we did not yet know about it. We only came to know of her existence a whole year later, but we'll get to it later!
In July/August 2014, after SL was released from rehab and the band finished their Euro tour and returned to the States, we got pap pics of SL with Colonna in LA.
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MEGA random since she is a literal nobody and he is... well, a nobody as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️
And it got even weirder as we got TWO MORE PAP INCIDENTS just days later when Mars was in NYC for the Carnivores tour! 👀
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Again: WHY was this no-name couple suddenly sooooo interesting for paps...? 🤔
Anyway, they dated/hooked up for a few weeks (and SL pulled his usual bs stunts by skipping a M&G just to hang with her... 😒), until he dumped her in September.
We know he dumped her cos she went a bit vengeful on socials, taking digs at his height etc. 🙄
Then it was all quiet on SL dating front until January 2015 when echies pulled that Rola stunt (= Brazilian echies played a trick on her on Twitter by tweeting her "My name is Rola, can you tell me you love Rola?", and she answered "I love Rola" without realizing rola means dick in Braz slang... 😂🙊) and SL came to her rescue on socials by ranting that people need to leave his friends alone.
Well, turns out HE is the one who didn't wanna leave her alone as immediately after that debacle, those two got back together ans she resumed her trolling from their vacays and from his home etc. 🍿
The fandom absolutely loathed her, and it DID NOT HELP that SL made the fateful decision to bring her along for the March 2015 Russian tour. 😬
All hell broke loose in the fandom, and seemingly JL despised her too (there were blind item gossips around stating that her luggage got "misplaced" and her plane tickets "accidentally cancelled" etc. 🤭), and it looked like her presence drove a huge wedge between the bros and also Tomo.
A few weeks into the tour, she and SL had some sort of massive breakup and she sulked off to the States (with a barrage of social media insults again...), and that was it for #Shanstina. 👉🚪
After the tour ended in April 2015 SL went back to LA (while JL kept busy dicking VK in NYC oh and also occasionally doing some Joker stuffs... 😈), and attended Coachella.
And this is where we come back to Inch!
During Coachella 15, thanks to her trolling and BF featuring her on their IG, we learned that SL has a "new" special friend! 😮
Except once we started digging around her IG and looked up old posts, we realized she had actually been his special friend for over a year - meaning that while he was effing Inch, he was also effing Colonna. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Claaaaaaaaassic Shanny. 🙈
He and Inch kept going "strong" for all of 2015 and she kept trolling and updating us very thoroughly... 🙄.
Then we get to Nursey.
Now, I have to admit that I cannot be 100% certain I'm remembering the timeframe correctly, but in early 2016 we learned that he has been fucking around with her too (thanks to her joining the "Showing SL's fireplace and nekkid toes on IG" club) - and again while still with Inch! 🤨
And also again, upon doing further investigation, we found out that her links to Mars /SL went FAR beyond them just "randomly" getting together in 2015/16.
In fact, she can be seen in Mars fan pics in 2012 and attended at least 1 M&G in 2014, soooooo... 🤷🏼‍♀️
Once again, the overlapping of 🐱 is astonishing. 😳
By 2016 SL had moved to Seattle, and both Inch and Nursey kept going up there to entertain him in what I can only assume to be a rotaring schedule... 😂
Inch even moved there full-time, and is still up there even tho at some point she and he parted ways.
Nursey kept on trolling about SL well into 2019, but apparently had moved into the ex-gf category by Nov 2019 when she randomly popped up on Aaron Carter's IG Live and dropped a little snippet regarding... something... and someone... 🤔
And there we have it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
A quick but long overview of SL adventures in 🐱-land. 😆
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dayna-scully · 5 years
ncis/tiva s7 lb
season 3  |  season 4   |  season 5  |  season 6   |  season 8   |  season 9  |  season 10  |  etc
Truth or Consequences
I’ve never really been able to tell whether or not tony was acting in this bit
small muscles, big brain
coffee aficionado and functional mute
it never fails to astound me how much effort media has put into demonizing muslims
I was gonna say it was love driving tony, but I suppose that factors into vengeance
Tony’s full of bs
tony was not dealing well with not having ziva there
we have to deal with the writers pining over Kate for like 11 years but ducky’s over ziva being around after like 2 months? What is wrong with y’all
ziva’s not replaceable
tony, not keeping himself together as well as he used to
even after jeanne he was not so messy
what kind of failure/the kind with casualties
lotta sand
it’s not normal that we haven’t heard from ziva
I swear to god they use my name the most for tertiary characters, there were at least three just last season
I don’t know why they had to make Tony’s trauma fugue funny
neither of them were expecting that
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it had to be you
you should not have come
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you thought I was dead? then why are you here?
couldn’t live without you, I guess
he couldn’t leave her alone
she is very melodramatic
but so is tony
isn’t that the same “village” tony went to with Nikki
they’re not aliens, tony
stay alive long enough to not get dead 🤔
her own biological father doesn’t love her enough to save her
yeah gibbo!
I don’t understand how he could have possibly got there so fast but ok
I hate group claps
hella cringey
she’ll call when she’s ready
she looks so much better
bb girl
an angel
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why would you egg a church?
why would you tell someone to their face that they’re “damaged goods” what the fuck
long, silent, meaningful eye contact
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and mcgee chattering in the background
spots are still to tender for normal verbal barbs
I will be right here
what is wrong with Abby
he did kill Michael partially because he was jealous
mostly to protect her but
no normal person ever calls tony sir
so why are you avoiding tony
it had to be said in the men’s room
and double parked/yes, I noticed
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I could not afford to trust you
cue ugly crying
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I wonder why he could not look her in the eye
the neck grab is so intimate, and definitely echoes her face touch
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waiting in dad’s basement
ziva’s here
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that is total salami/baloney
ew dinozzo
oh bb ziva
it looks like a damn teen wolf convention
ziva hasn’t been ziva since we brought her home
everyone just keeps dumping on her
gibbs isn’t acting like he’s on team ziva
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at any cost
he’s her dad
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I did not mean to live through it
he’s her dad i’m cry
bb probiee
agent David
personal space
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uhhh let me check, ziva?/no
digital images don’t work that way!!!
that’s so high school flirting
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I say it with love
prankster probie
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sleepy probiee
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who says you have a say
stealing our precious body fluids
wh…what body fluids is ziva stealing from you tony?
ah, shame, my pencil broke
smug lil probie
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we have been instructed to sit on the baby
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I wanna see ziva with tali 😖
worth is so much hotter with long hair
normal work partners
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that really looks like the diner from bones, and it’s definitely the one they used previously, but I would assume the bones one was on the fox lot? And that cbs wouldn’t have access to it
tony goes on a schpiel about how attractive Kai is and then tells ziva they must be alike
ok tony
you annoy me sometimes/sometimes?/most of the time
why is she nice to you and not to me?
because you’re emotionally repressed and can’t keep your mouth shut dinozzo
hey ziva, what the fuck
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does tony have to sit behind ziva to work?
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Tony’s jealous of mcgee, he’s jealous of Dunham…he can’t get any and his crush doesn’t seem to like him back
well well well how the turn tables
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he cleans up nice/not that nice
he’s not being a big brother ziva
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last thing I need is a chad Dunham
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hey ziva what the fuck
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why are you looking at Tony’s dick
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if you believe in that kind of thing
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yeah mcgee a double date
oh mcgoo
that’s a looong time to be stuck in an elevator
it was either you or the watch
well we could be stuck here with tony
are you letting some blonde bombshell baste your bird, tony?
you dork!!!
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I guess?????
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I wonder if they styled that girl like flashback!shannon on purpose
ew god why
the favourite gets to ride shotgun
ziva, mean muggin’
aw, happy gibbs is so rare
yes I’m sure souther California gets a lot of snow
stop making my team fat
with his brother Darrel and his other brother Darrel
including the language of love, ten
those look more like sugar cookies but ok
bullheaded stubbornness
you’re one to talk, z
bah humbog
tearing up cause she’s proud of her boyfriend
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perhaps baby bird is ready to leave the nest
jet packs…yeah, it’s gonna be a weird one
we spend a lot of time here, just the three of us
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we always get the shots of ziva checkin these dudes out
you’re quoting better off dead, I told you to watch that
McGee is such a dork
fucking adorable
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is that, like…necessary
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a Thief
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oof gibbo be nice
she acts like she hates me, but she talks like she likes me
gibbs has a crush
I don’t speak Canadian
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why can’t shows just shoot pictures instead of photoshopping them badly
mind your own business/ooh, grouchy
ziva is ziva, nothing to tell
that is too disgusting to translate
why in the world did they ever hire senior
Tony’s REAL dad meeting his bio dad
ugh I hate him
poor tony
you may have to hire someone to protect him from me
gibbs has several children, one of whom is your son
ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! Paris!!!!!!
I slept well last night, why, didn’t you? You certainly looked…comfy enough
oh???? Really????
that is not an innocent face
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cute cute cute
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we had enough “together”
you askin me on a date, duck?
I think Paris changed her
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act natural!!!!!
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you’re complementary
are you sure you two never?/no. positive. definitely no.
a good fit
she’s so soft about tony though
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even if she is lying about where she slept 👀👀👀
caveman grunts
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she adores him
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why did you just lie to mcgee?/why’d you lie to Nora?
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she’s trying so hard not to blush
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his favourite picture
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ugh that’s cringey
well we know his “little dinozzo-makers” survived…
the kids giggling about dad and his crush
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totally innocent
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I am going to go…get a haircut
I think technically we own the building
come on ziva
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what salim did was bad enough
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I don’t really remember a lot of these episodes
the big tiva ones, yes, but the other ones not really
I guess we just have better nerds than you do
aww worth bb
I wish they could’ve gotten him to replace dinozzo
“get ziva and dinozzo out of bed”
“individual beds”
how does ziva know where he sleeps
worth is very werewolf-y
no I was wrong they’re not boyfriends they’re husbands
ziva’s got sex face
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Jean jacket ziva 💕💕💕
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don’t be a dick tony
I only have one nose and it’s on my face
jealous tony
yeah whatever, you already slept with my wife
F U!!!!
