#bc he looked like he ate something he doesn't like not like is injured or poisoned he was so calm about it ahjsfdfh
teasemic · 1 year
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✨_:(´ཀ`」∠):_ ✨
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torc87 · 8 months
Ed's Apology to Izzy
Ok so I have been reading takes and am a bit... surprised? That people feel Ed's apology wasn't enough. Or wasn't sincere.
I mean, yes, his apology to the crew was bullshit. Utterly saying random words Stede told him to say. Safe space ship anyone?
But Izzy? No, that apology he meant.
Putting aside that he told Stede he never apologizes. So he clearly doesn't have much practice in it...
How exactly do people Expect hi. To apologize for taking Izzy's leg? Like, what would be enough?
Are we talking groveling and offering to shoot off his own leg/cut off his own toe? I mean, fun to read in fanfic but ...overblown and would read as overdramatic and self pitying. And kinda focuses way more on his own guilt and feeling better than actually you know apologizing.
Are we talking the proper apology formula? I'm sorry I did x, it was wrong, it impacted you y, I'll do z to ensure it never happens again/make it up to you by doing abc. Umm....how does anyone picture this going?
I'm sorry I cut off your toes and shot you which lead to you loosing your leg. It was wrong of me to do that and I promise to never do it again. I'll make it up to you.....somehow.
This ...this would sound absurd. Ed cut off Izzys toes. Izzy lost his leg. He can't make up for it and him saying he won't ever do it again is bullshit bc his word is grass and him acknowledging that it was wrong? There is literally zero ways I can think of that could both cover the enormity and also acknowledge something so obvious.
So what about saying 'i was a crappy captain to you, you didn't deserve it? You were doing your best.
Well, I think Izzy would benefit from hearing that Mr. Shark ate it and I deserved it but from an audience perspective? No duh he didn't deserve it, those things are so obvious it's crazy and I can't imagine Ed saying that w out choking on his guilt.
Which he basically did when he forced out that sad little 'sorry about your leg'.
Ed needs to sit w himself a Lot more to be able to acknowledge just how badly he fucked up as a captain. To be able to accept and face that he hurt people w out trying to get away from the guilt, like w letting Luscius push him overboard.
What about explaining his motivation?
I'm sorry I shot you, I was trying to kill myself and couldn't bear being loved.
Izzy knows! He doesn't need to hear that.
Ed, choking on his guilt but forcing out the words sorry as much as his inexperienced-at-apologies ass could - that's real.
There is No apology that can cover what he did to Izzy. It's way too big. How do you apologize for maiming someone?
Try to imagine apologizing for causing a car crash. You drove drunk and crashed and the other driver is in the hospital permanently injured. How do you apologize for something like that? Is anything enough?
You make changes to your own life, stop drinking/give talks/etc but how do you face someone after that?
You don't. You don't meet their eyes when you say sorry. You can't.
Ed looking away, looking down at the leg he cost Izzy, forcing an unpracticed apology through his guilt, that is sincere.
It's not enough, nothing could be enough, but it's real.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
I don't know if this is planned out well but maybe ash gets bullied at school bc fez didn't come to his eight grade graduation because he needed to help Lexi and then they have an argument when fez comes home?
I like this a lot! I hope it's what you were thinking of, the pov is a little odd but I tried my best! This isn't completely proofread cuz I have a terrible headache.
I'm sorry again for not posting, I should have been and I'm sorry. I hope this is good.
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Ash always thought that he had a fair life.
He was born into drugs and violence but was also born into a job, a lifetime job where he could kick ass and take names beside his favorite person in his whole world. He was always safe, even if he was in unfavorable environments, he never got terribly injured other than a broken arm when he was three and that one time where he ate to many pot brownies (which he did not know were pot) and threw up all over the inside of his grandma's car.
But he was happy and he got to do whatever he wanted.
Minus one thing; he never really got to do well in school because his mind was always elsewhere and the adults around him didn't really care too much. That is until Lexi came into the picture.
He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't the slightest bit jealous when Fez started to spend all of his time texting and talking with the young, bright girl. But once Ash met her and actually sat down to get to know her, he began to understand why Fezco loved her as much as he did. She was special and inspirational and a little bit insane.
But when finding out that Ash didn't attend school or when he did, he failed, she was really mad at everyone involved; especially Fezco.