Tobias dukes-in’ it
i wasnt askin ya!
it’s fun to make tony jealous
book suppository
our girls
keep your story straight but not so straight that it’s exactly the same
I’m glad I wasn’t your valentine/so am I
but it is the coast guard
she loooves him
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you mean he’s deceased, too?
he used to sing with the monkees/real monkeys?
I envy your brain sometimes
ducky’s bow ties are back
movie date!!!
What are you doing with me, watching a movie on a Friday night at work
you are my friend
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both of your “dates” “cancelled” so you…decided to have a date together?
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what was she thinking of saying??
she loooves him
are you two dating now?
a seven year bitch
that was a very bad fake slap
why couldn’t they have had ziva there
ziva is barely in this one
she loves him
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things were hanging out? that is disgusting
once and future king of dorkland
Sand mites might bite
ziva is very proud of her dad
we have hit a shamu
I may have to hurt you
what would this woman possibly see in you
take ziva with you
ziva’s not used to being the jealous one anymore
tony is being a creepy stalker
Rivera turns out to be a villain, I think
ziva is concerned about tony
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I forgot that Obama was president when this would have aired
tony sitting separately says a lot
he would usually be the one beside ziva
tony, being unwarrantedly intimate with a stranger
a quiet bookstore owner as a Russian spy is actually really interesting
toe cheese
realizing tony and ziva lied about Paris 👀👀👀
oh gibbs
cowboy gibbs
what are you, anti flan?
ooooh gibbo
oh gibbs
fathers and daughters
they’re his children, not his coworkers
staring at dad
personal space
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ziva bb
looking for her dad and her boyfriend
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bigmafluff · 3 years
My Story Tom  Hiddleston Chapters 3 & 4
Chapter 3
Life Changes
Jumping up and down in my hotel room Squealing in excitement, happiness and the totally freaking out. Not only did I get a Job, a title, and a career. I got a date with on of my biggest Idol's. Who in there wildest dreams would get a Job and a date at the same time. Also What fan-girl gets to have Dinner with a very single hot actor. OMG!!!!  I'm scared! What does he see in me. He said he would get me at 8;00. I asked what type of dinner cause knowing Thomas Like the fan-girl  I am Knew him I didn't have anything fancy to wear. He said Just to be myself and I would figure that out . So I had a pair of black dress pants, and My fave sparkly off the shoulder blouse. Then Ii thought dress Like me. So I had a pair of Navy Jeans that fit my blouse better and tied a belt at my waist and Let my hair down and brushed it out. Light on the makeup and My foe Fur Black boots.
And I Just used my Jean pockets and bra so I wouldn't need a purse. @ 7:55 my hotel room door was being knocked on. Dam!!!!!!!!!!!! He was early.  I quickly answer it and any air I was breathing was gone in a minute. To my relief he had black jeans a navy sweater and Long jacket. Dang he's hot. Tom Laugh's cause apparently I said that out loud blush I let him in and he gave me the dozen Daisies which are beautiful. Then came and gave me a hug asked me if I was OK. I said yeah sure my idol is in my room and is fixing to take me to dinner. I'm wonderful. His remark was priceless. He said , “Well I'm just a wonderful guy”!I asked,” Can we please go be fore I loose it and start snorting.” He  walked me out to his red 4 door Jag.  Then we were off. From that might on. I not only was  a author but I am Tom Hiddleston girlfriend!
Several months Later
My Surgery is tomorrow. My Tommy  said he was getting back early from the theater to be with me when I come out . I'm gonna have a lot of down time so Tom wanted me to stay with him when I recover. I'm still at the hotel But I am going to Tommy's tonight Luke had me buy a Flat here and I filed for dual citizenship. Luke said it would be easier for me and taxes will be cheaper, so I did it. Tom wants me to move in with him but I feel that only being a couple for 3 months is not a move in make.
I'm in to my 6th book hitting the best seller List . My Son is really iffy about me dating Loki and Having my picture all over the place is kinda making my family nervous. Although Thomas has talked to my kids and my sister about it and It has gotten easier especially with Luke handling stuff for us. I haven't let Tom touch me a lot because. Of my body image of myself . He has been so patient and unbelievably kind and loving to me. I told him about my weight issues and even showed him a pic of me before and he hasn't once changed how he acts around me. Which helps show me a lot. My whole life has changed . It is shocking. I sat in Tommy's living room waiting for Luke to take me to the hospital. And talking to my Kid's and Sister. They give me well wishes. My Son Lucas Wishes He was here and I wish the same But we talked about it and it is for the best. I did promise that Tom and I will be there when I heal and Tom's play is over.
Chapter 4
Argument's & Parenting
My Eyes slowly open. I am hurting all over. It is the price I pay for getting health. I know I will never be Tiny but at least I'm not caring the extra weight. Just a head's up. Do to the Parkinson's I have had since I was young. The Plastic surgeon's in the U.S. Refused to increase my bust to a “C” cup . That is why I'm Doing it here. Hey I may be a good girl ,But I ain't no lady. And a Little vanity isn't gonna hurt . And The U.K. Doc.'s Found a way to use my existing fat and tissue to make them look and feel real . Dr. Banner Was both handsome and Amazing, which made Tom a little Jelly. I loved it.
From what little I can see right now without my glasses They also did Lasic eye stuff so I would eventually have no need  for Glasses. Which will make my baby blues shine and sparkle like when I was young. Any ways Tom is here with another really tall guy but he is One of us Americans . Also my room smells heavenly Like He Brought and entire Flower shop in here.
There is a Lady yelling at him from the doorway. I think it's his MOM. Part of the convo. Has to do with a Kid . And Tommy Not knowing I was slightly continuous, Said Son. Son what Son And why do none of the fans Know. I finally Become full awake and Pissed off. KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone out except Thomas and Diana.! Now !!!! I was livid ! And Not exactly the best way to introduce me to his mum. But Mr. Hiddleston Has sum explaining to do or I'm Done I hate lying, and what Tom has done is just as bad. I was Feeling no pain. Guess the anger was blocking it . Which I needed. We Have been together 3 months and Tom Said nothing,I had to hear it in the hospital by his Mother. I Pull myself up and I trough pillow's behind me. I address his mother first trying to be respectful, “Mrs. Diana I am grievously sorry About my condition Ma'am .  I'm sure Thomas has a very interesting explanation for why I have no Idea He had a child and I been at his at for 3 months.”
She smiles at me and then turn's, to her son . I can See a Mama Bear fixing' to get on to her cub. Arm's crossed and almost on the verge of growling. Tom Puts his arms up with a White handkerchief  as a sign of surrender .  Then He says,” Mum We are only 3 month's into this relationship and I didn't want to scare Shannon off She has done her Job. Also I only took today off early cause she was here and She will be at my place in order to heal. Having Charlie running a muck would hinder Shannon's recovery.”  I hate excuses and He was using me. I Tell Tom That His BS isn't gonna fly. He Knows I'm a Mom so I wouldn't be scared of Kid's. Raised 3 so Charlie wasn't gonna scare me. But He had a point if Charlie is as young as I think recovery is gonna be hard but not impossible. So I tell Tom he is to Pick Charlie from His Mom's So I can meet him When I get to my Flat . Which Got his attention.  I can watch Charlie while he works  to give  his Mum a break .  Diana Smiled at me then Kissed My forehead and the told Tom She Liked me then left.
That is how I became A sitter and favored Girlfriend to an English Mum.
0 notes
narcisbolgor-blog · 6 years
In one fiery speech, a Parkland school shooting survivor shuts down every anti-gun control argument
Image: rhona wise/AFP/Getty Images
Remember the name Emma Gonzalez. She surely has many more speeches to come.
In the aftermath of last week's shooting in Parkland, Florida, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School senior and survivor stepped up during an anti-gun rally to deliver a fiery speech. Like so many others, Gonzalez is fed up. She's seen firsthand the desperate need for tighter gun controls, and she understands the political machinations that prevent such changes from happening.
SEE ALSO: After Florida shooting, gun control becomes a global conversation
It's a powerful moment. You should watch for yourself.
"They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence. We call BS!" Florida high school shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez calls on President Trump and lawmakers to tighten gun restrictions in impassioned speech at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale https://t.co/DgnqrrVs9x
— CNN (@CNN) February 17, 2018
"Every single person up here today, all these people should be home grieving," Gonzalez said early in the speech. "But instead we are up here standing together because if all our government and President can do is send thoughts and prayers, then it's time for victims to be the change that we need to see."
(Read the full transcript right here.)
Ms. Gonzalez is one of many survivors of a school shooting — there have been more than 200 in the United States since the turn of the century — who now has to live with everything that comes next. The thoughts and prayers. The appeals to not politicize this grief-filled moment. The efforts to cast the blame for killings on something other than the tools of those killings.
Gonzalez has heard it all before. She's a high school senior. She's grown up in a culture that's allowed hundreds of school shootings to happen in the space of 18 years. She'll probably be old enough to vote by November, if she isn't already. She'll definitely be old enough by 2020.
So when Gonzalez says "we call BS" on NRA-backed Congressional leaders claiming nothing could be done to prevent this, she's actually in a position to carry that anger and frustration into a voting booth. As are many of the thousands of others who have either survived a shooting like this or been touched by personal connections to such an incident.
In the hours since CNN televised the speech and then shared it on social media, the name "Emma Gonzalez" has become a top trending topic. She's got TV appearances lined up. She may not be the sole voice out there unloading on the rampant hypocrisy that continues to keep tighter gun control laws at bay, but that speech really resonated.
It's no surprise.
Watch Emma Gonzalez burn down Donald Trump, the @NRA and lawmakers beholden to them during a scathing speech today in Fort Lauderdale.
Then join #StudentsDemandAction by texting STUDENTS to 64433. Or text ACT to 64433 to join @MomsDemand.#ThrowThemOutpic.twitter.com/XYyXqQCaZn
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) February 17, 2018
I’ve never seen more hope in the midst of such devastation and grief. God bless Emma and these kids. I really think they might be the ones to finally get #CommonSenseGunLaws passed. ✊🏻❤️💪 Speech from  student Emma Gonzalez on guns and NRA https://t.co/Bklux8XskZ via @YouTube
— Joey McIntyre (@joeymcintyre) February 18, 2018
This is incredible. Just maybe we still live in a world where a speech can change things. https://t.co/NUFnyYcsqk
— jon ronson (@jonronson) February 18, 2018
I want a slower news cycle. I want this speech to keep ringing in our ears for months. https://t.co/oAudq1U0A0
— Rainbow Rowell (@rainbowrowell) February 18, 2018
I only deleted my last tweet cause I haven't fact checked her age, but reguardless, she's a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT with more passion and strength then the people who run the country, so again, I wish I had half as much of that in high school, and now! #EmmaGonzalez
— Zendaya (@Zendaya) February 18, 2018
To all the Republicans who take NRA money and the sanctimonious Democrats who think it’s ok to “evolve” on gun control once you no longer represent a pro-gun district: These kids just called your BS. America needs leaders, not followers.https://t.co/A7aUe8Iz0o
— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) February 18, 2018
What the viral video version of Emma Gonzalez’s speech misses is that the hundreds in the crowd were just as furious.
The mood here isn’t solemn - it’s seething. I can’t remember another shooting sparking such palpable anger. At least not since Newtown. https://t.co/825NHZnjPy
— Wesley (@WesleyLowery) February 18, 2018
As a Trauma Surgeon, and victim of gun violence I’m inspired by this young woman.
Next time you go vote, remember this riveting speech by Emma Gonzalez.
History will judge us by our actions. #VoteThemOut #wis2018 https://t.co/tuBU9LUfEB
— Joseph Sakran (@JosephSakran) February 18, 2018
Emma Gonzalez is powerful. And it is that energy that will change the world.
— Uzo Aduba (@UzoAduba) February 17, 2018
I keep getting asked in interviews “why YA? why write for teens?”
This is why
People like Emma Gonzalez who will both inherit and save our world is why https://t.co/zpfmifp5kG
— Tomi Adeyemi (@tomi_adeyemi) February 18, 2018
WATCH: 6 tips on how to cope with tragic issues
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=> *********************************************** Post Source Here: In one fiery speech, a Parkland school shooting survivor shuts down every anti-gun control argument ************************************ =>
In one fiery speech, a Parkland school shooting survivor shuts down every anti-gun control argument was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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enemymine2000 · 7 years
Fandom rambles: Why I'll never watch Tony DiNozzo leave
I have been a NCIS fan from the very first minute. It wasn't even its own show yet, when I started to root for Team Gibbs (minus Blackadder of course). So when the show came to be, it had always been a show about Gibbs and Tony and their cases for me. Everyone else was just an addition. Some more so than other.
The core team (bullpen) was Gibbs with Tony, the expanded team entailed Ducky and Abby. Everyone was just there to add momentum, to have someone to play of on, to add a little different spice week to week.
That means as much as I loved Kate, I never rallied too much for her. I was sad to see Sasha Alexander go, but not because now “Tate” would never happen, but simply because I had gotten used to her special kind of spice. Although the recipe started to grow stale a bit.
Sean Murray's addition to the cast was a quirk I liked to see for a while. But at the end of season 2 I wouldn't have shed a tear, if his Timothy McGee would have been reassigned.
That changed a bit when they just had to add a new female main character with Cote de Pablo's Ziva David. Whom I hugely disliked from day one. Not because of the actress – I never have heard anything from her before and never watched anything else she had been part of.
It's Ziva's backstory that made it impossible to like her. She was a spy, an assassin, officer of a foreign agency and on top of that the handler (and half-sister) of Kate's assassin.
So, yeah, no. Biggest nope that ever noped.
No way in freaking hell was I ever going to be able to suspend disbelieve that much. And I didn't. For 8 seasons I saw my favorite show getting transformed week after week into “The Ziva David Show”. If it wasn't about her evergrowing daddy issues (including international espionage), it had to be about her toying with Tony.
Who for the sake of Ziva David's ever growing unbelievable talents and trust with Gibbs was dumbed down until the abused kid of an alcoholic father was actually made to forgive said deadbeat on urging of his mentor Gibbs! Well, don't get me started on the many issues I have with having Senior on the show.
Finally Cote jumped ship - I heard my inner William Wallace scream “Freedom” - rejoiced and really looked forward for Tony's evolution. Which actually happened. He was intelligent once more. A seasoned investigator. Gibbs' trusted Second in Command. Okay, McGee, not hanging on Ziva's coattails any longer was shaping up too, but still no competition. Tony DiNozzo was back and just happened to save Gibbs' ass again.
Sadly Gibbs, ever since being blown up at the end of season 3 had this recurring problem with the memory of his “girls”. On any other show I would have loved the otherworldly stuff, but on a mostly procedural the thing shouldn't have to be brought up practically every year.
Yes, he lost wife and daughter. Yes, he had to relive the trauma due to having lost his memories. But – he had his Mexican Siesta and years and years to somewhat get over it. Yes, you'll never truly get over stuff like that, but you move on. Gibbs was married three more times and had countless affairs for Chuck's sake! Don't tell me, he exclusively loves Shannon to this day!
Yeah, well, so Gibbs is starting to be odd. Even by Gibbs' standards. And Tony suffers for it. Of course he does. Again the character gets sidelined for some rehashed drama. Biggest difference this time?
Michael Weatherly told the world, that he was leaving the show. “Because there are no new stories to tell for Tony” or something like that.
Instead of giving their second highest billed actor and his much beloved character of 12 years a huge send-off, they opt for a fan-pleaser. Well, actually only part of the fandom.
You see, the “Tivas” are very vocal and have never accepted anyone in Cote's place. Instead of simply stopping to watch the show, if they hated it so much, they yelled and screamed and even threatened. (Michael Weatherly's family got death threats, because those so called fans thought that fiction and reality were somehow the same and Bojana somehow had any sway in the contract negotiations between CBS and Cote – beats me, how someone can be so delusional.)
Basically a temper tantrum on a huge scale. And as the good “parents” the showrunners are, they gave into their demands and delivered Tiva. *end saracasm here*
Instead of a huge send-off Tony DiNozzo didn't even appear for one of the last three episodes and only marginally in one other. Since I refuse to watch his actual last episode, I have to rely on recaps for it, but his last episode the fans are suddenly presented with a “Tiva” love-child out of left field, which was such a love-child that Ziva never even hinted at it during their correspondence and Skype chats after she remained in Israel for good. But since the actress was not available, Ziva could not answer the questions due to the fact that she conveniently got herself killed, which Tony somehow not believes and decides to take the child and goes to Paris (of all places) to look for her.
Huge send-off, huh?! *my sarcasm is showing again*
Yeah, no, nope and noper. I refuse to watch that wreck. Ziva might be dead, but I refuse to believe that Tony – previous playboy extraordinaire (after Wendy left him practically at the altar) - would have engage in sexual relations with any woman, he was not married to, without being sure about protection. Especially not Ziva, who was anything else but celibate and even engaged in sexual acts with her marks, when needed. That's one.
Two is that Tony has been a seasoned special agent and investigator with ties to the highest places for close to 15 years at the time of him leaving. He has managed to hunt Ziva down across the Middle East when she played dead there, even when the freaking Mossad could not, he would have heard about a pregnancy and subsequent child in the event of an accident of the procreational nature instead off being surprised by it. (Not to mention that some of his contacts actually came to genuinely like and respect him.)
Three – honestly, Tony lived for his job for far too long, I get it, but he had a good thing going with Zoe there for a while. But the character (and their relationship) simply got dropped off-screen. Never understood why. I mean, there was not even some bullshitting about: “Yeah, we are alright in the sack, but otherwise we're better off as friends.” It simply was over, Tony was left in a limbo for a while and then Ziva allegedly dropped dead and left him to raise their daughter. That’s simply lazy story writing.
No. Nope. Noper.
Even if I could believe that whole love-child BS, Ziva David – as much as I hate her character – never struck me as a woman, who - outside of her duties as a spy/assassin - would bereave a parent of his child. Even if only for the sake of the child.
After all she suffered from abandonment issues all her life, because of her Daddy living for his job and only accepting his kids when they were good little soldiers. So her doing something like that to her own child is too taxing for my imagination.
No, Tony's send-off was badly planned and written by lazy writers who simply had no understanding of this character's past and intentions, as well as obviously not knowing the show from the beginning.
Tony was proud to be Gibbs' Second, loyal to a fault and a great agent. It would have been time for the big reward, not a short “bye, bye”.
A new love, maybe a new position closer to his new love, his own team at least. Or if he would have been willing to leave the field, a promotion to assistant to or even Deputy Director would have been something I could see Tony willing to so. It has lots of travels and lots of people and new experiences (which he loves), but it's not too much of the elbow-rubbing society like some kind of assistant director stationed out of DC.
Heck, even him taking a bullet for Gibbs, McGee or Ellie would have been a better send-off!
So, no, not watching that or anything that followed after. In my mind, Gibbs got his shit together, and him and Tony are still merrily solving major cases for the NCIS. And sometimes Tony comes by after hours and sits on his step of stairs down the basement, and they talk like the friends they actually always have been.