Fez didn't go to school as much as he should and ended up failing out at the ripe age of sixteen. But he was met with support from his grandma and never really saw the importance behind finishing school. The same attitude applied to Ash when he didn't do very well early on in school so he didn't push the kid to go.
Trying to fix family trauma and poor life choices, Lexi immediately made it her job to enroll Ash back in school and get him tested to see where he lies in the academic timeline. She stayed late to help him study for the test and helped him catch up in places where he was lacking like history and english. He didn't struggle much in math and science since his job since birth really revolved around the two subjects.
He ended up passing the test and it was calculated that he fell around the seventh grade mark. It matched his age pretty well so he didn't feel like he would stick out like a sore thumb, but he didn't really know how to socialize with people his age without corrupting them with his ways of life.
But he did well.
Better than Fez or him could've possibly imagined.
He passed seventh grade with an 85% and even got an award for being the most improved at their award ceremony at the end of the year. Lexi and Fez were there front row, along with Rue, and they cheered and clapped and made him feel appreciated in a way that he never felt before. He was finally doing something that he was supposed to and he was doing good too. He was talking to people his age and making friends, getting out in the world in a safe way, doing normal pre-teen things with other appropriate, safe people.
He was beyond proud of himself and it changed his whole outlook on the world and where he thought he was going in the world. Just because Fez wanted to deal drugs and be a stoner for the rest of his life, it doesn't mean that Ash had to do the same thing with his life.
And he didn't want to be Fez, even though he loved and looked up to him more than anyone.
By the time eighth grade came and went, Ash was increasingly more nervous about his middle school graduation, knowing that he would soon have to enter high school but also that he had to walk across a stage that looks out over hundreds of people.
It scared him more than he could put into words but he would never tell anyone, not even Lexi even with how supportive she was about everything that had come before.
When he started to think of people to invite to his graduation, his mind immediately went to his main three people; Lexi, Fezco and Rue.
Rue would be there without a doubt cuz she never has anything better to do, so he could check her off the list.
Lexi had promised him, the minute she found out about the graduation, that she would get Fez dressed up enough to go out and sit there in the audience to cheer for him and Ash tried to put the anxiety and worry out of his mind the minute she promised him that. Lexi never broke her promises.
But she did.
He never realized the repercussions that would come following his graduation when only Rue stood up to cheer for him. He didn't have his phone on him so he didn't see the missed calls and missed text messages that came from both Fez and Lexi, explaining that they couldn't make it because Lexi and Cassie had a full blown fight and that Lexi needed to go to the ER.
Ash was angry, sure, but at first his disappointment was covered by his worry for Lexi. The anger and fury that came later stemmed from the bullying and nagging that he was getting from the other students following graduation, teasing him for not having parents, teasing him for not having parents, for not having anyone.
He kept it on the down low, not wanting to make Fez or Lexi feel bad.
Until Fez asked him if he was excited for high school.
"You think I'm the slightest bit excited to go into another four fucking years of school only for you not to show up?" Ash asks as cool as he can, his eyes slitting as he stares at Fez, shocked that he even would ask him that.
"Man, who put a stick up your ass-"
"You! And Lex!" He yells, his face reddening with anger as he remembers and feels the humiliation he felt the day of graduation. "When Rue stood up and you weren't fucking there, I was worried- fucking worried." He laughs bitterly, looking down at his fists that are clenched in his lap.
"I don't know why you're so angry dude." Fez huffs, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed firmly in front of him, head shaking in confusion. Ash can feel the tears rising in his eyes, frustrated and angry at Fez's obliviousness.
"The amount of shit I got from the other kids there, kids who had their parents, their grandparents- hell, their fucking fourth cousins." He sniffles, rubbing his hands down his face as he blows out a breath and Fez lets out a quiet sigh of realization. "I get that you were there for Lexi but..." He trails off, looking up at his brother with wide eyes, practically breaking Fez's heart as he approaches his younger brother.
"But I shoulda been there for you." Fez mutters, reaching forward to place his hands on his brothers shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug as Ash cracks a bit, a tear sliding down his cheek as Fez pats his back reassuringly.
"Yeah- fuck." Ash laughs tearily, gripping the back of his brothers shirt as his shoulders relax a bit, happy to finally have his frustrations out in the air. "I'm sorry."
"Stop fuckin' apologizing. It's on me."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht
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an1chovies · 2 years
i wrote this bc i didn’t want to write my essay in ap lang, n will maybe never finsih this
"What are you doing?"