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shannonparis29 · 4 years
Iowa USofA Diva 2016-2017
Iowa. My next stop. What can I really say about Iowa? Oh. A lot. I’ve been to Iowa before, for court-related events. But I started preparing as soon as I got back from Missouri. I decided to do that. After ordering evening wear and stones, I had to make arrangements for the trip. One realization I made was, I could rent a car and Jackie and I could go up there. But we needed a driver to do so. My future and later ex-boyfriend, Levi, ended up being the person to offer a hand in this. He had a clean driver’s license and could drive us to Iowa. He planned to fly to Corpus and we’d make that long twenty-hour drive to Des Moines, Iowa.
We planned to leave on January 11th and giving us two days to get there and check in. The drive was long, and the only negative was the amount of driving that both Jackie and Levi had to do.  We arrived in Iowa, at 6 am, in Des Moines, at our hotel. My hotel was already paid for, but we had an issue. The hotel gave us a hard time and they were treating us like criminals and practically following us to the hotel. It made me feel uncomfortable, even though I already paid for the room IN FULL online. I decided to ask for my money back, but they offered no refunds, which was total BS. It really irritates me. We went to the room, checked it out (it was fine) and I just didn’t feel comfortable. Jackie was like,
“You want to leave and find another hotel?”
While yes, I was tired from the trip and I needed a few hours of sleep, I just couldn’t stay here feeling like I was being watched. I said,
“You know what? Let’s find another hotel on Expedia…give me a few minutes and we will leave.”
I hadn’t unloaded anything yet but I found a hotel nearby-even closer. It was the host hotel that Iowa’s court used for Coronation. We were staying for one night so it wouldn’t be “too much.” I booked it, paid for it, and said,
“Let’s blow this place.”
I used the bathroom and then we left and made sure nothing was a mess. I told them,
“We’re checking out.”3
“Is it because of the other person?” they asked rudely.
“I don’t appreciate being made to feel like I’m being watched. So, we’re going elsewhere…I am taking my money elsewhere and I’d like a refund, please.” “We don’t do refunds…”
“We only were in the room for ten minutes…and we’re not staying. So why not?”
I was pissed about it and I really wanted the $130 back. For two nights…One of which I did not even stay because we were delayed on our trip. I honestly could not deal anymore…we just left and called it a loss. And this hotel was a local business and not a hotel that had any way to report.
We were able to get to the other hotel…Comfort Inn and Suites. And it did live up to its name. We unloaded everything and then fell asleep for a few hours. At 1030-1045 am, I had to wake up, eat and get dressed for interview.                                                                                                
For interview, I wore my suit again and tights. Hair in a tight ponytail. It was registration time. Three girls showed up for diva (including me). Sigourney Beaver, Siren Principle and I. They were Iowa girls and I was the only one from out of state. I was already used to be the only one from Texas. Because that happened numerous times when I competed for prelims besides Texas.
I drew contestant number 3 which means I was closing the show. During interview, yes, I had some nerves, but I wasn’t as nervous as I was in previous interviews. I looked professional and I had to show these out of state judges my heart-which I felt like I did all season, but it was just a matter of how I did against the others. Diva is super competitive at prelim level as well as Nationals. Usually, it draws many talented girls.
After interview, it was time to soundcheck for the pageant. I told the DJ I’d need time to “set up” for talent and that it would be a brief set up. As per previous judges feedback, I was told to get props, a table, books, etc. Be more in the scene. When I’m not talking in the beginning, act like I am doing something to help “tell the story.”  Which we ended up doing but it not working out in our favor. Another feedback critique was the Jackie’s character, “the boss” needed better clothes-which we did as well.
Before Iowa, we only used a wireless microphone, a coffee cup prop, and just me and Jackie. And we scored high without all the “extra stuff.” So that says something. We added Levi as one of the male parts as well. Which I’ll get to that later how that turned out.
After soundcheck, we went to go eat at a local restaurant in Des Moines-called the Mad Meatball. We went to eat and then I had to head to the hotel and get ready for that night’s festivities. We ate well and it a cold night in Iowa. Supposedly it was supposed to snow. It did “supposedly” during the pageant but the roads were fine to drive on. Levi knew how to drive on ice/snow since he’d lived in New York and Missouri.
Arriving to the pageant, I was ready in face. Just needed to do hair/lashes and get dressed for presentation. Presentation was “fairy tales” and I didn’t have anything for that category. I wore my purple dress from Missouri and Jackie put jewelry on my head as a decorative thing to be a “princess.” Presentation is usually the last category that I worry about because it’s not judged. I’ve seen people slay presentation at every pageant-it just varied.
After presentation, I changed for evening wear. Evening wear, I had a new updo, and my evening wear was jumpsuit with stones on the shoulder and belt. I was comfortable as hell in a jumpsuit because that seemed more me, than just a “gown.” You’re not “required” to wear a gown. Same rules and all that jazz as far as scoring.  It was different because the other two girls wore gowns. In fact, one of the girls, Sigourney was corseted, and duct taped in so tightly she was having trouble breathing and almost passed out. I felt bad for her, and I hoped she’d be okay once evening wear was completed. It validates that beauty is pain.
For evening wear, I chose the song, “Just Like Fire” to model to, because it was my energy and personality. I used it for evening wear in Texas but it was “too fast” but I felt like it was more me than the last song I chose. Because slow songs were typically for evening wear. But as I’ve learned trying to find the “balance” between something that goes with the evening wear and following the music to model to was something I would need to work on.
The first season I competed was trying season for me because there was a lot of things that “worked” and things that didn’t. And it was a test of my determination and persistence.
For evening wear, I waited my turn and then I went out. Even Victoria Rios, the current Miss USofA Diva, commended my efforts to do something different. She could tell that I was more confident in this than most gowns.
When it was my turn, the DJ played the wrong music. He was playing another contestants music-the one right before. I tried to point that out that it was the “wrong” music but no one heard me at first. So…I decided once again, just to go with it. It wasn’t my music but I was gonna model like it was. Then about halfway through my modeling, my “song” finally came on and I modeled the heck out of it. I had to show them I deserved to be at Nationals. It’s not worth winning if you don’t have to fight for it-something I learned a long time ago.
After we modeled individually, it was time for compared. I was feeling good and I modeled the jumpsuit and stood out against the other two girls. I could tell people were getting excited. I made sure I “sold” my evening wear. And I planned to. After evening wear, it was time for talent. Both Jackie and some people backstage were impressed by my confidence to  model a simple jumpsuit as if it was a $2,000 gown with stones and beads.
For talent, we all were backstage, waiting. I had a long wait time because the MI’s did talent first. The eventually winner of Iowa MI, Mick Douche performed a “Star Wars Mix” with the song Starboy in it. It was brilliant. Finally it was my turn. I was the last one doing my talent.
“In talent competition, Shannon Paris.”
Jackie and Levi began to set up the table and I handed the microphone to Jackie to place aside.  But we were given NO set up time. They literally started my talent and it threw me off majorly. I froze for a split second and then I had to keep going. I placed the “files” on the table and the table collapsed. I at first, thought it was because we didn’t set it up fully. Great. I thought, but I had to keep going I performed the talent and after the talent, we went backstage waiting for results.
I was a little disappointed that all that went wrong. I found out my table was damaged and that’s why it did not stay up. I don’t get why someone would “sabotage” my table. Because I never see people like that. You see, in Diva/MI, we take on a family, a brotherhood/sisterhood and I didn’t believe that any of my competitors would do that. However, I do feel that someone that knew the other two girls maybe didn’t like me because I wasn’t from Iowa. It had nothing to do with my diva sisters or mi brothers. Besides the table, the DJ did not follow instructions for my evening wear or talent. I’d told I’d need a minute to set up and then we’d signal for the start. And playing the wrong song. I honestly would have felt it had been one mistake, okay, but three? That just seems suspicious.
Then it was time for results.
“All three of these girls, did amazing and they all were amazing competitors. The promoter has decided to send all three of them to Nationals!”
Nationals. I am going. Now where did I place with these two other girls?
“Our first runner up and winner of presentation (some pageants give that award even if it’s not judged) and interview, Siren K. Principle.”
“And our winner of talent and evening wear, Sigourney Beaver.”
I took second alternate. Again. But I was going to Nationals. I received my scores. I felt some of the scores were a little low, but I knew why. I knew that I walked a little too fast and I know the mishaps with talent were beyond my control. It just happened. But I knew I had to do it. Nationals was a month and a half away and I had to go, now. Like I wanted.
And then the real work began…for Nationals 2017.
Coming up next: A long article about Nationals 2017.