As of right now, Lucas caught sight of Max, sharpie in hand and ready to draw on Mike's sleeping face.
"Expressing my frustrations through art." She simply replied, a small grin on her face. "He ate the last brownie piece that Mrs. Wheeler had baked, which is totally uncivil like since he's our host."
For context, Mike had invited the Party over to his house the previous day; there were promises of sweets, pizza, and a movie marathon of everyone's favorites. Max claimed the last brownie as hers before heading upstairs for a glass of juice, yet when she came down, she saw Mike gobbling up her piece.
She will never forget the smug look on his face.
"Sounds good." It's none of his business, and honestly, sometimes it's best to let Max put Mike in his place.
"Heard you took Will to see The Goonies last weekend." Beginning to start with the outline of whatever the hell she was drawing.
"Yeah, I did, while you were doing god knows what with El." Max's fond smile at the mere mention of the other's name didn't go unnoticed. "I took Will to the movies, no biggie."
"Oh please, 'no biggie,' my ass." Immediately going in for the tease. "Bet you were like: Oh Will, drinks are on me. Oh, Will, I love getting you away from Sir Leechs a lot."
Even if these were playground teases, Lucas still found himself a little flushed.
"Careful, or you're going to end up waking." A nod in Mike's direction. "It's like his ears can pick up whenever you're making fun of him."
On cue, Mike's face scrunched a little, muttering something about 'the voices.' Max made a weird look at that.
"So...how good was The Goonies? El has been dying to have a movie date." Ah yes, El and her love for cliché tropes. "It's either that, or The Breakfast club, and she didn't seem interested in the latter."
Lucas thought about her question for a while, even if it was about a movie. About to finally answer when Max interrupted.
"On a scale from 1-10, how pissed do you think Mike will get if I draw like glasses and a mustache on him?" She didn't even bother to wait for his answer, already going ahead with the idea.
"You already took out his front tooth-"
"I did not 'take out his front tooth,'" she mocked. "I only chipped it."
Lucas recalls the day Mike revealed his injured tooth. How displeased and upset he looked, his brows were furrowed. Every time Max talked to him, he'd give her an attitude before growing into a shittier mood.
The whole ordeal was sad, yet funny at the same time. Only Mike Wheeler would lose his tooth that way.
"Same difference, the point is, you're just going to get him more irritated at you." Sharpie doesn't come off easily, Lucas has learned that the hard way.
"So? He's funny when he gets mad...but also really annoying, but the funny part balances it out." Hands holding Mike's chin, she smiled at her work so far.
"You're not going to think it's funny when he starts complaining about every small thing." The last time he'd been mad, he began nitpicking the size of a chip.
"Puh-lease." Now beginning to write a small: 'Max is cool!! Mike sucks.' "He's out like a stone, by the time he wakes up, we'll be gone."
Once again, Mike moved in his sleep, muttering about rocks and for Max to get away from the rocks.
"Oh, by the way, do you know where Dustin and Will are?" Drawing little hearts on Mike's cheeks, as well as stars. "This is Dustin's house, Will arrived with Mike, but there's no Dustin or Will."
"They biked over to Family Video, apparently Steve has a job there, so Dustin wanted to see what kind of deal they could get off movies now." And then, he realized something. "We're not at Dustin's, we're at Mike's." Giving her a look of confusion.
"Really? Could've sworn this was Dustin's house."
Lucas's face contorted into a weird one, debating on if he should or shouldn't question his friend.
"How much you wanna bet he's going to whine to Will about this?" Max asked, deciding to switch the topic.
"10 bucks that he does, and he clings onto him for the rest of the night." Easiest 10 dollars he'll ever make.
"Don't tell me Lucas is betting again." Dustin groaned, the stairs creaking as both he and Will entered the basement.
Will was carrying a stack of movies. "What's the bet this time?"
"You'll see, just wait, and you'll see." Max grinned, the lightbulb in her head turning on. "Hey, Will, wanna play tic-tac-toe?"
"Sure, just give me a moment." Unaware of where exactly she was hosting the game, setting the tapes onto a nearby table. "Can't believe Steve let you take this amount of movies."
"Will, my good sir, always take advantage of Steve working the counter." Patting his friend's shoulder, shifting his gaze to Max and Mike before letting out a small chuckle.
Dustin knows where Max wants to play tic-tac-toe.
And god, he can't wait to see Mike's reaction to his face full of marker.
Looking through the movies one final time before turning over towards Max. "Alright, where's the pap-"
Keeping her laughter to a giggle, better not wake up Mike before she can even start to play. "No no no, never mind, you're definitely going to start losing your shit midway, and I want to see El's reaction."
Will opened his mouth, to either argue that he would not ‘lose his shit’ or to not draw on Mike's face.
Taking another small glance. "Excuse me." He muttered before going upstairs.
Lucas, Max, and Dustin shared a look, wondering what was up with him.
"I didn't think me drawing on Wheeler would upset him."
"Maybe he realized Mrs. Wheeler had made cookies with brownies?"
"I think he dropped a disk in the living room and wanted to go get it back."
All of those answers were wrong, and laughter was heard.
Will had gone upstairs to lose his shit.
"If Thing Two is laughing like that, I can't wait to hear Thing One's reaction." A small grin appeared on Max's mouth.
"She's probably going to start giggling as soon as she sees the glasses outline." Dustin could see it now. "Like how she began laughing when Mike showed us what the rock did to his tooth."
Lucas snorted at that. "Or when Mike tripped going up the stairs."
"Or the time he slammed the door on his finger." Max giggled.
"I remember that!" Dustin exclaimed, covering his mouth quickly.
Mike's eyes opened slightly, he let out a small groan before closing them again.
"He sounded like Tom even jolted like him too." Finishing his sentence quietly.
Max bit the inside of her mouth to hold in her laugh at the memory. Out of anyone in the party, Mike is so easy to laugh about—it's not even funny.
"Anyone want to play one round?" She offered, drumming her fingers lightly against his cheeks.
The two boys shared a look for a moment before Lucas nodded his head.
"I will."
"Would end up absolutely losing my shit while playing." Dustin had also wanted to be the referee for this game.
Every time tic-tac-toe is played, someone cries, and everyone in the party argues.
"'Kay." Lifting Mike's head a bit to cradle it in her lap, thanking god that the marker didn't smudge off onto her fingers.
Lucas sat down in front of Mike and Max, getting a better view of what was on his friend's face.
"Oh my god." He whispered in disbelief. "How did you manage to fit so many things to draw on here."
Max shrugged before grinning. "Sheer willpower to avenge my stolen brownie."
The door to the basement opened.
"-so funny that you're laughing about it?"
"You just gotta see, El, you just gotta see."
And to everyone's joyous surprise -El's the greatest- both of the wonder twins made an appearance!
Max quickly shoved Lucas off the couch, smiling at her girlfriend. God, she could just go on about how much she absolutely adored El.
“Ouch, hey!”
“Hey is for horses, shut up before you wake the one who shall not be named up.” Letting out a yelp when Lucas pinched her leg.
“Oh Will and El, come kiss Lucas’ and Max better.” Dustin teased, he ended up getting a marker and coke can launched at him.
El rolled her eyes “What’d you guys do now that had Will choking on air practically?” Nudging her brother gently, she wants to shake her friends in a can sometimes.
When her eyes landed on Max with a sleeping Mike cradled on her lap, noticing the doodles and words on his face.
Immediately she bursted out laughing.
“You haven’t even seen it up close, and you’re already losing it!” Will joined in, slouching on his sister for support.
“Oh my god, he’s going to blow his shit, I can’t-“
It was funny, so funny that El ended up losing her balance, so down came crashing her and Will.
“Shush, you’re going to wake-“ Sentence lost, he couldn’t keep it together. Trying to cover his mouth, slapping a hand over his sister’s own mouth.
0 notes
hnychn · 3 years
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summary : tsuki had always been the rational one between the two of you, but sometimes even he needs his other half to knock him back to earth
warnings : twin!reader, fem!reader, cursing, physically hurt/comfort, generally fluff, PLATONIC, tsuki & reader get into a fight, not edited at all
word count : 1600+
a/n : i was rewatching karasuno's match against shiratorizawa last night, and i thought about this so :) it's just general headcanons about being tsuki's twin and it gets specific when i bring up the match :) enjoy ( ´∀`)
karasuno masterlist ~ haikyuu masterlist
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-          contrary to popular belief, tsukishima is actually a really good sibling and an even better twin 
-          he’ll definitely make sure you’re taking care of yourself and eating and drinking often, especially if you have you’re involved in your own club 
-          he and yamaguchi wait after school for you too so you don’t have to walk home alone. tsuki says it’s because he doesn’t want your mom or akiteru to stress out over you if you get lost or something, but deep down you know it’s because he cares for you and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you 
-          but, if you manage for the volleyball club, it makes his life a lot easier 
-          you definitely joined before yachi, right at the beginning of the year when tsuki and yamaguchi signed up for the team. you and kiyoko were quick to become friends, along with the third years (the only ones tsuki really trusted you around alone. pls tanaka nearly tackled you to the ground when you said you wanted to be manager had it not been for daichi grabbing his collar and tsuki pusing you behind him) 
-          tanaka apologised
-          do i really need to tell you why tsuki didn’t trust hinata and kageyama around you? 