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I could really use some outside perspective on this. So I [28 m] was in a relationship with with a 42 year old woman - she has 2 kids, is divorced, and let's call her Shannon - and am not sure if she's just manipulative or I'm an asshole for real. Just fyi I'm a virgin.We started texting last February, and quickly realized we had a lot of things in common and conversations were really great. Eventually we started discussing more intimate things, and although we couldn't physically hang out - I was finishing my BS in NY, and she lived in my home state of TX - we texted every day. One of those days she asked me what my parents would think if we dated. My reply was that they wouldn't care, which was true - because when I went back that May after graduation I told them I was seeing her. I didn't think I had anything to hide, and I stood behind my decision.Anyway, back to February, after a few days after she asked about dating, she told me that she had had an abortion back in September of '17. She told me that her ex was abusive and an addict and that when she got pregnant he made her get the abortion. She had been struggling with depression ever since and that I was the only person, beside the friend who took her to the clinic, who she had felt comfortable/safe enough to tell. I was shocked, but felt so much for her that I tried to be as supportive and loving as I could. It made me really consider our relationship and what I thought about her. After thinking on it I came to the conclusion that I still had feelings for her, and she wasn't any less of a good person or somehow unworthy or dirty. It was a decision I didn't make lightly, because I can only imagine how hard that must be on a woman, and if I continued the relationship I couldn't half ass it; that if I was in, I had to be in 100%. So we continued talking and I kept on trying to build her up. Eventually she said we should hang out at her place for spring break and we could "play" cause her daughters were going to be with their dad. I immediately agreed and used some of my school loan to buy a plane ticket.The time came for spring break and I went back to TX, excited and nervous all at the same time because I hadn't told her I was a virgin. Well the week in TX came and went and all of a sudden she went MIA. I texted her to see if she still wanted to hang out at her place, and got no reply. I was really crushed, not only because of we were going to "play", but because I really wanted to be with her in person. I started to get in my head and I figured she had decided I wasn't good enough because why would she would want to be with me - she's a really great looking woman, and a great person, she could have anyone she wants. So when Friday came, I decided to text her to tell her that although I was sad we hadn't met up, I understood that she had decided she didn't want to be with me, and that after all the honesty she had with me, I had to come clean and tell her I was a virgin and that she deserved for me to have the balls to be equally honest. I realize amd abortion and virginity are not equal, but I had never mustered up the courage to tell someone, much less someone I was romantically interested in. I wished her and her girls all the best and I would completely understand if she didn't want to talk anymore.Days went by, and I had not heard back from her, which I kind of expected, why would she want to be with a 28 year old virgin still finishing his bachelor's degree. Once I got back to NY, I started getting ready to go back to classes the next day, and she texted me. She said she was sorry that she had been with her family and her phone fell in water the Wednesday before, and that she finally read my text and it made her cry. She told me that there was nothing wrong with me, that she was sorry she couldn't communicate with me and that she hadn't been able to get away from her family, and that she wamted to pursueour relationship. I was thoroughly shocked. That was not what I was expecting at all. So we continued texting. I decided to trust her. For the rest of the semester we kept on talking and shared our account passwords to be able to watch movies and tv shows together, in a way.Graduation came and then it was time for me to go back to TX and find a job. Before all of this I had planned on staying in NY and do everything possible to get a job there. When I got back we made plans to meet up again, but this time just to be with each other because she wasn't feeling well, and her daughter would be home. I agreed, I really wanted to see her and be with her. We did hang out, I met her youngest daughter and she hung out with us for a bit watching a movie. While watching the movie we were next to each other and got closer; to the point where she rested her head on my chest/shoulder and I put my are around her. Her daughter left a few minutes into the movie and we kept watching TV till late at night. I ended up staying over and sleeping on her couch. The next morning we woke up and watched some tv - the royal wedding was on - and I eventually took off.We texted every day and her health got worse, she had already been feeling ill and by a week later she ended up going to an urgent clinic. We made plans to hang out for her birthday but she ended up going to the hospital, turns out she had sepsis. She recovered, but her doctors recommended she have a couple of check ups in the months following to make sure her organs healed up. During this time she ended up having to take all kinds of meds for her heart and antibiotics till she was in the clearWe hung out one more day, but her ex's step mom was there because they were supposed to travel to Alaska for a couple of weeks so that they could visit with the girl's grandparents. She told me to tell her ex's step mom we had met in class at the University of Houston, and that it how we knew each other. I agreed and when we met up at her place we cuddled and watched movies. By the time it was time for me to go, she asked me if I would stay at her place while they were gone so I could watch her cats, get her mail, and also so I could get some space from staying with my parents. I agreed, and the day they were to fly out came and I arrived at her place. They were already gone, but that was expected. She told me they were leaving at noon so they could check in to a hotel near the airport. When I got there I got settled in, but I ended up getting a call from her around 10-12; she was crying and said that her ex's step mom had started drinking and that she was getting abusive. She asked me to please go pick her and her youngest daughter up. So I did. When I pciked her up she was bawling. She was like "babe that was awful" and we hugged. I hadn't thought about it before but her oldest daughter - who was 16 - had decided she was still going to go. Or at least not come with us. Her 16 year old ended up not going. But when we got back she told me that she couldn't go to a place so far away where she would be isolated from everything and that if her ex's step mom would get belligerently drunk she would have nowhere to go; she didn't want to be stranded.Well when we got back to her place we stayed up cuddled up in her couch watching tv.I left the next morning and we kept on talking. Around the first week of July she asked me if I could please go with her and her youngest daughter to a slime convention, her daughter really wanted to go and she was feeling anxious. I agree and she booked us a hotel. The plan was for me to go and hang out and "play" the Friday before the convention and I could stay over and drive us on Saturday to Dallas.When I got there on Friday she was a bit tipsy, but I can't judge, I mean although I don't skip work or miss out on any of my responsibilities, I do drink quite a bit. She described herself as a lush, and I in my opinion that was something else we had in common. Her daughters were both home, and she had rearranged her living room so that the couch was on the wall between her oldest daughter's room and the living room, and her youngest daughter's room, which is adjacent to her room and only separated by a door with glasses, had the doors wide open. Her daughter's room leads into her room. Anyway we were hanging out having a good time and her 12 year old said she was hungry, I hadn't drank at all and felt I could have some beer said I would get her a bugger and a milkshake and after we could pick up some beer and wine cause she was out. We went and I got the food for her kid, and two bottles of wine and a six pack. I thought two bottles was a bit much but thought hey if I finish my six pack I can get some wine. So I paid for it. When we got back home we started drinking a bit and talking and her 12 year old showed me her wiccan stone on a string. She asked me to ask it questions so I played along, and asked some questions. She told me the answers and what not. She was having fun so everyone was happy. Eventually her mom and I started talking about music and our favorite songs so her kid left. I got up for a beer, and somehow the subject came up and she said that I wasn't going to be losing my virginity that night so I shouldn't expect sex. I was alright with that so we kept to chilling and we kept on having a great time, her legs over my lap and just kidding around. Eventually when we got really close I decided to spoon her. She said "we're not having sex", which was totally ok. I decided I wasn't going to push it to sex, but I wanted to caress her. I was really turned on, and my hands were rubbing her legs and thighs. Btw she was wearing really short and tight shorts, and she unbuttoned them after a while. We spent several hours talking and listening to music and cuddling. She went through a whole bottle of wine and started on the second. She eventually grabbed my hand and put it on her abdomen. My immediate thought was to put my hand down her pants, but then I saw the door open and she said she didn't want sex, so I didn't. Which was fortunate cause her 12 year burst in pissed off because the music was too loud and it was 2 am. I immediately took away my hand and we both started laughing cause she was so mad and we almost got caught. I didn't think it was a big deal, by 3 am she said let's have sex. I was like alright, but I knew there was no way her kids wouldn't find us. She then thought about it and realized we had no privacy. So we kept on cuddling and talking in the couch in the living room and her 17 year old yelled, that she wanted to go to sleep and that she could hear everything. So Shannon yelled at her, and then got up and stormed into her room yelling and really aggressive. She shut the door behind her and from I heard was her daughter screaming cause Shannon was pulling her hair, threw her cellphone at her kid's head, and told her she had to call her dad right then to pick her up and take her away; the 16 year old was gonna be spending the weekend alone for the first time that weekend . Her daughter was crying and I thought about going in the room and bring her out. Then I thought I'm a latino with a DUI on my record, and god forbid this woman turns on me and I have to subdue her without hitting her, and someone calls the cops. I would have been fucked. So I stayed out of it, against my better sense. After about 5 minutes Shannon came back and we sat back down on the couch. When I thought she had calmed down? She got back up again and went back into the kid's room this time though I was ready and followed her in before she could close the door. She was all kinds of pissed off, I could sympathize with the kids, they wanted to go to sleep, they're kids. This time I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her back a bit. She kept on yelling at her daughter, and I told her this wasn't necessary, to please come with me. She budged and I told her daughter I was so sorry. So I took her back to the living room and argued a bit. She said I was playing devil's advocate for saying we should head to bed. She said her daughters have so many freedoms and she allows them to do a lot at her own life. She then started yelling "I'm not scared of you", to her daughter. I told her it wasn't necessary, that her kid was probably more scared of her. I grew up in a house with parents who would hit you, but this wasn't discipline.She quit yelling and told me to lay back down on the couch, which I was amenable to, that's what we were doing, and she would calm down. We got back to cuddling and this time i put botb my arms around her and held her. She asked me if I was going to leave her and I told her no. After a bit we got up and she grabbed my hand and we went to her room. We slept together and at some point she took her shirt off along with her bra, and grabbed my hand and put it to her heart and told me she loved me. The next morning I got her breakfast, and drove us to Dallas.When we got to the hotel room there was only one bed. I was expecting two so we could sleep together, And her kid could sleep on the other. When I saw that I didn't push it and slept on the couch. My thought was that it would be inappropriate for me to sleep on the same bed with them, and that the weekend was really about her slime convention. So I stepped aside. I was completely beat, I had gotten up at 8 am to get her breakfast, and tend to her hangover. I cleaned up after she finished eating, let her recover. I wanted to make sure we weren't going to be late to sign in, cause there was a deadline, and it wasn't about to be my fault we didn't make it.We made it in time, and to be honest with you I was running low on money. I was actively looking for work and hadn't found anything and I was using the last of my money from working at school. The next morning we got up early and started the day, I was still beat from sleeping on the couch, having only 5 hours of sleep, drinking the night before, and driving 4 hours straight. After the convention I picked them up and started driving back. About 30 minutes in I asked her if she could take the wheel cause I was falling asleep. She agreed, but there was definitely shift in her mood. We ended up not going back to her place, and she dropped me off at my parent's house.We kept texting, the following days, but there was definitely a distance. By Friday say told me she told me it wasn't me and it was her. I told her it broke my heart but ok.I started drinking really heavily now, and sent her a text saying "maybe in another life" in reference to 11.22.63, a show we were watching.On the weekend she texted me back and said she wasn't going to be part of any pitty party. I'm not sure but she seemed like she had been drinking. At this point I had already started drinking really heavily, and was high on pot, and just had broken down in front of my dad. I told her I had not been doing well, and had just had an intense talk with my dad. She started getting more aggressive, and it culminated in her telling me that at least her ex would clean up her house, and was useful. She said that her ex husband made over 300k a year. I told her I had been there for her, that when I got a job I had every intention of providing for her and the kids. She told me she didn't need anyone to be there for her. She told me I was an amateur. And I told her she uses people. I felt like I had been had, and even she had told me stories of a friend she'd known her whole life whom she used, and that she had been kinder to me in the time we knew each other than in a lifetime to this guy. So I told her she uses people, and she said I was an asshole for saying that, and that I was no longer welcome. She proceeded to block me on Facebook, and my numberAfter a couple of days I decided to remove her from my Hulu. I didn't see the need to keep providing that after she had banished me from her life and contacting her.I emailed her one last time after drinking a few 40s. She replied that I was cruel like many other men in her life, and to never contact her again.The cruel, reference comes from a discussion we had about her ex husband taking his latest gf's car away after breaking up with her, even though he owned it. Now I question whether I am really cruel and asshole or if she's just manipulative. via /r/dating_advice
0 notes
Every so often I experience a lack of thoughts and evidently this week has been one of those weeks.