-          you were the one to recruit yachi to be another manager as well. she was in some of your classes and you knew her to be a kind and work-driven person, so you asked if she wanted to sign up 
-         pls babes never stood a chance saying no to you
-         she was a blushing mess
-          (she highkey has a crush on you and tsuki knows it, but that’s none of his business) 
-          just like tsuki, you’re able to quickly analyze players and their movements and you also are able to think ahead and plan out attacks or defences with the information you’ve gathered 
-          so the coaches really like you :) 
-          during the training camp, you and tsuki got into a fight, y’know, as siblings do. and you’ve gotten into arguments and fights with each other in front of the others, so they weren’t all too worried and assured everyone else that it was normal . . . but then y’all started getting physical 
-          hurtful words were thrown without thinking, it’s normal, but tsuki went a bit too far with his words and you aren’t the type to cry and run away, so what did you do? 
-          you tackled that bitch :D 
-          so there you two were, fighting like kids over the last popsicle in the freezer, while everyone just stood there in shock at what the hell was going on in front of them 
-          the others were quick to pull you away from each other, and the managers led you away from your brother while the two of you calmed down. it definitely took you a while to calm down from the adrenalin high from tackling your 6’3 brother, but you eventually did and went back into the gym where tsuki was sitting on the bench.
-          the others tensed up when you walked over to him and sat next to him, thinking you were gonna start fighting again, but instead the two of you sat in silence for a while 
-         the other managers, who you’ve become great friends with, eventually got everyone to mind their business to give the two of you privacy to apologise or whatever 
-          and you did, because he’s your brother, and no matter how many petty fights (verbal or physical) you get into with him, he’ll always be your twin. your other half 
-          but that doesn't mean you'll never take his ass down again if he doesn't watch his words
-          bcs you will ˙ ͜ʟ˙
-          the two of you like to tease each other, i mean, this is tsukishima we’re talking about, if he’s going to tease someone it’s most definitely going to be you
-          now onto what spurred this whole headcanon >:) 
-          everyone was nervous leading up to the match with shiratorizawa and, despite him not showing it, you knew tsuki was too. you could tell in the way he got dressed a bit slower that morning and the way he ate less and drank more water. plus it’s just twin intuition, you could just look at him and know what’s up 
-          n e ways, the match is going on and you would have fallen over the railing of the stands had it not been for akiteru’s grip on the back of your jacket (who scared the hell out of you when he first showed up. “kei’s not gonna like you being here, nii-chan.”) 
-          so it’s getting intense 
-          you’re sure this single match has taken 50 years off your life
-          you’ll give tsuki a good slap when the match is over for it 
-          you cried a little when tsuki blocked ushy gushy’s spike, but you made akiteru and yachi swear not to tell anyone especially tsuki since he would tease the fuck outta you and you don't need that. 
-         and then (y’know where i’m going with this) tsuki just goes and fucks up his hand 
-       it was like you became the flash because you were down in the court in literal seconds (akiteru swore you jumped over the rails down onto the court, but . . . i guess we’ll never know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)   
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The walk to the medical room was silent. 
You could hear the cheers and screaming from the main gym form where you were, the shrill sounds echoing down the hallway almost hauntingly. You cursed a bit when you felt chills run down your spine, because despite being wrapped in your karasuno jacket and an extra jacket akiteru brought, the short length of your skirt provided barely any warmth for your legs. 
From beside you, Tsukishima was silent, simply clutching onto his bleeding hand while burning holes into the polished linoleum floor. You had expected him to tease you about the glare you sent Ushijima when you jumped onto the court (said boy would later confess to his teammate that that had been the only moment he truly felt fear), or make fun of the way akiteru’s jacket seemed to drown you and made you look like a wet cat; but he didn’t. And his silence was more unnerving than anything. 