But anyways for all you suckers who are still waiting for a chapter of the pirate fic I hope to finish someday, I'll offer you the knowledge that with any luck, I'll type up the end of the next chapter by Monday.
With any luck.
Luck being the operative word. It's a big transition and action based chapter, and there's a lot going on, a lot of emotional turmoil and a ton of occurrences occuring all together at very similar times. It's a catalyst of a chapter and it takes a lot of focus to devote to it, and I'm ;-; kinda doing my best to make it good and up to the snuff with my own writerly tastes...
Send me good vibes and prayers if you can spare any, and also.
But the boy on the pirate ship that wasn't hers, the ship with the black flag with a white eye outline, looking out across the waves, was the most eventful part. The boy had dark hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and his bangs were dipped in silver. She knew that boy. His eyes sparkled, just like they had when they had looked at her across the sticky, rough wood of the pub table. He was just as attractive now as he had been then, as attractive and as catchy as a song, burrowed in her brain, like a worm, sucking the life out of her. Like he had been, like Tam had been, ever since she'd met him. He lived, rent-free, in her mind, like a promise, song lyrics, like images from her nightmares, but like he was a daydream, or a dream of daydream.
A daydream that had ended, a long time ago, crashed back into reality and understanding, never to be picked up again.
She had never expected to see him again.
But there they were.
Across the ocean from each other.
It's coming. I promise. Slowly but surely.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Lapdogs swoon, Obama holds presser; ‘Knows nothing,’ pats Rice on head
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/lapdogs-swoon-obama-holds-presser-knows-nothing-pats-rice-on-head/
Lapdogs swoon, Obama holds presser; ‘Knows nothing,’ pats Rice on head
Classic empty podium!
As Twitchy reported, President Obama is finally gracing the press with his presence today. It’s been far too long; Unrequited love hurts!
Obama presser will be like Paula Broadwell panting after Gen Patreus at a staff meeting.
— Kelly Marie(@flyoverangel) November 14, 2012
President Obama was way too “exhausted” from campaigning to hold the traditional post-election presser. Priorities!
The last time Obama had a presser he said “the private sector is doing fine.” Can’t wait for what he’ll say this time
— Matt Sauvage (@mattsauvage) November 14, 2012
I’ve got my popcorn and hip waders — ready to commence live-tweeting of Obama’s presser 1:30 OST (Obama Standard Time)
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) November 14, 2012
Pres. Obama sure to face questions about the handling of the attack in Benghazi that killed 4 Americans including his Amb Chris Stevens.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 14, 2012
Are you sure about that Mr. Knoller? Or will the presser be filled with typical softball questions?
#ObamaPresserQuestions Are racist Republicans obstructing your clear mandate already?
— American Attitude (@marklindesr) November 14, 2012
Twitter users prepare with some predicted questions.
How are planning to blame Bush for the looming hyper inflation crisis? #ObamaPresserQuestions
— Sam Valley (@SamValley) November 14, 2012
#ObamaPresserQuestions Was the use of Greek columns because you always intended for the USA to crumble like Greece?
— Matthew Daniel Green (@solo_sonata) November 14, 2012
Can you tell us just how mean those Republicans are? #ObamaPresserQuestions
— Kevin B Snyder (@Kevinbsnyder) November 14, 2012
#ObamaPresserQuestions Are racist Republicans obstructing your clear mandate already?
— American Attitude (@marklindesr) November 14, 2012
Will you autograph my ballot?? *swoon* #ObamaPresserQuestions
— Sam Valley (@SamValley) November 14, 2012
There may not be time for all those, though.
Ready for Obama presser. Word is he will take only 8 questions.
— Bill Press (@bpshow) November 14, 2012
OF course.
I think the first question at the Obama presser will go to Pimp with the Limp.
— Jon G. (@ExJon) November 14, 2012
Heh. Can we spot him in the crowd?
Reporters prepare for Obama presser twitter.com/AlexanderTrow/…
— Alexander Trowbridge (@AlexanderTrow) November 14, 2012
Let’s start with this question:
If you wanted to balance the budget, why didn’t you do it in your first 4 years? Like you promised. #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
And, away we go.
Popcorn time! Nothing beats following an Obama presser by reading tweets. Of course they’re rare enough that the novelty hasn’t worn off.
— Cobalt Blue (@rightchemistry) November 14, 2012
AP gets first question
— Stefan Becket (@stefanjbecket) November 14, 2012
He’s calling reporters from a preprinted list of approved reporters. Bet FOX is not on that list. Obama Presser
— Charlie ‘Tuna’ (@TunaCharlie) November 14, 2012
Obama says he got letter from an in Tennessee who didn’t vote for him but will give president his support
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 14, 2012
Letters. And stuff.
And, drink! Here comes the “middle class being held hostage” by those mean, old Rethuglicans. Post-partisan!
RT @grahamdavida: All together now. twitter.com/GrahamDavidA/s…
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) November 14, 2012
Come on, everyone had to tweet that. It’s classic drinking game fodder.
Reporter to Obama: How do we know you are not going to cave on Bush tax cuts again?
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
Great question for Obama at presser: “Why should the American people believe you won’t cave again (on Bush tax cuts)?”
— whodoes (@whodoesblog) November 14, 2012
Rut-roh. Who asked that? They may not be invited back.
Bush! Drink again.
POTUS:We cannot afford to extend Bush tax cuts “for the wealthy” – but we can make sure middle class taxes don’t go up
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) November 14, 2012
O in his 2nd term and still blaming Bush #obamapresser #bushtaxcuts
— Oliver M. Barie (@OliverBarie) November 14, 2012
No pesky Petraeus questions, y’all. Buck passing, as always.
Asked if he should have been told of Petraeys affair before elex Obama says ask FBI b/c they followed internal protocols
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 14, 2012
“Ask Herb in Human Resources. Or something.”
Actually, ask Herb everything.
Shorter Obama: “I know Nuthink!” ~ #BenghaziGate
— Adam Baldwin (@adamsbaldwin) November 14, 2012
Finally, he admits that he knows nothing. No, really. He said it.
Obama: “Ask the FBI about the investigation.I know nothing … nothing … nothing …”
— T.J. Conwell (@RevConwell) November 14, 2012
Obama: I know nothing.
— KRenner (@KRenner2) November 14, 2012
Twitter users agree that he’s clueless.
Since #obama knew nothing about anything having to do with our natl security, who is leading our country as commander-in-chief?
— cupcake4120 (@cupcake4120) November 14, 2012
— twotoms (@twotoms1) November 14, 2012
He evidently still knows how to pander, though. Pander like the wind.
Next question from Telemundo. Immigration question.
— Ethan Klapper (@ethanklapper) November 14, 2012
Obama giving maybe the most pandering response of all time on question about whether he’ll send immigration reform bill to Congress.
— Geoff Holtzman (@Geoff_Holtzman) November 14, 2012
On immigration reform Obama says he’s very confident Washington can get it done after big Latino turnout at pools: “we need to seize moment”
— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) November 14, 2012
Wait, what?
MT @buzzfeedandrew: Obama says undocumented workers should be able to earn citizenship, earlier in presser just said “legal status.”
— Vince Coglianese (@TheDCVince) November 14, 2012
Oh no.
POTUS is Pock-e-ston-ing “Latino”
— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterNRO) November 14, 2012
For his aggravating pronunciations, he must pay.
Math, so hard!
Obama can’t keep his answers straight. How do you believe anything he says? Because math is hard and being a sheep is easy. #ObamaPresser
— Andrew (@Serginov) November 14, 2012
MT @lachlan: Obama: “Two years ago, the economy was in a different situation.” Q3 2010 GDP growth: 2%. Q3 2012: 2%.
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) November 14, 2012
Oh, dear. So is compromise.
POTUS:”Compromise is hard.”
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) November 14, 2012
Greatest Orator Ever: Compromise is hard.
For those playing at home, President Obama is currently averaging 47 UPMs, or “Uhhhs Per Minute”. #ObamaPresser
— Michael Deppisch (@deppisch) November 14, 2012
#Obama stuttering a lot at this presser without pre-written answers & no teleprompter
— Joey Sanders (@Jsanders10) November 14, 2012
Translation: “Working together” means giving up everything you want and submitting to what the Dems want #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
“I will examine how better to work with everybody, so long as it’s exactly what I want and need, for me.” ~ @barackobama #ObamaPresser
— Rick Canton (@rumblindurango) November 14, 2012
Oh, softballs!
Another softball: How will you communicate better with Congress in your 2nd term? … Uh? Email/Txt/Twitter? Give me a break! #ObamaPresser
— Heath Mayo (@HeathMayo) November 14, 2012
#Obama Presser: Is this really happening?? What a bunch of weak-kneed, cowardly alleged journalists.Nothing but softball BS. Wow.
— David Wohl (@DavidWohl) November 14, 2012
Oh, my! A Benghazi question actually enters the pathetic mix.
6th Question up about Susan Rice and Benghazi. #obamapresser
— Kris (@MissKristilyn) November 14, 2012
Ambassador Rice blamed the video. The. Freaking. Youtube. Video #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
Obama defends her. Unbelievable. Well, totally believable, but still.
Obama does NOT like the Rice attacks:twitpic.com/bd7wck
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) November 14, 2012
@ambassadorrice – “has done exemplary work..ppl besmirching her reputation is outrageous” – #Obama on Amb Rice #POTUS #ObamaPresser
— Michael Bociurkiw (@mikeybbq) November 14, 2012
Obama puts out a full throated defense on Susan Rice and her comments on Benghazi. Calls attacks on her “outrageous”. #obamapresser
— Curtis Kalin (@CurtisKalin) November 14, 2012
Obama scolds Sens. McCain, Graham, saying if they “want to go after somebody, they should go after me,” not Rice.
— Rebecca Kaplan (@Rebecca_CBSNJ) November 14, 2012
“@huffpostpol: Obama: “When they go after the UN ambassador, because they think she’s an easy target, then they’ve got a problem with me””
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) November 14, 2012
Big, strong man will protect the poor dear! Is he finally admitting the buck stops with him? Doubtful. He’s just trying to get people to shut up about the buck.
Obama is more concerned about protecting Ambassador Rice than Ambassador Stevens. #Benghazi
— Razor (@hale_razor) November 14, 2012
If Pres Obama would rather focus be on him than Ambassador Rice, good. He should visit the Senate and testify if he is a man of his word.
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) November 14, 2012
Sen. Graham lets Obama know that he does hold him totally accountable.
RT @grahamblog Mr. President, don’t think for one minute I don’t hold you ultimately responsible for #Benghazi.
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) November 14, 2012
Heh. Campbell Brown notices Obama’s pitiful “big, strong man” Rice-defending behavior, too.
Yes. We girls need to have men defend our honor @clarajeffery: defending Susan Rice’s honor is going to play well with women. Watch out GOP
— Campbell Brown (@campbell_brown) November 14, 2012
As does Kirsten Powers:
Why does Obama think GOP sees rice as “easy target”?Is she somehelpless damsel in distress? His defense was a little paternalistic
— kirsten powers (@kirstenpowers10) November 14, 2012
Wow! Ed Henry with an awesome question.
Ed Henry gets 7th q — asks Obama whether he issued any orders on Sept 11 to protect lives of Americans that were killed in Benghazi.
— Geoff Holtzman (@Geoff_Holtzman) November 14, 2012
Obama is not pleased. How dare he ask a pertinent and probing question about something important?
Obama not happy with that Ed Henry Benghazi question. . .
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
Obama claims Middle Class mandate in response to Benghazi question.
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) November 14, 2012
@michellemalkinWOW!!Obama showing how INDIGNANT he is when asked about Benghazi!!Then turned it into middle class mandate!Wow!
— Janie (@JanieBeachGirl) November 14, 2012
Obama pivots off Benghazi to “middle class families.” Clearly very uncomfortable answering Benghazi questions. No doubt.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
Now he admits that America deserves far better than HIM.
Obama: People “deserve a better government than they’ve been getting.”
— Roger Simon (@politicoroger) November 14, 2012
YES! We’re talking about climate change! Finally!
— Current TV (@current) November 14, 2012
4 Americans dead in Benghazi and we get a question about climate change.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
Obama is a science denier?!!!111eleventy
Obama: “We can’t attribute any particular weather event to climate change.” DENIER!!!!11
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) November 14, 2012
Wait, no.
“The temperature around the globe is increasing, faster than it was predicted even 10 years ago,” says Obama.
— jennifer bendery (@jbendery) November 14, 2012
Lapdogs swoon madly.
One reporter just treated Obama as if she was a Beatles fan girl and he was Paul McCartney at Shea Stadium in 1965. WTF, media…wtf?
— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) November 14, 2012
If you’re still wondering why Obama won reelection, the media questions so far should help you figure that out.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
First press conference in 8 months and I learned absolutely nothing new. Especially on Benghazi.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) November 14, 2012
Lappy McLapdog. RT @toddstarnes: Reporter: “Thank you, Mr. President — and congratulations.” “I’ve never seen you lose.”
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 14, 2012
These Obama lapdogs put the sick in sycophant.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 14, 2012
*Video* Reporter congratulates Obama for winning re-election: “I’ve never seen you lose” washingtonexaminer.com/article/251346…
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 14, 2012
And now it’s time for all MSM reporters to go to their mikes and thump their chests and say what a great leader Obama is.#ObamaPresser
— Karen Braun (@SpunkyBraun) November 14, 2012
WH Press Corp all giggles after NON presser? #ObamaPresser
— Occupy Bawl Street (@OccupyBawlStree) November 14, 2012
Jimmy Olson from the Daily Planet would have the balls to ask better questions. #ObamaPresser
— John ☣⚠ (@MetalMeza) November 14, 2012
#ObamaPresser “Mr President, a follow-up. Can I get your autograph on my 8×10 glossy?” #IrreleventQuestion
— Lisa Kemp (@Lautergeist) November 14, 2012
know why that was called the #ObamaPresser? because the media were invited to press their lips….
— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) November 14, 2012
Can they even function without having drool buckets at the ready?
Must now write “I will not shout out questions at the president” 100 times on the chalkboard.
— Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) November 14, 2012
Aww, poor baby won’t answer a “shouted” question. Poor precedent and stuff.
Pres Obama declines to answer shouted question on kicking fiscal cliff down the road. Says it be a “horrible precedent” and walks off.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 14, 2012
And, in a nutshell:
Shorter Obama press conference: I don’t know what my gov’t is doing; I just know you need to pay more for it.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) November 14, 2012
When answers are so long. That you’ve forgotten what the question was, you know the answer is mostly deflection and lies. #ObamaPresser
— WENDY(@TXCupCake) November 14, 2012
You voted for incompetence, America. You got it!
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) November 14, 2012
4 more years of this…ugh #ObamaPresser
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) November 14, 2012
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/14/live-updates-obama-graces-press-with-his-presence-today-will-allegedly-take-questions/
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technicallymedia · 6 years
Meet Christopher Wink: an interview with Technically Media’s Cofounder/CEO
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What did you think of Brian James Kirk when you first met him and when were you like "yeah dude I wanna be partners in business with you for the next 9+ years"
I first met @brianjameskirk as undergrads at our college newspaper and I absolutely saw Brian as this stoner designer dude. He saw me as a preppy kiss ass. It took a year for us to come together. We’ve grown and changed together a ton. Here we are now!
What were you like as a teen, were you nice to nerds?
I was surely the nerd to some myself. I think I had become a decent dude by high school. In contrast, I was a bit of a brat in elementary and middle school. I was always an "involved" person but by my teens I was likely even more similar to how I am now: I said a lot of ridiculous things and always had some scheme or project. I think that and playing sports (basketball and soccer) let me dip into several social groups.
When are you running for office and what's your policy platform?
If I'm running for office (which is clearly not in any immediate horizon for me), my platform would be very centrist-y and trying to make the word "compromise" distinct from "compromised." Historically social movements have lasted when they've been about gaining widespread popular opinion. Economic development through entrepreneurship would be a focus.
Who is your favorite person besides Shannon and Brian James Kirk?
My father is deeply influential on me, I’ve traveled on annual road trips with my childhood friend Michael. Considering what you’re asking me, Patrick BIG TIMBS McNeil is my best friend and would likely be the person I have the most intimacy beyond Shannon and Brian James Kirk.
What's one thing you never expected to be hard about starting a company?
I think I remain surprised by how many decisions are neither the RIGHT nor WRONG one but instead are simply choices. Choices that WILL hurt someone and help someone else. I find clean decisions are very rare. Life is messy and you get put in a position of guess work. Growing a company is 1,000 choices that in the moment no one very much agrees on.
What's your spirit animal?
Spirit animal. I'm gonna be real with you, I'm v into the domestic house cat. But I might go with a nurse shark because they look fierce but they actually don't kill, they're just kinda badass. I saw a bunch of them while snorkeling off the coast of Belize last year and was blown away.
What did running with the bulls in Pamplona feel like and was it worth it?
Running with the bulls probably best travel decision of my life. The moments before it started was the most scared I had felt in a "safe" public place.
Gratuitous video of part of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziZyUa9Dt24
You're tall as hell dude, did you ever consider playing basketball ? I'm thinking you coulda played small forward at a Div 2 school at least bruh.
I played basketball growing up and into high school! Last night I was telling the story that so crystallizes the kinds of relationships I tend to have. When I was a senior, we had an exceptional point guard (1k+ career points) and so my entire job as the other guard was to just give him the ball and then go play defense. Late that season against our arch rivals, the team came out and started immediately double teaming him. I was open a lot and got hot and scored 20 points in the first half (mind you, I’m maybe averaging 7 points per game). At halftime my closest high school friend says to me "I guarantee you don't score another point in this game." .......He was correct
Did you win a high school superlative? If so, did you ask people to vote for you?
Yes! I was "Class Clown" and "Most Involved. " I was runner up for "Most Likely to Succeed" and still plan on surpassing that friend to own it. Admittedly, I went to a pretty small school :)
What's your favorite Technical.ly memory to date
Favorite Technical.ly memory to date. Real talk, I always have a favorite moment that happened in the last few weeks because I really seriously no BS love the evolution and growth and seeing us get better together. So always a v recent thing is my favorite memory. But because I don't think that's really what you want meant to say, I'll instead say the kickoff of Philly Tech Week 2013 when we did our first outdoor kickoff and after we almost finished the later-Guinness Book of World Records confirmed world's largest video game by playing Pong on the Cira Center, a torrential storm crashed over us. This photo is @brianjameskirk Corinne Warnshuis, Juliana Reyes, Andrew Zaleski and I holding tarps over arcade games we had rented and were afraid we’re gonna get destroyed
Can we get an office dog? just met a really cute Australian shepherd puppy
Communities are platforms on which collective action can take place. You are empowered to gain consensus among the team and keep, maintain and care for a dog, yes.