But you knew Kei. You knew the looks he was giving, the way his face seemed to relax and become more expressive when it was only the two of you, you could see his thoughts and worries as plain as day on his face. 
You were twins after all. You knew Kei better than he knew himself, you knew his attitude was nothing short of a direct result of your brother's lies and his worry was because he had finally gotten a taste of what volleyball was really like, and he was craving more. 
So, as the eldest twin, you did what you did best. 
You teased him. 
“Stop making that face, you look constipated.” 
Tsuki snapped his head over to you and scowled, “Shut up.” 
“No, you shut up, and listen well, Kei.” Your strict and monotone voice surprised him a little, he hadn’t heard you use that voice in a while, let alone with him; you were known as the nicer twin after all, “You need to trust that the others will hold their own. Have trust in your team to keep Shiratorizawa on their toes. You know them, you know they can hold their own and take some points. You’ve trained and practiced with them for a while now, Kei. You’ve seen their improvements and you’ve seen their hard times, have a little more trust in them. So stop worrying about what could happen while you’re not there and start thinking about what you’ll do when you get back, big head.” 
There was a silence between the two of you as the medic room sign came into view. You sighed a little as you shrugged in your mind, perhaps Kei was too deep in his thoughts to care about your words, but there was only so much you could do to convince him to relax a little. But before you could slide open the door to the medic room, you felt a little tug on the back of your (akiteru’s) jacket. 
Tsuki still looked down to the ground, but you could just about make out a small dust of pink on his cheeks, “thanks for that . . . y/n” 
Your eyes widened a bit and you nearly made a move to pinch yourself because on the way to the medic room you must have died and went to heaven or aliens must have burst through the window and taken you to an alternate universe where your brother, Tsukishima fucking Kei, was thanking you. 
You hands shook a little as you pulled Tsuki’s face down, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead and checking his body for other injuries, “What the fuck, are you sure it’s only your hand that’s injured? Did one of Ushiwaka’s spikes hit you in the head? I think you’re dying . . . yeah, that’s what it is. Maybe you should sit this game out Kei, you might start doing crazier things like tell me you love me or that I’m the best sister you could have asked for or-” 
You laughed as Tsuki pushed you into the medic room and ignored you as his hand was being bandaged up. Tsuki glared at you over his shoulder as you poked and prodded the back of his head and teased him further, but when he turned back around his glare softened. 
Tsuki was grateful for your presence. He was thankful you were there to keep his head on his shoulders and make sure he stayed focused on what really mattered. And out of everyone in the world, Tsuki was glad you were his twin - his better half. 
Not that’d he ever tell you.
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-         so yeah :) 
-          tl;dr tsukishima is a tsundere and secretly loves you ˙ ͜ʟ˙
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So I have a prediction for what is to come in the next few chapters. And it just makes the most sense to me. ( I'm an artist, not a writer, so don't judge me)
So, GT is prolly gonna tell the teachers that Shiguraki has some way of tracking Deku and that he needs to leave ASAP before the LoV come looking for him again. And ofc since he's in a hospital with a shit ton of injured people and heros, not the best place to be. So *if* Deku isnt awake by now, they make plans to move him, Shoto, Endeavor, maybe Hawks to an undisclosed location where they'll be treated and far away from everyone else in case the villains come back. They'll probably move the kids somewhere else too. Bakugou ofc says "Fuck no! Wherever Deku goes, I go!" Hopefully, AM and Aizawa will let him come.
So they get to a new location, Deku wakes up, we get our BKDK talk. Then AFO is suddenly on the TV like "Hey Deku, we know where you are, but we're gonna let you come to us. Give up OFA and we "might" let people live. (Maybe they have his mom hostage or some shit idk.)
Being the dumbass self-sacrificing person he is, he agrees to turn himself over. But nOT BEFORE GIVING KAACHAN A SMOOCH (or something) TRANSFERRING OFA TO HIM INSTEAD! Then knocks him out or smth so he goes alone.
He's got a bit of it left (like how AM was after he transferred it to Deku) so AFO "thinks" he's got it.
Meanwhile, Bakugou is PISSED, as per usual and rightfully so. I mean he already almost died for the damn nerd once already. Class 1A catches up to him and are like "Where's Deku? We cant let him go, he'll be killed!" And Bakugou says ".....wait. I got an idea that just might work."
Cut back to Deku VS LoV.