What advice do you give 21 year old CGW?
Advice I'd give 21-year-old CGW? (1) Do not self-deprecate needlessly. (2) Start a focus on email subscribers sooner with Technical.ly (3) Do more family stuff
What's your favorite story that's ever run in any of our markets/brands?
Favorite story that has run in our markets, I'm gonna go with two because there have been thousands. Off-hand, the Tyler Woods Startup Founder on Welfare story stuck with me and I think about it a lot. Yes, it isss probably something that would run elsewhere but it felt v much OF us, like a relationship built because of deep ties that was trying to be REAL about something. PRODUCTIVE https://technical.ly/brooklyn/2016/01/12/inside-welfare-office-anonymous-startup-founder/
And I'd sadly point to a byline of mine but more because of what it was for the org as a whole. This piece was a big pivot point for us
When we were INVOLVED in launching OpenDataPhilly and I can't underscore how WEIRD that was. We had a lot of internal conversations, including @brianjameskirk and I about whether it was OK that we had reported on WHAT the city needed and could we be INVOLVED In it
I think about the full disclosure at the top of that story a lot. It threw us into a lot of open data and civic conversations, but it also set up HOW we approached being a PART Of our community. I think not long after we changed the tagline to "Better Cities through Technology"
Fave place you've traveled
I lived in Tokyo for a bit less than a year and so fitting in my interest in time to get to know a place, that stands out to me a bunch. It is this international city so it’s so easy to go and it not be special but living in a neighborhood and having neighbors and a grocery shop was really profound. I did so much writing and reading it was profound. It was also where I first started as a bicycle commuter.
What's the most embarrassing professional moment you've ever had and, I guess, what did you learn from it?
Early on, I remember not knowing what SaaS was during an interview and I fumbled my faking it and it resulted in several weeks of me having nightmares of being on CNBC for an interview and embarrassing us all. So I got obsessed with returning to a basic business and tech background, preparing for disruptive questions
If you could pick, what would be your superpower?
Invisibility always stands out to me as lowkey powerful. But maybe SUPER LINGUAL, like, where I could speak any and all languages
What was the most hilarious/ridiculous thing that happened to you in a professional moment?
My oft-cited memory of me finding out I had a giant hole in the crotch of my only pair of thrift store khakis after I had sat down w/ my first big client meeting (that is the rock bottom moment that turned around my relationship with clothes)
Is the future of journalism bright or dreary?
Journalism bright or dreary? Yah, for me, journalism is a THING you do, like producing software open source, so I think its future is super bright, so long as there are practitioners like us passionate about its utility. I was able to pull five-county criminal records last night in an hour online for this story I'm reporting. I am better sourced because of web tools, so journalism is easier to do. Building it into business models (like we're doing,) that is really hard and it's the most important thing I think I'm working on but the strategy of making public information that is true accurate and helps other people is v bright
What's your inbox at rn?
Ooff, rn I'm inbox 64, with 25 unread!!! It has been a busy yesterday and this morning. I'll leave today with that at 20~ with all read and w/ necessary actions cleaned up in Asana.
What's the next Chris Wink side project after the retirement of Story Shuffle?
I came to reporting from the writing side first. There is nothing I love more in the world than writing. In the last 18-months I've been picking back up some creative writing and so I'll be putting some real time into getting a few modest pieces published on that form. I def self-identify still as a journalist but really, more than reporting, it's the writing I love. I want to move a bigger effort there (Story Shuffle was always part of that longer term strategy too )
You're good at talking about yourself and exceptionally self-aware. Advice for knowing when to STFU and when to dig deeper?
I think journalism training is soooooo good for self-discovery. I think it really starts with accepting yourself. You'll get teased for (as I do) for being self-referential or self-involved but I think it's really important to be able to say I REALLY LIKE THESE THINGS ABOUT ME but also be able to say THESE ARE THINGS I REALLY WISH I WAS BETTER AT. And then attacking both of those with questions. You can internally interview yourself like you would. I want to be able to understand why I am good at some stuff and why I'm crummy at other stuff. Self-improvement is v cool,but it starts w/ some self-love.
Do you like being surprised?  
Nah, I don't like being surprised. It's probably part of the whole reporting love. I want to be the one who knows stuff, not surprised.
If you were not the CEO of Technically Media, what would you be doing?
If not in my job now? Realistically, probably a reporter somewhere, likely in/around politics/government. Less likely but relevant, maybe ended up cofounding a dif kind of company or in some other purely writing role.
When you come back into the office can you show us your signature dance move?
I assume you mean my interpretive dance performance "Swallowed frog." No! I'm all for embarrassing shit WITHOUT CAMERAS. I say let people live and be silly and keep the cameras for things strangers can see. Intimacy doesn't do well w/ recorded archives
Best marriage advice?
Take a half-hour walk every single night together.
When did you get your first phone? What type of phone was it? What was your background picture? And, did you have a ringback tone (if so, what song).
I got my first phone when I was a sophomore in high school (!) when I got my learner's permit for driving. I remember using a pay phone to get picked up as an 8th grader. I'm pretty sure that phone literally did not support background images or ringtones.
Been wanting to visit Tokyo for years. Any tips for traveling there?
Tokyo (Edo) was constructed over time as a medieval place to protect from attack, so the streets intentionally do not make sense. It's the opposite of Center City. (London got confusing just over time, Tokyo is intentionally built as a confusing fucking place to navigate. ....So def have .GPS access...or don't and just leave time for getting lost. Eat at every ramen shop under a train stop. The tiniest old men with craggy faces and expressionless smiles will serve you at the counter and then bow, and you will bow in return. It will be nice.  Fun Tokyo story we've already talked about, I was part of a lil NBCU pilot online reality show jawn and I got lost in all the episodes
Who's a person outside of Technical.ly (or Shannon) you would turn to for management advice?
I talk to my father weekly on the phone and I find his perspective interesting. He works at a small concrete, stone and tile manufacturing company and I find his perspective on what is normal in the workplace. I also have always been moved by his pragmatism and quiet generosity.
What motivates you?
It is v internal facing. I am v demanding of myself to be better than I was before. I don't like things that I don't understand how to get better at. So: to be a better version of myself than I was. Shannon and I talk about that: that we're supposed to keep becoming better versions of ourselves for the other
Who are the top 3 journos out there you would pay / do pay to read?
So the Economist famously does not have bylines so I don't think I could name one but I am a very happy proud longtime print subscriber so surely someone there. I truly love the ways we approach storytelling here, so those bylines from Julie Zeglen Stephen b Tyler Woods Tony Abraham Juliana Holly Quinn Zack Seward etc, do mean alot to me, I would consume them. ...And, yeah, I'm a George Saunders fanboy and so I like when he's been pulled into doing fun profiles
Name three Philly tech scenesters you're truly fond of / name one that you... could do without?
Robert J. Moore and Jon Gosier on the founder front, I'm v impressed w/ them and always feel smarter when I talk to them. (Garrett Melby is that too). I make no secret that I have a real soft spot for Archna, whom I long found one of the most under-celebrated for her relative impact. And on the v young front: Dawn McDougall. I think she took a v mature pathway to not wanting a full-time director role for Code for Philly because she wanted to gain some experience at an org. She showed some power. For someone to get rid of? I don't think I can put that in writing.
What's the main reason Yuriy Poritko fascinates you?
Two things on the Yuriy front (for others, he's a Philly organizer who has been around forever and I'm writing a lil something on him that's gonna run next week). I try to write something for one of our markets every six weekssss~ and so I always wanted to do something on him just because he is eccentric and colorful. So it started just that he is interesting. But then other pieces started coming together, and I started putting more time into it once I wrote my nut graf. I found that I could connect him to a bigger/broader lesson that I think other communities face too. So (a) he's interesting and (b) he does represent something. He has caused some real pain and damage, but he has done genuine good. I don't find EVIL or GOOD characters interesting. I think people who are complex and complicated are far more challenging to write. I am not aiming to judge the man in this piece, I’m aiming to better understand why he is who he is. I think that’s the kind of community reporting and business journalism I love most.
What do you do when you’re bored?
I’d say I can’t remember the last time I was bored but I know what ya mean. I watch a ton of science and history Youtube videos when I’m eating at home. I also am basically always tryyyyying to write, whether that be my iPhone notes app open or scribbling in a pad. ..Also Twitter is an incredible place to learn if you curate your followers thusly :slightly_smiling_face:
What are your thoughts on early let outs on Fridays before national holidays?
:eye-roll: Seriously I always find those questions weird, I am not tracking anyone's hours, never have been! Get your shit done. Work hard! Do your time most weeks and take time for you other times. It's so simple, if you're doing good work and giving :100: and build a relationship of trust with your team, then choose when it's right for you. I guess I can do a better job of communicating that but there is no magic time that you can work toward and I am HAPPY. If you're supporting your team and doing great work and you are EXCITED About being here, I don’t think anyone says anything. So, idk, go home!
How about some book recommends for another avid reader?
I am not a fast reader, my wife has me beat. I'm trying to simply get back to a book a month (have a resolution of reading a writer of color for the first time each month this year) and not nailing that but I loved Zadie Smith's throwback White Teeth.
Who here is most likely in 10 yrs to write the book on Technically Media?
Probably you [Cary Betagole, Senior Product Manager). You have a low key historian's view and a smart distance
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