Deku is about to "give up" OFA when Class 1A busts down the door: WHATS UP FUCKERS!
AFO: ha! What's a bunch of teenaged fledgling heroes going to do? You'll never defeat me!
Shiguraki: you mean "us"?
AFO: I know what I said.
Bakugou: how about a bunch of teenaged fledgling heroes supercharged with OFA?
*cue Avengers theme*
AFO, LoV, and Deku: excuse me, wHAT?
Bakugou: its called "One for ALL" right?
Class 1A: we ate his hair. It was really gross and weird. ;v;
Deku: ....... Fuck it. makes sense to me!
(Bakugou shares a bit of OFA with his class, like how Deku did with Kaachan in the movie. So AFO doesn't know who's actually got it. Is it Deku? Is it Bakugou? Is it Mineta? HE'LL NEVER KNOW!)
And then they fight, hero's win, Deku gets OFA back, the day is saved by class 1A, Bkdk kiss, roll credits.
The End.
Epilogue: BKDK happily married pro hero duo, bc its what we deserve. 😌
Ooooooooooh how compelling 👀👀👀
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nxtsnw · 3 years
hi! (●’◡’●)ノ I was wondering if I can request a romantic tokyo revengers matchup? <3 if my English is too bad or you don't feel like answering then please ignore this!
my pronouns are she/her and I'm a bisexual (i like boys a bit more but it doesn't really matter)! my mbti type is ISTP - I can be kinda rude sometimes but most of the time I don't mean to be.. oh and I'm quiet - I was diagnosed (at first it was self diagnosed but my therapist confirmed it, sadly.) with social anxiety so in public it's even worse. and I get dizzy a lot (like when I turn my head too fast) and get really bad headaches - I got pills for it tho! I'm really caring, I always help my little cousins when they're sick or comfort them when they get nightmares, and I'm willing to do that for anyone! even though I'm quiet - I don't like silence or people who are also quiet. I prefer loud people or loud places! and hugs! I love hugs ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっyea I'm clingy buut if someone's uncomfortable then I'll stop of course!! but I get mad if someone calls me clingy. my love language is.. weird? like I could slap someone and the next second I would kiss them like- idk. oh and, someone could swear at me in any way and I won't mind but of course too much is too much. ///take your time but especially take care of yourself! <3///
n.a.: hii! thank you for ur kind words!! <3 I love your vibes !! also, I'm sorry for any mistakes and I really hope that you'll like it
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I match you with KEISUKE BAJI <3
- I'm just sure that he's really good to help you with social anxiety;) he would talk to the waiters for you!!!, book every outing and do everything possible not to make you feel uncomfortable around people(marry him)
- he is the kind of person that as soon as someone looks at you wrong he goes there and beats him- but in general, he hates to fight when he's with you
- you can study together (you could help him pls)
- he would learn to always carry the pills you take for a headache;)
- But he hates seeing you take so many meds. So as soon as you have a headache it brings you other more "" natural "" things to get you through<3
- he loves to play with your hair, but above all to ruffle it-
- this is how I imagine your date in which Baji arrives injured:( : (you were already dating for 3 months)
You two had this weird tradition of always seeing each other either very early or very late. It was after 11 when the boy rang the bell for you. You opened the door and the first thing you saw was your boyfriend's sweet smile, his long, unkempt hair, and his hand behind his head.
You gave him a big hug and he reciprocated by also giving you a kiss on the head (I'm crying bye).
You stayed like that for a few minutes, and then you let him into your house. And at that moment you noticed some little cuts that he had on his face and on his hands. You asked him for an explanation and he replied by handing you a small bunch of flowers in your favorite color;)
"How did you make those cuts?" you said trying to not let him change the subject.
"Uhm, I may have arrived late at the florist's and I may have tried to sneak in ... but don't worry, I failed and tripped on my way out. But I managed to get these flowers back for you."
"wait- WHAT? and how did you get them"
"I'll tell you another time, now can we eat something?"
First, you treated his wounds (he complained all the time because it burned-) and then you ate a pizza while watching a movie.
You fell asleep at the same time hugging each other
- his hair smells like honey (it's canon bc I said so) and he let you do make his tail/braids-
- he recommends some hair products to u !! (pass them to me too pls)
- he completely trusts you, he often talks to you about how he feels about Shinichiro's death.
- I think he has the same kind of love language you have ...
- random hugs<333
- date in an uncrowded place, he loves to walk with you in the woods!!!!<3
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